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File: 1691831539546.jpg (19.6 KB, 300x300, 1690516638112.jpg)

No. 1662066

lets get dumber
previous thread >>>/ot/1654444

No. 1662071

Christ, aren't we already dumb enough?

No. 1662072

File: 1691831706625.jpeg (31.95 KB, 500x375, IMG_0716.jpeg)

Whole lotta retardation going on tonight

No. 1662075

Getting real tired of that one compressed tear that runs down your face after you lie on your side for a while

No. 1662077

It'll pass, give it time.

No. 1662078

I don't trust men with downturned/negative canthal tilt eyes

No. 1662079

Everytime I see this picture I feel so sad for this poor double chin puppy, its so cute yet so sad looking poor little puppy

No. 1662080

Can you post a link/screenshot?

No. 1662081

this is his sound effect

No. 1662082

File: 1691832456891.png (277.57 KB, 800x800, 176.png)

Dumb, dumb will tear us apart, again
Dumb, dumb will tear us apart, again

No. 1662084

I forgot what kiwi thread I was reading but I remember some moid sperging out about how a women made fun of him for crying or some shit and someone else was like, “well if she didn’t care why not talk to your male friends about your issues ?” Then he proceeded to sperg out about how he was right about women not caring and going on about some tangent no one cares about. Moid probably knows that other moids don’t really give a shit either kek

No. 1662086

God I miss a few years ago when monetary processing sites like PayPal didn’t give a shit about your real identity. It was so easy to grift men.

No. 1662088

ntayrt but i'm guessing (might be wrong idk) this is about the anon who keeps showing up in unpopular opinions to say that only closeted gay/bi men are into femdom.

No. 1662095

hate when i find a picture on tumblr and i don't save it like i really don't want to look up homoerotic picture of dudes smokin fags in a way that alludes to fellatio.

No. 1662101

I think of siren everytime I see this picture

No. 1662105

I feel like every thread I read regardless of the subject ends up with st least one scrote making gross rape/sexual jokes. It's annoying and not funny.
The smug nature/powerleveling on that site ruins threads, even if you click through highlights it could be milk or unfunny "jokes"

No. 1662134

File: 1691838583030.jpg (116.82 KB, 720x1171, Screenshot_20230812-140036_Red…)

Wish that I could reply saying that absolutely no one cares without getting dogpilled and banned from the subreddit so I'll say it here - no one cares you attention seeking narcissists. The comment doesn't mention anything about the nonbinaries, just lays out the truth, so ofc these faggots still feel the need to constantly remind everyone of their made up identies.

No. 1662137

File: 1691838736454.png (Spoiler Image,548.54 KB, 613x996, cant_believe_he_did_it.png)

I'm sorry but I can't let it happen…

No. 1662139

I've been playing diablo with my bf and his friends and they all run female characters and I want to ask them all why and tell them to stay in their own lanes. They wouldn't even pick the druid cause she's fat. I fucking love my druid she carries all the fake women in every run.

No. 1662152

Lord that gurugossiper thread on Pewdiepies wife is nitpicky as fuck.

No. 1662153

Same, they give me the creeps and gross me out for some reason

No. 1662162

kek, ao3 is such a female thing because men aren't nearly as creative or passionate.

No. 1662188

my genital is engorged with blood
I sleep comfy tonight(moid)

No. 1662195

i think downturned eyes look cute

No. 1662221

Anyone who only has one love language is a coward, I am and request all of them.

No. 1662250

They're unattractive on men imo.

No. 1662254

i remember when i was maybe 14 or 15 and found a fanfic written by a man for the first time on what was back then my country's version of ff.net. it was basically shinji from eva getting jacked and then having sex with every female character in the series. there were entire chapters dedicated to his gym workouts. i didn't read the entire thing but it had like 60 chapters and less than ten comments. every time i hear the word male power fantasy, i remember this awful fanfic.

No. 1662270

I put this on the gardening thread but I think it fits here more as it is dumb and cute. But I have just bought a ‘magic bean’ in a can and says you can ‘grow your name’ I just got home and opened it and it has my name inscribed on the actual bean. I can’t wait to see what it looks like. I have to wait a few weeks though

No. 1662304

I saw your post there and was so confused kek but now I get it. What's the point of your name on the bean though if you're gonna bury it in soil?

No. 1662307

Because it grows into a bean sprout and the name is on the bean sprout kek

No. 1662313

File: 1691852217680.png (582.62 KB, 640x420, it's-in-tents.PNG)

Feeling extra dumb today so have a silly pun

No. 1662317

Rereading the Kaitlyn Tiffany thread and it is so hilarious. I remember seeing it fill up so quickly live

No. 1662321

File: 1691852565124.jpeg (185.85 KB, 1588x1588, name beans.jpeg)

I just looked it up. it's kinda cute.

No. 1662323

File: 1691852642109.jpg (9.22 KB, 360x345, 1660141246912.jpg)

Today I had a dream about the male pedo coomer cow Giggly Goonclown that got a thread on kf recently. In the dream I was interviewing him and asking him why he was so fucked up and suddenly he did a 180 on me and pulled up a list of all the porn I watched in the past while the horrifying clown fart sounds played in the background.

No. 1662331

That's exactly what mine looks like. I was gonna take a photo but for some reason posting my name would be a bit weird

No. 1662339

yeah don't do that lol. we might be in the dumbass shit thread but lets not take it too far and start posting our real names

No. 1662364

I love women with roman noses. Let me kiss that camel hump, baby.

No. 1662403

>Giggly Goonclown
I'll have to look it up kek

No. 1662411

I think all natural noses are so beautiful, but there is something about the roman nose that is elegant and classy. I really wish more women would embrace their beautiful, natural nose.

No. 1662427

I love women with all types of noses. Men though…
Unrelated but as someone who was bullied for my button nose in childhood it's so weird seeing (mostly) zoomers want button noses because they're cute or because they want to pedopander to scrotes.

No. 1662436

You guys are now just repeating images, I swear I saw that dog a few times before

No. 1662458

We're stuck in a never-ending loop. There's no way out, anon

No. 1662464

File: 1691859045178.jpg (142.97 KB, 1200x675, sdc.jpg)

This one gets posted alot too but I never get tired of seeing it

No. 1662524

Finally started to bleed after 3 days of anticipation and awfulness. Now I feel better and the milk isn't expired and I have more food than I thought in which means guess who doesn't have to leave the house today. Up yours Springfield!

No. 1662526

File: 1691862043965.jpg (23.15 KB, 400x400, 1591498755546.jpg)

WHY does no one remember this picture except for me

did all the farmers from 3 years ago leave LC

No. 1662527

Why do you think no one remembers it? I remember it. From the covid thread right? I remember seeing it in an infight

No. 1662529

Some of us have jobs and see average men like this all the time whys this one special

No. 1662530

File: 1691862227279.png (87.4 KB, 275x275, 1691090683707.png)

Oh ty anon, i've been posting him again and no one remembered it at all up until now.
Are you a newfag? It was a running joke on the board during covid

No. 1662531

Was it? I've been here since 2014

No. 1662538

Nta but are you really referring to anon as a "newfag" because they don't remember a single image posted 3 years ago. Maybe go outside?

No. 1662539

You didn't follow the covid threads then maybe? idk

No. 1662594

>have jobs
>see average men like this all the time
Argument in favor of NEETdom

No. 1662601

File: 1691867038682.png (185.81 KB, 400x400, 1691090683707.png)

If it makes you happy, anon, I remember, but I wish I didn't

No. 1662609

I keep seeing this phrase and idgi

No. 1662613

I was argumentative in those threads against antivaxxers and I do not remember him I was hoping you were going to say why he was a joke but I guess I should lurk the covid threads for the culture..

No. 1662615

good, it's some calipers-type bullshit.

No. 1662631

And from all the stories nonnas post in employment thread, get harassed by them or deal with their retarded manbaby antics. Wish I could be a NEET for life. Or move to an all woman state

No. 1662633

File: 1691869496810.gif (427.67 KB, 500x365, b71.gif)

Me petting my hamster after scrolling /ot/ today

No. 1662646

File: 1691870926459.gif (389.7 KB, 220x218, hamster-worried.gif)

I'm imagining her hamster posting in the /g/ advice thread like "hey I noticed my person was posting anonymously about her thoughts involving shaking a hamster maybe just a little bit – should i be worried? should I break up with her?"

No. 1662653

File: 1691871787347.gif (223.59 KB, 244x178, IMG_1590.gif)

I taught my bf about the dangers of anorectal violence today and he thanked me for educating him and said I deserve to poop healthy.

No. 1662654

File: 1691871789112.jpg (98.59 KB, 866x1300, 41153466-handsome-young-constr…)

Best thing about this time of year are all the slutty young tradies in different states of undress working around town

No. 1662655

File: 1691871914877.jpg (50.8 KB, 564x559, VerySweetCow (11).jpg)

Nonnie trying to start a fight, but my saintlike patience is virtually unending
Yes, it's true.

No. 1662656

>participates in chats about how some fags wife won't do degen stuff so offers up her services like a good girl

No. 1662657

Went on a walk and almost got lost right as the sun set, gave a spook

No. 1662658

>VerySweetCow (11)
how many more anon? i believe in your saintlike nature

No. 1662659

Bottom tier women let them be the other women to bottom tier men.

No. 1662660

No. 1662664

Anon wrote a vent about being the affair partner to some scrote on an online game, but she didn't make out like it was just online until other anons asked why she wasn't telling the wife so she said it all happened online and there's no way to contact the wife or discover her identity. Then she went to the get it off her chest thread to call nonas misogynists for calling her a whore.

No. 1662673

Anytime someone plays bad music loudly that I don’t want to listen to I blast gibberish sounding bands with female vocalists

No. 1662674

If you use words like faggot to refer to a man having sex with other women you’re making the discussion harder to follow.

No. 1662675

Me too nona, it is the only way to combat the tyranny.

No. 1662680

Men are faggots I don't make the rules.

No. 1662681

did you reply to the wrong person? i don't get it

No. 1662682

>Camel hump
That's it I'm getting a rhinoplasty

No. 1662685

File: 1691873710130.jpg (25.62 KB, 564x431, VerySweetCow (51).jpg)

At the moment I have a humble herd of 51, and slowly adding to it. My favorites are fantasy-like cows
I indeed did not engage in any infights, nonnie, and that is how deep my patience goes

No. 1662686

Yea you just had an affair well done.(retarded infighting)

No. 1662688

>the ultimate infight

No. 1662689

These are good cows, I feel a sense of serenity washing over me. What's your favorite fantasy-like cow picture?

No. 1662697

File: 1691874505154.jpg (90.54 KB, 564x751, VerySweetCow (35).jpg)

I think the one in the previous post, but I don't have many. If you have any by chance then please do share, they're all very good
No I mean it wasn't me

No. 1662719

File: 1691876090549.jpg (40.26 KB, 1000x714, Cowfaery.jpg)

Tried finding some but I think my search terms could use some work…

No. 1662723

File: 1691876743234.jpg (138.87 KB, 1125x836, cow.jpg)

I pray to the bovine gods that one day we will get to see your full collection of Very Sweet cows, perhaps in /m/.

No. 1662725

File: 1691877359140.jpg (93.65 KB, 564x558, VerySweetCow (3).jpg)

Thank you, nonna! VerySweetCow (52) it is, I'll send you this one in exchange
I wouldn't want to dump them all at once, but I might pasture the rest of them in the cow pics thread bit by bit

No. 1662736

File: 1691877999283.jpg (254.32 KB, 2201x1668, kiss 4 you.jpg)

>I wouldn't want to dump them all at once, but I might pasture the rest of them in the cow pics thread bit by bit
I would love that! Thank you for posting these sweet cows nonna.

No. 1662748

why don't you post them on the cow thread on /m/ ?

No. 1662750

I am stargazing in the Nordic circle at the Perseid meteor shower and question: is anyone else's moon a very vivid orange?

No. 1662764

ever since we lost the sanic totem my life has gone to shit

No. 1662768

When I was a freshman I had this shitty boyfriend and you know drama, verbal abuse, gaslighting and we were on and off a lot and we were off at this point and his brother would hit on me and he was like in his 20s and I was like 15 or 16 and I was dumb so I was like "ooo older man" but then he showed his face once and it was fat and ugly and he had alot of piercings on his face and it snapped me out of it but because I didn't wanna seem shallow I acted like I never had any interest in him. So being shallow saved me from being some discord mods girlfriend. Lol

No. 1662772

It's been orange a lot this summer because of all the wildfire smoke

No. 1662790

File: 1691882815822.jpg (175.22 KB, 749x1017, princess bubblegum marceline b…)

I love Adventure Time so much. Two things have been inspiring me to get back into art and rewatching this is one of them.
sorry if you saw me repost this twice kek

No. 1662792

Always watching

No. 1662796

I just really want someone to brush and braid my hair and play around with it aahhhhh.

No. 1662800

Were jannies in hibernation for a few days

No. 1662803

New jannies are neets that make the awful posts

No. 1662807

what was that movie that had a timer in the cornet the simpsons did a reference to it

No. 1662820

the show 24?

No. 1662824

File: 1691886180330.jpg (6.11 MB, 4189x4000, Eduardo_El_Presto_Prestofelipp…)

without knowing anything about this guy do you consider him attractive?
he's a political schizo from my country that has ties to the woman that tried to kill the ex president

No. 1662826

No. 1662827

No. 1662829

No. He looks annoying, like a try hard and maybe even a little homosexual.

No. 1662830

And samefagging cause I just read the spoiler but I suppose he is shilled as attractive? because that's the kind of scrote who'd be shilled as attractive in latam without a second thought just because beard and blue eyes

No. 1662832

thanks for reasurring me a friend was trying to gaslight me saying this goofy motherfucker was somehow handsome

No. 1662833

Men have no idea how transformative facial hair is, more than makeup

No. 1662834

No. His expression is off putting and his eyes are too light compared to his other features. It's not harmonic.

No. 1662835

His mouth is too small for his beard

No. 1662837

File: 1691887162368.png (159.82 KB, 256x283, 28749275.PNG)

What is that?

No. 1662842


No. 1662844

He reminds me on Ben Shapiro.

No. 1662850

no, he thankfully isnt as autistic he's actually more unhinged but in a theater kid kind of way and seething manlet way

No. 1662877

File: 1691890259808.jpg (102.94 KB, 885x544, lang-yarns-cloud-003-rose.jpg)

I've heard that Europe has some amazing yarn and when I finally am able to travel I will make it a goal to seek out any small yarn stores. Of course you can order the stuff, but wouldn't it be nice to have a yarn souvenir?

No. 1662881

I feel like no one trusts me in what i am doing, but i am having fun doing it regardless

No. 1662882

Coming back to this post because I finally googled what "molestar" means and KEK

No. 1662890

File: 1691891020385.gif (675.73 KB, 220x165, soulja-boy-hip-hop.gif)

Soulja Anon tell em

No. 1662892

Really basic. Hate everything about his features and style. He also looks like a dollar store version of Jack Whitehall kek.

Imagine he forces you to suck on this finger and then sticks it in your pussy.

No. 1662899

i feel like the hamster meme on here is making me schizophrenic

No. 1662913

Menstrual oracle here with my monthly predictions: A slow and anxious start of something awaited will suddenly lead to a catastrophic overflow of everything happening at once. If you can move quick and think on your feet, you will thrive and come out ahead, but those unlucky enough to stumble will be swept away and will have to wait until next month for a fresh start.
Beware flaky friends this month, as they will show their true colors. However, an incredible feat of strength and perseverance will come from someone you have previously overlooked.

No. 1662914

That purple tie is making me nauseous. Overall his outfit looks cheap af. Also the tip of his thumb is missing? And his facial hair makes him look kinda doughy to me. He is not styling himself well at all. If he had a different hair cut and shaved his face maybe I'd say he's attractive but he just weirds me out

No. 1662917

File: 1691894356156.jpg (56.88 KB, 1024x512, iced-dirty-chai-latte-image-st…)

I'm making myself a iced dirty chai with cold brew I made. Idgad that it's almost 8, I really want it.

No. 1662941

Looks like his finger has a foreskin or something gross

No. 1662949

File: 1691897904376.jpg (101.25 KB, 655x655, tigers jaw.jpg)

I was listening to new albums on youtube because somehow their algo gives amazing recs once you get into certain tracks, and this album art comes up. Now I want this exact same shitty pizza and there is NOWHERE here that serves it unless I want to spend $40. Every time I get the urge to eat out I remember how expensive it is now and just roll on my floor in agony because I just want to eat shitty pizza now and then but what used to be considered poor stoner food is now a luxury good. I can't even get frozen pizza because I don't have an oven.

No. 1662956

I feel like I'm developing true narcissism around moids recently like I feel my ego get slammed every time they do anything or constantly have to be better/put them down just for being moids. Not a slight lick of it exists around women though and I feel my ego relaxing around them. I got some issues nonas.

No. 1662959

What are some good herbs/spices? I already use copious amounts of thyme, oregano, parsley, coriander and basil.

No. 1662962

Cumin, cardamom, garam masala, harissa, methi, anise, smoked paprika

No. 1662963

no offence but how do you not have an oven

No. 1662964

kek I almost got pizza on the way home but remembered its around $12 now for a small one and then theres still a tip. my dumbass wouldve bought a drink too. ended up just having meat at home.

No. 1662979

Praying my cats let me sleep this time.

No. 1662982

File: 1691901530260.jpeg (98.36 KB, 1200x708, Immortal-Journey-Soraka-1200x7…)

I don't even play league anymore but I'm always happy when I see that my baby Soraka got a new skin. This one is definitely pretty meh and not her best but I still love her.

No. 1662986

I like reading Korean fighting manhwas and pretending like I can actually do all that shit in real life.

No. 1662995

File: 1691904108757.jpeg (852.67 KB, 3000x1688, llama2-business2.jpeg)

He looks so good in this tie…

No. 1662998

No he doesnt

No. 1663001

God I know. Remember when you could just grab a slice that big after school for only two bucks? Now you basically have to rework your monthly budget for "cheap" food.

No. 1663008

In my country we have something called ''pizza libre'' which is like those all you can eat buffets but for pizza, and just like buffets its a scam. Anyways, whenever i go i eat at least 9 slices of pizza, somedays even one or two more. I am fueled just by rage to own the retards that think they can trick me into paying more for less slices(a full pizza is roughly 8 usds, while pizza libre is 9).

No. 1663015

It's true that buffets are a scam, but part of the appeal to me was the variety of pizza I could eat at pizza buffets. I could eat like five different types. That was my favorite when I was a kid, kek.

No. 1663017

I am too tired to masturbate, but too horny to sleep.
what do???

No. 1663060

Cry, or find something that makes you laugh your ass off. Get the dopamine out somehow

No. 1663074

Damn that’s cheap! My local pizza buffet is $13usd

No. 1663098

Sounds like a great deal to me because I can totally eat 2 whole pizzas if I want to. Idk what it is about pizza but once you start it causes endless craving for more and it doesn't fill whatsoever.

No. 1663144

Pizza Hut in my country has buffet and that's 12 USD and I see it as an absolute win because if I just ordered a pizza it's more like 40 USD

No. 1663156

File: 1691920222070.jpg (36.55 KB, 800x450, c98.jpg)

>eating a wafer
>feel a feel weird texture in my mouth
>take my tongue out to see what it is
>its an ant(still alive)

No. 1663165

Good thing you didn't bite into it, that formic acid is nasty.

No. 1663177

I don't get why "cyberbullying" is such a big deal with zoomers when it comes to criticism on the internet. Even hate isn't necessarily cyberbullying unless it's some twitter witchhunt. When I was in school, we were taught cyberbullying was more heinous shit like someone posting your baby photos onto a cp website or leaking your address on there alongside it.

No. 1663199

Can someone please remind me what the context of this image was because I remember it being really funny

No. 1663228

File: 1691927451726.png (Spoiler Image,171.51 KB, 1284x1618, jvjh.png)

this the photo you want?(it's a moid, arguably the cuter one of the two)

No. 1663234

Was it sour? People say ants are sour, is it true?

No. 1663240

File: 1691929466538.jpg (77.91 KB, 720x865, download (13).jpg)

>2:30 AM
>working on something but very sleepy
>"I'll just lay down for a few minutes and then get right back up. I took a nap earlier anyway"
>Sleep on the floor with my blanket and pillow
>Wake up
>"Oh man, how long was I asleep?"
>"….Oh well."
>Go back to sleep until 8
I fall for it every fucking time.

No. 1663248

I love this dog so much. Why are beestung dogs so cute, it feels wrong

No. 1663250

giving up on my trading card hobby because i can’t find a binder i like.

