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No. 1681654

Post about infights that are currently happening, so as to document and alert others to fascinating behaviour on this site.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1681661

I can't see any way this could go badly

No. 1681665

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are you being sarcastic? I can’t tell.

No. 1681669

this fight has been going on for a while:

No. 1681723

Unsure it should even count as a fight just because it's so unintelligible

No. 1681801

that thread doesn't count it's always a mess

No. 1681817

That thread exists as a way for people to yell at the mods or trying to get people they’re squabbling with banned. Occasionally people use it to warn of nasty images being spammed.

Also, you or anyone else reading this, do you remember fontfag? She was calling people “karen internet buttstalker” and abusing every font option there was to no end? She was so fucking funny I can’t even remember what thread she was winging about and it doesn’t even matter.

No. 1681908

But currently it feels like being in a downtown bus station and some homeless people are aggressively ranting at the top of their lungs, but I have no idea if they are arguing against each other or if their insanity is synchronized.
Not familiar with fontfag, she sounds fun.

No. 1681917

what a fantastic idea for a thread nonnie bon clap clap

No. 1681950


No. 1681981

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nona I love you but like…

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