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No. 1856979

>board rules apply
>no infighting
>for fuck' s sake do NOT reply to bait

previous thread >>>/ot/1850977

No. 1857003

I think parents who take pride in being broke and struggling are pathetic. Like those moms who post tiktoks where they claim they starved so their kid can eat and all the comments are like “you go momma!”etc….no that’s not honorable. If you live in the USA and can’t figure out how to have enough food for you and your kid you’re retarded.

No. 1857008

Imagine how humiliating that is for the kids. They go to school and people dunk on them because their parents are poorfag TikTok cows.

No. 1857018

Bullying is going to be a new ball game when millennials and Gen z’s kids grow up. We always had poorfags who brag about struggling but in the past they couldn’t post online.

No. 1857043

broke ass people who know they can't afford children because they barely have enough for themselves having children is one of the most mind boggling things to me. why bring a life into this world when you damn well know you can't afford another mouth to feed? i wouldn't be surprised if these videos were fake tbh, seems like easy views and engagement

No. 1857056

Compared to kids who will have mentally ill tiktok gendie parents and onlyfans whore moms, I think poor kids won't have it that bad as far as bullying goes

No. 1857063

Trisha paytas daughter is going to have a hard life

No. 1857068

Man that’d be funny to see.
>”Haha your parents are e-begging on tiktok, brokeboi”
>”Shut up Carter, I saw your mom’s butthole for $7.99 last week”

No. 1857108

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Western media has fooled so many people about the reality of looks and "beauty". People nitpick and demand standards they could never reach. Maisie Williams got billed as the "ugly" actress from GoT, but she honestly just looks like the average British or European-American woman, just thinner. I kind of suspect that her not being fat is one reason so many people felt comfortable attacking her appearace. A lot of people might've even felt threatened, because she has a sort of neotenous face you can't really get with surgery, she's like a doll. Florence Pugh gets slightly similar pushback, but not as much (outside lolcow ofc, kek), and she's obviously beautiful.

No. 1857125

I wonder if it's that unpopular of an opinion. I expect most people with common sense to think the same thing as well but typically that's not something you'll bring up irl in case you piss off the wrong poorfag parents with a victim mentality.

No. 1857138

Everything about weddings seems tacky to me, especially the dress.

No. 1857144

>I kind of suspect that her not being fat is one reason so many people felt comfortable attacking her appearace
Because media is known for being soft on fat female celebrities?
Adele was absolutely dogged for her weight until she lost it, and then they attacked her for being "insecure" for doing it.

No. 1857161

No. 1857166

Sexual needs is dumb term.

No. 1857170

She’s kind of ugly. She looks like a pug.

No. 1857180

I agree and I'm married. People spend so much on one day and the result is usually hideous. I just had a cheap wedding, with a simple inexpensive dress and only invited a few people.

No. 1857183

I think some are motivated by eating disorders/wanting to lose weight. They get to look like good moms, get sympathy online AND lose weight. Triple win. It's a strange attempt at humble bragging to get attention.

No. 1857184

i've seen plenty of anti troon posting on facebook and instagram, as long as your account isn't connected to you personally you could complain about them there.

No. 1857219

She looks like a normal white woman, though. Not unusual or uncommon at all, definitely not worth throwing tomatoes at her.
I think media has made normal people think they resemble people like Ellie Goulding.

No. 1857226

Normal looking people can be ugly. She doesn’t have any deformities or anything but she’s not pretty.

No. 1857360

I can't think of a widespread objective argument against veganism. A medical condition that makes it very hard is fine but how many people really have that? The actual real reason is that people don't care and don't want to and any argument otherwise is an attempt to conceal this fact, perhaps from even themselves.

No. 1857364

You just know it's ammo to be used later in life as well. "I skipped meals for you, how dare you move out!!!!" etc.

No. 1857368

wtf nonnie animal products are insanely more nutritious than just plant products wtf are you on about, see OP pic

No. 1857384

More nutritious how?

No. 1857395

Exactly, I grew up with a poor fag mom and she was like look how hard I scraped for you guys, like you should’ve used a damn condom and probably shouldn’t have got with a dude who already had a family and is barely arohnd

No. 1857407

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Most plant sources have higher fat/carbohydrate to protein ratios, and that's not even getting into complete vs. incomplete sources of amino acids or how much more plant products (and therefore how many more calories) you have to consume to meet the same nutritional intake as you would with a diet which includes animal products.

No. 1857409

Bitch you are a human being, not a rabbit. You were optimized by thousands of years of eating MEAT and VEGETABLES to be where you are today. It’s basic fucking science. No amount of you not eating animals is gonna save “the poor little animals”, nor is it going to lessen your carbon footprint. You are missing a tremendous amount of vitamins and minerals, proteins, etc, by not eating meat.

No. 1857419

Nta but the average American person is eating more than 40 percent more meat than they should be according to dietary guidelines. Usually the people who start screeching about how they need meat for health are overweight. Are you fat? You’re only supposed to eat red meat about 2 or 3 times a week.

No. 1857426

Nta but yeah "studies say" according to the faggot vegan scientists.

No. 1857427

obvious example but people have replaced actual cow's milk with oats and rapeseed oil and actually believe they are being healthier and uwu saving the planet.

No. 1857433

The average American is so chastised and spiritually dead, not to mention the food they eat is fake, that they only care about being fed and entertained. Bread and circus. The average American doesn’t exercise, and is on the internet for more than four hours a day. The dietary guidelines are retarded, just eat as naturally as you can and exercise and you will be FINE. You fucking cud chewer, kill yourself(alogging)

No. 1857434

Are you overweight? It’s so funny when people are crying about what food is healthy to eat and they’re fat.

No. 1857435

File: 1705444920622.jpeg (530.15 KB, 2048x2048, 1534437119685.jpeg)

I’m not fat at all. Is this you?

No. 1857437

My nutrition app seems to disagree on the nutrients besides B12 which I admittedly supplement. Protein is a meme macronutrient and dietary recommendations for it range from 0.7-2 g/kg from sedentary to extremely active. If you are 150 lbs that is only 47.6g-136g daily depending on activity level. The former is insanely achievable without even trying. The latter, at worst, requires some planning and maybe a pea protein powder. Neither require eating an overage of carbs or fats as long as you're not trying to have the entirety of the protein I put be a grain or a nut. Humans are also able to synthesize any missing amino acids from ones we have consumed, which is an efficiency loss to be sure, but not a major health blow. We are not like cats or something that can only draw a specific amino acid from outside sources. Several foods such as chickpeas and soybeans have all key amino acids. Bioavailability is greatly impacted by cooking and food combinations and most recipes tackle this without even knowing (they were developed over thousands of years based on what made people feel good). Cooked onion, the base of hundreds of not thousands of different dishes, frees up nutrients for a ton of veggies.
>Bitch you are a human being, not a rabbit. You were optimized by thousands of years of eating MEAT and VEGETABLES to be where you are today. It’s basic fucking science.
You are confusing the capacity to do something with the need to do it. You are trying to justify eating like a fat, sweaty moid. Sad to see.

No. 1857441

I feel like our meat source should be replaced with non pain feeling sources of protein like oysters, clams, and mussels etc but Americans can’t smoother those in grease and cheese so we need our cows.

No. 1857442

File: 1705445108442.png (107.27 KB, 657x663, beef liver nutrition.png)

There are no plant based sources of prefab Vitamin A outside of fortified foods. You can convert Vitamin A from carotenoids, which are found in plants, but the conversion rate is not 100% and some people's metabolisms convert the vitamin better than others. Vegetarians can get it from eggs but vegans have to supplement to get it. Also organ meats like liver are nutritional powerhouses which have no plant equivalent.

No. 1857443

It’s literally a mental illness, like being gay or a tranny

No. 1857444

really dumb to blame animal protein for amerifats when its really corn syrup and sugar

No. 1857450

Don’t expect any semblance of sapience from her, she’s vegan

No. 1857451

I think Maya Rudolph is the hottest female celeb of all time. She's a unique beauty and she could've and shnould've been bigger

No. 1857453

Most people who screech about veganism
being unhealthy don’t eat healthy. They wouldn’t eat things like oysters, clams, and mussels because the texture is not that of a chicken tender.

No. 1857457

Not everybody fries their chicken, you retard. Sorry you grew up in a trash household

No. 1857464

Then instead of having factory farms for chickens, pigs and cows we should have factory farms for oysters, clams, and mussels. It would be more cost effective and better for the environment as well.

No. 1857466

But what is truly the need for a powerhouse food if you are eating a balanced diet? Do you eat nothing but your 3.5oz of liver each day? The human body isn't some RPG character that shoots up levels just because you got a lot of EXP. Most of these high % nutrients in the image are irrelevant. If you eat 3.5oz of liver and other food the rest of the day on the nutrients end it is going to no use (with some exceptions, some nutrients like B12 can be stored) I don't know what to say except I've been vegan for 8 years and have never had a deficiency in my annual blood test.
The point is, if you don't absolutely need something why kill for it?

No. 1857473

That’s the majority of how Americans eat. Anytime someone has come at me for being vegetarian it’s always some big back with lunch lady arms and a beer belly telling me how it’s not healthy and it’s stupid.

No. 1857475

>nutrition app
kek, oh no
>pea protein powder
sure i could go spend $20 on a container of powder that i still have to put into other food. or i could go spend $6 on a 2lb package of ground beef, which will provide me with more nutrients beyond just the protein in the pea powder and can be made into chili.
>Humans are also able to synthesize any missing amino acids from ones we have consumed
humans are able to synthesize 11 of the 20 amino acids. there's still 9 that we have to get from food. try again.
>factory farms for oysters, clams, and mussels [in the midwest/south]
as if our waters weren't polluted enough

No. 1857477

>americans eat too many pop tarts and soda therefore animal protein is bad

No. 1857479

Okay then here's my diet as a runner:
Homemade bread with peanut butter.
Pea protein shake depending on how heavy my training is so I can adjust calories and protein intake
Oatmeal with different toppings depending on my mood.
Prepared dish. I like making Indian a lot recently. Sweet potato daal is a regular.
No seed oils. No gay ass milk substitutes. Normal food that people have been eating for thousands of years. This has the added benefit of letting me produce a lot of it at home (the grains are too annoying to process so I don't grow those).

No. 1857481

How come nonnies are anti-vegan when animal products are intrinsically linked to the exploitation of female animals? Meat is slaughter, eggs are cradle theft, and milk/cheese requires rape.

No. 1857484

That sounds terrible. Nothing but carbs and sweets.

No. 1857489

because it tastes fucking good

No. 1857490

>which will provide me with more nutrients beyond just the protein
Nutrients that you won't need if your diet is balanced.
>as if our waters weren't polluted enough
I agree! I am against the fertilizer and nitrate runoff from factory farms and the 70% of human agricultural land used to grow animal feed.

No. 1857491

Nonna have you never kept chickens? They'll eat their own eggs in a heartbeat. I've known people who have to retire hens once they develop a taste for yolk because they'll eat them before you can remove them from the laybox.

No. 1857493

As I said in the initial post that ticked this off, I think this is the only "valid" argument. Other posters should just admit they don't give a fuck about animals and the environment and I'll leave them alone. It is the fact that they try to twist nutrition science and environmental topics to fit their needs that pisses me off.

No. 1857498

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>A steak and chiken breast
bad and unhealthy

>Oreos, churros and french fries Vegan so healthy

No. 1857499

No because they are bred for exploitation. I briefly thought about getting an old one to eat cabbage worms and shit in my garden but I decided against it.

No. 1857506

No. 1857508

Good if true, but I've met so many people who tell me this that I know most of them have to be lying.
Again, I'm not saying you are, but many people use this in a form that borders on whataboutism. Fact is 99% of livestock (in US at least) is factory farmed.

No. 1857509

What do you propose we do then? Because we have people to feed, who gives a FUCK about your feelings?

No. 1857515

Reduce animal subsidies so people understand the true cost of how much resources these things take to raise and use all the money and land saved on subsidizing effective crops for direct human consumption instead of wasting all our agricultural land on animal crap and importing people food from other countries.

No. 1857517

Nta but we could factory farm non pain feeling sources of protein like oysters for example. Most beef and pork stinks and is gross anyway. I’d much rather eat seafood.

No. 1857519

My main argument against veganism is the amount of water crop agriculture takes up (most of which is irrigated as opposed to free rainfall). Also, what do vegans intend to do with non-arable land which we currently use for cattle grazing? By definition that land is unsuitable for growing crops.

No. 1857525

most land used for animal agriculture is unable to grow crops tho the soil is too poor or rocky and doesn't grow much beyond grass

No. 1857527

Right so just keep farming the animals then

No. 1857528

Sounds like sawdust to me

No. 1857529

average ed-fag bedroom

No. 1857530

yes actually. what else are you going to do with it if you can't grow plants that humans can eat?

No. 1857531

>eggs are cradle theft
Big kek. This reminds me of a male feminist I knew who compared abortion to fried chicken eggs (as in "if you're okay with one why not with the other" pro abortion argument) and that was the most retarded argument I have ever heard. You people have no idea how chickens and eggs work kekk

No. 1857537

I'm not opposed to the grazing areas on environmental grounds. I'm opposed to the 1 billion cattle and 50 billion chickens alive right now that mostly need off-site feed grown for them. I know society will never fully kick me meat but that doesn't mean the industry needs to be as artificially large as it is, hence my anti-subsidy stance.
For the water, as I said earlier 70% of agricultural land is used for animal feed which comes from varied sources (not just grass) such as soya, corn, alfalfa, etc. Reducing meat consumption would reduce overall water use because growing food to feed something to kill it then eat what you killed is inherently less efficient than growing something and then just directly eating it.

No. 1857543

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do vegans really think that no one has heard the same propaganda spewed a million times before?

No. 1857549

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>70% of agricultural land is used for animal feed
Source? I looked it up and the FAO seems to disagree with your 70% number (it says 33% of cropland is used to grow animal feed), and this is from a document which endorses reducing reliance on livestock so I'm inclined to trust their number over a critical source: https://www.fao.org/3/ar591e/ar591e.pdf

No. 1857551

Highlighting an objective truth isn't propaganda, which is why I started this with
>I can't think of a widespread objective argument against veganism
I don't think there is an empirical argument against what I'm writing.

No. 1857555

I should have clarified. The 70% is a feed+pastureland combination. I have not revisited sources in a while. So I will admit some of my arguments on this thread would not be as beneficial as I make them out to be, but still a net benefit.

No. 1857559

I can see why Ariana grande acts the way she does. This is just a product of someone who is rich(her parents are rich so she’s never been poor) and always getting what you want and rarely ever being told no.

No. 1857560

Yes another based vegan, people literally just don’t care because it’s easier to continue being ignorant to the industry and eating any crap you want from anywhere. Then they get upset at you and try to make up intellectual reasons when it’s really covering up their guilt. Nooo I can’t be vegan because uhhh PROTEIN and uhhhh AMINO ACIDS. WHAT IF YOU WERE ON A DESERT ISLAND WITH A PIG???!?!?! I’ve heard it all after like 7 years. Somehow I’m still alive and healthy too.

No. 1857565

nona i didn't actually read the replies to this but i just wanna say to you i had this thought last night (about milk and cheese requiring rape) and i wanna say we are psychically connected. have a good day

No. 1857569

Rights for women will never fully ever happen until we give more rights to children and animals

No. 1857591

Much of what passes for scholarship in the Humanities is just a feel good fantasy interpretation of the world. And the samey sort of soft minded people all study in those fields, leading to a circlejerk. If you dive into it, people like Boas, Freud and Adorno only made their paradigms become dominant through a combination of nepotism, cultish self referencing and fanatic dogpiling.

I don't know, I see post grads doing research on the most benign things and convincing themselves it's important research, but if you read their dissertation it's entirely predictable and cookie cutter. I just read it and think that they'd be better off pumping gas somewhere. It's especially egregious when you know something about the community or subject at hand, and know they're lying about the fundamental nature of the community, something I came across just a few months ago. Imagine spending all that money and studying for years, just to intentionally lie and get things wrong, surely they must know it'll make their research worthless in the long run?

No. 1857594

Most people cannot respect and care about the most innocent l(children and animals)in our society why would anyone care about a grown women? Also murdering docile animals like cows for examples subconsciously tells people it’s ok to kill something if it’s weaker and it’s fine to exploit it.

No. 1857598

you are a cow is what you are saying

No. 1857599

Thank you. Vegans are so fucking annoying. Nothing they say can ever really be backed up with science and biology. I think we need to eat less meat over all in most places, but cutting meat out entirely doesnt work, especially foe women. Bitch, I am ravenous on my period.

No. 1857600

Nta but blah blah blah women are like cattle and animals. Top fucking kek. Bffr.

No. 1857603

File: 1705450127999.webp (Spoiler Image,104.67 KB, 1240x780, 01C73B22-1234-4C47-AB24-6A30FC…)

Women are a lot like cows. Used for our bodies(meat, milk and babies are taken away to be killed for meat), docile and easily exploited for consumption. If you can’t have empathy for the cows then don’t expect anyone to care about you as a woman.

No. 1857608

I used to think that minimal meat Omni was the healthiest but wanted to be vegan because animal torture makes me sad, but the more and more research I see the facts are very clear about veganism being more healthy. Maybe an absolute perfect minimal Omni diet could be close or the same, but 99% of meat eaters are not doing that and it’s so much easier to be healthy as vegan

No. 1857623

I’m not a vegan but the abuse of animals in factory farms is why I hate picky food wasters and people who play with food. Imagine spending your whole life being abused, sick and tortured just to be thrown away and wasted because a YouTuber prankster wants to do a prank with chicken carcasses or some rich girl took a few bites and threw you out because “she doesn’t like eating left overs”.

No. 1857626

How does it not work? It’s literally fine and nutritious, I had nutrition teachers say it’s the healthiest diet. You’re not going to drop dead of meat deficiency at some point kek also if you do crave meat there are plenty of alternatives. Inb4 evil soy borgers and scary processed food bad.
Also if you are ravenous on your period that may be signs of an iron deficiency or something.

No. 1857629

>vegan doesn’t understand that obese people can also be malnourished from a diet solely consisting of corn syrup and cane sugar


Processed food is bad. Weren’t you just whinging about fat Americans for the past hour of this argument?

No. 1857632

I think studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet, which has moderate fish, cheese, and yogurt, was the overall best but vegetarianism and veganism were not far behind. Eating a lot of meat, red in particular, has never performed well (unless the purpose of the "study" was to sell keto to your Instagram followers kek).

No. 1857633

Look anon you gotta treat a cow like you treat a woman

No. 1857635

Women are not like cattle

No. 1857636

Going vegan was a great choice for me. Clear skin, I’m now a healthy weight, my cooking skills have improved and I smell better. I think vegans get a bad rep because people mix us in with the Ana chans who are just using being vegan as an excuse to not eat.

No. 1857637

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Time to read the good book nonnies!!!

No. 1857639

Males and patriarchal society already don't care about women. Now what?

No. 1857641

And yet, there are so many vegetarian men who hate women. Even an entire religion that specifically worship cows and still hate women. And so many vegetarian women who are still hated by men. Almost like absolutely no man or society has ever based it's hatred of women on her treatment of cows and your obnoxious guilt tripping is victim blaming.

No. 1857642

Can’t expect anyone to care about a grown woman if we exploit our most vulnerable(animals and children).

No. 1857646

I feel bad about the cruelty towards animals but not bad enough to stop eating meat entirely. Let alone stop eating dairy

See the problem is plants allegedly feel pain too so when the fuck are we gonna stop eating plants? Then what do we have left to eat? Dust?

No. 1857650

The world justifies their poor treatment of children for the same reasons as exploiting animals. Living beings that are considered unintelligent and can’t take care of themselves pretty much have no rights. That’s why cps is so useless, a kid could go tell someone they’re being raped and beat everyday and still not be taken away from their parents because they’re seen as property.

No. 1857651

As a vegan, the moids are the worst. They are looking to date a minority (vegan woman) when most guys just take what they can get. Perhaps the most pussy starved subsection of moids on planet Earth.

No. 1857654

is this conversation about veganism or victimization (which vegans also seem to love)

No. 1857655

You really believe that plants having reactions to stimuli is the same as any living animal? Come on, seriously. If I had a gun to a rose bush and a dog, what would you save? Plants don’t feel pain because they have no nervous system or sentience.

No. 1857659

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We exploit animals for food. No one is doing that with children unless we've all agreed to A Modest Proposal when I wasn't paying attention. Children lack the same rights as adults because they aren't able to make decisions or care for themselves (see the whole trans youth debacle) the same way as if they were adults.

No. 1857660

Nta but vegans aren’t victims. They just care about animals which are the real victims, then people get upset when they find out the truth about farming and battle with the fact they don’t care to change and have to be moral hypocrites.

No. 1857662

Vegan diet kills more animals and people than eating locally raised meat does

No. 1857665

Holy fuck talking point straight from Piers Morgan. I thought better of the users of this site but not anymore.

No. 1857669

Literally how kek

No. 1857670

File: 1705452491407.gif (25.02 KB, 128x128, 1612937177467.gif)

I will eat chicken.
I will eat beef.
I will eat fish.
I will eat eggs.
I will drink milk.
I will eat cheese.
I will eat yogurt.
Now I'm all full.

No. 1857671

I am begging you people to please provide sources.

No. 1857674

>blah blah killing animals is ok because food
If a starving dog ate a human we wouldn’t use the excuse that he was starving, the dog would be put down because we see it as a lesser life form due to its intelligence. Fun fact the birth of child’s right activism was born from animals rights activism. If it wasn’t for the silly idiots who care about animals kids probably would still be working in coal mines.

No. 1857675

Average defensive carnist logic.
Any place will be full of people like this, edgelords and people who believe anything they want to hear so they don’t have to change a single thing or confront their lifestyle choices.

No. 1857681

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For those who say animal rights and children rights aren’t related. There was a time children were thought off on the same level of cows. You can’t get away with exploiting one group and think it won’t effect anything.

No. 1857684

Which animal rights organizations are still advocating for children?

No. 1857686

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Except the case was about a little girl. Meat eaters didn’t even care about the well being of children until animal rights activists took a leap to care a little.

No. 1857687

Would probably give rise to the most abusive generation of men since the early 1900s.

No. 1857690

So you don't have an objective reason then? Your spite is subjective.

No. 1857694

If killing animals for their meat is fine because we need them for nutrients why is it that animals who eat humans get put down if they’re caught? If it’s only about food and not about animals being seen as lesser than animals who kill humans out of survival should be allowed to live.

No. 1857697

We care more about our own species than any others, surprise. Just like a bear would kill a human that attacks it's kids.

No. 1857699

because most of us don't want the animal to kill more humans duh

No. 1857700

I'm sorry but I do see animals as lesser than humans. If I saw a burning building and was only able to save a child or a dog, fidos going to doggy heaven.

No. 1857702

No humans don’t care about their own species. There are people being exploited all over the world for labor and natural resources and no one cares to fix it because it makes them money. Eating meat has nothing to do with us caring about each other. You like the taste of meat and you’re selfish, that’s that.

No. 1857706

based nonnies i was afraid i was the only one on this site who had this opinion, ily

No. 1857707

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Because animals don’t kill for pleasure like humans do and it’s not on the same scale that is destroying the planet and peoples health. Even my cats will ignore a mouse if they’re full but humans are different. Factory farms are hell like because a lot of people work there just so they can abuse something with no consequences.

No. 1857711

>There are people being exploited all over the world for labor and natural resources and no one cares to fix it
So what are you posting this rant from? A computer? A phone? Do you know the amount of child labor that goes into the rare earth element mining to make such devices? Why is it so important to limit our food, which is directly linked to survival, but not our entertainment, which is entirely unnecessary? You can't live without food, but you can live without a smartphone or computer. If human exploitation is your concern, I have some bad news about your electronics, your clothes, your crops, and many other parts of modern life….

No. 1857712

>animals don’t kill for pleasure
They absolutely do. Orcas torture their prey before they eat it. And if your problem with meat eating is factory farms, those exist because of uncontrolled capitalism just like every other evil in the world. If you get your meat from a local farm that treats them well there's absolutely nothing wrong with it at all

No. 1857713

Have you seen what goes on in factory farms? You think it’s just a cute little farm where animals have space to move? They’re literally skinning animals alive and there’s no need for that. There is a humane way to do this but humans take the most violent way possible.

No. 1857714

I have food and I’m living without meat just fine.

No. 1857716

Good. Now make sure you throw your phone away next since children died to make it. Hypocrite

No. 1857720

That's cool. What about your clothes and electronics? Do you care enough about the conditions in which those were produced to forego products made in exploitative conditions? Or is it just meat and animal products seeing as it's hard to argue your moral virtue without a communication device.

No. 1857725

>They’re literally skinning animals alive
sources please. pumping blood would taint leather so i really doubt they're skinning animals alive the way you claim

No. 1857731

I'm the President now. All meat subsidies gone because Trump said I should be able to do whatever I want. 80% ground beef now costs $30/lb at the grocery store.

No. 1857735

You say that like being an omnivore is a medical condition. The demand is induced by subsidies, misinformation, and marketing made possible by obscene amounts of political lobbying.

No. 1857738

What's your opinion on eating bugs?

No. 1857742

File: 1705455355397.jpg (130.05 KB, 1080x1080, trashy ass ratchet hoe nails.j…)

nails like these are disgusting and hideous and should be illegal. there's literally no reason to have them. just looking at them makes me physically uncomfortable

No. 1857746

The demand isn't artificial. It is because meat has been in our diets since hunter gatherer times but was reserved for special occasions thus giving it "prestige". As more and more people have the means to buy meat in the modern age, the demand has obviously gone up. I do agree that meat isnt something you need to eat everyday or something and it does get pushed too much in american diets, but your retarded if you think meat-eating is a capitalist psyop.

No. 1857747

We do this same post like twice a week.

No. 1857750

honestly yes, cut your damn nails

No. 1857751

Nta but I think long natural nails are grosser than plastic glued to a nail.

No. 1857756

I like really long nails lol.

No. 1857757

I bet they're cute.

No. 1857761

These ones don't even have a nice design

No. 1857762

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Mostly lobbying to have influence in policy and public communication such as pic related, which has a "meat and beans" group instead of a "protein" group to subliminally suggest you need to eat meat to achieve your macros.
Don't want to don't need to there are adequate plant based protein sources available to me.
Meat is and was always a time and resource intensive food source due to the need to raise the animal. People from the past are significantly less meat than us. The current political system obfuscates the costs so we will eat more and feel prosperous while being blinded to the exploitation and environmental degradation meat production at such a scale causes.

No. 1857763

I'd eat bugs, crickets look like they could be pretty decent

No. 1857766

I agree that animals are getting exploited by humans, and I agree that other humans are getting exploited by other humans. But I dont believe that helping animals will help human beings because humans will always in their intelligence have a need to dominate. This is also why it's just as bad to own pets because it's a relationship based on dominance. Humans will always have a dominant hand to animals because humans are smarter. You can't even compare it to the feeling of a child to a parent because the child will eventually grow an identity of its own whereas an animal will not.
I think it's stupid for vegans to deny this in fact I would say it's so hard coded in our DNA that people who try to see animals as equal to humans enevitably redirect that dominant need onto something/someone else.
It's like a relationship between a slave and his/her master. No matter how kind the master is or how much the slave loves the master it's never going to be equal because there is already a power imbalance that negates this.

No. 1857770

Me too, though I hate Bill gates to the core and hope he burns in a flaming inferno

No. 1857771

If humans weren't meant to eat meat we wouldn't be born with canines

No. 1857772

I usually wear sport bras because it's easier to wear cute shirts. I hope one day you can get surgery if you want to do that to get a reduction/lift.

No. 1857777

I specifically chose one released by the dept of agriculture. All offshoot food pyramid designs stem from the base one they used to put out. It has since been replaced with MyPlate which is a lot more along the lines of what it SHOULD be.

No. 1857778

It's usually the first thing people mention in debates like this one

No. 1857779

Again you are confusing the ability to do something with the need to do it. Animals have not been necessary since people learned how to farm.

No. 1857782

Not always. I have b sized boobs and they already look like grandma boobs. I have bell shaped breasts which gives me no top only bottom and they droop badly. The only good thing is I don't have to wear bras so I just wear something like a tank top or camisole under my shirt which is way more comfortable

No. 1857784

>since people learned how to farm
That'd have been a bit early to quit meat

No. 1857786

Even if you take meat out of the equation, even vegetarian civilizations like Indians needed animal byproducts like milk and eggs to maintain a healthy diet.

No. 1857787

You know this chart is bullshit when they advertise drinking low fat or fat-free dairy products. Aside from the debate on whether we need milk, fat-free or low-fat food is bad for you because you know why? All that healthy fat that keeps us satiated longer is replaced by sugar.

Vidrel is an older documentary, mostly disproving the "Supersize Me" film, but it does a great job at revealing lies about diet and health that have been lobbied to us rather than evaluated by impartial doctors.

No. 1857789

True it may have been correct for them. I am arguing that the gov't is offering you a false deal because you don't have all the information needed to assess your purchase in day to day life since you aren't going to evaluate your taxes vs the pricetag in the middle of the supermarket. How much meat would you eat if the subsidies were removed and you realized you were paying dozens of dollars per pound?

No. 1857790

Ok go vegetarian then. Step in the right direction!

No. 1857796

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Yeah one of the not so secret agendas of the USDA was trying to get people to drink a shitload of milk which is why they pushed low fat. The volume of marketing in the early 2000s was insane. Remember all of these fucking ads?

No. 1857798

I'm saying, veganism is still completely retarded and there's a reason it's a modern invention. It's only a feasible diet for the rich. Even if they don't eat meat, poor people can't survive with milk and eggs in their diet since they can't be spending money on flaxseed and peanut butter garbage that gives zero energy to get through the day

No. 1857799

You think you are getting a certain amount of nutritional benefit for X amount of dollars when the true cost to you is many times more than what you think it is.

No. 1857803

A vast majority of the diet can be achieved with cheap staples such as grains, beans, legumes, and whatever fruits and veggies are available to you (I will admit this changes a lot based on where you live). My grocery bill is like $30-$40/week.