No. 1663257

where I'm from you can see stuff that has been a customer request written under some products and usually they are nice, like something people actually have been whining to get in the shelves. Got the most underwhelming ice cream today, bad request, THEY HAVE BAD TASTE

No. 1663272

File: 1691933831580.jpeg (34.19 KB, 478x529, DA9F2DAA-5711-40D0-B014-54291C…)

I’m going to the club with some friends for the first time and it’s a women-only event(only reason I would go) I asked her what outfit I should wear thinking it should be something kinda hot “baddie”, but she said mom jeans are in right now? Really? Is this true clubstacy nonnies

No. 1663274

File: 1691933954187.jpg (194.46 KB, 736x981, a48ee615466c3dcef54450ddfa1742…)

I've been so especially beautiful this year. Literally glowing and radiant, my skin is like a bar of gold. Don't let people lie to you, feeling pretty is the best.

No. 1663275

I guess it depends on how you style them, but I would say do not wear mom jeans to the club. Regular jeans can work though.

No. 1663277

It depends on the club really, some clubs have more "glam" dress codes but you can totally wear jeans and sneakers if the club is more casual yes. Check their instagram to get an idea of what other girls wear there.

No. 1663291

just take a shower and b urself nonna. no need to check what is trendy. you're going to feel social anxiety and a deep desire to go home either way.

No. 1663297

i caught up with the screencaps thread today, this is awful now paired with context

No. 1663301

samefag, looking at this now, wtf is wrong with his hair?

No. 1663307

i think it was enlarged using remini or another similar app

No. 1663317

File: 1691938970939.jpeg (67.61 KB, 980x936, AE1C4FD5-244D-46BD-92DE-4FFE6F…)

Do you ever have those retard moments where you for some reason horribly misread a word? Just read the word menus but my brain read it like ‘venus’

No. 1663321

I think I'm too retarded for normal society, thank you for being nonas my sweet nonas. here I am free

No. 1663329

File: 1691939698031.jpeg (784.13 KB, 715x896, C0D6328D-514C-4D42-B6B3-464E22…)

Holy fuck I’ve shat 3 times this morning fuck this medicine

No. 1663330

I'm continually astounded how unaffordable everything has gotten. My parents used to get take-out as a cheap dinner option. Now I get it like once a year because it's at least $60. They had an entire cabinet of arts and crafts stuff they barely used. Now I buy cord and it's $12. It used to cost like $3. Have our wages increased 4x? No sir, they have not. It makes me pretty depressed to think about. I feel like every year that goes by, I have to further lower my standard of living. By the time I'm 50 I'll be living in a tent eating beans and hotdogs.

No. 1663333

god speed to you nona, hope you feel better. what medicine is making you shit this much though and did they warn you? hope your bum is okay

No. 1663335

File: 1691940207868.jpg (82.6 KB, 736x736, f0cffb05baf20c845f0bace0e1adac…)

I think LC could be a great place to recruit witches. Imagine the potential

No. 1663336

I remember when I shat 7 times in the course of 3 hours

No. 1663338

File: 1691940597348.jpg (29.37 KB, 550x550, 998e2e284af76907570bbcc88ec5b0…)


No. 1663339

kek, suits you well fattie(*bones rattling*)

No. 1663341

but I got type 1 tho

No. 1663347

retarded skeletals dont realize people might be born with beetus and might actually need to take it instead of taking it to achieve their body goal kek

No. 1663354

type 1 is insulin dependent, metformin is for type 2 aka fatties

No. 1663366

Nta but most anorexics I've seen were literally more fat than average women, stop projecting and continue starving.

No. 1663368

File: 1691943602971.png (172.46 KB, 875x768, metf.png)

nta but you're an idiot lol

No. 1663369

no it's not retard

No. 1663375

Tumblr aesthetic witchcraft radfem Discord server incoming

No. 1663391

when there's a bidet at the toilet you're using but unbeknownst to you the pressure is way too high so you basically just got yourself anally penetrated. kms

No. 1663394

didn't feel its taste, just its texture.

No. 1663405

ayrt idk what it is I'm sorry, why are nonas being cunty about it wtf
hope you feel better sweet nonita do you have anything substantial to eat or drink?
considering this is the dumbass shit thread I had a dumbass shit today that was like a normal one but smelled like a whole bottle of wine. which is funny cause I drank like 2 and a half if not three so turns out my ass just LIES

No. 1663411

File: 1691947138222.jpg (33.98 KB, 480x480, 83c484c8779747afedb7fe594a4443…)

wheres ma cake???

No. 1663415

I used to listen to Tiger's Jaw

No. 1663419

watching my 600lb life on tlc uk for like the first time and I literally feel like throwing up. burger anons I am sorry you have to live in the same country as these people

No. 1663420

File: 1691947513025.jpg (291.48 KB, 1024x1956, Rhaegar and Lyanna by SimonaBo…)

I need my knight in shining armor

No. 1663422

I can be your nonny in shining armour

No. 1663423

File: 1691947579754.jpg (7.63 MB, 3456x4608, image_editor_output_image14723…)

do you want a slice of mine? I make a lovely Victoria sponge

No. 1663425

oh yes please, you are very kind.

No. 1663427

File: 1691947693613.jpg (80.51 KB, 564x766, eaf9a78e07177533a8a5c852b2a226…)

what about rat cake?

No. 1663428

i had my 11th birthday party at a cici's pizza buffet. all of my 2 friends came. i know that's like bottom tier pizza most of the time but the dessert ones kick ass when you're 11.

No. 1663430

File: 1691947812469.jpg (99.37 KB, 1920x1090, MV5BNDhiNzVlY2QtN2ZmNC00ZDBjLW…)

papa franku? rat chef?

No. 1663435

File: 1691947980690.gif (2.86 MB, 498x278, muaw.gif)

No. 1663443

File: 1691948305527.jpg (47.47 KB, 825x693, a1f7436e8c21c2153fa78fe432f416…)

fuck your mothers recipe frank!!!

No. 1663485

File: 1691950054609.jpg (41.2 KB, 500x667, Back Tattoos.jpg)

Would anyone be interested in a "Tattoos you like" thread in /m/? I noticed there are only bad tattoos threads.

No. 1663495

not if that's what a likeable tattoo is. that is ugly and took me a while to make out what it even is

No. 1663497

I was gonna say the same thing but I didn't want to be mean

No. 1663501

I'd love it nonnie

No. 1663505

yeah uhhhh can I do the uhhh rat combo

No. 1663510

No. 1663515

Do it!

No. 1663545

No. 1663573

File: 1691955715408.gif (1.49 MB, 435x250, ContentHotHackee-size_restrict…)

coming up bro

No. 1663609

File: 1691959795734.jpg (32.01 KB, 518x612, istockphoto-1285539318-612x612…)

I honestly think I could be a doctor without having to go to school or do residencies or anything like that. I could even do surgery as long as it's not on any vital organs, like that wrist surgery for carpal tunnel. I would also be doing gynecology work like cystectomies and cavity fillings and tooth extractions.
Doubt me if you want but I will be opening up Dr. Nonnie's Medical Center & Psych Ward in /ot/ city this fall.

No. 1663615

kek do you have the link to the original post?

No. 1663616

what the hell this is such a nice skin, i'll start playing league again kek havent played it in months

No. 1663617


No. 1663618

i love franku wish he came back plz come back

No. 1663620

Will it be a free clinic?

No. 1663621

No. 1663625

File: 1691960994121.gif (7.59 KB, 60x90, computer.gif)

The urge to shake a hamster

No. 1663627

shakey shakey

No. 1663634

No, my expertise does not come for free. I will be taking payment in hay, grass and alfalfa.

No. 1663635

it was a hamster that wanted to be shaken, RPing its shaky shaky fantasies

No. 1663641

ohh i thought this was the original post >>>/ot/662355

No. 1663643

soz i meant >>>/ot/1662355 kek accidentally deleted the 1

No. 1663645

the post right underneath the cap links to the original nonnie

No. 1663673

nonnie let’s just watch his old vids together

No. 1663676

File: 1691963268101.gif (3.38 MB, 498x269, IMG_3058.gif)

hamster anon. is this you?

No. 1663678

File: 1691963539717.jpg (100 KB, 750x920, flat,750x1000,075,f.u2.jpg)

I had such an inhuman, embarrassing crush on this freak during the filthy era. Miss you papa franku.

No. 1663680

Yo I've dealt with an absolute huge amount if grievances in my short 32 years of life I'm also a serial relationship girl and have had a boyfriend through every death and all offence to men but they're fucking terrible at reading the room and being sympathetic to the opposite sex. Genuinely do feel all men are baseline gay and in denial. I feel with the death of an immediate parent you're allowed to be more hyper aware of how fucking odd it is you're not getting any emotional support. In fact this is now my cannon event that set me off into accepting I do have narcissistic tendencies and this is now my villan era. I've 2 decent family members left after this and they'll accept me always. Society. Fuck you. The mask is off. I'm a hot bitch and I'm going to a bitch and push the status quo constantly away to fuck

No. 1663684

nona don’t get me started on that topic because same, still even

No. 1663701

damn me too, he was cute and funny in his dumbass way. Now he looks nasty and plainer than dough. completely unremarkable.

No. 1663705

Thank you for the answer, nonna
It happens to me every time too! It's funny how i'm able to dilude myself that this time it'll not be like all the other times kek

No. 1663714

File: 1691965291444.gif (4.3 MB, 640x360, sadandfilthy.gif)

frankufags share your favourite FF moments. I personally loved when he fake cried/screamed until he was forcibly salivating and red from oxygen deprivation.

No. 1663724

File: 1691966198861.gif (553.83 KB, 245x245, IMG_3059.gif)

When he caught his drone wife cheating on him with a black drone

No. 1663726

File: 1691966285260.jpg (25.68 KB, 341x603, 1690755708713.jpg)

sometimes i worry that one of the writers of the books i don't review positively on goodreads will use my review (among others) as an inspiration for their next meta novel about cancel culture and online mobs in fandom spaces, rfk yellowface style.

No. 1663733

but how would he combat it?

No. 1663737

he says: just print more meowney

No. 1663750

File: 1691968029087.png (Spoiler Image,1.13 MB, 960x960, l06983m92ghb1.png)

I wanted to show this to you all because I know there are many rat lovers here.

No. 1663755

More alfajores

No. 1663758

Thank you I love it

No. 1663759

Follow up question, did you make it?

No. 1663767

File: 1691969322503.png (6.11 MB, 2992x2992, 0d5x9tca2ghb1 (1).png)

No. 1663769

So cute! thanks for sharing this nonna

No. 1663774

a tru economic genius, if the argentinian economy depended on alfajores it would be a first world country

No. 1663793

File: 1691972101557.png (159.07 KB, 236x325, products_lighttuna_water_236x3…)

I want to try these little bag tunas because I love canned tuna and they seem so much more convenient, but every time I hear about these it's a story about how they weren't sealed or made properly and ended up rotting.
Anyway, I've been eating tuna melts and tuna and rice like twice a day for the past few days. I don't get tired of it.

No. 1663794

I'd 100% recommend them. They have really good flavors, especially the lemon pepper one. I've been eating them for years and never got a rotten one.

No. 1663796

How do you get past the smell

No. 1663797

I see a lot of people calling yellowface a weird outrage-culture fantasy that reads like 'and then everybody clapped'. Is that true? I thought about reading it but if that's the case I won't waste my time

No. 1663812

I left a really nasty goodreads review for yellowface and made several scathing /lit/ threads. Fuck that bitch for making me read a lousy book.
Yes. "And then everyone clapped" is the most succinct way to summarize it.

No. 1663819

excuse me nonnies, I'm gonna have a conversation with myself.
hi nonna how are you today?

No. 1663820

Hi nonny, I'm good, getting dinner ready. How about you?

No. 1663821

I'm great, I've been listening to inoffensive folk this past week.

No. 1663822

How you liking it? it doesn't have the depressive dept of 2010's upper west side folk. Does it make you sad?

No. 1663823

not really nonny, it feels like I am sitting on a rock outside my suburban home looking at the forest. The forest could kill you at any time if you let it.

No. 1663824

Can you share your review here? Curious about it and refuse to read it myself if it's just some masturbatory fantasy. I'm sorry but third generation Asians who overinflate and indulge in racist narratives are always from families that are incredibly racist themselves - okay so a white woman pulled her eyes back at you, but what about the hundred thousand times your mom called a black man in your vicinity a gorilla or a host of other racial slurs and you said nothing? I'm sorry but the way they victimize themselves while refusing to acknowledge that their entire lives have been entrenched in anti-poc rhetoric is so opportunistic. I know so many racist asians that have grown up with and laughed about racist behavior, I had a couple of friends whose parents straight up told them if they ever dated a black guy they would disown them. Over the self pity and fanfic!!(racebaiting)

No. 1663825

I see, I'm glad you are liking the inoffensive folk genre. Hope your dinner doesn't burn,

No. 1663826

aah fuck…

No. 1663829

not self-doxing. basically she made a strawman white girl character and proceeded to make her act retarded and awful and bash the living shit out of her while gargling the tits of the dead asian girl who totally wasn't a self-insert. it's just race baiting and nasty, malicious hatemongering. and the plot was fucking stupid. the white girl ends up thinking she sees a ghost of the dead asian girl she stole the book from, and confesses what she did to the ghost, of couse it's actually people recording her. i mean it was so fucking retarded. i'm drunk but my god i hated every word of that fucking book. you know how the asian girl dies? CHOKED TO DEATH ON PANCAKES. it was so hilariously badly written it was just like what the fuck am i reading, how did someone get paid for this garbage?

and the writer herself is a trust fund ivy league nepo baby. she seethes so much about white privilege because she's a guilty as fuck blood money trust fund kid who never worked a day in her life. should have her own cow thread now that cassandra claire is stale milk.

No. 1663830

File: 1691975931023.jpg (14.7 KB, 360x640, download (24).jpg)

I think a fly just flew in my mouth under my tongue. Anons why are we all almost eating bugs today.

No. 1663832

Beyonce anon if you are here, what did you think about this new outfit for cuff it

No. 1663834

Oh god, yeah that sounds like And Everybody Clapped volume 1.

Keep that evil to yourselves no thank you

No. 1663837

>Keep that evil to yourselves no thank you
Just wait until a wasp or something flies into your mouth Jk I hope that never happens to you nonna

No. 1663838

Woooow disrespectful

No. 1663842

the woman i have a crush on has the absolute goofiest but cutest smile, it's about 70% gum and 30% teeth, which I know sounds unattractive, but on her it's so cute, you just have to believe me. The more gum she shows in a smile, the more genuine it is. When she does it, it makes me want to hug her and kiss her all over her face. I think she's going to wind up giving me a permanent thing for gummy smiles.

No. 1663845

counting down the days until i see people talking about hamster shakes in the wild (not on this website)

No. 1663848

A few hours ago I'd have no idea what you're talking about, before I check led LC caps thread, I was happier back then.

No. 1663853

I'm constantly self conscious of this after one bad photo from childhood so thank you anon for sharing that some people think it's cute

No. 1663858

aw anon i hope you fall in love with someone who loves your smile and will kiss you on your gums ♥
what do you mean that sounds creepy
its not like i actually want to do it or anything haha it's just jokes…

No. 1663873

How do I tell this scrote that I don't want to associate with him because my anxiety literally flares up to catastrophic levels around him? He won't take no for an answer but if I say this then he's probably going to say "but that's just your mental illness/es and mental illness likes to be irrational".
Also at what point do they really become irrational? My chronic anxiety is a pain in the ass but every person it's flared up around has always been shit for me.

No. 1663880

File: 1691982557437.jpg (81.33 KB, 960x640, 756408-milei-0.jpg)

Libertarians are winning in my country and i am only hoping for less taxes so i can import my animu figures. Also our potential president is very goofy looking.

No. 1663881

What does his voice sound like

No. 1663887

He looks like a country music star

No. 1663888

Good to see Martin Freeman is doing good after Sherlock

No. 1663890

nta but i think it's annoying
KEK i never realized but you're kinda right

No. 1663893

File: 1691983502084.webm (1.71 MB, 198x360, Javier Milei: El General Ancap…)

No. 1663894

Someone needs to hold him down and forcibly remove those sideburns

No. 1663897

if you remove the sideburns he loses his powers

No. 1663904

Cool, I hope all huehue ancaps move to Argentina.

No. 1663908

File: 1691984741421.jpg (34.28 KB, 567x643, Quedecis.jpg)

No they can stay over there

No. 1663909

I wonder how my booty will look after I lose weight. It was still plump even when I weighed a lot less, but I'm still so worried that I'll catch a flat. My ass is my favorite part of my body so I don't think I'll be able to cope.

No. 1663911

File: 1691985149695.gif (5.06 MB, 480x480, lag.gif)

I honestly have no idea what he wants to do, I dont even vote. I am just hoping for less or none taxes so i can finally use my freebucks i obtain through furry commissions to import shit I want.

No. 1663914

File: 1691985506413.jpg (29.19 KB, 564x568, 72ee20ee38a98fe213c3c9d06a0241…)

Do you nona's have like a world in your head where you relax and such? mine is a grassy field and it's quite windy with a forest surrounding me, a little cottage and a tiny river beside it, sometimes there is a deer.

No. 1663916

File: 1691985640247.jpg (38.93 KB, 544x350, ff42b2ec6575b38ced7756b7796da1…)

> I am just hoping for less or none taxes so i can finally use my freebucks i obtain through furry commissions to import shit I want.
im susdoganon and honestly, as ignorant as it sounds,same
i can't even get my money out fuck that
summer night drinking coke and eating pizza
or a nice cozy room with heavy sheets on winter with some orange/blue ambience light, while watching some tv show maybe idk

No. 1663917

Yes it's raining outside and I am in a bed with fresh crisp sheets and a man on top of me like an autists weighted blanket with his stubble poking my temple and his pit in my face

No. 1663919

File: 1691986149281.png (377.76 KB, 471x494, 1674105965920680.png)

>im susdoganon and honestly, as ignorant as it sounds,same i can't even get my money out fuck that
I know right? and cant keep my money on paypal either because at some point they lock your account for sus behaviour. You cant even import books anymore since amazon closed book depository.

No. 1663921

idk if i'd consider that last part relaxing but it is wholesome in an odd way

No. 1663928

Well it's to relax me not you

No. 1663937

File: 1691989089361.jpg (443.24 KB, 1909x1393, kaai yuki.jpg)

She's coming for your crown Miku you old hag

No. 1663941

Misogyny! Ageism,!

No. 1663944

kaai yuki is the queen of cringe 10s creepypastas, what a sad fate

No. 1663947

More like the queen of being silly mode

No. 1663950

The boutique who sent me a 50% off coupon with a ad for a beautiful dress that's sold out can fuck off.

No. 1663953

Late but I laughed more than I should at this.

No. 1663961

File: 1691992527285.jpg (61.33 KB, 410x608, barb.jpg)

Barbie movie sure was…something
I liked certain bits of it but I really hated when the tranny screamed and you could tell he was as big as some of the kens KEK

No. 1663962

File: 1691992553869.jpeg (288.7 KB, 640x554, 38F0013B-2D16-4D7B-A1A9-A95924…)

why did he get arrest and what is that if not dog

No. 1663964

File: 1691992629796.jpeg (Spoiler Image,202.92 KB, 640x481, 310F2A60-6523-455D-ADE0-8E3EFF…)

No. 1663966

I see stuff like this late at night and it really trips up my tired brain

No. 1663967

looks kinda fleshy…like a dogman

No. 1663970

I haven't seen the Barbie movie and can't but the fact that it's making moids everywhere seethe so hard their dicks prolapse is good

No. 1663972

r crumb's lymphedema ass women will never not trigger me

No. 1663976

He knows what he likes

No. 1664019

I remember when i watched his documentary and how his fetish was asking for women to give him piggy back rides. What a sperg, if he was born a few decades after he would be drawing nintendo girls giving piggy back rides to male characters and would have a 100 pages long kiwi farms thread

No. 1664082

File: 1692002329497.png (288.73 KB, 783x767, 57954429_p1.png)

I’m still seething over one of my semi ex friends saying Keisuke sucks

No. 1664090

How do you have friends

No. 1664094

File: 1692003148262.png (165.73 KB, 275x270, IMG_1668.png)

today has been very great day, i met a girl i knew on the train today and when we got separated, i met her again and she was with another girl i also knew and then we all walked to our college together and then we stopped to meet the campus cat, and the kitty brushed against my leg!!!!!!!! im so happy!!!! and then i got to my class, and i talked to a lot of my classmates, i shared spicy leonade and bc it was a short class we got off early, life is great

No. 1664096

damn you are living in an anime

No. 1664098

there's a spicy lemonade?

