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No. 1559462

previous thread >>1551367

No. 1559479

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I have accepted my role as friend coordinator, I'm great at making acquaintances but awful at making friends. But I know a lot of cool people and I'm in lots of different social circles so whenever I throw parties, I literally watch friendships form all around me. I'm always introducing people to others that I know they have a lot in common with, and then they become close friends and slowly drift away from me. It's fun having lots of stress free, fair weather superficial friendships based on hobbies and I always have weekend plans but I wish I could have one friend who really knows me

No. 1559487

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I kinda regret not fucking an Aussie male that I made out with at a club. His accent was cute. He asked for my number but I never heard anything back…

On the other hand I'm proud that I've been celibate for nearly a year.

No. 1559500

I think I finally crossed the line with this girl I’ve been talking too and she’s finally understood that I really am unstable and unhinged. It’s a little too little too late now for me to have finally gotten my fucking act together. Fuck. I get to flirt with a girl who is exactly my type and is so understanding towards me and still interested in me despite my long nonsensical rants about my niche interests and I fuck it up because I get too wrapped up in my own fucking bullshit. I’m not even going to beg for a second chance if she ever bothers replying to me again because I know I’m going to look desperate and that’s going to just make me look worse. I fucked it up and that’s that. Her deciding that she actually does not want to shoulder the burden that is my mental illness is what I deserve for taking her already near saintly patience with me for granted.

If on the off chance she brushes it off like she has for all my previous near meltdowns then she really is a saint and I promise I’ll clean up my act.

No. 1559504

Good luck anon. I've been there before but didn't get a second chance. Probably all the better since it really woke me up to seriously consider the consequences of my behaviour and made me more determined towards self-improvement which I probably wouldn't otherwise done if I had been forgiven instead. Sometimes the best lessons in life are ones that hurt the most. If you do get a second chance absolutely make sure not to fuck it up, even if that means being apart from each other to work on your issues.

No. 1559506

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Im not going to cry because I need a scrotoid whose life revolves around loving and protecting me, Im not going to cry because I feel lonely and loveless

No. 1559511

moid related to some1 in friend group always makes fun of me being a virgin and has made offers to do shit in the past but like i dont fuckin prioritize sex, i dont get whats so bad about virginitg. he said its the fact im involuntarily celibate. well yea i barely go outside and i dont look great but i'd rather save it for a loving relationship than a hedonistic one night stand i hate men

No. 1559516

Thank you for your kind words nonna. It’s been 4 years since my last relationship and I had truly felt like I had grown as a person and grown for the better. I still think I have, but things like romantic relationships are always something I’ve struggled with. I’ve grown comfortable with myself and have come to like the person I’m becoming but I guess it wasn’t enough to stop me from being destructive. It doesn’t help that this girl looks similar to my ex (she liked me first on the dating app and I truly did ruminate on matching with her because I recognized she was physically similar to my ex). She’s a very well adjusted and nice person so I do think she deserves someone who can reciprocate what she can give. perhaps better than I could have. I got too excited and flew too close to the sun. I’m not a crying wreck over this but I really am feeling down about it, for putting this on her and just for myself for fucking it up.

No. 1559521

i was planning to dump my moid after i got back from a conference because he pays literally no attention to me so i cheated while i was there and when i got back i got manipulated into trying to let him "fix things". now i have to figure out a way to dump him over the phone.
i'm aware i'm a bad person. i never saw myself as someone who would cheat but the other person made me feel seen in a way my bf hadn't for months.

No. 1559532

>Im not going to cry because I need a scrotoid whose life revolves around loving and protecting me
Why is this so impossible to find? I want stalking, obsession, passion, jealousy.

No. 1559546

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Literally the only thing I want in life is to be normal. I'm not asking for crazy adventures or Hollywood romances I just want to be normal. I want to have average experiences. I'm tired of decaying

No. 1559556

Straightforwardly tell him "I'm not having sex with you, his name here" in front of everyone.

No. 1559558

He's a desperado pest projecting his bullshit onto you lol.

No. 1559560

don't worry nonna who really cares about your ex moid he sounds like a loser

No. 1559568

I fucking hate being alive rn

No. 1559572

really wish i was better with words, everytime i want to say something funny i get stuck because i cannot find words to spell it out. I think i am retarded.

No. 1559576

really wish i was better with words, everytime i want to say something funny i get stuck because i cannot find words to spell it out. I think i am retarded.

No. 1559584

Right? Its like devotion and loyalty is too fucking much to ask

No. 1559598

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I'd give anything to see my crush again, those chemicals were something else, I've never felt so high in my life. The serotonin,dopamine and oxytocin flowing through me was off the charts. I want to feel that high again.

No. 1559599

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I am so stupidly jealous of a girl in my class to the point that I hate going into lectures because I will always compare myself to her

No. 1559692

i'm only just now realizing how messed up my upbringing was. like when i got out of 3 months forced rehab cause they found out i smoked weed when i was 15, i liked to go to the nature reserve every day near my house to feel some peace and freedom. i lived with my dad then and he was fine with it, but when my mom found out i was going there i was grounded permanently. and to this day she still thinks i was doing drugs at the nature reserve or some shit, like i was locked up with actual tweakers for 3 months is it so hard to understand i want to be outside and alone. i never even got to play in my front yard or anything as a kid. such a restrictive fucking childhood because my parents were lazy and paranoid and for what? i can't do anything myself now

No. 1559707

I just want children. I've had baby fever for so long, it's kind of unbearable sometimes.

No. 1559709

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I feel you nonny.

No. 1559710

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I love all the nonas here. It's a comforting thought just knowing there are nonnies out there, all around the world, they walk among us.

No. 1559714

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No. 1559715

i have classes in 5 hours but i can't sleep. i just studied for a bit but it's not very productive because it's so late. i don't feel tired though and seriously can't sleep, i laid in bed for 4 hours (no phone or any other excuses)and it didn't work so now i'm here.
i will feel like dogshit in class

No. 1559726

I was on my period today and i did an exam, so i sat for 2 hours straight. Normally a little sweat on the seat is expected, my my period completely went all the way to the tip of my ass crack and went on the chair. At first i thought is was just moisture…. i literally bled on the chair. and left it there. 2 people know it was me. I never have issues with leaks, i always long ass night sanitary towels. This has never happened to me before. I didn't even have a heavy flow, literally just a big circle of blood near my asshole. I have been stressing about this all day, i can never show my face there again, i want to die.

No. 1559728

happens to the best of us.
this literally happened to me a month ago in court (was there for an apprenticeship), we had to sit for three hours straight and i somehow bled through my pad and all the layers of my outfit.
i kind of awkwardly wiped it off those wooden chairs with the inside of my coat (or at least tried to), i'm still so embarassed but life goes on

No. 1559734

it's ok. it happens, it can be embarrassing though shouldn't be. gotta let it go anon. it didn't kill you or anyone else, and I'm sure many women in that room have experienced that unexpected leak themselves and would understand.

I've always thought public rooms should have disinfecting wipes or sprays/paper towels like gyms do. that way people can wipe down their shared desks/chairs before/after they use them. especially in cases like this where if you notice it but cannot clean it immediately because you don't have access to water or a wipe or something. plus you can discreetly wipe after most leave if you wait around.
my thighs love to sweat in summer and the amount of embarrassing butt/thigh marks ive left on chairs had really made me paranoid. now I'm mostly like whatever, i cannot control it and it's part of being human, but again, being human, it gets to me sometimes

not necessarily related but vid: 7:30, Kenyan politician puts fake period stain on her pants during meeting in attempt to destigmatize menstruation and stress the importance of access to period products to girls and women

No. 1559745

This happened to me with my first ever period nonna, it’ll be okay. It happens. You’re not alone

No. 1559758

My partner is hinting lately that she’s unable to keep doing long distance and I’m spiralling about it. Was she infatuated with me this entire time and now that it’s feeling inconvenient, I’m no longer needed? I try to remind her that the distance won’t be forever but she doesn’t see how, I feel helpless. Why isn’t love and hope enough?

No. 1559761

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It happens nonnie but it still makes you wanna hide away even though it’s happened to every woman at some point.

When I was 14 I was sitting with my sports team in my white uniform. I was the youngest on the team by far, most were 17ish so somehow it felt more mortifying when I leaked through my white sports uniform, attempted to clean it up while the team was at breakfast and ended up taking the field in pink/white stained uniform pants. I didn’t want to go back to school for weeks but a decade later and I can shrug it off.

No. 1559774

stayed awake until now, looks like i'll be going into class with no sleep
hope the prof isn't too boring today

No. 1559783

A fly got in my coffee and I don't even have much milk to make more. And I rarely drink coffee too. I'm so sad. I'll probably make another with lots of creamer instead.

No. 1559784

Relationships are way more than love and hope.
Do you have concrete plans for your future together (esp. if immigration is involved) and similar hopes for your lives? Even non-LDR relationships can't continue without those.
Don't just break up over whimsy but if either of you isn't getting something you need and there's no way to get it in the relationship then the relationship is toast.

No. 1559791

We were going to have a housewarming party, but we realized neither me nor my bf have enough friends that would come. This shit is beyond depressing.

No. 1559801

I wish I was eating brie cheese right now. I want brisket too. Don't have any brie or brisket. Sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad

No. 1559802

happened to me in middle school with white yoga pants of course. also the day i had to stay after school due to not doing my homework. a guy i knew gave me his jacket to wrap around my hips until dad picked me up.

No. 1559816

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scrote posted, dont scroll up

No. 1559817

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No. 1559818

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scrote detected, dont scroll up

No. 1559819

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Don't scroll

No. 1559826

Bump don't scroll moid dickpic

No. 1559829

don't feel bad, and leave whenever you're ready. i know it sounds obviously biased but imo men and women cheat for different reasons. first off men watch porn and fantasize about other women all the freaking time. usually women cheat when their men barely put any effort in the relationship anymore (which seemed to be your case), but moids will cheat on women who love them, compliment them, fuck them, clean their shit and more. i've never seen it the other way around and honestly it has desensitized me to women cheating. women always do more in the relationship and if a man can't bring the minimum to the table such as giving affection and attention to his gf then that's his problem. and no it doesn't work the other way around when a moid cheats right after his wife gives birth because she's not checking out of the relationship, she's literally taking care of their CHILD and healing her body. sorry it turned into a rant kekk

No. 1559834

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No. 1559849

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scrote pic posted, dont scroll

No. 1559851

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Bumping this disgusting retard woman coomer pic up

No. 1559886

Welp I'm glad that I cannot see that. Epic fail LOL

No. 1559891

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No. 1559895

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They just make me very mad nonnies I can't contain myself

No. 1559900

My first period in 7th grade was humiliating. Whats sort of funny about it was that I packed pads with me to school for a month prior because I knew it was coming and I wanted to be prepared. That day though I had given up on getting my period and just forgot my pads at home. Went to school and after first period I noticed every time I stood up I felt pee leaving my body or something but it was a small amount so I ignored it and I don't know why). By 4th or 5th period some kid in my science class asked "whats that smell" and when I met up with a friend after that class she shuffled me to the bathroom. I was wearing khaki pants and had a huge dark red circle on my butt. I had to get a pair of basketball shorts the rest of class and I felt so embarrassed I caught it so late. I leaked once or twice in 8th grade and had to change too. Leaks suck and they still happen to me from time to time I just wear two pads at once I know..but I can't wear tampons for some reason.