No. 1857805

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People have usually barely scraped by for most of human history, and a big reason the population used to be so low is because of food being a limiting factor. If you took away what was usually their most nutritionally dense source of food then I'm not sure we would've made it very far at all. Meat was also important during winters because you wouldn't be able to harvest or preserve many plants during that time and there have been effective strategies for preserving meat for a long time, a lot of people only made it through those periods because they stocked up on meat beforehand.
I'd be open to believing that maybe some people nowadays can go without any animal products but people since the agricultural revolution? No way

No. 1857807

Commercially farmed milk especially in the us is ass and its a surprise people haven't dropped like flies from drinking it. I fully believe the reason why so many people have dairy issues is because they drink commercial milk products. There's a reason why the government is against the raw milk movement. Sending government agents in to destroy a raw milk plant as well as all of the stock in their store. Yet they pay subsidies to fast food places to use their nasty rotting cheese they have locked away in caves in Missouri

No. 1857808

Raw milk is illegal where I live but I heard rumors about a local store that sells it, hoping to check it out and grab some one day. Whole milk for now.

No. 1857811

I said it already. Dozens of dollars per lb. You're looking at prices at least 3-4x higher.

No. 1857815

Enjoy shitting and puking your guts out simultaneously. You could just not drink milk if you're going to let your OCD thoughts eat you alive KEK.

No. 1857818

Keep them and stay proud of them. Living my dream nonna

No. 1857821

Pasteurized milk is bad for you? Why though? Is cream also bad too?

No. 1857842

I already don't drink milk. I can't digest dairy dumbass. And I stand by what I said. The processing plants for commercial dairy are abysmal. Not to mention them locking the cows up in pens all day and pumping them full of hormone altering antibiotics.

No. 1857844

You could just drink kombucha.

No. 1857855

My vegan diet is so much less expensive than having to buy $7-30 on meat every week on top of other stuff, and my bloodwork is great. I don’t even take b12 just a tiny bit of nutritional yeast sprinkled in something every day

No. 1857865

>eggs are cradle theft
The eggs are unfertilised, they will never hatch.

No. 1857868

people who can never be alone and always need to be in a relationship are honestly pathetic

No. 1857869

India is full of cow-worshipping moids and yet it is one of the most misogynistic countries on earth. This is why I hate when vegans pull the ‘If we respect animals more men will stop oppressing us!!’ argument, no they won’t, they’ll just treat the animals better than they treat us.

No. 1857913

they always end up dating the worst people too.
just the other day i was talking abut it with my mum (she's in her 60s) bc so many of her friends - itelligent women- end up with total piece of shit moids. and it's just bc they can't bear the idea of being single as they age. meanwhile the divorced/single ones are doing great.

No. 1857990

Feels good knowing when meat eating will be called out for what it is….evil and I’ll be on the right side of history in 200 years.

No. 1858103

My post wasn't bait. I am dead serious about my opinion, and I have yet to meet a single good counter argument.(dragging infight across threads)

No. 1858121

>Having this serious of a "debate" on lolcow over lesbian sexual encounters
Idk who you think you are exactly but no one cares if you don't want to consider lesbian sex actual sex. Just don't call it sex then? Idk what to tell you

No. 1858156

>no one cares
Obviously you cared enough to reply. Sounds like you're just mad that you can't prove me wrong.

No. 1858176

don't feed the troll

No. 1858196

Patriarchal society is 60-70% of this site kek. Women think the patriarchy is this mysterious omnipotent force watching over them, keeping their paychecks low, forcing them into wearing makeup and helping to exploit other women and girls when women abetting men, going along with the ruse of neoliberal equality, birthing mens children, colluding with men and supporting predators financially, psychologically, and emotionally ARE the patriarchy. Women behaving as if they have no agency to male violence and Schrödingers rapist is a thing, not all men being a active threat is the patriarchy. Women coping for the sake of men IS the patriarchy, mens violence against women, animals and children is barely scratching the surface. No one will acknowledge this because the majority of women love men. I'm not vegan, I don't agree with everything you're saying but I agree with the sentiment. Look at >>1858103

100% right but good luck convincing anyone here

No. 1858212

great sex can only last for <10 minutes. good sex can go on for up to 15 minutes. anything beyond that is plain torture. this goes for both genders. perfect sex would entail immediate orgasm.

No. 1858224

I guess… nah

No. 1858274

look, i agree if we're talking about PiV or direct clit stimulation. i always kek when slutty men brag about lasting for 3 hours, i picture them accidentally starting a fire from dry, chafed genitals. >15min of foreplay seems reasonable though

woah, women are complicit with male violence. utterly groundbreaking, none of us ever thought of this. 'women love men', holy shit, where did you get this ancient sacred forbidden knowledge? go back to the bp thread

No. 1858313

>i always kek when slutty men brag about lasting for 3 hours, i picture them accidentally starting a fire from dry, chafed genitals.
god that's so accurate lmfao. to me, after a while, everything feels like dry anal no matter what it actually is. i can't help but pity people who ever mention having had prolonged intercourse like it was a good thing, it just always sounds like a cope to me. but if it actually is enjoyable for some people i guess good for them.
>>15min of foreplay seems reasonable though
i hate foreplay. another unpopular opinion i guess. unless foreplay means non sexual acts but with sexual undertones like sitting in weird silent tension together or having eye contact etc. that can really turn me on. but i only feel the actually horny, ready to fuck sort of arousal in short violent bursts so any real foreplay or prolonged stimulation ruins my momentum and just makes me queasy.

No. 1858349

>boiling milk destroys its nutrient profile
It also destroys listeria, typhoid and diphtheria… Who knew that boiling milk of all things would get tradtards in such a tizzy.

No. 1858353

Unpopular opinion but I hate people that are obsessed with being ‘on the right side of history’ there is no way of knowing what people hundreds of years into the future will think of you and for all you know they will think you’re retarded. I just can’t imagine being so desperate for approval that I care about what people in the future will think of me.

No. 1858385

Not really. People seem to forget about geographical location, and just how much that affects what you're able to farm. If you truly cared about the environment, you wouldn't be consuming most plants because they're probably not available in your area naturally, and thus the gas used to bring them to you hurts the environment, and you're overlooking the potential eco system damage these plants brought. You'd be extremely limited in regards to your plant protein and meat would become a necessity.
It's almost impossible to be an ethical consumer and it's an exercise in futility. You're not better than anyone else.

No. 1858418

You're a retarded tradthot kek

No. 1858427

Id eat human meat if it was legal

No. 1858443

Agreed, in 200 years I'll be long dead, the fuck do I care? Not to mention that as insignificant as I am I'll be lumped in with the most common denominators of my generation anyway. I might have been a saint in my everyday life, but if the group I'm lumped with in the history books are mostly retarded, that's all I will be remembered for, kek.

No. 1858444

Why should men care about what they’re doing now to women? Won’t matter when they’re dead(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1858477

I don't even really like meat but saying it's healthier to be vegan when every vegan I've ever met has to take a fuckton of supplements to replace the nutrients they miss out on is a hilarious level of cope.

No. 1858481

most of the time supplements are self diagnosed though. since eating meat is the norm meat eaters are usually less obsessed with every nutrient that goes into their body, meanwhile vegans are going out of their way to be vegan so they get obsessed with things like taking supplements etc. not sure if that made sense, I'm sleep deprived

No. 1858483

I don't know the vegans you know so I have no idea what they take, but the only strictly necessary supplement for vegans to take is b12, which most livestock are also supplemented with. You can definitely be vegan and unhealthy, and a lot of them are, but I don't see how taking a b12 supplement and taking one by proxy by eating a burger is really such a big difference.

No. 1858485

fun fact, b12 isn't even in the meat naturally, it's in the gastric acids and the meat gets saturated in that during the butchering process. not vegan btw I just thought that was interesting

No. 1858487

had two vegan friends who were not only fat but anemic too somehow. thats the wonder of vegan diet.

The doctor prescription was literall "just eat meat lol " but since the cult is too strong now they are spending like 4x the ammount of money on groceries and supplements just to try to balace the nutrion of a normal healthy diet but still always posting "i don't get why everyone isn't vegan alredy"

No. 1858494

I'm anemic though and I eat meat pretty much on a daily basis as well as several other people I've known. doctors are usually full of shit and don't care to find out what's actually the root of a problem

No. 1858498

People who think in order to get all your nutrients you must be omnivorous in some way are stupid as fuck, it’s just harder. The animal got that B12 from somewhere too, most mammals have the same vitamin requirements we do. We used to get it from the dirt on our vegetables, as well as the bacteria in our guts if we had enough fibre for them to feed off, that’s how herbivorous animals do it. Not to mention certain types of yeast, algae and mushroom contain b12. Yes, when you are making sure you’re getting enough nutrients from a wide variety of foods, a vegetarian diet is better because animal fat, animal protein, animal hormones and all the stuff accumulated in their tissues during their lifetime have been proven to negatively affect the body. What do you expect? It’s just recycled nutrients. Foods obviously aren’t all good or all bad, being omnivorous is great for the struggling animal because the nutrients have all been assembled for you, so it is a great source of vitamins and minerals. But if you can get those vitamins and minerals from elsewhere, that’s even better.

No. 1858514

Getting cosmetic surgery for a feature you're insecure about is taking the easy way out. So many women get praise for being brave, daring and self-loving when they post about their new boobs/new nose/new whatever on social media, when in reality they just figured it was easier to throw a bunch of money at the problem rather than work on having a healthy relationship with themselves and their body. If you spent 20 years of your life being insecure about your nose you've had plenty of time to read up on some body neutrality and grow a spine. It's your body, but don't pretend getting surgery is doing the emotional work. Those emotions are still going to be there, and you have wasted a ton of money to feel good for a little bit until your insecurities make you focus on some other feature and start the cycle all over again.

No. 1858515

Source? I'm not saying you're wrong, it's just if this where the only source of B12 in animal products, why is B12 in dairy?

>But if you can get those vitamins and minerals from elsewhere, that’s even better.
Plants are not complete proteins, outside of soy which has it's own major issues. It is possible to mix plant protein sources so that a meal would be a complete protein source but depending on where a person lives this would require imported food. If the aim is to minimise environmental impact by removing animal agriculture, any benefit to the environment is nullified by intensive farming processes, which lead to pollution and soil degradation and by the pollution caused by transporting food across the world.

No. 1858525

As damaging as these things are, I would still take porn/hookup culture/ethots/troons over enforced monogamy.

No. 1858528

Incomplete proteins as in they have varied amino acids, why would you only be having one protein source? It’s extremely difficult to actually have an amino acid deficiency, there are always small amounts in pretty much everything. The only people who should care about this are gymbros who want specific amino acids that increase muscle anabolism, of which actually aren’t great for you in high amounts anyway and contribute to insulin resistance (like leucine and BCAAs). Plants have a high glycine to methionine ratio which is optimal for longevity, and a diet rich in animal protein is independently inversely correlated with that.
Kek at the implication that growing and importing plants would anywhere near match the impact agriculture has on the environment. That’s so funny. Do you know how much cows eat and drink per day? 15-20kg and up to 200 litres, per cow. Do you seriously think importing plant foods is the same level? Really?

No. 1858530

Life is short and int he end it doesn’t matter if you win some moral contest with yourself you’re still gonna die. If getting a nose job I’d what makes me comfortable with myself during my forced stay on this planet I’m gonna do it.

No. 1858531

Even most herbivores happily eat meat though. You can see deer an even domesticated cows munching on an animal carcass if they get access to it.

No. 1858532

kek my little sister thought the same thing until she got her nosejob and now it's physically uncomfortable instead of just "ugly" and she's a mouthbreather as a result so she looks worse. That's something a lot people don't think about until it's too late.

No. 1858534

Alright, then go ahead? I don’t have a problem with people eating meat, I just find it weird how people shit on vegans so much.

No. 1858537

>So many women get praise for being brave, daring and self-loving when they post about their new boobs/new nose/new whatever on social media
This is super recent though, it used to be super shameful, and mostly still is. The beauty influencer and the trans crowds are the only two where they circle jerk about it being a good brave thing. The trans one is of course way worse as they amputate healthy body parts of mentally ill children to fix extreme mental illness… as if that would ever work.

With that said I'm also a bit of a hypocrite because I had a purely cosmetic surgery on a deformity I was born with and the difference is night and day. I haven't told anyone in my life I did it though, because it's embarrassing to be deformed and it's embarrassing to admit to being vain enough for plastic surgery. I truly feel like my life began after that surgery, it was a massive weight liften off of my shoulders to finally feel more "normal". Something that used to bother me daily is now off my mind forever.

No. 1858538

>I just find it weird how people shit on vegans so much.
It's because of how vegans themselves acted in the past (some still do). No one has a problem with pescatarians or even vegetarians because they just ate their food and kept to themselves. Veganism itself was/is a social justice movement so they attack and shame others for not being vegan, and others naturally got annoyed and started shitting on them. I personally knew a small independant milk farmer who regularly got sent rape threats about his small daughter from vegans. All because he milked cows.

No. 1858546

>growing and importing plants would anywhere near match the impact agriculture has on the environment
Growing crops on an industrial scale requires artificial fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides.

Artificial fertilizer is usually made from nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Potassium is processed from potash which is mined from the earth. Phosphorus is processed from phosphorite and also mined from the earth. Mining is hugely destructive and can cause long lasting problems such as acid mine drainage which pollutes the environment through heavy metal contamination of rivers and water ways.

Herbicides and pesticides are manufactured by the petrochemical industry and are derived from oil. I don't think I need to go over the obvious environmental impact of the oil industry. Herbicides and pesticides are also highly toxic with many being classed as carcinogens and teratogens, which means that these chemicals cause cancer and birth defects in humans and animals. The contamination caused by these chemicals is difficult to remediate.

A example of this is DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane). This was a widely used as a pesticide before being banned. DDT is an endocrine disruptor, a carcinogen linked with breast cancer and is genotoxic. Millions of tons of it was sprayed on crops and it was used to control malaria. This lead to a dramatic decrease in the wild bird population because it disrupts the formation of hard shells on eggs. Birds would lay eggs that would break open before the chick was ready to hatch. It has an environmental half life of 150 years and it's still found in human breast milk even though it was banned in 1972.

Another example is agent orange, this was a a herbicide that was used to defoliate Vietnam. It was a mix of two toxic herbicides and it was also contaminated with dioxin. I'm not going bother explaining further as the results are widely known.

Growing crops is not better for the environment than animal agriculture. I haven't even mentioned the other environmental issues such as dead zones being created in the oceans by nitrogen run off or the amount of petrochemicals burnt as fuel to transport crops or food poverty caused by demand for food in the west. The entire modern food industry is corrupt and based on unsustainable exploitation of the environment.

No. 1858548

Some people are straight up irredeemable trash that need to be sent to war or made to do some other dangerous job. My neighbor is a fat moid in his forties who’s never had a job (lives on gov’t bucks), owns a pitbull, smokes like a chimney, does drugs all night, and talks on the phone about Facebook drama all day. He’s not an innocuous “lazy” type. He actively makes the world worse for everyone around him. He pollutes the air with smoke, noise, and his worthless breath. What is the point of people like this living in society. They’re nuisances who add nothing to the already overpopulated world. Their lives are absolutely expendable, and nobody will miss them

No. 1858550

I think it's weird when women brag about PIV being the end-all-be-all or brag about being able to orgasm from it. PIV is way too risky for women (pregnancy, easier to get STDs, possibility of constant BV/yeast infections even if the guy cleans) while the guy doesn't bear any of the risk at all. And most men are damaged nowadays, they see PIV sex as them conquering or degrading you instead of something intimate and mutual. Guys will do PIV with women, but at the same time still think their pussies are gross and won't touch them/go down on them or any other part of their body. Disgusting.

No. 1858551

I swear it’s like people forget multivitamins exist. Shit, even people who do eat animal products take them. With all the talk of “oh no hormonez!!!” you see on here, I’d think farmers would be more concerned about all the growth hormones given to the animals they’re eating. Granted, it has been alleged that they’re somewhat safe for human consumption, but I’m not trusting the California Dairy Council or similar entities on the matter.

No. 1858552

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I was looking through some old gamergate-adjacent posts from 2019 and discussions about what makes a ‘sexually empowering female character’. And I can’t help but think ‘empower you to do what exactly?’ .Even though I kinda like Bayonetta because she’s fun and cunty, how has any woman on planet earth been ‘empowered in their own sexuality’ because of her existence? Has anyone ever said ‘because of this fictional character, I now feel confident to ask my male friend for a fwb relationship’? or ‘because of this fictional character I feel confident enough to buy a vibrator’?

The only situation where I can image it being ‘empowering’ is if you cosplay as the character, even then it’s just as empowering to wear a $30 boohoo clubwear fit and hang out with your friends

No. 1858553

If something is described as being sexually empowering for women, it usually means that it's moids that are being empowered.

No. 1858554

I think it just mean empowering to have sex or be “sexy” or something. But maybe it’s more like pressure, not empowerment.

No. 1858556

>Guys will do PIV with women, but at the same time still think their pussies are gross and won't touch them/go down on them or any other part of their body
this and other retarded moid behaviour like them saying they're disgusted by a woman after they have sex with her are why i'm glad to say i've never done anything with a male kek

No. 1858557

Have you considered that livestock are also eating plant crops? There’s a bunch of farms around me just growing stuff for livestock to eat.

No. 1858562

I feel like the industry does a good job covering up how many people are walking around with botched procedures. Even celebrities who look fucked up after some surgery are still praised. I always wanted a nose job too until I saw how many people said they couldn't breathe properly after getting one so that changed my mind really quick. I think I'd rather be able to do the main thing that keeps me alive than have a ski slope nose kek

No. 1858563

Please stop the drag speak

No. 1858566

File: 1705500817800.jpeg (186.4 KB, 1034x1200, 3F6E84B4-E81F-4A90-B351-0551A6…)

“Woman is not yet capable of friendship. Women are still cats and birds. Or, at best, cows.” - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, (Thus Spoke Zarathustra)

No. 1858574

The majority of what is fed to livestock is chaff which is inedible for humans. Chaff is parts of crops such as wheat and rapeseed that are left after processing. Crops such as soy bean are used as livestock feed which has all the negatives of soy being grown for human consumption.

My point is not that animal agriculture is better, it's that both are equally damaging. Anyone thinking they are doing something good by exclusively eating plants is an ignorant retard with no idea of how the food industry actually works. All industrial agriculture, regardless of if it's factory farming pigs in cages or cutting down forests to monocrop soy beans is bad for humans, wildlife and the environment.

No. 1858599

>And most men are damaged nowadays, they see PIV sex as them conquering or degrading you instead of something intimate and mutual.
That's not "nowawadays". Do animals in the wild rape because of internet porn? Delusional. Men tell women that nothing is mutual about PIV and your solution is to dig your head in the sand. What exactly is "mutual" when men themselves tell you you're being used? It appears that actually seeing reality and listening to what men say about women is the actual unpopular opinion on this from consensus here.

No. 1858601

I think it’s sad that society acts like what’s “empowering” and progressive for women is sexualising themselves. Feels like a psy-op from men to distract us from really curating power.

No. 1858606

An ignorant retard, really? Equal is pushing it. In between health reasons and moral reasons, it’s completely ok to decide to only eat plants. Not even close to retarded. So weird how people want to shame others for doing so when that just doesn’t make sense.

No. 1858607

Brainrot. Continue shifting the blame away from yourself and your personal actions that aren't contributing to any of this. Catty gas lighting, catty name calling and down playing womens role in patriarchy and genuine concerns about it from other women just shows you're also an abetter.

No. 1858609

eating once a day is better because I have a big meal to look forward to instead of having to eat several unsatisfying meals. It’s hard to eat 3 times a day and maintain your weight and lose weight.

No. 1858613

I think it’s best for losing weight, it teaches you self-control too. But I don’t see the point if you’re just maintaining it. I try to get all my nutrients and that’s easier to do when you have multiple different, varied meals. It’s also nice to listen to your body, so I stop when I feel satiated, not full, regardless of how much is left on my plate. Which results in eating small amounts throughout the day. I think that feels better sensation-wise, no? Being too full or too hungry isn’t pleasant.

No. 1858615

so true, intermittent fasting from 8pm-noon has been doing wonders for my weight loss. i just eat a snack for lunch and then have room for a big dinner and a little treat for dessert and am still getting in around 1300-1400 calories before working out. people definitely eat way too much, it's crazy how many people don't even think about the calories in what they're consuming. even things like a coffee and breakfast sandwich from a fast food place are like 500-600 calories or more

No. 1858618

I love food too much so even if I’m full I’m gonna finish the plate. That’s why I gotta eat once a day to Maintain.

No. 1858622

I don’t think surrogacy is that bad

No. 1858628

when you look online everywhere it says "minimum 2500" calories a day is healthy.

that seems like an excess, specially for people who don't have physically demanding jobs. Realistically it should be like 1500 calories a day in one or two meals.

No. 1858633

No. 1858637

It’s fine to let Nanny’s take care of your kids the majority of the time for the first 6 years. They’re not going to remember it anyway. I’m not going to waste my time dealing with a new born all day if I can afford a nanny.

No. 1858644

Nonny, it isn't healthy. Your body needs nutrients throughout the day. Any doctor will tell you smaller meals more times a day are way better for your body. I am sorry for you if you're anachan and hope you'll get through it and get healthier.

No. 1858649

I used not to until I learned how it works. Most of the money goes to the agency that hired the surrogate. Then the surrogate doesn't get most of the money. It's just another way of pimping women's bodies for profit.

No. 1858650

It might be a decent average since there are tall active men who eat like 3000-5000 a day and skew it but it's a pretty bad general suggestion. My tinfoil is that they don't bother giving a better recommendation so people don't feel fazed when one of their 3 meals comes out to 1100cal.
That being said, I don't do anything complicated with calorie counting or special eating schedules or whatever. I just eat when I feel like it, I cook a lot of what I eat and don't like super greasy stuff so it works out for me. When I couldn't cook and ate from a college meal plan though it seemed impossible because everything was packed full of calories and I'm short so my caloric needs are like 1400-1600 depending on how active I am

No. 1858652

File: 1705507527076.jpeg (182.66 KB, 780x438, CBE81333-6B80-420E-9FCC-AE75AA…)

I don’t wanna waste my time have a 300 calorie smoothie or a 600 calorie breakfast when I can save my calories so I can sit at Texas road house at the end of the day and eat like a queen. It’s not healthy but it keeps my back from expanding.

No. 1858653

if you do this shit everyday you got binge eating issues

No. 1858654

No. 1858657

you clearly do if you restrict so you can binge but keep coping I guess because you don't gain weight from it.

No. 1858658

Be ready for that to backfire quick. I used to introduce myself as "Anon Nanny'sLastName" when I was three years old because I spent most of my time with her so having her name made sense in my dumb toddler brain. It took months for my parents and nanny to train me back into saying my real last name and they were afraid to take me out in public in case I got lost and said the wrong name to a police officer kek. Kids notice and remember more than you'd expect.

No. 1858659

One meal from a restaurant and a dessert isn’t binge eating. I have to eat once because that one meal is going to be 1200 calories. Anyone who says they space out 1200 calories a day probably only eat snacks. It’s not possible if you want real food. I don’t wanna sit around trying to space out my calories eating nuts and eats all day.

No. 1858660

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No. 1858662

Nuts and eggs*

No. 1858663

You could also do neither of these things.

No. 1858664

I didn't say one meal from a restaurant and dessert every now and then. but restricting every single day so you can binge is clearly an issue.

No. 1858665

you need to learn how to eat actual food. are you american by any chance?

No. 1858666

How is eating one meal and a dessert everyday binge eating?

No. 1858667

how is starving all day every day so you can eat a 1200 calorie meal in one go not binging?

No. 1858668

I'm not saying all people that eat plants are retarded. I'm saying that people claiming to be vegan for environmental reasons are retarded. Veganism is not better for the environment than a meat based diet. I've already outlined why in a previous post. Most vegans are completely ignorant to how crops are grown and where their food comes from. The only exception to this is if a vegan is buying locally grown seasonal organic produce or growing their own food. The majority don't. They eat the same processed slop sold in plastic that meat eaters do with the only difference being one contains animal products and the other doesn't.

No. 1858670

Anyone who says they eat real meals 3 times day are lying. You’re living off snack foods(probably eating shit like tuna packets, hard boiled eggs and diet snack cakes). Even if I was to cook a meal with butter, meat and cheese it’s gonna be 1000 calories easy.

No. 1858671

Yeah, some grown man working in construction carrying bricks all day probably needs that much but when i started really counting my own calories and tracking my activity i realized there's simply no way i am burning that much in my day to day. It was usually around 1200-1500 calories with my rountine even counting some exercise because even if i go to jog and exercise daily i work on a computer and the rest of the time i am lounging around so i can go many hours with little activity.

i am absolutely convinced theres a tinfoil reason to promote over-consumption. I also could swear when i was younger we were told it was 2000 calories and nowadays they say 2500, its a psyops. A lot of people think they are on a diet and are still eating way too much.

No. 1858672

>Anyone who says they space out 1200 calories a day probably only eat snacks.
Lmao, anon, get help.

No. 1858673

real meals can constitute things that are not high in calories but filling. have you ever eaten a protein before that was not deep fried or covered in gravy in your fucking life lmao

No. 1858674

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It’s not binging. This one meal from Burger King for example is 1200 calories. Does that look like a lot of food to you? Most tastey foods have a shit ton of calories and you can’t Space that out. I don’t wanna eat oatmeal all day.

No. 1858675

The fake meat industry is horrible too, those fake burguers are sodium bombs, vegans actually managed to make junk food even more unhealthy

No. 1858676

Like what? Oatmeal and eggs? I don’t wanna eat that stuff that’s why I eat once a day.

No. 1858677

Ok what does your breakfast lunch and dinner look like?

No. 1858678

>tuna packets
pure protein if you couple with high grain bread you got yourself a very filling and low calorie snack. probably more proteic than the gravy covered shit you get on your local restaurant.
>hard boiled eggs
you're borderline fat or just unathletic if you've never snacked on those or even recognise boiled eggs can be a part of a valid low calorie meal.
>diet snack cakes
future motorized shopping cart user confirmed. what the fuck are even diet snack cakes?

No. 1858680

>diet snack cakes
Anon do you mean rice cakes?

No. 1858681

ok, you just want to eat like a lardass yet not gain weight. one can only hope your metabolism doesn't catch up with your scheme.

No. 1858682

are you seriously eating on burger king or your local bbq every fucking day? that's fucking gross regardless if you're getting fat or not.

No. 1858683

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Yeah that stuff is bland and unsatisfying to me and I’d rather not eat at all than eat that. I’d rather just drink water all day and come home to a bowl of shrimp Alfredo, a big salad and a tall glass of coke then finish it off with a slice of cheese cake. Scrumptious and it works because I haven’t weighed over 120 in years.

No. 1858684

just hit a treadmill if you want to eat like a pig. you're just fucking your health on long term eating only trash like that. clogged arteries and diabetes is for everyone, not only fatties.

No. 1858686

>oatmeal and eggs
Curse you nona now I want tamago kake savory oatmeal.

No. 1858687

sure anything can be bland for you if your only "spices" are butter, cheese and salt.

No. 1858688

Even if I ate the foods I want and worked out I’m still gonna get fat. It would be near impossible to burn 3k calories a day if I ate the way I like. Working out for me is about toning up, I don’t use it for weight losing.

No. 1858692

maybe you need to learn to not eat only fast food trash or high calorie meals with 1 block of butter and 300g of cheese? anyway keep binging queen you do you

No. 1858696

Food is one of my favorite things and I know me. I know if I space my calories out through the day at night I’m gonna be hungry and end up at Wendy’s anyway. As long as I look good I don’t care.

No. 1858699

>As long as I look good I don’t care.
Yeah, but is your body functioning long term? You might not care about that now, but give it 10-20 years and you'll probably feel the effects from a lifetime of skinny-fat.

No. 1858702

>No one has a problem with pescatarians or even vegetarians
Disagree, people mald about vegetarians and lump them in with vegans, even if you don't talk about your dietary habits. I used to be vegetarian. Not eating meat is a sore spot for some people.

No. 1858703

you sound like the typical millenial who ubereats every day then whines about being strugling and poor and how cooking on a budget is impossible

No. 1858706

is not a sore spot for anyone what you eat or don't eat. People get mad when you annoy them all day to promote your diet choices and self-pontify with the usual propaganda everyone has heard a million times, its what vegans don't get. you sperg all day to people then act oppresed when they roll their eyes.

No. 1858710

Even healthy meals are going to be over 500 calories. For example a dinner of tilapia fish, rice and a salad is going to be 600 calories and if I ate real meals like that 3 times it’s gonna be at 1600 calories. The only people I’ve met who space out 1400 calories only eat snacks and barely have full meals because duh 1400 calories isn’t much.

No. 1858713

>small independant milk farmer who regularly got sent rape threats about his small daughter
ill bet my lifesavings it was someone from the spinny skirt brigade.

No. 1858716

I can cook like that at home too. Still gonna be 800+ calories

No. 1858721

Responses to this post show how retarded meat eaters are

No. 1858726

>because she’s fun and cunty
Go back to twitter. We dont like drag speak here.

No. 1858731

Is this an American thing? How does one meal equate 1200 calories? What?

No. 1858732

At most restaurants one meal is gonna be 1200 calories

No. 1858740

Maybe in America, sure, I haven’t been. This is so insane. Most of my meals are like 400 calories. What the fuck.
Yeah and fatasses too. Everyone got mad when I said I hate fat people because “not all fat people are pigs” well would you look at that. Nasty

No. 1858745

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Maybe it’s an American thing

No. 1858751

>Meat is slaughter
On no personally I prefer to just bite straight into living animals. Sure they're in pain the whole time but at least they're alive afterwards so that makes me morally superior. Clearly this is the better and more humane option to ebil slaughter.

