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No. 1904216

Don't know whether to go sleep or binge-read another cow thread? Get milk or tea? Dedicate your remaining life time to Dr*ver or Dano, and don't want to keep any of those important decisions in Sanic-samas capable hands? Fret not–present your dilemma, let farmers burn some sage and have them take that burden off of your exhausted shoulders.
Keep US laws, and more importantly, TPO, in mind and don't ask whether to an hero or which fun method to use, we're not serious like that.

No. 1904218

This thread seems really creepy and I don't like it.

No. 1904226

I like it, I hate making decisions

No. 1904229

Yeah, it seems weird. Plus most anons would surely find a way to infight about it.

No. 1904232

You're a genius, op. Should I eat the berries in the fridge or leave them for tomorrow? They're kinda sad looking but still good enough to last another day I think

No. 1904233

Eat them, they’ll definitely be bad by tomorrow. Produce is going a lot faster now than I remember it in the past.

No. 1904234

Cue the pearl clutching

No. 1904236

freeze them

No. 1904237

The infighting has already begun!

No. 1904238

It’s 2pm and I haven’t had lunch and only had a piece of toast for breakfast, should I just have a late lunch now or wait for my husband to cook dinner?

No. 1904243

eat a snack and drink a lot of water

No. 1904245

thanks, I'm eating them right now nonna

No. 1904250

Should I read a fiction or nonfiction book?
I'm afraid that fiction will make me sad to death(all my books from list are kinda dark) and nonfiction will bore me to death

No. 1904252

Nonfiction. Consumption of negative media slowly rots your brain.

No. 1904298

Happy middleground: fiction with a happy ending.

No. 1904347

i love this thread idea sanic keeps saying he wants to see me and stupid questions is too philosophical. nice op too, kek. chef boy or rice and beans for dinner?

No. 1904351

Beans and rice, chef boy is bad for you

No. 1904373

thanks nonny, you right

No. 1904382

thank you nonnies, I'll read some manga

No. 1904391

Should I try posting videos of me singing or just audio alone? I always wanted to try posting covers but I don't know how to go about it

No. 1904423

Audio alone to some nice visuals if there needs to be a video element.

No. 1904475

Should I clean the kitchen sink myself or wait for my brother to do it like he said he would 4 times already?

No. 1904477

Only if he usually does it and him taking this long is out of the ordinary. Otherwise, don't give in.

No. 1904551

Thanks anon, he cleaned it just now, I'm so glad I waited!!

No. 1904747

My cats are really fat, one is 25lb, one is 18lb and the other two are normal/slim (13lbs or so), should I put the big two on a diet? They always seem like they are starving.

No. 1904749

Also they are musculer which is why I am not too concerned but still.

No. 1904761

start with audio alone, you can add video later if you want

No. 1904763

Are they fat or is that weight normal for their breeds? Like I know Maine coon males can get pretty big. If they're fat then yeah probably give em a diet but I'd ask your vet for their opinion

No. 1904855

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should I waste time and revisit kakas threads?

No. 1904857

No. 1904904

thank you nonna
tbh I already know what I'd reread: brown vs blond hair, "her face is manly", 10 year old regurgitated milk

No. 1905057

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Should I clean my oven nonnies? I have a day off and I'm bored wasting time reading shit on lolcow. It's absolutely disgusting. While everything in my flat is clean and tidy, my oven is my secret shame. I hate cleaning them.

No. 1905070

Yes do it, or you'll postpone it, oven cleaning is not even that bad imo.

No. 1905076

use the baking soda method then run the oven clean cycle. it's the easiest way. oven cleaning chemicals are a scam and incredibly bad for you.

No. 1905112

Thanks nonnies, I managed to do it and used baking soda, it looks like new. I vow to never let it get so dirty again.

No. 1905114

congratulations! I know how arduous that specific task is. Great job, nona.

No. 1905204

Should i go to the gym

No. 1905218

No, don't. There are a lot of potential dangers at the gym. You could drop a dumbbell on your foot and break a bone, or there might be a fire caused by faulty electric systems. It's safer to stay at home. Just think about all the hazards at a gym. You deserve to live. Please don't go and be safe.

No. 1905219

Be safe, dont go. Listen to her

No. 1905228

yes go and objectify the men there

No. 1905283

I can't decide between reading The Blind Assassin or The Painted Bird. Which one should I pick?

No. 1905306

Read the shorter one

No. 1905347

Thank you anon. I'll read the bird then

No. 1906240

Should I go for a catnap or dredge onwards through my fatigue?

No. 1906302

Sleep or hobby indulging? It's 4 in the morning and I have the day off today

No. 1906322

No. 1906323


No. 1906327

Thank you nonna

No. 1907116

Ok ladies lots of sushi or lots of chicken

No. 1907118

No. 1907123

Sushi mmm

No. 1907194

No. 1907537

Go outside or deep clean my room?

No. 1907538

No. 1907612

should i order burger king or make hotdogs

No. 1907615

What would you get at BK?

No. 1907617

cheese burger with onion rings

No. 1907628

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Make some hotdogs, then.

No. 1907638

No. 1907643

that dog's design always reminds me that god is cruel

No. 1907654

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It's not god's fault to be fair

No. 1907669

i cant believe there is another argie on lolcor

No. 1908327

Should I give in and chew off my nails?