No. 1559932

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Tomorrow I’m rostered on with a coworker I have a palpable sexual tension with. I promised myself I’d never be a messy bitch getting into workplace romances. Different strokes for different folks but I just can’t go there.

No. 1559962

Did you really have to tell me I was a fat pig with no self control starting at nine years old? Oh but you didnt hit me like your parents did to you so that makes it fine? By the way you never lost any weight in your life, EVER, so I guess you're a fat pig too.

No. 1559983

I'm getting tired of the rampant doomerism online. Look I'm not saying things aren't bad or could get worse, but in a subreddit I like to read to kil time sometimes, I saw a completely unironic post about how there's going to be a new holocaust. Like these people are mostly middle class white women (in the case of that particular sub) so it just feels kinda gross to see them act like they're about to be rounded up soon.

No. 1559986

I got banned in LSA for telling a font to shutup im so sad I can’t even reply to messages until the end of may. All I said was shutup!! stupid site

No. 1559993

My husband’s father died recently, and I ended up texting my dad after months of no contact. It ended up with him texting, “is the funeral over yet? I want to send you a picture of my girlfriend.” Fucking blocked. She’s about my age, so I’m sure he thinks he should show her off. It’s fucking embarrassing. The woman should be embarrassed too, being with a guy 30 years her senior

No. 1559996

I’d disown my dad if he dated someone my age. Would prove that all the times he’s been a creep to me it wasn’t just “oh haha your dad is a stupid asshole nonnie but he loves you and would never hurt you!” I hate the constant gaslighting from my mother that he’s actually totally a good person. Just because after he does egregious boundary crossing shit that I have explicitly set boundaries against, he will laugh and say it was totally just a joke. It’s not just a joke and I fucking know it, I’m not laughing, nobody is laughing, the “joke” is making me uncomfortable by crossing every boundary I try to set no matter how big or small. The “joke” is that he doesn’t give a shit about anything I say, he ignores 90% of what I say to him, he only responds when he wants to antagonize or bully me.

No. 1560000

Samefag but I’m going to visit my mom today and of course since she refuses to divorce the piece of shit he will be there. I wish she’d leave him and marry some guy who is actually nice to me and respects me.

My dads been teasing my dog everytime I visit lately. Just amping it up every damn time. I tell him what not to do around her - BASIC shit like don’t take her food from her. And then he goes and tries to take a high value treat I gave her when I’m not looking. She snarls and snaps at him and he starts telling me I need to control my dog and I was like what the fuck happened. He said he should be able to take food from a dog’s mouth. WHAT?! I should be able to, and I can, not some man she doesn’t even live with? My dog already doesn’t trust scrotes in general, she prefers women by far. God he’s such a useless piece of fucking shit.

No. 1560003

I really need a win soon. It's felt like anything is against me these past few months. I can't stand people that make me feel like a villain for standing up for myself, or reacting to their bullshit. I try to be understanding and patient, I don't think people realise how much I do let go before I put my foot down. It's all so exhausting. Please, I really need a win. I need one of the many stressful situations I have going on right now to pan out for me. Please, just one!

No. 1560019

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My manager is putting me in another team soon and he warned me that it's going to be a much bigger workload with a lot of communication and I am afraid that I'm going to fail miserably. I honestly feel like I am not cut out for work, period. I forget shit, misundersrand tasks and I'm horrible at time management and always end up missing the deadline. Communication is also another big issue for me. It's funny because I was good at studying and everyone around considers me smart but I feel and act retarded once it's a work situation. Shoot me. And to think I'm supposed to do this for decades
I love this painting nonna

No. 1560040

i just cracked my phone screen into a million pieces, thankfully none fell out but now i'm not sure what to do. i want to cry because i'm so poor right now i really can't afford repairing it and you just know iphone repairs cost an arm and a leg ( if you're in my financial position ). is it dangerous in any way? what can i do to just live with it for the time being?

No. 1560041

Maybe put a new screen protector on it so you don't cut your fingers

No. 1560046

Can you buy an old iphone? Like a refubished 8? Sometimes thifty book/electronic places sell them cheap.

No. 1560048

No. 1560059

I always wondered what font meant

No. 1560061

If the Touchscreen works fine, you can still use it for months.

No. 1560067

thanks for trying to help kindanon but my phone is already a refurbished iphone 8 funnily enough that i bought on discount. screen replacement are around 120 dollars approximately and there's no way i can afford that let alone another phone for the same price
yeah i'll do just that, thanks for the tip!

No. 1560090

Aaaa I feel like I'm losing my sanity, why doesn't my brain learn faster, I know I have to hurry up to finally be free but I just don't and as a result I have even less free time to relax. I wanna seriously punch someone. I hate this life I hate this fucking cage I've made for myself and I hate myself for failing to achieve what I thought I easily could. My brain is three years too old to be good at this shit. I wanna rest I want to go outside and have fun I wanna eat whatever and be like I was before. I want to have memories with my grandma before she dies and with my parents who got so, so old in these few years, their faces are so different now. I want to go back in time and choose a different major, I wish I chose IT so fucking bad. This is six years of hell and for what? For having too much responsibility, mess up and fuck up someone's life and everyone will hate you, mess up and it will be your fault for being a dumb idiot with low intelligence and can't remember basic shit. For what, a few pennies and no sleep. Or choose a different specialisation like a psychiatry because technically you won't kill anyone, only for people to mistake you with a therapist psychologist and have your grandparents and family be disappointed that their doctor kid chose the least respected specialty. So unfair. Maybe they should work in a hospital and have the burden of saving lives on their shoulders to experience how much fun it is.
I'll be like 40 when I'm finally happy - and I think I'll die young. So I'll have like 15 years of happy life. I have no partner, no best friend, my hobbies are dying, my talents are dead. Why did I not choose something I was excelling at but the thing that seemed the most 'amazing' and difficult. Did I prove something to myself? To others? I proved shit, I only proved how someone talented can become an under average idiot who deserves no respect when surrounded by geniuses who are only mildly inconvenienced by exams and already invent shit and organise nonprofit societies while working full time and going to gym every day.
I will never forgive myself for choosing this path. And it's too late now, I'm approaching 30 and my brain is not able to suck up a different major like it would be a few years ago. I'm at the end everything is too late. It was already too late three years ago. Only half a year to go and I'll have a title that I don't even deserve. Under-performing unintelligent piece of shit.

No. 1560098

I got ghosted for the first time ever by a moid and it's just confusing me. I feel like I'm going to obsess over what I "did wrong". I'm not even hurt by it, but I do wonder what caused it.

No. 1560102

Nah, hes just an idiot

No. 1560104

Who was he? Probably something bad in his life happened or he caught feelings for another girl, block him on all platforms and forget about him.

No. 1560108

God I know this is most likely the pre-finals stress talking but I just can't go on anymore I'm fucking tired of going to school without a real break and I know I'm screwing myself now because this is my last semester and the end I right there in front of me, but I just can't fucking get myself to finish these projects on time. Adding on that my family have been putting everything on me from important phone calls/appointments to all the house chores and taking care of a dog that no one wanted but now we have one because of my dad. Just because I have no job and no reason to get out of the house besides school doesn't mean that I have to take care of everyone else, I'm barely passing my last and most important class while I have to deal with everyone's problems from money to basic shit like chores. And ever since lock down and my mom's minor stroke last summer my dad has become even more insufferable and incompetent and more loose with his money, constantly having to ask my mom and his sister for money and taking my mom's credit card to buy things he doesn't need and just recently forcing her to take out another loan after she just finished paying off her last one because he wants another car since I'm close to hopefully graduating when we all know I won't be getting a job until later this year or next year. I just want to be done with school and get this degree that I know will go to waste because I don't want any kind of a career in my area of study study because I can't talk to people to save my life so I can't make connections to gain clients. I just can't with these five projects before finals and having to be everyone's maid.

No. 1560115

A guy I knew in secondary school that I hadn't spoken to since we were 15-16 (We're mid 20s now). He sort of (jokingly?) lovebombed me at first, talked about how we were going to get married, which I wasn't reciprocating. He was pretty sweet, called me beautiful and said I was physically perfect for him and he really liked my personality, said he wanted to take me out on a date & pay, which didn't actually happen, he'd tell me he was excited to finish work so he could call me. Things of that nature, but barely more than the minimum. I thought he was cute and I liked the attention but I wasn't all that invested. I do think it's likely to be either another girl or he was just buttering me up so I'd sleep with him but I would avoid anything sexual so it probably got boring for him.

No. 1560119

He sounds mentally ill. I doubt he found another girl, probably his mental issues.
I had a like five mental dudes acts similar to him towards me and they all fucked me over in one way or another so I think you're lucky he got rid of himself. Like one of those guys kept love bombing me, calling me naturally pretty, etc but then he went to my friends and told them people of my ethnicity were barbaric subhumans after I didn't reciprocate, kek.
Other love bombing one thought I was cheating even though I wasn't, tried to talk to other girls to make me jealous and had a fight with a male friend because he thought I was cheating with him.
You saved yourself from the humiliation I went through, you really are lucky. I doubt he found another girl and even if he did, he probably went with her because he thinks she's easier to trick. This type of men go for naive girls they want to control.

No. 1560122

Sorry that happened to you nonnie. That's fucked up. Lovebombers are a strange breed. Hopefully you meet (or have already met) someone normal and mature, kek.
I guess ultimately it is pointless for me to even try and get into his head. But I know that it's not a me problem so that's good enough.

No. 1560131

Last night I was feeling empty, lonely, stressed, and tired as usual. I thought to myself ‘what if I really just did it this year and killed myself?’ And it brought me a sense of relief. My life isn’t horrible. There’s nothing that I’m trying to escape. There’s just a lot of little things that bother me and I put up with it because I know life isn’t easy, but its so hard to see the point of it all. I put up with the regular stressors of life, but for what exactly?

Anyway I usually tell myself that I might as well stick around because there’s no point in ending things prematurely when I don’t know how my life will play out. But I’m just so tired of feeling this way that it feels pleasant to think ‘well maybe in a year I can just end things and be done with it.’ But it’s scary to think about of course. And I would feel so bad for my parents who I know love me and try their best and I have one friend who I really care about. I’d feel bad if I just disappeared on her one day. Anyway I do have a therapist, but I guess it hasn’t been helping. I feel torn. Do I invest energy into really figuring out how to kill myself next year or do I invest energy into trying to make myself ‘better’ (but how to even do that? I feel like I’ve been trying to work on myself for a while now) so that family and one friend won’t be sad?

No. 1560135

Happened to me and my friends so many times when we were in our dating stage of life. Moids ghost unexpectedly all the time and you won't be able to predict it at all. They just like the chase or they get bored, their words are really, really empty. Many men think like animals don't worry about it at all, they don't feel real love or emotions towards women, it's just wanting to have as many women as they can to feel accomplished and wanting to feel like they "won" when they're wanted. You didn't sleep with him so he probably went on to lovebomb some other girl more likely to sleep with him. He'll probably come back in around 6-9 months but don't even reply to him.

