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No. 1778443

Share your favorite/most lucky thrift finds, techniques to find what you're looking for, favorite online thrift/antique stores, things you look for etc.!

No. 1778466

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>tfw not alive in the 90s to thrift for 70s goodies

No. 1778484

Oh how cool! I don't thrift but I'm interested to see the stuff that anons have thrifted

No. 1778488

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I miss my days of shopping through vintage kitchenware before I learned how much lead and cadmium is in it. Now I’m just like “this is beautiful and would probably give me brain damage so no.”

No. 1778489

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I feel you nonna. I've had a lot of luck with my countries' version of ebay though, it's a lot of (kids of) older people who just want to get rid of their stuff so they mark it down a huge amount. I got picrel (wool scarf, 140x140 cm) for 8 euros there, you have to dig a little bit but it's not that uncommon to find vintage items.

No. 1778493

This one time i was in Sardinian market during a festival or something and there was a traveling silver merchant lady, if memory serves me her hair was also silver, she made a point to not haggle, she had merchandise from all sorts of places and times. After many years i still regret not buying that weaved silver opium box. I was too poor at the time, but now i realize that the price was good and i should have bought it.

No. 1778498

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I found a beer boy decanter at this thrift shop that sets up their wares on the sidewalk. It would have been a housewarming gift for my friend but then I remembered she's an alcoholic. Now he sits in my bedroom with no head after I dropped him twice.

No. 1778503

What kind of search key words do you use? My country's online marketplace has terrible categorisation especially for clothes and basically no filters.

No. 1778511

I used a whole set of 5 til I moved out of my parents house………sooo 18 years of lead? Oh boy

No. 1778523

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My favourite places to thrift are flea markets with mostly old people and antique sellers because they sell the prettiest things and it feels like visiting a free museum where you're allowed to touch everything. One of my most treasured purchases is a household book from the 19th century that has little doodles in it. I got it for five euros and antiquarian bookshops sell it for around 50 so I got lucky with the price too.

No. 1778526

I used #3 for 10+ years but as an adult

No. 1778533

I find more general keywords work better. For >>1778489 I searched 'square scarf wool' even though I was looking for pavlovo posad (esque) scarves. Also look at the accounts of the people who are selling vintage things, they often have a lot of listings of stuff that fits in with it. Try to search for the basic characteristics rather than a brand name, it's worked well for me. Good luck nonnie!

No. 1778693

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I found a vintage black velvet blazer for $1 at a thrift store recently! It's so soft and comfy and it fits like it was tailored for me, it's my new favorite piece of clothing. I can't find much info about the brand online but it's called Toffee, it was made in Japan and I think it's from the 70's/80's. Almost all of my furniture, clothes and kitchenware are thrifted. If you're thrifting irl and in the US avoid goodwill, all my local stores have been raising their prices on anything that's not Shien and are trying to become a "boutique". All of my best finds are from estate sales, flea markets and small church-run charity shops. Also patience is important, I usually thrift once or twice a week and most trips I don't come home with anything

No. 1778700

That's an incredible find, congratulations.

No. 1778713


No. 1780008

>small church-run charity shops.
Bless these places, they're literally the only real thrift shops left. I try to donate all my stuff to them because I want my unwanted things to be sold for 0.99 so someone poor can get a great find that they can't afford otherwise, not sold for the maximum amount on goodwill dot com so that some CEO can line his pockets and pretend he's helping the community.

No. 1780056

There's a nice thrift store I go to, but lately I see them rising prices. Also, they had a dumb rule that you're not allowed to try clothes on. And if you return anything, it's store credit only, which is fair, but how do I know if something fits me if I didnt try it on first??

No. 1780133

I hate places that don't let you try on clothes, and the fact that they only let you return for credit is worse. I don't see that business lasting long.

No. 1780150

I recently discovered a church thrift store opened in my town about a year ago and I never knew despite having a church going mom kek (thanks mom). Anyway I'm going asap (they're only open literally 3 hours a week) and I can't wait.