No. 1908330

no because biting nails wears your teeth down unevenly, mine are all jacked up from that

No. 1908363

no eat your lips instead join me

No. 1910936

should i go with the regular gym that is closer to my house (10 minutes)? or the female-only gym that's farther (25 minutes)?

No. 1910940

The female-only one that's farther, longer walks are better too.

No. 1910941

If you go to the farther one you will have more of a workout. I implore you to reconsider going to the gym either way, see: >>1905218 for more details.

No. 1910947

oh I wouldn't be walking, those are the times by car. i would prefer a female-only gym but i like the idea of being able to quickly go to the gym if i randomly get the urge at night or something

No. 1910973

I’m doing a final project for a programming course with two moids, one is an overachiever and the other has done nothing the entire project. I hate the project and the course but I’m continuing to work on it because i feel bad about leaving the overachiever to work all alone. I don’t actually care about the course, though. Should I push through or drop the project?

No. 1911012

push through and then talk to the professor with the overachiever about the underachiever

No. 1911016

Finish what you started, nonna. It's the final project, what's the harm in seeing it through? Also, what the anon before me said, you should talk to your prof about your other teammate not pulling his own weight.

No. 1911021

Too many retarded people get off by coasting through group work. Please respect yourself and your degree and report the dumbass that hasn't done anything the entire project.

No. 1911393

Should I read the Shay threads? I made it to thread 2 but idk if it is worth it to continue.

No. 1911401

If you want to enjoy the hidden board then yes, if you care about your time then no.

No. 1912458

I keep getting job rejection and rejection. If I don't find anything soon should I just apply for uni in the summer to do my masters?

No. 1912485

Yeah why not, gives you 2 options in case you do get a job or don’t

No. 1913922

what color should I paint my nails

No. 1913927

Pick two complementary colours and alternate them. That's what I used to do when I would paint mine

No. 1913928

should i kill myself? my social security claim was denied. I think its my time to go instead of scratching and clawing at trying to be better.

No. 1913936

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Today I got a new set of gel polishes that had a pretty summery teal, so I say teal!

No. 1913972

gonna get banned because i posted in the other thread you posted in, but get a disability lawyer. theyre gonna take a cut of your backpay, but you'll get your bennies

No. 1914000

if you're gonna do it you should do it publicly to call attention to the social issue. but don't do it though. but if you must then make a scene. It's not right

No. 1917149

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Should I stay up and make a snack or go to bed?

No. 1917150

No. 1917162

Snack always snack

No. 1917166

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you're so right

No. 1917334

should i go out to ayce sushi tomorrow? its like $30 but i like it

No. 1917337

Should I do cardiology, nephrology, read a scientific article or continue doomscrolling for a few more hours

No. 1917363

Go study them kidneys nonna!

No. 1917388

Also got your finals next week? lmfao

No. 1917533

Nephrology, then a 20 minute timed scroll break, the article

No. 1917534

Should I study French or play games?

No. 1917555

Study French by playing French video games. Best of both worlds, just like Miley Cyrus (Hanna Montama) said.

No. 1917562

Should I go to the gym before my class today?

No. 1917564

Go for it anon

No. 1917614

Should I buy a flat in a building with really big cracks in it? The construction work to fix them is major but almost ready to start and the building isn't at risk of collapse from what I understand.

No. 1917619

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I hope I got to you in time. Please don't go to the gym. It is a very dangerous place and it may bring to you bodily harm. Picrel is an example of the many types of disasters and negative karmic events that take place in gyms. If you want to work out, do it in the safety of your home or in an outdoor setting where you can see the birds (in events of natural disasters birds will fly to higher ground, keep an eye on the birds and follow their lead should they begin to fly away to higher ground). Please don't go to a gym nona your life matters. I hope to God that I responded to you before it's too late.

No. 1917737

quick do I go get candy or no? I have 45 minutes before the stores close

No. 1917742

No get potato chips instead

No. 1917793

ntayrt but can you take your meds please

No. 1917812

should I go study and spam apply for jobs or write for my hobby

No. 1917814

Write for hobby!

No. 1917841

should i study for a math test (I have 3 days left)

No. 1917842

No. 1917844

nayrt but that was obviously a joke post

No. 1917908

Should I pierce my ear myself? I'm kind of a wuss idk if I'll actually do it

No. 1917918

No, don't be stupid

No. 1917934

yeah. what topic is it?

No. 1918004

I did go to the gym, thank you anon.

No. 1918008

Go to one of those tattoo and piercing places and have them do it for you.

No. 1918021

Should I get a nose ring? Not the septum but the side one?

No. 1918107

Cheesecake with strawberries, or butter pecan ice cream with strawberry, or dry red velvet cake?

No. 1918111

you’re so lucky nona… i’d choose the cheesecake

No. 1918141

No, get a cartilage piercing

No. 1918158

I used to dress alt as a teen and I've been kind of missing it. My fashion sense is all over the places these days, but overall it's all pretty normie. Should I just say fuck it and splurge on some cute goth nonsense or should I just let this impulse urge pass and not clutter my closet?
Don't do it nona. I've done this four times and it wasn't painful but I got so scared I ended up piercing them super slow and could hear my ear flesh crunch when I was pressing the piercing gun thing. And then I ended up piercing one of them super crooked. Not worth it.

