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No. 1682642


No. 1682785

Dogs because they can have the personality of a cat but not the inverse.

No. 1682809

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Cats are objectively better. They are independent, smart, and do not hump your legs.

No. 1682819

>you see a cat randomly in someone’s yard
>psh psh psh
>it walks gracefully with its tail slinking
>if you’re lucky it’ll come up to you
>if not it just runs away

>you see a dog in someone’s yard

>it comes running snarling at you
>it reveals it’s sharp teeth
>it’s either an annoying little rat dog or a giant beast
>either way it’s scary and unpleasant

No. 1682820

I want both. If it's fluffy and makes funny sounds it belongs on my sofa

No. 1682988

i plan on either getting a dog or a cat. i'm very mentally ill, so a pet that could support me emotionally would be great. are cats or dogs better for this purpose? i basically want a life partner, as i don't plan on dating moids anymore. i definitely want a nice, quiet life.

No. 1683622

Dogs, cats don't actually love you they infect you with literal brainworms that make you worship them and eat your corpse after you die, meanwhile there are hundreds of cases of dogs waiting for months and years for their deceased owners to return to them because they genuinely love you

No. 1683639

dog if you dont mind walking it every day several times a day until they die, cat if you arent a person who needs to have a slobbering dependant being around you 24/7 but also wants a lower maintenance pet.

No. 1683642

you can tell a dogfag made this thread because they just want someone to justify their opinion. catfags could never, we don't care enough.

No. 1683644

your hand in marriage, nona?

No. 1683656

Cats can act like dogs wdym

No. 1683661

Cats. They’re cleaner, smell better and respect your personal space. Dogs are cute but they tire me out after 5 minutes. Stop running around.

No. 1683669

Neither. Same goes for their owners. Catfags? Dogfags? You're both obnoxious.

No. 1683675

Don't get a cat if you want an animal to actively console you and care about you. I say this as a cat lover who has owned many cats in her life but they're independent animals. Some indiduals more than others and sure there's some individuals who're cuddly and want to sit on your lap a lot, but in general they're independent animals. They're only motivated by what they want. They march to their own beat. They're lovely pets to have if you just want a quiet presence in your living space that doesn't constantly demand attention though.

A dog is a safe bet if you want an animal that actively wants to be by your side at all times but you have to be able to take care of them: they do demand a lot of attention and care. Some breeds more than others but in general they're high maintenance.

In general I'd say you co-exist with a cat, you live with a dog.

No. 1683684

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Both. Both. Both. Both. Both. Both.
Boooooo, bad opinion, someone get this one out of here

No. 1683685

I don't know nonnie, I have a very needy cat who is my shadow who vocally demands my attention and is very affectionate. He also plays fetch and walks on a leash, no joke. All cats are different.

No. 1683710

Yes like I said it's a generalisation, I did mention in my post that some cats are cuddly and that some cats are more independent than others. But you don't know what you're gonna get personality-wise if you get a kitten, especially if it isn't a specific breed. There's also plenty of cats who want to be left alone at all times, don't want to be picked up or even petted. You don't really get that with dogs, in general a dog is always going to want to be with it's owner, something I assume is important for a pet that's expected to fill the role of a "life partner".

A dog is a safe bet for the "emotional support" part of her wishlist, a cat is not.

But that's my opinion, you don't have to agree.

No. 1683735

I think that's part of the fun with cats. When I picked up my kitten a few years ago, I got to watch him grow and learn and give him new experiences. Watching his personality emerge was so exciting, and he still surprises me from time to time.

No. 1683951


No. 1684180

I'm already married, sorry nonny

No. 1684261

Both are beautiful animals but if I had to choose I'd go with dogs, but only some breeds (shepherd or sighthound dogs, no german shepherds, small dogs that aren't terriers, absolutely not pitbulls and similar breeds, no huskies or malamutes) and ONLY female dogs (same with other animals, unless they're birds or something). They can be so clever, loyal and obedient, they can understand complex commands and can be easily trained to fit your lifestyle. I've met some surprisingly clever and sweet dogs. Cats are wonderful but I wouldn't be able to stand it walking everywhere and leaving fur on everything. The thought of a cat putting its paws inside the litterbox and then immediately climbing up to the table/kitchen or on my bed is too much kek, and training cats is very hard, they don't really listen to you and go their own way (which can be good for some people but definitely not for me).

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