No. 1780172

Oh my god my dad's plates are the that exact set of snowflake plates… I've been eating off them for months AUFH

No. 1780199

honestly I have no shame, in stores without fitting rooms I wear something thin like a tank top and leggings and try on the clothes over mine kek. I see lots of other people doing this too. I guess it would depend on the store though, you may not get away with it in a ~fancy~ store but none of the employees at Value Village give a fuck

No. 1780210

Any tips for good brands for cooking ware to keep an eye out for? I've been trying to find a nice cast iron pan but no luck so far.

No. 1780242

IDK nonna… a lot of clothing in thrift shops is unwashed when donated and could be dirty or worse. I totally get the dilemma of wanting to make sure things fit before buying them but maybe it's better to just eyeball it or size up for safety.

No. 1780295

I get what you mean. I am just trying on sweaters or jackets. I feel like if they are charging $8 for a sweater, i should be allowed to try it on. I do try to eyeball as much as I can though.

No. 1780323

Amazing tips to find treasures:
a. Google reverse image search, it will show you listings for the same items on different websites. It's a good way to know if something is worth buying. Ignore Etsy, it's overpriced and 1stdibs, it's for rich people who like buying 800€ stools. They are only useful to get additional information, like the material or designer of the object.
b. Use local websites, go to local stores. That's where old people's nice things end up.
c. Skip anything too old like ceramic. You don't want to eat or breath or touch lead.

No. 1782836

I have this theory (and im pretty sure it's true) that the whole reason thrifting has been popular in the laft 5 years is because of that one Macklemore song in the early 2010s.
Maybe this is obvious to some people. But I've been walking in thrift clothes since i was born basically, and back in the day when i was a kid, i knew that if i mentioned that all of my clothes were from second-hand stores i would 100% be called a poor smelly bum.
After ~2015 or so the negative attitude towards thrift shops waned, and around 2017 it became a 'cool' art-hoe thing to do. At least in my country. Maybe the shift was faster in the US. But even in my poor euro country actually good thrift shops sell out of good items in the blink of the eye, and you really have to hunt for good shit nowadays.
I always hesitate to use the word gentrification but in this case it's almost perfect - a looked down upon poorfag activity had a trendy song made about it and it then became outpriced for those same poorfags to participate in again. I went to a garage sale type thing in a culture center not too long ago and shit was way overpriced, leather jackets going for 80 dollars when they cost 50 at MOST. In high school i remember getting a cute dress i absolutely loved for 1.50 usd at a different garage sale (which is why i think the event i bought that particular dress at deserved to be called an actual garage sale).
Not that thrifting is something I'd discourage people from doing, even today - it's just definitely a skill you have to hone. But it is weird and a little upsetting how things change. Anyways, that was my ramble about thrifting.

No. 1782844

I'm an oldfag (both in internet terms and age terms) and this has been happening forever. As always it's a class thing. If you're chic and stylish then people will compliment you for thrifting. If you're poor and a little awkward they will pity you and think of mothballs and dust.

No. 1782855

I don't think it was (just) the song personally, people on tumblr and lookbook just like being cool and quirky and different in the 10s and from there it spread. Originally it was at least in part about sustainability and saving money but that seems to be largely gone now.

No. 1782860

Goofy takes like this are why it's so hard to come back here and enjoy myself.

No. 1782865

People are getting more poor in general and a lot of people are starting to realize how shitty clothes are made recently, it makes sense a lot of people resort to thrift stores since it lasts longer and is cheaper.

What even happened to clothes? I remember my cheap stage and JCPenney crap could at least last a couple of years, hell even forever 21 did. Now it seems like even higher end mall brands will rip apart by the following month. At this point they might as well just be giving us all paper to wear daily

No. 1782871

You're wrong, that song was made because thrifting was already (starting to get) popularized online.

No. 1782873

The term girlboss also got popular because of the show about an online vintage reseller (owner of Nasty Gal) whose career started way before Macklemore made the song. Thrifting was made popular by hipsters first, who were rich kids trying to be alternative and different. Grimes was one of them.

