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No. 1656865

A thread to discuss the strange happenings and events surrounding its closing.
>downtime begins in early July
>anons create bunker threads on crystal.cafe
>crystal mods ban kpop posting and restrict discussion to the site
>choachan goes back online and boardowner says downtime was caused by a DDoS
>a few days pass
>boardowner posts one final message about a stalker and tells anons to reset their routers >>>/meta/60910
>a temporary message announcing a leave is set up (picrel)
>anons on crystal begin to discuss a plan to relocate
>2 anons set up a temporary bunker board while setting up a dedicated board for kpop
>anon posts DMs with boardowner and admin about several suspects and ongoing paranoia
>admin(??) shows up in thread and makes a response
>boardowner announces the permanent shutdown on choachan
>new imageboard is set up but the new admin has been emailed about drama behind the scenes
>choachan admins habitually cause impulsive drama they then blame on LCF and hackers (lol sure)
>admins announce that a high-skilled infiltrator hacker moid was up in all their accounts and using personal information given by mods or found in post histories to harass and intimidate users
>constant FUDposting all over every imageboard that will have them despite getting banned all the time, including retarded conspiracies about cerbmin
>former ccc mod comes out on /meta/ claiming there was never a moid situation and that it was the admins themselves harassing users and staff including herself >>>/meta/60918
>new board admin of the kpop ib says she has already received threats
Archive of choachan threads

No. 1656909

I don't understand this drama but every time their site goes down or the admins make a new statement or whatever I can tell it's happening because their users and mods go insane here and on crystal cafe. They act like moids trying to force their ugly plastic surgery monsters down everyone's throat and clearly sperging about in-drama of their site and somehow everyone else has to deal with it because they got so tired of their own shit they don't want to run their own platform anymore. Bizarre

No. 1657352

what's the new kpop imageboard?

No. 1657357

I don't want to link it to avoid causing problems for the refugees but if you go to the bunker that was set up (check crystal cafe bunkers) then you can find the link to the new board

No. 1657373

I tried to look for sources on what nonas said on /meta/ about the admins being former farmhands and came across this from 7 months ago >>>/m/266189 so if it's true it leans more into the stalker story being made up

No. 1657427

the soypedos already found the site and raided. they are really after the site

No. 1657434

The admins of choachan come across as petty and childish to me but it's expected from a kpop fan

No. 1657446

when i posted on there i always got banned for other anon’s posts. banned for samefagging when i would reply to other anons. on the dst thread nonas would always be paranoid that mods were fucking with certain nonas. it was so sketchy

No. 1657456

I only posted a handful of times but there was an incident in the dst thread where the one of the replies I got in a post were referencing a personal detail I had posted in the past in a demeaning way and that kind of freaked me out. There were also unnecessarily hostile replies to other posters out of nowhere so that might have been the admins fucking with the op. Thing like that made the board feel hostile so I decided not to post anymore.

No. 1657472

even on the new ib a lot of that happens to other anons. mentioning very personal details that only a few anons seem to know about some other anons

No. 1657493

There are a few users that know each other and can identify each other by their posting style or what idol they like. My tinfoil is that they don't like new or certain users for whatever reason (maybe because they break their circlejerk or they do not not integrate properly or are annoying) so the jannies will try to drive them away from the site or will signal them out to behave which is not needed when they could just ban said user and state the reason instead of being catty and using their previous posts and personal information against them.

No. 1657494

Glad I ever gave that shithole a chance, that’s such violation of ib ethics

No. 1657497

That's good. I sadly posted a handful of times but other than that personal detail they don't have enough information on me to cause harm.

No. 1657503

I feel so bad for the normie girls that stumbled across that bts thread and posted themselves in it kek

No. 1657509

Wait, like selfies or their names?

No. 1657513

selfies and body

No. 1657517

No. 1657520

What is the point of running an ib if a big percentage of the userbase is personalityfagging? It kills the purpose of an ib.

No. 1657561

dangling your own moderators dox is insane and I no longer think the paranoid gangstalking anons were so paranoid

No. 1657565

Did anyone else always get ban warnings when they would simply post on a vpn on there? Were there a lot of trolls using vpns or were they fucking with me? I didn’t have a distinctive post style on there.

No. 1657566

This site was literally once a honeypot for shoeonhead to get its. Its really not a shocking concept

No. 1657567

ips not its* too lazy to delete and repost

No. 1657568

vpns were banned a few months ago to try to prevent spam. but if you're using free vpns, there was a whole list of different trolls that came on there and burned through all the free vpns by getting them banned kek

No. 1657569

Oh fuck good i got paranoid after reading everything. Even the urban dictionary definition says it’s a gangstalking site

No. 1657570

how does that work? was she friends with a mod

No. 1657571

there's a few personalities there (that emigrated onto the new site now) that constantly break multiple site rules and just never get permabanned. one example is "dawn" who is unironically mentally ill and probably schizophrenic, she constantly broke rules by being unhinged and every time only got small few hours bans. at some point mods just gave up on banning her and let her be unhinged

No. 1657572

she even used to be a mod herself

No. 1657575

that’s schizo behavior now i’m scared lmao

No. 1657576

is that the girl that posted her school

No. 1657577

when did this happen? i remember someone posted about going to a bts concert in the bts thread one time with a body pic, her face blurred out and some anons in there were calling her fat (she wasn't)

No. 1657579

some girl posted her body and asked if jimin would fuck her (kek). also some other nonnie got a ban for samefagging after she attempted to be nice to her. it was a shit show

No. 1657581

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I remember one anon posting about self harm (shockingly it wasn't me I don't like to mention it too often) and multiple others about their eating disordered habits. The oversharing and over sexualization of certain idols in every thread as well as the lack of girl group stans drove me off. I'm kind of glad it did

No. 1657583

something similar happened in dst, there was a running joke about eric (a kpop idol) wanting to see the poster's boobs and anons would often post stuff like "show boobs" in reply to other posts as a joke. and one time when an anon replied that to someone, another anon actually posted a pic of her boobs. it got deleted quickly but kek… i guess a mix of kpop and ib isn't going to bring forth the sanest people

No. 1657585

most of them were twitter normies or underaged especially a few years ago. i found the site when i was underage and stopped posting when i became an adult because it’s too weird for an adult to post there. a lot of girls there had no idea how imageboard culture worked.

No. 1657586

let me guess…they’re mostly (if not all) boy group stans? there’s something especially rabid about bg stans

No. 1657587

I remember when one poster joked about the ceo of hybe raping a txt boy.

No. 1657588

i think this is the case on hybe and kpop but i think a lot of the posters on ot are actual adults, because they were always scrutinising hybe for having a lot of underagefags (well, could be projection). but being 30 and posting "husbando hole" isn't much of a flex

No. 1657589

yeah, dawn posts a guy from tempest in a very distinct posting style and makes it very obvious when she's posting on purpose because she craves attention. and they give it to her by directly addressing her as "dawn" instead of just giving her a personalityfag ban

No. 1657591

It's one of the reasons why bg fans get dogpiled by gg stans. Many bg fans are also rampant misogynists.

No. 1657593

they thought all gg stans were moids

No. 1657594

this kek if you posted girl groups you would get accused of being a moid and there would always be a poster or two making misogynistic comments about how "no one wants to see these roasties" "we want to see hot men"

No. 1657596

Weren't they calling each other Roasties as a term of endearment like Farmers? Everything about that board was a retard explosion and I'm just glad we banned them from here before they got too comfortable.

No. 1657597

Nta but I struggle to understand why exactly is it so fucking dead in regard to girl groups? The golden age of girl groups has been going on before and since CC was created and yet not long after the site took off the discussion on ggs dwindled to barely anything. When I went back months later I swear the majority of discussion on CC was about txt which was dumbfounding because I honestly forgot that group existed like 3 years ago.
Also I must say it is very ironic how personalityfagging was allowed but ime you’d get banned for posts with proper capitalization because it wasn’t ~integrating~ enough with the underage Twitter crowd who are apparently allergic to a shift key. The only good thing that came out of that site was that Ollie London cameo dedicated to Choa Chan.

No. 1657602

>you’d get banned for posts with proper capitalization because it wasn’t ~integrating~ enough with the underage Twitter crowd
God yes. You can always tell CCCfags are posting when it's a run-on sentence in lowercaps with zero punctuation and one "kek" sprinkled in for good measure.

No. 1657603

No. 1657605

txt used to be famous 3 years ago but no one cares about them anymore outside their fans

No. 1657609

my bad… lc is my first ib and i've never used capitalisation kek. i do use them if no one else is typing in lower case so i don't stand out but doesn't seem to be the case here.

No. 1657614

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>The only good thing that came out of that site was that Ollie London cameo dedicated to Choa Chan.
I wonder how much this cost

No. 1657619

It's 40 usd

No. 1657622

Holy shit

No. 1657623

That's an investment kek.

No. 1657624

How easy is it to become a mod and do some weird shit? I’ve been hearing so many stories recently about this. Sh0eonhead shocked me

No. 1657630

She was a staff?

No. 1657634

nvm I misread a post lol but I don't think it should be hard to apply

No. 1657635

Do you have a source for this? If true that's insane.

No. 1657637

just recalled how a few posters admitted that they were polfags

No. 1657638

Weren’t the mods close with her or something? I remember someone saying some btsg trolls were friends with the btsg mod? Maybe it was a schizo. Someone said the btsg mod stalked people. I always thought the gangstalking thing was a joke

No. 1657639

I found a post in the now locked kpop thread in m saying she was a 4chan camwhore. Is that true?

No. 1657643

It’s all conflicting. I’m sure there are a lot of weird mods, schizos and trolls there but a lot of people would make stuff up just because they were bored and wanted to fight with a mod

No. 1657645

>Weren’t the mods close with her or something?
You mean dawn? Or Shoeonhead

No. 1657647

CCC dawn and other personalityfags

No. 1657651

I just wanted to sperg with someone about a few gg's, some anons liked loona but it was few and far between the boygroups hole posting or whatever excuse of a phrase they were using that week which insanely disturbed me

I found some of the nct posters okay, the hendery posters obsession with making him into the joker and comparing him to that weird looking Korean actor who's name i can't remember was high larious. but beyond that meh

txt's popularity confuses me but so do most bg's. I can't even keep up with the entirety of nct and my misandry prevents me from caring about men, especially in groups. have a personal vendetta against the boyz, enhyphen and now stray kids for ruining friendships of mine. it's petty but honestly, girlgroups are significantly less annoying and more "stannable", although I didn't ever really stan much that wasn't individual idols, 2nd gen or loona. I was very sad the way loona went down. I feel like such an old woman, the entire place reeked of zoomer and im a mid late nineties born woman who started listening to kpop in 2010 when everyone wore two tons of hair gel and fluorescent triangle shaped clothes

No. 1657652

Is there an imageboard for girl groups?

No. 1657653

Not really unless you want to go hang out with the scrotes on /mu/

No. 1657654

I stumbled across a thread filled with scrotes posting about how they want their favorite idols to stay underage forever and I never went back

No. 1657655

I thought 4chan hated kpop kek

No. 1657656

closest thing is the pull discord

No. 1657658

They hate boy groups but because they think it’s gay. An imageboard full of men who fetishize asian women definitely like girl groups

No. 1657660

There's a KPOP thread and most of the posters are deranged pedos sexualizing 15 year old idols. Scrotes will scrote.

No. 1657662

most of the idols posted there are underage too

No. 1657665

I don’t want to go near an anonymous Kpop space anymore knowing how mentally ill Kpop fans are

No. 1657666

the pull discord still exists? isn't it on its nineteenth iteration by now?

No. 1657668

yes it does exist and it's very active.

No. 1657669

I left around one of the iterations where there was mod drama. the guru gossip discord was objectively so much worse than pull though

No. 1657671

I joined after so I have no idea what happened. They only drama I know of is when one user called jiafei started obsessively attacking Bahiyyih but she/he was banned. She/he also admitted her was a stan twitter troll lol. Isn't the guru gossip server now called Gossip Gate?

No. 1657675

oh yeah it was gossip gate yes

at some point the gate girls started beefing with the original rapist moid who owned the original site and original server back when it was guru gossip and that was about the time I noped out

they all ended up having something that drove me off including some of the resident posters being obnoxious as shit in certain threads

No. 1657683

That was what I thought happened because Guru Gossip stated that they were not affiliated with Guru Gate in the website if I'm not wrong. What I don't like about the server is the amount of liberal feminists that are in there and will go ummm ackshually on every other post. In the Hasan thread there are so many women simping for him and defending him.

No. 1657688

No. 1657695

Well she was sucking up to the moid who made this imageboard

iirc think someone was shittalking her on stamina rose and once stamina rose got shut down and moid admin offered this ib as alternative, she got installed as a mod so she could track down her critics

No. 1657696

Sorry I misread and thought you were talking about her moderating CCC

No. 1657698

OG Admin made lolcow to replace Stamina Rose and threw mod accounts at all his friends including Shoe whom he had a crush on, they all laughed at him for making a girl drama board and by the time it was actually getting used he was scouting for farmhands in the site chat we had back in the day. If Shoe ever used her access we'd have never heard the end of it, I can't believe this rumor is still being perpetuated but I guess most of the oldfags from that era are gone

No. 1657719

Would you or any of the other CCC anons care to give a rundown of the personalityfags and other board drama?