No. 1858752

Fuck the haters I do a similar diet. Half the week I don’t eat anything til dinner, half the week I have a snack for lunch, then get a bigass cheese naan or ricebowl set or whatever for dinner plus desert. I look and feel better than when I had a “normal” diet. Intermittent fasting is so based and I recommend it to everyone.
Will it affect my health later in life? Doubt it but if it does I’m here for a good time not a long time

No. 1858753

Ayrt and wow. How do thin people even exist in America? If portions like this are normalised since childhood?

No. 1858755

thin people who exist in america are probably like that anon restricting and binging on 1200 pasta dishes kek

No. 1858756

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You don’t know what binge means

No. 1858757

What the fuck are they putting in those sauces?

No. 1858762

Yup and I don’t like wasting my time eating all those little snacks. It’s pointless.

No. 1858763

anons think having one big meal a day and maybe a snack or dessert too = a binge kek you really can't have any sort of diet or count calories without some tard claiming you have an ed

No. 1858766

America is funny because you see a line of people somewhere and its


>Grolok the devourer of worlds
>ultra fit social media influencer

No. 1858768

Right when I imagine a binge i image someone eating a whole box of poptarts and a entire pizza with a box of icecream lol plus it would be impossible to binge on 1200 calories unless that binge consisted of only yogurt and vegetables kek. 1200 calories is barely any food.

No. 1858774

>1200 calories is barely any food.
What are talking about? 1200 calories is 16 eggs or half a kilo of ribeye steak.

No. 1858778

Tbh I don’t see the issue with large portions in the context of restaurants. I get it if we were talking about regular meals but I always found it weird when people criticise Americans for specifically large restaurant portions sizes because as long as you’re eating in moderation on a daily basis, then larger restraint portions are objectively more bang for your buck

>Inb4 anachans have cadaveric spasms

No. 1858780

I don't even do PIV or like it, but there have to be at least some cases where it is mutual and the guy views it as something neutral instead of degrading. Unless you think all PIV sex is inherently degrading to women, I'm going to have to disagree even though I don't like it

No. 1858782

>1200 calories is barely any food
this is your diet when your food is swimming on oil, butter, gravy, sugar and salt. learn how to use actual spices then you won't need all of that.

No. 1858783

File: 1705512822002.jpeg (151.52 KB, 678x509, 54A2DE35-5095-4D8B-AC1D-1CB6B3…)

I don’t want to eat boiled eggs all day sorry. I want real food not snacks for toddlers. Pic related is 1200 calories, how on earth would you consider such a small amount of food a binge?

No. 1858784

Nta but I’m 5’1 and eat at 1200 when I’m cutting, so I can definitely understand why it might not be filling for people who are taller than me and are eating at maintenance

No. 1858785

exactly, and with a binge it's usually followed by feelings of guilt, shame, and remorse. idgaf, i'm full and happy after i've had my supper and a couple pieces of chocolate. i just don't eat much during the day besides maybe a protein bar and a piece of fruit and i'm fine.

trying to break 1200 calories into 3 satisfying and good meals is hard, any time i've done that in the past i always end up snacking because i'm still hungry after anyway. face it, most diet or low calorie meals aren't filling. i'd rather just eat light during the day and then eat a normal dinner and be satisfied instead of going to bed hungry after eating some chicken breast and cauliflower rice kek

No. 1858786

Why is your reference for food so garbage?

No. 1858788

Where the fuck are they hiding all the calories? Is it made of pure oil? I’m convinced that the American government is purposefully making their citizens fat or something, there’s no need for this to be so many calories. All you 1200 calorie binge nonas please learn to cook for yourself and stop having sugary drinks, that could be like half the calories. You still have some fault though because who the fuck has a double cheeseburger but a fatty.

No. 1858789

What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? I highly doubt you are eating full meals ever.

No. 1858790

Nta but cooking for yourself 1200 calorie in three meals is very normal, especially if you’re eating high volume foods like vegetables. You all sound like you don’t know how to season your food and think anything without grease covered meat is tasteless.

No. 1858791

>indulge in any activity, especially eating(…) to excess
that's literally what you're doing, you fucking retard. nowhere except lardassland murrica 1200 calories is acceptable for a meal plus cheesecake and coke as you said. you restrict and then binge, that's disordered eating 101. every single day. if you restricted like once a week so you could have a high calorie meal it would be completely acceptable because most normal non fats do that to have a treat. just because you have a functional ED it doesn't mean it's not disordered. I guess your brain is not getting enough nutrients because you can't even read the fucking dictionary screenshot you posted yourself.

No. 1858793

Ok give ma an example of 3 full meals that come out to 1200 calories lol give me laugh

No. 1858797

File: 1705513275255.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1200x1200, IMG_0046.jpeg)

I don’t know what you expect, a recipe? But picrel is one of the first results from google. I’m so curious as to what your BMI is, kek.

No. 1858798

>What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner
normal foods like bread, oats, granola, proteins, low fat cheese, etc. dinner is usually some protein vegs and some grain or starch. imagine being american lol
use google, we're not your fucking maid. I feel bad for your arteries.

No. 1858800

>If getting a nose job I’d what makes me comfortable with myself during my forced stay on this planet I’m gonna do it
Do you feel the same way about people who go on cross-sex hormones

No. 1858801

File: 1705513386004.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1284x1394, 2054806F-3273-4472-B9A2-8EFB94…)

This one plate is 1500 calories. How is such a small amount of food a binge to you? You don’t know what the word binge means

No. 1858803

Ok so you eat snacks all day lol like I said

No. 1858804

I'm 5'11 and I eat around 2200 calories a day due to height and activity levels. 800 calories for breakfast, 600 calories for lunch and 800 for dinner is a normal day for me.

No. 1858805

it's a binge because where I live there is no way in hell that would be 1500 calories. like what the fuck are you guys even putting on food?

No. 1858806

>bread, oats, granola, proteins and low fat cheese are snacks
you sound obese tbh

No. 1858807

This is what I’m saying. They’ve found some chemical to hide calories in the food because obesity shrinks the brain and makes the population easier to control

No. 1858808

any restaurant food is a binge to some of you kek of course this is going to be loaded in calories because it's made with heavy cream, butter, and oil and that's not even including the pasta

No. 1858812

would easily explain why americans are so fucking stupid but I've met fat people who are not americans and they have normal IQ so the slop they are putting on your fast food has to be the reason for it.
nowhere else a plate of pasta is 1500 calories.

No. 1858813

Stop going to restaurants then, BMI 28chan

No. 1858814

Nta but bingeing is not about the amount of calories. You can eat low/zero calorie foods and still binge.

No. 1858815

I definition of binge is not one small meal that has a lot of calories. Learn to use the word correctly.

No. 1858817

if you are restricting every single day to get to eat plus coke and cheesecake it's binging, sorry anas.

No. 1858819

I don’t want to eat nuts all day and low fat cheese. I want to eat 3 full meals and that’s not possible on 1200 calories. I’m 5’6 at 114 so most likely smaller than you.

No. 1858822

File: 1705513845647.jpeg (310.35 KB, 1284x646, 7C2F4163-E5A2-4044-BB46-E589DF…)

You don’t know what the word binge means

No. 1858824

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No. 1858825

Nta but sure, you’re definitely not overweight, we believe you. No one’s asking you to eat nuts, where did you even get that from, a handful of nuts is like 200 calories. Learn how to cook? Why are you at this fatty american restaurants?

No. 1858827

It would if you weren't a retarded picky eater

No. 1858829

anachans aren't eating 1500 calorie plates of pasta every night you brainlet

No. 1858831

I do cook. I made Cajun chicken, with rice and mixed vegetables and a baked potatoes for dinner. That meal was 700 calories and If I ate that 3 times a day I’d be huge. I don’t want to waste my time eating snacks all day and trying to spread out 1200 calories.

No. 1858836

>I’m 5’6 at 114
considering you have no muscles since you're probably skinnyfat so no. bordering on low bmi, proves that you definitely have an ED and binging is part of your routine. hit the gym then you will burn calories very easily. then you can eat all the proteins you want. just don't go to your fucking gigaslop fattening restaurants anymore and stop using blocks of butter and cheese to cook and lay down the pasta, fatty. learn how to spice and cook your proteins.
cope and eat a sandwich, ana-chans.

No. 1858838

I’m underweight and eat that amount, 2000 calories, what do you mean you’d be huge. You are clearly an overweight person on a diet who only knows how to use salt and pepper and eat double cheeseburgers

No. 1858839

why the fuck you need to eat that 3 times a day? maybe your stomach is stretched due all that binging? have you checked for worms?

No. 1858842

If you’re underweight and eating 2000 calories a day you’re a man or you have some kind of health condition

No. 1858843

Because I love food and that’s why I was fat. I went from 160 to 114 on my diet. No regrets.

No. 1858844

2000 calories is very normal for an active person, maybe you should get your thyroid checked or buy a treadmill.

No. 1858846

What the fuck goes in cajun chicken for that to end up so caloric?

No. 1858847

No way are you burning 2000 calories at the gym everyday. You don’t have a job?

No. 1858849

weight lifting is really good for burning undesired calories.

No. 1858852

No it isn't, pretty much any cardio shit will be better for calorie burning.

No. 1858853

you really have metabolic issues if you get fat from anything above 1200 calories. or you basically don't move all day.

No. 1858854

Anon didn't say she burns 2k calories exclusively at the gym lol, you burn calories by simply being alive

No. 1858856

wow who knew eating 1200-1500 calories made you an anachan, better go tell that to all the girls eating 100 calories a day in cucumbers and rice cakes kek

No. 1858857

just because there are people starving themselves to literal death doesn't mean that starving yourself because your metabolism is fucked but you still want to eat like it's not is not an issue in itself.

No. 1858858

Having more muscle mass will burn more calories even when you aren't doing anything. The higher the muscle mass you have the higher your TDEE.

No. 1858859

But the muscles you put on from weight lifting will actually raise your metabolism and make you burn more calories passively. Burning 2000 calories is completely normal for a woman who is active and not skinnyfat. Even when I don't exercise I need to eat 1700 to maintain and I'm 5'1, 115 lbs.

No. 1858861

y'all dont get it, she wont get to be a skinny waif if she gets muscular. hope you nonas dont get called roidpig or something.

No. 1858884

the roided women are just another psyops to convince women to go on Testosterone and cripple themselves.

Don't know what you mean about waifus either, every single roided female influencer is a huge pickme coomerbait

No. 1858889

nonna i do the same pretty much. i don't like breakfast foods and am never hungry in the mornings anyway. then i go to work and i don't bring lunch because i'm too lazy to pack one, sometimes if i get hungry i'll get a bagel or something to tide me over but then i go home and make a good, satisfying dinner

No. 1858898

you don't need to take testosterone to grow muscle, you fucking idiot.
I said waif, you illiterate dumb retard. I will happily eat my ban for alogging, I cant with this dumbass anymore.

No. 1858900

Weightlifting doesn't have anything to do with roids, retard. You willingly cripple yourself by being lazy and skinnyfat.

No. 1858903

You don't need to take anavar to gain muscle mass as a woman, you just need to lift weights. There is nothing wrong with being muscular as a woman. If anything I would say it was preferable.

No. 1858912

File: 1705516649517.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB, 1284x1817, C20CF578-D98A-4FE0-A15B-CA8469…)

I don’t wanna go to the gym because it’s boring. I’d rather just stick to my 1500 calories ONCE a day. And I’m not skinny fat pic related.(attention whoring anachan)

No. 1858920

you're not skinnyfat, you're just skinny, got it. you're one diet away from being full skelly. congrats? but I still would beat the shit out of you in a fight. anyone who is active can tell you have an ED btw.

No. 1858923

1500 calories a day is not an Ed. Most people with office jobs who don’t work out would get fat eating 2000 calories a day.

No. 1858926

if you're restricting to keep yourself as small as possible you have disordered eating.

No. 1858929

File: 1705517258747.jpeg (590.35 KB, 1284x1058, 6FABEE39-E98F-4E5A-9CC3-D3FAFC…)

I restrict to keep myself a healthy weight.

No. 1858930

1500 calories is not restricting. Eating the daily calories in one meal or three it doesn't fucking matter

No. 1858936

You have to eat at a deficit to lose weight or eat a certain amount to maintain, HAES-chan.

No. 1858937

One disgustingly caloric meal a day-chan doesn't have an ED, just shit taste.

No. 1858942

File: 1705517868454.jpeg (222.66 KB, 1200x1797, C8613981-F31E-47A1-8268-CCF3C9…)

Not a fan of good food huh?

No. 1858945

How would one portion of that be 1200kcal unless it's poisoned with something?

No. 1858952

nta pasta's pretty calorically dense though. same goes for other staple foods like rice and bread

No. 1858964

I think you just need to reset your stomach size. These portions are too big. If you allow it to adjust you will feel satisfied spreading out your meals. Also eat vegetables for fuck’s sake

No. 1859051

she literally said she went from 160 to 114 with this "diet", nice try retard.

No. 1859095

No. 1859150

>They’re not going to remember it anyway.
This is such a cope

No. 1859152

ikr? like why even bother having children if you're just going to pass them off on some rando for 1/3 of their growing years

No. 1859154

Even if they don't remember it, those first few years still contribute to your relationship with them when they're older. You have to build a bond with them. It will be strange for both of you if you're barely present for the first few years, and then all of a sudden you start trying to hang out with them.

No. 1859157

Did you miss the part where I said "even if you don't talk about your dietary habits"? I never mentioned what I ate, people would literally see I didn't have meat on my plate and get passive aggressive or want to "debate" while I didn't care. You're proving my point right now, kek.

No. 1859171

File: 1705529505046.gif (546.4 KB, 220x120, hacksign-dothacksign.gif)

>people would literally see I didn't have meat on my plate and get passive aggressive or want to "debate"
yeah sure, lol

No. 1859175

>it was the tranny
My bad for responding. Ugly and fat moids love trying to bait women.

No. 1859176

Who was? The vegan?

No. 1859178

Why the hell did all of my meat eating posts get deleted what the shit is going on here

No. 1859180

No, the anime-poster making low value posts from thread to thread and malding at people.

No. 1859198

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a nanny either. Because let’s face it; most parents don’t have children because they want to take care of a child and be a present parent. They have children because they think it’s expected of them and it makes them look ‘good’.

No. 1859209

Doctors should highlight the risk of stroke that comes with contraception.

No. 1859225

my cousins were practically raised by a nanny since their parents worked all day, sometimes they would travel for weeks or months and not even be around.

Would not recommend it, it caused serious emotional issues. Better not to have kids than be an absentee.

No. 1859228

I'm almost a doctor and I'll never stop speaking about how it's crazy that in almost every subject but gynecology, we learn about the dangers of hormonal contraceptives and how it causes like every other illness we study. The doctors teaching will tell us not to use it. But in gynecology itself, it's taught to us as a non-issue drug that's amazing and great to prescribe. I legit think gynecologists are too deep in the shilling of hormonal contraceptives by their superiors and gradually forget about all the bad stuff we learnt about it. Because it makes pharma a lot of money. Still it's crazy how they won't even bother asking if the patient they are prescribing contraceptives is a smoker or has any family history of embolism or blood coagulation issues. They don't give a shit.

No. 1859233

File: 1705533277782.jpg (10.47 KB, 400x400, 1000007397.jpg)

That's horrid, what the fuck.

No. 1859234

What kind of contraception? Just the pill or all of them?

No. 1859260

Are hormonal IUDs okay

No. 1859278

NTA but the stroke risk applies to all hormonal birth controls so no the hormonal iud isn't any better, nor is something like the depo shot or a nuvaring. The state of birth control is so completely fucked because the only non-hormonal option that's highly reliable is the copper iud. Other than that you have things like condoms, diaphragms, and spermicides. Those non-hormonal birth control sponges aren't even available anymore

No. 1859295

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female rappers are just high end escorts. I don’t believe they are making money from music. The music is a way for them to promote their “product”. Ice spice, Megan the stallion cardi b etc are all prostitutes and the music is a front.

No. 1859298

I worded it stupidly but it's true. People subconsciously put themselves above creatures of less intelligence.
Why do people own pets? For self gratification. The pet has no say in whether or not it wants to be owned because its been bred to be dependent. Call me a retard tradthot all you want but you can't deny it. And I don't believe animals should be owned or mistreated but animals will intrinsically always be mistreated when they are in service to humans.

No. 1859301

She looks retarded in this picture. Mosaic down syndrome looking ass.

No. 1859316

based nona

No. 1859323

This isn't really a tinfoil, it's just true. I don't have any solid proof of course but I worked at a certain hotel in a certain big city known for its rap/hip hop scene. One of the managers who had been there a long time told me that before she got big, megan thee stallion was a stripper who would often stop by with her ~clients~. Manager sort of befriended her and they'd chat during her overnight shifts. Apparently she was a genuinely nice person too kek. That manager said she met cardi b working at the same hotel and tbh I believe her. I do wonder though, if the "all female rappers are escorts" is just because the rap industry hates women and they had to fuck their way up

No. 1859328

is not like anyone in rap has any talent. Male rappers probably suck dick too

No. 1859335

Why do you believe her?

No. 1859341

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You should be forced on a diet plan if you're over 300. I feel sorry for this girl, I know she's a joke to everyone in the modeling industry.

No. 1859403

If this is your conclusion after didactics your medical school is doing a poor job of educating you. Yes there is a risk for elevating illnesses but the risk is low even with the addition of contraceptives. Why would you cease contraceptive use because there's a slim risk? It's not necessarily doctors shilling for pharma, you treat the issue the patient came in to complain about. I don't know if you're a first year but your train of thought is worrying.

No. 1859404

Models, actresses, female ‘rappers’ and musicians are all prostitutes.

No. 1859408

They do. Lil Wayne and Birdman and Diddy are gay pedos

No. 1859431

its funny that theater has been banned in many societies with different cultures over time and the main excuse has always been because it always involves prostitution rings. Actors have had that stereotype since ancient times.

No. 1859501

Celebrity culture is dying because most celebrities are so ugly now a days no one cares as much

No. 1859508

Yeah celebrities are ugly and it’s easy to become a ‘celebrity’ now

No. 1859524

95% of male rappers are trans attracted/DL scrotes.The ones who come in straight, become sex addicts who will stick their dicks in anything.

No. 1859528

The inclusivity trend has done wonders for fugly, talentless, kweerio nepobabies born into wealth. It's really hurt genuine talent and subsequently, genuine qts.

No. 1859539

It’s partly because they’re all ugly and plain, and partly because most of them are nepos or industry plants. People know more now about the casting couch and yachting type things so celebrities have lost the glamour and mystique they once had

No. 1859543

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Life in prison isn't a punishment for heinous violent offenders and they need to be put to death. Life in prison = "You committed a crime under circumstances that do not warrant death but we cannot trust you to ever integrate into society."
>but anon imagine waking up every day in prison knowing you will die there
It just becomes their new normal. First world prisons are not torture and even come with amenities us normal folk would have to pay for.
>but it still sucks
Ok and people live out their lives in abject poverty, war, and other things that cause constant duress. You're gonna look at picrel and tell me they have it better than a standard, obese american convict? Dream on. Billions of people already live in places worse than prison and they committed no crimes expect being born in the wrong times and places. Sick of mollycoddling the vast majority of spoiled men who made their choices but have gaslit society into giving them no real consequences.

No. 1859550

Most new celebs don't behave like celebs. The ones who do are usually older or actually talented/attractive, or were naturally attractive.
There's a reason why we still have 35+ year old celebs popping up with albums/tours doing better than the younger crowd. You see it the most in the music world, especially rap and rnb.
I notice the celebs who come and do their jobs, don't say much, don't interact much are the ones who still give you that "celeb" feeling. So when you find some shit out about them it's like, "Wow".
Now they all overshare.

No. 1859564

This is true about pop stars and most actors/actresses in Hollywood too, but the retarded stans and gay men haunting this site start malding and calling it a conspiracy theory whenever anyone says it. Wonder why they're quiet for this one, hmm kek

No. 1859568

True, a lot of actresses seem pretty obvious about it too. Ezra Miller made a comment about how actors and actresses are all prostitutes. but I don’t remember if it was before or after he lost his mind and started harming Hawaiian women

No. 1859572

Actually prison is for slave labor

No. 1859583

No. 1859679

I don't give a fuck about your harrowing rape story if you continued to hang around said rapist after the fact. You are only a victim of your own goddamn stupidity if you do this sort of shit.

No. 1859680

There are some cases in which the au pair is a better parent than the biological parents. It sounds like these parents were not only physically but emotionally absent, so who knows what kind of dangers they could have posed to their children

No. 1859685

Autism rears its ugly head once more.

No. 1859689

Anon is having a BPD meltdown over some girl in the groupchat who's getting sympathy for mentioning her assault probably.

No. 1859693

Not trying to be contrarian but can I ask what reasons there would be to continue spending time with the guy who raped you, of your own freedom? Like women who aren't hostages

No. 1859702

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tThe romanticization of poverty is so silly to me, especially because it seems to be done either by:
>1) people who never experienced poverty and weren't affected by it whatsoever (e.g. rich people and celebrities trying to cosplay as poor for brownie points, most tradthots with the "barefoot and pregnant" ideal, spoiled brats etc.)
>2) people who long for simpler times (it can also be people who used to be poor, climbed on the socio-economic ladder and forgot how that life really was). Which I can't totally blame them, but poverty isn't the answer.
>3) unambitious people who have the resources and still tend to blame the world for their self inflicted issues and want everyone to go down their level (this includes podcast scrotes and alt-right autists, I saw some of them getting wet by the idea of a socio-economic collapse so they can bag a bangmaid when poverty strikes and she can't leave them, just like in grandma's times).
And no one wants to admit that poor people are setting up their kids not just to financial strain, but also for emotional and psychological abuse in the future simply because of their cope that being a doormat is an act of kindness that will get you far in life and raise their kids accordingly - when in reality the opposite is true. Which is interesting since such families and communities tend to leech off of the very few people who made it to middle class or a decent paying job and when the person who made it is sucked dry and gets tired of saving and helping everyone financially, that community uses the kindness card against said person. And these are some of my observations as someone who grew up poor in a poorfag community.

No. 1859708

>just leave an abusive relationship it's very easy and not hard to do at all

No. 1859730

Ntas, my personal hypothesis about this is it's probably because of stereotypes about what personality traits you have based on what you eat. Chicken and vegetables are looked at as "feminine", while red meat and especially steak (which is the most gross way to prepare meat ever) are considered "masculine" and "cool/tough", processed snacks and deserts are "fun" and so on. If you prefer chicken over red meat you're a "pussy", if you like steak you're "cool and tough", if you prefer vegetables you're a "pussy" as well. Same thing applies to being vegetarian/vegan, and it's why carnivore diet retards exist, they think they're super cool and tough and scary. It's why they eat meat raw and over exercise and abuse steroids to gain that "tough" image in their delusional heads.

No. 1859733

Autistic “people” like you should be rounded up and funnelled into gas chambers.(calm down)

No. 1859747

after the diddy cassie lawsuit docs this shouldn't be surprising to anyone. so many male rappers are degenerate shitstains even worse than your average hollywood moid

No. 1859768

What does DL mean here? Dick loving?

No. 1859771

Down low, meaning “gay on the down low”

No. 1859801

nta, sometimes you wake up/emerge after a rape and realize (out of survival instinct) you need to pretend nothing happened and humour the rapist like it's a normal day. especially if (for whatever reason) he hangs around, which is nearly every time a rape occurs. some women get stuck in this and may need to be shaken to realize they don't have to keep doing it. it may be harder for women who were raped repeatedly as children. does this answer your retarded question?

No. 1859840

that works too kek

No. 1859878

I don't think a bunch of brainwashed celeb women make a fair comparison to all women.

No. 1859879

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Most women make a big stink about pedophiles but most women would date one. The only time a open pedo is going to have an issue getting women is if he destroys him socially and they don’t want to ruin their image by being associated with him. Rihanna, Avril, Doja cat,Beyoncé etc all have pedo bfs and they don’t seem bothered. When women go against things like rape or pedophilia it seems fake because you’ll see them stepping out with a guy who had charges against him a week later.

No. 1859884

How are Rihanna and Doja Cat's boyfriend pedos? Anyway, it's true, but female celebrities pretty much have to be pickmes. They either look the other way for their own gain, or they defend moids. Look at Julia Fox's defense of Hollywood's pedo culture. People like Scarlett Johanssen, Blake Lively, Tilda Swinton and Kate Winslet defended Roman Polanski and Woody Allen. Miley Cyrus defended Terry Richardson, Lindsay Lohan defended Weinstein. Even Brigitte Bardot, an "old time" star, bashed #MeToo. Ariana Grande remained buddy-buddy with Dan Schneider when others were speaking out on his abuse, and Taylor Swift happily worked with a tranny chasing moid who felt up his teen nephew and dated a braindead racist porn addict. This is why being any kind of stan is fucking stupid, lmao.

No. 1859970

Having a bf seems like more work than it’s worth. It seems like being a parent x23900. You have to constantly surveil his phone and computer to make sure he’s not cheating or doing illegal shit(chatting with kids for example),continuously have to direct him how to do basic shit like remember your birth day or not hit on your sister, you have to watch him around your kids etc etc.

No. 1859988

people can't even deny this is true because why do we constantly see posts, even from young women, talking about how having a man in their lives makes them stressed all the time kek

No. 1860000

People call their online relationships "LDR" to hide the fact they met on discord or something. LDR should be reserved for people who have a partner in the army or who've met while studying/working/vacationing abroad and are now each in their home country. Not for people who's first contact was online and have not or rarely seen each other irl.

No. 1860014

I don't care if people met their gf or bf on Discord or even Twitter, as long as they've met IRL or there are plans to do so. Most young people find their partners through dating apps these days, and some through cringe online communities. It's just not remarkable anymore for me.

No. 1860016

I kinda don’t get the to make sure he’s not cheating. Like if he wants to cheat he’s going to find a way, hovering over his shoulder isn’t going to stop it. Agree in general though

No. 1860029

You have to make sure he’s not cheating so he doesn’t give you a disease. Men have to watched. It’s like having to watch a toddler around candles, it might not knock the candles over and burn down the house but there’s a high chance it will.

No. 1860035

But couldn’t he just cheat while you aren’t looking?

No. 1860041

Yes but I still need to monitor to him so if he does cheat he can be blocked and I can make sure he didn’t give me the clamp. This is why having a bf gives me too much anxiety because it’s like having to baby sit. Yeah on paper trust sounds good but I can’t play like that with men.

No. 1860076

Every day I thank Christ for allowing me to find a decent man so easily

No. 1860082

Short girls who exclusively date super tall guys are weird. Are you trying to be his ventriloquist dummy?

No. 1860098

Do you keep tabs on him by checking his phone etc?

No. 1860104

it scares me how men my age cant even turn the oven on

No. 1860105

If you really control a man like that, it's very likely he'll cheat (or just leave you) even if he didn't plan to do so. If someone tried to control me like that (a man can also have bad past experience) I would just go away, but I would totally understand someone who'd cheat out of spite.

No. 1860108

men are like dogs what are you supposed to do?. They never mature past 16

No. 1860115

ideally you'd find a guy who you wouldn't have to do any of that with because they'd prove they're trustworthy and would be capable of doing basic things. however the chances of finding one like that are very low. would rather be alone than have to baby a grown adult, sad that so many women settle so much and invest so much of themselves in these doomed relationships that will only repeat history

No. 1860116

1. Make sure him cheating only hurts you emotionally (ideally not even that), so make sure the relationship is on your terms
2. Use protection always anyway (you could force him to get check ups as well I guess)
3. If he has to invest a lot into the relationship it would be more of a risk to lose you
4. Accept that you generally can’t control another person to that degree short of a gun to their head or black mail, relationships are a risk

But yeah idk anon, trust nobody not even yourself

No. 1860119

Naw imma need to check that phone and computer because I’m not about to waste my time being in a relationship with a pedo

No. 1860125

If a man really likes a woman he will tolerate having his phone checked. Men always pull the “relationships need trust!” Shit when they’re trying to be sneaky because the know women want to be mature in the relationship.

No. 1860130

He can also just have another phone somewhere or troll bars or seek out hookers.

No. 1860133

I have access to his phone but whenever I look at it I just see coupons and text from his grandma? I honestly don’t think he has the time to cheat on me he works like 13 hours a day kek

No. 1860134

I feel like when dealing with men you have to do little things like leave voice recorders in his car etc most women aren’t willing to do all that because we can’t play on the same level as men unless we are crazy so they just pick a scrote and hope for the best.

No. 1860135

Yeah i know my husbands phone password and he knows mine, we share our lives so it only makes sense for us to share phones kek

No. 1860141

I just would accept that it’s a risk that you run and try not to let it affect me and move on quickly. I get what you’re saying and I hope I don’t sound like I’m advocating it’s ok if he cheats on me uwu cool girl BS, I’m just saying don’t get too invested. They’re not worth it as you said.

No. 1860156

Just don't date if there's truly no decent man around. It's really strange to willfully choose to be with someone you disrespect this much, doesn't matter how justified it is. I can't imagine why would anyone stay with a guy that can't memorise your date of birth (unless you really like to feel miserable and complain to your friends or something).
Also there's no need to deliberately check anything because most guys suck at lying and hiding stuff, if you're not codependent and in denial, you'll see when he starts acting weird, and if he's not able to explain and have a normal conversation about it, it's already clear what's happening. I just often see that women want to have a solid proof and make a guy admit their wrongdoings, but what's the point? You have your perception of reality and you have to trust it (surely some people are delusional or paranoid but it's another topic), if something makes you uncomfortable just leave.

No. 1860159

Found the dizzy bitches that hung around their rapist after the fact kek sorry but not sorry there's not many legitimate circumstances in which you trapped with guy that raped you. Most of time retards go "welp I guess only good for a quick fuck so I let people do whatever to me whenever." And let these losers dog you out while expecting me to go " I'm sorry that happened to you blah blah blah" Nah bitch I don't care you are pathetic hole that enables and rewards these stupid faggots that rape.(infighting)

No. 1860165

nobody said anything about abusive relationships but I know so many women (and men but they generally don't give a shit about abusers) that really don't care about hanging out with someone who did SA or acts creepy around other women, the type of person who doesn't believe in people getting "cancelled" or just refuses to believe victims because oh that little moid is so cool and wholesome there is no way he could've done that. like they think they won't be victimized by the moids because they're better than that until they are too. I have very little sympathy if you've enabled and coddled a scrote like that. it's like raising a pitbull and acting shocked it mauled your kids.

