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File: 1446066945746.jpg (90.04 KB, 600x600, y.jpg)

No. 164205

Where do you get your cute clothes from, lolcow?

No. 164206

none of those are cute

No. 164207

omg i knew someone was going to bitch about that. i just googled cute clothes and saved the first one i could find.

No. 164208

I must admit none of these are cute.
Not cute at all.
Maybe for super basic bitches normalfags or some other tasteless peasants who don't know the kawaii life. (kidding there. Like whatever you want. But these clothes are not cute)

No. 164209

File: 1446084043475.jpg (42.71 KB, 452x453, 2014-Autumn-New-Fashion-Kawaii…)

Anyway let's contribute instead of bitching about the poor choice of OP pic.

No. 164210

File: 1446084326770.jpg (23.38 KB, 300x300, $_35.JPG)

No. 164211

File: 1446084377277.jpg (72.4 KB, 610x564, ofu0tr-l-610x610-cardigan-pink…)

No. 164212

oh my god i want this

No. 164213

File: 1446088667100.jpg (18.6 KB, 236x589, 4598f8bc3616655e3e9456a1672b4b…)

I want this dress so bad.

No. 164214


sucks that all these cute ass clothes look like shit irl bc they are cheap taobao shit :( NOT FUCKING FAIR MAN

No. 164215

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I'm autistic about my clothes material. Wearing most cheap clothes drives me crazy.

I don't usually like cutesy stuff but I fell in love with this dress recently.

No. 164216

I don't have a lot of money how do I dress myself to not stick out/look normal? All I have are lolita clothes and a little bit of normal clothes that look more gyaru

No. 164217

oooh im going so sew this for myself

No. 164218

Ebay is, like, the thrift store of the internet. All sorts of rad stuff you can get there if you look hard enough. Also Hot Topic…their tshirts are soft.

No. 164219

Taobao (shops like bonbon21) has a lot of cute shit

No. 164220


No. 164221

Buy things from Taobao or Aliexpress.

No. 164222

No. 164223

File: 1448561514183.jpg (183.79 KB, 602x788, tumblr_meb60llWyf1rkbsmco1_128…)

Certainly not from wherever the clothes in OP came from; how hideously basic.

Most of my cute clothes come from H&M, particularly the Divided range, but it's important to know how to co-ordinate in both colour and cut and which cut suits your specific shape and what accessories can accentuate an outfit overall.

Something like picture related is kind of a basic Autumn/Winter outfit for me.

No. 164224

the OP clothes look fine, do you not wear casual nonsense ever? do you always dress to the nines?

No. 164225

>do you always dress to the nines
>shops at H&M
I'd say nay

No. 164226

>most of my clothes come from H&M
>calls other clothes basic


No. 164227

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>she thinks the outfit I posted is an example of being "dressed to the nines"

You must be American kek
Everybody dresses like this in Europe, and yes the clothing in the OP are pretty awful.
I see American girls wearing shit like that all the time but it's the kind of stuff my mother would wear - I wouldn't be caught dead in any of it.


Gurrrrlllls you can what you want, the clothing at H&M is on trend, fantastic for basics/essentials, good quality and reasonably priced for those on a budget.
I like fashion but I can't be in and out of Viv. Westwood and Michael Kors every other week.

No. 164228

The outfit you posted is generic korean fashion. It's not exactly rocket science to get that look, and no you can't slob around the house in tights, a dress and a coat, nor can you work out in them or sleep in that. Do you literally not own casual clothing?

Also, I'm european, and the fact that you unabashedly say >everyone dresses like this in europe, when europe is so huge and different depending on where you go…Makes you sound like one of those americans…They seem to think europe is this huge monolith of culture, fashion etc.

No. 164229

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>and no you can't slob around the house in tights, a dress and a coat

I slob around the house in tights and a dress, but who wears a coat indoors anyway?

>Do you literally not own casual clothing?

Of course but I think applying the word casual to the clothes in the OP is taking it a bit too far. They're positively dismal.

But when I say EU I'm generalising. I'm not going to go listing off every country and region in the EU. It's probably easier to just state that in the US people are known to dress more….
Well I know there are exceptions, many, many, many exceptions that blow me totally out of the water and make me look like a peasant, but it's a fact that in the US people have a poorer sense of style. OP pic is a very accurate indicator of this.

No. 164230

File: 1448575460721.gif (578.73 KB, 268x268, No..gif)

>cropped shoulder salmon cowl chest top straight from the 2000's
>don't even want to talk about this one
>the token chiffon layered frill leopard tank
>generic striped hoody
>generic striped mum cardigan complete with tie so she can assure everybody she's not gotten fat
>generic striped long sleeved tee with faded poppy appliqué
>failed tie dye asymmetric batwing top
>the L O N D O N graphic tee with London Eye graphic just in case anybody gets confused as to what "London "means
>the generic cotton elastane striped cardigan
>the bargain-bin faded Union Jack tee
>the misshapen kitsch polka-dot top
>the garish bubblegum off-shoulder top

OP what were you thinking…

No. 164231

>positively dismal
i think i love you

No. 164232

Americunt here, you're a breath of fresh air, anon. Casual fashion like OP is horrific and I can't believe people are defending it. It's possible to look fine as hell on a budget and that isn't the way to go.

No. 164233

The problem is not that they're casual, it's that they're hideous and dated. You can dress casually without looking like a soccer mom circa 2004.

No. 164234


Ah I'm relieved you're not offended by what I said.

No. 164235


it's okay, some people aren't fashionable.

No. 164236

OP pic makes me feel like I'm being slapped by my old middle school fashion choices.

No. 164237

kek, this. Exactly the embarassing type of shit i wore before my emo weeb period (which is even worse actually)

No. 164238

Really don't want to drag on op's choice of awful clothing but it's just so hilarious to me, It's literally pre 2005 disney channel fashion which was, and has always been terrible. Anyway lately I've been shopping nastygal they have gorgeous stuff it's just a shame a lot of it's expensive.

No. 164239

>tfw you think the clothes in OP pic are cute

send help

No. 164240


Tbh I think age and culture has a lot to do with what clothes you like. Like OP's pic is very 2009-2011 midwest.

No. 164241

I love Taobao so much oh my god. Sure you get some (a lot of) cheap, bad-quality shit but you can also get really decent and cute clothes for good prices.

No. 164242

Please use >>14371

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