No. 1657725

that's a very different story than what shoe said herself and that was over 5 years ago

No. 1657751

There wasn't enough users to create an anonymous culture. People were always posting in the same threads because most people care about a limited amount of idols/groups. It was more like browsing twitter.

Bald spotting thread, you will be missed.

No. 1657756

for ccc standards i think i would be considered a semi-newfag, because i only found the website around mid-2021 or so and wasn't there from the beginning. so if any of the og oldfags want to add to this go ahead.

notable terms:
short for “dumbass shit thread” in /ot/, the most active thread on the site. it essentially killed other boards because everyone was posting in this thread and not making comprehensive posts in /kpop/, because shitposting things like “husbando hole” on dst takes less brainpower
a kpop company that bts and a few other very famous kpop groups are under.

personalityfags and trolls
a severely mentally ill woman that came from 4c /trash/, would post racist stuff specifically about black people, spammed gore and was generally awful. she came every once in a while and wasn't a consistent poster. her posts were very identifiable because of the racism and she would quickly get banned, but she was one of the posters that burned through a lot of vpns, getting all the free ips banned and making it hard for others to use them.
mentally ill, attention seeker, i believe she used to be a vtuber. i don't know a lot about her background but on 3c she was notorious for liking specific kpop idols (that no one else liked which made her identifiable) and being annoying about it, occasionally would make sad and worrying posts about her mental health and life.
a singaporean (?) woman who camped out in the "chinese entertainment" thread on /ot/ and hated kpop, would constantly spread cpp propaganda about how china is great and korea/kpop sucks. she also burned through vpns because of her constant infighting and getting the last word in. she was identifiable from making 1000+ word essay posts about things that literally no one cared about. she at some point claimed to be a lawyer but spent her days on ccc so clearly she must not have been too busy.
chances are this wasn’t a singular poster but there was an anon that would come in from time to time to post misogynistic shit and make weird racial and misogynistic “sexual fantasy” posts about how she wants to be dominated by a kpop moid, sent back to the kitchen and things of that nature.

other personalityfags that are relatively harmless but annoying nonetheless:
and more there was basically a personalityfag for every idol that was posted. i didn’t go on btsg so i’m not sure about the personalityfags there but i do hear they had a lot of schizo posters on there too.

interesting things that happened/board drama
>the hybe idol posters vs non-hybe idol posters autism/dst vs hybeshitting
arguably the most autistic retarded argument that went on for years. hybe posters and non-hybe posters on the site were in a constant battle with each other. non-hybe posters claimed the hybe posters were all underage or newfags aka not cool enough to hang out with the oldfags in dst. mods were on board with this, so in the end, all hybe discussion was banned from dst. this prompted the hybe people to make their own “hybeshitting” thread that was essentially dst but for the dst rejects that weren’t invited there. at some point the mods made an entirely different board for hybe discussion, naming it /hybe/ and all the threads for idols from hybe groups were moved there. except the rules were vague and weird because hybe girl group talk was still allowed in dst and certain hybe groups’ threads (such as seventeen) were still in /kpop/.
there was a thread made by a severely mentally ill woman who wanted to become a kpop idol “lee jeno” (this thread is archived, click the link in op, it’s called “Becoming Lee Jeno”). she would post about her journey of becoming this kpop dude and a few others followed (some probably trolling op). in the end she announced that she had completed her journey and she was now a richfag living her best live somewhere in washington (whether this actually happened or was all a part of her imagination is highly debatable).
>mentally ill jarminfag posting live updates about her being admitted to the psych ward
green text says it all, really.
>creation of /tin/ and ccc sparking kpop dating rumours
a hidden board was created for all discussion that was deemed too mentally ill to be in any other boards. threads in this board included “idols you think are gay” “bts girlfriends/boyfriends speculation” and other tinfoiling. this board made ccc gain their 5 seconds of fame, because a poster in the “txt girlfriends/boyfriends speculation” thread revealed that some kpop girl group member (yunjin from lesserafim if anyone cares) had a playlist with a drawing of a txt member (yeonjun) as the playlist picture. this started dating rumours between those two and it got on korean news, with screenshots of choachan attached as “proof”.

this is all from the top of my head. i might remember some more stuff and add on to this later but i hope it sheds some light on the shitstorm that was ccc in the meantime.

No. 1657760

forgot to add that "btsg" is short for bts general and was basically a thread where all the bts fans gathered. bts fans were disliked by pretty much everyone and made their own thread where they were isolated from the rest of the site.

No. 1657763

I appreciate it, thank you

No. 1657766

Ugh is this why LC sucks rn? Kpop fags are the literal fucking worst. Your taste is garbage and we all hate you and hope you get a new containment board of your own so you can be retarded away from us.

No. 1657767

went to an asian store and they were blasting k-pop, why is there an entire fucking imageboard dedicated to this? do they even actually listen to the music or do they just admire the idoltwinks?

No. 1657771

that the troons and moids not the kpopies

No. 1657786

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Let's talk about >>>/meta/60918
This is all really sus and I'm tempted to believe the anon because every single time there is criticism towards CCC mods, all of a sudden there's another round of anons pointing fingers at lolcow's historical rumors that were debunked a million times, very defensive. Like the "b-but shoe was a lolcow mod!" posts or the time they freaked out in /meta/ and accused cerbmin or oldmin of being Blaine.

No. 1657792

I’m so retarded I genuinely believed it for a second

No. 1657814

I checked the junku thread where and in a discord ss they referenced a lolcow janny by name (though she might no longer be a janny). Either way it's interesting.

No. 1657826

what is junku and why do you people never post screenshots

No. 1657830

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It's an ib where a hidden board was created so the CCC refugees could post somewhere in the meantime while a new site was being created.
A friend of the CCC admins made a thread featuring screenshots of discord messages between her and the admins that essentially exposed that admins didn't really know what was going on and all their claims weren't based in truth but more of a guess. Don't have the time to summarise everything right now, but i'll do it later.

No. 1657832

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Here is the last message of the board owner claiming there is a moid stalker that was out to get them and to reinstall their routers and OS. This was after she had claimed it was a DDoS.

No. 1657836

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>please reinstall your routers and OS
is this a shitpost
>tfw kpopfags are so insufferable they got banned from several imageboards
>had to find help to create their own containment zone
>destroy containment zone because they can't even stand each other

No. 1657889

The entire ib was a hotbed of misogyny. They'd insult and threaten female idols based on their made up scenarios of them dating their husbandos. Even though a lot of them claimed to hate moids they were really male obsessed pick mes who'd always end up defending misogynistic scrotes if he wore make up and had dyed hair. If you weren't getting called a moid for posting girl groups, they'd call you a dyke and there was a constant baiter posting against lesbians. Kpop attracts the biggest retards and it'd be better off if the whole industry just imploded.

No. 1657908

Where did they accuse oldmin and cerbmin of being Blaine?

No. 1658007

I can never tell if CCC anons are genuinely retarded but at one point they believed the people DDoSing AO3 was targeting ccc

No. 1658016

LC admin and mods "drama" is so tiring, it's always stuff with barely any evidence for the wildest claims.

No. 1658052

after the junku thread was made there were anons on gaypg accusing the new kpop boardowner and cerbmin of being involved in some elaborate trolling operation and we know that it most likely came from 3c staff


No. 1658064

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samefag but this was one of the last posts the boardowner made after the site went back up 2 weeks ago

3c previously used google forms like lc for surveys and before shutting down they used a free tier service that only accepts 10 responses so it might have been a smokescreen if the former mod is right about the boardowner wanting to shut it down

No. 1658066

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This lore iceberg runs deep apparently

No. 1658070

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it goes way back to the mods that were in the old old discord >>>/ot/733281

No. 1658073

Honestly I think that the creator of ccc 2.0 is one of the admins (ccc was run by two friends) of the previous one. Just a tinfoil and I don't have any proof except my observations.

No. 1658074

2.0? They made another board that fast?

No. 1658075

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No. 1658077

>I have evidence that the transfer of ownership to cerbmin was decided days after the site shit itself
Why'd they say this like it was some sort of unknown secret KEK

No. 1658078

Yeah there's a new ib now, they camped out in cc for a while until someone volunteered to make the new board. And i think it's the board owner's friend.

No. 1658079

Woooow, I don't think it's even been a week since they shut down. Good for them I guess.

No. 1658081

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i would believe that if they weren't harassing the new boardowner

No. 1658084

>that run-on sentence style again

No. 1658114

this is not true. some info in OP is also unconfirmed and wrong

No. 1658118

Kek ok nevermind then I haven't seen this message. Well I'm glad the original admins don't seem to be involved then.

No. 1658123

good thing you clarified

No. 1658144

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I have a confession, I used to type like the choachan users for so long because I feared that if I didn’t I would slip up one day and be permabanned

No. 1658147

i’m that anon and i was confused because of people mentioning that dawn person. i never fully understood the personalityfags until today

No. 1658151

don't worry, you still don't

No. 1658157

The new admins were announced in January, not days after the site changed to lynxchan. They made a discord server to go through applications but the anon in the photo is saying that they didn’t do that.

No. 1658159

Did you happen to take any screencaps of the things you're describing? I'm sorry that happened to you.

No. 1658161

>confused dawn with tumor
>doesn’t know about the lore of the tiktok account
>doesn’t know about inniesis
>doesn’t know anything about the hybe board and exactly why it was created
>muh misogyny when we have countless discussions on girlpops and hating moids
delete your thread you schizo, and stop talking about our dead website

No. 1658162

What's with the unhelpful bumps, either contribute or gtfo

No. 1658164

ccc mods have arrived

No. 1658166

It's the cccfags that found the thread.

No. 1658168

remember when choachan faggots spammed kpop last winter and said they wanted to see lcs downfall

rest in peace

No. 1658170

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That much is obvious, but why can't they at least shit-fling properly instead of using this board as a subtweeting platform? These bitches are clearly messy and itching to participate, just let it all out

No. 1658177

Lurk moar and get more self-awareness.

No. 1658180

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They never contribute anything that requires more than 2 brain cells, same can be seen in the hidden shelter on on junkuchan, where the friend of the admins came forward with screenshots and proof, yet all they could do was respond with lame ass comebacks. The admins themselves even acknowledged OP was actually affiliated with them and wasn't faking the discord dms.

No. 1658181

dst dominating the board goes to show that kpop can generally thrive in one thread. it is that mods in any site are always so anal about it

No. 1658183

Was a casual kpopcrit enjoyer but I must admit the kpop exile was the one and only moment of clarity by our old overlord, must have come to admin in a dream and she woke up in cold sweats

No. 1658186

The irony!

No. 1658188

how ironic that you tell me to lurk when you talk about an imageboard which none of you were apart in. you mix up situations and personalityfags like the utter newfags that you were

No. 1658192

i'm sorry nobody cares about your misshapen blorbos enough to satisfy you. the only interesting thing about choachan is the board cows

No. 1658195

>an imageboard which none of you were apart in
Did you even read the thread? Multiple posters were a part of it. You retards really always feel the need to announce yourselves, literally no one cares. Go away

No. 1658198

these are all different anons calm down

No. 1658200

You have some nerve calling farmers schizos while spewing this unintelligible babble, I'm sorry about your dawn tumor or whatever

No. 1658201

what proof was there?

all she did was post messages between her and another person, and the messages of the ccc admin. she didn't even show any of her messages. it got locked because it was a vendetta.

No. 1658205

anyone who read the thread can see it only took 3 whining anons to get the locked thread by the admin of the bunker site except he said to take it to /cow/

No. 1658208

File: 1691523434979.png (118.01 KB, 997x686, Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 21.39…)

It got locked because some anons, I wonder who, was begging for it and the board owner jumped ship instantly anyway. They didn't call it a vendetta, just said there were better places for it.

No. 1658209

>lurk when you talk about an imageboard which none of you were apart in.
Why are you on this imageboard then? You do know choachan doesn't have the same functionality as the farm, as in op can't delete a post or thread after 30 minutes and that not every anon you hate are the same one. Stop making everything about yourself and intergrate.
The only thing I enjoyed that came from kpop, I checked a few times for any interesting milk on the site and honestly glad it went down as it was worse then the celebricows threads

No. 1658211

File: 1691523483975.png (182.18 KB, 2588x564, kdhawjkdhaskjdhas.png)

The admin of ccc replied to OP in the thread, not denying the discord chats and addressed the OP as if she knew her. I think that's pretty definite proof the chats were real.

No. 1658213

that plus >>1658208 definitely reeks of damage control

No. 1658234

I know they are real because Ive seen some of them before. My question wasn’t if they were real or not. My question was what definite proof did you get from that thread?

