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No. 1791207

What are you giving? What are you putting on your wishlist? All gift discussion goes here! From wrapping paper choices to asking for help with gift ideas, this thread is for any occasion

No. 1791221

I usually get my friend some ceramic art or art prints from a random cool Etsy artist but Etsy is so shitty now it’s so hard to sift through the garbage!!!! And everything handmade is all $600 now wtf, I like to support small cool art but I’m not a rich patron got damn. I need to become a ceramicist I guess

No. 1791237

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I’m feeling stressed out because my mom kept asking me what she can get me for xmas so I reluctantly gave her a list of some small things. Despite putting “actually good” before the items she has already started ordering shitty cheap yet overpriced versions on Amazon that I will probably have to toss. She absolutely refuses to shop anywhere else. I wish she would just save her money, she could just use it to treat herself which would make me so much happier. The only time I get non-Amazon trash is if I go searching for an exact item and link it saying that I absolutely do not want any other version, but I just don’t have the energy.
Do you have the shop names of any you used before/do they still exist?

No. 1791255

Husband asked me what I want and I can't figure it out. I looked up gift ideas for women just to try and pick something but can't find much. I am thinking a sewing machine? Crochet set and some nice yarns? Something activity preferable. I don't know what to get him in return either, cause I don't work so I don't have money. I can buy something small but he'll see the charge so it's like I'm making him buy his own gift which feels weird. Maybe I can bake him a cake or something? Or plan an outing? For his birthday I took us to improv but he said he wants to open gifts under the tree. Not sure what I can do…

No. 1791261

Make him eat you out or buy you diamonds

No. 1791283

my husband and I got a new car and a 3 inch memory foam mattress topper, pillows, sheets. We're getting new interior doors. I love being an adult with no kids around Christmas kek

No. 1791286

can i get a new car? this is the gift giving thread after all….don't be stingy nonny. i can be your kid

No. 1791291

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I'll take you cruisin' nonnie

No. 1791301

thank you mumsy :^)(:^))

No. 1791322

my mom starts bugging me for a wishlist in like late october so i've had a lot of time to think of shit. i put a kitchenaid mixer, an electric hand mixer, a dutch oven, a stanley tumbler and jewelry.
i bought my mom a pandora charm bracelet a few years ago and i've been buying her charms for it every year since then. i'll also go around to local stores and try to find some cute locally made stuff for her as well. i love shopping for my mom

No. 1791361

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I bought my parents picrel for Christmas along with some liners for the baskets so it makes it easy to clean up after usage. Very excited to give it to them, I know they're going to love it and if they don't I'll be the one using it because I still live at home KEK

No. 1791386

Just bought a new trimmer for my husband, planning on nice slippers for my mom and sister, a couple art books for my sister and maybe a lil action figure of her fav character (not a funko pop) I wanna get a couple more things for my mama and husband, and I cannot think of anything for my dad. He is the most difficult to shop for. But I know I'll find something, I always do. Maybe he'd like some slippers, too.

No. 1791391

Nonnies I really wanna splurge on fancy chocolate for all my giftees but it’s gonna cost $100 and most of them are hicks so I don’t even know if they will appreciate it. Why can’t I have refined family kek

No. 1791403

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My mothers birthday is next week and i have no idea what to get her. She literally owns everything she could ever possibly want. It's really hard to buy gifts for someone like that. Same story with my dad. They own a ton of designer shit, can afford multiple vacations a year on a whim. I just don't know.

No. 1791412

Buy her an activity, maybe one she wouldn't have thought of herself like a high tea or a balloon flight.

No. 1791414

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On top of Christmas gifts I also need to find a gift for my nigel (26th Dec). Usually I draw him a picture but I don't feel like it this year (arthritis flaring) and I'm awful at gifts in general. He doesn't tell me what he wants which makes it harder. What's a nigel-approved gift nonnas? Pic unrelated (though I'd love it as a gift kek)

No. 1791448

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Buy one of those advanced art Lego kits, or little cottage/cafe miniature kits from Amazon and work together making the piece for your home. You basically get to choose the decor for your place and a nice activity to do together

No. 1791467

This is actually a good idea. I was gifted a Lego set by my in-laws and I had never done a Lego set before. It was actually really fun to put it together with my husband and I still have it three years later. Gifts should be fun.
I’m kinda afraid it will fall apart and wind up in the trash but that hasn’t happened yet

No. 1791473

i want a few clothing items from etsy and am buying two items from there for someone else. we also agreed if the items were to expensive we could just go out for coffee a couple times in December looking at lights or other community events with food.

No. 1791517

My mom knows I've been struggling with clutter and not being able to purge my stuff (I s2g I'm one more trauma from becoming a hoarder kek) so she said she's only getting me experiences. Like, paying for a class, a massage, a facial, IV infusion therapy, etc.

I think I'm going to get a facial because I've never gotten one before.