No. 1782913

I got into thrifting because buying new stuff was making me crazy. Last year, I had to order some furniture, and the quality was just terrible. Almost everything in stores is made of particle board or MDF (you know, wood chips mixed with glue), or even worse, cardboard. So, either things were poorly painted or had a thin layer of solid wood at best, or a printed layer of "wood" made out of plastic. Even the expensive furniture made out of solid wood is trash now. Don't get me started on how poorly the pieces fit together, glue everywhere, and they look like they've been through a war by the time they arrive.
So of course, I'd rather snag those two designer chairs from Italy for 100 € at a second-hand shop than settle for a poorly made plastic chair from IKEA for the same price. Thrifting was never frowned upon in my family. It used to be my grandparents' hobby, and that's how they could afford nice things despite their financial situation. Rich people thrifting isn't a new thing at all. I've seen them do it since I was a child, tagging along with my grandparents. I even remember going shopping with my parents, and the CEO of one of the biggest companies in the world would be there buying the cheapest food in the store. You know, the kind that even poor people avoid because it tastes like nothing. Rich people are weird. But you're right, thrifting is totally normal now. In my opinion, it's a mix of people wanting to shop ethically, find things made with care, and the fact that everyone's feeling the financial squeeze these days. Personally, I'm living my best life, getting designer pieces for cheap but it's just getting more insane out here. People are buying anything vintage for a fortune now. I even see a difference between last year and this year.

No. 1782957

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When I was thrifting a while ago I saw this dish and thought of you guys

No. 1782960

banner material

No. 1782962

im glad i entertain you

No. 1782973

I am the opposite of entertained, that's my whole point nonny.

No. 1782986

At least where I live, the majority of "quality" furniture is now made in MDF, depressing, but yeah I suppose MDF is better than particles. I really like old furniture but it's extremely expensive here.

No. 1783143

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Due to fast fashion the thift shops near me are now packed with low quality clothing, either because of the materials or the way it has been sewn (oftentimes both). I hate how only a couple of years ago I knew for a fact I could depend on second hand places to find some durable and warm clothing that would last me for years to come.
And I bet the people donating them feel good about themselves, when the best thing they could've done is not buy trash that they were going to wear only once or twice in the first place.
This post makes me sound ungrateful but I have been thrifting since I was a child and the quality drop along the price increase has been awful to experience. I have started using depop and vinted as a replacement, but those sites are full of chinese companies or resellers who up the price just because they can (same thing that happened to etsy).

No. 1783151

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No. 1783215

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You aren't ungrateful. My local thrifting store now put almost everything nice on a rack to sell it to rich dumb people who are ready to spend 40$ on a vintage shirt. People who need cheap clothes are left with low quality clothing. Some people really have money to throw away. I found this cutie for 20€ and it's sold to rich people on the internet for 600€.

No. 1783220

influencers keep telling people it's okay to buy more as long as they "declutter". the whole thing has lost its' purpose.

No. 1783223

>People who need cheap clothes are left with low quality clothing.
Yeah this exactly is my main gripe with it. The decent quality clothing is not affordable to people who are the main reason thrift shops exist.
Good job on the flip though, insane profit.

No. 1783237

That's so pretty, depending on the size (assuming it's huge considering the "floor vase") and if it was handmade I would consider it worth $600 too

No. 1783244

No. 1783249

I just got a real suede jacket from the 60s for $10. Fits me perfectly and is in freakishly good condition, looks as if it was only worn once or twice. Has a liner too so it's warm and cozy. Thrift gods have smiled upon me.

No. 1783265

I mostly buy secondhand clothing on eBay nowadays.. it’s more expensive than thrifting but it’s more convenient. I also buy secondhand to avoid buying new clothes from stores, so it’s not a huge issue for me. New clothes are so much worse quality now. Cute clothes from the 70s-80s are usually overpriced online, so I aim for 90s-2000s clothing with good fiber content like wool, silk, cotton, basically avoiding polyester and acrylic.

No. 1783288

I got a floor lenght genuine leather coat for 9 bucks once

No. 1783317

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It's beautiful and giant. But still, it's easily found for way less on websites who don't pander to rich people. I always like to check if there is any information online on what I'm buying. And it always baffles me that rich people are ready to pay 900€ for an ottoman like that when it's usually sold for 200€ at most on etsy or ebay and even cheaper on local online marketplaces. I got mine for 60€. That's close to 5% of the price for rich people. The worst is that I see influencers on social media pushing that type of websites, like 1stdibs, on regular people who shouldn't spend 900€ on a small ottoman. We live in a strange era.