This post sounds like the non-technical admin, shes not in charge of updating the site. That has been mentioned a few times already. It could have been miscommunication on their part but that’s really the only thing that thread had to offer about the closure of the site.

No. 1658240

The new boardowner actually confirmed that admin was wrong about the site being updated in her second reply, but I know that some 3c refugees are still denying the obvious inconsistencies on hk.

No. 1658243

File: 1691524969116.png (296.33 KB, 1380x1208, choa.png)

My bad, I didn't mean to claim like there was definite proof about the reason for the closure of the site, I meant there was definite proof that the claims the admins were making about what was going on behind the scenes were overblown or just simply untrue.
They told the posters there was a DDoS, then that there was a moid out to get them with access to their personal info, but also admitted in discord chat that they actually didn't know for sure what was going on.
I believe them about there being something wrong but someone plotting something against them of the scale they were claiming seems unlikely.

No. 1658252

is it possible the site shat itself and they truly didn't know why and all of this is just their paranoid tinfoiling that it must have been a super hacker stalker? still doesn't explain why they just gave up on running the site altogether after getting it back up. idk it feels like a whole lot of internal back and forth

No. 1658255

maybe but the ex mod said that in April boardowner said she would close the site if the spam didn't stop

No. 1658256

Then why didn't they just look for new admins or announced closure in a normal way

No. 1658260

because as much as they would deny it themselves they're dramafags and retarded ones at that

No. 1658262

They didn't want the site to continue with or without them.

No. 1658267

I don't get the point of the survey and trying to fix things before giving up but she sounded defeated at the end so maybe it was a last minute decision

No. 1658268

post screenshots

No. 1658282

There were technical difficulties regarding the site for a while but the admins kept reassuring that they were gonna fix them and everything would come back. I guess in the end they decided they just couldn't be arsed anymore and jumped off the ship.
Finding a new admin would probably pose a challenge and if the site was already having difficulties the same thing would continue with the new admin. So I guess in their view it was just better to shut it all down.

No. 1658313

happy birthday HYEONGSEOP from TEMPEST

No. 1658326

lol were they messing with the milady pedo cult? if its true then that is another low

No. 1658370

Dawn in action, can’t go 10 minutes without attention

No. 1658383

Didnt that fail when LC adopted the puppy moid gif as its own? That was a wild time. Wasn't that around kaitlyn tiffany and board outage saga?

I've been in here for far too long

Dawn is trumpchan?

No. 1658399

Fuck kpop and fuck kpop retards

No. 1658402

I think the Kaitlyn Tiffany article happened early last year

No. 1658405

Dawn deserves her own thread with how notorious and well known she is across imageboards

No. 1658438

Don't give the attention.

Is dawn male? Trumpchan is male

No. 1658444

Context clues retard, try scrolling up.

No. 1658449

Nta but when did anons figure out trumpchan is male? I think trumpchan has been in the Shay thread lately

No. 1658450

It was a rhetorical. Trumpchan is male, retard.

No. 1658469

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No. 1658471

You don’t know what rhetorical means.

No. 1658478

I know exactly what it means. Stop outing yourself as a miserable choatard.

No. 1658506

Choachan posting in the Choachan thread, you’re a genius

No. 1658521

I love how you think your condescension exudes bad bitch vibes and not asshurt bitterness

No. 1658668

I found the anons there to be very hostile as well so I left. Why contribute to a community full of people who are either moids pretending to be women, or actual women doing their best impression of catty, horny faggots? That was how you were expected to behave or you got told to integrate. It's like the admins think being rude automatically makes someone's comment have value. 4chan user mindset.

The criticisms of the industry were nice, and rare to see among kpop fans, but it just wasn't worth it to wade through the shit like >>1657587 to find them.

No. 1658670

This entire thread should be in /snow/ (or /w/?) if we ever get screenshots of mods fucking with users

No. 1658682

>actual women doing their best impression of catty, horny faggots
This is the worst part, especially when threads are full of "husbando hole" "I want to cum in his ass" If you question it, you're just told to integrate and it's "always been like that"

No. 1658685

File: 1691565780910.jpeg (20.2 KB, 622x206, 200.jpeg)

Dawn has everyone at their new imageboard feeling sorry for her because of >>1658469 but I can't bring it in me to have any sympathy for a pedophile.

No. 1658687

Is there any proof choa was made by lolcow jannies?

No. 1658702

File: 1691571603259.png (239.68 KB, 1080x543, Screenshot_20230729-170501.png)

aside from telling a bunch of randoms for clout and DMs unlikely but it was an open secret and obvious from the fact they copied /ot/ down to the pinned threads, rules, the hidden board inspired by /2X/

there's also the obvious posts staff or admins made about themselves on gaypg confirming that boardowner was a mod

No. 1658703

File: 1691571806385.png (126.25 KB, 1080x474, Screenshot_20230730-131746.png)

No. 1658707

Who is Elaine

No. 1658710

some kiwifarms tradthot who swats and doxes people for sport so it may or may not be related to the kaliacc mentions on gaypg and junku

No. 1658711

Dawn again.. and choachan posters still feel sorry for her

No. 1658713

She's some mentally challenged tard that pretends to be an elite hacker. I can't remember how she exactly came to be on LC's radar. I think it was something related to Lillie Jean. She tried to dox Burritomin and spammed the site with CP and gore in an attempt to get LC shut down. She ended up on KF and had sex with a kiwi known as anus cabbage.

No. 1658715

I'm sorry I asked

No. 1658740

No. 1658741

Wtf is this? Fanfic?

No. 1658793

No. 1658804

Is this person referring to ccc board owner? If so she was not the one who catfished Elaine. That was a different farmhand under the previous admin who did catfish her.

No. 1659360

File: 1691627980856.png (20.82 KB, 896x245, image-23.png)

its interesting that youre contradicting what the admin said on the bunker about updating the site 2 years ago

>It could have been miscommunication on their part but that’s really the only thing that thread had to offer about the closure of the site.

its not miscommunication if 3c staff bank on their room temperature IQ userbase to believe their lies about a stalker after blaming random anons for spam and DDoSing

No. 1659364

Is this really her?

No. 1659366

No. 1659368

I have been studying this image to see if it's chopped and fried AI because I can't imagine 'dawn' actually being a woman or this really being real unless there is more images/ proof kek

No. 1659381

File: 1691629166664.jpg (811.78 KB, 640x614, psIXtde.jpg)

She used to post photos of herself on 4chan, a terminal attention whore

No. 1659386

Oh lord. I've been staring at weird fake Webcam AI photos for too long and let that give me paranoia. Thanks. Whole thing is weird though, k pop not even once.

No. 1659389

inb4 choa refugees blame farmers who wouldn't know who this personalityfag is or where to find her photos

No. 1659394

Former staminarose lurker and have never been involved in this koreaboo garbage. Mental illness of another breed.

No. 1659413

Newfags on the new board sympathize with her, but a lot of the original posters have left because of her disruptive and unfilterable spam. She has a history of repeatedly violating the rules and getting VPNs banned just to samefag, start infighting or alog. Severely mentally ill and deranged. As far as I know, she has received a permanent ban only on the 2c board. It's unfortunate that the admins of heolkek.cafe are unwilling to enforce more severe bans, considering she openly announces her presence through every distasteful and rancid post she makes.

No. 1659425

Anonymous 3 minutes ago No. 1659424

You're probably correct, and it seems like the original posters were kpg refugees. It's just a lot of cognitive dissonance with the anons there being in denial that some of people among them are capable of posting Dawn's photos here, but then again most of them are still denying posting here including their former admins. They even deny other anons' negative experiences with moderation.

No. 1659434

I used to laugh when I saw posts about the gangstalking accusations but after a former mod confirmed that the boardowner would use her post history against her I wouldn't be surprised if regular anons were just being gaslit by 3c staff >>>/ot/921381
Anyone can see that this post was made 8 months ago so the spam had been going on for months by the time the site closed >>>/ot/1418460 And then a post from 2 years ago describing the same gangstalking experiences 3c anons described before the shutdown

No. 1659438

File: 1691633480929.jpg (46.2 KB, 967x423, girlsonlyib.jpg)

forgot to include the link but picrel >>>/ot/745348 post is from 2 years prior to the shutdown

No. 1659442

You can't fool me, I know that's joshua moon in drag.

No. 1659443

This probably occurred to many anons, but I'm doubtful they'll step forward because of lurking Choachan admins.

No. 1659450

>doesn’t know about the lore of the tiktok account
then explain it bitch

No. 1659456

Most likely, the new webmaster of the kpop site was accused of being multiple people by the former 3c admins and she said she's already being targetted. >>>/ot/807896

No. 1659464

It got hacked.

No. 1659465

File: 1691635326583.png (37.62 KB, 1872x116, 768944663.png)

This post from meta confirms that the 3c admins are still fearmongering about the hacker 4chan, this time they're absolutely certain that it must be a single moid named Yozoh from gaypg. I guess it wasn't a stalker afterall kekkkk

No. 1659466

I wouldn't doubt it. Anything is possible at this point.

No. 1659467

File: 1691635604401.jpg (151.35 KB, 1015x727, t8nZXSS.jpg)

Who knows, but towards the end bans like this were being handed out.

No. 1659468

File: 1691636049475.jpg (197.17 KB, 1025x786, 195507.jpg)

the most likely explanation is that over the years the userbase trusted 3c staff less and less with the behavior of the autiny janis and boardowner leading them to create the stalker story to deflect blame from themselves not knowing how to deal with spam or raids (they blamed multiple 3c users at one point lmao)

it also seems that they were already blaming cerbmin for the issues fujochan and 3c were having a month ago on 2c

No. 1659476

>autiny janis
It amuses me how the main autinies aren't as active on the new board, someone posted that they've all decided to swear off imageboards together. Probably the hyperbeam/synctube dox squad.

How unfortunate for them to lose the ability to view post history and use it against anons.

No. 1659483

boardowner and admin made the final post on 3c saying that the autiny janis aren't to blame and to give them grace, which makes me think they still talk, are likely guilty of the same things, and most likely believe aggressive tinfoils against the new boardowner (calling her an indian moid or lc admins)

No. 1659490

File: 1691637296122.png (16.79 KB, 439x453, hkpg.PNG)

it looks like anon was correct about her assessment of the different personalityfags >>1657756 no wonder they're extremely defensive over it

No. 1659492

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Dawn was doxed in 2018 iirc for being a daft cow. She continued to engage in attention-seeking retardation for years on a variety of imageboards, including (as far as I know) 4chan, 2chen, choachan, and most recently, heolkek.cafe. She took her stupidity to Twitter and a twitterfag made @dawnogre2019 was to call her out.

No. 1659494

File: 1691637648614.jpg (147.17 KB, 1058x1034, 202229.jpg)

I feel bad for the new webmaster but I wish her and the other nona the best of luck dealing with that clusterfuck

No. 1659495

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No. 1659497

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No. 1659498

File: 1691637816893.jpg (74.6 KB, 1051x244, trauma.jpg)

poor choachan admins in hiding are traumatized from being caught red handed in the messiest ib shutdown to date

No. 1659499

Posting the same idol isn't a case of personalityfagging if your other posts without the idol aren't identifiable. The only notable instances of personality-centered posting are Dawn's, due to her avatarfagging and her distinct posting style with consistent mentioning of Tempest, Hambean and aggressive alogging. Schizo and Chinafag might also surface if they discover the board.

No. 1659503

File: 1691638179606.jpg (45.79 KB, 1063x179, 202942.jpg)

personalityfagging has a specific definition and I don't think posting the same idols make an anon guilty of it but I do believe it's a rampant problem hk will inherit from 3c because of the twitter overlap and underaged posters

if the new webmaster is reading this, please stop falling for the hand meme and encouraging your co-admins and staff to do the same thing, you said you wanted to avoid posting any identifiable information and you're already falling for schizo demands

No. 1659505

Can't tell if she has male autism or if she became so obsessed with the incels she was lurking for years on 4chins that she became one inadvertently

No. 1659506

The admin who posted on that thread wasn’t the one in charge of updating the site. I said that already, I wasn’t contradicting what was said. I addressed the lie as a possible miscommunication because I don’t expect someone who has no experience working directly on the site to know that stuff. Technical Admin-Chan could have told her she updated it and she would have probably believed her.

These tinfoils have been going on since January of this year.

This isn’t surprising, but also I’m pretty sure the lc staff do this too. If you were ever a jani/farmhand theres a good chance the admin went through your entire history. They were previous staff here… it’s not excusable but also it’s not uncommon.

Also, how do you think any of those expose posts happen?
I was also told that ccc doesn’t have the same post tracking features lc has. I would think they probably only have IPs to work off of which isn’t as reliable.

No. 1659512

You're correct, it's an issue that hkc will eventually have to deal with. It would be more beneficial if the new admin dealt with it now rather than later. The alogging has already escalated, with Dawn saying she wants to hit idols and posters using hammers and shovels. This behavior essentially leads to wasteful use of VPNs and could eventually result in a VPN ban, which puts everyone else's privacy at risk.