No. 1860194


That's true of basically all of Hollywood and modeling though.

No. 1860274

The ways in which Morrissey is an asshole range from harmless to funny, and additionally I don’t think is xenophobia is necessarily unreasonable. He’s a gigahomo, of course he is going to be wary of immigration.

No. 1860300

the more I listen to other womens' experiences the more I'm convinced what keeps women trying to get into relationships with men in countries where they have other options is FOMO, familiarity (more normalized to be married than single), centering men too much, and insecurity/fear.

I remember - feel free to judge me kek - running an analysis based off of the statistics and research related to heteronormative relationships. The % of successful long-term ones was insanely low in recent data; the chances of something going wrong, like a traumatic experience, was not too far off. Nevermind how the process of dating itself can do a lot of damage, so a lot of women settle with a manchild that isn't blatantly cruel but benefits off of her being his mommy more than he actually sees her as his life partner so he has 0 reason to change. Every day I run into a post that boils down to "my husband treats me like a used rag and indentured servant, but he's a good man!" I don't even think all of these women started off like that either and that abuse doesn't explain all of these situations.

No. 1860308

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Pink bubblegum scent is the best scent ever.

No. 1860335

File: 1705613394160.jpg (139.39 KB, 1024x682, Clear_Creek_Monks.jpg)

Monasteries used to be the place for autistic men, and I think it should be the place for them again. They have a routine, they are dissuaded from being sex pests and they're kept away from women. I think they'd be much happier there too, just intuitively.

The same might be true for autistic women, they're pretty much cloistered away in their grandmas house as adults as it is. Maybe they'd be happier cloistered away with other autistic girls making arts and crafts all day.

No. 1860337

>they are dissuaded from being sex pests
A lot of little boys get raped by monks, anon

No. 1860340

I thought that was just priests, I didn't realize monks even had access to kids :(

I guess I'm idealizing it a lot. I like the idea of monasticism and men being more "pure". I guess I'm sort of naive that amongst themselves they'd be practicing self control.(:()

No. 1860360

Many women also can't afford rent on their own, that's a huge factor. I would've been dropping men left and right if I didn't need a place to live.

No. 1860361

My friend's neighbor (a young woman) was sent to monastery by her mother to finally get a sex life, however counterintuitive it may sound, they have hetero orgies there and her mom knew it from somewhere.

No. 1860363

What country is that happening in? That's shocking but not too surprising

No. 1860371

That sounds so unappetizing

No. 1860433

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Lol it does, I imagine medieval bacchanalia like picrel but worse

No. 1860534

I do consider that tho it's not always that cut and dry.
Factor in a few things: childcare/pregnancy (having a child costs 10000$s+ easily), putting more effort into birth control + sexual wellness, etc. Many of these impoverished women just become single mothers, which is an objectively worse situation financially. Time is money too so the time spent maintaining the relationship and the additional domestic labor could be spent working a real job. Divorce is also financially ruinous, marriage is expensive, and there's also alternatives. I knew a few women with a minimum wage job that owned a house together. Also, as I mentioned there is also a mental/spiritual toll from being in a bad relationship that could further decrease a woman's ability to support herself. Most women that end up in bad relationships for monetary reasons do have a choice to build safety nets up themselves beforehand that they didn't take. Yeah, sometimes the sole alternative to being in a bad, transactional relationship is homelessness so I understand that, but there's still a huge chunk of really dumb poor women that spend years and tons of resources trying to build up a man instead of herself only for it to blow up in her face later.

No. 1860543

I'm planning to become a nun or a sister, and being cloistered is something I am considering. I'm not autistic, but such a lifestyle would bring much-needed peace to my life.

No. 1860549

Zoomer feminists are always kissing Margot Robbie and Greta gerwigs ass and I don’t get it because both of them fuck married men. They’re the same as all the other Hollywood prostitutes. Margot Robbie sat and giggled like a school girl while will smith showed deep fake porn to the rest of the cast of the suicide squad and was still buddy buddy with him.

No. 1860576

When did Margot Robbie sleep with a married man? She seems so fake and contrived that I wondered if she was antisocial or autistic after watching an interview, she has that uncanny vibe where it seems like she’s pretending to be a human. I think she’s a good actress though

No. 1860580

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No confirmed rumors but her behavior hints at that she would

No. 1860583

File: 1705634432082.jpeg (Spoiler Image,634.95 KB, 1284x1618, BF7A73BA-C137-4B46-8EC5-285701…)

And the time she sat and laughed along as will smith showed everyone a deep fake of her

No. 1860588

Disgusting. Actresses are all pathetic prostitutes.

No. 1860591

Why are you demonizing Margot for being with Will Smith when Jada also openly dates other men?

No. 1860593

Brad Pitt and Angelina weren’t in a open relationship tho

No. 1860598

Samefag also why would you fuck someone who showed everyone a deep fake of you as a joke kek

No. 1860600

Giggling like a retarded pickme about porn doesn’t bother you?

No. 1860615

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I liked lady bird but it rubs me the wrong how Greta Gerwig gets shilled as a relatable it girl when she got mainstream thanks to an affair with a then married noah baumbach. Yes she had credits before but she was in the indie scene, she definitely benefited from her connections to Noah. And it's gross how Noah made an entire sob story about his ex wife divorcing him with marriage story.

No. 1860616

i don't even understand what either of them did that was particularly feminist. being capable of directing a movie as a woman isn't some huge feat, and playing a Mattel toy in a movie isn't super impressive

No. 1860620

Woah her boobs look gross

No. 1860621

Not to mention when he cheated his wife just gave birth

No. 1860633

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I think Margot Robbie just flirts with and or bangs all her males she works with so she’s good with the men and she’s good with women because she keeps her mouth shut so women can just project a personality on to her because they don’t know anything about her…she’s like Beyoncé. For Greta zoomers just don’t know her horrible history.

No. 1860638

"Some woman snuck in a kiss with a famous heartthrob!" is kind of an innocent cutesy thing (it's just a kiss) and "she laughed while will smith did something disgusting that made him deserve a bullet in his whore brain" is a really sad story. dgaf about her as a person but I fail to see how that second story reflects poorly on her but i do hope that faggot cuck gets shot in the head now

No. 1860640

what history

No. 1860644

If the alternative is being blacklisted from your career forever for being a stuck up cunt? I could see myself doing this because I was too scared to stand up for myself and then feeling disgusted and violated about it for the rest of my life. I don't really instantly follow the thought "oh she was sexually humiliated by her coworker" with the thought "it must be because shes a pickme!"

No. 1860645

I wouldn’t think it’s cute if a woman kissed my husband who has a history of cheating with costars unscripted and told him she wanted to fuck him unscripted

No. 1860647

Totally feel you about how a jokey flirty kiss that involves a cheating husband is different, but I guess I feel like when the husband in question is Brad Pitt, he feels more like a cartoon character than a real person

No. 1860649

This is this kiss scene. So innocent and cute. The monologue and kiss was something she came up with on the spot so she didn’t even have to do all that lol

No. 1860652

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Would you take flirty pics and say his kisses feel like Christmas too?

No. 1860658

Her history of sleeping with a married man who has a pregnant wife. Very girl power.

No. 1860675

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Margot doesn't flirt with every man she works or is around, but she knows how to pretend not to be visibly repulsed by them

Her interactions with the walking herpes infestation on Graham Norton had her uncomfortable but she kept up appearances and just kept smiling or grimacing awkwardly and moving away from him.

No. 1860677

people don't give will enough shit for being a cheater, all the hatred goes to jada because she's vocal about how cringe their relationship is

No. 1860683

I feel like Jadas response is just revenge against years of will cheating first but unlike Jada, wills mistresses keep their mouths shut so there’s no solid proof of him cheating.

No. 1860684

Will Smith and Jada Smith have been separated privately for years.

No. 1860704

I thought they had an open relationship, which is gross and all that, but at this point what can you expect? But maybe that's just bullshit I read somewhere.

No. 1860705

Will Smith and Jadas relationship was a dumpster fire from start to finish and it was an open marriage too.

No. 1860714

Messing with men who do open relationships seems like the opposite of feminist behavior to me

No. 1860721

I mean it's better than just flat out cheating with someone, but you can't really expect women in Hollywood to uphold feminist values, it's all incredibly backwards and fucked. You probably can't even get roles without nepotism or trading sexual favors

No. 1860724

Yeah I understand but it’s just comical that Greta and Margot get uplifted as feminist icons because of Barbie when they are they same as everyone else in Hollywood

No. 1860740

I find Australians to be far more annoying than Americans in online spaces. Especially the eternally online people that form wild accusations about different countries from a TikTok they saw once. In every video of a strange or unusual products there is always one comment along the lines of “Well in Australia we (insert common af activity that people also do in other countries)”

No. 1860762

No that's India. It's always Indians that go "Well no actually in India.." when it's a video that's very obviously made for and by (North) America. Indians need to stfu.

No. 1860767

Every Indian woman I have met has been an abundance of joy and every Indian man I have met is the opposite

No. 1860817

I don’t get Lana del rays Music… Its horrible. The first time I heard cola I thought it was a joke.

No. 1860831

Her interview with Cillian Murphy was posted on the celebricows thread and she told him she was obsessed with him and listened to his podcast thing where he read erotic literature every night before she went to bed

No. 1860834

Cola is satire

No. 1860841

Not the lyrics but the sound. All her music sounds boring. He dreary voice makes it worse.

No. 1860844

That’s something only narcissists do
They’re all prostitutes and they don’t really even try to hide it kek

No. 1860845

Cola literally is a joke and she never fucked Weinstein

No. 1860848

Not the lyrics but the sound. Her music sounds like shit. Her Melodies are boring, like the music equivalent of watching paint dry.

No. 1860850

i feel the same, i dont get the hype about her how she is some groundbreaking ARTEEST, her music bores me to death

No. 1860853

I don’t understand how someone can sit through 14 minutes of this shit

No. 1860871

I will never defend Lana Del Rey and im not a stan at all but her music is exclusively associated with joy, summer, and recreational substance abuse. A lot of us listened to her music as teenagers, with friends etc, and have a lot of positive or at least carefree life experiences tied to her music. I suppose I can understand why people have a hard time letting go. For me, songs like diet mtn dew, off to the races, cola, blue jeans, etc are associated with a much better time in life, it's kind of like unlocking infinite summertime in your mind when it takes you back. Shes kind of abhorrent though I wont lie.

No. 1860873

Her music sounds very depressing to me. It’s the kind of music I’d imagine someone listening to drunk and alone because they just got dumped.

No. 1860877

I didnt mean everyone associates it with joy, just me. Because for me (and many others) it's ~nostalgic~ and I have great social experiences and friendships tied to it. I don't expect people who dont to like her music or find it appealing.

No. 1860881

I guess that’s good. I can’t even understand how a teen or kid Would have the attention span to listen to her more than 2 minutes. Every word is so drawn out. Muhhhhhhhhhh pUSsSsSsSSy tayyyyyyyytsesss liukeeeeeee pepsiiiii couuuuula.

No. 1860896

I wish there was some sort of way to report people who comment on car accident videos who take the side of the person who is clearly in the wrong, to their car insurance companies or someone else so they get their licences taken off them.
For whatever reason I've seen multiple videos of this over the last few days and there's at least half of the commenters saying the person who did the retarded thing isn't at fault when there's no way you could logically come to that conclusion.
It can't all be trolling, it must be low iq masses who are that mentally challenged they cannot comprehend the person who's fault it is is actually at fault.
They shouldn't be allowed to drive. They will kill someone with their incompetence.

No. 1860905

It’s called singing you ugly virgin femcel

No. 1860907

Get her. Femchads listened to LDR out with their friends while femjaks stayed inside seething about it.

No. 1860908

Her singing sucks. So does Miley Cyrus. They both wanna sound the indie girls from the 60s and 70s but they are trash.

No. 1860922

I didn’t hangout with crack heads who date 30 year olds at 16 which is the kind of teenager who likes Lana

No. 1860929

Miley Cyrus is a retarded nepo baby with a creepy voice, why compare her to someone like Lana who has a beautiful goddess voice

No. 1860934

Lana sings like she is waking up from anesthesia with a mouth full of marbles.

No. 1860938

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At least it's not nightcore.

No. 1860944

No she does not

No. 1860949

She sounds awful kek

No. 1860950

I don't particularly care about either but I think Miley is the better singer out of the two of them.

No. 1860953

She sounds like 45 year old chain smoker.

No. 1860964

And Lana's voice is weak af and she can't even make it sound intentional live.

No. 1860972

so sounding 45 makes a singing voice automatically sound bad to you? ok, interesting.

No. 1860975

Both of them sound annoying. Miley tries to sound soulful but just looks and sounds retarded.

No. 1860982

She's kinda like a boring Hope Sandoval imo

No. 1860992

She sounds enchanting anon, you’re just jealous. At least her voice is unique and mesmerizing and has personality, unlike generic autotuned industry prostitutes like billi eilash

No. 1861002

kek nice subtle trolling

No. 1861028

No one is trolling you jealous sow(infighting)

No. 1861038

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of course(infighting)

No. 1861113

Lanafags are the most obnoxious posters here.

No. 1861132

LDR sounds like a duck to me. Daisy Duck.

No. 1861135

They're very tryhard and act like gay men, agreed

No. 1861140

wtf i like her songs but why would they put up an orchestra for that singing omg…
and the people in the comments defending it kek

No. 1861173

Lard Del Rey is boring and her pussy probably tastes like Industrial grade Ammonia because she is fat and has STDs from fucking Weinstein

No. 1861175

I think it is a really pathetic waste of energy to argue about the merits (or lack thereof) of two retarded pop singers. wtf is wrong with all of you? (this is coming from a shaytard btw, that's how sad you all look)

No. 1861178

opinion discarded. you'd probably be happy if we were insulting their tits and trying to find the grainiest cameltoe and upskirt shots to nitpick their pussies

No. 1861182

Lana is Shay but rich. Both fat tall women who larp as little girls

No. 1861193

you're so much worse kek

No. 1861195

Zendaya cant act and she’s a lesbian in the closest

No. 1861259

that was… literally the point of the post. at least nitpicking cows is ostensibly and self indulgently retarded, you guys are fighting over celebrities who's lives are objectively better than yours and probably view you as ants. what is the point

No. 1861263

Agree, I’m a fan of her but Lanafags here can’t stand anyone not licking her ass every minute and actually make me dislike her kek.

Your opinion is irrelevant then, go back to making fart edits of Shayna.

I can’t stand the fact that she is with Tom Holland lol. She’s beautiful and modelesque and she is longterm dating a mid manlet with no lips, she deserves someone on her level.

No. 1861267

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to appreciate BIG SHAYNUS. The humour in her threads is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the seven years of lore most of the jokes will go over a typical farmers head. There's also her delusional outlook, which is deftly woven into her fake bimbo anal persona- her personal philosophy draws heavily from several sources that include her ass, Hello Kitty and post modern libfem literature, for instance. The shaytards understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the bleakness of her life, to realise that her repeated failure isn't just funny- they say something deep about the current sate of the west. As a consequence people who dislike Shay threads truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in the threads existential catchphrase "bleak" which itself is a cryptic reference to not just Shayna's depressing ground hog day life but is a general snapshot of being a woman in todays society. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Shayna's lack of self awareness unfolds itself into milk in her threads. What fools.. how I pity them.

No. 1861401

this is going to sound soo cringe and edgy but i'm being serious. also its unpopular to me because i live in a state with a very high religious population. i cannot bring myself to respect christianity/catholicism or anything that falls under "western religion" i guess? buddhism, islam, etc yes despite their issues. but western religion is just so goofy and unserious to me. i'll meet people my age or younger who are die-hard christians and i feel secondhand embarrassment like, i expect this from old people not you? i think it's because i've witnessed so many people in the movements who are fake or use it for advantages, that i think it has no meaning anymore. i have never met someone into islam or judaism who wasn't ballsdeep hardcore insane practices they follow every day. i don't like them because obvious misogyny in the religion, but i won't laugh in their faces. its just so fucking corny to me. when i was a kid i was like yeah, ill believe in god because i have to and when i was 10 i was like. none of this makes sense i don't really care anymore. and this girl in my neighborhood i played with, i told her this and she freaked tf out. she literally told her grandma and they said theyll pray for me and jesus will still be with me and i was just like ..ok
just everyone is so corny and takes themselves too seriously

No. 1861404

I don't know how she's still getting cast in shit after euphoria kek

No. 1861405

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Michael Kovach is a shitty voice actor I hate hearing his annoying ass voice and seeing him everywhere.god awful nasally voice.

No. 1861406

>islam and buddhism are a okay!
>even though they're just as sexist as christianity
Are you a zoomer, bffr. All religion is fucking retarded and misogynistic. Nonwestern religions are in no way more respectable than western religions, it's all the same retarded bullshit.

No. 1861467


No. 1861491

Aren't you just saying this because you're personally more familiar with Christianity so it's easier for you to notice how and why it's so stupid? I'm like you but with Islam because that's the religion I was raised to follow and I very quickly believed it was a dumb as fuck religion, and on top of that people around me only follow the parts they agree with and don't follow other parts while judging or even harassing and threatening others who don't follow the same parts. Like one of my sister's childhood friend dated a guy, did a "religious wedding" or hlel or however it's called just to party and have a fancy dinner with their family, had a kid out of wedlock so she could receive financial help from the government as a single mother and then she married her bf a few years later. But god forbid she catches other Muslim women her age kissing and holding hands with their boyfriends in public kek. I have a Christian friend who isn't super religious but it always freaks me out a little when she tells me she prays in her usual church whenever she feels like she needs more luck. Like girl that's not how that works.

No. 1861536

our local tradthots and adjacents will piss shit and cry but you're right about western religions being corny and retarded. also you're on your right to speak exclusively about them since you mostly have experience with them, god forbid someone have nuance and want to speak only about something they have first hand experience with. I'm pretty sure you know the othe religions are full of shit and sexist like christianism but the one that your state is full of is not muslims or buddhists so it feels singling out if you complained most about these.

No. 1861541

It's a zoomer who came from tiktok, that's why she's "cool" with islam (because if you say it's retarded you're muslimphobic).

No. 1861562

I’m so fucking tired of them

No. 1861575

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yeah, islam is superior to western religion. go back to tiktok and tell everyone. hope you don't get murdered by a family member for being on there!

No. 1861584

I know this is bait, and a weak one at that, but I can't help but to agree with the corniness of Western Christianity - specifically those weirdo sects from Anglophone countries.

No. 1861600

Naturally healthily thin women always reign superior. Ozempic buccal fat removal women and fullblown anachannings are both pathetic compared to a women who just looks tastefully skinny without gaunt extremity

No. 1861605

is this actually an unpopular opinion? Buccal fat removal is constantly one of the ugliest celebrity trends currently and nobody except for anachans finds anorexic thinness more attractive than natural thinness

No. 1861608

That's called being healthy and it's very popular

No. 1861610

Of course but the idea of what "healthy" looks like also changes every year, even medically speaking kek

No. 1861623

File: 1705716409652.jpg (2.85 MB, 1500x2403, Soap-Box-Image-Boy-GraphicsFai…)

I think the internet would survive just fine with less pictures of the shitty bland tacos you ate for brunch

No. 1861632

Racism kind of gave birth to troons. People are going to think “ well 50 years ago native Americans weren’t trusted”. People are going to question the logic of your thinking and even me as a minority I think “well people think I’m lying and what if troons really feel like that ?”.

No. 1861647

I've read this so many times and I'm not even sure what it's supposed to mean

No. 1861675

Oh thank God I'm not the only one

No. 1861745

VSCO girl was the harmless tween aesthetic but everyone bullied them into becoming egirls or that girl thots

No. 1861757

I wish emo and edgy rock music sound would come back but that ship has sailed.

No. 1861762

Nta but I think that anon means that the discrimination of minorities based on prejudices that later on were proved to be false and baseless, has basically become one of the reasons why trannies are rampant everywhere, because now everyone thinks that maybe trannies aren't harmful in any way.
While I believe that's possible, I don't blame people for being unsure about what opinions to form about a group of people acting like they're being honor killed everyday for not wearing the right clothes at their own homes.

No. 1861834

vaporwave teen boys were innocent before soundcloud era

No. 1861842

How have I never even heard of VSCO girls until a few days ago and now everyone keeps talking about them

No. 1862051

thanks lol im surprised at the backlash i received, i thought id be mainly ignored but are there really so many tradthots on this site now? kind of embarrassing on their part
perhaps! i think those religions are stupid too, also in my experience they arent in your face about it. they have their community and do their rituals on their own time even if i internally shake my head at a woman wearing a hijab.

No. 1862064

>based on prejudices that later on were proved to be false and baseless
blacks never proved it(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1862081

I wonder which race is more likely to be pedophiles. you retards are honestly obsessed(responding to bait with more bait)

No. 1862085

You see cultures that allow for child predation in some parts of the world.

No. 1862086

nonnie are you french? not to be creepy kek but i am and this feels very familiar, down to the marriage arrangment. i would be a raging reddit atheist if i didn't meet people who clearly are good people thanks in part to their religious education. they're rare because they're nonjudgmental and are harsh with their own faults. religions (all religions) have the inverse appeal for most, you get to spit on others and feel good about your own sinful self for doing silly little rituals

you mean every single one? last time i checked incest is the most common kind of abuse and most people want to keep it secret. which religion is currently known for pederasty already? i forgot, is it.. ca.. cath.. ahh well we'll never know

No. 1862090

I'm meaning policed within their own culture, as in western cultures it is illegal vs other cultures that its encouraged and not illegal. Other religions also have child predation wrapped within it.
I wonder what the % of the catholic church child abuse situations were men on boys?

No. 1862092

You do know that the ratio of child abuse is exponentially higher in public schools than catholic ones? You might want to do a double check

No. 1862094

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>as in western cultures

No. 1862096

Thats because other cultures and those who allow child rape arent much online

No. 1862099

Do you have an explanation for the fact that the Netherlands hosts the most CSAM?

No. 1862100

They have access to the internet compared than bumfuck nowhere cultures with no internet.
Maybe their laws for it are more lax compared to other counties.
I'm not arguing they dont host the most content, I'm arguing that there are cultures that are fine with that happening and do so with no repercussions, unlike the western first world countries.

No. 1862101

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>Do you have an explanation for the fact that the Netherlands hosts the most CSAM?(racebaiting)

No. 1862102

A good point actually, I didnt consider that

No. 1862103

Once again the unpopular opinions thread is bait central. You don’t have to reply to it. Hell, half the beginning of the discussion was racebait, just report and ignore.

No. 1862105

What part is racebaiting if its truth though?
Can we not have truthful discussions?(Global rule 7. Do not instigate or engage in race related arguments.)

No. 1862107

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No. 1862111

in regards to the race spergery, i truly dont believe racist whites honestly, completely know why theyre so obssessed with blacks kek they can explain the jew and brown muslim spergery, but not really the blacks kek(racebaiting)

No. 1862112

There should be more sex segregated schools.

No. 1862115

I think it’s kind of like how narcissistic parents get mad because their abused child cut contact. Racist whites are mad that they cant own and control black people anymore, that’s where the obsession stems from….(racebaiting)

No. 1862116

unironically a shithole

No. 1862118

Drag queens are cringe, drag kings and bio queens are both based and underrated. It's not moids place to "satirize gender roles" or whatever their excuse is, even more so those that weren't even forced on them in the first place. It's insane how most drag fans are somehow more accepting of both TIM and TIF queens than bio queens and completely ignore kings

No. 1862120

I would put a major red flag to any moid who spergs about really wanting to go to Amsterdan.

No. 1862123

What is a bio queen exactly?
I have seen male drag queens say stuff like they're all just copying famous women / Dolly Parton was a drag queen / etc.

No. 1862124

almost never prosecuting rape/pedophilia and even allowing pedophilic relatives to stay with kids despite CPS involvement (very common occurence) is effectively making it legal to abuse children. i will agree that say, places like afghanistan or japan or (insert shithole) are overall more pedophilic but it's not night and day.

true, but i think religious loyalty has a part in those scandals rarely coming up to the surface. i guess bizarre protestants sects are a better example

No. 1862127

Yeah Elvira the mistress of the dark is probably the best bio drag queen ever.

No. 1862130

No. 1862132

For very obvious reasons americans won't ever look into protestant churches and much less what happens in jewish synagogues.

I it find funny how even the most ardent fedora tipping redditors suddenly start screaming islamophobia when someone brings up their culture of child abuse and shit like Bacha Bazi. Is like their woke cables getting crossed. try bringing up abuse in a synagogue and get turbocancelled in a milisecond lol.

No. 1862229

It's delusional, refugee scrotes aren't hosting shit online. They don't even own property, know the language or have decent jobs. Stop simping for scrote collectives, it's 2024.

No. 1862604

I think men have lower standards when it comes to singing songs just like the majority of things in their life.

No. 1862626

the term drag queen to refer to women with these styles is retarded can society come up with something less retarded. What happened to vamp?

No. 1862674

If I were pretty I would date men in their early 20s(I’m 31)but I’m ugly so I don’t because I don’t wannabe in a sugar momma relationship. I think that’s why most women don’t date younger because we don’t wanna pay for dick, men don’t mind paying someone who finds them repulsive for Pussy. I think if you’re a pretty woman guys won’t care about age at all and won’t try to get money.

No. 1862801

The whore/madonna complex isn't a male thing it's a woman thing, I'm so sure of it. It's literally how the women around me flip all the time with their relationship dramas.

No. 1862812

No. 1862814

Seconded. Bitch what are you talking about

No. 1862840

kek i hate it when anons post some batshit insane opinions here and then refuse to elaborate

No. 1862843

I have chose to decide its the same retard over and over

No. 1862911

Idc i don't hate Ariana and this bandwagoning isn't going to make me hate her either.

And before someone days >but look at what she did.

Ok and? If she wasn't from Hollywood I would hold her to a higher standard but this bitch is literally from a industry where celebrities are in the news for doing something scandalous every 2 weeks and most people forget about it or still are a fan of that person , just look Lana for example she is a horrible person with questionable lyrics that groomed a generation of girls but anons here worship Lana, where are your morals now? Exactly, they are nowhere to be seen. This cancelation of Ariana feels so fake and forced and I do not give a shit especially when actual dangerous female celebs like Nicki Minaj are still treated like a pop-culture icon by people and even given a song for the barbie movie which is a supposed feminist film meanwhile Nicki harassed and threatened the rape victim of her husband and also begged the president to free her pedo brother from jail.

Also Ice Spice who is supposed to be the "it-girl" literally had underage girl twerking in her music video.

No. 1862912

Very cool

No. 1862917

This is a very, very dumb take anon. The correct answer is that both genders do it…unfortunately.

Also the madonna/whore should never be defined by their appearance or sexuality because that's not what it REALLY is about, what it really depends on is how much the public or individual likes/respects you. If they like you then you're a Madonna and if they dislike you then you're a whore and even if you are a virgin or bad at flirting they will still make up rumors to paint you as a whole because the madonna/whore thing actually depends on likeability and not actually appearance.

Although there are exceptions and there are cases where it does depend on appearance or even political stances such as certain anons labeling all women who wear makeup as slutty/pickme/libfem/insecure etc. The insecure part is especially projection.

No. 1862919

Stop spacing like that, it's distracting and othering.

No. 1862925












No. 1862927

Topkek trololololol le maymay

No. 1862929

I'd hate to bring a days old post up but you don't even see how misogynist it is. For women their rights are always conditional and they always have to "prove" something to idiots like you so they can get treated like a equal to man.

Notice how no one compares men to bulls getting abused and tells men that they should become a vegan because of it. That's because a man can just exist doing what he wants and he will not be a Castle because of that. it's always the "women are like insert animal and therefore should become vegan otherwise they shouldn't complain about misoginy". Man fuck you all of you do this, trannies, vegans, religions, blm etc.

No. 1862931

Don't make fun of me.

No. 1862956

I hate all of them. Hope they go broke and I hope the scrotes involved die a miserable slow and painful death

No. 1862997

As a U.S. voter, I think that one should register as the "opposite" party so as to vote for the "least worst" candidate in primaries.

No. 1862999

People coming down on Ariana like this are just jealous. She was the pretty girl on the top and now she’s losing her looks etc and people are enjoying seeing her fail. 99% of the women in show business have slept with married men with kids so it’s obvious no one really cares forreal.

No. 1863007

I will never pay to to see the the Barbie movie because it’s just gives me fake woke feminist vibes. Both Greta and Margot have made a career from being whores so I really don’t get how they get to shove their preachy movie down my throat. I’ll watch that cheesy bullshit when it’s free.

No. 1863049

she's 'losing her looks' because she probably has an ED and makes poor decisions with her plastic surgery. I think she'd probably look fine otherwise. But she definitely looks weird right now.

No. 1863053

reading youtube comments is a good way to lose faith in humanity people always say the stupidest shit there and admit that their behavior is dangerous

No. 1863061

Women would have an easier time dealing with men if they could just accept men are opportunistic and never expect loyalty from them. I know if my bf ever got rich or if I got sick he would be gone, he’s nice to me right now because he’s broke and he needs sex. This is just apart of their nature that you have to accept. You can lesson the blow by putting as little effort into the relationship as possible so when he eventually screws you over you won’t care. Women put so much effort into relationships(loaning money, helping men build their businesses for free etc etc) and then want to throw a pity party once he’s established and dumps them.

No. 1863065

That hood rat you're dating must have big dick.

No. 1863069

He’s nice to me and buys me stuff but he’s not rich. I understand he’s with me because I’m in his tax bracket and I don’t delude myself into thinking he wouldn’t leave if he were rich.

No. 1863075

Imagine listening to men’s cries that they “need sex” and then giving it to them.

No. 1863078

>I know my bf is only with me because he's broke and can't get sex anywhere else but I still stay with him
KEK are you for real. If you actually wanted things to be easier for women you'd encourage them to stop cohabitating with men full stop. This is pickmeism and self sabotaging on another level.