No. 1560138

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"the chinese created tiktok in order to make americans dumber" has to be the stupidest conspiracy theory ever. Every retard take from tiktok has been said by americans on tumblr, an american app, yeeeears before tiktok was even invented. The disorder faking, claiming that ever
is phobia or ism, it all originated on tumblr. Even the blatant consoomerism isn't tiktoks fault america is known for being the country of consoomerism. Americans created retard idpol and now they wanna blame the chinese for it. fuck off

No. 1560139

My parents abused me then tell me to get over it when I ask for help, or start talking about how hard their lives are. I don't get it. Why did they have me?

No. 1560145

Your parents sound like mine. Probably because everyone else had one.

No. 1560150

I am/was in a similar position. There were two things that put me off comitting suicide though. First, I lost a very close friend to it and it was a slow and fucked up death (that was massively traumatic for all of his loved ones). And second, there was a website, that I can't seem to find now, but the fatality rates are a lot lower than you would expect. There's lots of space to go wrong and fuck yourself up permanently. You can give yourself a slow and painful death doing things you think would kill you instantly. When I reached out for help and people gave me emotional reasons to stay strong it didn't make much difference. Looking at it more practically is how I was able to decide I'd prefer not to risk it. I wish I could be your friend, though.

No. 1560153

They could barely afford to take care of one so they had 4. I have a brother with a disability and nobody has bothered to fully understand how it works except him and me. I'm past the age when my mom had her first kid and can't understand what she expected.

No. 1560158

Within the first 5 mins I spent online today I read men sympathising with guys who're digging up and necro-raping womens bodies.. (poor guys have no access to sex, how soul crushing for them, we need sex workers to fix this!) and then a whole debate on how women shouldnt be allowed to divorce men without getting the mans permission. No permission.. get fucked bitch.

I swear that only a few years ago you'd have to actually go check out an incel board or some dodgy part of the internet to read this same shit and now its just unashamedly posted everywhere. Like I guess its good that men tell on themselves and younger women have access to these shitty opinons before they go thinking that 'oh but bad guys are insanely rare' but once you already know that.. it'd be nice to not stumble across this day in and day out on 'normal' parts of the internet.

No. 1560160

You know what's really annoying? When you talk to someone and you just casually mention something that implies that you're a hermit generally speaking or that you don't really have anything going on in your life, without complaining or going into detail, moreover, you usually say it because you are ASKED about something and you just say it how it is, and then people start reacting like you've said something unimaginable, like what you said is terrible and it's horrific levels of self-criticism, so they're like "nah, you must be exaggerating", and it seems like they're weirdly uncomfortable with your replies even if, repeating myself here, you didn't go into details and weren't complaining, and information you gave was actually pretty neutral, it's just that it made it clear you're not super-extraverted and bubbly and energetic and so on. Why do you want to talk to me and why asking questions about me at all, do I have to pretend that I lead certain way of life that makes me look more successful or something?
I swear to god, either I don't understand something, or people are just weird. I don't even overshare and what I do is not self-deprecation and yet still someone would get visibly uncomfortable or take my words as harsh self-criticism so they have to reassure me. What the fuck

No. 1560163

Yeah that was a big thing that put me off of it too. If I really were to kill myself I’d really want to research it because I don’t want to fuck it up. I know a gun is most lethal, but I don’t have access to one (and am I really going to go through the effort of learning how to shoot and handle a gun just so I can kill myself lol). I’m sorry with what happened to your friend. And I’m sorry that you’re going through the same thing. I tell myself I should just figure out why I’m unsatisfied with my life and then change things so that I actually am happy with it and enjoy living but obviously that’s easier said than done. And I’m in therapy for that reason but it doesn’t seem to help at all. It’d be nice to have a friend I could talk to about all this. Most of my friends I don’t think are close enough to me to be of any help and the one friend who is I really care about and don’t want to worry her at all.

No. 1560164

If you want to make a throwaway email address you're welcome to post it here and I'll get in touch with you. But I totally get if you're not interested in connecting with someone you met on LC lol

No. 1560165


I'm still gonna go alone but jfc I worry for her health.

No. 1560167

Sure, give me like an hour or so since I’m at work right now but I’ll get back to you with a throwaway email once I make one kek.

No. 1560168

Sounds good, nonnie. I'll check back then

No. 1560172

God nona I'm in a similar situation. I'm very extroverted and can chat with literally anyone and love to organize get togethers. I get along with my friends and we have fun in our classes but if I don't prompt them to hang out they don't. I don't mind, we're all stem students and we have work and outside lives, but damn if it doesn't feel just a little bad. We have fun and do things, but only if I prompt them to outside of class hours. I have a few friends who aren't like that but they're at schools on the other side of the country and we rarely see each other. What is kind of crazy is of all my uni friends, the first one I ever made in my first non-online post-covid class is the only one who isn't a "passive" friend. No hate to the girlies, they're great, just would be nice to not feel like a little rat pressing a button for any sort of response. Like you I've accepted my role, but a part of me feels disappointed because I think part of the disconnect resulted from the fact that several of my friends really dedicated themselves to this one class, but I didn't, so I wasn't invited to study sessions or anything. As a result, even though our courses and projects continue overlap, they're just closer and prefer to study together. Don't mind and I understand, but it's mildly frustrating because I literally asked one of these serious studier friends if she wanted to review for an exam with me and she didn't, only for me to score higher. It feels weird sometimes to have so many contacts and extracurriculars yet only a few people I'm close enough to that they'll text me unprompted.

No. 1560175

I do this where I think about suicide as a form of self-soothing. The thought of it is so hugely relieving to me, there is nothing else like it. But I'm not sure if this makes me any more likely to kill myself than anyone else. Maybe it makes me less likely since I would not be impulsive about it and I think on impulse is the main way that completed suicides happen. I'm actually not sure if this passive suicidal thinking is in any way related to actual suicide. I don't think I could ever kill myself while my sister is alive, anyway. Sometimes I resent her for that. I hope I don't get ever sick enough that I believe she is better off without me because I really know that's not true. Sorry for rambling on your post nona.

No. 1560187

There is some horrible alcoholic that appeared in my neighborhood that I've started seeing the past few days. Today he walked past by me, not even that close, at least two-three meters, and the stench made me gag like never before. No joke, I gaged for at least 5 minutes non-stop, I cried from how much I gaged, tears streaming down my face. I barely recovered, I just stopped gagging but I'm still very queasy. Jesus fucking Christ it's still in my nostrils, what the fuck did I inhale, I'm afraid of actually getting sick from that toxic cloud
That pile of rubbish should be removed from the streets, I don't care it once used to be human

No. 1560196

>ut it's mildly frustrating because I literally asked one of these serious studier friends if she wanted to review for an exam with me and she didn't, only for me to score higher.
what's mildy infuriating about that? are you implying you think she didn't want to review with you because she thought she knew the material better than you? sometimes people just wanna solo study or have other things that take priority or just don't feel like it.

No. 1560203

Bummed that lolcow is being flooded by positive pattys who are so worried about anons being mean or negative and screeching about mean girls and bullying. Wish they’d fuck off to reddit or tumblr or wherever like this is the one place we can be retards or bitches why do you want to turn it into the rest of the fake ass corporate web

No. 1560206

shut up fatso
is that what you like to hear

No. 1560213

File: 1682532243951.gif (16.88 KB, 220x176, 77A89785-29AC-4474-AB55-C11B07…)

Yes nonny c-can I have some more

No. 1560218

Don’t worry about it. I think it’s a self-soothing thing for me too. Whenever I get stressed about any mild inconvenience, I tell myself that worst case I can just kill myself and not deal with it anymore. I agree that it probably doesn’t increase the likelihood that I’d do it, but I suppose ruminating so much on killing myself probably impacts my quality of life. That’s sweet that you care so much about your sister. It’s also tough because unfortunately having people you care about (or who care about you) isn’t always enough to really feel like life is worth living. It feels like being caught in this in between of wanting to die but also not wanting to hurt people.

Just made it! You can reach out at figtoast@protonmail.com

No. 1560226

What are you even talking about? I only saw anons talking about stuff that isn't even from lolcow (like that tiktok video, or anons talking about their experiences with being bullied IRL). If you're being a bitch to another anon for no real reason, anons will say something (rightfully so) but it doesn't mean anyone is trying to change the site.

No. 1560234

I just read sperging about meangirls in 3 different threads and there’s definitely been a shift towards everything is valid! uwu bullshit

No. 1560239

Nobody cares + ur ugly

No. 1560248

You’re on lolcow

No. 1560249

and you are dumb

No. 1560254

Just to clarify I’m the one you replied with this >>1560248 .i had no clue what the argument was about I just joined in without reading. Just read your argument. Your take is garbage

No. 1560256

shut up fatso

No. 1560257

That anon isn’t me idgaf about your unfunny response

No. 1560279

I’m so scared of my male friend trooning out. Sometimes he’ll wear feminine shit which is okay by me but looks cringe sometimes and he made some survey for a stats assignment about opinions on trans people and I really hope he’s not one of them. I definitely keep my terf opinions to myself for reputation reasons so i wouldn’t unfriend him based on a difference of beliefs, but if he troons out I might have to make an excuse.

No. 1560296

A 60 year old man used to come into my workplace and try to corner me and say shit like, "Wow you're so fit, you're so in shape, you keep trim, whats your secret, figure, body, fitness, wow, body, in shape!".. on repeat like hes seeing you for the first time every time. Same shit non stop. I don't exercise. There is no fitness to talk about and I never entertained the topic. It's just him eyeing you up and down and trying to choose his words somewhat carefully. We eventually had a system of me just heading out the back whenever I or anyone else spotted him coming in because it got ridiculous and no amount of grey rock, 'uh are you looking to buy something' or even the boss intercepting ever got through his skull. Cool.. til he stopped coming into my work when he caught onto that plan and now he has learnt my route home instead (I have to walk) and he comes up to me every single evening like its a chance meeting.

At first I was like… well at least I can tell him to fuck off now that I'm not tied to work etiquette bs…nope still persists. I'll sometimes take an annoying detour home but at this rate the old fucker is gonna learn my detour route next. I ducked into a store today before he spotted me and I watched him stand around in the usual spot where he tends to 'bump into me' I saw him wait around like hes expecting someone. Something about actually seeing him wait around for me had me losing it. I'm sick of dreading him. I'm sick of ignoring, of grey rocking, of being straightforward, of being more than straighforward and him just persisting no matter how much I make it clear that I want him to leave me the fuck alone and stop trying to approach me. Its go apeshit time.

Its outside work so I can't be fired for how I react. What would you do next time? Keeping in mind that people have this "aww sweet lonely old men just want to talk" stereotype that stops them from quite taking it seriously.

No. 1560297

if he's into women regardless of if he troons out or not there's a chance he has AGP. not that you can't be friends with a scrote like that but keep it in mind the fetish would be there regardless.

No. 1560300

I'd report it to the police just in case, but realistically they won't do anything with it because he hasn't actually dooooone anything, at least that's how it'd go where I am. But you might as well get it on record. If you don't want to do that, I'd take a big moid (father, brother whatever) with me to intimidate him and tell him to fuck off.