No. 1918181

Save your money.

No. 1918739

Should I quit my shitty job?

No. 1918744


No. 1918745

i always thought it looked like acne when the spot is empty i wouldnt do it but you do you

No. 1918752

Well it's a shitty service industry job. I have another one that's better but not many shifts. My Nigel said he'd pick up another shift to cover losses. I have to go there in 30 mins and I'm just dreading dreading dreading.

No. 1918788

Never rely on a man. If you can afford to live on your fewer shifts until you find something else, quit. Otherwise, endure for the sake of your security.

No. 1919582

I have some creative tools for a hobby that I pretty much don’t do anymore, but I might pick it back up this year. Maybe. Should I sell the tools or hang on to them?

No. 1919584

Hang on to them if you don't have to pay for storage.

No. 1919585

Keep them, esp if they were expensive or harder to come across, and esp if you have potential plans for this year. Easier than rebuying everything you’d need. If you don’t do it by next year, then maybe get rid of them.

No. 1920219

Should I have pan seared steak with mushrooms/onions/garlic as a side or should I go the easy route and have some air fried general tso chicken with jasmine rice and save my steak for tomorrow? It’ll be like 530 am by the time I eat my steak cause there’s a lot of dishes to do and I need to chop stuff and actively stand and cook but if I opt for general tso and rice I’ll have food an hour earlier and less work

No. 1920258

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Cmon nonnies I don’t want to decide for myself I’m a Libra

No. 1920262

Second option

No. 1920265

Just grind it all up together raw and drink them as a smoothie.

No. 1920280

Perfect thanks

No. 1920453

Should I spend 15€ on 3 bags of mochi (shipping included)?

No. 1920456

No. 1920504

Should I train as a butcher or a baker?
>inb4 candlestick maker

No. 1920505

Which earns better? Which one has more job opportunities? I'm inclined to say baker without knowing much about either, butchering sounds like a gross moid-dominated field.

No. 1920506

If you like meat you could be a butcher (they are the people that cut up meat) but if you prefer bread you could be the baker (they bake bread and etc). Either way you have to pick between butcher or baker. Remember that butcher is the one that chops up meat, baker is one that bakes break (easy way to remember is butch has 5 letters and meat has 4 so 5-4 is 1 so just remember to yourself butcher = 1 which is meat and then baker is 5 letters and so is bread so bread = 5 which is baker). Good luck!

No. 1920507

butcher seems cooler

No. 1920509

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>Butcher seems cooler
Okay but that was really hurtful because a lot of bakers are cool too so picrel.

No. 1920515

>(easy way to remember is butch has 5 letters and meat has 4 so 5-4 is 1 so just remember to yourself butcher = 1 which is meat and then baker is 5 letters and so is bread so bread = 5 which is baker).
Me trying to think of memory shortcuts when I was 9

No. 1920535

Are you being condescending or trying to be cute or what is this?

No. 1920551

That's so random lmao

No. 1920568

Both are physically demanding but I would bet butcher would be more psychologically challenging, if you actually would do the killing and not just cut up the carcass pieces

No. 1920572

Butchers rarely do the killing and slaughterhouse work is both mentally traumatic and physically dangerous (and low wage). Butchers are the ones who cut up already dead stuff like 95% or more of the time

No. 1920604

Burger king or KFC nonas?

No. 1920607

Burger King.

No. 1920637

Burger King. NEVER go to KFC because it's not "C" that they're "F" if you know what I mean. And also there not always from "K" either but that's okay because they're multinational.

No. 1920770

What types of restaurants, cafes or dessert places should me and my mom visit, nonas?

No. 1920811

This is very open-ended. Get something Mediterranean or at least something with grilled chicken and a few veggies for a light (not necessarily small) lunch with protein. After that, maybe an Asian pastry or tea shop for dessert with non-boba options, if there are any nearby.

No. 1921831

Should I pay with loose change or should I break a bill?

No. 1922095

Break the bill

No. 1922343

I ended up breaking the bill even though I didn't read this until just now I think me and you share some kind of deep psychic connection… If you're on the astral plane tonight I'll be in the form of disembodied plasma surrounded by 3 doves, don't be shy

No. 1923329

Nonnas should I get vanilla or chocolate pudding?

No. 1923333


No. 1923337

Thank you!

No. 1923348

Tomorrow I'll probably have to grab something to eat at the store. Should I get the conservative 2 euros focaccia or try their 8 euros sushi for once? both will fill me up, the sushi feels kind of expensive for something that might not be that good considering it's not a sushi restaurant

No. 1923351

Store sushi is never good. Go for the other option instead

No. 1923358

Go for the focaccia because other anon is right store sushi is never good (assembled in dark karmic areas with negative thetans abounding) but try to buy maybe some cheese or a little bit of meat too if the total is under 8 euro to dress up the bread.

No. 1923633

i want to start journaling, should i buy a journal or just use an app?

No. 1923634

Treat yourself to a nice diary and a good pen. It feels better to write words out with the hand.

No. 1923662

Both have their pros and cons. Digitally is definitely easier and quicker but I find I get the most out of it by slowing down and writing on paper.

