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No. 1779356

Discuss what you hate about zoomers. Their trends, behaviours you dislike, cultures, and more.

Previous thread: >>1664102

No. 1779371

I'm a millennial and I use those acronyms

No. 1779375

Why is picrel there?

No. 1779417

I genuinely don’t know, I’m confused too(I did not make this image, I just found it on google).

No. 1779833

I revived this thread because i wanted to talk about this guy because he annoys the fuck out of me. Warning: this video contains unfunny zoomer moid humor.


>makes videos about zoomed moid “problems” like “The Death of Family”, Dating, , height, and more.
>In his 2nd most popular video, He seethes about how men are starting families later(why is that a bad thing?)
>blames feminist for falling birthrates
>Hides his more controversial opinions behind obnoxious zoomer humor(a lot of them are pedo jokes btw)
>Did i mention the horrible humor?

No. 1779839

I dont like aave ebonics slang anyway, its even more embarrassing when 25+ year olds use it

No. 1779844

File: 1700494443510.jpg (65.78 KB, 606x853, wife bad.jpg)

>old married moids make ''wife bad'' jokes their entire personality
>young women catch the memo, men dont want marriage
>women start focusing on their careers, are happier without families/a husbando
>new generation of moids reach their mid 20s
>start complaining about how they cant find a wife and start a family

No. 1779852

Samefag. Sage for the autistic blog, but I am a zoomer(just turned 19) and was surrounded by this genre of Scrote during Highschool. They are insensitive misogynistic retards, they don’t pay attention and interrupt class(but men failing school is societies problem, right?), disrespect female teachers, hate LGBT but make exceptions for “fuckable” trannies and lesbians, sexually harass girls and some have some extreme political views. One even randomly came up to me freshman year to show me gore of a hand on his phone, and in another incident, one moid like this airdropped gore some girl on the bus. He called her an “insensitive bitch” for being upset. I just know he was one of them because he has the same demeanor, humor and opinions.

No. 1779861

Kek. They also like to form movements like MGTOW where all they do is talk about how happy they are single and making up revenge fantasies about single women over 30 being depressed cat ladies. Despite their claims, I have only seen men seething, becoming violent incels and killing themselves over being single, not women.

No. 1779876

>new generation of moids reach their mid 20s
>start complaining about how they cant find a wife and start a family
Is this really a thing IRL though? I feel like social media and easy insight into incel/moid communities have made this "problem" look bigger than it actually is. Tell me if this is just my area/community but the vast majority of 20s/30s women I know is either in a relationship or single but not planning on staying perma-single. If there's lots of women secretly perma-single they sure aren't open about it.

No. 1779882

watched half-way through his video on why porn addiction is bad before clicking off. I can understand why a woman might not mention morality when trying to convince men to be anti-porn because, to be quite frank, men either don't care about the ethics of it or dig in their heels and feel more emboldened to watch porn because 'feminists R bad ', but it's clear that he's just another man who thinks men are uniquely 'victims of the modern world' or whatever

No. 1779901

Just skipped to the feminism section and jfc this man is really peddling some far-right stuff. He's against even married women who have multiple kids from using birth control, unmarried couples cohabitating etc.

No. 1779928

Skimmed watched some of his video's, and honestly I would rather zoomer moids be watching him then some one like Tate or Hasan, at least he gives some decent advice.

No. 1779993

>It’s more embarrassing when 25+ use it
Nonna, aave is a dialect. You don’t have to like it, but plenty of (primarily) black 25+ people speak like this naturally instead of just when their parents are out of earshot. The “most wokiest generation ever” just soft-colonized it like they do with any (sub)culture they find cool.

No. 1780041

see women are rational and naturally think "oh you hate me? okay I'll leave" but moids are too fucking stupid to see why you'd do this. The answer to what do they want is that they think women should have to get married and that then once she is their "property" they should be free to berate her however they want. Those married moids who ree about their wives are still with them and not divorced for a reason. A wife is by default making his life better, he just feels entitled to whine that she COULD be an even "better" wife were she hotter, more of a doormat, etc etc. We weren't supposed to recognize that this is a shit deal for women and all the zoomer scrotes are mad that the bangmaid they felt they were promised for having a penis isn't appearing

No. 1780050

What's strange to me is that AAVE really is just a variation of White Southern US English (cause of course it would be). Sometimes it's nearly indistinguishable, but I bet most of these zoomers wouldn't consider the south cool by any measure.

