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No. 1899367

The counterpart to the "news stories that fuck with you" thread. News that is uplifting, inspiring, and exciting.

No. 1899369

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No. 1899375

happy to see this thread appear, thank you nona

No. 1899400

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The article is hand wringing about how horrible this is but frankly this should be the standard. This should be the fate of every sex offender, no?
I was looking for science or medicine related uplifting news, but a lot of headlines sensationalize minor discoveries, so it's hard to find something truly interesting.

No. 1899524

Nice thread

No. 1900091

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No. 1900095

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No. 1900133

Fucking thank youuuuu I had to hide the other news thread because it was always too upsetting

No. 1900183

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>Women can exercise less often than men and still see greater health benefits, new study shows
It's bleak. But I believe that people can do good, too.

No. 1900186

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The US government is working to define "woman" and "man." I think republicans are suspicious, so I worry that this could be used to harm women somehow, but I think it is overall a good thing.

No. 1900192

Based! Ironic times we are living in when it’s the republicans who are trying to pass legislation that would protect women’s sex-based rights

No. 1900196

Samefag, from the same article:
>“Since the 1970s. radical feminists supporters of the Equal Rights Amendment have sought a world in which men and women are treated exactly the same in every single circumstance, regardless of physical differences. A world where men and women may never be separated for any reason. The Women’s Bill of Rights aims to halt this radical agenda,” Crouse said.
I don't believe feminists believe this anymore.
>It provides the same thing for men that it does for women, it doesn’t do anything for women
It stops men from entering women's spaces. Is it possible this act could be used to restrict women from certain careers or fields? I don't think so. I only see positives coming from this. Tranny shit needs to pass already.

No. 1900200

Women's rights are going in the right direction. Republicans are successfully stamping out trannies but unsuccessfully banning abortion (more and more young/left leaning voters are supporting it). I believe deepfake and AI bans are on the horizon in a few years. We will be ok as long as we support each other and speak up for women.

No. 1900239

>It stops men from entering women's spaces. Is it possible this act could be used to restrict women from certain careers or fields?
I don’t think so, either. I work in law and have a basic understanding of constitutional law, but I’m no expert, so take this with a grain of salt: I believe this legislation (unless the republicans have something sinister up their sleeve) would help raise women to a protected class that would receive “strict scrutiny” in the way that race, nationality, and religion currently get. By receiving “strict scrutiny,” the courts would be conceding that sex is an immutable trait with a history of being discriminated against, and therefore, any legislation passed by the government that targets women should be reviewed with the highest level of scrutiny possible. Currently, females are not a protected class under the construction like racial or religious minorities are. From what I can tell, this legislation would serve as excellent groundwork for justifying this kind of judicial review

No. 1900505

I think one thing that still worries me about the language is does "at some point produces ova" mean in the short term or does it include "produced" ova. Otherwise you're technically expelling women who have had hysterectomies or post menopausal women. Probably my own bit of fear, just because the republicans are so hateful and obsessed with breeding nowadays.

No. 1900949

"At some point" can mean some point in the future or some point in the past. I assume they used that wording so that girls would be covered under the definition of woman because trannies keep trying to abolish same sex spaces for children.

No. 1906383

>Daughters help the police catch their rapist father and demand he be executed under Florida's new execution law.

No. 1910549

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Congrats to this queen, she's amazing. And I bet the comments from moids are seething or bringing up the feminism boogeyman as they always do.

No. 1916205

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Some old but good news for nonnas worried about the environment.

No. 1916208

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No. 1916229

They don't eat the whole plastic. They poop out monomers that fuck with animal endocrine systems.

No. 1920300

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No. 1920301

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No. 1927100

God, I see what you have done for others

No. 1927117

I don't understand what the title is trying to say.
Is it giving blood and plasma donations or receiving them?

No. 1927212

"The trial involved 285 Fire Rescue Victoria staff and contractors with elevated levels of PFOS, a common detected type of PFAS used in some firefighting foams.

They were randomly allocated to donate plasma every six weeks, to donate whole blood every 12 weeks, or to make no donations (the control group) for 12 months.

Their PFAS levels were measured at four intervals: at recruitment, the start of the trial, after 12 months of following their treatment plan, and again three months later to test if the results were sustained.

Both blood and plasma donation resulted in significantly lower PFAS chemicals than the control group, and these differences were maintained three months later.

Plasma donation was most effective, resulting in a roughly 30% decrease in average blood serum PFAS concentrations over the 12-month trial periodReductions in PFAS levels from blood or plasma donations may be because PFAS are bound to proteins primarily found in the serum; many other organic pollutants are bound to fats.

The finding that plasma was more effective than blood donation might be because firefighters in the plasma donation group donated blood every six weeks, whereas those in the blood donation group donated every 12 weeks.

In addition, each plasma donation can amount to as much as 800mL compared with 470mL for whole blood.

Plasma PFAS concentrations are also about two times higher than blood PFAS concentrations, which could make plasma donation more efficient at reducing the body burden of PFAS chemicals"

No. 1948065

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>The first woman ever has completed the 100-mile Barkley Marathons held in Tennessee. British ultrarunner and 40-year-old vet, Jasmin Paris, completed the race with 99 seconds to spare from the 60-hour cut off, a feat she fought for over rough terrain at all hours of the day. The race originated in 1986 and since, only 20 people have successfully completed it. Including Paris, 5 people completed the race this year, a record-breaking total
>Thousands of supporters watched the race on social media as she made her finish on Friday - she was so exhausted she slumped to the ground after finishing.

No. 1948080

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Naya, a freshman at John F. Kennedy High School in New Orleans, was inspired to create the watch through a program called STEM NOLA, where K-12 students learn and participate in hands-on science, technology, engineering and math projects. The organization offers an eight-month-long STEM fellowship to low-income high school students of color who show an interest in solving real-world problems and gives them training, career and networking opportunities.

The organization also hosts STEM Saturday, a free weekend program where K-12 students can create inventions. When Naya attended her first STEM Saturday in October, she thought designing a watch that detects seizures would be a great idea. But the following weekend — the last weekend to complete her project — she changed her plan entirely and instead created a watch for stroke detection, since her grandmother had suffered a stroke. She named her invention WingItt, a fitting title for an idea that sprouted at the last second.

The watch works by detecting nerve impulses and heartbeats. Naya says that many stroke victims may develop noticeable signs such as a droopy face or strange taste in their mouth, but she wanted to create something that can detect internal symptoms. As she researched, she found that strokes were more common in people 55 and older than in younger people, so she wanted to cater to this demographic. As she works out the kinks in her prototype, she wants to ensure that it is detecting only strokes and not picking up on other issues, such as those involving the heart.

A huge priority for Naya is making sure her watch is affordable for older adults who may not have the money for expensive technology, like iPhones and Apple Watches, that have health-monitoring features.

“I want to do something I’m interested in, that will also change the world,” she says.

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