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No. 179117

Hey farmers. What do you think of drug lords, or small time drug dealers in society?

Would killing people and helping fund addictions be worth it if you could use some of your profit to help the poor people of your country ?

No. 179238

Most drug lords are bad people because of things apart from the drugs they're selling, the rest of the crimes they're committing are much, much worse.

The whole "you're causing addictions" thing is crap too, adults should be able to do whatever they want with their body.

No-one calls the cashier at a bottle shop a bad person for potentially enabling alcoholism, same applies with any other drug I think. You can use it responsibly, or you can abuse it.

No. 180043

Like above anon, I don't think drug lords are bad people for selling drugs. I think most of them are bad people because they commit other crimes, are violent to people, crap parents (as far as I've read) and, as is the nature of organised crimes, contribute to industries like sex trafficking.

However, I don't think selling drugs is inherently bad. When we over-prescribe medication, sell alcohol and cigarettes in shops, fill food with chemicals and hormones, fill our bodies with refined sugar and our air with fumes, I don't think drugs are any different. I just think they need to be legalised and regulated, so that drug lords cannot be "above the law" and so taxes can be fed back into the economy.

No. 180062

I think a lot of them just let the power go to their heads and they all inevitably become wannabe tyrants with god complexes.

Ross Ulbricht, the maker of Silk Road, started ordering hits on 2-10 people and basically talking to people like he just invented a new civil society which he now rules over like a god.

These people would have much less chance getting real power if drugs were decriminalized.

No. 180098

I don't care about what they do, people will always find a way to numb themselves if they really want to.

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