No. 1923700

Paper journals are the best (for me) and the physical action of actually writing down your thoughts is soothing and grounding

No. 1926825

Should I have cereal for dinner or skip dinner?

No. 1926828

Cereal for dinner is great, eat the cereal nona

No. 1926839

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I love to have cereal in my cereal cup with my cereal spoon. Thank you, nonnie.

No. 1926851

Cereal can be eaten any time of the day

No. 1926861

tea or coffee?

No. 1926863


No. 1927423

I want to read Heart of Darkness but they don't have it at the library. Should I buy it?

No. 1927426

pirate it

No. 1927428

I hate reading pdf's but now that you mention it I might read the first few chapters and buy it if I'm invested, thank you nonna!

No. 1927494

Should I go to the cinema and watch Kung Fu Panda 4 today?
Should I donate my kidney?

No. 1927511

No and no.

No. 1927554

Should I get a tea or one of those energy drink fusion things

No. 1927569

Definitely get a Monster energy drink, either the orange flavour or pacific punch flavour.

No. 1927589

I barely have enough free time after work to go anywhere during the week. Should I go outside tomorrow and go to a cafe I like and then go to a Chinese restaurant nearby for lunch if I somehow manage to wake up in the morning or should I stay home and relax, but risk being too lazy to do anything like housework or doing anything hobby related?

No. 1927592

Go to chinese restaurant if only for the spring rolls and to get out of the house, you'll have time to do your hobbies after and you'll be more content with a full stomach

No. 1927594

Go to the cafe. The brain likes to be efficient in its storage capacity, so if you stay home, it will take all those memories, compress then with the rest of the memories where you stayed home and did nothing, and you'll end up feeling not relaxed. But if you go to the cafe, it's a newer experience and the brain can't compress it as easily and so you feel better mentally.

No. 1927628

Should I go buy some coffee or should I stay home and play games?

No. 1927631

Go buy the coffee but don't drink it until you're home playing games. Enjoy the walk to the coffee store and look up into the sky a lot. Look at the clouds and try to imagine what it's like to be around them. Also, post about what you're playing in the video game thread on /m/ before you start playing.

No. 1927634

I love the way you described it! I'll leave my airpods at home and enjoy the beautiful sky and the birds singing. And I'll definitely post in /m/ (although to be honest my games are a little old and dumb kek). Thank you nonna!

No. 1927638

>My games are a little old and dumb
Maybe so but still I yearn to read about them from your perspective because I admire you from across time and space

No. 1927706

This made me smile, bless you nonna. And I admire your interest in my absolutely retarded 15+ year old games and kindness ♥

No. 1927717

They don't serve spring rolls. The one I'm thinking about serves really good, thick noodles, it's cheap, delicious and filling.

No. 1927725

I would recommend finding a place that serves spring rolls

No. 1927727

Goddammit I got tea before I saw this
I'll get an energy drink tomorrow queen

No. 1927764

should I start writing from the beginning or the middle for my next prompt?

No. 1927765

Should I finish my degree online even if it's in a field I'm not interested in to save money

No. 1927766

the middle

No. 1928973

i'm looking to a buy a new microwave. The last one died of a switch issue and I was wondering what I should get? it needs to be at least 1.3-1.5 cu. Watts should be around 1000. lastly, Brand doesn't matter but i'm partial to panasonic and samsung.

No. 1928976

Are you meaning 1k for a microwave?
I've never paid more than $85

No. 1928979

They said the wattage needs to be about 1000…

No. 1929039

Watts is like how strong the microwave is

No. 1929123

I still went to the restaurant I was thinking about but I'll check if there are Chinese restaurants that make good spring rolls nearby. I can only think about Vietnamese restaurants.

No. 1930259

Going to use an at home highlighting kit on my hair, then I’ll need to tone it. Hair currently is overgrown and looks like shit already. Do I bleach tonight and hope it looks good, or after my date with my bf on Wednesday incase it ends up looking worse than it does already?

No. 1930262

Do it after.

No. 1937182

Anons, I'm in the mood for either some idolshit or mahou shoujo, but I can't decide which one to watch. It's either Aikatsu or Precure. The pro of Aikatsu: vidrel gives me life like nothing else. The pro of Precure: I know the choreographies of eleven endings by heart. My favorite Magical Girl anime is Shugo Chara, my favorite idol anime is Pretty Rhythm, the last anime I watched was Shamanic Princess. Both series have 50 episodes in the first season and I haven't watched either of them, ever.

No. 1937219

I am not into mahou shoujo but i enjoyed the first precure a lot.

No. 1942105

I have these old journals from years ago, when my mental health was at its lowest. I’ve come a really long way since then, and the journaling helped a lot. I’m moving in with my boyfriend soon and I don’t know what to do with them. I don’t want to throw them away, but I also don’t want him to ever read them and see how unstable and stupid I was back then (they’re from before he knew me). I’ve considered getting a lockbox and just storing them in a storage unit along with some of our furniture and other things. Or should I just toss them altogether?

No. 1942113

get a lockbox

No. 1942129

Never ever throw out your diaries ever.

No. 1942285

You could digitalise them.

No. 1942291

That would take a really long time, wouldn’t it?