No. 1783322

I hope you buy from me if you are buying luxury clothing kek.

No. 1783554

bless banner nonnies. Doing the Lord's work.

No. 1783864

Where are you from? Reminds me of some of the folk art in my country, super cute!

No. 1786623

Finally found a nice cast iron pan but it had no lid, just my luck

No. 1786820

Not being able to try on clothes at thrift stores in my area is starting to annoy me. They have no fitting rooms and usually only have 1-2 skinny mirrors out in the open that everyone in the whole store has to share, and you can only try on some things over your clothes so no trying on things like pants.

No. 1787866

>90s-2000s clothing with good fiber content
bless you nonny, i do exactly the same because thrifting anything decent in my city is hard. y2k zoomers mostly lose their shit over polyester garbage and buy from each other rather from gen x and boomer women who often sell way better clothes for lower prices just to clear out their wardrobes. bless them

No. 1788001

I used to work in a thrift store. All the other employees were women in their mid 50s to 70s. We'd get so many cute clothes and accessories they'd fucking throw in the garbage. Why? Because they didn't think the items were fashionable. And I wasn't allowed to take the items home either.

It was laughable having these older women with their outdated (and non-existent) fashion sense deciding what should be put up on the racks. I remember trying to insist on a certain really cute y2k style top and them being like "Nope." I tried telling them it would definitely sell and one of them gave me the stink eye and was like "I've worked here for a long time" as if that made her some kind of fashion guru. God we threw away an insane amount of stuff which sucks for the people who thought they were donating clothes that were perfectly fine.

No. 1788038

I worked at a thrift store, too, and there was no way we could keep up with inventory if we didn’t put most things on the floor to sell. The only stuff that didn’t make it out were items that were nasty or had holes in it. Nobody was sifting through the donations for what was “fashionable.” It would’ve slowed us down. Our donation volume was so nuts. We had a huge semi truck come every month to haul the clothes we couldn’t sell. Once the upstairs floor where we processed clothes started to bow because of all the weight! How large was the store where you worked?

No. 1788592

Get the skillet, then keep your eyes open for a glass lid - something like pyrex/anchor hocking/corning that is made to go into the oven. Or, in a pinch, use a pyrex pie plate until you find a more suitable lid and just be careful removing it.

This is also a good strategy for when you find a crock pot that is missing its lid. Pyrex/corning is the way to go.

No. 1788601

I'm so jealous of americans regarding this. Thrifting in europe is such a fucking pain in the ass, I might as well buy designer items and end up saving money. Every single antique shop is ridiculously overpriced, things just sit in these forever, collecting dust and mites and never get reduced. I don't know how these hoarders pretending to be business people can even afford to pay their shop's rent. No one is going to pay 30 euros for a dusty book or 500 euros for a broken lamp. kys

No. 1788605

I use to work at a restaurant that paid me barely 60$ weekly and was literally starving, manager wouldn't let me get a second job IN CASE that it gets busy but would never give me proper hours/promote me even though they had plenty of positions open and other workers were begging for me to either serve or go work in the back. I was so hungry and almost 80 lbs at this point and couldn't afford food but watch rich people waste hundreds of dollars of food constantly so I would just eat what customers didn't and a bartender started losing their shit on me about how I'm going to get COVID and that's super disgusting.

No. 1788619

a lot of thrift stores where I live (in the United States, Deep Ass South) are run by charities, or non-profit organizations which are regulated by the government to receive a portion of their funding. my understanding is that this isn't popular across the pond, is that right?

No. 1789140

A lot of thrift stores are ran by churches or charities/NPOs in my country (Western Europe) too, though I'm fairly certain they're not government regulated. It's the stores that specifically market themselves for their vintage/retro/antique goods or clothes (as opposed to just used goods) that tend to be overpriced, which makes me think that's the type of store anon is talking about but who knows.

No. 1789516

There is a difference between thrift shops and 'vintage' shops, do you live in a big city? A lot of 'thrift' stores in my college city are overpriced (even the nasty ones), if you can go to a smaller town with a thrift shop there's much more chance of finding things.

