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No. 1705577

Welcome to this special thread dedicated to exploring the many reasons to keep living, especially for those of us who are struggling to find them. If you've found something that keeps you going, that gives your life meaning, we'd love to hear about it. This is a space not just to ponder why we exist, but to discover and share the unique motivations that make life worth living for each of us.

No. 1705580

I like being annoying. I don't care if I'm doing it for attention or if I like making other people miserable, but when I piss off a scrote online, I feel satisfaction and pride. That's one thing worth living for me.

No. 1705584

helping others, making them feel understood

No. 1705587

Why can't you look in /g/ catalouge or this one before making a thread? We literally have a thread similar to this one made by a wizchan shithead that sympathize with the men over there.

No. 1705591

isn't that thread dead? why should we necro a thread made by a wizard sympathizer?

No. 1705593

My cat.

No. 1705600

Sweets, beautiful nature, and cute animals.

No. 1705602

shitposting, unironically, i like goofing around and having a good laugh

No. 1705710

The way the sky smells when it rains

No. 1706041

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tasty food tasty drinks yum yum yum

No. 1706274

I truly believe that we could witness the practical end of the internal combustion engine in our lifetimes.

No. 1706281

>>1706274 oh how i wish i know what that means

No. 1706283

I just think there is beauty everywhere, all around us, like such small joys mean so much

No. 1706285

This is one of my reasons to live too and why I am tailoring my career path towards improving on renewable and sustainable forms of energy production. I think the next 25 years is going to be an interesting time, and we may witness some new kind of energy revolution, which I am excited to see.

No. 1706286

Seeing all your enemies get back the energy they gave to you kek

No. 1706297

It will be kind of neat to see the collapse of the current civilization in the next decades.
Think about it, we will be there watching history go down.

Also, reading yaoi and BL is cool

No. 1706300

I accepted that I'm loved by people. I always thought I didn't deserve anything because from my teens to early 20's I was stuck in a neverending cycle of people that were using me just because I'm a naturally calm and kind person so whatever they needed emotional support/money/food/shelter, I always welcomed them but I never got nothing in return, I was afraid to say "NO" because I thought that people would've stopped being around me if I said no.
I broke the cycle.
I am loved. I love people and they love me. They like to help me, I like to help them. I can say no without them getting mad, now.

Plus all my enemies trooned out by now (maybe a pattern?) and they're living miserable lives because they made themselves medical lifelong slaves and butchered their body and still post online that they're unhappy, they ruined themselves with their own hands, this couldn't be better (yes I'm bitter but knowing that I make them mad just by existing because I am a woman and they have to constantly inject and butcher themselves to be a poor caricature of my category is so blissful and I have to live to see them absolutely losing their shit.)

No. 1706302

If I can change the life of at least one person and make their life better, it would be all worth it.

No. 1706362

you say that because you know poor thirdie countries will be the first to see the worst consequences of an actual global collapse, retard.

No. 1706371

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lolcow is my reason to live, sadly.

No. 1706389

No anon it's ok because she has her asain fag porn kek

No. 1706405

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picrel. ever since i saw a screencap of this article years ago, i have dedicated my life to making it a reality for me and my female friends. someday i WILL have a mansion full of besties that i can share my homemade baked goods with.

No. 1706418

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No. 1706437

This is where we’ll go out to pasture

No. 1706462

No. 1706522

Great thread
If you don’t have kids, maybe you have nieces, nephews or even little sisters or brothers.
Kids can be annoying but they are the sweetest, I love kids, hanging out with them is so fun! I love talking to kids because they have such a fresh optimistic outlook and they are easy to make happy. They keep you on your toes, my favorite thing to do is blow bubbles and watch my son and niece and nephew bounce around and get giddy over them. They’re so happy, so easily.