No. 1659514

File: 1691638670605.jpeg (318.37 KB, 1170x1077, 3c.jpeg)

>Technical Admin-Chan could have told her she updated it and she would have probably believed her.
They are friends and this was common knowledge, you really think that boardowner wasn't instructing admin on how to respond before deciding to shut down?
>They were previous staff here… it’s not excusable but also it’s not uncommon.
So they were former mods here and somehow let a moid into their staff team for years, but boardowner said she wasn't sure in an email to an anon. It really just supports that they blatantly lied to their entire userbase.
>These tinfoils have been going on since January of this year.
Funny you mention that. What does the timeline coincide with? I think you know.

No. 1659520

File: 1691638998210.png (44.43 KB, 1851x255, boo.png)

boardowner bans all use of VPNs across the site at the end of January and blames loose association with other websites

No. 1659525

File: 1691639110607.png (31.62 KB, 1901x205, bo.png)

let's pretend that boardowner and admin weren't lying about believing a moid infiltrated, and they didn't do anything to inform staff or the userbase in May, this means anon wasn't being paranoid

No. 1659529

So a moid managed to infiltrate choachan staff, and yet they still enforced the VPN ban. What's the reasoning behind that decision?

No. 1659532

? You know why. So they can gather post info and make dossiers about IPs.

No. 1659536

File: 1691639824105.jpg (29.52 KB, 1064x161, 205111.jpg)

There most likely was never a moid or a stalker and it was just the admins and staff themselves being assholes to their userbase. The former 3c mod in meta confirmed that she never saw any mention of a moid in the mod discord back in May when boardowner claimed to catch the "stalker's" sock.

Pic attached is the new webmaster talking about threats she's gotten. She already confirmed who was contacting her >>1659503 and i'm pretty sure cerbmin doesn't care about kpop or fujos so you can fill in the blanks.

No. 1659538

Why haven't they done anything with that information yet?

No. 1659539

She has spent at least a decade posting on imageboards, which has contributed to her wide range of mental illnesses. She's either 25 or 26 years old and hasn't changed a bit.

No. 1659544

after someone posted their convos with 3c staff they posted the final announcement of the sites closure. why? it became obvious that they weren't being honest about knowing what was the cause of the spam and honestly it was probably more than one person. they were probably kpg mods that wanted to rule the roost and have control over the kpop community but it backfired with their poor management and choices

No. 1659545

Truly embarrassing, considering she's not wanted here or heolkek.cafe, except for 1 or 2 personalityfag whiteknights who defend her.

No. 1659546

File: 1691640241218.jpeg (507.05 KB, 1242x1426, 7B67B45B-7B45-4DB5-81CE-0C8138…)

> They are friends and this was common knowledge, you really think that boardowner wasn't instructing admin on how to respond before deciding to shut down?

It could go either way honestly, fair enough. I just don’t think they would spill their spaghetti like that.

This is just untrue. They were getting hit with spam and decided to try and stop it by banning VPNs.

I know she had to kick a mod while back, I don’t know much else about that.

>These tinfoils have been going on since January of this year.

>Funny you mention that. What does the timeline coincide with? I think you know.

I don’t know why do you think I would even post if I did know. I think she got overtly anxious about whoever was spamming the site and decided to pull the plug after deciding whatever theory she had at the time. She had already wanted to shut the site down because of how exhausting it was to stop the spam.

Because you can’t do anything with the IPs. They literally change every once in a while. Whoever posted that is not very bright.

No. 1659549

Board owner was a Rhinofag? Most interesting development yet.

No. 1659554

Almost nobody liked her on gaypg either kek

No. 1659555

That's really interesting because I have conversations with the boardowner saying that she's never had contact with the fbi despite making several reports over the past two years.
>This is just untrue. They were getting hit with spam and decided to try and stop it by banning VPNs.
What part isn't true? It's what she said on 3c verbatim.

No. 1659559

What spam? I saw clothed cp content rarely, but never encountered any graphic or explicit material like what's posted on crystal.cafe. Even LC has been worse with Nikocado's asshole. In fact, the most common spam I noticed on choachan was text-based ads and links related to tools and plumbing supplies.

No. 1659564

That's even more interesting to me because the boardowner told me it had been the worst it's ever been at the time of my last correspondence with her. If you were a mod or close to her what do you make of that?

No. 1659567

Are you the same person who was posting the discord screenshots in the bunker thread? What exactly is your end goal here? I don’t think anyone even cares if the board owner lied about why she closed the site except you and your discord buddies, all of this shit reads like hieroglyphics

No. 1659569

I really don’t care if she got into contact with the fbi or not. Do you know how hard it is to do that? If you read her post she said she would TRY. I also wouldn’t know how long she’s been trying to contact them. I don’t care about that either.

> What part isn't true? It's what she said on 3c verbatim.

This was a wrong reply, I meant to respond to this post.

I know instances of it happened around the time the VPN bans began.

If you are who I think you are then you would be correct on that. Boardowner worked on trying to stop as much of that spam as she could. I think there were occasions of that spam happening after January. From what I understand the most recent spam attacks were ddos.

> it had been the worst it's ever been at the time of my last correspondence with her. If you were a mod or close to her what do you make of that?

I don’t understand what you’re trying to get at here but you would have made yourself less sus if you just stopped trying to reach out to them.

No. 1659573

File: 1691642589835.png (258.84 KB, 1187x308, feb12.png)

>What exactly is your end goal here?
The truth. I remember the boardowner once telling me "i am SO tired of being lied to from people in this fucking circle".
Let's just say she didn't have to try if the information was handed to her on a platter. I checked against your screenshot from 1/28/23 against a more recent screenshot with admin from 2/12/23. It doesn't sound to me like they attempted to make contact.
>I don’t understand what you’re trying to get at here but you would have made yourself less sus if you just stopped trying to reach out to them.
And yet she tried reaching out to me a week before the site went down to send an apology. What do you make of that? What do you make of their friend deleting and nuking their shit because of their constant misinformation campaigns?

No. 1659575

I wonder if the pickle rick acid induced imaginarium rant anon was onto something.

No. 1659577

>she has received countless comments telling her to stop or calm down
Even yesterday anons on heolkek were requesting her to stop. How does she remain so unaware of her own rancid posting and blatantly disregard all those begging her to leave? Why have the admins not taken immediate action? It's looking like heolkek board owner thinks it's okay to routinely break rules and alog other posters if you VPN hop, maybe she is even friends with Dawn like 3c admins were.

No. 1659579

the admin basically said the majority of the posters are personalityfags >>1659490

No. 1659583

>The truth
Which is what, exactly? That they were incompetent and lied? And what exactly does that accomplish? The site is already dead and they’ve been removed from moderation. Unless you think they’re still somehow involved in the new board I don’t see the point in all of this, it just looks like you have a personal vendetta because they suspected you at one point

No. 1659586

she's kind of cute I can't believe she's wasting her life away doing this

No. 1659587

Not her but it wouldn't exactly be a challenge to covertly join new board staff team. This is particularly true if the nuadmin only considered candidates with experience in ib moderation.

No. 1659588

I find it hilarious how everyone coddled the bitch after her image was posted, despite the fact that she's rancid and she has already been doxed several times with photos she posted on imageboards.

No. 1659589

I don’t disagree but that’s just tinfoiling at the end of the day, we wouldn’t know and probably never will until more discord screenshots get leaked like 3 years from now

No. 1659590

but isn't that exactly what 3c mods or admins have been doing by threatening the new webmaster

some people on gaypg already think they're run by the same person and even though I don't agree people have been spreading that around because of the logo similarities

No. 1659595

Kpop just isn't that interesting idk how you retards do it. OH yes I remember now… being on the spectrum

No. 1659603

File: 1691648366155.jpeg (213.49 KB, 1936x699, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-wbtt…)

This weirdo absolutely has a personal vendetta. Someone's been sending emails to harass new boardowner accusing them of being random lc personalities, and when I googled those names, someone with the same incoherent posting style was was stirring up drama here six months ago and obsessing about those personalities for the same reasons (picrel). They made a 'choachan hate thread' on CC and a thread 'exposing choachan' with vague Discord drama screenshots on the bunker, didn't get enough attention either time, so now they've come here to continue their schizo rampage. The MO is to try and be as obscure as possible and give vague hints that something interesting and complicated is going on. It's really not and I would advise everyone on LC not to fall for it. You won't get anywhere listening to this dramafag whine about other dramafags. There's been so much misinformation in this thread already, screenshots taken out of context to make things seem more mysterious, there's a reason it doesn't make sense and the reason is mental illness

No. 1659611

>Someone's been sending emails to harass new boardowner accusing them of being random lc personalities
this was already mentioned upthread and this is what the boardowner said about it >>1658081 so it's more likely that 3c anons contacted them
I deleted my original reply to clarify but it sounds like the other way around, lc was mentioned after those screenshots popped up on gaypg and cc and another person posted a screenshot in the deleted 2c bunker thread i'll look for screens later

No. 1659612

No, I looked up the LC thread after the boardowner made that post you're referring to. I found it by searching for those names. I then posted those screenshots on cc to show how this vendetta had been going on for a long time. I wasn't basing this on any 'screenshots on gaypg', not sure what you mean by that

Oh, btw, nobody should buy at face value that 'multiple people' had experience being stalked by ccc mods - the vendettachan samefags, makes up stories, and then refers back to their own stories like 'many people are saying they were stalked! very disturbing! just bringing this to your attention so we can find the truth, everyone!' I've seen this play out many times now lol

No. 1659617

even a former mod said they had their personal information and name used against them but you want to say multiple anons having the same experiences are one vendettachan okkk

No. 1659618

I'm not saying it never happened, I don't know for sure, just warning people not to automatically believe everything

No. 1659619

Well that's why this thread is called the mysterious collapse of choachan, because it is a mystery

No. 1659623

I care, it's good milk if it was all lies to cover up catty mods stalking users.

No. 1659624

File: 1691650815234.png (919.36 KB, 1080x2197, 20230730-183214.png)

>The site is already dead and they’ve been removed from moderation.
but somehow there are still retards regurgitating information that came from 3c admins
>curry scrote
it's almost as if they can't stop themselves >>1659467
>it just looks like you have a personal vendetta because they suspected you at one point
its hard not to take accusations of pedophilia personally, but supporting their friend's dox attempts and deliberately spreading rumors on multiple boards to fearmonger makes it public interest
farmers don't take bullshit at face value, unlike anons from other pastures
the new boardowner knows that I wasn't the one threatening them over email. as for the names mentioned, they're individuals (some I don't even know) that 3c boardowner has been obsessed with since January. they knew the screenshots came from me so for "anons" on gaypg and cc to start spewing those names only confirms it was 3c staff doing damage control lol

No. 1659625

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It's been a continuous problem. It's more logical that some moderators used multiple anon's post history against them rather than some vendettachan planting evidence for years just for this moment - some low-quality, unproductive thread on LC.

No. 1659627

why would you NOT wanna discuss that kek they (((you))) shut down the entire site to bury this and are streisand effecting it up in this thread Nooooo dont talk about us fucking up nooo its not milk that we went on a power trip and stalked users despite apparently having farmhand experience nooooooooooo nobody cares pls moralfag about dawn being posted instead this is the real milk!!!!!!!

No. 1659628

this is gibberish to anyone browsing 3c or 2c in general but what this unhinged anon was referring to was her exposé attempt back in December https://crystal.cafe/b/res/198870.html#199384

to this day none of the friends or defenders of 3c staff have explained the reasoning for the apology a week before the shutdown, I wonder if it was trolls remorse

No. 1659632

Oh sure, it was '3c staff doing damage control' and not that you're obsessed and have been making the same recognisable, incoherent, obsessive posts for ages lmao

No. 1659638

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>boxing day
ok which brit was trying to dox whom? who owns what site?

No. 1659641

Nobody’s blaming lc, moron, I’m saying this pattern of schizoposting dates back to lc.

No. 1659643

3c boardowner and admins friend became convinced that former or current lc admin(s) are troons based off info a literal troon spammer peddled on meta and his podcast for months >>>/meta/51229
>>>/meta/50667 interesting how the tinfoils about cerbmin have been the same since

No. 1659649

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If you are who I think you are then I don’t get how you can act above this all when you’re known for being the worst lolcow admin we’ve had yet.

This was a mistake on my part, when I posted her site people on the thread were calling her a tranny due to her schizophrenic excel posts. You can see them in that same thread I think.

This isn’t true and if you look at the next thread I redacted what I said. I apologized for jumping the gun there.

> became convinced that former or current lc admin(s) are troons based off info a literal troon spammer peddled on meta and his podcast for months

You keep forgetting that you posted that site in a closed lc discord server. You were even called out for it and didn’t even address it. So how did Blaine get that site? Maybe if you stopped trying to incite them they would leave you alone.

No one thought you were a troon for more than that moment in the bunker thread. We were convinced of a lot of things because you do nothing but lie. Jfc this has nothing to do with ccc and you’re still bringing this up. Get over it, she apologized to you already a week before ccc shut down. I apologized too. I don’t get why you’re trying to change the narrative to be more than what it is.

