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No. 1667452

The UK government admitted that 1 out of 73 vaxxed people had died by May 2022. Imagine what the real death numbers must be like. It's probably more like 1 out of 10 vaxxed people have died already.(shit thread, could have been posted in an existing topic)

No. 1667453

Skill issue

No. 1667457

File: 1692259339124.jpg (27.93 KB, 539x566, smug anime grill.jpg)

im not even suprised

No. 1667470

One in every 73? That's 1,3% of vaccinated people, the UK's population consists for 18% of 65+ people alone, that's nearly a fifth of the entire population. That tweet is completely uninteresting on it's own, what age categories supposedly died? Did they already have other health concerns? For all you know every single one of those supposed one in 73 was 80, obese and suffering of various chronic diseases already.

No. 1667480

tf is this? boomer facebook?

No. 1667495

>Launched in 2023, the Leading Report is an anonymously published conservative news and opinion website. The website lacks transparency as it does not have an about page or describe ownership.
kek [1]
>While they occasionally will rely on a credible source like NBC News if it supports a conservative narrative, they usually use poor sources like Infowars and sometimes not all.
kek [2]
>Articles and headlines contain highly emotional wording that favors the right and is conspiratorial in nature, such as this: Top Scientist Claims 13M Dead From COVID Vaccines. The source for this claim is Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., a former physics professor who was dismissed from Ottawa University. Note that his specialty is physics and not medicine. There is no evidence to support the claim 13 million have died from the vaccine.
kek [3]

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