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No. 1797627

You're about to get doxed on lolcow.farm. Your social media profiles are archived along with affidavits of former friends. You can't stop it from happening, you can only prepare yourself. What are your next steps?

Mine would be

>DFE just in case they didn't find everything

>remake all social media with different names
>make vague posts referring to getting stalked by some schizo and fake some unhinged DMs and point out the importance of not giving stalkers any sort of attention
>hold my breath, wait for my thread to drop and hope none of my irls find it ever and if they do hopefully just feel bad for me

Bonus points: your post history and/or sockpuppets/alts will be outed

No. 1797629

i have never used social media and i dont have friends

No. 1797631

All my friends know what I think deep down and I have no life to ruin. I also don’t have any social media accounts anyway.

No. 1797635

This isnt even a real scenario that would happen unless you were a horrible freak.
Did you molest a kid or something

No. 1797637

>mods delete/lock my thread cause it's painfully boring

No. 1797647

Same. They'd be like literally who? Except you could say that about mystery too.. oh noo

No. 1797654

DFE, change phone number, move

No. 1797671

I know someone severely mentally ill who threatens to doxx me online every once in a while and aside from how unhinged and stupid it is (I have barely even spoken to her, she doesn't even have a vendetta against me and only pulls this stunt to try to blackmail someone I know), it's utterly pointless because nobody would even care. I have no social media and all she'd be able to post is a basic list of "this is nona anon, she's from [city], she is [age], etc.," whatever unsourced capless claims she makes up, and maybe some creepshots she sneaks of me. Idk where she'd even post it, but I can't think of any place where it wouldn't just reflect badly on her as a psycho going after a random woman.

No. 1797679

can the ordinary citizen ask for entries to be de-indexed off google? Maybe I'd try that after dfe and changing my phone number. I wouldn't remake my social media because if I was getting a thread, I'm probably not fit to handle having any(but when has a cow ever had that much self awareness lol). Any social media I'd make would be private and only handed out to people I knew irl

No. 1797681

Idgaf about being employable. My non-existant reputation means nothing to me. The cringiest thing I ever did was make fake Facebook friends over a decade ago to not look like a loser. I haven't posted anything online under my name since those days. I'm not worried about my anonymous/sockpuppet posts either, I think it would be fun to see them all together (there must be thousands across here and other imageboards/forums). If anything I think it would be nice for nonnies to nitpick my looks because I'd be more motivated to improve them.

No. 1797688

Also: if you ever get doxed or canceled, do not apologize. These people will take it as capitulation.

No. 1797689

>The thread would be old pics of how I used to do my “baddie era” makeup

No. 1797690

This thread is garbage because most posters don't do anything that warrants this, this is only a nightmare if you're texting minors or hurting people. You'd have to be a real horrorcow.

No. 1797694

I have done nothing wrong and I have no social media or friends. Bring it on I will wait at the door with my pussy out

No. 1797706

oh lord please don’t

No. 1797709

I don't post on social media except tumblr, but i barely have any followers and i don't really care about the ones who do follow me. Maybe i'd make an unhinged post about doubling down on being a terf which would be insane because i follow a tif because she shares a lot of my interests and barely mentions being a troon so i can ignore it. I don't have irl friends and the ones i did have don't give a shit about me and are normies. That only leaves my discord friends who tbh would probably take my side, so i will be good.

No. 1797712

Kek same nonna. I wouldnt give a shit. In 10 secs the internet would move on anyways

No. 1797727

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I’d probably be so stressed and it would cause such a bad episode I’d hang myself, I already have rope tied in a slipknot hidden away and a spot in mind but being doxxed to that extent is not really something I imagine ever happening. I worry about other things happening far more, being doxxed and the subsequent mental episode it would cause is near the bottom of my list. I don’t really think I’ve ever done anything that terrible, but having a spotlight shone on me and being able to read all my posts in one place would be so shameful to me personally I wouldn’t be able to deal with what an unhinged BPD chan I’ve been in the past and I’d feel there was no chance to ever redeem myself.

No. 1797750

I've already deleted a lot of my internet presence and my IRL details wouldn't mean much to anyone. My internet history has enough mental illness to get a couple keks but farmers would make fun of anyone so I'd try not to take it personally.
I'd probably just hide in shame for a little while until I get over it.

No. 1797757

I deleted most social media accounts a good while ago and there’s only one platform I really use anymore and I don’t really post anything spicy. Most farmers would probably not give a shit about me. I’m just not that interesting.

I definitely could have been cow material when I was in my 20s though. But if anyone goes to the trouble of digging stale milk up from like 3 or 4 years ago that’s them being the weirdo.
Also most people I know irl would probably not be surprised by many of my takes here on lolcow, kek.

No. 1797760

I am a very boring normie and jannies would lock down the thread as being an obvious vendetta post kek. I have nothing to worry about

No. 1797775

My cow behaviors are things only I would know so in the long run it wouldn’t really matter. I’d nuke everything though just to be safe.