No. 1780060

Well in your imagine that's a woman dragging her husband behind her car so based but yeah I get what you mean

No. 1780098

I used to think the zoomer hate was overblown and unrealistic but I keep encountering people who meet the exact stereotype. A few days ago I was in a room with this girl who talked loudly on the phone for over an hour and brought up TikTok like 30 times while repeating "valid" "slay" "problematic" etc. Is everyone addicted to that app now?
Also came across some guys bringing online coomer humor about "femboys" irl and making a scene over some meme in public recently.
Idk I hate to act nlog about it but as a zoomer myself it's kind of difficult to find common ground with my peers when most of them are glued to social media. Plus nobody cares about privacy so I'm paranoid about being randomly filmed and uploaded. Not sure what you're supposed to do these days if you aren't into blasting your life online

No. 1780206

Same. Even millennial women at my church or gym act shocked when I say I don’t have any social media. If someone wants to contact me, they can text me. I’m very private and I don’t like being filmed for Snapchat’s when I hang out with my best friend who Snapchat’s every second of her life. It’s so annoying hanging out with her sometimes because she’s constantly looking at herself in her phone and taking videos- as if anyone really cares that much. She doesn’t even use tiktok… I can’t take anyone seriously who uses that app. I know a lot of my peers think I’m weird. I’m kind of glad I had older parents who raised me and a lot of influence from my grandmother. I often find myself in groups of people and I’m staring at them while they stare at their phones…everyone is so boring and struggles to maintain a relationship unless it’s shallow. It’s sad

No. 1780265

>Even millennial women at my church or gym act shocked when I say I don’t have any social media
At my old job when I was quitting I had a couple people ask me what my social media handles are and I said I don't really use it. One girl my age made some condescending comment that was basically like "wooow, aren't you special" kek. Crazy that people think you're some pickme nlog if you don't sit around for hours on tiktok or instagram.

No. 1780269

>One girl my age made some condescending comment that was basically like "wooow, aren't you special" kek.
kek projection

No. 1780275

I think this guy is especially mad that women don't want to marry and start having kids at like 19, because he looked at too many stock images of laughing young white trad families on sunny fields. They want this fantasy life of the veteran generation of riding the economic high on some chimneysweeper's solo income raising 10 children and providing them all with starter homes, while this has not been realistic in half a century.
Millenial men also enjoyed partying through their twenties and then they just chilled out and are now marrying other early 30's women and having kids, and this dumb retard is mad girls his age don't want to be unemployable baby machines (while you know he also thinks he shouldn't need to pay child support or alimony the marriage falls through)

No. 1780579

I also had older parents (could be my grandparents) and a lot of grandparent influence… but my family is often on their phones too now! For example my grandma has always been a very social gossipy person and now she participates in online groups and shows me shortform videos that she finds. In some ways it's nice that she is able to connect with people (she is a widow and had trouble finding irl friends) but I worry because sometimes she sees dubious health advice or political conspiracies and doesn't notice the red flags.
But yeah, even though it's more extreme in younger cohorts, a lot of older people are very online too. Their usage isn't quite the same but they have issues too.
Yep, I had a similar experience where some guy said told me that not using social media seems like I'm just trying to be special. I guess some people don't get the point of the "if your friends all jumped off a cliff…" adage
Also there's other men who say that women who do use SM are narcissistic whores so I guess you can't win
It's retarded that they blame women when it's literally infeasible for most people to start that life even if they want to, and they think that all women hate kids because they stay in their bubble where they never actually encounter any. I do meet young women who are highly interested in family life and am myself partial to having kids, but it doesn't change that you have to work to survive and that in the mainstream normie world, going to college is highly expected of everyone, women included. Most men his age wouldn't be able to support a wife and kids even if they found a woman who was enthusiastic about it, maybe they should work on that before complaining about tfw no tradwife?
All the trad stuff is just a larp too, most of these guys are coomers who follow a modern online ideology and only have surface level values. Actual traditional people I meet aren't doing this chronically online whining but are actually spending time with their families and communities, and detest pornography.