No. 1946825

If she takes pictures of the pages and types them later when there’s a better time that might work? Best wishes nona, glad you are doing better.

No. 1954485

The weather is good, should I go outside to just walk around and order nice food for lunch or should I stay home and keep playing vidya until tonight?

No. 1954486

Go out for the walk to enjoy the weather and maybe walk to a restaurant and eat in, then go home to play video games. It will be funner to play video games after you feel accomplished from the walk.

No. 1954487

I lost one from 7th - 8th grade and I'm forever sad about it. I still have my 1996-1998 one at least where I apparently thirsted over Jin Kazama from Tekken

No. 1954523

I'm getting dressed then. The game I'm playing is pissing me off anyway so I'll take a break.

No. 1955195

Should I order dominoes or eat ramen noodles tonight

No. 1957137

I have 3 assignments to work on. Should I go to the local café, get a coffee, and work on my assignments or should I go home, have a toke, and do it in the comfort of my bed?

No. 1957138

Ramen noodles.

No. 1957146

Should I get coffee or tea for caffeine
Go to the cafe don’t be a slob

No. 1957148

Thanks nonna! I kind of was going to do that anyways but I needed the extra motivation.
Also, it depends on how caffeinated you need to be. I would say coffee, but maybe try a new kind that you don't usually have?

No. 1957149


No. 1958836

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Am doing my hair for the next few hours, should I get food or just make coffee

No. 1958837

Get food, maybe something light if you're not too hungry.

No. 1958839

I will get soup thank you nonny

No. 1958847

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Should I go to sleep or watch another episode of King of the Hill? It's almost midnight but I don't really have to do anything tomorrow.

No. 1958849

I need help making 2 decisions about hair, nonnies! 1. Should i start treating my hair with curly hair products or still go for the straight hair products and keep a wavy hair? And 2. Should i go back to my brunette hair or retouch my deep purple color? (currently having whole head faded purple color)

No. 1958850

get comfy and watch another episode.

No. 1958893

1. Go for whatever is healthier. If they're the same either way, go for curly just to switch things up.
2. Go back to brunette.

No. 1959059

One of my favorite album finally got remastered after 50 years of sounding like shit, should I buy it (physically) again?

No. 1959064

Take the price (say $50), and divide by how many hours of happiness it will give you. If it costs more than a $1 per hour, stick with your current version.

No. 1959068

I would, if it's your favourite album and you'll get use out of it I don't see why not. It's not like a CD or vinyl really takes up much space either

No. 1959181

Should I make a public social media again? Not for sharing personal things just hobbies and shitposting.
Why not? If you can afford it and love/listen to the one you have you probably won't regret it. Even if you do you could sell it.

No. 1959192

Ayrt and ngl I asked this question because of the consoomerism thread and people buying the same Kpoop albums ten times, but it's not really the same here kek. I think I'll wait for a vinyl version of the remaster because I don't have the album in this format (and the artwork is too much of a banger to be confined to CD format).

No. 1959198

Nonnie can I ask which album it is? I'm really curious now I get what you mean but buying one album double because the sound quality isn't great isn't consoomerism, don't worry about it.

No. 1959244

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laezel or shart? laezel is my queen but i can only get one keychain

No. 1959254

The first one is cuter the second one looks a little Downsey

No. 1959262

ty, agree that first is cuter. can’t wait to get my mean green queen.

No. 1959291

I think they're both cute but it looks like you've already decided on Lae'zel. Have fun jingling her around when she arrives. I'd like one of my own… Any chance you could drop the link nonna?

No. 1959360

ty for your addition nona, i did get laezel. the link is right here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1695449499/baldurs-gate-3-25-double-sided-epoxy?ref=cart
there’s all the female companions and astarion
feel free to ban me if this is the wrong way to share a link

No. 1959475

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It's Le Cimetière des Arlequins by Ange, French Prog rock band from the 70s.

No. 1959655

Do I get a newer pair of Airpods even though mine still technically work, but just have absolute shit battery? I’ve had the same pair of Airpods, the first generation, for around five years. They still pair fine with my phone and sound good, but can’t hold battery at all. They used to last for maybe 6-7 hours, but now I’ve noticed them only lasting for maybe two hours max just listening to music. If I just use one bud at a time, I can basically alternate ears and keep one charged at all times and they’ll last all day. The newer Airpod Pros are about $190 on sale right now, and I’m just trying to decide if I should spend that money right now or not.

No. 1959709

Okie dokie nonnie!

No. 1960521

Even the Karlach one is adorable. Now I have to decide too. Thanks a lot!

No. 1960617

Should I start catching up on Shayna's threads or should I start reading the Post-Leftcows thread?

No. 1960627

Buy noise cancelling headphones. Mine were like $50 from Amazon and they are fantastic and last for days.

No. 1960646

catch up but only by reading the thread summaries

No. 1961973

What should I get from the grocery store to eat on the go? I’m so hungry. But also lactose intolerant and all the bread and stuff has milk. Should I just get fruit and eat something at home?

No. 1961985

How long should I take a break from social media?

No. 1961992

How much do you use it? I had a social media addiction and I could only reinstall it and not be glued to my phone after about 3 years (I was a teen when I deleted it though). I’d go at least 2-3 weeks and see how you do, if you can’t wait to open it after that time add a week more. Good luck nonna!