No. 1791525

I've bought my dad a signed book from his favourite author and a beer tasting day, and I'm hand making all the gifts for my friends this year. So far I've made them winter garlands from dried oranges and thyme, and knitted them sleeves for their Kindles or laptops. The only person I'm stuck on is my mum, she always says she doesn't want or need anything. I bought a spa treatment for the both of us last year, and an afternoon tea for her birthday but she didn't use either of them. I really want to buy her something she'll appreciate.

My wishlist for this year is a new foraging knife, a new dotted journal, and this pretty agate ring I saw in my local charity shop.

No. 1791552

aw i wish i had a friend like you anon i would love a knitted purse, especially if you can make a heart shape or something.

No. 1791557

Kek I just bought a lego set for someone as a bonus gift this morning after waffling about the money for hours. I feel validated now.

No. 1791565

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I think I'm gonna get my boyfriend this jacket. He needs some nice clothes and he says he'll wear whatever I pick for him.

No. 1791567

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Samefag but I bought this one for my mom as well. She loves all these colors.

No. 1791601

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My friend group started doing blind box gifts. We all give each other the same blind box, talk about what we want, and open it together. Cheap, and lots of fun. We've been doing cute Re-Ment ones like Pokemon but I'm thinking of switching it up and doing gachapons

But I'm stuck on my nigel. He's into typical guy stuff like sneakers, Lakers, wrestling, and video games ( especially spiderman ) but recently got back into doodling. I wanted to give him a leather sketchbook bag to keep his stuff, and something else. I'm terrible at gifts so I'm stuck. Any reccs?

No. 1791605

damn i wish i had a bf that would let me dress him up however i wanted to is that too weird

No. 1791883

I'm making my husband a Hagrid hut with lights and music box.
I'm making the Monster book of monsters (the hairy book from harry potter) and also writing out all the monsters to print and put inside like an actual book.
I'm going to make a bunch of lollies that would have been in the lolly cart on the train, I have a frog mold to make the chocolate frogs

No. 1791899

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I bought all my roommates one of these during black Friday as an easy gift. It's practical and I think most people are stoked about it. Spent around 20 bucks each which is pretty good because I'm so broke right now.

No. 1791907

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My wishlist
>Dyson Air Wrap
>Press on nails from etsy
>Money for gym membership

What I'm giving
>Dyson Air Wrap kek
>Sweater from &Other Stories
>Dior Addict Lip Glow
>Fancy soap

No. 1791932

You sound awesome

No. 1791933

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Need to get my Nigel a bathrobe because he keeps renting one at the sauna.

No. 1791951

what brand is this

No. 1791987

What can I get for my adult brother who "doesn't want anything"? Not giving him anything is not an option, homemade stuff will just be seen as more clutter/trash he can't fit anywhere but will feel guilty about throwing away. He's not into fashion or self-care and has a restrictive diet…. help?!

No. 1791989

sometimes I wish it were more socially acceptable to just not buy anything for people who claim they don't want anything kek. it's pain in the ass trying to come up with something because you know they'll get pissed if you don't get them anything. anyway, maybe look at experiences (a concert, fun activities he can do with a friend, etc.) if he doesn't want a physical gift

No. 1791991

Furniture? Like a lamp or ottoman? More expensive but far more practical, what about a rug or kitchen mat? Alternatively does he have any hobbies? Maybe you could get him something practical for that (not necessarily something you’re out of your depth to pick but something like a sturdy bag for sports supplies or a rack for spices if he likes cooking). People like that are hard to buy for so I try to lean hard into practicalities of life.

No. 1791998

Something to do like tickets to a sports match/concert/festival/comedian, a magazine subscription, beer of wine tasting, indoor skydiving or adult paintballing etc. you can google gift activities for men for more inspiration if you like the idea of an activity/"experience", there's lots of things to do you would've never thought of on your own

No. 1792000

what is it?

No. 1792127

socks. if he has a dog, dog bags.

No. 1792443

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Agree. If he has a dog, buy dog toys or a small dog bed/pillow for the dog. For him buy socks, they can be funny or themed socks - guys will wear every last pair of socks they own to avoid laundry so the socks will probably be useful and worn. There are interesting luxury or hip sock gift sets too.

No. 1792507

A good water bottle that keeps drinks hot or cold for a long time. If he likes sports, a jersey for his favorite team or player. You could replace his wallet or backpack/laptop bag (if he uses one for work) with a high quality one if the ones he uses right now are beat up or cheap. A cool coffee table book that relates to an interest of his, or an art book if he likes things like comics/video games/anime. Also, thirding socks, especially fancy wool ones.

No. 1792531

Its a keychain that you can attach to your keys/purse/ put in your wallet, etc. That has a GPS on it. So it's useful for people who misplace their shit all the time. I was going to opt for airtags but only one person has an iPhone and I didn't want to pay more or less between gifts lol. I believe airbags might be better though? Seems it can track where your stuff is in another country

No. 1792745

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I'm very much a beginner but I'll learn how to make a heart shaped pouch just for you
I made one of my friends a sleeve like this for her iPad because she saw it online and loved it, but it doesn't look much like picrel kek. I might try again and just keep the first attempt for myself.