No. 1789990

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Picrel is nuts. Thrift stores are such a grift these days.

No. 1790005

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idk if this is widespread yet but my mom is an avid thrifter and her new favorite place is "the bins". All the unwashed unwanted shit from other thrift stores ends up here, priced by the pound (so closer to pre-gentrified thrift store prices). You can still good stuff, but you have to wear gloves while digging through these massive bins because there's trash, broken glass etc in there. My mom's even found bloody underwear on multiple occasions. I'm all for a good deal but idk man that's too much for me. Thrifting is so bleak right now, can the rich people start making fun of thrift shops again so I'm not paying $25 for a fucking goodwill sweater

No. 1790018

I have been to one of these and the experience was crazy. We waited in line for it to open and once in, there was zero talking. You were crushed shoulder with strangers, but the only sounds was this shush shush shush noise as hundreds of hands dug and sorted through different types of clothes in the bins. It ended up not being worth it, because the type of sweaters I wanted were very heavy, so I paid the same price that I paid at a regular good will.

No. 1790030

You gotta go to the christian run ones, the ones who do other volunteering too, not vintage hip shops or overprices antique shops run by some old wackjob.

No. 1790033

I would boycott this place. They're insane

No. 1790052

Sounds like the movie soylent green where the world is overpopulated and people fight for tablescraps.

No. 1790057

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No. 1790060

I can smell this photo, bleagh
Good on you being able to find some nice stuff though

No. 1790119

oh I used to live by a Goodwill Outlet like that. that's the sort of place you'd wand to wear gloves in, and maybe heavy duty ones too 'cause there can be needles and such.

No. 1790423

im sick of this too when it comes to real thrift stores. they have actual changing rooms but stopped allowing them due to stealing and covid. the only ones with changing rooms here are resell stores that look for name brands and mainly y2k or athleisure type stuff. you have to wear a bralette or tight shirt, shorts, and easily slip off shoes.

I think my best thrifts the past 2 years have been: a maxi button skirt with pockets, a beautiful sailor style jacket in white, and a specific brand of shoes that sell for $100 but never seems to be priced for more than $18. Also found a pair of black tall mary janes with the wedge so it doesn't feel like wearing heels.

No. 1790455

it's hitting the Christian thrift stores too.

a local one here was trying to sell a really common corningware dish for $75.00.

No. 1790584

Currently in bed under a comforter I got from the bins, lol. I do t go often because it’s disgusting there and also just a really sad reminder of how much waste we all produce BUT I’ve found some great stuff there that I was able to pretty easily clean up and now use daily. A few fun blankets, a piggy bank I like, things like that. But you absolutely do need to wear gloves and close toed shoes when you go. Last time I went I stepped on a glass ornament that had fallen.

No. 1791682

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I bought the exact same sweater for 3 euros a few years ago and I love it so much, exceptional quality with no pilling + extremely comfortable and cute. I also found a really old Steiff stuffed dog once, I really like it too, he's just the right scale to match my porcelain dolls.

No. 1791902

UK anons where do you thrift? I go around all my local charity shops but so much of the stock barely moves. Things stay on the shelves for as long as a year. I've had some luck at car boots but it's hard to get there without a car. Not many vintage/antique shops around where I live. What are your experiences like?
I'm a little jealous of US anons, some of your 2nd hand shops are supermarket sized.

No. 1791931

Anyone gets hand-downs from family? I see the fun in thrifting in markets, but most of the stuff I got is hand-downs. When members of your family have your same taste/bodytype is so handy, needs minimal to no customization. I wish I had more female cousins tbh my older cousin was the cool girl with elephant foot jeans in the 90s, I love those things

No. 1792043

I don't really do this with my family but I trade clothes with friends with similar taste, it's really fun and they have so many cool things. You could try trading on facebook fashion groups too.

No. 1798454

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I just found a Day Timer Planner from 2001 and wouldn't you know the January calendar was the only part filled out, and it matches this year!
it comes in a nice black leather binder with pockets and such, and there are finance tracking pages, Lined pages, and task tracker areas.
it came with one pen that works, and it's one of them fancy pens!
We found it in the free bin!!!
it's been a successful day already.