No. 1780582

>plenty of (primarily) black 25+ people speak like this naturally
My point stands

No. 1780583

>death of family
more like the death of him being willing to form a bond with a female companion kek

No. 1780775


No. 1781181

>men finally realising women were only with men via force for the majority of human history (and were and still are treated like shit by scrotes) and when free even heterosexual women would rather just go without a worthless scrote who despises them
Men never want to be held accountable for their actions.

No. 1781187

How embarrassing and pathetic for her to be so insecure about appearing basic that she had to put you down.

No. 1782170

So glad I'm older. What do younger gen z girls deal with kek

No. 1933492

Zoomers have so little critical thought and comprehension. Every time I see a comment on insta or whatever with a valid criticism of something, they just respond with “womp womp” like wow you really owned them!!!! literally all their opinions are just regurgitated tiktok shit. They try and pathologise EVERYTHING too. Like if you eat healthy “it’s giving almond mom!!” “tell me ur fatphobic without telling me ur fatphobic”, the same retarded “gotcha” catchphrases over and over.

No. 1933500

“Imagine doing x” drives me crazy like I don’t need to imagine, retard, I do it every day.

No. 1933511

And they overreact wayyy worse. If you prove them wrong they will act like you just bombed their home or something

No. 1933536

You're right. The same fucking phrases being parroted over and over again like cancer cells dividing. Go onto the comments of any tiktok/reel and you can accurately predict the comments because everyone types the exact same retarded way with their retarded little phrases. I only use Instagram to talk to my friends but sometimes I accidentally end up on some reels and it always just infuriates me.
That 'womp womp' thing especially pisses me off. Where the fuck did that even come from?
There was one reel where some girl was saying how she was 'sick to her stomach' and some guy in the comments had no idea what that meant kek. So you don't understand age old sayings but you can understand 'womp womp' huh? Bleak.

No. 1933550

This happens to men also. Most females think that a man is weird if he doesn't have insta, yet at the same time, they cry about their bf following hot foids on ig, kek. It's sad these bitches can vote.
That's rich coming from the gender that wants to kill babies, but still feels entitled to the man's paycheck if she becomes a single mother. Fuck off.(moid)

No. 1933707

I hate zoomies because they are young and beautiful, while i'm old and ugly. I hate them harder than jews and palestinians hate each other.(bait)

No. 1933718

Young people can be ugly too retard

No. 1933812

i don't use social media but i hate how they seem to have no actual concept of individual thought. i'm sure some are out there but i'll browse lastfm and they shit up every artists page with shit "mother is mothering", "shes for the girls and the gays ONLY!" and when an artist comes out with an opinion that doesn't align with the current "correct" political opinion (you know what i mean) its swarms of "umm never listening to this artist again their music sucks anyways lol" and outright hateful or misogyny riddled statements if the artist is a woman.
been using that site for well over a decade and the influx of zoomers makes the site so hard to navigate without rolling my eyes…. they genuinely seem like NPCs. like on one hand im glad they provide traffic to the site that i love so it hopefully doesn't go down but holy shit it's genuinely made me hate zoomers so much more than i ever thought about because they say the same regurgitated shit over and over

No. 1933901

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that (white) zoomer moids are obsessed with race and gross porn?

Idk if any of you have heard of Gio Scotti (Italian girl that was made into a meme like “haha this what Ancient Greek towel boys looked like”) but she came up on my explore page on insta the other day and I clicked on her account and the comments are disgusting.

She was on holiday in africa and there are white zoomer guys asking if she’s into black men or asking if she wants to be blacked/take bbc in the comments. I was appalled. These guys aren’t hiding behind anonymous accounts either. They’re using their real names, they pics of themselves up and their high school/grad year in their bio. When did this become normal?? Isn’t this some gross fetish that men go to crazy lengths to hide?? Is it just an instagram comments something because nobody was calling them out (like they would do on twitter). Everyone was just laughing along and making pervy comments.

This isn’t the first time i noticed zoomer boys talking about interracial sex in this weird, porn-y way. Even the young right wing, groyper types make comments like these on twitter.

What the fuck is going on.

No. 1933910

Yeah, I've noticed this too. These motherfuckers are getting way too comfortable. I don't get why these moids are so obessed with black moids and bbc. They must secretly be faggots wishing they could get that bbc all to themselves or something. Fucking freaks. I hope their family members and friends see their sick comments and then cut them off.