No. 1664099

File: 1692003779448.jpg (52.36 KB, 1200x1200, kjhvoisjf.jpg)

yes, just add salt and spice to lemonade

No. 1664100

File: 1692003886371.png (50.27 KB, 1000x591, gthfyugiyftdrytf.png)

samefag, this is what i had tho

No. 1664106

File: 1692004433850.jpg (935.88 KB, 2448x3264, ekhnskfjns.jpg)

what do you mean by that?

No. 1664109

Your not delusional or naive, I'm glad you had a wonderful day.

No. 1664112

People just think I’m fucking awesome what can I say

No. 1664154

god i love lc hugs all the nonnas

No. 1664260

File: 1692020672272.gif (64.51 KB, 230x283, 1299018ilh3uxizie.gif)

Muah muah kiss kiss smek hug hug squeeze

No. 1664266

File: 1692021295270.jpeg (17.55 KB, 500x366, anteaters-as-pets-taming-wild-…)

Here I'll get the door for you.

No. 1664278

File: 1692022530307.jpg (60.06 KB, 634x679, article-0-1883FFAC00000578-104…)

Oh, why thank you!! Bye bye I had a great visit

No. 1664279

shall we on the lc movie nights?

No. 1664288

That's So Raven was a really good show with hilarious physical comedy.

No. 1664289

File: 1692024154629.gif (404.83 KB, 480x316, 6e3ca64006da2ab8e1d002665af52d…)

You are so right

No. 1664297

>be me
>I should look that thing up on pinterest
>just gonna look at husbando pics for a moment first
>ah so hot
>haha all my husbandos are retarded but hot
>what was I going to search?

No. 1664298

Doubleposting to add I just got a pin for blender tutorials, as if it wasn't bad enough that youtube suggests them too. I use 3ds max 3DS MAX

No. 1664310

File: 1692027086354.jpg (18.59 KB, 640x636, this is all a dream, kid_ go t…)

How I look at the leech sized bloodclots that come out on my pad on my period.

No. 1664313

Nobody needed to know about that nonna.

No. 1664315

File: 1692027609999.jpg (94.15 KB, 1410x120, false statement.jpg)

speak for yourself mr amazon toy reviewer.

No. 1664318

File: 1692027755128.jpg (33.27 KB, 750x500, its time to let it go.jpg)

>dat nail

No. 1664321

Nonna I kek but pls see doctor
Girl got hotel soaps hanging from her ears tf

No. 1664324

What do you mean see a doctor lmfao blood clots during your period is normal

No. 1664325

she's literally me. I won't let go

No. 1664326

but have you tasted them? for science.

No. 1664335

File: 1692028932548.jpg (63.96 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

Omg I want to do her nails so bad. I love doing fills but I never let my nails grow out that much so I don't get to do them. Like look at picrel. Wouldn't it be so satisfying to file everything down and give her a fresh set?

No. 1664340

I'll never know the feeling of having nice nails
>t. short, wide, inverted triangle nail owner

No. 1664346

There are options for you nonny! Even if you're not open to false extensions (like acrylic), I'm sure just some shaping and a gel overlay would do you some good.

No. 1664350

the bacteria underneath those disgusting claws…

No. 1664361

In that case, use therapy speak. How often do you see him? That will change my answer slightly, but here's a template.
"Anon, I no longer feel our relationship contributes towards my personal journey. I wish you all the best, but we should stop spending so much time together.”
"But nonnie! [reasons][reasons][reasons] we should keep the relationship the same!"
"I'm sorry, but my decision is final."
And then you hold the boundary. Don't answer if he texts or calls and grey rock him when he tries to speak to you. Depending on how pushy he is, he might try an extinction burst, where his words become more extreme and insulting in an effort to get your attention again, but if you continue to grey rock, he will leave.

No. 1664367

I haven't read the article, but the picture is a bear with maybe a little dog photoshopped in.

No. 1664377

All the more better to gouge moids eyes out with if needed, seethe more nail biter.

No. 1664379

I'm playing the Sims 2 for the first time ever, it's really fun so far.

No. 1664411

To get rid of him slowly: Agree to hang out at a time you know you won't be available, then say there was an emergency and you had to go to work/the doctor's/the vet. Send him a pic for proof if he asks for it, and lots of sad faces. Never give him your address or tell him where you work, tell him you'll meet him when you agree to hang out. Do this a few times, choose excuses that legitimately seem to be emergencies or unplanned. Take longer and longer to reply to his texts. Actually hang out with him once or twice if you can bear it. Block him once he stops pestering you for a while, and go silent on any social media he knows about.

To get rid of him quickly: Block him and unfriend him on all social media, set everything to private, then make posts saying that you're worried because the moid in question is so pushy and creepy and ask your friends/family to not talk to him about you. If any of your friends want you to hang out with him in any way, like as a group, ditch that friend immediately. Don't stalk his social media. Don't reply to, or read, any of his messages. Don't answer calls or messages from unknown numbers. Block anything that looks like it's related to him. Cut him out completely.

No. 1664420

You guys know how gay men put on that high pitched gay voice? I think some studs do the same thing but it's a deep gay voice instead.

No. 1664421

Best Sims games imo, and not just cuz it's nostalgia for me. The OST is great too.

No. 1664430

Anti yaoi infights are my favourite, they are so insane. They cant just hate yaoi because they simply dont like it, they have to turn fujos into based faggot haters who are the root of all evil in women and equally insane as men.

No. 1664431

Do you guys know any series where one of the main characters' actors randomly got replaced? Only ones I can think of right now are The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Modern Family and 'Til Death. Bonus points if they comment on it in the series.

No. 1664432

Not replaced but in married with children they had a kid for one season and then it dissapeared. It was never verbally adressed but his face appeared in one of those "missing children" milk cartoons which is very married with children like.

No. 1664445

File: 1692035787758.jpg (156.44 KB, 600x600, tune ur tuna.jpg)

Looks like cat food but for humans

No. 1664456

Darryl in the old Bewitched. Daario Naharis, Tommen, and The Moutain were all recast with no explanation in Game of Thrones. The Mountain was recast twice.

No. 1664478

keisuke sucks in every route that's not his own, except maybe nanos route. your friend was not wrong.

No. 1664481

Mmm german cuisine

No. 1664492

You should not be eating canned tuna that often and you likely have really high levels of methyl mercury in your blood, please cut down to one serving of tuna per week and please don’t try to get pregnant anytime soon

No. 1664503

Every character sucks in the route that isn't their own aside from MAYBE Shiki in Rin's route (good final boss material), but Shiki sucks in his own route so who cares.

No. 1664521

One time my gay roommate woke up to an unexpected phone call in the middle of the night after a 16 hour shift, I was still awake and I got scared because he sounded straight and I didn't know who tf was talking in my house.

No. 1664523

KEK Anon this actually made me wheeze

No. 1664555


No. 1664567

No. 1664571

Just dip them in some grape juice and you've got a organic wine coming, dip them in milk and you'll have cheese to go with it

No. 1664601

My friends and I have a running joke because I can be particular about eating utensils, and yesterday they said I should make an instagram ranking utensils I come across in my daily life so now I just have a stupid instagram account centered around ranking utensils and it’s the most retarded shit ever but I think it’s fucking hilarious and my friends and I can’t stop laughing about it. I love them.

No. 1664607

I hate when these 18/19 years old baby radfems on twitter openly talk about lc, like girl shut the fuck up! Keep it to yourselves!

No. 1664622

I know! Stfu about it, you're going to flood it with men. lolcow should only be told to other women in person.

No. 1664628

glad to see another nona thinks rfk is a total cow… what kills me is that her books always make it seem like white people (esp her hang up about white women) are irredeemably awful yet she's in a relationship with a white scrote KEK

No. 1664681

File: 1692048287738.jpeg (139.91 KB, 1240x930, snail bread.jpeg)

When I saw "burugundi snails" on a restaurant menu I thought that was some snail bread variation, not actual fucking snails for human consumption

No. 1664744

Lololol. Every time. Every single time.

No. 1664797

File: 1692057201408.jpg (318.88 KB, 800x600, Shikigood.jpg)

you're right but shikis bad ends make his otherwise yawn worthy route worth it imho (his 'good' end is just funny more than anything.) i like motomi in all routes i think bc hes pretty inoffensive, and rin doesn't show up much in the other routes which is a shame bc hes a good character. ahh but i love tnc!!
tbh i could talk about n+c vns with nonnas all day, not even the fujo thread is enough to satisfy me at this point

No. 1664806

what's going on??

No. 1664834

Gotta do some squats nonnie, when I lost weight my butt did not look great but squats and some cardio tightened everything up again and my butt looks pretty fine now. Still have a lot of cellulite though unfortunately.

No. 1664850

I confirmed in a thread here my pubes were straight and silken like a beautiful rug but I made a pact with my boyfriend to grow my bush if he lets his body hair grown rampant and I've now got curly dense pubes. Personally I love them and surprisingly they don't stick out of my pants or bikini bottoms. I shampoo and condition them and get more oral sex now

No. 1664856

Nonas some moid site shut down, I'm not sure of the details but apparently kiwifarms shut down registrations because it shut down and it's full of mentally ill moids who spam soyjaks. So be aware.

No. 1664857

I knew there couldn't be that many straight-pube having nonnies in real life. on here saying you had straight pubes when they weren't even grown out…. for shame.

No. 1664865

File: 1692065351555.jpg (91.58 KB, 736x947, _☆save & follow☆_.jpg)

Did you think these were ants too

No. 1664868

No. 1664869

did you lose your glasses nona?

No. 1664885

File: 1692068127049.gif (790.17 KB, 480x362, 5JFM.gif)

I'm gonna go on a telehealth service tomorrow to see if they will give me some antifungal medication. I've been given UTI meds through telehealth before, but I think the service specifically only mentions UTIs. Please, save me from the embarrassment of having to go to an IRL dr. and get my pussy swabbed. Also, this is the first time I've had cottage cheese discharge and it's so weird. I play with it when I'm in the shower.

No. 1664886

Looks like mouse shit

No. 1664888

Qalso wtf IA it? Spaghetti editable plastic bags with slicedcheese ib top.???

No. 1664892

No i swear. I thought it was ants and then vanilla bean and then I realized it was seaweed.
Pretty sure it's a Korean instant ramen wrapped in rice wrapper with American cheese and seaweed.

No. 1664908

>hoping it's a yandere guy in an otome
rip in peace

now they know how we felt all these decades when we had to put up with their shitty mob flicks with absolutely nothing happening in them except moid rage kek

No. 1664910

Asked for extra onions on my McDonald's cheeseburger and they gave me extra chunks of normal white onion and not the little diced rehydrated ones. I am PISSED

No. 1664938

File: 1692071478552.png (133.38 KB, 588x1122, Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 8.51.…)

These bot comments on YouTube are always so eerie like wat

No. 1664944

Someone make a roll card

No. 1664964

It looks like he’s made of ice cream

No. 1664965

File: 1692073672679.jpeg (347.62 KB, 640x807, 81C6F162-35C1-4DB6-8FE4-027774…)

What would you do if she confessed she was in love with you? (she is rich)

No. 1664966

She looks like a frog.

No. 1664967

pay for her braces, then convince her to cosplay as my husbando since she has the dorky look, then if she consents me smeck

No. 1664969

A couple of days ago I accidentally called my hero academy "boku no piko" then "boku no deku" on the same sentence while talking to a moid, he laughed drily

No. 1664972

I would make her dress up like that emo boy from Horton Hears a Who

No. 1664973

What do if would if it becomes should but not could you do why it if

No. 1664976


No. 1664977

File: 1692074718383.jpg (43.56 KB, 634x555, 1692056243860561.jpg)

What would you do if she confessed she was in love with you? (she is rich)

No. 1664981

File: 1692075080546.png (1.35 MB, 1064x1578, 88f.png)

What would you do if she confessed she was in love with you? (she is rich)

No. 1664983

you think kirdede chan would smash? they are pink balls

No. 1664986

File: 1692075411101.png (973.89 KB, 2048x2560, 627xtyjc5r051.png)

They aren't small enough

No. 1664988

File: 1692075524516.jpg (19.49 KB, 222x293, 6492df8db1a8a11ac81e9719205707…)

KEK nona pls this is killing me

No. 1664993

File: 1692076167035.jpg (414.01 KB, 2173x1146, 0RrvSHu.jpg)


No. 1664998

I am so fucking horny i want to watch an specific video i liked when i was younger but i also dont wanna relapse on my porn addiction. I need to get better at drawing so i can unleash the horny in more productive ways.

No. 1665005

ily ty
for real. i've told a bit about crystal cafe on discord though kek

No. 1665006

start writing it if you can't draw it; that's what i do

No. 1665012

Speaking of personalityfags, I remember rancefag saying she commissioned a Rance body pillow. I am still curious as how it ended up looking.

No. 1665019

I should commission a body pillow of my own OC at this point just so I can get the cringe achievement in life

No. 1665026

that's really the most accurate way to call it

No. 1665040

eating some nuggies and having one last coffee before i start drawing again after over a week of hiatus

No. 1665050

File: 1692082096176.jpg (23.44 KB, 1024x576, teehee.jpg)

>Why are all the best artists from China?
>Oh yeah because they have the world's highest population

No. 1665053

>Why are all the best artists from China?
they aren't though. Their art is also very derivative from eachother, kinda like japanese but somehow more boring

No. 1665054

I don't mind derivative art as long as it's pretty.

No. 1665056

File: 1692082643779.jpg (23.74 KB, 500x514, 1686499143184246.jpg)

I almost commented ''nice feets'' in some guy's youtube video while on my professional account where i post speedpaints to sell my art

No. 1665058

File: 1692082958808.jpg (337.2 KB, 1633x2048, Eshh0j-VcAYKbj9.jpg)

It's not pretty honestly, it tends to radiate uncannyness which even makes it uncomfortable to look at, like looking at a mcdonalds burger. It always feels like a mess. The only chinese artist i like is mgong, but mostly her older art, he switched to generic chinese artist rendering and now her art is an incomprehensible mess.

No. 1665060

>It's not pretty honestly
That's like, your opinion and stuff.

No. 1665062

It's a pretty popular one though. Pretty much all chinese artist's art looks like AI.

No. 1665063

What art do you like then?

No. 1665065

File: 1692083725108.jpg (215.96 KB, 960x1200, 1591118322068.jpg)

Old american illustrations mostly. I like weeby art but chinese artists have been ruining the scene for years thanks to the high amount of lol-tier art they shitout. And dont get me started on how they ruined anime aesthetics thanks to mobile phone shit like azur lane.

No. 1665066

File: 1692084006548.jpg (286.51 KB, 736x972, tumblr_1cc5078388558616f0c9cbf…)

I hate pictures of horses (and horses in general) so I don't care for the pic you posted, but I love old holiday illusts.

No. 1665067

a fellow footfag

No. 1665069

File: 1692084133600.jpg (76.13 KB, 531x640, 7ca73587c8be62880ccf8db5e8c5c6…)

Yeah those are so pretty. Limited palettes with earthy colors are so much prettier than the ugly overly bright colors that artists like ruan jia use. Sorry for sperging about chinese artists, i really hate them and how they ruined digital art and videogame aesthetics.

No. 1665071

File: 1692084318293.jpg (675.94 KB, 1024x2240, hyped for the figure.jpg)

>Sorry for sperging about chinese artists, i really hate them and how they ruined digital art
A lot of it just comes down to personal preference, I'm not that picky with art and would rather just see cute frilly outfits or pics of ships I like, pic rel being my favorite artist.

No. 1665072

holy fucking shit i just heard a loud thumb noise and the electricity cut and came back, should i be worried?

No. 1665082

The detail on the dress is lovely, the colours, very stylish. But I hate that she's just floating in white space. And also pet peeve of mine I guess but I hate when every other part of the illustration is rendered like a 3D object but a fraction of that attention is given to the face, which remains a flat plane.

No. 1665089

didnt know her but i like her style, i was mostly refeering to ruan jia and krenz style of chinese art

No. 1665093

File: 1692086383896.jpg (373.66 KB, 1536x2048, 7551783f9ab80d13.jpg)

I want to play BG3 but I can't decide if I want to play as a self insert power fantasy woman or a hot yaoi

No. 1665097

Pic isn't actually a Chinese artist anyway, she's Japanese.

No. 1665101

Pretty is subjective. Are you also that anon who posted pretty much identical post about chinese artists in the art thread few days ago? That would be a bit weird, especially since neither time any chinese artists names are shared

No. 1665102

>Are you also that anon who posted pretty much identical post about chinese artists in the art thread few days ago? That
Nope, I don't post in the art thread.

No. 1665113

Peepee times create poopoo men.
Poopoo men create poopoo times.
Poopoo times create peepee men.
Peepee men create peepee times.

No. 1665135

My bf has been a dick to me while I have been menstruating. This is really short sighted of him because I feel my cycle was extra heavy this month cause I've been stepping it up with workouts and have abs for the first time in my life. Now that the bloat and blood has stopped I look amazing. Holy hell. I always feel like new cycle new body who dis but I can actually physically see such a difference. I am not putting out this month but I will be showing off my body more. Time to treat myself to a new vibrator

No. 1665149

I've pretty much accepted we are livestock

No. 1665157

This is bait don't reply

No. 1665158

I mean the lower class not women in general. If that's what you thought I was implying.

No. 1665159

how does that make it better?

No. 1665173

oh no you have terrible taste. I'm so sorry.

No. 1665185

Nothing in particular, I just saw a few young girls posting about how lc had a majority of female users and it was possible to talk about radfem topics freely and I don't think they realize that their tweets are public and can be found by random people, and that raids can happen and have happened in the past here because of guys who hate female only spaces. I think they're just naive but god it's annoying when they do that.

No. 1665186

Taste is subjective you absolute disease of a person

No. 1665187

how is that terrible?

No. 1665195


No. 1665196

Sorry for calling you a disease that was mean

No. 1665198

I mean, can't you guys send them a DM explaining that to them? Or do you think they'd make a public tweet about it

No. 1665200

Why would people on a site you can't be anonymous try to mod some stupid cunt on twitter? Point of this site is to be anon and not be such an attention seeking cunt so we can post stuff without the gay hysteria of the terminally online fags that want to police and be offended by everything

No. 1665201

How you gonna post a Leyendecker painting and choose a gay (derogatory) confederate general instead of one of his gay (literally) hot men in suits

No. 1665207

File: 1692095879497.jpg (73.84 KB, 768x1024, 1643852602246.jpg)

i am too sleep deprived to coprehend whats going on, are you really calling me out for choosing a ''problematic'' layendecker painting as an example of his art quality? why the fuck are there so many newfags lately

No. 1665210


No. 1665220

I wouldn't doubt if it was moids in cosplay doing this shit.

No. 1665227

think im finally over this girl after she's blown me off so many times. hazzah, i am emotionally freed.

No. 1665232

>The only chinese artist i like is mgong, but mostly her older art, he switched to generic chinese artist rendering and now her art is an incomprehensible mess.
Agree with you entirely, she also seems to have become more degenerate on top of her art getting more generic
What the fuck, I was just saying you guys should tell those girls that they shouldn't be talking about lolcow on social media because it attracts scrote raids. If they really are women and if they truly care about this site, of course.

No. 1665233

Retarded to think using an account to mod lc from a different site is a good idea. Don't cowtip. Terminally online people get too much serotonin when they think lc is focused on them, better to haze all suspected newfags and those that won't integrate

No. 1665258

File: 1692098046045.jpeg (51.19 KB, 480x360, IMG_0983.jpeg)

Lmao no it’s an ugly painting, I wasn’t surprised to see it’s a Saturday evening post cover since pretty much all of those are super tacky. Leydecker basically just wanted to be Rockwell and you’re complaining about derivative art, plus general on a horse isn’t exactly original. The guys in shirts are the only thing he did that hold up probably because they’re the only things that he made that have any kind of spirit, he drew women like he wished he was drawing a man every time — I’ve seen fujo artists with a better grasp on female anatomy he just didn’t care. You’re so defensive too, don’t post Robert E Lee just so you can be mad someone says he’s a confederate general, I literally just said what his job was and I only called it gay so I could make my gay men in shirts joke reee

No. 1665263

So fucking pretentious l m f a o

No. 1665277

Birthday presents stress me out, I don't have the money to buy something nice so I have to make something and I don't have inspiration. I've rarely used a present someone got me (sorry), can't we just eliminate them?

No. 1665279

File: 1692099148212.jpg (61.75 KB, 575x404, 23f399b970ae7864b9aa972614b452…)

No, I like giving presents

No. 1665320

You're right. I just wish that actually worked here because it seems imageboard newfags who come to lolcow are getting bolder and bolder about not wanting to integrate. They want to be spoonfed super basic info all the time that they could just learn by lurking and watching regulars do. That's how we learned in the old days.
Also learn to look up the source for pics, holy shit. And stop dumping shitty low-quality pinterest reposts of fanart.

