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No. 1799586

So an hour ago my boyfriend and I were coming back from a restaurant and we were on the main road that takes us almost directly to our apartment. As he was driving, I looked to my right and saw a ghastly site. Two cars had crashed into each other, almost completely obliterated. The fronts of the two cars were completely gone and then I noticed… the bodies of the victims (both male) were literally hanging out of both cars. I had never seen anything like this before so it shook me.

My bf and I discussed it and we were both in agreement that it had to have been a high speed crash, since there wasn't much left of either car. This is a 45mph street… how the tf does shit like this even happen? My bf said that one of them must have been pulling 80, at least. Why are men like this? I've driven on this same street plenty of times and even though I'm already going 10 over the speed limit, I'll have some cunt fly past me going like 90mph…(shit thread)

No. 1799590

I think men are just inherently more reckless and careless I don’t know why

No. 1799598

No. 1799602


And yet women are the bad drivers meanwhile moids kill themselves and the people around them

No. 1799605

We have tons of drunk drivers in my town (as well as uninsured, unlicensed immigrants who drive drunk too, yay!) and the amount of people I see just absolutely slamming down the 45 MPH road outside of my apartment is terrifying. It's no wonder we have so many accidents here

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