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No. 1745700

>adhere to site and board rules
>do NOT respond to bait
>report and ignore trolls or obvious maleposters instead of replying like an idiot

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1736744

No. 1745716

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People really seem to underestimate how merging families can ruin them. With how atrocious step siblings can be, the merging of families often turns into giving a kid some new bullies that will pick on them in their own house. Contrasting parenting styles can collide badly, which would confuse the kids on how punishments, schedule, and chores are supposed to work. That's not even getting to the stepparents treating the stepchild like dirt because they think any child that isn't their blood is disposable and to be a punching bag, or that fucking their parent every night and putting dinner on the table will outweigh how much they hate the kid. It's even more insulting if the parents are the type to marry quick, so they're pretty much forcing their own kids to suddenly adapt and take orders from a bunch of "new family members" that are essentially strangers. I can go on, but I feel like I made my point. Yeah yeah yeah, nOT aLl merged families are like this, but I'm pointing out that the idea to just merge families isn't as wholesome as people shill.

No. 1745717

I agree my mom really let a pervert who had a fetish for crying women make us cry on purpose.

No. 1745724

Hard agree. My "blended family" was basically me getting adopted into another family that bullied and blamed me for everything. I was so fucking excited to get siblings but because I was the odd one out I was always getting the shit end, and my bio parent who was never there to witness anything just told me to be the bigger person. I've never heard of a step parent treating the stepkid equally, but because they're kids everyone assumes they're just being a spoiled brat. Fuck that shit.

No. 1745823

It's fucked how moms forget their girls can get sexually abused by their new "family members". Like sure, okay, you're fucking her new stepfather so he deeeefinitely would NEVER touch your daughter. But his brother? His father? His sons? His grandpa? His friends?

Like you're fucking this one dude and suddenly every male in his circle is safe? How fucking retarded can you get?

No. 1745827

I was a teen when my mom started dating her bf and he'd make somewhat creepy comments on how I look in front of her and she didn't even care. Nothing overtly sexual or anything but any unprompted "compliment" is a red flag imo and it made me super uncomfortable. Luckily I've never been expected to treat him as family, he's always just been "someone my mom is dating" and isn't included in family events if us kids are there. I would have been miserable and scared if I had to live in the same place as him as a teen.

No. 1745833

Sedentary Americans (of which there are many) don't need to be eating 2000 calories a day, especially if those calories are unhealthy. A lot of "standard" medical advice people are given is bunk.

No. 1745849

The thought of this happening to human children is spooky because I've seen the same situation play out in my relationships involving shared pets–obviously not the same seriousness as neglecting a human child, but it's there.

It went like this: If my exes had pets they would always favor their pets over mine. Whenever they were mad at me or resentful, they'd get that way towards my dog. They would blame and frustrate at my dog for having basic needs, but meanwhile their own pets got away with being destructive and shitty. I was just expected to handwave that all away for them yet be a strict disciplinarian towards and not make any excuses for my own. Always gave their pets more positive attention.

All I'm saying is, if it happens with pets then you can bet it happens with people too and it's dumb of people to pretend otherwise.

No. 1745855

I hate it because it perpetuates the myth that you need to eat north of 2000 calories a day in order to get fat.
Weight gain happens to most women I know if we eat little north of 1500 calories a day.
Only faggot men can physiologically get away with stuffing 2k worth of pizza and beer in their faces every day. It's why fat men need to be culled–they are objectively bigger drains of resources.

No. 1745907

I know kids are nothing like pets and shouldn't be compared, but there needs to be some sort of study or general look into why scrotes are so jealous of pets. Like I get it's because they are retarted but surely something is going on.

No. 1745934

nta but I think it makes sense in that specific context because of how pets are dependent on their owners and kids are dependent on their parents. Kids can't escape easily if they're stuck with a violent perverted step-father just like a pet most likely won't just leave if the owner's bf or gf starts treating them like shit.

No. 1746027

I don't think parents should date at all (except in secret, but even then not seriously) after they have a divorce. Not until their kids are adults. You made a bad choice when picking your life-long partner, you fucked up, now take responsibility and deal with it. Nothing has fucked me up more than my mom having good-for-nothing "boyfriends" after she divorced, it's so fucked up to force your teen daughter in most sensitive age to live with stranger men.

No. 1746037

seriously, why do they only date shitty men? is it because good men don't want them?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1746102

>good men

No. 1746106

Nice try but you have to go back.

No. 1746126

some people are very, very mad at women for seeking or being able to enjoy sexual pleasure without men, and they frame it as other things, like hating fujos or yumejos. a lot of them are lesbophobes and biphobes, too.

No. 1746135

I miss the golden era of youtube back in like 2016. I’m not a Jojifag but the Filthy Frank videos where he was doing all of his own stunts had 12 year old me laughing with tears rolling down my face. Now all he does is cry.

No. 1746137

I know I should put this in the vent thread but I’m just gonna respond here I am really jealous of women who weren’t molested/sexually abused and are able to have normal sexual relationships with themselves. I’m alone with my own body and I feel weird and scared.

No. 1746145

same but i was 22 kek

No. 1746172

i feel you, anon. i'm sorry.

No. 1746187

the cake videos he did were fucking disgusting but I loved them idc

No. 1746212

The world would probably be more peaceful if men weren’t in power. I don’t think women are inherently nicer than men, many of us are hateful and racist but we tend to just mind our business unlike scrotes. I think most women would pick a peaceful and comfy world over a chaotic world because unlike men who have to make it their business to change things they don’t like by killing everything. And yes psycho women exist but I think we could better control them in a women dominated world. The few blood thirsty women would most likely be jailed or executed in girl world instead of encouraged in men world and groomed into pick mes.

No. 1746228

Wasn’t really any different from the average moid gross out humor you’d see even on TV tbh. I hated how he’d do disgusting shit with live and dead animals, moids always have to take shit too far. Who thinks it’s funny to watch snakes eat mice or put dead baby rats in a burrito.

No. 1746252

Most skin care is useless for acne. Most people with nice skin are just born that way. Skin care is more for shit like dry skin and wrinkles and it usually won’t do jack shit for acne.

No. 1746256

Hair cake was a masterpiece. I still think about that video

No. 1746262

I wish I wasn't memed into buying Clearasil and scrubs and shit when I was a teen when I could've just gotted benzoylperoxide or stronger stuff from the derm.

No. 1746266

I thought the dead goose video was funny but not the hair cake one

No. 1746275

i liked jackass better, them being junkies and alcoholics instead of… male redditors and /b/tards gave it soul

No. 1746373

What is Joji even doing now? I remember him being kinda popular as soon as he started being a professional "singer" (if you can call his mumbling singing) but then he stopped for a few years. Last time I saw him was at coachella where he had to abandon his performance because of "health issues" aka he probably smoked/drank/did drugs too much to perform right.
I loved his stupid lore videos with chinchin and the ones with the cancer crew, especially the deadly twisters and the gentlemen's guide.

No. 1746410

God I miss the cancer crew

No. 1746424

He’s probably just retired now I feel like. I haven’t heard anything from him since like 2019

No. 1746446

He's touring in my country soon, in one of the bigger venues. Idk anything about him though I just saw it on the ticket website.

No. 1746482

agree, I'm really critical of the culture of divorce and remarriage. My friends mock me and accuse me of tradfagging for being a hater but I really think people should take getting married more seriously rather than flippantly entering and exiting with kids in the mix as if divorce is just a casual breakup option rather than a last resort for serious issues. It's totally fine to just not marry to begin with if you can't/don't want to maintain a committed relationship, but it's the worst of both worlds when you have kids combined with the volatility of boyfriends.

No. 1746500

thanks for getting the incels to agree with you

No. 1746503

90% of acne into adulthood is all hormonal (given IMO teens should have proper access to acne treatment). idk why doctors and people in general are so afraid to fix their hormones instead just play roulette with random drugstore crap, plus when you fix your hormones your mood and everything improves

No. 1746517

How do you go about having your hormones fixed tho?

No. 1746520

for most women all you literally need is spironolactone, accutane sucks and dries you out completely

No. 1746550

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Dr Dray's crazy adult bib wearing ass is the only person to be trusted when it comes to acne advice I fear…

No. 1746561

This woman is INSANE full-stop

No. 1746565

Shit advice. You have to take Spiro indefinitely to keep the results a lot of the time because bad acne is generally hormone or sebum genetic related, Spiro is not good on the body long term. Accutane is great for people who truly need it as a last ditch effort for genuinely horrible skin.

No. 1746588

There's no one I would trust more for skincare advice than a dermatologist with debilitating OCD

No. 1746592

Her advice is to drive in gloves and a sunshield and wear a literal sloshy slimy cast of sunscreen

No. 1746620

I like her advice on moisturizers/tretinoin but you really cannot trust her sunscreen reviews because she thinks sunscreen that makes your face greasy enough to fry chicken is acceptable… She also gained weight and got bullied out of wearing the bib/sunshield. If the female ulillillia can get better, all the crazy bitches on this site have hope

No. 1746726

I prefer the K-pop industry because they understand their place unlike American celebrities. I hate how people like Doja cat make shitty K-pop tier music then have the nerve to say she hates her fans. An idols career would be over if they went around acting like they’re better than the people who pay their rent.

No. 1746729

I don't think George Carlin is funny and I genuinely don't understand the appeal of his acts. To me it seems like most people who watch him (and most stand-up comedians, TBH) do it to have their own political views repeated back to them in "funny" way, like some kind of preacher for atheists or something. Also I feel like offensive humor is the biggest cop-out for moids trying to be 'funny' since if you don't find the joke funny they can say it's because you are offended or sensitive, and not because they can't tell a joke to save their lives.

No. 1746735

fuck entirely “omg she’s so cute!!!1!” Ice Spice idiots and fuck all the moids. “Good for her and expressing herself” just fuck off. Fuck scrotes. Fuck handmaidens. Fuck all. Fuck off.

No. 1746738

Scrotes like ice spice because she is non threatening and women want to be her because she’s child like looking and racially ambiguous

No. 1746740

You mean downy looking? She doesn't look like a kid, she looks like she has an extra chromo

No. 1746743

>She also gained weight
Like 5 lbs maybe but yeah she does look better right now, she was getting kinda spoopy last time I saw her

No. 1746745

Her vibe on stage comes off as very uncertain and insecure. She doesn’t come off as someone who is aware of her sexuality like rappers like cardi b, Megan the stallion which is none threatening to men. Also her hair comes off as “little girl” to scrotes because most black or mixed women in that industry do not wear their natural hair. I noticed out of all the whore rappers these days Ice spice gets the least hate from men.

No. 1746747

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she looks like she has mosaic down syndrome to me. nothing wrong with that though.

No. 1746751

She is so lame. I could see why MTS has fans even though I don’t care for that sort of music. She’s really hot and her songs have a lot of energy and stage presence.

No. 1746815

Disagree. I took Spiro for a short amount of time and my skin turned clear as day even when I missed the dose a few times. I stopped taking it because I got pregnant and then my skin remained clear even though i didn't go back on it

No. 1746871

Many of the asian sunscreens she recommends have been actually really good. I'm really pale so I don't know about white cast, but all the ones I've tried have been lightweight and really comfortable. Chemical sunscreens sure, but that is why they are so comfortable.

No. 1746876

Keep seething lol

No. 1746878

I'm happy for you, but this result is not the case for a lot of people

No. 1747361

I hate resellers

No. 1747372

This reminded me of a guy I found who would use magic erasers for his greasy face

No. 1747435

Are you sedentary and/or menopausal? My maintenance is 1750, you guys seriously need to exercise daily if you're gaining on 1500

No. 1747636

No one does, not unpopular.

No. 1747652

Not sure what point you're trying to make by sharing that your maintenance is 1750. She said:
>if we eat little north of 1500 calories a day
>little north (as in "more than")
If you ate 350 calories over 1500 yourself you would gain 12lbs per year. I would call that a little north.

No. 1747687

Mine is 1600-1650; I'm not super active but not sedentary either. I'm just short

No. 1747699

I walk an hour per day and my maintenance is 1300. I can gain weight from regularly eating the amount of calories in one restaurant entree.

No. 1747712

Who in here would be menopausal aside from the one literal nonna browsing

No. 1747731

I agree. Especially when there are men or boys in the other family. Call me paranoid but if I had daughters I'd never trust a random unrelated man or teenage boy to live under the same roof with them or be alone with them.

No. 1747738

It really was the last days of anyone "having fun" on YouTube. I miss it

No. 1747755

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Walking an hour a day is considered sedentary. If your maintenance is 1300 you are either clinically underweight/anachan, missing some limbs, suffering from dwarfism, or a child. Unless you're handicapped you shouldn't be worried about gaining weight (not that you said you are, but in that case she wasn't talking to you).

No. 1747758

>golden era of youtube

No. 1747771

1:56 killed me. It was perfect

No. 1747825

My point was it seems unrealistic to claim that "most women" would gain weight from eating over 1500 daily, in my experience that would only be true if they were really short or sedentary. Building muscle and staying active helps increase your TDEE, allowing you to eat more and not gain weight.
For anyone over like 5'4 1500 is still pretty low, unless of course you're sitting in front of screens 14 hours a day. Also it's an unpopular opinion of mine but 1500 calories of teacakes and Starbucks is not the same as 1500 calories of nutrient and protein dense healthy food. Eat some chicken and vegetables or something

No. 1747835

Mine is 970 cals. It's called being a midget.

No. 1747892

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I don't care what anyone says, i am so envious of the anon who get to seduce the grandpa of her dreams and there is nothing in this world that will make me feel guilty for feeling this way.

No. 1747897

NTA, but women in developed countries are largely sedentary and global avg height is 5'3, so op is still right that most women don't need more than 1500cal.

No. 1747902

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No. 1747911

Not any anon lol but women in developed countries are also overweight and the more you weigh the more you burn. I think people just tend to underestimate what they’re eating. So this >>1747652 is not how it works. Your BMR/TDEE gets higher as you get heavier because you expend more energy to move your heavier body. You would still gain but it’s not a flat exchange, you’d have to do some compounding interest-type math to figure out how much.

You are probably so cute and tiny and I love you.

No. 1747923

Bisexuals are annoying, all they do is whine about dumb shit and most of the stereotypes about them are real. Of course faggots and lesbians don't like their kind when bisexuals treat them like an exotic sexual encounter and will eventually settle down for the opposite sex. 9 in 10 bisexuals will end up in a straight relationship, save for the bisexual men with a male preference who are more likely to just adopt a gay lifestyle. The other bisexual men are just straight up degenerates who jerk off to femboys and trannies and most bisexual women can't handle an actual long term relationship with another woman.

No. 1747929

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Last anon. And thanks, first time I feel good about my height kek. I have long legs and arms and torso and even face despite the short height so I at least look like an adult and get mistaken for a professor or lecturer because of my more adult/vintage style.

No. 1747932

Short anons are sexy and get a lot of hate here for no reason kek.

No. 1747949

>and expressing herself
kek she is the least expressive celebrity in existence (i know they're probably referring to her showing her ass and coochie tho)

No. 1747952

>“omg she’s so cute!!!1!” Ice Spice idiots
>Fuck handmaidens
Finding someone cute or pretty doesn't make you a handmaiden, you guys water down these terms so much

No. 1748068

Pretty girls who befriend straight men and then get upset when they find out the guy is romantically interested in them are delusional

No. 1748080

Shows like ANTM and VS do not give eating disorders. If you are unconfident, not happy or suspectable/easily influenced then it could cause those behaviors but inherentily, a confident and healthy person should be able to watch those without influence.

No. 1748124

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Munchie mothers like this are not cute or doting, they’re weird and need to get over themselves. When you get pregnant you have the whole 9 months to get over the fact that your child will eventually leave you. And then after the child is born, you have like 18-21 years to get over that fact again. Obsessing over your kids and wanting them to live under your thumb forever is weird.

No. 1748125

ANTM was such a cute show I don’t care if all those skinny ass girls seemed “traumatized” by Tyra Banks laying into them kek. Someone had to!

No. 1748141

Pretty much. Those girls who would've been anorexic back in ANTM days are fakebois instead. It's the weak mindset that's the core issue

No. 1748143

I don't see women wanting to be her. More like young girls who are brainwashed and groomed by all this baddie oversexualized thing.

The difference is that Megan is actually talented.

No. 1748149

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I do wish she would stop wearing heavy makeup on her face though. It gives her such an exaggerated appearance. It reminds me of drag makeup and I hate that shit.

No. 1748150

Well she doesn't live for you anon, she does what she enjoys regardless of your opinion.

No. 1748154

She's so pretty. I remember gasping when I saw her outside of the stage makeup for the first time. Love her personality too

No. 1748157

>sHe doEsnT lIvE foR yoU AnOn
Duh, but I don't think my opinion is wrong. Her actual face is worth one hundred times more than anything makeup can do. Isn't this called the opinions thread? Don't you know what an opinion is?

No. 1748162

She's an entertainer. She does not have to listen to bitches like you, and when she does personal videos and lives where she is chilling at home she doesn't have makeup on. It's just part of her job.

No. 1748167

she is gorgeous without makeup i wish she went makeup free more

No. 1748168

Megan isn't gonna see this girl you can stop. Nobody is even insulting her

No. 1748172

Nta, but kek, anon, you just recognized yourself that she dies what she has to for her career. Enjoys, lmao.

Anyways, I agree, she is amazing without makeup.

No. 1748183

agreed, I dont really keep up with her (altho I liked Traumazine) but I wish she showed more makeupless looks. She's absolutely stunning

No. 1748184

I made one post.

No. 1748186

Reasons why Ice spice is popular

>shes super light skin/biracial

Self haters/colorist in the black community don't care if she's untalented. She has a big butt and she's not brown skin or fully black. Her look opens the doors for moids to "help" her aka try to sleep with her by using clout/opportunities as bait (like "Drake").
As much as I hate to say this too, but a lot female rap fans (the ones on twitter/creating stan accounts) are just as colorist as scrotes. They will uplift any non black female rapper like Saweetie for example or semi talented people like Cardi, then have crazy standards for black female rappers or black female artists in general.
Also her skin color also makes her more palatable towards some non
-black people.
It's also why people call Ice Spice adorable/cute/princess but will use words like vulgar,raunchy,explict and sexual aggressive terms towards monoracial women like Meg thee stallion Chloe Bailey etc.
Even though Ice spice is just as hypersexual if not more (she literally bends over showing her bare ass in most her performances. She has to use her hand to cover her coochie.)

> She acts retarded, looks young and despite her being hypersexual she moves like a drugged up puppet being made to act sexual. She gropes herself like she is unaware of her body, it comes off like someone mentally delayed.

I'm serious. Ice spice has very dead eyes. When she came out she was dressed like every other fashion nova instabaddie. Then she started with the clunky y2k shit.
They dress her in mini skirts, clunky boots, alot of her photoshoots have cheap themes. Because she's so short and baby faced she looks younger then her age so her being so sexual is what creeps love.

>some female rap fans are weird

Anyone who pays attention to twitter and the loud part of the female fanbases can tell you.
The gay scrotes and female stans are weird. Femald Rap music has become so much about personas, Hitching yourself to a moid, being a prostitute chasing the bag (city girls), and making "cute" music that everyone knows sucks but they have a weird relationship with the rapper so it doesn't matter (Ice spice & saweetie).
I wrote this before but deleted I hope it makes sense, I'm black and I've watched how people in my own community treat Ice spice vs. Every other female rapper.
There's a pattern. I'm also drunk, so I hope someone reads this shit

No. 1748188

>wow! she looks so pretty without makeup!!
You made the single most retarded post on this entire site

No. 1748190

she does look better without the makeup, though. naturally beautiful woman. also, this is lolcow. do you think posters here would do the "yasss slay eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man" libfem shit? calm down.

No. 1748191

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>she looks younger then her age
She's only 23 and looks her age. What is she supposed to look like?

No. 1748194

nta but i agree with anon on her looking young, if i saw her on the street in the outfit on the right i'd assume she was 14-15. maybe not if she had her boobs out like on the left but she does just have a hardcore babyface.

No. 1748196

She has a round face, but I don't think that she looks that much younger than her age. Especially if you see her full body it's very clear that she's a grown woman.

No. 1748200

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Maybe I'm old, but even if she's 23 she looks younger and the y2k looks makes her look younger. She has a big head and she's not as curvy as the internet makes her she edits alot. When you catch her out of photoshop she's dressed like this. But maybe I'm just older

No. 1748201

It also could just be her round face big eyes, big head and being short.

No. 1748204

I feel that the reason she dresses like this is to caters to young girls and teenagers too. Like that's the public target. besides trying to have this cute princess persona.

No. 1748207

i watched her on SNL and this girl has the worst stage presence i've ever seen and her songs are just repeating the same thing over and over

No. 1748208

Which makes it creepier that she or thru (her management) has made her signature move to bend over showing her ass in tiny dresses/thongs, covering her coochie and walking around in tiny skirts/dresses she has to pull down.
I'd honestly like her better if she was just the princess cutesy female rapper who didn't have to do that and those weird dead eyed photoshoots that look like they are shot in a dirty hotel room.

No. 1748213

She’s absolutely hideous lol

No. 1748214

She’s not popular she’s a pump and dump industry plant being shilled so they can make as much money off her at once then drop her as soon as she flops

No. 1748219

The city girls are prostitutes that just happen to rap tbh. All their songs are about fucking rich scrotes for their money.

No. 1748223

Honestly, the Ice Spice sperging is so boring. At least with other celebrities that anons obsessively sperg over (e.g Ariana Grande, Lana Del Rey) they were able to occasionally bring up new dirt and things to discuss. Even the haters of a certain blonde actress who I shan't name I think talked about her past relationships or something. The Ice Spice hate is just complaining that she's a lightskin woman that people like and that she's untalented and that she's apparently not pretty enough to be a celebrity over and over.

No. 1748227

Yeah there's no milk at all with her. Nonas please become obsessed with an actual interesting celebrity plz

No. 1748228

Samefag, even Amanda-chan was less dry. Anyway, I can name a million untalented, popular celebrities. I don't understand why this specific one has to have dissertations written about her every time she's brought up.

No. 1748247

None of it is interesting tbh. At least people discuss ice spice, it's not just some obsessive retard using misogynistic insults about her looks all day, the Florence Pugh sperg is very ignoring and it goes nowhere. All of it is annoying and be boiled down to, "people don't like x celeb because they are liked and they shouldn't be". As long as people are engaging and aren't making it their special lolcow interest I don't see the issue

No. 1748255

Is bc she's a degenerate. She was involved in a little controversy a while ago bc she hired a minor dancing innapropiately in her latest video and people on twitter where defending her. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future she were in a scandal about some sexual assault or something like nicky that married a rapist.

No. 1748296

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Florence wasn’t just made fun of for her looks, her looks were brought up because she seems like an industry plant or someone who whores herself out to get roles because she’s quite plain. She’s also a pickme with a father fetish.(stop)

No. 1748311

And she’s fugly as fuck!

No. 1748312

I’ve said this so many times I don’t believe that lolcow is run by women anymore.

No. 1748322

No. 1748328

Jannies siding with infighting faggots, constant personalityfagging, mods disappearing for weeks at a time, the massive influx of male activity on this website. At first when I saw people tinfoiling about administration being fag males I thought it was a joke but now it feels true as fuck.

No. 1748334

It does lol. So many obvious males lately who aren't getting banned

No. 1748354

since you girls brought it up has any of you noticed how theres this one scrote that constantly samefags and acts like 20 people at the same time on random threads, lots of obvious posts by males and racebait undeleted too.

No. 1748356

She really is

No. 1748357

When I brought it up I was accused of being a scrote by him or some other scrote. I feel crazy going on here now

No. 1748359

>that constantly samefags and acts like 20 people at the same time on random threads
How do we know this though? Like is there any record of recognized patterns in all of these 20 different posts across multiple different threads? I really just believe it’s multiple men, not just one scrote samefagging constantly.

No. 1748360

Unironically this could be all cleared if the Admin showed a picture of her birth certificate, censoring the obvious doxxable things besides her gender. In fact, if any "female only, female ran" site was made I would expect a post from the admin with a time-stamped picture of her birth certificate, same goes for any jannies or moderators. I get anonymity is key for these kinds of sites but if one of the main and most specific things of the sites is that it's ran, made and for only women I expect some form of proof for the first two things. I'm planning to do the same for my site honestly.

No. 1748363

But this could really easily be faked though, that’s the problem. If all of the doxxable information is removed then we have no way of knowing if it’s actually their birth certificate or if it’s a random one they found online

No. 1748364

Just not being able to adhere to the board culture here and little slip ups. Forgetting to sage a lot, arguing with himself in threads, emojis, scrote memes, vile specific things said about certain female cows.

No. 1748365

>get some mentally ill discord kitten to send you her birth certificate
>censor everything aside from the ‘F’ box

No. 1748366

Fuck. You're right, I'm retarded. What would be the best way to truly verify that you're female if you wanted to run a female only image board?

No. 1748369

No. 1748371

There's really no way to do it without giving up anonymity

No. 1748373

Posting your face once just introductorily and being willing to maintain some kind of relationship with the entirety of the website I feel like is more than enough. I think it’s weird that we have no way of knowing if cerbmin is a man or a woman and I can’t even remember the last time we heard from her. Like yeah I guess if someone was really dedicated to invading the boards they could ask some egirl to borrow her pics and link her socials to the website so that the population of nonnies would just think it’s her, but I don’t think anyone is going to go through all the effort that requires.

No. 1748376

If you’re gonna pilot the plane don’t you think the passengers wanna know who’s flying it?

No. 1748378

pessimistic but i feel like the only surefire way is for some poor woman to take one for the team and be outright doxxed and actively posting under her identity, like how Null is. He gets a hard time from tons of different crazies (and he's male; I'm sure it'd be 1000x more deranged towards a woman) but at least nobody tinfoils about KF being secretly run by a troon.

No. 1748380

IMO, hypothetically, a vc with anons or something like a podcast where you make it clear that you are the admin, you're reading posts, answering questions, etc and talking candidly would be good. it's easier to gauge a genuine person from one acting (eg discord kitten told to do the job) that way, too.
it means that you'll have to reveal your voice, but unless you are a public figure, it's not a big deal. no one is going to get doxxed solely by their voice, there'd have to be more info than that.

No. 1748381

As much as I would like to be sure that it’s a woman I don’t want any woman facing harassment from scrotes

No. 1748385

That's one thing I envy about KF. Sometimes it feels like the mods don't even use the site they moderate here

No. 1748390

What ever happened to the LC discord? I was in it but one day was randomly removed and when I tried to rejoin the link had been taken off the website. There could easily be like a live call on discord so that she could confirm she’s female.

No. 1748396

yeah, I don't have a KF account and only lurk, but I respect them for multiple things. There does seem to be more trust and organization in their moderation and familiarity with the admin does play a big role with that.
The other big thing is that I feel like there's less alogging, or at least people call it out as retarded more often. I feel like a lot of posters here lean towards getting riled up and sneering with a furrowed brow at cows or at random dumb crap instead of just sitting back and chuckling at the stupidity.
At the end of the day though I mostly like this place for being female-centered and anonymous

No. 1748406

How the hell did you miss that shitshow

No. 1748407

I have brain damage I probably just forgotten it happened kek. Is there a thread where I can refresh my memory on this? I apologize for my ignorance lol

No. 1748409

File: 1698901600905.jpeg (769.83 KB, 1284x725, 5865ABD8-3788-4507-91E7-23DF35…)

Being a woman is kind of boring if you aren’t pretty. I Can’t enjoy all the cute clothes etc because I’m fat and I can’t enjoy makeup and cute little skin care products because I’m a pizzeria face that’s allergic to everything and it just makes me uglier. I get all the cons of being a woman but none of the pros. I feel cheated. It’s wack.

No. 1748412

I satisfy my desire for cutesy stuff my making art and cute websites instead lol. Just marry it to your nerd hobbies

No. 1748421

If you’d like to be beautiful or physically attractive it is really easy to do so. Losing weight and clearing your skin is the easy part!

No. 1748425

>bitches like you
Yeah I clocked out after this line. You read like a faggot male. Go back to twitter.(pointless infighting)

No. 1748438

HAHAHA I'm an oldfag you retarded schizo bitch. Stop trying to use three words to format an entire fictitious identity around. You want me to be those things because I disagree with you and had the audacity to say bitch. Get a thicker skin and stop acting precious.(pointless infighting)

No. 1748446

File: 1698905463364.jpg (228.54 KB, 1920x1080, morel.jpg)

Morel orel is such a pretentious and preachy and boring show and I absolutely hate it, even though I barely watched it

ooOOOoooohH look at my trauma haha so deep amirite

No. 1748448

>"oldfag" acting this male, new, and retarded
Nope. Go back to Twitter and don't forget to take your faggot AIDs, tacky ass makeup, and shitty standards of what it means to be a good entertainer with you kek
Nobody here needs you at this point.

No. 1748449

Say it louder because you're right

No. 1748451

I made two posts. You're the one sparking an argument and tinfoiling like crazy. Get over yourself. Everyone is a male, we get it, you're an annoying bitch. Bitch bitch bitch bitch. I wouldn't have replied at all if you weren't so reactionary and whiny.

