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No. 168256

Over the course of my dating career, I've come to realize that I have a type. Not all of the guys I've dated fall under this category, but I always find myself eyeing skinny, white, glasses-wearing, kinda goofy looking nerds. Not hipsters. Like, idk, young Rick Moranis, only skinnier and nerdier. And preferably a chemistry or physics major.

What type do you find yourself chasing after over and over again?

No. 168257

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honky hipster white boys with led zeppelin hair with a certain androgyny and playful demeanor

i've never found white male celebrities or models to be attractive. even the most facially and aesthetically white dudes i can agree that they are indeed "attractive" but i just can't be attracted to them (i'm more envious that they're prettier than me lol)- not even to the characters they play in films. usually the rule in general with the exception of white male musicians- specifically Robert Plant or Jim Morrison. Long hair, from the late60s70s era, charismatic with their music, etc These are the only types of white guys I'm attracted to. all other "normal" archetypes of men I can be attracted to if they were on non-white man but not on white men.

For example yes I could be attracted to the "normcore" guy with short hair, into sports, into J Cole or something. and also the "pretentious literati" type that I see reading Rimbaud in the library. and I have but the caveat is that they were Black and Asian-Am respectively. (i'm asian-am female) I cannot ever imagine myself being into a white guy that is of that "basic" or "literati" archetype. They have to be a 70s revivalist glam rock looking hipster boy with long hair. for non-white guys, anything and any type can happen.

No. 168258

cute (no other way to describe it, although it isn't very "manly" i guess), smart, thin guys who are very serious about their hobbies and interests.

i have deviated a bit sometimes but not been nearly as into it. i am a sucker for a guy who is seriously interested in something–anything. it's endearing and in general i just love to be around people who are passionate about things.

No. 168259

i like bear type guys as long as they're not bald but seems they're mostly gay, ah well too bad

No. 168260

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the only guys I've ever fallen hard for are skinny, usually older, unstable, challenging to read, hilarious, deeply emotional /mu/ boys with charming smiles that do a lot of drugs and love tim & eric.

specific I know, but that's been the pattern.

No. 168261

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I've never been super romantic, I really like hippie guys with long hair who are slightly older than me, and like to joke around and have a sort of buddy relationship. And try to stay away from bad vibes and be positive, I never have the chance to go to gigs so I never meet any which really sucks

No. 168262

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I like short, foot-in-mouth Ashkenazi men with strong brows who call their mothers all the time, but those bastards never date non-Jews.

No. 168263

white with a very strong jaw, blue or brown eyes (dislike green)

thin straight nose is a plus not a must

No. 168264

I like the typical studious man, and every man I have crush on always wear glasses. Every man that I have dated are very smarter than me too, if I thought about it.

No. 168265

Most guys I've dated have been above and out of my league with regards to raw intelligence and education. Hate to say it, but thank goodness it's socially acceptable for men to "date down".

No. 168266

I hate the idea of "dating down"
No such thing

No. 168267

When I see a built guy with nice cheekbones, a strong jaw, blue eyes, and glasses my heart goes doki doki

No. 168268

>studious man

yes those are cute as well.

No. 168269

I'm attracted to guys who are outgoing, a little abrasive, but generally get along well with everyone and know how to put people at ease.

I'm a socially anxious introvert, but like being around people that can pull me out of my shell a little and make me feel safe and okay.

As far as looks go, I like unconventional looks. I'm attracted to guys who look weird. I'm also big on eyebrows. I love a guy who has full, dark eyebrows.

No. 168270

I've learned I have 2 types. Main one being super thin boys with long hair and pretty eyes (blue eyes or hooded eyes are the best). Kind of like most emo boys from the 00s? Second one being middle aged rocker dudes, think Rufus from Gossip Girl or even Butch Walker. Also boys with semi high voices are sooo cute, but I also love the monotone type.

Personality wise I love someone who's goofy, that wins me over in no time. Also someone who's out with their emotions if that makes sense. It's good to have a dude who isn't ashamed to cry in your lap when they need it.