No. 1933918

Yeah but they're not allowed to voice any real opinions. All the zoomies have social media, they can't get away from being filmed in public or in private if they live with family who also have social media addictions, they're too retarded to use fake names and not put their faces all over the internet, literally anything they do and say can be taken out of context by a fellow retard and used as fuel for a witch hunt. I'm sure that all these drooling brainlets have more diverse and interesting opinions than 'OMG DEADASS GENDER BESTIEEEE' but they get mauled by the lynch mob every time they even think about voicing their real opinions.

No. 1933919

>These guys aren’t hiding behind anonymous accounts either. They’re using their real names, they pics of themselves up and their high school/grad year in their bio.
Someone should take it upon themselves to screenshot/archive comments like these and send them to their family members, js

No. 1933950

I love being a zoomer my life is fun

No. 1933955

yeah thats what happens down the line when you give 8 year old boys access to pornography. This is something that makes me vehemently believe that children shouldn't have access to the internet. I feel like many of us would've turned out a lot more reasonable and mentally healthy if we didn't get access to the online until the age of like 18 the way that all the early millennials did.

No. 1933965

I actually appreciate how socially conscious zoomers (at least girls) tend to be and are aware of global things generations before them weren't and I don't give a shit about their slang because we had our own cringe newspeak too, but the one thing that I fucking hate about their generation is the obsession with youth. People are starting 11-step anti-aging skincare routines at 17, plastic surgery at 20 and make being young their entire identity, constantly making fun of millenial women "trying to be young" (note: NEVER millenial men) when they're just minding their own business not wearing a full on mommycore outfit. The other thing I hate is the really rancid open misogyny, racism and porn addiction zoomer moids have, you'd think that a younger generation would be more tolerating but they're porn addicted at 12 and learn their entire code of conduct from Andrew Tate and neo-nazi youtubers.

No. 1934006

i really don't want to infight, and you're right about them being complete retards, but everything you said is not solely a zoomer issue. everyone is affected by the presence of social media, lack of privacy, being filmed and being witchhunted. sure, they were exposed to it more growing up but it doesn't mean they are physically incapable of logging out or growing some sense. it might be harder for some but it's not impossible to work on yourself. i'm sure they have more opinions they're afraid to share but so does everyone. like i said i don't want to infight but everyone is effected by those things

No. 1934016

Families don't care, they think it's adorable that their little boys are calling women bitches and demanding to see tits. Send them to their employers, and when the employers don't do anything, spread all of it across social media. Boom! Both the scrotoid and the company he works for are suddenly under a lot of scrutiny, and the company will fire him because keeping him is more trouble than it's worth. Like what happened with the retards at the Trump rallies.

No. 1934120

Why do zoomie moids dress so fugly? I'm not saying 'men were way better in the 50s' or something like that, because moids were always shit and will always be shit but atleast they used to dress somewhat well before. The least they could do with their worthless existences was to be a bit of eyecandy for us but nowadays they ain't even good for that much either. And those hairstyles are vile, my god. Broccolis, edgars, mullets, fades, all trash. I was born in the wrong generation for real.

No. 1934188

I think it has to do with the leisure/athletic wear trend that started in the early 10s. It's like dressing like a lazy slob was all the rage, for men and women alike. By the mid 10s, it was normal to wear sweat pants out of the house, something I could never get behind. I think with Gen Z being teenagers in the 10s and being surrounded with that slob gym-wear style, it was hard for them to learn how to style clothes, how to match colours, i.e., how to dress nice. I have one of my mum's social studies books here from the 70s, and it has a whole 30 page chapter dedicated to how to style yourself, what colours look best together, how to make a wardrobe, how to make an outfit, etc., it was normal to be taught those things in decades past. Now we just have a bunch of people who think wearing a black t-shirt and sweatpants with boring sneakers is the only outfit that doesn't make them look "gay." It's sad.

No. 1934191

That book sounds amazing nona. Do you think you could post a few pictures of it? (maybe in the vintage fashion thread or something). I love vintage books and fashion and sometimes old advice is timeless and really great.

