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File: 1437096681648.jpg (94.01 KB, 662x372, Love-Lust-or-RUn.jpg)

No. 17132

Does anyone else hate these fucking shows?
For ex: Love, Lust, or Run. I've seen a couple episode of this recently and I couldn't believe people watched this shit.
Just some old ass sweeny todd wannabe bitch trying to conform everyone into the same style and has no consideration for their personal style when giving her shitty makeovers.
Wanna know what other people think about this because it seems like everyone loves it.

No. 17134

File: 1437097106548.jpg (139.55 KB, 400x600, stacy-london.jpg)

I find it funny how she shits on goth things and used "morticia addams" as an insult then goes out like this. Seriously who tf told her she could give fashion advice. She seems ignorant af.

No. 17140

Oh thank god, I'm so glad to hear other folks hate that damn show. I've unfortunately seen 3 or 4 episodes and every single one annoys the shit out of me.
Why is she always such a snarky, rude bitch about the guests clothes? Why does she put everyone in the same fucking outfits over and over again? Why does she constantly look like she's sucking a lemon? So many questions…

No. 17147

That's Stacy London, famous for What Not To Wear. She did the same shit on the old show.

All of these shows are the same. I think it's nice when they take people who clearly have no idea what they're doing but want to know what they're doing and make them look passable but it's always annoying to me when they take someone who is obviously just from an alternative subculture and try to change them.

They always put people in the same outfits because it's TV…certain styles and outfits are "tried and true" and will produce the biggest "reveal."

No. 17148

Yup. I used to watch What Not To Wear and How Do I Look? with my mom and we'd both shit on how bad their makeovers were. I always assumed that thing they did where they threw away peoples' clothes or put them in a vacuum to the trash was staged, but apparently it was real. So you could spend upwards of $300 on a piece, then get ranted at about it being "ugly" and have it thrown away in front of your eyes. Fucked up.
I always felt like half the people who get "makeovers" would revert back to their usual way of dressing shortly after the show. The people who own/host these shows seem obsessed with making women look mediocre or like old middle-aged bats, with no regard to their personal tastes at all.
>"Oh yes this block pattern will help bring out your shape :))"
>Bitch looks like she's wearing a fucking trash bag

No. 17150

The makeovers blow. They almost always cut all their hair off and make them look 10+ years older.

No. 22458

This isn't even an original show idea its a rip off of Snog Marry Avoid from the UK

No. 22613

It's nothing new, a lot of series have their own version in their country

No. 22655

Stacey London couldn't dress a toddler.

No. 22675

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Did anyone see the episode with Toshi? She's pretty efamous.

No. 22677


No. 22679

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I can't find anything except the trailer, but here is the after look

No. 22680

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some more before and afters

No. 22682

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No. 22685

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No. 22687

File: 1439497370538.jpg (60.87 KB, 600x600, lovelustrun.jpg)

i feel like no matter how bad the before is, the "after" is always boring and devoid of fun.

No. 22691

I prefer the before

No. 22700

This is the only one where I prefer the after, honestly. Still lame compared to the before.

No. 22702

the after aged her like 10+ years. she went from looking like someone youd see at a punk show and get drinks with, to someone who teaches kindergarten

No. 22720

When they tell their sob stories, Stacy is always like ME TOO, THAT HAPPENED TO ME TOO. That's the only thing I don't like about her.
This goth looking girl told her she was bulimic and Stacy said something like "believe me there's nothing that you have tried that I haven't" what the hell?

No. 22726

They all look so uncomfortable.

No. 22741

Yeah that was weird.
But in general I really like watching these shows. They're fun and I usually like the after results. Wish they showed more after outfits in this show.

No. 22744

If you're a Brit, I like Snog, Marry, or Avoid. It's trashy but it's fun.

Also, some of the girls look SO GORGEOUS after, it's crazy. I kinda just like the aim is for 'natural' beauty and dressing for your shape and such and toning down your makeup. They do men as well and transwomen too.

No. 22747

I know the makeup is enhancing lines but her eyes… And her damn fingernails.

No. 24463

I love to hatewatch this crap. I love how the so called style gurus tend to look like boring bimbos with hair extensions.

No. 26270

stacy london told some girl its not ok to be either 200 or 100 lbs

No. 26273

I hated the fuck out of that show. There was this hipster girl that had bright red, blue, and mustard yellow denim skinny jeans before they became trendy (she didn't look bad, had a nice body, didn't dress obnoxious) and Stacy complained about them and threw them out even though they were expensive and designer. Then like a year or two later I see her on the show wearing the exact same type of pants…

No. 26285

Reading that made so angry. I hate hypocrisy.

No. 26305


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