No. 168271

this thread also related

No. 168272

Same, sadly they are really rare in the clubs

No. 168273

Really? I love to date down, it really boosts my self esteem

No. 168274

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I'm too much of a snob to date down but feel hideously inferior when I date guys who are better than me. Feels bad man

No. 168275

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No. 168276

They usually only date down for casual relationships

No. 168277

Dark hair, dark eyes, non-white. A nerd who hides their powerlevel. Draws well, and has ~1/8 of their wardrobe consisting of some of the ugliest clothes I've ever seen in my entire life.

Not sure why the more specific part at the end has applied through multiple people.

No. 168278

Depends. Sometimes they're do-gooders who genuinely fall in wub, sometimes they're high-earning types who want a housewife.

No. 168279

There have been a few guys I've fallen for and they've been a pretty specific type (yes I'm picky, maybe I'm an asshole). Nice hair, thick brows, tall, resting murder face, highly intelligent, deep voice, childish, dumb sense of humor, offensively sarcastic, likes art, indulgent, no boundaries, and self-absorbed. Maybe not all of these at once but most of them. Dudes who look intimidating/scary but are fucking babies on the inside melt my heart.

What grosses me out is that this describes my dad to a T. I ended up dating guys exactly like him and even marrying one. Even though I swore up and down I wouldn't.

No. 168280

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I don't really have a type it seems. I've dated a variety of types of guys. If I had to pick it would probably be tall, fit, funny, cute??

No. 168281

Personally I don't mind dating a smarter guy as long as the guy himself genuinely don't mind me as a dating partner. From my experience, it's usually his friends or relatives who are really really annoying, especially if they are some obnoxious snob who always think degree, money and status are above anything in this world.

No. 168282

Older, dark brown or salt and pepper hair, blue eyes, wrinkles and stubble. Seriously all the guys I found attractive fall under this.

No. 168283

For me it's kind of like looking at an objectively handsome guy in his 50s/60s and imagining how much of a babe he was in his younger days.

When he is your professor/boss/superior it gets awkward for you pretty quickly

No. 168284

That reminds be, I have a crush on my former boss, and then I have several crushes on some guys who were either married or almost married. I never make a move on them obviously, but something about guys who appear overall stable are very attractive to me.

No. 168285

Same. I have a huge lady boner for older men. It's the fact that they've experienced more, the rugged way they look, they tend to be more confident, and if they're highly intelligent, I'm melting. Not to mention how they'll worship you for being much younger. It's sappy romance novel level stuff, but I'm a huge sucker for it.

A 10 year age gap is a MINIMUM in my relationships. Haters gonna hate.

No. 168286

I always fall for the guys that are a lot taller than me, are a ton of fun to hang around since they make jokes all the time but have a hidden serious side deeper inside. Usually they're super serious about some hobby of theirs too which I find adorable. All of the men I've fallen for have been like this.

No. 168287

I have a thing for chubby, tall green/grey/blue eye bearded guys

No. 168288

Skinny, long haired, mentally ill, edgy, pretentious white boys. It's hell.

No. 168289

I like normal guys. I get ignored by normal guys and get asked out by autists who have no idea what a haircut is. It's like I need Trinny and Susannah to point out all the things I'm getting wrong in my dating life.

No. 168290

sickly looking guys, especially with long hair. also guys with a sort of submissive personality

No. 168291

Or they're controlling, insecure assholes who thrive on feeling superior. I would know, I'm the female version of that.

No. 168292

Are you also non-white?

Hm, but money is the main reason anyone would go for someone superior than them imo.

All the brains in the world don't mean shit if they're some assistant prof on $30k a year.

No. 168293

It's all subjective
I still maintain that there's no such thing as "dating down"

No. 168294

100% shared in all my past interests
>my height or shorter
>slightly autistic
>longer hair
i tend to have an affinity for dark hair and light eyes but that's not 100% and by slightly autistic i mean everyone's been on the spectrum for real.

No. 168295

long hair is a must. I like soft bellies and strong arms. Tall but not lanky. Broad shoulders and no weak jawline. Metalhead dudes in particular. mmmmm

No. 168296

Priests, asexuals, guys who are too ill/depressed/traumatised to have much of a libido, tied or locked up guys. What's my deal?