No. 1748453

This could be said about any claymation

No. 1748455

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No. 1748456

Let me rephrase. This could be said about any claymation in that stupid crude Adult swim style. I could never shit on masterpieces like chicken run etc

No. 1748457

File: 1698905843100.gif (511.78 KB, 244x280, azeliabanksonproblems.gif)

No. 1748459

I’m hard pressed to think of another claymation that can measure up to Wallace and Grommet

No. 1748461


No. 1748462

Oh my god go take your meds

No. 1748463

Nta but you're the one seething that people….called Megan pretty??? Which is negative according to you? You really don't have a leg to stand on kek

No. 1748465

I'm a Chicken Run truther

No. 1748466

You're making shit up, where did this even come from? I love Meg.

No. 1748468

I dont know what that means, but I know I'm living rent free in your head. It looks like a circus in there too, just like your clown taste in makeup.

No. 1748470

yes, which is why it's extremely weird that you jumped anons who called her bare face pretty. shit does not compute

No. 1748473

Chicken run is the GOAT

No. 1748476

>I don't know what that means
Who is the twitterfag again?
>I'm living rent free in your head
More twitterspeak, and outright fanfic
>your clown taste in makeup
I prefer her without makeup, but my preference means nothing. She is an entertainer doing her job.

No. 1748477

I made that one post and that one post only psycho

No. 1748480

File: 1698907660497.jpg (21.15 KB, 354x319, tumblr_79b76fbb6a2ba036df9bc39…)

I ship you with antipsychotics.

No. 1748483

>Twitter reaction image

No. 1748484

I'm sure you would know, twitterfag.

No. 1748493

File: 1698909596803.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1170x1867, IMG_3637.jpeg)

I hate tattoos. They look shit 100% of the time. My parents were right (and I hate admitting to that more than anything) and I’m so fucking glad I don’t have one because she’s 13- 19 I wanted all sorts of quirky emo shit tattooed on me and when I was legal I was jus too poor and too busy to get it done.
I seethe like a fucking incel about how 99% of men on dating apps or in general are covered in shit tattoos. Scrotes only do things that will make women like them, and 90% of women have shit taste and PREFER men with tattoos. Therefore the untattooed scrotes feel like they will get laid less without them and HAVE to get some.
Then occasionally I see something really diabolically ugly like picrel. I genuinely think some people get something like this and then it’s so hideous and they’ll never successfully get it removed because it costs 1000s and never truly works, so they just get 100s more tattoos all around it to take the attention away from how truly embarrassingly awful it is. Like lots of stick n pokes. I bet this person drew the design themselves and is really proud of it. Well you shouldn’t be. If this was a street art mural then not even the drunks would piss up it.
Anyways, I hope you all have a nice day today, tattoos or no. You deserve it. It’s your body, your choice after all.

No. 1748496

Not everyone has to be breathtakingly beautiful. Not everyone IRL is so why should every actress be?

No. 1748497

No. 1748508

You might not see her as very beautiful from a female pov, but she has the look that is appealing to moids so she's not ugly

No. 1748512

File: 1698911197782.jpg (553.55 KB, 591x488, if-you-ever-decide-to-get-a-de…)

agreed. people also kept praising that one scene with that age-regressing nurse but i just thought it was distasteful. i don't know how to put it into words but it didn't seem like it was trying to portray sa victims in an empathetic light but a mocking one? am i crazy? i'm not into this dark edgy humor stuff so it may just be me

speaking of tattoos, fandom and weeb tattoos are the cringiest. even if done well (rarely) i really don't get the trend of permanently imprinting something you hyperfixated on for a few months at most on your body. i also hate flash tattoos. they look like scribbles on your arm and people just get random shit so it doesn't even look cohesive.

No. 1748514

I like yume/self insert and yaoi. They are both hot and fun and involve seeing my favorite male characters being hot and sexy. I like to believe I’m part of the silent majority. It can’t be that rare to be into both.

No. 1748515

From experience, a pretty big portion of fujos engage with yume stuff as well, but idk how it is on the other side in yume spaces so idk if the overlap is mutual

No. 1748519

Completely agree. I have never seen a tattoo that looks good. They just make everyone less attractive in my eyes. A tattoo on a guy can make me lose all attraction to him. It’s like purposely making yourself less symmetrical and putting a dark blotch on your skin. I hope one day they go out of fashion entirely. This is kind of a cringe example, but I think Pewdiepie and Marzia are an otherwise very nice looking couple, and it makes me sad they covered themselves in dumb tattoos.

No. 1748523

I literally don't care if someone smokes during pregnancy.

No. 1748527

>but she has the look that is appealing to moids
Nta but how? She looks like someone moids would make fun of. Actually now that I remember around a year ago she got criticized by a lot of men for showing her small (? never looked closely) boobs

No. 1748530

i dont understands the yumes and fujos rivalry on this site

No. 1748532

no wonder there's so many retards here

No. 1748535

good thing people don't do things on their bodies to please you, phew.

No. 1748536

agree. tattoos looks so unappealing me
>It’s like purposely making yourself less symmetrical and putting a dark blotch on your skin
someone finally put words on how i feel alol. I get that tattoos are art but it always looks so weird seeing scribbled lines on someones skin. Even when they have spend years coming up with a tattoo design with a deep personal meaning and have commissioned a skilled artist for the design.
I don't think tattoos makes people unattractive(it depends) but i dont think it makes people attractive either. I have just accepted that i will never get to date someone without tattoos. tattoos aren't a dealbreaker and i will never discourage a friend or girlfriend from getting one. but im not going to be into it either

No. 1748545

this kind of corny shit is cringe, but i suppose i am the basic bitch here who finds them

No. 1748556

Of course she doesn’t have to be breathtakingly beautiful, it’s just strange that she became an a-lister suddenly when she overacts, which worked in midsummer since it was dramatic but her acting is silly in everything else, and now she’s being shilled as a beautiful starlet and cast in sexual roles she doesn’t really fit

That’s backwards, I’ve only ever heard women compliment her appearance and I think it’s because they aren’t intimidated by her looks. I’ve never seen or heard any moid compliment her appearance online or in real life, but I see them making fun of her appearance and calling her plain or ugly all the time

No. 1748558

She has the opposite features of what males find attractive, “cute” wide plain face, large body type without curves, short and stocky.

No. 1748571

I didn’t know lolcow felt so strongly about Florence Pugh.

No. 1748579

Tattoos with a deep and personal meaning are invariably the ugliest tattoos of all. I hate it when certain tattooed people put themselves above others because THEIR tattoos are about their grandma and their dog or something. If you’re going to look stupid anyway you might as well not be pretentious about it.

No. 1748582

I hate males. Really hate them. You either have to be anorexic skinny or overweight to impress them. They will call perfectly beautiful and healthy women either fat or skinny because they don’t pertain to their extreme tastes that are entirely shaped by porn. Some women are thin and lithe and others are soft and curvy. Just like all people, we all have different metabolism and fat distribution. Instead of just going after their personal preference they have to degrade and shame women who don’t fit. I’ve been called both too fat and too skinny by scrotes and I’m past caring. Hope they all get ball cancer and die horribly or at least focus their razor sharp criticism on their own fragile egos until they snap and kill themselves.

No. 1748601

She’s not appealing to moids and even as a woman I think she’s unfortunate looking, she’s a heifer who looks like a giant baby or tweedle dee

No. 1748627

They didn't before. After she did Oppenheimer with Cillian all of the Cillian fangirls here now hate her and post retarded nitpicks abouts her

No. 1748630

Kek truth

No. 1748631

I was nitpicking her before Oppenheimer came out, not even see that retarded movie and Cillian is a soulless fag

No. 1748648

I'm a yume/hime first and foremost but I like some yaoi ships, they just don't tend to include my husbandos since I headcannon the guys in the pairings as gay and I'm not attracted to gay men.

No. 1748661

File: 1698928244041.gif (1.76 MB, 500x284, IMG_2730.gif)

how many more times are you gonna sperg about her being ugly, getting couch casted and having father fetish, you fucking retard? you literally made up the last two of these in your head

No. 1748764

pugh-chan needs a lobotomy asap

No. 1748768

you dont have to hate how other women look like because you didn't get picked by a moid. surprisingly, men like a lot of different women but it's not the women's fault they choose certain archetypes more often.

No. 1748797

Did you even read her post

No. 1748802

I actually didnt kek I apologize to that nonna but I'm used to seeing women shit on other women here now. especially itt.

No. 1748805

You will never be Amandachan

No. 1748825

Is it the same one sperging about cillian Murphy wanting to fuck his sisters because they look vaguely like his wife? Someone’s projecting a lot ITT.

No. 1748849

>I bet this person drew the design themselves and is really proud of it. Well you shouldn’t be. If this was a street art mural then not even the drunks would piss up it.
Kek nonna this is from Over the Garden Wall, the show even won an Emmy for being an outstanding animated program a few years ago. I think the artwork from it is very charming, not sure I'd want it tattooed though

No. 1748854

Based, me too. I'm primarily a yume but still love to ship guys from the series I like, I don't know why there's always fighting amongst yumes and fujos to me they're like siblings or cousins. I even like two of the popular ships of my husbando because the character's he's shipped with are similar to me personality wise so I can self insert into it KEK

No. 1748862

Adding to this, sedentary people do not need 3 meals a day. This is why most office workers are obeasts. No workout? No dinner.
Americans are fat because they designed their daily life around sitting in a car instead of using their legs to walk anywhere. God forbid anyone gets exercise.

No. 1748875

We should have one thread where “racebaiting” is not bannable.

No. 1748879

No. 1748888

It would be funny if for April Fools there was a "no rules" thread and anyone who posted in it breaking a rule gets banned

No. 1748893

No. We already have enough scrotes from /pol/ coming into every thread and trying to racebait or sperging about something and trying to start an infight. It’s annoying.

No. 1748896

No, we shouldn't. Go back the fuck to /pol/, muslim genocide-chan.

No. 1748898

File: 1698945519109.png (19.32 KB, 210x240, maya-ibuki-neon-genesis-evange…)

Locking the Israel/Palestine containment thread because of racebait reports is a stupid idea. No I didn't post in it, but I was reading it and racebait is basically half of the discussion anywhere you go. Of course there will be people shitting on Israel and shitting on Palestine, it's the containment thread for it. A lot of the discussion was interesting and explained the history of the conflict. Now nobody will be able to discuss it because of hurt feelings. Reee we can't have strong discussions and opinions on this anonymous imageboard. Now we will have to wait and see if the Palestine versus Israel discussions will leak from their containment zone now that it's locked.

No. 1748904

it will leak. it was literally made in the first place because discussion of the conflict was derailing every other thread in /ot/. i swear retarded mods don't even know what a containment thread is for. board is going to be unusable again soon

No. 1748916

>over half of reports are racebait reports from this racebait themed containment thread! We are locking it!
That is good, jannies. That's a good thing.

No. 1748917

You will die a virgin, moid.

No. 1748918

the problem is that whenever a thread about big events is made, retarded failmales from /pol/ and /r9k/ come in to either spam gore/CP, misogynistic bullshit or racism while trying to live out their tranny fantasies online (sometimes all three if someone triggers them). this also happened with the amber heard and johnny depp threads. i really wish there was some sort of technology to detect dick/balls/y chromosome online so they could all be auto-banned.

No. 1748920

Why do anons here always assume anyone they think has an opposite opinion or whatever is a moid? No I’m not a moid, I’m an adult human female, and yeah I’m a virgin and plan to die one.

No. 1748924

It's one thing to lock the thread but did the mod really need to add insult to injury by talking like a redditor?

No. 1748926

and mods decided to ban the only moid-repellant in the thread (husbandofagging) instead of banning the moids. im really starting to think we have tranny jannies atp

No. 1748927

Because some of you guys talk like moids. Spend less time on whatever side of the internet you're on so you can learn to share a differing opinion in a non scrotal way
being accused of being male is kind of a LC right of passage though, it happens to us all

No. 1748929

File: 1698946484959.jpeg (45.79 KB, 484x484, OIG.oAS_.jpeg)

mods THREATENED by hamasrael

No. 1748930

It's literally been confirmed we have at least one tranny janny and I remember that bombshell dropping a year or two ago. We probably have more now

No. 1748932

That is disgusting.

No. 1748935

smh. faggot mod just couldn't handle how hot this pairing is

No. 1748940

For sure I’ve seen some mostly younger women openly say they’ve visited sites like 4 chan or whatever and try to talk like them but not everyone does, I certainly didn’t. It’s just annoying. Women are not all the same. I didn’t even say anything moidish, having a thread like that open keeps other thread on topic and “clean”. Whatever.

No. 1748956

How is husbandofagging a moid repellent? It's all over the site and moids still post here.

No. 1748988

>having a thread like that open keeps other thread on topic and “clean”.
no, it doesn't. it just becomes a space for racist moids and underage (or just straight-up retarded) tradthots/pickmes to feel comfortable, so they invite more of their kind, and they leak out into the rest of the boards due to entitlement.
we actually used to have "incel containment threads" thinking it'd tamper down on the moid problem, and it just had the opposite effect, so we stopped and banned male posters altogether.

No. 1748990

its because of mods. when the thread was first made, sane nonas were using it and having an actual discussion, then they started banning for random shit while refusing to deal with obvious moids and letting them run free. of course all the sane people leave and the thread becomes schizo central. its because mods don't do their fucking job

No. 1749058

Kids and young teens should be the only ones getting presents during Christmas. Receiving gifts should honestly only matter when you’re a kid anyways, otherwise you’re just consooming and wasting money on stuff you don’t need

No. 1749083

I agree. I’m a huge consoomer and I’m sort of working on it but I hate receiving gifts since I can just buy what I want. If anything afults should get maybe like, donations to chairites in their name or whatever it is that some rich people do.

No. 1749119

I wouldn't care so much if they weren't so normalized. Sometimes people don't "get it" when they ask what kinda tattoos I'd want to get and I say none.
Some tattoos are ok but they always either worsen someone's appearance or don't affect it, I've never felt like someone looked better because of one. I can appreciate some where it's clear that someone's super passionate about something but it's still like "dang that looks hideous but I'm happy for you"
My sister got matching tattoos with her boyfriend, I can't really decide if that's weird or cute. They've been together for over a decade so it's kinda like their non-married version of wedding bands

No. 1749142

I don't generally mind tattoos too much in an idrc either way sense of way but I know this guy who just has thick blurry simplistic outlines of random shit like a butterknife and a key all over his arms and it's genuinely the shittiest 'sleeve' I've ever seen IRL.

No. 1749168

I don't care either way, but what I despise is when people make it their whole personality and men who creep on women specifically because they have tattoos. A guy I am unfortunately acquainted with talks in the hair on back of the neck standing up creepy way about women with tattoos. He has tattoos too but his are trash for 2 reasons: will not get them touched up and one is a motorcycle gang tat.

No. 1749172

This is how it was in my country before consumerism hit. Kids got presents, teens got sophisticated, age appopriate presents from parents and maybe best friends, adults get presents from lovers or as housewarming gifts.

No "run around all December getting worthless gifts for every person you know and work with, using money you don't have so they can return it the week after" tradition.

I saw an episode of some American sitcom and the dad was whining about getting a lame gift, it was disgusting and completely childish and un-masculine. I was appaled at how utterly retarded it was because it seemed to be a sentiment echoed in the youtube comments… for full grown adults to be pissy about not getting the prezzie they wrote to Santa about.

No. 1749177

Everyone has fucking “sensory issues” when it comes to shaving now. You don’t, you just have shaved since you were 12 and have never let yourself get used to the feeling of not shaving. You developed “sensory issues” from a combination of making it a habit and societal pressures to shave, yes no matter how much you claim to shave for yourself you don’t live in a vacuum. It’s a fucking buzzword to throw out because it tells people you’re special or neurodivergent and so your habits can’t be criticized or looked into deeper. You can’t fucking say anything about shaving because 10 weak sheeple pop up and go “what about me i’m autistic i’m special i’m adhd if i don’t shave the small hairs on my hand every 20 hours i will reads out list of stereotypical reactions yes i have other sensory issues like i don’t like to touch wet food in the sink, see this is why feminism is bad it doesn’t keep the manufactured excuse that’s only popped up in the last 10 years in mind!”.

No. 1749183

I never got what I want as a kid so fuck me for wanting cool gifts as an adult. I'm not even asking anybody to gift me, I buy that shit for myself, wrap it and open it at the date. Not everyone had a picture perfect childhood with Christmas and loving parents who buy exactly what you asked for instead of panties and socks. Also my birthday is a few days before Christmas so sometimes I got nothing and they said "well you got something for your birthday so suck it up". One time my aunt came through and gave a box of chocolates she got from someone else because I literally got nothing else from anybody.

No. 1749188

gift cards are best for adults if you don’t really know anything about their interests

No. 1749199

Wait what? Proofs pls.

No. 1749203

If you get accused of being a male you’re either
>acting like a pickme
>being misogynistic
>spouting the same stupid edgy shit your ugly polcel channer discord bf says to you

In which case you deserve to be dogpiled tbh

No. 1749206

we should have a thread where everyone rounds up around you and we take turns kicking your stomach

No. 1749227

File: 1698958448245.jpg (115.26 KB, 648x837, Screenshot_20231102_165346_You…)

I know right?
>user acting like a melodramatic tard over the most nonoffensive shit
>gets accused of being a male
>"waaaahhh you think im a man!!!"
Then stop acting like a faggot. I'm not denying that there are those users who accuse others of being moids for miniscule reasons, but you can't storm a thread with the temperament of a pitbull and expect people not to think you're an angry fag from twitter, reddit, or tumblr

No. 1749244

Gift cards are horrible gifts, they exist because "money is bad gift which means you didn't try", and you're literally giving money except worse.

No. 1749276

It was very much of its time. In the mid-2000s, Adult Swim and the idea of "cute, 'Davey and Goliath'-looking claymation characters, but subversive! It's a criticism of relgion and they use curse words!" was still a novelty

No. 1749314

These days you also have to fucking pay for the gift card, on top of the value of the card. And then the company makes even more money off whatever gets left unused on the card (which has gotta be a lot, a few bucks here and there adds up).

Gift cards were a go to obligation gift for people I don't really feel close to but now they make me seethe and I won't buy them.

No. 1749319

all sitcom males are un-masculine

No. 1749322

I actually don't see anything wrong with camgirls on their own. its only when they start doing weird shit like pedo pandering or fetishing violence.

No. 1749323

No it hasn’t stop doing tranny tactics

No. 1749347

Seriously I would kill to look like the right, she’s a natural.

No. 1749365

I feel like any sort of sex work that allows the woman to be in charge 100% is fine. Although I wish more people acknowledged the economic issues that drive women to sell themselves. Back in the day women became strippers/escorts if they were single moms completely on their own, had a large bill like for uni, or just wanted a glamorous lifestyle and needed to fund it somehow.

Majority if not all women in SW don't even want to be there but now you see women who have careers and stuff getting into it to make money on the side just because it's so damn hard to live on your own now and if you don't have friends or partner willing to split bills, your next best option is a stranger roommate, which is dangerous for women. There's also a lot more job security especially since employers seem to be abusing the right to work laws and just fire everyone willy nilly

No. 1749368

Honestly, colourism is the oldest prejudice in human existence. I thin racism was born from colourism

No. 1749370

Yeah, not a fan of hers but she's beautiful body and face wise. Did she get any surgeries or is she 100% natural? Is that look achievable?

No. 1749374

File: 1698965654225.jpg (57.12 KB, 600x692, 1689212188609.jpg)

true beauty is based on bone structure and youth. You can be groomed and clean but that doesn't create beauty

No. 1749375

Health is the secret. plastic surgery is also an option if health didn't work

No. 1749381

I agree. I have sensory issues regarding makeup and I have people make fun of me for that. I hate the feeling of false lashes and crusty matte lipstick. Even sunscreen doesn't bother me like makeup

No. 1749385

ntayrt but not really. i was skinny without skin issues my entire life and still called ugly, got compared to monsters and beasts, etc

No. 1749389

samefag forgot about the male comparisons too

No. 1749393

it's literally bone structure/ how well you carry yourself. I once worked with a girl who was fat and had flaky skin with big pores but had multiple guys crushing on her (including very fit 18 yr old moids) at work just because she had an extremely pretty face and carried herself well. I also knew another girl with bad an obvious acne but had looked like a slavic model otherwise and still got tons of male admirers

if you want to level up though getting fit + having good skin and hair is one of the first steps though, regardless of where you are on the natural attractiveness scale

No. 1749394

There's definitely big problems with it but I personally never understood some of the hatred on this website for "whores" or "camwhores". It sounds scrotey to me. I'm fully aware of the problems within it but they sound more like societal problems vs the actual girls themselves doing something wrong.

No. 1749395

Nta, I agree. Not trying to racebait but where I come from people were always colorist and tribalist (about their actual tribes) and only learned racism from encountering western ideas of it. Before that they never knew anything about the Chinese or Indian or white or black out there, but they started learning all of it from racist westerners and decided to copy it. Even though they prefer lighter skin and extremely white/pale skin, they somehow developed prejudices against a Chinese people and white people who are objectively paler. If they never developed any of that they'd probably be putting chinese and white people on a pedestal for their skin color. (I specified chinese people because they tend to be the palest east asians and the ones who try to stay as pale as possible in comparison. And have a bigger pale population in general.)

No. 1749396

I feel like its because a lot of camgirls are simply just milky/lazy

No. 1749398

true a lot are insufferable

No. 1749406

>if you want to level up though getting fit + having good skin and hair is one of the first steps though, regardless of where you are on the natural attractiveness scale
it's like you completely skipped over
>i was skinny without skin issues my entire life and still called ugly, got compared to monsters and beasts, etc
how much more do i "level up" when i'm still called mannish and ugly even at the supposed "good" level. even at my lowest weight. i never even reached overweight which makes it weirder.

No. 1749411

I understand that, that is why I started out with "it's literally bone structure"

skincare + weight loss is the basics of improving your looks, if you're already there then there's weight lifting to build your butt/make your body more feminine.
I also notice a lot of women who don't have great faces can level up by investing into their hair and getting a nice sew in/extensions with Hollywood waves. It's probably one of the most universal ways someone can drastically improve their looks. do you have a celebrity look a like?

No. 1749416

nope no look a-likes, never been compared to any celebrity.

No. 1749425

File: 1698969155186.jpg (33.04 KB, 900x674, male-female-symbols.jpg)

If I hear somebody use the words "feminine" or "masculine" I just automatically assume their IQ is sub 80.

No. 1749431

What do you think when people talk about clothing or art?

No. 1749438

Me but with "femme" and "masc"

No. 1749440

No. 1749454

Adding to what >>1749411 said, from what I've seen being fit/working out and eating healthy can improve your face more than being just skinny/low weight. Being underweight obviously makes you ugly as well.

No. 1749464

all im saying is that the #100 threadpic for unpopular opinions better not be shit.

No. 1749482

Yes. I’ve always been relatively skinny but when I had a shit diet and was always stressed my face looked bloated and terrible even at lower weights. Working out has really improved my skin and depuffed my face without changing my skincare routine.

No. 1749483

sounds kinda troony

No. 1749488

This image gave me ptsd flashbacks to ATOGA on /adv/.

No. 1749495

>Being underweight obviously makes you ugly as well.
This and this, unless your weight distribution is seriously awful and you have to remain a very low weight to get a flat stomach/no double chin/etc its in your best interest to gain weight

No. 1749500

Um no I don’t, I’ve barely mentioned her recently you’re just obsessed with me after all this time. I said this >>1698633 in response to this anon >>1698488 saying she was itching her disgusting genitals in this picture >>1697679 and I also posted this >>1713287 which wasn’t even mean.(personalityfagging)

No. 1749503

Sensory issues is becoming a buzzword like any other phrase related to neurodivergency or mental illness and it’s being used the most to excuse mindlessly following beauty standards or to cover up for insecurities, it’s fucking infuriating they’re just finding more ways to say that it’s all totally for themselves. Can’t wear makeup, wear a bra or tight clothing, shave your body hair, or have long hair? Thats just because you’re lazy and gross! I used to not put my comfort and sanity first, I kept my long thick hair even though I’d have break downs and hate myself from just feeling it touch my skin and the nightmare of keeping it looking good. I didn’t want to cut it because I didn’t want to look ugly but I just said fuck it one day and cut it short and life is so much easier now. I have others that would make me look genuinely insane to other people if I told them, god this shits not a quirky thing or just something that makes you slightly uncomfortable.

No. 1749506

I also got redtexted for saying rape apes should be lobotomized >>1724256 and here you are getting away with literally hunting me across the site to say I should be given brain damage when I never did anything to you

No. 1749523

You could suggest one anon

No. 1749527

Of course fat people can be cocainr addicts look at Rob kardashian and John candy

No. 1749528

I know black people get a lot of hate from other poc but seeing stuff like what’s going on in Palestine or what happened to Asians during Covid should be a reality check for poc non blacks. Yes you might think you’re getting cool points by hating on us but always remember white people in power will always throw your ass under the bus in a heart beat.(racebait)

No. 1749532

Would love to see these tiktok girls react to someone with real sensory issues where they fly into a tard rage or start hitting themselves because they're overwhelmed or someone was chewing too loud kek

No. 1749533

Autism has become a lethal disease

No. 1749537

File: 1698978943730.jpeg (47.65 KB, 500x355, 2FAC66C2-69E2-4203-8ABE-7AB4F0…)

Men aren’t simple. They’re not. They’re complex and emotional. I am so tired of all scrote behavior being waved away as men being too retarted to understand the basic aspects of being a fucking human. I do think men want real, reciprocal relationships with others. I think they want intimacy and close friends but they are too self obsessed to ever achieve anything meaningful so they live as perpetual angsty children who curse all the externally good things in their lives for not fixing them. Scrotes will waste the best years of a woman’s life because she was good enough for the time and then lash out when they realize they’re unfulfilled. They never actually vet women initially though, they just glob on to whatever poor soul crosses their paths when they’re lonely enough to pretend they can handle commitment. They say shit like how they’d be happy with any woman or they just want someone kind yet tear down any woman who shows them these things without being the perfectly curated mind gf. All of the moids I’ve dated have so painfully obviously wanted to be seen emotionally and yet when you do that for them they can’t handle it. It would be tragic if it wasn’t such a pathetic way to live. Why can’t moids be better?

No. 1749541

Men are pretty simple in dating. Just tell them what you want and they will do the opposite of that. Men will never want to do what you want them to do….if you want a relationship just tell them you don’t want one and then suddenly you’ll be the best bitch he’s ever laid eyes on.

No. 1749542

Because they want things to be simple, men often don't want to handle the effort it takes to make meaningful intimacy. They think giving for example flowers to someone who's cross is enough and not on the why a person is cross and what did he do wrong. Is it enough to just say sorry without meaning it or why he's saying sorry besides "so you won't be angry anymore"

No. 1749543

How in any way is that simple? Simple would be no mind games at all. I don’t want to pull some loser moid who strings me along for years and acts like I’m crazy for wanting to get engaged even though we’ve been together for 5 years and bought a house together by playing retarted mind games. The only way moids will change is if women raise our standards and call them out on their. Saying this shit is only proving my point more. Scrotes don’t get excuses anymore.

No. 1749544

Cam girl are unintelligent pickmes with personality disorders, like all other privileged western women who decided to perform sexually for men for easy cash. You’ve clearly never met any or you would know how unlikable they all are.

No. 1749547

Sorry but this is dumb advice. Maybe we just date different type of moids but the ones I've dated have all appreciated my autistic bluntness kek. If I want something I tell them and if they're worth shit they listen

No. 1749567

Minecraft is boring and takes a million years to load

No. 1749572

Yes most who choose to be e-whores want to be seen as the perfect sex object for creepy dudes online just for validation. And they’ll put any other woman down in the process. It’s harrowing, plenty of them perform gross shit like rape and pedophilia kinks just for the money and then brag about doing so as if it’s a noble thing they did. No amount of money is worth dignity but it’s like they have none and are proud of it. Anyway, before people get upset I realize it’s a horrible place to be regardless of choice, I’m just done sticking up for or having sympathy for women who are choosing and begging to be degraded sex objects. The amount of times I’ve seen “I need to be fucked in a way that sets back women’s rights” as a quirky joke makes me depressed.

No. 1749584

Yeah this website can get really Catholic with its hate boner for "evil disgusting whores".

No. 1749586

Being an ugly woman is not that bad, principal reason being I never have to worry about moids hitting on me and trying to get in my pants or being creeps to me. All my friends have complained about that problem and I’ve even seen it happen in front of me when I’m with them and it’s creepy as hell, like there’s always vultures circling.

I’ve found that if you have an ugly face but aren’t fat, people are generally pretty nice to you, probably out of pity since they can’t fault you for your face like they could with weight.

No. 1749587

>minecraft is boring
agree, its only fun when you play with friends
>takes a million years to load
i think your computer just sucks

No. 1749637

File: 1698994515005.jpeg (108.55 KB, 576x950, IMG_0552.jpeg)

No one made up the fact that she has a father fetish are you insane

No. 1749640

File: 1698994556666.jpeg (83.78 KB, 608x645, IMG_0554.jpeg)

Here’s pug and her ex

No. 1749641

File: 1698994602558.jpeg (93.55 KB, 542x631, IMG_0553.jpeg)

And here’s her dad

No. 1749642

she looks pretty there

No. 1749643

File: 1698994771934.jpeg (322.28 KB, 991x1141, IMG_0551.jpeg)

Look how old he is too, there’s no way it isn’t a father fetish

No. 1749646

People who put coffee whitener in their coffee are heathens. Either put milk (of your choice) or nothing.