No. 1863079

He’s never said this to me but I’m aware of how men think. Men only get into relationships for sex. That’s why the young ones who are good looking or rich would rather die than be tied down because they can get sex easily without commitment. Women don’t understand this because women want deep emotional connections regardless of their social and financial status and can’t accept that men only want relationships for sex.

No. 1863080

No one “needs” sex, nonna. What’s in this for you? I hope he’s at least giving you orgasms bc the relationship you’re describing sounds like a waste of time.

No. 1863081

Meh I have him around to pay for bills and food. Most women would see this behavior and think “awww it’s because he loves me”, I don’t think that. I understand that he’s a man and he’s with me because he wants sex.

No. 1863082

All relationships are like this. Just because he’s not saying it doesn’t mean he isn’t thinking it.

No. 1863083

If only you lived in the 21st centuries with all means to get education, a good job and the ability to provide for yourself.

No. 1863084

Surely you must have some other redeeming qualities besides your vagina.

No. 1863086

Because I can do that and have him pay for my shit. I’m opportunistic just like men are.

No. 1863088

It hurts women to hear this but most men don’t care about anything women have to offer other than sex and free labor. That’s why they’re cool with dating women who can’t speak English or are 20 years younger and have nothing in common with them if she looks hot. Most men literally only care about sex/looks.

No. 1863093

There's nothing opportunistic about living with a near-broke man and maintaining the status quo women have had for decades. You're basically describing a prostitution arrangement, sex in exhange for compensation.

No. 1863094

You should tell him you think that

No. 1863095

>I know if my bf ever got rich or if I got sick he would be gone
>he’s nice to me right now because he’s broke and he needs sex
>putting as little effort into the relationship as possible so when he eventually screws you over you won’t care
>Meh I have him around to pay for bills and food
>"it’s because he loves me”, I don’t think that.
Nona you're just in a miserable loveless relationship and you're complaining on lc in an effort to convince only yourself that this is normal and all relationships are like this. They aren't, your moid ain't shit and you don't even love him.

No. 1863096

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Girl… love yourself and break up with this man you don’t even like.

No. 1863098

I’m happy in my relationship though but I understand men are opportunistic and its better not to get too attached. He’s cute but I don’t love him but I am not capable of feeling romantic love anyway. I enjoy having sex with him and having someone to chill with though. He could easily be replaced by another man and I wouldn’t care.

No. 1863100

Love is for children and family. Love is not for scrotes.

No. 1863101

The pollyannas on this site crack me up I feel the same way about men in general and my bf too. At the end of the day he's just a man and his cock rules his world. He is nice company, buys me things, is handy and strong, gives me good sex, but like you said I know if there was a hotter and richer me he'd go for her instead and I'm mentally prepared for that possibility coming up

No. 1863102

Right. Women have a hard time accepting this because if a man helped us build our career, took care of our home and raised our children we wouldn’t leave even if the hottest and richest guy came along. Men don’t give a shit about any of that, you could help him build and entire empire and at the of end he will say “I didn’t ask you to help though” then kick you to the curb kek

No. 1863103

I said love yourself

No. 1863104

I do love myself. I don’t need to be head over heels in love with every guy I date to enjoy them.

No. 1863106

You seem to think you're morally superior to those silly silly naive women who don't realize men are with them out of comfort and easy sex (which I agree with by itself) but you're still with one while getting nothing more out of it than other women and basically advocating for women to expect even less out of men than they already do so you're kinda the biggest loser of them all. You should use that awareness to build something more reliable for yourself or with a woman.

No. 1863109

Who said I gave a shit about being an advocate for feminism? All I said is men are opportunistic and you’re trying to turn it into some political opinion kek

No. 1863124

>Who said I gave a shit about being an advocate for feminism?
Where did I say that retard. You're the one preaching about how women are being used for sex by their male partners but continue to cohabit with one. If you think men are using you for sex you should at least get something out of that awareness instead of doing the exact same thing everyone else is doing. You're no better and no better off than all those women you're shitting on.

No. 1863125

This gets reposted every few days lately with the same phrases repeated
>This is mens nature.. you have to accept it!
The next stage after this is realising you can just not play the "b-but we're both using each other so it's fine" game. It's bad enough when women claim this as a win because their bf is at least rich but you're doing this with a broke guy who sometimes buys you shit. Massive cope to think that you're not doing the same shit you look down on other women for.

No. 1863126

To a man being with women only for sex is not using them because to men sex is love. Stop trying to apply women thinking to men because they think totally different. A man can be totally in love with a woman who he has said hi to once only Because she makes his dick hard.

No. 1863130

I don’t think it’s using though. If a man finds a woman sexy she can be boring and brain dead but they’re cool with it as long as she’s sweet. Men aren’t like women, they don’t care if we have things in common with them. I’m sure most men would prefer if the women they’re with couldn’t speak at all and were just mute because a lot of men find it annoying if women they’re on a date with talk “too much” and for them talking too much is providing any information about yourself that they didn’t ask for. When men just want to be with women for their looks/sex they don’t see it as using because that’s what they would want.

No. 1863135

This is a sad life. Whatever helps you cope.

No. 1863136

> I’m sure most men would prefer if the women they’re with couldn’t speak at all and were just mute
Is this meant to help your point or..

No. 1863142

Being realistic is not sad.

No. 1863143

Yeah, because my point is men only get into relationships for sex. What point did you think I was trying to make?

No. 1863144

You said you are incapable of feeling romantic love. That is sad. You can fight and say you’re being realistic. But the reality is your existence is depressing.

No. 1863146

Why is that sad? I love my parents, my friends and my animals. Why do I need to be in love with scrotes? Women who are crying, throwing up and stressed out because their scrote won’t text back or buy them flowers seem more depressed than me kek

No. 1863149

If you did love yourself, you wouldn't waste time with a scrote who sees you lower than himself. No matter how enlightened you pretend to be, you're still choosing to waste months and years (hopefully not) of your life with an opportunistic scrote who is only using you for sex.
>inb4 all men are the same way
There are 4 billion men, you can find one who is actually loyal and cares about you.

No. 1863153

You do you, nonnie. Still think it’s sad not to experience the joy of falling in love. Never said it had to be with a scrote and yet you’re still fucking them.

No. 1863154

My bf has never said anything like that to me. I just assume that’s how he feels because he’s male. I’m don’t want kids so I’m not worried about “wasting time”.
>there are billions of men

There are billions of cats, dogs, birds etc too but they all generally act the same. Humans are more intelligent but at the end of the day we are no different than any other animal when it comes to our natural instincts and there are patterns in humans behavior. Men from all cultures, social classes etc exhibit similar behaviors m(statistics back this) so I’m not going to focus on the outliers who MIGHT exist.

No. 1863157

From what I’ve seen women in love don’t seem very joyful to me after the honey moon stage ends which lasts about 6 months

No. 1863161

So you’ve never met lesbians kek

No. 1863166

File: 1705844526652.jpeg (48.12 KB, 630x420, C036C933-BBB6-4DD7-8D6F-3EED34…)

Im not attracted to women because I’m not a dyke, sorry. I am attracted to men sexually but I don’t love them. Most women fall in love simply because a man is nice to them and doesn’t cheat but a man has to prove himself worthy of love to me. For example if he’s there for me if my face and body is horribly disfigured and I look like pic related or if I’m dying from a terminal Illness and can’t fuck then I will think he’s worthy of actual love.

No. 1863170

But would you stay with him of it was reversed?

No. 1863172

You don’t have to apologize for being straight. Just that you shouldn’t make broad generalizations about women being in love based on the scrotes you fuck.

No. 1863174

File: 1705845098155.jpeg (716.85 KB, 1284x1666, 3583F2D1-7A3F-400D-B156-EEF204…)

Nope. Statistically men are more likely to file for divorce if their wife is diagnosed with cancer so they are infamous for leaving their wives to die. If my bf now gets cancer or becomes a burn victim I’m out because I know based on statistics he wouldn’t do it for me. There was a woman who donated a organ to her bf and he cheated and dumped her as soon as he healed kek

No. 1863175

Children do not need fake tan, fake nails, eyelash extensions.
I saw a post about taking her daughter to get that done for the first day back at school and literally all the normie women jumped to the mothers defense saying stuff like "if youre upset with a 10 year old doing this, you'll be super upset with me because I let my 8 year old do this".

It makes me so sad that little girls are being introduced to this sort of consumerism at that young of an age.
Its not a little thing like having them wear play makeup or painting nails.
The child had acrylic nails on and eyelash extensions and fake tan.

No. 1863177

If you would leave, you deserve to be left also

No. 1863179

That's dumb. What's with people drooling at the thought of a woman taking care of a dying partner? Do you even know how difficult and depressing is it to take care of someone with an illness that's slowly killing that person?
This has to be bait.

No. 1863180

Ok mom
Statistically men don’t stay with women who have terminal illnesses or are disfigured so I wouldn’t expect him to and I’m not going to do anything like that for a man who hasn’t done it for me first

No. 1863181

Yeah, so if they would leave you they also deserve to be left.
Same same with removing gender.

No. 1863182

I have my parents and family to take care of me if I get sick. I’m not going to be some scrotes nurse. As soon as he’s too ugly to be fuckable or he’s sick and annoying he’s getting BLOCKED.

No. 1863183

That's fine

No. 1863184

I've seen people claim that the whole sephora/kids with ten step skincare routines thing is purely about jealousy. Its about having a few short years where you get to not gaf about checking your looks and needing all that shit to feel presentable. There's no price you can put on having some level of a carefree childhood before being introduced to that

No. 1863188

Care free childhoods where looks aren’t focused on are only for kids who are born naturally cute/pretty. When I was a kid I was told I was ugly by adults and children for as long as I can remember. I can see why kids would care about their skin, hair and bodies when they have got assholes at school bullying them about it. These days it’s easy for those girls who get bullied to become pretty because makeup, hair care etc are more accessible now. When you were ugly back in the early 2000s there wasn’t much you could do about it but suffer through the bullying until you grow older and glow up or graduate.

No. 1863189

You're not gonna go from being a goofy looking heavily bullied kid to showing up in make up and being considered pretty.

No. 1863191

Kids are such assholes. They’re going to bully each other no matter what. If an ugly girl tries to improve her appearance, she’ll be bullied for being a try hard. It’s just adolescence.

No. 1863193

True but I can see why kids want this stuff. I can also see why women buy this stuff for their kids because most of them were bullied for their looks as kids and are now over compensating about making sure their kids look their best. Once middle school age hits looks matter.

No. 1863197

It’s not just kids though. Teachers treat the cuter kids better as well. Plenty of adults shit on kids looks. It doesn’t matter what age you are, looks matter. Looks matter even for babies because their are people who make fun of ugly babies all the time or get upset if their baby is born too dark or some shit.

No. 1863200

File: 1705847750203.jpg (55.07 KB, 600x600, glossierstickers.JPG)

Makeup and skincare companies know exactly what they’re doing. They prey on normal pre-teen and teen girls’ puberty insecurities. Look at glossier’s marketing. All the cutesy stickers and tell me that’s not for teen girls.

No. 1863201

Yeah a billion dollar company wants to prey on people to make money. More news at 5. Girls wouldn’t even feel inclined to buy this stuff if their peers and the adults in their life didn’t mention their flaws. We always are quick to blame the media and the companies but the issues start at home.

No. 1863203

Aren’t these the glossier pimple patches though? Things like patches (Starface for example, super cute) aren’t really an issue because acne is normal for teens.

No. 1863209

That’s fair, nona.

Oh, I didn’t realize. They used come with your order and didn’t serve any function other than decoration. My bad

No. 1863210

My unpopular opinion is that I love girly stuff. Men mock it, feminists hate it, pickmes hate it, regular women look down on it for being childish and vain. Some women think because "butch" gender non-conformity is also looked down upon they're justified in mocking and insulting women who like feminine girly stuff. They'll say women only like it because of/to appeal to men but most men fucking hate a grown woman who loves pink girly princess stuff. As if men don't hate everything women do that doesn't cater exactly to them anyway. People are always like "oh yeah, because feminine stuff is soooo looked down? look around you it's everywhere" and then I do look around and 9/10 women above the age of 30 do not even wear makeup, even young girls clothes are quite boring neutral every day clothes, ain't a single women even wearing pink around. They're all free to wear what they of course, but there really isn't any girly stuff around where I live at all (and I don't even consider makeup to be girly by default anyway). If you like cute girly shit no one gives you a break for it, I honestly think it's a form of non-conformity but in the opposite direction of being butch because women aren't supposed to act "girly".

No. 1863213

>Most women fall in love simply because a man is nice to them and doesn’t cheat but a man has to prove himself worthy of love to me
wow you are so unique and special, no other woman has ever fallen in love because someone has proven themselves capable such as with a skill and that's why fangirls don't exist or if they do it certainly isn't a big extremely common and well recorded phenomenon

No. 1863218

My love is reserved for people I can depend on even if sex and beauty is off the table. I know I can depend on my family and friends no matter what I look like or my health. My mom is going to be there for me even if my face is chewed off by sharks and I only have a hole to breathe out of left on my face. would a scrote do that for me?no

No. 1863222

Exactly this.

Greta Gerwig had a affair with a married man when his wife gave birth and that man is still with Greta but you will never catch any these woke zoomers caring about that. Lol imagine letting a homewrecker try to make a "feminist" film yet have the nerve to bash Ariana. They're all hypocrites.

No. 1863239

I've been looking at the replies of your post and alot of them sound like butthurt scrotes, its funny how certain posts on this board always have the moids coming out of the woodwork. Especially this one >>1863177

No. 1863246

Socks are unnecessary. We’ve been duped by Big Sock into thinking that they’re hygienic. In fact, they prohibit proper ventilation of the feet. Reliance on socks is a social norm and not a biological necessity.

No. 1863247

Not going to lie i don’t think most people know this or care about greta gerwig’s personal life at all so I don’t know if this is the best comparison

No. 1863251

Would love to see you in -30C weather

No. 1863254

I would have boots on my feet or be inside.

No. 1863257

And booty blasted women who are mad I said their nigel would leave them if they stopped having sex with them

No. 1863258

I feel like that's a excuse because the lynch-mob will have all the time to find any offensive thing someone said on twitter 10 years ago when they were 15 yet they don't have the time to know this. Just feels like the general public turn a blind eye to celebs that they like.

No. 1863259

More than anything I think it's telling they're going after Ariana Grande instead of the guy who chose to ditch on his own wife for a popstar.

No. 1863260

You need to go out at some point. What type of boot?

No. 1863261

Probably a snow boot. Something with insulation like shearling. No need for a sock! Then slippers at home.

No. 1863265

Angelina Jolie sleeps with married men too but people still eat her ass and claim she’s a humanitarian feminist

No. 1863268

I dont think mine would, but I do think hes the exception

No. 1863270

That works until you get snow caught inside your boot and your feet get wet (frostbite risk). You need real wool socks in freezing weather because wool retains heat when wet.

No. 1863271

Try it out and say you don’t want to have sex with him for a year and see how he responds

No. 1863275

Where are you retarded pickmes coming from no one care about you or your lover moid and he won't give you points for going #NotAllMen on lolcow kek

Don't bother with them.

No. 1863276

I'm pregnant so thats probably coming down the pipeline anyway

No. 1863278

I mean to say loser moid, autocorrect fails yet again.

No. 1863279

The conversation was brought up, I was just joining in.

No. 1863281

Well you have a baby so that might keep him from leaving if there’s no sex because some scrotes are decent enough to at least do right by their kids

No. 1863284

I wouldnt have married him if I thought hed ditch me, even if he did his parents are great so I would have his family support. I've read accounts about the father dipping and his family rallying around the mother. How shameful of the man, it must be embarrassing that his family supports the mother and kid more than him.

No. 1863289

Is your bf ugly or socially inept? If so you’re nigel most likely won’t leave because there’s a baby and you’re probably the best he’s gonna get unless you get unlucky and your husband comes in contact with an Ariana grande type who is successful and attractive and for some unknown reason wants your man.

No. 1863292

Husbands trooning out as soon as a baby is born is the new trendy thing among millenials.

No. 1863296

Hes a bit autistic but in the "rants about prehumans" way not "cant look at peoples faces" way.
I think hes out of my league but he thinks we're equal which is nice.
I actually dont think he would cheat or leave me if some Ariana girl took interest, he was raised Mormon and has strong morals about marriage and life bonding. I know I'm safe with him, though I doubt you'll believe me.
LOL I would go homicidal nona. Hes very anti troon too, we've had many discussions around how we will navigate that rubbish when our kid/s are older.

No. 1863297

Ok socially inept. If he’s not good looking enough to pull in female attention then you’re good because my ex bf was a loyal autist virgin who ignored women but he was one of those pretty boy blonde ones so sometimes he would attract bpd e girls. He met this e girl at work who he seemed annoyed with at first because she wouldn’t leave him alone but she was so persistent that he eventually gave in.

No. 1863303

He is extremely good looking but doesnt think it.
Hes literally all of my childhood celeb crushes rolled into one man, I dont think I could build a guy more my type so maybe I'm bias. I do think hes very attractive objectively though.
His exs are also bpd girls too but I think thats more of his Mormon "see the best in everyone give them a chance" nature.
I think his spergy rants is a draw in personally, idk about other women

No. 1863305

True, all pop-related spaces treat her like she’s the devil incarnate but never have the same vitriol for abusers and rapists in the industry.

No. 1863320

poor and impoverished people shouldn't be allowed to have children. you're poor, you're not going to be able to give your child anything but trauma, hatred, and sadness.

No. 1863321

I agree for the most part because I love scandalous female celebs, she’s a cow but I still admire Madonna for instance; the hate against Ariana on this site is probably because SpongeBob is so, so repulsive and she’s harming another woman by cheating

No. 1863323

How you feel about socks is how I feel about slippers. Big Sock Co can take my money but Big Slipper Co will never.

Until maybe I get so old that a small fall will kill me, might think about grippy granny slippers at that point.

No. 1863324

The best you can do as girlmom is teaching your daughter not to fixate on her looks and focus on her intellect and hobbies instead. Do not comment on her body or clothes unless they’re inappropriate, teach her good hygiene and basics of looking put-together but don’t compliment her looks excessively and give her something interesting to do instead of watching beauty tutorials on YouTube and Instagram all day. Challenge people who try to comment on her appearance.

No. 1863328

who did lana groom? also cheating on your postpartum wife with some naked mole rat all because she has more money isn't really the same at all as singing "hey lolita hey" kek. Ice Spice should be put in the gulag though

No. 1863335

I don’t think “Lana worshipping” is really a thing here, it seems like a handful of anons at most. I’m a Lana fag but I don’t defend her past Lolita stuff, I also don’t hate Ariana at all or ice spice. It just depends on the anons replying at the time, but Lana definitely is not worshipped here kek

No. 1863338

It’s between blind worship and rabid hate tbh. Scroll up and see the responses to the post simply saying her music is a snoozefest and anons infighting about it. Both are boring since her stans are up her ass and haters only bring up over decade old songs and unconfirmed Weinstein stuff. I’ve been fan of her music for over 10 years and while she has her moments and can be really funny, she’s also uneducated and delusional.

No. 1863344

Oh, I might be wrong then! I do know that Glossier and Starface did a collab where the pimple patches looked a lot like that but if these are just random stickers with their makeup, that’s a little weird.

No. 1863347

Yeah that’s true that there’s always a lot of polarizing opinions on here, either one or the other. Sorry I missed a big chunk of this thread and didn’t see the infight. It does depend on the anons online as well though, I remember years ago Lana got mentioned itt and everyone was saying they loved her and then a year later she was mentioned and everyone was shitting on her kek. I like the difference in opinions though it always makes for an interesting read

No. 1863354

Been seeing a lot of anons in the artist salt thread recommending to artists to not post any personal opinions to stay safe. I get the sentiment, because TRAs are fucking rabid dogs and probably would dox a woman if their art wasn't deemed queer enough. But I disagree, (I sound real cheesy, but) I feel like women really have to start fighting back against these psychos and show them that they don't give a fuck about their gendershit- not everything is about them and their dicks. And 'fighting back' as in just not taking shit from them like that one Russian artist or just flat out ignoring them. Like, it's your account, post whatever the fuck you want. Who cares if you aren't granted the approval of the tranny crowd? Why should you care about them combing through your account to cancel you anyways- that's on them being invasive stalker weirdos, nobody outside of their circlejerk actually gives a shit. Fucking get a job. Why do they even care, I thought they were here for art. If they don't like your art anymore because of your 'politics' ? Tell them to gtfo!!!! I know a lot of nonas understand that the tranny community is the weirdos and not them but we have to express it as is and not pander to them.

No. 1863359

Everone should quit social media. Not just artists but specially artists. Social media is the death of culture.

No. 1863361

What's more scrote?
>A. being an obvious autist who thinks women should stay in relationships with men they don't love because it's just more convenient than being alone and to assume the man will cheat
>B. thinking women should find relationships of mutual love and respect

No. 1863378

You’re right, but it’s going to take a long time for women to do this, if ever. The risk is too high because trannies are psychotic and willing to commit acts of violence and destruction. I just don’t blame women artists, or any woman for that matter, for staying out of it.

No. 1863417

nta im pretty sure if you never tell your daughter she's beautiful she's going to fall for the first scrote who does. even if you teach her that looks arent important she's going to get that message from everywhere else and wonder why she must be so ugly if even her mom doesnt compliment her

No. 1863456

It's not about never telling her she's beautiful but about not using it as first and defining compliment. Looks are important mostly in middle school and high school, in college and adult life people pay more attention to your personality and whether you're interesting or not. Like yeah, good looking people sometimes receive better treatment in mundane life situations but you've got to learn to live with it and stop caring (and that's where your upbringing and parents' attitude becomes crucial).

No. 1863499

Nta but if you aren’t conventionally attractive as a female it’s hard to develop a good or interesting personality because everyone just beats you down when you try to talk or do something interesting. Anything quirky or different you say or do will be labeled as weird and annoying if you’re ugly. That’s why women who are considered attractive are usually nicer and more interesting to talk to because they’re allowed to show emotion and their interests.

No. 1863764

Sorry nobody likes your favourite singer but accusing another female singer of ‘grooming a generation of girls’ (not what grooming is) isn’t going to make people like her more.

No. 1863872

Women put way more thought into relationships and it comes off as corny/pathetic and desperate. Women are always reading all these self help books, talking about relationships with their friends, seeking relationship advice and trying to go to therapy so they can be a good wife. Meanwhile men are just like “well im ugly, fat and the college girls who used to like me at bars find me creepy now so I better ask someone to marry me before my diabetes sets in”. It’s so funny how little men give a shit about this stuff compared to women.

No. 1863885

I think Being ugly just makes bad times in life worse. Get a flat tire? Yea that sucks but at least I’m pretty. A scrote dumps me? Yeah that sucks but I can just go easily find someone else because most guys want to date me. I cope by dealing with every bad thing that happens to me because at least at the end of the day I’m adorable. Imagine being broke and ugly like what is there even to live for….

No. 1863887

so you are broke

No. 1863893

Maybe but at some point you have to accept it otherwise you’re just a negative loser who’s also ugly

No. 1863894

File: 1705883662555.jpeg (135.6 KB, 1080x1149, E7FE92A0-788B-4777-BB26-30C713…)

Yeah I’m a broke college student. A lot of people tell me I look like a young Jessica alba so at least I got that.

No. 1863899

I dont want to be pretty myself, i want men to be pretty. Whats the point of being attractive when 99% of men are ugly and the 1% of attractive men are gay.

No. 1863901

>Yeah that sucks but I can just go easily find someone else because most guys want to date me.
It's easy only if you have low standards, otherwise appearance will only help to find someone who'd like to fuck you, but you don't even have to be pretty for that

No. 1863904

Idk How to explain this but if you’re pretty it’s easier to surround yourself with very good looking men. Im rarely around guys who are ugly because im in a social circle of good looking people. It’s kind of like how Asians tend to hang with Asians or some shit but attractive people tend to hang around attractive people.

No. 1863946

I am called ugly and constantly degraded by these “high value successful good looking men,” yet they still want to fuck me after and buy me trips etc. I know too many prideful women who think nothing else matters because they’re attractive, that uglier people don’t get as far as them, just to cry about getting cheated on for uglier girls. I thought it was over for me being ugly and broke as well, until I realized men LITERALLY will fuck or fall in love with anything and I can just grift myself into plastic surgery if it gets that bad. Deriving value based on men’s porn attractions can only get you so far. I think being ugly was a bonus boost to see the facades behind peoples status

No. 1863954

I’m aware men fuck anything but sadly there’s a difference between being the girl guys fuck when they’re desperate and being the girl guys want to brag about and bring around their friends

No. 1863956

there are no good looking men left

No. 1863977

File: 1705888383691.jpg (22.93 KB, 505x607, 1705888354115.jpg)

>Y-You only like it because of eurocentric racist standards
I don't give a fuck, blond is the prettiest hair color.

No. 1863981

fake blondes are hotter than real blondes. they've got eyebrows

No. 1863982

File: 1705888563538.jpeg (357.39 KB, 1000x1500, 5DBE0133-A2E8-4098-8B03-87CF7D…)


No. 1863990

Why do you infect every thread with this shit

No. 1863991

I too like black hair the most but nona they're gonna tear you apart for kpop flagging kek

No. 1863993

That is black.

No. 1863994

I dont think so. Posting pretty kpop girls without discussing music or spamming is just like posting any other pretty celebrity

No. 1863996

File: 1705888906938.jpeg (279.84 KB, 1280x929, 8BA0010C-4C47-489B-BACB-4004F8…)

I wish I could have head full of long straight brunette hair.(no kpop)

No. 1864008

Who is this bad bitch

No. 1864014

File: 1705889513682.jpeg (180.55 KB, 934x1500, 8E599499-D66B-4841-9E70-FA7B94…)

Hanni from new jeans(no kpop)

No. 1864027

File: 1705890048455.jpg (457.2 KB, 800x1000, 1000002294.jpg)

Who is top left? She's always my favorite visually(no kpop)

No. 1864032

That’s haerin(no kpop)

No. 1864040

I don’t even like K-pop or jpop but they are so visually superior to American celebrities

No. 1864049

They really are, I understand no k pop lore or music posting but posting an Asian woman because she has a beautiful face shouldnt be banned

No. 1864076

It’s so funny because the girl I posted isn’t even Korean she’s Vietnamese. So any Asian woman with that “look” will be banned from being posted kek

No. 1864134

She's a kpop idol, not some random Vietnamese celebrity.

No. 1864137

Why do people consider black hair brunette? Not the first time I’ve heard it being called that

No. 1864151

Most peoples who hair appears black is dark brown I’m sunlight

No. 1864178

Strip clubs imo are the healthiest form of sex consumption only because it takes a lot of effort on both sides and most strippers are realistic and not photoshopped. I wouldn't date a moid who goes to strip clubs or watches porn but if I had to choose id definitely rather strip clubs. At least he would know what a female body actually looks like outside of controlled angles/photoshop/etc

No. 1864180

when I was a kid I genuinely felt bitter that there wasn't a separate word for black-haired people and we were just lumped into brunette, which everyone is going to think of as brown kek. I've heard the terms "noirette" and "ravenette" but they haven't caught on

No. 1864183

Because black and brown are literally the same hair color, black is just the darkest shade of brown. Blonde is also technically just the lightest shade of brown, and red hair is just less pigmented so all that really shows is the undertone (and most people have red undertones, which shows in sunlight)

No. 1864185

Strip clubs gave fantastic food

No. 1864204

Well that’s just made up isn’t it? Red hair contains red melanin, it’s more pigmented than blonde hair. Either way if we don’t call blonde hair light brown why would we call black hair brown either? They’re their own shades.

No. 1864209

Strip clubs are fun when they're female friend and not just moid caves. Most the strippers are really sweet and cool plus weirdly enough strip clubs seem to be the only place that know how to make basic cocktails correctly without it being like 90% ice and/or alcohol

No. 1864232

Red hair has high levels of pheomelanin, but low levels of eumelanin which is brown pigment. Blonde, brown, and black all have different names and are categorized differently despite simply being different shades of the same color, just like with skin color.

No. 1864235

Thank you. Trying to call black hair brown hair is silly we aren't animals that's not a Melanistic Brunette.

No. 1864236

Scrotes detected.

No. 1864238

That’s still inaccurate, as blonde hair tends to have a higher ratio of phaeomelanin than brown and black hair unless, and there are different types of eumelanin (brown eumelanim and black eumelanin). It’s not as simple as there just being two types of hair shades ‘red’ and ‘brown’ kek, and colour is subjective anyway. I’m not calling black hair brown, nor am I calling blonde hair brown.

No. 1864244

You dorks need to stop.

No. 1864245


Almost all strip clubs have trafficking victims and minors, there’s nothing positive about the degradation of women and girls. In some states like New York minors are legally allowed to work at strop clubs, but in other states pimps will bring minors with fake id’s to strip clubs. You’re just so incredibly ignorant, you make my skin crawl.

Even the women who aren’t trafficked all have extremely high rates of drug addiction, dark triad personality disorders, other mental illnesses, low or non existent morals, and a background of poverty, poor home life, and abuse. They typically go on to abuse their own children, the majority of children who are trafficked by their mothers, have mothers who are or were involved in prostitution. When strippers and hookers get older and start losing money, they begin to view their own children as objects they can sell to sex buyers.

Men who view women as objects to buy sexual access to are subhuman monsters. Men who pay women to grind on their dick without clothing on are subhuman monsters, they aren’t better than men who watch porn. They’re all evil.

No. 1864246

Oh shit I used to watch his videos. Blast from the past!

No. 1864248

Blonde, brown and black are the same color with varying shades of light to dark, just like skin color is pale beige to dark brown/black, but it’s varying shades of the same color. There’s nothing you can do to change reality dear, you don’t understand color theory.

