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No. 162373

Does anyone else just buy tons of clothes, bags and shoes they don't even need but just love them?

Like, I usually just sell things I'm bored of so I can buy more stuff. It's an obsession. I work and have money saved but any extra spare cash (or half of my wages) just goes on new clothes… bags and everything. I just love shit.

No. 162374

I buy tons of weeb and taobao stuff and then never wear them because I don't go anywhere anyways.

No. 162375


I do too but only for pictures. I wear serious shit out in my day to day life but I like to be kawaii for my insta ~

No. 162376

same. well, i have been way too lazy to make an instagram, so i don't even post pictures anywhere since i stopped using tumblr and don't have any other social media. i really want to make an insta to post my mini kawaii shit hauls, figs, and manicures, but i'm just lazy to make a new email. the insta i have now with my current email is exclusively for my dog… i don't need to show all my followers my nails when they want to see my dog. anyway, back on to topic:

i buy stuff on taobao and aliexpress, try them on once, and that's it. sometimes i wear things to the grocery store or out to dinner, but i feel like i'll actually like 1/10 items i buy. then that special piece gets rotated into my tiny selection of clothes i actually wear. i DO use my stupid kawaii shit like coasters and stuff. but then i buy "bigger items" and never ever wear them. well, i know these things wouldn't be considered bigger to a lot of farmers and gulls, but i got the antique beast bat headdress and a ciciworks witch hat and have never worn either. i'm not even a lolita. i bought one indie taobao dress, hated the way it looked on me, and never wore it again.

No. 162377

Same here and even on the incredibly rare occasions I actually do go out, I'm usually way too lazy or too scared to wear the stuff out.

No. 162378


I was really nervous about wearing that kind of stuff in public but people didnt seem to care or complimented me. Just try it because people arent as big of dicks as you might think.

No. 162379

It depends, if it's extremely OTT you might get some nasty looks or comments. Also if you're in an area with a lot of teenagers or black people be prepared to have a bad time.

No. 162380

If you can't coord for shit and walk around looking pixielocks then yea people will probably stare. Lol. Just gotta find the right balance between kawaii and normalfag

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