No. 1749670

The fuck is coffee whitener? You mean creamer?

No. 1749677

I doubt this is unpopular here, but hard-core kpop fans are at default severely mentally ill and their constant consumption of weirdly plastic, hyper-manufactured and often voyeuristic material of young women who are essentially abused and then tossed aside for their ability to be a human android ruins their ability to differentiate what's right from wrong. Grown adults who worship kpop idols especially men are often ridiculously misogynistic. It isnt about music, its about pushing young girls to their absolute limits, isolating them from reality, and turning them into a product for exploitation and consumption. All hard-core kpop stans are retarded at default. This shit is WEIRD. I don't give a fuck what your sexuality is, why are you supporting and tuning into the systemic abuse of young girls? Fym

No. 1749697

don't know how popular this opinion is, but I find "based" to be moidspeak and I don't know why any woman uses it. Outside of lolcow (where anyone can be anybody) I only hear retarded right-wing pickme women saying "based." tbh I also feel it has lost whatever meaning it may have once had and it's now just a self-aggrandizing "I agree, edgelord" reply

No. 1749698

You're going to have to get over it

No. 1749704

It's an opinion, I'm not seething about it

No. 1749707

Femcels do exist, I don't get why it's such a controversial opinion, it's not because they are not as toxic as incels that they are not a thing.

No. 1749717

plenty of people date someone who looks similarly to their family members, there is biological explanation for that and not necessarily your heavily projected fetish (and they’re both just old medicore looking moids). Ibesides, there’s no more milk on that other than her dating some old scrote some time ago, it’s not interesting. stop sperging about it in every thread.

No. 1749719

Their faces literally look copy and pasted, it’s a fetish

No. 1749722

Okay word of advice: stop inserting yourself into their politics and move in silence. It has nothing to do with black people, and that's good so let's keep it that way.

No. 1749729

I can only hope she doesn't fall for the surgery ritual and acts her actual face. Maybe she'll stop it with the intense drag-tier makeup too.

No. 1749741

I like men that work out and have broad shoulders and strong and big muscles(natty).

No. 1749753

>Yes you might think you’re getting cool points by hating on us but always remember white people in power will always throw your ass under the bus in a heart beat.
And that's why I am distrustful of them as a whole.

No. 1749754

Minecraft is like the fastest loading game next to stardew valley.

No. 1749776

The word femcels came to fruition because moids were angry that we had plenty of male centric insults and populrized/twisted by tiktok/twitterfags. The fact that the word incel came from a woman who wanted to speak with other people who's involuntarily celibate and wanted to overcome it before the word got popularized/twisted by moids that forcibly joined in to the point the woman regreted making said group.
Even then some anons view the word incel as an nusiance since you could just pay a prostitute.

Who cares. Post about your ideal man in the correct thread, next time.

No. 1749783

>I wouldn't care so much if they weren't so normalized
I feel like tattoos have become a form for rite of passage. The majority of people I know got tattoos as soon as they turned 18 some even got them when they where younger.
Some girls in my class (we're around 18 then) talked about a local tattoo artist they liked. They said the guy was nice and made them comfortable. They also admitted that he wasn't very good artist but it didn't matter because he was nice. Some of the girls even had several tattoos done by this guy even though they didn't like his work.
I just don't get it. Now they are stuck with tattoos they think are sloppy. Sure, they can just cover them up with another tattoo but they could also just had researched different parlors and looking at tattoo artists portfolios before getting their first tattoos.
>Sometimes people don't "get it" when they ask what kinda tattoos I'd want to get and I say none
I know so many people who got tattoos just because "everyone else has them". Not to mention the people I know who got them to spite their parents. I know that tattoos aren't harmful if its done right but I can't wrap my head around sinking so much money and time into something just because it seemed thrilling at the moment

No. 1749787

just looked it up and apparently it's also called non-dairy creamer. But as someone who knows nothing about coffee, I imagined a deceptive dye that only superficially changes the color so you take a sip expecting a creamy sweetened coffee only to get hit with bitter plain coffee

No. 1749789

>Scrotes only do things that will make women like them, and 90% of women have shit taste and PREFER men with tattoos
You sure? I'm positive scrotes get tats because they're impulsive and make brash decisions to impress other men and to feel badass.
I, as a woman, have never given a single shit about male tattoos and have no tattoos myself.
In general perhaps people get tattoos just to show up other people with tattoos. Sorry if I hurt feelings with this it's just that I never notice tattoos at best and notice the shittiest tattoos scratched on someone's body like a bad homeroom doodle at worst.

No. 1749962

You hardcore care

No. 1750025

Do you know what unpopular opinion means

No. 1750073

She probably thought "unpopular on LC". And I see where she's coming from. /g/ and /m/ have lots of threads with either skinny or gay looking men considered the beauty standard, while any man with muscles is a "roidpig 3DPD" and the anon who finds him hot is looked down upon. There were tons of infights about this a while ago so she has a point in thinking it's an unpopular opinion.

No. 1750080

eh there were only a few posters on /g/ against it, the majority of replies during that argument were in agreement. muscular guys are more of the beauty standard there if anything because that's what's posted most of the time.

No. 1750084

samefag and also my opinion: muscular and masculine men look the gayest (and usually are irl)

No. 1750105

>the anon who finds him hot is looked down upon
Are they? Just off the top of my head Leon and that edgy masked gamer character are popular husbandos in /g/ and they are muscular.

No. 1750115

it's true, all male gym bunnies suck cock or are abusive angry pigs due to the roids

No. 1750116

Plus the slasher husbandos.

No. 1750119

Ratfags and ferretfags may not be as annoying as dogfags, but they're still pretty annoying.

No. 1750130

That's the thing, because they're the beauty standard some anons here gets pisses off about their existence and try to make them seem bad whenever they're mentioned. Just read >>1750115. I'm sure anons who like muscular/gym guys only care about the looks and aesthetic and aren't serious about dating them. But there will always be a bunch of artists so triggered at that they have to mention how muscular mem are actually evil for…working out? And it always delves into shoutafagging/genshin impact boys/kpoop guys/nerdy guys/thin twinky gayer looking guys vs. muscular guys every single time. Some even think liking skinny guys who are "non threatening" is feminist but liking muscular guys is "anti feminist" and the downfall of female communities or something and are so dramatic about it. I don't blame that anon for thinking her opinion is unpopular with all of this on this ib. You yourself even said that they look/ act gay proving my point that muscular guys are hated here.

No. 1750132

Leon is probably the exception kek. But the masked cod guy is an outlier because the appeal is his mask, not his body. The body just comes with the mask I guess.

No. 1750140

>You yourself even said that they look/ act gay proving my point that muscular guys are hated here.
kek i only said that because you said the opposite was "gay looking". i've seen WAY more anons calling thin cute guys gay looking than the other way around. my opinion is unpopular so i posted it here.

No. 1750150

NTA but 3DPD taking steroids is a sign of mental illness, it's like if they were walking around with self harm scars visible. What I'm saying is that disliking them is justified.

No. 1750153

File: 1699039568488.jpeg (42.93 KB, 540x489, IMG_2225.jpeg)

Women cannot rape or sexually assault men. Id even argue they can’t molest boys. Rape is traumatic for women because males are stronger and more violent. It’s more intrusive and dangerous for women and girls. We get pregnant. We are more likely to get STDs from men than vice versa. We are more likely to get injured or killed. Men fantasize about being raped by women while women dont. Men don’t get life long mental issues from being raped from women. Rape is easily avoidable for men while it isn’t for women. It is also logistically difficult for a women to rape a man in the first place. I was reading a Reddit thread on the topic of “women raping men” and it was mostly porny babysitter and mommy fantasies. Even if they were real they pale in comparison to the shit men do to girls.

No. 1750159

unironically i agree but when i say this irl i have to pretend to be dumb so ppl wont know if im being serious or not. they get so offended but i dont get why. sure molesting children can be done but raping a grown man is not a real thing that can happen.

No. 1750164

I mean, women can molest children and it is traumatic for a child regardless of sex. But moid teenagers are stronger than an average adult woman, hell, they’re stronger than trained adult women, moid teenagers literally can’t get raped by women because all they need to do is move away and that’s it.
Plus it’s only rape if someone is getting penetrated without consent, unless a woman is a real freak/very traumatized and uses a dildo or something to penetrate a moid, then it’s not rape, it’s just surprise sex to moids.

No. 1750166

The only part I disagree with is about little boys since women are often stronger and hold authority over them, but after a certain age yeah it's just not possible for a female to rape a male

No. 1750167

I agree with everything except the molestation part

No. 1750170

i mostly agree but women can def molest boys, wtf

No. 1750172

I mainly don’t care about it because women don’t rape and kill guys, I’ve literally never heard of it happening. Men are never in danger from random women because women don’t have the mental dysfunction of craving to sexually brutalize someone. Any discussion about this sort of thing and “IMAGINE THE GENDERS REVERSED” is a ploy to mask the real issue of so many moids being evil rapist scumbags. Like why are there top news stories of female teachers having sexual relationships with students when male teachers do it wayyyyy more often and I never saw that shit on national news even though I personally know so many local incidents…

No. 1750174

It's because male teachers being creeps happens with such frequency that it's no longer newsworthy. Literally every school in the country has a male pedo. It's disgusting

No. 1750191

File: 1699041584043.jpg (Spoiler Image,123.38 KB, 750x1334, 1698372637371.jpeg.jpg)

I saw the opposite but I guess both exist. Imo the thin one woth big lips look more gay than an average guy with some muscle. Straight women are attracted to men hence to masculinity and muscles (sometimes) because it's part of a man's image (for lack of a better word), and so do faggots. They're both attracted to the same thing essentially because that's what's a stereotypical man like. While faggots themselves are usually attracted to straight men, so they present as effeminate as a way to resemble a woman and get a chance to sleep with the straight man, and they're the kind that I see and automatically think "faggot". Ones with slim or skinny fat bodies, big lips, longer than average hair, makeup or reddish skin, specific sense of fashion that shows skin but somehow obscures their masculine figure as much as possible, like shorts to show ass and thighs but kinda baggy shits to hide their chests and shoulders. I don't know how to explain it but you know that type when you see them. Ofcourse there are muscular masculine gay men but those are usually top and can pass as a straight man sometimes. While the bottoms are the more faggoty ones to me, the actual twinks (not the modern social media definition) that I see some anons finding attractive here. Just go to the youtube hate thread and scroll a little bit up and you'll see images of some youtuber who is supposedly gay or bi and anons find hot. He looks like a faggot to me. Picrel. A muscular guy would never look this faggoty kek.

Ok? We're talking about normal muscular guys who work out and have a healthy diet specifically. Anon above said "natty" as in natural. That's a thing. No one said they find actual literal roidpigs hot because they do look disgusting and unstable. You're just proving my point because your mind jumps to "roidpig" whenever you read "muscles", as if there isn't any healthy way to gain muscles ever or something.

No. 1750193

why are roidpig enjoyers so defensive? imagine defending moid's bodytypes on lolcor, how shameful

No. 1750194

That picture. Good God, I can't believe some women would unuronically find that attractive.

No. 1750213

this is a pretty normal opinion when you're not online tbh, at least the rape part. a lot of countries only legally recognize rape if it's done by a penis (they'd only call it sexual assault if it's fingers/objects) so i'm pretty sure the idea that only men can rape is standard

No. 1750214

you're right on women not being able to rape men or really abuse men in any way unless that man is physically disabled with an iq below 100, but molesting and having sex with male children is still rape and it's bad. it makes them become pedos/very mentally ill when they grow up.

No. 1750216

You keep proving my point with every post kek. I never even said I enjoy roidpigs. I even said they look gross and unstable. They legitimately look abnormal. I like a normal healthy amount of muscle on a man but you still equate it to liver king type of bodies because your brain is incapable of non black and white thinking. To you there's only 2 type of men, genshin impact shouta bishies and the liver king. I brought it up because this is the unpopular opinion thread and some anon's opinion started the discussion, I was trying to explain her point of view.

No. 1750218

Sorry for disturbing your eyes, anons. I needed the evidence to support my claims kek

No. 1750227

it's so fucking retarded to fight over moid's bodytypes, who cares? lots of women find diverse male bodytypes because unlike moids we are capable of enjoying anything but anorexic runaway models

No. 1750228

File: 1699043721271.png (952.49 KB, 994x1180, IMG_2229.png)

My retard ass should’ve clarified the molesting part more though my opinion is still gonna remain unpopular even on here. but what i meant to say was that it isn’t as traumatic for boys to be molested by women as it is for girls to be molested by men. It just isn’t the same. There’s also less social consequences when a boy is molested by the opposite sex vs a girl, especially in certain 3rd world theist countries.

No. 1750232

>that picture
guess i have a gay dude's taste because he's cute. he looks tall so that's a plus.

No. 1750249

Haha, I love trey, hope he doesn't troon out

No. 1750256

Men over the age of 15 can’t be raped by women but I feel the type of woman who would fuck a 15 year old would still cause a lot of emotional damage even if it’s consensual…so even if he’s consenting to the act of sex it’s still fucked up

No. 1750278

File: 1699045478096.jpg (91.39 KB, 700x701, nyc-medic-only-fans-side-story…)

>Back in the day women became strippers/escorts if they were single moms completely on their own, had a large bill like for uni, or just wanted a glamorous lifestyle and needed to fund it somehow.
yeah, the milky cow camgirl you see on /snow/ like shayna isn't the norm for majority of women starting onlyfans, it's quite literally just the toll the economy is taking on people. every since 2015 and going on it's been a problem for home and rent prices being unaffordable, along with bills and everything else and now that food inflation is through the roof of course we have women literally begging for peanuts to feed themselves. We shouldn't be pointing the finger at women for making ends meet, but the "SEX WORK IS WORK" reaction libfems aren't helping, these women don't WANT to do this, they NEED to do it to scrape by
>privileged western women who decided to perform sexually for men for easy cash. You’ve clearly never met any or you would know how unlikable they all are.
isn't America technically a 2nd world country now?

No. 1750299

Most sex workers just want the fancy shit like high end purses and think they’re too good to be a nurse and live in a lower middle class home

No. 1750302

I will always associate it with based god lil b. I don't care if dumb alt right moids use it. I feel this was about wojack when it used to be tfw guy.

No. 1750306

Where are you getting this information? you say this in response to a female EMT who had to use onlyfans to scrape by that "she just wants a fancy purse and thinks shes too good to be a nurse"? also plenty of strippers and stuff use it to pay for nursing school. you sound so ignorant

No. 1750310

i wish that were true, all the self-proclaimed femcels are just trannies or pickmes. I want a true misandrist uprising, please.

No. 1750320

>isn't America technically a 2nd world country now?
No, but I'll not sperg about the terminology cause no one cares

No. 1750323

I feel like more women are femcels than what people think. Incels biggest argument is that women can just hookup on tinder or something and boom you don't have to be a virgin but they don't realize how many men are perfectly capable of hooking up on dating apps but literally think they're too good to put in effort to talk/not come on too strong or even admit they want women to appear at their doorstep

I feel like outside of the literal celibate term, majority of women struggle with finding male partners who actually respond to them, who are reliable in a medical emergency and who are willing to be with them long term. Literally majority of relationship vents I've seen are women struggling to get their partners to text them back, where as when moids get into relationships at least they're easily able to find someone they can rely on and who doesn't ignore them frequently

No. 1750324

i care.

No. 1750326

Pls sperg, im actually interested.

No. 1750330

from a black rapper
from two tranny brothers
from left-leaning stoner comic book artist
from non-binary tumblr girls of all races
"alt right" people and /pol/tards can't come up with anything, honestly. they have no original culture, no aesthetic sense, no skill in word or rhyme, no creativity. for all their bleating about traditional european culture(s), they barely even give a shit about that or know anything about it. all they do is copy, steal, repost and cheapen like content farm slaves.

No. 1750332

I would say she should hire a financial advisor because if she still needs to be a part time sex worker she’s bad with money

No. 1750348

It's just that it is not "technically" correct because first/second/third world aren't about how developed or civilized a country is. The terms actually don't even make sense anymore cause they they refer to the world order during the Cold War: first world countries were USA and their allies (capitalism), second were Soviet union and their allies (socialism) and third were the ones not aligned. Because the USSR is done with and the cold war is over, technically there are no more first, second or third world countries, but people just got used to calling developed and underdeveloped/developing countries like that. But point being that by definition USA wasn't and wouldn't be a second world country. Fun fact, a lot of what we call third world countries nowadays, several latin american countries for example, were first world simply because they followed the USA. So yeah, just nitpicking, if you didn't know, now you know.

No. 1750352

thank you nonnie you are very smart. what terms would be more accurate?

No. 1750358

i guess this isn't an "unpopular" opinion but i am starting to wonder if i'm not failing on self-grooming by not shaving. at most i shave my facial hair and trim my pubes but i've literally never taken a razor to my legs. learning that more men that i suspected actually also shave has me second guessing myself though (apparently germans shave all the time?)

No. 1750365

I hate when anons here say they want to be protected by strong men as if they dont commit 99% of crimes against children and women

No. 1750366

When I was in school, I was taught the most correct were developed, developing and underdeveloped or least developed countries. But maybe geographers have come up with new terms sense then, I dunno, they feel awkward for countries that have been stagnant.

No. 1750377

as long as you keep the hair clean it's fine. pubic, armpit, and nose hair is good for you. the rest is optional, and when you don't shave it can easily harm your skin and cause breakouts so that motivates me to keep mine.

No. 1750379

You sound extremely out of touch, can you give an example of a budget for her then since you're so good with money? average EMT salary in New york is 30k, average rent is 3k for a studio

No. 1750380

Thanks for clarifying. would USA qualify as developing then? or would the wealth distribution disqualify us? seeing our wealth statistics are fucking weird. majority of people are barely making 30k before tax and mind you, "poverty level" for a family of 3 is like 25k

No. 1750382

Why 15?

No. 1750390

I literally see rooms for rent in homes on apartments.com in NY for as low as 500 a month, let's say she gets that and has a few bucks in taxes taken out, plus phone bill, insurance, whatever, lets round up to 1000 all altogether. she still has 1500 a month. As long as she isn't eating fucking caviar and champagne and isn't going to the doctor because of every cough she will be fine without only fans. She's literally too stupid, plus financial advisors are what, 200 an hour? just quit a few consoom subscriptions like Netflix for a few months and she can easily afford it

No. 1750403

If she can’t afford to live in nyc she can move

No. 1750408

Boys under 15 can be easily over powered. Me at 31 could beat the shit out of a 12 year old boy.

No. 1750425

It's like that in every city, EMT jobs everywhere are underpaying af. Even in my small town of one of the "cheapest" states majority of EMT jobs barely pay over 12/hour. Not to mention when I made about the same thing they took out almost 500 from each bi-weekly check in Medicare, SSI, and taxes. They'll probably take a few hundred more if she has health insurance, that's barely 200 weekly which isn't fucking survival regardless of if she lives in ~new york~ or not. Just because you're a mooch with no bills doesn't mean everyone else is capable of living with their parents with zero bills

No. 1750441

I make 18 an hour so I make 2200 a month and my health insurance comes out of that which is 80
Car insurance, water, gas, electric, rent , phone bill is 923 a month. After paying all my important stuff that leaves me at 1277 a month for extras like gas and food. You don’t have to sell pussy hunny just learn to do basic math.

No. 1750443

I accidentally added 923 in the subject and I’m too high to fix it

No. 1750446

nta but tbh i don't have that sort of confidence… The average 13yo (either sex) in my country is taller than me so lots of 10-13yo children physically outsize me. I don't exactly live in fear that random kids are going to kill me but I'm aware of my limitations

No. 1750449

File: 1699051817021.jpeg (157.29 KB, 768x1024, IMG_3940.jpeg)

This is the peak form of broccoli. It taste like shit when it’s too dry, no redditor will ever convince me that raw or grilled broccoli tastes better than mushy microwave steamed broccoli.

No. 1750452

you are unhinged

No. 1750486

>I think your computer sucks
It’s an Xbox, I WISH it was a computer kek

No. 1750492

>Health insurance 80 (???)
>Rent, gas, etc all less than 1k combined
I live in the boonies and Mississippi and it's not that cheap. You're either lying or have some sort of living situation that allows this. Not to mention the extra few hundreds monthly for Medicare and SSI

No. 1750501

no, gas was an extra not included in the 923. But yeah I was thinking the same thing. She must have roommates or something.

No. 1750511

same kek i get irritated whenever i see nigelposting

No. 1750519

how long do you microwave for? i got sick of eating broccoli but maybe i can eat more this way.

No. 1750522

Or is lying/isn't being honest about her parents paying her bills. I live very cheaply and the cheapest health insurance my work offered like like 200 monthly, electricity on a cheap month is like 150. I don't even have a water or gas bill and my rent is 800 a month (extremely cheap in USA) and my total amount of necessary bills a month is like 1500, and i dont have a car note but pay 75/monthly insurance (also very cheap)

Anon just sounds very dishonest IMO

No. 1750524

there's nothing wrong with asking someone to clean. like if you want it clean just ask lol not everyone can read your stupid mind. not like i caused the mess anyway. like literally
>knock some shit over yourself
>bitch at me for not picking it up for you
>dirty dishes while hogging out late at night
>bitch at me for not immediately doing them when i wake up
fuck off

No. 1750543

4 and a half minutes

No. 1750551

a lot of anons here are extremely unforgiving but privileged enough to have that republican moid level mindset that every waking moment you have should be dedicated to making money/being productive. Kek I remember when the laundry anon was a thing someone pointed out the anon may not have time to literally hand scrub and dry every piece of laundry and the best advice to her was "to get less sleep" as if that's a great idea for an already exhausted blue collar lady

No. 1750564

I have a mortgage which is cheaper than rent. My mortgage is about 500ish a month and I only spend about 80 a month on gas because my job is 5 minutes away from my house. You have to be kind of intelligent to be successfully poor now a days and sorry the kind of girls who do sex work aren’t.

No. 1750569

Samefag also by intelligent you need to understand how to buy food in bulk or shop at dollar stores. Most people complain about food expenses because they’re dumb as shit buying fruit loops and candies.

No. 1750571

A house requires down payment + credit checks which a lot of people aren't willing to just hand out willy nilly especially to someone who needs an onlyfans to scrape by. There's a lot you're not telling, as you likely had a co signer or your parents paid your down payment or it's a shitty house that needs a lot more done in work

>I only live 5 minutes away

If someone were to down size and move to a rural area you're looking at least an hour drive. You just sound privileged or as other anons pointed out, there's a lot you're probably hiding just to continue the idea that women who get desperate for money are stupid and you're Albert Einstein over here

No. 1750572

A down payment for my house was 3k. If you can’t figure out how to get 3k I don’t even know lmao

No. 1750574

Gets expensive. If you have 20 dollars left after paying bills you can't exactly make a Costco run
>dollar store
Dollar store meals aren't filling and end up giving you tons of health problems which cost even more money

You claim you're extremely intelligent like a master financial advisor but are very vague with how you got a house, an example of a "cheap meal", and then call everyone who has different experiences stupid which in my experience, usually says youre more stupid and ignorant than anyone you're telling about.

No. 1750576

3k down payment + 500 mortgage? That house must be around 50k. Literally every single house I've seen like that is falling apart and needs like 25k worth of repairs

No. 1750578

Just looked at Zillow in the cheapest states in the country, even Gary Indiana (most dangerous part of the country) , the only homes that are 50k or less need multiple expensive repairs to even be livable. You actually don't know what you're talking about or are making up a lot about your situation to try to pat your own back for how ~smart~ you are unlike those stupid struggling women who just wanted expensive purses

No. 1750581

Adding to this + very little lenders would take a 6% down payment unless you live in a trailer park, but even then the cheapest trailer parks now require lot rent which is like 200-300. So it would still be like 800-900 a month. You'd also have to pay multiple other bills like home insurance, property tax, garbage, etc if you truly did own a home like you claim

No. 1750583

Nona forgot to mention she bought in 1972.

No. 1750585

My house was like 90k and went down to 70k after the final inspection. My mortgage isn’t that high because I pay my taxes myself instead of using escrow. Maybe this is why whores struggle to live because you’re too dumb to even try.

No. 1750588

Sage for samefag but closing cost would also be included as well which even for cheap homes can be like 4k. But you clearly are lying your ass off about owning a home so you wouldn't know

No. 1750589

>dollar store meals aren’t filling

Buy pasta noddles, canned vegetables, canned tomato’s sauces and then go get your meats from a butcher or costco club or some shit. It’s not that hard unless you have like 8 kids. Single women with no kids winning out here.

No. 1750590

3k down payment on a 70k home with no closing cost, and 500 a month in mortgage that's not how it works, unless you somehow got a 60-80 yr mortgage (doesnt exist)? Is it that hard for you to stop lying for 5 seconds ? Is it that important to demand everyone call struggling OF girl stupid you'd rather look like a raging fucking moron and liar yourself?

No. 1750591

I felt bad for laundry anon having a bunch of ruthless retards come after her, she really didn’t need to try to explain herself they wouldn’t have changed their opinion no matter what she said

No. 1750593

>Just make pasta and get $5 chicken from Costco!! (Ignore the 60 yearly club membership)
You will literally eat dog poop before admitting there's something wrong with the economy

No. 1750595

My loan is 75,400 and I’m at a 30 year 6.875% interest rate. I obviously am not lying since I’m the one with a house and not you lol renter

No. 1750596

Anons give shit tier advices for anyone struggling and would rather tard out on struggling people than to admit something in the economy needs to change. I can think of a whole montage of shit tier advices lolcow anons have said, from mocking a stripper/gogo dancer who was happy to pay for her sisters insulin, to telling a struggling mom to just go into credit card debt, to telling another anon spending thousands a semester to learn a new skill is better than just taking a way cheaper class because a cheaper and shorter class is "retarded instant gratification". Another anon was middle eastern and lived in a racist area and therefore had trouble keeping a job and anons butchered her for "being so stupid and a shit person she gets fired everywhere" instead of admitting the work at will laws are shit even though a common complain American farmers have is getting fired everywhere

No. 1750597

Then who paid to make your house livable? The closing cost? What about taxes, sewage, insurance, etc? What lender would accept a 3k down payment for a fixer upper especially since buying those homes you typically need to prove you can fix up the home financially?

No. 1750598

File: 1699060007570.jpeg (168.19 KB, 730x838, 5552F03D-B88A-4126-AF5D-995653…)

I got this big thing of ground beef and this will last me about 7 months and it was 40 dollars. Just try harder. It’s not that hard to feed yourself as a single person.

No. 1750599

The only thing I had to fix was the floors. I live in a lower middle class neighborhood but most young people are delusional and want 6 bed room mansions in the best parts of town. My house is a small one floor with two bed rooms.

No. 1750601

File: 1699060232409.png (1.97 MB, 1200x900, 1.png)

Speaking of laundry picrel is cool and however disagrees is a stuck up retard and unironically everything wrong with the world.

No. 1750603

I just realized that the censored out part is a cat kek

No. 1750605

they took off 20k just for the floors after inspection and didn't require any further paper work to ensure you can financially take care of repairs? also what lender company that accepts low income homes has that specific of an interest rate? it seems like you just googled cheap options in your area and then just assumed that was how it actually goes. anything to make yourself seem the ~smartest~ even though you're too fucking stupid to figure out how to make more than 20 an hour and assume struggling people are just hypebeasts who want mansions

No. 1750606

I respect my cats privacy

No. 1750609

great unless you live in a place that rains a lot then its mildew galore

No. 1750611

It only costed me 4k to fix the floors lol this is why sex workers turn to stuff like sucking old man or is because you don’t try. You don’t even try to get the loan or even try to find the house you just pick the last option which is sucking sick and flashing tits. Why not fucking try first?

No. 1750612

Okay, that is a fair argument against it, but people who say it's ugly and looks poor should eat shit.

No. 1750614

Nta but this isn’t even possible in most places. I live in a Midwest town, not in an expensive area at all and anything decent is at LEAST 200k, usually those also have infrastructure issues like the roof is falling apart or the basement flooded and smells like death. It’s insane how shit they are and no I’m not some picky person who wants a McMansion. Any of the ones in that 200-300k range that seem decent are snatched up with crazy cash offers over asking. It’s demoralizing to even look because the house is sold before you get a chance to check it out with a realtor.

No. 1750615

this. knew a girl in school whose parents did this and she smelled so strongly of mildew it would give me headaches, her whole family mustve gone noseblind to it.
t. lives in a super humid area

No. 1750617

Then move.
>inb4 wahhh I can’t move

I’ve moved states 3 times in my life. Suck it up.

No. 1750620

>took of 20k via inspection that apparently only needed new floors
>new floors only costing 4k
>continues to berate women for "flashing tits" even after you beat around the bush when people question you about other home costs

No. 1750621

This bitch is lying like shit kekkkk. I can't even be mad this is funny

No. 1750622

Samefag also go to places dealing with white flight. People giving up good houses because they don’t wanna be near black people.

