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No. 161197

Ladies, I've been have this problem with the skin on my face and….my face i guess.

In the mornings, my skin would always look it best and my face would be perfectly fine BUT as the day goes on my face and nose starts to feel really stuffy. Like my face would literally feel like a pillow. My eyes get dry and my cheeks go a really vibrant pink.

It's really uncomfortable and its also not a good look. Does anyone have any idea as to what could be wrong and how I can prevent this from happening.

No. 161198


No. 161199


i don't have any allergies.

No. 161200

What products do you use on your skin? What lotion and makeup?

No. 161201


the lotion i use is the aveeno moisturising one, i use other face creams, scrubs, masks etc. i wear very minimal makeup, just lipstick or lip tint :/

No. 161202

Have you had an allergy test done to confirm this? It definitely sounds like allergies

No. 161203

This sounds like allergies Anon. Get a test.

No. 161204

I'm thinking of making an appointment soon. does anyone think it might be hayfever?

No. 161205

If you do get it checked out, I'd be interested in the results. Maybe I should get tested too. I'm not sure how to ask for it.

I had something similar, but maybe not as severe? My doctor didn't do any tests and just said it was "probably allergies". Nothing specific. She's kind of a shit doctor so it didn't make me feel better. Anyway, I take generic claritin for it. Helps with the stuffiness and dry eyes at least. I still am red in the face by the end of the day. It's especially bad during the fall, I've been feeling a bit swollen and dried out for a few weeks and I'd be way worse without my meds. I have sensitive skin on my face so there are a lot of lotions and masks that can make it worse, too. It took me a long time to find the right ones.

My skin is so lovely, dewy, and even toned in the morning. I wish it would stay that way.

No. 161206

Sounds like allergies. I have the same symptoms every summer.

No. 161207

Anon! What products have you used, ive been trying to find some for sensetive skin but nothing really works :/ its also nice to relate to someone, a lot of what you said i can understand.

No. 161208

It could be your makeup, hayfever, a cream you're using, or even pollution.

Have you tried doing the allergy elimination diet?

No. 161209


As a warning: I really have no idea if the stuff I use is generally considered good or bad for sensitive skin. They just work for me in this particular combination. Some of it's Korean beauty shit I got off Amazon while I was searching for new things to try.

In the morning I wash my face with good old Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash, dab my face with Skin Food Peach Sake Toner, and then for moisturizing I use Olay Complete with SPF 15. My skin has been very tolerant of this combo for over a year and a half. I wash my face with cold water at night and apply Good Night White Sleeping Mask from Mizon before going to bed. I don't exfoliate as the acne wash does a pretty good job of that.

I started using an alcohol aloe vera toner yesterday and my face is looking less red and less puffy. I'll have to wait and see if I react badly after using it for a while.

I've tried all kinds of home remedies and sensitive skin stuff and natural things and none of it works on me. Some of the stuff I've used that was marketed as sensitive skin was the worst and actually gave me mild allergic reactions. Especially things that have Shea butter, coconut oil, or really any oil.

I hate my face. My body is not sensitive to anything but goddamn my face skin is the most delicate shit. It's evening here and I can feel my eyelids are swollen.

No. 161210


*alcohol free aloe vera toner

Lmao that sounded real dumb

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