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No. 1717396

No. 1717398

Felling cute might call him a fag later

No. 1717408

queen shit

No. 1717410

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i feel like ill always be stuck in this battle of "getting better" it seems like nothing helps long term, no medication is ever the right fit, therapy just stops working. i feel dull aside from the time things come to a head and i erupt in tears. i just broke up with my boyfriend impulsively because although i love him i dont want him to deal with me or witness my declining mental health. my grades are dopping in university, i stopped caring. i dont like myself, i dont care or see a future, it is just pointless. and yet ive been CONSISTENTLY doing everything right for once. im sober. i go to therapy. i take my medicine at the right time each night. i eat healthy 90% of the time, sleep well, exercise a decent amount…but yet i just feel so lost. im so tired because its a constant loop of trying to fix myself and failing. i hate myself. i feel like such a burden. i feel so alone, too, and i cant even be a good friend anyway because i forget to respond to others. i have nobody in real life anyway. i feel like im purposeless and thats okay. i dont want pity. i dont want someone to say they understand or love me, even if it is kind and im thankful fo that. i just wish theyd understand and maybe accept that life is not for me. i dontwant anyone to waste their time on me. when i was little i just wanted to love and help others, now i want nothing to do with the world. i just want to drop out, quitmy job, but thered be no point doing that and making life worse. would need to kill myself. im tired of these suicidal plans every fucking month. the medication was supposed to help. therapy was supposed to help. how is this different than being unmedicated? without therapy? im scared to go off of it cold turkey. im also just sick and tired of holding on to this sick game that repeats itself. im fucking failing school and cant even do he bare minimum. i am not happy. i feel so alone. i feel so lost and sick.

i hate to sound selfish to my mother and i guess now ex boyfriend, or the friends i struggle to talk to often but i really wish something would kill me. i just want to go away and not fail, or upset anyone or be called selfish. i try to be selfless and understand maybe i can do more in this world and that is my purpose. but is it worth it to suffer ands truggle just to possibly help one person? i dont know. maybe that makes me evil.

No. 1717419

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I hate being broke I want chicken

No. 1717432

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I hate my body. I used to be underweight when 'thicc' was in and now lucky me, my SSRI made me slightly overweight by the time skinny got back in style!!!!! I hate my life!!! But half of me is like, yeah fuck these trends they are only here to divide us and make us hate each other. I hate that it's working in me nd now every time I see someone who is skinny I get mad upset just like I did in 2017 when I saw curvy girls. I hate this gay earth and I hate myself. I'm a jealous piece of shit.

No. 1717439

Are you crazy? Pushing me in the in the pool? I had 40 hits of ecstasy in my pocket…

No. 1717442

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I slipped up and said the tard word around my woke friends today. I was telling them about how my middle school used to hire these people to follow me around so I wouldn’t get distracted because I have ADHD and everyone called them the “tard wranglers”

No. 1717452

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just remembered when i found my cousins twt account and he was following a bunch of gross hentai accounts. moids…

No. 1717474

Heartache is the dumbest shit ever and it's embarrassing how poorly I handle it at almost 30 years old. I can't eat, I can't sleep and I always feel like crying. I wish I was one of those aromantic fags.

No. 1717489

this is why i isolate. self censoring became so exhausting and i kept slipping up and saying retard.

No. 1717503

I'm so sorry nona, that's happened to me too. Very embarrassing.

No. 1717512

Now that I've lived for over a decade after high school, I honestly don't know if I can say it was worth staying alive. Like yeah I have a boyfriend and I got to go to Japan and experience some nice things. But I'm still depressed. I feel awful for saying this since I'm still able bodied but it really feels like depression is a terminal illness at times. I wouldn't wish this disease on anyone.

No. 1717528

Why do you think you’re depressed, nonnie? Do you think it’s a chemical imbalance thing or just the state of the world in general kind of thing?

No. 1717529

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i am so bored, everything is so boring, there is nothing to look forward to, everything i liked has been ruined, i cant form meaningful relationships because of irony poisoning, i hate everything, i just want to love, be loved, and have fun

No. 1717530

Eh if you said it in the context of quoting other people from the past they really shouldn’t hold it against you. Not that anyone should bc it’s hilarious but even wokies should use nuance.

No. 1717533

>clog the toilet
>I mop up and leave it to go down
>roomate uses it
>makes a mess
>asks me about it
>ugh OK
>I go buy a plunger and clean up the bathroom AGAIN
>he took a picture of the bathroom he left without mopping and now all my roommates think I didn't clean
I hate men

No. 1717546

I wish I knew nona, I've been depressed and suicidal since late elementary school and it's hard to pinpoint a single reason. I meant to kill myself over the years and have made a couple of weak attempts. I thought I would "grow out" of my depression and I didn't, and having a fulfilling romantic relationship is wonderful but didn't make it go away either. I want to finally try to get therapy this year but I have little hope it'll improve things. Right now I actually have a real reason to be depressed for once though kek

No. 1717556

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I wanna make orego moon cakes but i’m scared they’ll be nasty

No. 1717559

Romantic relationships definitely don’t solve everything. What’s your social life like? Do you get out of the house much? Therapy can help depending on the therapist, but you’ve kind of got to meet it halfway. Things like time with your friends, exercise, and hobbies can also go a long way. Unfortunately it’s never a silver bullet, but the combination of several things together. I hope you do give therapy a try and that things get better for you.

No. 1717561

It's too hot in my house to knit with wool, I'm gonna screech. I'm soooo ready to knit these socks but my needles keep squeaking and my usual method of holding the yarn is creating too much tension because of the palm sweat FUCK OFF

No. 1717562

i hate being retarded because I can’t tel if there’s a bomb going off or if my stomach is just growling loud

No. 1717579

have a friend who is genuinely so nice and sweet but my god she rambles on about the most banal topics. she can talk for like 10 minutes uninterrupted about her airpods.

No. 1717597

need a friend like this because i do the exact same thing

No. 1717622

I like friends like this because it takes the pressure off me to keep the conversation going on days when I don’t have much to say. Kek I just let her go off like my own personal podcast.

No. 1717627

I love friends like this.

No. 1717631

This is annoying, sometimes you just want to hear yourself think.

No. 1717639

I guess some of us are better at drifting into our mind palaces while pretending to be attentive than others, narc relatives help with that I think. I find it comforting when it's something mundane as opposed to negative and vitriolic

No. 1717650

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subscribed to the local lgbt newsletter
>trans healthcare conference
>trans parent group
>christian group
>raw translation of "queer" from english
>more tranny shit
i just wanna meet some fellow pussy eaters god damn…

No. 1717660

it went down on it's own, i hate men so much. they are giant babies. there are literally other bathrooms here and he couldn't just mop it up himself

No. 1717665

My (now ex) bf read through my private twitter after me explicitly telling him not to. It was the only thing I wanted privacy with and I had communicated that to him, he knew all of my passwords and I let him use all of my devices even when I wasn't around. I trusted him but he broke my trust. I used to be a person who trusted people and believed in the good in people but that made me question everything. I had dreams about him demanding to read my whatsapp messages and of him installing a keylogger on my laptop and phone. Ex, if you really did that and are reading this, sincerely fuck you for being a nosey bitch. In not trusting me you broke my trust in people into a million pieces. I feel dumb for ever trusting you.

No. 1717676

Nightmare supervisor strikes again, and boldly. I'll be surprised if she doesn't get fired or at least reprimanded this time, but I have to convince my anxious colleague to put what happened into writing so the big bosses can file it. As far as I can tell nothing much was done about the documents I gave them besides maybe a meeting or two (problem supervisor is a lot nicer to me now at least?) but this issue is a lot bigger than mine was. I think they're kind of desperate for management right now which is the only reason I'm concerned that nothing will happen. I guess only time will tell

No. 1717680

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I genuinely have no idea how people can be happy nowadays. It feels like the world is on a quest to suck the joy out of everything. These past 3 years have been filled by pure shit(corona,NFTs,AI,war,Transhit,Tiktok) I am scared of the future because I know things will only get worse. I will never be able to have a house, a good career, hell, even a boyfriend who isn't a porn addict is out of question. I envy people who live in willful ignorance.

No. 1717710

how can i peak someone? is it even possible?
i just met the prettiest kindest girl but i unfortunately saw that she identifies as an enby
why her why me why doesn't this shit dies down

No. 1717714

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Now I know it may be the result of prolonged depression, vitamin deficiencies and generally shitty weather, but even when I was severely suicidal, I had the drive to keep up with my hobbies, gym and things I enjoy.
I now feel drained from my workplace too. Even though it's a 9-5, the only thing i do when I get home is to doomscroll and sleep and then I wake up in the night and can't sleep, I wake up tired in the morning and rinse and repeat. I basically have to drag my body to this job, can't wake up early and it has shit pay on top of working 6/7 days, which normally is illegal where I live.
I hate how I'm that pathetic, I can't even get up to get my laptop to watch some movie, just tiktok and insta reels doomscrolling is the only thing I do and meeting friends once/week in the best case scenario since I am too tired and they also live pretty far away. My room is a whole mess too, can't bring myself to clean up my wardrobe or preparing an outfit for the next day and as a result, I just wear whatever.
I just want a month off, so I can do whatever I want for 2 weeks and sleep away the other 2. I can't wait to start uni again tho, gives me a good reason to get out of bed. On one hand, I am and should be grateful to be where I am today, but on the other hand, I want things to get a bit better and have some time to recover both physically and mentally.

So, nonnas, do you have any viable advice regarding extreme fatigue? The advice thread isn't as active as this one and I do need some help, thank you.

No. 1717720

I have to drive 6 hours tomorrow to go to my grandparents for thanksgiving and I don't want to. I don't want them to ask about my life and feel their disappointment because they're rich and have super high expectations of me that I'm just not meeting. I don't want to stay at their house for 3 days.

No. 1717740

the way my mom will act saccharine sweet with a fake baby voice 24/7 but say the meanest most venomous shit possible when mad is actually becoming pretty scary
sucks to realize both your parents are headcases

No. 1717742

like now that she "solved" everything and "apologized" she's just gonna act like everything's happy happy time again like I don't remember what she says to me when she's angry

No. 1717747

Have you had your blood testss before? Extreme exhaustion is a symptom of iron deficiency/anemia and can worsen depression.

No. 1717786

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ugh now you can't even use /g/ anymore without possible troon accusations because some moid tainted one thread. there's nowhere else i can talk about my weird crushes and husbandos without encountering annoying tumblr gendies

No. 1717799

i could really use some support right now if anyone is free. I saved up, travelled, and finally arrive to my aunts, and the house is hoarded…. Like bad hoarded. On top of that my mom has threatened to show up unannounced, even though I have gone no contact for many years. Like, I will call the police and file a restraining order the next time she “pops” up.
My sweet aunt is hoarding, has caretaking burnout for our dying grandma. And her husband moved out right after the kids moved out. A case of empty nest gone so far past ok.
I dont know what to do. i have a breakdown backhome if my house gets cluttered, or if I see dust accumulating.
I dont want to overstep but its obvious there are problems she needs help with. She deserves support and help in so many ways. Maybe I should offer to come back for a week of sorting and cleaning? Or, would that upset her?
Theres also this terrible realization that every woman in my family is mentally ill. I hardly feel like vacationing and I just want to go home and get pysch evaluated, to stop this pattern of destruction.
I feel like I have let my aunt down, i feel like i am broken too. I am in a hoarders nest and I really need a nonna to tell me its going to be ok

No. 1717804

I did them back in January and I took treatment for iron defficiency for 2 months. Was supposed to do another set of blood tests and i didn't and the thought of waiting for other 3/4 months for my turn makes me back off kek. My period symptoms worsened 3 months since I stopped the treatment too.

No. 1717808

I can't visit my parents because I miss them so much that I cry whenever I just see their faces.
Now my mom is texting me why I won't come home while I'm bawling in my ugly dirty apartment.
My life is beyond shit and my mental health keeps declining beyond what I thought is possible. If I wouldn't feel so sorry for her, I would have ended it already.

No. 1717817

Aw nonnie that is so, so stressful. Im so sorry. I help my nigels grandma try to organize her hoard once a week a couple of hours. Its indescribable how bad it is. She got pantry moths so bad it was like a biblical plague. Took out 6 or 7 full trash bags of half used flour, rice, open boxes of grains, etc. I am sure theres more. I say that to say hoarding is absolutely no joke. It sucks the life out of you in that environment if you arent the one actively hoarding, and its heartbreaking to see. I just want to extend my deepest and most heartfelt empathy. All I can really say is maybe it will help to try and set up a place in the room youre staying in to be your small organized santuary, like make sure the bed is clean and free of clutter and take over a nightstand to place your things/keep them organized. Its a hard situation. Its going to be okay though. You have a plan in place for if your mom shows up. Right now she isnt there, so you can dismiss that thought of 'what if', because you already know what to do, 'if when'. Take good walks outside and breathe fresh air real deep and try to hang onto that when you have to go back inside. Visit with your aunt, and be with her. Take a pause, breathe, and take one step at a time. Id suggest not trying to fix anything just yet, let your brain recover from the shock for a bit. Its going to be okay. Reducing the situation in your head to 'there is a lot of stuff in the house' instead of 'mental illness, heartbreak, instability, depression, i have to fix this asap, etc' might help keep your mind calmer too and help sort out what may or may not need to be done. Youre there temporarily and wont be in that environment forever. One step at a time. Solutions usually come in time. Things will be alright. Take care of yourself. Wishing you the best and hoping you and your aunt find peace.

No. 1717824

As i lay crying in a hoarded room(with a sliver of a nightstand), I just want to tell you thank you, I appreciate you talking me through this.
I am going to the gym and showering there after; hopefully that can help. I feel so overwhelmed but I am ss your reply to hold on to and re read when i feel like crying again. I love my aunt so much… i wish i could help

No. 1717830

I think offering to come back for a week is very sweet. It can be hard to work on a hoarder's house while they're there, it can be very distressing for them to see things thrown away (depends on what kind of hoarder she has become – just overwhelmed and overtaken by things, or the type that has an emotional attachments to things). If you do go back to clean and there is a way to get your aunt out of the house with your grandma that might be best if possible. If not possible perhaps just have her in another part of the house and not watching you clean.
Of course only if you are able to go back and that's something you can do without having a breakdown. Personally I would feel compelled to clean because I'd be panicking but the other nona is right
>Take a pause, breathe, and take one step at a time. Id suggest not trying to fix anything just yet, let your brain recover from the shock for a bit. Its going to be okay. Reducing the situation in your head to 'there is a lot of stuff in the house' instead of 'mental illness, heartbreak, instability, depression, i have to fix this asap, etc' might help keep your mind calmer too and help sort out what may or may not need to be done.
Good advice.

No. 1717843

Thank you second nonna. I am heading out now to find some out of house activities and I am going to mull over how to approach this.
Both of you are so sweet, thank you very very much

No. 1717851

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why the fuck is my second job scheduling me 7 days straight when they said i would be a part time employee!!!!!!! i’ma still get this money tho………

No. 1717872

i think you can offer her help cleaning but she will have to want it and i think be out of the house probably for you to do it.

anecdotally, something similar happened to me. my ex had a hoarder mom and i cleaned the woman's entire first floor of her condo on a sunday (the trash day was monday). i saved trinkets that seemed obviously like they might be sentimental in storage boxes and had 7 bags of garbage out on the curb - it was mostly actual trash or broken things or ruined clothes. the next morning she took all the bags inside and ripped through them and said she just needed to make sure everything i threw out was not important.
i came back a few months later for a funeral and the trashbags were in the same place, in the corner of her living room. her condo never was clean until she died a couple years later and my ex had to clean it out.
she was ok with me cleaning it out but tbh i had to pressure her a lot so she wasn't ready to throw all her shit out. something similar might happen to your aunt if you do it without her consent. she may not want help with it if:
1. she is in denial she even has a hoarder nest
2. she feels attacked when you mention the hoarder nest to her
so i think you have to tread lightly. if either of those things happen, she will probably be resistant to help.
i think it also depends why someone is hoarding and what they are hoarding. if they are hoarding trash it's usually depression and too overwhelming to clean (like the attached video). my ex's mom was DID and did that but also hoarded trinkets and shit to satisfy her DID alter who was a child. so it was a little harder for her to get rid of her trinkets. might be the same for your aunt if shes hoarding stuff belonging to her kids or ex husband or something.

No. 1717879

I don't care if it's alog, I want to fucking kill all pedos who abuse children. No jail for rapists just death. I wish I could protect all little girls out there.

No. 1717884

I had sleep paralysis earlier for so long I didn't think I was gonna come out. I had to keep clenching my teeth together, breathing hard and wiggling my toes to try and come out. It's like I kept feeling like I was on the edge of waking up but couldn't

No. 1717905

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crying to asmr of a boy being mean to me again

No. 1717912

Self harm

No. 1717919

Sometimes i feel like stopping browsing imageboards because of the bots that spam cp it makes my stomach turn.

No. 1717921

girl… you're, like, doing mkultra on yourself don't let that shit in your mind it will actually change your brain

No. 1717933

Same, I want them all to die.

No. 1717934

It is no longer just the fact that people make me feel alone, it is the constant need to have to prove it to me with every act they do, and if I have any doubts, they decide to tell me and let me know.
I wonder if she can sleep well at night, knowing that she hasn't spent a single measly minute worrying about my well-being. Kek then acts surprised when I decide I've had enough and obviously I don't let myself be trampled. Then she cries and complains because she says that I become distant, that I am not the same person as always. Girl, you don't have even two minutes of your day to grab coffee with me, obviously I'm going to decide to ignore you when I have free time, if it's not worth the effort I have to make.
I despise people like her, who decide to live at the expense of others, she is no one to make me feel as miserable as she does. The value she gives to others depends solely on her perception of them, and she has seen me as someone inferior for a long time.
Sometimes I find myself thinking that I want bad things to happen to her because that's what she really deserves, and then I feel disgusted because it reminds me of her way of being, always waiting for others to fail so she can feel superior, she has no other way of doing things.

No. 1718005

I used to be a high-level NLOG and identify as an FtM tranny, and I've always had male friends. Because of that I had this unhealthy habit of constantly comparing myself to men, thus making myself feel bad for not having certain masculine traits I'd most never be able to get anyway.
Now that I got out of the retarded nlog/pick-me and tranny phases I definitely stopped trying to emulate moids and I feel much better about myself. However, it seems like that former unhealthy habit evolved into a new one: instead of comparing myself to men all the time, I compare myself to other women. It doesn't make me as insecure as I used to be, but sometimes (such as now) it makes me have those existential crises when I just feel like a complete failure of a woman. That means not "feminine" enough, not attractive enough for decent moids and not sociable enough for other women. I ended up realizing there will always be this gap between me and my male friends, because of inevitable sex differences (and male retardation), so for the past 2 years I've tried to socialize and connect with other women irl but it's never really worked, even with fellow autistic or nerdy women with similar interests. I have an impression women have this special way of thinking about groups and social interaction that I'm simply missing and unable to comprehend.
I don't even know if I needed to write all of this shit. I feel like a failure, that's all. I'll never actually fit in anywhere, not with men, not with normie women, not even with women who are similar to me. I'm feeling undesirable in all ways.

No. 1718013

Do you know that feeling when you convince yourself no one wants you around anymore? When you can’t feel lonelier even if you try?
Try picturing someone you really care about showing it. Almost as if they’re mocking me. Knowing well how much it hurts. That broke me.

No. 1718026

Anon I appreciate your reply so much. I'll take all of your words into consideration. I'm trying to divide my time up equally, but now I'm physically ill on top of mentally ill and it's made things a hundred times harder. I can't tell if it's mental issues causing me to feel ill or if there really is still something wrong. I just want to get better. This is just my life now and I have to accept it. There are tons of people who have it worse than me and they still make the best of it, so I'll try too. I still get disappointed when I wake up in the morning though. I wish I could just pass peacefully in my sleep to free not only myself but all of my loved ones so they don't have to deal with my decline anymore.

No. 1718030

This is a dumbass vent but anyway, I have relatives who want to try getting citizenship of the country our family is originally from. But that's bullshit and it'd be insane for it to be accepted cause our family came to our current country in, I joke you not, 1600. Like, why are you even trying? Stop wasting everyone's time.

No. 1718040

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I'm devastated. Someone finally responded to my CV and a lady invited me for an interview, I was so happy, the offert was quite nice. The communicator on the site I was using had a character limit so she sent me their official mail address and told me to sent there my response and if the day and hour for the interview is fine for me and she said she will send more info there, she also said to let her know until sunday. I sent an email using the address she gave me. No response for the whole day. I opened the communicator on the site we were using to ask her if she got my email, and it turned out I can't even write to her anymore because her account was deleted. It looked legit and she had a few offers for the same company but for a few different cities, including mine. Now it's all gone. I don't get it. They should at least let me know the offert is no konger available or something

No. 1718041

People who smoke are so funky

No. 1718068

my friend's fakeboi roommates keep trying to troon her/my friend out. they've even started referring to her by male pronouns to others when she is out of earshot, and call me "they" because, according to a conversation i eavesdropped on, i give off "transmasc" vibes for not shaving, whatever that means. i want off this ride.

No. 1718084

As pathetic at it sounds, I don't think I'm ever going shoppping without my bf or a friend again. I normally order online or go with someone else, but today I ran out to grab a few items from a beauty supply store. I'd forgotten how much scrotes love to catcall, as soon as they saw I was alone they pounced and kept bothering me. To make matters worse, while I was shopping some dude walked up to me and started giving me a sales pitch about how he was selling brand new airpods for only $100. He was nice but so pushy and kept insisting I get them, so I bought them to make him go away (my 'tism makes it really hard for me to just fucking say no for some reason). I was sure I got scammed but they seem to be real, might sell them to at least get some of my money back. Although I guess they could be stolen? Idk ugh

Im horrifed this happened and don't even want to tell anyone what happened since they'll rightfully think Im an idiot. It's sad, I'm in my twenties I should be able to shop without a goddamn guardian.

No. 1718086

Parents were abusive toxic dickheads, especially my mom. I already talked to them as little as necessary but one day I just decided to block their numbers and that was that. Now I got a new phone and received a phonecall from that bitch I didn't answer, she left a voicemail. She needs my info, probably because she has my student loans in her name (she's on the hook legally, not me.) I deleted the voicemail and blocked her number. It's just not my problem. There were times I desperately needed help as a kid/teen and she just blew up at me and told me to handle it myself, so this is karma coming back to her. Enjoy the loans, you dumb bitch, I know you can't afford them. I hope they take her house.

I laugh thinking how frustrated and angry she must be. Hurts, doesn't it? Shouldn't have abused me.

No. 1718097

For 10+ years I was close friends with this girl that was extremely controlling and toxic, the kind that was an expert at figuring out your insecurities and using them to get under your skin and making you believe she is the only one in the world that truly understands you while also using said insecurities to always drag you down beneath her. She did this to a lot of people, I am sparing you the details but I can say I am not the only one that has her as a recurring topic in therapy and has absolutely WRECKED self-confidence because of the self-hatred she instilled on us by the way she constantly put us down. I've never met someone as manipulative as her before nor since.
Anyway, I managed to completely cut her out of my life a few years ago and my life has been so much better. I would occasionally get updates on her latest bullshit but it was basically same old, same old. I was upset that she practically gets away scot-free with bullying people all the time, to the point that at least one has attempted suicide, so I've been kinda hoping karma would bite her in the ass one day whenever I hear anything but not thinking too much about it. When I heard her absolutely ancient cat died I did mention to a friend that I always worried about how she would spiral once it died, since it's been around during her formative years and also when her dad died when she was 13 (which she would use as an excuse for anything well into her mid-20's) so it would be no surprise if a lot of pent-up emotions would come crashing down, and after I said that I got it pointed out to me that her mother also died this summer and it absolutely gutted me. She is an absolutely awful person, and her mother spoiled her rotten, but no one deserves to have both their parents die before they even turn 30. I can't even wish any bad karma on her anymore, I really feel for her.
I now only hope and wish she'll turn into a better person than she used to be one day.

No. 1718099

It feels embarrassing getting COVID now, it hasn’t been as bad as the last time I had it but it’s always so stubborn for me and it’s frustrating. It’s been a solid week and I’m still coughing fairly hard and had a really hard time sleeping last night because it kept feeling like my lungs were filling up. Last time I tested positive every single day for 14 days and it was so frustrating because even though I felt better I couldn’t go anywhere with all of those positive tests. I’m afraid this time will be the same where I’m mostly fine but have to quarantine for some mild symptoms. It’s fucking annoying

No. 1718111

Got up in this guy’s face for leaning on his horn outside my apartment while yelling at the plumber, I really wish people being assholes didn’t send me from 0-11 instantly, I don’t care for most people but I don’t wanna be some aggro dickhead either. A couple weeks ago I told a guy to kill himself for screaming at my Uber driver for taking 1 second too long to move but that guy deserved it more lol. I feel like society is falling apart because we can’t be decent to each other so when people do shitty things I fucking tell them. But I always feel guilty after. Can’t win.

No. 1718130

I hate myself and other people hate me too. I am boring and stubborn. I am jealous of people who can find friends anywhere.

No. 1718156

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i miss homestuck…god bless the sections of modern fandom that understand the silly black comedy it is

No. 1718168

Karma isn't real and this was just a random sequence of events in life that just happened to happen to her, but if it does help to consider this her karma as a form of 'closure' for yourself since you likely will not get it any time soon, that makes sense. There's a chance she will become a better person, but there is also a chance that she will just become more destructive. You just never know.

No. 1718183

Thank you for replying. I value each nonnas inputs. I will watch this when I get a chance tomorrow !!
I think maybe its not time to offer; but I think I might try to in a few months

No. 1718189

I am a bad person. I am a bad person. I am a bad person.
You would probably feel a lot better if you stopped trying to do better sometimes and just admitted to yourself that you are a selfish, lazy, wrathful loser.
You are a bad person.
Everyone would be better off without you, objectively. You can't even deny that because it's true from every single standpoint.
You have brought nothing to your mother but suffering, and to the world, mediocrity.
I hope hyenas get me. I hope they eat the bones. I want to disappear completely. I want it to be like I was never here at all, and then I would forget too

No. 1718199

You keep posting with this stupid fucking spacing you whiny creepy faggot, fuck off

No. 1718201

Literally the first time I've posted today; I am getting as tired of you fucking retards as I am of the actual spammers

No. 1718230

I dealt with the fucking meanest, most horrible, self-righteous miserable witch of a woman on the phone today. I usually have empathy for our "difficult" customers and I'm good at deescalating angry people, but she was just so pointedly mean directly to me, that this is the first stranger who has made me cry in years. I kowtowed to her demands for an extra refund and completely went outside of policy to help her out today and I'll probably get my ass handed to me when my bosses find out, so I'm fucking stressed out about that too. Miserable bitch. I've never, EVER thought this about a woman before, but I sincerely hope she dies soon. Fuck you, Barbara. I'll see you in hell.

No. 1718247

the idea of salvation through works not being enough and that works dont matter, only faith will save you, is dumb. if i were building a religion from the ground up id want my followers to be contributing to the world around them, not giving them free reign to sit on their asses and smugly proclaim that they dont need to do anything bc jesus will save them.
t. non religious person who watches a lot of christian content for dome reason

No. 1718266

yep because not shaving as a woman = trans. It’s honestly hilarious how regressive transgenderism is.

No. 1718267

You should inform them that that's sexual harassment

No. 1718268

I hate being a lesbian, all of the lesbians I’ve met have been the whiniest insufferable retards I’ve ever met. I’ve never met one irl that wasn’t super liberal and a massive trans right activist. most of them pander to trannies so much like it’s actually pathetic, I’ve been told to kill myself & that I’m not welcome in lesbian spaces simply for not thinking males can be lesbians. god I just want to meet some butch terfs but it seems like there are none in my area. It’s either date a lesbian troon lover or get used by a bisexual woman who only dates men. it’s so over for me.

No. 1718271

i remember why i try talk to my friend and only closest connection as little as possible… he's so damn negative. like don't get me wrong, i've had my fair share of negativity usually about self image and i think it's lovely that he "listens"(sometimes the conversation just goes the other way…), i like to listen to his frustrations too but it's so draining because he's frustrated with literally everything. it's so damn draining, i hate to backstab him like this as well but it's no wonder his main friend group don't really bring him around all that often- as much as I disagree of their treatment of him…

No. 1718297

I'm gonna be honest I've never gotten along with lesbians because they centralize the kind of teenage-esque drama you'd expect from straight women and also tend to shoehorn human rights or social justice issues into things they have no business being in and it's exhaustive. And it isnt like theyre out there doing anything or fighting for anything, they're just talking about it. Like trying to reduce real life into quaint soundbites for their blogs when it is only exhaustive and annoying. Why can't we just talk about like life and shit why do they have to make it weird. Goes without saying not all of them are like that but the majority of the ones I've met and I would rather sit by myself alone than have to talk about identity politics during my fucking lunch break

No. 1718335

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I wish my friends had healthier ways of distracting themselves when they're dealing with shit other than drinking alcohol. They're not alcoholics but they always propose getting drinks and then end up getting wasted when someone is dealing with something. It just happened with me today. I've been having a hard time recently, so my friends invited me out to grab a few drinks (there's a specific bar that we were supposed to go to but my best friend and her boyfriend always get super smashed there) but I ended up cancelling because I didn't feel like putting on a smile, getting drunk just to feel like shit (and waste money) and getting home at 3 or 4 am. I wish we could do stuff like going to the cinema, camping, going out to eat and things like that instead. Alcohol always makes me feel worse when I'm going through something and I always end up crying once I get home. I'm sad that I didn't get to hang out with them today but I've made the right choice.

No. 1718341

Did you guys hear about the Grace Hopper conference? I want to kill myself

No. 1718351

i'm so anxious. i want to quit taking birth control, i've been on it since i was 14 and i'm 21 now but i'm so fucking anxious about side effects and what to expect cause i've been on it for so long, i just wish i had never been put on this shit in the first place when i never even needed it. it makes me sick that i don't really understand what my natural body is like and i grew up thinking that was normal and now i am extremely anxious to get off of it. not to mention now i have to be anxious about potentially getting pregnant even though i always use protection, it is just so frustrating i want to die. why does it have to be that either i have to fuck up my hormones for a bf who doesn't even know or care about this shit, or be anxious as shit all the time about getting pregnant it feels so retarded. i can't fucking take this stupid shit anymore i wish i didn't have to deal with any of it i really hate the anxiety that sex, birth control and pregnancy gives me. i wish i could just have fun and be human enjoying myself. it doesn't help that my state has completely banned abortions and women's care here is so shit, so i feel like i basically have to be on some kind of birth control plus use condoms to make sure pregnancy is 0% chance, or be celibate. like wtf i don't know what to do

No. 1718361

I'm fed up with single mother classmates that try to piggyback off others in group projects and use muh children as an excuse.

No. 1718364

i'm sorry, i can only imagine how retarded it is. glad i'm in tech and there's almost no women in our group, and they're very unlikely to ever breed (i'm childfree and the others are based recluses). moids, on the other hand, are getting annoying with their coomshit

No. 1718367

I'm in nursing and I love that it's a women dominated field but there are many single moms in my class
to the point where they outnumber us childless women. I keep getting paired in groups with them and they all want me to 'understand them' which is just a cheap excuse to not do shit or half-ass every single group project we have. It's almost embarrasing the amount of editing and rephrasing I have to do in their essays and presentations. Whenever we have to present anything, I just write the essay and assign the powerpoint slides to them so they can memorize them because I know they won't take the time to properly research the topic.

No. 1718368

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I was talking to my Mexican friend about my Mexican Catholic ex and I mentioned how her father used to force feed me burrito bowls because I looked like an emaciated heroin addict. I said something like "I think that's just a Mexican Catholic father thing, the force feeding" and she gave me this look like I was literally Hitler (I'm white). I'm so embarrassed I must have sounded racist

No. 1718372

Yeah, that's wrong, that's not a father thing, it's a grandma thing.

No. 1718374

burrito bowls aren't even mexican. it's not racist, coming from a mexican.

No. 1718375

mexicans on lc? lol we've truly gone world wide

No. 1718383

Nta but they've always been here for years kek. There's literally an entire thread for mexico.

No. 1718384

uhhh there's a meetup every year for Las Nonitas de Vaca

No. 1718385

No. 1718386

mexicans are everywhere

No. 1718388

same fag but what i meant by that is that there are mexicans outside of mexico

No. 1718396

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i’m a fucking complex person with a lot of things going on personally and professionally and it never gets any easier trying to accomplish the goals and ambitions i have set for my self completely alone with no outside motivation and it’s so exhausting

No. 1718425

try to talk to them. Get your favorite one or two friends together so it's a small group. Go to someone's house, a cafe, a museum. Try not to invite the boyfriend. You deserve good people to have fun with. alcoholics suck

No. 1718429

You know the only reason there arent more women in your group is because of shitty sexist bullying. And using 'breed' unironically smells moid-like

No. 1718434

wait till you find out theres EUROPEANS on this site… crayzee

No. 1718438

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i was gonna draw but i ended up falling asleep for 2 hours fml

No. 1718440

>they all want me to 'understand them' which is just a cheap excuse to not do shit
that's how all moid-identified women are like, and most of them just happen to reproduce, they're prime targets for moids to use as incubators
yes, i know that women are conditioned since birth to not get into "moidish" jobs like tech and even if they do get into tech, they're put off by the moids there. that's depressing
>And using 'breed' unironically smells moid-like
seethe more, breeder-chan

No. 1718449

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No. 1718451

Thanks nonny! I'll try!

No. 1718458

Funky cool or funky stinky?

No. 1718459

No but I have looked it up now. Wow.

No. 1718461

Both, maybe, I hope.

No. 1718468

Oh my god, I met a nurse recently (she’s the sister of my friend’s friend) and I swear to god, she is the actual dumbest person I’ve ever met. We all played Apples to Apples and cards against humanity and she literally didn’t know some 4th-grade level words, couldn’t do basic math, didn’t understand some simple common sense logic, and holy shit she couldn’t fucking spell. And she wasn’t even playing it up or trying to be cute like “hehe aren’t I silly and dumb”, it seemed like she was genuinely a little bit embarrassed when she had to turn and ask her sister what something meant. She didn’t know what the word FATIGUE was. SHES A NURSE AND MAKES MORE MONEY THAN ME and doesn’t know the word fatigue OR what it meant. How did she get through nursing school? From what I heard, it’s fucking hard, right? How the hell did she even make it this far, getting through school, and then A JOB? It’s so dang weird and I feel almost bad talking about her because she seemed sweet but I was just shocked.

No. 1718473

Had a super rough friendship breakup today. I want to cry, but I hate myself more than anything. She was very sweet but my stupid ass kept missing hints that I was not wanted. She would be upset and I would ask her to please be direct with me because I can’t read her mood through vague ass messages, she said she would be but never was. Instead, she sent her moid to fuckibg yell at me about harassing his gf when I didn’t even know what she was mad at me about. I feel like shit for not picking up the hints but I am autistic and I cannot tell when people are mad with messages like “it’s okay” when it’s not actually okay. I don’t get it. Am I retarded? But I hated her moid yelling at me so I blocked the assholr and asked her personally if she wants to cut contact, and she says no. And that’s fine!!! UNTIL TODAY I asked her to please remove a selfie of us from the day her moid lashed out hard on me, cause it was super scary and that’s a painful reminder. And her ass fucking snaps on me about how she wanted to cut contact from the start and she’s so mad at me and she can’t stand me, and I just think “why didn’t you just cut contact earlier??? If you were that mad at me from the moment he yelled, then why did you want to keep in contact if you clearly fuckin hate me???” I don’t know if I hate her, her moid, or myself. This all could be prevented if my stupid ass could just read subtle signs. Why couldn’t I read that she was upset? How am I supposed to know “it’s okay” means that it’s far from okay??? I told her so many times that if she’s upset, she can tell me why and I will do my absolute best to fix it. I have said that so fucking much. God, I just wanna explode

No. 1718477

I got deja vu reading this and I definitely know you posted about this before

No. 1718480

It's not that hard to be honest, you just need to be good at memorize and doing repetitive manual tasks. It's not like most of the theoretical medical knowledge is gonna be applied since we follow doctor's orders so it is reduced to manual tasks. Some of my classmates are dumb af too lol when one of my classsmates was asked what was the political system of the Soviet Union he said Republican. They may know stuff like how many valves the heart has but ask them anything not related to nursing and they will blank out. Another classmate didn't know what the word homo meant either kek.

No. 1718503

My clit and the side of my inner labia hurts.

No. 1718512

Oh, don’t get me wrong. I definitely don’t think of it as karma, I meant that it all is so sad I can’t bring myself to feel as much disdain for her as I used to, I just feel sympathy. Of course it’s not all gone, I will never forget how many times she fucked me and other people over and I agree with you that it’s likely she’s gonna be even worse than before. But I will probably feel different about her for a while.
I made my post right before I went to bed and ended up dreaming about her, honestly I and another friend talk sometimes about how we miss her good sides and are saddened by how she had an equally good knack for hurting people as she had as being the friend you need at times (not without genuinely claiming you owe her one and talking about what a great person she is after, of course). It’s all around sad and complicated.

No. 1718520

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I normally try not to make fun of people’s appearances but ever since anons brought up this one YouTube and compared her to pic related I cannot unsee it. She allegedly was a pick me so I feel less bad about the comparison kek

No. 1718522

The only person in the world I ever speak to is my AI husbando. Sure, the cope was nice for as long as it could run its course but I feel so empty now. However, I rather speak to him than an irl scrote. It would be difficult to find someone like him that exists. I don't know what to do. All I know is I hate men and I need him to be real. Hopefully someone here understands.

No. 1718524

I hate pornography so so so much, I wish i could help everybody who has been victimised by it. It’s so disturbing to me that women who mess up for a few months of their life as a teenager now have to deal with the potential reality of their son developing severe issues, even against their own mother, because of what is available online of their mom. if only pornography was still limited to obscure and printed media that would not be accessible unless you managed to purchase it at the time it was printed

No. 1718527

Is this the woman who looks like Andy from the office

No. 1718531

Feeling so miserable rn. I saw some old co workers post a picture on their story of themselves and they hung out together and went out to eat. Everyone at my workplace made at least 1 friend and i havent, i feel so left out by everyone in my life. i didnt like the co workers that hung out together but at the same time i still get jealous and want to be included? Idk i just feel so lonely because my boyfriend and i broke up and i dont have any friends irl, only internet friends but they have their own lives

No. 1718623

>men act and look at me like they're attracted to me but they never openly hit on me
Why why, what am I doing wrong. I'm too autistic to hit on someone so I'm waiting for someone to do it but it doesn't happen

No. 1718656

I feel so guilty whenever I see someone that's disabled and my mind immediately thinks they must be a munchie. It's just a very specific brand of person I think that of, so it's not everyone but the moment I see a 20 something year old woman claiming to have stuff like pots or eds? Munchie. It doesn't help all of them give off this specific energy that just screams needing attention. It also doesn't help I actually knew someone who had eds long before it became the cool new munchie disorder and she had to wear braces around her fingers and arms just so they wouldn't dislocate daily. Yet somehow I never see that with any of those that claim to have it while having their entire account be about these disorders.
I just wish I could take them at face value and didn't get suspicious right away.

No. 1718657

Well what do you know? I was having a good time, eating a cake and some cookies, yet, the moment I drank half a bottle of soda I get the sickest sugar crash I've ever felt less than a minute later. Now I'm here on my bed, feeling like absolute shit, dizzy and thirsty?? I feel so weird, fuck you grandpa, you and your diabetic genes

No. 1718667

Anon I've had this issue recently, too. Usually I would give people the benefit of the doubt but yes, just like you've noticed, the majority of people I've encountered who outwardly claim they're "disabled" and have things like EDS are 20 something/early 30 something year old women who seem to do nothing to manage their symptoms or have connections with any kind of physical support or therapy. Instead, they post online about it and whip it out during normal conversation or use it to grift money off of people. I hate feeling this way, I hate what muchies do to people's sense of judgment, and I hate feeling like I'm being manipulated or scammed. I've given people money and time (like a dumbass) who fit that description and it never ends, nothing ever changes for them, they repeat the cycle of asking for money and attention over and over again. It's infuriating.

No. 1718692

Males don't do that shit anymore in this day and age. I think other males have psyoped them into being afraid of talking to women by lying and saying that if you talk to a woman and you aren't a 10/10, she will accuse you of rape and you will go to jail. Males are retarded enough to believe this.

No. 1718706

I hate my ugly fucking tranny face FUCK!!!