No. 1792796

I'm crocheting something like this for my little sister, but adapted it so it's going to be slightly longer with smaller holes (2 chain stitches between the doubles instead of 3).

No. 1793234

Thank you nona

No. 1793258

Bless you nonnie! Those are such sweet and thoughtful gifts!

No. 1793533

The brand is Etro.

No. 1793776

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Never have I ever been so physically excited to give someone a gift in my life. I bought my mom an Apple Watch in her favorite color (picrel). I know she will love it, I can't wait for Christmas

No. 1793781

Aww, anon this is so nice

No. 1793831

I wish it was more acceptable to say you don't want any gifts and not give any… My bf and I both have large families and all of his siblings gave me gifts last year, so I will be buying 10+ presents this year and I'm dead broke- I'm taking out of my savings to buy presents which I know is irresponsible but I'm socially obligated to give gifts. Plus a lot of his family is wealthy and "has everything" so I'm at a loss for gift ideas, they've given me expensive name brand clothing and beauty products but that's way out of my price range. Maybe some nice chocolates?
I'm getting a new keyboard for my bf, bath and bodyworks gift basket for my mom, a stand mixer for my dad, a PS5 game and a Nendoroid for my 2 brothers. I'm stuck on what to get my sister though- she's 15, a cheerleader, into stuff like cute art supplies and whatever fashion or makeup is trending on tiktok. if any zoomers have suggestions for her on what's "cool" right now I'd appreciate it kek

No. 1793836

Was cut off by my family as a teen, I just have a husband and daughter and this year I was just going to get a couple of large/expensive items instead of a bunch of smaller ones

No. 1793904

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Not a zoomer but my niece sounds a lot like your sister. I'm buying her the cherry Glossier balm dotcom, a set of brush coloring pens, and this cute coloring book that she asked me for. The artist is pretty big on Tiktok.

No. 1793957

that book is so cute!! Thank you for the lovely gift idea nona

No. 1794842

I was struggling to find a little present for my sister (already bought her a larger item) and just decided to check on etsy for some stitch markers and I found a really cute set of 10 gummy bear ones - I hope she likes them!

No. 1795415

aww that looks so cozy and cute. handmade gifts are always the best, i bet she's going to love it

No. 1795501

I think I accidentally spoiled my Christmas present my bf got me and it’s a bicycle. I’m so excited I am going to make him bike with me every day on our lunch break weeeee

No. 1795525

I am unemployed (student) and live off my parents, it seems weird to use their money to buy them a gift right? I am considering making my family something to get around that, I hope I have time. I'm an enamelist so I'm thinking of making some little enamel medals with their zodiac animals as a quick thing since everyone is at least a bit into zodiac and it'd be a cute theme.

No. 1795532

Oh nonna I want to get into enameling so bad. I know I would adore a gift like that you are so sweet!

No. 1796931

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I got this candle for my nail artist for Christmas but now I’m wondering if that’s overkill. Will spending this much money make things awkward? I don’t want to overdo it or make her feel indebted.

No. 1796942

Nail techs like gifts, I'm sure she'll love it. If you really wanna impress her, offer to get her something to eat or drink before you see her.

No. 1796943

There's going to be a gift exchange game that we will do at my work Christmas party and it's apparently supposed to be a "fun" game where you can bring in "wacky" and "surprising" gifts. Last year, one person brought in balsamic vinegar wrapped like a wine bottle…another one brought toilet paper…tbh I have no idea what I should bring it's also my first year here and I am dreading on going…

No. 1796961

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i really want a kigurumi or cute socks for christmas

No. 1796992

thank you!

No. 1797055

hmmm so it me it just seems like it's silly but inoffensive gifts, maybe you could bring in something that is a bit unusual but still practical? Maybe a cellotape holder or something kek?
Maybe I'm just biased because I hate gag gifts that will blatantly be chucked out once it's the new year.
I do think the balsamic vinegar wrapped as wine is kind of funny, but obviously you wouldn't want to replicate that.

No. 1797105

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what about a package of silly bandaids? small. silly. yet practical.

No. 1797172

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I get so excited for Christmas because I love personalizing my loved one's gifts! It makes me so happy. I asked my best friend for a fashion board so that I could have some inspiration for her gift, and I ended up buying her a purse that was on it. She loves that cozy autumn look, so my presents to her focus on that theme. Earlier this year, I spotted a Brewster tea cup set so I bought that for her as well. I'm still waiting for a scarf from Japan, and I have smaller gifts that I need to finish buying for her. I'm almost at the end here with the shopping.