No. 1560301

It's crazy how life is a roller coaster. They say it gets better and I'm surprised and feel uncomfortable that it's happening to me. Last year was the worst year of my life, my ex treated me like shit and i lost myself in his insults, I'm ugly I'm not good enough counting women he finds more attractive than me… Before i met him i had confidence and i cut my hair short because i wanted to remove damaged bleached hair (i did it for myself not for looking more attractive) a completely normal thing to do, in his eyes he thought i was being too masculine or something. Either way i became depressed summer last year, couldn't shake it off until March where i had to redo a class missed last year. I'm finally feeling like myself again, i passed my first exam and the second one went well, i think. My hair is growing back (mid back now) and i hate the male attention now. I hate that they only find me attractive because of how long my hair is. Today i was so uncomfortable and it all reminded of my disgusting demon ex. I kept my hair tied back after. When i pass this second exam I'm going to cut it short again. Fuck moids.

No. 1560309

>there’s definitely been a shift towards everything is valid! uwu bullshit
Haven't noticed this. I frequent /g/ and have noticed a shift towards certain anons being hateful when it's uncalled for and constantly baiting/trying to start infights. I've enjoyed reading those boards for years so it sucks. Maybe it's just me, but I wish thread rules on /g/ were enforced more because I think there could be a lot of great discussions but nowawadays it always derails into retarded infighting. I'm probably not mentally ill enough for lolcow tho tbh.

No. 1560310

get a scrote you know to threaten to beat him or start filming him, just double check legality where you are. cops can be kind of useless or make things worse. i hope the worthless piece of shit has a heart attack.

No. 1560311

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Is it because mercury is in gatorade that all this shit is happening? My dog died yesterday and I can’t cope with her absence. I swear every time I go to the kitchen I hear her little paws running towards me but I know she’s not here, she’s gone forever. My neighbor - in a schizo rage - cut the cable line and threatened the repair man so now I have to wait for the property manager and police to show up so it can be fixed. Also my mom has been texting me like crazy and trying to say that I’m not really happy and hate my fiancé because I complained about groceries and rent being expensive. She’s been wanting to divorce my dad since I was a child but because she’s too much of a pussy to do it she instead projects her relationship problems onto my sister and I. God damn all I want right now is to be laying on a beach somewhere with a joint and a margarita fuck!!

No. 1560347

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As I’m in my late mid twenties, the thought to become pregnant scares me. I hate that society romanticized pregnancy and being a mother seem easy!

My mother and sister both had a c-section and the fact I have a tight vagina, tells me I’m likely to have one too when having a child!

I want to have one child of my own, but carrying a child and giving birth is exhausting. And the health problems that can come with it…

Might want to adopt but adopting is expensive, especially if you want a baby.
Not sure wtf I want, because right now I haven’t even had a decent boyfriend, who can be husband material.
Definitely marry the right guy but who knows what’s next.

No. 1560363

You can be a retarded bitch all you want but it's the terminally online twitterfags who think it works like this off screen too. Several anons made fun of edgy/ott mean girl larpers, not using it unironically in an "noooo we all must be luvlies" way.

No. 1560365

There's way more infighting if anything, especially in the last 10 vent threads. usually over the most benign topics too.
Nta who responded but isn't that the type of responses you wanted kek

No. 1560368

File: 1682543874691.png (5.38 KB, 776x442, noooooo.png)

Youtube vanced suddenly stopped working and every video shows this noooooo i don't want to watch ads i wont fuck you youtubeeee fuuuuck youuu

No. 1560371

File: 1682544109741.gif (559.77 KB, 220x155, oh word.gif)

mercury is in gatorade? damn, i was wondering why the metro was bugging monday and people were acting weird.

No. 1560376

A few weeks ago I found out my Nigel has watched mtf porn. He watches porn and I’ve had to get over it because it’s more the norm than my thoughts about it are. I just guess I’m disappointed in his depravity because he ‘just thought he would see what it’s about’ and I feel like shit like that escalates. Just want to say we’ve discussed it at length and like I do believe he’s not doing it often and says he didn’t whack it to it but I dunno it makes me feel weird. I can’t vent to anyone I know because 1. Embarrassing and 2. ‘Twaw so what’s the problem’ is it weird that I wouldn’t care if it was just gay porn?

No. 1560377

Being desperate enough to stay with a gay man is wild

No. 1560380

>dating a loser who's gay
Find a real man. I assure you there's better ones out there than this. You are just wasting your time.

No. 1560381

Dreaming of an alternate reality where I actually 'became invisible at 30' and male attention was quickly replaced with.. some fucking peace

No. 1560382

Being a meangirl is cool if you are funny, which however requires a certain amount of braincells. Most farmers are too autistic to have a sense of humor. They think "kill yourself" is the pinnacle of wit and their posts reek of NEETdom and ptsd. Occasionally someone will say something genuinely kekworthy, usually in vain because anons are too illiterate for contextual reading and it's followed by a bunch of angry sperging

No. 1560384

If only lol

No. 1560397

I personally think hes just weird. Hes bi and into tomboys.

No. 1560400

We used to have genuinely funny posters many years ago. I'd say from 2015-2018. I mean, just look at older threads. After that, I feel like there's a lot of gen z posters who came here from twitter and pinterest and now they just think a-logging is super cool and edgy.

No. 1560404

> man watching porn
> don't worry, I didn’t whack it to it
Insultingly obvious lies like this have a tendency to later graduate onto
> I downloaded grindr and just had a look, I didn't chat or meet anyone
Not saying that to be dramatic but I've seen it play out pretty badly if you show that you're willing to believe the unbelievable.. like a man sitting watching porn and not totally not even fapping to it. If you accept that lie and it'll set a precedent. Him being bi and onto tims is something you either accept or don't, up to you. But you're owed honesty in a relationship.

No. 1560419

Does anyone have a habit of rubbing crust out of your eyes?? I have a bad habit of doing it.

No. 1560426

that description sounds like a contender for AGP still. psuedobisexuality/wanting to get fucked by other men to feel like a woman, and could be wanting a more masculine or dominant female to feel emasculated.

No. 1560435

No. 1560436

i thought you were supposed to do that

No. 1560439

>have former friend who didn't believe me when her boyfriend sexually assaulted me and then blamed me for it happening when he admitted it to her
>almost two years later texts me to say she's sorry and explains she was afraid of losing the relationship, mentions they got engaged and says he's a different person now (as if i'm supposed to give a shit about it or believe a rapist is now totes a great guy)
>probably shouldn't have answered at all but tell her i accept her apology but i don't forgive her and don't want to hear from her again
>leave it at that so i don't spiral and blow up on her because the situation was beyond fucked and it still pisses me off when i think about it, i was never able to report him because she covered for him and they both basically slandered me for months afterwards
>she messages me again, not to acknowledge what i said but to ask me for money, claiming it's an emergency but asking for it to be sent via amazon e-gift card
jesus fucking christ i hate everyone

No. 1560441

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>moid coworker looks at me like he likes me but he doesn't start conversations with me as often as with other coworkes
>female coworkers tell me shit like guuurlll he likes you, he's in love with you, come on ask him out first!
>he wants to drive me home every time we're on the same shift, he also picks me up to work
>when we're in his car, he basically doesn't talk but asks do you have any plans for the weekend?
>I say no or sleep with monotone voice bc I'm autistic
>he doesn't respond
>EVERY fucking time we're in his car and it's thursday or friday
>he changes job after 5 months and never contacts me
Kek why are they like this? I think that if he actually liked me, he would openly ask me out or something, right? Right?

No. 1560448

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he got scared, anon. they really do be like that sometimes.

No. 1560455

sometimes i wish i wasn't this extremely asexual.
oh well. it's probably better for me to be this way. lonely sometimes.

No. 1560466

Message her back: Maybe your future husband can also rob the next woman he rapes.

No. 1560470

Do not ever accept a man watching porn wtf. Dump any man who even thinks about looking at a softcore pic.

No. 1560471

Omg the nerve of this cunt
I'm so angry for you nonna

No. 1560480

Dated a moid a bit back (mistake). He repeatedly coerced me into sex, would withhold my anti convulsant (epilepsy) medications if I didn't have sex with him, and pushed me back into being an ana-chan because he was a control freak. No one believed me about him being a scrote despite him being an opened pest and misogynist. A few people started to believe me about what he was like after writing a fucking essay for his uni work about how Elliot Rogers was oh so based and was discriminated against by le evil feminists. Then guess what? He fucking troons out and now he's stunning and brave so no one dares to criticise the tranny and he even wins the "woman of the year" (fucking kek) award at University for being so brave. He also justified being a sex offender towards me by claiming that he only assaulted me and forced me into sex because he was just so jealous of my "female body." And people I thought were my friends defended him because dysphoria is so hard to cope with and other tranny bullshit. I'm still in PTSD councilling almost three years later and he's now working at a fucking school. No one believes what he did to me because he seems "really nice" and "not like that" and even if they did, they justify his actions. Even other women cope like fuck for abusive moids and troons and it breaks my heart. This is the only place I can safely vent without someone trying to defend my tranny ex

No. 1560488

Reading clownish shit like this just convinces me we like in some cruel simulation. Like this can't be real. You have every meme and cliche thrown into this. Too fucked up.

No. 1560490

throw salt or flour at him you can't get arrested for that

No. 1560496

I hate being female so fucking much. I can't stand it anymore. I wish trooning out actually worked. If you could pass and erase all trace of your past life and you didn't destroy your body from hormones and could actually get treated like a person, I would transition. I can't deal with being belittled and tormented constantly and regarded as subhuman by everyone every day for the rest of my life. It's not worth it to try to do anything because everyone will try to ensure you fail just for being female. I just really feel like life is not worth living anymore, and everything gets worse all the time and never better. There's no way to win, it doesn't matter what you do. I have a degenerative condition so I can't work twice as hard to get half as far, I don't have the energy. I literally don't understand how anyone else can stand it. I can't 'just get over it' because even though no one else agrees I think of myself as a person and the way I get treated by coworkers/family/randos is fucking wrong. I feel sickened all the time, and can't tell anyone this because they just act like you're crazy. People treat me like shit and if I try to stand up for myself at all I'm the one causing problems. Maybe I'm just too retarded to live but I can't fucking pretend that nothing is wrong. I don't think I'm better than any other woman and that I should be treated better than them, but I really don't get how they can just go about their day sometimes. I can't keep it together anymore. I feel like I'd rather be dead than deal with this shit anymore.

No. 1560509

I hate loli shit, but I just heard someone call the animal crossing villager gross because it was 'loli shit'. It's a cartoon character model sure, but it's not loli, wtf…

No. 1560519

You are the living and breathing reason why the hardcore black pill anons are the way they are. Sorry if you were looking for advice or anything, but just wow.

