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No. 17470

>tfw no bf
Why are you all alone, anon?

No. 17471

I'm a 4 at best and have a boring personality

No. 17473

Im alone because im saving myself for the perfect japanese or korean princess. Im not sad about it, i have female korean idols, and japanese porn to keep me entertained.

No. 17475

i would say "because i'm fat" but honestly that's never been the thing that stopped me before so….

i care about myself more than i care about anyone else. i don't have the energy to care about anyone else.

No. 17477

I dressed like a hobo for a good three years of my life and refused to socialize alongside that… and then still proceeded to rarely talk to anybody for two years after I started cleaning/dressing up.

I would consider putting myself on there now, but I'm planning on going on a long trip soon and I don't think I'd be able to handle my first relationship being long-distance.

No. 17486

I refuse to believe that anyone who actively uses this website has a boring personality. Not that it means one will have a good personality, but it won't be a boring one at least.

No. 17514

I find everyone in real life to be really boring. I just haven't met anyone that I find intriguing and didn't make an effort to hang out with the people I did talk to. Me being into obscure shit and not anything that's really mainstream doesn't help with the interests thing either. Sorry, that sounded really hipster.

No. 17516

This. I'm not enough like others and I don't enjoy the same things they do.

No. 17518

i'm super awkward especially when it comes to human touch

No. 17533

because I'm too picky and not experienced in the boyfriend area at all

No. 17538

I'm actually single by choice right now.


I'm not really engaged in life enough lately to want a relationship. It's just too much work when I'd honestly rather sit at home alone on the computer most days.

No. 17562

thank you kind anon

No. 17565

I'm a weirdo too. Be my friend.

No. 17599

i feel like any time it involves someone liking me, they'll eventually have to stop liking me. i like to flirt and obviously make it known that im interested, but anytime it really occurs to me that they might wanna date me, i automatically feel super conflicted. i look at some of my friends who are in great relationships and will do whatever and i feel jelly bc i feel like if i was ever in a relationship, i'd never feel comfortable and i'd force myself to walk on eggshells so as to not make my SO not like me anymore. i feel like i just cant be liked and loved the same way my friends like and love all my weird af habits in a relationship. its so weird, i want a relationship but im too scared of the heartbreak and anxiety itll cause me.

No. 17640

By choice. I don't like most people.
I lead guys on a lot by never telling them how I feel, and I know for a fact at least 3 guys like me rn, one is almost leaving his gf because he feels she doesn't understand him so he talks to me. I am human scum.

The reason I don't reject them is because I've done that before, and they were cool with it and invited me to hang as friends and then tried to undress me and kiss me against my will so I had to run out of there, so now I'm fucking terrified of rejecting guys.

I should maybe just date girls.

No. 17656

i have a boyfriend, but same here. all the guy friends i've ever had have told me they were in love w me at some point and dropped me when i wasn't interested

if you're attracted to girls then yeah maybe you should. i prefer girls and most of my relationships have been with them; it's a totally different experience. i guess men are taught to expect a "chase" to get a girl and that women are "playing hard to get" when they say no ty.

im sure you know this, but boyfriend and friend aren't mutually exclusive things. the best and healthiest relationships are ones where you've got both friendship and romance to equal degrees.

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