No. 168297

Must bathe daily and use deodorant. Must brush teeth. Those are the most important.

Other than that he has to be thin or lean and fit. I am not attracted to flab in the slightest.

Smoking is a huge turnoff. My entire family smokes. I hate it. Go be a chimney with someone else.

No. 168298

Very specific and casually racist, I know. But I can't help it so ok.
My favorite ever type has been half-white, half-Asian guys. Thin, black hair, clever. So good.
Second to that I like coquettish cute tall white boys.
That's pretty much as far as it goes. I gotta move somewhere with more hapa.

No. 168299

Very nerdy, dark hair, dark eyes, non-hipstery glasses, intelligent, enjoys drawing and is maybe a little weebish. I also dislike 6packs and prefer a cute little fluffy belly. Too bad many of these guys are superficial as fuck when it comes to women.

No. 168300

Visual Kei. Long hair. Thin/lean to a bit chub is ok. Piercings, tattoos, smoker. Tall and can sing or play an instrument.

No. 168301

my type is guys who are good with kids. i want to be a mother someday, so finding a good father for my future kids is more important, in my mind.

No. 168302

When I look at celebrities I'm always attracted to tan guys with dark hair but irl my crushes (and current bf) have all been pale blonde white dudes. anyone else have this disconnect?

i'm also attracted to guys who have nerdy interests; all the guys i've liked/dated were STEM majors who are into scifi & horror

No. 168303

Don't get offended.
Skinny, tall, glasses, thick blonde hair and a beard. My type is nerdy and very smart and is casually an asshole.
I love him being an asshole, it makes up for some great drama.

I found my type a year ago abd its awesome

No. 168304

I think my type is:

>>Someone who is genuinely kind to people, not just to me (that's a red flag if they're just "nice" to me, but hates everyone else) - but someone who cares for others in general, themselves and loved ones.

>>Cares about the world we live in, is open to discussion and takes the approach of "There's more than one side to every story", and also independent enough to not fall victim to media bullshit and can think for themselves.

>>Please no to overly obsessive behavior in "caring" about certain subjects, be it of a political or social nature, it really turns me off.

>>Enjoys the same hobbies, but doesn't neglect just because of the same shared interests and is prone to doing so at hours at a time without sharing and communication.

>>Enjoys exploring and going out for bike rides and walks, always up for visiting museums, parks, galleries, looking at architecture, canals and wildlife.

>>Enjoys cooking and baking as much, is relatively tidy and okay to share chores, is pretty good at sharing all obstacles in life.

>>Is very tactful in response to negative situations instead of being "brutally honest", isn't egotistical or too hostile in reactions to opinions that differ than theirs.

Superficial stuff:

>>Umm, I don't know if I really have a "favourite" specific type of look, but good hygiene, above a 6 out of 10 for looks, cute and adorable, and not exceeding 200lbs or less than 100lbs where I can't help and they have gone to the point of no return.

No. 168305

Tall, broad and black or brown skin is my favourite. I like asian boys too but they're too skinny for my liking most of the time.

No. 168306

My type is geeky and smart (because they're not mutually inclusive) with a good sense of humor. I hate guys who are too cocky or act a bit assholish. Slightly chubby to husky muscular guys, I don't like skinny guys at all or guys with hard bodies. I want someone to cuddle with! I prefer guys with facial hair and seem to be most attracted to light brunette to blond hair but it's not a deal breaker. I don't really care about eye color.

For some reason I tend to attract guys who are more of the bad boy types and do have a bit of a cocky attitude. I don't know why. I've tried dating a few but it gets old fast when I'm trying to talk about my interests but their eyes just sort of glaze over.

No. 168307

I wish I'd known you in college, when I was a skinny, white, glasses-wearing, goofy-looking nerd comp sci major. Let me assure you, none of that is a turn-on for 99.999999999% of the females on this planet. Most of my life since then has been trying to downplay all of that. (I did succeed in becoming overweight, which strangely hasn't helped me at all.)