No. 1706526

Sitting outside and drinking coffee in the morning =greatest vibe

No. 1706547

Seriously the only time I feel connected to the world in any real sense is early morning, first light, usually with hot black coffee

No. 1706574

I love seeing people enjoy things I’ve baked or dishes I’ve cooked. Seeing the surprise in their faces when they actually like it and want to have more makes me feel like I’m doing something right

No. 1706727

Reading books, making art, and learning about nature (especially plants). There is so much complexity! The world is truly an incredibly beautiful place

No. 1706734

the only reason i havent offed myself yet is because i like drawing and i want to make at least one game before i perish

No. 1706736

nobody wants to play your game and your drawings are dogshit so go ahead and kys(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1706740

making stuff for others is gay and lame i only draw for myself and to out-skill /ic/fags

No. 1706743

you should still kill yourself

No. 1706744

baitchama you dont need to try so hard, everyone can see the sad attempts at trolling(infighting)

No. 1706745

i'm not trolling or baiting i am sincerely pleading with you to end your miserable existence so we can all be safer on the internet

No. 1706747

Aren't you an edgy little boy kek

No. 1706748

baitchama…lets be frens…baitchama beloved…

No. 1706749

fat, old, ugly, pedophiles

No. 1706750

did you look in the mirror?

No. 1706751

what the fuck is a chama? its sama you schizo fatass. you cant even integrate correctly on the sites you spam with cp

No. 1706753

im young and skinny and im dating all the guys who keep calling you a fat ugly bitch and thats why youre 7 vodka bottles into the week already

No. 1706754

blain trannychamaaaa go take your meds chama

No. 1706758

I like this thread

I hate being alive though

No. 1706760

No1curr groomer

No. 1706761

2 years and you cant come up with any new material. hard to believe youre 40 years old when you act like a toddler

No. 1706763

He's 27 actually

No. 1706765

ashley hutsell jankowski is 40 years old and this new villain youre trying to construct of some zoomer gay man isn't cute it's just another sign of your failing faculties

No. 1706766

trannychama stop spamming cp chama ywnbaw

No. 1706768

It's not Ashley it's the pedo moid who serial dated farmers and groomed little girls to go on lolcow

No. 1706772

yeah sure lmao who still believes this shit? the new 17 year old janis youre hiring?

No. 1706774

No. 1706776

I love this thread, please stop stinking it up.

No. 1706777

no i want you to die

No. 1706782

any "exposé" made by the lunatic admin of this site whos called ashley is worth less than shit because the likelihood of her scapegoating someone to cover for her own pedophilic grooming is very very high

No. 1706783

average kpop fan

No. 1706784

remember when ashley randomly accused someone of being a pedophile while doxing them because they used a piece of software? ashley calls everyone a pedophile rapist groomer because she projects(trolling, infighting, derailing)

No. 1706786

average pedo response

No. 1706787

>remember when ashley randomly accused someone of being a pedophile while doxing them because they used a piece of software?
what are you talking about kek(derailing)

No. 1706788

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No. 1706985

Kids are a plague. They bite you in the bladder and then mutilate your cervix, resulting in having a massive stab wound from your vagina to your asshole. Then they drain the money from your wallet on food and other random shit that you have to get them or else they’ll throw a fit in public, and you obviously can’t strike them across the face and tell them to shut the fuck up anymore - can you? I think everyone needs to stop reproducing for a while because every child I see is more retarded than the last.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1706990

>stop reproducing for a while
more like, forever

No. 1706992

One of my cousins has a baby and he's the cutest. He's literally so tiny but he can walk already.

No. 1707122

I like how this was redtexted so that the male admins can make us think that they’re pronatalist but they didn’t actually take the time to ban me for this post, which is all 100% true because every woman contests that being pregnant and giving birth is penance.(ban evasion)

No. 1707125

How come this was banned

No. 1707126

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It's not about pro-natalism, it's about you being in the wrong thread. This is the reasons for living thread.

I have a frog painting that is amazing that I love looking at every day. I want to decorate a wall around it.

No. 1707136

Nta but honestly it seemed like anon was trying to bait a fight/derail since they were sperging out in a thread meant for positive posts just because someone said someone positive about children. They could've made that post in any other thread but specifically decided to reply to someone saying they think kids are sweet, if that's not bait idk what is. And also saying that people should hit kids.

No. 1707140

Samefag but it also seems like that anon is the one who keeps derailing in /meta/ based off the other post.

No. 1707168

A good reason for living is spreading the gospel against careless reproduction

No. 1707177

You sound miserable, I get having tokophobia but maybe see a therapist

No. 1707183

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cute frog, frogs are definitely my reason for living. everyday i'm so grateful that frogs even exist. i love frogs so much.