No. 1750623

you make less than 20 an hour, live on your own, was easily able to drop thousands for an inspection, downpayment, home repairs and possibly even thousands of more for moving costs?

No. 1750625

yeah. I know people who live very minimally or even live in income apartments/literally ZERO extra spending who would have to go in debt if they have to get like a 800 dollar car repair, I doubt she was able to pay thousands on multiple occasions unless she previously lived with her parents and was able to save that way.

No. 1750627

an anon in "bumfuck mississippi" one of the blackest states even thought you were lying, shut up

No. 1750629

File: 1699061300168.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 1284x1920, B70598D2-D31C-4EC6-81F1-397DD4…)

I literally have proof of me paying on my floors. Why don’t you want to try and you just want to use being a woman as an excuse to be a lazy whore?

No. 1750631

>thousands on an inspection
The inspection comes included during the closing stage. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

No. 1750632

no ones saying you're lying about everything, just that you're likely hiding various things like if your parents paid/co signed, the lending situation, etc. sending ~proof~ of your purchases doesn't prove much

No. 1750633

I said places dealing with white flight. Not places that are already shit holes.

No. 1750634

you beat around the bush multiple times when people asked about the closing

No. 1750635

Kek no we can’t all move to the middle of fucking nowhere just to get cheap shitty housing, that’s a dumb argument. Most jobs and opportunities are in cities. If you can’t see the bigger picture that’s your own fault.

No. 1750636

she'd rather jump through hoops to praise herself for being a genius and sperg about camgirls being idiots if they have to use it as last resort for money

No. 1750638

I don’t live in the middle of no where. Yea the majority of the houses I saw were shit holes but I tried until I found a good one. I didn’t go right into selling my asshole at 20. You never know…. Some people might have a elderly family member who died and just wants the house off their hands ASAP but you never know if you just sat on your ass and said it’s impossible.

No. 1750639

>goes in debt for shitty house in the ghetto and has to eat cheap shitty food every night and has a dead end job that wont pay her more than peanuts

No. 1750641

And sex workers do that but also have to give up their dignity

No. 1750645

this sperg has been on this thread shitting on prostitutes for almost a month, she's fucking insane

No. 1750651

you're not any better than them dumbass, at least a lot of whores are able to further their education. you're completely stuck, if you get sick or something you're fucked, if you need to further your education you're fucked, you're all on the same boat, you are just delusional, lying need to go outside, but I guess wiping old peoples asses in the ghetto doesn't allow for that

No. 1750653

I am better because I don’t have to suck cock. Being a sex worker is the scrote equivalent of being a sound cloud rapper. They all think they’re going to be some big hit but would’ve made more money just working at the mall or red lobster.

No. 1750654

Striking for higher wages doesn’t make any sense to me. They’ll just hire people who will work for lesser pay if you decide to quit.

No. 1750655

Samefag also you’re making fun of cnas for “wiping ass” but many cnas get their education paid for by their job and they don’t have to suck old sick for it. Stay mad lazy.

No. 1750660

before you respond to jack the ripper anon remember
>she hates prostitutes because she blames them for prostitution existing
>she thinks prostitutes are to blame for sex trafficking, not moids
>she puts all the blame on women, never men
>she thinks all prostitutes are rich white girls from first world countries who can just quit and get a normal job
>when given proven facts about how 98% of prostitutes want to quit, suffer ptsd on the same level as war vetarans and are csa victims she dismisses them
she's crazy, don't respond

No. 1750661

As the other anon said, majority of it isn't retarded young women who didn't want to work, a lot of them literally are CNAs and such. An anon even gave an example of multiple Sex workers here who had extremely specific situations that required lots of money in a short amount of time/making their own schedule. Shouldn't your big ol Einstein brain be able to see majority of women aren't just being lazy whores ? Since you're so good at math why don't you make budgets for all the retarded sex workers who need to pay for their families medication and such?

No. 1750662

If they’re a cna and have to do sex work they need better spending habits. I’ve worked with cnas and most of them waste money on their hair and nails but can’t even feed they’re kids. Stupidity is why broke people turn to sex work.

No. 1750664

Also I’ve never met a sex worker is is doing sex work for their poor old grandma who has cancer lol like not once in my life.

No. 1750665

I knew multiple CNAs who made onlyfans kek. One of my closest CNA friends quit her job to do stripping full time because she made more money and it was safer since patients were constantly beating her and nothing was done

No. 1750667

I don't think you've met a lot of people in general. An anon a few years ago said she started stripping to pay for her sisters insulin (can be literally thousands a month in America) ofc people who have hate boners for sex workers started laughing at and mocking her but you don't seem to be bothered educating your Einstein brain anyway

No. 1750668

Ok that’s fine but don’t say it’s because she doesn’t have other options. Being a whore is just easier. Don’t give the sob story that she’s doing it to take care of her family or she can’t find work like most people do lol I can respect someone saying flashing pussy is just easier

No. 1750673

Her sister can’t get Medicare?

No. 1750676

Medicare typically only pays for old people and extremely disabled people. Her sister was likely a child and even then it sometimes takes months to get through the approval process and she can't just let her die in the meantime

No. 1750679

I can only speak for the few people I know but all sex workers I know will happily wipe ass or pick up turds off the side walk if it had a similar pay/job security as sex work does

Personally I knew 4 strippers, 2 were women running from abusive situations, one of them actually had cancer, and I'm not sure why the 4th one did but I do know she's like dirt dirt poor

No. 1750680

Her little sister can’t get Medicaid?My little sister doesn’t have any disabilities and got Medicaid within the same months sorry i don’t buy someone selling ass for a kid with diabetes lmao

No. 1750681

Don't be stupid. You know damn well having diabetes won't qualify for disabled enough to get Medicare

No. 1750682

Why don't you go to trafficking shelters and tell all those women how stupid they are then?

No. 1750683

I’m not talking about traffic victims and you know that lol

No. 1750685

you should stop responding to the baiter, you can give her analitics with proof about how prostitutes arent all evil white girls who just want to afford expensive purses and she will still shit on them. It's been proven she's a tradtoth that hates prostitutes for having sex out of wedlock

No. 1750687

Sex workers come in all shapes, sizes and races. All lazy unless they were put there by force.

No. 1750688

Her boyfriend probably cheated with a camgirl or something

No. 1750689

kek wouldn't surprise me. She has a very irrational hatred towards towards prostitutes to the point it's scary how little empathy she has, that's why i call her jack the ripper chan.

No. 1750690

idk this seems normal. Even acknowledging that she needs therapy to work through her emotions is better than a lot of mothers, who will just try to control their kids forever without ever acknowledging that they're in the wrong. If I'm missing context and this person is a cow then disregard lol

No. 1750692

>jack ripper
>Jackie ripper Chan

No. 1750693

I don’t have empathy for lazy people. I also don’t have empathy for drug addicts and the homeless. It must be because I’m jealous of them.

No. 1750695

Samefag also what is it with sex workers thinking people who don’t like them are jealous? Men pay toothless elderly women with meth scars all over their face for sex it’s not hard to find someone to buy pussy. Wtf is there to be jealous of?

No. 1750696

Camgirls? Yeah probably lazy kek. Regardless of your opinion on sex work someone who's capable of dancing on a pole in 8+ inch heels is NOT lazy, neither are any other prostitutes that require hours on end of extreme physical activity like erotic masseuses. There's probably other issues but lazyness is a wrong description

No. 1750697

maybe if instead of reeeing at prostitutes for hours on end on lc you got another ass wiping job you could afford to eat proper food for once. You have been at this for almost a month, time is money in your case.

No. 1750699

Kek I took a pole dancing class for a bachelorette party that was like less than an hour, I wasn't even wearing heels and my arms and legs were ripped up after. I'm personally neutral about strippers but anyone who's capable of doing that for 8+ hours a day is NOT lazy

No. 1750700

No. 1750701

AI art can be considered kitsch

No. 1750702

If you think cooking from scratch and eating fresh produce is eating shitty this is why you can’t afford a house. You’re the type of fatty who goes to the store and buys nothing but Trader Joe’s cookie butter and frozen meals then complains about the food prices being high.

No. 1750705

Fresh produce where? Your best advice was canned food and ultra processed meats dumbass

No. 1750708

File: 1699064794621.png (407.67 KB, 1920x1280, lo-que-tenes-que-saber-de-un-t…)

i dont live in america, in my country we have actual meat for dirt cheap. >>1750598 this is puke inducing. I have this every weekend. Cope ameritard, go eat your pre-paked mystery meat in tubes kekekeke.

No. 1750709

>Avocado toast is the reason why millennials can't afford a house

No. 1750710

Are canned vegetables and baked chicken bad for you? It’s better than the star bucks and the McDonald’s you shove down your fat throat everyday I bet.

No. 1750713

File: 1699064983991.jpg (3.85 KB, 226x223, 6546545.jpg)

why are you all like this? this is your one life. pls anons…

No. 1750715

do americans only have canned food or mcdonalds? no wonder everyone is fat and depressed there, i would kill myself if those were my only options

No. 1750716

It's all about trade off. Some women would rather post butthole pics if it means they can afford groceries that aren't trash, a house that isn't infested with mold and radon and education for a career that doesn't require them to get poop flinged at them by old people. It doesn't make them stupid, or you a genius. Some people are just more desperate to improve their life

No. 1750717

Call me back when your moids let you leave the house without beating you to death

No. 1750718

I wasn't even the anon you replied to kek. Why'd you get so triggered I pointed out your contradiction

No. 1750719

NTAYRT, but are you that anon who hates "thirdies"?

No. 1750721

File: 1699065208112.gif (4.82 MB, 498x498, hampster.gif)

No. 1750722

The 1% of sex workers who live decent are rare. Most sex workers are crack heads or just middle class who are doing sex work for attention aka shayna types.

No. 1750723

american education be like ''everything outside the border must be africa''

No. 1750724

Nurses and CNAs get beat more by moids than strippers do. They are literally protesting for workers right for that reason. At least if a stripper gets hurt by a moid the mood is kicked out and arrested, nurses literally have to take discipline training if they get beat or block the patient beating them

No. 1750725

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>boluda fighting with a burguer
I don't know what side to be on…

No. 1750726

>Nurses and CNAs get beat more by moids than strippers do
NTAYRT, but could you provide a source for that?

No. 1750727

I was speaking specifically about strippers or independent sex workers. Majority of them I know live pretty good

No. 1750728

I’m not a cna or a nurse but they are the ones taking care of women dying with cancer or other diseases. What are sex workers doing? Having sex with those sick womens husbands as they die in a hospice care?

No. 1750730

imagine siding with the burger that thinks prostitutes are all priviliged white girls who are to blame for sex trafficking

No. 1750731

I hope you aren't the argentinian anon who always cries in the vent thread over not being born in america.

No. 1750732

Just ask around. If you ask a stripper if a moid ever beat her she will likely say no or if yes then the moid has faced consequences. If you ask a nurse if a moid has beaten her she can name multiple times patients have attacked her or even worse, she was fired for a patient attacking her

No. 1750733

there is a surprising high amount of anons from argentina

No. 1750734

>the nurse taking care of sick and dying women
>the sex worker fucking her husband while she lays dying

No. 1750735

You missed the point completely. Also love how you refuse to blame the moid for seeing strippers when their wife is dying and instead shit on women for picking a job where they don't get beat by old people

No. 1750738

You can talk shit about nurses but they are being productive. Strippers just think they’re bad bitches by encouraging cheating men.

No. 1750739

File: 1699065730742.png (152.75 KB, 720x1073, Screenshot_20231103-214117.png)

The amount of overlap between medical professionals and strippers is actually shocking. It's not uncommon to see women who became strippers to pay for nursing school, there's even running jokes on tiktok of RNs who admitted to stripping in the past. Are they evil and lazy as well?

No. 1750741

be honest did your boyfriend cheat with a prostitute?

No. 1750742

I hope ex stripper nurses let you die

No. 1750743

>you think sex workers are lazy because your bf

I know sex workers find this hard to believe but not every thought a woman has revolves around men.

No. 1750744

Would you fuck a man for money if you knew he's using you to replace his dying wife?

No. 1750745

Of course she would if he paid her enough. That’s what hoes do.

No. 1750746

I know that a patient can get excused for attacking or sexually harrasing a nurse if they are senile or mentally ill. You can report it but it's unlikely that the hospital or home will kick out the patient for it. Many cases of men with dementia groping nurses for example.

No. 1750749

you seem to direct your hatred towards the women, never the cheating whore of a man

No. 1750750

Why can’t I hate them both?

No. 1750751

Then why do you keep deliberately ignoring people pointing out hours of dancing that requires a lot of strength isn't "lazy" and then going blank when multiple people have pointed out strippers later becoming nurses is quite common?

No. 1750752

Y'all pathetic for resorting to SW instead of flipping burgers and literally any women is 1000x better than y'all by choosing any other career path, I hope you know that, don't ever forget it

No. 1750753

you dont seem to hate both, specially since i doubt most prostitutes care enough to build a relationship with their clients to know they are married

No. 1750755

Use your strength to get a real job then. Be a welder or something.

No. 1750758

>y'all x2
as always, i'm tickled

No. 1750759

>everyone that doesnt have an irrational jack the ripper tier hatred towards prostitutes must be one!!!
clam down schizo, you could be using this time to get a part time job or do a hobby or something fulfilling but you come here to waste your time sperging

No. 1750764

Exactly. All sex workers need to understand that all women can get money from the objectification of womens bodies but we are better than them because we don’t!

No. 1750765

This + strip clubs have multiple security. I knew strip clubs where they literally weren't even allowed to touch the girls and men were kicked out even if they touched girls legs

No. 1750766

your samefagging is super obvious sperg

No. 1750767

Sex workers don't care and many of them keep their shit secret

No. 1750769

I’ve seen plenty of sex workers talking down to women who are broke and don’t fuck for money.

No. 1750770

I personally wouldn't do sex work, but damn you really sound like a twitterfag right now.

No. 1750771

>source:it manifested to me in a dream

No. 1750772

>It doesn't make them stupid
Yes it does, it also makes all women look like prostitutes and whores who can be bought and sold, pathetically. It also encourages and normalized women being raped for money. The libfemlites here defending prostitution is incredibly bleak. I would hope prostitutes earn enough humiliated money to abstain from suicide at the very least. You'd have to have the highest level of cope to tolerate being a prostitute. suicide fuel.

No. 1750773

Why are there so many anons playing captain save-a-hoe? If they lurked /snow/ they would know them sex workers won't spit on other woman if she was on fire kek

No. 1750774

So literally every single "lazy" comment was voided and then what? Even if all strippers became mechanics are welders en masse their incomes would probably half, it's more dangerous and sex harassment would increase. If you think strippers are bad for entertaining married men wait until your blue collar husband is now surrounded by loose moralled pretty fit ex strippers kek

No. 1750775

>>/snow/ camgirls represent the average sex worker

No. 1750778

>using /snow/ as reference for the world in general

No. 1750779

98% of prostitutes want to quit, but you dont care about facts only about what /snow/ BPD chans are doing

No. 1750781

No? If anything I have seen the opposite. I knew multiple sex workers that excluded other workers they knew that actually fucked for money

No. 1750783

Didn't the "sex workers are stupid whores" take argument happen in the last unpopular opinions thread?

No. 1750784

Excuses excuses excuses

No. 1750785

>Yes it does, it also makes all women look like prostitutes and whores who can be bought and sold
I always thought about this but guess I'll get my ass obliterated for saying it. Defending prostitution is wild as hell, they even using twitterfag arguments
>Did a prostitute fuck your bf???
Come the fuck on, embarrassing

No. 1750786

Why are anons calling prostitution "sex work" as if being raped for money is viable work like this is tumblr? kek

No. 1750787

its been happing for a few weeks the sperg refuses to let it die, i am dying to know the real reason why she hates them so irrationaly

No. 1750788

I can understand why a girl from lolcow would defend sex work because most weeaboo women end up in sex work because it’s glorified in anime etc

No. 1750789

a hit dog hollers, fucking losers

No. 1750790

KEK what the fuck, what kind of drugs are you on

No. 1750792

What does that even mean?

No. 1750793

She's literally right

No. 1750794

No. 1750795

It’s true. Look at most of the weeaboos cows who end up going to japan. Most of them have ended up in sex work because it’s glamorized in gyaru, idol culture and anime.

No. 1750796

Nta but I think it's likely because a lot of anons are referring to strippers, cam girls, etc who don't actually have sex for money. Sex workers is just the correct and easy term to use for it

No. 1750797

how are you right? literally no one here is a prostitute, you are on some kind of retarded delussion than anyone who doesnt agree with you is a whore

No. 1750798

Do you mean stuff like hostess clubs? I don't think that's a strong factor

No. 1750800

This reminds me of when incels scream "cope" at the most unrelated things, typically when people prove them wrong

No. 1750801

what are you talking about most anime dont even have kiss scenes because the japanese are prudes

No. 1750802

Per lolcow tradition, this discussion has to happen at least once a week.

No. 1750803

Stuff like soap lands etc. in most Japanese fashion subcultures sex work and the fashion go hand and hand because it’s hard for girls that young to afford those expensive clothes without a sugar daddy. I think weeaboos get pulled into sex work that way.

No. 1750806

You gotta be a newfag to not understand what she's saying

No. 1750807

The majority of prostitutes are uneducated, they start stripping because they couldn’t get into college or didn’t want to and now they have no other option but to suck dick until they’re too “old” at 30 and have to go work in a grocery store

No. 1750808

Mob mentality on lolcow is real.i once seen anons gang up on an anon for saying loli is child p0rn just because a few other anons were pro loli first

No. 1750809

stop samefagging please, it's supper obvious

No. 1750812

literally where? loli being cp is the most commonly shared and agreed upon stance on lc

No. 1750814

why censor the word porn like we're on tiktok

No. 1750815

Prostitutes =\= strippers
Also a good chunk of strippers already have a college degree, another big chunk are still in college. It's actually sort of unusual to see a stripper with no further education than HS

No. 1750816

When did she say any of that? I just saw her call them dumb pickmes who don’t have morals which is true

No. 1750817

The person who accuses people of samefagging I’d always the same fagger. It’s like a person who farts and blames everyone else in the room.

No. 1750818

File: 1699067583045.gif (456.87 KB, 160x146, 1605561652649.gif)

Man, this thread seems to attract the biggest spergs. You could be saying the most innocent, nonconflicting things, and they will turn it into a massive, 137+ post argument about why you're a tard, why you're a bitch, why you're untalented, why they're better than you and everyone that agrees with you, and why it's you that's the schizo, and why the thread going to shit is somehow your fault. It reeks of how twitterfags socialize with each other: acting like complete fucking monkeys with the temperament of pitbulls and slinging shit at each other, unable to converse their points without throwing an insult at you with every post, but calling you "reactionary and whiny" as soon as you tell them to fuck off and breathe. The user immigration from Tumblr, Twitter, and Lipstick Alley all have one thing in common: shitting up this site.

No. 1750819

It was years ago in an unpopular opinion thread. I'm sure you can probably Google the "anti loli anon" and see anons flipping out on them
The full word makes me feel gross just saying it

No. 1750820

Most strippers are also into prostitution because stripping alone doesn’t make as much money as it used too. Most strippers use the strip club to find tricks and have pimps too.

No. 1750821

No. 1750822

Can you find a source on this?

No. 1750823

5 years ago this site also allowed men, there you go

No. 1750825

Probably, but the thread shows how badly anons can fall for mob mentality

No. 1750826

>Did a prostitute fuck your bf???
What happened to this site lol? Posts like this would be laughed out the door yesteryear. Wtf is happening is this an invasion from libfem tumblr and stan twitter? Tfw when lesbian who's anti prostitution then the intrasexual competition and catty female competition for rapist males kicks in. Extremely pathetic.

>wait until your blue collar husband is now surrounded by loose moralled pretty fit ex strippers kek
It's not all about males and you fucking them, catty intrasexual competition anon. It's possible to call prostitution pathetic and disgusting without appealing to other irrational intrasexual fears smooth brain. The remainder of posts defending womens idiotic decision to whore themselves out is beyond bleak. There's no amount of money that can buy self respect and dignity.

No. 1750830

are you really using a post from 5 years ago? most oldfags left a while ago anon, they are not the same

No. 1750831

They could pick up more shifts or work in a gas station or something, not subserviently worshipping men

I haven’t either, they all want to be perceived as attractive and they think being bought is proof of beauty when really men will buy anyone. They’re vapid sexdolls who speak at a 5th grade level and can’t accomplish anything other than spreading their legs on a stage in front of predator losers

No. 1750833

I seriously don't understand what's going on, who are all these people acting like other women are jealous of sex workers?? Like??

No. 1750835

Uhh no Medicare/Medicaid is for poor people, not just old and disabled people

No. 1750836

The only time fucking for money is a flex is if you can manage to find a guy you really love and are attracted to to pay your way. I realized long ago there’s no man I’d want who is going to support my life so I’d rather work at Burger King. If you can be a sex worker for clients that you find attractive then good for you.

No. 1750837

literally no one said that, jack the ripper chan invented the narrative because she was realizing ''oops maybe larping as le hecking based man hating feminist blaming women for men cheating on their dying wife is a bet telling, better pretend they are accusing me of being jealous!''

No. 1750839

>a guy you really love

No. 1750840

>if it had a similar pay/job security as sex work does
>I do know she's like dirt dirt poor

No. 1750842

What the fuck are you even talking about

No. 1750843

I guess fucking old farts for 10$ would be better, uh? Dumbass

No. 1750844

here >>1750728 and >>1750738 but then i am a ''twitter libfem'' for calling out an obvious pickem tradtoth anon

No. 1750845

>It's been proven she's a tradtoth that hates prostitutes for having sex out of wedlock
None of the anons mocking prostitutes have ever said anything like that kek. Criticizing them for happily selling themselves to married men is one thing, prostitutes are always gleeful and smug about that and every single “sex worker” I’ve ever encountered online or irl has openly bragged about it

No. 1750846

how do you explain >>1750844 then?

No. 1750847

She's literally right. Cope

No. 1750850

yeah its totes the prostitute's fault men cheat on their wife, not the gross moid who would have cheated on his wife regardless

No. 1750852

Literally, men fuck animals dead or alive, corpses, elderly people, morbidly obese people, retarded people, inanimate objects. No one on earth is jealous of prostitutes, they aren’t as attractive as they think they are and men fucking them isn’t evidence that they’re attractive in any way

No. 1750853

Would it kill you to have some accountability for fucking once? Stop talking about moids and analyze your horrid behavior towards other women, why would you fuck a man if you knew his wife is dying?

No. 1750854

where did anyone say anon is jealous of prostitutes?

No. 1750855

Who cares about prostitutes bragging about fucking married men? I mean it's lame because it's nothing to brag about, they are having sex with trash (well they are having sex with trash anyway). But also, so what, it isn't really them ruining the marriage.

No. 1750856

Because the meat has parasites

No. 1750857

why should the prostitute, whose job is literally to fuck heinous men, have to feel accountable for the moid decision to cheat on his wife? if not with a prostitute he would have cheated with a random tinder hook up, is it the tinder hook up girl's fault too?

No. 1750858

NTAYRT, and I don't hate all prostitutes/strippers/whatever, but if you fuck a married man for cash and basically help ruin the marriage, I don't think you can talk about how much "better" it is to be a stripper than anything else when morally, you already sank low.

No. 1750859

There are other things they can do for money though that don’t include bowing down to men and serving them sexually. They would make more money as a barista.

No. 1750862

If you're aware of the circumstances and still take the money, you're definitely trash

No. 1750864

most prostitutes already probably think they are the scum of the earth i doubt they care, but still, it's not their fault. a man who cheats is going to do it with a prostitute, a friend, a tinder hook up, whoever. it's his fault and his fault alone that he's a cheating bastard.

No. 1750865

Yep the average prostitute makes pennies, strippers and cam girls would typically make more flipping burgers. The escorts and sugar babies who actually make a living are rare and even they usually end up dead or addicted to drugs with ptsd

No. 1750866

it's the man's fault, that's her job and like you said most prostites are addicts and not mentally stable

No. 1750867

No. 1750868

I know but like, it is an argentinean on the other side

No. 1750869

It takes two to tango

No. 1750870

File: 1699069118814.jpeg (2.88 MB, 1284x1468, F53B34F5-1EB9-4F41-9730-F31628…)

In situations like Stephen Hawkings mistress I think him cheating was more her fault than his. He can’t speak or move so the cheating was majority on her lol it’s not like he could win her own with his charm because he can’t talk. In his case I don’t blame him for cheating.

No. 1750871

People often try to make it seem like they’re doing better than they are, strippers always try to make it seem like they’re living a glamorous lifestyle because they think it will trick others into thinking that they’re attractive and seductive when they’re actually just like miss shatna

No. 1750873

>Who cares about prostitutes bragging about fucking married men?
Because it's pickme behavior, retard, if they fucked married men and stfu about it nobody would be mad but yet they gotta flex because they're pickmes after all
I'm not the same anon, plus this >>1750869, you're morally bankrupt if you think some dollars are worth participating into something that vile

No. 1750875

it doesnt matter, still the moid's fault, he's the one in the relationship. i do get it in the case of a close friend, but a prostitute doesnt know the girl and probably doesnt give a shit about whatever the gross moid shes paid to fuck is married or not.

No. 1750876

This scenario is so weird lol, who hears about a man hiring prostitutes while his wife is on her death bed and fixates on the prostitute not denying him, instead of on him being a massive piece of shit.

No. 1750877

kinda crazy how even potatoes manage to cheat. i know it takes two to tango but jfc a cheating moid will always find a way even if he is a potato

No. 1750878

oh it's a deranged blackpilled type. makes sense.

No. 1750879

>I dont blame a scrote for cheating

No. 1750880

where do you know so many prostitutes to get all this totally not biased information on how prostitutes behave?

No. 1750881

No one thinks ~all prostitutes are privileged~ but we keep reiterating that we are only criticizing the ones who are, and we are not criticizing the ones who are trafficking victims. Get it through your thick skull.

No. 1750882

isnt that the moid that got accused of sexually harassing his nurse? yeah totally the perfect example of how men are never at fault at anything kek

No. 1750883

They literally promote themselves and their dumbass takes at every site available, if you didn't notice already

No. 1750885

Yeah and he still managed to find a pick me willing to throw herself at him even tho he can’t move or talk

No. 1750887

no, i literally dont. i dont know a single prostitute, all i know about prostitutes is verifiable information about how 98% want to quit, how they suffer from ptsd on the same level as war veterans and how most of them were sexually abused prior to becoming prostis.

No. 1750888

Women who sell themselves to married men are also at fault, as evidenced by how often they boast about it and “taking his children’s college fund”

> and instead shit on women for picking a job where they don't get beat by old people

That’s just silly, there’s an endless amount of jobs where you won’t end up hit by men and prostitution is one of the most dangerous industries where men pay to be able to hurt women while fucking them and a lot of prostitutes end up dead. Haven’t you ever heard men joke about dead hookers and strippers?

No. 1750889

why are you calling her a pickme, how do you know he didnt sexually harass her too? its funny how you always jump to blame the woman, never the gross man who despite being a potato still had way more power and money over her than your average man

No. 1750890

They need to ptsd their way into a job fair and fill out an application then

No. 1750891

He literally can’t move just leave the house lol

No. 1750892

le hecking based comeback, such a feminist

No. 1750893

but he can sexually harass his nurses just fine

No. 1750895

People with personality disorders flock to the medical industry. Nursing is one of the easiest degrees to obtain and narcissistic losers love that field because they’ll be perceived in a positive light. It doesn’t surprise me that a lot of nurses used to be hookers, that actually explains why they’re all such thunder cunts

No. 1750896

Stop using ptsd as an excuse to be loser. We all have ptsd.

No. 1750897

no, i dont. you are just a mental case.

No. 1750898

>it's his fault and his fault alone
Again, two to tango, get some accountability
Cool, those statistics are from third world countries were women actually don't got no options left. Fuck off
Are you trolling?

No. 1750902

>those statistics are from third world countries were women actually don't got no options left
no they are not

No. 1750903

I just continue to not understand why I should care so much that prostitutes fuck married men. Is it immoral because the cheating would cause the wife emotional distress? Maybe, but it's farfetched to think she refusing the moid would actually stop him from cheating cause there are other ways. If she does refuse him, is she morally correct?

No. 1750905

they are just looking at excuses to justify their hatred, since saying they are lazy white rich girl grifters has been proven false now they are trying to say imply they are terrible women are at fault for men cheating on their dying wifes

No. 1750910

Yeah it doesn’t really matter if he cheats on you with a virgin who’s never seen a man before or the literal Whore of Babylon, it’s his choice to cheat. A woman can’t force a man to fuck her outside of some very contrived circumstances. It’s up to the man to say no.

No. 1750913

>Even if all strippers became mechanics are welders en masse their incomes would probably half, it's more dangerous
They would make significantly more, don’t play dumb. They can only sell themselves for a limited amount of time anyway. Prostitution is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, any trade would be safer.

>and sex harassment would increase

Prostitutes don’t experience sexual harassment? Really? Women who work normal jobs experience more sexual harassment than women who exist as holes to be bought and used?