No. 1961993

a month

No. 1962013

Where do you live that most bread has milk in it, and enough milk to affect a lactose intolerant person? Get a snack and a large drink so you're not too ravenous when you get home

No. 1962025

I've been glued to it for hours at a time, i'll take your and >>1961993 's advice because my finals are just around the corner and I can't slack off with my studies. This also includes lolcow, but I'm scared if I mentioned it in my question nonnas will convince me to stay

No. 1962043

Do I kill myself or not? Being asleep forever sounds so nice compared to this hell.

No. 1962090

I need you nonas to bully me into shaving so I can ipl the hair away before my asshole gets so hairy I can no longer reach it to shave over my pregnancy stomach.
Also should I make another cup of tea because it's cold?

No. 1962091

Don't kill yourself

No. 1962093

If it gets too uncomfortable you could get it shaved at a spa or something.
And make some tea, it's always nice during cold days.

No. 1962095

Oh no, I bought an at home ipl machine specifically so noone will ever know the muppet I grow in my underwear lmao

No. 1962096

i don't think any farmers would convince you to stay, this place has degraded over time and if you need to prioritize your time, when you come back things will be as they always are. with social media addiction breaks, they need to actually be long enough so you get past the impulse to check and cravings and then you can appreciate having more time to think and less time wasted.

No. 1962098

do we really have to bully you? promise yourself a little treat after doing it and let that get you to do it.

No. 1962105

I am not motivated by treats, I am only motivated by public ridicule

No. 1962185

I don't care about shaving so I say don't shave. Good luck on your pregnancy!
Don't kill yourself, everyone dies eventually. No need to rush. I hope the weather is nice and the sunlight feels warm and soothing on your face this week

No. 1962684

I feel pretty frustrated and tired about the job market. Should I rage-eat 4 fruit roll-ups? If I shouldn't, suggest me things you personally do to feel better.

No. 1962721

Curious to see what parenting will be like for somebody who needs public ridicule to shave her asshole.
Slowly drink a nice hot or cold beverage and then decide how you feel after. If you still feel like rage eating 4 fruit rollup go for it.

No. 1963475

should i go to sleep and get 3 hours of zzz's before my class later OR should i not go to sleep and ride out my wakefulness and just drink 2 coffees and sleep early tomorrow OR should i skip the class to sleep in? note: i have already skipped two classes this semester, these classes are technically compulsory but i have weaselled my way out of more serious indiscretions before

No. 1964216

Should I take the plunge of asking my doctor if I have CFS/chronic fatigue syndrome? I’m scared of looking stupid but also, I’m always tired yet all my labs always come back normal. It’s been like this for at least a year now

No. 1964313

Yes because even if your labs come back normal it could be a sleeping disorder or mental health

No. 1964625

i recommend asking for a referral to do a sleep study first. i mean this as a neutral statement (if disdainful toward doctors) but they are likely to treat you differently (worse) if you float the "cfs" stuff. kind of as a rule dont use diagnostic labels when talking to doctors, it gives them (especially male doctors) small dog syndrome and they will usually be more abrasive than if you just talk about your specific symptomatic experience. if youre close and friendly with your doctor though and have good rapport, disregard all that and talk about it with her.
but as a side note you should probably look within and ask what do you want from that diagnosis. iirc first line of "treatment" is still giving you a sleep hygiene/mindfulness pamphlet and some ssris. they wont be putting you on gabapentin or the like without exhausting other more likely causes of fatigue. and you certainly wont get any stimulants out of it.

No. 1964819

Thank you nonnas. I went for this issue back in October and some time has passed but I’m still really exhausted all the time so I’m gonna wait a bit before I go back. I’m not looking for stimulants but I’m just hoping for an answer/explanation because I feel crazy that I’m so tired all the time yet I don’t know why

No. 1965426

cfs isnt exactly an answer, it kind of just means "we dont know". its a diagnosis of exclusion last i checked.
do you have depressive episodes? sometimes i dont "realise" im depressed (because of how blinding it is emotionally, iykyk) except for that im randomly too tired to stay up for more than an hour or so.
something to think about is also what you mean by tired/fatigues/exhausted. do you have muscle pain, like after working out, for no reason? are you literally falling asleep unexpectedly, or having to use your breaks in the work day for naps? is it just a general sense of "tiredness"? its good to be as specific as possible with your doctor. good luck nona i hope you find a solution, fatigue is really… exhausting to deal with

No. 1965644

Thank you for the advice. I used to have depressive episodes when I was younger but the last couple years, I’ve been fairly normal and stable.
When I get tired, I feel like I have to lie down for an hour or 2 even if it’s just a trip to the cafe or grocery shopping. It’s not enough to make me sleepy, it just feels better to lie down. If it feels like I overexerted myself doing a simple task, I feel feverish and sometimes a my limbs feel a little trembly. Also sorry if these were rhetorical questions, maybe I just needed to vent.

No. 1967367

Should I go to my class or study at home
I’m behind in it but I skipped a few lectures in a row

No. 1967374

You should go. Get yourself a coffee or tea on the way to make it worthwhile.