No. 1797175

Wow that purse is gorgeous, I'm sure your friend will love it! I want one for myself now kek

No. 1797208

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I bought everything from China this year in order to afford gifts for everyone.
Gardening theme: garden finger clippers, hydroponic vase
I need to finish shopping for this theme and throw in some chocolate.
>inner girlfriends circle
Fuzzy socks, makeup, jewelry, candles, gag gifts based around preferences for colors and scents.
>struggling hometown friend
Gifts for her kids, mini relaxation kit for her. Nothing for her pizza man husband kek.
>'boyfriend' #1
Spoopy theme: Electric heating blanket, skull pj bottoms, new slippers, crow skull necklace, crow tarot cards
>'boyfriend' #2
Fake leather jacket, Gleipnir necklace. He got greedy and tried to send me some $100 thing on etsy to buy which of course, no. Kinda done with his ass tbh he got plenty of impromptu gifts from me the whole year.
Haven't bought for him yet actually but it's typically consumables like those Christmas snack boxes.
>everyone else
Baked goods and Christmas cards, which I'm sure is more than what they're gonna do for me.

I had this exact model. It's nice, I like the individual adjustments that can be made per basket. My only complaint was that the baskets were so damn small. I'm sure your parents will love it nonny.

No. 1797414

The brand is Fable England, and they have a lot of decorative cute handbags like it. You should treat yourself!

No. 1797447

What is a good alternative for a Bath and Body Works set?

No. 1797478

I like getting people I don't know that well (such as gf's family) consumables like this one salty french butter, since at least I know they'll use it.

I'm making shirts with sayings and inside jokes for people I know well. A balding moid is getting "I went to turkey and all I got was this shitty hairline", a friend is getting a two-in-one shirt of a coupon for Peking duck (a pointing finger and a duck, it works in the language) because she mentioned she's never tried it and I think it would be nice to take her out. Silly stuff like that. My family doesn't really do gifts for holidays, so food and little useful home goods are usually what we give each other.

No. 1797480

What about bath and body works is what you want in a gift? There’s lush bath bombs or local handmade soaps or higher end lotions

No. 1797481

I wanted to give the foaming soap set but I have decided to make it myself.

No. 1797503

Mom: Not sure but I was thinking of finding an artsy class for her, she loves to paint but has had a hard year something to make it easy for her to create I think would be good so I'm keeping my eyes peeled
Dad: He's so practical I can just buy him extra work gloves and maybe something for his birdfeeder area I'll look at tractor supply
Aunt: Not sure yet but she loves personalized stuff and is very classy so I might look at things remembered or get her a nice gold ornament for her gold themed christmas tree
Little brother: Huge long thing of twinkies I saw at walmart
Other little brother: Spaghetti kit with a nice spoon and an oil/vinegar set I saw
Boyfriend: Woodburned bookmark maybe or perhaps a woodburned keychain?
And some baked goods for everyone, I was thinking little gingerbread loaves with frosting and gumdrop cookies and eggnog fudge. I also have those sphere molds to make hot cocoa bombs I know they are kind of last year but I want to try making some
I'm easy to buy for, I love getting those woodwick candles as a present I find the sound they make relaxing. Or those hot sauce kits, I actually like those, or fuzzy socks. Best gift I ever got? My ugg slippers whenever I put them on I feel like a bratz doll with huge ass feet

No. 1798555

Get him something he's been thinking about buying for a while, and maybe give him something handmade.
If they're anything like the hicks in my family, the packaging is more important than the contents. Give them some cheaper 'fancy' chocolates that you can get at the supermarket and they'll love it.
How about a set of microns? You can get sets with different sized pens and brushes.
Seconding >>1797105 's idea, or something stupid like a themed toilet paper roll or bottle opener. Something small, cheap, and gimmicky, but that the giftee can actually use.

No. 1799199

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for anyone at a loss on what to give people, such as extended family or whatnot, like in-laws or your distant cousin who just got married, I'd like to suggest a pizza stone. it will help you achieve that crispy bottom without having to build a stone oven in the backyard. the person you're gifting it to doesn't even have to be much of a home chef. growing up we'd throw some Tombstone frozen pizzas in the oven and my older siblings would call dibs on all the slices cooked on a pizza stone. everyone needs a pizza stone. heck, I need a pizza stone. they even make some to fit in toaster ovens so I might put one on my list bc I live with my brother and his oven is broken

No. 1799230

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I've made a reservation for my sister for Christmas to go to high tea with me at this nice hotel in our capital city. They do a really cool modernized take on it and both the savoury and sweet selections have gorgeous presentations. Very excited to gift it to her! It'll be a fun day out for both of us since I imagine we'll also do a bit of shopping and walking around while we're there

No. 1799262

I’m doing the same thing with my mom! Here’s hoping we all have bright clear days to go shopping after a lovely tea service. Have fun with your sister nonna, I hope you’ll both have a great time.

No. 1799320

My older sister and her husband are very well-off (from his family) and don't really want or need anything material. They do know I'm good with sweets and candies and requested chocolate oreos, so I've made some small tins of those. I'm also going to surprise them with some bourbon caramel turtles too!