No. 1560525

Even when the scrotes aren't tranny I see them excused time and time again. Even by women I know to be intelligent. It makes me feel absolutely insane. Like what is in their brain that makes them excuse it

No. 1560533

I wonder if someone threw flour at me if I could get them arrested cause I’ve got celiac

No. 1560536

I love acting obtuse like a scrote just cuz I can and feel like my bf deserves it sometimes. Oh you want dinner? Yeah me too. And then I just keep shitposting. My bf seems uneasy that I'm not immediately rattling off tons of ideas then getting up and starting it. He sits on his phone for 2 hours watching me shitpost while I sit and enjoy my experiment. He gets up and nervously washes a tiny amount of dishes then puts them away extremely loudly hoping for praise. I go to the bedroom shut the door and play some video games. He comes in very shortly lays on the bed and plays on his phone occasionally staring at me. I get up and go back to the living room and continue shitposting. It's now almost 9pm neither of us have eaten since 11am. Hahahahahaha will this faggot actually fucking starve himself if mommy mia doesn't feed him or give him permission for a snackie wackie

No. 1560542

You could easily tell him he's obnoxious and a grown man that doesn't need you to wipe his ass

No. 1560544

He's fat so he could stand to skip a meal honestly

No. 1560550

you sound perfect for each other

No. 1560552

He's my practice bf until I become a stacy and date astronaut mike dexter

No. 1560555

unironically break up with him if he's just a "practice" boyfriend, wtf? why make yourself miserable?

No. 1560559

Based. Next time order yourself food without him.

No. 1560574

Dating is a rich girl hobby. I can’t imagine smiling in a scrotes face at dinner while I have a 1k mortgage to pay at home and no gas. Scrote just pay a bill or stfu. It’s also really annoying when they expect you to be a free therapist.

No. 1560577

My pedo TIF ex is liking and retweeting shit about how Christians are the real groomers, not the trannies like her!! And it pisses me off to no end. Where does she get off acting like she didn’t diddle a toddler and pointing the finger at other people? She’s an actual child molester, but sure, christians are the problem and she’s never done any wrong in her life because she’s kweer and has special pronouns that absolve her of all sin. It’s so evil to get up on that high horse and push the narrative that troons are “the safe ones” knowing damn well what she did the second she was alone with a kid.

No. 1560579

How do you know this nonna?

No. 1560582

Feels bad somehow to bring yet another scrote rant to the table anons, but I for real have no one to share it with at the moment. Found out my ex who cheated on me with all of the women from his friend group and cried to them he "doesn't know what's wrong with him, he just cannot love anyone" while acting like the most loving partner to me got engaged with the first woman he started dating after me while I was left with a shitload of mental issues I'm still struggling to solve to this day (it's been 7 years now). It's so unfair, I've done nothing wrong yet it's me who has life messed up now and he is just happily and safely living his own as if nothing happened. How is that fair.

No. 1560583

lmao that relationship dynamic sounds so emotionally exhausting.

No. 1560586

No. It makes premature aging on your undereyes and damages your eyes

No. 1560587

How did you date a female pedo

No. 1560589

How do y’all still know what your exes are doing 2+ years later? I scrub my exes from
My existence as soon as the relationship is over

No. 1560600

nta but what how do people get rid of the eye crust then? do you just leave it

No. 1560602

She has extremely cowish behavior in general and my friends occasionally check up on her socials to see what new traced yandere SonicxShadow mpreg shit she’s posting to laugh at her, with the unfortunate side effect of having to face what a degenerate loser she is and how blind and stupid I was for the time we were dating. She’s cringe in a funny way until I remember that she’s actually fucking evil, basically.

No. 1560603

IDK about others but it's the same line of work for me and my ex, I can't help the fact he continues existing in the same professional space as me, working with the same people etc. Unfortunately.

No. 1560605


No. 1560611

File: 1682562828591.jpeg (84.13 KB, 870x1021, B1219373-223A-4FE5-AFAD-BE2181…)

Had a really awkward hang out with a mutual friend. I’m cringing at how awkward I am. Ughhhhhhhhh. We didn’t have much to talk about. Please help erase it from my brain

No. 1560618

Honestly I have no idea, other than wiping it off with their fingers or hands, toilet paper or tissue. Washing their faces or rinsing with water

No. 1560619

Nonna you still didn't answer the question

No. 1560621

The succ thread has the most basic and boring character and plot analysis I've seen in a while. Oh really, you think Shiv is a slay girlboss? You should write for Vulture

No. 1560622

tp and tissue sounds like it could be worse than rubbing since those could potentially get caught in the eye, using hands and fingers is pretty much the same as rubbing the crust off..i guess rinse is the way to go

No. 1560624

No. 1560626

Tonight my husband got into a conversation with a woman at the bookstore, and it was obvious from his reaction and when we left that he was attracted to her. I just tried to ignore it, and then when we left he brought up something nice about it and I snapped a bit. I mean he can't help it I guess, I've felt attracted to men before, but a piece of me just… detaches. It's not that I'm particularly upset at him, more like I'm a bit sad and want to pull away. If he were my boyfriend I'd probably distance myself and maybe keep an open mind to breaking up, but he is my husband and I'm pregnant, which makes me sad because I can't pull back. He hasn't really showed attraction to women publicly before or mentioned anything, we don't go out much and he works from home so there hasn't been a lot of opportunities. I just feel so fucking bitter, if we weren't married I might consider dating around more but I'm stuck. He didn't do anything even slightly inappropriate and we'll never see that woman again, and it's ridiculous to expect a man to never find any other woman attractive but it's like if I can't be the center of the world I get depressed. Maybe it's some kind of narcissism, I'm not sure, but I am sad and I don't want to talk to him and when we got back I took a bath and I don't want to talk to him for the rest of the night. I don't know what it is in my brain where when I see the slightest deterent, or lack of validation, I just fucking turn back and totally lose interest. I want to cry but he'd probably hear or end up seeing and I don't want to be seen like that.

No. 1560627

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I wanted to waste my time on the Internet more but I really need to charge my phone rn. I hate it. I fucking hate it.

No. 1560629

I don't have anything helpful to say, but you're not a narc for being upset. It's natural to be upset if your partner shows attraction to someone else (regardless of if they're being obvious about it or not). Idk your husband or what the conversation you guys had to say if he was being inappropriate, but you're not wrong for how you feel. Especially while pregnant, a time where so many women can feel undesirable.

No. 1560630

*or enough about the conversation you guys had

No. 1560631

GODDAMM I MISS MY PSVITA. Hopefully downloading this underground indie game will fill the void

No. 1560634

He didn't do anything weird or act inappropriate, I could just tell the attraction was there and it upset me. I think it comes down to in the past if a girl flirted with my boyfriend and he flirted back or if he showed interest in another girl my attitude was "well you can have him" and just instant detachment, but his attraction set that off that reaction, and then it sunk in that I am married, pregnant, and stuck. I think I'll get over it in time

No. 1560651

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My sister is up right now in the living room and it’s pissing me off cuz I just want to smoke some MJ before bed. It’s 12am and she’s cleaning. I can only surmise that she had coffee today which is why she is still up. I’m upset cuz I had coffee too which is why I’m still up. But she is ruining my nightly routine. Idk why I’m trying to hide it from her like she knows I smoke. But it’s something about her seeing me do it that makes me feel like a demon child. I’m fucking older than her and pushing 30 why am I afraid of my lil sister lol

No. 1560652

Taking shrooms was maybe the best decision i made in the last 5 years. The depression literally evaporates after the trips. I go to bed at night thinking "i can't wait to wake up tomorrow and make some art and go for a walk". Suicide isn't an option anymore. I don't get overly upset about small things. Surreal.

No. 1560655

It's acid for me, but I've always said it's like a chiropractor for your brain. I usually need a good reset once every 6 months or so

No. 1560659

TIM sexually assaulted me and I made the stupid mistake of telling my then best friend, huge TIF. Immediately called me a terf and cut all contact, spread the word and got my whole friendship group to gaslight me and cut me off too. Literally want to kms rn. I don't even know why I still put stock in their impressions of me. Fucking humilating

No. 1560660

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No. 1560661

That’s awesome nonnie!! LSD affects me like this but shrooms have been a consistently terrible trip for me. Tried them 3 times and it was awful each time. Endless crying, couldn’t enjoy myself. Soooo emotional. I’d done a lot of LSD before I tried shrooms at all, so I wasn’t new to tripping/psychedelics. I wasn’t prepared for the intense emotional aspect, LSD had always been more of a sensory/transcendent sorta experience where I wasn’t overly wrapped up in emotions/ego. Hell, one time I even took a half a hit that ended up being HILARIOUSLY mis-dosed. I’d taken some of the same batch before and so had my friend and it was normal. But the half a tab we shared that day??? It ended up being the most either of us (both experienced trippers) had ever dropped. Plans quickly changed from going out to a park to just melting into the couch and listening to tunes kek. We both kept having moments where we were like oh fuck that was a metric FUCKLOAD of acid, are we okay?? Yeah we’re okay just melty. Idk how I’m able to handle acid the way I can handle it with all my panic bullshit, but I can absolutely hold my acid. Done it in countless public settings that would normally trigger my panic shit while sober, breezed through being very social. People just think you’re a little drunk when you’re on acid, it seems, if they think you’re on anything at all (wear sunglasses lest you look like a glassy eyed alien). I love interacting with randos when I’m on acid.

I wish shrooms affected me like that cause I’d totally take the risk and grow them if they did. I wish I had a chemist friend who could synthesize LSD for me, I’m too much of a hermit and idk anyone I could buy it from these days. It’s been over 2.5 years since my last acid trip. Feels bad.

No. 1560666

I almost got sexually assaulted at a rest stop bathroom in broad daylight. Walking up by myself from the parking lot I kinda notice an old guy following me, felt like his eyes were burning a hole in my back. Whatever. I slow down in front of the bathroom entrance - the men’s room is on the other side completely, he had no business even getting as close as he had gotten to the women’s room - and I notice he’s only about 6 feet away and weirdly close to the women’s room? so I got bad vibes from that but just kept walking cause I had to pee bad. No other women were in the large bathroom and there’s a loud industrial fan so screams would be muffled. I get a terrible feeling after walking halfway in (if you’ve ever been to a rest stop on an interstate in burgerland it was one of the BIG ones, with two large halls of each genders bathrooms on either side of each other with like a big map kiosk thing in between the two, no need for a man to be anywhere that close to the women’s room)

I turned around less than halfway in and sowed walked out. The guy had his foot in the entrance and was staring at me. I made furious eye contact and he quickly shuffled away. I went to get my buddy to watch the bathroom for me and told em what just happened. I am sorry I didn’t cause a scene, but I had an appointment to make and was in a county that likely would have wanted to arrest me more than that nasty old scrote.

No. 1560668

Fuck them. Not comparable to what you went through but I lost my friend group when I brought up the fact that rape shelters are being shut down for not allowing TIMs. The trans movement enables shitty sex predators. They'll always prioritize a TIM's feelings over abused, battered women. I hope you can recover from this nonna. Is there any way you can take action against this?

No. 1560684

I hate myself so much I want to peel off all of my skin until I'm red an bleeding and step out of this meat suit until I'm a skeleton and walk into a press until my bones grind down into nothing but dust

No. 1560685

Every time I send her something I'm afraid I've ruined everything.
I know the longer any relationship, platonic or romantic, goes on the less impact any given interaction has on it as a whole. However, I made the mistake of becoming very invested in this woman and my emotions are all tied up in her opinion of me.
I want her to have feelings for me so badly.