No. 1934194

Could you link the thread? I can scan a few pages of it. Honestly it's one of my favourite books I have, it has entire chapters dedicated to how to hold dinner parties, all these great recipes, how to dress, how to make friends, how to sew, etc., my nan kept the book from my mum's time in secondary school and I found it when I was a teenager and it honestly helped me out a LOT. When I was in secondary school, our social studies amounted to shit compared to the wealth of information contained in this one book from the late 70s/early 80s

No. 1934196

why would they? zoomer girls are the most desperate generation. Even in the 2000s moids had to actually shower, try, and court women. Now with media negging girls you see beautiful women simping after ugly fat slobs with crappy/no job.

No. 1934199

>beautiful women simping after ugly slobs with crappy jobs
It's been like that for every generation since the fall of the Minoan civilization nona. Look at the relationship advice thread on /g/ if you can stomach it for examples of what semi-normies put up with. In the 2000s it was no different, scrotes have always dressed like slobs and been retarded, it's just now clothing quality has been decimated so even the best-dressed look boring and tacky.

No. 1934204

Sure, it's >>>/g/146601
I'm glad you had an such an awesome book as a sort of guide to help you out in life, it's really sweet. It's too bad they don't make stuff like this anymore. We could all use them.

No. 1934234

even if it's not clothes at least regular haircuts, showers and not eating like a hippo was a thing. Now you can barely as a scrote to keep a healthy BMI and shower once a day without them acting like you just demanded a male model with a 12 inch dick

No. 1934311

I hate everyone who uses the retarded ugly crying emoji

No. 1934759

You obviously don't remember the 90s or the 2000s

No. 1939434

I know adults are suppose to lead the younger generation so they can have a better life than ours, but zoomers and Gen A are too infuriating to deal with.
>Every time I see a comment on insta or whatever with a valid criticism of something, they just respond with “womp womp”
Also they call you terminally online as if they don't have phones glued to their hands and eyes. I'm willing to believe they spend more time online than millennials have. Even though they have spent the same amount of time online as a World of Worldcraft neckbeard, they are biggest algorithm slaves and can't go outside of their comfort zone.

And speaking of wannabe chads, anyone who spends time online is considered a 'loser'. The old social system has never change. People who are comfortable with themselves won't care about getting called names because they have better things to worry about (or have actual hobbies). Zoomers on the otherhand will implode at the idea they are losers; they can hide their hurt with irony postings all they want but everyone knows deep down its true.

No. 1939516

Does anyone know why zoomers are so obsessed with aging? Apparently 30 year olds are hags, zoomer kids are obsessed with anti-aging skincare and if they try to offend millennials by calling us old (as if millennials were as obsessed with age as they are). They are worse than 2016 farmers being obsessed with nasolabial folds. Ironically they often look older than millennials. Aging is going to destroy them.

No. 1939529

Same, anon. Same.

I've worked with gen z since the beginning of 2020. I've noticed some are willing to learn and listen, but it's a minority. A lot of them are easily distracted and need their phone 24/7. I worked in food, and even when it was busy I would see some of them scrambling to get their phones out to text someone. It's like they can't function without their phone or vape.

No. 1939543

I’m a zoomer (19), from my subjective experience on the younger end of the spectrum and from my friends it’s honestly because of two things: the larger focus on looks, and media. Western tv, anime, tiktok etc. It feels like teenhood has the most focus so anything beyond that feels so far away and old. I’d say that this is a cause by association - the principle isn’t looking young but being young. But since this generation is also more lookist and self-conscious (especially with social media) those things tie together. I think in general we suffer from a peter pan syndrome of really not wanting to grow up too, I would say this is somewhat to do with the state of society as well. I have friends that started calling themselves old at 18, and every friend I have 20-22 has told me they’re old now. It’s kind of everywhere, I recently saw a meme that essentially said 23 year olds don’t have much time left - it’s played for jokes but a very pervasive idea and to the people above whatever age is considered “old” even if they try to brush it off it eventually gets under their skin and then they start to believe they are. I also know people who have begun to romanticise youth more as the result of the fetishism of men. Coquettes and Belle Delphine-adjacents. Obviously this is my anecdotal experience and I’m surrounded by chronically onlines but I do think the main cause is due to youth in general being more valuable to this generation, with the fear of ageing being an extension of that.