No. 1665329

Me as well but making it is such a hassle

No. 1665343

Do you anons remember that K-pop dog panting gif. I remember it being spammed here and it was a hilarious time

No. 1665344

No. 1665346

File: 1692104422993.gif (1.68 MB, 275x155, 1644441595617.gif)

As if we could ever forget.

No. 1665351

Thank you anon. This gave me a nostalgic chuckle

No. 1665359

Dating straight men in their 30s is ripping a fat blunt and pretending Stallone/Schwaznagger/Diesel are good actors. Maybe when I was in my mid 20s and the weed felt strong but I'm tired girls I can't do it

No. 1665371

Fuck, I'm so sorry. A psychologist told me that mentally and socially healthy people pair up really quickly, so most are off the dating market by 25. So between 25 and 35, you're dating the dregs of the market, men with so much baggage that no one else wanted them. Then, because people change as they grow older, after 35 you start to see the healthy people enter the market again after their mutual divorces, but now they've got a bunch of kids.
I hope you find the one though.

No. 1665379

KEKK ntayrt but thanks for the heads up anon, will start looking for the lesbian love of my life at 36

No. 1665382

All my peers that got married in their 20s are literally divorced. I was engaged once my dad was buying me and moid a house and I was like why the fuck am I pulling my resources to house this ungrateful ugly workshy fuck. I only date and fuck men that make me wet on sight and I haven't lived with anyone since the dingus but thank you

No. 1665387

Vicariously living through this cat.

No. 1665388

On the upside you'll never be caught off guard by a moid who starts balding at 28 whom you just married three years prior!

No. 1665392

No. 1665409

God why can't men look like that in real life . . .

No. 1665420

File: 1692109805109.jpg (238.48 KB, 1080x1076, BrujoInsta.jpg)

I actually really like brujo's art but I wish she'd just say this is her lesbian oc couple instead of saying they're two trans men from Jojo. It makes me more angry than it should that I have to be reminded that this isn't just a cute fem4butch

No. 1665423

How many times must I make the mistake of making songs I like my alarm before I learn

No. 1665429

File: 1692110327499.png (512.25 KB, 648x1123, IMG_9337.png)

>hoping it's a yandere guy in an otome
No but he got mentioned in this post about an otome yandere.

No. 1665433

It's totally going to work out next time nona, keep doing it. If you just keep trying, one song will make you wake up happy and well rested every single day for the rest of your life.

No. 1665437

File: 1692110879001.jpg (130.91 KB, 730x1280, IMG_6586.jpg)

Monster high dolls had great posture. Look at that arch.

No. 1665439

You know when the weird kid from school grows up to be suspiciously normal? like the weird kid who would attack teachers, bite and expose himself even at the age of 10 and now at 25 he is normal and married? No you ain't

No. 1665442

Does this relate to >>1665371? Kek

No. 1665446

didn't even see that, how funny

No. 1665450

File: 1692112129557.jpg (219.25 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg)

all this time i thought this reaction youtuber/tiktoker called richard sales was a chubby gay man but he's actually straight? wtf. he's so unfuckable.

No. 1665465

Reject her because I'm rich, too

No. 1665467

File: 1692113727723.jpeg (600.84 KB, 900x1266, IMG_3367.jpeg)

Shiki’s route is pretty funny for its endings (especially the contrast with him being a brain dead vegetable who has to get his ass wiped by Akira or a literal Nazi general) but I don’t know why he got shilled as the ‘main love interest’ outside of that super edgy boys were in at the time.
>i like motomi in all routes i think bc hes pretty inoffensive
Motomi’s fine, I don’t think he and Akira have any chemistry though since he treats him like his son the entire time and then they randomly have sex, he would have worked better as a side character imo.
>rin doesn't show up much in the other routes which is a shame bc hes a good character
Rin is probably my favorite character wise but Keisuke has the best route and romance with Akira to me (I like both of them a lot in general though). Kinda makes me wonder if they’ll ever do an uke love interest again but it’s pretty unlikely.

No. 1665468

That's because AI was trained on it and on anime art style art?

No. 1665469

So… Are you single?

No. 1665484

File: 1692115134978.jpg (131.49 KB, 910x607, winter-park-snow-the-fog.jpg)

endless snowing void. sometimes a hooded figure can be spotted from a far

No. 1665485

File: 1692115352913.png (1.31 MB, 1200x800, Dry-Snow.png)

well maybe more monotone and foggy like picrel. without a single human construction.

No. 1665489

I know it's kinda weird how their posture is, but I love how they look in the clothes.

No. 1665512

File: 1692116650153.png (2.19 MB, 1976x1320, the joys of life.png)

do they have lentils and bananas in japan? caus eI bet you they DON'T

No. 1665518

Neither of those exist anywhere you're crazy where did you even get these pictures why are you posting lies on the internet why is that yellow thing so phallic that's obscene this shouldn't be allowed on this website and I'm reporting you you couldn't even censor it you put it up here for me to see and I've never seen this before I didn't come here to be inundated with unidentifiable phallic yellow bio matter and what even kind of soup is that what are those peanuts who eats peanuts wet that's really bizarre you know this post is really unsettling to me and I'm wondering why it's here why today of all days and what does it mean and why the mention of Japan is this a signal of war times are you a government agent this post definitely glows

No. 1665528

File: 1692117412441.jpg (312.34 KB, 1080x1349, 566223eb1e6fdeb7677129d2e27122…)

Yeah. For me it's like a holiday and in nature.

No. 1665529

you have no prof of any of that, of my war crimes or my glowing sticks!! you have nothing!! this only proves that you don't know the joys of life!

No. 1665530

File: 1692118011572.jpg (175.02 KB, 736x1308, 38889fae8ead7cf54e97cd16f6f7b8…)

>my warcrimes
FREUDIAN SLIP my friend I've caught you yellow handed ha ha ha ha ha you seem mighty defensive me thinks and there is no need for such defensiveness if you are truly innocent an innocent person would not have posted you "bananas" and "lentils" in the first place I know your plans I know your next target is Japan and I will stop you

No. 1665531

where's the putin edit

No. 1665532

>And stop dumping shitty low-quality pinterest reposts of fanart.
What if that's the only version that exists

No. 1665545

File: 1692119123507.jpg (50.19 KB, 500x333, U JUST WATCH.jpg)

alright!! I confess!! yes I have glow stick under my bed AND YES the incredible photoshop was a diversion. But is too late my friend, the weapons are ready and my hand is sweaty with anticipation. There's nothing you can do now MUEWHEHE

No. 1665548

File: 1692119286340.gif (6.83 MB, 600x330, 1645835430027.gif)

No. 1665552

>the weapons are ready and my hand is sweaty

No. 1665563

trve kvlt bvsed pvtrician trvd self imprvmvnt

No. 1665591

The fact Doja is still getting hated on lol I wonder if she'll go back to normal once her label drops her since I guess that's what she wants

No. 1665608

yes bring back dog boy

No. 1665612

This is the kind of imagery deepfaking was made for

No. 1665631

Shayna's thread rn
>Whore, these fucking whores, why doesn't this whore do this, look at this whore, ugh these twitter whores

No. 1665632

File: 1692125180902.gif (1.27 MB, 540x303, SCRem.gif)

Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween Halloween SOON

No. 1665638

i'm excited too but at least let anons have august. the assault of pumpkin everything is coming soon enough he he he

No. 1665639

I'm stuck in a waiting room, bored, so if anyone wants to start an infight for my entertainment, that's your cue

No. 1665648

peanut butter and Cheese belong togeather

No. 1665653

The worst part is that she doesn't even eat it with the cheese cold, imagine how awful the texture of slightly melted cheese and peanut butter is.

No. 1665654

Almost said kek to a friend im texting oops

No. 1665655

File: 1692126225607.jpg (33.91 KB, 414x597, 548bf348b56cb46b49.jpg)

good luck with the apptmt

No. 1665656

Pineapple on pizza is good

No. 1665660

this shit makes me so mad a good ice cream sandwitch was wasted

No. 1665664

disgusting. not food

No. 1665676

Eh, I'm probably ok. I was only eating it for like 4 or 5 days straight and in countries where seafood is more popular they probably it eat way more consistently than I do. I'm off it now though, thanks for looking out anyway.

No. 1665750

File: 1692133729526.jpeg (455.04 KB, 1169x2162, IMG_1371.jpeg)


No. 1665754

lmaoing at the OP behind the fandom psycholgy thread. Don't let them get you queen.

No. 1665755

I respect her.

No. 1665758

File: 1692134468605.jpg (226.33 KB, 874x916, flat,1000x1000,075,f.u1.jpg)

i dont even know why they locked, people werent even infighting they were making fun of a lost retard. The new admins are so boring.

No. 1665765


No. 1665781

It's a shame they locked the thread because the first one was actually really interesting at first but the second one was just boring sperging. And it suffered from the consoomerism thread's problem where the fandom people that were discussed started posting shit that was originally criticized Just like now we have people posting about the shit they bought in the consoomerism thread
The first thread went to shit the moment the well/poorly written female character sperging started.

No. 1665782

Infights always die down, it seems excessive to lock it.

No. 1665785

I think ot only has one mod rn so they lock up threads if the reports get too much for one person to handle.

No. 1665787

I know it would be kind of a pain and I've said this before but I genuinely wouldn't mind a general on /snow/ similar to that of the Artist Commentary Community where Anons can post about various cows, dramas, and shenanigans in their respective fandoms. It would be very funny I feel.

No. 1665792

Kek I see I'm not the only one suffering from no new celebricows thread

No. 1665798

File: 1692139394876.jpeg (220.55 KB, 1170x981, 8BE83717-01A4-417C-9BB0-0EAC9F…)

Let us not forget that we must stand in solidarity. Love my fujo nonnies - forever and always.

No. 1665801

I agree as a yume with fujo tendencies

No. 1665802

File: 1692139661698.png (65.49 KB, 200x255, halfhuman haf monke.png)

never understood why we have to fight i love my husbando and i also like to see my husbando be happy with his boyfriend

No. 1665806

I wish satan was real i wanna make a pact with him to obtain godly art skills

No. 1665836

Woman. The male characters are all sameface and look like literally any AI rendered bishit ever. Have fun being hot or something.

No. 1665837

Men are so fucking weird and autistic and empty

No. 1665840

Die in hell

No. 1665850

dubs and i get another coffee

No. 1665852

i am getting it anyways

No. 1665860

Can we kiss on the lips when you get back?

No. 1665863

only if the digits approve

No. 1665864

it means no

No. 1665866

We are just like romeo and juliet for real. Enjoy your coffee

No. 1665871

I think i am developing homosexual urges just because men are so ugly, i need to seek god.

No. 1665886

What's wrong with being homosexual

No. 1665887

i am not its the desperation its like prison gay

No. 1665890

Let it happen

No. 1665891

never, specially since i noticed i am weirdly inclined towards TIFs

No. 1665894

date tomboy instead

No. 1665896

File: 1692147292681.jpg (63.2 KB, 600x602, 84oacn01sj101-72297851.jpg)

papa bless

No. 1665898

I wonder if admins make jannies link to their posts so they can investigate their post history before becoming a janitor. I remember one of the previous admins being super secretive about how she verifies staff, but aside from voice verification I'm like 90% sure that that must be it.

No. 1665899

Who gives a shit about onlyfans leaks, where are they leaking substacks?

No. 1665901

File: 1692147631982.gif (688.68 KB, 500x379, jamming.gif)

late 60s and early 70s music is so underrated

No. 1665904

Should I grow out my eyebrows just for the heck of it? I've been shaving half of them for a year or so but I kind of miss the natural look.
Totally, Ekseption and Groundshaker are some of my favorite bands to date. I love how they still used synthesizers in rock music back then, gave it a nice edge.

No. 1665911

thanks for the rec, i started listening to some italian 60s band with vampire motifs and now i cannot find it anymore

No. 1665916

You definitely should, it’s nice to let your eyebrows rest too, plus when you pluck them after letting them grow, you feel like you have a whole new face.

No. 1665917

Did you come to underrated Tunesday and share any, chump???

No. 1665920

no… but if another 60s/70s tunesday happens i will find and share music from the italian vampire beatles(if i can find them again)

No. 1665934

Nothing like a good BM after a big meal. Time to read what the dumbasses here scrawled.

No. 1665943

File: 1692151347945.jpg (29.7 KB, 497x338, a24a23e17f6280dcd2713e64662ef6…)

Which Beatle is your favorite?

No. 1665951

File: 1692152296567.jpg (134.19 KB, 600x1398, piero1971.jpg)

out of the thousands of 60s/70s boybands the beatles are the ugliest. My 70s husbando will always be Piero anyways.

No. 1665954

More men in bellbottoms

No. 1665962

i wish santa was real i wanna be a ho ho hoe for him to obtain presents

No. 1665964

File: 1692153318262.gif (3.53 MB, 360x202, 1648256658511.gif)

>my only requirement for men is having nice hair
>they all have terrible haircuts at best or balding at 23 at worst
why is it so hard if not borderline impossible to find a man with hair lenght past his earlobe

No. 1665967

telll meee the name of the band nonna

No. 1665969

i cant find them nonny youtube fucking refuses to fully show me my yt history

No. 1665974

You friggin better, we would be delighted to have you there

No. 1665976

nta but do you remember the song titles?

No. 1665978

Doctor's appointments are so funny because I'll go in there ready to tell them my entire life story with exact times and dates, but then they just ask you like 2 questions, maybe poke and prod you a little, and then send you on your way. I forget that this is still their job lmao. Good for my anxiety though.

No. 1665982

no it was in italian

No. 1665985

I don't care how many people say bugs are delicious, bug protein is the future of humanity and will rescue us from climate change, it's just like eating shrimp, people all over the world do it so you're just being stuck-up, etc. I don't care, I will be dead in the ground before I eat a damn termite sandwich, it's a psyop and I cannot be convinced otherwise

No. 1665988

I have a big fat pimple behind my sideburns and in front of my ear and I want to pop it so fucking bad but I hate to pop pimples so far up my head in the chance it gets infected and I need to stop giving myself acne scars. Grrrrr.

No. 1665991

Nvm I couldn't stop messing with it and it popped anyway

No. 1665993

Paul is so cute, I've been obsessed with him ever since watching Get Back.

No. 1665998

File: 1692156195306.jpeg (Spoiler Image,140.87 KB, 640x583, IMG_2635.jpeg)


No. 1665999

File: 1692156247968.jpeg (140.18 KB, 640x556, IMG_2634.jpeg)

Why the fuck did that spoiler l

No. 1666003

lmao i live for shaynafags selfposting, does anyone have the count so far? at least this time it was some fatty's hand instead of her tits.

No. 1666005

That "S" in shook looks like a J.

No. 1666009

File: 1692157276372.png (130.71 KB, 535x187, jhook.png)

>shaynatards cant even draw an S

No. 1666011

during the ass eating debate there were 5 or 6 depending on if those photos were actually theirs or not, then the lavarock poster (who also posted boobs), then this would equal to about 7

No. 1666012

I'm so happy the thread is finally picking up with something interesting again. I wonder how the caning shit is going to resolve because those marks are nasty.

No. 1666013

is the ass eating debacle archived somewhere? i wanna read that. It takes someone truly unhinged to obsses this much over a boring drug addict sex worker and it shows by how unhinged shaynafags are.

No. 1666015

why do people believe that shit is real when it's been happening the same way at least twice? Some of the pictures where photoshopped but the second situation was the same thing, bait, "proof" and derailment. I'm sure some shaytards are retarded but it comes off like moids raiding and hoping to get actual nudes or attention.

No. 1666016

this site is filled with unhinged retards its not the first or last time anons have posted hands and/or nudes, even out of shayna's threads. I dont think its falseflagging, its just that newfags think being called a moid here is the internet equivalent of being called a slur.

No. 1666019

celebs will be staying at my hotel next week for the local comic con. dubs decides how retarded i should act if i run into them

No. 1666021

ask them to sign your feet

No. 1666022

The only joy I get in life is when I post the weekly update to my fanfiction, so I can finally feel loved and valued.

No. 1666024

I love you, nonnie.

No. 1666025

File: 1692158803925.jpg (38.99 KB, 680x539, 1683725947069432.jpg)

holy shit i suck so much at drawing i completly forgot, this journey going to be though

No. 1666027

Real celebs or e-celebs?

No. 1666031

You got this. Thinking you suck is part of the process, but you will improve.

No. 1666035

File: 1692160718664.png (210.42 KB, 1144x1464, 1670935692202.png)

thanks, i have to keep trying art is the only reason i havent offed myself

No. 1666036

just read a kirby post in the husbando thread I thought Kirby chan had reformed? Did she give up?

No. 1666037

link? i love her

No. 1666038

Weekly? That's impressive, you're doing amazing nona

No. 1666039

I don’t remember how to link a post on a different board, just ctrl+f ice kirby in the retarded husbando thread

No. 1666043

Yup unfortunately

No. 1666046

>it's unfortunate that a woman has a husbando that makes her happy

No. 1666047

poser husbandofags are scared of a real becky that's genuinely in love of a character

No. 1666050

Did she make a post somewhere saying why she gave up? It seemed like she was really serious about it

No. 1666051

not sure where the line between comfort character and husbando is. i'd settle for platonic snuggles and sharing a pizza.

No. 1666057

I find it hard to define my fav moid. We'd be too incompatible for marriage but celeb crush minimises it, comfort character isn't bad but it reminds me of tumblr aidens.

It's cringe but I used to be into kpop and imo they had good fandom lingo (tho I bet it's outdated by now). My fav is still my 'ultimate bias' in my mind even if he is not a korean idol.

No. 1666059

It's unfortunate that I'm subjected to her long ramblings. Most of the other wierd husbandofags don't write such detailed awful fantasies.

No. 1666063

No. 1666064

File: 1692163941915.jpeg (48.12 KB, 612x519, 12734711-8398-4089-9ADA-C632EA…)

thank you homie it gets hard to keep up with all this stuff

No. 1666069

File: 1692165183457.png (104.03 KB, 538x357, 05341864.png)

it looks like the fatass dachshund is getting yelled at, STOP YELLING AT HIM

No. 1666070

right is nonnies infighting about dumb shit, left is me holding the laughter

No. 1666072

Who would win? place your bets nonna's

No. 1666076

Rap is so fucking cringe i am watching a docu on boyinaband and i have to skip every second they insert his fucking raps songs, it's like slang poetry for smelly skinny moids

No. 1666083

File: 1692167010934.jpeg (Spoiler Image,413.28 KB, 750x1031, 40B28CAC-E442-4716-8743-945781…)

I just discovered folders in the photos app am I big stupid? Excuse me while I catalog the fuck out of my pictures

No. 1666094

I am speechless anon, you're in the right thread

No. 1666119

Hopefully the masked thread will be revived.

No. 1666133

I am on the verge of self inducing schizophrenia in myself

No. 1666201

Several anons were talking about cooking with onions yesterday and their bodies smelling weird because of it and that's exactly what happened to me too wtf, my body fluids now smell slightly like onion, I hope it goes away soon

No. 1666204

The pitbill keeps trying to eat the dachshund but he's so fat that the pitbull gorges itself to death, victory for fatty mc dachshund.
please understand that boi was stung by a bee, I only slander his name by calling him fat for comedic effect, thank you.

No. 1666228

File: 1692189752586.jpeg (84.18 KB, 1333x1579, IMG_1002.jpeg)

Had to take a crap in a public bathroom because I drank too much monster before my run and I didn’t go before I left the house

No. 1666235

File: 1692190377503.jpg (38.47 KB, 563x691, b716a8cb1cce7ac7ea6268ecb22433…)

didn't your mom and dad teach you about being regular??? bad anon BAD

No. 1666237

damn i need to get a good job so i can afford expensive shit like a spongebob toilet

No. 1666242

Waiting for the influx of MLM transmasc genderflux demiboy aroace greysexual autistic anxious depressed Aidan Stu self-insert ocs to flood the BG fandom because of Astarion

No. 1666251

I'm sorry I didn't believe you.

No. 1666255

I've yet to come across untagged trans shit, but this just might be the fandom that gets me

No. 1666258

File: 1692192295769.jpeg (39.64 KB, 512x512, disowned for toilet crimes.jpe…)

THEY DID! I'm such a toilet failure

No. 1666278

I hate how you can watch one video from a channel on youtube, and then if you try to search something related to it the results will be ALL just that one channel. And I hate the "for you" section too, especially now because youtube make the thumbnails in the search results so fucking big.
Youtube's search algorithm sucks, google's search algorithm sucks, pinterest's search algorithm sucks. And now I just hate programmers or whatever tech bitch did this.