No. 168308

For both guys and girls,it usually helps if they're a bit abrasive and can make me laugh, people who are socially outgoing. People who are a bit mean. Internet type people who can pass for a normie if necessary. People who are crazy smarter then me, and will probably end up ruling the world someday. For men especially, it helps if your a bit older.

As for body type and all that, it really varies, but I like them a bit chub, nothing crazy.

No. 168309

Skinny pale weirdos that kind of act like Spock. Pretty face is a must.

No. 168310

feminine tan boys with dark hair and thick thighs.

No. 168311

I have no idea what my type is.

My friends tell me I tend to go for guys with dark hair, big noses, and nice jawlines. Case in point: Hal Ozsan. He makes me weak.

I also love artists. Musicians especially.

For ladies, I like really petite, butchy goth/hipster chicks.

Unfortunately, my city has nothing but scrubs and meth dealers. I die.

No. 168312

>J. Cole

kek, where did that come from

>tfw actually listen to J. Cole

No. 168313

Musicians who are way too old for me kek

No. 168314

Chubby men with beards. :o

No. 168315

>tfw your celebrity crush fits into both of these categories

No. 168316

'weird' looking guys
odd quirks
slightly troubled

I'm gonna get my ass beat one day

No. 168317

I've dated outside of my "type" but I've come to realize that my initial attraction to someone falls into two general types:

For both men and women, must be taller than me by at least 4". Being 3+ years older than me is a huge plus. Dark eyes and large noses are a plus.

For men specifically, I have a weakness for country boys, especially guys who have a strong regional accent from the area where I grew up. (I find this accent so goddamn comforting and sexy coming from a guy.) Cowboy boots, a bit dirty from working outside, and if white a farmer's tan.

No. 168318

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unf, country boys make me weak. Sadly, there are almost none around where I live.
pic related is my folk-singer husbando

No. 168319

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>my type

No. 168320

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>also my type

No. 168321

I used to (sometimes still am) be into the tall lanky pale boys who dressed like hipsters or punky with the 2edgy4u attitude, but lately I've been into tall beefier guys who have more of a fun caring extrovert type of personality, mostly because it'd be really nice to have a partner who could voice an opinion other than 'I dunno' and maybe do workouts together or something fun but also be down to binge on Netflix. More than anything I really just want a friend type where we just take it to the next level of being gross and dumb together but being gross and dumb together as a team.

No. 168322

I'm into boys that look like girls and it's depressing

No. 168323

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No. 168324

>seeing my gif reposted

yes, goood, let the feels flow through you

No. 168325

He was so adorable in it, I probably stared at it for a good five minutes
Thanks for sharing, anon

No. 168326

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Of course, anon~ Frank is the cutest.

No. 168327

I'm fortunate in that I'm surrounded by them, but unfortunate in that most of them work incredibly physically exhaustive jobs and I'm legit worried their bodies will be shot out by the time they're 35. And most of them dip, which I find disgusting. They're just sexy, sexy eye candy for me.

No. 168328

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My type

No. 168329

i love man shaming

No. 168330

Will shame both genders, I don't discriminate.

No. 168331

hubris knows no bounds

No. 168332

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For lack of a better word I tend to go for brogrammers. Sadly I attract the autist programmers instead.

No. 168333


Probably because you're an autist yourself.

No. 168334

if /r9k/ is STILL allowed to run amok here, then their female equivalents are allowed to complain. This is a board for female tards, come on

No. 168335

what's a brogrammer?

No. 168336

are you me

No. 168337

yo bro, your code sucks ass.

No. 168338

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Like what do they look like? My bf is a programmer, somewhere between autistic and normie/"bro" I guess, but I can't imagine anyone pretending to be cool while being a programmer tbh.

No. 168339

A programmer who is sociable and maybe into sports/gym and similar stuff. Doesn't necessarily have to be a bro, just the opposite of a stereotypical beta programmer.

No. 168340

Instead of being the typical nerdy, quiet programmer they rebel. Popped collars, bad beer, and calling everybody "bro", talking about many side chicks ect ect. A programmer with all the trappings of a usual bro. I dated one, don't fucking do it. Most immature piece of trash I ever had the misfortune to be near for 3 months.