No. 1939569

Genz fetishize youth because that's literally everything they got going on for them and the thing that gives them cultural relevancy at the moment. They aren't young "personality wise": they got no creativity, energy or nothing new to share, that's why they fear aging because unlike millennials or older generations, they got no legacy or creations to maintain themselves relevant in the mainstream as the "cool" gen when they inevitably become older, their only personality and achievement is being young, their millennials idols feel and act younger than them. They don't got no JK Rowlings, Beyonces, etc and I'm saying this as a gen z myself, I was expecting some interesting stuff to pop out but nothing ig. Lady Gaga and Azelia Banks were at their absolute peak at just 23, most 20+ genz are crying about being "OLD!!" and arguing about situationships and gender at TikTok, sad shit tbh

No. 1939587

I do think it’s somewhat just a product of our time though. There are many points where other things were romanticised to the same degree, and right now that’s youth, more than before. It’s just how trends go.

No. 1939588

think about it, moids can now access porn way earlier than back in the day when they had to get a lingerie catalog from their mom's mail or something. if they have access to the internet, they get groomed into it and turn into freaks at much swifter rates

No. 1942630

Just watched a tiktok where some man goes onto a Uni campus in England full of liberal zoomers. He goes in with a fake petition in support of the Houthis (some terrorist rebels or whatever from Yemen), and he asks random people around the campus if they'll sign the petition to support them. 90% of them say yes without thinking and sign the petition and when the man asks them if they actually know anything about the Houthis, they say no…. What the fuck? I'm a zoomer myself but I have secondhand embarrassment. Their heads are completely empty and they just go along with anything. Don't know who these people are, yet sign a petition in support of them. Holy shit.

No. 1942637

That's actually scary. So many zoomers just go with the flow with doing zero research or even caring to. Reminds me of the whole 'hijabs are not opression' movement they love to hop on, while silencing actual ex-muslim women.

No. 1942647

>Uni campus in england
If they are muslim there's a chance they actually mean it…

No. 1942651

>(some terrorist rebels or whatever from Yemen)
this made me laugh a little because it wasn't really necessary to include, especially when you're complaining about zoomers not knowing anything while being one yourself. anyway you're right that they really don't research anything properly, a lot don't even do a simple google search anymore. it's good to remember to take those tiktoks with a grain of salt though because they will inevitably only include the footage that would make for interesting content. and they obviously didn't interview literally every student there. i just can't stand those videos because they're only created to get a reaction out of people, it's not worth looking to them for some representation of reality

No. 1942652

I work at a summer camp for high school athletes and I can't help but feel the boys are more retarded than ever. They are completely incapable of focusing and are super rebellious and disruptive but the instant any of the councilors get angry they fold almost immediately. Like, the smallest amount of push back causes them to go from rebellious teen to scolded five year old.
For reference the councilors are typically mid to late 20s to mid 30s while the kids are 14-18. My only assumption is that between unsupervised access to the internet (where you can say whatever you want as long as you don't self doxx) and likely having both parents working they aren't used to people imposing boundaries on them.

No. 1942673

>The same fucking phrases being parroted over and over again like cancer cells dividing. Go onto the comments of any tiktok/reel and you can accurately predict the comments because everyone types the exact same retarded way with their retarded little phrases.
Dead internet theory. I swear to god

No. 1942686

My problem wasn't with them not knowing who the Houthis were. Hell, I didn't even really know myself, until today. My problem was the fact that they just blindly agreed to sign the petition without even asking the guy for info on who these people were, what they wanted, and why anyone should bother supporting them. I would never agree to sign a petition for randos I knew nothing about. I'd read up on it first before making my decision.

No. 1942689

That seems like normal behavior to me tbh. The two easiest things to do in a situation like that is to ignore the person (which the video isn't going to show) or sign the petition in the hopes they'll leave you alone after. Hardly seems like a generational difference to me. Just another video grifter taking advantage of doing unexpected things to people in public.

No. 1948511

>english-speaking zoomers start using some new word
>start using it too in order to blend in as an esl
>fast-forward few months
>go on twitter
>WHY IS USING {WORD} RACIST AND PROBLEMATIC THREAD (1/126) by @nagitopissdrinker69
>it's AAVE
every fucking time

No. 1948516

what the fuck do airplanes have do with slang??