No. 1666291

File: 1692196836289.png (135.38 KB, 700x724, fetchimage.png)

It's still early in the morning for me but

No. 1666292

Why are so many things called 'Dutch so and so'? I'm a dutchfag and half the things I barely recognize.

No. 1666293

Double dutch
“Going dutch”
Dutch chocolate
Dutch Oven
I can’t think of any others

No. 1666295

>going dutch
I just assumed Dutch men were cheap and that the rest of that stuff came from the Dutch country. I think double dutch is just for alliteration though, it doesn't have anything to do with Dutch people.

No. 1666303

>Dutch chocolates
is that a thing? It's Belgian chocolate that's a thing right

No. 1666306

Idk I was watching a cooking video and she said 'I'm getting out my Dutch oven' and it weirded me out. I don't get it. Dutch pay is the only one I understand, when I was dating a brown dude he almost got mad at me for suggesting to split the bill kek.

No. 1666311

File: 1692198535392.jpg (98.94 KB, 720x1053, 1692188296662.jpg)

Who is this?

No. 1666313

Dutch oven is just a cast iron pan that was taken to the US by European settlers, that's how it got it's name.

No. 1666315

Why do these women assume anyone's gonna want their uggo husband who couldn't even score in his youth? Unless a man is rich, no young secretary/woman/coworker/friend is gonna want him. And even if the woman is working and earning more than her husband, the father leaving for a skank will still traumatize the children so they should blame the men for traumatizing the kids and wives instead blaming the women for not having perfect backup plans assuming their husbands will cheat.

No. 1666318

I thought dutch oven was that thing where you fart under a blanket and shove someones head under it

No. 1666320

File: 1692199527682.jpeg (1002.95 KB, 2400x2400, moo cow icecream.jpeg)

dutch chocolate/cocoa is totally a thing, something about the way it's processed idk

No. 1666321

File: 1692199550748.jpeg (17.55 KB, 490x626, images (4).jpeg)

No. 1666322

File: 1692199670716.gif (1.91 MB, 280x208, double-dutch-girls.gif)

>Dutch colonists brought the two-rope version over to America in the 1600s, which is why it was called “double dutch.”
the more you know

No. 1666323

has anyone ever gotten a Blue Bell ice cream ad while listening to a podcast? the way the whole ad is about how they will never get rid of the half gallon container puts a smile on my face

No. 1666334

My crush got a new girlfriend and she’s much uglier than me.
How did I let this happen?

No. 1666336

Isn't that Dutch cocoa? Where they roast it some other way so it's less bitter.
Nonna this made me spit out my Dutch chocolate

No. 1666337

Maybe your personality sucks ass

No. 1666348

Yeah I just wanna know who she is?

No. 1666360

File: 1692203328866.png (615.09 KB, 500x624, IMG_3276.png)

Wanted to go to a cute cafe to treat myself so I ordered an Uber. A/C in this bitch isn’t working and I’m sweating like crazy and getting nauseous. Feel too shit to find the vent thread. The car smells like chemical fumes and this guy drives horrendously. Fuck all things

No. 1666361

No. 1666362

File: 1692203893984.jpg (125.24 KB, 477x1375, Cockroach Donuts (Boston Cream…)

I want to eat these so I can feel like Timon and Pumba

No. 1666363

Mother in law just said that she hopes we have twins. This woman is rly wishing death upon me hmm.

No. 1666370

Did tumblr update how searches show up? This fucking sucks.

No. 1666373

Samefag, wait nevermind let me stop being autistic about change. I only go on tumblr to read fanfics for my husbando and this format is way better for that.

No. 1666374

I have never heard of someone taking an uber to a cafe.

No. 1666377

File: 1692204899973.gif (90.26 KB, 220x220, yes.gif)

didn't know i needed these

No. 1666382

Looks normal, what do you mean?

No. 1666383

File: 1692205380624.png (499.3 KB, 1318x608, tumblr.PNG)

It's usually like this

No. 1666389

File: 1692205918906.png (798.77 KB, 1056x1422, capture.png)

Alright, which one of you is this?

No. 1666398

Aghh nonnies my ex teacher messaged me to know how i was going. I had such a hugr crush on him as a teen i am so happy he's doing ok. he also gave me my glasses fetish

No. 1666402

anons in the cat hate thread are assholes and it makes me want to snuggle my baby cat more and shower him with love. those anons need to feel loved I think

No. 1666444

Why not go to the cat love thread?

No. 1666508

something about the "Dubai Hoes" thread feels very moidish to me

No. 1666543

Most snow threads are about sex workers who embarrass themselves, dubai ones are much more mental though. I checked it when the thread was first created and after seeing a plastic surgery monster sex worker accept a deal of a man offering her 5k euros to fuck a camel, I never visited it again because I was so disturbed.

No. 1666549

The anons from both the cat hate and dog hate thread are utterly retarded and are probably a majority of moids.

No. 1666567

sometimes I wish we still had a discord so anons could orchestrate raids on moid chans or something, it'd be so much fun

No. 1666600

I seriously wish the royals and oligarchs a very nice fall off their yacht and get eaten by sharks.

Also I have met people who've known former yachters and even domestic yachting is about as horrible as you'd imagine. Some girls do it for a little while just to pay off their student loans, but it leaves a lot of women traumatized and some even kill themselves. Oligarchs and royal moids who are into this shit are even more depraved fetishists than most celebrities and they are brutal, entitled and unapologetic. Honestly wish nothing but the worst for them more than the women who accept doing horrible things, because at least understanding many of those women need the money for some reason and some of them are even unwillingly brought into prostituting themselves

No. 1666603

File: 1692218164549.jpeg (1015.87 KB, 1054x1811, IMG_0355.jpeg)

Some women die doing yachting under mysterious circumstances, see picrel

She was only 20.


No. 1666604

pardon my ignorance but is "yachting" a type of modelling/escort job or is it sugaring//prostitution?

No. 1666609

File: 1692218522119.jpg (23.11 KB, 564x530, ef4d12e9b61e36f29c8ea53a1b9ac5…)

I wanna start shit in the fashion general thread but I'm gonna get banned!!!

No. 1666612

It can be both depending on what the scrote asks for, but the most extreme form of yachting is degenerate sexual acts involving piss, shit, and sometimes animals, ie camel fucking or inserting fish into the vagina. yes it's disgusting

The mildest form is accompanying or talking to a scrote for a few hours and pretending to care, hanging around on yachts as eye candy from what I've heard and been told

No. 1666617

When I get my braces removed, I'll eat so much popcorn I'll vomit.

No. 1666622

good lord, thank you for the explanation. Hope those moids rot.

No. 1666624

Sorry to traumatize ya anon. I know too much about everything awful

No. 1666625

is okay, I wasn't gonna ask in the first place but when I looked it up it was all "you can make BIG bucks standing pretty in a boat!!" so thank you for telling me the unconventional truth

No. 1666628

nayrt but I feel like a lot of the "make easy money by just being pretty and talking to desperate men!!" is always a big lie and meant to lure in younger/naive girls and women into doing depraved acts

No. 1666632

My boyfriend is so bad at dirty talk. Sometimes we can't see each other but I still want to get off to him anyway. He has a sexy voice but he doesn't know how to use it at all. Whenever I try to talk dirty to him, he suddenly becomes a stuttering virgin prude who doesn't know what sex is. Makes me want to kms.

No. 1666633

then hand him over, I can use him good

No. 1666634

It sounds appealing, but trust me, it's boring when you're basically talking to yourself and you only get 3 words back from the other person.

No. 1666638

lol my boyfriend is like this too

No. 1666640

File: 1692221179898.gif (337.39 KB, 220x124, get-out.gif)

can't stand "dirty talk", it's always so stupid. if someone talks dirty to me I'm want to kick them out of bed and chase them like this. way to kill the mood, goofus!

No. 1666641

NTA I will fight her and take him for myself. Dirty talk is cringe anyway. Does he moan?

No. 1666642

was out smoking and as I was going to put in the door code, two Indian looking dudes with huge backpacks and laptop bags busted out and looked at me like I was the fucking weirdo. Never seen them before and my building doesn't have that many apartments nor new names in the lobby, maybe someone is doing some side subletting but whew

No. 1666646

>uke love interest
that's a good point. was clear a uke or seme? its been so long since i played dmmd that ive forgotten. ngl i feel like n+c is scared to emasculate their love interests, case in point rei most recently in slow damage. i loved him more than i expected to and felt like they tried to shoehorn more masculine traits onto him bc they were scared of having a feminine guy who uses atashi and stuff as a LI

anyway im pretty sure you replied to me over on the fujo thread as well talking about akira hehe hi anon hope you are well

No. 1666736

Just letting you know that it's extremely common in Indian culture to have backpacks the size of a mobile home

No. 1666753

It is and it almost never amounts to anything. If you read accounts from former sex workers or talk to former yachters a lot of these women regret selling themselves. Protect your bodies, it's not worth what's thought to be easy money.

I'm already a survivor who hates sex lowkey anyway so I can't stand the idea of selling myself to anyone. Sometimes trauma manifests in the opposite form though, victims and survivors can also become hypersexual, but giving yourself to a trash moid who doesn't deserve you, especially for something as dumb as money or a designer bag, will hurt in the end

No. 1666762

every day i crave frozen yogurt from a local place. every damn day. usually at like 1am when there's no hope in hell of a place being open to satisfy my frozen yogurt cravings.
idk what it is, it's just too good. it's so expensive but i can't stop buying it.

No. 1666765

Can you buy a bunch and keep them in your freezer? Shouldn't get crunchy if they're only there for a few days.

No. 1666770

ive never thought about that. it's soft serve style, so wouldnt it go hard if i put it in the freezer?
also knowing me id probably eat it all in one sitting kek.
i get it with strawberries and dark chocolate sauce toppings and it's so good, you can eat it for breakfast lunch or dinner pretty much, but dealing with the intense cravings at weird times of day is tough

No. 1666778

It might get hard and weird but you should at least try it once, couldn't hurt. One time I was craving breakfast sausages for like a week straight and ate them three times a day for a few days and the craving totally disappeared kek so you can try that too. Now you're making me crave soft serve argh

No. 1666781

File: 1692232489665.jpg (93.35 KB, 697x697, fa7b82633344a91bdb69a64d3fc87c…)

Sometimes I pass by the get it off your chest thread and think anons are infighting

No. 1666784

Because they are. Anons know they aren't supposed to respond but they do it anyway. Sometimes they do it by not tagging the post they're replying to so they can evade a ban.

No. 1666785

to be fair sometimes people post the most heinous shit there that in any other thread would be called out as bait, im not surprised anons risk bans to respond. its easy to forget what thread you're posting in as well

No. 1666802

Today I found a backpack in the trash room (not in an actual dumpster) that was brand new, tag still on, and it was full of mega-pads, pre natal vitamins, nipple cream, stretchmark cream, baby medication, baby wipes (I use these after pooping, score for me!) and prescription pills, most of it still unopened. I'm kind of disturbed as to why she threw all this stuff out. Like, did the baby die?

No. 1666819

I looked through the r/gooncaves and it's quite an eye-opener how majority of the demographic are bisexual moids. I don't want to hear another word about how bisexual women are degenerate sluts and the devil's incarnate ever again.

No. 1666821

The kind of alogging people put in that thread remind me that there are people who lurk and post here that are delusional bpd narcs

No. 1666825

In fairness, the bi-centric posts are often gay men who fantasize about masturbating with straight men or DL men trying to have sex adjacent to men without feeling gay

No. 1666826

Someone was going to come back for their stolen goods

No. 1666828

a few old boomer tv actors and a loooot of voice actors
gotta pay for their signatures

No. 1666834

File: 1692235512284.png (373.7 KB, 730x733, kjhygttfrdeswdfghj.png)

Talk me out of it

No. 1666836

File: 1692235644263.jpg (Spoiler Image,591.04 KB, 1644x2192, RDT_20230816_21265383931035518…)

When you reply to bait, this is who you are arguing with. Ignore and report. Work on yourself instead of replying.

No. 1666837

Was this really real because I couldt find it to apply

No. 1666838

(This is actually a man from r/gooncaves that is only 33 and you dont want to see what the rest of that room looks like)

No. 1666839

Gimme ur discord I wanna be bffs

No. 1666840


No. 1666841

Seems to be don't give me extra competition bitch

No. 1666842

He's holding those dildos like they're trophies. Like a wrestler with his belt or a knight with his sword

No. 1666844

Samefag, what is the big dildo even for?

No. 1666846

Fat mens feet are so disgusting, grosser than his penis

No. 1666847

File: 1692235980213.jpg (Spoiler Image,518.36 KB, 1644x2192, RDT_20230816_21353740934338292…)

Pick one from the lineup, kitten

No. 1666848

No idea, he's giving me such mixed signals

No. 1666853

I've already replied, but I also wanna say that I hate when men have discolored dicks. His foreskin needs some exfoliation, vitamin C and salicylic acid.

No. 1666855

What are you writing in the email body? Just out of curiosity hahaha

No. 1666857

The color of that 2.3 incher is the least of his worries here

No. 1666858

File: 1692236455715.jpg (625.25 KB, 9071x5102, futurama.jpg)

Are you trying to figure out how to make your posts not bump the thread?

No. 1666859

True but he could at least put lotion on it though. Ashy dick.

No. 1666860

File: 1692236540468.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.11 KB, 1084x1355, RDT_20230816_21433932004526380…)

Whoever writes this malware will go down in history as a sovereign hero

No. 1666863

True dumbass shit moment

No. 1666871

Nothing, I was just going to send a picture of my tits next to my poster from The House that Jack Built and ask him if he's above dating a neet. I'm kidding I'm kidding maybe

No. 1666875

Down horribly

No. 1666876

Sometimes you just become tired of all the hate. Sometimes you feel like there is no real point to any of this and think of all your wasted time and potential. You wonder why you didn't say and do the things that were on your mind. Idc if someone thinks this is some fake deep bullshit. It could be. I'm just so tired.

No. 1666877

I'm for the money not the dick

No. 1666879

Is anyone else a chronic sniffer? There could be nothing in my nose but I'll still sniff. It's so embarrassing and I know other people must get annoyed by it.

No. 1666881

Are you sure you don't have an allergy?

No. 1666883

There’s a mayonnaise commercial that references “the sniffers” who go to the fridge to “take a big whiff” and it makes me want to vom

No. 1666884

No no it's not allergies. Like my nose could be dry, snot free, but I still sniff out of habit. And then hearing other people sniff also makes me sniff. My throat does get some mucus though and I also sniff after trying to suck it down.

No. 1666888

File: 1692238102461.jpeg (12.03 KB, 268x274, 964FB0E9-469E-4CB1-BF64-2CDE4E…)

I’ve been sitting on my ass a lot recently because I’ve been studying for my class and now I think I have hemorrhoids

No. 1666889

I miss my ex boyfriend. He was so perfect and sweet to me until he broke up with me because 'we're too alike' (our birthdays also happen to be right beside each other) and I'm so pathetic and I've contacted him multiple times since just to talk and its been about 6 weeks since and I asked him if hes seen anyone or how many and he said 6 and he said he is confused and still hasn't loved anyone like he's loved me. Why do I still think I have a chance??

No. 1666891

>were too alike
Nonny it’s for the better he sounds retarded. I know how it is to miss the sweet things and hold on though. You should probably stop talking to him

No. 1666892

He found the birthday thing cute btw but we have everything from scars on our bodies to family trauma being similar and we both literally mirror each other its strange but he said he was notucing qualties in me, that he didn't like in himself and it was hard to be around. Idk. He was so sweet though, he would plan things, surprise me with flowers everytime, kiss me, tell me i'm beautiful.. a true nigel. Idk nonnies. I'm starting to think love doesn't exist.

No. 1666894

File: 1692239019639.jpg (Spoiler Image,15.24 KB, 720x211, Screenshot_20230816_192315_Mes…)

how do i save myself? I already texted him 20mins ago and I don't want to double text but can't save it

No. 1666896

i know a lot of redardation was happening in that thread but i hate that the fandom psychology thread is locked now. i was fairly new to it and just beginning to contribute. life is unfair

No. 1666897

Why was it locked?

No. 1666899

There's no saving it, he broke up with you and laid down a boundary. Leave it be.

No. 1666900

a fujo was insulted that people didn't like fujos and went ballistic spamming the main thread and two other threads in /meta/. janny locked it because "90% of the posts have been reported"(stop sperging about fujos)

No. 1666901

Fujoshits always gotta ruin everything

No. 1666907

>'we're too alike'
This is such a dumb reason to break up over someone. Most likely you were too boring and stable for him and wanted someone who will fuck his brains out, which is why he's dating right after the breakup.
>is confused and still hasn't loved anyone like he's loved me.
He never loved you. He wouldn't hurt your feelings and let you go otherwise.

No. 1666908

>was clear a uke or seme?
Clear's a seme and in his bad end he's a seme who cuts Aoba's body parts off.
>ngl i feel like n+c is scared to emasculate their love interests
That's true for most VNs targeted at women, it's why gay VNs more meant for general audiences or men (ie: parade stuff and Hadaka) have the protagonist usually topping while for stuff aimed at women the protagonist usually bottoms (whether they be a man or a woman)
>i loved him more than i expected to and felt like they tried to shoehorn more masculine traits onto him bc they were scared of having a feminine guy who uses atashi and stuff as a LI
I get where you're coming from with this, they had him be openly gay and hang out with okamas but by the end he shaves all his hair off and becomes more traditionally masculine.
>hehe hi anon hope you are well

No. 1666909

there are so many things on my mind that i regret saying tbh. i'm tired too.

No. 1666919

Damn jannies have to deal with a lot of retardation.

No. 1666921

I wonder if I was reported.

No. 1666925

Should I just unadd him on everything and give him a little text back like "I'm sorry for trying, loved you very much but I guess this is goodbye?"

No. 1666926

Or maybe I should just unadd him? I feel like I can't have him anymore nonas.

No. 1666927

I had a dream the other night these 2 women came to my house saying they needed to speak with me about lolcow, they seemed like detectives but we're dressed casually. I had to explain to my parents what this site was and what I did on here and they were worried I was in trouble or something, so was I because the 2 women were being so serious. They handed me a clip board with a bunch of different posts on it and asked me if I recognized any of the posts to be mine, there was like 10 on there and one of them was just "Kek." So I said the Kek one could be mine but in depends what it was in reply too, one of the women said "interesting" all suspicious like and then I woke up. I swear I'm not terminally online lol, this was the first time I've ever dreamt about lc but it made me laugh after I woke up

No. 1666928

File: 1692241282975.png (4.44 KB, 866x45, Untitled.png)

you're clicking too fast SO WHAT

No. 1666932

Okay, are you going to actually link to those posts? Because I keep up with /meta/ threads, and I never saw the "fujo going ballistic" spam you're talking about. And which "main thread" was spammed?
It sounds like you're the salty antifujo sperg who got the psychology of fandom thread locked, sorry

No. 1666934

considering you're the one who made the posts, you should know exactly where they are. thanks for more milk(stop sperging about fujos)

No. 1666935

I don't get it. Why are you having such a hard time just linking the posts

No. 1666937

I don't need to link anything. You're demonstrating in real time.

No. 1666940

I saw some of that fight just from scrolling by, and it made me realize that it was probably the fujo anons making all those posts about husbandofags a few weeks ago. I guess an attempt at revenge or whatever for the fujohate in /ot/. I don't have anything against fujos (don't really pay attention to them tbh), but…

No. 1666942

File: 1692242064652.jpg (14.11 KB, 250x250, ezgif-3-d3de77947a.jpg)

"Hall monitor anon reporting for duty! There will be no misinformation or fujoshi slander on lc!!"

No. 1666945

Nta but no one is going to waste their time going back into old threads to find posts to link in another thread to prove a point lol

No. 1666947

Is this how you get arrested for lolcor crimes?

No. 1666955

That was literally what I thought during the dream but I was so scared I was about to get arrested for crimes of samefagging or something kek

No. 1666958

File: 1692242930472.png (168.16 KB, 1836x631, 1692046724080.png)

dont lie, it was one autistic anti fujo and anons(not all fujos) making fun of her for her obvious newfaggotry and sperging.
>at this point the audience is raping the characters
>every time i go to the library i am traumatized
>you took everything from me and give me cottagecore as a consolation prize
she was treating fujos as if they were nazis sending all the healthy ships to gas chambers to make space for their toxic gay ships

No. 1666961

He broke up with you because he found better pusc. Stop thinking about men and the lies they tell you. Worry about yourself.

No. 1666962

File: 1692243049463.jpg (24.79 KB, 275x239, 1655207627264.jpg)

Samefagging, posting stale milk, infighting, what crime would YOU be sent to lolcor jail for?