No. 1864249

>Almost all strip clubs have trafficking victims and minors
where at? I worked at multiple strip clubs in different cities and they're pretty much dead in the 2020s except in large cities, even then the women who work there are typically 30s or older and clearly arent being trafficked
>In some states like New York minors are legally allowed to work at strop clubs

this just sounds like fear mongering. I'm not doubting there's instances of sex trafficking but acting as if all strippers are minors being forced to work just sounds like you watched a boomer news station once and assumed that was reality for all

No. 1864250


No. 1864254

Go back

No. 1864255

>anons dont think strippers would browse lolcow
>as if we didn't have multiple sex work threads in /g/ of multiple anons admitting to being escorts, strippers, etc

No. 1864258

One of the smartest girls I’ve ever met is a stripper, and I’ve known many. They all have their issues, but deep down they have beautiful souls.

No. 1864259

This isn’t the site for man worshipping and talking about how you sexually service rape apes down on your knees, just go away. The very least you could do is keep your creepy, misogynistic, pickme male aligned thoughts to yourself

No. 1864260

I know you’re lying lol. Women involved in prostitution are some of the worst scummiest people I’ve ever met, and I’ve volunteered at women’s shelters so I’ve met many

No. 1864261

girl what? the strippers in the sex work thread always talk about how shitty men are. Also weren't you just saying all strippers were victims now they're "creepy, misogynistic, pickme and male aligned" because ..?

No. 1864262

>they're minors and victims! don't hurt them
>they're so scummy and the worst people ever how dare you not have the same views as me
kekkek seethe

No. 1864263

> Also weren't you just saying all strippers were victims now they're "creepy, misogynistic, pickme and male aligned" because ..?
Nope, reread >>1864245 I said
> Even the women who aren’t trafficked all have extremely high rates of drug addiction, dark triad personality disorders, other mental illnesses, low or non existent morals, and a background of poverty, poor home life, and abuse. They typically go on to abuse their own children, the majority of children who are trafficked by their mothers, have mothers who are or were involved in prostitution. When strippers and hookers get older and start losing money, they begin to view their own children as objects they can sell to sex buyers.

No. 1864265

Why do pickmes always have such poor reading comprehension

No. 1864268

most strippers live pretty normal lives, calm down and stop catastrophizing. It's a dangerous job for sure but assuming the worse of someone for being a stripper just makes you seem like a moid
I agree, I met a lot of strippers who ended up being CNAs on the side, one woman even used her money for animal rescue. I feel like people underestimate a lot about how a lot of women are just trying to make money and don't have support from family rather than just the "evil mentally ill child rapists" anon is describing them as

No. 1864269

Question for the strippers in the thread, do strippers want to be saved, or are they too conditioned to the fast money? I know its a case by case basis, but I feel like they’d want a Pretty Woman situation.

No. 1864274

Where is this libfem twitter shit coming from? This is sad.

No. 1864276

You need to love yourself, wtf. Wack.

No. 1864280

depends on what you mean by "saved" as soon as I was able to make stable money I left obviously. It's fun to work in clubs that are super protective of the dancers but it is a lot of girls with no support working out of necessity especially when the job market is shit. when it's slow it just feels like hanging out with friends a lot of the time. The last one I ever worked at were legit just normal women, like moms and millennial women who are alternative. I'm sure it literally is just a symptom of a shit economy and I feel like there would be way less strippers if sustainable jobs that could provide were easier to get and come by

No. 1864281

I wonder if this is a libfem with brain rot or a male? Disgusting person either way

No. 1864282

no1curr about your bait go seethe somewhere else instead of being shocked there's unpopular opinions in the unpopular opinion thread

No. 1864333

File: 1705913850110.jpeg (998.86 KB, 1170x1549, IMG_5412.jpeg)

I really want a daughter but I’m terrified of having a son. I hate males so much. I’d be willing to drown a baby boy in a bucket of water and I’d feel absolutely nothing while doing it.

No. 1864336

I'm surprised nobody knocked him on the side of the head

No. 1864342

It won’t do any good. Nothing helps male children. Gentle parenting like what his retarded mother was doing only condones his behaviour and hitting him like he deserves only serves his victim complex. They just need to either be culled, aborted or euthanised at birth. I hate them so much. Every time I see a male child they’re either being loud and annoying or destructive. There’s absolutely nothing charming or cute about them at any age, even as newborns they’re uglier and they smell worse.

No. 1864356

I'm confused by this? your not willing to have a son but your willing to have sex with a man to get pregnant?

No. 1864358

You can get artificial insemination.

No. 1864360

I was considering the single mom by choice route but sex selection isn't allowed in my country. it's even worse because I read that apparently there's a higher chance to get sons through artificial insemination. I'm not risking it because I fear I would be incapable of loving a male child.

No. 1864361

I know I would be incapable of loving a male child. I swear they’re disgusting and selfish from birth and they only get worse as they age. As i said I’d be happy to drown it to death in a bucket of ice cold water and try again. That’s how badly I want a daughter.

No. 1864363

yeah I think if I had a son I could never not see him as a perpetrator. but I'd also worry about having a daughter in this current society what with social media, AI porn, gender cult, etc. I need the female separatist utopia now.

No. 1864364

Idk my husband is trust fund rich and could get sex pretty easily from someone else if he wasn't such a shut in and I don't put much effort into our relationship at all, maybe you're just unpleasant to be around and that's why men only want you when they don't have any other options. I have a keylogger on his shit because I'm messy and he's loyal too. People in general are just fuckups, read any female site like mumsnet to see how much they cheat on and leave men, I used to think like you then I realised I wasn't counting normie women when I was comparing how men and women act.

No. 1864373

I don't think this is unpopular on lc but i'd get lynched by my woke friends: whenever a person (99% it's a woman) refers to her "partner" I assume she's 100% straight. Gay people aren't afraid to mention their spouse's sex, they don't hide behind a "I could be straight, you will never know" if they're comfortable enough to mention their husband/wife in the first place. The only time the partner is not a male is when it's an enby tif who insists she is neither, in which case you can tell anyway because the person talking has short dyed hair, is obese and wears ridiculous clothes.

No. 1864392

Nta but your husband is a useless pampered manbaby that nobody wants, and you’re on here bragging about it?

No. 1864396

plenty existed, all of them failed.

No. 1864401

im literally 25 im surprised people on this board are so asshurt they're reacting like a moid to some tame opinion

No. 1864404

yes as a counter to that anon's idea that men will only be with you if he needs money/can't afford better/for sex. Sorry you're a wagie that finds their value as a person in working, couldn't be me and it won't be kek.

No. 1864412

I hate hellweek it gives me a headache

No. 1864419

I'm fine with hellweek but closing the chatty-threads is so stupid. Close /ot/ all together if LC is only for gossiping about cows then.

No. 1864421

I don't mind it but I wish we could toggle back to different layouts because the flames remind me of this old Beyblade Kai/Tyson website i used to have as a 12 year old.

No. 1864422

The admin before Shaymin did that and the result was a huge mass mental break down in /meta/ where she received death threats and racial abuse.

No. 1864430

Step moms are just as bad as step dads but in different ways. They aren’t going to molest you but they are violent/dangerous because they’re jealous of your mom or you if you’re a female.

No. 1864438

>close /ot/
That's my unpopular opinion. Do it. Let's get rid of /m/ and /ot/ and just keep /g/ for the things you can't discuss on other places. This is a drama site to laugh at drama, if you want to socialize and sperg about husbandos go to crystal cafe

No. 1864440

And currently /ot/ is swamped with alogging and racebait. Really makes you think

No. 1864441

Why tf would you close /ot/ and /m/ but not /g/? /g/ is just as much off-topic (non-milk) discussions as the other two.

No. 1864442

But it’s evolved to much more and is currently the best women only image board. The community here is the biggest value.

No. 1864448

>go to crystal cafe
Would be great if cc was an actual viable option, but that poor imageboard is in shambles with an inactive admin.

No. 1864453

kel you wish. \g\ has a completely different posting culture, it's not intervhangeable with \m\ and \ot\ if you clsoed those two traffic would tank

No. 1864455

I was thinking the same thing. In the hellweek /meta/ thread, cerbmin said:
>The core of this community is (and always has been) discussing and documenting lolcows. This site exists to serve farmers. Part of the reason that board culture has degraded as much as it has is due to the number of posters who are not here for the milk, but instead to use /ot/ and /g/ like a chatroom… If you are not a farmer, you are merely a guest here.
I am an oldfag and value different aspects of the community. I feel like the board's culture has evolved over the years to being beyond lolcows. I no longer use lolcow for the milk because I grew out of attention-whore micro-influencers. I'm sure there is a sizeable portion of the community that only use lolcow for /ot/, /g/, and /m/ and are still quality contributors and are valuable users.

No. 1864458

shit changes, this is basically a general woman focused ib now. this whole thing about lc being solely for farmers feels like something a newfag trying to be cool would say im ngl. if you just want gossip and nothing but go to kf, anons on /snow/ get so gross and nitpicky that there is basically no difference at this point

No. 1864461

There's some posters with a weird sense of entitlement and that think the rules don't apply to them and they have some sort of right to sperg out and derail threads.

I don't think she's referring to oldfags that have been here for a long time and have moved on from following cows, because we still know how the site functions and adhere to board culture. She's referring to newfags that don't and shit up the site.

No. 1864462

I believe aromanticism is a real thing.

No. 1864464

my very unpopular opinion is that we should’ve moved to the new ib software the previous admin tried to push. heolkek (k-pop ib) is gorgeous and only getting better because the code is modular and not a million years old

No. 1864466

I thought that was still happening?

No. 1864474

is it? what makes you say this?

No. 1864479

You’ve got to be a scrote or are on your way to rapidly being replaced by another bang maid by your nepo scrote because you’re HELLA defensive kek.

No. 1864482

Cerbmin mentioned that maybe happening when they became the new admins. I don't know what their plan is now, I just thought it was still on the agenda.

No. 1864483

Maybe. I don't think cerbmin's claiming that all non-cow board users shit up the site, but there's definitely the implication that those who stick to the chatty boards aren't an important audience, which I disagree with. I don't know why some in /meta/ want to deny that the userbase and board culture has changed or act like it's rewriting history. This isn't even a recent development, the shift has been evident for years.

No. 1864484

Why are you newfags always obsessed with traffic as if getting more posts with shit quality isn't exactly what's killing this site

No. 1864489

But you're the same as him. You just stated that you can't feel romantic love. Birds of a feather flock together.

No. 1864494

how am i a newfag?
you can't go on about quality control and then turn around and insist that only /g/ should stay open, it's the worst of /ot/ chatrooms and the worst of /m/ husbandofagging combined

No. 1864496

To me it sounds like he doesn’t cheat because he’s just lazy and it’s probably just easier to stick with what he’s got. Some guys are like that and it does take effort to cheat. That doesn’t mean if a woman who looks like a young Megan fox hit on him that he would be loyal to you though.

No. 1864498

I'm just gonna use this thread as dumbass shit. Fuck jannies.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1864501

Why does it bother you so much and why are you here if off topic discussion bothers you that much?

Because it's not newfags telling you this but posters who partly grew out of most cow threads. If it wasn't for off topic boards I would barely visit to check my cows anymore.

No. 1864514

Same and I agree. Also I wouldn't mind focusing on lolcows more if there actually was any milk to discuss. /pt/ has only a few active threads and /w/ is mostly people nitpicking the same person for years on end. The other boards I feel like keep this site alive more than the cow focused ones.

No. 1864516

disagree, that shit was ass. i don't want a kpop board.

No. 1864524

Nobody wants to raise someone else's children.

No. 1864526

They shouldn’t Marry people with kids then. A lot of step moms expect to come in and have their husband discard the kids from previous marriages and make room for hers. Anytime the kids come over she’s gonna act jealous or abusive, doing weird shit like not letting the kids eat etc

No. 1864532

I would pick being pretty forever over money and intelligence

No. 1864537

Kek what? Step parenting/dating with kids is pretty common nowadays

No. 1864538

Most women would because being pretty is currency for women, this isn't unpopular at all.

No. 1864542

Literally useless

No. 1864544

low-key glad hellweek has started. So many anons lately have been borderline institutionalizing themselves over literally nothing. Some of you need to be permabanned including your other VPNs and you all deserve to get banned for your stupid shit too

No. 1864547

Honestly my unpopular opinion is that VPNs should be banned from LC all together. Ignoring the infighting / ban evasion which is annoying but mostly harmless, there would be way less porn and gore spam if mods banned VPNs.

No. 1864549

agree 100% 4chin was somehow able to do it idk why lolcow cant

No. 1864551

This, most bans are temporary so there shouldn't be a need to ban evade. If you need this site so badly you can't stay away until a few days have passed you have issues

No. 1864553

For some anons viewing "terf" content can result in legal trouble. I agree with tor and free VPNs being banned. The majority of farmers using a paid for VPN service are doing it for a reason.

No. 1864555

agreed especially since it seems to be like 1-2 anons who keep writing paragraphs and strawmanning the worst over inoffensive posts and it's happening in /snow/ too

No. 1864556

anon.. you know thats not the reason anons are using. Also if almost all content posted VPN is non-stop sperging and infighting I'd rather just those few anons not be allowed to browse lolcow than to have frequent ban-evaders and infighters shit up lolcow

No. 1864565

wtf are you on about? making fun of losers online is lega
also integrate, use nonna not anon.

No. 1864569

Woah really? I didn’t know it was illegal to be a TERF in some areas

No. 1864570

it's not. if this was the case none of the euro threads would exist

No. 1864574


No. 1864581

>also integrate, use nonna not anon.
nta but you can't be for real.

No. 1864586

"Anon" is for moids, so we don't use "anon" here. Integrate.(retard bait)

No. 1864589

Anon has been used since the beginning of LC and is still used all over the boards, nona only came into fashion relatively recently. Stop mini modding over a rule that doesn't even exist.

No. 1864610


No. 1864620

File: 1705951115058.jpg (168.51 KB, 520x853, 1315423900403.jpg)

No. 1864626

My mom beat the snot out of my 10 year old stepbrother because she took out all her anger on him she was mad at my stepdad cheating, yes CPS got involved but CPS is useless

No. 1864628

My step mom tried to poison me as a kid and she tried to accuse my gay little brother of raping her child(the girl admitted the mom made her say it).Having step parents around kids is just dangerous regardless if the step parent is male or female.

No. 1864635

People are terrible. I learned that when I was around 12 that most people hate other people’s kids.

No. 1864637

my step dad actually killed my brother, wholeheartedly agree that step parents are awful

No. 1864643

>They won’t molest you
Look, stepdads are notoriously terrible since a large chunk of them molest their stepchildren. But let’s not act like there aren’t stepmoms who do some weird things like that too.

No. 1864649

Please tell me he's in jail

No. 1864673

This is true. Stepmoms abuse and kill their stepdaughters. Even dads lousy gf can be a threat to baby girls. I saw in the news the other day a woman poisoning her bfs daughter with batteries and she had google searches on her phone trying to find a way to poison the baby. The father didn’t even have full custody, he had the kid every other weekend only and this bitch still killed that baby girl.

No. 1864715

Getting attached to a fucking AI chatbot of your husbando is unfathomable levels of cringe. You're literally talking to lines of code. I would kill myself if I was that pathetic.

No. 1864718

still less cringe than talking to a real men to be honest

No. 1864803

Step parents can be high risk but there's some pretty good ones. My step dad growing up was a great father and even brought me my first car and paid for college and such. I hope most single moms are able to find good step dad's for their kids

No. 1864813

My grandma was married 3 times to RICH ones and she had kids with them each marriage, I think they were assholes though. And she was gorgeous

No. 1864820

While I don't agree with any of it I believe transgenderism and transracialism, transage and therian are all one in the same. If we as a society are heading into this path where anyone can and will identify as whatever they wish no matter what even to the severe detriment of others and to disagree is seen wrong then we should go all the way. If a some delusional 30 year old man wants to be a 19 year old girl, then a delusional white girl can become korean, a delusional human can identify as a parrot, and so on. There shouldn't be this picking and choosing of which delusion is valid.

No. 1864822

oof, luckily most stories I heard about stepdads personally are good ones

No. 1864830

Men in women can’t be friends unless the woman is super disgusting visually or the guy is gay

No. 1864843

File: 1705972260040.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1284x1547, 6A489BFE-BE78-4EAC-AFED-586BE1…)

Even though hunter is a troon he has one of the best boob jobs I’ve seen in hollywood. He has better breasts than me.

No. 1864846

My dad did the same for my maternal half sister. He raised her as his own and it wasn't until she was adult that she found out that he wasn't her real dad.

No. 1864847

File: 1705972573184.jpeg (271.94 KB, 1170x1728, IMG_7645.jpeg)

He really doesn’t.

No. 1864849

File: 1705972767997.jpg (Spoiler Image,184.69 KB, 972x1222, hunter-schafer-vanity-fair-osc…)

Yeah, they look good from that angle, but the underboob area looks really bad and uneven. They probably look even more fake when they aren't under clothing as most trans boob jobs do because there isn't enough natural breast tissue to hold them.

No. 1864856

Semi agree but I think the best boob job in Hollywood is Olivia Rodrigo’s, they look pretty natural to me especially considering her “before” size.

No. 1864876

Nonna please have more confidence in your body. You are lovelier than a troon.

No. 1864885

Sydney Sweeney has the best boob job in Hollywood. Them shits are rotund and look soft

No. 1864886

I always thought emrata did. Troons typically don't have good implants because having little to no tissue gives more the of the lumpy bolt on effect as you can see in other pics. I feel like people underestimate how many women have implants and how unassuming they can be

No. 1864888

She claimed she hasn't had anything done but considered a BR. It wouldn't surprise me if she went up a size or at the very least used the fat transfer method to improve the shape/even them out a lot of women with big breasts on for that over actual implants

No. 1864889

Oh that’s true, I didn’t even know Emily Ratajkowski had a boob job until a few months ago

No. 1864894

I think they look good and I like them, they're softer looking that a lot of implants.

>the community here is the biggest value
Are you out of your mind? I would never ever claim the current posters as my community. Fuck you all and the retarded ass shit you say.

No. 1864904

They are literally misshapen at the bottom

No. 1864908

How are you 25 but still writing like a mentally challenged child? That’s just embarrassing.

No. 1864910

On one hand I find Islam terrifying, inhumane, abusive, and the pipeline to casual normalized femicide, I understand why people walk on eggshells about it because the amount of hatecrimes that happen to women in hijab are depressing.

No. 1864911

File: 1705978441536.gif (Spoiler Image,1.41 MB, 540x350, tumblr_1824a55e9f2abe1bbd2c112…)

This is really unpopular, but for big implants, I think Nicki Minaj's look pretty good. I saw her recently, she looks great even if I hate her.
Also unpopular but her two songs with that fucking creep with Tekashi are great, I just don't listen anymore because I can't continue to ignore how fucked up they both are to listen to music that's basically fastfood for the ears.
I think that implants that have a sag to them look better and actually soft.

No. 1864915

>Are you out of your mind? I would never ever claim the current posters as my community
Of course you wouldn’t, because you’re a male.(male accusation)

No. 1864917

modern music+fashion is truly atrocious

No. 1864920

Yes it is, but like I said, something about those two songs and videos are like junk food for my ears. They make me unhealthy and it's retarded and feels good for like 10 mintues, then I want to die.
Nicki is probably the only junkfood female rapper I can take and I don't even listen to her anymore.

No. 1864921

kek anon i listen to junk music from the 80s/90s, i get you. I am glad i cant stand modern music, because it feels more soulless than even older junkpop music, and its always sang by pedomoids or pickmes.

No. 1864927

they look good, they look like an artificial version of my boobs actually. idk why people are so scared of any sort of sag

No. 1864948

They're so big but perky and stiff I wish mine sat up that high on my chest

No. 1864975

File: 1705983010231.jpeg (368.93 KB, 1170x995, IMG_4797.jpeg)

The stripper is now lying in meta about what was said as if everyone can’t just read what was posted. Anyone who would view something as evil as the sex industry, which ruins women and children’s lives and is inextricably linked to trafficking, is automatically a horrible person and a piece of shit. Any normal person would avoid the sex industry like the plague, not wonder if they can make a quick $20 by selling themselves to the same rape apes who buy trafficked children(stop dragging infights here if they're moved to /meta/)

No. 1864979

>trying to continue an infight over nothing during hellweek
>pretending like we cant read your posts either
>all while assuming everyone is the anon you disagreed with
hope you enjoy your ban

No. 1864984

Nta but the stripper didn't lie, you did say some pretty disgusting stuff about DV victims >>1864245

No. 1864985

You're right and you're making everyone seethe because of it. Don't listen to those tards.

No. 1864986

do y’all think strippers are capable of real love(derailing, infight bait)

No. 1864988

I was originally on the anti-prostitution anons side until she started acting more and more unhinged and said gross stuff about victims she met while volunteering >>1864260

if she disagreed it's fine, but she would've got way more anons on her side if she acted mentally stable and didn't strawman or be hateful towards victims

No. 1864990

Ok libfem(infighting)

No. 1864992

> pretending like we cant read your posts either
I literally linked my posts so that everyone could see that nothing she said is true lol.

I did not say disgusting stuff about DV victims, you’re an idiot. I said I’ve encountered many women who willingly sell themselves, and their abused children, and that I know they aren’t “sweet and cool” like the anon said.
It’s a statistically proven fact that strippers and prostitutes are likely to abuse their children and have dark triad personality disorders. Because I’ve volunteered at women’s shelters, Ive been trained on how to recognize when a child is being abused or trafficked, and 9 times out of 10 the mother is some pickme man worshipper who got too old to sell herself so she started trafficking her daughters. It’s evil and it makes me fucking seethe and rage

No. 1864996

I never said “gross things about DV victims
learn to read. Stop saying the stripper didn’t lie, I posted a screenshot of her post and linked my two posts so that you can see how wrong her post is

No. 1865002

yes? you insulted DV victims who were involved in prostitution, it's pretty disgusting. I'm not sure why you keep denying it. You claimed the women you met while volunteering were the "scummiest people you ever met". Not even the scrotes that buy them or rape kids but abused women were the bad guys in your book, that's why anons are mad

at least own up to it and make a good argument instead of swearing up and down you didn't say it. I feel awful for the women you "help"
>Ive been trained on how to recognize when a child is being abused or trafficked, and 9 times out of 10 the mother is some pickme man worshipper who got too old to sell herself so she started trafficking her daughters.
doubt be 80% of traffickers are men, plus women who traffick aren't allowed in shelters
>It’s a statistically proven fact that strippers and prostitutes are likely to abuse their children
maybe prostitutes but can I see the studies on strippers? you also falsely claimed minors are legally allowed to work in NY strip clubs so it's not surprising when you untrustworthy personality-fagged yourself

No. 1865106

>thinking strippers is bad is a "boomer news station"-type of thought
Rope yourself, scrote.
You need to meet more women, then, jesus.(scrotefoiling)

No. 1865110

Just leave the doodle board alone is all I ask.

No. 1865114

It's not the thought that strippers are bad, it's claiming strip clubs are all trafficked minors especially in America, and then falsely claiming New York legally allows minors to strip (which isn't true). Sex work already has enough things wrong with it that are actually true to make good points, you don't need to blatantly lie because it just makes that side look dishonest

No. 1865137

I didn’t say all strippers are trafficked minors, I said strip clubs involve trafficking and some are minors. I’ve been told by multiple women that the age is 16 in Nevada and 15 in New York, and I remember watching an interview of a minor who was a stripper in New York because it was legal there

> you insulted DV victims who were involved in prostitution, it's pretty disgusting. I'm not sure why you keep denying it. You claimed the women you met while volunteering were the "scummiest people you ever met". Not even the scrotes that buy them or rape kids but abused women were the bad guys in your book, that's why anons are mad
>at least own up to it and make a good argument instead of swearing up and down you didn't say it. I feel awful for the women you "help"
No, you’re lying again. I said men who buy sex, buy trafficking victims, watch porn and go to strip clubs are all evil subhumans. Then I said that women who abuse and traffick their children are the scummiest people alive. That’s very different from what you said, isn’t it?

>Ive been trained on how to recognize when a child is being abused or trafficked, and 9 times out of 10 the mother is some pickme man worshipper who got too old to sell herself so she started trafficking her daughters.

>doubt be 80% of traffickers are men, plus women who traffick aren't allowed in shelters
No kidding most traffickers are men, are you regarded? Female traffickers however are almost always a prostitute mother. It’s a statistical fact. I know for a fact because I’ve encountered many women and children who were trafficked and abused by their moms.

No. 1865140

Maybe they just like pole dancing

I don't want to be a stripper but I want to learn how to pole dance, looks like a great workout

No. 1865141

>plus women who traffick aren't allowed in shelters hur hur dur
You say that like female human traffickers state that they’re traffickers you retarded pickme. I can’t believe how stupid some of you are

No. 1865149

to get rid of the flames click on the pixel flame right below "password" and above the announcement

No. 1865153

/g/ is the house of husbandofags though. Plus, milk has been dry for a while. Most threads are filled with boring nitpicks(shayna), racebait(tradthots), kf vermins(animation industry cows), etc. Cows arent what they used to be, everyone nowadays is a bit of a cow with the whole pronoun and sperging shit, but they just arent fun, they arent genuine, they arent interesting.

No. 1865161

I'm saying this as someone who's been here since the beginning, anons autistically screeching about "zoomerspeak" on Lolcow and how it should be banned when someone uses current slang terms genuinely give a hilarious Chris-chan screaming about Sonic's blue arms vibe. It's such a retarded hyperfixation hill to die on and you know it's always people who are born in like 1999 themselves.

No. 1865167

we are currently quarantined because of zoomers not adhering to board culture

No. 1865168

Getting annoyed at an unintegrated underage newfag is understandable, throwing a public tantrum about someone using the term "it's giving" or "sus" is unfiltered autism.

No. 1865170

I often accidentally use zoomer speak because it’s everywhere now, its like the new slang words and I hear it all the time so it kind of sticks. Sometimes I don’t even know it’s zoomer speak until someone else mentions it.

No. 1865172

Exactly, I automatically pick up some of the most popular phrases and terminology because I'm exposed to it everywhere. People who get so mad at it sound like they have no social interaction with anyone so they don't understand the development of language which makes them feel even more on the spectrum.

No. 1865174

Idk why but 'it's giving' 'girlie' or 'it's the x for me' sounds insufferable to me but sus sounds normal

No. 1865175

>Sometimes I don’t even know it’s zoomer speak until someone else mentions it.
One time someone tried to call me a twitterfag/newfag for saying "delulu", and the entire time I thought it was something only said on lolcow kek. I didn't even see people using it on social media until after that.

No. 1865176

arent you doing the same by bringing /meta/ complains to /ot/ just because you got angry i called out retarded unintegrated zoomers from tiktok?

No. 1865179

Not everyone is a social media normie user. We come here specially to scape zoomer culture. If you dont want to get called out for being a zoomer, integrate.

No. 1865180

"zoomerspeak" isn't even a real thing really. thanks to the internet generations are merged together and are interacting, there isn't a clear line of only kids using words and phrases and people use it outside of the US anyway (only americans can be a millenial, zoomer, boomer etc). people will claim a phrase is from zoomers and then you look it up and a gen x drag queen coined the term

No. 1865181

nayrt but "zoomer" slang is getting normalized outside of normie social media. people talk like that irl where I live

No. 1865183

No, but I saw that discussion and laughed at the spergery.

No. 1865184

I'm the same. I am a very active user since like 2017. There's no place on the Internet where there are mostly women but here. I am not that interested in ragebait influencer drama anymore and I think would be a shame to basically revert back to just/mostly cows. I think the board culture evolved. Yeah recently there's more zoomers but I think we can't really help that as well. In two years all millennials will be over 30 and too busy with life and I think most of the lolcow will be zoomers anyway.

No. 1865185

Nta but I’m the anon that the nonna you tagged was replying too, I don’t use any social media I just use YouTube for video watching. The terms are everywhere, people are even saying “rizz” on the news kek. But I’m not saying people can’t tell me I’m using zoomer speak, just that sometimes the anon is not a zoomer just someone who accidentally picked up the term somewhere.

No. 1865186

Sure anon, you totally didnt feel called out at all, that's why you had to bring it to the infighting thread, sorry i meant unpopular opinion thread, to talk about how totally unaffected you were by it. You are an actual sperg for getting that offended at a /meta/ post in a thread about complaints about the site, in hellweek, and bring it over here. If you think its spergy to complain about zoomer retards not integrating, in a board to talk about the site's state, while in hellweek, then take it over to meta instead of crying here.

No. 1865187

I hope they find a cure for autism in the future, nonnie.

No. 1865189

Nta but you sound way too pressed about this kek

No. 1865191

A good wife who at 30 years of age have not yet born a child, should sell her jewellery and purchase a concubine for her husband.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1865192

She should sell her husband and purchase jewelry for herself

No. 1865193

I took my complaint to meta, where it belongs. Anon is the real autist who had to bring it here to whine and cry about other anons who dare to talk about annoying unintegrated zoomer peak in the thread to talk about unintegrated zoomers and how they are ruining the site's culture.

No. 1865194

I don’t know anon it just looked like general conversation about an unpopular opinion until you started throwing a fit and accusing everyone of being social media fags and zoomers kek

No. 1865196

well, you were calling me ''chris chan level autistic'' for complaining about the degradation of board culture, during hellweek, in the appropiate thread. Being so lenient to zoomer speech patterns is what is lead to hellweek and the abhorrent state of the site. I know you think its autistic because you dont care about site culture, which is why we are in hellweek to begin with.

No. 1865202

>well, you were calling me ''chris chan level autistic''
No I didn’t. And it’s funny your complaining so much about preserving board culture, your back and forth whining and assuming everyone who disagrees with you is the same anon is kind of the opposite of board culture

No. 1865205

Samefag but while we’re at it you starting each post with “well,” makes you noticeable across multiple threads, why not try integrating before you start throwing tantrums about various zoomer terms(infighting)

No. 1865207

>your back and forth whining and assuming everyone who disagrees with you is the same anon is kind of the opposite of board culture
the fuck are you talking about, it's an anonymous board ofcouse i dont know who am i responding to.
you arent SHErlock holmes, you retard. I have only posted in this thread today. God, I will take my ban but i hope admins ban all of you retards for good because you are insufferable.(infighting)

No. 1865241

Imageboards have certain (sometimes edgy) lingo because they want to keep out that outsider demographic who would be easily offended and take anonymous posts at face value. Hence why "b-but everyone uses zoomer lingo" is more of an argument against it, imageboards aren't meant to be inclusive for everyone. If imageboards, including lolcow, didn’t uphold this standart for years we'd barely differ from the average social media website. In other words, we'd have posts crying about being ableist for using the word sperg/autist/retard, taking absolutely delusional stories serious and advocating for trans rights kek.