No. 1948533

Nta and I believe you're referring to AAVE. AAVE stands for African American Vernacular English.

No. 1948583

A lot of stuff zoomers get criticism for is stuff people said about millennials (and still do), the only change that made certain things worse is internet becoming something everyone is deeply engaged with constantly. So a lot of toxic and annoying internet trends get rapidly cycled through in a way that even 10 years ago wasnt true. Idk every generation has problems I just hate this shitting on and generalizing whole generations.

No. 1948708

I also notice gen z stars don't last anymore, they all get 15 minutes of fame and are forgotten unless they're constantly making hit music/movies/shows, which is almost impossible to get sign in deals if you're "new", which is like what, 3 of them? I guess nepotism has to do with it as well. during the 2000s and 2010s I could easily name multiple stars that were great at their job.

No. 1948745

i disagree here. i don't think everyone is hating on the generation, just specific traits of people who happen to be in it. zoomer is and should be used used to define habits rather than a whole generation, much like millenial(many millenial stereotypes are actually older zoomer ones) zoomers are hated by other gen-z as well, it's sort of telling that people only a few years older than them and their own age group hates them. i think hating zoomers in general for having more tools to make good decisions than previous generations did but using them to make stupid mistakes(like zoomer smoking trend). older gen-z and young millenials are indistinguishable from each other, so a lot of those traits get blended together. this is far from boomers thinking millenials are lazy simply because the economy is messed up. another thing is that zoomers being so visible online, and companies having to pivot to online advertising made a perfect storm of everything and anything being catered to them, which makes them more annoying due to their high visibility online and constant reminders of them.

No. 1949400

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>his note is so fire
he's talking about a suicide note

No. 1949411

u know what fuckin gets me
>zoomer slang
>but its some word like finna which people have been using since before most millennials were born

No. 1949496

Millennials will never admit this but it's true, and people never criticize zoomers for things unique to their generation either

No. 1950607

I can't stand when they use 'Ahh' instead of ass and that annoying sound effect they make when talking about someone with a big butt

No. 1951031

What sound effect?

No. 1953920

File: 1712442872950.jpg (1.13 MB, 1170x1766, NDA .jpg)

So you got an offer and signed an NDA and immediately thought to yourself "I'll go on instagram and break the NDA and tag the brand directly!!". What a real dumbass

No. 1954053

probably just a marketing ploy kek

No. 1957735

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Gen X did this, too. They love to respond in one-liners. I think it’s because they both are very media-driven generations.
I agree with the age stuff. Previous generations always had their turn to complain about older generations, but with Zoomers, the age fixation is insane. They seem the most scared of aging and the most hostile to anyone older than them.
I agree, and I hope the generations after gen Z will produce meaningful art. Gen Z’s approach to life and media is kind of pornographic. I guess it’s because it’s the first generation who had access to social media since birth.

No. 1957744

>Lady Gaga and Azelia Banks were at their absolute peak at just 23, most 20+ genz are crying about being "OLD!!" and arguing about situationships and gender at TikTok, sad shit tbh
You are absolutely correct

No. 1957829

if zoomers have a "larger focus on looks" why do they dress like shit in shein crap or fake "vintage" scraps?

No. 1957922

Because they're only focused on how they look to other people. They've been fed so much tiktok garbage that they feel like they have to have the latest trend and the latest thing RIGHT NOW, no time to wait. Although a lot of younger zoomers preach social justice, like their shein outfits, the activism is just a costume. They don't care if it's plastic stitched together by a three year old in a sweat shop because quality doesn't matter to them more than their Instagram persona.

No. 1958189

>Zoomie colleague I haven’t seen before walks in
>Startled look
Why are they like this?

No. 1958194

Social anxiety, sorry
t. zoomer

No. 1958226

No. 1961263

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Younger zoomers are in for such a rough awakening and honestly, they deserve it, this is insanity.
Of course every kid suffers from thinking of 30 as super mature and of 60 as close to dying but even as a dumb (pre)teen I never thought of somebody that age as oldlooking because I always saw gorgeous 40+ actresses on tv. It also sounds as if they look down on everybody over a certain age as "lame" which is also crazy because they're likely broke and have nothing going for themselves while actual adults got money and nice things, how can you feel so superior based on nothing but your year of birth?
At the end of the day it all comes down to a total lack of respect, how will they ever keep a proper job, there's no way they accept orders from higherups…

No. 1961269

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No. 1963262

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No. 1963273

if you actually bother read the article it's about how they explout the employees and models

No. 1963309

Modeling is in exploitative industry to begin with, Brandy Melville didn’t invent that and isn’t somehow different from other brands for behaving in such manner, also do teenage employees at low grade chain stores expect to be treated in some kind of specialized way? Every store, restaurant, fast food etc job when you’re a kid (21 and under) treats you like shit kek thats just life.

