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File: 1439483031502.jpg (341.72 KB, 1200x708, sunburn-art.jpg)

No. 159404

ITT stupid trends. They don't have to be popular.


This shit is disgusting as fuck.

No. 159405

Lol wow. Enjoy your pain, skin cancer and premature aging. It was worth it to get that cute photo on your tumblr.

PSA for any farmers who don't do this: Wear sunscreen on every exposed part of your body, every day. Even if you're only outside for 20 minutes. Reapply if you've been in the sun for a few hours. You'll thank me when you're 30.

No. 159406

Left pic looks like some kind of terrible skin condition

No. 159407

No. 159408

I love how bimbos tan like crazy and diss pale girls, then they end up looking like leather handbags by age 30. Feels good man.

No. 159409

I think the flower is kinda cute though. the others are gross looking/

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