No. 1865251

It's literally about anons genuinely having an autistic meltdown over people using neutral terminology like "not the x", i.e. modern day online lingo found everywhere in the mainstream.

No. 1865264

it's zoomer speak >>1864945

No. 1865333

I can understand why men treat their gfs like slaves because If I could find a cute guy who will cook, clean, pay all the bills and let me verbally abuse him I’d probably be doing it too. The issue is most attractive men aren’t going to let any woman treat them like that.

No. 1865343

I mean, you would do it because it would be for the sake of retribution even if that hasn't happened to you or someone you know.
Moids do it because they're all disgusting and can't form bonds with women because all moids have been told from the moment they're born, that they're superior to women.

No. 1865347

I can’t really form emotional bonds with people myself(diagnosed personality disorder)so I can see why men act the way they do because I assume most men think like the average person with a personality disorder. It’s just harder as a woman to get a away with what they do because 1. Most good looking men are too self respecting to let any woman treat them like that and 2. I’m more at risk of being murdered.

No. 1865352

I think that assisted reproductive technology (sperm/egg donation, ivf, surrogacy, etc.) is unnecessary and unethical. Each 'type' of ART has its own issues (sperm banks allow dozens to hundreds of kids to be sired from the same donor because the banks aren't well regulated, egg retrieval has serious side effects, literally everything about surrogacy….) Sure, it's tragic when people can't have bio kids, but there's usually a reason they can't. There's also eight billion people in the world and countless numbers of orphans, we don't need to expend extra resources to make more humans when most of the current people on this planet aren't living a decent life. I wish all of the money wasted on ART went into medical research to cure other disabilities and illnesses. No one is dying from infertility, but something like ALS will kill you after seriously disabling you.

No. 1865360

Have you even read my post? It doesn't matter that it bleeds into everyday lingo, because this is an imageboard that has board culture and specific board lingo. Either you adapt to it or you go to a place where you can freely talk in zoomer phrases.
I rather have anons over the top sperging and nitpicking over zoomer lingo than the ones wanting it to be accepted here instead of integrating. Because the later inevitably leads to board culture dying and becoming like any other social media website. If you talk like a zoomer twitterfag, the website will slowly look inviting to other zoomer twitterfags. If the userbase becomes full of them without them integrating and thus passing on the board culture that makes lolcow lolcow, it will slowly turn into the same shithole those newfags came from.

No. 1865368

I feel similarly. I think there should be more sympathy for people with infertility, I would like kids myself someday so I get how it'd be a huge blow, but I think screwing around with this stuff is like feeling entitled to a child. Kids shouldn't be commodities to purchase or manufacture in a lab, and you're right about there being kids to adopt. Also of course those things always end up leaving the brunt of the effort and risk and invasiveness on the woman, surrogacy being the worst. I'm not usually some class critical super socialist but I think there's also something to be said that these technologies are used by rich people. More effort should be invested in improving the adoption process since I hear it's garbage in a lot of ways for both kids and would-be parents

No. 1865369

Gen z is going to have such a hard time making the transition from being the young target audience and making room for Gen alpha because being young is so much of their identity

No. 1865379

>Kids shouldn't be commodities
Correct. I don't want to valorize bio parents because so many of them are horrible shitty people, but I don't think it's any better when people feel entitled to a living human just because they can pay money. And tbh I've never met an IVF kid who wasn't completely messed up medically and behaviorally. Like somehow worse than the adoptees I know. Either the process is messing them up or their parents are extra shitty.
>leaving the brunt of the effort and risk and invasiveness on the woman
Holy shit the differences between egg donation and sperm donation are absurd. Moids just get to whack off in a cup while women have to take fucking Lupron and get their ovaries scraped. And go figure sperm donation is the one currently producing hundreds of half siblings who regularly don't even know about each other. Just this morning I read an article about two young women who found out they were sisters… and that they share multiple health problems that they got from their janky ass sperm donor but didn't know about because mUh DoNoR aNoNyMiTy.

No. 1865424

I agree, but I think it's allowed because of the dwindling birth rates. In many countries women now have more agency over whether they have children or not and when to have them, even though in some cases it would have been too late for them without IVF treatment. We are also becoming less fertile in general which is theorized to be because of pollutants. In the eyes of your local government IVF children are better than no children even if the planet as a whole is over populated.

No. 1865470

People who aren't attracted to their own race are generally really fucking weird, men or women.

No. 1865478

Yeah it's basically the Millennial problem but on steroids. Each generation is going to get progressively worse because of the terminal adolescence problem getting worse and worse.

No. 1865484

I think it’s already happening tbh. Things that are becoming popular have gen alpha in mind. Zoomers are complaining about gen alpha online.

No. 1865491

I also wish that money would be used to help people suffering from chronic illnesses and disabilities.

No. 1865494

I think that the genetically unfit (if someone can't reproduce, then they shouldn't bypass that by using a surrogate or robot or fertility drugs) shouldn't be allowed to reproduce. Those people are going to pass their genetic unfitness on to their offspring. And it's unwise to create a society that is entirely dependable on technology to reproduce.
But beside that, all's fair. Raising children to adulthood has always been a question of resources, and money is just how we measure resources now. So if a woman wants to have thirty children by thirty surrogates, that's fine as long as she can carry a child to term herself.

No. 1865514

Tons of people with severe intellectual disabilities are able to have children naturally, while otherwise completely healthy individuals might be unable to do so because of something that isn't even genetic.
And I feel like you should look into that lady that has a fuckton of children by surrogates that are raised by a bunch of nannies because her husband has a lot of criminal funds.

Not sure how I feel about IVF but there's a ton of male fertility doctors or whatever they're called that used their own sperm, and that's not even counting the sperm donors that would jack off at every donation clinic they could find and also have dozens if not hundreds of offspring that way.

No. 1865532

They disappoint themselves by consuming content that’s made for 12 year olds

No. 1865622

I agree, I see a lot of the younger generation incapable of reproducing without any sort of help and if it's not that it seems like every other person has some sort of issue with their reproductive organs, especially PCOS and endo. I imagine it's because of fertility treatments leaving people passing on their reproductive system issues onto their kids they were never supposed to have, and now the newer generations seem to be riddled with those issues regardless of if they even want kids or not.

No. 1865624

I think it's fine for women since in the cases I've seen, a lot of women don't date men of their own race of they're abused by them. Typically if men aren't attracted to their own race it's a case of internet brain rot/brainwashing

No. 1865706

i just cant into white dudes im sorry. too feminine, the lot of them

No. 1865795

Everyone’s hyping up Trisha paytas life now but I feel like as soon as the baby is about 13ish he’s going to divorce Trisha for child support and alimony. He does not love her like that forreal.(use the 'real opinions about cows' thread)

No. 1865834

Most importantly he had rape accusations made against him which no one seems to remember about

No. 1865841

True but it was the same with millenials, you can see it especially on this site lmao

No. 1865846

i just like people who look as little like they could be related to me as possible. I think i was genetically programmed to be the one that brings genetic diversity into the village kek

No. 1865848

>SHErlock holmes
I haven't been able to stop laughing at this since this was posted, kek wtf.

No. 1865852

I can’t relate to women who say it’s easy to get a bf. I know they say it to be comforting but it’s not comforting at all because it makes me feel defective as a woman. The average woman can have any guy they want yet I can’t even get ONE man?

No. 1865854

You can go to /soc/ on 4chan and say that you're a boyfriend free girl who is xx years old and some moid will jump out of the bushes and be your boyfriend, you don't even need to post a picture of yourself.

No. 1865856

Actually I’ve tried dating 4chan dudes and they didn’t like me either kek

No. 1865858

No. 1865859

KEK this is so true. They dream of a girl that's like them.

No. 1865861

I met up with a guy from 4chan and he couldn’t tolerate me after only being around me for 5 hours. I’m the kind of girl guys like for sex and that’s it.

No. 1865862

OK anon, please tell me what is it that's making even 4chan moids not want to date you.

No. 1865863

I’m not attractive. Most 4chan girls are pretty e girls even if they’re crazy and most nerdy guys are more shallow than normal men.

No. 1865866

Nonna 4chan scrotes are the bottom of the barrel and you can do way better than such defective creatures. Their insecurity makes them incapable of appreciating anything good, worse than the average moid, it's a losing battle from the start.

No. 1865870

True but anon used 4chan guys as an example for a guy who would want a gf and no they don’t. Most of that tfw no girlfriend shit they do is all cap anyway, most of the men I’ve talked to from soc have exes and even have gfs they’re cheating on. They’re really not kissless virgins in real life

No. 1865899

I like Mexican dudes they’re just kinda a little too hairy for me sometimes

No. 1865903

Hairdressers are some of the most evil people on earth. Even if they’re not bitchy, rude and obnoxious and trying to neg you into buying more of their products, they’re still usually ruining your hair.

No. 1865905

I’m white and my dad was white but he was also quite ethnically ambiguous with tan skin, dark hair and dark eyes and somewhat exotic features like hunter eyes. I came out like a blonde blue eyed female version of him because my mom was really light and blonde. But to this day I’m still most attracted to men who look like him, and those men are usually not white and also have his same darker coloring. I heard that most people end up liking people who somewhat resemble their opposite sex parent and that’s definitely true for me. I only like men with black hair and brown eyes to this day.

No. 1865906

>I heard that most people end up liking people who somewhat resemble their opposite sex parent
this can't be true right? it's the exact opposite for me. My dad looks like a famous actor widely considered attractive and I always inexplicably thought the actor was ugly until someone pointed out the resemblance kek

No. 1865910


I think it’s just you feeling safe around your parents and then subconsciously picking a partner who looks like them in adulthood. There was a study that said most guys end up with girls who have their mom’s eye color, hair color and height iirc

No. 1865913

Not true for me either, I'm not not attracted to people of the same race but usually prefer a different one. I think a large part of this is social rather than looks-based though since my parents are from a different country so I often find that I don't have a lot in common with most people who look like us, as they usually prefer another language and have different cultural values/interests compared to me.
Tbh I kind of don't have a good concept of what my dad looked like when he was younger because he was in his 40s when I was born and all the photos of him are blurry as hell. Also I love my dad but I don't want a guy with his personality as a partner kek

No. 1865921

Same but it's all my family. All males in my family are basically carbon copies of what's considered attractive right now, the closest thing I can think of is the gene pool of the Hemsworth brothers but with sharper features and much taller. i just can't bring myself to find anyone that remotely resembles them attractive. I even have a distant cousin who's a buff ginger and when girls at my workplace were all swooning over a line cooks who's a buff tatted up ginger I just looked in ick. I guess that's probably why I'll choose a skelly moid or some chub over huge and buff

No. 1865922

Ugh don't give me flashbacks to my days when I dated chan tards. I swear to God those idiots cheat more than the frat boy gigachads and even higher up moids known for cheating. How do they even gather that many girls on their discords? I can't

No. 1865927

Ugh once I had a moid who was quite literally stalking me and I reported it to the manager and she just pulled the whole "sometimes you just have to work with people you don't like" thing. I ended up being stalked the same year after and he'd make anonymous snapchats to send pictures of me gardening and working outside. Thank God I moved

No. 1865928

The wine cooler never died it was just replaced with the “(random alcohol) spritz” cocktail

No. 1865946

I’m sorry about your situation and I’m glad you moved. But I deleted my shit cause this is the second time today I’ve vented in the wrong thread, am reaching levels of retardation not thought possible.

No. 1865964

It's a low IQ profession for bitchy college dropouts. You'd need to find one who somehow is intelligent and autistically serious about their work to get a great stylist, which is rare and expensive.

No. 1865983

Thongs are comfortable and I don't understand women who say they're not

No. 1865986

Wondering what side of the "no way" spectrum your ass is on that you don't feel a wedge of dental floss in your Crack and over your hole

No. 1866008

Do women who find thongs comfortable have a different anatomy that would make it comfortable than women who find them uncomfortable? I just can't with thongs even if they're fitted right plus I just get constantly paranoid I'm going to get a UTI or something because of the constant sliding between my asshole and my cooch

No. 1866012

It has to be either ass so flat you don't feel it or body so big your ass swallows it whole and you're used to the friction of your rolls anyway so you don't notice it either.

No. 1866028

They are not that uncomfortable but they aren’t the most comfortable. My unpopular opinion is that things aren’t sexy

No. 1866033

JJK guys are very ugly

No. 1866034

Please I have tried so hard to be like those of you who think they're comfy. I just can't. The entire day I am feeling fabric in-between my booty cheeks. The entire day. Everything I do can't distract me enough from feeling something being in-between my cheeks.

No. 1866094

Those tumblr and instagram nostlagia blogs that search for other peoples old flickr and photobucket pictures in an attempt to capture their aesthetic are weird. It's weird to use someone elses pictures of their bedroom or living room from flickr that were posted in like 2006 even if they are posted publicly. Take a photo of your own room

No. 1866110

This but full commando.

No. 1866156

Nah this is a ridiculous way of looking at it. Most asiaphiles weren't abused, ostracized and bullied a bit as kids maybe, but not abused.

No. 1866161

People and cows who never grow out of their kpop/anime/asian guy/asian girl phase are genuinely scary to me. They are a case study in how your life can go wrong if you refuse to turn off the internet and enter the real world. Worst thing is some of these people end up divorced with a child in some shithole for women like South Korea. You essentially ruined your life because of lowest common denominator music and cartoons. The internet was a mistake.

No. 1866195

I feel they would have ruined their lives with or without cringy weeb shit, look at the amount of normie women stuck in shitty relationships or who had a kid with an awful moid.

No. 1866232

I disagree and I think Venus Angelic is a good example. Her life wouldn't have been amazing by any means and she'd still be dysfunctional but it would have been far better than what it is now. There was zero reason for her to stay in Japan and I partially blame her fans (enablers) for encouraging this after her and her mother went their separate ways.

International marriage + divorce is simply a much worse situation to be in for obvious reasons. Especially as a lot of the koreaboo and weeaboo women have no marketable skills and end up playing housewife after the marriage. Your options are very limited when the divorce inevitably comes. It's grim. A lot of western divorcees in JP and KR, if they choose to leave, forego any rights to seeing their child too.

Honestly a lot of lives have been ruined by the rosy picture j and k dramas paint of their respective countries. My take is you should only move there if it's a good career move.

No. 1866278

I don’t understand ugly or fat people who have kids then get mad at their kids for being ugly and fat. They’re ugly and fat because of your genes and the food you feed them. Like those Asian moms who are always calling their daughters fat or ugly, bitch she looks like you!

No. 1866283

I'm extremely weirded out by parents who complain about their kids being ugly, like there was an anon in another thread who was scared her future kids would inherit her sister-in-law's "plain features".

No. 1866284

The guy Gault or whatever that popularised eugenics ended up disproving all his own theories on race and through genetics and biomarkers concluded race isn't generically a thing and various gene and phenotypes can be shared regardless of skin colour and racism is retarded. True eugenics is breeding out the uglies and screening for birth defects. Yet being ugly isn't always linked to genetic abnormality so people should be happy to stay in their lane and lean into the lot they've got. It be an honest and happier world if everyone realised they weren't born to be a sex symbol.

No. 1866287

A lot of people who get called ugly by their parents arent even ugly though. The parents just don’t like their own features and project that on their kids.

No. 1866291

Hate that brand of grunge starving girls with black hair, bangs and sleepy eyes posing with cigarettes and glasses of wine, they always have a musty unshaved hobo looking boyfriend

No. 1866295

True those parents are narcissists and don't see their kids as an individual but rather an extension of themselves. I see it all the time on my fb, it's mostly the mums guilty of it but there's a lot of baby posturing. One mum on my fb loves to post photos of her kids and then write a long paragraph of what specific features today look identical to her and her child is so beautiful etc etc. It's pretty much like reading a love letter to herself.

No. 1866302

I had a coworker who spammed the groupchat with pictures of her "gorgeous" baby. Every fucking day she posted at least twice about her baby being beautiful and having blue eyes like limpid tears and dark ebony locks. It started getting borderline creepy when each photo had a caption that was some variation of
>I'm so lucky I had a pretty baby!
>I would've loved her anyway but I'm so happy my baby is pretty!
Little Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way is going to be either insecure or vapid as hell and have a mental breakdown if she ever gets a bad haircut or (gasp) gains weight.

No. 1866334

I have a normal ass. I get ones that are very stretchy so they have some give. I only feel them if they're too small or made of extremely shitty material. Bikini cut is wat makes me sperg out because I hate all of the layers of fabric.

No. 1866337

This is why insecure people shouldn't procreate. They think their child is a "redo" who they can live vicariously through but they often find themselves disappointed because that's not how children work, and so instead they project all the things they are insecure about onto them.

No. 1866361

File: 1706113283997.jpeg (36.61 KB, 225x225, IMG_2310.jpeg)

No. 1866379

I'm sure at least half of those "girls" are femboys and trannies

No. 1866403

File: 1706115983672.jpg (20.22 KB, 264x280, 1000008144.jpg)

Massages are not sexy or arousing at all, whoever feels aroused by a random massage done at a random spa needs to get their brains checked because massages are relaxing, but those who find them arousing must be confusing arousal with relaxation.

No. 1866405

Those who find it arousing are probably touch starved.

No. 1866406

File: 1706116410617.jpg (11.69 KB, 224x224, 412F14505B69412FBD9FE91E5D8C72…)

you're right but I can't help it I'm sorry

No. 1866411

Getting a massage from my boyfriend is arousing because at some point I'll expect him to massage me intimately and make me orgasm.

No. 1866420

I've never had a massage done to me so I can't tell how it's supposed to feel but you just made me want to go to a spa to try it.

No. 1866429

definitely get a back massage, those are amazing. i get so sleepy during massages that it's hard for me to stay awake.

No. 1866474

Only men and actual retards manage to somehow make something as innocent as getting a massage sexual. It's super relaxing and honestly, you can just let your mind go blank. I have pretty bad carpal tunnel, so getting my arms and wrists massaged is a must.

No. 1866510

Women shouldn’t be caregivers to their dangerous disabled sons, this seems terrifying

No. 1866511

Euthanasia should be administered more

No. 1866520

File: 1706124993966.jpeg (124.95 KB, 500x592, IMG_7130.jpeg)

Celebrities shouldn't dabble in art unless they're actually good at it. If you don't know jackshit about the basic principles of design and your art is the artistic equivalent of dog crap, don't sell it for $50,000 to some sucker who'll solely purchase it because of your name. Most celebrity "artists" have no talent, see picrel, Stallones "pieces" are just him thrusting paint on a canvas with no form.

No. 1866523

Being able to give your disabled or severely autistic and violent son a merciful death should be legal and allowed. I feel horrible for women who suffer with a violent child their entire lives. It's 'controllable' when they are children, but as soon as they become teens and adults, it's different.

No. 1866526

Why does it look like he's faking the autism? Genuinely asking.

No. 1866538

what is it with moids and thinking they're artists because they splatter paint onto a canvas kek. the only thing i can think of is that it's the bare minimum thing you can do that requires no actual skill or creativity and still be able to call yourself an artist

No. 1866551

Asking about wanting kids in the future on the first date isnt weird, its stupid to go in multiple dates before even knowing if you are compatible on a basic level. Things like wating kids, where you want to live, basic values and such should be first date topics.

No. 1866560

File: 1706127382427.jpeg (49.87 KB, 600x590, IMG_7133.jpeg)

Don't worry, they assault our eyes in 3d too. You want an anachan bones rattle rattle alien sculpture?

No. 1866563

This is an unpopular opinion? I thought it was like basic etiquette for first dates in prospect of a serious relationship.

No. 1866566

Depends, not everyone dates to get a life/long term partner, but otherwise I agree.

No. 1866568

I completely agree with you. I actually hate how a lot of people think bringing it up is “moving way too fast” like wtf? It’s insane to completely waste time, money, and effort if you have completely different view of having kids or not. Kids should be non-negotiable imo, if you either want them or don’t want them I don’t think you can be convinced otherwise. Maybe I think that because I see a lot of parents regretting having children because they didn’t really want them in the first place, but thought they were “supposed to” have them. And I think it’s very unfair to bring a whole life into the world if you don’t want them.

No. 1866570

I read a study that showed they cut attractive women's hair shorter than ugly women. the person who did the study speculated that they were subconsciously trying to sabotage other people's hair out of jealousy and spite.

I'd honestly believe it.

No. 1866584

Apparently is weird and creepy and makes a date seem like a job interview and its just supposed to have fun. According to normies you should wait until you are asking then to be exclusive, ie several dates into it when you have both fallen in love. Which to me is insane. First dates are supposed to be about vetting a partner wtf thats the whole point. Are people even mature enought to be in a realtionship if asking basic deal breakers is too serious and ruins the vibe?

But again me and my fiancé talked about our life goals and deal breakers before we even met, and we are going strong. Those of our friends who didnt talk about those things early on, well their relationships ended over fundamental differences after falling in love. Weird how that works.

No. 1866588

i really like the smell of my own armpits

No. 1866599

See if someone is that retarded can't you just fucking go get them ready, get in the car and take them anywhere else and make up some shit that applebes is fucking closed.

No. 1866603

Like no harm to her because she's clearly got it rough, but her son is massively overweight I know he must be a lot to deal with but there are so many parents that just feed their kids to placate them and then wonder why they feel lethargic as shit and don't want to run around or be active. Bet homeboys main form of exercise is hitting people. I'm sure he can finish a hot dog in 5 minutes then what just keep feeding him until he passes out. Bleak

No. 1866605

for me the most disturbing part of this is that it's been uploaded to tiktok and we're watching it. what is going on in this woman's head while she's filming this? i'm not a religious person but i'm starting to hope that the rapture comes soon because we are all fucked.

No. 1866606

Black people usually act way more Karen-like than white people. Its always the white ladies who are totally overcompensating and being as fake nice as possble because they really don't want to be seen as bitchy(racebait)

No. 1866607

Exactly who the fuck is this video for. There's no tips or resolution. All the food she offered too was just lazy oven food or pancakes.

No. 1866608

Obvious racebait, but it all makes sense if you just see Karen as a racist slur for white women.

No. 1866610

Maybe this is just on the dating shows that I have seen but this seems to be normal in american dating.
If somebody asked me this tho I'd be freaked out, it sounds so creepy, like he's planning to do something to me. Having kids is such a private matter, you don't just share those inner thoughts and dreams with basically a stranger. In general being asked about stuff like 5 or 10 year plans is such a turn-off. I still feel young, I'm still not certain what I will want in the future and because of this I shouldn't try to find love? If you really love each other, you navigate life together and figure things out.

No. 1866614

File: 1706130369370.png (750.35 KB, 804x904, stop pretending to be stupid.p…)

I mean Karen in the obvious colloquial way, stupid. working in the US service industry in a large city will confirm it for you.

No. 1866617

>what is going on in this woman's head while she's filming this?
Many things would come to my mind: do you think somebody ever thanked her for the hard work she does 24/7 for likely the rest of her life? Do you think this beast ever says I love you or Sorry like normal kids do? Maybe she also doesn't know anybody else in a situation like hers but I bet the comments of her tiktok are full of other mom with retard sons. She wants some nice words, praise, pity,… I really don't get how you can watch this and judge her, her life is obviously fucked.e

No. 1866618

More like a misogynistic slur, I’ve heard non-white women be called Karens.

No. 1866619

Oh my fucking lord. It's not gender specific. I mean Karen-like as in overly aggressive, rude, inconsiderate to waitresses/servers, both men and women can be Karens. I don't know what the male word for Karen is or should be. I don't understand the overanalyzation when the statement I made is extremely simple.

No. 1866620

I was about to disagree with this but thinking about it, the most Audacity I've ever come across while working retail was this middle aged black lady who wanted me to follow her around the store and hold her shit like I was some kind of maid. I gave all her change back in coins.

No. 1866622

I fail to see how anyone can watch media and not make a judgement. Not trying to be rude but do people just watch something and have no critical thoughts about what they've observed? I'm trying to understand. Fair enough if she wants sympathy and respect, but we're all human and I just watched a video of a boy with autism and unless people judge and observe what solutions or understanding will come from it? How can one be supportive without making a judgement?

No. 1866624

One time a black guy screamed at me in the middle of my work because his wifes croque monsieur didn't have enough bechamel. I felt so scared and legitimately threatened by him but my boss was too afraid to step in. That's privilege. Being able to abuse others and get away with it, no questions asked.(ban evaded to post more racebait)

No. 1866628

I guess it can seem that way to someone who's young, but a lot of people really don't want to waste their time on someone that they're inherently incompatible with. Imo it's better to get the important shit out of the way first if you're looking for a life partner instead of realizing that one of you wants kids and the other wants to be childfree 2-3 years down the line. I also don't date men, though, so ymmv.

No. 1866630

I don't think any opinion regarding to a certain race or class should be considered racebait as long as you're not being racist. It is not racist to notice behavioral patterns.(samefag)

No. 1866637

>I just watched a video of a boy with autism
well to me and seemingly plenty other anons as well this isn't just an uwu "boy" with autism, he's fucking scary, the way he looks and moves doesn't even register as human - and yet that mom loves and takes care of him and takes extreme physical abuse from him. As a human I just feel pity for her.

No. 1866646

I would agree but there’s been a lot of dogwhistling here lately. Should have matured past it but it’s kind of getting to me now.

No. 1866651

Well yeah it's sad and I pity her and don't envy her position but it's jarring seeing a human his age not be able to communicate coherently. I have sympathy towards the boy too and feel like he should be almost treated like a hyper active pet. Structure and burning off the tism energy could do him wonders. Food is fuel we're not hunter gathers and unable to predict our next meals, overfeeding is a form of neglect. He's probably got days were he feels like shit bevause of his physical condition. Just imagine being constipated from your shit diet or tummy aches and not being able to articulate that, instead food is a solution to every emotional outburst. Doesn't sit right with me personally.

No. 1866662

Damn even boymoms have found LCF now.

No. 1866666

I'm childless kek but I got a nephew who's mum spent most of his younger years calling him autistic to cover up for her neglect so I took an interest because I was spouting rhetoric about funny how addicted neglectful mothers all a higher incidence of having an autistic child. And I got some backlash lol. I'm also definitely on the spectrum myself as I am very weird with food and had sensory issues that were ignored when young so I was like it is possible my nephew has autism (FYI he doesn't have any issues apart from having a non regional accent from too much screentime and tbh not having the same accent as his ma is actually a godsend)

No. 1866682

reminds me a who despise Marianne Williamson, she often seems to be hated because they associate her with middle-aged white women who are into crystals, yoga, "spirituality" etc. (As if these things were more silly than thinking that all women must wear hijabs, or that Jews are God's chosen people", etc. I know a few young white women going hard with the Karen meme. they don't seem to realize a decade or two and they will be called Karen as well.

No. 1866686

File: 1706134692143.jpg (109.92 KB, 1000x1400, MV5BZjU5MTMyYTItYzY4NS00MjdjLW…)

I really like this show and I like that western cartoons have ugly art styles. I like that it has mature themes but doesn't spend the majority of the episode with middle school humor then ends with a moral lesson (besides the pilot). I can see why it would be off-putting for some but I think for some of these stories having not flashy animation helps the story. The weird and awkward style fits the overall themes really well.

No. 1866689

It would be one thing if it had just mediocre/serviceable animation, but this is genuinely ugly to look at.

No. 1866691

This is horrid, I hate how male chromosomes just always manages to make these monsters huge as fuck and strong too. If there was some sort of test or something to see how dangerous they are at certain ages, these barely human beings would either get mercifully euthanized or sent to some work camp or some shit.
Also, isn't it crazy how it's always the moids? It's fucking always the moids that are the bad image, the example of what's wrong, the reason why we will never succeed as a society. Moids like that fucking beast are the reason why being an autist is considered the same as being mentally underdeveloped.

No. 1866698

>Asking views on children with a potential partner is too sensitive
The modern mindset is wild, people are so scared literally nothing but will sleep with strangers and waste years of their life with someone they dont even know

No. 1866706

This is genuinely hideous to look at though.

No. 1866709

It's because scrotes love to act like women are crazy for asking for literally anything. They're also so egotistical that they think when you mention wanting kids that means the woman must want them with THEM. Scrotes refuse to actually think about women as potential partners and just want the immediate gratification of having a woman's attention and then realize 5 years in that they're not a good match kek.

No. 1866710

This is honestly the best way to explain it. More women need to be direct and not waste their time with these kind of men anyway.

No. 1866715

One of my hardest dating lessons is that the majority of scrotes barely think about whether or not they actually like their girlfriend, let alone whether they would marry her. It's the whole 'practice girlfriend' and even 'starter wife' thing for them. They see the majority of women as accessories to their life rather than someone they actually emotionally connect with. If they don't think they're ready for something serious they won't work through it, they'll just abandon you. That's why you have so many scrotes who spend 8 years with one woman and never fully making it official and then marry someone else a year later. Or completely running away from potential partners they could be really happy with.

No. 1866718

>but will sleep with strangers
literally nowhere in my post but go off i guess

No. 1866720

There is nothing wrong or weird about having a mild crush on your older brother provided it doesn't go any further.(chronic bait poster)

No. 1866721

>If you really love each other, you navigate life together and figure things out
You're going to find out the hard way.

No. 1866729

File: 1706137903480.jpeg (51.87 KB, 736x744, IMG_2225.jpeg)

No. 1866737

Samefag but it's also funny how older brothers feel zero sense of obligation to their younger siblings. My brother saved me from our abusive parents, took care of me for years, helped me through university, now he's met someone and is probably going to get married. I'll be one of those "jealous sisters", because it's apparently unfair to expect someone you love and went through hell with to put you before some random slut he met on a dating app initially, apparently.