No. 1659651

lmao so this shit is real and choa mods did all this over believing some tranny rumors that weve had about every single admin so far?

No. 1659653

>Jfc this has nothing to do with ccc
so why did you post convoluted explanation on cc when you know it isn't related to 3cs closure KEKKK >>1659624
yes they're this retarded

No. 1659661

None of this had to do with the ccc mods, it was just me. If you go back to the bunker thread you can see that everyone else thought that the troon tinfoil seemed true. It gets debunked pretty shortly afterwards.

> so why did you post convoluted explanation on cc when you know it isn't related to 3cs closure KEKKK

Because you are this upset about something that happened 6 months ago. What rumors were spread about you that have affected you to the point where you need to come out about this? No one knows who you are, none of the info you have posted has been relevant.

You still haven’t addressed how Blaine got access to your site.

Also, sandwich did catfish Elaine. I don’t know you are acting like that isn’t true or info from a tranny? Are you going to pretend like you guys didn’t have the account you use to mess with her in that bunker discord server? The fact that you guys still messed with her after that is truly pathetic and sad.

No. 1659664

>it was just me
and who the fuck are you? why is this thread so gay

No. 1659668


No. 1659669

>I know she had to kick a mod while back, I don’t know much else about that.
When was this? A while back as in years ago or this year or what?

No. 1659675

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Your friend deleted her account to distance herself from all of you, and she admitted that boardowner suspected you were being misled. Sounds familiar. The common denominator is you. Only a person with questionable morals would call spreading allegations of cp spamming an 'oopsie'. You went out of your way to reach out to any mutuals we shared on discord to try prying into my personal life because you had nothing better to do on christmas.
>Are you going to pretend like you guys didn’t have the account you use to mess with her in that bunker discord server?
It's very convenient that the minute you believed someone else was shaymin, you posted screenshots from a server or gc I was never privy to. The only reason you would try to involve me in that is because you are a dramawhore that wanted to get whoever you believed to be the admin at the time doxed. You were there for two years from what multiple people told me, but you had a moment of clarity of out nowhere? Ok Rena.
>Because you are this upset about something that happened 6 months ago.
I have personal feelings about it but unhinged individuals like you are a dime a dozen. I never brought it up because it wasn't related to 3c closing. You were the one who brought it up on crystal because you thought a last minute "im sorry" would put a bandaid on everything? If your friends didn't contact me and try (badly) lying to their userbase then I wouldn't have felt obligated to speak up.

Thankyou for demonstrating that the only people that give a fuck about sandwich, spoons, sluggy, etc. would be you and 3c staff.
It's the former 3c mod that posted on /meta/ that she was kicked in May but that no moid infiltration was ever mentioned at the time.

No. 1659677

No. 1659684

Explain it to me like I'm 5. Why did the site go down?

No. 1659686

Kek I'm in the same boat anon. All of this seems milky but I'm having trouble following.

No. 1659692

>I think you assume that staff is more invested in your threads that we actually are
>If you feel like your post history was used against you, it's because it was.

No. 1659694

TL;Dr nobody knows and the people who do don't want to tell the truth

those messages basically indicate that >>1659649 the same anon who has been shitstirring since December happens to be the same anon who was feeding 3c boardowner misinfo before the board closed

No. 1659698

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>So how did Blaine get that site?
NAYRT and this is my first post in the thread, also I'm not affiliated with the admins or farmhands so I don't know the depths of this drama but if you're talking about neocities site that belonged to shaymin - she posted about being the admin of lolcow in a public discord server that belonged to yesterweb under the name of that site.
I think it was Elaine that found out that out through someone and then messaged the yesterweb mods to ask around about it and they confirmed it to be true. I remember posting screenshots about this whole thing in the lc bunker threads because I was also a part of the yesterweb discord that is now deleted.
I also added a screenshot from 32bitcafe (offshoot of the Yesterweb, public and alive discord) where a tranny recounts what happened with the admin of lc posting in the yesterweb discord.

If I'm talking about something entirely different, please ignore this post kek
Reposted with the correct image

No. 1659699


You would be correct and then Elaine or Blaine would pass it around but nobody in the bunkers went with it afaik many questioned it and knew it reeked of ops contrary to what >>1659649 said because the excel file was obviously not their own excel file lmao

No. 1659704

There was a tiktok account under the name "choachan.cafe" that would post about ccc either to get attention from ccc posters (in which he succeeded because instead of ignoring the account they kept talking about it because they are retarded) or to try to get ccc swarmed with tiktok newfags.
Anyway, I'm the original anon that made that summary and I realize I skipped a lot of the lore, but I was doing it from the top of my head and fortunately I wasn't on there 24/7 like some other anons so I might've skipped a few things.

No. 1659711

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> Your friend deleted her account to distance herself from all of you, and she admitted that boardowner suspected you were being misled.

We are still friends. Boardowner confronted me about this as well and from what I could tell it seemed like we were in good terms.

>Only a person with questionable morals would call spreading allegations of cp spamming an 'oopsie'.

Are you really saying my morals are questionable when you used to be the admin of this site? Do you realize where we are? At least I don’t harass mentally ill retards. Anyways, I never spread these allegations on any site, or anywhere publicly really.

> You went out of your way to reach out to any mutuals we shared on discord to try prying into my personal life because you had nothing better to do on christmas.

It was just one, so it wasn’t much. Also, how could I not look into you breaking the site? It was interesting. You lied to our mutual saying I was shaymin, told her you didn’t work on the new site, and then told me you did 90% of the front end. You also threatened boardowner saying lcf staff was going to log and out her post history. The endless lying confused me and I wanted to figure out what was going on because it was fun.
The reason I asked questions was to cross reference, and to see if you were the former admin. I don’t get how you think I would be able to any more than a generalized demographic. My intention wasn’t to doxx you. It was similar to your intention here, to get the truth.

> It's very convenient that the minute you believed someone else was shaymin, you posted screenshots from a server or gc I was never privy to You were there for two years from what multiple people told me, but you had a moment of clarity of out nowhere

I always thought you were shaymin. You tried to lie and say you gave the site to sandwich. I genuinely forgot about that group chats existence until Elaine reached out to me. I didn’t know it was going on for that long and I had no personal involvement in it. I don’t think you did either but Elaine showed me a lot of the messages you had with her in December and January. I don’t think you were involved with the catfishing. I do think you knew about it and probably messed with her in other ways. She knew like 2 of your 100 discord accounts…

The only reason I brought it up was because you tagged it in your posts showing proof of “peddling troon spam” here. Sandwich even admitted it to me. Why won’t anyone take the blame for spooky being around? Why was he even around and in the secluded server you invited few people to?

> Thankyou for demonstrating that the only people that give a fuck about sandwich, spoons, sluggy, etc. would be you and 3c staff.

I have no idea who spoons or sluggy is. I only knew sandwich. Who you said you gave the site to. I wouldn’t have brought her up if you didn’t tag it.

> If your friends didn't contact me and try (badly) lying to their userbase then I wouldn't have felt obligated to speak up.

Didn’t she contact you to apologize?

Isn’t it ironic how I spoke up because you were being suspicious with the site transfer in December and you’re speaking up now because they deleted the site?

You complain about how they had a moid in the ccc staff but no one wants to say how spooky got involved in lcf servers and why he was verified. You never addressed why he was in there. I even told you he was around and you didn’t say anything about it.

You complain about how they lied about things but you lied about lots of things regarding the transfer. It’s kind of funny.

We would talk about what happened behind the scenes a lot but I never really did any through investigating. I wasn’t feeding her misinfo or had malicious intent. It was just fun to tinfoil.

No. 1659713

>Are you really saying my morals are questionable when you used to be the admin of this site? Do you realize where we are? At least I don’t harass mentally ill retards.

Yeah the smug sense of moral superiority is comical. Also none of this is actually relevant or gives any info as to why the site closed down. This is just a vendetta.

No. 1659714

Can you elaborate what part sandwich spoons and sluggy have in all of this? And how you know?

No. 1659716

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Dawn killed Choachan with her with her rancidity and now she's doing the same to heolkek.cafe

No. 1659718

Who the fuck are sandwich spoons and sluggy, you're posting all this shit without actually explaining anything

No. 1659721

Even if you can actually follow what they're saying it has nothing to do with 3c, it's old lc drama

No. 1659722

Spoons and sluggy are former ccc mods. Not sure about their involvement in whatever >>1659711 is talking about though.

No. 1659723

And how are we supposed to know these aren't names someone pulled out of their ass? How could anyone know who was a 3c mod if they weren't on the staff themselves

No. 1659724

What issue did Spoons and Sluggy have with the Choachan userbase? Were they the ones revealing post history?

No. 1659729

they're former ccc mods? why were people on gaypg saying sandwich is spoons or sluggy on gaypg >>1658052

No. 1659734

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No. 1659740

I know but what do they have to do with this? And how does >>1659675 know who they are?

No. 1659741

Yes this is true, the other anon posting screen caps is the former lolcow admin who had beef with the admins of ccc. She is the one who made the thread in the bunker site with more discord screenshots.

She accused them of supporting me posting her site on the cc site and spreading rumors about the drama in December.

I wanted to address that it didn’t have anything to do with them, nor did they support or spread any rumors on the site. Sorry for the derailment.

No. 1659747

It seems like there’s a lot of shitflinging regarded who’s who but it doesn’t really clarify why ccc went down. You all seem to know each other but no one can point out who the actual spammer was that was making the mod team so schizoparanoid? I don’t get the point of all this back and forth, if you’re going to say there was no spammer fine, but someone must’ve been posting something to get them so worked up over vpns

No. 1659759

We only spoke about it once on 06/30. Boardowner mentioned to me that she had felt like someone was trying to fuck with her for months. She concluded it was probably one of the jannys and kicked them. I don’t know when the kicking happened or when she began to notice she was being fucked with. It was a conversation in passing. I didn’t ask. I won’t share screenshots.

I genuinely think she just got tired of being messed with and the paranoia that comes from it. It’s easier to just pull the plug than to burden someone else with it. The other board owner is already getting harassment from what is being said here.

I don’t think anyone knows who that spammer was. She mentioned to me that it was a ddos or a script attack but the types of script attacks that are client side would probably just spam the site.

It wouldn’t surprise me if people who previously worked on an ib would try to get into ccc. I think cc and lcf mods have overlapped before.

No. 1659762

I genuinely feel sorry for board owner if this is true.

No. 1659776

This was always the impression I got as well, that she was overwhelmed and paranoid and closed the site as a result. There’s clearly enough discord infighting in this thread to prove she had reason to be paranoid, so I just can’t understand why shaymin is hellbent on insisting it was closed due to incompetence? What the fuck does she gain outside of exculpating herself (despite looking incredibly involved in the discord fearmongering)

No. 1659777

>no eggfag

No. 1659778

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basada ogressa Dawn killing off that shithole with her autism

No. 1659779

She was overwhelmed and paranoid, but not enough to taunt her own users? lol

No. 1659780

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The reason why hex is doing damage control is because there is still no explanation on what really happened. It's in her interest to cover for the downfall of choachan if it's related to the misinformation she gave them. It's easier to try to scapegoat it onto lc drama and reverse uno'ing a vendetta they perpetuated themselves. Neither of them have been involved with lc for at least 2 or 3 years by this point.
>Are you really saying my morals are questionable when you used to be the admin of this site?
Please, as if you all weren't involved with the site at one point. And you say this as if you weren't the discord mod with the most complaints for harassing and hazing anons, leading to you dipping as soon as you were mentioned in the discord thread because you're compensating with your constant sense of superiority over others.
>Also, how could I not look into you breaking the site? It was interesting.
Your entitlement is insane and I never owed you any information on any mods or the new admins. Looking into it is not the same as pushing a dox that Blaine and Elaine tried pushing for months. You even went as far as to claim I was a tranny when multiple anons including the mutual called you out for deliberately "misreading" things.
>You lied to our mutual saying I was shaymin
This never happened. I told her you did apply and you backed out years ago, and 3c boardowner offered to take over but I didn't entertain it. It really isn't your business to know who shaymin or cerbmin and your collective attempts to get that information out of me didn't work.
>My intention wasn’t to doxx you
You just happened to push information that individuals who have tried to dox, swat, and murder me happened to claim as a legitimate dox. That's your idea of fun.
>Why won’t anyone take the blame for spooky being around? Why was he even around and in the secluded server you invited few people to?
Because nobody really paid attention, cared, and it wasn't anybody's job to tell you not to post photos of yourself in a server where you claimed to hate the majority of the users. It was never an official server either. You are a grown adult and you knew the risks.
>Isn’t it ironic how I spoke up because you were being suspicious with the site transfer in December and you’re speaking up now because they deleted the site?
I'm not speaking up because of the board closure, I'm speaking up because your friends continue to lie about a stalker/hacker being the reason for the sudden closure, a week after I was told you were all blaming kaliacc and you were being 'misled'. I wasn't going to delve into the other shady behavior you all participated in but you brought it out in an attempt to pacify me with your "apology".
>no one wants to say how spooky got involved in lcf servers and why he was verified
Nobody cares about the discord, and if I remember correctly it was you and boardowner spreading rumors that spookybones was the new admin or involved on the backend. If you wanted to cry about the discord then maybe your buddy can talk about sexting with a troon in the old server before crying to me about it.
>I wasn’t feeding her misinfo or had malicious intent. It was just fun to tinfoil.
You are all clearly bad at this and treating CSAM spam like a game is the reason why choachan is dead.