>If you think strippers are bad for entertaining married men wait until your blue collar husband is now surrounded by loose moralled pretty fit ex strippers kek

There it is, prostitutes are alll about “stealing men” that’s what their entire life revolves around. You’re not pretty or fit, strippers come in all shapes and sizes and the ugly hooker stereotype exists for a reason, pretty women can get men to marry them and find their lifestyle while plain dumpy women have to degrade themselves to strangers for pennies

No. 1750914

Asian and black girls can be sex workers too and they’re lazy as well

No. 1750916

>Is it immoral because the cheating would cause the wife emotional distress? Maybe

No. 1750917

I really don’t even know how strippers make money post Covid without giving a happy ending. I went to a strip club to see what it was like and two dudes were there on a Saturday night at 12am.

No. 1750918

Because there’s been an influx of new users, and evidently many of them are libfem pickme ass whores

No. 1750919

>There it is, prostitutes are alll about “stealing men” that’s what their entire life revolves around. You’re not pretty or fit, strippers come in all shapes and sizes and the ugly hooker stereotype exists for a reason, pretty women can get men to marry them and find their lifestyle while plain dumpy women have to degrade themselves to strangers for pennies
god make it less obvious you are a weird incel tradthot

No. 1750921

I know right? Like what the fuck kind of answer was that? Yes moids will cheat if they want to, but are anons really sitting in this circle and dying on the hill of saying it's okay for women to help men betray their wives? The hell??

No. 1750922

How am I either of those things? I was responding to what the dumb stripper said about “stealing blue collar husbands” because she’s a drooling pickme

No. 1750924

Nta but your wording is off and that's why she's calling you out. You keep talking about these sex workers being totally irresistible to random men like they wouldn't fuck a literal watermelon or a corpse

No. 1750925

how my poor lolcor has fallen, to defending moids who cheat

No. 1750927

Multiple anons have admitted to being strippers, cam girls, and hookers, that’s why they keep rabidly defending prostitutes and accusing anons of being jealous kek

No. 1750928

i am not the anon she was responding to, but it's very obvious she's an incel tradthot considering she's been defending moids who cheat and blaming the prostitutes instead of putting the blame solely on the cheater and the one in the relationship

No. 1750930

again, link me to where an anon said she's jealous of prositutes?

No. 1750931

I would immediately cut a friend if I knew they did some shit like that, their morals are nonexistent at that point they could easily do that shit to me if enough money is offered, hell no!

No. 1750932

I don’t really think prostitutes are about “stealing men” they’re about keeping customers kek

No. 1750933

But that's the problem though. Women aren't one day old idiots. They know they're helping men cheat on their wives, and that's not morally adjust even if you are getting paid.

No. 1750937

News flash, they don’t care about the wives. They’re not rubbing their hands together hunched over thinking I’m going to steal this man from his wife they’re concerned about how much money they’re going to make at the end of the day. It boils down to the man who seeks out prostitutes/sex employees. Him purposefully going out and breaking his vows is his own fault, not the prostitute who’s only there to do her job. How is she even supposed to know that he’s married kek? You think they run around screaming “Hey I’m married and fucking you” like maybe some scrotes do because that’s their perverse fetish but I don’t think that in the majority of situations it’s the prostitute trying to steal a guy away from his wife.

No. 1750938

>Is it immoral because the cheating would cause the wife emotional distress? Maybe
Yeah, that would be just kind of fucked up, just a little bit

No. 1750939

File: 1699071040379.jpeg (429.24 KB, 1170x952, IMG_0567.jpeg)

First of all the article you posted literally says that most strippers are privileged, isn’t that funny?

200 in the UK were interviewed, that doesn’t prove that strippers are all educated. In the US most prostitutes are dumb and uneducated. I shudder to think of these repulsive losers joining the workforce and socializing with normal people afterwards lol

No. 1750940

>they don't care about the wives
This only proves my point: women who do those actions aren't quite right in the head.

No. 1750941

>if you’re a vegan and choose to eat meat it’s the fault of the waiter who sold you the steak

No. 1750942

Idk man she didn’t swear to be faithful to you, the man did. Be mad at him.

No. 1750943

It's still fucked up that she would help a moid cheat. It's pretty low.

No. 1750944

Talk about female solidarity, uh?

No. 1750945

File: 1699071171121.jpeg (91.12 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_6955.jpeg)

Oh wow Einstein, big discovery. Prostitutes are mentally ill. Who fucking knew!

No. 1750946

Why do they have to care about some random woman they don’t know?

No. 1750947

She’s correct, stripping is considered a gateway to prostitution. A lot of prostitutes started as strippers or cam girls and then decided it wouldn’t be that bad to go one step further.

No. 1750948

>It’s fucked up that you would do whatever you possibly could to pay your bills
Yeah it’s almost as if a lot of these women don’t want to be having sex for money and just want to be able to survive.

No. 1750949

>News flash, they don’t care about the wives
Such honorable beings are they
>I'm sorry, I'm mentally ill!!

No. 1750950

Okay so I'm Einstein and the answer is simple: women who help men cheat shouldn't go around pretending that they're better than any other occupation because morally, their bar is pretty low.

No. 1750951

Just flip some burgers

No. 1750952

No, that's still fucked up. I would rather go work at Burger King.

No. 1750953

Well I guess in the spirit of female solidarity I don’t immediately blame the woman in the situation. Especially moid tier projection about ‘le evil seductresses’ when men seek these women out on purpose. But also yeah I don’t know how much female solidarity you’re expecting from a complete stranger with her own problems or a hooker who 90% of the time has bigger concerns.

No. 1750954

It's funny because hoes are already pretty much aware and unapologetically, publicly proud of their lack of morals, that anon didn't got the memo

No. 1750955

Love the implication that they need ‘help’ or other external influence to cheat.

No. 1750956

Uh who the hell said I thought it’s okay? I’ve never participated in sexual slavery for money but there are obviously women in the world who are, and that will never change.
Then go do that instead of crying about prostitutes
Who the hell said that being a prostitute is morally superior kek?When was that statement made? Does anyone wanna link it? Because I’m pretty sure we’ve all unanimously agreed that sex “work” is unacceptable.

No. 1750957

If my husband had sex with a sex worker and he gave my hiv I’m killing both of em

No. 1750958

Women who knowingly sleep with married people are in the wrong alongside the cheater, paid or not

No. 1750960

The problem with prostitutes is that they can’t even get hired at fast food joints that’s why they have to sell their asses. Try to keep up, kids.

No. 1750961

Honestly maybe admin was right and you are a bunch of sheltered privileged white girls.

No. 1750962

>But also yeah I don’t know how much female solidarity you’re expecting from a complete stranger with her own problems or a hooker who 90% of the time has bigger concerns
So…are you still expecting me to go rot for these lowlifes or what? Like, what's the point?

No. 1750963

It takes two. The man and the woman. He's at fault, and so is she.
It's still fucked up that a woman would help a man emotionally destroy is wife, regardless of what my job is. It is what it is.

No. 1750964

How would you expect the prostitute to be aware in every situation, though. Like do you expect the male to just be completely honest in every situation? Do you expect this employee to turn away another customer and just assume that he’s married because it’s “immoral”, the exact same way that prostitution itself is?

No. 1750965

I feel like it's obvious we're talking about the strippers or hookers that knowingly sleep with married men.

No. 1750966

I'm a thirdie, try again. I do feel bad for prostitutes in my country, fuck y'all tho

No. 1750967

>a woman would help a man emotionally destroy is wife
You’re saying this as if it’s some purposeful planned attack. How is the prostitute supposed to know if he is married kek. Like do you think moids are just honest every moment of the day? Because I’ve got really bad news for you if you do.

No. 1750968

No. 1750969

No one is saying cheating males aren’t in the wrong though, pay attention. I’ve seen comments calling cthe male cheating on his wife with prostitutes vile, disgusting, horrible etc. the point is that strippers and hookers love being bought by married men because it stokes their egos, and they always brag about it which shows that they’re just as bad as the cheater

No. 1750970

Well when the woman chooses to engage with a man she knows is married, and even has a family she's helping split apart, she isn't quite innocent. She may be doing this for money, but it doesn't change the moral of the action. It's wrong.

No. 1750972

But how are these random hookers and strippers supposed to know these men are married? That’s the question. Do you think the men are like ha I’m married and I wanna have some sex outside of my marriage the moment he pulls up to the strip club. How do you expect the stripper to know.

No. 1750973

You’re dancing around the question. How is this stripper working in a titty bar supposed to know that the random customer is married. Do you think she’s gonna stop and ask him like Wait are you married? I have an honor code..

No. 1750974

We're specifically talking about the ones that do know and do it anyway.

No. 1750975

No. 1750976

What do you mean by 'go rot' for them?

No. 1750977

I can read what you’re saying but you’re still not answering the question, how would these random sex slaves know that the men are married? You’re saying “Ugh we’re talking about the ones who do it with married men on purpose” but how would they know they’re married. You’re throwing accountability onto this woman who’s flirting with a man that she likely does not know and has never met before, solely for financial gain, when it’s really the males fault for seeking out sex in exchange for money to begin with.

No. 1750979

If they don't know, then they don't know and they aren't really at fault for a man lying to them. But if a "sex worker" knows she's going to be sleeping with a married family man and does it anyway, she's not very morally adjust, and should not believe she's any better than a supposed "BPD nurse".

No. 1750980

I’ve never defended men who cheat, quite the opposite. I’ve only said that prostitutes who brag about being bought by married men are just as bad as the men who buy them. And you can stop calling me a trad thot, I’m a lesbian. I just hate men and prostitution.

No. 1750981

Why is it wrong? If a man goes to a brothel with full intention of sleeping with a prostitute there, isn't he already splitting apart the family? He already doesn't care enough that he's willing to sleep with someone else.

No. 1750982

>why is it wrong
Because he's doing a bad thing to his family, and she's knowingly helping him.

No. 1750984

I feel like you’re getting really in your head with this whole narrative of
>Oh there are whole prostitutes who scheme to steal men from their wives and girlfriends because they’re disgusting bloodsucking whores
when in reality they’re just women who are looking to make a quick buck off the pornsick population of men. It’s a real Rube Goldberg machine scenario you’re imagining that these women somehow form entire bond with these men, find out they are married, and formulate a plan to get the men to leave their wives so that they can give them more money.

No. 1750986

no. it's fully the male's fault.

No. 1750987

He would do that regardless of one individual's reaction though. He already doesn't care, and he already fully intends to cheat. If every single woman in the brothel said 'no' to him he'd go to a different brothel. You're buying into moid externalization tactics that women are responsible for how men act.

No. 1750989

Look on any website with women involved in the sex industry, they brag about taking children’s college funds, say things like “are you jealous your husband is spending your paycheck on me?” And constant captions like “am I hotter than your wife” and that type of thing. I also used to be a nanny and on the nanny subreddit there’s an insane percentage of whores and sugar babies who worked as basically a live in prostitute for the father, I saw countless women talking about it and knew Nannies irl who did that and they always ruthlessly mocked the wife

No. 1750990

Ok but once again, how would she know? Are you expecting the man to be honest with her about this fact? In what situation would she have any idea, and even if she did, what responsibility does she owe to this random fucking woman? Prostitutes are not girlfriends, they’re women who are used as fleshlights for a few dollars. They’re concerned about paying their bills and maintaining their livelihood, not making some random woman happy.

No. 1750991

You sound like the other anon who thought prostitutes were as bad as pimps because some splenda babies were sassy to them on twitter.

No. 1750992

Or maybe it’s his fault for seeking out sex work to begin with. Not really that hard to understand.

No. 1750993

I dont think so. A man cheating on his wife and betraying the bond of his family is a bad thing. It's hurtful. So for a "sex worker" to knowingly do it, and even take pride in it, it's just wrong no matter how I look at it. The prostitute or stripper made the choice to help the man betray his wife. It isn't the stripper's relationship, but why is she meddling in it?

No. 1750994

Prostitutes aren't hunting down married moids to get money from. If anything I met more normie women who get off on fucking around with married men than hookers. Why do you think majority of men are having affairs with coworkerd, exes and friendsM

No. 1750995

How many prostitutes are bragging about being bought by married men though. How common is this amongst the entirety of women, really?

No. 1750996

A lot of men find strippers and hookers who look like their daughter as a fetish thing. Some men will ask hookers to roleplay daddy/daughter so the woman knows. That’s just one common example, but yes they generally know since it’s like their rallying call.

No. 1750998

It's both faults, and the conscious choice to sleep with married men is still a choice. And there are prostitutes who make the preference to become "side chicks" for married men.

No. 1750999

A lot of those onlyfans and stuff are ran by moids having those operations like Andrew Tate

No. 1751000

>Some men will ask hookers to roleplay daddy/daughter so the woman knows
How does having a woody allen fetish reveal that he’s married. This is the most delusional chain of responses I’ve received in a long while. Imagine being this hellbent on absconding men from accountability for their choices kek

No. 1751001

the man is fully to blame.

No. 1751002

But the stripper is not an idiot.

No. 1751004

>”side chicks” for married men
So they choose to accept another client who will give them money and put food in their mouths? Yeah, obviously. Doesn’t matter if he’s married to the same woman 40 years. She’s going to take his money because she needs it.

No. 1751005

Girl they brag about it online

No. 1751006

>so they choose to accept a client?
Yes. The moral of the action does not change, even when you feel desperate. You may feel forced to do terrible things to help yourself, but those terrible things remain terrible even if they had a reason.

No. 1751007

How can he assault her if he can’t move

No. 1751008

who cares

No. 1751009

No, the stripper isn’t an idiot. She’s definitely not an idiot because she’s accepting the money she’s being offered instead of pretending to suddenly be holier-than-thou the moment she comes across a customer who’s taken. If she’s desperate enough to sell her body to a single man, she’s desperate enough to sell it to a married man. You really sound like a sheltered little child right now, and it’s shriekingly tone deaf.

No. 1751010

Prostitution is immoral as it is, for the last time. Why would she suddenly be too good to have sex with a married man for money if she’s already down enough to have sex with a lonely coomer for money.

No. 1751011

Prostitutes can't really turn down paying clients unless it's some escort thing which is really not what most prostitution looks like. Idk, how much is the man to blame for fucking his friend's wife?
The absolute majority of them want to leave, what some sugar babies say to cope or advertise themselves doesn't change my opinion that prostitution is awful, that they should be able to leave, that it's not a moral failing on the part of the woman and that if all men were killed tomorrow there would be no need for it.

No. 1751012

Morals of actions don't change when desperate. She's still choosing to do a bad thing.

No. 1751013

There's a weird republican pull yourself up by the bootstraps attitude here that I really don't understand.

No. 1751014

Married men are more likely to buy sex and frequent strip clubs than unmarried men. Unmarried men can find a hookup on tinder or at a bar or something. Married men avoid getting caught by paying a woman. If he has an affair his wife might find out or his affair partner might get jealous and tell his wife or try to convince him to be with her. They buy sex to avoid all the drama.

No. 1751015

Provide a hefty amount of examples. Like, a significant amount. Enough for it to be a plight amongst young women. Then we’ll take it seriously. For now it’s just you seething over getting dumped because your porn addicted boyfriend is opening his wallet for some webcam nudity employees.

No. 1751016

Do you seriously think they're equally to blame in this scenario?

No. 1751017


No. 1751018

Just stay on the same subject idiot
First, sex workers are narcissistic to get a normal job or live in a lower middle class home
Then when you realized that wasn't the case, your biggest thing against them was that they're too stupid to figure out how to budget correctly
After that when that wasn't the case you claimed they're just lazy and/or crack heads
When that wasn't the case your last thing was that sex workers are bad because married men consume them, you can't even defend any of the previous points you were once foaming at the mouth about

You're literally all over the place, the only "valid" point you have is sex workers that knowingly sleep with married moids, but as others have pointed out the ones that purposely seek out and get money from married moids aren't the majority, most men even go out of their way to conceal their identity so strippers/SWers don't know they're married, there's even sites where moids give other moids tips on how to hide their identity when hooking up with prostitutes yet you still dont want to admit men are the problem

Basically - the only thing sex workers are guilty of is giving moids an easy and accessible way to cheat easy, but IMO moids cheating with co workers and such are typically worse

No. 1751019

Men who choose to go to the strip club aren’t really running in screaming “I’m married” like an autistic kid after eating a bag of sugar though. So why are you blaming the prostitute as if she was sniffing out a married guy on purpose

No. 1751020

A lot of these arguments are basically just emotional pearl clutching to the effect of 'sex is icky' and 'ethots are mean online'.

No. 1751021

Some random ewhores trying to cope or advertise themselves don't change the fact that men seek them out and choose to visit them.

No. 1751022

Talking about men paying to rape women who look like their daughters is not absconding men of wrongdoing, it’s the opposite. Go back to special ed

No. 1751023

There’s not a lot that’s republican about choosing to let whatever males who have money they’re willing to give to you in exchange for sex

No. 1751024

The man did a bad thing, and the strippers actions are not good because of her aid with the man cheating. Desperation, money, it doesn't matter in the end because she still chose to help a man betray his family. Even if she did it to feed herself, it's not something that's good, much less something to brag about. So when anons here described being a "help your man cheat" stripper as something better than occupations like nurses, it just didn't make sense. Anons here arguing that sex workers do this out of desperation only feed the point that it's absolutely not better than any other job. It's in fact, even more depressing and full of corruption than most others.

No. 1751025

Uhh why don’t you fucking go back to special ed since you clearly didn’t read my post, or tag the correct post when you responded. My post was about strippers not being aware that men are married, you responded with some shit about daddy/daughter fetishes as if that would telepathically inform them that the man is married, and I told you why that’s a retarded rhetoric. Learn to fucking read.

No. 1751026

The point is that prostitution is repulsive and morally wrong, and knowingly fucking men who will spread their diseases to innocent women makes it even worse. It isn’t somehow ok if the man is single, it’s still pathetic and scummy.

No. 1751027

I'd faster trust a pittie with a kid that any of you at this point, female solidarity my ass, 10$ and that shit is outta the window, rather fuck married men than flip some burgers. I wouldn't be mad at the lack of morals or accountability if y'all weren't trying to convince everyone of the opposite. Just own your bullshit and move on

No. 1751028

Why do you think that the employee cares if the customer is married. It’s about making your money to be able to pay your rent or for your kids broken arm or fucking whatever.

No. 1751029

I’ve never dated a male before, and my ex girlfriends were all anti porn and anti prostitution

No. 1751030

Who said that anyone here is stuck fucking married men. Are you suffering from a schizophrenic break?

No. 1751032

>no care about morals, only making money
So it's not very much better than any other job and highly susceptible to corruption. Being a "sex worker" is not a milestone of pride.

No. 1751033

I'm not doubting majority of sex buyers are married, but a lot them go through great lengths to hide that they're married. A lot of them have jobs that don't allow them to reject/black list men they know are married. Strip clubs aren't sitting around checking men's records to see if they're married or not, if a woman is working for a "ring" she can't necessarily turn down clients she knows that are married. There isn't any software on onlyfans/fansly that prevents married men from buying

I think you should be worried about the normie women who actually take pride in being the side chick and then get involved with emotional and sexual affairs, which IMO is worse than just sexual affairs with strippers or something (still bad obviously)

No. 1751034

My argument isn't that sex workers are 'better' than nurses or that it's better than any other job. It's obviously not a job, not because it's not labour but because you can't give consent under duress. My argument was that most hookers aren't really lazy and narcissistic and go into it because they think it will be fun. I think they should be able to leave and the absolute majority want to. And that being a pimp or sex trafficker is the real evil.
And again, who is more wrong in this situation? Do you really think they're equally guilty?

No. 1751035

>own your bullshit
Tell it to the kid who came in here mooing about how much she hates whores

No. 1751036

Tradthot hours

No. 1751037

You poor thing, you’re combining all the different anons here into one boogeyman kek

No. 1751038

No one ever said it did dear

No. 1751039

I think all your nagging and moralfagging and shaming should be directed at the men who do this rather than the women who fuck them. I don't see the female solidarity in immediately blaming the woman.

No. 1751040

Literally no one is saying being a sex worker is great, prideful, etc. We're saying it's retarded to have hate boners against them and then shoot down/insult them for being put into situations where they need to make lots of money and fast

No. 1751041

When did anyone say that being a whore for money was something to be prideful about

No. 1751042

>knowingly fucking men who will spread their diseases to innocent women makes it even worse
I bet they got an excuse for this shit too kek, i wish they applied these fast resolution abilities at a job at target or something
I mean, would else would give that much of a shit but one of them? i know i don't
two to tango, retard

No. 1751043

What? I traced back the argument, it's the same anon

No. 1751044

>Being a "sex worker" is not a milestone of pride
Of course it’s not? These women are selling their vaginas and assholes for money. What is there to be proud about

No. 1751045

How did I not tag the correct post? Go sell yourself if you like men so much and leave us alone

No. 1751046

Literally no hooker is proud of it despite what some tryhard 'I can steal your man' splenda baby says on twitter.

No. 1751048

>who else would ever give a shit about women who are stuck in survival sex work?
Scrote detected

No. 1751049

> I'm not doubting majority of sex buyers are married, but a lot them go through great lengths to hide that they're married. A lot of them have jobs that don't allow them to reject/black list men they know are married. Strip clubs aren't sitting around checking men's records to see if they're married or not, if a woman is working for a "ring" she can't necessarily turn down clients she knows that are married. There isn't any software on onlyfans/fansly that prevents married men from buying
This is an annoying response because we aren’t claiming that prostitutes can turn down married men and that prostitution would be fine if they did, we’re saying prostitution is gross and the fact that they’re proud of fucking married men makes it even grosser

No. 1751050

>it's the same anon
No, not everyone is insane and coping with awful life choices, there are several of us
I give a shit about those in actual bad situations, like thirdie prostitutes, you will never convince me your circumstances are the same

No. 1751051

>go sell yourself
The only question that was posed is How would these women know that the man is married and you’re still incapable of answering it, so you’re resorting to calling random anons whores because of the behaviors of men in your life. You know that these women usually don’t know, don’t care to know, and simply don’t ask because they’re not worried about that. They’re worried about how they’re going to keep a roof over their head.

No. 1751053

Not pearl clutching about 'le evil man-stealing whores' and having empathy for them doesn't mean I support prostitution.
>two to tango
So because two people were involved in this situation they're equally guilty? That's your argument? If a man is intensely fantasizing about another woman every night and would drop his wife in a heartbeat if she let him, and the only thing stopping him is the other woman saying no, how is that not already betraying and breaking up the family?

No. 1751054

I think most of them are narcissistic. Or antisocial or borderline.

No. 1751057

>your circumstances
Was there a poster in here who was claiming to be a prosty or something? Why are people acting like anyone who’s capable of having an ounce of recognition for the reality of many women’s lives can only be whores

No. 1751058

If you think prostitution in first world countries is luxury hotels and designer bags I have a bridge to sell you. Sugar babies and onlyfans girls are an incredibly small minority. And even then, their 'jobs' wouldn't exist if men didn't seek them out.

No. 1751059

It's been proven majority of applications are ghosted, on top of that a good amount of people are fired before they even pass their 3-6 months. Majority of women are literally able to walk into their local strip club and make hundreds within the same week and it's harder to be fired. If you're starving and about to be homeless yes you will choose the easier option before you can wait around for your 2000th job application to be responded to, nevermind wait another 2-3 weeks for pay (thanks bi weekly pay)

Please tell us how a woman, who doesn't have parents or friends to go to, is about to be evicted because of how shitty the job market is, is starving, can get lots of money to pay for rent and food ASAP?

No. 1751060

maybe this place should be called homestead.trad or something at this point

No. 1751062

You can be in a bad situation and be degraded to the point of selling yourself without living in a third world country. So many sheltered ass posts from kids who’ve only ever worked at taco bell while living at mommy and daddy’s thinking they’re so worldly and knowledgeable. Just shut your mouth already.

No. 1751064

>So because two people were involved in this situation they're equally guilty?
Uh, yeah? kek. If she got paid to hide a body instead she would be guilty of that, because she's literally particpating
They could all flip some burgers tho, living in first world countries allows them to have options, several more options than those of poorer countries, that's why i don't give a single shit

No. 1751065

1 prostitutes brag about it, they love it
2 anons have admitted to being whores, that’s why they’re defending men buying women on a female imageboard in 2023
3 there aren’t any men in my life, I only date women and only have female friends and I don’t talk to my male family members anymore
4 I know that they know because I see them joking about it. Spend some time online and see for yourself.
5 they aren’t just concerned with keeping a roof over they’re head, they’re privileged enough to have countless other options available to them.

No. 1751066

The anon straight up said she was able to save thousands by making less than 20 an hour in order to own a home (I also suspect she likely had mommy and daddy as a co signer since someone wouldn't be able to get that low of mortgage without a cosigner). She definitely lived with Mommy and daddy while working at Taco Bell to save up or whatever, that's not the situation for sex workers though. As the previous anon said a lot of sex workers are escaping abusive situations

No. 1751069

You must not have read the post where it was stated that the problem with prostitutes is that they often are not employable at regular jobs, which is why they’re selling their bodies. You are not capable of nuance or widening your understanding of a situation, and that’s precisely what’s outing you as being a kid who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Go back to the discord group call. Nobody is going to entertain your idiocy if you’re going to keep going in circles and not even reading what we’re saying.

No. 1751070

>Please tell us how a woman, who doesn't have parents or friends to go to, is about to be evicted because of how shitty the job market is, is starving, can get lots of money to pay for rent and food ASAP?
I imagine people who are in these situations are extremely stupid. If you're able to just deal with your "abusive" parents until you have a steady job or don't get an apartment you can't afford

No. 1751071

I mean not applications at grocery stores, gas stations, fast food and maid services. They have options other than giving $10 rim jobs

No. 1751073

Hm no we’ve been making fun of Prostitutes for making pennies, no one thinks they’re getting designer handbags and luxury hotels

No. 1751074

Oh my god kek what a joke. Yeah no, she was not scraping by living in a flophouse apartment with multiple roommates pooling all their incomes together in a desperate attempt to make it through the month whilst saving. She needed some level of cush from her parents for that. The audacity and unrealistic confidence with which she’s making the “Tuhh you could just flip some burgers to pay for your apartment with no friends or family to help you right after escaping your abuser” statement makes it even clearer.

No. 1751075


No. 1751076

Who is giving "$10 rim jobs"? Also yes, they literally are. Even job sites like indeed admitted majority of applications, even to crappy gas stations and such are being ghosted frequently. There's multiple threads of young people reporting the same thing. Hell doesn't Walmart and target only have an acceptance/hiring rate of like 10% or so?

No. 1751077

>you must just be stupid if you have “abusive” parents!!1
Scrote tone detected, second time. Are we gonna stop giving him attention now or wait for a third strike?

No. 1751078

1. And you take this at face value?
2. Nobody is defending men buying women, were saying the women didn't create this demand and are at minimum not as morally culpable as the men.
3. grats
4. They made some jokes wow
5. This is just untrue for the absolute majority of sex workers even in first world countries unless you mean cam girls or something.

No. 1751079

I don’t know what that means

No. 1751080

>they’re evil whores who are targeting married men to take their money and bragging about the spoils of their conquer!
>uhhh nobody said they’re making money
Please pick a side. Just pick a side and stick to it.

No. 1751081

So first they're too privileged and lazy and narcissistic to work a minimum wage job because they want easy money and now you're just idk making fun of underprivileged women?

No. 1751082

Shayna has probably given a $10 rim job, actually

No. 1751083

Now it all makes sense.

No. 1751084

Kek after you’ve been on this website for a few years…you really see how low some women will go for a quick buck without any forethought or afterthought.

No. 1751086

This. A lot of people going out of their way in desperation to escape their home are literally in danger, or sometimes they might even be murdered if they don't get out. Just because Shay goes and eats ass because Mom told her to put away dishes or something doesn't mean that's reality for majority of women being abused

No. 1751087

In all fairness, I don't feel that bad for Shayna, but she's hardly representative of most prostitutes or even most camgirls.

No. 1751088

You talking like these bitches living in Rwanda wtf, literally go and flip some burgers it cannot be that fucking hard
>Everyone who opposes me is X-chan
>they made some jokes wow
It's not like those jokes actually show their character, not at all. Be so for real right now

No. 1751089

Nobody ever said she’s a representative for all cam girls or prostitutes. I’m saying that there are women who give $10 rim jobs. That’s literally it. No need to overanalyze.

No. 1751091

If you’re having a hard time understanding the fact that there are people who get rejected from working at the gas station and fast food chains then you must be special needs or something

No. 1751092

They brag about taking money from women by selling themselves to married men, and they pretend to make more than they really do. 99% or prostitutes are poor, those things don’t contradict each other.

You’re not making sense. They could go work a minimum wage job instead of selling themselves, that what we’ve been saying from the beginning. No one is making fun of underprivileged women, we’re making fun of privileged women with other options like the article posted earlier showed.

You know you’re arguing with multiple anons right, more of us are against prostitution than in support of it. I never said anything about shayna, you’re responding to a different person.

No. 1751093

What is their character? They're all lazy and threw away opportunities to study at college because they watched Pretty Woman and thought it would be fun to steal someone's man?