No. 168341

I am always falling for short, chubby, bald, angry guys and then wonder why they aren't nice to me. I want to say I have a bad habit of falling in love with guys who a) like me b) seem easy to reach c) treat me nice and treat other like shit, but odds are I'm just retarded.

I lust over skinny, hipster, glasses-wearing, nerdy types. But I always feel they are out of my league and lose my spaghetti around them and never have a chance.

No. 168342

as far as guys go i am literally into trenchcoat dudes like shitty industrial goth dudes who listen to rammstein and have the hacker manifesto memorized

No. 168343

for some reason if a guy studies non-STEM shit it is a massive turnoff. maybe because those fields are associated with low salary

No. 168344

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No. 168345

Honestly I have such conflicting feelings about this kind of thing. I'm in STEM myself and half the time I get immediately drawn to guys who are also in STEM, particularly engineering, because I feel like we'd have more common interests, but then at the same time I love the idea of dating someone in a very different field from me, just so I can listen to their day at work and learn new things from them and never potentially compete for work.

No. 168346

No. 168347

I'm the exact opposite, the second I start hearing about STEM I'm out.

No. 168348

Autism fetish

No. 168349

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It's weird, I never would have though he was attractive until I saw how cute his girlfriend is (pic related). I was like "Huh, what does she see in him?" and then it was like…yeah, sure, I'd fuck that piece of shit.

No. 168350

I date mechanical/civil/computer engineers who are sumbissive and meek, and enjoy my nagging ways, of curse eventually growing to resent it because they don't know what they want.
They are perfectly happy to sit in and play their PC/console, when I was younger it was the 360, these days it's all Steam. They're fine to play it while waiting on me to get home/wake up, when they have a day off, on their birthday. When they meet with their friends (who are always less successful than they are, thought that's not saying much) they'll likely stay in and game, then order food in. Horribly unproductive when not actively making money.
Other than this they'll become heavily invested in me and try to change themselves to please me. Usually have depression and/or very low self esteem.
Looks wise I seem to go for guy with different shades of blonde, I've dated from obese to skellington, and from 6 and a half feet to the normal 5'9".
one thing they all have in common though is thinking their average/giant dick is too small. Genuinely had someone with 8.5 inches insecure, it was hilarious. They're also very curious/jealous of my sexual past, and all made the mistake of trying to play up their frankly pitiful sex life to look more attractive.

I currently hope to change this by dating with someone who seems to have motivation.

Love the reference.

No. 168351

>that's a red flag if they're just "nice" to me, but hates everyone else

can someone explain why?

No. 168352

They want something from you, and are suppressing their baseline behavior and putting on a front until they get it from you.

No. 168353

Yep my three main "loves" have all had dark very curly or just wild hair. Big "strong" noses, skinny, and pale (except one who was iranian) and have all been fucking depressed and quiet and just a little bit weird. Which I guess to me translates as deep and mysterious? lel.. oh boy. Now I know

No. 168354

Docile asian men…started liking whities again too but they're more of a wildcard.

No. 168355

fuck anon, are you me?

No. 168356

I like pale 30 somethings with scruffy hair and average weight but with a tiny tummy sticking out. usually end up with alcoholics with a lot of emotional issues but i love them and i wouldnt give em up for the world.

i have a thing for unattractive guys with unique features. my friends have questioned why i go out with guys they dont find attrsctive since im not bad loking. if you find them sad or ugly looking i love them,

No. 168357

Pretty much this post. I am seriously weak for older men, especially ones that are very competent at what they do, and one that wear suits a lot. Colin Firth in Kingsman is my ideal tbh, he was fine as fuck in that movie.

No. 168358

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I love Asian men too! My first boyfriend was Filipino and I never looked back. The docile ones I don't usually like as much because from my experience they either have alot of baggage or they're fobs which I can't really connect with. I'm blessed to live in an area with alot of Asian dudes and almost all of them are into bodybuilding. Gotta love them chunks, yo.

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