No. 1659788

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She's doing it right now, pervasive molerat.

No. 1659790

This is still moonrunes to me, Hex the discord mod was trying to help Elaine and Blaine dox oldmin because they thought she had installed Spooky Bones as the new admin?

No. 1659796

>someone's been sending emails to harass new boardowner accusing them of being random lc personalities
>The other board owner is already getting harassment from what is being said here.
geez I wonder who would accuse the new boardowner of being sandwich or sluggy/spoons

No. 1659797

They were convinced shaymin was oldmin and that cerbmin was oldmin or shaymin + moids like spookybones or kiwifarms taking over the site

No. 1659798

WAIT it all makes sense now holy shit kek i cracked the puzzle, they tried to work with Elaine and Blaine against oldmin and that's probably what backfired and caused them to get the same insane treatment lolcow and cc have been dealing with. So Hex summoned some demons she can't get rid of now and that's why choachan closed. It only took us 300 posts to get here

No. 1659799

im so sorry kekkk

No. 1659801

Nuboardowner appears to be quite adept at addressing various technical problems and she even upgraded the board to remove exif data.

No. 1659803

isn't spooky bones a man?

No. 1659805

Can anyone confirm if nuboardowner is affiliated with spoons sluggy hex ami spookybones sandwich etc

No. 1659810

I also want to know this

No. 1659813

yes she seems skilled along with the other admins helping her, she got a whole ib set up in less than a week and is still getting accused of being an indian moid or a bad actor >>1658081
Yes he is a kiwifarms user that was involved with the Isabella Janke situation
nuboardowner made a post stating that she was being emailed and being accused of being sandwich/jacki. who else would mention those names other than 3c staff so we can conclude that nuboardowner is truthful in never being affiliated with 3c

No. 1659817

There's possibility that the nuboardowner might be fabricating those "harassing emails" to gain sympathy.

No. 1659824

I'm pretty sure she isn't since was kind enough to keep my information private, and she doesn't seem to want any involvement with lc or 3c.

No. 1659825

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> Looking into it is not the same as pushing a dox that Blaine and Elaine tried pushing for months. You even went as far as to claim I was a tranny when multiple anons including the mutual called you out for deliberately "misreading" things.

Blaine knew about the site before me, all I did was post the site on the bunker thread. I didn’t find it through him. You were even confronted about it before I posted it. >>1659649

Also, didn’t I mention that I redacted that troon accusation quickly already? Why are you going in circles?

> You just happened to push information that individuals who have tried to dox, swat, and murder me happened to claim as a legitimate dox.

Again, why are you trying to act like Blaine didn’t already know about this site before me?

> I'm speaking up because your friends continue to lie about a stalker/hacker being the reason for the sudden closure, a week after I was told you were all blaming kaliacc and you were being 'misled'. I wasn't going to delve into the other shady behavior you all participated in but you brought it out in an attempt to pacify me with your "apology".

I only know of what boardowner told me on 06/30. I don’t know anything about kaliacc.

I’m curious to know what misinformation or shady things I’ve been doing though, please feel free to let me know. You continue to push this agenda that whoever you don’t like works with Blaine or Elaine and is spamming cp. For someone who’s hurt against such an allegation you seem to throw it pretty willingly yourself.

>You lied to our mutual saying I was shaymin

This never happened. I told her you did apply and you backed out years ago, and 3c boardowner offered to take over but I didn't entertain it. It really isn't your business to know who shaymin or cerbmin and your collective attempts to get that information out of me didn't work.

Here’s the dm. For someone who is so secretive about who “shaymin~~” is you seem to throw me under the bus pretty quickly.

>3c board owner offered to take over


No I have never spoken to Blaine. Elaine reached out to me in middle to late January and I told her about the catfish account. She makes so many accounts that the one she messaged me in is deleted.

I never posted about spooky being admin. I was just asking why they had him in the discord server meant for private verified users.

No. 1659831

This is some ultimate discord spergery I honestly wouldn't expect out of former lc staff. God help you all.
It sucks that all these circles always end up being so incestuous, lc+kf+cc+3c+fc all seem to have overlapping staff/userbases with former beef and it seems to get in the way of things functioning properly. I understand why the new kpop board owner distanced herself from everything, I hope cerbmin are doing the same. That's the only way these boards could prosper, for a little while at least until the cycle continues.

No. 1659833

>Blaine knew about the site before me, all I did was post the site on the bunker thread.
why would you even get involved in all that shit though if you're a farmer and a user of female imageboards why would you feed into the whole tranny delusion

No. 1659837

and accusing someone you believed to be female for years prior to that over poor evidence a tranny cp spammer posted

No. 1659840

death by discordfaggotry

No. 1659842

We just gotta cross our fingers that nobody snuck into the staff team over at the new board.

No. 1659844

All of this is too long to keep up with.
Shaymin = Oldmin (yeah we know), and now she's having a meltdown in here because she's at war with the admins of Choachan? Is that what's going on?

No. 1659853

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Idk how many times I need to say this but I had little idea who Blaine was at the time and I still don’t know much about him. Nor did I get the site from him. I didn’t know the extent of the harassment he had towards oldmin either. God forbid the MAL profile lead to her SWATing.

Yeah basically

No. 1659854

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>Here’s the dm. For someone who is so secretive about who “shaymin~~” is you seem to throw me under the bus pretty quickly.
She must have misunderstood because I never said you were shaymin, but you all constantly asked me about shaymin and the new admins which is none of your fucking business. Anyways, you perpetuating that I was shaymin was you peddling the same tinfoils that were spread around by blaine for months. You were never going to stop because after she quit you all moved onto tinfoiling about cerbmin instead. You knew exactly what you were trying to do by spreading low effort tinfoil and threatening to dox my personal account on cc. It didn't work because it wasn't legit info, but you sure thought it was.
>I didn’t know the extent of the harassment he had towards oldmin either.

No. 1659856

the plot thickens

No. 1659859

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No. 1659865

File: 1691674565202.png (56.53 KB, 1464x222, Screenshot 2023-08-10 at 15.37…)

Yeah I don't think she wants anything to do with any of this.

No. 1659867

What situation? Doesn't she claim not to know what happened?

No. 1659872

She definitely isn't involved and wants nothing to do with LC or 3C and it's former staff.

No. 1659877

Very subtle

No. 1659908

?? im not the new boardowner but you can easily infer it from everything in the thread they just want to be left alone to avoid the mistakes of the past with 3c

No. 1659913

maybe your buddy can talk about sexting with a troon in the old server before crying to me about it.


No. 1659914

they're not made up names, i'm the former mod from meta and i know them from the discord. sluggy came in a few days after me and spoons had been there for a while. but i have no idea how any of the gaypg people or anyone else know who they are or what involvement they have in all of this.
honestly reading this thread is giving me a headache and i don't know what 90% of the conversation is about kek. it seems there was a lot going behind the scenes that even the staff weren't aware of. and i guess we will never find out exactly what happened. i'm still not a moid stalker though.

No. 1659925

on meta you said you were an annoying poster.. who was your husbando

No. 1659945

lol you were kicked for no reason then? It doesn't seem like their friend denied the moid infiltration stuff but boardowners email said she wasn't sure >>1659759

No. 1659962

Were there any other mods or just you and these two? Did 3c owner not tell the mods anything about this?

No. 1659969

See >>1657786 she said the mods weren't being told about the moid who was supposedly accessing everything

No. 1659975

I see, that's pretty weird. So if the mods truly didn't know anything, why are there people pointing fingers at them? Also, from my understanding, board owner though that the mod was doxxing people and the mod thought that owner/admin were doxxing her. It doesn't make any sense honestly

No. 1659980

It doesn't make sense because the moid stalker hacker who hacked into all of board owner's accounts doesn't exist and is a cover up for them shitposting too hard on their own board until it was obvious they were messing with their own users

No. 1659986

This seems like the least plausible theory for me, something must have gone down

No. 1659990

>be me, evil hacker moid
>hack into all of my victim's accounts undetected
>play the long game, learn everything about kpop, subtly mess with her users
>she'll never know what hit her

No. 1659993

No. 1660000

It seems like it's just someone from lc with a vendetta and possibly the kicked out mod that's pissed she got kicked out and suspected. So far there's no actual milk?

No. 1660003

these constant posts are so subtle and convincing, we'll drop the discussion instantly, you're right there's absolutely nothing here, everyone move on immediately OR ELSE

No. 1660004

there’s no way it’s just a coverup, you can see in the discord screenshots that everyone was being paranoid about an actual spammer

No. 1660005

spammers exist on every imageboard

No. 1660007

I didn't say stop discussing it, I just want actual proper information. Half of this thread makes no sense at all and the other half is just plain theorizing.

No. 1660009

they do, but it’s obvious shit was being said behind the scenes that made them think it was some type of targeted harassment. whether it’s true or not doesn’t really matter, they believed it and it wasn’t just them trolling

No. 1660012

they were obviously trolling >>1659467

No. 1660016

it's not about the spam being a problem i just think that it's realistically difficult to pinpoint a large volume of posts to a single entity with 100% accuracy esp if you are accusing multiple people

No. 1660017

They thought this was the spammer, obviously. People have brought up some faceless indian moid in this thread multiple times. Again, I’m not going to argue if there really was a targeted spammer or not, but they clearly thought there was one and had a meltie over it. They weren’t just shitposting too hard for fun and decided to nuke the board when people called them out on it

No. 1660021

I remember one time an indian/arab moid posted his face on 3c, might be the one

No. 1660023

big spammer targeting choachan with memes

No. 1660024

okay I can believe them being paranoid for legitimate reasons but why be retarded and make up a hacker kek

No. 1660029

I don’t know, I thought it was pathetic when they insinuated a stalker had all their ips and were hiding in hyperbeams too. Clearly there were a lot of bad faith actors in discords riling each other up and this is the result, a bunch of paranoid schizos trying to prove they spread less rumors than the other

No. 1660031

>you were kicked for no reason then?
at the time i thought the reason was that i annoyed board owner and she just didn't like me. the day i got kicked, i replied to a post of one of our notorious personalityfags where she said she was vegan with "i like you now" which was sarcastic. it was obvious that i didn't actually like her because i had personally banned her multiple times. the admin replied in the thread saying "you're fired" after that. so i thought she was just looking for any reason to get rid of me and this was a reason. which is whatever because it's her ib and who's on the mod team is ultimately her decision. that's why her thinking i'm a moid story doesn't really make sense to me, because if she thought i was one, why would she wait for me to say something mildly offensive to kick me out and not just kick me out months ago? it also took a whole week after me getting removed from the staff for me to be permabanned. so maybe she had a revelation during that week that i was actually a scrote. i don't know.
besides the board owner, her friend and mentioned ones there were i think two other janis that weren't that active.
no one was seriously doxxing me besides the admin softdoxxing me with my first name a few times, but nothing past that. as for mods doxxing others, i don't know. i guess i was the prime suspect for that and that's why i got kicked out. i don't know if this stalker moid exists or not. if the friend of board owner is telling the truth and there really was someone hacking her shit and trying to take down the site then i really feel for her. i just wish she didn't announce it to the whole site and cause panic without being 100% sure.

No. 1660035

>i replied to a post of one of our notorious personalityfags where she said she was vegan with "i like you now"
Infectious molerat Dawn strikes again

No. 1660037

remember when tumor streamed the suicide hotline

No. 1660043

>as for mods doxxing others, i don't know. i guess i was the prime suspect for that
Why do they think you're the prime suspect? What were you doing?

No. 1660045

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

No. 1660058

File: 1691685118006.png (1.2 MB, 3096x1548, why.png)

Sorry for the bad/poorly placed images, I don't care enough to sort them. I hope they upload right…

Here's context for the first one.
This was the discord account used for people to send admin applications. This was presented to be shaymin. It is also the discord account that owned the previous public discord server called the Peanut Gallery. I have proof that turtel/shatmin are the same account. If you look at the previous /meta/ threads around this time you can find that she used Sen as well.

Encryption/Card Symbols:
This is Elaine, take her word for a grain of salt. Genuinely don't know/think how true anything she said is. I do know that it takes two to tango.

This is oldmin, she changes her account so much I missed logging the dm screenshots of this one, but I have one on the top left.

>Anyways, you perpetuating that I was shaymin was you peddling the same tinfoils that were spread around by blaine for months

Then why was Elaine convinced that you were shaymin?
Did you openly talk around her that you were shaymin?
Why were you talking to her in discord servers if you were afraid of her doxx threats and swatting?
How did Elaine know that lolcow.terf.farm existed?