No. 1560691

i swear that at least half the posters on 2x are just shit-stirring male larpers and they are fucking winning. holy goddamn christ the people on this site need to learn not to get in a fight every time some retard or baiter makes them angry.

No. 1560700

That board needs to be locked up ASAP, it's a breeding ground for men and tradthots and it's driving away the better part of the userbase.

No. 1560701

I'm glad you're safe. It's a good thing you trusted your instincts anon.

No. 1560702

2x is garbage, I think only scrotes snd tradthots post there

No. 1560703

> I scrub my exes from
My existence as soon as the relationship is over
I wish I can do that. Still hung up over my ex after almost two years.

No. 1560705

KEK I remember when I posted a meme comparing the tranny flag to pedo logos and they got upset very quickly.

No. 1560728

Hormones make it impossible for me to feel any joy before my period. I literally cry every time like I am the saddest I’ve ever been, it’s gross and I want it to stop. Obviously because I’m on this website every TiM I see who claims to know what periods are like makes me wanna die

No. 1560730

This is why I never said anything when it happened to me. He was my friends bf (they were poly) and they had dumped a previous friend they'd had for "falsely accusing" him. I took that at face value until he ended up doing the exact same thing to me. Right after he announced going TiM and at that point I knew if I said anything he'd manipulate the situation to make it look like I was just falsely accusing him because he Tim'd so I just stopped interacting with them. I stg they get away with it even when they're not TiM though, I should have believed the first girl

No. 1560731

>are you implying you think she didn't want to review with you because she thought she knew the material better than you?
Yeah, sorry if I wasn't clear, I meant that it's frustrating to be written off as someone who you avoid studying with, I'm chatty but I shut up when studying and have tutored people before, but I think my personality just doesn't seem studious enough. And no, I know her, she's a big group studier, my point is more that I think I'm perceived as a busy chatterbox who's fun to hang out with but not someone who is taken seriously. I totally understand studying alone and stuff, it's not about that. I just wish I had more closer connections instead of a super large network of passive friends.

No. 1560737

so damn tired. when its night where i have time to do my hobbies i feel like sleeping instead. its all due to working too much just to put into savings. fuck this capitalistic country. god i just want to live alone in a decent small house.

No. 1560740

I'm genuinely very worried about the obesity epidemic, it doesn't just affect individuals it has negative health effects for several generations. We know this because of small populations where they had a documented surplus of food for long enough (rich people only) to get obese for a generation, but that surplus naturally disappeared and yet to this day those individuals descendants suffer the consequences while the descendants of the poor people who couldn't eat themselves to obesity don't have those negative health effects.
It pisses me off that it's not seen as serious, and I'm obviously not saying fat people are bad in any way. I'm not a concerned troll, I genuinely want as many people as possible to be healthy for themselves and for humanity as a whole.

No. 1560746

nta but yeah unless you've disrupted study sessions before i don't get why they exclude you from them just because you were not always as dedicated to a certain class as they were? weird. if they're genuinely friendly to you when you all hang out it's ok i guess but yeah it's not always easy being excluded from something. and i relate to wanting closer connections

No. 1560771

We should bring back fat shaming and make public spaces without fat people in mind. They're no different than smokers, the exact same tactic should be used, with negative commercials and public dissaproval.
Not hurting anyone but themselves my ass. It's an epidemic and it's hurting the entire society. You're telling me it wouldn't affect me if everyone around me was a fat-mobile riding deathfat that can drop dead any moment and can't even tie their own shoes? Really, that wouldn't affect me? My life would be the same if most people around me were severely disabled? Bullshit. Maybe it's not as straightforward as second-hand smoke, but the long-term consequences for society seem much worse.

No. 1560772

deadline for this final project i have to do is in three days, i'm in a group of three, and no work has been done yet because none of them comes through when a meeting is agreed upon. this is like the second time i get stood up and it takes me literally almost two hours to get from my house to uni. 0 work has been done, i wrote the introduction but we have to work on some retarded "dialogue/discussion" that we have to act out, not even joking, in front of our professor as our spring semester final exam. i read the books compiled useful information made little easy flashcards collages pdfs sent youtube videos etc to understand the lessons better and quicker and none of them are using any of it none of them are making any effort i've written the introduction but there's no way i'm writing the whole damn exam by myself. they're always like ermmmm can you send a simplified version xdddd girl it's english lit in a non anglo third world country i promise it can't be that difficult and it isn't they just don't want to make the effort. one of them isn't even in our city right now she left for fucking vacation. they don't want to do online meetings either i'm so fucking frustrated and here i am sitting in the sun again waiting for one of the two to come and she's already an hour late and not answering her phone. i can't change collaborators because i don't know anyone and they're probably all taken and already done with their work already, and i can't leave them alone because there's a minimum of three students only there might as well only be me since i'm the only one that bothers with anything. the professor does not gaf about anyone and that's fair like it realy isn't her problem. i'm so angry

No. 1560777

I don't think fat shaming is very effective at make people actually lose weight but I agree with your points. I think we need to evaluate what made people fat it the first place, surely a lot of it is shitty unhealthy food. Maybe companies should be punished and heavily taxed for making unhealthy food so they stop making it idk. I know the public would never agree to it but it's a serious issue that affects all of society.

Japan has a tax you pay for being overweight which seems a bit extreme but at the same time… if it works maybe it's worth it. Or prevent obese people from buying too much food, it's like giving drugs to an addict.

No. 1560778

I'm not suicidal but today I ended up looking up how much you'd need to overdose of my specific SSRI. I've been lowering the dose under guidance of a doctor for a while and it had been going well, but I'm not sure if I should tell my doctor or not. I have been feeling mentally worse the past few weeks but that's also because stuff happened. So it's hard to say what's the true cause.
I just don't really want to admit I failed getting fully off antidepressants but I also haven't looked up what would be fatal for many years.

No. 1560782

wtf this much disrespect is infuriating. why are they saying no to online meetings if they don't even show up?? do they know you're two hours away? i've had lazy ass students in my groups before and i've done some projects almost entirely on my own because it was honestly faster, less stressful and because i want good grades, but idk if it's feasible for you depending on the amount of work needed. even if it's not the professor's problem, if none of them put in any work, you'll have no option other than explaining her the situation no? she'll notice anyway

No. 1560787

one of them i can literally see is online right now and still isn't answering my texts. to be fair i'm really antisocial and it's on me if i couldn't find people to partner with these past two months but i can't turn back time and the professor really does not gaf. maybe i'll send her an e-mail or something explaining the situation at least because at least i won't see them next fall semester/after summer. i'm just so angry right now, and by the way i'm still waiting for her in the sun.

No. 1560788

Shaming tactics worked stellar on smokers, that's why I think it should be done, why change something that works.
We successfully curbed lung cancer and emphysema that way, maybe we can do the same with diabetes and heart attacks.
>Japan has a tax you pay for being overweight
Taxing cigarettes has worked wonders, maybe unhealthy stuff like fast food should be taxed to hell instead of dirt cheap.
I don't know how effective those distressing images on packs of cigarettes were, so I wouldn't do the same with putting pictures of diseased organs of fat people on food. Plus that'd make everyone else anorexic.

No. 1560793

Also, you can't leave ALL the responsibility of people's personal health on companies and governments. It simply won't work. People are not companies' and gvt's babies, they're adults with free will which they should be encouraged to start using.

No. 1560794

SSRIs aren't a good option for overdosing. I've done it before because its all I had access to.

Ime.. never puked so much in my life and the puking started pretty quickly afterwards which defeats the purpose. And the tremors were insane. Obviously I'm not saying you should overdose on anything else either but def don't fuck around with stuff that'll only put you through a few days of hell. Part of why they hand out SSRIs so easily is because they're not a good OD option.

No. 1560796

Here in France we have taxes for fast food and sugary drinks. We can't get free refills for soda in restaurants anymore and that change happened a very long time ago.

No. 1560806

Don't even bring up Japan, it sucks, there's a lot you won't tell from the outside. They're not obese but most of them have EDs. Almost every woman in Japan has anorexia, no joke. I've been there for a few years, first long-time period was around 18 when I was in high school. I was pretty skinny already but everyone around me drilled into me for not counting calories, for eating normally and for not being under 50 kg (mind you I'm 172 cm and I was 53 kg at that time). When I ordered something, my host families would advice me to get something with less calories instead. At school, most 'acceptable' looking girls only ate minuscule amount of rice for their lunch and chug it with special laxative diet coke that sells everywhere. And then went on to rigorously exercise after school. It seriously messed with my head and I ended up being so underweight my period stopped - that's when women around me started saying I look good and asking for diet advice. I went there back for work and it was always the same.

No. 1560808

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That's the coke and also they sell various diet pills in every convenience store. This shit isn't healthy (both physically and mentally) and it's no better than obesity imo.

No. 1560811

>We should bring back fat shaming
it was never gone
>make public spaces without fat people in mind
it's already done
what else do you want, for me to lose weight or never go outside because I will be shamed for wanting to use public spaces that clearly don't fit me? just say you don't want to see fat people because they disgust you, it's easier for both of us.

No. 1560812

My Japanese professor said she’d be considered fat in Japan and no joke she probably weighs 110-115lbs.

No. 1560816

nta, if you're significantly fat what's your opinion, what would make you lose fat? Would the sake of your children's and grandchildren's health motivate you at all? Actually aksing, not trying to be snarky

No. 1560817

NTA but it’s kinda rude to assume everyone wants or will have kids

No. 1560818

it doesn't matter if I explain to you if I have a disability, mental or physical, you will just tell me to starve or diet or exercise, so I don't owe you an explanation of what I do with my body.

No. 1560819

NTA but for me and I suspect many people that are obese it's straight up an eating disorder. Shaming does the opposite because it just makes me want to hide in my room and eat myself to death because I guess people hate me anyway so might as well eat while I cry. And just as context I'm just trying to describe my thought process during an anxious binge.
It's also important to keep in mind a lot of us don't binge in a fun way, but until we are physically so full we don't feel whatever we're trying to eat away.

No. 1560820

nta but eating is an addiction and just like any other addiction (drugs, alcohol, screens) health clearly isn't (enough) a motivator for the majority of addicted

No. 1560821

it definitely doesn't get any of the solidarity other EDs do, I wouldn't say drug addicts get any solidarity either, it's probably on the same level of the amount of hate you get from people.

No. 1560822

Literally not what I was asking but start listing excuses sure.

You literally can not be obese without an ED, people just don't talk about it. It's disordered to eat that much more than your body needs.

No. 1560824

Smoking is an addiction too. But we curbed it.
>Also, you can't leave ALL the responsibility of people's personal health on companies and governments.
At some point y'all need to take personal responsibility.
Smokers chewed nicotine gum, pick up bacon flavoured gum idk

No. 1560825

do you also ask people with other mental issues what led them to get to that level or you just do that when they're an eyesore to you?

No. 1560826

Honestly I have a hard time saying I have an ED, thankfully my friends are understanding but I feel like mine is fake because well I'm fat. Like my thoughts are disordered enough that I wish I had anorexia instead cuz at least then people wouldn't think I was disgusting for existing (again not my current mindset but just saying how deep the disorder goes)

Unlike almost any other addiction, you can't just stop eating. You can't avoid your triggers because you need food to survive.

