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No. 1559747

Hey guys, Kelly here. Theyre removing my arms tomorrow. Cant wait to be a fucking torso

No. 1560549

why are they removing your arms kelly

No. 1560553

So you already have no legs?

No. 1560556

Picked your nerves out of your body again, huh?

No. 1560561

If that's Kelly the munchie, no she doesn't.

No. 1560562

Where is that thread? I think about those pictures sometimes and it makes me shudder in a way nothing online ever has

No. 1560564

Search for Kelly and Chompers. That pic was honestly the first time I really felt sick from a cow. My stomach still turns thicking about it.

No. 1560571

Do you think it could really be her posting on lolcow for attention again? I mean nothing could surprise me coming from her

No. 1560595

Me too. I've never felt more horror, even worse than that girl who sliced herself to literal ribbons. Seeing the jelly looking nerves out like that scared my body on a visceral level

No. 1560597

I thought she died. That pic haunts my dreams though.

No. 1560598

I dont understand how she is still alive if she is

No. 1560617

File: 1682563481974.jpeg (456.91 KB, 1512x2016, FuhqixKaYAAEDbJ.jpeg)

not sure about the thread but here is an imgur album of photos chronicling it https://imgur.io/a/MH7ZD0P

No. 1560744

Do you have pics? Morbid curiosity and all that

No. 1560779

Pretty sure they are talking about AColdnessInMyHeart

Probably the most graphic images I've ever seen of a living human and she did it mostly to herself

No. 1561052

Damn I've never seen pictures like that. I don't know this cow, from what I understand she picked her legs so hard they had to amputate them?

No. 1561296

She pulled actual nerves out of her legs. I have never seen something like that in my life.

No. 1561301

I've never seen those pictures but the mere description sends chill down my spine, holy shit. I won't even look for it I think and it actually makes me surprised because I thought I was decently desensitized.

No. 1561595

Woah damn. I'm almost fascinated. The pictures don't even gross me out that much because I can't even imagine the type of pain you'd be in, and she did it to herself. I can't even understand how it's possible to self-harm to that extent.

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