No. 1967376

No. 1968481

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should i stay awake, make some burgers, watch happy days then have a coffee and try to stay the whole night awake or should i go to sleep?

for context i feel more motivated and inspired at night since i live in a noisy area and my mom works at home, but also i feel sleepy

No. 1968482

If you draw, I draw. Deal?

No. 1968484

okay lets do it, what are you gonna draw nonny?

No. 1968485

Hopefully something nice to put on a canvas just for fun, how about you nonna?

No. 1968488

been trying to get out of my animu comfort zone lately, so i have been sketching some kaijuus/monsters, backgrounds and machines.

No. 1968489

Hey that's very cool! I like it! You sound cool nonna.

No. 1968500

thank you i will try to post them on the art thread on /m/ later

No. 1968549

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I've always wanted to be a fashion/makeup influencer, but have always been afraid of coming off as cringey or meme material and not an actual objectively good content creator.
Bought two ringlights and a tripod, should I finally begin my journey to becoming a famous person like my Yamato nadeshiko Pixy teri??
Should I? (I don't actually want to earn money from doing it)

(the most famous influencers in my country are either troons or upper class twins)

No. 1968579

Do it, I doubt you'll be that cringe anyway

No. 1968969

you're not gonna be any more cringe than everyone else doing it. the women in your country would probably like to watch someone who isn't a man or in such a high income bracket that it makes them unrelatable.

No. 1969178

Do it ! I keep wanting to do it too but I also get scared of being cringe and I’m only getting older.
So long as you seem actually interested in what you’re doing, it’s not cringe.

No. 1971141

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I've got enough leftovers for a large lunch tomorrow or small lunches tomorrow and the day after. I'm low on money so two lunches is better financially, but I'm already underweight so eating bigger meals might be better for me physically. What do?

No. 1971155

Should I go on a date with a vegan moid? Is that a red flag? Or should I ditch him.

No. 1971159

My vegan ex was literally the craziest man I've ever dated and I'm still traumatized from dating him. Do not go if you value your sanity

No. 1971162

two lunches. Also if you're poor. Rice and beans is an obvious but bringing a backpack into the grocery store and stealing - they don't tell you this one. Good luck out there!

No. 1971163

It's an orange flag. If he can keep his diet on the dl then it might be okay, but if he says a single thing about what you eat gtfo of there

No. 1971174

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No. 1971176

Seven times more?? I can't imagine this. My moid farts like 70 times a day and he's not even vegan.

No. 1972392

GIRLS there is an old man that's extremely rich and is practically begging me to let him take me out to dinner in a restaurant. He has a bunch of girls he spends time with, all young and gorgeous, and they all call him for him to find them an apartment to live in, to pay off their debt, or to take them out to eat. Each time i meet him there's a girl calling him on the phone (real). I've been watching sheraseven for years but i cantttt fucking do it. Even if we just went to dinner at a restaurant, id get a free yummy meal (im broke and hungry), but just the thought of being seen with him disgusts me. Furthermore, the people from the restaurant might think im one of his whores, and word gets around fast. Hes not only rich though, but hes extremely well connected with literal millionaires (he owns clothing stores and collabs with big names).
WHAT DO I DO? I'm in my twenties if that matters. Huge opportunity, but if i do it i lose self respect

No. 1972395

Sounds shady as fuck, anon don’t do it. Your respect is worth more than a 150 meal

No. 1972408

if it seriously would affect your reputation that fast, don't do it. the hatred for women in the sex industry is real. what kind of financial opportunity would that actually bring you in the long term?

No. 1972414

I'm a virgin and don't plan on doing anything sexual with a moid anytime soon. The opportunity he mentioned are dinner at restaurants anytime i want and introducing me to people in fashion he works with. I'm not sure if i want to model seriously, but i might give it a try, the industry scares me though. I'm a completely innocent person and i think that's what he likes about me, because the girls I've seen him with all have that 'sugar baby' look, they look experienced. My natural response to this is a 'no', but i am haunted by the idea of missing out on something that could be a big opportunity. I'm absolutely not going to be touching him in any way though >>1972395 right? And I'd hate for false rumors to spread

No. 1972429

You're likely gonna end up getting trafficked the second you're alone with him. Actually rich and successful men don't flex their wealth this hard or talk about all the things they could do for you. They just do it or usually move on after being rejected.
Background search him as hard as you can, find out if he has debts or other shady history if he actually has wealth. Be extremely cautious and doubtful about anything he says, don't get blinded by a little money, sweet talk or things/connections he claims to own. Dusty moids strive off the desperation of poor women and use it to their advantage as much as they can.
If you decide to go, always make sure a friend and/or family knows where you are and arrange a safe way home after the date. Don't go with him afterwards. Also make sure you have an exit strategy when things go south DURING the date.

No. 1972440

To put it simply you are a fucking retard if you fall for it

No. 1972459

>dinner at restaurants anytime i want and introducing me to people in fashion he works with. I'm not sure if i want to model seriously, but i might give it a try
A rich man with connections can get high-profile/experienced women to model for him, he would never offer this to a broke inexperienced stranger unless he has intentions to take advantage of you. It's bait, most likely.

No. 1972467

You're are actually letting yourself believe his lies. Please grow a brain. I want to be nice to you and explain all the ways this is just a classic set up for getting in your pants but you are so retarded for even entertaining this I'm not sure you'd listen. Please let it be a momentary lapse in judgement that you considered this and never talk to him again.