No. 1560827

>it's probably on the same level of the amount of hate you get from people.
Absolutely not. If you come in to work obese with mcdonalds you will maybe get an eyebrow raised or be made fun of, if you come in coked up you're fucking fired.

No. 1560829

if you're fat and say you have an ED you don't hear the end of it because people don't stop making fun of you so there is no winning move.

No. 1560830

It's generally expected that everyone with a mental illness do their best to work through it so they can be healthy for the sake of themselves and society, so yes? The question was "what would help you solve the issue you have, in your own opinion" not "what made you like this"

No. 1560831

>implying the majority of fat people have an mental illness
So what, like 40% of the western world is mentally ill? Glad you finally admitted that kek

No. 1560833

I still don't owe you an explanation of what I should do because even if I said what I am doing or not doing, you would tell me what I should do with my body.

No. 1560834

>but I feel like mine is fake because well I'm fat.
Anon that is bullshit, your size doesn't matter and your struggles are (sorry to use the word) valid. Food addiction isn't a joke, it's awful.

No. 1560835

I have so much empathy for you nona. Food addiction is a big deal and it's imo one of the most difficult ones because of how society reacts to it, with absolutely no understanding. Stay strong and keep your head up.

No. 1560836

No one was trying to tell you what to do, you're just being overly defensive and assume everyone hates you because you're fat, when in reality no one does but yourself

No. 1560837

I'm just tired of people giving their tips and suggestions. You would understand it if you had an ounce of empathy.

No. 1560838

It’s dumb but I just gotta get it out. I have this friend and I’ve known her for years. We’ve been friends for a long time & she knows a lot of dirt on me lmfao. We don’t live nearby but I did recently see her. Idk she just brings me down. I don’t wanna lose her as a friend cause I know she knows dirt on me, but then again she’s obsessive and I can’t take it. For the past year she’s basically called me everyday which is cool whatever. But when I don’t wanna call she gets weird and I feel bad for not responding. People in my real life I don’t even talk to me as much lmfao. She always has the shittiest takes too, telling me how to live my life when she doesn’t do shit herself, no offensive. Everything in my life that she’s had an opinion on is shit she’s usually never dealt with or gone through. The other night she was being all weird and obsessive and was texting me at work because I was working late, which I usually do. So a coworker saw it and we pulled a tiny prank on her cause we were drinking before a staff party. We texted her some dumb emojis & left her a funny voice message on Facebook. I’d assume she’d realize it was us fucking around at work cause I told her I was leaving and going to a party. She got pissed and gave me shit saying how it’s inappropriate they would have my phone (we’re work friends and there’s nothing on my phone to hide I was watching lol) and how she couldn’t believe someone who wasn’t my boyfriend had my phone? And how her and her boyfriend were mad someone would text her like that and leave a voice message like that lmfao. Then she went on to say the people I work with are crackheads and she doesn’t trust them? (Wtf she doesn’t know any of them?) then she was tryna say they’re gonna stalk her and add her on Facebook over one person sending a message?? I fucking can’t with her bullshit. It sounds stupid but I’m so over her shit. Maybe I’m in the wrong and this doesn’t make a lot of sense but the smallest shit sets this girl off and she’s so salty when she’s not my #1 priority when I have a boyfriend, a full time job, and my other friends/family and a life to live. I want to cut her off but I’m kinda scared but honestly at this point I’m so over her. I know it’s petty but It’s eating my up and I just wanted to get it out lol.

No. 1560842

Why did I never hear anyone coddle smokers like this? uwu your lung cancer addiction is so valid
but uwu diabetes uwu

No. 1560844

stop telling her about your life then she won't have anything to give an opinion on. either that or start giving your unasked opinions too so she can taste her own medicine.
you're part of the problem if you treat fat people like that.

No. 1560845

Anon I'm sorry you get unsolicited advice about your weight and I can only speak for myself that's not at all what I was trying to do. You do not have to lose weight if you don't want to, and a drug addict doesn't have to quit drugs if they don't want to.

No. 1560849

Yes, it's totally MY fault that a stranger on the other side of the world is fat. You people will pull anything before you come close to personal responsibility.

No. 1560850

I have empathy for smokers and other addictions too. My family members are trying to curb their cigarette addiction and because of how long they smoked, basically since they were children, it's borderline impossible to stop because of how their brain works now. I'm scared shitless they're gonna die of lung cancer. When you're not the one addicted it's easy to say 'just stop' you know? I think people like you just don't have enough empathy.

No. 1560851

I know this is bait but just let me give one big difference (aside from not being able to avoid food). When your addiction is food, the evidence of that is 24/7. You can't hide it. You can't escape it, or hide away the fact you're for example smoking. Unless someone is actively smoking, you wouldn't know they smoke 3 packs a day when that person is out and about. But when your addiction is food, that isn't the case. Everyone can constantly see that you are in fact fat and honestly the way (especially men of course) some people will straight up ignore me compared to an attractive friend is fucking astounding.

Thanks, I genuinely appreciate it.

No. 1560853

Nah its easy to stop if you just have self-control, these freaks of yours just let themselves loose. Letting all their impulses take lead instead of their intellect. If they were truly intelligent, they wouldn't of had gotten collectively addicted in the first place. I say let them die off.

No. 1560854

you see, even the comparison with drug addicts is gross. you probably don't come from a place of hate (probably some socialized contempt most people have of fat people) but my entire life I have been fat and I never stopped studying, socializing, working, even exercising, despite the fact being fat is not even a disability for me, but I have an actual mental disability on the top of it. the comparison with drug addicts makes me feel I have failed on default even if I manage to be a "functional" member of society just because I am tired of starving myself and just coped with my fat body. I am sorry I can't look better so people are forced to see me in public but it is what it is. so when asked "what would you make lose weight" all I have to say is that it's none of your business because even if I lost 5kg it wouldn't be enough, until I had a very low bmi, because even if I contribute in other ways to society it literally doesn't matter to society because I am fat so I deserve to be treated like shit for not looking good. I wish fat men were treated like this too, but they don't get nearly enough as shit for being fat and none of their achievements are diminished.

No. 1560856

Fuck I wanna shit but my stomach won't let me. Either I'm plugged up or it's gas
I been eating greens body what the fuck

No. 1560857

>When your addiction is food, the evidence of that is 24/7. You can't hide it.
nta not necessarily true, plenty of overeaters are binging one or two giant meals a day when no one is watching, because they're ashamed to eat in front of others. There are youtubers who beat obesity from having had food addictions and they all describe that kind of pattern. They knew they were fat and felt ashamed if they ate in front of people because they feared they'd be judged. Not until they lost the weight did they realize 99% people are too busy focusing on their own meal and don't waste time thinking about what a random fat stranger is eating.

No. 1560858

You're saying that because you're not the one addicted. By the way some of the most intelligent people are prone to addiction - there are insanely high rates of doctors and lawyers with addiction. But I think we just have to agree to disagree.

No. 1560860

that anon clearly doesn't understand addiction

No. 1560861

Apologies, I agree with that but I meant you can't hide the consequences of said addiction (aka being overweight). But that's absolutely true, for myself it's due to binges outside of normal meals too usually at night because it feels 'safer'.

No. 1560865

I mean this kindly, you most likely have a food addiction but don't know it. If you've always been fat you've never known what eating "normally" is like, it's not your fault that you were raised that way and you shouldn't be shamed for it.

No. 1560867

I have been fat since I was a child, I eat normally and exercise normally, I don't know what to tell you, some people are just fucking fat unless they put all their waking effort into counting calories and minmaxing weight loss through exercise. the only time I have been thin in my life when was I was quite literally starving due no job and on brink of homelessness.

I am sure people will say I am healthy if I get diabetes type 2 and lose weight through it though, even though my blood exams come clean as a whistle.

No. 1560870

>I eat normally
How do you know that though? It can seem like you eat normally because you've always eaten that way, or your equally fat family does too and taught it to you. But the only way to be fat is too consume more calories than you use in a day. There is no other way to become and stay fat. Exercise has way less effect on your weight than people think, although it positively affects their health either way mostly by keeping muscles strong. Starving yourself is obviously not good either, but there's a healthy medium.

No. 1560872

nta but this is irrelevant, if you're intoxicated at work you're fired because it's illegal and a danger to the public, not because your manager hates you.

No. 1560874

If you were fat since a child, you either have a medical condition or more likely were taught bad eating habits. And while your idea of "eating normally" may indeed be pretty normal in the sense that there's so many people with weight issues that that is indeed pretty normal nowadays, doesn't mean it should be normal or is good for you (evidently your eating habits aren't good for you)

No. 1560875

And you just have to project your situation on every fattie in existence and stop us from talking about ways to stop the very serious obesity epidemic because it hurts your feefees.
How self-centred can you be? Curbing obesity is a GOOD thing. Don't even try to deny that.

No. 1560876

>Be me
>Go on a date with an immigrant guy
>He's really nice
>We get on well, I'm happy
>He tells me he had to lie to his parents about seeing me because they only want him to date a woman from his country

Just sucks. I don't think it's some kind of destiny or true love or some bullshit but I hate that we can't even get to know each other more without him having to lie about it. He's cool but I don't know nonna's, he has to lie to his parents for me so I doubt keeping it 'secret' wil make them like me more. On the other hand I doubt it makes a difference if I do meet them since their opinion seems to be pretty much carved in stone.

No. 1560877

Investing time in him is a risk if you're hoping for something serious because he might end up dumping you for a parent-approved girl once he's done having fun and ready to settle down

No. 1560878

Agree with other anon, I'd cut your losses before getting too invested. Hes in a shitty situation but partners who get sucked into this usually get pretty shat on too. Its alot to ask someone to sign up for being their lil secret and most likely.. getting replaced in a heartbeat down the line when its settling down time.

No. 1560879

if you think being fat is bad then just do something about it? don't project your miserable life onto every fat either.

No. 1560881

Can you not at all understand higher concepts like "an obesity epidemic is detrimental to society as a whole", this is not personal, but you try to make everything personal

No. 1560882

>How do you know that though?
I used to do calorie counting and I just have an extremely low metabolism, on top of having PCOS and having to take birth control always. if I eat anything out of the ordinary, I definitely gain weight, so in order to keep myself the same weight I have a stable diet. I wont lie and say I never eat take out or junk food, but in the last few months not even that because there is no takeout that comes here and I hate driving to the actual city.
>equally fat family
both my parents are thin
>but there's a healthy medium
my healthy medium is not starving myself

No. 1560884

can you understand simple concepts as "not every overweight person is unhealthy"? just because you binge eat garbage and dont walk doesn't mean every single fat person lives like that.

No. 1560887

HOLY SHIT he just messaged me, and it's been like a month since he left for a different job. Posting on lolcow has manifesting powers????

No. 1560890

overweight people, sure. but obese people are definitely shoving their mouths full

No. 1560891

if you have a fucked metabolism or mental illness and you're already overweight it's a slippery slope. most people already have a fucked up relationship with food and food industry in general is not out there to keep people healthy, on top of actual healthy options being more expensive in some places.

No. 1560892

what did he say? what do you want to do about it? honestly cute lol he was really into you and kept thinking about it this whole month

No. 1560893

Will you stop for a second and realize who you are crusading for. Diabetes and heart disease. This is who you are defending.