Elaine went to the turtel account to tell them that you were impersonating them. If you didn't want people to think you were shaymin then why did you have Elaine in a discord server where she eventually was convinced you were? If she is retarded enough to not notice things sandwich mentioned here
then I find it believable that the turtel account could have convinced her that you weren't her.

If you had no involvement with the catfish then why were you in a discord voice call with the catfish account during lolcow's downtime at 12/29?
Why did you act like you didn't know?
If you weren't involved still then why was the catfish account in the bunker discord?

On the bottom left you guys moved the discord account that applications were supposed to be sent to, why?
Was it because Elaine realized you guys were lying?
When I told Elaine that sandwich was the catfish why did you lie and say I hacked sandwiches account?

I don't even know what Blaine spread or said, this was just from what I gathered between the time the site was shut down.

I am asking these questions because they were what made me more curious about the whole incident. If you cleared this up it would help.

No. 1660059

File: 1691685247238.webm (712.06 KB, 720x1556, website.webm)

Here's the lolcow.terf.farm site, did anyone else know about this site? I have never seen it used before so I wasn't sure what it was.

I think it was just meant to test the mirror site but I wasn't too sure.

No. 1660060

File: 1691685327603.png (430.79 KB, 1976x588, sus.png)

>You were never going to stop because after she quit you all moved onto tinfoiling about cerbmin instead. You knew exactly what you were trying to do by spreading low effort tinfoil and threatening to dox my personal account on cc. It didn't work because it wasn't legit info, but you sure thought it was.

I didn't talk about it again until recently, the reason why I believed the cerbmin annoucement was farce was because on one occasion you said shaymin was a team of 3. Then in another one you said that shaymin was a team of 3 that flaked, and then after going through applications we suddenly find 3 fresh new admins? You talked about how hard it was to find candidates. It felt sus. That's all. I really had no other indication in that matter. Sorry for bringing them and you in that if it's false. I don't really care if it is or isn't anymore.

No. 1660061

Are you in the wrong thread

No. 1660096

I was there for a few months to dunk on bts but I got banned for CP despite not posting it. They banned everyone I knew too

No. 1660132

sounds like you just got caught by the autoban or were posting with a vpn, both which were easily solved by a ban appeal

No. 1660294

Cute home screen nona

No. 1660406

you sound like the anon who tried to say one of the new admins was shaymin a few months ago hmm
it isn't related to 3c closing idk why the friend is pretending she couldn't just ask boardowner

No. 1660425

File: 1691704157861.png (772.41 KB, 1080x1945, Screenshot_20230810-145114.png)

well this explains a lot about what's been going on in meta kek

No. 1660426

shitcord ruins communities, why is she declaring LC and CC dead though?

No. 1660428

Sounds like schizo paranoia especially that last part.

No. 1660432

I'm not reading all that

No. 1660434

File: 1691704677748.png (599.22 KB, 1079x1544, Screenshot_20230810-145901.png)

>bib is the hacker 4chan
idk cuz 3c boardowner and admin said bib is a new admin here so it must be true even though nobody cared or knew about bib or japanon until schizos started saying she was a mod
i'm pretty sure that ritard mentioned Elaine passing her that info on CC and even she thought it was ritarded

it's not looking good with all these insane cows being involved in this mess

No. 1660443


>bib is admin tinfoil

This was not on my bingo card

No. 1660444

We're all admin on this blessed day

No. 1660445

i hate her so much how could she singlehandedly take down 4 image boards im calling 911

No. 1660448

I can’t help but feel like japanon/bib’s name would’ve come up way more in these threads if she was actually the root cause of all of this, it honestly sounds like another autistic tinfoil

No. 1660452

It that hasn't been mentioned by anyone involved so far up until this rando sperging in /meta/. I don't buy it at all.

No. 1660458

the schizo also seems convinced that bib is the cause of this thread when it was kicked off by a former mod who was surprised about the news on meta

the cc posts about bib are nearly a month old and ccc is dead but there was another anon posting similar tinfoil >>>/meta/60878

No. 1660497

Who the fuck is bib again? Japanon?

No. 1660504

Idk, I met her on Discord before. She's a really bpd britbong chick who got booted out of her own server, which was sort of a split from the old lolcor server.
I didn't know she was involved in this kpop board, weird name to come across again.

No. 1660506

She wrote that absurd story in the vent(?) threads about how she flew to japan for some white guy living there only to get ghosted

No. 1660530

it doesn't explain why all roads lead back to choachan

why would multiple anons know about the 3c owners being there unless they announced themselves in a server with bib?

why would rumors about bib being a mod or admin go back to the CC thread where rita mentions hearing about it? >>1660434?

why would friends of the 3c owners push the bib tinfoil so hard after this thread was made, after multiple people were accused of being behind the spam before ?

what was boardowner trying to apologize for before the site went down? >>1659711

it also doesn't explain where the obsession with the Indian moid comes from or why anons are saying that fujochan and 3c were ruined by a gaypg moid or lc

No. 1660538

it was in the confessions threads

No. 1661401

it looks like cc janis deleted the last 3c bunker thread but luckily an anon archived it


No. 1661919

How long ago was this? I'd like to see that

No. 1661923

Nevermind, I found it. >>1587947

No. 1672231

All I want is an ib where I can talk about kpop girl groups with women. idgaf about moids. is that too much to ask

No. 1672397

same i miss it so much i honestly thought whoever were the owner/mods were very selfless and sweet given that it didnt even have ads and im so confused about who is who because i couldnt recognize nonas individual voices because im not smart like that, why cant women have nice things ahhh

No. 1672506

just go to the new one, it's been mentioned ITT

No. 1673237

kpg mods who wanted to maintain control of kpg after kpop got banned here, selfless and kind enough to softdox their own mods, all while touching the poo and pointing the finger while there was a moid in their midst. Scrotes are a routine scapegoat for avoiding accountability in these circles.

No. 1676193

Is there any kpop farm sites? Other than this one

No. 1676197

As in kpop lolcow/drama sites? I guess allkpop/onehallyu forums might be what you're looking for if that's what you mean but otherwise I can't think of any that aren't Korean

No. 1676209

Aww thanks for the help allkpop and hallyu is full of weirdos I just wanted a site where I could chat shit about idols

No. 1676218

I mean if you just want that there's the new board, I think some people have linked it in here, but it also has a lot of weirdos to be honest

No. 1676348

I don't have any dog in this fight, never even used choachan, but if this thread isn't 2spooky4me
I get the creeps just by having it open

No. 1676629

No. 1676843

No. 1676904

File: 1692975620641.png (17.98 KB, 1874x149, ogredawnstrikesagain.PNG)

Board Owner got fed up with Dawn because she was spamming for hours and alogging children but now she is giving her another pass and enabling her mental illness.

No. 1676912

Man I can't believe I almost missed this thread, hearing the downfall of ccc is fucking beautiful. Good riddance to those misogynistic retards and nothing in this greentext surprises me when every user there was a failure of society.

No. 1676915

File: 1692976921650.png (12.9 KB, 995x217, ogreandpig.PNG)

Dawn fapped to Shaynas misery kek

No. 1677064

The pedophile user and stalking allegations + whatever cryptic shit their admin was up to gives off weird vibes, not to mention that some of their users made their way to this thread

No. 1677279


No. 1677583

File: 1693030923471.png (515 KB, 1080x1642, Screenshot_20230825-230651.png)

There's been some weird schizo posts in the cc thread and it's leaked to meta with an anon accusing cerbmin of targeting cc and ccc. Then I checked hk and saw that an involved anon close to the source posted this on their site board. I know that schizo said they can't get in contact with ccc admins but they intentionally changed their email before the shutdown. They most likely don't want anyone contacting them from the outside. It still doesn't explain why they're having their friends relay messages. It seems like an admission that everything else but the DDoSing was a lie.
An anon in one of the deleted ccc threads mentioned that underaged bgs would be lewded, and they linked fujochan even before adminjo had to shutdown the hidden shota board because of legal issues in the UK.

No. 1677596

Been posting there and making threads in meta?

No. 1677600

This thread is literally pot calling the kettle back or in other word kpoopies calling other kpoopies retarded
I promise you weirdos that liking the exploitation of teenaged korean girls isn't better than sperging about korean men's dicks. Matter of fact, it's more fucked up because you know these girls are being sexualized by disgusting and smelly male fans and you are still supporting that business… Get treatment, every single one of you(aboohoohoooo)

No. 1677610

File: 1693033032090.png (173.52 KB, 978x352, nHBcqN5.png)

>actually last night i wrote a notes app apology on my phone. here we go
>i'm sorry for my hambean pussy posts. i'm sorry that they made some anons genuinely uncomfortable. i wrote them 50% for shock value, 50% out of genuine arousal. some people said my descriptions made them insecure, and i am sincerely apologetic. in my mind, my explicit hambean pussy posts were on the same level as my hambean vietnamese dickcheese foreskin posts. but i now understand the nuance of this situation, and realise women are made to feel more insecure of their pussies than men are of their nasty ass dicks. and i now realise its 99% women who were reading my posts. i'm slow as shit, you need to spare me a bit here… i think all pussies are beautiful. i'm giving the bit up
For the past 4 years, there has been no change, yet the owner of heolkek.cafe intends to provide Dawn with a special retard pass. Just delete her posts and be done with it. I wouldn't be shocked if choachan and now heolkek is being targetted due to Dawn having managed to anger vindictive people while terrorizing every ib known to man.

No. 1677615

Anon you realize most anons here despise kpop and wanted it banned right ? I do agree that there's cognitive dissonance in anyone who participates in kpop fandom, considering all the abuse and exploitation. It's not surprise most of them are anachans or frequently discuss dieting.
I don't think dawn was the one targeting 3c. I don't agree with the boardowners decision but she's trying her best. I wouldn't be hard on her considering the shitfire she inherited from the previous staff team. I hope dawn isn't the malicious type.

No. 1677622

Maybe I've just missed some context somewhere but how is she giving dawn a pass when >>1676904 has a pic of her saying she's going to block Dawn from the new site and isn't giving her special privileges?

No. 1677625

>I don't think dawn was the one targeting 3c
Reading comprehension.
>I hope dawn isn't the malicious type.
How to spot a Newfag. Those of us who have posted with her for years know that she is the malicious type. Regardless, that isn't what I was saying.
They've stopped banning her and posted this
>dawn, if you're sincere about possibly negotiating with board owner about posting, please send her an email at the webmaster address and you can discuss it. there’s been a lot of confusion on the site because we didn’t completely establish what constitutes rulebreaking/personalityfagging since the initial ban, but board owner is willing to discuss it with you for the sake of clear communication/transparency/hopefully finding an easier solution than this constant banning where tempest is sometimes illegal and sometimes not. we’re not giving you a pass, but if you’re genuinely willing to co-operate and make posts that don’t break the rules, let her know

No. 1677628

You can literally just check the public logs and see that she's still been banned even after that was posted. I agree that they're giving her too many chances to behave herself but they definitely haven't stopped banning her entirely.

No. 1677629

I'm not a newfag I just haven't posted alongside you guys for years. Why am I supposed to care about this retard? Unless she is spamming gore or something more nefarious she seems harmless and more of an annoyance to hk.
I guess I missed where she said Dawn wouldn't be welcome but that's gone out the window. The truth is there's no way to stop her for good, I just don't get why they'd post a pathetic plea for her to play by the rules when she's never tried to fit in.

No. 1677632

Maybe don't weigh in if you aren't aware of all the shit she's done like lewding 14 year old Kevin? Defending pedophiles isn't a good look. Furthermore, even after being told not to post in this thread, she decided to do exactly that. She is an antagonist of the worst kind and often brings her twitter antics to the boards. Whenever there's a negative situation, her presence is associated with it.

No. 1677633

If she really is a pedo then why the fuck were anons defending her in dst a few weeks ago and why is anyone trying to negotiate with this freak?

No. 1677635

What does lewding mean? Is it like sexting

No. 1677639

When you sexualize or fantasize an individual ? Maybe someone can come up with a better definition.

No. 1677640

Nah, most people here are Choachan users or involved in that stupid discord issue with its admins. Just check the amount of posts metasperging about that site and anons lamenting there weren't many "girlpop" fans.

It never ceases to amaze me how much Kpoopies lack self-awareness

No. 1677643

The Discord server was genuine. Prior to the VPN ban, the mods shared chat logs and were able to identify users based on the idols they posted. Keep in mind that mods of kpop ibs exhibit the same level of pettiness and irresponsibility as your typical Twitter "stan"

No. 1677644

There was a discord server?

No. 1677646

Considering you are the first former staff member I'm seeing leaking stuff, we have to admit they were right about not trusting you. And it does sound like you used anons post history against them.

No. 1677647

Given the current situation, you should tell us who you were using post histories against and why. What were the underlying reasons for doing that?