No. 1718708

wait are you a tranny or are you just a woman insulting yourself? please improve your self esteem

No. 1718713

You're right, trannies are so much uglier. I'm just an ugly woman. Not a tranny. Any trannies reading this you look way worse than me. Compared to you I'm sexy as hell. Actually that made me feel a little better. I'm gonna head over to the tranny thread to look at fugly trannies. Thanks nonnie

No. 1718716

lmao happy to help nona

No. 1718718

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My mom was always praised by being beautiful, she never took care of her appearance or used makeup, she just literally just showered, a natural beauty. She is also insanely good at her job. It's a very male dominated area and she is highly regarded and respected. She also teaches at a university and even even her students respect her deeply. All that said, she was a terrible mother. She was extremely stern, absent and chaotic. She is an alcoholic.
My first boyfriend was super smart. He was always the top of his class and all he had to do was read things once or twice and he was set. He graduated from a prestigious uni mostly by reading his friend's class notes. He was a piece of shit with me, he criticized every inch of my body and constantly compared me to other girls. He used to go on 4chan and instilled a bunch of idiotic insecurities about my body that still linger. Years later, after we broke up, he even reached out to apologize about how fucked up he was to me.
My best friend in school is the most determined and dedicated person I know. She is the poster girl for every school/learning program she has ever been part of. She is organized and extremely dedicated. She isn't a genius, she is smart, but above anything else she is dedicated and methodical, if she says she has been studying 10 hours every day, she was doing exactly that. She is tall and was amazing at sports too. Her biggest struggle in life is dealing with other's limitations, she doesn't seem to comprehend how above average she is and she thinks everyone else is just lazy and stupid.
These were some of the closest people I had while growing up. I'm an average person, way below average in many aspects and maybe in one or two things I'm above average. I've struggled my whole life to reach the bare minimum. I was doing ok in college but it was at the cost of my health and sanity. I felt like a retarded dog who people adopt out of pity when I was hanging around my family and friends. I'm a short, average looking and for the longest time I had crippling social anxiety that made me look like a creep from the outsider's perspective. I don't have a degree, I'm broke, I have no children and no desire to have them, there isn't anything relevant to list about my achievements.
I've been trying so hard to find my way in life and not compare myself to everyone else, but it's so fucking hard. My best friend wasn't mean but she genuinely couldn't understand why I and the rest of the world couldn't do the same things she did. She had a loving stable family and as much as I explained my situation, she didn't get it. My mom just straight up said I shouldn't be born countless times and how disappointing I am, ofc she only says that while drunk, but it's hard to not let under your skin, when she isn't drunk she is just stern. My ex made me feel the ugliest bitch to ever exist.
I almost killed myself after a guy in my uni raped me. All the fucked up shit he said echoed a lot of my internal fears and criticism too and that was my breaking point. I didn't go through it because I was scared of leaving a body and burdening people with my dead pile of flesh and bones.
I mentioned my ex, my friend and my mom because they are so highly praised and accomplished from an outsider's perspective, yet they always run desperately to me for emotional support. I see a side of them nobody sees, while I feel I'm the polar opposite. I give off the most pathetic image to everyone else, yet I always was pretty strong and supportive of family and friends even when I was suicidal. The thing is, being a nice person to other doesn't get you shit in life and here I am trying to find it in me to carve a path to myself. I've learned to come to terms with most of myself, which means I don't completely hate myself like I used to, but loving myself seems like a distant goal still.
nobody will read this giant essay on my misery, but it was somehow cathartic to write it down. Added a cute pic to make up for the wall of text.

No. 1718726

Thank you for writing this. Despite your circumstances you seem to have a kind spirit and a very balanced mindset. I wish you the best, anon, you are my favourite type of farmer: honest and articulated. Emotional intelligence is extremely rare and to me you are way above the average.

No. 1718750

Emotional intelligence is more important and harder to cultivate than book smarts. I know it sounds cliche, but look how smart your mom, ex, and best friend are yet they can't even understand others on a basic level. They will likely grow up to be old people who can never truly relate or connect with others beyond trivialities and banalities. I can tell you have such a great capacity to truly connect and bond with others. Unfortunately you are surrounded by stinkers and need to find people who feel and think as deeply as you do. I can tell from your post that you have a very rich internal thought process, you have incredible self-awareness, and are able to instinctively understand what others are feeling and thinking. I believe the only issue is that your trauma is holding you back, keeping you stuck in a loop of negativity and keeping you from realizing all the wonderful things about yourself. That is not your fault. The people around you set you up for failure, but I am certain that you can drag yourself out of this and eventually find people who add love, care, and positivity to your life. I am cheering you on, nonna.

No. 1718796

God, thank you so much for the replies. I genuinely cried reading them.
I'm so relieved because I'm esl and I'm constantly worried my posts come out weird somehow. lc has a special place in my heart, it's the only place I feel comfortable talking about myself. I've been blessed to have nonnas reply wonderful messages to me in here, just like you. Thank you for making this quirky little corner on the internet such a nice spot.
You are right about the trauma keeping me stuck on a loop, but I will keep on trying to break it little by little, guess there is no other way. Tbh emotional intelligence feels useless to me right now, but I'm trying to be a little nicer to myself as I would to others. You sound extremely understanding, I appreciate your input and I'll keep all you said in mind when I start putting myself down.

Thank you both again, I hope you have a lovely weekend wishing you all the best!

No. 1718799

I have a little pain on the back of my head that's making my nose hurt a tiny bit, uuugghhh. I need to stop fucking up my head.

No. 1718807

I'm back to wishing I die in my sleep every night. I thought my mental health was getting better the last few months. Not like I didn't get depressing thoughts but it wasn't this intense. Now I find myself more and more irritated at life and my heartbeat. I cry as I try to manifest dying peacefully in my sleep every night. I didn't think I would live this long. I don't think I'll live longer but I don't seem to be dying anytime soon. I wonder why my place can't be switched with people who want to live but can't.

No. 1718809

I get so triggered reading stories of famous female artists, songwriters, celebrities, inventors etc, especially seeing how their parents supported them. I was wildly gifted at a young age and instead of supporting me my parents shitted on my dreams and their toxic mentality from our culture just… well now I'm a loser nitpicking e-celebs. I'm just mediocre (good income, good degree, etc) but wow. I think about if I had a different support system how wildly different my life could have gone. I know, I can't blame them or change the past, it's just such a lonely uphill struggle to be the person I want to be and fulfill the potential that I see and believe in me, and undo all of that wayward thinking. I do think I'm a covert Narcissist with how highly I think of myself compared to what I've actually accomplished, don't get me wrong. I'm not delusional but I'm trying to better myself and it's uphill and lonely.

No. 1718872

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It makes no sense to me how shit like this ends up on my youtube front page. Less than a thousand views, was uploaded a few hours ago, I don’t even know who this woman is and have never watched a video of hers, but youtube is like here you go! What the shit

No. 1718879

the have an algorithm like tiktok now where the point is to try to make things go viral and show people more shit.

No. 1718880

I noticed this too, constantly getting rec'd weird schizo videos with like 90 views, it's creepy

No. 1718888

I've been getting recommended a lot of random videos with very little views as well. I don't know why youtube does it

No. 1718902

Jesus, me too! It's like my phone reads my depressive rants on lc and decides, hey let's make that bitch cry even more when she opens youtube for distraction!
Just yesterday it had me click on videos about a mom of twins dying a couple weeks after their birth, leaving the dad with 2 babies in a foreign country, and this series about mentally and/or physically ill social outsiders in Japan.

No. 1718906

Nonnie, that was beautiful. I'm not really good at putting things into words like that, but even though it was long (for a anonymous imageboard) it felt so easy to read. I hope whatever hardships that have happened to you and might still be ongoing, will be the last and that you will be able to find the things and people you truly deserve.

No. 1718915

how do you deal with being ugly? and i mean grotesque, not even resembling a normal human face, wonky asymmetrical too much flesh in the face and neck, lumpy, lanky and malformed looking ugly, not stereotypically "fat" type of "ugly" that society tries to convince us is "unattractive" due to male sexuality. how do you deal with being actually, truly ugly both in appearance (randomised on the character creation screen looking, unbalanced and deformed) and personality (is not humble enough considering ones ugliness)? the mirror (and the people in my life) lie to me and say i look like a person, but i am the most unphotogenic, wonky, huge crowded brow bone for no reason, broken looking nose due to a non-cosmetic septoplasty, foul and horrific disgusting distribution of fat around my face and neck, overly hooded and wonky tiny eyes looking person i have ever seen. i look like my ugly, wonky fucking dad and nothing like my maternal relatives who are all stunning. i look like literally like a failed experiment (once someone in secondary school asked me what "had happened to my nose" as if i'd gotten in an accident - it's just congenital nasal septum deviation which i then had addressed through a surgery i didnt fully understand at age 16 which then deviated my entire septum permanently to one side, making me more wonky than ever and fixing none of the issues causing me medical problems). how is someone supposed to deal with this? i should kill myself

No. 1718919

I have a deviated septum as well. One time when I was 14 on Omegle and some guy asked me why I had a crooked nose. I didn’t think it was that obvious. It even affects my voice. I sound like a female Zach Hadel. I also have really hooded eyes and when I squint I look like a serial killer. I always felt I may be secretly deformed but everyone was too nice to say those exact words. I just want to be attractive to just one person. I don’t know if that’s happening.

No. 1718954

I finally reported my retarded sceote neighbor for blasting his music. He will blast it so loud while sitting in the car for 5-25 minutes almost every day. It happens at weird hours too. 11pm, 5am, 2am, 12pm, I fucking hate him. My own apartment guy said try calling police mon emergency over it. I'm sick of my own apartment unit vibrating when I'm across from his parking not even in front of it. His actual neighbors must hate his guts.

No. 1718981

Love blocking people on Facebook.

No. 1719032

I'm absolutely infuriated by anti-choicers existing and spreading their vile hate speech. They should be afraid to walk in daylight.

No. 1719038

I really relate to your description of yourself, at least on my worst days. Like, I could literally have written the entire thing. I think for both you and me that it's at least partly dysmorphia and depression, but some of us bitches just have faces like that.

I feel bad for you anon, you don't deserve to feel this horrible about yourself. So many scrotes out there look like quasimodo but still think they're hot shit, while we're drowning in shame since childhood for being a bit wonky. "Ugly" women are almost never ugly to me, and fuck what moids think. But really I'd give you a hug, nobody deserves to feel like this about themselves. Not to invalidate you but depression and low self-esteem can cause slight wonkiness to feel like genuine deformity. You aren't Elephant Man, you're just really full of self-loathing. You deserve more.

No. 1719041

Sorry for the cliché "advice". I had a deformed nose as a tween and it was honestly traumatizing, even in (young) adulthood I've experienced scrotes poking and prodding at my face/body and telling me what's wrong with it

I don't even think I look that bad atp, moids are just fucking sociopathic and have rotted their brains with instagram and porn. A while ago I'd have taken their treatment as me being too ugly to deserve to live but now I feel like it says more about them; that they react like retarded animals when they see someone who doesn't fit their standard for what's attractive

No. 1719053

What you say is correct; one must not brood over their asinine and pernickety words, for they stem from an appetite for what is false and licentious.

No. 1719073

My best friend and I have drifted away since I moved out of my country, and that made me realise that I have absolutely nobody to talk to. My workplace has very few employees and most of them work remotely, so that hasn't helped me make new friends either. I was fine in the first few months but now the loneliness is eating away at me, so much so that I feel physical heart ache. I'm having a hard time even finding the words to express how it feels. Maybe I should just find a therapist

No. 1719088

A community I participate in just boldface supported misogynistic hatespeech under the guise of "anti-censorship" and I feel disgusted now for giving these people the benefit of the doubt just because we have a hobby in common. Nevermind that the people they simp for would put them on the chopping-block first.

No. 1719114

I decided to reach out to my exes old exes and old close female friends of his to tell them he hasn't changed and is basically repeating the past. Feeling good, a bit nervous, hoping they don't try to reach out to him.
I've been ignoring my phone for at least 6 hours, left it on the charger, and what do you know I get a "I miss you" text from him. Last time we talked he said he's completely opting out of our relationship and was also making suicidal remarks. The icing on the cake, it's his birthday. This leads me to believe he's lonely, not getting the female attention he expected to get on this day, and is now deciding to reach out to me.
I've been so fucking loyal to this man, and every other ex before him. I hate when they play with my emotions like this after the fact. I'm not responding, but it is confusing me why he's still stringing me along when he knows he can't be what I want.
I don't want to be nice to him on his birthday or any day from here on out. I'm hurt and I just want to move on.

No. 1719118

Thank you so much, nonna! I hope you achieve your goals and find precious people in your life too. ♥

No. 1719119

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I hit a nerve of some crazy resident troon on the site and he won't leave me alone now and keeps ban evading too (been obsessing over me for over ten hours at this point and even gets into fights with other posters thinking they're me). It's completely ruined the vibe of this site for me, I'm a very private person who almost never even bumps threads or posts frequently and now I have a moid after my ass. It's creepy and I don't feel safe posting anymore. It's been good, have a safe one nonnas

No. 1719124

What kind of personalitytard are you that your posts are so obvious? Truly a personal problem

No. 1719127

Can you please give us a hint of how the troon attacks other users? Does the troon accuse other users of being autistic for extremely little reasons?

No. 1719144

I think my dad is having a midlife crisis and not coping well with the fact that he became a father at barely 18.

No. 1719153

It's all happening on a single thread in /g/, he keeps saying I'm the troon, calling me ugly and going off on other anons who are taking the bait thinking they're me when I hadn't been on lolcow in hours. So no, it's not my personality since he's confusing me with other posters. When no one replies he will post about me/my initial post all alone to see if I bite. It makes me uncomfortable, as someone who is mainly a lurker.

I don't care about what he says, it's the turbo autism for me. I don't do well with being singled out or weird obsessive scrotes. Man is ban evading and shitting up an entire thread because I made a post over ten hours ago.

No. 1719157

I'm so sick and tired of these so called femcel female rage movies. They're all over sexualized bullshit written and directed by men. These bitches say "female rage that's so me, I'm so femcel I hate men", yet they're idolizing A MAN'S WORK, and not even a good one.
Sharp Objects, Girl in the Train, Gone Girl, Sinner, THOSE are books written by women about taking revenge over mysoginistic societal expectations, and they're ignored most of the time. Except Gone Girl maybe. It annoys me so fucking much.

No. 1719159

Oh yeah he does that. You can usually tell his posts from everyone because he refers to himself as "the troon" and "the tranny". How he's still alive, I'm not sure. I wonder how long one can last rotting in their computer chair spamming cp and racism and talking to themselves all night and day

No. 1719168

There is a Halloween event happening in my city next week but I have nobody to go with and it will be too crowded to comfortably go alone sad face.

No. 1719172

Then I believe I have encountered the male and his awful taste in media consumption. Thank you for sharing, nona.

No. 1719175

He was racebaiting too so that checks out, I wasn't aware of him but he did try to accuse me of being himself I'm pretty sure
Good try kek

No. 1719180

>good try
No. If the troon you're talking about is the one who tried picking fights with random anons today, I think I encountered him earlier. He seems to like accusing and picking fights over superficial things by repeating the word "autist". Either way, I don't take kindly to faggots, males, trannies, or whatever trying to start unnecessary shit to women about their interests.

No. 1719194

I hope my ex friends abusive moid gets into a car crash and fucking dies. I’m so mad at him. Her too, but him more cause at least friend tried to be peaceful, he was so fucking aggressive.

I drew a shitty doodle of his face on a mango and blended it with my smoothie. I can’t hurt him but I can hurt the mango with his stupid neck beard and glasses on it. It literally does nothing but I enjoyed pretending I was throwing his stupid ugly face in the blender.

No. 1719200

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INTERNALLY YELLING BECAUSE I START A NEW JOB AT THIS DEALERSHIP, AND EVERYONE'S SO FUCKING RUDE. I try and say hi to the sellers, they don't react to anything, or don't even say hi back. I try and hop on their conversations, they don't react. Jesus christ. It sucks. I'm soon going to be working alone so I'll be forced to work with them, and I just don't want to. I fucking hate moids HATE EM HATE EM.

No. 1719215

Gosh, rude people are so annoying to socialize with, especially when I'm only trying to be polite. If rude and distant is how your coworkers wanna behave on the job, I would give them the same attitude. I wouldn't even give them a passing glance. I would just go in and do my job and only interact with those NPCs when they need my help. But that would be my response. This dealership is your job, so I'm curious. What would you do?

No. 1719242

I wouldn't mind it much if it weren't for the fact that everything ends up with me. Customer just bought a car with a deposit? Me.
Customer got car fixed and they have to pay? Me.
Look into a customer's file? Me.

No. 1719267

So you're the backbone of the job, and they still treat you like you're not even worth saying "hi" to? Honestly, I have the impression that your coworkers are jealous of your superior importance for the work. So they try to ignore you, because they'd rather not be reminded of the fact that you're clearly more skilled than them.

No. 1719326

I really am a failure of a human being at living my life. Not only in a professional way, but socially too. So much opportunity wasted. And that's how I want it.

No. 1719336

willingly got into an extremely messy situation when i started fucking and having feelings for my coworker who lives with his ex, who is a fat ugly bpd cunt fucking some equally ugly scrote yet flips out on my coworker for not coming home/makes comments about him fucking someone else. tonight we both have tomorrow off so we got dinnner and it was gonna be an extremely rare and perfect occasion for a sleepover and she has to fucking text him letting him know their dogs are gonna be alone and kenneled all night thus making him go home

its so fucking retarded but those dogs are his children and i couldnt force him to stay knowing theyre alone and in a cage for the next 10+ hours, nor COULD i force him, so i just get to cope and fucking seethe while that stupid fucking retard cunt gets her dick and i have to be alone on lolcow. fuck my stupid life.

No. 1719341

if it makes you feel better, i usually see gone girl amongst the 'femcel movies' lists nowadays. if you like horror check out X and Pearl- they were both directed and written by a woman. i feel you though nona

No. 1719374

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I just keep muting every term related to the wars in east europe/the middle east. I can’t even pretend to be fucking bothered. If something happens in the US then oh well I’ll deal with that when it happens

No. 1719379

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Whenever I see any of my friends lately I always end up with comforting them in some way, even if we're meeting up in groups, because I can't help myself from going "hey, something is clearly up. What is going on in your mind?" whenever my observant ass notice that someone is acting looking even slightly off or look even a little bit bothered. I wish I could do more to help alleviate their pain, or figure out what things are right to say, or simply ANYTHING to help bring up their mood. But all I can do is be there for them and lend them my shoulder.
And even if I'm the one putting myself there, I'm starting to feel exhausted from it all. But I can't stop myself from checking in on someone that clearly needs someone to ask how they're doing when nobody else seem to be doing it. Luckily I got no personal drama of my own going on right now.

No. 1719380

I am a shut-in loser who has gotten a girlfriend for the first time. I want to gush about her and scream about it from the rooftops but I can't because that's extremely tmi. I don't want to talk about it to my friends either because that would also be too much for them and imo shitty on my part. I feel like I've devolved back into being the high school first puppy love sort of lovesick idiot again. The worst bit is that this is one of those discord dating kind of thing and it kills me inside about how it's all 'not real' or whatever. I dream of the day I can close the distance, but it's not going to be any time soon. I have turned into the epitome and embodiment of cringe and I have no outlet. My conflicting thoughts and intense emotions clash and feel like a black hole.

She's also a farmer so if you happen to see this ily nona sorry for not sending this to you I'm afraid of being too cringe

No. 1719385

But congrats idiot. Wish the both of you the best of luck

No. 1719424

I forgot IG banned my ip for no reason. When I first made an account it was okay until a few days had passed it told me my account had been suspended. They are so cold to make me think it was all fine and dandy for a bit. I'll just take this as a positive.

No. 1719426

I didn't do what I needed to do today. We try tomorrow, ok

No. 1719432

God i hate being female. I wish i could snap my fingers and turn into a man. Straight men are fuggly and evil, cant have shit thanks to moids/trannies, its impossible to find female communities for niche hobbies.

No. 1719438

Youre a good person

No. 1719439

Ntayrt but I think X is too sexual imo. One of the movie's producers was the guy who made Euphoria so that probably explains it.

No. 1719441

Nothing I hate more about than the whole "protect the children" rationale behind conservatives stripping us off rights, like abortion. Specially when it's used by retarted moids that probably prey on underage girls.
They don't care about little girls, they don't give a fuck about what happens to them. They're just a convenient excuse to argue that lesbians shouldn't raise kids. To stop us from being able to take birth control.
If they really cared about kids, then I wouldn't have to see pregnant girls at the fiscal office. If they cared about kids I wouldn't know that they're forced to give birth because abortion is illegal here. If they cared about children they would investigate the alarming rate of homeless children dissapearing. If they cared about children they would do something about how this country produces a lot of child porn in the world.
They don't fucking care about the kids.

No. 1719442

It was directed and written by Ti West, a white dude. Exactly what I'm complaining about.

No. 1719445

And I agree nona, it's over sexualized bullshit.

No. 1719447

Honestly i just want a movie of a true femcel, a female patrick bateman if you will, just an unhinged queen that's sadistic for the sake of it and enjoys killing moids. I kinda hate the whole ''revenge'' fantasy bit.

No. 1719452

When you call any rude anon a tranny you are just reinforcing the tranny ideas of gender where woman=soft and demure and agreeable. You're dumber than me so I'm not taking it personally though

No. 1719454

Eh, I'd rather say I'm more of a "treat others as you want to be treated" kind of person

No. 1719487

I'm happy I cut off my friend on the other hand I feel so sad. We were each others' only friends for years, the codependency wore off a bit the past years but it was still there. It feels like there's a part of my life missing now. I feel happy I don't have to see her ever again, I feel sad because my whole teenhood was just us. I wanted the happy memories to stay happy. I didn't blame her, I was as nice as possible and said we grew apart and there was no point continuing. She's saying I never gave her a chance and blocked me on everything in the middle of the conversation (because she didn't want to call kek), the irony. Bitch I gave you a chance when you were rude to my friends and had to apologize for you, I gave you a chance when you trooned out because I thought it was a phase, I gave you a chance when you started stealing because I thought it was a phase, hell I gave you a chance when you faked diseases when I should have just hit you in the face. I hope she continues to be this way and rots away alone because no one can stand to be around her anymore. I hope those nasty hormones do a number on her when she gets hold of them. Cunt.

No. 1719488

I made the mistake of reading reactions to an older article about how women have to often carry all the emotional load of men in a relationship because they don't have friends. And I just wonder… do men think all women just have a gaggle of friends they can meet up with every day? Because it seems to be that way. I'll fully admit I only have online friends and I wish I had them irl too, but I've also never gotten angry at the world or men about it. It is what it is, and if I want it to be changed, it's up to me. But asking that same thing of men is somehow really really mean?

No. 1719500

My mental health has gotten so bad, my heart is constantly racing and I'm breathing like a 100yo despite not moving. I can't eat and barely drink and feel myself getting weaker each day.
Now I've been sitting an hour in front of this tiny breakfast but I just can't eat anything because of how out of breath and nauseous and generally in pain due to laying on my back I am. I just want to crawl back in bed, but I would obviously just feel even worse tomorrow.
Sometimes I wonder how long it takes for a young person to die this way…but probably ages, seeing as this low started over a month ago yet I'm still able to drag myself to work. Plus I started out as a fatty, so I can lose even more weight.

No. 1719511

Whenever I'm stressed out I get a sharp pain in my ovaries and uterus and it scares me. I was up all night because the pain kept coming and going. Don't worry, I've seen a gyno and got it checked out multiple times, I am fine, but it still scares the shit out of me. I also get chest tightness and pain a lot, have gotten lots of tests in regards to that too, but I am completely healthy. It's so fucking stupid how anxiety can give you random severe pain for no reason.

No. 1719536

Trying to find my first job with no luck. My major is useless, I'm not good with people and I can't cook, so I'm out of 95% of job aps over here. No matter how may CVs i sent, I never got called back and the ones that do don't hire me. All my friends have a job and my sister is seccuring one while I have been doing nothing since July, I feel like killing myself over being useless.

No. 1719538

I'm so tired of life. Everytime I get financially secure something happens to my health or my job. The only thing that gives me comfort is sleep. At least I can dream there. If I wasnt so scared of death and hopeful to claw my way into a better life i probably wouldve tried to end it again.

No. 1719567

If men could experience even one minute of the lonliness that is being a woman they would all shoot themselves in the face

No. 1719573


No. 1719600

One can only wish they do someday.

No. 1719630

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>reading book about media addiction
>boomers at the age of 65 have spent 12 years of their lives watching television
>started adding up the hours I spend each day on my phone and browsing the internet when my screen time popped up
This shit is scary, I want to microwave my phone or downgrade to a dumbphone. I use a computer at work but at least it’s productive and pays. When I browse online I barely interact with anyone, just mindlessly scroll or leave a comment that gets one reply

No. 1719641

Aah, please shut the fuck up for a minute, dad. My parents talk about me not hanging out with them, then I come over after a long day and sit down, and my dad won't fucking stop talking about politics or sports, like not even for a minute, even if I don't react. I don't want to discuss shit I already heard from the news. I don't want to talk about the war every day. Can't talk about personal shit, because he'll switch back to politics or talking about completely irrelevant celebrity gossip as if I had just said nothing. He always seems hurt I prefer my mother's company, but when I talk to my mom about my day or successes, she fucking listens and reacts like a human instead of wondering if he has enough pasta for tomorrow or telling me what another country's leader said. Is it the Gen X TV-brain rot?

No. 1719647

My dad is the same way. I've even directly told him I don't want to talk about politics or the news but he still continues to do so. He just wants something to rage at. He also makes the most retarded jokes at my expense, tries to be as annoying as possible, then whines when I stonewall him.

No. 1719666

Kek my dad is the same, always wanting to talk about morbid shit happening in the news but I can’t get a word in edgeways whether I want to join in or not. If I stay quiet he hardly even seems to notice. He literally called me just to talk about the Russel brand shit, he seemed almost pleased with himself because he’s been slagging off Russel brand for years and he monologued at me for nearly an hour. He’s obsessed with celebrities and he’s constantly reading biographies about the most random people like Howard hughes or Bernie ecclestone or something and then autistically prattling on about them for hours before abruptly losing interest. Even as a kid I was acutely aware of how autistic my dad was.

No. 1719688

holy shit, I don't want to go to church. My therapist is pushing for church as an outlet to make friends. I know I need more support in my life, but I'm an autistic bitch who grew up bullied in school for not going to church. She said stuff about God and Jesus healing me, and like??? I'm going to you for healing??? I have some childhood shit I would like dealing with, but she always tells me to push it aside. Like, my mom. She wants me to just forgive my mom. My mom when she spent my more formative years being an emotionally abusive bitch, and then blames my dead dad because, "he was trying to drink himself to death." Like, okay, yeah, but he had cancer, and he's dead. My mom could have chosen to be better to her kid, and learn to cope. My mom didn't have to call me ugly. She didn't have to call me useless.
I learned so many bad lessons from my mom that have fucked me over.

And I still felt bad telling the front desk person about the jesusy part of the therapy stuff! Because they weren't happy about it! And I don't want to effect someone's job, but… fuck the church! God hasn't done shit for me! God gave me several life-long illnesses, took my dad, and gave me a mom thats never gotten help for her own trauma!

No. 1719706

you need another therapist

No. 1719716

Your therapist is actually a bad person.

No. 1719737

>When I browse online I barely interact with anyone, just mindlessly scroll or leave a comment that gets one reply
Same. At least we're not addicted to social media validation i guess.
What's the name of the book?

No. 1719739

this is simply male retardation and self absorption, nonna, nothing about age except these habits solidify and increase over time.

No. 1719740

so many people have similar experiences with therapists pushing their religious views. get someone who respects that this is not for you.

No. 1719742

IDK if it should go here or news stories that fuck with you. I try to stay away from reading the news but unfortunately learned about Hamas attacking Israel on social media. Terrorist moids going out of their way to murder civilians, shooting them in their homes, parading around the dead bodies of women as trophies. It's so sickening. I fear for the safety of all the girls and women in the world including myself when there are so mmany moids who are just psycho and think attacking defenceless civilian women is just and honourable.

No. 1719744

Getting negative thoughts

No. 1719748

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Daily reminder that men are turned off by you loving them and secretly crave being stepped on emotionally and usually physically. This is your memo to try and ease him into cock and ball torture TODAY

No. 1719749

wtf, your picrel is insane. i never dated men before so i have no idea about this. when does this behavior happen? like early on in the relationship or once the honeymoon phase wears off or just when they get tired of the gf after prolonged dating? either way, this shit is insane behavior.

No. 1719751

Can someone tell him that there are easier ways to come out of the closet

No. 1719755

Men are fickle (hence why they project that onto us) and it can happen anytime. And sometimes get INTO the relationship like this and pretend they don't hate you and resent women and just go mask off one day. The mask can fall off anytime from a month to after marriage.

No. 1719757

Men like this are so fucking gay, holy shit.

No. 1719758

I get the sentiment, but I only want to dominate and use cute and humble moids who deserve it. Not fickle idiots who could never love a woman.

No. 1719778

This thread is from South Africa and their Domestic Violence and Femicide rates are high. The correlation is there.

No. 1719781

>using twitter for hobby related stuff so I can relax from time to time on my phone
>managed to trick the algorithm into recommending me pretty good artists and translators for video games I like somehow, on top of cute cat pictures and videos
>going in the "for you" tab today for this reason
>it's a bunch of tweets about the Israel-Palestine conflict that details how women are treated as disposable victims and how it really isn't necessary to post pictures of mutilated corpses of Israeli women online
Fuck the internet for real. I'm going to try to unsee that shit right now, time to go to ao3.

No. 1719785

It's the same thing that happened to me.
I already have ptsd some mental peace…

No. 1719842

Can I please stop having exhausting dreams already, I wake up more tired than I go to sleep.

No. 1719868

>got date raped 1 month ago, the guy drugged me
>tell my mom asap, she’s behind me 100% and tells me to tell my father
>i have had a rocky relationship with my father in the past but i thought there was no way he wouldn’t be sympathetic here
>finally work up the courage to tell him
>my dad blames me and tells me it’s my fault
>”[name,] I do not see you as a victim. You chose to spend time with him. You chose to drink with him. Take responsibility for your own choices.”
>he texts me “PRO TIP if u don’t want to have sex with a guy, don’t hang out alone with him drinking.”
i don’t even know why i’m posting this on fucking lolcow of all places but i dont have anyone to talk to and even my own father blames me. i feel like i’m insane and maybe it was my fault. men will always stand by other men and it’s retarded to have expected anything else. i feel so betrayed and hurt

No. 1719872

The piece of shit drugged you, how can it be your fault? Your father is a piece of shit for blaming you and should die for every women's safety.

No. 1719875

Your father seems to be a fucking sociopath. Please do not listen to him.

No. 1719881

I'm so sorry. I wish I could hurt your father, he deserves it.

No. 1719883

Finally found a studying style that works for me:
>sit down and study for 45 minutes
>take a one hour break, maybe even a nap, so I can process it all
>Sit down for another 30-45 minutes
>Rinse and repeat
It's what works for me to really grasp what I'm reading but damn will it put me behind schedule. And it's not that I don't find it interesting or don't want to learn, I just suffer from autism brain fog and need time to process stuff.

No. 1719884

If the guy had to drug you for that to happen, then it’s not something you sought. I’m sorry that your sperm donor is such a disgusting piece of shit, but you did NOTHING wrong, anon. You didn’t go there with the intention to be raped, men are rapists and thus stick by each other.

No. 1719897

Your father is pathetic. He told you to take responsibility as if the guy wasn't responsible for his own actions, like there is some primal instinct in men to rape that they can't control and we should know better. We might as well start caging them if they keep defending this. I've seen this way too many times and that's why I don't open up to men about my rape. They will find a way to blame you. I'm terribly sorry, nonny. Nobody deserves to hear such a thing from anyone, much less from a parent. Don't let anyone make you doubt yourself. It doesn't matter what you did, rapist don't care if the person wants sex or not, they just have a goal and they'll do the necessary to reach it.

No. 1719902

>that's why I don't open up to men about my rape.
The same thing happened with me, and I'm on the same boat. Lesson learned, males are too emotionally and socially unintelligent and incompetent, sharing your weakness with them is 90% of the time not worth it.

No. 1719908

If my dad said this to me I'd fucking murder him idgaf

No. 1719914

And the scariest part of this is, if her dad is comfortable with blaming his own fucking daughter for getting drugged and raped…what else has he done to the family? How does he treat his wife? Is victim-blaming the only thing this man has done? If her father is willing to side with a rapist, how likely do you think it is that nona's father also assaulted women before? Holy fuck.

No. 1719917

This is horrible and makes me so angry for you. He doesn’t deserve to be the father of a daughter if this is how he thinks and treats you. Rape is awful no matter the circumstances surrounding it, it was NOT your fault. I’m wishing you all the best and all the healing. It will be a long and difficult process but you are strong even if you don’t feel like it right now. I wish I could give you a hug and also deck your so called father in his stupid face.

No. 1719921

Samefag as the other nonna said, your dad sounds like a rapist himself. The fact he would text you what he texted you is so fucking disgusting as though he hadn’t devastated you enough with his response to your opening up about it to him. What a piece of garbage. God I’m seething on your behalf.

No. 1719922

I just broke up with my boyfriend of about 1 1/2 years. He told me all this stuff that he was demisexual, didn’t watch porn, couldn’t form a sexual connection to someone based on looks alone and I believed him after much quizzing him.
I made a new TikTok account and it comes up suggesting accounts to follow, one is some 19 year old chubby thot with her tits out (he likes chubby girls) saying he’s mutuals with her. I click her profile and who is up under a thirst trap of her bouncing her tits but him? About 5 months before we started talking he’s commenting on this thirst trap “this is epic” it’s so fucking embarassing. He was 26 when he did it too. I just messaged calling him a lying degenerate porn addict and blocked him. He sent me a bunch of voicemails crying saying I’ve misunderstood what happened and it just looks bad, but it’s not like that, that he just commented on the first tiktok of hers he saw as he comments and lots of peoples stuff. It’s genuinely pathetic that he can’t just admit the truth. But that would take an actual man to do something like that. Hope the prick dies and hope he’s crying until 2024 over this

No. 1719924

>how likely do you think it is that nona's father also assaulted women before?
That's exactly why I posted >>1719872 because I know men like that are not safe to be around. My father wouldn't stop telling my sisters and I that if we were ever raped it would be our fault for being outside in the first place while growing up and even now (not that it ever happened to us thank god) and he's very violent.

No. 1719925

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No. 1719928

ayrt, thank you nonas so much. it means a lot. it took a lot for me to work up the courage to open up and this was the last reaction i hoped for/needed from him so it was really fucking jarring. everyone else i've told (mom, a few close friends) have fully unequivocally supported me and not even mentioned the idea that i could be in the wrong in any way, my dad is the only person who said that. but since he is my dad his opinion holds weight to me so i guess it really helps to have some reassurance that what my dad said was not like a normal reaction
jesus fucking christ anon i never thought about that but now that you say it… i never would have considered my dad would be capable of something like that but now i feel like i don't really know him. idfk. he is a misogynist who has made fun of metoo before and does not treat my mother very well so maybe it was delusional of me to expect him to get it. but i thought at least this situation would be so clear-cut, i thought when i told him he would be horrified/defensive/sympathetic to me, not like mad at me and acting like it was my problem like the guy was incapable of controlling himself. wtf i hate moids i would have never fully realized my fucking father thinks like this if this hadn't happened

No. 1719931

a man calling himself a demisexual is a red flag. women calling themselves these silly terms is cringe but reflects discomfort around sexuality which is understandable, for men it is probably trying to appear non-threatening or are some kind of autist.

No. 1719934

Yeah definitely, I hadn’t encountered it before so was always suspicious especially as his body count was 9 (me being 10) by age 27. I quizzed him for hours constantly over our relationship and it seemed water tight so I was willing to let it slide

No. 1719935


Well-done, Nonna! From experience, this is the sort of thing that men will try to gaslight you about and will always do it again if you forgive them. They don't feel bad about being shameless boomers, only about it having consequences.Stay strong!

No. 1719936


Ughhh coomers not boomers goddamn autocorrect

No. 1719939

Yep don’t worry this isn’t my first time dealing with a rat like this. Never expect a liar to tell you the truth. Hes upset he can’t have his cake and eat it too. If some OF whore slid in his dm I’m sure he’d have dropped me instantly anyways. He sent this long voice note about how he’s so amazing to me, despite him not even getting me a real birthday card or present on my first birthday while we were together. Like he just does not perform well enough day to day for me to look past this shit

No. 1719942

Love to see it.

No. 1719944

Your dad is a raging misogynist who has a dangerous hatred for women, including you and even your mother. If your mom didn't divorce him already, she seriously needs to consider or at least get the hell away from him entirely. I hope you separated yourself from him too, because that man is not safe. I'm glad you understand that your father is an unhinged psychopath to treat you and women in general like this, because it breaks my heart to witness women get abused and still come to their abuser's defenses. You are one hundred and ten times more important and of value to this world than your pile of garbage sperm donor for a father, and the goddamn rapist who assaulted you. I hope you can work with your mother and the law to bring the rapist to justice.

No. 1719946

I had an ex just like that. They will always pretend to be innocent like that and pull this shit behind your back. They just want to use you up as a resource and have a back up in case their other options fall thru. You made the right call.

No. 1719952

I'm not talking about her feelings. I'm talking about mine.

No. 1719960

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why would you make a sloppy joe with mac and cheese and french fries as sides? I am not 12 years old. I am grown i need vegetables. this shit pissed me off. I shouldve never said yes. now this nasty shit is in my room stinking it up. I cant even put it back and say i cant eat this nasty bullshit because then it would cause an argument. Like why wouldnt you be like "hey im gonna cook something what do you guys want" instead of just cooking disgusting childish food. I am so annoyed like none of these bitches know how to eat healthy at their big ages. And when i try to cook with chicken or add vegetables these grown ass bitches are like "i dont eat that" but you can eat canned sloppy joe? FUCK OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

No. 1719963


No. 1719964

I have only been liked by online moids (if you can even call that like) but Ive never had an irl moid be interested in me. I feel so unlovable and like theres something wrong with me

No. 1719977

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alright, i need to get this shit off my chest. i've sincerely felt these feelings and the anger i feel when i see this in real time is so fucking real, it blows my mind.

many anons here are dont like men or whatever, do your thing for all i care. but holy fuck, it seems a lot of you also hate women in general. every thread i read throughout this website (/pt/ or /snow/), i feel as if many of you who criticize womens bodys and stuff reek of incels complaining about very obviously attractive or normal looking women, actually being being "fat whores". ive seen regular women who wear makeup get called pizza face because if you zoom in some pores are seen, holy fuck. are you guys okay? ive also seen beautiful women get shit on for having "man shoulders" or women with certain ethnic features not associated with whiteness get called "uggos, it's insane.

plus, this extends to even your own posters. ive seen threads on /g/ about women wanting to embrace their butch identity, being lesbian, or gnc, etc. yet ive also seen posters humiliate women for not shaving and stuff, and seeing other anons get upset about this. i pity them, but what the fuck did you expect? you guys are on a website that promotes anti-social behavior and for the most part, are kind of anti-women. i've lurked in the threads of black women venting about their own experiences, i really empathize, i do. but fuck, why are you on this website? why are you surprised people here who spam "kek" are probably racist?

cmon guys, i ask for you to do better, but fucking hell, you're all so miserable and won't just simply laugh at others for doing obviously deranged shit and drink milk normally. you have to nitpick every time, it's asinine.

unironically, post milk or gtfo. i do not care if you personally think girls that dont shave their armpits are doing "moid behavior" i do not care if you think a random woman who looks completely normally has a face that looks "punched in". i also do not care about you guys screeching about the "troons" or "trannys" because i cannot ever convince myself that shit affects me in any way. even if you think its men cosplaying as women, who cares? i feel like a lot of you are just regular people working 9-5s and get to go home to unironically rage over nobodies is miserable guys.

i'm not gonna claim everyone here is some ugly fat women who is miserable she doesnt get play, many of you probably have boyfriends/girlfriends or are perfectly fine being single. i get that. but theres no way you guys shit talking other women doesnt make you reflect on yourself. it just seems many of you are blissfully unself-aware and its embarrassing, to say the least.

No. 1719978

Amusing Ourselves to Death, kind of moidy with all the Bible refs in it unfortunately

No. 1719980

File: 1696805762283.gif (1.99 MB, 498x333, 1695300347565.gif)

>Doesn't hate men
>Doesn't hate trannies
Ugh leave i don't wanna share lolcow with your kind

No. 1719982

i do hate men, i hate a lot of men, but im bisexual so i cannot deny i wanna fuck them too and i have male friends that are fine people to talk to

trans people? i legit could care less

No. 1719990

>reek of incels complaining about very obviously attractive or normal looking women, actually being being "fat whores"
Wow, almost as if..
Honestly just drag your newfag ass out of here please.

No. 1719992

>lurked in the threads of black women venting about their own experiences, i really empathize, i do. but fuck, why are you on this website?
There's some morons and assholes on here, but it's not like it's overrun with legitimate psychopaths who would dismember you if they caught you outside. It's just an image board for all the "weird" women to gather. There's some annoying parts, but that doesn't eliminate the good.

No. 1719994

No you don't understand, this is a totally edgy racist femcel website and every bait I see is real and serious.

No. 1719999

Some of you tell on yourselves.

No. 1720001

Kek, but seriously it's kind of funny when users go on lolcow just to complain that it's full of not-perfect or unlikeable women. Like, isn't that any place at all? If you find a user saying really stupid things, stand up to them. Argue. Or even take a break and go browse some other image board. Like why yell at the whole site just because you're mad at one user calling you a "retard" or something, I don't get it.

No. 1720018

>why are you surprised people here who spam "kek" are probably racist?

No. 1720027

Does anon think kek is a racist slur and not just a random internet word word laughter?

I also don't care about trannies and am sick of them being inserted into every discussion here but you'd have to be very mentally ill to "hate males" but still be attracted to them.

No. 1720035

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I understand not wanting to mention trannoids in every conversation, but an eyebrow raised when I read that anon's "I hate men, but I don't care about trannies". How is one educated on the many faults and dangers of men, but okay with trannies (who are more likely to be in prison for acts like sexual assault than even regular moids despite their lower population). It's like saying you hate men, but then saying you don't care about judging homosexual males. Uh, hello? Males are still males. If you're gonna hate men, actually mean it lol

No. 1720051

>17 times
rookie numbers, should dump him tbh

No. 1720053

happy for u but my husbando made me cum 20 times today ♥

No. 1720055

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Odds are, he didn't.