No. 1798491

I found the best places to thrift are in the shitter parts of city suburbs. When I lived in Manchester I would go into Salford and manage to land Ralph Lauren for £5 and things like 1920s knitting patterns for 10p

No. 1798598

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I went to goodwill on a whim the other day and found a top I'd seen listed for 50-100+ dollars on depop for about 7 dollars (picrel, here it is in a different color that'll actually show off the cut. i honestly hope to find it in red for cheap). It's just a simple black top, but it fills a hole in my general outfit rotation perfectly so I was happy to find it. It makes me insane how much some depop sellers mark things up, especially items that are just basic garments, nothing super unique or rare. Picrel is actually a particularly awful example, some sucker out there bought this top for 135 dollars. My local goodwill almost never has things I like so it was a really pleasant surprise to pick up that sweater and a few other nice basics that are actually wearable.

No. 1798604

The concept of "matching years" is cute to me… makes me a bit nostalgic. We should have it easily searchable these "twin" years

No. 1798619

That's not right. 2001 calendars were reused in 2018, it's either going to be off as the months go by, or it's not really a 2001.

No. 1798649

i love the bins when it’s my off day so i can go at an hour where there aren’t many others. People get kinda violent, pushing people, even saw some weirdos that grab stuff from other’s carts (wtf?) and the prices actually went up so they are not as cheap as they used to be precovid which is stupid like I’m picking your trash you should be paying ME lol the audacity of Goodwill. Gloves and sanitation is absolutely necessary. I found some cool vintage stuff from these and some good books too. But I definitely prefer a regular thrift store over these

No. 1798676

The only month filled out was January, and it actually matches this year. Not February or later, but the rest of the month pages are fill-in-the-date.

No. 1798689

No. 1800064

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>shitter parts of city suburbs
>names where I lived for most of my life
I go around Salford semi regularly still, it just feels like the stock barely moved this past year. I scored a really nice vintage embroidery kit, but it was pricy, like £9? Hope I can find more!

No. 1865204

So I love jewelry but my local thriftstores usually don't have anything besides cheap fashion jewelry (you know the stuff that discolors). Does anyone have tips for finding nice 2nd hand jewelry pieces? Maybe online?

No. 1865255

Maybe look for antique stores, online can be good but usually overpriced. Some bigger thrift stores have sections where they lay out the nicer stuff, it's more expensive but I found a real silver ankh charm there once. It's annoying I know but just going frequently helps a lot, I usually walk out of the store without anything extraordinary but I've found some real gems.

No. 1865323

Pawn shops? I don’t think anyone would be pawning costume jewelry kek. The Real Real has consignment jewelry, but it’s expensive.

No. 1873463

idk, maybe look around garage and estate sales. it's not a great suggestion but if it is an older folk's home there's more likely to be less fast fashion stuff and there are households that have a lot of good stuff. just get good at doing appraisals on the spot.

No. 1873999

Ebay. I've found lots of nice affordable stuff just by searching vintage necklace (or bracelet, etc, just make sure to include "vintage"), along with the type of metal and design I'm looking for. Make sure to also go into the search filters and set the condition to be "used", as well as the item location to be your country. It'll filter out the vast majority of cheaply made garbage.

No. 1874169

I thrifted Dior trousers from a random thrift store in a suburb of my city that I would have never expected. Always look nonnies

No. 1874202

I miss past thrift stores in my area. There used to be two, one was enormous and the other one was small but selective with the items they would display. Both had great prices and I bought so much stuff from them in my teens. Now I only have a ''vintage shop'' that sells 70s polyester dresses and overpriced musty Levi's. I miss buying basic stuff from the 2000s. I don't trust my intuition well enough to buy pants on Vinted, I would only buy them in person. Congratulations on your item, what style are they?

No. 1878160

i have a great tip for book collectors.
this might be a bit niche, but if you like third reich era books, they're really cheap in poland. a used book shop in krakow was selling willrich for 60zl (around 15 dollars). the same book goes for over a 100 online.

No. 1878228

This is great advice, 'don't know any third reich era books though but I'd like to take advantage of great finds. What's a good book to read?

No. 1878242

holy shit…. complete missed my chance to reuse the calendar ive been holding onto since 2017 fml

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