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No. 179639

Any farmers currently in or out of college/law school? Advice on potential lawyers?

I am currently trying to get my associates' in Paralegal Technology (that's the name of the program here in H-Town) and am thinking of transferring once I'm done with that and so on.

Any advice?

Should I go for law school or go straight into the workforce?

Also, how old is too old to be persuing this goal? (Currently in mid 20's)

No. 179642

Could've just posted it in the advice thread…

No. 179651

Or the uni thread. OP is an idiot.

No. 179677


This specifically applies to law in general so I wanted to keep it separate. Besides, I didn't want to feel the threads with so many replies about it so that's why I made the thread. Sorry if my post offended you.

No. 179679

>doesn't know how to sage


No. 179683


I saged it bc I was the op, problem?

No. 179686

You didn't sage.

No. 179697


My "anonymous" was blue tho

No. 179698

It's blue no matter what you put in the email field

No. 179700


Isn't that where you'd usually put "sage" then?

No. 179701

Can you please google "how to sage" so I don't have to see this thread anymore?

No. 179717


wtf anon they did sage?

No. 180056

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