No. 1866739

i've never used reddit in my life but i like 'reddit spacing', it makes long paragraphs look more organized and easier to read. idk why people are against it

No. 1866740

men with short hair are all ugly

No. 1866742

I mean if you’re like 20 and have years to waste on a relationship with someone who is incompatible with you, go ahead. Good luck with your heartbreak.
>Having kids is such a private matter, you don't just share those inner thoughts and dreams with basically a stranger.
The person you’re considering taking on as a romantic partner is the person you should be talking to about this stuff. No one is asking you to spill your guts about your “inner thoughts and dreams” on the first date. But the conversation is best had sooner rather than later. Within the first month or two of dating for sure.

No. 1866743

same, I at least preferred it to most other ugly adult cartoons. I think I biased though because I also liked the voice actress in Baskets.

No. 1866744

this would have looked miles better with a semi realistic style like king of the hill

No. 1866745

File: 1706138808812.gif (1.2 MB, 228x276, giphy.gif)

No. 1866748

What am I witnessing

No. 1866751

Correct reaction methinks. I love my brother but a crush on him no thanks, I'm definitely the more attractive sibling. I dumped a bf because I realised I loved them like a brother. Me and OP are not the same.

No. 1866752

don't let sigmund freud see this

No. 1866753

I knew that op post seemed a little too oddly specific to just be an unpopular opinion

No. 1866764

I like how this got redtexted but if one of us posted
>One time a white guy screamed at me in the middle of my work because his wifes croque monsieur didn't have enough bechamel. I felt so scared and legitimately threatened by him but my boss was too afraid to step in. That's privilege. Being able to abuse others and get away with it, no questions asked.
It would just be considered another post and not racebait at all. But for some reason because black people are mentioned it’s a big old exploded colostomy bag(samefag)

No. 1866765

I dunno, I don't want children and I wouldn't date someone who does even if it's for a short term.

No. 1866767

File: 1706140015788.jpg (5.64 KB, 224x222, 1000008163.jpg)

No. 1866770

It is weird but it happens more often than people think.

No. 1866772

Exactly. There is no "figure things out" together with a scrote. The woman in that situation every single time helps build a man up while she falls behind. Then the man leaves because now he's more established.

No. 1866774

I'm sad that you're not even wrong.

No. 1866776

Okay? The whole point is that scrotes refuse to talk about life goals like children or marriage early on in a relationship so they can get girlfriend benefits for whatever amount of time they want until they pull the whole "I never saw us getting married" card years into the relationship. Obviously you shouldn't date someone long term if you have different life goals but moids aren't honest about theirs to get sex.

No. 1866779

Kek why older brother specifically?

No. 1866783

How short? Most guys look better with short hair.

No. 1866787

anything shorter than ear length. I have never seen an atractive guy with short hair. Long hair is the make up of men.

No. 1866788

NTA but I grew up during the Emo era. Unless they had very good cheek bones and a decent jaw line most men looked terrible.

No. 1866792

A buzzcut on a not-ugly man with a decent hairline makes me feral

No. 1866793

Long hair looks horrible on fat guys or guys with baby faces though

No. 1866794

But why act like it makes men more attractive to have long hair? As soon as you see that forehead it's fucking over. Take a long haired man swimming on the first date.

No. 1866795

File: 1706141509004.jpeg (142.64 KB, 727x733, IMG_7171.jpeg)

Going down further the rabbit hole of bad celebrity art, found ringo starrs mspaint doodleys

No. 1866796

Is there anything that looks good on fat or baby face guy?
I the beard style now. Not the pubey stuff but like well trimmed well kept ones.

No. 1866797

I think most women age out of the long hair on men thing. I use to love long hair and now it just looks gay to me and not nice. Give me neat hair on a man

No. 1866799

I always assume long haired men are troons or greasy gamers now a days.

No. 1866804

File: 1706141741172.jpg (289.78 KB, 1411x2125, men-with-bangs.jpg)

Men with bangs look weird as fuck and if you attracted to them you're a time traveller from 2006

No. 1866805

Even worse, they were NFTs. Though I doubt he has any clue what that is…

No. 1866806

File: 1706141802230.jpg (92.01 KB, 1024x587, penguinz0-1024x587.jpg)

Agree with you. Anon sounds young. I dont know anyone who thinks long haired men look good. They always end up thinking moids like Charlie is hot

No. 1866807

I’m not the other anon but I think most guys look better with hair past their ears.

No. 1866812


We have a lot of minors now, they were passionately whining about wanting to be groomed by emo "boys" (26 year old balding men with combovers) in a prior dumbass shit thread recently too.

No. 1866813

File: 1706142475838.png (828.14 KB, 720x593, christ-skins.png)

Like I don't really see it. I see plenty of short to long hair guys who look cute both ways but I can't think of any who only look hotter with long hair. Anyway cute emo Gendry Baratheon

No. 1866814

It genuinely looks gross. It's crazy to me when they hide behind it for most of their confidence and are like "yer juus jelouse mi hair more fabulos den yours xx". God don't get me started when the UGLIEST little beady eyed ghouls of the 2010s always had the super long, combovered hair and retarded metal band t shirt combo and would say things like "you mad im prettier than your girlfriend ahaha"

No. 1866815

The NFT art blitz was such a fucking surreal thing because I remember the celebrities backpedaling and btfo'ing when they failed, or just never doing it again when the market crashed… but they still sold those worthless things for a pretty penny

I'm especially side eying the ones who both bought AND sold them

No. 1866816

File: 1706142629853.jpg (44.84 KB, 640x920, 1000002353.jpg)

Tell that to the hoards of Peter Steele simps to this day

No. 1866817

File: 1706142670526.jpeg (568.77 KB, 2160x1217, IMG_0051.jpeg)

Nta but my unpopular opinion on here is that he’s kind of hot

No. 1866818

File: 1706142702939.jpeg (62.31 KB, 300x254, PMIOJP4RVLBMQVEJ4ZSILZ4NMEFXVY…)

Yes, I'm currently typing this on my motorola razr.

No. 1866819

ntayrt to me the problem with men with long hair is that they don't actually have a long 'haircut' the way a woman does. instead they used to have short hair but woke up one day and decided not to get any more haircuts. so their hair is just random shit. and different parts of your hair can grow at different rates as well so add that as a confounding factor. I have met one (1) male in my entire life with long hair that he cared for and trimmed as an actual hairstyle and not a monument to how many years it's been since he last gave a fuck

No. 1866821

This and also long hair makes your face look longer so a lot of men look disproportionate with longer hair.

No. 1866823

File: 1706142995942.jpg (63.61 KB, 560x793, 1701113279335.jpg)

i am a zoomer so i grew with insecure men who think anything but buzzcuts is gay. I want cute men with longish hair like in the 70s/80s back. Beards and buzzcut soyjack look are atrocious and everywhere.

No. 1866824

Women are so funny and dole out proclamations of attraction to just anybody. Its the monsterfucker gene in you I guess

No. 1866826

Warn them about the future nona. You have the chance

No. 1866828

Here is how we will find out if you're telling the truth: what color is it?

No. 1866829

How much is your internet access per minute on that ye olde razor??

No. 1866830

This is the first man I have been attracted to in months, please let me cling to this sliver of heterosexuality. Kek but to each their own, the tastes of nonas on here are so unappealing to me that the threads on /g/ had me wondering if I’m actually lesbian and not bi. I am not one of those degenerate monsterfuckers though, ew.

No. 1866831

I have no idea wtf you're even talking about because your gen is rife with nothing but broccoli hair and perms combed over the sevenhead. Unless you're thinking of black men, imo they usually look really good with a clean buzz and beard, I don't think they count for this because they often put more effort into their hair anyways. Whenever you see a scraggly whispy white man with long hair you can tell it carries him, it even effects the way they walk and their posture kek, they think they look like sexy native men which is just never the case.

No. 1866832

Has anyone else noticed that a lot of men with long hair walk a certain way? They like stick their shoulders up and their arms out. Please tell me someone knows what I'm talking about.

No. 1866833


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1866836

File: 1706143538946.jpg (83.27 KB, 1200x1200, buzz-haircut-with-shaved-lines…)

I genuinely dont understand how anyone can look at this and be attracted to it. It gives me ''ex-convict'' vibes and just the worst redflags. Its so fucking ugly.
brocoli hair is literally a buzzcut what are you talking about

No. 1866837

File: 1706143560747.png (705.44 KB, 795x450, charlie-vs.png)

I don't like his content but Charlie looks pretty good long or short. It's not the hair it's his face.

No. 1866838

I'm bi but most men are genuinely mediocre or ugly to me, I think it's just men

No. 1866840

any man with a beard looks disgusting. poop particles.

No. 1866841

File: 1706143712830.png (1.07 MB, 871x817, veg-hair.png)

Broccoli hair is the opposite of a buzz. It's short on the sides but needs a perm up top. What are you smoking nona?

No. 1866842

I have a feeling he has the need to overcompensate, he’s short and I think he probably has a bit of baby face under the beard and long hair.
Why didn’t you censor this nona, this picture is disgusting.

No. 1866843

>broccoli hair is a buzzcut
You mentally challenged, i am not arguing with you

No. 1866844

Its literally a buzzcut on the sides, thats why i said hair past the ears. Some of you have really bad reading comprehension.

No. 1866845

Makes sense

No. 1866846

We aren't the problem here. I promise.

No. 1866848

Again, its a buzzcut on the side. how is brocoli hair ''long hair'' in any shape or form? long hair is anything past ear lenght.
I literally said that hair past ear length is long hair. You need to learn how to read.(infighting)

No. 1866850

ntayrt but a buzzcut is a whole ass hairstyle. you can't have a buzzcut 'only on the sides' or it's not a buzzcut. what you're talking about is a fade.

No. 1866851

I'm 31 and I'm still only attracted to long haired men, I think I developed an aversion to short haired moids after growing up in a military environment where everybody and their kids had that retarded buzzcut.

No. 1866853

File: 1706144281058.jpg (57.06 KB, 500x742, d337d4e3346a2cd06228e127d0c175…)

Perfect male hair. Maybe a very tight trim beard.

No. 1866855

The older I get the more I like long hair on men. Men being able to keep long, healthy hair as they age is a sign of good genes and lifestyle.

No. 1866856

omg who cares? i dont need to know the specifics of the ugliest hairstyle for men. Men dont care about the difference either and its all different flavours of buzzcuts to them. Both look ugly as fuck and are for men who are too scared to have long hair because its ''for fags''.

No. 1866857

Perfect male hair is some that isn’t trying to crawl away from his forehead.

No. 1866858

No. 1866859


No bitch you are seriously retarded. Why are you doubling down(infighting)

No. 1866860

Yes my ex fiance walked like this. His hair and myself rejected him when he hit the wall around 25. His hair texture is shit and he's grey af now and he does not have short hair. He be looking gay af still

No. 1866863

File: 1706144600151.png (1.03 MB, 1274x1428, xy.png)

Thats the hairstyle every balding post wall moids get. Let me guess you also think men age like fine wine?

No. 1866864

>ommmmmggg who caaaressss why do I need to know what words meaaaaannnn when im using them mhm
Zoomers in a nutshell

No. 1866866

Men getting perms these days to have these fruity styles is so wild to me. Guess if they ever threaten to wipe your make up off you can fuck their perms up.

No. 1866868

literally who tf cares about the difference between a buzzcut and a buzzcut with ramen on the top? they are honestly the same ugly shit and neither are past ear length, so they arent long hair. Some of you truly love to infight.
you truly love to infight dont you? it doesnt matter if it is or isnt a buzzcut because brocolli hair isnt long hair either.

No. 1866869

File: 1706144794544.jpg (40.11 KB, 375x500, 7ca4e358066560029b0d9f2f480106…)

Worst male hair? I nominate this

No. 1866871

I prefer this to broccoli hair and baldness.

No. 1866872

They walk like they think they're delicate. Moistcritikal walks that way too, idk if it's to make their shoulders look bigger but it just makes them walk like an anorexic trying to look more waify

No. 1866874

hes cute i would

No. 1866875

This looks disgusting, as in it seems itd literally be filthy, but at least it's not a buzz cut

No. 1866876

Zoomers will tell you these men were pure and wholesome and would never put roofies in your solo cup

Idk how to tell you this but multiple anons are telling you you're being dumb and weird. Learn to use your words, ape.(infighting)

No. 1866877

When I was in Secondary School I had a BF who had hair like this. It was Liberty Spikes. It's not product they just use glue.

No. 1866880

No. 1866884

The worst male hair is balding, always. A noticeable bald patch or severely receeded hairline is irredeemable. At least terrible scenekid hair appealed to a teen subculture at some point.

Though if we're talking about normal hair that's just been styled badly, some form of poorly executed bowl cut is gonna be worse than that.

No. 1866892

At least he knew his place (to be pretty and appeal to women)

Same i’m sick of their nasty food catching beards and ugly hair cuts and boring uninspired fashion

I am young and I unapologetically wish men had the range to pull off slightly more romantic and appealing styles nowadays. It’s already bad enough that I have to exist in society with them, the least they could do is not be eyesores

No. 1866899

File: 1706146150278.png (795.91 KB, 590x581, rain-epler13456.png)

This was an elected official in my country. I dare you to find worse.

No. 1866900

howl's moving castle by netflix

No. 1866901

File: 1706146433280.jpeg (446.19 KB, 828x900, IMG_2216.jpeg)

holy shit and i thought michael fabricant was bad

No. 1866902

It's cool they made a window for the ears

No. 1866904

My bf genetically has that hairline, like I've seen his childhood pics and his hairline has always been fucked. Thank god he has bangs and an extremely pretty face

No. 1866905

I think that males are objectively ugly most of the time and there is a lot of social conditioning to groom girls to find them attractive. Straight women should be way more picky than they are, even the popular scrotes thirsted for are ugly.

No. 1866908

I've noticed that a lot of men do this regardless of hairstyle. I've always made fun of it to their faces kek. Maybe it's an attempt to take up more space? Some sort of moid instinct.

No. 1866911

A women would never be allowed to go outside looking like this.

No. 1866915

I do too. I find men so incredible unattractive, it's insane. Even if they arent 4/10 ugly, they usually have poor hygiene. Straight women cant win.

No. 1866917

Men are not objectively ugly but all humans are. For men and women it takes a bit of effort to be really hot but men made it easy for themselves by Shilling only ugly men.

No. 1866922

Men nerfed the human race by making arranged marriages and captialism a thing, men are def uglier due to women not being able to sexually select for thousands of years

No. 1866924

Maybe it's because I'm a lesbian, but women are significantly more attractive by default.

No. 1866926

hollywood scrotes used to be at least above average. I have been watching tons of 80s movies lately and i cant believe 20yo scrotes used to look well groomed and young, nowadays 20yo scrotes look at least 30 and already have wrinkles, meanwhile all the actresses look babifaced and arent allowed to have strong jaws anymore.

No. 1866928

Seems like in the late 90s, early 00s we were on a role with cloning a sheep, mapping DNA, getting close to asexual reproduction. What happened? That stuff just seemed to evaporate?

No. 1866934

That would make sense, but you're not wrong

No. 1866940

Women are prettier, i agree. Feminine features are more desired than masculine ones for a reason. Thats why women for decades have gravitated towards cute looking actors like high school musical zac effron, rather than roidpigs like modern botched surgery bara zac efftron

No. 1866948

File: 1706147834461.jpg (79.85 KB, 625x900, 1000002356.jpg)

I'm sure Zac Effron's complex was developed from all the gay men on Hollywood trying to molest him constantly but he was such a little cutie lol

No. 1866951

you picked the worst photo of him kek

No. 1866955

File: 1706148210612.jpg (125.52 KB, 1000x1500, zac-efron-iron-claw-102622-514…)

There's worse

No. 1866961

A lot of men like that exist naturally though but we can’t put all the blame on men Because a lot of women don’t like pretty boys because they feel threatened by then or feel they are weak. Lost normie women prefer beef heads or mean who are ugly.

No. 1866964

File: 1706148574640.jpg (255.68 KB, 1046x1570, 1000002357.jpg)

I just wanted to illustrate how much he's changed. He was a kid, this wasn't meant to be a desirable photo? Anyways I'm a zac effron supporter to me he's the male inverse of a dysphoric bimboplastic type of woman, I hope one day he opens up about it and what happened to him all these years.

No. 1866965

kekk reminds me of that one photoshoot where he's dressed in jeans posing all gay. I searched for it I can't find it I'm sorry

No. 1866973

File: 1706149066387.jpg (196.66 KB, 801x997, 1000002359.jpg)

Comfy girl swag

No. 1866988

Thats not true. Women have always prefeered pretty men and thats why dicaprio, anime bishies and kpop boy bands are a thing.

No. 1866993

>all gay
anon hes just sitting, there is nothing gay about it

No. 1866994

Idk. Most girls I’ve met called women 3 years younger than them “babies” but will bust it wide open for a 25 year old.

No. 1866997

yeah thats called female socialization. there is a new phenomenon of women in their 30s leaving their long time balding bfs for younger twinks kek

No. 1867001

I miss when young women were shilled this instead of old ass men. Tigerbeat forever

No. 1867024

God made moids mostly yuck to try and limit reproduction but the devil taught Men rape and gave them notions. Truly bleak for women.

No. 1867028

File: 1706151524638.jpg (95.22 KB, 634x1024, 1000002358.jpg)

On the contrary, Zac Effrón is a big fan of sitting gay

Isn't he a teenager in that picture

No. 1867034

When are women going to stop blaming socialization and actually change something? That’s what I’m waiting for

No. 1867035

We should just eat them after intercourse like the spiders do

No. 1867042

i am doing my part, but there isnt much i can do if models keep whoring themselves out to old decrepit men for money and women keep making shit like 50shades or those pershephonesxhades crypto-coquette books

No. 1867130

while I don't condone obsessing over any 3d men, especially fugly ones, women don't have the primary sway over how men look. incels are often what happens when women start expecting better men. maybe there'd be better looking celebrities if women stopped viewing media with ugly men collectively, but that's mostly it and won't happen because women have very varied tastes and aren't that anal in general. as for regular men, it's unlikely they will change in any significant way unless they learn to be more subordinate and care more about the "female gaze" or whatever, which is unlikely unless women start having more power/status than men in society.

No. 1867143

>incels are often what happens when women start expecting better men
What the hell are you talking about. Women are at fault for lowering the bar so low, while men raised it higher than its ever been. I also hate the ''women have different taste tehehe'' no, we dont, no woman likes ugly guys, we just like different flavours of pretty men. The ones that like ugly men do it because they have convinced themselves through years of female socialization that they are shallowe if they have standars.

No. 1867158

my point is that there's a significant portion of women that still don't go for ugly men - the incel movement is huge - with pretty much nothing going for themselves and the person I responded to overestimates how much influence women have on what men do. I think it's a coping mechanism that some women think changing how other women act will magically change men.
for example when, say, incels "looksmax", it's to get more status, not to actually appeal to a woman and enter into a loving relationship. so, it's very unlikely that what we do or prefer will result in men deciding to be hotter for our sake. and are you saying that people are incapable of liking anyone that is not conventionally very attractive in a nature setting? that's a bit bleak, but it's fine if you have that view, I dgaf if men suffer for it, though it sucks when women do.

also let me clarify, I only like beautiful, fictional men, I have never once crushed on a real man because they are too crusty for me kek. I don't understand centering 3D men so much.

No. 1867161

No it's not that one its a different one. He's in jeans and a tank top and he's smiling all wide with his gap teeth and he's tilting his head and posing all gay!!

No. 1867168

The only reason men dont looksmaxx for women is because women are trained to settle for low quality ugly men. If we raised our standars we can make men look after themselves and ugly men kill themselves(hopefully). We are trained to be pickmes for men, when they are low quality and ugly retards that do nothing for us. We should strive for men to be pickmes for us, rather than us trying to look beautiful for them. ''femininity'' is just pickmemaxxing. We are trained to be desired, not to be the ones desiring, which leads to us looking beautiful while men look like >>1866853
. Those women lusting after ugly men arent ugly themselves, they are at the very least shaving for their ugly moids, while their ugly scrotes arent capable of looking better for them.

No. 1867177

File: 1706165044317.jpeg (55.06 KB, 400x500, 98CF0CBF-8C5F-477B-AF04-8563EB…)

Honestly, I think this type of rhetoric justifies men's ugliness. I do think men are attractive when they take care of themselves, but they go against nature itself.

No. 1867180

This picture was posted literally yesterday, fuck ofd

No. 1867181

women are only prettier because we are forced to make ourselves prettier for men the microsecond we start puberty. If men were forced to stay fit, shave, take care of their skin, develop a sense of fashion men would be atractive too.

No. 1867184

>the only reason men dont lookmmaxx is WOMEN
kek, cope. I said "women have different tastes" not to condone it, but point out that women are fallible human beings. the chances of them all collectively mobilizing like the Woman's Strike in Iceland decades ago for issues that actually mattered…to get men to be prettier is nil. well, some men would try harder, yes, but not most. we'd have to somehow gain more power in society in order to get men to change, and that is far more complex than crying about men being ugly. incels exist because many women are in fact demanding better, but a lot of fucked up men DO NOT want to be better according to women's standards. and if women stopped idealizing ugly men, then only a small amount of men would of their own volition try harder to be prettier. many would just continue doing the same thing they were already doing because it's simply easier and other men don't judge them over it. yes, you are free to debate this point, I just think the problem is deeper than physical ugliness–it's that a lot of these men have no theory of mind for women and objectify them, and get away with it because they are the dominant group in society. men would need to feel forced to feel prettier, and would actually NEED to care what women think sooner than their fellow men.

so, yeah, I think you blame women for how men behave solely because it's easier to hold women accountable than men. of course women that fetishize ugly men aren't helping, but they're only one piece of the puzzle and you need to touch some grass if you think only what women think matters here.

No. 1867191

Well yes ofcourse i blame women for getting all dolled up for ugly men kek its like you refuse to see the elephant in the room. If women collectively stopped pushing femininity aka being pickmes for men, men would have no choice but lower their standars and we could raise ours. Men are ugly because we let them, because we dont force them to practice beautifying habits and instead we reward their mediocrity with a freshly shaven pussy in lingerie.

No. 1867200

tbh I didn't really address the femininity point, but, I find the "oh people treat us the way we let them" point to be copey and dumb in general. so, as I said, many more women these days are stopping obliging the status quo of submitting to nasty men, except we are not witnessing the payoff because men simply have more power and status in society as a group. you just seem like you want to blame pickmes for all your problems. well, pickmes are a problem, yes, but note their behavior and ideology: they actually give a shit what men feel and think. a lot of men? they don't give a shit what women think. they'd just stew like crab zombies in a flesh bucket if we left them alone, perpetually tearing one another down. not getting sex nor affection is not an incentive for most of them to actually BE better in any sort of authentic, appealing way. so many just learn how to tell lies or put up false fronts because it comes from a core of not seeing women like human beings whose desires have gravitas or any importance. you've yet to at all address this whatsoever like, don't you understand? women can't make men see us like human beings whose desires are worthy and intrinsically motivating to appease. men care about what other men think more than women and this persists even among men that KNOW the agony of being desired by no woman.

No. 1867201

if this was true men who struggle with women would try to improve their appearance but they don't or they just do something stupid do roids over cutting off the nasty nappy hair that ruins their face

No. 1867215

oh and my last point: stop fucking infantizing men. they aren't play-doh that will transform into bishies the second pickmes stop pickmeing. only a small amount would, the rest will either be bitter incels or apathetic.

No. 1867243

Men who are invested in racism are walking red flags, it's legit the most boring annoying thing to hear a moid rant about other races as if anyone gives a shit and it's ALWAYS mixed in with sexism. If he hates another race, chances are he sees them as a sexual threat and seethes over 'his women' fucking them. Even if it's just in their imagination, like my ex told me he'd never have dated me if I fucked a black guy… we live in a country with almost no black people. I think I've probably met like 2 africans. This retard was just terminally online and pornsick.

Casual racism where it's not really hateful but more like stereotyping, unconscious bias etc is not great but it's almost unavoidable so whatever.

No. 1867246

This is true. As a kid I remember that there were a lot of boys with very beautiful features, and girls who didn't stand out in any way but growing up those girls started to doll up, wear makeup, take care of their hair, wear pretty clothes while the boys didn't do much. And when they reach adulthood, around 20 or so, they even start to let themselves go, grow an ugly beard, get a shitty haircut, roid up or gain bloat etc. Few guys survive this period, only those that have amazing bone structure that saves their lazy ass

No. 1867250

It depends. If they are racist against a specific tribal ethnicity that lives in a valley nearby, such as the Balkans or the Caucasus, etc., it's somewhat understandable. I can see where it comes from although it doesn't justify it, I even get people who don't like ungrateful immigrants in their nations, However, if it's a broad unjustified racism claiming that my race is the best, then that is actually quite stupid.

No. 1867254

women nowadays are subjected to the craziest beauty standars that have ever been set since the feet binding days. Its not a coincidence its at the same time men are the ugliest both in movies and irl. Its like you refuse to see the correlation between the too because god forbid women are accountable for something, specially something that hurts all women like retarded beauty standars, just to get the ugliest of moids in return.

No. 1867259

kek how is it possible that men during more patriarchial and conservative eras like the 50s, 1700s, the romans who were always fully shaved had more beauty standards than the current era which is more pro-feminism and progressive

No. 1867260

modern beauty standars are literally impossible to achieve without cosmetic surgery or photoshop. They are literally impossible naturally. You can become an heroin addict and reach anachan levels that were attractive in the 00s, you genuinely cant realistically become the babyfaced with thicc thigs big boobs and ass but completly flat stomach look moids want nowadays.

No. 1867261

I have repeatedly noted that I do see the correlation and that there is an impact, it's just your prior arguments frame Pickmes as the center of the universe and are the only reason why men act and present the way they do, and pretty much have ignored pretty much every other reason why men do what they do. I would have liked you to address the fact that far more men simply do not care what women want and this is why the majority won't change, but you dodged it–probably because you don't have a valid response.

No. 1867263

Men are selfish pricks because there is a whole system that supports them and catters to their whims. Behind every selfish moid there is a pickme boymom that didnt beat their ass enough. Pickmes literally encourage and help moids commit faults, they are as equally faulty as those men. Its stupid to justify pickmes as if they are ackshually poow victims, when they decide to choose moids above other women.

No. 1867265

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also, men did care in the past. There is a reason why men used to look better before. Because they were bullied if they were fatties or nerdy looking, nowadays women literally are memeing themselves into liking dad bods and doing stuff like this.

No. 1867266

Does he also say 'fucking men' when he sees men committing crimes in the news?

Men who suddenly care about crime stats when it's about race but are deaf dumb and blind when it comes to sex as a factor probably annoy me the most. Like, take a look in the mirror idiot, 99% of violent crime is committed by your own demographic.

No. 1867267

>ackshually poow
>blaming bad behavior on not being beaten
>each time a man does a bad thing a woman is literally equally at fault
I sincerely hope you are able to get off of tiktok someday, anon, it hasn't been good for you. I never called pickmes victims either, I find them annoying, so it's like a part of you isn't even all here.

No. 1867268

you are stupid, if a woman helps a man commit a crime, as pickmes tend to do when they give their daughters to moids to get raped and murdered, they are equally at fault.

No. 1867271

also, there are studies that show that moids only respond to beating. So yes, you gotta beat the shit out of your moidlets if you want to teach them how to behave.

No. 1867276

if i have a boy i am aborting him

No. 1867286

>incels exist because women are demanding better

I don’t think that’s it. Most incels I’ve met have girls who like them but they feel those women aren’t good enough for them so they use them for sex or ignore them. Instead of going for the women that do like them they just complain they can’t have better. Women literally knowingly date pedos and rapists with no issue, I find it hard to believe that incels can’t get any women. Incels exist because they’re picky and the woman they’re actually pissed off at is their mom.

No. 1867287


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No. 1867294

Humble bragging is not an unpopular opinion nonnie.

No. 1867297

no1currs they are all ugly and balding and jack off to barely legal teens in their spare time

No. 1867304

My unpopular opinion is that industrial revolution was a big mistake, the luddites were right.
It killed the best creative jobs, we could have soulful clothing made by craftswomen that know what they are doing and making it so it lasts and nice cutlery and dishes with unique designs and patterns and happy chickens that are not stuck in a techno cage hells-cape.
Instead now we have microplastic in every fucking thing, even us, and no one know how to make stuff anymore, everything looks boring and generic.

No. 1867310

Also, same anon, I think the argument that "b-but you'd have died in childhood by something preventable by the industrial revolution" is completely bullshit.
Humans are just animals, we are not special and death is just part of nature. By purposefully delaying and preventing it at any cost we just delude our selves and fuck other species even more. Heck, a bunch of people live way longer than needed and absolutely hate it, the amount of old people stuck at old people homes that want to die but are trapped there because their family is too busy keeping up with the demands of full time work is crazy. I see no benefit in living long if your last years will only be wishing you were dead.

No. 1867319

No thanks, no industrial revolution would realistically mean that I'd be a poor woman working the land day and night struggling to get enough food on the table while tending to 6 kids. What soulfully handmade clothes? You'd have two outfits you'd keep mending and wear to shreds out of pure necessity. Life before the industrial revolution wasn't kind on those who weren't part of the elite.

No. 1867325

Ned Ludd and the Luddites get a bad rap. Their whole thing was that textile machines would drive out workers and consolidate wealth into a small group of people who controlled the machines. He wasn't against technology, just it being used to fuck over the regular people. The same thing is happening right now with CEOs having more money than some countries.

No. 1867334

Earth is hell or prison for criminals from other planets. Our memory is wiped clean and we are placed here to suffer for eternity and when we die we don’t really die! At the time of our death we regain our memories and then we remember that we are prisoners and will have to be born again to relive the same life over and over again.

No. 1867335

I saw this deranged thread on Twitter about how pigs are just cursed human souls reincarnated like that as a punishment and that’s why they have eyes like a human. If you eat pigs you’re consuming a cursed human soul. Idk why your post reminds me of that.

No. 1867337

I've thought the same but with those cookie things from Black Mirror and virtual reality

No. 1867341

I believe it

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