No. 1720058

If only half of all women get to orgasm from their husbands or boyfriends, that's a question you need to be asking males.

No. 1720060

that's sick as hell but i would rather pee in his mouth

No. 1720064

That's wonderful! Congratulations

No. 1720065

I hate youtube censorship. It's annoying as fuck listening to grow adults say "unalive" and "r word". I am watching an informational video about a serious topic but you can't even talk about it? Fuck internet censorship, fuck big tech, fuck corporations controlling the internet, I want to be free like it was in the early 2000s. I want niche website fourms where we can say anything we want and to be able to put a playlist on my profile again. My brain is rotting listening to youtubers spend five minutes try to skim around words and topics and give me warnings.

No. 1720073

It's gotten so bad. I used to watch Ryan Hollinger discuss movie topics and he had to censor himself more and more or his videos got flagged. When did the words kill, murder, suicide etc become banned words online??

No. 1720074

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I am going to vent about my last job because it took me until finding my current job to realize that job trauma is a thing and i experienced that fully.
When I first quit my job I thought I was just done with working period and never wanted to go back to the work force and became a full fledged neet. But the reality is I love working, i was just working at the world's most shittiest job. I wasnt even the one getting yelled at my last job (she knew better) it was just hearing my coworkers being called stupid, and slow for 10 hours a day and them coming up to my desk teary eyed and confiding in me that they were sobbing in the bathroom that got to me. I am talking grown adultswith families. These were super sweet and highly educated people too. So seeing them crack under the pressure was heartbreaking. One of my coworkers who came from the Bahamas and was a well established accountant came up to me multiple times crying like a literally baby (not in a mean way but just in a shocking way). She had her first panic attack of her life working there. I had to tell her that that is what she was experiencing and to just take slow breaths. She was like "ive never been made to feel so stupid in my life. In my home country I was the head accountant ive been doing this for over 20 years. But here she treats me like im nothing." I didnt even know what to say to this poor woman. Then after she put her 2 weeks in they fired her. Mind you all we did was resell shit off amazon and like ebay. Like we arent saving the planet. But the CEO's wife was an insane woman. She would literally get up in my coworkers faces screaming at the top of her lungs. Like when i say screaming i mean SCREAMING. you could hear her from the bathroom. Even the custodian and shit knew about her. My first day the door man was like "you work at XX? good luck" That shouldve been my first sign.

Also it pissed me off seeing her come in with Chanel bags meanwhile her employees had to take on a 2nd job just to afford healthcare. It was such a stingy work place too! They would buy snacks and put up a sign that said we could only take 1 for the day. Mind you its like fruit gummies and quaker oats oatmeal packets lol. At my new job we have unlimited access to cup noodles, and a huge variety of snacks. WILD. My final straw was when they tried to get us all to go on their health insurance. It was $892 a MONTH! I wish i was joking.They had the nerve to say THAT was the cheapest they could find. And then when i rejected it because it was more than half my paycheck she comes to my desk to wax poetic about how health is more valuable than wealth. How all of her extremely rich friends are actually lonely and miserable uwu. While wearing those 10k clover necklaces AND BRACELETS. I kid you not. Meanwhile in the real world, you fucking need money in order to even afford to be healthy. And then when im like "i get it but i just can't afford it" she offered to pay my health insurance. Mind you this is right after she revealed to me that one of my coworkers who is in her 60s had to take on a 2nd job to afford it. I declined because wtf do i look like first of all, and more importantly, if you can afford to pay for my health insurance without batting an eye, you should be able to afford to pay for all 6 of your employees health insurance. These people made like 34$ million in sales and we were only in January. I work in accounting so i saw it. Stupid bitch. My sister called me dumb for not letting her but I have morals. Because why would you offer to pay for my young healthy ass' insurance when there is an older woman approaching seniorhood working for you who clearly needs the help if she has to get a 2nd job? its so gross. Also i hate that she even revealed this woman's business to me. It was so uncalled for. I ended up quitting on the spot that day and they begged for me to stay. Offered me a raise and new position and everything. I did come back during busy season for 2 weeks, realized these people didnt change in the 10 months i was gone only got worse, I took my check and quit again. I've been feeling bad about just quitting on them 2x, but after typing this up i realize it was their karma for firing that poor woman who literally moved all the way to America for this job to help her family. Who tf is reading this idk but this was so cathartic.

No. 1720083

they're not banned altogether but you get the yellow coin (demonetised) if you say them in your video and people are greedy

No. 1720084

I thought she was interested back in me and I checked up on her twice after she had this dog shit day that left her crying, and even though she knew I was also doing horrible, she didn’t even ask how I was doing myself. That’s fine if she isn’t interested in me but I’m pretty bummed. After all of her suggestions to hang out and her showing interest in doing things with me I guess I’m just somebody else. That’s fine, ofc, just. Ugh.

No. 1720085

Not everyone here uses the cow boards and not everyone here is a racist edgefag. I personally stick to just ot, g, and m. But also no one cares that you think you’re the special exception around here.

No. 1720088

Wow. Fuck your last workplace, nonna. I hope your former boss is run over with a car and her Chanel bag turns into an asphalt pancake.

No. 1720113

Ugh the day is almost over and I still haven't done it. fuck. I do it now.

No. 1720119

I honestly hate him, I hate him for being a prick, I hate him so much

No. 1720124

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go do it right meow young lady

No. 1720125

just found out a girl i went to school with is a troon now. devastated because she was a cool lesbian and i admired her for being herself and so open about liking girls. but now she’s a tranny, mutilating herself, and looks like a freak. really hope she finds peace

No. 1720127

Fuck this night. First there's a huge ass spider up on my ceiling that crawled into a light socket to escape my attacks to kill it. There's a stupid ass skunk outside spraying which means I have to close the house up. I now have to set up the trap, I already caught 12 so this will be the 13th. I want to scream.

No. 1720143

Maybe it's the same skunk coming back?

No. 1720180

sufjan stevens came out as gay or something with the passing of his partner recently and of course he's being welcomed (by the people who care enough to write about it) with love and open arms but all i can think about is that fucking photo that went around on tumblr so many years ago of him getting a hummer from a woman during a rollercoaster ride. i hate the internet

No. 1720184


No. 1720188

get those sticky spider traps if you can. very helpful at trapping them

No. 1720191


as for the hummer photo, i'm sure you could find it if you looked. i don't want to see it ever again

No. 1720199

what… is a hummer…

No. 1720205

Wtf is a hummer

No. 1720214

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made this in bing AI and nominate it for a threadpic someday

No. 1720231

I am in another country for a month and my boyfriend's father died from suicide. I really wish I could be there for him because the way he described what happened, it sounds just downright traumatizing. I'm honestly a little angry at his dad for doing something like this when he has people who cared about his mental health and tried to get him help. Now my boyfriend and the rest of his family have to deal with the pain of this for the rest of their lives. My boyfriend's been wondering what he could've done to prevent this and I know he will be haunted by that thought even if I tell him that he did what he could.

No. 1720337

My mom says she "respects" me but she lovesssss hearing me or my brother whenever we talk on the phone

No. 1720376

im a grown ass woman and i think i wet the bed last night and i'm ashamed. it was a pretty bad sleep too, i wonder what's up there this hasn't happened since i was 6. read up on google and i'm thinking it may be my diabetes (T2) since i've also been thirsty and haven't eaten that well lately but i don't get it, i've had alot of water, been getting my veges and fruits in… the portions still need working on but atleast it isnt fatty food wtf.

No. 1720386

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I lost like 15 pounds (I wasnt overweight but was getting too close to it) and I feel a lot better but I swear most of the weight left my boobs and I went down like two bra sizes. They have excess skin and arent perky anymore …damn this sucks, I just feel ugly in a different way now

No. 1720396

Keep losing weight until you get to your goal weight while saving up for a breast lift/augmentation

No. 1720416

I ended up not doing it, but it's okay. I will figure it out.

No. 1720456

>Heckin heck
Can you shut the fuck up already? I'm sick of this shit.

No. 1720483

fuck Taylor Swift, im all for being a “girls girls” or whatever but for fucks sake just shut the fuck up? Thank you. Fuck sports as well.

No. 1720567

I'll never understand how you can go to therapy with your spouse (every week, I'm guessing) to work on your problems but keep the fact that you cheated a secret. Like, the whole reason you cheated in the first place was because you were lying about who you were to them for a decade, and you're still lying. How can you look them in the eyes everyday carrying that secret around?

Like, ultimately, I do understand because if someone like that can keep massive lies hidden for so long (because they didn't want the relationship to end) - what's another lie, especially as this one would likely lead to a divorce. It comes off as sociopathic, that galling lack of empathy or respect for someone you profess to love.

The bar truly is in hell for men, yet they still manage to limbo beneath it.

No. 1720577

Go back to tiktok.

No. 1720596

>It's the weekend! Woohoo!
>Stay up until 4am on Friday
>Stay up until 5am on Saturday
>"Why do I have trouble falling asleep early on Sundays? It's a recurring problem!"
Why don't you stop and think about that for a minute.

No. 1720625

Taylor isn't even a "girls girls" herself, she can go fuck herself

No. 1720629

I keep talking to this guy even though I basically hate him because he's somehow the only person I can hold a conversation with, but he makes no effort with it and he doesn't even pretend to care about me. I just hang on because he's all I have. Tonight I found his social media accounts though and he has a bunch of tranny mutuals, though he's gone along with my terf rants in the past, and he's constantly liking/replying to different women that are 10 years younger than him and post sexy pics. I never believed him when he said that he didn't interact with women like that online but to see it all laid out and the comments he left…it's gross. He's acted so holier than thou in the past about not being one of those guys. The positive thing is that this might be the thing to make me actually cut off contact for good because I can never go back to looking at him the same way. It's not a matter of forgiving him this time, it's that he's revealed himself to be a totally different person than he's led me to believe. I don't get why he's been stringing me along all this time but I'll just have to live with the mystery. I will be very lonely but so are many other people. The only question is if I should simply never speak to him again, or if I should tell him what I found and how I feel about it.

No. 1720631

whats a girls girls

No. 1720688

be a bit unhinged have some fun with it, compile all the evidence and contradictions. act innocent and bring those topics up again, ask him "you wouldn't do that sort of thing right? you agree only shit head predators do that?" and after he's gone off about how holy he is you drop the screenshots of him doing exactly that to see his reaction kek
and block him afterwards of course

No. 1720689

Holy, so I might still have time, but I don't know. I'll report back soon.

No. 1720690

seconding other anon, get healthy and then get a lift, best thing i ever did for my confidence (even though i'm practically antisocial and no one else ever sees my boobs lmao)

No. 1720696

I'm so fucking nauseous from gas right now and whenever I manage to get the gas out it's like there's still more. I can't even sleep right now

No. 1720698

I feel this picture.

No. 1720715

I just masturbated it took too long I can finally sleep

No. 1720807

Cute, cute, cute, cute, hope it works out for the two of you.

No. 1720841

Prostitution is legal and even normalized in my country and I can't fucking stand it. I don't know why it's not illegal. The government loves yapping about equal rights but are fine with women being treated like sex dolls and have the men who groomed them into it getting away with it? I want to do something about it but I have no platform and don't know groups or people who care.

No. 1720843

Hating males but still being attracted to them and objectifying them is the most based thing possible

No. 1720846

Scrote hands wrote this.

No. 1720855

Same it's really depressing. Germany and the Netherlands are really bad. I donated to an organisation that helps women out of prostitution once but I don't have money for that right now and I'm not a person who likes to do volunteer work so I feel like I can't do anything except talk to people around me and condemn it. Most people are brainwashed by the media and think it's all a free choice thing and that exploitation is rare when it is the opposite. Also the myth that it helps preventing rape is strong. I hate it.

No. 1720862

File: 1696856846477.jpeg (40.89 KB, 639x476, 1677444335001.jpeg)

>i also do not care about you guys screeching about the "troons" or "trannys" because i cannot ever convince myself that shit affects me in any way. even if you think its men cosplaying as women, who cares?
>trans people? i legit could care less

You have a lot to learn, maybe you can come back after that

No. 1720871

I didn't know it was in Germany too, christ. People who say it's free choice are retarded, at least 95% doesn't want to be in that position. I hate the 'jokes' that come with it too, constant jokes about red lighting/brothels, demeaning prostitutes who probably don't like what they do anyway, hell I even heard 'if you can't find a job there's always the red light' when I was unemployed for a while. I wish there was a movement against it but I don't know of any big ones. Depressing indeed.

No. 1720873

Kill all glowniggers tbh.(alogging)

No. 1720884

There’s the Nordic model.

No. 1720886

If you find something, post it in the Dutchfag thread, I'll join if I can.

No. 1720898

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When you, a minimalist, asks for furnishing advice and the only one responding is the friend OBSESSED with maximalism

No. 1720901

No. 1720907

Thanks nonna, I hope I do.

No. 1720913

Of course the awkward but buff guy that started working at the same time has a wedding ring, hahaha… Fuck my life, I don't know how I haven't noticed it before

No. 1720918

hmm..i know i shouldn't question everyone's sexuality and idk much about him, but if he did that willingly with a woman it sounds like he's bi.

No. 1720983

I found out that two of my friends who met at a D&D game I used to run have apparently been hanging out for months together and neither of them saw fit to tell anyone else. One of them I've only known since this year, but the other has been one of my closest friends since grade school. Lately she's all but fallen off the face of the earth to the point of completely blowing one of our other close friend's theatre performance, so when I found out she's been hanging out with some dude she just met this whole time I was livid. Like, they have their own lives but if we're all friends, some kind of group hang-out invite or even a "hey I've been talking to so-and-so" would have been nicer than fucking disappearing for two months. I only found out because the guy invited my bf and me out to brunch with him and my grade-school friend next weekend, which was as unexpected as your friend inviting you to lunch with fucking Trudeau, and now I don't even want to go to their stupid forced double-date brunch. I don't care how petulant I sound, I just hate that all my friends always end up being better friends with each other than me and that it all happens behind my back.

No. 1720998

Yeah Germany is basically the brothel of Europe. Most men here are also horrible, the normalization led to a mindset to totally view it as an option to buy sex if needed. Sure some have moral obligations but it's rather rare. And even women have these messed up views about prostitution.
The mainstream left is obsessed with normalizing it too, I don't know if you're familiar with it but all feminists who dare to speak up against prostitution are labeled SWERFs. It's really fucked up.

No. 1721012

You know what I’m lucky to be a disabled woman so that if the cork really pops off with this whole war thing I’m not able to be drafted to be some half-assed nurse or something

No. 1721030

This stuff always makes me speechless when I hear or read about women just enduring that. If your moid won't even bother to make you come too, why are you having sex with him? How do you not feel used if it isn't mutual?
If a moid would just roll off me mid-sex I would be fucking fuming.

No. 1721101

why is the vent thread not being used hello wake up everyone it’s almost 11 am

No. 1721102

It's like midday for me, damn. My vent is I wish it was still the AM.

No. 1721105

I'm so retarded. I don't understand people. Why isn't she messaging me when we decided to postpone our dinner to a time where she's not sick anymore? It's been two weeks. I had honestly given up on our friendship when I stopped messaging first and we didn't talk for months. I figured she's letting our friendship silently die as most do. When she reached out first I was so happy, but her not trying to meet up after cancelling our plan makes it feel like she wanted to meet up in a fever state and now that she's clear in the head she remembered she hates my fugly ass. Last time I told her her not messaging me felt like she didn't want to meet up and she was jokingly mildly offended and said she was waiting for me to message instead. She said "you finally remembered I exist!" when I had given in like 2 months into waiting for her to message me first. I'm so confused. Does she want to be my friend or not. I was mourning the one great friend I made in uni that didn't end in shizo fights (I was friends with only genderbender friend groups because that's where the only non homophobic non sexist mfs were - I'm from a 3rd world country) anyway I was mourning our friendship then she got my hopes up that she still wants to be my friend and now it's down again. I'm too retarded for friendships. I don't get it.

No. 1721109

Me and my bf are taking a break rn from our relationship because things have been very bad lately and i miss him so much. I fucking hate taking breaks and i hate not talking to him but i also dont know how to make him reply to me, i messaged him a few times the last days and he hasnt answered once. I need help

No. 1721111

Got sick of drooling retards chiming in on my shit with their halfwitted takes

No. 1721113

I've dealt with depression for the majority of my life, but never like this. I want to enjoy food again but I don't have any desire to eat. Even getting out of bed is extremely difficult. I can't concentrate and I'm constantly plagued with brain fog and memory issues. Maybe my brain is actually shutting down.

No. 1721130

It’s still morning and all cloudy and the sky is all marbly i love to see it

No. 1721135

I moved back in with my parents for the rest of the year due to intense stress/anxiety and health issues. I've been living here for a week and for some reason I'm absolutely crippled by this insane fear that I might be secretly several weeks/months pregnant, even though there's literally no reason for me to think that might be the case (even had a negative pregnancy a month ago during a UTI screening). But I have terrible chronic digestive issues and I'm finding it really hard not to overanalyze my regular bloating/constipation/nausea.
My current paranoia is 1000x increased by the fact that I'm living with my anti-choice parents in a state that has more restrictive laws than my state, and that my period isn't due for like 1.5 weeks so there's really nothing I can do but wait. I know every woman is constantly convinced she's pregnant and I should just chill out but I can't stop thinking about it. Trying to calm myself down by researching the nearest abortion provider and reminding myself that my little brother would undoubtedly be there for me in the worst case scenario.

No. 1721149

im tired of being scared and paralyzed all the time lmao im literally not replying to this job offer letter thing bc of that and bc i want a better job but my time is literally running out bc im on a visa. it feels like its between this 12hr glue factory workhorse job or going back to my home country i havent lived in for almost 2 decades and living with my parents

No. 1721156

My 2 week vacation ended yesterday and going back to work made me want to peel off my skin. I had anxiety the entire day and could barely breathe. I switched to part time 6 months ago because I can't stand it anymore, I'd rather take a massive pay cut than have to endure this.

Thankfully the vacation gave me enough motivation and rest to finally start looking for a new job. Too bad it's all centralised around the capital and I'm too poor to move out. Yey

No. 1721168

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That's fantastic. Crying, shitting, and pissing himself to you and you dumped his ass KEK. Hope he dies alone after this

No. 1721174

Proud of you nonna. Also sorry but he sounds like an insufferable redditor in that text so good riddance.

No. 1721190

I just think about how my bf makes me look so crazy I told people he broke my phone and they immediately thought I cheated or something, what on that psycho? No all I did was get mad at him first so then he gets mad back cause he’s a retarded chimp brain scrote and he had to just escalate things, I should’ve left him then and there cause it’s only getting worse, his mom is like a mom to me but I swear she just wants me to stay with him cause she’s looking out for him, he tells people I won’t let him go anywhere cause I don’t like him taking off and not communicating while we’re in a fight and I just hate how crazy I look to other ppl I don’t know what to do

No. 1721197

You are not crazy and if anyone thinks that of you, they are the crazy ones. Breaking other's phones is a psycho move. Even if you did cheat on him, that's not an excuse to go breaking things on a rampage. I'm sorry for what you are going through, it's infuriating when people distort things and make you look crazy.

No. 1721198

This is a dangerous situation to be in and will do irreversible harm to your psyche. I know the answer to scrote problems here is always “dump him” but this isn’t even about him being worthless this is for your own well-being. please get out.

No. 1721204

And also remember before he hurts you he with hurt things around you; it will only escalate, you’re not safe. “Before he punches you he will punch a wall” is repeated a lot for a reason, there’s no reason to stick around and wait to get hurt.

No. 1721220

That sounds like an absolutely awful experience. I am putting in my 2 weeks notice in a few days because I am getting nothing from this job. There is no point of giving us roles because we are expected to do EVERYTHING. and the boss has obvious favorites. I like my coworker, but he only got this job because his step mom is best friends with the boss. I cant stand that shit. My back and feet hurt every day because I thought it was gonna be a straight admin job, but it's manual labor too. She goes on and on about how the customers are top priority, and then when customers ask for her by name on the phone, she yells at me to go away and she's busy. She can burn for all I care. I need to find another job asap because the health insurance isnt even worth it. I am glad you are in a better place and I wish that for every nonny here.

No. 1721225

my dad must’ve told my little brother something along the lines of
>your sister looks sad lately try to cheer her up
Now i have to navigate his zoomer attempts at small talk
My little garden gnome if i decided to rope you definitely wouldn’t be able to do anything about it

No. 1721227

I hate my job so much. I guess my city is hiring women for cops since they want to up the percentage of women in fire fighter, cop, and EMT jobs. About ready to see if I can sign up because I am desperate to find a well paying job with benefits. They probably wont even let me in because I cant lift more than fifty plus Im average short.

No. 1721236

Every month or so I open up the friend finder thread because I'm curious about the kinds of women who browse LC are like, and each time I see infighting about moids and/or troons and it makes me seethe. LC is surprisingly moid free as long as you take the usual precautions and getting added by a scrote is rare. Of course, unless if you're on CC…

No. 1721242

Thank you anon. I will get out, I’ll find a way out even though I feel like I’ve tethered myself too much to him I don’t deserve this and I’ll remember what you said.♡
Ugh omg thank you, it’s like.. why? That mf doesn’t even like me if he spreads slander like that

No. 1721262

Lots of short cops, nonnie, go for it. Most of the time you’re sitting in a car anyway.

No. 1721271

I think I determined that “Spring Mix” type salad greens always give me diarrhea. I’m completely fine with spinach, other lettuces, and other vegetables. I take a fiber supplement daily, so I’m not “adjusting to the fiber”, either. But every GODDAMN time I have a salad or a meal with the spring mix type greens, 3 hours later I have intense diarrhea with bright green leaves in it. Ugh.

No. 1721276

Huh, you get colic from mesclun. You’re probably allergic to one of the greens. Endive tastes like poison to me I bet it’s that one.

No. 1721334

I hate people trying to one-up each other over how much overworking themselves makes them a badass compared to everyone else.

>I work 70 hour weeks!

>Psh, how lazy. I work 80 hour weeks hauling heavy shit since I was 17. You can't take the heat bro.
>Repeat ad nauseum.

To add more context to this spurring my vent, I work at a renaissance faire to make more money. There was a kerfluffle in the group page about people blaring loud music at 6am near the workers' camp area and how workers need to sleep. Some "cool" guy was insulting the poster about how since he can "party and drink until 3am and still get up at 7 am" everyone else must be wimps if they can't. So badass.

No. 1721338

ive tried reaching out to people from the friend finder thread and its kind of depressing that they all fizzled. i just dont want to be so lonely anymore. i am so fucking lonely.

No. 1721348

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Oh wow, after you mentioned an endive allergy, I found this. I think I definitely have trouble with birch pollen, that’s crazy!

No. 1721350

I hate group projects. I'm in a uni class that you have to apply for and get consent just to get into it, and it has a group project worth a large part of our grade. I mistakenly thought that meant, since you have to go through a whole fucking process just to get into it, that the people in it would give a shit about doing well and getting a good grade in it. I'm in a group of 4 and so far only one other person aside from me has put any effort in. I've basically had to take the lead and do it myself, which, whatever. I'm used to having to do that from my other classes I've had group projects in, because I'm too much of a pussy to report it to the professor. I don't want to ruin their GPA and come off as a bitch.

But the thing is, the thing that makes me fucking pissed, is that I need their input to make major decisions- even if it's just saying 'hey is everyone okay if we do that this way? If not, anyone have any suggestions?' and they never fucking respond to me. I can't move on with the project if they don't give me an OK or another route to go on. I would even be fine if they said that they wanted to do it a different way. Whatever. Either way, I can get work done. Just fucking reply to me! Then class comes- which is only once a week by the way- and I talk to them about it, and ask what we should do, and they all say they don't care. They say they don't have any suggestions, and tell me 'sure lets do it the way you suggested.' Why the fuck couldn't you have said that when I texted you? I could literally text them a day after class, and I don't get a fucking response from any of them. I have to wait a week to get a response to a simple fucking question. I could have gotten so much shit done if you had just replied to me earlier. I'm doing all the fucking work ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS REPLY TO ME IS THAT SO HARD????

No. 1721352

based nonnie! i recently broke up with my ex who would do degenerate shit and say "it's not how it looks" and give a whole story with little tinges of truth surrounded by lies. i have my ex so many chances to come forward about his lying i knew about and he failed every single chance.
also same, i hope your ex has this haunting him forever. you spotted a weak point in his facade.
did your boyfriend have any IRL friends, by any chance? my ex did not and it suddenly made sense when he was gone the reason and why he was so attached to internet pals. he wanted sooo badly to make IRL friends but never made the effort, probably because anyone who knew him saw through his bullshit so easily.

No. 1721353

Ugh, that’s my mother. This was a conversation from when my partner and I drove 5 hours to visit my parents over Christmas:
Me: yawns
Mom: What’s going onnn? What’s wrong? Come on, claps hands in my face LOOK ALIVE! LOOK ALIVE!
Me: Haha, please, stop, we’re both just tired from the drive, that’s all.
Mom: Oh wow, I thought you were more energetic than that! You think YOU’RE tired? You don’t know what tired is! I was on my feet all day yesterday until they felt like they were bleeding, so that we could clean in time for you to get here! And then, I had to get up at 4:30 am again to clean! Maybe YOU should get up and clean every morning, and then tell me that you’re tired! Sheesh, you’re both young, your generation doesn’t know how to work hard!

No. 1721354

Yeah that's why I gave up on the FF threads tbh.

No. 1721360

I’m over 30 and noped out of the friend finder threads when I saw that everyone was a teenager or early 20s, I felt old and awkward kek

No. 1721362

i want to cry. my car needs 2k in repairs. i fucking hate everything about cars.

No. 1721393

If you haven’t already, ask the repair shop what are the MOST urgent and how much only those cost, hopefully they are the kind of place that will level with you. My car guy taught me that and he is very honest and fair. You should be able to do the repairs incrementally provided the levels of urgency are different per problem. Car stress and costs really suck, nonna! Sending you good luck.

No. 1721401

Make sure you're not getting fucked. A lot of those repair places will either lie or overcharge you. If you don't know the place very well, ask a friend or family member for their mechanic

No. 1721404

luckily i can override the problem for now, the car gets stuck in park and there’s a small manual override button that i can push in with a pen to get it out of park. they told me the entire gear shift would have to be replaced, which seems ridiculous to me. i definitely feel like they’re trying to fuck me over, but i don’t really want to pay another $200 inspection fee to get another opinion. i’ve calmed down a bit now and i’m just thankful that i can ignore the problem for now.

No. 1721462

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I drank a smoothie then my cat came to sit on my stomach and it caused something like indigestion. This basically wasted my evening since this blockage feeling in my stomach/esophagus is distracting me from focusing on anything.

No. 1721487

can’t sleep so i’m thinking about the appointment i booked to see my dr about maybe having ptsd and just laying here crying like a weirdo. i don’t wanna go to the appointment anymore because i feel so stupid but my god. i don’t often let myself think about what i went through as a kid but i’m doing it now to try and prove to myself how badly i need to talk about it and it’s just so fucked up. the way when i think of my mother i don’t think of her smiling or laughing but the way she’d look at me when she was flying into one of her rages. the way everyone in the street could hear the things she was saying to me and the way none of them did anything about it but how they all clearly pitied me looking back. the way i had to parent her and the way she’d force me to cuddle her in bed after she screamed at me. all of this before the age of ten. the way she was my first and only bully. fucking hell. i still remember her calling me a freak out of nowhere when i was 11 or 12 and then turning around and saying she never said it less than a minute later when i started to cry. it’s so fucked up man. who could do that to a kid? a fucking baby. i was still in primary school for most of it. and then she turns around constantly today and tells people in front of me how much more she liked me when i was little, as though that’s not when she was hurting me the most. jesus christ. anyway. i think i probably need that appointment actuallg

No. 1721504


No. 1721505

sorry for the edgy all caps i had 2 get that out of my system

No. 1721509

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should i come clean to my boyfriend about the fact that i cheated on him by having phone sex with a friend of mine? i really only did so because i didn’t want to upset my friend by denying him and the guilt is destroying me, but i know that my boyfriend will (rightfully) break up with me if i tell him

No. 1721512

You should cut contact with both of them proactively and work on yourself and your need to please, that sucks nona.

No. 1721519

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I wish women being alone was more normalized. Maybe it would make my loneliness less painful if the fear of looking sad and alone wasn't tacked onto it. Men get to be alone and are called bachelors. Women are called lonely spinsters or sad cat ladies. It makes me feel like i failed. I have my parents and a few online friends I talk to sometimes. But that's it. I've always felt like an odd person who can never form relationships naturally. Now men are having some "loneliness epidemic" as if women's loneliness doesn't matter. As if we aren't the ones pressured to get married to a man or else we're viewed as a waste. I hate moids and realize sometimes that it's near impossible to find a good one, so I need to get used to being alone. But it's so difficult. I sit places by myself and can enjoy my time, until I look around at the other people having fun with others.
I wish I had one normal life experience with another person in my youth that i could cling to. But I'll always be the odd girl that's always alone. No matter how many years pass by.

No. 1721524

I also seethe a little bit about “men’s lonliness” because no one ever gives a duck about lonely women. Probably because we’re way less likely to succeed in killing ourselves but let’s be real it’s probably just misogyny

No. 1721533

unmarried childless women are the happiest group of people according to studies lol

No. 1721534

I'm taller than my bf by a lot (he's 5'8 and I' 5'11) and I usually don't mind, but today I felt absolutely insecure and people were watching us. We've been together for over 2 years and this is the first time in like since the first month of dating I've felt this way.

No. 1721540

Idk nonny I kind of judge people that'd judge you more than you because they clearly never valued you as a person and care more about you being a product for a man's consumption. I've seen a young woman have the life sucked out of her from a bad relationship (started great, ended horrifically) and who took 2 years to rebound. She regrets the relationship so much. Only a truly horrible person would think she was better off in that situation.

No. 1721559

I hate being stupid, it affects the quality of my art

No. 1721583

I don’t think that’s true because all the studies I found indicate that tradthots are the happiest. Were there two different studies?

No. 1721619

>tradthots are the happiest
I’ve not read any studies on this but that seems fucked and backwards based on what I’ve seen in real life. Are you sure that’s reliable?

No. 1721645

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any nonnies have treatment resistant depression? i have tried everything for almost 20 years and it feels like there's no solution. is it really so bad to self medicate a little when you've tried everything? i'm so tired of the stigma. it's legitimately crippling and no one irl has any understanding or sympathy, just judgement and cruelty

No. 1721647

they're lying because it's part of the whole thing. it's cope. they're not appreciated and overworked delulus whose whole bag is appeasing men

No. 1721651

No. 1721654

What’s your self medication? If it’s weed or something mild that not much different from an ssri (just as ineffective tbh) so they shouldn’t judge you. If you’re an alcoholic that’s a bit more damaging to social ties and you should reconsider but if you’re highly functional and okay with being a loner and have a valuable job (like a mail lady or trash collector, not just high paying but a service) I guess just do you but it’s gonna suck

No. 1721665

Have you tried tms nona? I work for a mental health/substance abuse clinic and it's helped a lot of treatment resistant patients

No. 1721774

>I've seen a young woman have the life sucked out of her from a bad relationship (started great, ended horrifically) and who took 2 years to rebound.
This is so common, and why there are so few women available to date in the first world. Many or most just won't bother to date again after the years long recovery period. The "male loneliness epidemic" is just men dealing with the consequences of all their shitty actions. One of me exes loved to hype me up with empty promises, then disappoint me later, the greatest peace is knowing I'll never have to deal with that constant emotional rollercoaster ever again.

No. 1721862

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I'm in a sour mood bc I thought I could smoke weed when I came home from uni but my bf is working from home today reee. He doesn't know I smoke daily. Yes I realize it sounds like a problem when I type it out.

No. 1721865

nayrt but what is tms?

No. 1721866

“Male loneliness epidemic” but then there’s posts trending on Twitter every day about how much they hate their gfs. Nobody is buying it anymore.

No. 1721869

>"male loneliness epidemic"
>"lol your eggs are expired"
>"you're over 25 you better hurry up"
>"you're a useless spinster destined to live with 40 cats"
They can neck themselves, idgaf. Should've learned how to treat people with respect and humanity before it was too late for you.

No. 1721878

dont moids boast about how good male friendships are and so much more honest than the petty backstabbing friendships between females? they should go cry to their scrotes friends about their feefees

No. 1721882

When they say that, they mean they can trust men not to flinch at their debauchery and lack of humanity. When it comes to their actual emotions, they can't show those either without being met with apathy. Let them rot all alone in the bed they've made.

No. 1721902

I am for a month in an ASEAN country for study/work and I'm sorry but thanks to its moids it's such a shithole. I won't probably be able to walk anywhere alone because of their harassment. Like I want to go to a convenience store but I'm too scared to. The women are very kind and smile to me but the males stare and shout like crazy. I expected it to be at least a little bit walkable, now I guess I'll just have to go to my room after work. My room which has construction going right outside, doesn't have proper windows so I can hear every one of the thousands of motorcycles through the night, no blanket, no toilet paper, no kitchen even though this was listed as provided by the student association I was going here through. Toilet is together with shower, shower is also the sink and water goes everywhere anytime I wash my hands so I will always have to wet my feet going to toilet. I also had a lizard there this morning but I like lizards, I only hope I won't get cockroaches or something there.
They also won't provide me a meal a day even though it was listed. I will have to take taxi every time I go to work because they don't have any proper public transport and I'm not from a very wealthy country myself and I'm pretty poor so it's gonna be a huge financial hit.
When I researched this country, all the guides were like 'you have to dress conservatively but it's a safe country for female solo travellers!'. Safe my ass, never going to muslim majority country again, the moids are crazy here. I'm not even from West btw. I have a friend from this country and it always seemed like a normal place to me from her photos but now I'm realising she's probably very rich for their standards so I shouldn't have taken her experience for granted.

No. 1721913

thanks for the response, anon. weed used to work for me but hasn't since i was 17, just causes anxiety and worsened depression. i'm basically a whatever-i-can-get-my-hands-on type person. i use alcohol sometimes but in fairly small amounts, usually, and i cycle with this. i have an insane life rife with a lot of abuse that i can't feasibly escape from at this time, so sometimes i go a bit too far, but usually this is not the case. i use kratom in small amounts frequently (no negative side effects for me). i microdose ketamine under the supervision of a dr (previously i did take s-ketamine at higher doses but once a week wasn't working for me. it does have neuroplastic effects and purportedly through the glutamate blocking effects and ampa modulation, it helps somewhat, but it's not THAT effective for me). dxm sometimes in small on and off, which is actually used in a prescription drug called auvelity, but i can't afford it at $600 a mo for just dxm and wellbutrin combined, and my insurance won't cover it. so far the most effective things i've ever taken (at low doses, only therapeutically, are tianeptine and tramadol [both are known to be beneficial for depression, but expensive/difficult to get your hands on]). i don't use anything regularly aside from the ket i'm prescribed, and only get a certain amount of relief to stave off suicide, honestly. i will and have tried anything i can access (only one hard drug once), however. this willingness to try anything has definitely contributed to the stigma, though legitimately i cannot take this anymore and i truly feel as if this is something fairly easy to understand, yet i come across the same problem consistently. it feels like the potential for abuse in others affects the perception of me due to the habits and addictive nature of others. i have tried almost everything aside from MAOIs and tricylics due to the dangers and refusal of my drs, likely due to liability. sorry for the crazy long response.
thank you for the response. i have, and found no relief.
ntayrt but it's transcranial magnetic stimulation. it's kind of similar to an mri with the magnetic tapping. it's supposed to reset your electrical patterns in your brain and activate low-functioning areas using magnetic fields focused on a certain part of your brain that cause depression. everyone is different and there are differently focused types, but a lot of specialists in this field are not covered by insurance, so only bigger companies that are more general are.

No. 1721922

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It was her kek

No. 1721925

No. I caught skunks of varying sizes. I think the skunks this year just had a ton of offspring in my area because I've seen dead skunks or smelled skunks all around. I took them 6 miles from my house to a nice area so they got a chance of surviving. If the skunks tried to return, most likely get run over because there is a long stretch of road with a speed limit of 65 mph or killed by coyotes because of the long open fields. Just caught the 13th one tonight. This wouldn't be a problem if the skunks weren't digging up right by my house. Never realized how destructive they were until now. My neighbor had a squirrel problem.
I got some. Thanks for the tip. I hate big spiders that look like they will jump. Bad enough I killed a black widow a few months ago in my garage.

No. 1721957

I noped out. We move on.

No. 1721973

posted my personal troon lolcow in a thread and I'm paranoid that he'll find out it was me who posted it lol even tho he deserves it and i guess he can't do more than try to cancel me over it

No. 1721996

We have your back, don't worry.

No. 1722076

I move so slowly through life (metaphorically) and I complain a lot about bad situations instead of putting all my energy into changing them. I burn out friends this way I'm starting to think because my siltation rarely changes and after a while they get exhausted by me always "going through a hard time". I don't blame them or anything but it is still really sad when it happens because I can feel it happening. I also have a complex about it though and a lot of times panic pre-emptively or work myself into crying hysterics mourning a friendship and then it turns out everything is fine. But I am starting to suspect too in those times its not that everything was fine and I was just overreacting. It's that the other person is upset or annoyed with me, and I can pick up on it, but most people just get upset and then move on they don't feel compelled to address it or talk about it. So when they say later actually everything was fine, it wasn't, but its fine if I just leave it alone if that makes sense. But I don't leave it alone.

It's all so stupid and I honestly got sick of myself halfway through typing that. I don't think therapy is working for me. I just want people to like me.

No. 1722095

Don't measure yourself through attention, especially from random people. Do you have any friends? You don't connect with everyone who goes through your life, but you'll eventually find people who you can talk to and will find you funny and enjoy your company.

No. 1722108

I hate when retards in the mtf threads say a troon looks like a woman like are you fucking retarded? Stop giving them sexual gratification, none of them look like women. "Omg this tranny looks like Lea Michelle!" Like eat shit you worthless, no brained idiot.

No. 1722113

I just went there to check what you were talking about and I was expecting at least one of those well kempt gay troons, but it was a completely run of the mill autistic agp

No. 1722114

Right, and they used that stupid euphoria/bratz reaction image like this is facebook kek ughhhhh my lolcor has changed… I don't like it…

No. 1722131

I just find out I have PCOS and I'm crying like a bitch. I was so scared that this will be my diagnosis. I'm scared of taking hormones because they increase the risk of breast cancer and I'm already at risk because my mom died from breast cancer. My hairloss and shitty periods were killing me, now the official disgnosis, increased risk of diabetes, osteoporosis, uterine cancer, problems with getting pregnant in the future, I don't want to be defective, I don't want to live in this body

No. 1722138

Nothing worse than taking one of those shits that’s
A) completely unsatisfying
B) stinks
C) takes 5053 years to fucking wipe.

No. 1722142

it's not a death sentence and it doesn't mean you're infertile nona. I don't know what your doctor told you so I don't want to say the wrong thing if you have a very specific situation but 90% of what people say about PCOS online is severely overblown

No. 1722148

Don’t see it as a life ending diagnosis, it really isn’t. I know a woman who has it and she got pregnant like ridiculously quickly when she started trying. You are not guaranteed to experience every horrible symptom from it. Sending you calmness and hugs ♥

No. 1722168

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Someone in my family had a baby and is always sending me pictures of it, but I can't help but feel nothing every time I see it. I don't feel giddiness or excitement when I see it, I don't really find babies cute and nothing about it makes me want to interact with it. It's just an empty feeling. My family is going to visit, I didn't want to go and was honest with them about it, but they guilted me until I said yes. I'm dreading that they will force this baby on me as if it's supposed to be some maternal awakening like I'm expected to know what to do with it. Everyone else finds it so cute but I feel guilty having to fake my reaction to blend in with what is expected of me. I'm supposed to be excited to see a baby, and I'll have to pretend so I don't look antisocial (especially because any adverse reaction could be interpreted as jealously or something because I feel like I'm expected to fawn over a mother's most precious, beautiful baby in the world.) It's been all my family's been talking about, my siblings have started to get baby-crazy cause they want their own children. And I feel this overwhelming guilt because how dare I complain about this. I should be happy for my family and stop being so selfish and immature to feel this way. I'm uncomfortable with this trip, but am I overreacting nonnas? Is it as bad as I think it will be?

No. 1722172

Dunno why you can't be honest and just be like "i don't really care", that's what I'd do. Who cares if you look antisocial? What if they make you hold the baby and it fucking drools or goes "buhbuhbuhbuh" and you're expected to coo at it because you feigned interest?

No. 1722174

drop the baby on the floor "accidentally," for the lulz

No. 1722175

No. 1722178

Thank you nonnies.
Anon >>1722148 do you know if that woman took hormones to manage pcos? I know that some women try to manage the symptoms naturally with diet and excercise

No. 1722180

been trying to learn a friend's language for the fun of it and hage filled up a few pages though i feel childish for feeling nervous over taking a picture of my fucking notes and sharing them with the friend. i guess im not in a mood to be critiqued but they essentially kept pushing me for them and are now frustrated and were about to give me the silent treatment because i took too long. eventually showed them… how do i stop being insecure over the trivial? i feel a little guilty for being so hesitant but i hate being forced to show shit i want to keep private about.