Ok? That was your only point? Yes there are. And I feel bad for women who do that, and I doubt the majority of them do it by choice, and I hope they can leave. I don't think shaming them further is going to help. My focus is on men who actively pay to have sex with an non-consenting woman, who are always absent from this conversation whenever it comes up.

No. 1751094

You don’t have to live in Rwanda for some teenager to be chosen to work at McDonalds instead of you

No. 1751095

NTA but when I was job seeking, fast food, retail, maid services, gas stations were the worst ones when it came to responding. I once even showed up for an "open interview" for a very understaffed fast food joint and they claimed the interviewer didn't want to talk and didn't call or text me when I left my number. I've also seen people have applications to fast food joints literally thrown away in front of their face. If you're in a small town a lot of those places are often managed by families who only ever hire friends and other family. I also new multiple people who were fired within the first few weeks of working in fast food the dumbest reasons or they'll claim "you're just not on the schedule" and not even give you a reason. If you do somehow make it you better fucking hope they give you enough hours and pay to at least get a place (they won't)

No. 1751096

it's very hard to leave prostitution once you're in it, not to mention the debt you accrue. it's also a permanent mark on your reputation that could get you fired from normie jobs.

No. 1751097

boohoo! there are other jobs and options besides working at fast food and shit, if your first thought its to suck some dick after McDonalds rejected you, you're clinically retarded

No. 1751098

Provide an example of a woman bragging about “stealing” a man from another woman and fiscally benefitting from it

No. 1751099

Yeah there are retarded/downie women who do sell themselves into sexual slavery. That is a real thing.

No. 1751101

damn, it's almost like you shouldn't sell yourself to begin with
Nta but literally just go to any social media or site available

No. 1751102

You're so out of touch it's unreal. Even if a desperate woman does "shut up and flip burgers" it's going to take weeks before she gets paid, nevermind the hiring process itself can take another week or so. Why do you keep ignoring when other anons bring up statistics of employers being serial ghosters?

No. 1751105

Yes that was my only point and then for some reason you responded to my post, unprompted, when I didn’t pose a question I’d only made a closed statement. This whole conversation is about survival sex slaves having sex with married customers for cheap prices…

No. 1751106

why don’t you “literally” provide an example, if it’s so prevalent and easy for you to pinpoint?

No. 1751107

We can discuss what’s wrong with women who obey men by selling themselves, it doesn’t mean we don’t think that the males involved are evil, they obviously are. The women are also horrible.

>I don't think shaming them further is going to help

I do, I think it helps them speed run their life lessons

No. 1751108

??? Where do you get "they sucked dick after McDonald's rejected them"?

No. 1751109

It helps when you seem stable, you blow off and strawman multiple good arguments others have made so sex workers will just notice you being retarded and just blow you off. And this is coming from someone who's anti sex work

No. 1751110

You’re not even reading what anyone is saying. These are women who can’t find normal jobs for whatever reason, and that’s why they’re selling their bodies. They could be mentally unwell, drug addicted, homeless, abuse victims, it could be anything. The heavy majority of women participating in sex work are not doing it because it was their first choice.

No. 1751111

It's really not a choice you make most of the time. It can happen to any woman unlucky enough to end up on the street or homeless.

No. 1751113

>it's going to take weeks before she gets paid, nevermind the hiring process itself can take another week or so
Rather that than suck a dick, and this is coming from a former dish washer, cope and promptly seethe
>They could be mentally unwell, drug addicted, homeless, abuse victims
I'm all of these but drug addicted, yet i knew better, now what?

No. 1751114

>I’m homeless right now, what do you have to say to that?
Yeah ok

No. 1751116

No. 1751117

You’re saying cope and seethe you’re the one that’s been crying at the keyboard about women who are forced into getting raped for money. Like dude just give up…

No. 1751119

>I’m all of these but drug addicted
Homeless and still arguing on lolcow! Impressive dedication

No. 1751120

>mentally unwell
>yeah I’m mentally unwell but I knew better so
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you’re not the worlds most mentally ill woman and that there are women who have it worse than you or do you think you’re just to most persecuted being who’s ever existed.

No. 1751124

I really like how after all of this back and forth, there was never an example provided of the bespoke whores who target married men to steal them from their wives to seize the estate kekk. Amazing.

No. 1751126

>women who are forced-
Hold on, who the fuck is talking about trafficked women dumbass, we talking about people with options
I can rent a computer at the cyber from time to time to do some paperwork or simply lurk, wow. Being homeless just means not having a stable home but i still can access some stuff
>there are women who have it worse than you
Wow really? they should trade countries with me or any women here

No. 1751127

Having no money and not being capable of securing an income does force women into sex work, yeah. Whether or not you agree with that reality is unimportant.

No. 1751128

You don’t need to pretend to be homeless in an attempt to win the argument. Nobody believes you.

No. 1751129

As i said several other times, there should be other options before resorting to that, at least if you're living at a first world country
Me being poor at a third world country is not far fetched you retard

No. 1751130

unpopular opinion why don’t we stop giving autistic obsessive scrotes attention when they come into threads pretending to be homeless women with hot takes on prostitution at 1am? report and ignore

No. 1751131

How many times are you going to post the same shit?

No. 1751132

It’s not that it’s far fetched it’s that nobody believes you because it’s not true. Go back to fapping and crying about how your mom doesn’t love you

No. 1751133

Even if they are bragging about it, why does that matter? I highly doubt they woke up one day, said "im so hot time to wreck some homes" and decided to become a hooker. I can't believe were doing the wives vs whores debate here.

No. 1751134

fapping? what?
>Even if they are bragging about it, why does that matter?
How cute

No. 1751135

You’re being laughed at by a multitude of nonnies right now, calfskin

No. 1751136

You're obviously the same anon, and even if you think i'm a scrote just because i don't agree with you, mods can see my post story

No. 1751138

Why does it matter? I care about women as a class, including individuals who say crass things on escort forums. Even if stealing your precious Nigel was somehow their primary motivator the reality is quite different.

No. 1751140

>man pretends not to know what fapping means
Kek I’m sorry you’re trying too hard now

No. 1751141

Can you find an example of anyone bragging about it though. A lot of people have been asking and not a single source has been provided of this phenomenon you’re speaking of.

No. 1751142

>They didn't brag about fucking married men!!
>and if they did, nobody cares!!
I know what fapping means, what i don't understand is why would you accuse me of being a man just because i don't agree with you
Google is free, and in your case, twitter too

No. 1751144

A lot of users disagreeing with you usually means that you’re wrong and sound retarded, not that it’s all just one poster speaking at you.

No. 1751146

>google is free
Ok then go ahead and find an example for me, because you claim to be so knowledgeable about the topic of homewrecking. Can you even name anyone who’s done this or are you just grasping at straws sperging about your imagination.

No. 1751148

Who did brag about fucking married men though. When did that happen.

No. 1751149

I mean, you also thought it was just one anon disagreeing with your argument, which was obviously not true

No. 1751154

Nobody has disagreed with my argument because I’m always right

No. 1751156

So you can’t provide a source is what you’re saying

No. 1751158

File: 1699077397259.jpg (179.41 KB, 541x640, 1961betterhomesgardensyellowba…)

my unpopular opinion is that anyone who wants to argue about prostitutes should just read the previous thread instead because these posts are a verbatim rehash
on topic, I really love houses that have "dated" details. Especially old colorful tile kitchens and bathrooms with color-coordinated fixtures really make me happy. But almost every time I see old houses up for sale they've stripped out the original interior for the trendy gray look… I predict retro houses are going to start going for a premium because of how rare they are, or maybe restoring vintage details will become popular.

No. 1751159

I think vaping is better than overeating. I’d rather have gross teeth from vaping too much than be all fat and gross from eating all day

No. 1751160

Are you having a stroke? And again there are multiple anons involved here

No. 1751166

It’s something that they all say constantly and make memes about

No. 1751167

The conversation is about strippers who also sell their bodies, because usually they do both. A man can walk into a strip club and walk out with a sex employee for the evening.

No. 1751168

I said I don't care if they do, not that they didn't. My question was why does it matter? Why is this your point of contention? You sound more upset about evil homewreckers being mean than about how grim being raped for money actually is.

No. 1751169

Ok so are you gonna provide a screenshot of someone saying that or provide a photo of the memes you’re speaking of? This is an imageboard

No. 1751170

I’m sure they didn’t decide to become a who’re so they could wreck homes, but that’s still their mindset after becoming whores

No. 1751173

Not a counterargument, catty anon.

No. 1751175

And a lot of people have told you, repeatedly, that it’s something prostitutes openly talk about on every social media platform

No. 1751178

No anon you don't understand, there are thousands of anons sharing her point but only one schizo opposing her kek

No. 1751179

>it’s something prostitutes talk about openly I see it all the time
>ok can you show me
>Shut up. They post it all the time.
>Can you show me if you can see it?
>I’ve already said prostitutes post it all the time!

Then fucking post some evidence of this constant that you’re insisting is so prevalent on social media. I’m not really following a bunch of hookers and prostitutes so I don’t really know where to look for those. Thanks.

No. 1751181

Did you tag the wrong post cause this doesn’t really make sense in response to mine

No. 1751182

So you agree that's nobody's primary motivator in 'becoming a hooker'. So who cares about their personal, individual feelings that they may or may not stand by? Why is this your focus? Why does this make them as morally culpable as the men who seek them out? Or someone being catty on ethot forums means I can't feel sorry for their situation, which is still awful by its very nature?

No. 1751183

We’ve been talking about how unlikable prostitutes are, yes. We don’t have to make a disclaimer that rape is also bad.

No. 1751186

Enjoy the metals and chemicals you're inhaling. rattle rattle

No. 1751187

I don’t follow hookers either, which is why I don’t have screenshots ready and waiting for you personally. Go to any website with women in the sex industry and you’ll see what we’ve been talking about.

No. 1751188

“Rattle rattle” ok swish swish thunder thighs

No. 1751189

Well you’re claiming that these bragging posts exist but also now you’re saying that you haven’t seen them. So…

No. 1751191

>I don’t follow hookers either
Ok then where the hell are you seeing posts where women are claiming to be prostitutes and going off about how much money they’re making from stealing married men lmfao what?

No. 1751192

That was your only point, that prostitutes are 'unlikeable'? Ok. My point is feminism is about uplifting women as a class not only those you deem pleasant enough to deserve it.

No. 1751194

Ayrt, you were talking about several people telling her about sex workers bragging about their wrongful actions but she still believes we are just one schizo moid, at the same time, she's posting several times on a row and samefagging

No. 1751195

What? I’m the one who wrote the post she was responding to. She’s making fun of the prostitute who keeps pretending that prostitutes are all oppressed angels who can’t be held accountable for anything, and anyone who disagrees with her is one single incel tradthot male

No. 1751196

>No I don’t have evidence of this phenomenon existing that I’ve been sperging about for the last 2 hours
So you’ve been crying for no reason and you don’t even have anything to back it up. You sound special needs.

No. 1751198

The entire conversation is really about how prostitutes are almost always awful human beings kek

No. 1751200

What sex worker was bragging about the wrongful actions though. Does anyone have any receipts or is this all just stuff you’re imagining

No. 1751201

I said that I’ve seen them on every social media site that has prostitutes lol

No. 1751202

Are you referring to the multiple posters talking about survival sex work…?

No. 1751204

Shut up you’re so embarrassing

No. 1751205

Right, you’re “seeing” them but can’t screenshot? Do they stop existing when you go back to look at them? Because no one has posted any example of what you’re referring to

No. 1751207

You're just going to ignore that a majority of prostitutes have suffered severe sexual violence their entire lives and know nothing else? E-prostitutes don't make up the majority and the reason a lot of real prostitutes are junkies is because they've lived lives you could never imagine that break a person down in the cruelest and most inhumane way possible. The CSA to prostitution pipeline is real, so many are trafficked and know nothing else. I haven't been following this argument but fuck you tbh.

No. 1751208

Me personally, I've seen sites like LSA and related discussing such phenomena sometimes, because it is a thing and a polemic topic, i didn't download any screenshoots because i didn't imagine i would find a retard defending it here to even warrant evidence
for real

No. 1751209

>making fun of the prostitute who keeps pretending that prostitutes are all oppressed angels
When were any of these things said though. Like your comprehensive skills are not aligned.

No. 1751211

tl;dr you have no evidence so you didn’t see anything. You could’ve just stopped there before digging this hole just to have nothing to put in it.

No. 1751212

Go back and look at them? How would I be able to find random posts that I’ve seen throughout the years across different platforms? You’re so stupid jfc

No. 1751213

Nice argument. Sorry the ethots hurt your feelings.

No. 1751214

>you’re so stupid because I don’t have any evidence to support my claims
Yeah ok I’m the stupid one…

No. 1751215

I’ve experienced CSA, abuse and rape, that’s not an excuse to degrade yourself to men so fuck you too cunt

No. 1751216

I’d be embarrassed too if I didn’t have any evidence that proves what I’m saying is accurate

No. 1751218

That’s a different person btw, multiple people are trying to tell you how whores act online and you’re too stupid to understand what you’re reading

No. 1751219

I'm going to be honest I truly don't believe you at all because most csa victims are aware of how it hurts you and that more gruesome and horrific forms of abuse exist than anyone can imagine without breaking into pieces. Your crudeness and lack of empathy is honestly very testicular

No. 1751220

CSA, abuse, and rape are not the only experiences that women can have in their entire lives. Sure, you experienced abuse and went a different direction. These women experienced different abuse and subsequently went a different direction themselves. Really not hard at all to have a nuanced understanding of how other peoples lives can be different from yours while they can also be victims.

No. 1751221

I’ve been saying “scrote detected” for hours and nobody cared kek. Believe me now?

No. 1751222

Same boat, and even worse cause severe poverty plus thirdie conditions
>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a man!!

No. 1751223

What? The good arguments, IMO, are things like the anon pointed out, where a lot of people are applying to multiple entry level/no skill/etc jobs for months on end and not hearing anything back or getting rejected and need to quickly find money for survival, it quickly get shat on by people claiming girls with abusive parents are just stupid and should just stay in an abusive situation until they can buy a house, another anon completely ignored everything about the long process and acted like these women went straight to sucking dick after the McDonald's job interview. If you want a proper debate and to really convince women out of Sex work you don't just look insane and delusional, make good points, bring up good options, and acknowledge others arguments as well

No. 1751224

The argument to me seems to be that prostitutes in first world countries all chose to do it in lieu of flipping burgers and so now deserve whatever they get, also they ‘brag about stealing men’ so they’re as morally corrupt as pimps and sex buyers.

No. 1751225

You’re not showing me how whores act online though. Your talk means literally nothing. Lolcow runs on images and evidence. We save evidence of everything that cows and spergs do. If you have no evidence to support your whore-theory, guess what? It’s as good as nothing.

No. 1751226

Your entire post reads like it was written by a man including the defense that prostitutes are all poor little rape victims. Around half of all female children experience CSA and yet we don’t go on to service men sexually, because we’re better than that.

No. 1751227

Ok, congratulations, you didn’t have to get raped for money. Do you want asspats or something?

No. 1751228

I think anon is a larper. The majority of prostitutes have been known to be born into poverty and exploitation. They are taught to be hypersexual and detached from an obscenely young age by the men who repeatedly abused them. The poverty gave them no access to resources and thus they often live their whole childhood being repeatedly hurt. I will never look at a homeless prostitute or junkie and immediately think of them as whores, cunts, or "horrible people" and there is something about doing so that is very low-intelligence and sheltered to me. Sounds like this faggot got stuck in an endless cycle of samefagging and seething about e thots and feels backed into a corner that we aren't as passionately crass about the subject.

No. 1751229

Once again, CSA is not the only abuse that a woman can experience in her entire life. Not sure how we’re getting hooked on this. Do you all know exactly what every single prostitute went through before becoming a prostitute? No. You don’t.

No. 1751230

>NO U!!!!111
KEK the transparency

No. 1751232

He was outed as being a LARPing scrote the moment he said he’s homeless and using lolcow on a rented computer? How are none of you noticing these things

No. 1751233

Omg you're retarded like actually. Everything you say is sooo faggy.

No. 1751234

We keep telling you that it’s how prostitutes talk online, no I don’t take screenshots of random whores making jokes at the expense of other women, why would I? It’s funny that you claim to never have seen anything like this because it’s honestly unavoidable if you use any corner of the internet.

No. 1751235

>we’re better than that
And there are some women who feel as though they aren’t better than that, and in turn go into selling their bodies. Sorry to rip the rose colored glasses off your face.

No. 1751236

I've only just saw any of this and I haven't scrolled up, it's just an obvious samefagging faggot screeching and having an autistic meltdown about how much he hates cunt bitch whore slut bitches who are most def asking for it. Patrick Bateman wannabe.

No. 1751237

Again, i'm not a man just because i'm not agreeing with you, cut it out dumbass

No. 1751238

>why would I?
To have evidence to support your claims, which you don’t. So they mean nothing.

No. 1751239

We’ve been talking about strippers, cam girls, and onlyfans whores. And we keep repeating the fact that we’re talking about privileged women, not trafficking victims or women in third world countries.

No. 1751240

Whether you’re a man or not you’re still a lying retard kek saying you’re homeless and on lolcow at 1Am? Why even bother lmfaoo

No. 1751242

Of course not. You're a man because you literally are, though. Even your typing style is indicative. Keep barking bitch.

No. 1751243

You don’t have to be a trafficking victim or live in a third world country to still be a victim. Not sure what’s hard to comprehend there.

No. 1751244

Are the fast food joints going to hire the sex workers instead of ghosting 90% of applicants and pay them the minimum they need to survive? We both know the answer to that

No. 1751245

That’s a different person, I never said I was homeless. I’m the one who talked about being a nanny earlier in the thread.

No. 1751246

>Uh I was abused as a kid and I’m not a hoar
>You also don’t know what abuse they’ve experienced
>Omg you're retarded like actually. Everything you say is sooo faggy.

He’s not even trying. Can we ignore him now

No. 1751247

If you never said that you’re homeless then I’m obviously not referring to your post, I’m referring to his post in response to the post that I tagged.

No. 1751248

Idk anon I don't think a woman really deserves that fate even if she doesn't have pristine self respect and dignity/even if she thinks she's too good to work. It's not really about someone's individual feelings.

No. 1751249

File: 1699079642917.jpeg (12 KB, 268x188, data_storage.jpeg)

Maybe not really an opinion so much as a prediction, I just figure this is the best thread.

The internet is basically going to die over the next ten years and become a more transitory internet, more decentralized and like what it was back in the late 90s. Videos on youtube older than 2-3 years that don't get much views will be purged, all the old facebook posts and all that accumulated user data will be thrown out. I actually don't think user data is as valuable as people think, with enough past data each marginal new data becomes less valuable, and its value is predicated on globalization. Globalization is right now in the process of unraveling with the breakdown of the current world order, the escalating conflicts in the middle east and europe, the isolation of large markets like the Russian market, are just going to intensify.

Simple reason, the world's running out metals, particularly copper, and nobody is going to be paying to host that free stuff when it becomes too expensive. It's free because we are the product and there's a gigantic capitalist structure driving us to buy stuff advertised to us, but as the economy tumbles, countries like india develop, more rare metals are needed for the energy transition for electric cars, much of the free internet is just going to disappear as that narrow business model falls to the wayside. Why advertise when people are spending their money on necessities?

It's a really narrow profitability model and people don't realize how much of a knife's edge these big tech companies are on. Twitter teetering at the moment and the rapid collapse of My Space in the past shows how fast a collapse of social media can happen. Within the space of two to three years most of the internet that people waste their time on just could go, either in a desperate pay to view model. Maybe the government will step in to save it. TikTok itself might not even be valuable and just be a branch of the Chinese government, could western social media be the same? Maybe.

Maybe this process has already started and the increasing government intervention into social media isn't really entirely about control as people think, it's because they're basically trying to prop up crumbling infrastructure.

No. 1751251

There have been several other anons like me who got kicked from their houses by their abusive parents or after fights, my situation is not super crazy. I'm not a man
If that's the case why aren't most women selling themselves too? if nobody's getting applications and 90% get ignored?

No. 1751252

It isnt about what they deserve. All I'm seeing is one to two sheltered anons malding about e-whores who yeah could definitely do better but I don't think it compares to actual prostitution and the dangerous life cycle they get stuck in. The lack of empathy here is astounding me.

No. 1751253

I’m the one who said I’ve experienced rape, CSA, and abuse, and you accused me of being a lying man and are now accusing me of being other people in the thread

No. 1751254

she's so deranged

No. 1751255

Those are different anons idiot I just said I was abused and raped

No. 1751257

The majority of prostitutes (e-whoring aside) don't do it because it sounds like a fun quirky easy job. They have been abused in ways unimaginable to most people. Their bodies lose value to them, they have been told they are nothing and worth nothing and know of no other lifestyle. These arguments are going in circles and nothing of value is really being said, it's the same tired muh values muh morals shit. We get it, you're too virtuous and self-respecting to do onlyfans. If only the majority were like you. You want a cookie? This is boring

No. 1751258

Agreed, I don't really care about Shayna et al her situation is self inflicted but I have empathy for the majority of them.

No. 1751260

Ntayrt but
>and are at minimum not as morally culpable as the men.
Are women not directly involved in prostitution themselves? They are culpable for their own actions, talking of whoring yourself out like it's a moral argument is moralfagging, but we all know selling yourself is pragmatically idiotic; it makes you open to diseases, it's social suicide and humiliation, it's a poor long term mode of making money, it often It often involves child trafficking and child rape, it normalizes male violence and entitlement, it makes one open to abuse and mental illness and damaging in a myriad of ways, it's also male worshipping, is patriarchical by design and is engaging in male supremacy. It also makes all women look pathetic and reflects on all of women. You are not in retarded choice feminism "you go girl humiliate yourself!" whore pride stan Twitter nor is this "woe is me women are forced into prostitution, prostitutes are hapless victims uwu Tumblr. Have a backbone.

>My point is feminism is about uplifting women as a class not only those you deem pleasant enough to deserve it.
No. feminism is not about uplifting women to make them feel good uwu it is about equity and women being seen as human beings with a baseline level of dignity prostitutes work against this by making the example that women are meat to be bought and sold. How do you rationalize this in line with uplifting women as a class? What you're describing is liberal can do nothing wrong feminism by the virtue of being born with a vagina. Part of seeing women as human is being able to point at what behavior is degrading and humiliating, what is damaging to all women as a class, and prostitution only uplifts rapists. Part of feminism is being able to criticise womens poor decisions. Prostitution is perhaps the purest example of patriarchy and is male supremacy.

No. 1751261

Outside of pay, the most convince arguments for SW I see is
>Being in control of who you service and who you're around, if a creepy moid is harassing you, you're able to kick him out or block him. Majority of fast food places let sexual harassment slide
>Job security, these women need jobs that won't fire them over menial things or made up things
>Fast responses, fast pay, as other anons have pointed out the job process in America can take literal months even for shitty fast food or gas stations. Even when you get technically hired it takes almost a month to get your first paycheck. A lot of people who have bills to pay can't risk letting them pile up

Anyway - the original point was that anons were blaming the economy for the rise in sex work, which is true, but house anon just kept screaming about how the female EMT mentioned was just too stupid to budget. The anons sperging about prostitutes are proving everyone's point though, idk why some of you are jumping through hoops to ever admit maybe the economy is the problem instead of women who don't want to be on the streets

No. 1751262

Oh my god nobody said she deserves it, it’s a choice she makes for herself with her traumatized brain.

No. 1751264

Proof? Screenshots?

No. 1751267

A lot of women are able to live with parents, a spouse, or go into credit card debt. Typically women who need money quick like that don't have that luxury

No. 1751268

If you’re multiple different anons then why are you responding to posts that aren’t tagging you…stop begging for attention oh my lord

No. 1751269

Yeah let me enter my roladex of common sense. Generations of prostitutes forced into human trafficking are definitely going to be posting in cute little soundbytes for you to consume.

No. 1751271

>uhhhh screenshots of their abuse!!1!1
The shady af comebacks don’t distract from the fact that you brazenly stated that theyre going around on social media bragging, and then the moment someone asked for proof of the bespoke posts, suddenly those posts couldn’t be located. You’re slow.

No. 1751272

>you accused ME of being a lying man
No, I accused whoever I tagged. If you wanna bare that cross then uhh ok kek

No. 1751274

I’m not, I’m responding to people who responded to my post and conflated me with someone else

No. 1751275

No one is talking about trafficking victims though

No. 1751277

If you sound like a scrote you’re gonna get called one

No. 1751280

Prostitutes are my sisters just as any other women are. Not because of feminism, but because they have experienced the human horrors most people are entirely unaware of. They have been abused and exploited by men in ways I will never understand or be able to stomach. I care about women as a whole because I know that in a world where women are not regarded as nothing more than currency and objects at disposal, they would not have chosen a life of suffering. I have a hard time listening to stories about prostitution and it isnt a funny punchline to me because I know how evil men are. I do not blame women for the suffering inflicted on them. I do not blame them for being unable to navigate a world that hates them and seeks to use them until they burn out and dissappear. Insert Eileen Wournos fancam. Also I am sharing this video with very little reference to what im saying, its an interesting watch but it makes me nauseous.

No. 1751281

Yes women are directly involved but in the vast majority of prostitution- ie not camming and onlyfans- it's not really a choice. Yes it's a bad decision, but I don't think it's a shameful one. I don't think hurting yourself is as bad as hurting others. The vast majority of prostitutes want to leave and would if they could, that's just a fact. I find it weird you're accusing me of Twitter choice feminism and while insisting that prostitutes choose to do it. But again even if they do, and even if they're mean on their forums, the solution isn't moralfagging and scolding. I don't think it's particularly a good thing to do, but I don't think it's morally wrong. They're absolutely not as culpable as the men, prostitutes wouldn't exist without men to buy them.

I never said anything about making women feel good. Other people's main arguments is that prostitutes are unlikeable and mean, and my point is it doesn't matter if some individual ethot was catty on a forum somewhere. Where do you get that I support prostitution from, the fact that I don't shame them and scold them and think they should get out safely? You think the vast majority of prostitution is women's poor decisions? Or you think camgirls and ethots are responsible for the men seeking them out?

No. 1751282

About 50-60% of young adults live with their parents
A lot of women who are abused by their parents either have to hope they get lucky with the job market, find someone to live with/get married ASAP (likely to a shitty man who will abuse them too), or they end up homeless and/or sex work. It's harder to find a job than ever, and near impossible to find one that's livable if you don't have connections. Not everyone is able to go months on end being unemployed and still have a bed to sleep on and food in their stomach, if your parents are abusive that is not an option, regardless of how ~smart~you are

No. 1751283

>you brazenly stated that theyre going around on social media bragging, and then the moment someone asked for proof of the bespoke posts, suddenly those posts couldn’t be located
I’m not the only one who said that, and as I already explained it’s just how they act online. I’m not sure why you’re expecting me to find these posts so I can take screenshots for you. Want me to go search for random strippers and onlyfans advertisers on twitter or reddit?

No. 1751284

If you can’t find an example of these posts that you’re claiming to be so easy to find then they don’t exist

No. 1751286

If you keep calling everyone who disagrees with you a scrote, including women who mention being rape victims, then you can’t use that argument sorry

No. 1751287

Yes? Do go put in a fingernail worth of effort and go find some evidence, because you could’ve posted it a long time ago to shut us up but didn’t kek.

No. 1751288

Madams are pimps

No. 1751290

Claiming you’re a victim of rape doesn’t erase your tone or the obvious, painful samefagging.

No. 1751293

No fucking shit bitch read my post you annoying sow

No. 1751294

>the vast majority of prostitution- ie not camming and onlyfans- it's not really a choice
We’re talking about cam girls, strippers and onlyfans though, not women who don’t have a choice. Read the article posted earlier.

No. 1751295

Madames are really just regular prostitutes who are employed by the pimp to keep the other prostitutes “in line”.

No. 1751297

Being financially forced into it does mean that you don’t have a choice

No. 1751298

I’m not sure what you’re talking about

No. 1751299

Why do you care so much about camgirls and stuff though? Like it's just putting the blame on the woman, which men have done forever. Yeah Shayna isn't a victim of anything. She's also not responsible for sexism.
>being financially forced into it doesn't mean that you don't have a choice

No. 1751300

But we’re talking about women who weren’t forced into it, which obviously includes being financially forced. Note why we keep using words like “privileged” and “middle class”

No. 1751301

Exactly. Even if you're anti sex work, calling them stupid whores then taking out of context the reason why a lot of women resort to sex work does nothing, if anything it just makes them think they're just stupid objects for men to take advantage of so bravo I guess you got what you wanted. At least even tradthot church agencies meant to help out sex workers so they don't have to resort to that but they send to be more obsessed with using women who rely on survival sex as punching bags than actually trying to end it

No. 1751302

Sooo can you provide an example of well off middle class women who choose to do sex work basically for fun

No. 1751303

Please direct me to what argument are you reading because multiple anons called abused women stupid, ignored arguments about the shit job market, etc

No. 1751304

No one is talking about survival sex workers

No. 1751305

Read the article posted earlier

No. 1751306

No, being financially forced into it does mean that you did not have another choice. Get over it. Pretend to be a nun who’s so much better than prostitutes if you really think it’s that ghastly

No. 1751307

If you can’t just provide a screenshot of a woman who’s doing the bespoke “sex work for fun” then I don’t believe you. I’m not wasting my time reading a whole article if you can’t just take a a screenshot of it and provide some proof

No. 1751308

Yes? They literally are. There's multiple pages of anons listing reasons why women rely on survival sex work and the first anon just started sperging about how stupid they are

No. 1751310

They’ve been the center of the conversation, you just suffer from retardation

No. 1751311

The person you’re responding to is on your side of the argument retard

No. 1751312

I literally already posted the screenshot go fucking find it

No. 1751313

edgy people do dumb shit all the time thinking it makes them more unique or cool. Why is it so hard to grasp the idea of someone growing up with no actual problems, but being greedy and lazy, buying into the glamor of the sex work lifestyle? People do dumb shit all the time thinking it makes them cooler and unique, and the normies and squares don't get it. Why is it so hard to extend that to prostitution as well as drugs?