No. 1972509

modelling = pressure into developing eating disorders, and being exploited financially and sexually. not worth it.

No. 1972527

>by the idea of missing out on something that could be a big opportunity.
The opportunity you are missing out in is the opportunity to get raped, by him and his friends, and the opportunity to be a whore.

>introducing me to people in fashion he works with.

95% he is lying about this. 5% chance he will introduce to men (and degen women) as a woman they can freely abuse, but he wont say that in front of you of course. He'll stay that when they are alone.

> I'm a completely innocent person and i think that's what he likes about me,

This should be a huge fucking red flag and a warning to stay the fuck away from him. Any man inserted in you because you are a virgin and innocent is planning to abuse and exploit you. How do you not know this?

No. 1972533

I would do it, just make sure you're in public always and to NOT have sex with him. And have a taxi picking you up and people informed with location turned on. Just sack a meal and that's it and let the haters hate.

No. 1972589

>>1972459 this was very insightful, thank you. You're absolutely right.
>>1972509 exactly. I'll try to find a way to model without entering the industry officially.
>>1972527 he doesn't know I'm a virgin because we never had that kind of intimate talks, it's always been 'normie conversations' because i kept my distance.
>>1972533 last point, im a complete loner, thank you for your input still because it finalized my decision.

i WON'T be doing it. I'm far too sensitive for that kind of lifestyle, thank you for giving me all these good points. I think i was looking at it too much from a sheraseven POV. I'll find a way to become financially indipendent on my own. I knew asking you girls would be a good idea, thank you for bringing me back on the right track!

No. 1972640

Should I go to a party at a hotel or stay home and watch Almost Famous?

No. 1972641

hotel parties are lame, does no one have their own place?

No. 1972644

I don't know. I only know 2 of the people that are going.

No. 1972664

ntayrt but thank goodness you won't be going to that dinner with him. stay safe and healthy nona!!! there'll be legit opportunities later on

No. 1973745

Thank you very much! It's such a relief to not have to wonder about this anymore. It's as if I've been yanked back into the real world.
I don't mean to be all sappy but I'm happy that we have this platform where we can help each other so sincerely. You girls have probably saved me from a lot of trouble! God bless you

No. 1974815

I found a cute ring on the street on my way to uni, it was paused on a window sill, as if someone found it and highlited so if the owner walked by they would see it more easily (tldr, it's lost, not just thrown away) Should i keep it ? It fits my thumb just wright and i wanted to buy more rings anyway.

No. 1974981

Sure. Worst case scenario, the original owner sees you wearing it and you have to explain that you just found it and return it

No. 1975591

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I'm gonna stay up late working on some projects, should I start now or take an idiot nap (set alarm for 40 minutes, possibly wake up possibly hit snooze and sleep for 20 hours)?

No. 1975733

Late response but if you haven't started working on it by now you should.

No. 1975769

Thank you angel, I'm awake and ready to work

No. 1977843

I'm trying to look more promiscuous for this festival because last year my friends said my outfit was boring. Should I go for pasties with a see through bra and distressed tights? Just the bra and pasties? Or just the pasties?

No. 1977890

False dichotomy.

No. 1978035

do i text my ex gf? its been 5 years. lesbian scene is like 20 people here.

No. 1978117

No. 1978140

Don't. Things ended for a reason. Date outside of your area if you can help it.

No. 1978306

Should I try to sleep and maybe get a few hours in, or should I get up and order a fat breakfast of eggs benny and pancakes?

No. 1978310

Breakfast, I just love breakfast.

No. 1978821

If it’s me then yes

No. 1979128

Ty, I ended up falling asleep for a long time so I guess that’s a better option, I should save my money anyway.

No. 1981698

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If I eat my dinner early, that's all my day's food. But my mouth is so looonely…

No. 1981740

Starr vaping instead anachan

No. 1981752

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What did you say?

No. 1981756

My ambiguous wording, I didn't mean I was only eating dinner, just that once I do I can't keep eating more.

No. 1987303

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Should I go watch the spy family movie in the theater this week?

I watched the show and am reading the manga and I enjoy how simple and feel good it is, which is also the reason why I feel embarrassed and conflicted weather to go or not. It feels childish, even more so since the country where I'm from anime still isn't that mainstream. There's also a chance I'll be the only person there. Last time Akira was shown and there were maybe 10 people there.

No. 1987325

I watched it and it was okay fluff except for the uncomfortably long poopfart joke scene
I'd say watch it and then come back and talk about it.

No. 1987330

Just go. Why does it matter how many other people there are in the dark theater with you?

No. 1987333

yes, do it. i missed the screening in my city and regret it, go watch it for me

No. 1988968

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Pick a design. Disregard length and shape, I'm doing long almond nails regardless of the design.

No. 1988969

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Option 2, with a glitter base underneath the hearts.

No. 1988970

this one if you don't work much, the other if you do need your hands a lot at work. the cute little beads would probably come off the first one.

No. 1988973

The second one! The first one will lose all the little beads and it'll look like ass.

No. 1988974

Don't worry about the beads nonnas, I use a really strong rhinestone glue. I'll do the second one though, thanks!

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