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No. 155978

Have any of you ever wore corsets? If so, how was your experience?

No. 155979

I wear a corset everyday because of the shape it gives and the style of dress I wear. When I first started, I would wear it for a few hours a day and worked my way up. I love it, gives me good posture

No. 155980

Where did u buy it

No. 155981

I would like to wear a small corset that only covers my waist and it shouldnt be too thick because id like to wear thight clothes over it but I only find these victorian style corsetts ~~~~

No. 155982

Different anon but timeless trends is where most begginners start. I had one from orchard corsets but that one started to tear at the seams pretty quikly. That being said, I wear mine pretty damn tight. I like the more exaggerated corset shapes more than the regular curve.

Man I miss tightlacing. It would just be too hard for work. :c

No. 155983

I work for a costume company, so I made a few for myself. But you can get custom ones from the interwebs, just make sure they are good quality and don't lace them too tight at first!

No. 155984

You can find them at most pinup style stores online, they're called "baby corsets"

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