No. 1751314

In case you can’t read I’m responding to where she tried to disagree by saying that being fiscally forced into sex work does not count as being “forced”

No. 1751315

>I already posted the screenshot

Take another screenshot of it and post it again. Go head

No. 1751316

So do you have an example of any person who already has money choosing to be a whore as the career of choice. If it’s so easy for you to accept then can you think of anyone who’s done that

No. 1751317

One side has been talking about how privileged western women strip, cam, do only fans, have sugar daddies because they’re dumb and lazy with personality disorders, and brag about what they’re doing online. The other side keeps bringing up impoverished rape victims in third world countries who are being trafficked or live in poverty and can’t find a job. No one is even arguing about the same thing and it’s fucking annoying to read though.

No. 1751318

Yeah because one side thinks that the women who are forced into prostitute all must be sugar babby wannabes who wish to do onlyfans forever

No. 1751319

File: 1699081698734.jpeg (278.05 KB, 1170x943, IMG_0567.jpeg)

Kill yourself, immediately

No. 1751320

You are simply mentally challenged

No. 1751321

Do we have any evidence that this is true though? It’s just an article kek. Where’s the data, where’s the photographs, where’s the verbatim statements from these students saying that they chose sexual slavery as their career? Cause this could really easily be a click-grab article about some old scrotes fantasies.

No. 1751322

What? This argument started because someone posted a female EMT who had to start onlyfans to pay bills. The house anon started replying and calling her stupid, bad at math, etc and then called her stupid again for not up and moving right then and there as if that's how it works.

Looking at the EMTs pictures she doesn't wear makeup, have fancy nails or hair, her apartment is pretty empty. I doubt she's just doing onlyfans for luxury items like the house anon claimed.

No. 1751323

>selling striptease
Dancing naked isn’t the same as getting raped for money. I think you’re misunderstanding.

No. 1751325

Ok so it is survival sex work that she was forced into, and there’s nothing to even challenge or disagree about. Easy. Glad you agree.

No. 1751326

Middle class doesn't always mean they're able to rely on their families. It's not uncommon for even upper middle class families to kick their kids out on their 18th birthday just because

No. 1751327

You're not understanding, the anons that started the argument were insulting and flipping their shit on women who do survival sex work

No. 1751328

Middle class background , doesn’t mean that they’re currently middle class at that point in their lives. Means that that was how their parents lived.

No. 1751330

Yeah and that’s why we’re still having this conversation kek. Goodness

No. 1751331

I’m not the one who posted the article in the first place. Funnily enough, someone on the side of strippers all being ~oppressed impoverished women with no other option~ posted that to claim that almost all of them are educated and middle class, and didn’t realize she contradicted herself lol

No. 1751333

Does that mean that their parents are paying their bills and they’re choosing to do sex work for fun? No, it doesn’t. Does this article even provide evidence for what it’s stating? No kek! It doesn’t!

No. 1751334

>I’m not the one who posted the article I’m just reposting it and spreading the information even though it’s unverifiable
Such a well informed bunch

No. 1751335

Correct, which is why we keep saying we’re talking about privileged women who choose to strip or have an only fans. A lot of them start prostituting themselves later because they’re retarded but they never needed to.

No. 1751336

I posted a screenshot to show the anon that it contradicted her own arguments

No. 1751337

How do we know they’re privileged though. Where is the evidence that they’re privileged or having their lives paid for by their parents?

No. 1751339

How does it contradict my argument that women are fiscally forced into sexual slavery? It’s a string of words with no data/numerical evidence proving that it’s women with money choosing to do sex work for fun.

No. 1751340

They’re not impoverished homeless victims though, they had many options to pay their bills and they chose to perform sexually for rape apes

No. 1751342

I don’t like peanut butter.

No. 1751343

Are you the one who originally posted the article?

No. 1751344

Ok but how do you know that? Just because their parents were middle class you think they can’t possibly be poor as adults? Really?

No. 1751345

There’s aid available for students and young people in general, stripping isn’t going to get them more money than flipping burgers. They had many options and they chose the worst option because they’re pickmes with personality disorders

No. 1751346

Yeah, they majority of sex workers mentally ill. That’s exactly it. Not only that, but do you have any idea how long it takes to be approved for student cash assistance? The one year I applied, I didn’t receive my backpay and regular payments until spring semester, and that’s after meeting the early bird deadline at the beginning of the year. It isn’t always easy, depending on the size of your university.

No. 1751348

Why don’t they get a job then instead of being man worshippers

No. 1751349

No because I don't spend my time memorizing and cataloging broken lolcows to bring up to win an internet argument. Anecdotally, that's what I've noticed with a significant proportion of sex workers in my personal life, that sort of self centered importance where they wear their lifestyle like a badge of honor and like to flex over the girl who works at home depot supporting herself with dignity. Literally exactly like proto meth-addicts who think they're 130 IQ for downing adderal to get through college, writing the most incoherent essays.

No. 1751351

For them it’s just accepting a client and allowing them to pay for the service.

No. 1751352

Wearing being a whore on your sleeve isn’t the same thing as being a spoiled child whose parents pay your bills that chooses to do sexual slavery for pocket money…

No. 1751363

No. 1751367

I don’t understand why everyone blames prostitutes for mens decisions

No. 1751369

Men meme women into centering their interests. Blaming ‘evil homewreckers’ and not the men who seek them out is biblical misogyny. Same with reeeing about sluts.

No. 1751373

this discussion gets old and goes nowhere and I truly hate being a woman because it’s damned if you do damned if you don’t, even among other women. Some women don’t approve of you becoming a housewife because you’re tethering yourself to a moid and you should get out and do something with your life some men don’t approve of you becoming a lawyer or businesswoman because you should go home and be a mom both men and women don’t approve of you selling ass (men are the most hypocritical of it they will call you a whore and throw dollar bills at your tits, literally biting the hand that feeds) Most men just become plumbers and that’s it but it’s like whatever we do as a woman reflects on all the other women around us and we will never be free.
I wish women selling ass pictures for 3.99 online had nothing to do with me but it does because that could easily be me if I were desperate enough. And you’re lying if you say that you wouldn’t even if you had to look after a disabled child or were short on rent, had no food. Men who buy sex are rapists who should have acid chucked at their face and Guys who go to strip clubs should be lined up and shot at

No. 1751375

The Conjuring is better than The Exorcist

No. 1751386

>I never said anything about making women feel good
>>My point is feminism is about uplifting women as a class not only those you deem pleasant enough to deserve it.
Is uplifting not the same as "making women feel good"? What are you uplifting women from? Certainly not being seen as meat since you're supporting that they sell themselves, albeit softly in a "be nice" feminism, acquiescent way reminiscent of the true harmn of female socialization. Your be nice all prostitues are victims and women are innocent uwu logic opens the flood gates for males to expand and normalize human and child trafficking.

>the solution isn't moralfagging and scolding.

Are you not the one who started moralfagging? you're only using the term in the first place because I drew attention to you using it. By the way it's not "moralfagging" to state the obvious, call foolish behavior foolish and what society says about prostitutes. I'm not coming up with solutions to human trafficking, that is not a burden I am faced with and neither are you, we're just talking about it. I'm not here to solve the ills of the world and never claimed to be. If you see my criticisms as petty scolding you really don't give a shit about uplifting women as a class like you say, you only want a comfortable cage for women to be in. Women could escape prostitution more if it were hardline banned and treated as criminal but advocating for being nice only gives traffickers more outs and normalizes that women are actually meat. Being nice gives men an inch which turns to a criminal mile.

>Other people's main arguments is that prostitutes are unlikeable and mean

I'm not making those arguments of other anons but you have to wonder why that would be true in the first place. Could it be because prostitution is playing exactly into patriarchy and male supremacy, in it's betrayal of women and that an individuals actions don't exist in a vacuum? I didn't make this argument but it makes sense, I can't think of a more sick intrasexual competitive behavior, one that captures female betrayal, or a more patriarchical and male supremacist action than literally whoring yourself out to your rapist oppressors.

You don't have to defend prostitutes and idiotic women from meanie bombeanies, we can discuss why prostitution is retarded, illogical and the women who engage in it are benefiting male supremacy and the patriarchy while hurting all other women without playing grandstanding Olympics of who's the nicest and who's the meanest. You also don't get to argue that all women exist in a vacuum where their behavior will not reflect on others. You "can't not all men" prostitutes to women; prostitutes by in large are women. Utterly limp wristed and spineless.

>Where do you get that I support prostitution from, the fact that I don't shame them and scold them and think they should get out safely?

The fact that you seem incapable of criticising prostitution and prostitutes as they benefit patriarchy and male supremacy while humiliating women, the fact that you automatically see them as victims when they are complicit in womens suffering as a class, something you claimed in a earlier post to be "uplifting" women from.

>You think the vast majority of prostitution is women's poor decisions? Or you think camgirls and ethots are responsible for the men seeking them out?

I don't care if prostitution is a decision or forced, please don't include whorish examples I'm not interested in them. I don't blame prostitutes for male biology, no. But the logic still rings true regardless. Again spineless and toothless "be nice" feminism isn't even rationally sound let alone what you're trying to argue is morally sound, "grandstanding won't someone think of the prostitutes uwu" arguments are dime a dozen. If you aren't ready to criticise idiotic grown womens decisions and how their actions trickle down to human and child trafficking being normalized you never will be capable of seeing women as human.

No. 1751387

Try it on banana slices and try a dollop of it in a light smoothie with coconut water, oat milk and a banana. It enriches anything fresh you eat it with.

If your concept of peanut butter is processed Reeses pieces shit or bland lunch sandwiches this may change your mind.

No. 1751389

Or it's just class betrayal, male supremacy and supports patriarchy. Catering to the interests of men is being a prostitute/whore or a Madonna married trad woman of which are both patriarchical male supremacist decisions. Not doing either, and actually excluding males is catering to one's own. Whether women are or want to be "memed into" those decisions is a debate for another day. No one's "centering men". Most women literally choose to marry and partner with males, the few that choose their own path are increasing in 2023 but are still few and far between, don't be naive.

No. 1751402

Uplifting just means putting women's interests first which includes exit from prosecution regardless of how they behave as individuals. And I wasn't grandstanding about being nice, I was saying other people's arguments were 'prostitutes are unlikeable and mean' which isn't really a political position or moral argument. You sound really naive if you think prostitutes go into it for reasons of 'intrasexual competition' or trying to prove how hot they are. I just have empathy for them, that's it. It's an awful situation that all of them regret. Thinking prostitutes are hurting themselves more than they hurt others isn't supporting it, stop putting words in my mouth. I don't think prostitutes deserve to be punished but pimps do. I hate prostitution as an industry, women who 'choose' to do so are such a small minority it's not worth discussing, but I don't hate prostitutes. None of the people here were criticizing prostitution as an industry on the basis that it hurts women, they were saying 'sex workers brag about stealing husbands' and other individual focused criticisms. Any criticism of men was notably absent. Most prostitutes are forced into it economically through other means, but even if someone makes the choice to do that, they're not responsible for misogyny. I think focusing on the "idiotic whores who chose to do so" is a distraction, we should focus on pimps and sex traffickers and help women exit. I don't actually see how some ethot like Shayna's decisions trickle down to child trafficking no. Human trafficking still happens in countries where prostitution is entirely banned, who's to blame there?
>won't someone think of the prostitutes uwu
You didn't answer my question, you think all prostitutes are the result of 'idiotic grown women's decisions'? You don't think it's a painful and traumatizing situation to be in?

No. 1751421

Sex workers are so funny when they say they can’t not sale pussy for a living because they were sexually abused or poor. Most women have been sexually abused or are living pay check to pay check and have real jobs. Stop with the pity party and get on indeed and fill out some applications.(stop baiting with this over and over)

No. 1751438


No. 1751441

You can’t call me a cunt because that is a slur against women. We are all sisters right?lmao

No. 1751444

Ok then say that they pick sex work because of the financial freedom. Stop with the bullshit sob story that they are just poor or traumatized. News flash most of us are poor and traumatized but don’t do sex work. It’s an excuse and calling it like it is isn’t hate and if you think I hate sex workers oh well.

No. 1751445

No. 1751448

so you're just poor and jealous?

No. 1751449

also samefag you can open an onlyfans and make money too. no reason to be jelly.

No. 1751452

I don’t want to have naked pictures of myself and get verbally abused by scrotes for minimum wage or have Arabs in Dubai shit on my face if I want the big bucks. I’d rather clock in but thanks lol

No. 1751454

I’m not comparing them. The only time sex work is excusable is if you’re in some 3rd world shit hole. I’m speaking for the USA because I live in the USA. In the USA there is no good reason to do sex as an adult who can make her own choices. Everyone’s got trauma and everyone’s poor.

No. 1751457

Samefag and yes I think you are dirty if you do sex work. The health industry thinks so too which is why they don’t let people who admit to selling sex donate blood for any reason. It’s a high risk profession and it’s nasty.

No. 1751458

USA is a third world shithole, honey.

No. 1751459

I like how you acknowledge it's abusive and traumatizing but still thinks it's easy money. Go sit on a cactus until it's smooth.

No. 1751462

Easy is subjective. What’s easy for them isn’t going to be easy for someone else. If it was hard for them they’d quit and go get a real job.

No. 1751466

it would be easy for me to punch your gut until you're squealing like a pig but I still wouldn't because I don't want to touch shit. I wish it would be easy for you to shut up.

No. 1751467

Kek this, anons posting from the US might as well start calling themselves 3rd world-chans. No abortion rights, no laws protecting workers, absolute poverty being common due to the lack of proper social safety nets, unaffordable health care, people living in squalor because of the fucked house market, gigantic wealth gaps etc. The blue states supporting basic human rights are getting rare over there.

No. 1751468

my 3rd world shithole unironically has more rights for workers because we get a full month of paid vacation and paid sick leave, free healthcare and free university. can't even say "hurr at least we don't have violence" because the average USian capital is way more violent than any other capital in my country.

No. 1751469

Oh you’re big mad kek

No. 1751470

yes I am, please kill yourself die die die die die die DIE(calm down)

No. 1751471

Are you European? The red states with abortion restrictions are now more similar to the abortion restrictions that exist in European countries.

No. 1751472

I’ll keep posting just to irritate you

No. 1751473

not even your parents love you. imagine being a disappointment to literally everyone in your life. the world would be better if you disappeared.

No. 1751474

Kek you’re such a loser, whoever you are. I’m guessing you suck dick for a living?

No. 1751476

that's bollocks and we both know it. you just can't have an abortion anymore on those states period.

No. 1751478

My parents love me which is why my pussy hole isn’t on display for everyone to see for a 3 dollar subscription

No. 1751479

imagine being actually jealous of women who have to get paid to be raped because you do it for free. sucks the moid you picked is not only poor but also demands sex from you and you get nothing in return. your life is miserable.

No. 1751480

if your parents loved you, you wouldn't sperg about women who get raped for money every week because you're seething in jealousy they get something from sex while you don't. sad.

No. 1751481

>the average USian capital is way more violent than any other capital in my country
What country is it? More than 50% of violent crime happens in 2% of counties in the US. There are dangerous areas like Atlanta and New Orleans for example and the rest of the country is relatively safe.

No. 1751484

Nope look it up

No. 1751485

just fucking leave if you hate everyone here, or is your life so devoid of anything you have to spend your saturday sperging about prostitutes?

No. 1751486

I’m not that anon
>you have sex for free
I’m sorry I fuck men I actually like and not men who stink and are repulsive for gas money

No. 1751487

Europe isn't a country lmao

No. 1751488

You can stop responding if you don’t like what I have to say. And yes I am better than you. Even women who clean sewer pipes and work as janitors are better than you because they have self respect.

No. 1751489

I'm literally not telling you which country because I don't want you american bitches moving here. stay on your yankee hellhole.
you're literally a tradthot whining about women who get paid for sex, you're probably marrying someone for money that you're not attracted to because you're a vain bitch so stfu you're not better than a prostitute. assuming you don't look like a paper bag full of dog shit and can actually bag a man with money.

No. 1751491

I am better than sex workers(unles they were trafficked) and the fda agrees.

No. 1751492

she's not sucking johns for pity money so I dont see the point of calling her a sex worker. she is more like a gravure model than a sex worker.

No. 1751493

But she pretends to be a little girl who is getting raped to pay for gas and rent. Still pretty bad.

No. 1751496

>so you're just poor and jealous?
>also samefag you can open an onlyfans and make money too. no reason to be jelly.
> if your parents loved you, you wouldn't sperg about women who get raped for money every week because you're seething in jealousy they get something from sex while you don't. sad.
>imagine being actually jealous of women who have to get paid to be raped because you do it for free. sucks the moid you picked is not only poor but also demands sex from you and you get nothing in return. your life is miserable.

Remember earlier when they were squealing about how prostitutes never degrade other women or brag about how other women are just jealous of them?

No. 1751497

Yeah we have established that I am better than sex workers. I know this.

No. 1751498

if you have to keep telling that to yourself every week something is deeply wrong with you. like I wouldn't even imagine comparing myself to a sex worker because I have no idea what they go through. imagine literally having to tell yourself constantly you're better than women who get raped for money or sell their image to desperate coomers online. something is broken and you need to acknowledge it.

No. 1751499

Right lol as soon as sex workers start getting dragged they always wanna claim women are jealous of them. Wtf is there to be jealous of? Lol

No. 1751500

how is telling you you're deranged for bringing this up constantly "degrading". do you feel degraded when you walk on a therapist and she tells you something is wrong? don't answer.

No. 1751501

I’m better than homeless scrotes and crack heads as well. I guess me saying that means I’m jealous of them kek

No. 1751502

if you have to tell yourself you're better than people who are literally mentally ill drug addicts with no support whatsoever, that says a lot about you and it's actually very sad.

No. 1751504

>Europe isn't a country lmao
>”in European countries”
I fucking hate Europeans, I really do.

No. 1751505

Yes I am better than them because I’m not shitting up the neighborhood and being a drain on society while stealing from my family and friends. I’m better than sex workers too. We aren’t on the same level of morality.

No. 1751508

NTA but are you really okay with any man taking your images and sharing them amongst his friends to make AI porn with or put them into folders with CP in them instead of just getting a retail job or something? I swear nonna just working in a normal job where you aren't in a constant neck and neck with other women doing the exact same thing as you and lose your income when you get too old is so much better and I'm saying this as a working class poorfag who has to work with dangerous manchinery.

No. 1751509

when people say sex work is degrading they also mean cam girls. I dont think you understand being objectified in any way is degrading and horrible for your mental health. yes less than 1% of sex workers are bagging millions but that doesn't say anything about their mental health.
you're literally shitting up a virtual neighbourhood being a fucking retard

No. 1751510

I’m glad you get because I do.

No. 1751512

A lot of Europeans seem to support things like prostitution and trafficking, incest, pedophilia and low age of consent laws… I think your country is probably the actual shithole, if only because freaks like you are there

No. 1751513

what do you get from coming here every week and telling yourself whores are bad and you're the beacon of morality? seriously?

No. 1751514

(citation needed)
also voices in your head doesn't count as citation.

No. 1751516

That's literally like someone from Japan criticizing USA and people retorting with "oh yeah?! well what about the uyghur genocide in China!!!!" just because they exist on the same continent. American retardation.

No. 1751517

NTA but I'd rather have my arm degloved than have rando men whacking it to me or raping me, it's not a morality thing you're just a retard

No. 1751519

good thing I dont have to tell you to kill yourself because as an american woman you're in very high risk of being killed by your partner using a firearm.

No. 1751520

Women who choose to do that are the broken things lol

No. 1751521

yes, you see, it's bad. you would literally go under physical torture than do it yet you say people do it because they're choosing to. you're a schizophrenic tradthot.
you're also broken but you will never see it.

No. 1751522

If it’s so bad for them why don’t they stop?

No. 1751524

because they would be homeless? because they maybe have a family to support? mental illness? because a pimp is threatening them? crushing debt to said pimp and they would get killed if they quit? there are a plethora of reasons why some can't leave. you could literally google it but instead you use other people's pain to virtue signal how much of a good woman you are. you're a miserable cunt.

No. 1751525

There are many things that can be said about japan. Like the fact that they’re still selling cp in sex shops in 2023.

No. 1751526

Whataboutism is like encoded into American DNA

No. 1751527

hope you're not dating a man because there's a high chance he watches porn. you know, with the disgusting skanks you hate so much.

No. 1751528

I hate men but I'm a tradthot? Make it make sense.
I'm >>1751508 and I could sue my workplace if an accident like that happened to me, I doubt you can take any legal action if you decide later on you don't want any sexual imagery of yourself going around because you legally consented to it beforehand you daft retard

No. 1751529

None of these are good excuses except the pimp one.

No. 1751530

No it isn’t. I just asked if she was European because I always see Europeans panicking about American abortion laws, and they don’t realize that American abortion laws in red states are now comparable to the horrible abortion laws in many European countries. She then said “Europe isn’t a country” after I said “European countries” plural, because she can’t understand English

No. 1751531

I condemn those backwards European countries just the same you idiot, it's not the gotcha you think it is. I don't have to take accountability for them because Europe isn't a country and I didn't vote for their conservative right wing governments.

No. 1751532

they're not excuses, they're reasons and you don't get to invalidate anyone's life just because you dont agree with their circumstances. you sound sheltered and privileged, because you can't acknowledge someone might be going through something you wouldn't even understand how hard it could be.
why do americans assume only europeans criticise them kek the entire world mocks americans.

No. 1751533

Wait sorry I'm retarded, there's two anons with similar writing styles in the thread

No. 1751534

I know a lot of Europeans and speak to a lot of them online, they always seem much more degenerate in general and call everyone else prudes when they’re called out on being disgusting. Just look at French people’s perceptions on incest, pedophilia, prostitution, they’re all ignorant

No. 1751535

They’re not good reasons. If they have families to feed they can go get food stamps or a job. They could also close their legs and stop pumping out babies they can’t afford. Plenty of women are single mothers and are able to keep their kids fed and housed. I’ve never met a sex worker that was a good parent.

No. 1751537

NTA but I can tell you've never talked to a french person because french people hate talking to anglos or in english kekkk of all europeans you had to mention the french who just refuse to speak in english compared to other european countries.
>food stamps
sperg-chan I dont think you understand the rest of the world exists

No. 1751538

I can’t speak for other countries im talking about the USA.

No. 1751540

the USA sucks and I think you should kill yourself

No. 1751541

If you’re in a first world country like Sweden, Germany, Finland or the uk then you have even less of an excuse to be a whore. In the uk they literally give free housing and food to any dead beat parent.

No. 1751542

Nonna's right, unless you're getting trafficked there's no reason to go to sex work. I'm from some shithole country outside of burger and bong land and I have no future prospects whatsoever and yet can find a multitude of jobs without exploiting myself

No. 1751544

American states each have their own individual government, hence why it’s called the United States. Every state is different and comparing the laws in one state to another doesn’t make any more sense than comparing all the different European countries

Asking someone which country they’re from and telling them to look at their own country’s abortion laws isn’t what whataboutism means

No. 1751546

you realize prostitution is legal in germany (not that I agree with it) and if you want to apply for unemployed benefits and you're a female they literally tell you to go work on a brothel. also tons of people get trafficked to germany due its' lax prostitution legalization. it's the same with netherlands.
these countries have next to no prostitution thanks to the nordic model. also welfare system is strong af.
a certified anglo shithole where people get human trafficked and acid thrown on a daily basis.

No. 1751547

>hope you're not dating a man because there's a high chance he watches porn. you know, with the disgusting skanks you hate so much
You’re combining two different arguments here first of all, and second it’s very very telling how you’re jumping to defend legalized CP after defending prostitution

No. 1751548

how is telling your nigel probably watches porn the same as defending CP? are you disabled?

No. 1751549

Germany has free university. Just go to school and stop being lazy.

No. 1751550

No one said Europe is a country, stop saying that

No. 1751553

> acid thrown on a daily basis.
Not true at all. Also if you’re a burger, you can’t shit on the uk. If you’re from a euro country. Why do so many Europeans move to the uk if it’s such a shit hole

No. 1751554

>stop being lazy
"haha just stop being mentally ill. abuse? just get over it LOL. you're too poor to have time to study and need to work? I'm so much better than you, totally."

this is how you sound.

No. 1751555

the euros moving to the uk are usually slavs whose countries are not much better than the uk.

No. 1751556

I’m not sure how sucking dick for a living will hell with mental illness

No. 1751557

I didn’t say I know or speak to French people, I said Europeans from various countries. What’s with you anons not knowing the plural form of English words? Everyone knows French people’s view on those topics because it’s a hot topic in their philosophy, media, news, and social media

No. 1751559

Unironically yes

No. 1751561

France and the uk are on par. Paris is a dirty slum and both countries are being consumed by Muslims

No. 1751563

NTA but literally just get a job. If you have an semi-fixed address or a friend with one you can get a job. Saying this as a mentally ill poorfag

No. 1751564

Yeah and they end up becoming drug dealers or prozzies

No. 1751567

I have a job as a floor cleaner and bathroom scrubber and it pays enough for a frugal life without buying expensive things. As long as you manage to live frugally and have a roof over your head you should be fine

No. 1751568

Doing sexwork will erode your mental health.

No. 1751569

Japanese moids are all perverts, just look at the media they consume

No. 1751570

Someone said that Japan had legal child porn until recently, and you’re response was “oh you’re just jealous that your man watches porn”

No. 1751571

The UK has a higher crime rate than the US, they just have less gun violence. Isn’t England really ghetto now? I know Ireland has always been fairly dangerous and ghetto too on that note

No. 1751572

Because the dollars to hours ratio is quite high, say 100$ per client and ten clients a day is 1000$ earned relatively easily and quickly.
What jobs are around which can make you earn more than 100$ per hour including taxes?

No. 1751573

more women should have/keep their happy trail fuck this hair removal agenda, i'm going back in time and KILLING the advertisers responsible for it. unfortunately i barely have one but i'm still grateful i have a little something. the name is perfectly fitting like yeah that's the trail for happiness alright. realizing now i sound like a beauf/sleazy hick. sorry about that (fit) men shouldn't remove it either but that's not really my beeswax

No. 1751574

There was an anon saying going to the beach with her full bush out on display was quite freeing

No. 1751575

You dog faces aren’t getting $100 per client, more like $10

No. 1751576

At the cost of your mental health and soul though

No. 1751577

it is ghetto and dangerous now. Import the third world, become the third world. The new colonisers have culturally enriched my country and I'm meant to be happy about it. You know it's So Beautiful, So stunning and so so brave.

No. 1751578

nooooo you can't say prostitution is degrading and bad. even though they literally they would rather get their whole arm degloved than do it. but it's just filthy sleazy whores doing easy money.

No. 1751579

I don't think you understand that if you live in germany and are a prostitute, chances are, you dont even have your own passport with you anymore and have 0 chances of getting your own housing.

No. 1751582

Prostitution is degrading and bad though, its bad for the body and mental health.

No. 1751583

ugh i meant beauf* but whatever
that sounds awesome, i wish i could do that but nudity isn't allowed in my country or i would try it too. i got a full bush as well and growing it out was my best decision. i love how it looks !!! i couldn't ever go back, just trimming here and there. it's just so comfortable and natural. even aesthetically it looks heaps better and i wasn't ever insecure about the shape of my labia or like whatever, so it's not about hiding or anything. it's freeing enough to just have it so i can imagine how it feels with beach breeze and all. i know i'm going to sound like a tranny and i'm sorry but i especially love the womanliness of it, the pattern and "shape". being female rules

No. 1751585

then don't hate women who do it. hate the system who makes these women do that, hate the johns, the pimps but don't hate the women in it because they're victims.

No. 1751587

This is funny to me, it makes me think about Sabrina Nellie who was originally just a cam girl and then started prostituting herself, and she was homeless and literally sleeping on a mat in her friends walk in closet. I know she was successful as a cam girl a decade ago but it’s really rare for them to really make any money at all, and even as a “success story” she made nothing when she did full prostitution, and she’s conventionally attractive. Most women in any part of the sex industry are pretending to make more than they really do, I don’t think the average prostitute makes $100 a client, considering they typically serve 20-40 men per day.