No. 1803926

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I'm really at a loss with what to get my friend. she's basically the only person I buy gifts for, it's not really expected in my relationships or family otherwise. I accidentally gave her everything I could think of for her birthday a few months ago. i'm thinking of just getting her a funny gift

No. 1803960

I asked in another thread, but I will ask again here since no one helped before.
My dad is a hardworking man. He is a (small time) landlord who rennovates and deals with his tenants directly, but then he is also a travel chef working events. He manages kitchens that handle huge events with 10k+ people attending.
Hes mentioned he feels like his clothes are out dated. He asked for help updated his wardrobe because most of his clothes are for painting/wood working /getting dirty .
Now that he is going into these big meetings for the multi million dollar company, what should he wear?
How should I shop for man? I was thinking button ups and nice jeans/ pants. Maybe options because one week hes in miami, the next denver?
Any help would be great. Im really proud of him and I want to help make him feel more confident in his self image.
Thank you nonnas

No. 1804127

Based. I need this sweater

No. 1804149

You're kind of retarded for posting your dad's a landlord ngl. But to answer your question you need to know your dad's measurements to get any properly-fitting clothes for him. He'll want a dress shirt and dress pants at minimum, preferably a jacket as well. Men can usually get away with picking either a jacket or tie and don't need both, but both wouldn't hurt. I find a jacket + dress shirt looks more modern than a dress shirt + tie combo without a jacket but that's maybe personal preference talking.
He cannot get away with jeans presenting to a multi-million dollar company unless it's Texas or a similarly "cowboy" area where dark jeans are seen as acceptably business casual.

No. 1804331

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I think I'll crochet this for my friend but with green instead of the pink what do you nonnies think??

No. 1804332

Would you rather have a moka pot or a chemex?
that’s so frickin cute nonna!!!

No. 1804367

Beautiful! You just gave me crochet inspo

No. 1804368

how about a different color for the black too? I think it looks so harsh. Super cute and sweet gift either way though!

No. 1804374

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I dislike my mother very much, but she keeps giving me gifts everytime I see her (despite me telling her not to), so I will make her a hat and maybe something else just so she doesn't feel bad although, Im not even sure if shes capable of such emotion. I would feel bad too so I'm doing it. Maybe a little lap blanket or mini pillow since she spends a lot of time at a desk. Or socks since she likes warmth. It'll be nice practice for me as well, so I don't mind making it.

No. 1804381

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so the colors will actually be these except green and dark green for the pinks. The one with black was just someone's project I found. The original pattern recommends these colors.

No. 1804407

Thank you for the direction anon, but I mentioned his occupations as a way to establish what he might need for meetings or what not.
You were very helpful though! I think I will get him a dress shirt and maybe a jacket.

No. 1804970

Please recommend a website where I can buy sleep/loungewear for men and women, I want to get a gift for my friend and her nigel. Not literally luxury brand but not amazon either (unless you just happen to know something on amazon that's amazing and not garbage), I can spend 100-200 per person.

No. 1805664

No. 1806789

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One of my baby cousins likes doing nails, so I think I'm gonna gift her some nail polishes, clear nails to practice on and charms to decorate with. Some other extra stuff like dotting tools and stickers too. Out of all the gifts I'm giving, this is the one I'm most sure about kek.

No. 1806841

Samefag, I'm just now realizing that I have to also get something for my cousin's brother. They're literally twins so I can't leave him out, but I'm also not really sure what he's into. I'll ask my grandma but I'm sure I can find something that he would like.

No. 1806844

Ooo she’ll probably love that

No. 1806917

https://www.thewhitecompany.com/ has some nice stuff. You could probably also find some new with tags on ebay for lower prices, rather than buying directly from the site.

No. 1807426

my mum wants a colour match for a discontinued Bobbi Brown art stick (the thick pencil one), in shade B84, dusty pink and I have no idea where to start? Do I just go to a drugstore and start swatching every shade of pink I see?
Can any cosmetic nonna advise?

No. 1807429

It's always the best when you are sure of the gift you're getting. I'm certain she'll be super happy.

No. 1807432

Google it? Tons of sites have dupe recommendations

No. 1807435

Try asking somewhere where makeup junkies gather, like a makeup subreddit or discord server or something. Those people are most likely to know a dupe on top off their head, then you can go and swatch them in store.

No. 1807483

File: 1702303579383.jpg (60.55 KB, 1400x1400, mini-Link-2_INSTAX_FRANCISAUGU…)

Has anyone here used the intax mini photo printer? It looks fun, I want to gift it but I've never used it. Just want to know if it's garbage and breaks quickly or anything like that or if it's about as fun as it looks.