No. 1963315

>21 and under
Kek what world are you living in, every job above that age also treats you like shit.

No. 1963323

So what theyre saying is basically that nonwhites and jews are fat?

No. 1963379

ok ntayrt but boo fucking hoo you have a shitty job, find a new one

No. 1963552

Agreed and that's coming from an elder zoomer. They will have a rude awakening the moment they finish highschool or college and get to the boogeyman age of 25 (or even 20 like some of them think already).
>It also sounds as if they look down on everybody over a certain age as "lame"
They do, I interacted with some of them and it's bollocks. I was a dumb teen not too long ago, but I never considered people over the age of 23 old like they do. Or how they compliment someone who seems younger to them when that someone just look their age as if after 20, you turn into dust.
I firmly believe that TikTok and the not-so-sublte pedo culture of the last few years rotted their brains beyond repair. This applies to some of my peers too - they are already panicking of turning 25 this year and "officially" being an adult (but this particular type only lives from middle school and highschool nostalgia)
>how will they ever keep a proper job, there's no way they accept orders from higherups…
This usually is the pattern of the "OMG, I'm turning 20 I'm so old hahaha" - they had less authority from their parents growing up (and I mean it in the least boomer way possible) and were allowed to do more than the elder zoomers. Basically, a lot of them do a lot of things in their teens that a young adult would've been able to do years ago like engaging in (expensive) consumerism with their parents' money, leaving their home and even town for days for example and their parents being chill about it and when they reach 20, they get bored with it all and wallow about being old and crippled or some shit.
Although I love how zoomers are calling out shit bosses and leave that shitty job, unlike our parents who endured such a workplace for almost nothing.

No. 1963569

I'm a zoomer and I disagree about the last statement. There's a lot of meaningful art but in their own niche communities. So we're more separate than equal in terms of consuming media. There is a term for it but I forgot. Also, we didn't have social media since birth that's the generation after us.

No. 1963579

Boomer ass comment lol

No. 1963586

Anti-wrinkle straw for the stanley cup kek.

No. 1963590

Women from the 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s looked cute/beautiful with only half of the effort zoomies put into their looks.

No. 1963670

Everybody from the 80s looked retarded they had trash fashion wtf are u talking about

Zoomers looks retarded with the caterpillar brows and spider lashes but men and women in the 80s had trash hairstyles and makeup

No. 1963679

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Okay maybe you're right.

No. 1963682

I find it crazy how like gnc’s and coquette girlies and other people who are totally obsessed with achieving a cohesive aEsThetic!1 are still so incapable of putting an outfit together, let alone putting on complimentary makeup that fits their face

No. 1963683

for the longest time i thought grace jones was a troon

No. 1963684

the average person got more sun exposure and looked older

No. 1963687

yeah but the 80s was when working out was at it's peak. They were fit without looking like anachans or on steroids

No. 1963701


No. 1963704

>music video ends like a /fit/ meme
I'm in tears. The memes are real even in the 80s!

No. 1963709

haven’t you met gnc’s who still wear makeup?

No. 1963718

not really, I'm gnc so I don't wear makeup or typically feminine clothes, accessories, etc. but I'm not a zoomer so…

No. 1963760

oh well i see enbys with makeup all the time

No. 1963810

nta but I don't really consider the enbys who wear makeup and girly clothes but go by they/them to be gnc tbh. they are actually quite gender conforming lol

No. 1963817

I wanted to say this but I didn't want to derail kek

No. 1963843

Nothing about the generation is redeemable. I was lucky to grow up in the 2000s because I despised the 2010s and it's only gotten worse. I cannot stand how prolific Latino club music has gotten it's atrocious

No. 1964079

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But the men used to dress so slutty and I miss that.

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