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No. 156211

No. 156212

Is aliexpress a good place to buy makeup? Specifically eyeshadow?

I don't wear much at all besides a nude (light beige) and white, and despite that, don't wanna spend over over $40 for those two shades. I kinda wanna get a palette but don't wanna spend too much money on something I'll end up disliking.

No. 156213

taobao all day everyday.

No. 156214


Why not just get singles tho?

No. 156215

why is everything on taobao so cheap? like seriously, for some of the pretty large items its 50 yuan which is like 5 pounds. I dont understand.

No. 156216

How is taobao's quality? Never tried buying there. Is it just chinashop crap or is it possible to find some good deals?

No. 156217

Remember you're going to have to pay SS fees, domestic and international shipping and (as a Britfag) probably customs charges too.

Taobao is thousands of different shops on one site so quality varies significantly. That's kinda like asking "How's Amazon's quality?".

No. 156218

Etsy is the best for makeup and skincare products
Lauren Brooke
PUG (pin up girl clothing)
tons of old hollywood/vintage clothing stores

No. 156219

>don't wanna spend over over $40 for those two shades

good quality eye shadow singles are expensive, doesn't seem worth it

No. 156220


tbh i dont recommend taobao at all

its more or less the shipping/customs/extra fee which turns me away

No. 156221


No. 156222

but most of the stuff there is really cheap and good quality. Plus shipping isn't that bad if you choose SAL, EMS is a rip off.

No. 156223

Where do you shop your Japanese make up and skincare products? Are private sellers more affordable than rakuten or ebay/amazon?

No. 156224


Best bet is to look on Ebay or Aliexpress (despite having to throw in random shit like "facial skin beauty asian product" or "soft skin kitty bunny facial mask" before getting to the actual fucking product) because taobao and yesasia just add up on their cost…

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