No. 1807511

Oh I got that printer for free when I bought my laptop. It's cute but only after I had opened it, I realized the film is just as expensive as the film for the regular instax mini cameras, which I also owned and sold because I never used it because it's like 2 euro for a single picture and no occasion felt special enough to take a few pictures. If you want to gift it you should probably consider if they can and want to spend so much money on printing pictures. I personally try to avoid gifting things that require more purchases to keep using it.

No. 1807756

File: 1702319915455.jpg (33.57 KB, 322x318, 0185656891701362884770.jpg)

i finally finished all my shopping on the weekend!
i got a digital picture frame for my parents as a joint gift and then i got my mom some jewelry and made her a candle.
my dad i got a book about one of his hobbies.
my brothers i got heated seat warmers for their cars, a hoodie for one and the other a bedding set.
my bf i got a back massager, slippers, silk pillow cases (because he always rolls over onto my side of the bed to use my pillow when i get up) and one of the books he collects.
for wrapping i used like a brown paper bag type giftwrap but it has little christmas bears and deers on it, then i tied a bow with jute twine on each gift and decorated it with little pinecones and stuff kind of like picrel.
i love gifting and wrapping so much, i think its my favourite part of christmas.

No. 1807770

I have the Kodak one and love it. It's 3"x3" so might be bigger photos if that's a 2x3. I prefer it to the cameras so I can edit before printing.

No. 1807852

>it's like 2 euro for a single picture and no occasion felt special enough to take a few pictures.
I don't own a printer so I can't comment on that but I own a instax mini camera and this was my experience too. It's fun at first but the novelty wears off quickly and the film is too expensive. It's probably the first time I experienced buyers remorse kek. I once meet a girl who told me you can bulk buy film from Aliexpress cheaply, the quality of the film wont be great (the colors would look kinda faded) but tbh the point of instax photos isn't to look great it's to look cozy but I have never been able to find an aliexpress shop that sells cheap film.
I think a printer might be better than a instax camera? Because when you photograph something with the camera you don't know the outcome of the photo until it has been printed. So you end up wasting 3 films just to take one selfie. With the printer you can at least chose what to print and you wont waste any film
>It's 3"x3" so might be bigger photos if that's a 2x3.
tbh the instax mini photos are so tiny so it limits what you can photograph so maybe it's more fun if the camera is bigger

No. 1810550

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I think I may get bubble bazookas for my little cousins. I typically wouldn't condone gun toys, but this is barely a gun anyway. It's winter right now, but they love playing outside and it'll be great for the summertime.

No. 1810552

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Samefag, these things are fucking hypnotizing.

No. 1810558

This looks like a lot of fun.

No. 1810563

this looks like the bubbles are small and slow and don't go far because they smash into each other / are grouped too close together. you will wind up with a puddle of soap right under the gun. the light would only be fun if you're playing at night.

No. 1810594

In all the videos I've seen, the bubbles come out fine and doesn't drip or anything. But it's for outdoors anyway so if it does make a puddle it doesn't really matter. And it doesn't need the light, the bubbles are exciting enough kek.

No. 1810690

I got a canon selphy as a gift, it is supposedly much better quality and can print multiple sizes up to postcard

No. 1811248

Any ideas for gifts I could make within a few days? Trying to buy for family that's wealthy and that helps me a lot financially, so I don't want to just give something that they could've bought 10 of themselves.
I have to take a plane to see them so it's gotta be pretty small… I don't think they're picky though, they would probably like most non-niche things

No. 1811252

Make soap

No. 1811260

Dried bug in a jar, like a nice stag beetle mounted on a branch.
Herb or spice blend with a cute label (name it after them and say it’s a unique blend you created while thinking of them.)
Fudge. Cookies. Candy.
Art, like a portrait.

No. 1811289

Matching self made beaded keychains so you can think of each other throughout the year.

No. 1811291

Since you live far enough away to need to fly to visit them, what about about some cute souvenirs or local delicacies from your home city?

No. 1811463

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I'm trying to thrift some gifts instead of buying them brand new, I already got two porcelain cats for my grandmother (the shop had three of them and I bought one for myself and she thought it was the cutest thing ever so ofc I had to go back and get the other two for her) and I bought a vintage looking shirt for my brother. I plan to get a cute jewellry box for my cousin and fill it with necklaces I think she might like and for my best friend I'm thinking of a vintage tea cup/plate and put some tea bags and sweets in a box.
Unrelated but picrel is so cute

No. 1811473

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My ultimate gifting tip is to visit a museum gift shop, they have the best random cool stuff for all kinds of different tastes and price levels. You can usually get into them without having a ticket for the museum or you can treat yourself to a museum visit to break up the holiday hustle. Lots of them have online shops too if you don't live near any museums.

No. 1811937

maybe a paracord keychain, they are fairly easy to make and paracord can be bought in pretty much any color and pattern: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MUIM3YVGLM

Polymer clay or air dry clay earrings and pendants are also an option, there are tons of ideas out there, and the only thing you really need to make most of them is some clay, earring/pendant hooks and an oven.