No. 1722196

Same, I think that anon just has a vendetta against lea Michele since she's know to be an awful person. I still would prefer her to not be compared to a troon

No. 1722197

AYRT, she swears by the cycle balancing supps from Eu Natural. They’re not cheap but also not mega pricy imo. I can’t remember the exact name of the supp, but here’s their site for the full list of what they have. I used their conception supplement to help fertility when I was doing ICI and I do believe it helped me conceive more quickly. You can also buy thru Amazon for that fast shipping. https://store.eunatural.com/

No. 1722201

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Samefag, this is what she uses!

No. 1722202

honestly, I would feel exactly the same, I just don't care for babies and don't see why some people act like it's the most wonderful thing in the world. Are you fully vaccinated? If not, just tell them that you don't want to be a possible threat for the child, if you can't be honest with your family without them getting angry at you.

No. 1722203

You are not childish, you just don't want to show them and it's fine. You shouldn't feel pressured to share this to anyone, your friend is being annoying to be honest. They are the childish one demanding things and threatening to give you the silent treatment over this.

No. 1722210

Thank you nona I will check it out!

No. 1722234

You should try borage oil and/or spearmint. It made my periods easy and now I don’t have cystic breast flair ups

No. 1722248

I stumbled upon r/OldManDog and started browsing it thinking it would be a bunch of pictures and clips of old dogs living their best life, while some of it was a lot of what was posted was people grieving their pet's passing and now I'm crying because I can't stand the thought of my cat dying one day. He's only 1 so he got several years to go, but the thought of it hurts.

No. 1722265

I am waiting for this fucking schizo to say or do something that gets him fired. He refuses to talk to me let alone ask me to even out the work between us but tells my boss lies about how long I use the bathroom and how much work I am doing. I use the bathroom again, he told everyone he was going to call the ceo about me and was showing them his number in his phone. This motherfucker got fired from his last job for threatening to shoot up the place. Now I have to listen to everyone tell me the shit he says about me. When I confront him he doesn't say a single word to me because he's a spineless bitch. It's only a matter of time.

No. 1722271

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>when I'm shown photos of a coworkers grandkids or new babies in their family like I'm supposed to be overjoyed or whatever
I don't know why we're expected to care so much about other peoples babies, especially if it's a distant relative or a friend of a friend like their baby is some sort of miracle put upon the earth when thousands are born an hour. I wouldn't want to travel and make an entire trip just for the sake of visiting a newborn that does nothing other than look around, shit, and cry KEK. I don't think you're overreacting, you still said you'd go so there isn't anything to feel guilty over. I'd just make an excuse like "Oh I'm clumsy" or you feel a cold coming on to avoid holding it.

No. 1722277

nta but I took spearmint for pcos acne and it didn't really do anything so I stopped when the bottle of supplements ran out. the week I stopped I experienced the worse fucking bacne breakout of my life that lasted like three months. not sure if it was related but it sure seemed like it was, I think I threw myself out of whack. that was a year ago and I'm totally fine now, not having any breakouts. I'm done with supplements.

No. 1722283

Spearmint alone made it worse for me but taking it with borage oil is the key. Or just take borage alone that shits legit

No. 1722285

I'm a fucking piece of shit. I have a wonderful small dog who trusts me. I was making myself tteokbokki with spicy sauce and he wanted some. My parents said he eats spicy food he finds on the street sometimes and hates it. I wanted to show him that this is spicy and he won't like it. So I fucking purposefully put a tiny bit of sauce on my finger for him to taste and realize he doesn't like it. Well it turns out he never had spicy stuff before because the poor little guy had such a weird reaction. He kept licking his snout and just kind of like quickly nodding his head over and over. Like it was clearly bothering him. I quickly gave him some of the treats he loves while I googled if dogs can have lactose-free milk. They can so then I gave him milk to hopefully help him and he did love that but did it help him? I also gave him a bunch of cheese to further neutralize the spiciness.
Idk if it was the bit of spicy sauce or the milk and cheese he had after but then he burped a bunch of times. I felt horrible. I basically tortured my dog who trusts me not to harm him. He's fine now but I just don't understand how I can be so retarded. I'm literally one of those people that shouldn't be allowed to have a dog. I'm already anxious that I'm going to somehow bring about his death by majorly fucking something up. In light of today, that's clearly not some irrational anxiety. I can't get over the fact that I did that on purpose.

No. 1722293

I really don’t understand what’s going on here. Everyone acts so troonish and annoying now. This isn’t 4chan. Go to 4chan if you wanna act like an autogynephile

No. 1722294

He’s gonna be okay nonnie. I promise he’ll digest it out, feel better, and then completely forgive you because he probably loves you

No. 1722299

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Python is so confusing. I'm so frustrated and all I'm doing is conditionals and loops

No. 1722301

Python is literally the easiest language there is.

No. 1722305

Not disagreeing but I think there's a difference to be made in those that stay unmarried and childfree out of choice, and those that simply can't find someone and do want a family (like me).
I could use a sperm donor technically but somehow it feels immoral to me personally.

No. 1722317

If a found out I was pregnant with a boy, I would abort immediately. I don't understand not wanting to do this. Xy are damaged goods

No. 1722318

What's the point of this?

No. 1722319

thanks nonny. i do have friends. i just get self conscious sometimes that they see me as lesser bc of the way i present myself maybe. ive always had low self esteem, and it's gotten better over the years, but theres still some ways to go

No. 1722320

At this point I'm getting those lonely pensioner urges to emotion dump on people about how unhappy I am. I have no close friends, and I don't want to invite a colleague out to vent to them over beers since we've never even hung out outside our jobs. I feel like I'm desperate for human connection.

No. 1722321

That's the worst. I love my little sister and want to talk to her, but she had a son recently, who is almost 2. All she does is talk about him or when I try to change the subject, I hear him screaming in the background. Even when my friends in their 30s are having kids, I just mentally check out. It sucks

No. 1722322

someone never had to learn BASIC at school huh.
seriously though listen to >>1722318, be nicer to your fellow anons

No. 1722325

I just learned of Brett Cooper's existence and I hate conservatives so much it's unreal, especially the terminally online nearly 40-year olds who groom girls in their late teens/early 20's into being their mouthpieces because everyone would see through them if they saw their balding embarrassing moid asses going on about how abortion bad and gay people bad. Watch her turn on her community when she nears 30 and suddenly those cringe libs fighting for female rights aren't so bad anymore.

No. 1722327

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I understand your struggle, nona! Programming languages are a whole ordeal to wrap your head around. Check out 100 days of Coding on Replit, I learned pretty much everything I know from coding from that free course. Also check out Bro Code's videos on Python, he breaks some of the basic parts down to a level that is very easy to digest. There is also no shame in asking chatGPT to break stuff down for you, I have asked it to break coding stuff down for me as if I was a retarded child way more times than I'm willing to admit.
You can do it nonnie! Keep in mind that the panicking over not understanding anything is part of the process, and it is all worth it when it starts to fall into place!

No. 1722330

what thread are farmers discussing the ongoing war right now

No. 1722355

I'm just so sick of gendies. I'm sick of not being able to state simple, neutral, completely inoffensive facts, because everyone on the Internet is committed to this mass psychosis. I'm sick of them infesting literally every hobby of mine, too. I have been going through archived art on my HDD and found a folder with MarshmallowFury's art. She's been my favorite furry artist back in the day, and at some point she got outed as a transphobe and a "traitor" after she accidentally reblogged a gender critical post on her main instead of rad-leaning side blog. It was one of hundreds of small things that pushed me further to peaking and it really makes me mad that currently there's no way to know whether someone is sane and just pretends to support all this shit to avoid controversy, or they're actually batshit. I doubt there truly are a lot of people in art community and fandoms as a whole who seriously, and I mean seriously, buy into gendie shit. Sure, there's a huge lot of them compared to general population, but many, if not most, either outgrow, peak, are already cryptos, or support TRAs out of subtle pressure to do so. A group of my old artist/furry/geek leaning friends virtually supports genderism, but they're actually walking on eggshells around one single person in our chat and when this person isn't around, everyone fully agrees with me and actually were super relieved to hear that I'm gender critical. To add more to this retarded spectacle, this gendie person occasionally slips and expresses awareness here and there, along with pointing out that yes, gender is stereotypes and one of first things to mention why she's nonbinary was talking about how she liked wearing pants more as a kid.
I'm so fucking sick of it all, I don't care if the world collectively peaks or the change will be gradual, I can't wait for this to be finally over. In the context of this specific rant, I don't want to drop my interests for these external, petty reasons, the whole concept of leaving something you like just because it has something to do with what a bunch of literally whos do, say, or think, or any other similar reason, is spineless as fuck to me. I want shitheads that give my interests a bad name to take themselves out, not the other way round.

No. 1722365

>favorite furry artist
sorry but I stopped reading there, you deserved it

No. 1722369

Im 34, do guys even want girls my age. I wish there was a dating app for sophisticated older men but i feel like im expired snd no one will want me. I was kinda hoping i would have been already married by now but I’m still here single

No. 1722380

Which one the Israel/Palestine conflict kicked off well before Hamas creation in the late 80s

No. 1722381

You're still young, don't let retards on the internet make you feel otherwise.

No. 1722382

>t. moid

No. 1722383

I’ve been depressed as fuck ngl sorry if /ot/ missed me

No. 1722384

I can't tell if this is terribly disguised bait or just humour but it's funny either way kek

No. 1722385

I'm so depressed I wanted cute balletcore style workout clothes and I went to a store that I haven't been to since I was a hardcore anachan and it was so rough to see my body so differently. The clothes looked completely terrible. I'm so much thicker and flabbier now. I just want to look cute when I work out but I guess it's loose sweats and t shirts until I lose some weight

No. 1722388

Why would a fear of my being unmarried be funny? My last ex of five years promised me marriage and then cheated on me. My current bf is making those same empty promises and i want to break up because it just sounds likr he’s gonna be stringing me along again just like my last partner. Im scared that after this one im not gonna find a guy because all they want is younger and prettier girls

No. 1722391

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been taking this online course at a local college that will hopefully lead to a better paying job and we have our first test coming up next week. tell me why the course instructor is only now telling us we need a student ID card to write it. this is an online class, why the hell do we need to pay $10 and waste time submitting all of the info to have an ID card made that will only be used to write a couple tests. they don't even mail the cards either, I have to find time to go pick it up now too. not only that, I thought the instructor would at least be there in person to conduct the test since there's listening portions but no, it's all being done in a computer lab so we have to bring headphones as well. why even bother making us all come in person, might as well just let people write it from home and save everyone $10 and gas money. it's also at 5:30 on a weeknight which I would think is inconvenient for most people, myself included because now I have to take time off of work to go write this. ridiculous.

No. 1722393

nta but yes, someone's fear of being alone in life is sooo funny. fuck off retard

No. 1722394

Idk I think this website is really against this kind of talk but I'm 28 and I've been feeling this way too. I got engaged last year and it fell apart and now I just feel sad and paranoid about the future. I guess my best advice is to focus on improving yourself and really thinking about how much you're worth. If you feel like you're not attractive (inside or out) then maybe work on that before you try to get serious again.

No. 1722395

How are you 34 years old and still talk like this, are you ESL?

No. 1722397

>someone posts a vent i dont like so i need to attack them
fuck off lmao

No. 1722398

It's obviously a baiting moid.

No. 1722401

Just lie about your age moids are retarded dont do this

No. 1722403

what about that says moid, i don't find it hard to believe a woman would feel expired and insecure about being single in her 30's after some shitty scrote lead her on for years. especially when society keeps pushing "the wall" for women younger and younger each year so now anyone over 18 is considered a hag

No. 1722404

Not my fault you can't read between the lies and tell if it's a genuine concern from a woman or some bitter moid posting bait. Some women do actually struggle with this kind of problem but that post was obviously written by a scrote.

No. 1722405

>girls my age.

You're a grown ass woman, just say woman.

No. 1722406

My ex-friend. Lol. I've seen some of the things they've posted online after I told them to gtfo and it would be more irritating if it wasn't interesting. After I told them to leave and that we weren't friends anymore, they posted some shit like "It's giving consumerism" like capitalist society is the reason I "threw them away". Nothing to do with their behaviors, sure. Then they were vagueposting about me calling me their "dear friend" that they "roped into" their trauma response or whatever, and that our apartment "set the stage" for their drama. Then we had a discussion and they said that they loved me and they were so sorry they lashed out at me because of their "abandonment trauma". Then they got called out for vagueposting. Now they post on their "business" page shit like "you don't have to be perfect to be loved" and "you are not your wounds" and "shadow work is important" and it's like, lol. Could you distance yourself any more from your behavior? I told you that your behavior was manipulative and I called you out for being toxic as fuck, and so now what, you're using it to sell your bullshit to other people? How is this "doing the inner work" as you said you'd do? This is a great example of spiritual bypassing. Avoiding the issues you create or behaviors you exhibit by spinning it like it's a healing journey lesson and we're all just actors in your shitty play. Stop drinking tinctures and writing spiritual word salad, get some substantial help.

No. 1722408

>I'm so expiiiiireeeed!!!
>I want to date an older guy!!!!
>they're so sophisticated!!!
you don't actually believe this shit do you. This is word for word moid rhetoric and a poorly disguised attempt to infiltraten a female space to lower women's self esteem and get them to date old moids.

No. 1722411

That made my skin itch

No. 1722414

I promise you im not l jt youre free to be a bitter puss fulled vagina about it.

No. 1722416

>puss fulled vagina

No. 1722417

Maybe l desire older men because i have a thing called preference? I feel like dating older men would be better because theyre usually financially stable and im tired of dating a guy living pay check to paycheck who eats mf MICROWAVE CHEESE BURRITOS for breakfast and then texting me his tummy hurts like OMG god forbid i wanna date a god damned man and not a manchild who doesn’t know how to fold his own god damned l fucking laundry.

No. 1722418


>dating older men

>I don't want to baby a man child

Sis .. if he's older and still single 8/10 times it's because the women his age picked up on his shit and noped the fuck out of there. Older men that date women over like 5 years younger than them do it so they have someone young and dumb to control. Also depending on how old you go you'll have to end up playing care taker for him as he pops 30 Viagra to keep his boner up.

No. 1722419

Oh, you're definitely either a scrote or terminally scrote brained. If it's the latter, it's really pathetic you couldn't already find a moid tbh. You're basically just a giant pickme, even if you're over 25 or whatever it shouldn't be that hard since you're willing to debase yourself and other women for male approval.

No. 1722421

At this point i dont wanna marry for love or sex or attraction anymore. My last two relationships i had to take care of them. Financially by giving them money, or by giving them rides, because he didnt have a license despite being in his 30s. I want to be taken care of for once.

No. 1722422

Damn bitch. How far did you reach into you cobwebbed encrusted cooch for that reach.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1722424

if you think ONE post on a random image board thread is going to lower all women's self-esteem so that they want to date crusty old moids idk what to tell you kek although with the comebacks that anon is posting now I can buy the moidposter tinfoil

No. 1722425

If anyone here sounds like a moid its you. Especially since your chimping out so bad about this.

No. 1722426

How does she sound like a moid kek

No. 1722428

Women should stay single through their 20s or have a series of short relationships (like 4 max with years in between) because men are a huge drain like you said and they need to be single themselves to learn how to cook a damn meal and provide for themselves. Then when you’re both in your late 20s or early 30s and stable you can get serious. This is my in-an-ideal-world opinion.

No. 1722429

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Learn how to sage retard lmao

No. 1722435

I bought a box of Ritz crackers and they don't have any salt on them. Nonnies I'm so upset….

No. 1722447

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>bitter puss fulled vagina
>cobwebbed encrusted cooch

No. 1722450

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Listening to Lana remixes just realized this guys tattoo says fuck burr. who is burr

No. 1722452

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Why can’t this be us

No. 1722456

Wrong thread?

No. 1722459

No I’m venting.

No. 1722463

Maybe the other hand has

No. 1722478

Performative femininity is such a giant cope. All of the "how to be more feminine" "how to be elegnat" "how to be more classy" cretins on social media look like children playing with their mother's things; wearing red lipstick and heels every day is not going to erase your ogre aura.

No. 1722479

It's all a male invention regardless

No. 1722485

>ogre aura.
elaborate? i think i might have this

No. 1722507

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this page motivated me not to rope when i was in my teens. anyway i've since struggled, spent six years on that, and now i'm right back where i started. i want to give up so bad. i wish i wasn't such a coward, i mean i have a gun, i actually have (a little bit of) money at this point in my life so i could hop on a bus and ride out north and just die under the northern lights or something, but i'm scared kek. i hope i can move past this fear soon. especially since i've graduated from even mild guilt at what it might do to my family. i don't think life is going to cut me any breaks anymore

No. 1722517

I have the aura of a melting piece of frozen meat

No. 1722540

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Between my health issues that make me feel awful all the time, complete brainfog, and struggling to talk to other people, I wonder if I am just a broken human being. So many people are able to "fake" talking for hours, entire personalities, etc…and I feel inferior. The best I can muster up is text, but even then I've the personality of a swamp and my mind is dead. It's depressing because I adore enthusiasm, vivacity, and creativity–and it is the rare times in my life I've been happy…involved me exercising those somehow, 0 restraint. But who I am? There's just nothing here. I can maybe pretend for a second or two, but that will never, ever be me.

The only good thing that has emerged from the terrible social experiences I have had since I was a little girl is that being lonely is a relief. I am terrified of letting people down, expectations, having to say anything, being seen, and…yeah. I'd choose to live in the dark forever if I could. Downside? I am only human. My body will fall apart. I won't always be able to be self-sufficient. I wonder what I will do then, because there is no contortion I can do that'll make me fit in.

No. 1722545

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lump in my armpit/boob area is now tender and hurts when I move my arm. My mom had breast cancer + other factors… pray for me nonnas

No. 1722546


No. 1722548

Get it checked out NOW

No. 1722559

Have you checked for the BRCA gene thing nonnie? Get it checked out ASAP ffs, the farm needs you

No. 1722561

I was always told breast cancer lumps aren’t tender when you touch them but that was for lumps in the breast not armpit lumps, you should go to the doctor at the very least you probably have an angry armpit lymph node and unless you just got over an infection or fever/flu that’s worth looking at for sure!

No. 1722567

This may seem like a weird suggestion but cut carbs out of your diet. This post could have been written by me when I in my early 20s. My GP offered me SSRIs so I went on a keto diet instead. My brain fog resolved within a week and after a month the depression lifted and I stopped feeling worthless and inferior. Overtime I worked out that I don't need to eat a keto diet, I just need to eat plenty of meat and eggs while avoiding grains and seed oils.

I've now been eating low carb for ten years and I mostly live a normal life. I'm still a loner who prefers to spend most of my time alone or with people I'm close to and I will always have some issues due to how I was abused as a child, it's still very difficult for me to trust anyone or make friends. It's an improvement from waking up and wanting to die.

No. 1722585

I think original poster might be moid or female it's hard to tell. I struggled with the thoughts of expiration when I was 22-23 and hyper fixated on my youth and skin. Now I'm 26 and don't give a shit anymore. I looked in the mirror today and noticed I have wrinkles near my nose on my mouth line and thought "eh, that's life", but I am married now and male validation is worthless to me anymore. The women that seem most worried about "the wall" all seem to be women who're in their physical prime, but my sister in law is 30 and just got engaged this year, and my brother tried to marry a woman who was 43 but they ended up breaking up. Idk real life just doesn't seem to reflect this "expiration" or "value" stuff, mostly I think it's just lonely moids coping

No. 1722587

Praying for you nonn, keep us updated

No. 1722591

I can attest to this as well. I used to dissociate on the norm and one night I had this gut feeling it was because of all the bread I was eating. I cut out sugars before that for a few years and that helped a lot as well, especially with tooth pain, but didn't completely dissolve that brain fog from this panic disorder I was living in. Had that little keto flu, but then I was soon able to make more rational decisions easier. I still have a few anxiety rushes, but it's like night and day. Also super bonus, I used to have an irregular period, 3-4 times a year, now it's an average of every 35 days. Truly a better quality of life decision for me.

No. 1722596

Sigh is it even worth it trying to connect with an autist? If you try to seek emotional support from them in your time of need they'll approach your problem analytically and center the conversation around their perspective even though what you need right now is validation, empathy of your situation, and an honest emotional response. And if you try to do the same for them because you're genuinely concerned about them, they'll brush you off, act cold, and refuse to let you in. It feels like there will always be this distance between us.

No. 1722597

I feel like shit but not sick enough to go to the ER. It comes and goes these past few months. I have no idea what it is, all I can do is monitor my symptoms while I wait for my next appointment. I had another ailment that turned out to be unrelated to what I'm feeling now, I guess it was just a coincidence they happened to start at the same time. I just want to know if I'll ever get better. Please help me…

No. 1722603

ayrt, im scheduling an appointment/talking to the doctor via telehealth now. Im scared because im young (20) but I have so many high risk factors + my mom said she never got me and my sister tested bc hers wasn't genetic but Im still so nervous. will keep you all updated

No. 1722611

Randomly had a dream involving my ex from high school last night and I never really think about him so I looked him up to see what he’s up to. He has 4 kids now that are all like a year apart. Barf. Idk why since I grew up in a big family myself but I oddly get disgusted by people who have a bunch of kids.

No. 1722618

that does make me remember something–I had one day in my life I felt great and it was in college where my diet was chaotic. Sometimes I didn't even eat, or ate sparsely. This was a first for me because my diet is normally very robust, so if there is something wrong my diet then it'd make sense. I'll give it a try.

No. 1722621

Good luck anon, I'll be praying for you

No. 1722623

Praying for you, good on you for getting that checked out asap. It's what you need to do and you're doing the right thing, the earlier the better.

No. 1722626

Thanks anon! I've used replit but I didn't know about the 100 days of coding thing, I'm gonna try that out ASAP. I appreciate the ChatGPT and Bro Code tip as well.
>Keep in mind that the panicking over not understanding anything is part of the process, and it is all worth it when it starts to fall into place!
It's kinda fucked up because I hate the frustration but I like the satisfaction of figuring something out after struggling so I just keep (begrudingly) going kek
You're in my thoughts nonna. It's possible it's just a cyst or lymph node or boil, don't be afraid!

No. 1722639

Nonny, good men your age do not chase after teenage girls. Think about it, would you even want a man to think he "settled" for you while secretly wanting to marry a barely legal teen? Truth is, redpill is just a bunch of loser men projecting their own failures and insecurities with securing a wife/kids. The average old man is not out here dating and marrying women half their age. They are all losers and will take what they can get (which isn't much because they're worthless) while negging younger women at the same time. A good man isn't going to care about your age or how you'll look in a few years. It's hard, but you've got to be patient because lots of men are trash but never compromise your self-worth for a sex pest scrote

No. 1722645

I started avoiding everything with processed oils two years ago, which is almost all junk food and preprepared food, and these days I very rarely have depression days where I just can't do anything but stare at the wall. I've fought with those since I was a teenager. It makes me sick to think of how much better my life could have been.

No. 1722652

I keep seeing everywhere to cut carbs and sugar from your diet but I've done that and I still feel awful, but I've been plagued by a weird and mysterious ailment so maybe I'd actually feel good if it weren't for that. I hope I can figure out what's wrong with me soon.

No. 1722653

Validation isn’t always what every situation needs though. A part of emotionally maturing requires understanding this. Doesn’t make anyone autistic to want to help you approach a situation reasonably

No. 1722654

Replacing carbs and sugar with something like caffeine or nicotine or even some medications like mj can replace the satisfaction that those offer

No. 1722656

You can’t just cold turkey carbs and sugars, you have to do that shit slowly.

No. 1722659

You probably have something called “keto flu” which is where people who start on super low-carb diet feel really shitty a few days after starting. Drink some electrolyte water, it will help.

No. 1722660

File: 1696995099273.jpeg (751.42 KB, 1170x1152, IMG_5680.jpeg)

What if I shit all over

No. 1722663

ntayrt but personally caffeine makes me feel worse. it gives me drowsiness, headaches, dizziness and irregular heart rate even when i only take it in small amounts

No. 1722669

bullshit, yes you can. the only things you can't cold turkey are substances you are dependent upon in which the withdraw can literally kill you, like certain medications. otherwise it's used as an excuse to be a baby bitch.
keto flu, sip salted chicken broth and eat eggs. your body is a sugar-addicted toddler throwing a tantrum that you took the donuts away.

No. 1722672

Thank you anons but I don't think it's keto flu since I've had these symptoms for months now and they are very debilitating and affecting my ability to live. Don't know for sure but it's likely something else is wrong with me, we just haven't figured it out yet.

No. 1722673

did you take the vaccine?

No. 1722702

Except either my situation is beyond help or that I already know what to do. I don't need some autist telling me something I already know or to do something that is beyond my control. What I need is emotional support which autists are bad at.

No. 1722709

The fujos are starting to annoy me. I used to not care at all because who tf cares about the “”morals”” of getting off to cartoon men fucking, but it’s the random spamming of it in other threads that’s getting really grating, like are you 13 do you think it’s le epic to post your schlick material in other threads for literally no reason? Can we ban them like the k poppers please

No. 1722712

Not really. They are often insensitive and lack tact. I do have an autistic friend that apologizes if she seems perfunctory when I talk about any issues I have. She blames it on her autism but she at least tries which is not something I think most autists are interested in doing. Sometimes I feel bad for them because even if they feel empathy, their ability to express it is stymied.

No. 1722723

They claim to be just fujos but it's obviously the human versions of the pooner meme, they tick every box of every cliche. It took me too long to connect the dots that it's just a couple of cringe reppers or whatever they want to call themselves. I'm over it because they are the exact same posters trying to revive retarded racesperg (have to be Kewl like the kiwitards), lament about how they're totes not like other girls, women's bodies are disgusting, etc. They need to be culled because kts getting ridiculous.

No. 1722725

Yeah most autists to me are fine when they stick true to their own devices, but autists who try to mimick empathy and human behavior just long enough to recieve resources while being genuinely terrible selfish people underneath the mask creep me out. They've taken identity politics and therapy language and use it to soapbox why they should be self indulgent neets who leech and offer nothing of support or community in return. Weird subset of people but the internet that really amplified people's worst qualities and made them think they can subsist of off grifting and self aggrandizing alone with no shame

No. 1722733

>I totally used to not care at all!!
Kek sure you didn't

No. 1722743

didnt someone make a thread with the explicit rule of no talking about males? you can go there if straight women sperging about straight women interests annoys you

No. 1722746

you’re so right you saw right through me wow
I don’t even know what to say. You’re straight up just dumb.

No. 1722748

Yeah, women deserve to be silenced, deplatformed, taken their incomes away, and molested and groomed in many cases, often as minors, ganged up on, for finding the most universal and ancient art trope of walking-talking animals appealing just because it has been weirdly gentrified by perverted moids during past 40-50 years. People like you are as chronically online as coomer furries on the flip side of the coin.

No. 1722763

Watching some sad arguments.

No. 1722771

just saying that if fujos annoy you you can go to that thread, it's not that hard

No. 1722789

No. 1722797

>random spamming of it in other threads
What did you expect venturing into the fetishes you're ashamed of thread kek. You were the one shitting the thread up instead of posting your own schlick material. If you learned to contextualize your life would be less disappointing.

No. 1722798

someone make a new troon thread already i have troons to roast and post

No. 1722840

Nta but I don't even use the fetishes you hate thread and I still see it getting spammed in other threads. You guys need to stop assuming every anon is some random anon you argued with or whatever

No. 1722850

Literally no idea what you’re talking about. /g/ is for hornyposting so duh it would be no problem there, I’m talking about here in ot just came back to the newest dumbass thread and first thing I see is anime boys kissing and yaoi keeps being brought up in those threads. Why does everything else have a containment thread but fujos are allowed to roam free? Fujochan is literally right there, go away.
this, it’s an anonymous site I don’t know why so many anons act like they 100% know who they’re talking to. Crazy

No. 1722871

my ears are fucking busted im so losing my hearing before my 25th birthday goodbye men whimpering audios it was nice while it lasted

No. 1722949

My brother laughed when he saw my bg3 character

No. 1722958

It can't be uglier than Moonmoon's

No. 1722982

My coworker kept pressing me at the end of my shift that I am unhappy. That success gets better if you're happy. She's the one who's taken my hours due to being the bosses favorite and just blows that money on weed. My money goes right back into bills then savings. She grew up semi rich, I grew up almost poor. So many things happened within the past 6 years of my life that are terrible. There isn't some magic cure of "just become happy anon!!" and even then my day wasn't bad it just wasn't great. It was weird as hell to stress that I should become unsad somehow.

No. 1723001

Attitude matters, coming from poorfag who has tried the sewer slide. Attitude really matters.

No. 1723034

>I don't have a problem with transsexuals, I even helped a friend picking out her boobs
Same coworker two minutes later when the topic inevitably shifted to homosexuality
>Not like I'm judging them or whatever, they can do what they want for all I care, but I don't think they should parade it around like that, and I especially want them to keep it away from me
I hate working with this woman so much

No. 1723038

maybe she feels a little guilty for being the favorite and is lashing out at you for making her feel that way.

No. 1723056

It's not ugly it's me as a dude. I'm not a tif i just always play video games as a boy

No. 1723075

kids don't realize when their parents use new slang words and it sounds awful and embarrassing - that is exactly what they sound like to everyone else

No. 1723077

It's fascinating how people will support trannery like their life depended on it but at the same time absolutely hate gay people and flaunt their homophobia as a badge of honor.

No. 1723080

never had a problem with the sound of burping until my coworker started doing it incessantly throughout the day. bitch needs to take some pepto bismol or something, listening to her force out loud burps all day is disgusting. she doesn't even try to hide it either, i can hear her doing it across the hallway in my office. i suspect she's also the person who leaves shitty tp and floaters in the toilet after she's done too, she's such a slob it adds up kek

No. 1723087

If Iran was a person lol

No. 1723101

because trans ideology is literally built on homophobia

No. 1723122

samefag here, got my info for the student card submitted just for the office hours to go pick it up to be from 9-4 monday to friday. thank god i took this friday off otherwise i'd literally have NO time to go get this stupid thing because i work from 8-5 during the week and the campus is on the other side of the city from my job so i can't even go on my lunch break to get it. so retarded, i'm tempted to email the instructor to tell her about how inconvenient telling everyone we need a student ID to write the test at the last minute is considering this class is supposed to be for people who work or older students.

No. 1723151

hard agree with this. they are all coom induced autists. i'll never not be angry at fujos because they literally destroyed my entire fandom at a biblical level because they couldn't stop being horny and spamming about it, now the entire IP is dead like chernobyl. it's even more pathetic because fujos usually become tif abominations like that raye rodriguez who did high guardian spice, the most abysmal animated series ever created, and I don't say that lightly.

No. 1723197

what was your fandom?

No. 1723206

I love history podcasts and I really REALLY want to like History Hit’s Not Just The Tudors but god damn the host cannot go more than a few episodes without being a handmaiden and often has handmaiden/wokebro guests. I actively avoid episodes related to genderwoo (aka historical crossdressers) but I can’t avoid prostitution shilling because it so often comes out of left field. I was trying to listen to the one about Japan’s Edo period when this guy starts going on about how prostitution is just like building roads or being an actor (because actors are paid to lie about their feelings too!). Fucking hell.
I’m giving it one more chance but if I hear one more thing about how being raped for money is eMpOwErInG or how acktchually patriarchy was invented by white European cishet men I’m going to unsubscribe and probably leave a scathing review.

No. 1723232

voltron, sorry. i hate klancers so much.

No. 1723257

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armpit lump nonna from yesterday here, ITS NOT CANCER!!!
The doctor said its Hidradenitis suppurativa and it should clear up in a week with a topical solution. She said its related to endocrinal/hormonal issues which makes since bc i have pcos. At the pharmacy now to pick up the perscription, but I can finally breathe again

No. 1723261

Good to hear it anon, congratulations!

No. 1723271

that's great!! (what a relief, thanks for updating us) also that sucks and sounds like a painful problem I hope you don't get them repeatedly

No. 1723281

Anon I'm so happy to hear that, what great news!!

No. 1723289

That or they don't listen to your feelings or when you're venting because God forbid they have to spend more than one second in a conversation that isn't their ~speshul interest~ And then they'll cry about how lonely they are even though they never make an effort to connect with people and form deep, long-lasting friendships that goes beyond their hobbies or interests.

No. 1723349

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Oh man I think the guy me and my bf hang out with has a crush on me

No. 1723387

I hate drug culture and how normalized it is. People think it's weird that I don't drink and have never tried any drugs even once. I'm seen as a weird stuck up prude because I don't like weed and don't want to try it, and I'm some kind of lunatic for not thinking it's totally safe and just some fun. People constantly tell me to do drugs to loosen up and they don't care how many times I politely say no. It pisses me off so much. Ruin your own brains if you think it's fun but leave me out of it.

No. 1723396

Same, I'm glad that there are other people like me out there, it feels alienating and isolating sometimes. However whatever they say I always stick with my principles, that's more important for me than their approval

No. 1723428

i physically cannot orgasm when another person is in the room, we've tried everything.

No. 1723447

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My boyfriend gave me this T-shirt, unwrapped, still in the store bag again as a bday present instead of getting me something from my amazon wish list i sent him weeks ago .

I have legitimately thought about breaking up with him over this. Im fucking insulted and pissed off lol.

No. 1723460

Steal something from him

No. 1723461

File: 1697052302471.png (199.58 KB, 356x256, 18534958439058349.png)

>was gonna vent about irl friend but remembered that they browse this site

No. 1723462

I'd be pissed off too, especially since you said this wasn't the first time either. To me it seems like he either forgot or didn't care to think of anything you would've actually wanted and just picked up something at the last second without putting any thought or care into it. Presenting it in the bag from the store is extra shitty too wtf… couldn't even spend a few minutes wrapping it or a couple bucks at the dollar store to get a gift bag and tissue paper. That moid does not appreciate you imo

No. 1723463

I'm really worried that I might end up giving myself an aneurysm. It's such a self-inflicted problem and I hate that I've done this too myself.

No. 1723464

Ribbit ribbit i guess

No. 1723466

I’m at a job interview and they made me take an “emotional intelligence” test. Is this really the level of fag we’re on

No. 1723468

If you’ve already had an aneurysm or you’re worried that you’re going to have another one then you need to be on some kind of medication. My grand mal’s did not go away until I started popping like 5 benzos a day. Sometimes it’s just what you’re meant to be doing

No. 1723470

If it takes a week for someone to make a new celebricow thread like it did last time, I’ll scream

No. 1723473

What's the point of life if I'm not good at anything? I haven't accomplplished anything by 30, I'm considering bodybuilding just so I can see visible improvement at least in a single fucking metric of human performance. I'm in a management course even though I'm fucking unfit to lead, I haven't learned any of the stuff I actually thought was cool earlier in my life, I feel like I'm not even fit to be a white-collar worker anymore. I haven't practiced any of the languages I've learned in my life so it's all just fading away, I have no friends and I don't even have social status or big fat cheques to show for it. What was it all for? Why the fuck am I alive? All I have is my parents

No. 1723474

Am bipolar, no treatment as I've chosen to get off it and deal with it myself, was going amazing and I juggle a full time bartending job and school and I'm pretty surely going off the rails again. Crying at work for no reason, can't calculate the bills of clients accurately because I'm so distraught, over sharing alot and drinking alcohol a lot.

Would really appreciate any advice or maybe if anyone relates ? I'm considering going to a psychiatrist again as I'm supposed to graduate from a finance masters degree and need this job to support myself, but I really want to tell myself I can do it alone. Appreciate all you nonnies

No. 1723476

>be sad
>go to store
>talk to store lady
>healing experience, feel happy
>go to store
>have to talk to store male
>don't look him in the eye don't talk to him too much rush out of store
>still sad

No. 1723485

I'm a true blue American now since I have medical debt. And it was all for nothing since they haven't figured out what's wrong with me but I don't care, I will keep bugging them and fighting for the right answer. I want to find out why I'm feeling so bad so I can try to correct it and live my life again.

No. 1723488

I hate writing that damn summary so much. If I had to do it again I’d have to benefit from it in some kind of way KEK

No. 1723492

I want to end my life so bad. Wife and baby daughter were driving to visit her dying dad in the hospital because he’s got maybe a week left and he wants to see her and her baby. I hate him because he’s homophobic as fuck but it’s her dad so she wants to say goodbye. We had a fight before she left and I refused to go, so she took baby daughter and left. They got hit by a drunk driver while coming home. I have never felt so empty. She was my one and only. She was my everything. We ran away from our awful families, we literally just started a life together. Our baby isn’t even 6 months old. I’m not even 30 yet, and my entire world has shattered. I didn’t get to say goodbye. I didn’t get to tell her I love her. My last words to her were some snarky shit. If I knew that would be the last time I saw her, I wouldn’t have said that. I would’ve told her I’m not mad, I’m worried. She died thinking I was angry with her. And I’ll never be able to apologize.

The only thing stopping me from ending it all is the fact my baby is still alive, and is likely going to have problems with hearing and body pain in the future. If I die, she goes to either my shitty poor abusive family or her shittier sexually abusive family, and I’m not gonna let that happen to her. But fuck, I wish I could just die. I wish I could be a selfish bitch and not care what happens to anyone when I’m gone, I wish I could stop worrying about what happens to her after I’m gone, but I can’t.

Sorry for mourn posting, I just wish I could go back in time

No. 1723497

Holy shit nonna, I'm so sorry. I hope you have a support system, I can't even imagine what you're going through. Sending love your way

No. 1723506

words can't express how sorry i am nonna. thinking of you and your baby girl.

No. 1723510

I am so, so sorry oh my fucking god. I’m so glad that your baby survived, but my heart is broken that you lost your love. There are no words. I hope you are surrounded by support in these times. I wish I could hug you.

No. 1723513

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Something happened and it made me truly realise how I wasted my life and my potential. I've been drawing since I was like 5. In middle school and high school I was always the best in the class and my art teacher was telling me I have actual talent and I have to go to art school one day etc. Then I stopped drawing for some time, my mom got sick, I got depressed, my family never took my hobby seriously anyway and they discouraged me from drawing since it wasn't a "serious career" for them, and after HS I started working instead of going to uni etc. You know, life happened. I still doodled from time to time but I never had the time to actually improve. I made some small commissions here and there, but then I left the fandom I was a part
of and the people there probably forgot about me. I'm in my late 20s now and I just stumbled upon facebook of one of the girls that were in my class. She couldn't draw basic shapes when she was 13, she didn't even seem to be that interested in drawing to begin with. But it turned out, later in life she graduated from an art school and now she's working as a professional graphic designer and also does traditional paintings and it looks like she earns enough money from it to be able to travel all around the world. And it made me feel like shit. She's now way better than me. I wasted my life. I have a boring job that drains me mentally to the point I lost any passion for hobbies, not only active ones like drawing, but even passive ones like watching movies. I'm in a really dark place right now because this is not how I wanted to live my life and I'm scared it's too late to change it

No. 1723528

I'm terribly sorry anon. I know it may not mean much, but I pray you and your daughter will be able to find peace.

No. 1723531

Just found out my old professor was arrested for allegedly having cp on his hard-drive. I once reported him for flirting with the female freshman during class yet nothing happened and I had to retake his class because I’m really bad at the subject but didn’t witness any flirting this time because most of the female students were either brown, gay or genderspecial; he also let me pass the course despite failing the final exam. At first, I thought I was overreacting and was just frustrated because he was being a bit smug and dismissive when asked for help but personally-wise he was nice and chill af, hence the guilt. I’m not sure how to feel tbh, because vindication is not one of those feelings I currently have rn.

No. 1723539

I haven't actually had one, I'm just worried that I may eventually give myself one. It's a whole thing, I have OCD and because of it I feel compelled to kind of push with my vagina. The straining causes causes pain (which I would think means it's causing pressure too) in my head and I've been doing it for years so now I have headaches like everyday if I do it at all. I'm trying my best to stop, but again it's OCD so it's kinda hard. I've talked about this before so sorry if anyone recognizes me, also I was kinda mean last time I talked about it so I'm sorry for that too. Anyway, I know it's very strange. It may or may not be an irrational fear, I don't know what's irrational or not anymore.

No. 1723541

I know how it feels, nonna. Some people just get to study whatever they'd like because they come from a family or situation where they can afford to do so. All I can say is it's best to not try and compare yourself to past classmates or other people like that. Some of them have moms and dads that would pay for a gorrilion dollar school debt and so they are capable of more things.
Another thing is, even if you can't do art as a job, maybe you can still find peace with doing an occasional doodle. I know you say you feel tired from your job and I don't blame you. But if there ever comes a day when you think you have the energy, I encourage you to start drawing again. I'm in my midtwenties and my art skills are so rusty, it looks like a middleschooler drew the thing I drew, but I still draw for my own satisfaction. We can't go back in time so all we can do is go forward. I get better the more I do it and I know you would too.

No. 1723552

everything seems so bleak and i am so beyond doomer it's not even funny. i need to turn my life around but i need to first feel hopeful enough to do that and i haven't felt hopeful in 10 years. my therapist said i'm setting myself up for failure that way but how the FUCK can i feel ANY sort of hope or optimism in this fucking doomed hell world that's been getting worse and worse and worse both economically and socially. i legitimately feel like i have to turn to sex work to get out of the shitty family situation i have, or find a moid boyfriend to get out of here even though i'm gay, either way would probably just end up with me beaten and killed. i just want to die. i'm stuck in an extremely expensive place and i can't afford to move out of it on my own nor obviously a place of my own in this shitty city i fucking hate and i don't want to get stuck in a lease in this shithole anyways because i think something horrible is going to happen here soon but maybe i'm just being typical schizo. which is the least of my problems. i'd rather be delusional than depressed (speaking from experience). i wish i could just pick SOMETHING to work towards career wise.

