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No. 1845266

Previous thread >>>/ot/1834119(Redundant thread)

No. 1845269

>>>/ot/1845242 I actually have been to the French Quarter in New Orleans before. It smelled weird but it was a lot of fun and very beautiful.

No. 1845273

FUCK IT. Arrogant pricks. And they wonder why there’s no good applicants. As if they were any good at their job. Everything runs like shit and even with this new “upgrade” it’s still shit and outdated. And yet they still have the nerve to be condescending.

No. 1845277

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The US is the worst. I've been to asian countries that integrate their infrastructure with less cars and more walkable areas, including shops, eateries, parks, plazas, etc. The US is so car centric and doesn't care to do urban planning. They just start building in random locations, and it's awful.
I live near an area where a lot of town houses are being built. They will literally build a set of town homes near a high way and call it a day. No grocery stores near by. America is such a trash country. So much space, but they do nothing with it. Everyone wants to live in more walkable cities like NYC, but they are so few and far between in this country. I feel awful for middle america, because why even live there at all if you can help it?
There's a guy who makes videos with his wife, driving around the worst parts of american cities and it's actually depressing how most of them only have a family dollar or dollar general to shop at. Not even a gas station or bus stop.

No. 1845292

It’s not even just poor neighborhoods with this issue. Middle class and rich places are like this too hell some are worse. I used to live in the hood and it was somehow more walkable with prettier buildings than this suburb i now live in kek. I don’t get why it’s so hard to make suburbs like Parkhill, Denver and cities like Amsterdam. I imagine a 100 acre walmart parking lot takes away a lot of space from potential small businesses, housing projects or even a nice nature reserve.

No. 1845304

I don't understand why my choices are disappointing to my best friend. I'm choosing to wear more frilly, pretty clothes. I'm not abandoning the men's shirts and jeans completely, but she's acting like I'm becoming a different person. Maybe to her, I guess. I get myself a boyfriend who's treating me well, wants to focus so much on quality time together, creating memories, adventuring around town, taking photos of me, etc. and she says he's very boring and a normie mainly because he's not terminally online. I wish she was happy for me.

No. 1845309

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Already posted about it but I've been tutoring for a girl and a few months ago her parents started living seperately (probably going through a divorce) and I work at his house on odd weeks. He's always been a bit weird (like he couldn't talk to me normally) but I thought he was just autistic or burned out by his work.
Now that he's alone he's been overly nice, asking a lot of personal questions and I just know something's off. Like parents aren't usually interested in much more than what you study, but he was asking me about where my family lived, what train I'll be taking to see them, which train station I was going to…
When I came for the class last week he immediatly said how 'tense' I looked, like are you ok? Why so tense ? Fucker I'm just scared that if I smile too much you're going to take it as a sign, and I'm also disgusted. He looks so much like picrel, with the same weird look and fake smile that makes you uneasy. He started decorating his divorced dad flat with tons of skulls, machetes and weird shit (just /malelivingspace things) and it doesn't help making me at ease. At this point I almost hope that he will cross the line in a way that I can report to his wife to stop working there. I just love his daughter, she's a great kid and has been improving a lot so I couldn't just drop her.

No. 1845313

I regret leaving the city. Yeah it was chaotic but I could handle it. I can’t believe I thought I would enjoy the countryside. Everyday I think to myself how much I want to leave this shithole. Fuuuuck

No. 1845315

Why do you hate it?

No. 1845316

I love you more than the words can articulate. When I am at my lowest, or life’s too hard, I just think of you, and then nothing is impossible. I love you so much.

No. 1845322

I remember your first post. Have you mentioned this to her mother?

No. 1845325

She's probably just scared of losing you. As long as you don't blow her off to hang out with your bf on a regular basis she'll get over it.

No. 1845330

>retired mentol illnuss mom constantly accusing me of never wanting to do anything w/ her and complains about being stuck inside the house
>rainy and shitty day
>ask her if she wants to go to the YMCA
>"But there will be bad weather!"
>that isn't until this evening and I am asking to go now in the morning
>"But because of the power outage that might happen I need to cook chicken and do other stuff let's go tomorrow"

Bitch I'm busy tomorrow. Why do you need so much control for every situation and then complain later about feeling stuck when you gave no one else the power to make moves to show you a good time? You're so frustrating, it's so sad how you cannot see that having everything on your terms will not and HAS NOT brought you happiness nor the connectivity you crave so much from others. Anyways, can't wait for your cold, underseasoned chicken soup in the dark later. Worth it /s

No. 1845332

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Just saw a story in the local newspaper about this girl I went to school with when I was younger who was the typical white trash/hot cheeto girl who would get suspended for fighting and all that. Now she gets some sob story article written about her because she finally got her dream apartment after living in a shelter as a single mom with three kids. Why is it always the people who fuck around and generally make awful life choices time and time again the ones who get things handed to them like this kek. She has an apartment in a nice area and doesn't have to work/lives off welfare and other government money meanwhile my dumbass is here at my salaried wagie job everyday and still can't afford to move out of my parents house.

No. 1845333

I haven't seen the mother since and won't until at least next week, but I couldn't bring it up to her in front of her daughter anyway. Since he has 'just' done a ton of little weird things and nothing big, I don't feel like I could tell her about it yet. But I'm realizing that it's been bugging me a lot and that I should trust my gut feeling, so at this point I almost hope that he will cross the line so I can report him asap. Unfortunately I feel like he's smart enough to know what he's doing and will definetely turn it on me if I say anything, so I'll hang on for a bit, see if it goes on and will tell the mother about it even though it means I can't keep working with that girl. I just feel bad about leaving her when she just started improving and gaining some confidence despite the messy parent situation.

No. 1845334

>changing yourself for a male
no wonder she's disappointed kek

No. 1845356

The amount of newfags on lolcow is tiring. There's been a vent thread #200 for a day now. Open your eyes, retard.

No. 1845375

You’re right kek. I’m so sorry Nona’s. I’ll take my shit thread ban.

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