No. 1666964

I'm trying to see photos on VK that I used to be able to browse without an account but they won't send me a verification text

No. 1666965

Thank you, wtf. And then when she went to cry about it in /meta/, she was banned. And she was only in one /meta/ thread iirc. That's why I wanted to know what spam she was talking about, because this was one schizo who was not the reason the thread was locked.

No. 1666966

>better pusc
Men always downgrade

No. 1666968

Infighting, false samefagging conviction when another nonna and I happen to be on the same VPN server KEK

No. 1666969

Anon is so dramatic, I love her.

No. 1666971

try another phone number? if you're using a virtual one from a known virtual number dealer, that could be why they aren't sending you the text. they've been known to block them sadly.
maybe a lesser known site would do, or buy a sim from a shady dealer on the streets. just don't deposit any real money on that sim though, it's a scam

No. 1666972

Peak autism, you gotta respect it a little

No. 1666973

File: 1692243367740.jpg (52.92 KB, 735x732, f66d30487793ea8be373af46465425…)

Infighting, every time

No. 1666975

I've tried multiple real and VoIP. Still nothing.

No. 1666978

with different country codes?
clear your cookies and cache, restart your router, they could've marked your device as a "bot"

No. 1666979

emoji posting and extreme infighting/derailing

No. 1666980

Check downdetector or a similar site, they could be having problems with their automated service. You can always contact support, too. Your ip may have been flagged.

No. 1666981

File: 1692243548906.png (841.07 KB, 564x1002, 1692047902520.png)

whenever an anon complains about ''fujos sperging and ruining a thread'' i always just assume its some melodramatic newfag that needs to integrate saying some dumb shit about fujos and painting them as if they were ''literally Hitler'' and normal anons just making fun of them or telling them to integrate. I have never seen fujos sperging and i am a terminally online loser who only uses lolcor and youtube, it's always some anon saying shit like ''all fujos are pedos/pickmes/the root of all evil'' then crying ''you just cant take criticism fujos are all whiny babies'' when anons call them out for their bullshit. At least we got gems like this out of that thread.

No. 1666982

Oh that is an absolute cope if I've ever seen one. A man doesn't say 'errr anon we are too much alike, we must part' unless he is balls deep in something he prefers. We can be honest on anonymous.

No. 1666983

Brave and based emoji poster

No. 1666986

And yet the convo always comes back to fujos. Obsessed.

No. 1666987

All of the above including sperging, autism, walls of text and moid accusations

No. 1666988

I unironically like this quote.

No. 1666991

Moid hands typed this

No. 1666992

He's balls deep in whatever is easiest. That isn't "better".

No. 1666993

There's several scrotes in here right now

No. 1666997

File: 1692243770084.jpg (9.99 KB, 275x275, 1657848830537.jpg)

"balls deep"

No. 1666999

i wonder how many undercover men actively post on here. scary

No. 1667000

File: 1692243843745.png (10 KB, 103x103, Elsie, peen destroyer.png)

I was being funny I wasn't actually calling her a scrote

No. 1667001

Oh my god, you can't tell me you're all really coping like this to feel better when men leave you. How delusional. Can't accept that women after you aren't always actually a 'downgrade'? It really makes you feel better about yourselves to imagine the next woman as a 'stupid easy slut' than accept reality? Fragility

Stfu they know im not a scrote kick rocks

No. 1667002

Men are browsing the confessions threads hoping to find molestation and fap stories. They are not inquiring you about your neuroses.

No. 1667004


No. 1667005

File: 1692243997383.jpg (46.21 KB, 680x591, 1692063397903627.jpg)

Balls deep.

No. 1667007

Let women be chaotic and unlikable

No. 1667008

She wasn't banned. The only one who even got redtexted was the fujo.

No. 1667010

Kek, accurate unfortunately

No. 1667011

Oh I know but one scrote just exposed himself kek

No. 1667012

File: 1692244105088.jpg (16.17 KB, 400x400, 50671dde2e16e81a414bd020650fe6…)

Scat contest, I'll go first

skibbity dee a wee wah a skeetadilly do dah da wee dee weedily de da da da wah da do dow bop a diddly dee bo bow da dee wow skibbity dibbity dee da dow ba ba bow dee da dow dow woooooow

No. 1667013

File: 1692244110242.jpg (94.53 KB, 1024x666, 1690802857839.jpg)

We Are All Men

No. 1667014

Tbh, tinfoil but I think it's a lot of those divisive tumblr discourse losers. The ones who pretend it's all about doing what's right, but really they'll write callout posts when it benefits them most? When I was on tumblr, they were obsessed about this site but tried to be lowkey about it. Misogynistic, but ready to drop the enby larp when it was more convenient to be a down-on-her-luck black woman.
Um, that is not what she said. She is saying that he isn't interested in an "upgrade", he left nonna because he found a more convenient option. Why are you so mad at women being honest about scrote mentality.

No. 1667016

Bitch where? (You)

No. 1667017

Um maybe you should be telling yourself that gal pal because I was clearly being a goof ball if you'd take another peek

No. 1667018

>Why are you so mad at women being honest
Y chromosome is why

No. 1667021

speak for yourself son

No. 1667022

File: 1692244226046.png (34.24 KB, 622x622, 4rs5r3.png)

No. 1667023

I dont look at every single situation and assume it ended because the man found some ~easier downgrade. He let her down gently which is why it's more obvious he just didn't want to be with her and didn't want the confrontation. If he really did find someone who was a downgrade he would have had her on the side and stayed with anon. That's moid mentality.

No. 1667025

Skibbidy-ski-bop bop, abop skibiddy pap bop bop, askibbidy-do skibiddi-ba dedo deda bop bah da do dee

No. 1667026

Oops, sorry nonita, you are right. It was the "twirls mustache" retard KEK

No. 1667027

You had a chance to scat and you chose to post this tired image

No. 1667030

>woman tells you that every woman after you is not a downgrade and telling yourself that is pure copium
please tell me what man would ever defend another woman for no reason, he doesn't care about the next one any more than he does you. You can scream 'moid' every time someone disagrees with your post but that won't make it true.

No. 1667031

Imo telling her that they were "too alike" and he "saw all his flaws in her" and didn't want to deal with it isn't "letting her down gently". That sounds like he was breaking up with her and making it her fault.

No. 1667032

File: 1692244407692.jpg (42.32 KB, 306x423, 7c9ac9f19cc5004944cef077be0e62…)

Yeeeeeeeah baby, far out far out

No. 1667034

I hate when anons are aggressive for no reason. The Regina George rp gets tired sometimes.

No. 1667035

Ba-doo-ba-dee-bop,doo-wop-dee,Scoo-ba-dee-ba-da, Skeedle-dee-bop, a zoodle-zoo-zay

No. 1667036

Anons are really fighting over someone else's break up.
I have no scat talent, sorry.

No. 1667038

Come on nonny, if the Scatman can do it you can too

No. 1667039

File: 1692244577598.jpg (66.97 KB, 736x725, c25b030f6005c66028a652dbf2c7df…)

I feel that but I also find myself falling into sometimes, I don't know if they're rubbing off on me or if me being anonymous just brings out the worst in me, but I don't feel good about it when it happens

No. 1667042

You can't even have a normal discussion without bitches crying now. Regina George isn't even something that I see happening here.

No. 1667044

I'm starting to not believe when people say lc is like 50% men/troons or that a shit ton of men are integrated and post alongside the nonnas because I've been accused of being a man so many times and sometimes multiple times in one thread to the point where they go to meta and be like "omg there's like 3 men in the blah blah thread" so when people are like "lc is mostly men" I don't buy it cause I'm sure a lot of the other nonnas who get accused of being men are just nonnas with unpopular takes. There probably are men and troons that post here but definitely not as much as the accusations make it seem

No. 1667045

I didn't think we were fighting, I thought we were having a discussion…

No. 1667046

File: 1692244667397.jpg (33.99 KB, 475x469, e544653e69fc825d81c794eaa00dab…)

Everyone's got the scat magic in their soul mama, you just gotta let yourself feel the groove

No. 1667050

It's newfags. It's always newfags. They want this place to be a hive and ANY sort of reaction to their posts that isn't rapt agreement has to be a moid. Its so fragile and ridiculous. This is why the user base has been mostly flushed out and diluted with summerfags rping as imageboard users even though they can't handle basic discussion at all.

No. 1667051

LC is not mostly men, those nonnies are just paranoid. Just don't take the accusation seriously anon, you've got nothing to prove, regardless of the context of the accusation. At the end of the day this is just a silly imageboard and we're all a little weird.

No. 1667052

Like 90% of moid accusations are wrong. The actual men that come here are super obvious and don't even bother to hide most of the time.

No. 1667054

File: 1692244858974.jpg (130.32 KB, 736x920, 6ea31fdc5d33fcc4b23625ab03cc03…)

I wish you wouldn't use such aggressive language, why you gotta call them bitches?

No. 1667055

Because in your eyes, being a woman is being passive and gentle and agreeable at all times, even on anonymous, a completely reductive and belittling view of other women like a spoiled brat that has never ventured out of your bedroom or met women in real life who don't walk on eggshells around you as you expect them to.

No. 1667056

This for real, men can't help but announce themselves, it happens every time.

No. 1667057

I know you're joking but users like this unironically make me want to do exactly what they're trying to police me for out of spite for their tumblrpolice tone

No. 1667058

farts loudly

No. 1667059

Are you the farting nona from like last year? How ya been?

No. 1667061

In all honesty I do hate the word bitch and I hate how mainstream it is to say it and pretend like it isn't aimed exclusively at women to degrade them. It's why it came into popular use, to degrade women. Slurs against women are never regarded with the same seriousness as racial slurs.

No. 1667064

Sounds like you're both unreliable and uncaring partners who are only in it for their own personal self satisfaction rather than actual love. Sorry.

No. 1667065

Samenon but reading this I can't believe this is my real life. I am not joking. Ugh.

No. 1667067

Oh you know, just stinkin up the joint

No. 1667068

And I will keep casually saying bitch without actually calling women bitches seriously for no reason just as I will continue to use the word retard without ever referring to a disabled person as a retard and I also absolutely will never stop calling a faggot (ambigious, all-encompassing term with many facets) a faggots.

No. 1667069

Please take brap to a place that wants it.

No. 1667070

Yes I agree. I am not sure what is exactly wrong with me but I don't know if any amount of therapy can help this.

No. 1667071

File: 1692245268444.jpg (30.01 KB, 755x523, 4c0ed63558e5a5acd56d1aa3eb3627…)

I fucking hate you all

No. 1667072

Pffffffffffffffffffffffft kek okay then sarge

No. 1667073

No. 1667074

File: 1692245371584.jpg (47.92 KB, 800x450, crying.jpg)

Even me?

No. 1667075

I hope you can eventually find self acceptance and peace, you're just a person, there is no exact template for what a good person is or isn't. You're allowed to make mistakes. You'll grow up as long as you want it.

No. 1667077

Deleted post for personal safety reasons but basically we're retarded and not loyal in first place so it would never work.

No. 1667078

File: 1692245388097.jpg (169.66 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg)

Is that marijuana?

No. 1667080

File: 1692245400204.jpg (40.98 KB, 640x611, eebfed9c08f113c5cf19dcdb2aacda…)

No. 1667081

Aint nobody want you here

No. 1667083

Let her be stinky

No. 1667084

not you nonna #654, we have been through so much together

No. 1667085

Misogynist! Moid! Scrote! Male hands typed this!!!!!¡!

No. 1667086

Read that from the corner of my eye and thought it said Crotchet Pissin Granny.

No. 1667087

File: 1692245481591.png (117.28 KB, 801x464, sinister laughter.png)

No. 1667088

Thank you nonnie, I appreciate it. This relationship has really put what I value into clarity and some self realization on things I don't enjoy about myself. I hope to learn.

No. 1667089

Awwww maaaaaaaaaaan!

No. 1667090

Not in my good Christian neighborhood

No. 1667091

No. 1667092

kekk thanks i was wondering what i missed when i went to look at cow threads for two seconds

No. 1667093

I tried to tell all of you. She's obsessed with him and was just a fling. Sometimes it is better to be honest with eachother than try to make a woman who is clearly not a good person and unstable feel better.

No. 1667094

File: 1692245561589.jpg (41.13 KB, 620x465, 467784.jpg)

You even remembered my name, I knew you were my ride or die nonna

No. 1667095

Context is important

No. 1667096

always and forever muaw muaw

No. 1667098

You can do both if you're graceful and cool, like me

No. 1667099

Oh okay so easiest pussy was the right answer

No. 1667101

It was more for his safety and exs lol but I don't mind

No. 1667102

He left an 11 year relationship for her and she didn't see that as the first red flag? Kek

No. 1667107

File: 1692245811052.jpg (34.46 KB, 564x564, 9043e0dee2ead4f3e98ebbc211a722…)

this thread popping on a wednesday night

No. 1667109

Yeahhh, sorry nonna, but the marriage talk was just to keep you going. Maybe seek out a therapist and talk about why you did that to urself?

No. 1667110

Lose 'em how you get 'em

No. 1667112

I was so brainwashed ok. You should have seen the things we would talk about. I didn't realize until I was bargining with him about fucking other girls and staying in a relationship with me. He would tell me about buying houses together and taking me back home and what our kids would look like. We were both also highschool sweethearts before and this was my 2nd relationship, his 3rd. I really believed him. Idk. And he was quite older. I'm also retarded. But I never liked anyone else but my ex until I met him.

No. 1667113

File: 1692245950565.jpg (818.37 KB, 3000x1500, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-NrXi…)


No. 1667114

Jesus anon delete this one before I screenshot it too

No. 1667115

File: 1692246017029.jpg (33.94 KB, 548x498, 9328476902.jpg)

Hell yeah sister

No. 1667116

Sadly it is already thursday i won't be able to post a budgett's frog

No. 1667118

PIZZA POPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. 1667119

>I'm also retarded.

No. 1667120

There's always time for a budgett frog bb

No. 1667121

A what now?

No. 1667122

Mccain, always

No. 1667123

File: 1692246150596.jpg (40.12 KB, 625x406, 9d056a40cfc21daf20b29322beee5b…)

Woah coming out of the gate with a controversial opinion!??

No. 1667124

It was definitely for his safety. You sound crazy.

No. 1667125

File: 1692246170731.jpeg (99.12 KB, 750x756, 7450B7E1-FB78-473E-9B21-D54CD1…)

Don’t know don’t care what the fuck has been happening here I’m just annoyed that everyone everywhere claims orgasms help lessen period cramps when in actuality they make mine worse. I don’t know how causing MORE contractions is supposed to make me feel better is everyone just lying about this??

No. 1667126

Is this for serious right now

No. 1667127

File: 1692246204023.jpeg (129.99 KB, 1280x717, photo_2023-08-17 07.25.51.jpeg)

Lepidobatrachus laevis

No. 1667130

I MASTURBATED THIS MORNING AND IT TRIGGERED MY CRAMPS! I probably could have gone another few hours before they hit me otherwise I guarantee!!

No. 1667131

>we were both high-school sweethearts
>he was quite older
Did he graduate the year you entered 7th grade or

No. 1667132

absolute bb ♥

No. 1667134

He was 28 and I am 22 so whatever that is.

No. 1667135

Fuck pillsbury how about that

No. 1667136

File: 1692246305314.jpeg (108.34 KB, 600x416, 1684841149.jpeg)

Thank you, have these frogs

No. 1667138

thank u darling

No. 1667140

Did he get held back or smth

No. 1667141

Women who don't play videogames or shitpost online use all that extra free time thinking that every new man they become infatuated with is their twin flame. In this regard, neets have won. They somehow manage to be more realistic about relationships despite being the most delusional and sheltered female demographic that the women fighting for their lives on the frontlines of pickmeism every day. That man is not your twin flame. He has three hemmies and hasn't cried in seven years. Worry about yourself.

No. 1667142

So… what age did you become highschool sweethearts? When he was in highschool and you in elementary? this is starting to smell like bait ngl

No. 1667143

File: 1692246463063.jpg (22.07 KB, 640x360, 3434babff324194ab5be7459be5808…)

this is how shayna thinks she looks

No. 1667145

I'm scared to ask what a hemmie is

No. 1667146

No he met his ex in highschool and they were highschool sweethearts and my ex and I were also. That's what I met lol. Also we met at work so everyone in our company is aware of this. Oops.

No. 1667147

I got in the habit of masturbating (external stimulation obvi) when my cramps are at the worst because while I’m doing it and immediately after it does lessen the pain from severe to manageable but the pain does come back worse sometimes so I try not to do it too often. All the muscle spasms and tension don’t seem like they’d help, maybe for people who have milder pain idk

No. 1667148

File: 1692246501359.jpg (37.51 KB, 735x693, 99628cb72a47b7e4742895e849e002…)

I can't fucking believe this the pastry on the pillsbury one is obviously superior to McCain's fake tasting flakey on the top walls so thin the microwave turns them into dehydrated dough paste shit excuse for a pastry with their fucking slimy ass mushrooms in their deluxe you are UNCULTURED MADAME YOUR TASTE IS TRASH

No. 1667149

File: 1692246534531.jpeg (463.42 KB, 1169x1122, IMG_3267.jpeg)

No. 1667150

This maybe made sense in your mind but everywhere else.

No. 1667151

preach sister gaddamn

No. 1667152

Okay now that you've told us all this could I get your full name, date of birth, country, which high school did you graduate and what was your grade point average?

No. 1667153

Hemorrhoid probably

No. 1667154

If you text him six more times, his true love and passion for you will unviel. Just call him until he answers. You are soulmates.

No. 1667155

I like the thin flaky crust MISS DON't TEST ME

No. 1667156

Seconding this! I also just saw the time is 3:33. It's meant to be.

No. 1667157

He is fighting his desire and unbearable feelings for anon. He wants nothing more than to be with her forever. He is consumed by their alikeness, their need to be together.

No. 1667159

Does this make sense? We were never highschool sweethearts but we were with our exs. He moved down here for her (his ex fiances) work. They(him and ex fiance) met in highschool. My ex(the one before the new guy) and I were in a LTR and had also met in highschool. The new guy and I met at work and got together. Breaking up with our signifcant others (the highschool sweethearts).

No. 1667160

My sisters ex had a prolapsed anus from squatting weights that were too heavy for him so every so often his bumhole would like, fall out a little and be sticking out I guess? Idk but I would ask her what's wrong with her moid sometimes and she'd say "oh he can't sit down, he sneezed and his butthole came out again." The absolute state of men kek

No. 1667161

Oh my fuck you know what I just remembered? Oh my God I am so silly, anon you're gonna laugh. I just remembered that taste is subjective and individual preferences can't be right or wrong opinions! Jesus Christ I'd forget my ass if I didn't fart so much!

No. 1667163

Oh my fucking god

No. 1667164

Like to charge, reblog to cast

No. 1667165

File: 1692246832943.jpg (18.63 KB, 346x370, 9d458c1b760902193f37b24e23d975…)

am ready to make some nonas fall in luv make a line

No. 1667166

i think i'm ovulating, every ten to twenty minutes i get so uncontrollably horny i stop thinking for a sec. detrimentally horny.

No. 1667167

File: 1692246862244.jpg (53.86 KB, 827x573, 6rguc9.jpg)

We don't actually care

No. 1667168

I'm sending this to five friends who will in turn send it to five other friends and so on, to lend out strength

No. 1667169

File: 1692246894512.jpg (268.31 KB, 1448x1448, photo-1-.jpg)

wait shit to keep with the theme let me post this horny toad.

No. 1667172

Choke on your own brap and relax.

No. 1667173

Anon you should go to his house to sort things out

No. 1667174

Me first please.

No. 1667175

fake and not real and gay that is NOT a toad

No. 1667176

this is insane bruh

No. 1667177

File: 1692246995014.jpg (16.75 KB, 275x237, 1639131804096.jpg)

Can you shoot that thing at….. Me n U?

No. 1667179

You need to chill cause I'm being entirely unserious and you're killin my vibe with your paranoia

No. 1667180

File: 1692247055402.jpg (32.43 KB, 376x568, dca493ad6c2816ada419cb6a9f48fd…)

pew pew now u r in love with someone who loves you back, cares for u and will help you with your debilitating mental illness

No. 1667181

One time I gave into the ovulation horniness. Absolutely would never do that again. Hurt for several days and it was only external.

No. 1667183

We both were so sexy together too… I have this whole life in my head together of us. He used to tell me our childrens names and how he loved me to the moon and back. I am kind of crazy. Good thing I blocked him. Goodight.

No. 1667184

…is it myself?

No. 1667185

File: 1692247112178.jpg (58.86 KB, 540x960, adb531a8ce59b5b573ba6b97647461…)

oh damn girl okay I can do that. pew pew to me and u nonny. This is it. our wedding is tomorrow

No. 1667186

I’m looking a good time.