No. 1707190

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Drawing and enjoying my fave characters in silly scenarios

No. 1707249

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Crocheting keeps me going. The whole process, especially when you're free-handing and designing from scratch, is just so exhilarating! Too bad that after I finish a project it gets thrown in my closet, never to be seen again kek. Jk, I just don't wear my stuff as much as I should. I've though about selling some things.
Picrel is not mine, but I would love to make a cat couch or cat home for when I eventually get a kitty.

No. 1707293

I don’t want to destroy your dream but you shouldn’t crochet anything for a cat anon kek

No. 1707476

NTA but why would you say that?

No. 1707523

their claws will get hooked on it (either on purpose or accidentally) and so they'll yank the yarn really hard to get it off their claw and fuck it all up. Same reason you don't let a cat sit on your lap when you wear a nice sweater. Always, always ends badly.
>t. have owned 5 cats in my life

No. 1707527

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I know and I don't really care tbh. Any mess or ruined stitches would show that it's well loved!

No. 1707534

just make tighter stitches and they won't get snagged so easily
>t. make toys for my cats

No. 1707537

This looks like something I'd put in my stardew valley house

No. 1707544

nona I'm in love. Care to share where I can find this pattern? I need this for my baby

No. 1707552

Here you go! Found it on pinterest, there's so many iterations of these little pet couches.

No. 1707561

TY! I'm about to move to a new house and I'll have some time to start a cute project and make my baby comfy.

No. 1707611

To get a chocolate milkshake

No. 1717877

What would your soul be like if it had never been influenced by experiences on Earth? Your entire personality and knowledge is based on what you've learned here. Who am I?

No. 1717880

how's that a reason to live?

No. 1717995

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These funny, furry purring creatures.

No. 1718037

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To have dinner with your lover, or even your favorite dinner by yourself, to enjoy roasted potatoes, fresh coffee in the mornings, warm showers after swimming or getting rained on, gathering with people you love, baking fresh bread, baking ANYthing! Autumn air, summer nights. It goes on and on.. Life is a pain in the ass. It can be so wonderful, though.

No. 1744831

Funny and cute instagram reels

No. 1744888

Good movies and shows, stuff that makes you laugh. Literally Aqua Teen Hunger Force existing is reason enough for me to live.

No. 1744906

The ability to move and get high off of working out is something I’m grateful for. I used to be so depressed I couldn’t get out of bed, now I love myself enough to push my body and the reward is amazing. Inertia is real kek

No. 1744917

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Reminded me of this video

No. 1744922

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Appreciating every star on the night sky. Comparing your little human problems on your tiny little planet to such beauty and mind-bending vastness is a sure way to make them dissipate.
Masturbating while e-fucking your fav AI bot slut is nice too.

No. 1745157


No. 1745410

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for the past few weeks I've been collecting pictures of different types of window and door architecture from google street view and copying mini thumbnails of them into a graph paper notebook to keep from killing myself but I'm running out of new types of windows and doors. If you have any photos of interesting windows or doors please send them my way.

No. 1745422

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Check out the Church of Agia Fotini Mantineias in Greece nona. Picrel is on Talgarth Rd in London

No. 1745424

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Picrel is 6 Rue du Lac in Brussels, Belgium

No. 1746355

Pain free days

No. 1746626

Cinnamon dolce lattes

This is too damn cute…

No. 1746643

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No. 1746647

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No. 1746649

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No. 1746652

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No. 1746655

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No. 1746656

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No. 1746662

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No. 1746664

kek. liberals. that shit aint going nowhere.

No. 1746685

Thank you very much, anons… I truly appreciate it….

No. 1752648

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No. 1910843

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Seeing new things that people create

No. 1926761

My cat was already abandoned twice in the past and she would be sad

No. 1926800

I want to rehab a boomer home. Collect rainwater, restore native ecology rather than keep the lawn going, reinsulate it, find way to cut the power use (all the boomers I know seem to not give a single fuck about how hard they are eating their HVAC systems). Basically turn it into a place a normal person could live without that much money rather than making it a perpetual keeping up with the neighbors money sink.

No. 1926821

imagine if there was a fire

No. 1927809

kek nona

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