No. 1811988

candles are fun and pretty easy to make and you can sort of personalize them

No. 1813461

File: 1702658427812.jpg (109.51 KB, 1200x1200, Crane-Personal-White-5951AD-Li…)

I'm getting my grandma a diffuser and some essential oils because she's been complaining of a smell in her home. Maybe I'm projecting cause I loooove diffusers but I think she'll absolutely love it.

No. 1813466


No. 1813467

ooh these are nice, I'd love it if someone gifted me a handmade one of these in my favourite color.

No. 1813468

Diabetes. Why are we naming random diseases?

No. 1813473

If my granny was complaining of a smell in her home I would fix the smell and make sure she wasn't living in mold or damp conditions. I would get her an air purifier too. If she's old you should be thinking about her health and not covering up a "bad smell" (what's causing the bad smell? Usually it's something bad for you to breathe in…) with some shit that's harmful and irritating to your lungs.

No. 1813477

>she's been complaining of a smell in her home
You sure something isn't rotting or something?

No. 1813479

Anon, I know what the smell is coming from and so does she. It's from my grandfather who's been sick and recently went on hospice. Don't make so many assumptions, thanks for the air purifier idea though.
Yes, my grandad.

No. 1813482

Sorry to hear about your grandpa, anon.

No. 1813493

Samefag but for the record, I actually can't smell anything when I go to see her and she's the one who said that there's a bad smell and that it's from my grandfather. I'm just going based off of things she's said.
Thank you.

No. 1813555

Sorry non I have OCD about air quality. Where I'm from if an old person house has a bad smell it's always something like mold. I still wouldn't put a diffuser or anything bad for the lungs around an elderly person.

No. 1813631

It's alright anon. I may also buy a purifier for her, maybe it would help.

No. 1813757

There's also something called a simmer pot which I don't believe to be bad for your lungs. It's a pot of boiling water on the stove which you can add things to. Obviously depends on her sensitivity but if you're getting a diffuser I'm sure she's fine. You could make a little bag (like a tea bag) that she can put in the pot. Then again I would be a bit worried about boiling something for ages that isn't food…

No. 1813765

i'm sure she'll love it anon, very thoughtful of you ♥

No. 1813877

Thanks! I'll get some tropical scented oils because she likes that kinda stuff with her fragrances and air fresheners. I got her some other stuff, out of all the people I'm gifting this holiday season I'm most excited to give her her stuff.

No. 1820044

Hallmark must have paid off Dollar Tree this year. All their holiday cards are either oversized or have random 3D pieces so neither can go regular priced mail. And of course Walmart doesn't have $1 cards unless you buy a pack of 8 of the most generic cards you've ever seen. I bought some generic green leaf print cards and I'll just use a sort of tacky rubber stamp I already have on those.

No. 1820062

I'm going on holiday with my aunt, my uncle and 2 teenage cousins (both girls). I already know what I am getting for my aunt and my cousins (a book I've already chosen and clothes respectively), but I have no idea what I am getting for my uncle. He's in his early 50s and enjoys reading too but he doesn't have much time and I don't know his reading preferences that well. I don't want to choose a present that is very different from my aunt's because it would feel weird. Should I just go to the book shop and see if I can find something he might like? He could change it if he doesn't want it. On second thought, all my presents should be books, yeah, I think that's a good idea.

No. 1820118

should I work hard on a watercolor painting for my grandma tomorrow so that I can get it in the mail before Christmas? she sent me money so I should send her something, but that sounds childish, the thing is I'm unemployed and 25

No. 1820236

No. 1820260

I've been thinking about what to paint for 2 hours but I don't know. I could paint a nice mountain farm scene with cows maybe? she lives on the old farm in Appalachia and is surrounded by cows.

No. 1820397

That sounds like a good idea! Had she ever mentioned wanting to travel somewhere or did she grow up somewhere else? Those could also be something to consider

No. 1820420

Do it. I still give drawings as gifts when I feel more inspired to draw than to buy some generic gift for someone. For example last year I did a Christmas themed card for my work colleagues (one had a Christmas tree watercolors card, the other a Santa, the other a Nutcracker, etc.), I don't know how much they appreciated it but I know I had fun making all the cards.

No. 1821461

can someone PLEASE help me with my mom and aunt they are the only ones I didn't shop for yet
I got my mom a jade facial roller she wanted, 2 dumb tiny things, nice makeup brushes, but i want to get her something art related she is a painter
Also my aunt who is very classy and likes personalized stuff it's so hard to shop for her I was thinking of going to the rich person mall tomorrow and grabbing the shiniest thing unless someone can help? She also likes peacocks, gold stuff and burgundy stuff, and music boxes

No. 1821786

i didnt even know what i wanted this year since ive tried to give up my consoomerism tendencies and now most media type gift stuff has lost my interest. i did go to a local artist market recently and fell in love with the ceramics and handmade purses but all the non-anime print sellers i liked did not have a website or online presence for me to add any of their products on my wishlist :( i did put the neuro fuzzy rice cooker on my list so hopefully i get that!!(:()

No. 1822301

Maybe you can get your aunt a nice bangle or another type of jewelry and have it engraved? If you have the budget.