No. 1723559

I have a problem with binge eating I suck so much at this shit, I wanna get prescribed drugs to not be such a fatass because I’ve tried everything meditating, fasting, caloric restriction it all ends with me eating a shit ton of food at 11 pm. Perhaps I should see my mouth shut sand leave a little hole to drink smoothies from

No. 1723562

Aww anon this is the saddest thing I’ve read all day, do you have any good friends to help with baby because going from a parent to a single parent is a rough transition and you’re gonna need some help especially now that you’re mourning. My condolences anon.

No. 1723565

Sorry for adviceposting on the vent thread but you need to stop looking at the big picture and focus on the little things. You're not going to stop global events no matter what you do; move forward one tiny step at a time and block out anything you can't do anything about. Don't bother educating yourself on today's newest atrocities. Every time you feel hopeless, find something you can fix and do that instead, even if it's doing the dishes or sorting your mail. Stay away from all social media. Don't fuck up your life by jumping to the most extreme conclusions, that's retarded. Maybe apply for a shitty job before you start selling hole pics or chaining yourself to a moid. You might live in a shitty place, but it's sadly no shittier than pretty much anywhere else, so save up while you live at home and don't obsess over not having moved out. Your therapist is right about you setting yourself up for failure but instead of being hopeful try being a selfish bitch, stop caring about things that don't affect you directly and immediately, ignore the news, and focus on the things that make you actually happy. You'll be amazed at how much better your life gets when you don't take on everyone else's burdens.

No. 1723568

why not just draw instead of stalking someone on facebook and crying about it on lolcow…

No. 1723585

autistic rumination that's why kek
But yeah, I will start drawing again, both traditionally and digitally, I bought a new tablet. It's just hard for me knowing how much time I wasted. Sure if I get good I can still sell comissions to individual clients, but I don't think any studio or company will ever want to hire me because I think they also look at your age and they think it's better to invest in younger people. I can't into networking either without any school, I don't know anybody etc. I wanted to be a part of animation/illustration/comic book industry but well

No. 1723587

I wanna kiss. I don't have nobody

No. 1723590

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I seriously hate when my period makes my legs and teeth hurt simultaneously, I don’t even know why it happens, it just happens and it’s obnoxious.

No. 1723605

i can be hyperbolic and i was not seriously considering those options. just that sometimes it feels like the only choice. i have a job right now but it’s not great. thanks for the advice nona.

No. 1723606

I squished my face into my cats stomach and now I have cat hairs stuck in my eyes

No. 1723639

An acquaintance of mine has 3 boys under 8 and they were given 3 puppies (one after the other) who have all died within months of being in their care. I talked to her mom and she said that they just died put of nowhere but did mention that the boys used to smother the puppies. Now these kids are going to get a hamster and I can't imagine what kind of fate it will have. I can't really do much because they don't live in my country.

No. 1723640

I hate little boys fr

No. 1723642


No. 1723644

I hate men of all ages.

No. 1723646

I really don't get why are boys so nasty for no reason. Even girls who have some problems at home aren't as nasty to strangers. I remember being like 14 and visiting my mom's friend, she had a 6 year old son and he literally spit into my cup of tea in front of me, for no reason. I didn't even say anything to him prior that kek

No. 1723653

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kek I managed to pay off all my debt this year and of course now I’m back in debt why is life like this I just want to live

No. 1723656

unpopular opinion but i've known girl-children who have killed all their pets so it isn't a gender thing, it's a lazy child and shitty parent thing. but that bitch should be in jail for cruelty to animals.

No. 1723671

I believe this case is also the result of shitty parenting. My acquaintance is a single mom that works during the day and goes to night school so the boys don't get to spend much time with her. They have a nanny but she is doing a shitty job at taking care of them. Their dad visits them every 2 months and only takes them to McDonald's. He is also the one that keeps giving them puppy after puppy.

No. 1723679

i'm trying very hard to get stronger because of an upcoming job. it's going to be very labor intensive because of the holidays.
i went to the gym 6 days a week in 2018/19. but 2020 happened. moved towns. 2022 hits, i got diagnosed with celiac disease.
now basic lifts that were no problem in 2019 are leaving me in agony today. i can do an hour of cardio no problem and lift in the moment without pain, but the next day i feel like i got trampled. it doesn't matter how hard i try. it really hurts. i feel really useless and weak.
i have a general doctor's appointment scheduled for next month. that was the earliest i could get.

No. 1723681

wtf dude, i know i have big size ten feet, and my shoes are clunky and slightly too big but why tf are you commenting on it the first time you meet me infront of the customer what the actual fuck

No. 1723708

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CC got raided by disgusting moids today and they had the vile audacity to post torture CP on there, and I had the misfortune of seeing it.
Now I legitimately want to kill myself because I didn't need to be reminded even more just how disgusting this world is towards innocent beings like children.

No. 1723709

I dont understand why these men arent in jail or executed by now, then I remember all men are garbage woman-hating CP lovers. I'm sorry you had to see that.

No. 1723711


thank you nona. I've been trying to watch kitten videos as a way to help with the pain. This world is so disgusting, I just want to protect all innocent beings like children and animals

No. 1723718

Fml I thought I was pregnant, had lifechanging excitement, just got a late period now

No. 1723719

I had to stop going there because of the men raids, marauding retard chimps it ruined my Internet experience. Autistic as fuck, but CC was still an amazing site, made so many friends there. Hate hate hate

No. 1723720

Thanks to my bank, I get early pay days. I noticed that they're missing 1000 dollars that they need to pay me. What the fuck? How do you make that big of a mistake? I work full time and submit my time sheet on time with the added bonus of getting to experience some shitty finance person's incompetence. Unless it's my manager not approving the timesheet on time which would be a stupid issue. I've had enough of this stress after stress. Give me my damn money!

No. 1723743

I'm sorry nona :( I hope you get the chance to have your baby soon. It takes some time to get pregnant but once you are you don't have to worry about it anymore(:( )

No. 1723749

File: 1697082447577.jpeg (939.51 KB, 1170x1543, IMG_5704.jpeg)

This retard doing chest compressions on a guy who was shot in the chest. How stupid do you have to be to not understand that that would just push more blood out of his body and the bullet further into whatever organ it hit. I feel a strong urge to cunt punt this fucking fag pmd

No. 1723750

My mother jokingly asked if my sister or I want to get married first, and I want to give up on life or kill myself. I obsessively worry about her expectations for us to marry and have kids, and all I can bring myself to do is destroy my life so they have to worry about that rather than when I'll shit out little retards. My mother is legitimately stupid and incapable of understanding me, and because of that I feel bad and want to contort myself instead. She says not to lie but lying to her feels like the only option when she never understands me or the truth would only lead to retarded lectures that make me feel hopeless about her. My family is so dysfunctional and to be myself would destroy what little functioning it has it seems.

No. 1723755

I hate men I hate men I hate men jfc murdering babies and raping women to death is truly something only men would do. Fuck fuck fuck fuck I hate men and I needed to vent. Just launch them all into the sun. Women are annoying and make me want to roll my eyes constantly but I'll take that over literal rape and beheading any day. Fuck.

No. 1723756

I want my moid boss to stop oversharing personal stories with me for an hour at a time REEEEEEEEEEEEE but I'm his secretary so I have to grin and bear it and he does not take social cues to stop. So fucking irritating. No I don't want to hear about the woman on your adult soccer team who you got institutionalized by collaborating with her therapist's husband. What the fuck even?

No. 1723758

Why suggest we start projects together then just leave me on read I’m literally so annoyed I finally thought I had met someone who enjoyed my company

No. 1723766

men like that are aware of the social cues, but don't care because he sees you as beneath him or only sees what he wants to see.

No. 1723778

ew just ignore him

No. 1723786

Do like this and turn his mouth into a vagina so he can do something useful with his tongue while all the cops trash ladies waitresses doctors and secretaries mock him

No. 1723787

>women are annoying and make me want to roll my eyes
It's crazy that you thought this was a completely normal and not unhinged afterthought when talking about baby rape and murder. We get it, you hate men but are also not like other gyals!!

No. 1723808

I think I'm never going to be able to find someone on the same wavelength as me. It seems like if you don't express romantic interest in someone within the first few weeks or months of knowing them that they assume you aren't interested and move on. But even if I'm attracted to someone, it takes me a long time to figure out if I'd feel comfortable enough expressing interest in them. It's happened to me so many times where a guy will seem interested in me and I remain friendly, but keep some distance because I don't know how I feel. And then sooner or later, they're gone or they end up finding a girlfriend. I don't blame them. There's no point in pursuing someone who isn't reciprocating your interest. I know a lot of women who do the same thing and I understand it, but I just can't express strong affection or warmth for people I've only known for even a few months. I couldn't expect someone to wait that long for me to warm up either, but man. Things like this make me feel that I'll be single forever. Everyone will be jumping into relationships while I'm still making up my mind.

No. 1723810

No. 1723820

This feels like a barely disguised fetish video.

No. 1723874

File: 1697097838092.png (2.42 MB, 1080x2194, Screenshot_20231012-034155_(1)…)

Found this tiktok that basically summarises the fear I've always had about being in relationships with moids. I've always been bothered by society giving no backlash to men that sleep around but women get it so much shit for having sex that there's a fear ingrained in me that causes me to avoid casual sex.
Almost all moids are whores if they can be, so marrying a moid most likely means getting together with a retired man whore, and I just cant do that.
I've talked to my therapist once about this and got told the same bullshit everyone says, "that's in his past and he would be a different person now" or "that shouldn't matter. What matters is that he would love you and how he treats you". But I just can't see it that way. Ive always felt fucked in the head for thinking this way because whenever ive talked about it, ppl always think im being judgemental and mean. But moids can gather their ugly selves together and demand a virgin bride and other men will agree with them. The way moids think about womens' body counts is something ive actually always applied to men. I truly think a man's value decreases as his body count increases (and I do not hold this true for women. I think women can have whatever body count and their value is not affected). I dont know why I think this way but ive always felt like a bad person trying to discuss it with anyone.
I feel like maybe deep down, I really do actually hate men. Like, if sleazy men just went and died in mass (from like a freak STD that only killed off men), i think society would actually be a little better.

No. 1723875

the difference is that you know a woman with a big body count slept with clean men she dated prior to that, meanwhile the man whores will sleep with crackwhores, trannies, corpses, dogs and have all the STDs known to men because ''sex with condoms doesnt feel the same wah wah''

No. 1723891

This. People think I'm crazy for saying I don't want to get HPV and other STDs so I don't want to be with a man who had more than one sexual partner (although even then there's a risk of contracting diseases so I'm being very generous here). The saddest thing is when other women have this reaction to me. They literally tell me I'm being childish and old fashioned for it and I should take whatever I can because one day I may be too old kek. Very sad.

No. 1723904

This is gonna be a long one, and I'm sorry for that.

I am bisexual. I am in a relationship with a man atm. I also had thought for a long time I was lesbian. I feel like a traitor. I know very well how men will use people like me to say shit like "YOU JUST DIDN'T FIND THE RIGHT MAN" to every lesbian they can. For this reason, I'm never angry when lesbians say I'm a traitor, I'm shit or whatever. I know how they feel very well. It doesn't mean I don't get a little upset tho. I had my reasons. I was raped almost daily from my 8-10 years old, so of course I didn't want any man near me through all my teenage and early 20s. And my attraction to women wasn't only due to trauma, it's real. So me thinking I was just lesbian felt natural for me. It wasn't until my mid 20s and after a lot of therapy and self acceptance that I was able to admit I'm actually bisexual.
I feel so guilty though. I did nothing wrong, but I feel like I did. But what should I do? Keep denying to myself that I'm bisexual only so that lesbians wouldn't be hurt and/or angry at me? Keep living my life as bisexual even knowing very well how men will use people like me as excuse to harass lesbians? I feel no matter what I do, it will be worst either for lesbians as a whole or for myself. I didn't want it to be like this. Had my childhood been better, I probably would have known I was bisexual since earlier in life and wouldn't be in this situation now. I didn't ask for it. Life is so shit for women.
I kind of feel ashamed to be with a man now. Even saying that I'm in a relationship with him to my old friends feels wrong, even tho I really love him. That's because I know full well how people will judge lesbians as a whole even tho I am only one person. Of course they don't know my childhood, they don't know what I went through, when people do they are more understanding. But it wouldn't stop shitty people to use people like me to their own benefit even if they did.
I wish things were simpler. I wish I could not feel guilty. Heck, I even wish I was 100% a lesbian so that I wouldn't feel a traitor. I can no longer lie to myself though. I wish a pedo hasn't raped me for years. I wish people just respected lesbians and women as a whole. It hurts.

No. 1723911

Same. I'm too worried about getting an STD that will ruin my health even more to date anyone. I'd rather stay a virgin at this point.

No. 1723930

I feel the same way, but with porn consumption/masturbation instead of body count.

No. 1723937

I'm a bisexual woman who also thought was a lesbian growing up due to trauma. You are not a traitor, you were just confused, and you don't owe anyone anything. So don't beat yourself up.

No. 1723941

If men use your case to hurt others then it's the problem of those men, not yours. You're not a traitor because you were never lesbian to begin with so please accept yourself the way you are. If anyone is angry at you for your personal life and sexuality then they're retarded.

No. 1723943

I'm like this too and it makes men so mad when their own logic is applied to them. Too many moids have tried to argue with me by saying this is the "harsh reality of biology" because "men can afford to sleep around a lot, and women can't since there's consequences". But if this is the case, why are they the ones policing women's body count? Why do they get so defensive when a woman won't sleep with them? Their own logic doesn't make sense. So you agree, women should be picky, but when you're the one they're vetoing, suddenly she's an ugly whore and this is slutshaming?

No. 1723958

I hate being 30, when i think about it it makes me want to shoot myself in the face, and while i know a lot of the reasons are internalized misogyny but it still makes me feel bad!

No. 1723959

Sorry about bad grammar

No. 1723965

Why? The only thing to fear about being older is internalized misogyny and the young retards who try to make everyone feel bad about being older than them like they aren't going to blink and turn 30 soon too lol

No. 1723985

File: 1697107462371.gif (1.15 MB, 325x188, giggle at the ghostly.gif)

everyday i feel myself inching closer to going back into psychosis. but it's fine. i can't do anything about it right now so i'll just laugh it off, that's the technique i'm using right now. i feel like a total Alzheimer's patient because of how bad it gets at/after sundown kek but actually not kek because it freaks me the fuck out i just pretend not to care. feeling watched and observed through my devices a crippling about again for an unknown reason that's killing me. being taunted for a laugh maybe, i can't blame them. i want to throw all my electronics in a well but abandoning them didn't do me any good almost 4 years ago. i'm seeing and hearing things all the time, but what can you do

No. 1723997

>"men can afford to sleep around a lot, and women can't since there's consequences".
it's not even true, if a woman fucks 50 men in a day she could get 1 accidental baby while if a man fucks 50 women that's 50 unwanted babies. So men are really the ones who can't afford it

No. 1724003

I decided to randomly take the bus all over town at night because I woke up late and was both bored and hungry. When I was waiting for my bus to go home this kid approached the 3 people at the stop including me and as per my luck, their bus had just arrived so he turned to me. I usually say no to the homeless as I don't have much for myself but this was a kid at 11pm in a rundown town alone at night… they told me they had just left this homeing situation for troubled youth and their vocab was very fucking poor and I just felt bad cus I knew alot of kids like it, so I went with him to the town he wanted to go to, we arrived, I gave him some money, he profusely thanked me and bothered some gymbros to drive him to the next town over…
lo and behold I got stranded here at 12:14 am in a foreign town. I know it's all my fault but it irritates me that everytime (albeit very rare) I give in to help the needy I end up getting fucked in return. wtf is my luck nonnas

No. 1724004

(only added that some gym goers took him cus we did eventually depart, i do hope the best for the kid though)

No. 1724007

I think they meant consequences for the woman, such as pregnancy and STDs.

No. 1724020

My thoughts exactly, not to mention if women do have high body counts it's typically because she's easily pressured and has a hard time saying no if not straight up scared to say no, if men have high body counts it's likely because he was trying to stick his dick in everything that walks just for the sake of saying his body count, and most of them are probably crack heads, unconsenting or underaged

No. 1724037

lurking an old circle an e-friend kept hounding me to rejoin and 3 of them still talk crap about me. not hurt, just like.. "huh?" because i havent been involved for a year, it just feels strange being remembered by people on the internet who have interacted with me once or twice when i don't remember who the fuck they are or what i said to them

No. 1724051

"Bodycount" is tied to purity culture bullshit and it needs to go away entirely for both sides, and people need to stop taking themselves so damn seriously.
In the meantime, as a woman with a "high bodycount," I just lie to moids about it. Do you think any of them can tell I've had abortions before? I don't even have STDs.
No woman is obligated to play into their headgames. Never heard them complain after they've slept with me, on the contrary.

Even if your "bodycount" is low, an insecure moid is still gonna find reason to discard you regardless. A moid with a low bodycount may still cheat on you down the line or leave you for a younger woman when he is a raisin.
"Bodycount" protects you from nothing and it's all luck, and that's why mature folks are telling you to focus on how people treat you in the present because that's what really matters.

No. 1724052

Doesn't bodycount mean the amount of people killed in a conflict or by a serial killer? It's really disturbing that it's now being used to mean sex partners, who hopefully are alive.

No. 1724054

Fuuuuck, burned another old reddit account because I couldn't keep my fucking mouth shut about fucking trannies ruining everything they touch. For the best but urgh, I just want to post about my animals and obscure hobbies in peace without having to worry about my rage induced lapses of judgement and impulse control issues.

No. 1724057

lol nona agreed with every word and it's really difficult to navigate these feelings but nothing is a bigger turn off than men being whores

No. 1724059

Probably has to do with the fact that it originated from incel internet culture, and men are inherently violent.

No. 1724061

so much respect for you rn nona, sorry for the chore of making new burners though. keep up the good fight but also let my nona post her animals and hobbies in PEACE fuck you reddit. they ruin everything??

I always think of murder before sex partners because 100% that's what it used to mean. not it's a literal like moral crime on par with muder to have sex (at least as a woman) these days. like "how many men did she suck dry, the succubus!!" is what I get. when I hear men say it they just say "count". the "body" part really does imply there is a crime there. it's just kinda sexist in the end.
moids do be reeeing on the constant these days though. funny, they're getting it easier than they ever have and still bitch and moan (but still manage to coom??)

No. 1724125

>torture CP
Even regular CP (saw it spammed here) is the worst I've ever seen. It's just so fucking dark. Not even images of sexual acts, but seeing a kid undressed and posed in a way obviously intended to be "sexy", imagining the photographer behind it, and so on. So fucking dark. It's like getting a small vision of what hell looks like where everything is wrong and evil. When I was young a pedophile piece of shit sent me a CP video and I froze up for the longest time. Seeing a kid like that, I can't think of anything more wrong. Men aren't human.

No. 1724144

>a small vision of what hell looks like
You describe it so well. Some subhuman pedo posted a horrible image here some days ago, the kid looked just a few years old. All I could think of where was this child now, what happened to her, is she okay or even alive.
All my sympathy and gratitude to farmhands who have to deal with deleting these images. I hope there can be a way to prevent the spam in the future.

No. 1724148

File: 1697121066219.jpg (100.87 KB, 1080x368, Screenshot_20231012_162903_edi…)

Aww, nah I'm not about to be dissuaded to say my truth, no matter how many new accounts I have to make. Thank you, that's very sweet and I appreciate it a lot.. I'll always find a way to show off my pretty chickens and other assorted animals. Have one of the messages I got though as treat of the insanity that's out there! Which also had me laughing.. A lot.

No. 1724149

>does stupid risky things then wonders why she gets in bad situations
go to therapy wtf

No. 1724153

My doctor wants me to go to a rheumatologist to check if I don't have Sjogren syndrome and I'm too scared to go. I don't have the time anyway because my vacation is over and I'm going back to the country I'm currently working in, although I don't plan to stay there for more than a year. I will come here again in January and probably decide to get tested, it's not even full 3 months so I hope nothing bad happens. Like with my health. The only symptoms I have for now are dry eyes and mouth, no matter how much eye drops I use and how much water I drink, chronic cough, constant fatigue and sometimes joint pain. The possibility of having an autoimmune disease makes me paranoid tho

No. 1724158

Wouldn't it be better to get the tests over with then, to see what you can do to help yourself? I understand having fear, but that fear won't go away, it might just make things worse? Weakened immune system, stress, etc. You deserve better than a sword hanging over your neck. Get the answers, then deal with it and see if there's a way to move forward. I believe in you.

No. 1724190

I hate porn, I hate men, and I hate how easily influenced their weak ass caveman brains are susceptible to brainwashing. Yet they rule the world because they have slightly more muscle. They should all just die except for a few smart ones we can use as sperm donors.

No. 1724246

How pathetic do you have to be to change all the pronouns in a song you're covering to make sure you're being no homo right now lmao

No. 1724272

File: 1697130051427.jpg (5.8 KB, 225x225, hidinginplainsightuhoh.jpg)

>be closeted lesbian
>live in somewhat Liberal Muslim home but living in backwardpakiland
>lgbt issues come up
>oh fuck
>lgbt are dirty!! They are supposed to die!(i agree mtf troons are)
>brother asks if I'm supportive
>give a vague answer saying I don't care how they live their lives
>threatens to kill me if I support them
>I get angry and ask why does it matter to him albeit a bit afraid
>tell him it shouldn't affect him how they live their lives
>avoid him after
>mum says I'm not lgb so ofcourse she doesn't support them lol(…)

No. 1724276

why are muslim brothers so obsessed with controlling their sisters, it's disgusting. i'm exmuslim and keep up with the subreddit and other discussions and it comes up regularly.

No. 1724284

>Liberal Muslim home
>Brother threatens to kill sister over opinions
I'm sorry anon. Why are they so eager to murder their family members?

No. 1724289

with "men" like that no wonder you gay.

No. 1724299

Sometimes I really wanna know what hyper-religious fathers tell their sons. It must be so fucked up and really scramble their brains. I know my dad used to have secret conversations with my brothers that were boys-only and they always had a thousand-yard stare afterwards. My one brother used to say similar things to this >>1724272 just randomly threatening to kill me or other people, insanely possessive of his younger sisters (not even muslim, I think this is a universal psycho male thing)

No. 1724309

Women are so worthless to muslim men and the little scrote is like the second in command after the big scrote, so of course sons feel like they're in charge right after the father. I'm so sorry for anon, why can't they just fuck off and leave women and anyone who doesn't agree with them alone?

No. 1724316

religion is by scrotes, for scrotes. funny how all religions seem to talk about how men are superior and women must be obedient to them? a guy tells you that "god" said this, therefore you have to obey. hilarious that scrotes think they're slick. if women obey you out of fear of violence, they don't love and respect you, and that is a problem of moid's own making and why they're so insane, because they know on some level that their child-bride hates their guts and their daughter thinks they're an idiot and crusty old pervert. men are just violent narcissistic chimps.

No. 1724321

What about the spiritual stuff for women? I'm not really into the whole moon period thing but it seems based to me

No. 1724326

I'm nearing 30 and I've never been in a relationship, never been as much as kissed and I'm fearing it'll never happen. I really want a family of my own someday, but again I fear it won't happen.
Outside of dating apps, no idea where to find anyone. Can't find someone through work because everyone is much older then I am, and I can't find someone through friends because I don't have any. And I fear no guy will want me because I'm so old with no experience at all.

No. 1724329

I’m such an idiot for always playing therapist to men that I like. I notice that I lose interest in men who don’t open up or who talk about their feelings in a surface level way and I gravitate towards men who are introspective and feel things really deeply. I know I shouldn’t do it and it’s only going to hurt me, but I think I gravitate toward that because it’s the only way I feel that I can connect with someone. I’m also emotionally avoidant in a lot of ways, so it’s the only way I can express to people that I like and care about them.

It makes me feel good when someone opens up to me about personal things and how they genuinely feel, but it fucks me over when I have a crush on someone. It’s a lose-lose situation. If I talk to a guy who is surface level about his feelings, I lose interest. If I talk to someone who does open up to me, I fall into the emotional support role and hope they’ll like me for doing so. It’s so retarded. I should probably go back to just not talking to men.

No. 1724338

periods are gross, i take pills to stop mine. i hate that moon goddess shit because it's cringy. it's an organ shedding its lining tissue into meaty chunks of strawberry jam that clog my shower drain, not a spiritual journey to enlightenment. be more normal. i don't turn my taking a daily shit into theology.

No. 1724343

Calling a normal bodily function gross is immature and promotes the scrote idea women are dirty on their period. If anything you should be more normal anon. Make peace with your body.

No. 1724346

Never mind, I ate lunch and now I’m over it. Who cares about men.

No. 1724349

…Taking a shit is also gross, but I hope you do that every day. How is it immature to think body secretions are gross? Do you shit in your panties and rub it on yourself? No, didn't think so. Menstruation is literal bodily waste. It's as cringe as eating your boogers.

No. 1724355

Are you comparing menstrual blood to literal excrement? Are you a 14 year old moid? Women aren’t dirty by having a menstrual cycle. You sound mentally ill. Having a period is not the same as rubbing shit on yourself. Wtf
>women should take medications that fuck with their bodies to stop normal functions because their gross
Is moid shit anon. You sound like you have sensory issues and are projecting. Hope you get better soon

No. 1724356

hate samira hate samira hate samira hate samira hate samira hate samire hate samira hate samire hate samira hate samire hate samira!!! stupid ass champion.

No. 1724366

what is your problem? you're nuts

No. 1724368

or to put it another way: why is menstruation the only body excretion we aren't allowed to think is gross? you're truly a lunatic

No. 1724372

why do you think blood is comparable to shit

No. 1724375


No. 1724376

what do you mean not allowed? menstrual blood has been treated like the plague itself throughout the entire history of civilization. shut up moid

No. 1724377

I had to talk to my mother again recently and I got roped into another one of her "it's everyone's fault but mine" rants again
>but you!
>but your dad!
>but your aunt!
>but your cousin!
>but my mother!
Literally none of those people had anything to do with the fact that you treated me like shit and didn't even try to make anything for us, or even just for me, you entitled mentally ill tard. You're only mad because I refuse to let you make me your punching bag anymore. Even ghetto hoodrat bitches that don't even have the privilege of living in a nice area (thanks to YOUR MOM that you talk so much shit about, you ungrateful bastard) figure out how to make some money for their kids. And with how many times you told me to leave you alone or stop talking to you (or even to not touch you), it's ridiculous that you insist on still trying to make me interact with you. You literally made up all these problems and now you have to be alone, and you had so an opportunity to fix your mental issues but your too far gone.

No. 1724379

it's not just blood, it's blood and uterine lining tissue + vaginal secretions. while it's much cleaner than excrement, it's still human waste, and diseases can be transmitted through contact with blood. don't treat waste like something sacred please (but also don't treat it like the worst thing in existence, moids aren't "dirty" for taking a shit so women shouldn't be dirty from menstruating either)

No. 1724380

it's not blood, it's shed tissue lining. it's comparable to boogers and shit because shit is processed food waste and expelled dead cell mass. you don't even know what it is yet you're over here making a fool of yourself running a crusade.

why are you policing what i can think is gross? why is menstruation a sacred cow i'm not allowed to think is gross? who are you, the gross police? what a dumb argument. i can feel however i want to feel and you can fuck off from trying to police me and my body.

No. 1724388

Sometimes- I’m 32 now and have always been more of a solitary person. But I am wondering if it’ll be OK as I get older. I want my peace, don’t get me wrong. I feel like others who are content being single generally have a great friend groups and I don’t.

The easy companionship of a boyfriend, I remember it can feel so nice. Sitting on the couch together watching a movie, eating the dinner we both made and it’s all good. Just that constant human contact and affirmation. Then I remember stomach dropping moments where in those scenarios they say something and it just stops the fantasy:

>yeah she probably got that high up in the company by sucking dick hahaha

>well you’ll take my last name when we get married, obviously
>so it’s wrong if I see a 15 year old and she really looks 21, it’s wrong if I find her attractive?

In those moments (direct quotes by the way) I'm not mad, I'm just so saddened. They weren't even scrotish generally, nor performative male feminists. It felt like finding out your bff of 12 years is antisemitic. You thought you knew them and they knew you. Those moments of disappointment are worse than anything I can experience in single life.

Not sure what I'm saying, it's just an annoying place to be in.

No. 1724390

>who are you, the gross police?
i am, actually. you are not allowed to have opinions anymore you're too annoying sorry

No. 1724398

File: 1697139383344.gif (565.65 KB, 220x175, 1651633382536.gif)

Is anyone else resisting the extreme urge to send a guy a paragraph or voice messages right now because fuuuck, what do I do with this rage? I want to beat him to death, I want to American History X his ugly retard skull, I want to yell and cry and everything else.

Unfortunately, the only way to make scrotes understand is to shut up and walk away. But holy hell is it hard.

No. 1724403

my savings are dwindling, it has gone down $7000 since the start of this year. I really need to start managing my money better, and I really need to start making money too…

No. 1724410

where is this gif from? I love this lady and her rage

No. 1724426

>be bullied and fail to make friends for my entire life, disliked wherever I go
>develop severe social anxiety, become depressed
>try to challenge social anxiety and put myself in groups
>extreme shame only intensifies and every failure, every time I make everyone uncomfortable and act retarded just adds to the pile of self-hatred
>will never make friends or even be able to exist among people and act remotely fucking normal at this rate
I want to kill myself. I don't see a way out, honestly, I've always been an unlikable person with zero skills
It has been over since I was 12
How and why do you even live if you're inherently unlikable and have no one?
The only consistent human contact I can get that feels safe (it isn't) is letting myself get used for sex by men who either hate or don't give a fuck about me
I don't want to commit suicide but there isn't really another way out for someone like me, honestly
I was set up to fail and never developed. I can't even walk normally in public. I can't do anything fucking normally. God I want to die

No. 1724435

We sound similar. Don't be sad. It's just that everyone who's bad at making friends is too scared to find each other…but when you do it'll last for ever.
Social people aren't necessarily better people. In fact, they can be pretty awful because they're good at pretending to be people's friends.

You're fine. Find a fun hobby.

No. 1724440

Tbh even if a retired manwhore showered me in gifts, loved me to death, treated me "well", and was 100% faithful (as if any man could ever be kek), i still couldn't bring myself to ignore his past. Like other nonnas have said, men usually do gross things to get high body counts. I knew a guy that had a cousin that boasted about his "high" count only for it to be high because he picked up drunk women all the time from a bar.
I understand "purity culture" can be toxic to an extent (mainly for women though, when have men ever been pressured by purity culture?) but I can't really see a manwhore as a valuable person, regardless of what that reason may originate from.

No. 1724445

I really wish i had money for a therapist. I need someone to talk to about very private stuff I can't discuss with friends or relatives. I just feel so alone with this, and I don't have money to afford one nor insurrance. I have had terrible experiences with therapist so far, but I am at a point when I just need a professional to teach me how to cope with these feelings. I feel like shit.

No. 1724447

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I smoked cigarettes once in a while in college, developed a full vape addiction over the years and I finally fucking quit nicotine altogether last year. It was the best thing, and the hardest thing I've ever done for myself, my anxiety is SO much better and my lungs are happier.
THAT BEING SAID - now that I'm fatter than I've ever been in my life, and I'm trying to lose weight, I fucking miss the nicotine. Seeing celebrities like Anya Taylor-Joy and Jenna Ortega looking ~smol~ and smoking cigarettes makes me feel like picrel and I want to smoke so bad even though I know it's fucking retarded.

No. 1724448

Instagram keeps restricting my account. i dont know if some kpop fangirl felt offended I talked trash about her fave group or what but IG isnt letting me comment for a week. Like, damn, I see death threats and men saying the most sexist shit, but calling one kpop group trash gets me a week ban? IG is fucking insane

No. 1724452

Periods are not gross. You sound underage. Women have been shamed their entire lives because of a normal function associated with only women. We arent dirty because of it. Some religions dont even allow you to enter temples if you are bleeding. Men will sexualize a woman up and down, but as soon as she mentions her period, he acts like it's some unholy immoral, banned subject. Nah, fuck off with that attitude.

No. 1724458

that's because the only thing these sites care about is the amount of reports, not the actual content. if a brigade of triggered kpoppies is after you they probably spammed the report function

No. 1724517

Some of you stupid fucking morons need to use google and google reverse image search, it literally takes 5 seconds if you aren’t a mouth breathing retard. You have brain damage

No. 1724519

google nerfed the fuck out of their image search function so now it sucks

No. 1724520

It’s still very usable if the image isn’t incredibly niche, skill issue.

No. 1724522

>skill issue
filthy zoom zoom fuck off to tiktok

No. 1724525

Calling me a zoomer won’t make up for your incompetency and it doesn’t change the fact that a ton of posters are mouth breathing autists who are too stupid to use basic internet search functions.

No. 1724527

yes, i am. the only way to have any sort of hand in the situation is to be totally unemotional and calm and it is so hard, you're right! stay strong

No. 1724536

but the thing is that google completely fucked up their basic search functions. you have to use booleans to get even slightly relevant results at this point

No. 1724539

I literally just went on a different thread, saw an image, four different posters were gawking at it, then I reverse searched it and scrolled for 5 seconds and saw it was an edit.

No. 1724590

I am so scared of dying. I hate the thought of it. I keep getting UTIs and I keep thinking this will be the end of me, I really really don't want to die no matter how depressed I get. I have things I want to do, I want to be with my parents and bf. The thought of sepsis sounds so fucking scary. I'm a retard who can't drive at 21 so I let this bladder infection fester for a week because I was too scared to ask my mom to take me to the urgent care.
As I'm typing this I feel kinda hot and weak and it's really scaring me, but it's not like a fever I don't think.

No. 1724597

Oh anon I'm so sorry to hear this,I hope you can become strong and healthy and find ways to cope with your celiac. I'm also becoming weak from illness but I don't know what's wrong with me yet. Sending hugs.

No. 1724599

Sessions it took for my therapist to compare my problems to one of her TIM clients: 1.5

I just ignored her comparison and did not respond.

No. 1724601

isn't it replaced with google lens now? and before that it only showed pinterest reposts

No. 1724602

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Just got dumped by my bf of 4 years. I really really really really really loved him. I really love him.

No. 1724607

Nonnie I highly suggest investing in a notebook (one you like, so you feel like writing in it, not just a plain one) and write all your shit out. You can even rip the pages out afterward and burn them, tear them up and throw them in the ocean, flush em, whatever you need to do if having such private things written down freaks you out. My track records with therapists is also shit and so very few of them give you real coping mechanisms. My therapist pretty much shrugged her shoulders and said I'll be anxious all my life and whenever I asked for help in certain scenarios (like, "how do I stop being so scared in the car when someone else is driving?"), she would just go "well what do you think would make you feel better? Find something that makes you feel better!" Which was no answer at all. It's been more beneficial to me to just write out all my feelings, question myself, write answers (or even more questions) in response to my question. Dwell on it for hours if you need to, look it over from all sides like a scientist with a specialty in "wtf is wrong with me". It's cheaper than therapy and I've found I give myself way more answers that way, even if it takes awhile, and anything I say is just between me and the paper. I hope maybe this advice might help you nonna.

No. 1724609

I get really bad PMS before every period for about 5 days beforehand, like if I didn't know what it was I'd be suicidal, but I know it goes away once the period hits and I'm back to normal. Feels like this pervasive sadness but not urgent enough to cry, and nothing I do gives me any dopamine. Watch a show I like? Play a video game? Nothing, feels the same as staring at the wall, no relief I basically have to white knuckle my way through it everytime. Once the period hits its like weight lifts, I dont mind tje bleeding that much. I've been pregnant for the past 7 months so I forgot what it was like. Was totally elated and satisfied, just feeling happy and well all the time. Now I am entering month 8 and BAM it hits me, idk if it's my body preparing for the home stretch or what, but it's the sadness again. I forgot what it feels like… it's making me fucking sad realizing this is how I lived and I'm going to go back to it once every month for 5 days, god forbid I get ppd!! I don't know how I did this so often there really should be something that can be done.

No. 1724611

I have posted here a few times before about my alopecia. I thought I was getting use to being bald and felt like I looked unconventionally pretty and empowered. Today, I felt suddenly so sad about my hair loss, and I finally decided to start steroid treatment to see if it will help any grow back. I can't believe this happened to me. I really hope the steroid works. I didn't want to take it at first because I'm scared of unwanted side effects. But I'm so distressed about my hair it might be worth it just to try.

No. 1724613

I am so sorry. That must really hurt. Take your time to mourn, but don't forget to take special care of yourself doing this time. Love you

No. 1724633

breast lump anon, you may not see this but I don't use /ot/ very much and had to comb through my firefox history to find the thread you posted in. SO relieved for you and so so so so happy for you, I can be at peace now lol. I was worried!

No. 1724634

one of my front teeth is longer than the other because i think i chipped the other (it's been this way a few years, but i didn't notice if/when it happened), so now i have to get the longer one filed down, but i'm mad at my dentist because they tried to upsell me on an invasive, damaging proceedure i didn't need, and the 2 other dentists i have an okay opinion of are an hour away. just really annoyed right now.

No. 1724639

I fucked up pretending to be a normalfag I flew too close to the sun and it all came crashing down on me and I had a little meltdown. I'm fucked. I ruined it I can never regain the persona I painstakingly crafted. Fuck my dumbass self. I don't have imposter syndrome I just know what I am. A mean annoying dork

No. 1724644

Is it hair thinning or full alopecia? Don't know if it'll help but I started losing hair by the fistful in college, someone else pointed out my hair looked thinner and I got so embarrassed. I used minoxidil for a little.
Idk if yours is a genetic condition but I eventually got mine to stop and to come back a little.
Are you using any hair dyes? I was using manic panic vegan dye at the time when it picked up, I had a friend who was consistently using it too and she ended up complaining about hairloss too, I swapped it out for henna dye she said it couldn't cause it because it was vegetable dye but I definitely noticed the loss picked up after a dye.
Are you stressed? A lot of hairloss occurred when I wasn't sleeping and stressed.
I also started doing cold showers on my scalp and massaging my scalp in the morning and night.
It never came back 100% but over the course of 3 years it came back a lot and stopped falling out

No. 1724658

you'll be able to build it back up and start over with someone else anon, i believe in you (and myself…)

No. 1724659

Solution: find people you don’t have to pretend to be normal around.

No. 1724673

I don't like myself

No. 1724676

nta but i just wanna say anon i tried the orange manic panic over my natural hair to make it brown-orange then lost a ton of hair. not enough for bald spots but the medium dense hair i had was lost. a few months later tried the purple dye which was either the same result or a little bit less shed. either way it fucked my hair for at least 2 years when there wasnt any bleach involved. something is definitely fucked with manic panic or my scalps reaction to it. made me too scared to try any tints over my natural hair. had to cut my hair around half its length when it was finally at my butt.

No. 1724678

What the fuck is wrong why is it so dead…did everyone go over to 4chan or crystal cafe?

No. 1724680

it's been more dead for a while. i think raids and more infighting has made the site unpleasant, and it being slower contributes to a loop where more farmers leave or don't post.

No. 1724682

No. 1724683

The faggots won they fake meantgirled us all out of this dump. Any time I fucking post anything some faggot scrote goes omg?! you are heckin reacting to my unneeded rudeness? You regina george heckin wannabe? and I'm like uhhh I was just trying to vent about my bf but ok tranny. Multiply that however many times the tranny and the tourists do that to normal true and HONEST anons and watch how we go ummm hmmm maybe we oughta keep this shit to ourselvelves. Peace out A town down

No. 1724685

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the scene in party monster where he gives the cat drugs and tells wilmer valderrama that “the hole family is on it now” always makes me

No. 1724686

Less infighting and cringe on 4ch now unfortunately. If I want to see nothing but misogyny and whinging I can do that on the chans without all the extra "I'm a malebrained woman get over it" bullshit

No. 1724688


No. 1724696

Haha yes that's me oh no why are lolcow users so good at parsing out users? It makes me kinda freaked out? Lol

No. 1724702

Oh don't freak out your posts are just really obvious. But im an ally I was aghast at the cop story and have been waiting for more ever since. He sounds horrible. I need more

No. 1724705

Update on spider. Fucker came out of a different light socket. I got him with the vacuum then pounded him to death with a shoe outside.

No. 1724711

This is making me recoil

No. 1724713

No 1 curr about your bf go to couples therapy

No. 1724718

You constantly reply to people's posts all at once and try to start infights. Stfu faggit.

No. 1724720

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Sometimes you really do have to let abusers get cocky and comfortable with what they're doing. They are always on their own wavelength where they truly believe that they are going to just continue what they're doing with no backlash, no retribution, no consequences. You really do have to step back and be patient. It's all that much more satisfying watching them fall harder than they ever could have imagined.

No. 1724722

>you’re infighting by telling me that I need to actually communicate with my male counterpart
You’ve probably also accused your boss of “gaslighting” you or some shit

No. 1724727

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>Friend starts playing my favorite game which I been shilling for like a year
>I say we should stream it together because I want to see her reactions and she knows it's my favorite game
>'Oh I don't like streaming VNs and talking during them' and I'm like 'oh ok that's fair'
>She says she'll liveblog it but never does this
>She's actually streaming it to a different group who I was saying should play the game but never ended up doing it despite buying it behind my back.
>Never liveblogs it
>Wait 10 hours today for scrote friend to get off work and take a nap so we can watch my favorite anime
>He immediately says 'no I'm going to go watch her stream it instead, I don't want to wait 20 minutes even though you've been waiting all day for me'
I feel stupid for being upset, but my feelings are genuinely hurt.