No. 1797796

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Anything someone might consider shameful hasn’t been posted online and all my social media has been either shut down or wiped clean for years. I’ll be cancelled by the terminally online but no one irl who knows me would even find out or care. I’m the weird friend anyway I don’t think any of my “secrets” would be a shock kek

No. 1797797

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I let it happen in all its glory and without interfering. Every challenge live throws at me is a chance to grow.

No. 1797798

This is the most inportant one. I’ve seen stuff die down so many times when the accused just stays silent

No. 1797803

nonnie just walk away from the screen, what the fuck. What a retarded reason to hang yourself

No. 1797805

Samefag but I also wouldn't delete or change my socials (if I had any) or stop posting on lolcow, I'd just ban evade and continue as usual kek.

No. 1797815

ignoring is always better than denying kek, everyone will eventually forget if you never give them another statement to work off of

No. 1797817

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Nothing because I'm boring and the internet is not real life kek But if anything thing I'd just delete stuff and start over. I never post my face online ever anyways.

No. 1797818

kek didn’t say what I’d do. I would correct the doxxer on any information they fucked up or missed, I hate when people post milk and fuck up easy to find information.

No. 1797820

lolcow is part of the reason why I don't really use social media in general. I love this place but the idea of someone thinking I'm cowish makes me feel queasy. Idk, I'm just very self-conscious about my behavior because I'm retarded irl and I tend to be pretty awkward while talking and such, so it wouldn't be a surprise to me if I were to become someone's personal lolcow irl if I went outside more often.
And I'm honestly glad I don't do so, or that I don't usually need to talk to people.
I also know that you may think "but anon, if you don't ever leave your house, how are you not permanently online and oversharing every single thought in your brain like the average twitterfag???" I honestly have so much to do at home that I don't have any time to post retarded shit online.
Hell, to me, Instagram is just a catalogue of stuff I check out, I haven't posted shit in there since 2020 kek, and my Twitter is mostly retweets of TERF stuff, anti-tranny shit, cute shit,cute animals and hot anime men, and I don't check it out often because Twitter is boring most of the times.
I also never interact with cows or with people at all, if anyone thought that my accounts on social media are just bots, I wouldn't even get mad.
But if for some reason someone made a thread about me in here, jannies would lock it because the milk would be more like a very vintage matured cheese, boring because I literally never talk to people and everyone would think it's just a vendetta. I would just keep on being inactive and maybe I would even have a reason to delete the remaining social media accounts I have, which I also have privated except for Twitter because I only retweet what I care about.

No. 1797844

Ok nonna what did you do…After a while anons would probably just forget about you and assume you have no more milk. Fan favorites like Nemu have been left alone, when you dry up and are hard to find people will just move on.

Personally I worry more about men. They will have no problem with posting women he personally knows onto their own forums or big sites to rate her or make deepfake porn of her. They have no problem snapping candid pictures of women in public and uploading it online. They'll use facial recognition sites to find more images of you. They do this shit to their own family or girlfriends. I would rather be laughed at online because I did something weird than have my image and name traded around sick men when I did nothing besides be a woman. And that doesn't include the things they will do with your image, they do much more disgusting shit than just look at it and jerk off to your exposed ankles. Think of how niche a place like this really is, what else is there but KF, someone making a Twitter or Tumblr callout? Compare that with the endless amount of sick disgusting porn sites which don't care about what content is on their sites and how much this happens on regular social media sites like Reddit.

Also who knows this site could be next in some campaign like the one to shut down KF because some tranny gets mad at it. That's happening to the sharty right now I think, ands troons are notorious for trying to silence and deplatform any opposition or archiving of their behaviour.

No. 1797889

I genuinely believe if I became a lolcow nonnies would love me and think I was hot. They'd criticise my toxic behaviour of course but I’d be a sexy car crash they couldn’t look away from. Endearing. Legendary. This is my honest belief. I am beautiful in a unique way, charming, mentally ill, i ooze sex appeal and I’m based as hell. You guys couldn’t handle me I promise you that. The amount of jealousy and seethe I would invoke could fuel this site for millennia.

No. 1797897

This absolute BPD fantasy

No. 1797899

I believe you let me worship you

No. 1797902

You sound annoying as shit but I kind of want to have sex with you. So you might be right.

No. 1797904

honestly I think this is what Shayna thinks of herself

No. 1797959

There would be nothing to find because I don't use social media. Even if someone did manage to associate my online posts with me directly, there would be no consequences because everyone I know IRL already knows that I'm a "TERF".

No. 1798085

kekkk nona, i love this

No. 1798675

Oh no, my Furaffinity accounts

No. 1798680

I hope your bovine career takes off someday. I'm rooting for you nonny

No. 1798694

All I have on my accounts is yaoi so good luck

No. 1802392

I wouldn't give a shit, I don't post anything that I'm ashamed of.

No. 1811739

No. 1811747

Let the tabloids gossip… Such is the price of Fame and fortune.

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