No. 1751588

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I'm starting to feel real bad for SW defender anon, not because I agree with her but cause she's been trying to pretend she's not a SW herself but you can see her miserable job being discussed or criticized at all triggers her. She's a living example on why SW should never be a career path under any circumstances unless you a thirdie, trafficked or worse. If you got options, any at all, use them, don't ever think about getting into sex work, getting a retail job will not give you this amount of regret, waiting some time for money will not fuck you up like that will, she cannot live with herself and it's killing her inside and that's why she's so eagerly forcing everyone else to approve of her job despite the several and seemingly infinite downsides. Don't ever get into sex work, it ain't worth it and everyone telling you otherwise ("it's fast money!") It's lying blatantly about the actual consequences, you cannot undo the damage it will do to your mind, it will never be a viable option

No. 1751591

Agreed and while I thought it was funny at first that she kept pretending to not be a prostitute, I’m starting to feel bad for her too

No. 1751592

most cam girls and onlyfans girls lie about their status because it attracts other girls to work with them. it's kinda like a pyramid scheme thing.
sorry I actually care about all women including the ones you deem not worthy of being defended. I don't have to anonymously prove to you I'm not a prostitute simply by virtue of me not actually caring what literal nobodies think of me. I'd rather be called a prostitute than let some women think it's okay to degrade and think less of other women because of what circumstances they live in. you can keep seething about it, I'll keep defending these women and your mentally ill asses can keep thinking I'm a SW to justify me defending these women you hate so much.

No. 1751593

I dont hate women who do it, but alot of women decide to enter into it themselves, they aren't all manipulated into it by men.
The rise of OF etc. Alot were told that it was empowering by women who want other women to feel as miserable as they are.
I feel alot of sympathy of those who have chosen that path. But they are victims of their own poor choices.
I feel sorry for some men who feel the need to get human connection by buying a hooker also.

No. 1751595

>I feel sorry for some men who feel the need to get human connection by buying a hooker also
so you don't feel sorry about women who decide to enter prostitution for whatever reason but you feel sorry for moids who hate and objectify women enough to seek prostitution?
this place is really in the dumps.

No. 1751596

I said I have sympathy for them but they made their own choice to go into it.

No. 1751599

have you tried having sex with ten guys the same day, or even ten times the same day? on a daily basis? that will absolutely rip your vag apart just from the friction, that's why most women in the sex industry use painkillers or alcohol

No. 1751600

moids who inflict rape upon prostitutes because they can't form connections with women due not considering them actual people are worthy of sympathy though?

No. 1751601

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I hope you all get permabanned.

No. 1751604

Do you consider buying sex from a woman who has decided to enter into SW to be a form of rape?

No. 1751605

Why are you talking to me like I've been at this for hours? I just chimed into this debate

No. 1751606

if you have to buy someone's consent, that person is being coerced into having sex for money. that's rape.

No. 1751607

sure, jan.

No. 1751609

Whoever wrote these needs to turn off the PC and hit a blunt asap

No. 1751610

Do you consider it rape if a man is having sex with a woman who has chosen to drink and, as a result, has passed out?

No. 1751612

you need to get your head hit with a hammer until you lose your cognitive capacities.(calm down)

No. 1751614

You know that mods could easily check my IP post story, right? You can't accuse everybody of being the same person you were talking to
You're going to get actually banned, calm down

No. 1751616

If it was a sex trafficked woman in a sleazy brothel then I would, as she was sex trafficked.
But an OF model whos picking and selling sex to who she wants, no that isnt rape to me.
No as she has passed out and unable to make decisions for herself.

No. 1751617

because of how people deem onlyfans, camming, etc as "easy money", many women actually end up believing in the lie and in the end are caught up in a trap of not being able to have a career anymore because their name is plastered all over the internet while not actually earning jackshit because it's not actually rewarding. they don't actually care that women are doing easy money, they just want to virtue signal how these thots are funnelling money out of these poor lonely moids.

No. 1751620

>No as she has passed out and unable to make decisions for herself
exactly because she is passed out she cannot give consent. so anyone trying to have sex with a passed out woman would be taking advantage of her incapability of saying no. your notion of sex is infantile, honestly.

No. 1751621

You sound like a man, wtf

No. 1751622


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1751623

Are you trying to say an adult women who choose who she sells sex to is the same as a passed out woman who is being raped?
Should women not be able to make their own decisions then?

No. 1751625

England isn’t ghetto kek, some areas are rough though but that’s like anywhere.
Ireland has some real dangerous areas. Although people like to ignore or are just unaware

No. 1751626

Joan of Arc would hold a stick to bat away all the dirty prostitutes who tried coming into her village to get work out of her army of moids and I KEKKKK. the most based 17 year old girl ever.

No. 1751627

an adult woman who is selling sex is selling her consent because she otherwise would not engage in sex with that man. lack of consent is rape. I don't see how hard it is for you to conceptualize that.

No. 1751628

The Republic of Ireland is the deadliest place to live in the Irish and British isles

No. 1751630

remind me when joan of arc killed prostitutes kek she literally used the Nordic Model on them and told her army to not go to prostitutes lest they be punished. she didn't punish the prostitutes, she punished the johns.

No. 1751631

That is literally a form of trafficking, I'm talking about people who actually have a choice in the matter

No. 1751633

She is selling sex in exchange of money. She is willingly providing an act. She is consenting to the interaction for profit.
To lump that in with a woman passed out being sexually assaulted is pretty gross.
permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
"no change may be made without the consent of all the partners"

No. 1751634

unless you can come up with a real statistics on what is actually "choice on the matter" on prostitution I literally refuse to acknowledge this nitpick because everytime people bring up SW itt people say "but what about the 1st world ones who can choose!!" as if they're the loud majority and not just what you see in the internet as an EOP.

No. 1751637

I dont think you understand sexual consent can't be bought because that's not how sex works. you can't buy arousal or attraction. only a scrote would think those are things you can bargain with.

No. 1751638

that could be true but I like my version better. the image of her batting away all the dirty hoes is topkek

No. 1751640

Why is sexual consent different to other forms of consent?

No. 1751642

the whole of Ireland is a ghetto bordering on third world shithole. doesn't matter if it's north, south east or what.
That's because Irish act like fucking animals and I'm saying that as an Irish person. I've been here 4 months and I fucking hate my life and these people. never seen anything like it in my life

No. 1751643

yeah but your version is literally not what happened.
>batting away all the dirty hoes is topkek
you sound like a moid.
because you can't make your body feel arousal or attraction on demand. you can make yourself do things like work but you can't make yourself feel pleasure or orgasm on demand. it's literally a bodily response to arousal and attraction, not an act you can choose or not. accepting money for someone to use your body is rape as your psyche has not consented and your body will not respond as such.

No. 1751644

To use your own arguement against you TiFs consent to permanently deform themselves everyday, is that then okay for the medical field to take advantage of mentally ill women and girls? Just because you consent to something doesn't immediately make it less harmful nor does it mean you won't regret it- it simply removes agency if it blows up in your face.

No. 1751645

Ok, so if she is attracted and turned on by the John then its not rape?
What about women who get turned on by actual rape? And cum during it? Does that not count as rape?

No. 1751646

society takes advantage of mentally ill people especially women all the fucking time but I dont understand why people have such a hard time realizing mentally ill women do get taken advantage of sexually as well.

No. 1751648

>so if she is attracted and turned on by the John then its not rape
now you just want to fucking nitpick. this situation doesn't happen most of the time. johns are usually disgusting men who can't form relationships with women normally. figure out why women don't want them, even though we already have low as fuck standards as it is.
>What about women who get turned on by actual rape? And cum during it? Does that not count as rape?
what in ao3 fanfic bullshit is this? you realize most if not all people turned on by rape are turned on by the fantasy and the control they have over the fantasy and not the act itself, right?

No. 1751649

NTA but that's a proven defense mechanism the body has so the vagina doesn't fucking rip apart. Also women don't cum are you ignorant or a moid?

No. 1751652

most likely a moid. I wish mods still deleted all posts made by trolls. it would usually expose all the garbage they've been spewing, usually for hours.

No. 1751653

Mental illness isn’t an excuse. Most people have depression, anxiety and learning disabilities but still work.

No. 1751654

>now you just want to fucking nitpick. this situation doesn't happen most of the time. johns are usually disgusting men who can't form relationships with women normally. figure out why women don't want them, even though we already have low as fuck standards as it is.
My conversation throughout this whole exchange isnt sex trafficked women, its women who have chosen to be sex workers. OF models turned prostitutes' etc who can pick who they bang for $.
>what in ao3 fanfic bullshit is this? you realize most if not all people turned on by rape are turned on by the fantasy and the control they have over the fantasy and not the act itself, right?
I am talking about women who have been raped but now feel shame having had their body react and "enjoy it". There have been many campaigns about trying to stop women feeling guilty over thinking they "enjoyed" their rape because their body reacted/orgasmed over it.
I'm not a guy, I just have a different opinion on OF prostitutes' being rape victims in the circumstances I've said.

No. 1751655

I don't what entitled bullshit princess "me me me" world you live in but people don't have to give you written essays of excuses as to why they do the things they do. imagine being so self-centered you expect anyone who do anything you deem immoral to have a readily available list of reasons as to why they should exist. maybe there are prostitutes who couldve done better choices but the matter is, they're suffering now and we should focus the hate elsewhere because they're not the root of the problem. you're so fucking ignorant it's staggering honestly.

No. 1751657

This sort of reminds me of the debate over abortion for frivolous shallow reasons or moral good girl reasons. Like even if someone became a cam girl because they thought, correctly or not, that it was easy money, I still think the worst think you can accuse them of is laziness.

No. 1751659

>I am talking about women who have been raped but now feel shame having had their body react
that's literally a defense mechanism and they shouldnt feel shame of it. so you acknowledge prostituted women are getting raped, right?

No. 1751662

I acknowledge sex trafficked women and those manipulated by others into SW are getting raped, not OF SWers who are choosing their Johns. I have said this further up.
This is my last reply, neither of us will change our mind on the subject.
Genuinely enjoy the rest of your day/night, you've given me food for thought.

No. 1751663

that's a good point because there is no fucking reason someone shouldn't have the right to have an abortion. literally doesn't matter how it happened, if they want the fetus out they should be able to get it out. same logic goes with prostitution, doesn't matter why or how they got in, if they want out, they should get out without being judged. and if they want to stay in it, they shouldn't be harshly judged because we don't know what they are going through. I support all women, even the ones fucking up their own lives.

No. 1751667

>dumb shit like anxiety and depression
indeed it could be worse, could be extreme chronic retardation like yours, but hey

No. 1751668

>Most people have depression, anxiety and learning disabilities but still work.
Totally unrelated to whatever the previous replies are discussing but I feel like people who identify as disabled or neurodivergent go out of their way to act like they’re incapable of working in order to force normalfags to be employed in the most strenuous and physically debilitating forms of labor.

No. 1751669

mental illness is not why people become sex workers. Most people have some sort of mental illness or disability but still work.

No. 1751671

Nta but I don't think it's the same thing, abortion is extremely taxing for the body, no woman is doing it for frivolous enough reasons. If you abort a fetus you weren't probably ready to be a mother and that's good enough reason

No. 1751675

that's once again a very terminally online opinion. if you knew neurodivergent people irl you'd know a lot of them are actually very incapable of working. I know I would fucking hate to work with a chronic autist, for example. also neurodivergency is usually a spectrum and the ones you see online are functional enough (or faking) to advocate for themselves and you'd think they could also use that time to get a skill or a job.

No. 1751677

and you think prostitution is not taxing for your body and mind?

No. 1751678

The comparison I was drawing was the people who make exceptions for abortion under 'acceptable' circumstances, such as rape, and people who think unless you were literally born an indentured sex slave you have 'no excuse' to be a prostitute.

No. 1751679

Women who prefer tattooed men are usually disgustingly vocal about it. Like keep that shit to yourself, there is a shortage of pure and untattooed moids in the world and all of the bottom of the barrel guido chav gangster fuck boys that they all love to ruin their lives over have them. Now all the nice and normal men are getting them too.

No. 1751680

>that's once again a very terminally online opinion. if you knew neurodivergent people irl you'd know a lot of them are actually very incapable of working
No, I came to this conclusion after knowing someone IRL who has made over 25000 posts on Twitter but claims to be too mentally incapable of being able to unbox and fold clothing at Target. I’m not the terminally online one in this situation.

No. 1751682

I think in those cases there actually would be something wrong with asking someone (you) to clean something, because the other person is making the mess and it’s not your problem. Obviously being an asshole like they are being is worse but you should not be cleaning their shit at all

No. 1751684

I've literally worked and know people who worked caring for autistic people. trust me, some of them are incapable of doing anything useful, even the verbal ones. just because the ones you see online can write and post doesn't mean they're fit to do anything useful in their lives. I'd rather them post shit online and get a pity welfare check than having them shooting up malls like they do in the US.

No. 1751687

Nta holy fuck literal downies have jobs and you’re saying some lazy autists can shitpost on twitter all day but still can’t be assed to sweep the floor or stock inventory?

No. 1751691

they can but forcing them to is more work than what it's worth sometimes. functional downies just have lower IQ but fine socializing capabilities. some low functioning autists I've seen are unironically worse off than functional downies because they literally can't understand verbal instructions or any type of nuance, dumb as a brick. some of these terminally online "autistic" (I still think a good portion if not most are faking) people will probably experience homelessness in their lives at some point unless they're trust fund kids, in which case, I don't care what they do or claim to be because trust fund kids inherently leeches.

No. 1751692

That anon is just something else, I bet she would make the perfect pittie mommy with her massive talent at making excuses for the lamest people

No. 1751694

yeah anon when you meet someone who can barely hold a spoon without spewing food anywhere the first thing you will think is "damn this guy would pack a hell of a bag on walmart"

No. 1751696

What I meant is that, abortion is never done for frivolous reason while there are a subsets of sex workers who are in for the clout, it's a bad comparison

No. 1751701

If she can use her hands and fingers to write retard takes at Twitter.com then she could do work retail just fine

No. 1751702

I didn’t believe England had ghettos either, but now I’m not so sure. I saw a video a tourist made going to various places in england and one of the cities (I don’t remember the name) was the most dangerous looking ghetto I’ve ever seen. Every square inch of space was covered in graffiti, there were people in dark alleyways, men wearing masks, and I heard gunshots. I don’t remember what else but I was scared just from watching the video. The same tourist also made a video showing random houses in London and they were all ghetto and poor. It looked like low income housing in the US but it’s considered nice in the UK.

No. 1751703

the sex workers doing for clout are fucking dumb and naive and when the reality sets it's going to be too late for them. see shayna for example, went from camgirl to "dating" johns and her life is absolutely miserable. probably can't even get a proper job anymore without harassment because her name is online everywhere. she went in for the clout but now she has brainrot. shayfags I beg you to not reply to my post, I dont care you're obsessed with a sex worker loser who has literally nothing else going on but her miserable life.

No. 1751704

I already said people like that are most likely faking because zoomers think it's cool to be autistic.

No. 1751716

some (not all) of the mods on LC shouldn't be around. they try to power trip, and just end up making themselves look petulant and dumb.

No. 1751724

You could post this in the tinfoil thread nonna, i’m really interested in this topic.

No. 1751730

damn it's literally going to be like cyberpunk 2077. they will purge the old net.

No. 1751735

>just because the ones you see online can write and post
You missed the IRL part.

No. 1751753

>Most people have depression, anxiety and learning disabilities but still work.
No, they literally don't

No. 1751755

Damn this post needs it's own thread honestly. I think about this a lot and would love a whole thread to have a discussion.

No. 1751757

Exactly, she gets it.

No. 1751762

there is a thread about 'the disappearance of the internet' if you want to prolong that discussion! >>>/ot/497325

No. 1751782

I'm convinced the idea that you need to spend 5+ years together before deciding to get married (unless you're very young) is actually an issue. It's insane to me to see people being together for 10 years or more, having one or multiple children together, but somehow deciding that actually marrying is a step too far. And let me be clear, my point isn't marriage itself, it's the legal protections it provides.
I'm also convinced this mindset only helps moids who will string along a woman for years saying they'll totally marry and have kids one day before he dumps her the second she turns 35 for some girl in her early 20's who he will knock up and marry within a year.

No. 1751790

File: 1699111880783.png (29.55 KB, 275x270, 1671504302112.png)

I agree with you. I met a few males online and asked them if they would marry if they dated a woman for a long time, and accidentally got her pregnant. They said they would take care of the baby, but still wouldn't feel like getting married. Personally, I just think it's really trashy to bring a kid into this world without being married to the person you love and having the baby with. The child should grow up in a home where both parents have most things sorted out with each other, not with a structure where their dad (legally) is still in the role of some common boyfriend. So yeah, men who say they can love and have kids but never marry, they're trashy to me.

No. 1751792

Yeah the modern view that having kids together is less of a commitment than marriage is ????? And men having children with women they dont see a future with like its no big deal, and not marrying bc they are viewing their gf as a placeholder until the real one shows up is an insane mindset to me. Men know right away if they want to get married to a woman, women need to understand that men are never uncertain about wanting marriage or viewing marriage as unnecessary, that only means they arent committed to that woman. No amount of kids and building a life together with a man means he is committed to you, only him wanting to marry does. Which is crazy, but thats how men are.

No. 1751823

Thank you nonnie

No. 1751836

If sex is important in a relationship then it’s logical for women to pursue men they’re sexually attracted to.

No. 1751856

Agreed, but is this unpopular?

No. 1751857

I guess it's unpopular because of the "love people for the inside, not the outside" thing that's been shilled by the media.

No. 1751869

I’m personally so conflicted in this because I know scrote intentions with this are to string the good enough girlfriends along for as long as possible but I can’t see myself marrying a moid within like two years of being together. My last relationship I knew I wanted a future with him but the idea of being married or even engaged to him at this point freaks me out. My father kept my mother and I trapped for three decades in that shit marriage and I’m really terrified of repeating the cycle. A lot of moids can keep up appearances for a few years if they really need to. Moids only get scared because they overestimate their market value and act like having emotional responsibilities towards others is controlling.

No. 1751882

>None of the people here were criticizing prostitution as an industry on the basis that it hurts women, they were saying 'sex workers brag about stealing husbands' and other individual focused criticisms.
I was and am. There is no "sex workers" you mean prostitutes. You conveniently ignore prostitutes empowering patriarchy and male supremacy in favor of a one stroke brush paint of "all prostitutes are victims uwu". Again please have a backbone to see women as humans worthy of criticism.

I don't use this site to gossip about mentally ill women much, I use it to discuss things that are taboo for women to discuss since most topics are censored and completely unable to be discussed by women in the real world and on the internet. I don't care about prostitutes on this site or their opinions. Anyone who actively supports patriarchy and male supremacy isn't an ally of women period, including other women. Making concessions and playing nice is what led to trannies and male centered-feminism under the guise of protecting and helping male supremacist women that you are arguing for concessions to and the normalization of paid rape.

>we should focus on pimps and sex traffickers and help women exit

There is no "we", normative statements like that are moralfagging and prostitutes wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. You know that males will never change regardless of what laws you put in place to make paid rape more palatable. The tired argument of we should punish men for mens crimes has never worked in history and never will, no one's advocating for women to be punished. I said laws should be made against prostitution, I didn't say prostitites should be punished for it but they should be told and reminded that they are pathetic and contributing to their own suffering the continued suffering of women and girls forever. I never argued that prostitutes main motivation is intrasexual competition but this can't be denied through actions; they are a part of patriarchy this is inseperable, it's not my opinion, the patriarchy is not some intangible concept floating in the ether it's women who contribute to it, those who marry, coddle and whore themselves to the oppressor class. You seem to think women can do no wrong and are perpetual victims, uplifting each other out of the goodness of their hearts but prostitutes are literally part of patriarchy and male supremacists who allow this machine to continue to function. Prostitution could actually end and cease to exist tomorrow by in large in the developed world if women stopped whoring themselves out and had class solidarity and respect for themselves but self loathing and male worship in women seems unquestioning so much so that you actually believe it would be possible to punish men for mens inhumanity over simply women stopping selling their own bodies. Let's see how successful that's been historically in the last 2000 years. Try to advocate for the punishment and execution of rapists/pimps aka rape traffickers but you know it will never happen. You are trying to police male biology. Also there's no reason that this can't be attempted while also speaking truthfully about prostitutes male supremacy.

As I've said before your opinion is the default opinion from female socialization and by far the most common run of the mill liberal feminist one, but the problem with this is it's shrouded in lies for the sake of protecting males and patriarchy. Women could protest and refuse to aid this machine but too much is gained from whoring out oneself, too much is lost from women acknowledging that they are aiding the oppressor class and diminishing their own, while gaining a small individual benefit as a reward for playing correctly by the ones in power. You can never stop males from raping, no amount of slaps on the wrist will stop male biology. Actually uplifting women would be telling them this, not sugar coating it, making excuses for rapists to continue raping and mentally ill male supremacist women. There is almost always an alternative to whoring yourself out everywhere in the developed world. The only true victims of trafficking are children. Women make their choices and choose males over other women. Your bullshit concession is not choosing class solidarity or uplifting women, it's a concession of rapists, rapists logic and rape defending women. Also fuck off with "the no one blamed males for engaging in paid rape uwu". No shit, paid rape is self-evidently abhorrent and par for the course in male biology. It bares no mentioning.

No. 1751901

I don’t think autism is real

No. 1751904

People say that about ADHD too. But if autism isn't real, what do we call the low functioning ones? Just general retardation?

No. 1751913


No. 1751916

You haven't meet my retarded diagnosed dad.

No. 1751920

Explain ChrisChan then

No. 1751927

I agree I think they're just narcissistic sociopaths who don't even attempt to assimilate into society. basically every man is autistic. makes sense.
I agree. I really hate prostitutes and their feral moids. tired of them all. in my world prostitutes and their moids would be off to the de-pornify camps. the ones who can assimilate back into society and be normal can stay the others..well it it will be hard labour for 80 years. no mercy not even for the women they are traitors and contribute to the image of every woman being a whore.

No. 1751932

the de-pornification camps are going to be a real thing in 70 years when birth rates are near 0, marriage eradicated, suicide rates near 90 percent from loneliness, human morale gone and the relationship between men and women is irreparably broken that the government will finally be forced to address the porn addiction and technology issues. It's going to get worse before it gets better.

No. 1751937

File: 1699119751875.jpeg (119.14 KB, 1200x675, IMG_9360.jpeg)

I do not give a fuck about black anime fanart as long as it’s not fuckin ugly. Unless it’s a borderline caricature, who the fuck cares that a teenager went on ibisPaint and darkened the skin of her favorite genshin character. It doesn’t do any damage. Or if someone wants to draw their favorite anime husbando as black, or with textured hair, it doesn’t matter. I genuinely don’t see a problem with it, unless it’s clearly meant to be racist. If you think it’s cringe, that’s fine, but the reaction some people have to black fanart is so extreme. People on twitter were seething at the fact this one artist drew Anya as black, calling her a slave and n word, it’s anime art! Stop being threatened by anime fanart that isn’t gonna hurt you!

No. 1751944

Nonna are you replying to a six year old post

No. 1751946

kek. I'm sorry idk how that happened was meant to reply to the poster above

No. 1751952

Nta but you accidentally deleted the last number of the post you were replying to, I've seen other anons do it too kek.

No. 1751955

File: 1699120530833.jpg (80.98 KB, 421x237, Kudo_and_Rachel_(Case_Closed).…)

The issue is that anime characters don't look like white people or Asian people, all we know from their appearance is that they are light-skinned, all you literally have to do is just make the skin dark and that's it.

No. 1751966

I think the ones who darken the skin have a fetish for dark skin or do it for political reasons and such. Just make a customized OC instead of changing everything about a character you 'like', which if you actually liked wouldn't feel the need to change anyways. (General you, nothing against you anon)

No. 1751971

I feel the same way when users transwash or fatwash characters in fanart. If you gotta change that character so much, why not make your own?

No. 1751973

nta, but why does it matter? is it also a problem if someone draws a character with a different hairstyle or outfit? it's just race.

No. 1751976

i agree. it genuinely doesn't matter IMO if someone draws a character as a different race, as long as it's not ugly or hateful.

i agree with this too, though.

No. 1752088

While I absolutely get your points, I do think it's a mistake to think that being with a man longer before marriage somehow prevents them changing up on you.

No. 1752113

Hairstyle and outfit can be understandable because of AUs or just fashion redesign as long as it fits the character's personality. But race, weight, height and features? That won't be the same character anymore but just some lookalike with different characteristics (that is if they even still look recognizable as the actual original character kek). Again, just make OCs with similar features and add all the stuff you want to it, nobody would say "you stole the character's design from someone else!!!!!". Customize your own OCs all you want, just don't ruin someone else's for your own pleasure. (Again, general you, not you specifically). As a metal song once said "drink from someone else's wine, no it's not a crime. But when you kill authenticity the art is vandalized."

No. 1752135

i know it is unlikely to be "unpopular" here specifically, but i fucking hate the word "mistress". But every time i have to define exactly why it makes me so uncomfortable I cant really explain it well. Idk if its the fact that theres no male equivalent, and/or the fact that it isnt used vitriolically at all, even though technically, out of all the words used against women who express their sexuality in ways society deems "unacceptable", homewreckers are really the group most deserving (if not the only group) of hate-filled deragatory names. But something about the word, or moreso the way its used maybe, sounds so….glorified? I really feel like male infidelity is extremely sensationalized but its just barely covert enough to where if you try pointing it out, people are gonna call you a deranged feminazi, but its real, and everyone knows it is.

No. 1752153

late but im skinny, pretty facial features, nice hair, and im overall well kept and dressed, and im still ugly and "unkept" looking as shit if i dont do copious amounts of extremely specific grooming/makeup tricks to hide my natural bone structure as much as possible. Bad bone structure can ruin absolutely everything, take it from someone who has moon face.

No. 1752185

No. Men will never admit they have a problem.

No. 1752193

i'm not going to lie, i got up to "height" and thought "this person sounds severely autistic". it's just fan art. it's truly not that important if a character is drawn taller, shorter, skinnier or as another race. genderbends are cool too (i mainly see trannies complain about them because of course). nothing is "ruined or vandalized!!" kek, just keep scrolling.

No. 1752200

File: 1699130447400.jpeg (500.43 KB, 2048x1542, coloniser.jpeg)

My unpopular opinion is, every single one of the New Colonisers need to get out of my country. I'm 25 years old and my long dead grandparents wouldn't recognise London today.

No. 1752207

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No. 1752211

It’s just obnoxious, nta by the way, because when you’re looking for some nice fanart, you see these weird OCs tagged as the things you’re looking for, and it clogs your feed with shit you don’t want to see because it’s literally an eyesore.
Is it a crime? No, but it’s utterly annoying. Like, I want to see my hot ass sexy demon man wearing cool clothes, not this weird ass gremlin fucker who’s somehow autistic and a tranny with a bunch of weird ass color palettes that are supposed to mean other “genders” and “sexualites”.
>inb4 just hide it lol
Yeah, I do that, but because it’s tagged with tags I give a fuck about, that shit will appear again, and again, and again ad infinitum.

No. 1752217

were you raised in london?

No. 1752221

My unpopular opinion is as a white Brit I don’t care what happens to Britain anymore. Our empire colonised and murdered countless people and now the tables have turned and it’s happening to our country and it’s just too bad. Those old timey Anglo boys should have stayed at home, ironically these people wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for them.

No. 1752222

when it's at the point that you definitely can't recognize the character in any way, i agree. but small changes like height or skintone? eh. if i don't like how the person drew them, or the drawing itself is just low quality, it's the same to me as seeing an art style i'm not into in the tag. the character is not "ruined" (ik you're a different anon from the one who said that), it's just some fan content that i'm personally not into.

No. 1752224

No. 1752226

Disabled people should not have to work: in fact nobody should ‘have to’ work to survive. Universal basic income should be mandatory for everyone, and those who want to work, can. But forcing people to work to live is absolutely disgusting imo.

No. 1752228

You sound like a femcel: tattoos on men are a good femcel repellent just like tattoos on women are a good incel repellent.

No. 1752233

Asians are far more racist than whites people.

No. 1752234

All sex work is about pleasing men. Even if you’re busting mens balls and spitting on the floor for them to lick up, you’re still getting them off.

I remember a lot of dommes saying that their clients, despite being subs, are always very picky demanding and exacting about everything, despite claiming to want the woman to be in control. At the end of the day it exists for mens jollies alone.

No. 1752237

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No. 1752238


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No. 1752239

Irish ghettos, gangs and murders don’t get any media attention because everyone in them and going them is white. Crime is only bad when it’s poc doing it. Otherwise it gets glorified: see the massive popularity of mafia movies and series.

No. 1752241

God, I love that femcel is redtexted

No. 1752243

Agree anon! We have to suffer now, however a lot of other euro countries are the same. France too

No. 1752244

Oh yeah, I can’t wait to date a moid with a retarded tribal tattoo, it really shows how he’s definitely not some slave to his impulses.
Idk, dating someone with random scattered tattoos sounds like a bad idea, at least date someone who isn’t addicted to the feeling of the needles on their skin.

No. 1752246

Uh someones never seen a clockwork orange

No. 1752247

That’s not true at all, the UK has a lower fatal stabbing rate than Japan. God I hate when you annoying burgers spread disinfo.

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