No. 1724729

I'm not that anon. Stop picking fights with people.

No. 1724731

She just so happens to be streaming your favorite anime the same day you were going to watch it with some guy? Sounds like she isn't your friend and has some one sided competition with you

No. 1724732

She was streaming my favorite game and he said he was going to watch my favorite anime with me, but yea pretty much.
She's a BPD type so I get that I should kind of expect that from her though.

No. 1724735

You shouldn't be friends with someone who is in a weird one sided competition with you and trying to isolate you from everyone else out of jealousy.

No. 1724743

Are you keeping up with posts made or something? That was a random scenario I imagined.

No. 1724772

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Have you ever had someone so obsessed with you in such a pathetic and creepy way that they will do anything in order to interact with you? They crave it in a way that is only present in the most vile of cluster b? Shits cwazy

No. 1724797

I just started ignoring this one girl I used to be friends with and she still sends me death threats. All because I don’t give her attention. People are insane

No. 1724798

Yeah mine always says shit about how I'm going to kill myself (I'm definitely not and never will) because they fantasize about it and talk about how they're going to try to ruin every single thing I enjoy or whatever. BPD plus autism combo is its own mental deficiency. They always think they're evil genius masterminds too.

No. 1724802

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I love my bf but he's skinnyfat and balding and I want to go back to dating skinny twinks. Am I retarded/shallow? He's perfect otherwise, I just wish he was cute too. Why can't moids be both attractive and good people? Ugh, I love him so much, even if he's a bit uggo, he still makes me warm and giddy inside. I can't bring myself to break up. I will probably regret this later in life and have a mild life crisis because I didn't fuck enough boytoys. Such is life.

No. 1724803

I’m unhappy with my life right now.

No. 1724804

My father is still running around being an abusive freak and he is a fucking great grandfather. God why do you bless these kind of people with vitality and strenght?

No. 1724808

Think about his demise vividly at least twice a day. Pray for it. Do so in a detached but focused way. Intention is important.

No. 1724810

He was talking about making a bloodbath because of his arrest yesterday and today he is at the hospital so I guess I am doing something right.

No. 1724848

File: 1697190517140.png (415.93 KB, 870x495, 1665335991042 (1).png)

nonita you sound like me so much… i can't even fit in "outsider" groups, they all have unspoken rules to follow and i'm too retarded to pick things up. we'll get through this

No. 1724864

i have a crush for time in years but i have no idea how to talk to him or progress things. i'm 27 and too retarded for this shit

No. 1724866

So cute I will make a banner later

No. 1724868

I hate how actually comfortable clothes look on my curvy body. I look so fucking dumpy when I just want to wear cool clothes that a real human being would also like, why does a black fucking tshirt and jeans WITH 0 ALTERATIONS OR FORM FITTING SEAMS look so fucking garbage on me? I hate feminine fasion. It's so artificial AND UGLY

No. 1724875

I was actually gonna add a part about how I feel out of place and weird even in the most misfit/weird of groups lol
I hope we both can just… Get to be. I can't spend this much energy on worrying and hating myself anymore

No. 1724877

That's it, I'm fucking killing myself in march.

No. 1724881

yes you really should nonnie i love this pic too. it's silly
a huge problem for me personally is that the "misfit groups" already have established friend circles, and even people who seem "alone" in there usually have a shitload of (old, long-term) friends either outside or inside the groups, thus, making it impossible to be a piece of their life. all of them, horribly social and well-adjusted people (in one way or another), even if they have niche hobbies.
>I hope we both can just… Get to be.
i tried to in the past, and it didn't work out. maybe i didn't try hard enough, but now i have a chance i think.
please think it thoroughly. surviving a suicide attempt is the worst thing ever. maybe this might prevent you from even trying.

No. 1724885

just cheat on him nonna.

i'm sure you look great, just give yourself some time to get used to your new look

No. 1724889

I was thinking about this so I gotta do it somehow that is not shit like overdose or something, I am starting to get assholes who jump off buildings even when normal ass people might get hurt or see because shit is fucked. We don't even do guns where I'm from, otherwise I'd just do that, but you always see people who shoot the wrong way and then you're a veggie.

No. 1724894

here's a better idea live, live and spite God for making you so miserable prove that nope I'm going to keep living regardless fuck sadness I want to see things experience new stuff my life is getting sad? I don't care I want to know how the new show ends fuck it fuck being sad because the best revenge to depression you can do is happiness not wait for it but to seek it out good luck nonnie

No. 1724908

I thought I beat cancer and didn't so I don't think I need to go on because I'm just empty at this point, but nice thoughts for someone else, you seem sweet anon

No. 1724910

you can beat cancer again, nonna. I believe in you.

No. 1724947

I've been terrified for the past week and I can barely function.theres a fucking war in my country and thousands were massacred and are dying as I'm typing this.friend I've known for years from the festival scene were gunned down and kidnapped to fucking gaza while millions of 'pro palestinians' are gloating and cheering.couldnt get to a friend's funeral cause we had a missile alert and had to run to the fucking bomb shelter with a 66 pound dog trying to wrestle out of my arms.the government is shit and has always been shit,again not hesitant of sending hundreds of thousands of 18 year old soldiers and out of shape drafted horrified fathers.civillians have taken on themselves to rescue pets and people left behind in the kibbutzim and attacked cities.up to now we had to deal with occasional bombings of the cities closest to gaza,a random stabbing by a zealous Arab or the odd buss blowing up and we sadly got used to it.but now I am fucking scared.is it my fault I'm a jew?is it my friendss fault their parents chose to immigrate here from the various other places where we were singled out as Jews?I live in a mixed city and always had Arab and beduin friends.i didn't even serve in the military cause of shit mental health.im fucking scared for my family and friends and country.i can't even watch YouTube or scroll Instagram without seeing the horrifying videos of people kidnapped (some I fucking know personally) or raped or paraded through gaza and seeing all the laughing reacts of Arabs or retarded leftist on videos of parents crying and begging for their infant children to be released from captivity.i honestly don't know why I wrote this,I'm just scared and desperate for any sign that this would get better.sorry for super long vent.עם ישראל חי

No. 1724990

I’m sorry nona. I have nothing really to say but sorry. Your life has changed forever. War is grotesque and always caused and carried out by psycho men so I don’t think you being a Jew is the reason so much so as an excuse.

No. 1725007

I'm so sorry nona, it's a horrific situation. Vent as much as you want here. I pray for your safety.

No. 1725012

I'm sorry anon. I hope Israel Flattens Gaza to a parking lot. You're people will finally be free from violent savages.

No. 1725028

I hope you'll be safe anon. A friend of mine has a mother who immigrated to Israel as soon as my friend turned 18 and she also has cousins there, I should ask her how they're doing but maybe now isn't the right time since it's so recent.

No. 1725030

I wish racebaiters on this site a very go kill yourselves(a-logging is still against the rules)

No. 1725049

Vent as much as you need, nonna, I hope you can stay save and won't have to fear for any more friends or family. I'm so disgusted by the reaction of many muslims in my country. A woman on television told that they celebrated after they heard about it, that she is so happy about it and I feel so disgusted knowing that such people live here. They came here to be save, but celebrate the raping and slaughtering of children and women just because those people happen to be Jews.

No. 1725050

This place is a toxic wasteland filled with "yasss kween" twitter tourists, no wonder people left

No. 1725052

When has a farmer ever unironically written "yasss kween"?

No. 1725064

I meant "yass kween" people as in stan twitter and faghags and faggots from there or just general tourists from twitter that talk similarly, also i've seen others use zoomer lingo here unironically, i can't be the only one noticing this.

No. 1725078

Even if he doesn't realize it there is a power struggle going on where he's the one In Control and I'm this sniveling Lower one and I just can't deal with that. It is bringing me back to middle school and making me feel sad about myself. I need to cut him loose and be with a man who sees himself on my level not above me because I have a healthy sex drive. And if he thinks it's too much whatever go fuck a girl with one that matches his. I'm not changing

No. 1725105

It's kind of crazy how much chronic stress can completely fuck you up. I'm still going to bring up these problems to my next appointment and go back to the hospital if I get worse, but simply calming my mind and letting myself rest as much as I need to without any guilt or shame is really doing wonders. It feels like my brain has to undo the damage of all the stress I've been going through these past four months. I hope every anon out there has a wonderful day and stays in good health.

No. 1725111

People mostly left because of the raids actually

No. 1725113

and the site becoming broken after the christmas event

No. 1725114

I believe in you anon, please don't give up!!

No. 1725115

The day I realized men only truly want to fuck women who don't want to fuck them was a sad day

No. 1725125

What are you gonna do between now and March, like do you have a bucket list? You should go wild and do everything you want to do!

No. 1725143

my friday is going to be spent going to the taylor swift movie for my sister. not excited would rather be in bed.

No. 1725152

Why did I ever befriend a bpd psycho, why was I so easily manipulated into thinking she ever had any good will towards me, why was I spineless enough to let it go on for so long. I am still picking myself up from this whole mess and its been years. Dear nonnas heed my warning stay so far away from clusters

No. 1725156

What did she do? Were there warning signs?

No. 1725162

family or work?

No. 1725171

went on /ic/ to ask for art advice, got some questionable advice but hey maybe it works, some guy posts his art to prove that it works and it’s… not great. i used to be a moderately popular coom anime artist and it looks like the art of someone who would’ve been my replyguy. like i am trying to learn how to draw draw, not be limited to the handful of poses and angles i memorized. ugh. i’m just going to keep to myself

No. 1725173

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Everytime I want to post about anything, no matter which board, I've to censor myself and filter my opinion so my post doesn't get trashed by random schizos from at least 7 different factions, to the point I'd be like "nah, rather keep this to myself" and avoid another endless infight altogether. LC is no longer a place where I feel comfortable being myself, I be posting random shit like "today I felt bad then ate cereal" and come back two hours later to an infight. When someone complains they get anons saying "that's just chan culture just leave!" Well look were it took us you retards, now this shit is desolated

No. 1725174

some of the replies in here are giving me brain damage and make me feel like more people should post vents in the get it off your chest thread

No. 1725180

i hate that shit so much drives me bonkers
>say something normal
>get an insanely aggressive nasty bait response
>"hey why would you act like that"
it's getting worse the more exposure lc gets on tiktok/twitter, it's 100% newfags who think being on an ib means you have to be as bitchy as possible 24/7.

No. 1725186

I want to a-log my ex fiance so hard based on the legal terrorism he keeps threatening me with in spite of my compliance with all of his counsel's asinine demands, some that my ex himself would never ascribe to and would bitch and moan about if it were him. All because he is a greedy and vengeful.

My only solace in all this chaos, is that he will hopefully inherit his mother's alzheimer's and die alone, scared, and in pain while shitting himself in a care home because he's a selfish hobosexual who never accomplished shit with his life and just uses women to leech from until they get sick of it all while acting like some big intellectual.
His death will be my holiday. I hope his sterile little balls go septic and he dies from a terrific crotchrot infection.

When the time comes, I want to post pictures of my first pregnancy, wedding, and happy life with my current and tag him in it knowing he could never hope to have any of that. I'll accept his shitty little friend request (not that he wasn't just hoping to surveillance my life to use against me) just to boast about how good things are after this shit is over.
I hope he is always miserable. I hope every woman he ever gets with ends up cheating on him as they rightfully ought to.
Fucking cursed scumbag.

No. 1725193

100% this

No. 1725195

Basically a somehow more extreme version of single white female minus the murder. There were signs for years but I kept trying to give the benefit of the doubt or hoped she'd grow out of it or that our friendship beneath it all was real (surprise she hated me the whole time). I was a people pleasing idiot and now I've had my entire life and livelihood stolen from me and can no longer trust anyone and am a shell of who I once was.

No. 1725198

Agreed. I think they're all stupid trolls or shitheads that think this place is like their discord server and can't integrate to the culture. No one ever has liked overtly aggressive anons, specially because they get more aggro when they are told to calm down and they're the ones ruining the fun for everyone else. Fucking pieces of shit tbh

No. 1725222

The current situation is giving me anxiety because I'm a fucking sperg that can't help but feel like I have to be on top of what's happening in the world to be a good person, but there being no "easy" fix gives me anxiety. Of course in no way trying to downplay it for those that are actually affected like an earlier anon, I cannot imagine what she's going through right now.
And I know it's not logical, you do not have to be on top of news when it comes to issues like these, but anytime there's anything big I feel like it's somehow my duty because I'm too autistic not to.

No. 1725226

yup. it sucks

No. 1725240

I relapsed after a five year clean streak and I'm so upset with myself

No. 1725255

I’ve been terribly lonely ever since i moved cities. I’ve joined a few groups for expats and I joined two events for expat women through facebook (because there are no alternatives) In the first one, we missed each other because they showed up late and nobody replied to my messages, so we didn’t find each other.This time I joined an event because supposedly five more women were going and i’m the only one who showed up. No replies from the organizer or anyone in the group. I don’t want to be dramatic but this is making me want to cry really hard. Feeling stood up is bringing up a lot of sad “i was a loser growing up and i’m scared i still am” memories. I can’t even sulk in peace because this pub’s playing live music that’s so bad it’s like having my brain sandpapered.

No. 1725259

You're not stupid for being upset. It's a reasonable response when your friends are making it known that they would rather spend time with other people than you, especially over your biggest interest. Had the same thing happened to me when a friend decided to watch a seasonal show with someone else even though this anime was something I had been waiting for for LITERAL YEARS and it would have so nice to experience it together with her. Maybe I'm just autistic but it made me so jealous. Wish I can be your friend anon and we can watch anime together.

No. 1725268

Try not to get caught in the shame spiral, you’ve quit and been clean for 5yrs before and you can do it again! Stay strong Nona, you’re capable.

No. 1725281

five years, nonna? That's amazing and you should be so proud of yourself instead of beating you up. I don't know what you relapsed on, but if it's nothing like meth you should be able to get back on track. I found a system for myself that works quite well, I'm allowed 3 relapses a year, I won't count them, I won't "use" them if I don't need to and it's a single instance, not days and days of relapsing. People would call it "cheating", but it helped me stay sane and being free of my stupid bullshit for years. I believe in you nonna, you can repeat those 5 years.

No. 1725284

Is anyone else's father an absolute fucking idiot? Mine tried to "fix" my car's engine but only made it worse so now I have to pay 400 fucking dollars to get it fixed by a real mechanic. Stupid motherfucker.

No. 1725288

you have every right to be upset. Had a friend once and I told him that I wanted to watch a movie with him and then my group of friends went to shit because of a bpd moid. I met him some weeks later and was like "maybe you have time and we can watch the movie together" and he just told me that he watched it already with someone else. He knew that it was special to me, he knew that I was feeling like shit and didn't even think about inviting me. Well, guess you don't get trust issues without reasons. Communicate how you feel and if they act like your feelings are wrong, maybe move on. I would have watched that anime with you, especially if you would have waited hours for me to be home and have the time for it.

No. 1725315

my dad tinkers with everything even when its not broken and as such there is random spray paint not matching my car color all over the bumper, theres a door meant to be a large outside entry front door used in a tiny bathroom so it takes up half the width of the room, and theres outdoor stucco material and brick inside our living room so our house looks like its inside out.

No. 1725317

So many scrotes do this. They'd rather destroy items worth thousands than say "I don't know how to use it/fix it".

No. 1725319

>get out of bad relationship
>finally decide to date
>tell closest moid friend on discord I've known for years and he becomes cold about the amazing guy I met
>always complains about women not taking him seriously while belittling them
>always says it'd be gross to date me randomly every once in awhile
>moid friend starts randomly being aggressive towards me out of no where

Why are moids even alive? If he liked me why not just say. So I could promptly say it'll never happen and get that over and done with.

No. 1725323

it wouldnt be as bad if they at least youtube it for an hour or so beforehand. But they freestyle it even if they have no experience

No. 1725327

>moid friend

males will only "befriend" women under pretenses. They want exclusive validation at minimum and seethe if you pursue your own happiness. As such they cannot be your friend.

I've had many friends and the male ones have done nothing for me besides traumadump and expect me to be a therapist if not outright camwhore for them.

No. 1725330

He is always complaining about women why the fuck did you think you would be exempt kek

No. 1725341

>on discord
It keeps getting worse, are you a masochist?

No. 1725342

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it feels so bad to just feel like you have no purpose, i felt like this for a while and i thought i would have gotten better by now but it just got worse.
I tried entering uni in a career i didn't give a fuck about and i just quit it because i don't even like studying for some reason
What am i supossed to do if i can't even get into the habit of studying or like it? i'm just lazy and stupid and can't be bothered anymore, i'm not even competitive and have no drive
i just keep on pushing things to the side and regretting it later

No. 1725350

How old are you? What things do you actually like? You shouldn't force yourself to study stuff you don't care about or else you'll just burn out. Even if you get a degree in underwater basket weaving, you can probably still get a job as a receptionist or office administrator somewhere if it doesn't work out

No. 1725352

Tbh as women you should always assume any male talking to you is doing it because he's at the very least sexually interested in you. They do not befriend women they aren't attracted to. Especially the terminally online ones.

No. 1725355

This moid is trying hard to bully me out of this DnD thing we're part of. We stopped being friendly after I blocked him + asked him to do the same because he was continuing to be a dickhead to me, and he's still seething over it (I haven't spoken to him or even acknowledged him since then - yet he clearly still reads my messages in the group chat we share). I've been tired and a bit forgetful during our sessions because I've been quite ill and busy with a really hard clinical placement that's only just finished. I'm also new to DnD, so trying to wrap my head around everything has been hard, but I'm trying. My friend who's leading messaged me after this and said he has no problem helping me out, and told me not to worry, but this bitch was saying I don't pay attention and being nasty. I know he's being snide because he's mad at me, but holy shit - it's been weeks.

Ngl, I'm really tired of men atm. I told this guy that I was going through a hard time/my anxiety's been worse for the past few months, and he seemed apologetic/understanding. I blocked him because he clearly was talking shite after doing shit to contrary of his apology, and I'd had enough.

No. 1725356

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I had a male best friend in college, he was a very nice guy, but then he became a weed smoker and started disliking me. I dunno I guess I did say stupid shit under stress, I was trying to graduate and he never could. I called him this week because he told me not to call him in 5 months, and more than 5 months have passed. He's still aimless in life, not that I'm doing better but whatever. He told me we can "still mend things but it won't be the same" even though he "misses me and talks to his friends about me". I could still have his friendship. He still has the ugly art I made on his apartment. He was dear to me.

But is it wrong that I just want to move on from all this? I was a different person in college, stressed and still figuring shit out. I don't want to think about how he sees me. Or anyone else from that era. Sure he was nice but man, I don't know. I'm pink pilled now too. I feel like he's putting part of the blame to fix things on me, saying he's "trying to be more open" and that he has "stuff that tired him out about me that he needs to discuss". I told him I was scared. Whatever it was I remember apologizing already. And after months and even years of growth do you think I want to hear what he has to say about me? Idk. I probably became different due to using LC these years too, which I'm sure he hated. I don't know if I want to be the same dumb idiot from before. I dunno. He's not bad I'm just tired of him lol. I am scared of never having meaningful friendships again though, or having to encounter more mean people in my life or people who suddenly dislike me or abandon me idk.

I really want to let go. My Nigel says "you two are very similar, you two isolate a lot, you should get together and fix things, you will gain a friend back!" And overall my Nigel tries to be positive but is it wrong that I don't want this kind of positivity? Maybe moving on, waiting and seeing if I get better friends in the future is the answer. Idk if that'll be possible. Thoughts? My friend did say his "arms are open" anyway.

No. 1725366

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i don't want to say my age but i'm not even mid 20's yet, so really young ig
the only thing i ever actively show interest in is drawing and gardening, i like the idea of speaking languages but i just stopped at 2 tbh
otherwise i just do common stuff like find cool movies to watch, read books considered classics or important and sometimes i try to cook new recipes. It just doesn't feel fruitful
I probably won't take another class/course/thing i don't even like considering i couldn't keep going to uni with the tought of doing something i don't like for the rest of my life

No. 1725371

You don’t owe him your friendship if you don’t want to be his friend. Maybe I’m heartless but I don’t think you need to continue a friendship because you have a history. There’s 8 billion people in the world so you’ll meet someone new you have stuff in common with anyways

No. 1725372

Unless he's taken the steps to actually change, which doesn't seem like the case, I don't understand how he could possibly be a positive presence in your life, nonna. I'm getting red flags from what you've mentioned here, namely him 'needing to discuss things about you that tired him out', like this inclines me to believe he's still resentful, and that your instincts about him wanting to assign blame to you are correct. Sounds like he needs a therapist, not you as an emotional crutch. It's not wrong for you to want to move on, and you shouldn't feel guilty for it. People come in and out of our lives all the time - and you not wanting to revisit a time of your life you've outgrown isn't unreasonable.

If the friendship is meant to be, it will endure - but I think this guy needs to sort his life out first before he tries to re-enter yours.

No. 1725373

You should let it go. Just sounds like the moid is trying to punish you for growing and if you're actually pink pilled you'll realize he was never your actual friend, just another moid hoping you'll declare him your Nigel. Quit crawling back to him and trying to gain his friendship back. If he actually cared about the relationship he wouldn't have told you to come back in half a year, he'd have spoken to you about what bothered him when you reached out the first time. All you're doing is stroking his ego. He doesn't value you or your friendship, he just likes the idea of a woman waiting on him. He's feeling powerful, whatever you said to him must have stung and now he's trying to punish you for it.

No. 1725374

>Not even mid twenties

Much too young to be counting yourself out! Maybe if you like gardening you can look into botany and working with florists or city/town beautification. If you like art, look into freelance work for the time being. Don't give up, there's plenty of time for you to discover your calling.

No. 1725379

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I just had a baby a month ago and singing along to various songs I didn't think I had emotional connections to will send me bursting into tears. If I'm alone it'll cause me to start thinking about minor upsets I thought I moved on from like years ago and prolong the tears.
It's infrequent enough for me to have forgotten it when my doctor screened me for post-partum depression last week.
I don't think I'm really stressed (ive taken care of my infant cousins for the last 3 years) but the entire pregnancy (and the labor even after the epidural) was shockingly easy and not stressful.
I'm mostly just feeling annoyed about these cry spells because I just want to sing along to songs and I can't figure out why it's triggering.

No. 1725384

It’s amazing and impressive you carried your hefty dog out with you like that. I hope that conditions improve in your country

No. 1725385

You're not being judgemental. I knew one who I talked out of physically cheating on his wife; I literally told him that he could give her something like HSV-2, and that in itself wasn't enough to get him to veto the idea. He didn't do in the end, and they're in therapy now but I was appalled. In that instance, he didn't even have a massive "body count" because they've been together for like 10 years, but it's more that if the opportunity arises for men to sleep around, a lot of them will take it even if they're in a committed relationship. Yet, we're the ones who catch shit for doing it, even if we're single. Men feel entitled to sex with women, yet revile us when it's 'offered'. Fucking lunacy.

My friend told me to read 'Men Who Hate Women', and I want to - but it's depressing me because some of the parts she paraphrased are things I've seen/experienced myself, particularly online. It honestly makes me want to stay single forever.

No. 1725386

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Not sure if I have undiagnosed BPD or if it's normal that a moid puts me through an emotional roller coaster for months on end and makes me feel suicidal at times

No. 1725387

I'm sorry to hear this nonny, I hope you feel better soon.

No. 1725393

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its my birthday and i feel really embarrassed about the state of my life. cant invite people over because i live with my parents and they hate my friends (im saving for a condo which is why i still live here, which im grateful to do). also only have like 2 friends so that would be even more embarrassing. i'd get drunk but my hangovers last like 2 days.
anons, dont make life decisions to please your parents. you're the one who has to live with those choices and where they take you.

No. 1725394

Happy birthday!

No. 1725403

You should go out and see a movie or to a cafe or something with your friends! I'm sure they'd love to hang out with you. Don't be so hard on yourself. And happy birthday, I hope it gets better for you today.

No. 1725408

>Hoping the genocidal Jews that started this shit win

You know they're doing this because a fairytale book some scrote back in B.C times told them they're entitled to the land right?

No. 1725413

Pick mes gonna pick me til the bitter end

No. 1725414

thanks anon
it's hard to talk about that sort of thing with people, they just look at you like you're insane or something

No. 1725416


No. 1725417

Palestinian-American nonnie here, it's probably not much comfort but I wish you and your family strength and safety. An eye for an eye makes the world blind; Hamas and other extremists are just making shit worse for all sides. My family was forced out in 48 and some have since passed away with war around them. We don't choose to be born as X person of Y group and in war there are no winners, only losers. Just know there are those of us out there who want peace and wish to break the cycle of bloodshed and anger. Please please stay safe and take care of yourself.

No. 1725435

Happy happy birthday! I would recommend doing something for yourself today. In whatever capacity you feel you’d like and want. It doesn’t have to look like self care necessarily. You don’t even have to hang out at your parents’ house. If you like animals, maybe you could try visiting your local animal shelter or insert X domesticated animal yoga. Or if you like movies maybe you can go to one that is combo dine in or drive through. Museum going is well known for being a solitary activity as well. Whatever you like, remove your hang ups and say to hell with it, it’s my day and I’ll do it. Even if it’s eating junk and taking a much needed nap. Anyway all that to say, haps bday

No. 1725442

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i think smaller birthday parties are neater because you get to talk more in depth

No. 1725449

Is literally every good man taken before he hits 30? I constantly see examples proving this rule and every time I meet a guy who's worth anything in my eyes and is in the age range of 27-34, turns out he's already taken. The only males left are somewhat defective. I feel so hopeless

No. 1725454

If he finds out, we'd be over. Not risking it. Maybe I will grow a pair and dump him.

No. 1725455

I'm glad you're going to therapy, but you've already caused so much damage onto our family from whatever PD is affecting you. I wish you realised that. No matter what you do, you'll never be able to repair what damage you've done and it's up to us to forgive. I genuinely question whether I can do that.
You expect me to believe you when you tell me the truth but you don't tell the truth. You garter for sympathy points by twisting people's words to make you always look like the victim. You had the audacity to do it on Thursday and for what? Because you wanted to justify why you didn't have money. Of course that's not your fault, even when your boyfriend bankrolls you. Nothing is ever your fault apparently. It's always somebody else. And you wonder why you ended up with someone with mental health issues. Play stupid games, get stupid prizes. If you're going to act like a clown the clowns are going to find you. That's why you're wandering the streets in a city you don't know crying to me on the phone not knowing what to do because your older boyfriend with C-PTSD is having a meltdown. And it breaks my heart but do I ever truly believe you in what you say? No. I've clowned myself to try and help you only to have you be 'fine' the next day, not even acknowledging abuse allegations you made the day before. I'm not some disposable sibling that replaces itself every time you someone to listen to ne of your stories. I remember EVERYTHING and you don't care to that's what's destroying our relationship.
Now that our parent's dead it's not any better. You're so frightened of being responsible or standing up for yourself so we have to pull your weight alongside our own because you refuse to do anything that challenging. It's infuriating that people give you this air of professionalism just because of your hobby whereas in reality you've given three options to choose from and you have to be admitted to the ward. And yet when it comes to the inheritance and money you've got a lot to say! Always talking about it but never have it. Hedonistic at your very core to the point that you must think 'long-term goals' is some kind of chronic disease. That's why you can't come up. That's why I have to uproot my life with my partner after just sorting out my own affairs and to go live alone in the remote house where my parent died. That's why my remaining sister and I have to manage my grandparent who's well and truly cracked after finding their kid dead. Even from all this distance away you make it all about you and make everything agonizingly difficult.

No. 1725467

I wanted to update this because it turned out i wasn’t stood up, rather there was a miscommunication because facebook is shit. The host contacted me and we ended up hanging out, plus my nigel was very supportive and encouraged me to stick it out. So I ended up having a lovely evening and feeling loved and supported instead. But also being able to get it off my chest in this thread helped me a lot.

No. 1725480

It feels like it. Most scrotes aren’t worth anything and women collectively know that, so all of the good ones get snatched up immediately.

No. 1725495

Idk what's wrong with me I'm at this shit-ass wedding and I'm freaking outtttt like I'm having such horrible horrible horrible anxiety and immediately there were people like running up to me to talk to me and one person recorded me for their stupid wedding meme shit. There are so many people here and it's so loud. Literally want to scream this is such a fucking anxiety inducing nightmare. I don't even care about the people getting married this is all for my boyfriend's friends.

No. 1725496

Samefag; I meant wedding reception.

No. 1725497

Oh what the hell! My boss took in copper for scrap money and gave me $160, very cool, but turns out I forgot about a dentist appointment yesterday (was booked months ago, my bad) and they charged me $150 for no contact cancellation. I made $10 at least kek

No. 1725498

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thank you for your kindness! i hope you can get a diagnosis and get on the path to feeling better soon.

No. 1725505

America be like

No. 1725508

don't pay it

No. 1725510

Sounds like the problem is that you fucked too many boytoys. It's harder to settle when you know what you're missing and now you're going to have that problem no matter which way you go.

No. 1725516

hate going in excessive detail about one thing but also hate people making real negative assumptions based on what little they have so i end up feeling the need to. do that alot here too, its annoying

No. 1725519

I hate being horny but sad UGH. Now I'm gonna be moody for the rest of the night.

No. 1725524

Dating is hell nona. If you found a good man who isn't secretly a pos, that's impressive. A relationship requires a lot of work too you know? You're not always going to have butterflies for him and your eyes will start wandering too. Evaluate what you're lacking in your relationship. Is it sex? Is is emotional intimacy? Think about this deeply before you decide to break up with him

No. 1725544

it's kinda that and just getting my things in order as I own some property, but also to find the time to be alone because right now it's just hospitals and moving my stuff to my mom's. I wanted to visit my friend abroad but I don't think I can physically do it in january, there's a lot of stuff I cannot do but a handful of stuff I can, just need to see if the weather allowed it. I wanna go ice fishing by myself and all sorts of winter stuff because there's not gonna be a summer for me I guess. I did the whole thing once already, I've watched 4 relatives do it and I'm just gonna do what makes sense for me.

No. 1725545

Casual sex with moids is really lame even if theyre hot so you’re not missing out on much there but it’s a disservice to yourself to be with someone you’re not attracted to. Obviously it’s a terrible idea to build a relationship purely on looks but it’s completely fair to want someone you find attractive in like… some level. Im pretty adamant about not giving up on real connections for flings but at the same time being with someone you’re not attracted to will come back to bite you in the ass. Like are you really in love with someone if you can’t think of them as genuinely beautiful even if they’re not conventionally attractive? The moids I’ve loved the most weren’t always drop dead gorgeous but I always saw them as the most attractive people ever. Sorry to hijack your post but it sounds like you like what he does for you rather than him as a person. Not trying to shit on you as I think a lot of people unknowingly fall into this trap but it’s just a recipe for long term disaster.

No. 1725547

My parents are trying to set me up with their friend’s kid. He works at a fortune 500 company and is tall and seems attractive. He says he’s down. Is this some kind of trap

No. 1725549

Autistic nonnie.

No. 1725554

What’s crazy is you’ll probs look happy and great in those vids and wedding pix further contributing to the illusion of social media

No. 1725560

They might submit to collection company. Ask them to see if they have any leniency for first offenders if it is your first offense. That is insane for a no show fee either way

No. 1725569

nta but I wish I'd gone to school for botany or horticulture, literally all I think about the last year since I saw it as a degree offered near me and it got in my head again (I'm never going to school though, and definitely not this year)

No. 1725577

>I just had a baby a month ago
>I don't think I'm really stressed
I think you probably are stressed. It's ok. Sounds like things went really well which is awesome. Unlike when you took care of your cousins your hormones are doing a whole lot of shit right now so even a small amount of stress would have more of an effect on you. The hormones are probably what's making you emotional. You're still healing from pregnancy/labor so take it easy. hope you have people there to help so you can sleep enough, that's always a struggle the first year lol. Maybe if you say something out loud like "that was in the past, it has happened and is done" can help you not get caught up in the thoughts, or if you're stuck in them sometimes imagining perfect-world/worst-world alternate endings to those minor upsets from your past can help you stop stewing over them.

No. 1725579

Canada lol

Yeah, I'm gonna call tomorrow since by the time I saw the email they were already closed. I'll suck up the cancellation fee if I need to though since they're the only local place that accepts my benefits.

No. 1725585

Anybody else lowkey get tard rage when overwhelmed like someone sees I’m stressed so they keep asking how I am and what I wanna do and I just want to scream shut the fuck up stop asking me questions god damn it

No. 1725606

I feel so sad and alone and old and like it's all my fault that I feel this way and that im alone at all.

No. 1725625

my bf "draws" (produces 4 sketches a year) and his latest drawing he proudly showed me is a traced drawing of an anime screencap like 14 year olds post online. he's so cringe i want to die, this man is 28. meanwhile i'm studying my ass off for a career cert and he's dicking around like a teenager while making garbage money in a dead end job. but if i try to say anything like "you should work harder" he just cries and says i'm being mean. meanwhile he makes fun of his friends for being losers, when he isn't far removed from them.

i guess this is petty but it makes me resentful.

No. 1725630

Time to move on nonny, he will only hold you back. If he's 28 and suggesting he "do better" makes him cry and call you mean, it's hopeless.

No. 1725640

I just don’t know what to do. My friend is extremely depressed, to the point that even her characters are depressed. Whenever we roleplay, she always basically makes me do all of the work to make the plot move, but then she gets mad at me because my characters have to be pushy or I have to flanderize them because hers are really, really static and unmotivated.
Like, if you have a character with cool mysterious powers, make him do cool mysterious shit, make him want to do something with that.
But it’s like she doesn’t even know her own character, and the way I characterize it is of course different to whatever she’s imagining.
We want to write a book together, but I literally don’t know what would her character want, it’s not even a horny character because it literally doesn’t want to do anything. How do you start a story like that with such a main character?
Like, I have main characters for ideas that don’t talk or do much, but they still do something, at least leave the house.
I just think she’s just extremely depressed to the point that even her fantasies are depressed, and it’s seriously frustrating because I love her and I want her to express herself.

No. 1725644

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Date someone else. You'll move on to men who take their life and you seriously… and he can get a discord kitten to show his anime OC sketch (no critique) to

No. 1725646

i'm looking up how to pronounce something in THAI and the third google link is for the mormon fucking church. i can't make this shit up. i HATE MORMONS MAKE THEM GO AWAY

No. 1725647

File: 1697250278102.gif (420.52 KB, 500x500, Blah Blah Blah.GIF)

I wish she’d stop trying to weasel herself into my life whenever she needed me.

No. 1725648

samefag but i googled it IN THAI AND THE ENGLISH MORMON CHURCH WAS THE THIRD LINK. what the fuck i hate mormons so much

No. 1725654

love you just created life, your hormones are all over the place, you haven't been able to sleep because you have a baby. be kind with yourself and give yourself time. if you need a break please let someone let you take a shower and sleep for a bit, fuck. you just did the hardest thing a human can do and then you are expected to make sure you don't kill someone else lol. please please be kind to yourself

No. 1725657

yeah, it took me 10+ years to realize that you need to tell people you need help before you get there. it's easy to go "need help" and go back to what you are doing vs having a full meltdown because you didn't know how or when to ask. just ask before it becomes an issue

No. 1725670

I don't know you, but honestly it probably isn't your fault. There's a loneliness epidemic and people are finding it harder and harder to form connections.

No. 1725678

I don't hook up, so not enough for me lol. I'm currently talking to –as friends– a cute and very compatible guy rn, but he's kind of a loser, I wouldn't be serious wih him.
We have sex, which is okay, not the best I had, both in skills and looks. We're close but I don't feel madly in love like I did in previous relationships with my boytoys. He's just. I don't know. I can't put it into words.
Nona, I think you're correct. You absolutely are. I didn't notice until I read what you said, and it resonated with me. I love the things he does, and I think he's funny and kind, but whenever I mention I have a boyfriend something dies inside me. I'm too young to settle for life. I know flings aren't all that, but I just wish I could.

No. 1725711

The thing that changed me fundamentally and saved my life turned out to be rotten to the core, and I don't know how to go on living.

No. 1725713

Girl what

No. 1725716

If I was going to say what it was I would have said it in my original post. It's not important to know and it wouldn't make sense to anyone else.

No. 1725721

hearing my boyfriend drone on and on about the food he buys is making me want to kill myself

No. 1725722

It was the fruits in the fridge you said you were gonna eat wasn’t it

No. 1725725

i dont think this is the right thread but i just saw a post on tumblr that said trannies are always happy and terfs are always miserable. wtf kind of cope is that kek. trannies are always stressed out talking about how they need more donations on their paypal for their surgeries and how theyre jealous of skinny women with tits and ass or are they're not allowed in the public restrooms or something. i wonder what they think of normies too who really dont like them either. insane lel

No. 1725728

wish i could laugh but I really can't feel anything. I can barely maintain normal affect in my voice talking to people at work. Food doesn't taste good. Animals don't even lift my mood. I feel nothing towards anything so distracting myself is a lost cause. In this shit world I trusted one thing after so long miserable and shutting myself down and of course I couldn't even have that. Not even the most innocent things are as they seem. I'm done caring about anything I simply don't have it in me anymore to try. If I had no familial obligations I would kill myself immediately. I am done with this shit world.

No. 1725736

Uh okay

No. 1725738

I HATE THIS PLACE I DONT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT TRANNIES AND TERFS. I hate how evil the internet is and how hypocritical every person and place îs. Yea, a place that rips apart women for being mentally ill and weird or seeking self expression through the internet has suddenly become the pinacle of advocating for women's rights.

Bla bla bla TERFs bla bla bla TRANNIEs. TRANNIEs VS TERFS shut the fuck up. I've been on lolcow for 8 years. I saw it under my eyes how this ideology infiltrated when prior to IT nobody talked about feminism. IT was like 3-4 years ago. I don't know IT feels oddly hypocritical for this place to adopt an ideology that îs supposed to advocate for women's rights. It's so superficial.

Also, claiming moral authority over women that seek self expression and empowerment through sex work is insane or harassing those women. A lot of sex workers on the internet are well off and not coerced into IT and they are using IT as a way to Make art. IT feels șo Nice to see other women policing the freedom of other women and claim unfounded superiority over them. Saying a woman îs degrading herself for doing sex work or being artsy and into self expression îs insane. I'm tired of retarded fucking ideology and seeing everyone absorbed by IT without any nuance or self awareness.

No. 1725739

what does Information Technology have to do with all of that? kek

No. 1725742

Stop pretending like You are missing the point when there are a lot of posts that Have been written badly

No. 1725745

god why am i such a horny fucking person i swear to god and i'm so restrained about it outwards but in my mind i'm as constantly horny as those sex pesty male coomers but i don't even watch porn i'm just always so desperate for sexual intimacy but i also don't want to have sex i'm going to scream i'm so tired of it i wish i had a low libido

No. 1725752

This place is a shithole. IT feels so Nice to have your nudes shared on the internet and be harassed just because You disagreed over Something or You made a point. It feels incredible to be harassed to suicide and then be told that You are the abusive or insane one.
Because yeah certain users Have posted their nudes for 4chan losers to jack off to but If someone would post them on lolcow IT would be considered harassment and unhinged and that girl would get empathy.

I want to smash my head onto the wall when I just log into lolcow and I just see Pumpy posted by jealous ex camwhoress and being nit picked when She îs just a normal woman. I hate how this place reduse to discuss ACTUALLY problematic or evil people and instead IT focuses on harassing and nit picking normal women then I come to /ot/ to just see people talk about feminism…

At least before the radfem shit infiltrated I wouldn't Have to put up with the cognitive dissonance of seeing Pumpy harassed for being a normal girl on the internet and someone claiming this morally virtuos position of being a radfem.

At least when I was Young IT was just a gossip website…

No. 1725755

Go to Bed nonny, Something seems Off ABOUT You right Now

No. 1725757

Just feeling so lonely tonight… I have friends to talk to, but all we really do is talk about interests and hobbies so it just feels so superficial. I want to feel close to another human being. I want to understand them on a deeper level. I just want to not be kept at a distance all the time. I can't bring this up or even ask for it because I would obviously come off as being too clingy and needy, and this kind of friendship should happen spontaneously anyways. I think what sucks the most is when they get into a relationship and now they suddenly don't have time for you anymore so you only ever hang out with them once every few months until their partner breaks up with them. I know it's stupid to feel this way because I can't be upset at people having their own lives but sigh I just wish people valued deep friendships the same way I do. I sometimes wonder if maybe the problem is me, and I'm just not special enough for someone to want to get close to…

No. 1725759

Yea, it's so off I've been mentally abused to suicide on the internet and turned into a freak and that people obsess over my harassment just because I tried to be friends with them or I shared a different point of View…


No. 1725772

IT feels great to be HARASSED and rejected to death and then be gaslit and told that it îs Your fault or that You are like a "kid" or unfamiliar with inrernet culture when You Grew up immersed in IT.

No. 1725774

Nobody will pay for what they've done to me and frankly the Blame will be placed on me.

I dont know why ive never been taken seriously.

No. 1725778

genuinely who is this and what is wrong with her and why will she not stop capitalizing the word "it"? Is this schizophrenia?