No. 1667187


No. 1667188

u got that right nonners

No. 1667189

That's fuckin beautiful, yo

No. 1667190

Say nta if your gonna take a big stinky serious dump on the mood

No. 1667191

I'll choose to believe this is just some random anon venting and not the same one going on.

No. 1667192

I hope we don't have too much in common because you know how long that'd last

No. 1667193

File: 1692247205382.jpg (142.31 KB, 928x1232, 1692216862274158.jpg)

Whats the move

No. 1667194

File: 1692247215192.jpeg (54.92 KB, 640x640, Wensday.jpeg)

No. 1667197

File: 1692247235282.jpg (53.22 KB, 564x665, 959527ae9f66468f8244f7ed3d9bed…)

alright got u got u. pew pew now u r in love with a sexy ass hottie who will massage your feet

No. 1667198

Yeaaaaaaaah you tell her!

No. 1667199

Aw you can get that back anon. Tap on his bedroom window if it's real.

No. 1667200

as long as you want nonners wink wink

No. 1667204

Are you the anon that likes that ugly ass bull man, if so ur a giant faggot and I wish you would stop posting forever ♥

No. 1667205

File: 1692247360805.jpg (Spoiler Image,106.71 KB, 455x1230, Screenshot_20230816_202118_Tik…)

See nonnies? How was I not supposed to fall in love..? Ok goodnight for real. Thanks for the tough love.

No. 1667206

File: 1692247360797.jpg (61.34 KB, 1029x772, EUtjIcMXgAAHhf1.jpg)

His hands are way too big for the sink ain't no way he's washin up after a shid

No. 1667207

Is it still easy to scam men on seeking arrangement? I know at least one of you knows kek

No. 1667208

No. 1667209

oh hel yis tank you

No. 1667211

He was lovebombing you and you were easily manipulated for it. Sorry anon.

No. 1667212

File: 1692247445237.jpeg (133.63 KB, 867x1156, Ed Sheeran.jpeg)

No. 1667213

File: 1692247463110.gif (3.35 MB, 452x498, crazy-cat-insane-cat.gif)


No. 1667214

I post Bara like once a week and suddenly I'm the bad guy. Focus that energy on the fags who post CP thx.

No. 1667215

If someone sent me this cheap sentimental garbage, I'd snap.

No. 1667216

Shlick behind a tree near his window if it's real

No. 1667217

File: 1692247548408.gif (1.73 MB, 498x280, herbert-the.gif)

No. 1667218

My heart hurts but I needed this. I will forget about him. I hope.

No. 1667219

File: 1692247564862.png (561.99 KB, 2000x2000, fuck ed sheeran 2.png)

No. 1667220

Kek literally

No. 1667221

reading this thread makes me glad i am an husbandofag

No. 1667222

The bar is so low Hades can't even see it

No. 1667224

It's not too late. I believe in you. You should drive by his house and see if he's awake.

No. 1667225

I would love it if a moid sent me this because then I'd get to call him a faggot

No. 1667226

File: 1692247652917.jpeg (101.13 KB, 834x1080, _.jpeg)

No. 1667227

Tap on his window with the tip of a kitchen knife

No. 1667228

Maybe not much good, but always full of love. Love the sunrise of the sunrise, love the night sky bright sea of stars, love the rain on cloudy days, love the quiet when you are alone, love the laughter, love the gurgling hot pot, love the sweet milk tea, love all the good, love the earth, and love you.

No. 1667229

It’s bara AND furshit you’re cringe accept it, stop trying to redirect I can hate multiple things at once

No. 1667230

Sighs I know we are being sillystupid in this thread, but how tf do you nonnas meet people? I was alright with being alone when I was younger, but now I wish I had a girlfriend. But also I feel bad because I'm kind of repulsed by the idea of kissing or intimacy. But maybe that will go away when I find someone I actually like. Is that how it works?
I don't know, nonnas. It especially feels bleak now that I've peaked, bleh.

No. 1667231

Your typing these out with one hand aren't you, you got bad vibes nonna ngl

No. 1667233

You guys don't think I can actually get him back right? Like I am feeling over him and I know I said goodnight but I already slept through work but there's no way right? Does anyone else remember when I posted about how I wanted a piece of his hair and he broke up with me? Yes I am also that nonnie too. I am just weird I guess.

No. 1667234

That was a shitpost retard

No. 1667236


No. 1667237

Stop trying to be the main character

No. 1667238

Only cause I'm using the other hand to smoke weed don't you think such bad things about me, I'm normal, I'm normal

No. 1667239

Weed??? Alright I take it back

No. 1667241

No. 1667242

Your window of opportunity is really small. You should send him a video or call him to meet in person. If he doesn't answer at first, hes probably busy or asleep. Be persistent to show that you care

No. 1667243

Nona why are you conjuring dark forces

No. 1667244

Ok you were just shitposting all along.

No. 1667245

No. 1667246

File: 1692247935535.png (3.61 KB, 244x187, hPvGV9Oiv7lRE6qN8CXIOl7eJGQaGl…)

No. 1667247

She be on that weed

No. 1667248

No I am seriously not nonnie. This is my real life. I am not sure how else to prove it to you.

No. 1667249

nice, they're kinda hot

No. 1667250

¿Matthew with Luna’s latest hairdo?

No. 1667251

i never had any of these but the pocket ones look tastier

No. 1667252

I don't even think the hair thing is weird if you're actually in a long term loving relationship, I have a lock of my husbands hair in a special place.

No. 1667253

File: 1692248072060.jpg (37.38 KB, 564x622, 74ff2d6c24b392986be1a61021295a…)

I had a blast tonight nonnies but i gotta sleep. lov you all keep up being you

No. 1667254

You should try them out, either that or like go to an Italian restaurant and just have an actual calzone but warning that authentic calzones are fucking massive and I can never finish one

No. 1667255

That is beautiful. My ex used to give me his hair after a haircut before. I think it is sweet.

No. 1667257

File: 1692248143822.png (5 KB, 675x456, Ec8sSAJXoAIZQCa.png)

Sleep tight my sweet

No. 1667258

a 28 year old man sent you these… woof

No. 1667259

Holy fuck you're the anon who wanted his hair and he freaked out because he thought you were going to do voodoo on him Ahhhhhh

No. 1667262

File: 1692248312131.jpg (162.75 KB, 1098x1098, FwnNo7sWwAcXWo4.jpg)

No. 1667263

Aww goodnight nonna, sweet dreams and I had fun too. I haven't been itt in a while and I missed all the silly shenanigans

No. 1667264

No. 1667265

File: 1692248341245.jpg (39.13 KB, 736x828, b1a8f549b6ce62b3f23ab4c5a844ff…)

Sweet dreams, buttercream.

No. 1667266

KEK I didn't even take his age into account, that's even worse oof

No. 1667268

EW his nips are huge

No. 1667269

I have a tragic back story, you don't know what I've been through

No. 1667270

Is he using baking soda to clean his jewry?

No. 1667271

Yes this is me.

No. 1667272

You said goodnight ma'am, where is the good nighting at you're still here???

No. 1667273

You're a good troll.

No. 1667274

He cooka da crack

No. 1667275

Don't bodyshame him.

No. 1667276

Well he should put his big nursing nips away then

No. 1667277

No. 1667278

File: 1692248643458.jpg (202.56 KB, 967x1166, FpkfAStaYAIKKiw.jpg)

He is very beautiful to me

No. 1667279

Dumbass confession but I think Japanese baras look nice aesthetically and visually compared to western ones and I'm tired of people pretending otherwise

No. 1667280

All I think when I see pics like this is how big and smelly his dumps would be kek

No. 1667281

Can you shut up already so the nonas in this thread can give me shit tier dating advice. I'm trying to find the woman of my demented dreams

No. 1667284

File: 1692248778278.jpg (59.47 KB, 736x725, fdffef353f0e376f6201455fc5545e…)

Hi, my bf (28m) broke up with me (22f) because he said we are too similar and he notices qualities in me that he doesn't like in himself. He's been with six other women since me but says he hasn't loved any of them like he loved me and doesn't think he ever could love someone the same. Do we still have a chance at getting back together, reddit? He used to send me really sweet messages almost every day telling me how much I meant to him. We weren't even vanilla, we did a lot of really sexy things together so I know I gave him what he needed… I don't know maybe if I can change, he will want me back?

No. 1667286

File: 1692248780566.jpg (23.42 KB, 291x360, nonna_01.jpg)

Did the old Italian nonna put a gun to your head and make you eat coratella?

No. 1667287

No brapfags allowed.

No. 1667288

whats the difference

No. 1667289

Stacey shit

No. 1667290

File: 1692248832887.jpg (815.44 KB, 2048x2048, FxWUwSsacAAsAWQ.jpg)

Yes. Show up to his house with a gun.

No. 1667291

It was you, wasn't it? YOU'RE THE ONE!

No. 1667292

No I'm disgusted not horny jfc kek

No. 1667293

Girl just smoke your weed and settle down a little

No. 1667294

Big buff sexy Bara tigers don't poop. They photosynthesize

No. 1667295

File: 1692248916255.jpeg (77.04 KB, 748x721, 1690423813734.jpeg)

…Why is the first thing you think about his big smelly dumps? Is there something you want to take to the confession thread nonnie?

No. 1667296

File: 1692248938715.jpg (19.88 KB, 500x500, FwMo28uaMAA7WIZ.jpg)

I dont smeuk ouid

No. 1667297

1. Make a post in the friend finder thread looking for a demented gf
2. ???
3. Come back here in a month to cry

No. 1667298

We in the dumbass shit thread, it's chill, let her be stupid

No. 1667299

don't forget the part about him leaving his 11 year relationship (while engaged) for op

No. 1667300

I'm the toasty nonnie and I didn't post that I promise, I stopped with the knife going tappity tap

No. 1667301

Japanese bara is cuter and romantic. Western bara is ugly and violent.

No. 1667302

I thought about that after posting but I'm also putting in very little effort over here

No. 1667303

That was me being a dumbass, I wasn't actually telling her to stop posting

No. 1667304

File: 1692249040423.jpg (23.25 KB, 343x360, nonna_02.jpg)


No. 1667305

I'll be your girl, if you think you can handle it

No. 1667306

File: 1692249068089.jpg (24.39 KB, 640x858, 1690776384122420.jpg)

Checked out /tttt/ and a faggot is on his soapbox talking about how molestation should be distigmarized rn. For every time you hate it here, remember where you could be.

No. 1667307

Oh ok kek sorry nonna

No. 1667309

WHAT? Screenshot of his posts?

No. 1667310

File: 1692249183009.jpg (1.91 KB, 80x80, 1655412340541.jpg)

sì Nonna, sì

No. 1667311

File: 1692249192655.jpg (7.8 KB, 210x240, 98472364676.jpg)

Nta but you sound cute maybe anon will hit you up. Treat her right!!

No. 1667312

totally valid love is love wholesome seal award give updoots

No. 1667314

File: 1692249225200.jpg (141.33 KB, 720x1600, 023081ry.jpg)

The men are not ok

No. 1667315

We're cool kisses noggin

No. 1667316

File: 1692249312881.jpg (28.13 KB, 500x508, tumblr_nbuvzzHea91td3k3fo1_500…)

The only way I go is right baby, I hate NASCAR

No. 1667317

I wish all males would have their balls fall off and their brain melt out of their skulls. Looks like they're halfway there anyway.

No. 1667318

Woah woah woah sad and concerned all at once

No. 1667319

>molested at 4
>never got help
>now a tranny most likely to have degenerate kinks and fetishes
>wants to destigmitize molestation
>totally fine
He is 100% without fail one of those Godless heathens that would continue a cycle of sexual abuse if given access to young children. Horrifying.

No. 1667321

Man go away

No. 1667323

The other day one said he was never molested but regrets not 'taking advantage of the opportunity' to get molested the various times he had the chance. I feel like I'm studying monkeys.

No. 1667324

Make sure it's mp4 so the iPhone nonnies can see it

No. 1667325

We're done, you've overstayed your welcome.

No. 1667326

They're born broken

No. 1667327

I don't like ringing the tranny/moid alarm but this really does give baiting male vibes. Sorry if I'm wrong

No. 1667328

Actually it's a gay man and a large amount of gay men there seem to echo this sentiment.

No. 1667329

Lc doesn't support mp4 files

No. 1667330


No. 1667331

she's probably a newfag desperate for attention

No. 1667334

Yeah it gives those vibes too

No. 1667335

No. 1667337

okay you're just going to bait her into posting nudes like all the others

No. 1667338

This is such first high school relationship cliche “meant to be together” bullshit it’s so impersonal and lame. Move on, men lie and they’re horrible, don’t try to fix them. The attention isn’t worth the betrayals.

No. 1667339

File: 1692249863598.jpg (15.51 KB, 275x204, 1638740274708.jpg)

No. 1667340

Is this how furries view tony the tiger

No. 1667341

File: 1692250026817.png (215.52 KB, 385x854, Toppng.com-tony-the-tiger-by-t…)

I mean he is kind of a himbo

No. 1667343

Watcha thinkin' about, anon?

No. 1667344

I wouldn't know, I'm not a furry

No. 1667348

File: 1692250167228.jpg (52.01 KB, 960x946, 1691607094722766.jpg)

Better a furry than whatever this is >>1667284

No. 1667349

File: 1692250176710.jpg (27.7 KB, 412x500, 5c0e983c5ba7c.image.jpg)

this is his voice actor

No. 1667350

walt disney never died

No. 1667352

He is cryogenically frozen and stored underneath magic mountain

No. 1667353

he's also the narrator of the haunted mansion so you're not wrong

No. 1667354

Looks like a cross between Pee Wee, young David Arquette, and John Waters. Weird.

No. 1667356

I wish himbos were real.

No. 1667357

File: 1692250312589.jpg (191.15 KB, 1200x1800, japaleno peppers.jpg)

Dill pickles

No. 1667358


No. 1667359

File: 1692250358284.jpg (176.1 KB, 800x800, Kawaii-Bee-Dog-Plush-Doll-Stun…)

I'm still teary eyed over how cute he is everytime I come by this thread

No. 1667361

I thought jalapenos were small

No. 1667363

japaleno nonnie, japaleno

No. 1667366

File: 1692250491147.jpg (19.83 KB, 446x371, 4ue08h.jpg)

jopalenos? jalopenas?

No. 1667367

⠀𝕁 𝔸 ℙ 𝔸 𝕃 𝔼 ℕ 𝕆
⠀⠀𝕁 𝔸 ℙ 𝔸 𝕃 𝔼 ℕ 𝕆

No. 1667369

File: 1692250658232.jpg (26.37 KB, 405x1000, japalenojuice.jpg)


No. 1667370

File: 1692250772279.jpeg (4.38 KB, 225x225, images (2).jpeg)


No. 1667398

Not to wk a moid, but I wouldn't date someone that is too similar to me, either. If you say he's always been nice to you, maybe he was honest. Or maybe he wasn't but it's less likely.

No. 1667408

I like how all the nonnas seemed to tucker themselves out all at once

No. 1667410

just you n me holding down the fort until everyone comes home from pasture

No. 1667425

Awww cute shit nonna

No. 1667430

File: 1692254657737.jpg (576.17 KB, 1080x1080, E_X_vldXsAIjYXi.jpg)

no u ♥

No. 1667432

I'm watching one of those police cam footage videos (cringe I know) and this girl is getting arrested, I feel bad for her cause she's only like 18 and it seems like her Dad is a piece of shit but after the cops cuff her they hold her vape so she can hit it but it's dead and I don't know why but that part killed me. Timestamp is like 21 mins in

No. 1667433

File: 1692254811210.png (570.59 KB, 950x759, juhiygtfrtdfgyhj.png)

Like honestly what a vibe

No. 1667463

what song plays in your head when you are infighting? for me its

No. 1667467

Considering this is a farm…

No. 1667474

the only correct choice imo

No. 1667479

I hate when TIFs latch onto media not made for them, get away from my favourite artist you morons are completly going against her message

No. 1667481

Omg this takes me back

No. 1667483

File: 1692262204707.jpg (35.28 KB, 500x340, 1632013188379.jpg)

I saw a gigastacy yesterday who wore a tshirt with the definition of woman on it.

No. 1667486

Can you explain to me how you’re so evil
It’s too late for you now

There’s a bee in your mouth
I’m out

There’s a bee in your mouth
I’m out

Can you even eat food now?
If you're still able, well
It's time I think you feel the pain
There's a puff in your cheek
puff in your cheek
I'm out

I hate all of these dogs
They all lack smarts sometimes
There's a bee in his mouth
Bee in the mouth
I'm out

There's a bee in the mouth
bee in the mouth
Please take a pill
Heis in pain
He is in pain

There's a puff in your cheek
puff in your cheek
There's a puff in your cheek
puff in your cheek
I'm out
There's a puff in the cheek

He will eat
a bee

No. 1667488

this is my fear if I ever make a comic with a tomboy girl and guy. they'll troon her out, say shes confused. i also really like to see genderbent art of either side and the male to female scares me that troons would latch onto it. its just a different take on a design!

No. 1667496

Nonnie…have you seen the full vidrel? The girl suffers from substance abuse(cocain) and this was taken after she struck her mother physically. The father was clearly tired by her shenanigans. Hopefully she recovered

No. 1667497

No I kinda had it on in the background and was starting to zone out, when she started getting arrested I started watching it and it made me sad but when the cop let her hit the vape I thought it was funny. But yeah at the end I saw she has an addiction, it's sad cause she's so young to be caught up in drug use like that

No. 1667498

No. 1667501

Dominique. That song that was used in American Horror Story ASYLUM

No. 1667504

No. 1667514

File: 1692265708143.jpg (62.73 KB, 1080x1101, Tumblr_l_215112522469.jpg)

I dont feel like getting out of bed today nonnies, but I have things to do so I have to do it either way

No. 1667520

I thought Ken from Barbie was really cute and silly and dumb, but then I realized he is only that because he is not real! irl he would be a nasty rape-brain moid.

No. 1667539

I had no idea that ishowspeed is a troons chaser

No. 1667556

The apartment block facing me has had a bedsheet hanging on the balcony since the beginning of summer, I have no idea what is going on. I thought it was out there to dry but I guess it serves as decoration now.

No. 1667564

File: 1692274959641.jpg (119.82 KB, 732x1000, noodles.jpg)

do i make a second bowl of noodles or no?

No. 1667566

The future is much more depressing than the promise of my childhood, but holy shit the robots. The fucking robots nonnies. You have no idea. I lived in absolute poverty for my childhood (no running water, no electricity, etc).
I now have a robot to wash my clothes, one to wash my dishes, two separate roombas that vacuum my floors, and a robot that mops the tile.
I get home from work and it's like an army of maids cleans my house while I'm gone. So so good. So based. So blessed.

No. 1667568

ask sanic, only he can pass such judgements

No. 1667569

My dad had to get surgery suddenly so I have to care for his animals for the time being. The hens, quails and songbirds are fine but DAMN I was NOT ready for the smell of rabbit piss holy shit. I've had cats and dogs and they didn't smell nearly as bad as this, I have to hold my breath it's so bad nonnies

No. 1667572

File: 1692275591209.jpg (57.01 KB, 602x650, main-qimg-2aaec10adfdadc9369c5…)

>reading this as i'm halfway thru my second bowl of noodles

No. 1667575

What type of cage are they in? It's a strong smell, but it shouldn't be overwhelming. If you want to help future you, I recommend doing a deep clean, especially if they're indoor rabbits. Put vix vaporub under your nose, completely throw out the old litter and bedding, and then wash the litter boxes/cage trays out. Once dry, spray or rinse with white vinegar and allow to sun dry. This bring the smell down to much more manageable levels.

No. 1667578

>robot to wash my clothes
>one to wash my dishes

Are you just talking about a washing machine and dishwasher

No. 1667579

oh god its that bad? i thought nothing could top cat piss. was thinking about getting a bunny or 2 guinea pigs.

No. 1667583

Don't guinea pigs shit everywhere everyday?

No. 1667585

nta but guinepig piss is bad too
yes and the poop is like a tiny brown pill lol. the poop has no smell at least. also i had a terrarium for mine so it only pooped there and i took it out just for petting and playing with it

No. 1667588

Is is hanging in front of the window/door, cause if so, maybe it's there to block out the sun and provide some shade, I've seen that before. But if it's hanging from the railing, idk, maybe for a bit of privacy?

No. 1667590

Yes. They even have ones to fold your clothes now, but they're pretty expensive for the return.