No. 1677649

Not sure what part of my post made you think I care about any of that real or made-up Discord drama. My message here is plain and simple: please see a shrink if you are older than 18 and shaking your pompoms for emaciated teenagers from South Korea

No. 1677650

Why mention it then? If you don't care why are you in this thread speculating on 3cs demise?

No. 1677651

Multiple anons I've spoken to about this are genuinely shocked that some of those women are over the age of 25. ngmi

No. 1677653

27 year old Dawn masturbating to Shayna's mental breakdown on cam then coming to choachan to tell us all about it

No. 1677656

It's my God-given right to shit on kpoopies whenever I come across them. Maybe stop bumping this thread if you don't want bystanders to notice you.

No. 1677658

Not relevant to the discussion.

No. 1677661

The former jannie replied to this post >>1677646 and deleted it…

No. 1677667

The one unloyal staff confirming CCC' admins suspicions and going like "I don't get it???" is making me laugh

No. 1677669

How was she unloyal? She only came out after the site was down and she found out through /meta/. She only confirmed that boardowner was most likely lying about there being a moid infiltrator. She's right that if they thought she was a moid they would have booted her before waiting another week. This reeks of cope and she didn't deserve having boardowner softdox her to intimidate her. Gross.

No. 1677672

Curious timing

No. 1677680

She disclosed a bunch of things about their discord and confirmed spoons and sluggy were mods. Thinking about it, she was probably the one who leaked this info first on gaypg/cc, since no one had heard those usernames before.

No. 1677690

the name petra was a running joke, can't believe you thought it was one person softdoxxing you kekk

No. 1677692

Anonymous 3 minutes ago No. 1677689

The only people who would know spoons and sluggy were mods would be everyone who was in the discord they shared with the admins. This former mod only found out about 3c closing on meta days after those posts on gaypg mentioning sluggy and spoons were made. The archives of those gaypg threads were posted after her initial post on meta so she couldn't have known they were mentioned. Those posts on gaypg were also conflating various individuals they believed to be lc farmhands, and this anon wouldn't know the other two names mentioned. It's not a coincidence that hk boardowner said she was being accused of being someone called sandwich or Jack or being affiliated with lc. Who would throw those accusations at her? It was most likely 3c admins or their remaining staff making those posts when they realized who was leaking DMs. The Streisand effect in full force.

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned how 3c admins and wks started deflecting and blaming other boards for their problems, just hours after they blamed a stalker hacker moid for being behind the shutdown.
You're a disgusting bunch for softdoxing someone you moderated alongside.

No. 1677693

They also accused their own posters of DDoSing the website before switching to the moid hacker story.

No. 1677695

>This former mod only found out about 3c closing on meta days after those posts on gaypg mentioning sluggy and spoons were made
So she claims, why would I take her word at face value?

No. 1677696

I wasn't even aware of this so thank you for bringing it back up. I don't have proof or archives but I recall anons on cc saying that they were getting banned and accused of being behind the attacks before boardowner issued an apology. This psyops bullshit is really tiring and anyone with a developed prefrontal cortex can see through it.

No. 1677697

You might find it funny, but it's the name of a poster. Isn't it nasty to repost it when she's clearly bothered?

No. 1677700

She didn't claim it, she asked about the shutdown and an anon posted screenshots about it. She was very confused about the circumstances surrounding the shutdown considering her experiences. Posters like >>1677690
are not making 3c look better by trying to antagonize the anon for speaking out.

No. 1677705

I have seen posts sexualizing underage bgs like Niki from enhypen on ccc. Some anons are former gaypg posters and they would sexualize underage bgs in there so they could be the same nonce posters.
Despite being despised everywhere, she keeps crawling back and spreading her filth like a rat. The fact that one of their infamous regulars is a nonce and was making quote-on-quote jokes about hitting kids with shovels does make them look appalling.

No. 1677708

Kpoopies so brain dead they are still doing it on the new board.

No. 1677709

I always wondered why they called each other roasties but did that originate from gaypg? It would explain a lot. 3c posters were called pedos for sexualizing enhypen on /mu/ during one of their downtimes.

No. 1677711

Petra + annoying poster… I havr a guess and yes she was definitely reading my post history

No. 1677712

Being vague, how did you realize she was looking through your past posts?

No. 1677713

I have the feeling it's another mod because why would they know her name otherwise

No. 1677716

Once again why should I take anything she says at face value? It's okay if that's what you choose to believe, but don't expect other people to take this as hard evidence or matter-of-fact

No. 1677717

The case of the super invested in the mysterious collapse of choachan anon who pretends she doesn't know one single inside joke from that site

No. 1677727

Before you continue to samefag you should remember that the former mod isn't the only one who would know the monikers of sluggy and spoons. You seem adamant about blaming her for "leaking" information.

No. 1677731

like i already said, i wasn't using anyone's post history against them. but can i prove it? no. so what exactly do you even want me to say? i think a lot of you thought that the mods cared more about you or your posts more than they actually did. i can't speak for all of the mods but most of the time i was just logging on to check if any reports had been made, then logging off. i don't care about your endless posts on how you want to fuck your husbando, it's uninteresting
the name became a running joke because one of the admins first mentioned it as a "gotcha" way to get at me. then it turned into a joke after that. it becoming a joke was honestly my fault because i pointed it out when it happened. my thinking was that i shouldn't ignore it because if other users take notice of it it would give the admin some sort of accountability and maybe prevent it from happening again, but that was a bit dumb of me kek.
no i didn't…
>The one unloyal staff confirming CCC' admins suspicions and going like "I don't get it???" is making me laugh
what are the suspicions that i have confirmed?
>she disclosed a bunch of things about their discord
i literally didn't kek. can you name some of the super top secret things from the discord that i disclosed? i didn't disclose anything even remotely personal. yes i did confirm two mod's disc nicknames because i was shocked about someone on gaypg knowing about them and i was curious about whether or not they were some sort of gaypg personalities that i didn't know about. but from what i knew they were random nicknames that they used on their throwaway discord accounts. i didn't think this was top secret identifiable information that i shouldn't have "confirmed". i could've posted discord chat screenshots like the admin's friend did but i didn't out of respect for the mods. i clearly don't even know enough about the situation to post "juicy" interesting information about it. i simply talked about my experience and my pov of what happened. i think that i have been very fair and giving the benefit of the doubt this whole time so the fact that i'm called "unloyal" and painted as a villain that revealed secret information is kind of crazy to me

No. 1677732

Just tell us your husbando or shut up

No. 1677735

Depending on how you soft-doxxed yourself they are being nicer to you than you are being to them

No. 1677736

how was she not nice to them? You sound like the weirdo who was accusing the hk boardowner of hurting ccc admins feelings. >>1677731
>yes i did confirm two mod's disc nicknames because i was shocked about someone on gaypg knowing about them and i was curious about whether or not they were some sort of gaypg personalities that i didn't know about. but from what i knew they were random nicknames that they used on their throwaway discord accounts.
I believe you and that makes sense. You didn't seem to know they were mentioned until it was pointed out here, and the gaypg mentions came way before that. For them to accuse you of being behind posts on gaypg and other nefarious things is far fetched to say the least.

No. 1677737

what have i said that’s “mean”? and who’s they?

No. 1677740

I don't see the point in trying to reason with them. They will continue to blame other anons and create conspiracies here and on cc. The lack of remorse for how you were treated is alarming when boardowner and her friend would lose their minds if anyone posted personal info on them.

No. 1677743

you’re right. i think the only people that were ever skeptical of the situation were people unaffiliated with ccc kek… most posters seemed to really like and trust the board owner so it’d make sense to believe her over anything. kinda shocked me how defensive everyone was on that cc thread, even when the friend came forward with a lot of screenshots and proof of everything happening

No. 1677749

One more thing though since you said you didn't post caps from the groupchats, this wasn't your post? >>1659546 If not then it's another mod or friend of the owners that posted that cap js

No. 1677752

nope, none of those screenshot posts are from me. i think it’s the same friend of the admin that made a thread in the junkuchan bunker and shared a bunch of screenshots on there too. but they have their own petty drama between them that i think no one really understands apart from them…

No. 1678313

File: 1693089323291.png (417.08 KB, 925x485, Screenshot_20230826-153626.png)

I guess I'll post this here since the same anon(s) keep chimping out all over the board. Can anyone decipher any of this?

No. 1678315

File: 1693089543218.png (414.83 KB, 921x866, Screenshot_20230826-153938.png)

So they are calling the mods and janis trannies with gore and CP accusations sprinkled in . I have no idea why schizo hasn't been banned yet or why 3c admins are pretending to be on hiatus while their friends shit up the board

No. 1678317

I thought that the 3c admins left entirely? Their site says that they've shut it down for good.

No. 1678318

Lmao you are so obsessed with them and lacking all the self awareness. Anyone with an iq above room temperature can see this for what it is. Try again tranny

No. 1678321

See >>1677583 it's probably someone close to them who posted that and then the same schizo posting on meta mentions faked emails while accusing the hk boardowner of being a tranny, accusing cerbmin of being a tranny etc

No. 1678323

You’re truly like a broken record it makes me wonder if you go duhh and drool on your daily government appointed retard walks(infighting)

No. 1678326

You're not helping your cause if you are a friend to them. You're making a laughingstock out of yourselves with the insane tinfoil with zero evidence to back it up. And now you guys are making up malicious rumors on the hk boardowner even after she posted a timestamp pic. If you really believed there is something insidious going on here then you would make a tip or report instead of alogging multiple anons.

No. 1678330

Rest assured everyone has been laughing at you and your broken ass site, unfunny jokes and undeserved smugness the entire time my dude. Just doesn’t hit when I know for a fact you’re a joke in like 50 communities because you’re such a narc fuckup

No. 1678335

M-muh different anons I’m totally a different anon will you believe me if I say this same thing again and again and again and again and again? Literally Walmart mk ultra, just drone on long enough and people will believe it eventually I guess lmao

No. 1679127

You lot believing this schizo trying to larp as former 3c staff and accusing hkc owner of being a tranny/whomever is the funniest part of this thread so far, keep it up

No. 1679166

I don't think the anon ever claimed to be 3c staff

No. 1679560

somehow this is all dawn's fault

No. 1692805

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it's crazy how one month later CCC staff are no longer in hiding and managing to get themselves and their schizogollems banned from the lolcow hate thread.
One even admitted to name-dropping another mod on cc because they were/ "we were all" convinced they sent out DMs. It isn't not the first time they denied name-dropping mods, they throw trash at the wall hoping that something will stick. >>1677731
If boardowner is being truthful I'm not sure why she wouldn't post any logs showing the frequency of DDoS attacks and definitive proof of Ashley being every single admin since Ian. It's much simpler to follow than having your friends samefag and alog on other boards.
>why would I take her word at face value?
It's pretty weird that they have gone out of their way to not address boardowners previous statements about a moid stalker infiltrating staff. They also said on cc that boardowner realized she was wrong? I feel like her explanations for CCC closing are constantly evolving, like the email she sent an anon where she said she wasn't sure about the moid. I don't know if that was a joke but the creepiness surrounding the closure is a deep rabbithole. >>1659969 >>1659914
>Jfc this has nothing to do with ccc and you’re still bringing this up. Get over it, she apologized to you already a week before ccc shut down. I apologized too. I don’t get why you’re trying to change the narrative to be more than what it is.
So what damning evidence was discovered in the past 31 days to warrant the Ashley tinfoil? Is it really all confirmation bias?

No. 1694019

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Kek they got banned from fujochan too

No. 1713266

File: 1696232309889.jpeg (353.67 KB, 1536x2048, ndLwhcZ.jpeg)

(ugly nails)

No. 1713272


From the front page I thought this was a dick

No. 1713416

jesus christ the nubby bitten thumb… how are they so unaware of themselves

No. 1713426


No. 1713441

i just asked a question wtf are you talking about

No. 1713460

Why does he sound like mickey mouse?

No. 1713461

it's what happens when you are the #1 moderator for every single imageboard out there with your 5 devices and customer service work from home job(ban evading schizo)

No. 1806482

Is there a good message board for kpop gg fans who are not into boy groups? I used to use OneHallyu but that place is dead. The only places that seem sane and capable of having a good conversation with valid criticisms of musical direction are LipstickAlley (but I’m not black so I’m not gonna invade that space) and Pannchoa comments (which isn’t a message board but luckily has a somewhat decent amount of radfem leaning women). I wanna talk honestly about the girl groups without the retarded self-hating female children calling themselves pooners for their oppas and all of the other 4chan lingo that they’re trying so hard to adopt.

No. 1806517

K pop is an abusive industry for human exploitation, goodbye

No. 1806521

I would honestly love to make a discord for nonnies 21 and up to discuss kpop bullshit, including valid criticism.

No. 1806602

Spoken like a true k pop fan. Gay.

No. 1807228

You sound absolutely miserable kek
Thanks anon for agreeing, now I have no idea where to go from here though

No. 1810425

You go somewhere else.

No. 1824153

does finally exit a new choachancafe?

No. 1824165


No. 1824172

thank you so much nona

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