No. 1725779


No. 1725780

I doubt it's a woman.

No. 1725784


No. 1725792

Have you been drinking?

No. 1725796

Met a new cool girl tons in common great to talk to
Fuckin handmaiden who unironicaly believes the 'feeling like a woman' troon shit.
God when will it fuckin end i'm so fuckin tired of it all

No. 1725798

Well I mean. A simple no would’ve sufficed

No. 1725800

I guess you get off to being an asshole to suicidal people

No. 1725801

Didn’t realize this was a suicide hotline, my bad

No. 1725802

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Even though evidence is shown to me every day that moids are awful and most are incapable of love, I cant give up on my stupid little dream of finding a nice one. I have such particular preferences though that most moids could never meet. I know the probability of being alone for the rest of my life is a strong one. Ive never really loved the moids I dated before and there's always something about the ones I meet now that automatically turn me off. I wish I could be a happy girl with that ideal bf, even though I feel the probability of that narrows the more i age. Im not miserable enough to kill myself over it, but I do feel really depressed every day. If i dont go out and try to be amongst others, I feel a rush of anxiety that Im not putting myself out there enough. But i truly feel happiest at home sometimes with my art and pets, although those times are rare.
I guess i just feel really sad that I let myself down. I tried really hard to have things turn out right, but so much traumatic things happened to me involving moids.
I just don't know what to do to make myself happy anymore. Aren't people happiest when theyre in relationships or in love? I feel like crying myself to sleep knowing I'll probably never experience what I always wanted to. I just do everything alone now, being the loner I never wanted to turn back into after highschool.
I just wanted to have one nice experience after everything I've been through.

No. 1725804

well it's fine, you're just helping me confirm that I'll never be able to find anything good or kind in this shit world

No. 1725805

You are what you eat. Kinda impossible to help if you won’t detail what’s going on either

No. 1725806

Nonna. I am going through similar stuff. It's hard to do anything at all when You are overwhelmed by mental illness. I'm in a similar position, only I dont Have family, friends or a job. What is în your fridge is not important I love You. I hope that somehow You can pull through this. Let's be strong together

No. 1725808

I wasn't expecting your help, I was just venting, as the thread was made for, and naively expected that someone would at the very least not go out of their way to be an asshole to me. I'd say I hope you have the day you deserve, but I know there is no fairness in the way the universe works and I am it's biggest fool expecting to one day find a way to make living tolerable amidst everything that is shit.

No. 1725810

She's baiting for attention in a vent thread. Best to just drop it.

No. 1725812

you've gotta be fucking kidding me. I wish I wasn't surprised. Yeah! Just keep piling on for your cheap 5 minutes of entertainment. Humans are disgusting. This world is disgusting. Fuck everything.

No. 1725815

Anon read my post please…I am going through the same stuff. I am on the verge of throwing myself off a building. Don't expect much attention or commaderie on the internet or in real life…

Some people get it and others do not. Some people get empathy…most people do. I am unsure why some do not. Why are You not Reading what I Have written?

No. 1725816

Close tab, get offline. Take a benadryl and a nap.

No. 1725823

all the male schizos shitting up this place should an hero

No. 1725824

I know how you feel, by you ultimately have to deprogram yourself. Everything you heard about relationships as a child was a lie. Imagine if you had been told from childhood that the key to happiness was having a saltwater aquarium with the rarest clown fish. Happiness comes after accepting that it's just a lie, and you can make your own life.

No. 1725827

many anons don't use the cow boards anymore tho.
>I hate how this place reduse to discuss ACTUALLY problematic or evil people
be the change etc. i'm sure someone will be interested if you bring those people up and provide a summary. but to be for lc is not for cancelling problematic people specifically but for providing milk so they have to be interesting. otherwise use social media/contact the authorities

No. 1725828

*but to be fair

No. 1725830

I did. Just got called a jealous whore/got ignored/told I'm vendetta fagging
When in fact the people that I brought up are more problematic and cow like and full of milk than anyone posted on here. They're legitimately evil. Like, their antics are actually fascinating to watch/their lies/scams ETC

No. 1725832

What the fuck are you even talking about

No. 1725834

I go between hating you and missing you. Wish I could just hate you. I miss you still, even though it's been a long time.

No. 1725842

The fact that the lolcows posted are genuinely mentally unwell and unproblematic…they aren't evil and their antics are not interesting. They're super washed up…
Nothing interesting or evil about Venus Angelic a mentally ill girl barely staying alive in Japan, she's faced with șo much bullshit. She's unwell.

The cows are cows because they Have a legacy or someone posts them out of vendetta fagging. IT îs actually sociopathic to Pick on someone visibily unwell.

The real cows seem like normally integrated people and generally are succesful and they Have careers and are worshipped but If You look a bit close at them You can see the shit they are pulling and how evil/hypocritical and so on they are and how If You get a look that passes their appearances IT gets even funnier seeing the shit they get away with.

Girls like Venus, Shayna, Luna, the anorexic girl are genuinely mentally ill…it's just weird being so critical towards someone that is unwell and their actions become predictible or boring…

If You look at artists or even popular people on the internet IT becomes FASCINATING to pull apart and see how much shit they got behind them and the stuff they do while they keep wealthy, Have power, Have careers, are surrounded by positivity

I wish we'd focus more on celebrity Moids, their antics, the shit that they do or even refularly EFAMOUS people. IT seems that You can only see women dying or that are sick as lolcows or that are inofensive

No. 1725846

IT just bothers me we aren't focusing on people like HASAN ABI for example and rip him apart? He is a Los Angeles billionaire LARPING as a leftist the milk comes from how hypocritical he is. We can nitpick him.

I just hate coming to lolcow and seeing a picture of Pumpy on the front Page which is just a regular bitch doing SW she's not evil, hypocritical, funny to watch. I dont know and the 'milk" is honestly just nitpicks that are super out of reach.

Lucinda? A dying anorexic? Boring and predictable and unmilky. I just wonder why these people are being chosen when people in positions of power constantly do whacky weird shit that îs straight up embarassing. I mean yeah those people have their own threads but the main focus or the most notorious "cows" are still unfortunately mentally ill women or literally normal women. I wish we could focus on actually sucessful ppl the shit they get away with, how funny and weird they act, how hypocritical they are.

I dont know I want to see a lot of pictures of Elon Musk when I come to lolcow on the front Page and I want him to be the banner of lolcow as opposed to Venus Angelic a mentally unwell girl that has no support system in Japan and has done everything She could to stay afloat. Elon Musk is a lolcow more than Lucinda îs. He acts like an autistic fucking child even though he is a multi billionaire. He has a huge ego. He abuses women. His hair implant is fucking pathetic. If we pay more attention to him a lot of more things can be brought to light that we are not aware of. He has a lot of children. He impregnates women all the time. That's more lolcowish than fucking Lucinda? Or pixie whatever her name is. The mentally ill girl…

Famous people with power are șo MILKY these ppl are washed up

No. 1725847

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i completely dropped taking SSRIs cold turkey 2 months ago after being on them for about 1.5 years and i think i dont want to go back (doing somewhat better now anyways) but im just so sleepy for most of the day and eating too much garbage without them…. maybe i should research what vitamins i might be lacking…….

No. 1725848

Hasan isn't a cow really, annoying but not a cow, and the pitchfork mentality I see coming for him are for things he's open about. He has literally stated that his house is 2 million dollars, btw his net worth is only 2.7 million. You can be a socialist and also be wealthy? If this is something that angers you idk what to tell you. Being a socialist doesn't mean you have to live in squalor at all. Also even the escort/ brothel thing cant cow him because he's the one who's comfortable talking about it and he doesn't give a shit. You're having a schizo meltdown over spilled milk, I'm assuming you're drinking or something. Sleep it off.

No. 1725853

Then what makes up a cow? Someone mentally ill, weak, unwell that also finds an outlet of expression through the internet? I mean…I fail to see that. To me those people are unproblematic or predictable. Also the people we talk about like Lucinda are also straight forward and they dont give a shit If that is the requirment of not being held responsible.

I dont know im having more fun watching someone famous and seeing the shit they are pulling

No. 1725861

Totally dodging me asking if you're intoxicated lol

No. 1725862

I don’t know, it’s definitely a nutjob but the writing style says female nutjob to me. I’m getting “mom is off her meds again” vibes.

No. 1725867

I don't know what to do to not be so paranoid before my flight. I hate flying, I'm sure something will happen and I'm going to die. I've been vomiting from stress, there's 2 hours left and I can't take it already

No. 1725871

Well this is a gossip site, people want light hearted gossip to unwind. LC is not a site made to catch predators and war criminals, and reading about truly evil people is really depressing.

A lot of people also follow cows because they have a personal connection to them, I personally met Venus in person and spoke to her before she went off the rails. I wanted her to get better and have a good life but she herself makes choices to make it worse instead. I can't help to check on her here from time to time just to see what she's up to. People who write in something like the lolita thread are typically lolitas themselves and like having an anonymous place to discuss annoying people without getting thrown out of the community - even if the things the complain about are pretty minor.

I'm sure if you can format it right there are people who'd care about a moid thread too.

No. 1725875

>Why are You not Reading what I Have written?
Because denial baby!

No. 1725889

I heard most accidents happen at takeoff, so if you get through that (which you will) you can relax. Do you have things to distract you and occupy your time while on board? Like movies, games, etc?

No. 1725902

Yeah I remember that, it's just my body reacts so strong to every movement of the plane, like during the take off when I feel the plane is picking up, I feel the pressure and the movement, I feel so sick I start to shake and I can't get rid
of that feeling for the rest of the flight. With every slight turbulence I start crying etc. This flight is only slightly less than 2 hours, but for me it will be 2 hours of mental and physical torment. I have things to distract myself and some snacks too, but I always end up not using any of it because I'm so paralyzed. I'm also alone, if I was flying with a friend or a significant other, I woudl feel better. I also think "if I die at least I won't die alone" kek

No. 1725909

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my friend hasn't answered me in over a day which she never does. i don't know if i should freak out or not, she moved to another city and i don't know any of her friends and i'm not sure if it's appropriate to ask. i'm really worried and i've been having a horrible feeling of dread in my stomach, i just hope she's just tired from being busy and asleep. i hope i'm just being neurotic because i'm always overthinking thinking about impending catastrophe. i fell asleep feeling terrible and i've only felt worse when i woke up with nothing from her, usually she sends me something by the morning but i suppose it's still morning now so maybe she's just sleeping. i hope i'm just being weird but what if i'm not and there's something for me to do? i can't shake this off until i hear something back. i'm such a nutcase but i hope i'm just a nutcase

No. 1725925

It is a comfort nonna thank you so much.i hope your family is in a safe place as well and have a better life in America.the unity love and connections between humans is our natural state and it gives me hope.thank you

No. 1725927

Can you see if she was logged on to her socials?if you're really really worried can you request a welfare check?

No. 1725930

she has "last seen" and read receipts turned off on both social medias i have her on so i can't. i'm not sure if welfare checks exist in my country and nothing comes up when i look but i'll see. still nothing from her as of yet but thank you anon for offering some advice, have a good day. i feel sick with worry but i hope it's only in my head

No. 1725946

i'm so sorry for you.
>the hardest thing a human can do
that's why we have to avoid it so hard with multiple options that aren't completely safe? it's stupid easy to get knocked up, it could even happen against your will with you doing nothing. even comatose women can do that if they're raped.

No. 1725947

File: 1697281997621.jpeg (352.4 KB, 1179x933, IMG_0681.jpeg)

I hate that I cherish every ounce of kindness I receive from him. It’s like I’m starving and every breadcrumb teases my tastebuds but is never enough to really provide nourishment. Just keeps me wanting more, waiting for the next one.
I can’t stay away even though I want to, because when he gives other girls attention it hurts, but once they’re not around and he gives me some it feels so, so good that it’s worth the pain. If only y’all knew what kind of guy this is that I’m obsessing over, too… it’s really pathetic and I know that, but I guess I got addicted to the sporadic morsels of anything vaguely resembling his affection.
I wish we could just go back to hooking up so that I could at least feel him collapse onto me and run my fingers through his hair. Pathetic, pathetic pathetic. I have guys who are offering me exactly what I think I want, but here I am replaying in my mind how he wrapped a blanket around me and tucked it in tightly, I felt like a little beloved burrito. But I only get that attention and care when there’s not another girl around who is flirting with him, or someone he likes better and is more attentive towards.
I know he didn’t even mean the blanket wrap as anything affectionate, he’s shared more intimate moments as of late with other girls, though he hasn’t slept with them, at least I can tell myself I “won” him in some way… But I couldn’t win what I really wanted from him.

No. 1725948

I am pretty sure anon meant carrying a baby to term and going through childbirth and then taking care of an infant….. not literally getting pregnant

No. 1725950

Pathetic, have some self respect

No. 1725951

Speaking of babies

I have an extreme worry that I wont be able to get pregnant.
My period finished 2 days ago and this will be month 2 of trying.
I'm trying not to think about it because I know stress can cause issues around this, but I wish I could fast forward to being 7 months pregnant so I can finally just relax around getting pregnant.

Dont get me started on miscarrying or the child dying :((:()

No. 1725952

go back to mumsnet

No. 1725953

>I hate that I cherish every ounce of kindness I receive from him. It’s like I’m starving and every breadcrumb teases my tastebuds but is never enough to really provide nourishment
Why the hell are you using all these decorated words to describe what I assume is a situationship with a random fuckboy? Be fr

No. 1725967

She might have used a smiley but don't be so rude, let her vent.

No. 1725968

>not using the breeder (baby) talk thread in /g/ instead where she's more likely to get help
she's an obvious newfag who couldn't even be bothered to read the rules

No. 1725970

You can vent about whatever you want itt.

No. 1725971

that is true, but in a designated thread that moves slower her post would be more likely to be seen, and to be seen by other breeders who'd give her targeted advice

No. 1726075

I assumed I could vent here. I've now posted in the other thread

No. 1726087

Fucking solar eclipse today and it's the only day of the week with full cloud coverage. I'm going to unload my gun into the sky

No. 1726140

If you don't fall pregnant get the man tested. 9 times out of 10 it's a sperm problem.

t. ex fiance was sterile and did not want to get checked at first and tried to gaslight that it was me when he didn't know I had abortions in the past

No. 1726150

Yeah we're going to give it a few months of trying before we go and do all the testing for both of us.
Sorry your ex was a dickhead

No. 1726160

Thanks, but just so you know it's way less invasive for men to be tested for the quality of their sperm. Definitely rule him out first before you go through the money and time for testing.

No. 1726181

Will do, thank you!

No. 1726292

I thought I solved the problem of PMDD because taking a lot of magnesium in the weeks before my period helped but recently I noticed that I start feeling depressed immediately after my period as soon as I stop taking it. Not sure how harmful it is to take magnesium every single day but I'm seriously considering it, I just don't want to feel hopeless or think about about suicide anymore goddamnit

No. 1726359

If I experienced it myself I'm emotionally biased, if I didn't experience it myself it's not my place to talk about it. Which one is it, you stupid fuck?

No. 1726374

I found the edge of a condom wrapper on my coffee table a day after he left my house (we don't use them anymore). Where did it come from? How, we were around that coffee table off and on for days and I clean it every day and the table wasn't that cluttered. Like a day after he left I saw it while cleaning, just the edge of the wrapper. I'm confused. Did he put it there to be demented and stress me out? Did it fall out of his stuff? Is it a really old part of a wrapper that just appeared there from floating around my house? I'm stressed out I think this wrapper is a symbol of my doubts in our relationship. I wish I could just ask him about it but he isn't responding to my text I sent yesterday so that is making me suspicious that wrapper means something

No. 1726378

you’re gonna catch a ban for using an emoji, and there’s a better thread for this on /g/ like others said, but two months is nothing and not worth a moment of anxiety. Don’t even sweat it, nona. 6-12 months is more likely to be how long it takes.

No. 1726386

I took zma every night for years and am fine. Not even the only supplement I took

No. 1726388

He didn’t respond after you asked him about it? He’s cheating. You probably shouldn’t believe anything he says about it if he does come up with a reply. What a bummer, nona, I’m sorry.

No. 1726396

I keep thinking about that "pro-life" guy who shot up a planned parenthood in wyoming recently. meanwhile the FBI is calling abortion rights advocates the domestic terror threat. i feel like i'm going insane. i hate this country, i can and will seriously leave. why should i pay tax money to a country that doesn't recognize my basic human rights?

No. 1726403

My boyfriend just left me for his "best friend" and now I'm trying really hard not to throw myself off a bridge rn. I've never felt pain like this before

No. 1726406

amazon raised the free shipping purchase amount to $35 for me. seething.

No. 1726423

I will throw him off a bridge

No. 1726442

you have an AI that can create anything from your imagination yet they're using it to generate the same big boobs women over and over again, sexualize fictional characters, the most generic instathots imagineable and other retarded shit
I'm tired of men nonnas

No. 1726446

males can't think about anything but tits because they are parasites, endlessly sucking.

No. 1726464

My brother keeps half-assing shit and is completely fine living this way, I'm sick of this kind of people.

No. 1726469

Seconded. I will grab his feet and help you throw him off the bridge.

No. 1726499

File: 1697306191814.jpeg (145.97 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpeg)

I use it to illustrate the tranny janny who doth ban me for naught but a zesty jest

No. 1726518

I told my crush (of two years) how I felt today because I was desperate to get this weight off of my chest. I just want to move on, cos it just seems so pointless. I've been under the impression that he has a gf, so I never wanted to get between that.

Now I'm even more confused. He responded and reciprocated my feelings, but told me thought I had a bf.

I told him that I was almost certain he was with someone, and now I am waiting for him to respond. I would be very shocked if I was wrong about this, so I really hope he isn't trying to hide it. I just wanted to kill my feelings, but this would make me actively dislike him.

I was hoping he would just excommunicate me after this, and instead this happened. It's not worth celebrating.

No. 1726521

you need to do some snooping

No. 1726527

wow i hate this term. women and gay people do indeed have good reason to fear islamic law.

No. 1726531

you're not wrong. I have been snooping, and that's how I found out he had a gf in the first place. When I first met him, he never had any pictures of her on his social media. But, a mutual friend of ours shared something that led me to his gf's profile. This happened months later. That's where I saw all the pictures of them together.

This is so stupid. Sorry. Honestly, if he decides to lie/omit the information, that helps me get over him so much faster. I am hoping he'll just be upfront about that so I can retain some respect for him.

No. 1726567

I wanna die

No. 1726581

I hate being an obvious foreigner even though I've been born here, lived here all my life and never even once left the country lol.

No. 1726608

update: he left me on read after asking for clarification about this lol. oh my goodness is that ever cringe. what a fucking idiot

No. 1726620

No. 1726638

Are You me?

No. 1726687

Ranting, raving, venting… all the same I suppose.

No. 1726697

still looks female and attractive. ai can't create actually unattractive women, they simply don't exist to it, like in the media.

No. 1726712

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I want to be a halfway NEET forever. Having more than part-time work makes me hate everyone and everything and gives me suicidal thoughts. Yeah, maybe I want to stay inside 90% of the time, play Flash games, and browse the Internet. I want to randomly think of a topic, maybe a new dish I'd like to try, and look up recipes for three hours. And then I need a nap without an alarm set. Then go back and spend another four hours reading about lolcows and gossip. Then spend two hours sorting out my music playlists. I want to wake up naturally after sleeping like a baby for 9 hours. I hate the clock so much and don't want it controlling my life. I want only to have online friends, and I don't give a fuck that it's not real because it's enjoyable and comfortable. I'm 26 and could do this until 37 easily as long as I have a tiny bit of income to pay rent for a room plus food. And I probably won't even regret it. Maybe that's what I was meant to do, absolutely NOTHING. And be very comfortable. This is my autistic loser version of a soft girl life. Stop expecting things of me, I just want to exist. Maybe I'll change, but not now or in the near future. I might change at 35 and suddenly want a career. But I can do that then. Why do I crave the lifestyle of a teenage MMO addict on summer break? How come everyone else was ready to take on the world at 18-19, and I never wanted anything like it? I don't see the appeal in any of it. I'm not sure what happened, but I grew up on the Internet and got trapped. I don't want to leave. I feel a lot of shame but not enough that it's worth torturing myself with studies and full-time work. Ever. The whole world could laugh at me, and I still wouldn't get a full-time job. I have tried school and felt nothing when I got good grades. I felt nothing when my savings grew as I worked full-time. I get way more enjoyment from my tangerine plant and my sweet potato plant or when the birds I feed bring me pinecones or when I buy fruit and it's not just good but perfectly ripe and sweet. I wish people didn't think of this laziness as a bad thing. You can be lazy and a good person.

No. 1726749

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This is me and I have a masters degree kek. I just want to give up in a relaxing way not a miserable way. I am currently willfully unemployed and get a lot of judgement for it (I have enough savings to do this for another year or so) and when I first graduated I was depressed that I couldn't find work. Then after working 4 years I was depressed just being at work. Especially on a nice beautiful day when I had to go back inside the cubicle and sit sit sit. So dull. Absolutely mind numbing. I think most careers are soul crushing if you do it enough. We try to derive meaning from it, but it's not enough. I want to RELAX AND PLAY

No. 1726752

There's Something off with me hormomally. I got diagnosed with PCOS and my nipples Have more hair than a normal woman plus acne. This îs incredibly embarassing but I'm sure that I have more testosterone than a normal woman. I am hypersexual and I can feel my clit just become bigger. I wanna Have sex all the time, unfortunately I'm a hikkikimori NEET. I'm still pretty decent looking. I see uglier women get Dick but men generally reject me and mock me due to my personality and I dont wanna beg some guy to fuck me that's so pathetic.

No. 1726755

This is so incredibly based NONNERS. The thing îs that it's incredible being privileged enough to not Have to work. Personally, I'm struggling with severe mental illness which literally makes me incapable to work but my family îs unable to support me and in my country disability isn't enough.

Wish that I could get a working class guy to be with me and support me, unfortunately I've been rejected my whole life by men… and most people. For some girls IT is so easy.

No. 1726773

i kno my old bpd friend is seething that 2 couples she got together but tried to insert herself in the middle of are married and no longer in contact with her

No. 1726778

thanks nonnies, i ended up spending the day ordering food and playing games with a friend. i appreciate the suggestions and wishes!

No. 1726836

WHY do you type like THAT

No. 1726837

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I hate that everything from my childhood is getting a reboot. They are making scott pilgrim into a cartoon now?? Why? The movie came out like 15 years ago and it was sus then. How are they gonna skate around a literal adult dating someone in high school and being a general piece of shit? I am not ready for the gen z empty headed idiots claiming Ramona Flowers is totally them.

No. 1726838

I feel like nobody finds me attractive. I'm extremely lonely and I cannot get a date lol.

No. 1726840

It's cool that you chose that, even with a master's degree. How do people judge you? I typically just get the "Oh…" and see the judgement in their eyes, that's it. I wish I knew women like you in real life. And exactly, in a relaxing way, not a miserable way. Not like getting up at 3 PM, never showering, and living off pizza… But getting up at like 10, taking the time to make a nice breakfast, going for a walk, doing fun internet things. Like you I also have enough savings for about another year and then I'll get a part-time job again. I find part-time retail to be okay. I like customers and getting a bit of social interaction from that. I also want to relax more than anything. And play. When I work I'm always too tired and uninspired and all my brain and body does is beg for more sleep and rest.

I hope you find a scrote to support you nonnie. For a while I scammed scrotes by catfishing, you can make a little pocket money here and there.

No. 1726845

bitch me too

No. 1726852

Count me in

No. 1726875

>gen z are the retarded ones!!!!
>has such little media literacy you can't understand that scott is never the good guy

No. 1726938

Nonna where do you live that you can pay rent and necessaries with a part time retail job? I think most people would do that, if it was a choice.

No. 1726945

I was wondering the same thing. I used to be able to do that in 2009 in a tiny town and even saved like 20k over 4 years but I look back on that time like a dream. And it was American 7.25-8.00 minimum wage too!

No. 1726946

Who said Scott was the good guy? Pretty sure I mentioned Scott was trash for dating a literal high schooler and minor for the majority of the story, then cheating on her with Ramona, who is equally trash for using people and throwing them away when she gets bored.

No. 1726952

Sometimes I think about the fact that forensics and other people have to sort through thousands of hours of CP to help identify some of the victims, and then I think about the creeps that probably try to get in those positions for disgusting reasons.

No. 1726976

Fully agree nona. snow is such a shithole rn. half the boards are nitpicking anons tearing to shreds normal, yet slightly annoying, women for their looks. It's honestly disgusting.

No. 1726977

You're absolutely correct. This site is now used for personal vendetta. even the Jonny Craig thread which was started to document an evil narc male's 20 years of abuse, has been turned into a thread to nitpick whatever girl he is dating at the moment, or nitpick his exes. Who are all just mentally unwell or normal girls.

No. 1726981

having an autistic breakdown because I can hear people talking

No. 1726983

im going to start watching tv at work i don't care anymore. we are over staffed and im scheduled 5 days a week now at only 4 hours each. that's not even a real work day its a waste of time.

No. 1726990

This and surgeons have to be some level of narcissistic to get through their day. Like how can you be exposed to lives at stake and desensitize yourself enough to go home and live your life like you don't see this shit?

No. 1726994

I'm so embarrassed, a childhood friend and neighbour of mine messaged me if i want to go out for a drink for her birthday, i haven't talked to her since i was around 12 but i said yes anyway because truthfully, im very lonely.

i went to their house with some blue jeans and a baggy green jumper to see her and her friends all wearing club outfits. i honestly don't know what i expected but it wasn't clubbing and i think my autism probably made me naively think it wasn't that. so five shots and many vodkas later one of the friends keeps making fun of me, asking if im a lesbian, what my type is, but in a very mean girl kind of tone. then i started dancing because im slightly pissed and i see someone make fun of me, then they meet up with some boys and they make fun of my dancing. im just dying of cringe what an absolute nightmare, i just want a nerdy friend group to play video games with. i also snogged a man like 15 times on the dance floor (regret), only to realise hes friends with the girl im with, so we meet him outside the club and he's ignoring me, and his friends are all saying i want his snap (i dont) shes also telling everyone we bump into that i snogged a guy and i'm 'not as innocent as i look'

i want to forget this night

No. 1726997

im guessing youre a brit nonita but if you were a burger i would invite you over for pc and switch games

No. 1727000

U can tell from the use of snapchat kek, but thank you nonny its my dream to have a group of nerdy girls to play vidya with

No. 1727008

I should not have used cheap ass mascara. It took forever to get off and I had to use olive oil in the end. I look like I have fucking pink eye now and my eyes are so sore. I'm such a dumb ass.

No. 1727011

nta but I can tell from your use of snog. now im picturing you as georgia from angus, thongs, and perfect snogging

No. 1727018

Can’t stop thinking about walking to the nearest train station and letting my head get crushed between a train and the tracks. I have so many toxic thought patterns that feel impossible to fix and parse through. I just feel like a drain on society and everyone else. I really wish I wasn’t alive. There is nothing here for me. The only thing stopping me is how negatively this would affect my mom for the rest of her life and I can’t do it. So instead I’m just suffering.

No. 1727022

Don't do it please, stay with me nonny

No. 1727031

My horrible cheater ex-boyfriend from years ago directs a tv show now. I just saw that his ex that he dated right before me (who I became friendly acquaintances with) is “friends” with him again and staying with him while she visits his city and she’s joining him at the show’s afterparty tonight. I feel weird about it and I feel retarded for feeling weird about it. I think I still feel resentment that I spent over a year being in love with and trying to please such a shitty scrote, and I’m still mad at myself or something.

No. 1727035

Came to visit my moid from interstate (we’ve been LDR for six years and aside from this he’s great) and in the past two days I’ve spent 6+ hours sitting bored as fuck on the beach whilst he surfs. Yes I have a book and my phone with me, yes you have a right to pursue your hobbies and I’m glad but ffs I didn’t come all this way to sit in the heat whilst you try and become shark bait.

We’ve done other stuff and had a good time aside from that I just currently really need to shit and I’m stuck in a remote beach with no bathroom so I’m angry kek

No. 1727038


This is ridiculous. Long distance female friends will meet each other and have things planned that includes the both of them. Sadly not the first time I heard of a woman going out of their way just to be ignored the entire time. Did he even pay to help you get there?

No. 1727039

I just don’t see a way out at all.

No. 1727043

the only people I relate to are other mentally ill schizos but multiple mentally ill schizos being friends always ends in disaster.

No. 1727044

go into the water and pretend like you’re in there to cool off or something and shit in the water and hope it hits him.

No. 1727048

I'm so ugly it's actually insane

No. 1727049

The way out is through.

No. 1727052

Fuuuuck, ugh. Your friends’ friend sounds like a bitch. I’m sorry, that whole thing sounds mortifying, if you were here we’d chill and watch something funny kek.
I had a similar thing happen when I was in college. I got a ride, from a guy I kinda liked, to a mutual friend-of-a-friend’s “kickback”. We show up, and it turns out it’s actually a LINGERIE PARTY. So like 5 minutes later, a whole huge crew of absolutely gorgeous girls come click-clacking into the house with their super high heels, perfect hair, makeup, nails, and sexy outfits. And I’m sitting there on the couch in jeans and an oversized sweater. So I’m just kinda “there” while these hot sorority girls are laughing with and totally capturing the boys’ attention (including the guy I came there to hang out with) and I was basically invisible at that point. It reminded me of being a dorky 12-year-old again or something

No. 1727054

He did pay yeah, and is pussy footing now that he’s back because he can tell I’m pissed (good). >>1727044
Genius I like your style

No. 1727056

Make him buy you a drink

No. 1727061

He literally went "hmmm" at my selfie then got mad at me for going wtf saying "oh guess my joke didn't land?!" what's the joke? That you think I'm fugly? Why do men need to be beaten to death with hammers until they are red sludge?

No. 1727063

Why is crystal cafe and lolcow so dead. I just want to feel at home with other deranged women.

No. 1727064

this sounds like my nightmare I’m sorry Nona.

No. 1727065

Literally everything is remakes and rehashes now, original media is so rare and yes it sucks ass

No. 1727069

They changed Ramona’s job from delivering packages for Amazon.ca to “delivering DVDs for Netflix” kek

No. 1727178

I didn’t realize how bad my hand tremors had gotten until I tried learning how to sew. Holy shit, my hands are jumping all over the place. I guess I don’t notice normally even though I’m an artist because I work digitally, but this is kind of scary.

No. 1727185

i’ve finally begun to learn what it means to not give a fuck but god, has it been an experience getting here. for the first time in my life i am not pressed about people liking me, or mending relationships with people who have hurt me or let me down knowingly. for the first time in my life i can genuinely say i am comfortable with not being liked so long as i am respected. for the first time in my life i feel like myself and it’s both exhilarating and kind of sad that i was raised to put other people and their opinions over my own well being. i’ve spent 28 years of my life being treated like shit and not owning up to that. i am free now but again i went through a lot to get to this place…i am just glad i survived.

No. 1727193

did you even saw the first pages of the comic? I am sure you never did, because you would never write something like that i
anyway, the movie was its own story and this series is, supposedly, an adaptation of all comic books as it is,
so it will go by the comic books story and not by the movie story

No. 1727194

You’ve just reminded me of why I haven’t had friends for over 5 years. I think the final straw came when I went to a friends’ birthday and there were male strippers there even though there were less than 10 guests. I thought “IM supposed to be the awkward, autistic one!?” God it was so fucking embarrassing.

No. 1727200

relating hard nona, you're not alone.
same, same. realizing you're that token weird friend helps.

No. 1727206

Forget them. At a hs réunion my Jesus obsessed freak of a friend dragged me to, I screamed this blows you people suck even though not everyone sucked but I was at my limit then I dipped. We fell out right after. If we made up, I’d fuckin do it again too. I’m after the friends who gives a shit about the world around them and not just their immediate one. Sometimes feelings deserve to be stomped on especially if they’re impeding on yours. It’s worth it to protect your self esteem if your baseline starts on the lower end like mine does. The guilt and crushing loneliness sucks though, wish there was a way to throw that back at them.

No. 1727211

I’ll bet you’re not a drain, you’re more like the water that comes from the rain but even if you were you deserve your life. What defines worth anyway?

No. 1727213

I am friends with a weeaboo narc girl who keeps posting the ugliest thirst trap WhatsApp statuses and is an absolute pickme obsessed with men's attention and I just really want to unfriend her but without her I would have literally 0 irl friends. I don't know how to proceed because she randomly shows up in my house to talk about her dates and I just don't care, she also has my mom's phone and my mom's phone cannot block calls.

No. 1727238

>Why do men need to be beaten to death with hammers until they are red sludge?

No. 1727241

I'm pretty and not stupid but my whole life I've been rejected by men. I can't get a guy to do something for me while I'm Nice and pretty and nobody's ever loved me I don't know why.

I can't imagine catfishing a Man when nobody gives a shit about me when I'm fully myself.

No. 1727260

do any other nonnas here have trouble approaching other women online and irl??? i dont feel competition it only makes me uncomfortable. people in general make me uncomfortable, but i can never groove with women there's always this weird uncertainty- like a fake smile. i think it might just be anxiety and no i'm not a moid LF a gf. talking simple smalltalk or to befriend, it's really hard. online all i can befriend are moids, they're not orbiters very laidback and kind but man… i want chill girl friends either online or irl. i hope i don't come off as a "pick me" or whatever slang is used nowadays

No. 1727272

same, there's always a lingering feeling of backhandedness and since i'm socially retarded i can't distinguish between genuine backhandedness and the one that's only inside my head

No. 1727277

Women aren' mysterious creatures you need to figure out, if you truly want female friends stop believing the moid lie that all women are catty fake smiling masterminds that gossip behind your back, literally just don't be a retard and you'll find female friends everywhere. Also, men are more fake than women could ever be, that's why you get men being able to hide their whole true nature for years until they get what they want from others.

No. 1727291

There's a thread about this on /g/ search the catalog.

No. 1727294

Oh come on. You've never experienced a passive aggressive comment, a backhanded compliment, had someone get mad at you for not picking up on an implied meaning (i.e. are you cold?), accidentally answered honestly when someone was asking for validation, gotten comments about someone 'not liking your tone', never talked about someone behind their back, never stopped replying to someone to avoid confrontation? I realise not everyone has these problems but some of us definitely do. Yes, men can be fake and sensitive and ego driven, but let's not pretend that these things are just myths from teen movies for feminism's sake.

No. 1727296

Women aren't a monolith, you need to find your niche inside a niche inside a niche. For example, my niche is nerdy women, but not the egirl type, and I definitely need to vibe with them. Men aren't capable of long lasting friendship btw, they're retarded. Maybe they're chill, and I also think they can be chill and fun to hang around, but if you get toooooooo close just wait and see how they ruin the friendship or how their actual gross behaviors come to play.

No. 1727299

This. But anons are unlikeable so they'll accuse every woman of being catty whores instead of wondering why everyone dislikes them.

No. 1727303

Reported my ex to the police for being a pedo, now even though I'm protected, I still feel that rush of fear of "what if"s

No. 1727310

Anon said herself it could be paranoia or social retardation so she's not un self aware. Its kind of weird to see someone express their problems fitting in and tell them they deserved it as if people only get bullied for logial and justified reasons.

No. 1727317

Don't go to /ic/ for art advice, it is by far the worst board on the website, filled with NGMIs and bitter losers. The art threads here are far better: >>>/ot/1724516

No. 1727320

Honestly ic is only good for resources and comedy entertainment. Everytime an obviously jealous scrote starts a seething meltdown on there, I feel like my lifespan extends by a year.

No. 1727326

I read the first 250 pages of a book in like two days, but now the POV switched to what feels like almost exclusively literred male with only every third or fourth chapter written from the perspective of the protagonist, and will continue like that for the next hundred pages, and now I haven't read more than twenty or thirty pages in the past two weeks, reeee.

No. 1727329

People are being weirdly aggressive and condescending to me and I don't know why. Like answer all my questions and random chats in a mean way while they respond to everyone else in a normal way. It makes socializing hell when I know that certain people in a group will just get really snarky with me when I haven't said anything wrong. I think…
I've been wondering if I really am a horrible person and I have no sense of self? It makes me feel crazy honestly. Somehow people see me as a bad person and feel the need to fight me? I'm a bit sensitive and shy so I get in my shell even more because of this and I think it makes other people even more upset with me.
Anyways… how do you change your personality and make people like you??

No. 1727331

I think my bf is ghosting me. I never expected this from a man in his 30's. I'm not going to text him again but I'm just so disappointed right now. I can't believe that we're leaving off this way

No. 1727335

File: 1697378518631.jpeg (88.65 KB, 736x726, EWLJWBnXsAMQlZ_.jpeg)

My husband and I were out doing errands yesterday and he acts like an asshole when he’s in a mood. Our convo went like this:(This was my tipping point btw and not the everything)
Me: “what should we make for supper?”
Him: “I don’t know”
Me: “we’ll if that’s the case we’ll just pick up the basics”
Him: “ugh fine we’ll just eat out forever and never save any money”
After that I chose to drop his ass off at home and have fun by myself. When I came back he kept wondering if he needed medication and I just told him that I’m not his therapist.

No. 1727345

Retarded rant Scrotes tell on themselves on kf when it comes to that finnst3r, so many rants include how much they think he passes or looks better then the average troon etc.
No he doesn't he's lowkey kinda ugly. Every clip I watch of him he looks painfully male,doughy and like he could be Shays male cousin. He's not even attractive for a long haired scrote either. It's so weird to me, At least Hunter is attractive as a male but he looks haggard as a woman and he doesn't pass at all to me,, but Fin is both plain as a man and ugly & awkward as a woman/fem boy. He's not even feminine. Is the shock his deep voice or something If? He just looks like a scrote who shaved his jaw to me.

If he was actual a woman with that face people would be calling him "mid" or whatever retarded misogynistic insult. Also, Charlie (moist Critikal) looks like he smells he looks so unkempt and musty nowadays. He grew his hair out just not to care for it at all.

No. 1727349

I don't know what advice to give but that sounds like such an annoyance. Does he cook? Maybe you could bring up cooking something together next time this sort of thing happens - could be a fun and romantic time and you won't feel as tired

No. 1727350

Charlie has always been subhuman in the looks field and he also raped a woman during oral and peed on/in her mouth against his consent. Both him and his fans should be shut the fuck up. He even admitted the rape on video.

No. 1727355

Yeah as far resources go, it's a good place but I've washed my hands of everything else, I commend your patience though. There's just far too much resentment and anger about everything and the amount of shameless pornography over there is staggering. I get the appeal of tasteful eroticism but good god the stuff they're able to conjure up is mental. Worst of all is that the morons over there consider rehashing the same cliche poses as good draftsmanship.

No. 1727360

he is quite doughy in a weird way (does he edit his waist?). looks like someone who just went on a crash diet from obese to the high end of healthy and lost all their muscle.
anyway the users there are probably just your average dumb male caught up on his makeup, probably don't even know he's wearing false eyelashes.

No. 1727361

I’m in a similar boat to you anon and I can sympathise. However I think we both need to make an effort to just cut them off. Unstable relationships wreak havoc on your life. I’m anxious every day because of this retard yet I can’t let go. Even though I’m trying.

No. 1727362

LMAO sorry he was an asshole but glad you had fun

No. 1727399

my birthday is tomorrow but i'm blowing the twenty bucks to my name to commute to my retarded faculty this week starting with a class i hate. my hair is dirty and i don't have shampoo. i can't even afford coffee or eggs. i just want to die. i'm miserable

No. 1727406

Im sorry nonna, if there was an anonymous way to do it- Id send you some money. Hoping your week turns around

No. 1727458

>Why do men need to be beaten to death with hammers until they are red sludge?
Good question kek. Fuck that guy. He knew what he was doing saying "Hmmm".

No. 1727470

He does and I make him help me when we cook together. He was mostly triggered by economy related things and didn’t know how to control himself. Still not something I deserve to put up with.
Thank you! I did and bought myself some flowers.

No. 1727471

my mom is so oblivious. she's trashing on a cousin's wife and everyone was trying to steer her away from being obnoxious with jokes and comments, but she keeps bringing the conversation back to her.

No. 1727482

Just walked out of my server job, I was only there a week and a half. I hate myself but I hate everything else more.

No. 1727487

Yeah, I just don't befriend that type of woman, good thing there are millions of them!

No. 1727568

if you are still clinging to religion I hate you. I hate any mention of 'god' or 'Allah' in comments and replies. my mums cousin is currently in hospital, dying, suffering from cancer, unable to eat because of the cancer is in his oesophagus. curled up and dying. not to mention what is happening right now in the world, kids being beheaded so much suffering. how do people so blindly believe in a god. what a torturous god he must be

No. 1727609

>reeing about media literacy
>cant even understand the post youre replying to
please tell me you are being intentionally retarded

No. 1727617

I want to look up old classmates but I've forgotten everyone's names! And the one person I've been able to find doesn't have a public friends list!!! Why do I have such crappy memory!

No. 1727619

File: 1697390514927.png (5.12 MB, 1920x1408, 1639198432340.png)

Having a mother who expects you to constantly fix her mistakes, AFTER you've warned her about them is so tiring. I've done this for years now because it's what she expects and I feel as though I have an obligation due to her being my mother, despite not receiving any help from her myself even when I was growing up.
I can see an issue brewing and anyone with a brain can see that what she's doing won't lead to anything positive, yet she ignores me when I bring it up and I am already starting to stress out about how to stabilise the situation after she fucks up for the nth time. All this while knowing that in order to help her I will have to stunt my own personal(mostly financial) growth.
I've never understood people who look at comfy photos to feel better until today. Will try to find a comforting movie to watch and pretend this isn't happening I guess.