No. 1667595

He doesn't kepp his animals in well conditions and honestly I don't know if I have the spiritual strenght to do a deep clean of his place. The cage looks rancid, it's rusty, full of spider webs and it looks like a regular metal cage that's suspended. The piss and shit is all over the floor directly below the cage, asaik he only cleaned the place like once a month.

It is, it's such a strong acidic smell, it almost smells like vomit/stomach acid to me. Keep in mind that rabbits also shit frequently, like non-stop kek. At least those don't smell too much and they're just tiny round poops.

No. 1667600

Could be, I have no idea. It's on the side of the railing so I have no idea what's the purpose, other sides aren't covered so who knows.

No. 1667612

File: 1692279686475.jpeg (482.17 KB, 1600x1982, 1692251938876.jpeg)

Ignore the tweet, but I genuinely do think this couple is so cute

No. 1667629

I will make an Avatar thread once A3 comes out. Sometime eventually…

No. 1667631

It annoys me how there are thousands of photos of good looking naked womyn in interesting poses but near 0 good looking men. The ones from the professional shoots are all fat old and ugly and the fags from gay porn sites stick the camara up their arses or something because the quality is shit

No. 1667633

Be the change you want to see in the world. Take up photography and do your thing.

No. 1667636

Wait is this for real? This is the second time I see a story like this. But it was an older straight woman and a younger gay man and they were in love with each other but didn't have sex and the man wasn't attracted to her sexually. It's either he's bi and confused/reatrded/lying or they're just good friends but they gotta make it special somehow. But this story in your picrel is even more insane.

No. 1667640

>an older straight woman and a younger gay man and they were in love with each other but didn't have sex
When het people discover strong f/m friendship kek

No. 1667641

I was just thinking about this!!

No. 1667643

i fucking love this

No. 1667645

File: 1692283148517.jpeg (24.52 KB, 258x312, IMG_5734.jpeg)

No. 1667652

please stop saving thumbnails

No. 1667655

I actually have no idea what have enough gender means.

No. 1667656

impossible, there arent good looking guys anymore. I wish there were more scans of 70s/80s gay porn magazines those vintage twinks had great bodies and hair

No. 1667657

Extremely cringe post

No. 1667659

The woman is bi, and the dude says he's straight but I do think he's probably also bi. Not my place to speculate on other's sexuality though.
Worrying about being cringe is cringe.

No. 1667662

Staring at him on the box while I ate his flakes before school was like having morning coffee to me back then

No. 1667664

I was just thinking about how funny it is that so many of us drool over anime husbandos, like. We’re these weird primate, monkey things, and one primate draws an imaginary primate with exaggerated features and a bunch of other monkeys gather around and are like “THIS is good cave painting, cave painting better than man monkey!! More cave painting!”

No. 1667665

husbandos are all the good things about men (abs and dick) without the bad(everything else)

No. 1667666

Kek, based

No. 1667668

speaking of 3DPD i hate moids with beards and i hate how the vast majority of them have them now

No. 1667676

beards are how they hide their ugly faces.

No. 1667677

what do you mean "now"? almost every man in the world has a beard.

No. 1667680

But their beards are ugly too. Can't they just wear a paper bag?

No. 1667681

Where I live there was definitely a time when they weren't fashionable. Like I don't think beards were standard male fashion in the west since about the 80's, unless you were an old scrote, it became an epidemic in the last decade or so.

No. 1667685

Ex BF Nonnie waking up here.
Should I post on my local women warning dating page(are we dating the same guy? Red flags and shit) about the guy I was posting last night? Its over 24k+ women in my area.

I promise I'm done talking about him now.

No. 1667686

Do it kek

No. 1667687

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No. 1667690

can husbando's be items?
i really fucking love Zest soap

No. 1667692

Once i get really fucking good at drawing i am going to draw the most depraved shit imaginable

No. 1667693

Only if you make fanart of it.

No. 1667694

I hate beards too and now I’m engaged to a guy with one, I have no idea what happened. At least his is clean-cut and short and not long or anything, blech
It totally became popular in the late 2000s/early 2010s hipster/indie circles because it was “ironic” or guys wanted to look “manly” like lumberjacks, and then it became mainstream along with the Stomp-Clap-Hey music and every millennial guy looks the same now

No. 1667695

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Like imagine this but like shaped into a man with a nice sized you know what, and he has no head, just the Zest soap bar box as a head that also has Zest soap in it and..lord, then you can use him to clean, My god, the smell. The taste, the thought, I fucking love Zest soap so much

No. 1667696

Kek i love this place

No. 1667697

Oh right, hipsters yeah. I forgot about them because they weren't much of a thing where I live and because it was still felt somewhat niche, but I guess they were patient zero, now its every moid.

No. 1667699

I am still so angry over being born in the decade with the ugliest men since cavemen. Its not fair.

No. 1667700

Like the movies? I'd be down for that

No. 1667701

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No. 1667705

File: 1692286622815.png (Spoiler Image,650.57 KB, 491x694, Capture.PNG)

Something like this, but like completely made out of soap and you can wet him but he never gets smaller but so sudsy and amazing. Lord This was a quick mock up of what I imagine.

No. 1667707

i NEED to read this fanfic immediately

No. 1667708


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1667709

I'm cackling nona

No. 1667712

is there a husbando thread? I'm sure there is one but I can't find it, or somewhere can post fantasies about them?

No. 1667716

Retarded Husbando Hornyposting Shitposting Thread >>>/g/339255

No. 1667721

thank you so much!

No. 1667727

dove would make also make a great husbando the smell is really nice

No. 1667729

Dove is a high class waifu/husbando

No. 1667730

File: 1692288108384.png (2.31 MB, 1110x1490, 1692282235887.png)

I hate how y2k is coming back, did this also happen before? i know nostalgia is a think, but i feel like it's everywhere now. I fucking despise zoomers obssesed with y2k. You faggots ruined our decade and made it the most boring white noise decade, dont go ruin y2k. I am genuinely curious as if 10s nostalgia will kick in with new gens like 80s/90s/00s nostalgia made teens go ''wrong in the wrong timeline!!'' lmao, i imagine alpha gen kids feeling like they missed out on pewdiepie's golden years.

No. 1667731

I've been crushing on this woman for a while and now she comes out with her fugly ass nigel and he's a straight moid but puts he/they on his profiles so they're an uwu kweer couple now and I just fucking hate him so much. He's a fattie and also one of those moids who is cold and rude to most women except his girlfriend and I'm a toxic horrible narcissistic piece of shit probably for having these thoughts but I fucking hate him so fucking much it's not that related to the crush at this point

No. 1667738

I thought 70s was the current trend. I’m starting to see so many girls wearing those ugly shoes and bell bottom leggings. It’s ugly as shit to me. Anyone following any trends is cringe to me though. Like if you always wore a certain style then ok but otherwise I will think less of you kek

No. 1667742

bellbottoms came back in the late 90s too. I think they look ok. I like to wear boots and I don't like loose fabric around my knees so they suit me for other reasons

No. 1667746

i have seen a resurgence of y2k amongst zoomers who werent alive during it, mostly in art and internet circles though. I like 70s fashion a lot but bell bottom leggings sound nightmarish.

No. 1667751

>bell bottom leggings
what in the absolute fuck there's no way

No. 1667756

File: 1692289227719.jpg (36.89 KB, 750x1125, 00488403-05.jpg)

you have the zoomer hate thread to bitch and moan in
i think she just meant flared leggings

No. 1667757

I think the Dakota Rose thread has to be one of the most schizo cow threads, like imagine posting about some bitch with zero milk just because she was an attention-seeking cringe teenager like genuinely what else is there to say about Dakota. I know I'd hate everyone posting in that thread if I knew them IRL.

No. 1667759

God I wish 70's fashion was back

No. 1667766

>post sits with 0 replies
>reply to it
>within 10 minutes there are like 5 additional replies
I have HAD IT with you herd mentality nonnies.

No. 1667767

You're a trend setter, nonnie.

No. 1667771

File: 1692289850006.jpg (34.99 KB, 735x679, 21fa67c2ebf8ad2d24869448e6a6df…)

>you have the zoomer hate thread to bitch and moan in
i can bitch and moan about zoomies ruining the culture of my generation whenever i want. You will never understand what its like to be reminded as the ''white tanktop with leggins, steven universe trans vitiligo femboy egirl tiktok minecraft gameplay'' generation.

No. 1667775

Sorry that you're from the "white tanktop with leggins, steven universe trans vitiligo femboy egirl tiktok minecraft gameplay" generation, nonny

No. 1667776

File: 1692290494467.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1284x1395, IMG_7007.jpeg)

2010s tumblr aesthetic is already having a resurgence on tiktok kek

No. 1667777

File: 1692290535348.jpeg (73.58 KB, 928x928, jake sully.jpeg)

Yess. I need a place to thirst after 3 meter tall blue aliens without reddit moids breathing down my neck.

No. 1667778

i have learned to live alongside the pain

No. 1667779

why though? it looks no different to how people dress today

No. 1667783

The 2014 thing feels like such meme though. Especially with the purple/old Instagram filters. I don't think kids are being serious with that one

No. 1667785

I wanna make the new zoomer hate thread but I got no zoomer hate pics, tragic

No. 1667786

2010s will inevitably trend, the twee tumblr stuff is just starting to gain traction again and people are getting nostalgic for the late 00s/early 10s indie party scene. anyway y2k came back a few years ago, it's been a while. and nothing is "ruined" unless you allow yourself to be bothered by it, your memories and the actual media & fashion of the time are still documented and accessible. it is annoying but it isn't just zoomers either, plenty of grown adults enable this kind of nostalgia, everyone these days is nostalgic to a concerning degree. zoomers are just the face of it because the youth are always the demographic that is given the most focus and they've been raised in a decade that has seen immense rapid change unlike anything we've seen before (the impact of the internet and its fast development is always underestimated)

No. 1667787

Someone made it already >>1664102

No. 1667788

No. 1667791

File: 1692291564326.jpg (34.35 KB, 462x480, 1675145632061945.jpg)

it doesnt bother me zoomers like y2k, it bothers me that the things they like about y2k, specially the early internet, are things they have ruined for our generation. Like how every they thembien seems to love scene aesthetic and lament not being able to be a scene queen and go to raves but they go against their rawr ecksdee labels are for soup cans emblem. It's just the epitome of zoomie's lack of self awareness.

No. 1667793

The 2010's won't be ruined because they were shit to begin with.

No. 1667794


No. 1667805

Im trying to get reacquainted with league after a year long break, and tbh it's kinda hard cause of my long nails. Im fine with typing paragraphs and whatnot, but playing is weird cause my fingers have to lay flat instead of curved like how I typically would play.

No. 1667816

I just think about how any sexual activity would suds it up and the soap would end up going IN there and my vag says NOPE

No. 1667817

I tried playing League again after taking a long break and I cried after my first match and haven’t tried again

No. 1667843

Im feeling that right now kek. I just had a terrible game and ended up getting flustered towards the end cause I was trying to add hotkeys midgame and unbinded my E spell kek.

No. 1667848

I just read a cringeworthy fanfic and I can't get it out of my head for some reason. I don't wanna judge anyone for what self indulgence they choose to write but fuck I couldn't help but.."bleh". It wasn't even that bad, I think it's just because it's been so long since I've read something from an author I don't already like.

No. 1667857

Read a post about how some guy was jealous over his sexually repressed gf getting into male dirty talk audios to explore her sexuality. So many comments from men saying that he was an insecure loser and that he should be moaning for her and making those audios for her instead of wasting his time seething over other men. There is justice in the world.

No. 1667870

she found out it's a boy

No. 1667877

the jerma videos are piling up on youtube, it knows I don't want to see that offputting face and I've never watched him but it's ramping up the recommends, youtube knows it's hurting me it knows

No. 1667879

the backpack?

No. 1667901

File: 1692299188135.jpg (4.03 MB, 3072x4080, IMG_20230817_200719.jpg)

Based off this meal, what country do I come from?

No. 1667902

Germany (idk)

What is it? Mashed potatoes and what, tomatoes?

No. 1667903


No. 1667904

File: 1692299323377.jpeg (118.68 KB, 750x750, IMG_0402.jpeg)

every time I watch gone girl I just think about how I'd like to go full amy on someone's ass

No. 1667906

to me he looks different in every single video I see of him. Like he’s kinda cute in this video but then I see another picture of him and he looks weird and unsymmetrical and old. his videos would be fine if his fan base was still autistic tf2 guys but now zoomers are trying to claim he’s sexy and it comes off as kinda delusional and creepy

No. 1667907

>the taste
Excuse you?

No. 1667913

Honestly wonder how many Westerners living in Korea and Japan will react when they have to send their kids to school because asian schools have insane standards that literally fuck up their entire society.

No. 1667916

File: 1692300404145.jpg (33.19 KB, 564x571, 35bd23ded1c0f415758785e3eb938f…)

Rosamund Pike is so pretty, I've been meaning to watch gone girl but I've been putting it off, I've watched her in "I care a lot" and she's so hot, but not hot taking advantage of old people but yeah kek.

No. 1667918

A customer showed up to my family's business wearing a graphic "Livin' fast, eatin' ass" tee, the dude was around my age and came with his girlfriend on top of that. This is the hardest I've ever cringed and this is coming from someone who's been to an anime convention before. During Covid one of our regulars had a "I heart pussy" face mask which was mildly cringy and clearly a joke but like. I don't need to know you like to toss your girl's salad I really don't and I don't want to think about it.

I only know him from here (lucky me) but imo he is only considered hot because he has okay hair on his head, doesn't have gorilla tier body hair and isn't fat

No. 1667919

Found this weird doomer in the YouTube shit hole. He sounds schizo

No. 1667920

ntayrt but count me in..

No. 1667922

When i was a teenager my mom aaw me looking at pictures of pixyteri in a bunny suit and she got really mad at me and later she though i was gay

No. 1667924

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She's also a calculated character in Gone Girl, so you'll probably enjoy it. If you have HBO, it's on there right now

No. 1667948

I have not watched his videos but he just comes across as the "safe male" youtube archetype, so I have no desire to watch him as I am not a teenager.

No. 1667996

reviewbrah is so fucking hot in his latest burger king review holy shit i am down bad….

No. 1667997

i don't understand you but i support you.

No. 1668000

I think that was posted in the reddit thread some time ago, wasn't it?

No. 1668002

thank you nonny you are very nice, im used to reviewbrah slander here

its weird tbh, i can watch reviewbrah and think 'yeah he is odd looking' but then like out of nowhere ill have a wave of attraction to him. he's like a sickly victorian vampire or a mouse in an oversized suit. also, his fingers are beautiful. but i can't even put any screenshots from the video in question to illustrate my point, bc in all of them he looks just like his normal strange self – all the allure is instantly sapped away if you try to capture it. sometimes i wonder how many thirst comments he gets on his videos and if he takes them seriously or not

No. 1668003

It smells so much like a McDonald's play place in my car right now and I'm so afraid that it's my feet…

No. 1668007

Jerma isn't sexy because he's a twitch streamer and because so many 12-14 year old fujo he/theys think he's sexy.

No. 1668014

oh my god yes, what Soap do you think he uses? probably zest gold

No. 1668015

File: 1692309304362.jpg (105.28 KB, 957x1107, Hecca6a06b1c644c28c6349d0aed41…)

luv my natural curves

No. 1668016

Thinking Jerma is sexy is 100% a he/they fujo opinion, he's not sexy, he's not even sexual. He's awkard, creative and he allows his retarded fanbase to effect every single streamer he's around. I remember some fo them got mad because a game said, "Sissy"

No. 1668022

I wonder if his farmer fangirls will show up to defend themselves.

No. 1668024

he would smell clean. whatever brylcreem smells like. coal tar soap or like a really old fashioned style aftershave. i can't imagine him smelling like anything other than soap and old fashioned mens groomed products and freshly laundered and ironed suits

anon i curse you for making me wonder what he smells like you have impeccable taste though

No. 1668029

The chains make her look like she has five layers of fat rolls

No. 1668036

Zest man must hAve a human dick right? It seems he is just a human with a soap head

No. 1668043

The LeafyIsHere, idubbbz, maxmoefoe, Keemstar, Pyro, h3h3 era of YouTube in like 2016-2018 was fucking terrible, but also very drama filled which was nice.

No. 1668044

Excuse you Those are workout line chains

No. 1668047

File: 1692310902425.png (634.65 KB, 1098x1081, DE4F3320-3BA4-4EB9-A9DA-BEE371…)

Found out about “parent-run” child gymnastic pages on Instagram and want to kms. I looked up “target” on ig search and saw a picture of a girl in gymnast wear, and sure enough her whole page is her posing in gymnast outfits. Burn this earth man

No. 1668050

Samefag this is why children shouldn’t get phones/tablets/tiktok and shouldn’t be posted online. Freaking weirdos out there

No. 1668056

Ntayrt, but I'm fairly certain a lot of those accounts are run by the parents

No. 1668062

I’m snuggly and sleepy playing word games on my phone (taking a break to write this though)

No. 1668065

File: 1692312078772.jpg (73.44 KB, 720x716, b3e7b8a18f316b63c5a4bd5ccb7c15…)

But luckily you know what she did with Lord Wadsworth (the contest judge) and can ruin her life whenever it please you

No. 1668067

No. 1668077

File: 1692312537768.jpg (10.26 KB, 474x331, 1691031125941.jpg)

What the hell is wrong with instagram? I follow only various foreign cosmetic brands and only cosmetic related tags but I still get unrelated stuff in my feed like moid tiktoks. What the fuck?

No. 1668079

No it's made out of soap and works then same way except it shoots suds

No. 1668088

I wash my panties when I'm in the shower, and it's so irritating when there's like fresh discharge that won't come out of the fabric. You can't see it but you can feel the "slip"
Also, I feel like I'm about to pass out from the shower I just took. I need to make it a rule to eat something before showers.

No. 1668089

File: 1692312984398.jpeg (182.21 KB, 828x669, 34D47C82-C902-4240-9F05-82BDDA…)

brutal mogging

No. 1668093

Totally unrelated kek but videogames getting increasingly detailed with their characters, having them be modelled off real people and then animating is actually very confusing. My brain doesn't know if I'm attracted to a drawing or a real person. Not that it hasn't been to the first, but they're usually separated

No. 1668099

File: 1692313507115.gif (59.63 KB, 206x139, 1644898832777.gif)

is there any greater despair than writing and drawing your own niche interests but being unable to get off to it? wish someone would bonk me with a baseball bat so i could forget i made this stuff and shlick in peace.

No. 1668100

Ever since instagram got into the tiktokification shit, it's been so terrible to use. Even my side account I use to follow things related to my hobbies has weird moidish or controversial tiktoks where people just argue in the comments all day. It's just annoying.

No. 1668101

jared looks like someone tried to mold gumby out of playdoh, at least the yakuza guys look human

No. 1668114

My friend was talking about how she suddenly started getting trans discourse on her tiktok that she uses to exclusively view book binding and book stuff

No. 1668118

My sentences keep coming out in mush. Sorry if you read a sentence that doesn't make sense anywhere. I'm not ESL I'm just straight up retarded now.

No. 1668119

make the water slightly colder when you're almost finished showering. maybe open the window beforehand and bring a cold water bottle too.
t. also gets woozy in the shower

No. 1668120

Finally realized the browser is probably lagging at start up because of all the posts archived in my RSS reader…
Now I have to dig through hundreds of pictures of cities and sunsets and decide whether they're worth saving or not.

No. 1668123

What is an RSS reader?

No. 1668125

NTA but from what I've seen on the other boards they dislike the gendie zoomer portion of his fanbase just as much as anyone else, so I doubt they're genderspecial zoomers themselves.

No. 1668126

cmon google.
I used it for tumblr image blogs.

No. 1668135

File: 1692318061714.jpg (605.17 KB, 1080x1288, y0hLmkE.jpg)

Every time I see her I get sad, cause I'm reminded this is his her husband and father of her children.

No. 1668138

Still a little confused but I think I get it

No. 1668139

They are looksmatched they are both busted old people

No. 1668140

All the pandering he does for the troons has made me lose attraction to him.

No. 1668144

File: 1692319289316.jpg (103.26 KB, 1110x754, feedbro.jpg)

like this

No. 1668146

Ew. Who are they? He looks old enough to be her dad.

No. 1668147

File: 1692319722517.png (823.32 KB, 765x988, 1600266708301.png)

So true bro, she hit the wall badly, a 4/10 at max.

No. 1668150


No. 1668152

No. 1668153


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1668160

File: 1692320630977.jpeg (84.24 KB, 1028x675, IMG_0451.jpeg)

nu thread (promise it's not infected)

No. 1668192

She’s a cuck!

No. 1668367

File: 1692339733508.gif (1.55 MB, 498x371, IMG_3325.gif)

Looking like Zoidberg without his shell

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