No. 1822829

What about a little crystal or glass blown peacock for your aunt? They might even have a stand at the mall?

No. 1822873

if your aunt doesn't have a pizza stone you should buy her one. all classy people should have a pizza stone if they aren't too classy to eat pizza but not classy enough to build their own stone oven. not sure what your price range is or were you're from but you can get a good pizza stone for under $60 in the U.S.

No. 1822914

I've not finished my husbands gifts, idk if I'll get it done by Christmas. I'm missing a part of it that I think I'll have to add in later on once it arrives. Whoops should have started earlier

No. 1822919

I'm gifting my Nigel a set of pans. He loves kitchenware, he's been eyeing the HexClad brand which are way too expensive for the quality, but since Gordon Ramsay advertised the brand that's all he knows about them, so I did second best and got him AllClad brand pans instead. I'm sure he wouldn't mind the difference if the quality were the same.
I feel like I skimped out a bit on my sister. I got her a pair of Keroppi socks and a Totoro hand towel.
I wanted to buy something more meaningful to my moid friends, one of them I got a housewarming gift, but all their gifts were less than $6 each which fits my budget for them lmao. All my female friends I spent at least $20 on, my best friend I spent $70 on, mostly for import costs on an Evangelion item, but it's totally worth it.
I'm not getting anything for my parents, even though they did help me earlier last month, but since then they haven't wanted to talk to me, so I think their help is just to make up for not speaking to me.
I don't have a big wishlist, I kinda want that new style savvy game, but I don't care much for video games anymore. I think my Nigel bought me some Calico Critters, which I am ecstatic about. At this point I just want to get some elegant clothing to fill up my closet and a comfy pair of shoes for running. I also want a bike, but that'll be for later!

No. 1826469

I hope you get the exact Calico Critters you wish for nona

No. 1829328

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I wanna know how everyone's giving season went! Were your gifts well received? Did you get anything?

I only gave gifts to my grandma (massager, diffuser, wanted to give her a blanket but didn't finish it) and mom (handmade bag and scarf), they both really appreciated it. I get so stressed every year thinking that no one will like my gifts.

No. 1829335

I'm from a non-western Muslim country so we don't celebrate Christmas, but my dad bought us cake and gave me and siblings some cash, that was sweet.

No. 1829445

I got a harlequine mat for ballet practice, books I really wanted, cozy pajamas and socks, art supplies, and a craft kit for my bf and I to do together. I also had my no candy request granted. I am quite pleased with the result. I’m the Nona who gifted the canon selphy to my mom and she loved it! It prints the photo in under a minute and you can choose gloss, semi, or matte! We were all blown away and my mom was happy to have printed pics of my sister and her husband that night.

No. 1886899

File: 1707837766867.jpeg (1.08 MB, 2560x2560, IMG_4037.jpeg)

Nonny nonny nonny! Annonette gives you a galentines basket tailored just for you. What is inside? Extra points for detail and creativity

No. 1886910

heart socks in redxpink, a bottle of Lillet rosé, strawberries, candy and some photos of us together printed out with cute, sentimental writing on them.

No. 1886926

something chocolate and valentines themed like chocolate covered strawberries, matching pj's, cute jewelry, face masks/skin care stuff, candles, body spray, really anything heart shaped/pink or that we can use together during like a movie night

No. 1886927

Love Potion candle from Brooklyn Candle Studio, chocolate edibles with a 1:1 CBD to THC ratio, a pair of pink wool socks with red hearts on them, a bottle of Oregon pinot noir that's at LEAST five years old, and proof of donation to a women's shelter in my name because there's nothing better than women supporting women! Happy Galetine's day, nonnies

No. 1886969

File: 1707842093566.png (19.11 KB, 362x330, nuxe-prodigieux-le-parfum-50-m…)

A bottle of Nuxe Prodigieux perfume, 750mL cod liver oil, pack of djarums, and a slightly wrinkled hand stapled copy of a husbando fanfic (printed out with love). What about you, nonna?

No. 1886973

a winning lotto ticket

No. 1886979

My top gifts:
waluigi on a crucifix
x-files trading cards
an abortion

No. 1887109

Because you hate Waluigi or you love Waluigi… ?

No. 1887957

I'm a gaming nerd so I'd love a custom pack of pokemon cards, all of them being cute pink/love themed. Some cute fancy chocolates in a cute little box, with multiple of each flavor/variation so we can share together. Probably some limited valentines edition of a common snacks as well, like oreo cookies or a chocolate bar. Small home-made cupcakes that we share right away! An art book/zine themed around pink or valentines from a franchise I love. A little valentines plush (gotta be of high quality though not a cheap one). A postcard sized print of custom art of my gaming personas/OCs.

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