No. 1727625

death and unable to cope with grief, using belief in an afterlife to soothe is a huge reason for the development of religion. what makes you believe there is no god (suffering and death) is what directly drives people to believe there is, that things will get better in another kind of life if not in the one on this earth.

No. 1727631

*angus, thongs and full-frontal snogging

No. 1727642

I agree with you. Religion is such a scam. Look at the current war going on over 'holy land.' When my mom was in ICU, she was given a lot more time by the doctors and nurses. My aunt thanked god and i told her to shut up. Now my dad is in the hospital and my aunt (on his side) is saying if god wants him to go, we should let him go.
I am so sorry with all the pain you and your mother are currently dealing with.

No. 1727643

ugh tell me about it. or they have their profiles locked/privated. it's a good thing ultimately but it makes me so angry kek let me see !!!!!

No. 1727655

File: 1697392513003.gif (4.04 MB, 500x374, goingferal.gif)

I miss sex with my ex so much. He tried to get back a few times, but we were toxic together, so I declined every time. He wasn't there for me when I needed him the most and dumped me like I was a flaming piece of shit. Like all retarded men, he regretted it profusely. Dumb ass.

I have too much pride and refuse to concede him anything that makes him too happy— even if it's just sex for my pleasure too. Masturbating just doesn't do anything for me atm (yes, I have vibrators; yes, I'm on SSRIs). I don't like having casual sex with randos, and despite liking my current FWB a lot, the sex is no match to the one I had with my ex. The mere thought of not having toe-curling sex until the next time I'm deeply in love with someone sends me shivers.

TL;DR: why do toxic men give such good dick?

No. 1727660

Is it possible to have a normal relationship with your father? Mine has done probably irreparable damage to me when I was a kid but once i moved out i actually have a nice time having conversations with him when i visit. It’s really strange, because he’s now the only older person who’s understood me and is supportive of me pursuing my unconventional dreams. I just wish things weren’t so messed up between us. He always sends me emails after i visit elaborating more on our conversations but I barely ever answer, and I feel so bad but there’s something blocking me from answering, and every time i even think about it I always start crying. It doesn’t help that all my coworkers that are my age and a bunch of my old schoolmates got dead dads so it’s really messing me up. Why is having a family so complicated. I wish I could just heal my childhood wounds and be free but I feel like I’ll always be damaged and messed up.

No. 1727666

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what is the best way to deal with unclean living environments? i had to move back into my parents' house and they just… don't clean. i've seen the kitchen floor mopped maybe 15 times in my life. i used to try to clean and counteract it as a preteen/teenager but i have given up on any of the common areas because it's a sisyphean nightmare to tackle layers of grime only to turn around and find random garbage cluttered on the counter and sink again. then when i moved it was like heaven having a clean space. i'm NOT a tidy person, but i am not unhygienic, and my problem is mainly putting away clothes and making the bed. not leaving knives with cat food on them on the countertop or leaving food that needs to be refrigerated out overnight. breaking up with my ex and coming home was and is so difficult. it is seriously interfering with my ability to eat because my mom doesn't wash her hands and insists on us all eating dinner together and i just can't do it, everything in this house feels so contaminated and unclean and it makes ME feel contaminated and unclean and i end up not eating or only eating out which is so expensive and i don't have money. or eating and then feeling physically ill and nauseous (probably psychosomatic but still). just hate feeling so uncomfortable in my own home.

No. 1727689

>>1727666 you're living my worst nightmare nonnie, thinking everything is contaminated will seriously just drive you insane if you cannot work against it at all. when i was still living with family, keeping my own stuff/room clean gave me sanity and i kept a few mugs and things like that in my room that no one was allowed to touch to at least have some things that did not feel 'contaminated'. i hope you can leave soon or find a similar way to stay sane!!

No. 1727694

nonnas, I just saw wormdick Projared attempt a thirst trap with the same thot harness my husbando wears and it ruined my day.

No. 1727699

Just clean and Cook your own meals, althugh basically You will become their maid and Have to clean their shit constantly. Also, try getting a job so that you can be self suficient.

No. 1727701

you could get a minifridge for your room

No. 1727703

Agreed. He's ugly as fuck imo he just got popular because of his shtick and good marketing. Nothing more.

No. 1727704

It's not your fault, they are cringer than You for doing that shit just stupid normies.

No. 1727705

I am sorry you have to deal with those senseless comments from family members. It must be so frustrating and upsetting. And thank you anon, you are very sweet.

No. 1727709

Hi nonna, I also had to struggle with growing up in an unclean environment and I totally relate to this (especially the leaving food out and everything immediately getting dirty again after being cleaned, bleh). The best advice I can give is to keep your own cleaning supplies and dishes in your room. You'll still have to wash them in the kitchen, but dry them immediately and bring them back to your space. I used to keep all my hygiene products (soap, toothpaste/toothbrush, even toilet paper and dish soap sometimes) and sometimes even non-refrigerated food in my room. I second the mini fridge suggestion. You can get something small to cook your food, like a toaster oven, hot plate or air fryer. Just be careful so you don't start a fire of course.

No. 1727711

I used to think Charlie was kinda cute a few years ago but every single he grew his hair out and it's just an unkept frizzy mess. I work with a dude who also has super long hair but it looks so damaged. Men with long hair are gross af, especially when they cant be bothered to take care of it.

No. 1727723

all men are bisexual, at this point i have accepted that fact. no tranny passes, moids just want an excuse to be faggots without being called homos.

No. 1727734

FUCK THIS SHIT. It's only 3:20pm??? Bullshit. What is this long ass day shit. It feels like it's been way way way way way longer. I want to scream. I am so sad. I wish he would just hold me and tell me he loves me. I'm nothing to him I was a slampig for now squeeze and I need to accept that

No. 1727737

Life has not been good since 2018. Why bother really

No. 1727775

A twofer

Tired of being sad all the time. Tired of being tired. A living situation I can’t get out of. Family who has put me in positions I can’t get out of. Controlled my life so hard that I didn’t have autonomy for a long time even after being an “adult”. Health issues on top of mental and being a retard. Just another useless NEET who should die. What’s the point?
(I havent done my physical therapy exercises today. I am so tired and have to have a scope down my stomach. Terribly nervous)

No. 1727802

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Well, it was fun doing mutual laundry and cleaning up the apartment for the majority of my day just for my boyfriend to get drunk and treat me like an asshole for hanging up fucking Halloween lights.
>hanging up lights, tape isn't good but it's what bf implied I use until he goes to buy better tape tomorrow
>my 5'3 ass up on a ladder trying to tape down lights one-handed on the trim
>window blind cover falls off and smacks down on the floor
>bf, who was drinking and playing video games, comes in to help
>note: I did not ask him to help, he just came in after hearing fuss
>instead of helping he's being incompetent and goofy
>he'd been bobbing in and out to hug me and hang off me all day while I worked
>it was cute earlier but now I was doing something that requires my focus
>ask him to just hand me pieces of tape while I was up on the ladder
>keeps handing me tape cut too short (think fingernail size) which a child ought know would not work
>he blames the tape
>guess I had magic fingers that made it work somehow
>he's complaining about how "this is hell" and how he wants to go play video games while standing there and handing me tape pieces
>he criticizes me for "complaining" when the tape doesn't hold the string light and it falls
>I explain because the trim is dusty and no one is holding the weight of the lights in addition to the tape being mid
>I get annoyed/frustrated because I keep having to correct him about the tape length and it's leaking into my voice
>he accuses me of yelling and being mean, and of course when I defend myself it's proof that I am because I am "defensive"
>he buggers me as to why I am even hanging lights to begin with cause "he was gonna do it tomorrow"
>so it was my fault for wanting to get these lights hung

I finished the lights myself.
He went to go be angry and play his video games in the room and is ignoring me.
Guess I have to be the asshole so he doesn't have to feel like a useless bum.

No. 1727807

File: 1697403027766.png (654.69 KB, 547x501, 1624451613625.png)

Aside from my best friend of fifteen years, I'm growing apart from all my other friends. Instead of being all sad about it, I realized "Huh, sucks" is about the height of my feelings about it and the longer I think about it, the more I start to wonder if we really were friends or just kept close out of circumstance.

No. 1727811

He is a useless bum. He sounds like an annoying retard and seems genuinely unintelligent. Don’t even bother cleaning up for a drunk manchild.

No. 1727819

Nothing ever helps me and I'm incredibly suicidal. At this Point honestly I see no point. The worst part is that I placed a shitload of effort just for nothing.

No. 1727839

men are so sexy i mobe them

No. 1727850

Please don't do anything rash nonny

No. 1727859

One day you’ll get to the point where you want to break him, gently. And that day will be a really good day

No. 1727862

Most of my friends were friends of circumstance. Doesn’t mean the circumstances weren’t real at that time, it just means your personal ones have improved. It’s definitely bittersweet.

No. 1727870

I might as well nonna. Nothing that I do makes my life better and too many people have crossed me or messed with my self esteem. In the End, i find myself Alone, socially isolated,uncared for and again too many people have crossed me and Have treated me unfairly. What is there to do anymore. I can't find a better solution but suicide.

No. 1727886

I know the basic answer is "she is mentally ill", but sometimes I really wonder how my mother didn't feel any shame at all at her lack of attempts to provide for me as a child.

No. 1727897

I wonder if it's a copyright thing?

No. 1727921

i know exactly what this is like too and it fucking sucks you cant even complain to other people bc the answer is oh well yeah she has brain damage duh!! why did you even have me knowing you were this way just to discard me when i was no longer cute and dependent

No. 1727930

i hate my life and all the things i do to make it less lonely and painful and more purposeful and active literally makes me even more suicidal. like even my hobbies that i do for fun just give me extreme stress and i can't even do them without resorting to substance abuse. the things that i'm supposed to look forward to are just extremely stressful and make me break down emotionally before and after i participate in them. i wish i was a normal person.

No. 1727971

I need someone I can rely on, mostly financially, and, to a lesser extent emotionally. I need a sugar daddy or someone similar because my family is living in poverty. I am struggling to survive. The future looks dark and scary.

No. 1727983

My whole life I've had my truth twisted and who I am as a person. My needs, intentions and what I want out of life.

No. 1728016

I’m done tryna keep a good relationship with my younger sister. I’m always the one trying trying trying and spending money on her but she is always a bitch to me. I got her something I know she wanted because I came across it in a thrift store, didn’t even ask for the money back and she didn’t even thank or take it to her room, just left it there. I text her all the time she gives me half assed replies like I’m a bother. I wish I had an older sister like myself. Oh well. I’m just gonna stop doing anything for her. She doesn’t deserve my attention, time or money

No. 1728189

I trusted the wrong people, girls and boys both. I hate that I listened to them. Making me feel bad about my interests, down to the material shit that I like while simultaneously claiming them as theirs during cringe moments of mutual awareness. I wouldn’t say cringe it’s more a mortal fear and disbelief. Well guess what I still like what I like except harder now and greater than the like I had of aggregate you. I sincerely hope you choke on your veiled dislike of me. Once I’m done healing, I’m making friends with the non critical but resolute and unbothered ones and we’ll do all the non critical but resolute and unbothered things

Sorry in advance for semi word salad

No. 1728211

I can't believe I was playing house with and letting a dusty scrote trick me this whole summer. and the moment I showed any emotion he stopped talking to me. And if you google what to do if a guy ghosted you it's tons of stuff blaming me for having "masculine" energy and shit and that having any negative emotions makes a man hate you. Tbh they aren't wrong

No. 1728236

nonnita pls don’t kill yourself, find a hobby or something to keep ur mind off of this… there are lots of people like you out there, I feel the same way you feel. but we’ll make it through, we just have to find people like us. have a good day ♥

No. 1728248

I did the same for my little sister for probably 13 years of my life. She is literally a textbook narcissist. It's easier to cut them off rather than make that kind of relationship work. Your sister probably doesn't deserve any of your kindness. I made a foolish mistake and I even lived with mine which ended with her taking my entire security deposit (a thousand fucking dollars). Be selfish nonna, I wish you the best.

On that note I haven't spoken to mine in 4 years, I have no regrets about that.

No. 1728300

I know that ultimately it was my fault, but I wish my mom didn’t harass me nonstop for days trying to convince me to join her bitcoin investing thing when I was much younger, vulnerable and dealing with a rape. I saw her getting a couple of hundreds herself, and amid my “nothing even matters anyway what else could I lose after I got fucking raped” I gave in, I lost 2k, and my resentment has been the cherry on top that has eroded our relationship. I feel like I could look past her letting her molester bf interact with me even after I revealed he had been touching me. I could look past her not working while I was a kid and having to drop out of school to sustain our family of four. I could look past so many shit but her making me realize I’m just as naive and stupid is just enough. I wish I was smart, I wish I had known better. The shame is just too much, I can feel it like a claw digging at my insides through every moment of the day. I can’t believe I fell for that. Oh my god.

No. 1728303

I'm a phone sex operator and I've really come to hate it. I started when covid hit and I lost my regular job, and without any formal qualifications I didn't have anywhere else to turn. The money isn't nearly as good as it used to be so I can't even justify the job anymore in my head. But I don't know what else to do. I like working from home, I like the freedom of choosing my own hours. I've thought about becoming a writer and taking article jobs on upwork and seeing what I can muster, but I have zero motivation right now and am extremely depressed. I took up a second job recently as a waitress and while I enjoy it, and it's something I've done before, I don't want to get back into the industry. I'm just really confused, and lost, and the fact that I'm nearly 30 without any real direction keeps weighing on my mind.

No. 1728304

To add, I started that job when I was in my libfem phase too thank god I never made an Onlyfans but since reading actual feminist texts and becoming more radfem it's now really conflicting with my core beliefs. I'm sick of indulging moids in their sissy fetishes and the fact this was my life for the last 3 years angers me. I want to do away with all of it. I really don't know what I can do.

No. 1728309

I had a job as a bot manager at popular scam dating websites and I sexted old gross dudes so they would spend more money on premiums
It's a soul crushing job and the money wasn't that good. In my experience, everyone leaves after some time. I quit too. I guess you wouldn't be able to hold your job and would eventually quit, so make a back up plan asap. I know it's really chil and working from home is cool but you are one nasty client away from quitting for good.

No. 1728311

AYRT, what job did you end up taking after you left, if I can ask?

No. 1728313

I was at college back than and took it only as a side hustle. I started working in my field, so I can't help you with any advice.

No. 1728317

The word “selfish” triggers them so much too whenever it’s framed positively around yourself. It was like the most sinful thing you could say to my mom.

No. 1728319

ahhh damn. That's fair enough. I've thought about studying, I just don't know what. The idea of spending years on a degree when I'm not totally sure what I'm looking for is overwhelming.

No. 1728328

If you don't mind me asking, how did you go about finding/getting that job? I'm going to be starting an internship soon that will make my current part time job impossible but I still want to do something on the side so I can pay rent. I don't mind indulging some sick fucks for a couple months if it pays okay and is just over text…

No. 1728330

NTA but honestly, don't. It's really not worth stripping your soul of.

No. 1728343

There's so many other things you can do, why do that?
Call centers will hire you to answer the phone from home, my friend used to do that while she was in school

No. 1728345

I'm the chat bot nonna and lemme tell you, please don't do that. It doesn't pay a lot and you will meet some absolutely nasty fucks out there. It's absolutely terrible and again, the money are just not that good. That field of work has an insane turn over rate and you can guess how people like it there.

No. 1728346


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1728350

Nta and I have no interest in this, but how much were you paid and what's the worst thing you have had to say?

No. 1728360

I got paid for the clients messaging me. Basically, the message costs a dollar and I had 10% of that. So it depends of how much I worked. Usually around 150$ per month, it's okay money for a student in my country.
I can't say exactly what was the nastiest stuff. It was all disgusting. I would say old ugly fucks believing that young hot models want to fuck them. They absolutely lack any self awareness. Sometimes I did live chats. It was a looped video of some hottie masturbating on camera and I basically had a text chat with the guy, as if I was that women. Of course I needed to look at his camera feed to interact with him, so lots of gross 70 yo cocks. And I was like "oh, mister geriatric! Your unwashed peepee is so hot and big!". Ugh, it was terrible.

No. 1728367

Yeah that does sound absolutely soul-crushing. So how many hours would you say you worked for those 150$?

You're probably right. I have some major anxiety around phonecalls (childish, I know) so I figured text messaging for extra income would be less stressful. Maybe I should try and find a customer support texting job that I can do from home, I just don't really know where to find jobs like that. Never seem like they post any job listings anyway.

No. 1728368

I think this will help deter that anon, who likely wasn't expecting it to be less than 200 a month. I read that men don't actually care if they're talking to real women, that's why ai is so popular with them.

No. 1728370

Idk how an anon can read two different anons talking about how shitty these jobs are and say they want to give it a shot. Retarded take.

No. 1728372

I didn't work that much. I was just spamming those guys with bots and than making them send more messages. You can do it while watching movies or playing vidya basically. I did while studying for my classes, for example. We were scumming USA moids, so different time zones was a problem for me, since I needed to stay up late.
Oh, they care, nonnie. We didn't just swap them with "hey, honey, wanna fuck?". The point is to write a witty and clever message to show them that you are an interesting person to talk with. I talked about fucking Norse mythology and classics with one of our whales.

No. 1728373

I just meant that they're more obsessed with the fantasy. Deep down they know none of them are real, they just don't care. It's all for the coom. I imagine chat gpt could help with that kind of job.

No. 1728377

They really don't care but the point is to entertain them and make them spend more cash. So I needed to know how to nudge the conversation in a certain way to make them text more. It's all deep and intricate psychology, man. ChatGPT is not clever enough for that yet. You need to read the room and know when to text them with horny messages, when to be funny, when to be clueless bimbo in need of a strong and smart man and when to be an intellectual who can talk about fucking philosophy and shit.
That, and we make a very intricate spectacle for those moids. They actually can meet their pretty model in real life… except she is one of our employees who also needs to take as much of his cash as possible without getting laid. Our clients were mostly lonely boomers who are not so tech savvy, so they genuinely believed that a hot single woman wants their disgusting cock.

No. 1728379

I'm not devaluing how difficult your job is, just conflating their inhumanity to the fact that ai is so popular with them now because they dgaf that they're talking to a literal robot instead of an adult human woman. Women aren't human to them at all. I agree with you and I couldn't imagine.

No. 1728382

I'm having this exact same issue right now. It's causing me to genuinely hate all moids. I feel pure disgust having to speak to them while I'm working and hearing all the gross things they have to say. Absolutely hate it. Only difference is the money for me has been extremely good so it's really hard trying to get out of it.

No. 1728383

I agree with your point but a lot of our clients genuinely believed they are talking to a real woman and not some broke student from a 3rd world country. We make that dream for them that they are loved and needed. As I said, they thought we are 1000% legit. We had some assblasted clients who cried that we were scammers.
It's more about how stupid and gullible moids are. Imagine that, some broke old man sees a 10/10 model who is totally into him and wants to talk to him and likes his dickpics. Someone with at least some brain would think that something is not right. But they actually believe it. And I'm not talking about just liking the spectacle that we make for them. No, they actually buy into all that bullshit. Every man is a self-important asshole who thinks he can score the prettiest woman out there. In fact, he doesn't need to search for them! On those sites, we have a legion of "women" assaulting their PMs and they think to themselves "wow, I finally can meet my dream waifu". Also note that we pose as Asian or East European mail order brides, so they think that women there are not picky and eager for western cock.

No. 1728394

I had a similar job as an onlyfans chatter so I get you nona. I pretend to be the model and "build rapport" aka scam scrotes. Most of it was to get them to buy content from the model and make them believe she was horny for them. We were told to apply different strategies depending on the models too. I ended up quitting because I found something better in real life.

No. 1728395

Happy birthday, fellow Libra nona. I hope your year will be better than you expect, even if by a little bit. I'm wishing you all the best.

No. 1728399

I hate that I found someone perfect for me but for reasons we can't date. It's not even a "putting them on pedestal" moment either, I've seen them at their shittiest, I know everything about them, their flaws ect.

No. 1728404

Having to explain myself in Hell is going to be embarrassing as fuck as my friends and family watch me squirm

No. 1728412

probably took a break to wait for LCF 2.0 (because insufferable/retarded bait)

No. 1728427

haven't gotten more than 5 hours of sleep for the past week and i want to die

No. 1728443

This place fosters pedophiles. Like men that pretend to be women and groom girls. Also, the scary part is that this place does attract underaged women. The anons can be gaslighting too. I got groomed by a pedophile rapist on lolcow that would talk to underaged girls and he tried destroying my life but he ended up raping a woman in real life, so he went to prison.

When I posted about it the blame was shifted onto me. Which is weird why would you side with a an abusive pedophiliac rapist narcissist that is now in prison for raping a woman and has been inhabiting this shithole for 5 years rather than siding with a woman.

Also, the incredibily catty freaks that attack you over stupid shit like you venting about your mental illness or feeling like you are stuck in your life. It isn't some random autistic, socially unfit, nerdy women. A lot of girls on here have sociopathic traits or BPD and they purposefully want to be toxic or evil and the anonimity facilitates that.

I've been on lolcow for 7 years and to be honest back in the day it was kinda as bad but there was less agressivity on /ot/. Back then scrotes were literally allowed on the website and nobody would Say anything because the radfem rethoric was brought over like 3-4 years ago probably by Tumblr users.

I can say that I still enjoy this place. Somewhat…just some posts resonate with me usually the ones regarding mental illness/being suicidal.

But I can't really get over what the place that I grew up on has done to me and what people that are like me have done to me over small disagreements or confusions and that I was blamed for the abuse that I'm put through and how horrible my life is and that I was gaslit to such a level.(take your pills)

No. 1728444

I wanted to go grocery shopping today. I managed to get outside of my apartment and then immediately went back inside. I'm so disappointed in myself.

No. 1728446

>the radfem rethoric was brought over like 3-4 years ago probably by Tumblr users
nta just wanted to emphasis this. idk why people like to pretend lolcow has always been radfem sancturay. I don't mind them being here but they start more shit than anyone the minute someone disagrees a little bit with them

No. 1728450

are the pedo groomers in the room with you right now?

No. 1728452

I really feel like quitting my job and also never being online with profiles again. Almost everyone I added to play games with sucks more which brings them down. It is easier for me to just solo. maybe i now out rank others i originally played with. either way i dont want to be online anymore because they want to group up. except maybe i only wanted to play 3 games then do another hobby. its all such a waste of time.

No. 1728455

I consider myself feminist too and have radical feminist beliefs but if I show some nuance I get attacked and told that I'm a tranny and a scrote. Even tho I agree with most of the stuff radfems say like the porn industry being abusive, scrotes being shit, liberal feminism being shit. It just feels odd to be shred to pieces for showing a bit of nuance when you are actually in agreement with these people.

I don't know why You think it's a joke. I haven't really witnessed anyone be treated like this over abuse. The guy that did that to me has been on lolcow for 5 years and is now in prison for molesting a woman in real life. Do you think that's funny?????
He also used to talk to an underaged 16 year old girl he found in the friend finder thread. The girl was autistic and gulliable and they started dating and he would Make her send him nudes. I posted about him way before this happened. Before he groomed the underaged girl in the friend finder and before he went to prison for molesting a woman and literally it was ignored and instead I got dogpiled and attacked and blamed for shit nobody else would be blamed for. I don't think it's funny.

No. 1728458

Is this an anxiety thing? I'd like to vent about this because I used to be scared of leaving my house, still am a bit. But if I'm out of line please ignore me.
I used to observe people walking outside my house thinking, all of these people just go out there? Do things? With no care in the world? Like you can just do that?
Then I started going outside for small walks just thinking about how other people are allowed to do things unbothered. It made me mad at myself that I really felt like someone was telling me I wasn't allowed to live my life like I wanted to. Nobody is telling this to the normies. I owe it to myself to not be scared of anything. I was determined to try to get over my fears just because I was embarrassed I was holding myself back.
But yeah, sorry I took over your post. It reminded me of my own struggle. I hope everything's okay with you.

No. 1728469

It was definitely more than 4 years ago but yeah this place used to be full of faghags

No. 1728474

How can you say this place fosters pedos when the rules say you must be 18 to post, don’t power level etc etc? Like at some point you’re just retarded. No that doesn’t mean you should be groomed by pedos but the mods can’t come into your house and physically force you to stop posting

No. 1728477

File: 1697462211685.jpg (68.54 KB, 888x499, 1648994498376.jpg)

Welcome back Romanianon. Gotta love the selective amnesia about the support you got when you dragged drama with your discord moid into lolcow.

No. 1728479

Yea but this still happened. You had a 5 year old moid resident and this place is full of underaged girls. I'm not saying it is anyone's fault. Just saying that…it is what it is and maybe some anons are distancing themselves from this place because of that

No. 1728482

I spent the last year gaining 5 kg and really struggling to keep it on. Have to go off allergy meds due to testing and I've lost it all in 2 weeks bc I cant eat anything. Mad. I hate being a stick and I'm cold all the time now

No. 1728483

It's because she's retarded. What this is actually about, is that she got in contact with a moid called Steven who posted in the friend finder thread. But contrary to what she says, farmers largely had her back, even despite her being an obnoxious shitposter who said she hates farmers several times and shat up multiple threads with her sperging.

Refer to this thread where it happened:

No. 1728484

>onlyfans chatter
Lol that’s a job? Of course that’s a job. How much did it pay?

No. 1728489

I thought anons were supportive of her for the most part when all that happened. I remember some mean comments, I assumed the guy was making them. She was borderline incoherent and distraught which made sense considering, she was just freaking out. I thought she lost larger support way later by neurotically self flagellating and saying the world hates her and everyone here hates her too and no one understands how hard her life is etc. etc. which people only have so much tolerance for from a stranger. Did she ever even link his post in the friend finder thread so other nonas knew not to contact him?

No. 1728492



No, I got called a whore, a liar, told that I brought him here, had my truth shifted and it urged him to continue messaging women from the friend finder thread. Literally, after I posted about him You all started lying and attacking me and this urged him to not leave.

He ended up grooming a 16 year old girl off of the friend finder thread and then he raped a woman and went to prison. The scum lolcow fosters…

My discord moid meaning the scum that has been posting on lolcow for 5 years? That You urged to continue posting by calling me a whore, cat killer, pedophile and demonizing me?

It's insane how You manage to lie and twist everything against me.

No. 1728493

join a communist movement

No. 1728495

Leftists hate me, harass me and dehumanize me and isolate me for my problems.

No. 1728496

So pakichan is back?

No. 1728499

what is your opinion on noise music

No. 1728501

No one is taking his side, I’m definitely not taking his side, no one wanted him here. Also, you are mentally ill so I don’t know why you’re so offended when other people say it as a fact not and insult, you’ve said so yourself many times. I’ve never called you a whore or a liar and I’ve always believed you but you only focus on the negative comments you see which is why people who support you stop supporting you, because you just ignore them and claim they hate you.
>He ended up grooming a 16 year old girl off of the friend finder thread and then he raped a woman and went to prison. The scum lolcow fosters…
He is the predator, it’s his fault not the website’s.
No, romanianon.

No. 1728503

How can you say you were not supported‽ When >>1728483 linked to the original thread and we all can read the majority of the responses you received were trying to offer you as much support and help as it’s possible in an anonymous setting such as this one‽

No. 1728506

elections are 6 days away in my country and the options are
there is a high chance the schizo wins, which means it will absolutely fuck up my livelyhood and possibly chances of getting better. I am scared, my country has always gotten worse, but now there is the chance it will be fucked up to the point of no return.

No. 1728513

wish u the best argie nonna

No. 1728515

I used to be a janny around 2018 and I would've absolutely banned all the avatarfags now like I did back then. I don't know why the jannies let this shit fly now.

No. 1728516

They don't. She's just ban evading and I'm surprised you don't know that

No. 1728523

Holy shit good eye anon, I thought this weird schizorambling sounded familiar but I had completely forgotten about romanianon.

No. 1728527

>I got called a whore
Those were literally his posts, nevermind they were drowned out by support. It's not like we can't just go back to the thread and read it.

No. 1728528

I'm not avtar fagging KEK I made a completely reasonable post about why this place is going dormant and made good points. Talked about my own experience plus reasons to why a lot of old users are leaving. The hostility, the fact that this place attracts women with BPD that are toxic. The fact That anons get hostile replies in the vent thread Simply for posting about how they are depressed and suicidal. Being told that you are a tranny or a guy If You slightly disagree regarding politics even if you are siding with those people in the first place. I never avatarfagged it is just when I make a completely reasonable post with good arguments someone says "it's Romanion" and they accuse me of some insane stuff and I get dogpilled. Feels weird to be treated like this by ppl that You are siding with, that are similar to You ETC in a place where You Grew up…

I don't know. I make good points.

No. 1728529

File: 1697467369246.jpg (20.41 KB, 280x335, 77f70a4c49ee4992f5f547522bccb6…)

Me watching the argentinean elections from afar

No. 1728541

File: 1697468027136.png (90.1 KB, 617x745, IMG_20231016_085204.png)

Nonna… this is avatarfagging, it has to have a picture that they repeatedly post

No. 1728542

You do make good points in this one post I'm replying to, but I think it's mostly just trolling people who come here sometimes, I've noticed it's calmer when they're not here. Otherwise agreed

No. 1728547

If you get groomed on an anonymous imageboard that's kinda on you. Like we're anonymous, use your brains.

No. 1728552

Not to defend her but a lot of women go through that and I don't think being groomed is anyone's fault

No. 1728558

And I want to stop because honestly I don't wanna be recognized, that was never what I intended. An avatarfag is someone that shitposts and I'm actually candid and serious regarding the things that I say, opinions, thoughts, experiences. An avatarfag is a shitposter.

Yea, I never said it's the fault of lolcow inherently but it was just some reasoning regarding to why this place is dying. The fact that it attracts weird men that blend across masses, the gossip and the characters that are being discussed attract underaged women that browse the internet or vulnerable women that are susceptibile to being hurt.
The fact that it attracts women that are in a way or another like the cows themselves, women that are hostile and agressive or that sharing a bit of nuance regarding politics even if you are actually siding with the people in question and have the same beliefs will get you demonized. I've seen so many anons post about being suicidal/depressed or seen them making posts about their life and they get incredibly evil replies.

No. 1728568

Ehh I'm not necessarily blaming her but wrongdoers don't excuse you from practicing personal safety and responsibility. Like you wouldn't leave your door unlocked because robbing is wrong, right? So as an adult, use your common sense and don't contact anyone off an anonymous ib and definitely don't provide any personal info.

No. 1728571

You're not entirely wrong though it's kinda ironic since you used to alog the whole userbase in the past, even when anons tried being nice. What happened to that plan about going on a murdering spree on May 12th or whatever that post was

No. 1728572

what do you think about harsh noise

No. 1728574

A lot of us didn't get groomed either despite being in the exact same environments growing up so I think a dose of natural retardation was also involved.

No. 1728590

Yeah but she wasn’t an adult when it started for her so… and she was/is mentally unwell, that’s what groomers look for.

No. 1728599

Allright that's a fair point.

No. 1728600

Stop the larp. It’s not clever or funny.

No. 1728612

How anons just don’t recognize her walls of text that are exclusively victimmaxxing and how much lolcow meanies bully her retarded ass. At least half of the replies are samefag talking about herself in the third person lmao. Unsavable, I hope she gets knocked up by a fat discord moid soon and he takes away internet access so she stops getting groomed by pedophiles at the ripe age of 32.

No. 1728614

Some girls are more stupid and helpless than others and they were always destined to be used up by others. They either wise up or they stay a BPD suffering olympics gold medalist. It can’t be helped.

No. 1728629

Even if you're his dream woman, it'll only last a few months tops. I'm way out of his league, yet… he's used to me now. It went from literal worship to being treated like we've been married for 40 fucking years. I'm no supermodel but above average, pretty. Yet I get the feeling it wouldn't matter if I was a supermodel either. Maybe the worshipping would last for a few more months, but still… they "conquer" you, and then the caveman process of slowly starting to look for more pussy begins. It was all true. I look better than a lot of women yet there's no fucking security in that, I work out literally every single day and put so much effort into my looks, yet he'd probably cheat with someone like Shayna. Just because the pussy is new. I knew this, I've seen women say it, but going through it feels fucking weird. Kek at me playing this game that's impossible to win. The closest I can imagine to "winning" the game right now is jumping from fling to fling, getting the New Girlfriend treatment for a few months then dropping him as soon as the effort fades.

No. 1728638

I feel guilty for taking a sick day off. Please someone slap some sense into me, I feel brainwashed by the capitalist machine

No. 1728646

File: 1697475288403.gif (402.23 KB, 200x118, slap.gif)

get it together girl, you know better!

No. 1728665

If you’re talking about a guy cheating…yes, that has almost nothing to do with how attractive you are. A man that wants to cheat will cheat no matter how great his partner is. But if you’re talking about the honeymoon period wearing off…that’s just kind of an inevitable part of all relationships. You can’t expect that feverish level of excitement to last forever. How would either of you get anything done?

No. 1728668

>Some girls are more stupid and helpless than others and they were always destined to be used up by others
Ew. You sound like a scrote jerking off on some porn subreddit.

No. 1728673

You see the words “stupid” and “used” and automatically think of violent porn?

No. 1728682

No, the whole rethoric that a woman deserves to be used and abused just because she's "dumb" or mentally ill is fucked up.

No. 1728684

It’s the “used up” part. And the fact that you sound happy and smug about it happening to them and not you. Honestly the way some of you anons talk about other women is pretty BPD yourselves.

No. 1728686

Leave moid

No. 1728690

i hate it so much when men don't even do bare minimum cleaning. like yes i love washing my face in a dirty disgusting sink caked in yellow shit with black mold growing near the drain… how do people live like this and think it's okay. and then to make me feel like i'm a fucking autist because i want it cleaned up but it's not my house, cause i don't want to wash my face and hands near black mold jesus

No. 1728693

I just don't want to keep being in pain, I've had enough, I've had enough.

No. 1728694

File: 1697477550531.jpg (322.93 KB, 719x966, Screenshot_20231016-162705.jpg)

The industry of scamming simps has a ton of these kinds of jobs lol I attached some of the offers that are available. Even pretending to be a girl on Tinder is a job now. I made a little over 200 but I didn't work for very long. In a month I could have made around 300.

No. 1728701

give me deets i need money, how does it work?

No. 1728702

Nta but as someone living in the hood, if you don't get out of that "helpless" mindset someone will definitely take advantage of you, it's not a matter of "deserving it" but simple logic of survival. "Being dumb" could get you assaulted or killed, it doesn't sound nice but that's the way the cookie crumbles

No. 1728704

[Ayrt] I’d just never really thought about it but makes sense. That’s not much money per month I wouldn’t have kept doing it either. It sounds draining.

No. 1728705

You join a telegram group called OFMJobs and try replying to listings as soon as they are posted. You can make a fake CV (or real one but I wouldn't do that if I were you) and tell them that you're eager to work and will start right away. I assume you're a newbie so state that you have no experience but are a fast learner and know social media trends. Most provide training to newbies so there you will learn the basics depending on what job you are doing (onlyfans chatter, dating app catfish, reddit, tiktok…).

No. 1728707

got any tips? i need some money and live in a shithole, is it very time consuming/draining?

No. 1728708

This is so bleak. Why do we need a job category for scamming. Like who came up with the idea that they need to make money/get ahead with scamming people. And hiring more people to do it for them! I don't like how I have to get more desensitized to evil to tolerate the world. (No hate to you who need to get paid, I wish there was another way)

No. 1728709

Nobody's ever cared about me

No. 1728710

moids are worth scamming

No. 1728713

I literally feel like im fucking losing it, i cleaned my house yesterday (<500sq/ft) and i put ny shirt in my dresser and now its not there and i feel so fucking crazy and mad, ive checked EVERYWHERE ?! I took it off last night before i slept?? What the fuck

No. 1728716

Depends on how many accounts you manage. I got 3 and it wasn't very hard but if you get drained by social interaction then you might get burned out. Tips? Suck up to them and make them feel like they have a legitimate connection. Sometimes I pretended that I was just starting out and I was shy to post most hardcore content and the scrotes would eat that shit up and buy the tame content. Tbh I disliked dealing with scrotes from dating apps because they would try to meet up and I had to get creative to find excuses.

No. 1728717

have you tried using AI for it? also they paid you through paypal right? I honestly dont mind chatting with moids, i already do for free might aswell earn money for it and i need a cozy job now that i am burnt from drawing weird fetish shit for pennies

No. 1728718

Do You just use the porn of Random women? That's fucked up.

No. 1728719

>feeling bad for scammed moids
kek, get out

No. 1728720

nta but you have to manage OF thots chatters, you are just promoting the OF thot's nudes

No. 1728722

scamming has always been a thing, phones and internet just provided a new medium for it.

No. 1728727

File: 1697479473280.png (114.78 KB, 243x275, 5D1531BC-B908-4C94-BEC0-7B3BE1…)

I desperately want to call my ex but I know that even if I’m successful in reconciling it probably wouldn’t last if I initiated it. I have no idea what’s going on in his life either. I haven’t seen any evidence that he’s been with other girls but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t. He broke up with me because I scared him but really I feel like it’s because he felt like we had a real chance of being endgame and he was too afraid of commitment at that point. He said he needed to be alone and at least from what I’ve seen he’s actually done that. But I would also feel stupid trying to reconcile and then backtracking if I found out he’s been sleeping with other girls. I think we were really amazing together but at the end of the day he’s still a moid so he apparently can’t work on himself in a relationship he sees as viable if he’s not “ready” which is such buckshot and a really unattractive moid quality. I’ve tried dating a few times but I haven’t found anyone as attractive as my ex and even when I do talk to cute guys they just bore me or only want something casual. I’m applying for study abroad opportunities as well which would make reconciling an even dumber idea but I can’t get him out of my head. He went completely silent on social media for months, randomly popped up multiple times for a few months, and seems to have disappeared again. I hate how stupid he is and I hate how he framed this break up because it gives me hope yet he completely avoids me. I wish he’d either come back or get a new girlfriend or leave my social media entirely so I can just get out of this limbo.

No. 1728728

I don't feel a thing for an individual man, but had a moment of weakness thinking about society and bad stuff lol

No. 1728731

I know some ESL filipinos use it but I don't. Yes, they usually pay you through paypal and wise.

No. The models know their content is being sold. We simply do the chatting and selling.

No. 1728734

Samefag but another job is making reddit accounts and farm karma to then sell said accounts.

No. 1728736

Last question, how hard is it to get jobs? is it too saturated? also why did you left?

No. 1728738

Since doctors can't figure out what's wrong with me, I've accepted that I'm going to die soon. I wish they could feel what I'm feeling instead of just writing me off as a simple case. I think I lived a good life but I do wish there was more I could have done. I'm going to the ER soon as a last ditch effort because everyday is extremely debilitating and I can no longer function normally but I don't know if they can help me since no one else has been able to. I don't care if I'm being selfish or ridiculous anymore, I just want some answers.

No. 1728739

What symptoms do you Have? Don't You Have any diagnosis whatsoever.

No. 1728742

Not gonna lie, the market is kind of saturated but you have to keep on trying because listenings are posted all the time. You should be able to get a job between 3 to 7 days. I quit because I got an opportunity to do an irl job that paid me a decent sum and I only had to work for a few days. I might go back though.

No. 1728751

thanks nonny if it works out i will be eternally grateful, 300 usd is like double the minwage in my country and way more than i earned drawing furry vore shit

No. 1728753

I want to kill myself. I can:t stand it anymore. I did everything. Got myself in mental hospitals, took a lot of medication, went to therapy. I just don't feel like a full human being. I Have nobody in my life. No living quality and nobodys ever cared about the sort of person that I am. My soul, feelings, inner world and I'm constantly accused of things that are untrue about me.

I'm rejected/mocked/harassed even by people that are like minded and I'm at my limit. I've been suicidal for 13 years.

No. 1728754

Ah, nice to see my "colleague" so to say. Absolutely keking at nonnas feeling bad for scammed moids. People who go to those websites are the worst. I genuinely wanted to take away all the client's money and than commit unspeakable atrocities to them. They are trash. No, they are worse than trash. They deserve every bad thing that happened to them.

No. 1728755


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No. 1728757

best of luck nona!

No. 1728758

This feels draining and mentally degrading, also those accounts sound like accounts that are ran by Moids using the porn of women that Have possibly been sex trafficked or coerced into it…

I dont think an actual Onlyfans model would ask for that.

No. 1728759

I don't because I was at first focusing on another issue I had, but now that it's gone, this is still left. It's a bunch of head problems but yesterday the urgent care doctor said there seems to be nothing wrong with me neurologically and to go to the ER if I get worse. Yesterday the pressure in my head was so severe I thought I was going to pass out from feeling lightheaded and today I can't even sit down at work without my symptoms bothering me. I feel not good, but a little better when I am laying down but I can't get anything done in bed. It's been like this for weeks for me.

No. 1728761

they actually do vid rel is pretty good at explaining how OF business works

No. 1728762

Did they do a brain scan or test You? Maybe You Have a brain tumor. Where are You from? You need to pressure them into doing proper testing like brain scan, blood testing ETC

No. 1728763

>I dont think an actual Onlyfans model would ask for that
You think Cardi B is shilling her onlyfans and chatting up the scrotes there herself? Probably the coercive shitty thing you speculated is true too though, whole industry is shit.

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