No. 1560894

Thanks nonna's, we might just stay friends. I can ask him if I can meet his parents and if it might help but I think I already know the answer. It's too bad, it's not even about religion but some kind of social status so they likely won't accept me even if I was the nicest person ever.

No. 1560895

healthy, quick options, yeah possibly, but everyone has access to vegetables and lean cuts of protein. I agree with you, but the only obese people who literally can't lose weight are people who suffer from Prader-Willi syndrome

No. 1560896

>heart disease
I am not advocating for anorexia? you seem to forget obesity is not the only thing that can cause those things. seems like you just hate fat people.

No. 1560897

i'm sure you are so concerned nonna. i mean if you want children, which is your problem, go do something about it instead of wanting random people to care

No. 1560898

40% of USA is obese, similar in other western countries, it's an epidemic. Only a tiny fraction of the population is anorexic. The obesity epidemic is getting out of hand, it's long become a broad societal problem.
Just you being fat would be no problem to anyone. But it's not just you, is it?

No. 1560900

yeah nonni I agree with you but if these fatties want to stuff their faces who cares honestly lol it's not like we have free health care here. let them perish

No. 1560902

I'm getting sick of the same old arguments. Find something novel to get in a digital bitching match over.

No. 1560903

And who will end up paying their inevitable disability benefits?
We're not your dancing monkeys, make your own infight

No. 1560906

why would they only get disability benefits for being obese. it's pretty strict

No. 1560908

you don't get disability checks for being obese, are you fucking retarded?

No. 1560911

Because obesity, especially morbid, leaves serious health consequences. You know, like we talked about from the start.

No. 1560912

most people are not morbidly obese? what is your fucking point? you just hate seeing fat people, just close your eyes retard, don't go outside

No. 1560913

i thought americans were lying and coping about their weight by saying that "healthy" options are more expensive until i went to my dad's country in asia and realized there are actual countries where farmer's markets either are very few or a million kilometers apart dispersed throughout the country. like it was actually damn near impossible not to eat packaged food but i made it happen because that shit tastes mad fake and horrible, i'm just not used to it. in my country farmer's markets are the most readily available and they're for poor/middle class people by poor people as in, actual traditional farmers and not the ones with the company trucks and chemicals etc. the two months i spent there were literally hell and i came back even more underweight and gaunt because i couldn't even find basic things like tomatos. it was like i was living in a different dimension. i would actually kms if farmers markets weren't everywhere and cheap

No. 1560914

I live in an actual rural area and there is nothing like farmer's market or anything of the sort around here. everything people make gets sent to factories because people are barely making ends meet and fresh vegetables and fresh meat are expensive compared to pre packaged stuff.

No. 1560915

I don't hate fat people. I hate diabetes. There's a difference.

No. 1560917

if you hate diabetes then you'd be happy to know that being fat doesn't automatically give you diabetes. now, are you happy?

No. 1560918

You very well know it's unhealthy in many ways, never seen someone cape so hard for diseases

No. 1560919

I've never seen someone so adamant they know everything about other people's health history. are you a doctor by any chance?

No. 1560920

You don't need to be a doctor to know being fat is bad for you

No. 1560923

All this tranny bullshit about tranny periods makes me so mad. I couldn't even sleep last night because I was in so much pain from my cramps. I hate my uterine fibroids so much because they cause me so much pain I stg it feels like labor pains and these tranny freaks like to play pretend and act like their shitty diet induced diarrhea is the same as dysmenorrhea. I wish I could smash all their testicles with a hammer so they can feel a fraction of real female pain.

No. 1560926

Am I just destined to repeat my mother and grandmother’s mistakes? Time might not be a circle but it’s certainly a spiral and the cycles just repeat and repeat and repeat. With everything I’ve read and learned I should know better, but the idea is just irresistible. It’s probably worse than ignorance is bliss because I cant claim ignorance, I just try to shut off the part of me that’s raging and screaming at me. But what other choice do I have? I cant change the world and all its horrible things, I can only try to cultivate some little bubble where I can appreciate the beautiful parts of life while ignoring the big picture. I feel like the only thing holding me from falling into the abyss is a net made of barbed wire. It hurts but the emptiness and the unknown horrors on the other side seem worse.

No. 1560927

My last ex cheated on me. We were living together 3 years and then he got weird about his phone which I was never one to check anyway. He made out like I was crazy right up until the moment where.. he left me for the other woman. I never got answers on how long the affair had been going on but he moved in with her straight away and was an asshole to me while we tried to deal with ending our lease and emptying our apartment. The last I saw they were posting online and being told they're the sweetest most amazing couple. 'Couple goals!' According to her friendgroup. I know I shouldn't check but I'd love to one day just see what happened afterwards. I've this dumb tempatation.

Probably only hurting myself by even thinking about it at this stage but I wanna know if karma caught up or.. if he went on to cheat again. Surely a relationship that starts out as an affair rarely works out longer term. I just hate how I was left with all the fallout of it while he was immediately high on new love.

No. 1560939

I cried after having sex, but idk why. It felt right to cry in the moment.

No. 1560949

It's the birth control, everytime I see girls go on that they gain a lot of weight. I don't blame them, it's just rough. My friend got the depo shot and gained 40 pounds without changing her diet, and another girl I knew had gained a ton of weight since I'd last scene her and then when I mentioned I didn't like birth control she said how life changing it is since she went on it the last year. I just don't trust that shit.

I've been to Japan I didn't think most of the girls were unhealthy skinny, but everyone wears very baggy clothes and it was winter it was hard to tell. You're right though I went to 3 different cities and I saw 1 fat person THE WHOLE time I was there, and they were obese obese. The food options are a lot better there than America, a lunch bento is just cut up dish, rice, and veggies, and every meal was a lot less processed than anything in America. Portions are way smaller, and there you are meant to stop eating when you're not hungry anymore, not when you're full.

No. 1560953

i'm sorry nonna this shit is traumatic. he won't be riding that "high" forever though, what he's done says a lot about who he is and i don't know how his new gf can be confident for even one second about their relationship and his faithfulness. it's shitty as fuck but you're already on the path to heal meanwhile the hurt is ahead for them.

No. 1560955

He will cheat again, once a cheater always. He hid it from you, I bet hes hiding a side chick from his new chick

No. 1560964

I’m sorry, were you asking how I know my ex molested a child, not how I know what she’s posting online? I know what she did because it was my own child, who told me. Stupid question.

No. 1560966

SSRI overdose won’t kill you, you’ll just feel like shit and might damage your organs a bit. Tricyclic depression meds can be super deadly in regards to ODing on them. Wellbutrin/buproprion is another one where taking a months worth at once has a good chance of killing you. I flatlined and had to be resuscitated cause I took a bit less than a months worth at once in an attempt. Pretty sure I have a bit of brain damage cause I have not been the same since

No. 1560969

i'm legit at my fucking limit with my BPD friend right now. i'm not gonna structure this nicely because i just really really need to actually get this out of my system because all my other friends are enablers.
really normal guy. 22, almost 23 years old. afaik, doesn't currently have a job since from what i hear he spends all day sleeping, playing video games, on twitter and whining. he is addicted to social media, he constantly deactivates and says he's "going offline" as an empty threat only to come back 24 hours later, max like 3 days but then he's usually on something else like discord. he has 2 accounts, one he hides his manipulative attention seeking (private) and the other where he tweets things that are vaguely sad and attention seeking or overused viral twitter jokes structured differently. he constantly tries to get more followers / mutuals, asking stuff like "how can i get 23 more followers?" to reach a certain amount of followers, but barely gets any likes on his posts aside from his other twitter friends. it's so strange the way he acts on his social media and how he acts around his other friend group (including me and his other irl friends) because then he usually drops the manipulative schtick when he's talking to us directly. i don't join calls with him as much anymore as i don't like being around him and he constantly talks over me, but he has had several pity parties where his friends forgot to invite him to conventions or group hangouts (because he didn't ask to be invited or show interest) and then acts like everyone hates him and no one cares, "the world is against me please feel bad for me because my friends are generally put off by my manipulative tendencies! it's everyone's fault but my own!" type stuff over and over again. the friends constantly tell him "there's always next time, if you wanna come just let us know since we usually plan ahead" and "if you wanted to come you could've just asked, we like hanging out with you" but he expects people to do shit for him instead of actually having to put any effort into shit.

he's been borderline suicidebaiting for almost 2 years now, people used to show concern for him every time he sadposted or suicidebaited, every time he tweeted that no one liked him and no one cared about him, and whatever whine– there was always someone who was willing to let him vent to them or reaching out to him to offer help but he would always reject it. one time when i told him that getting better is possible he said, word for word, "i have kept going and if i have to go on living without her what reason do i have? you misunderstand how much this has affected me emotionally. i will not recover." along with when his friend said getting better takes time, he said "don't have time, sorry." along with him constantly saying "i give up" keep in mind, this was almost 5 fucking months ago. nothing has happened. he hasn't killed himself despite him constantly repeating this whole "DATES ALREADY SET DATES ALREADY SET DATES ALREADY SET" rambling for what… a week? then the date was never mentioned again and he didn't do anything. people just didn't show enough care and attention for his taste and i guess that was enough to put the BPD suicide attempt for attention on hold. also, that girl he said he saw no point in living without, he got over her immediately. he constantly tries to find an e-girl to date because he needs attention and validation at his request but no serious commitment, he goes through periods of infatuation with these girls, they break up, he's still infatuated, he goes through some lonely attention seeking bullshit, finds a new girl, cycle repeats. he's currently with a new girl that all his irl friends know nothing about, he just meets random people on twitter and decides he wants them to be actively involved in his life.

i can't be here all day whining about him, i'd be just as bad as him then. but the worst part of this is that he's been refusing help from everyone, except for specific people who he'll try to get attention from, and even then he refuses to take their advice or help. all of his friends have tried to make some sort of offer to help or be a shoulder to cry on for him but he always refuses, doesn't matter who it is. i've tried countless and countless of times, and each time i've been shot down because he's the only person in the entire world whose issues can't be fixed. he turned off his replies on his private twitter account except for some tweets because he loves to complain but HATES getting any actual advice on things that could help him in the long run. he hates getting confirmation that he's not special and that if he tried and put a little bit of effort into getting better, then he wouldn't have anything to whine about or get attention for. all my other friends have stopped trying to reach out to him (at least publicly on his twitter) and now he's just left alone to wallow in his own self pity. he doesn't realise that him being mentally unstable is fucking god awful for the other person in the relationship and will only repeat the cycle of infatuation > mental chaos > breakup > depression bc no egirl boohoo > new girl hoo baby! i have lost all empathy for him and i think everyone else has, we all care about him since he's our friend and outside of the BPD he is an ok person to be around but he has ruined everything he had going for himself by letting his BPD control him. no one can do anything but be a bystander and watch or validate him and coddle him, both which result in enabling.
the last bit of effort i'll put into him is recommending DBT. i tried to be nice about it but if he declines it, i don't know what i'll do. i know the joke's on me because i tried to suggest help to someone with BPD, laugh at me all you want, but i didn't even know he had it or how bad it was until he really started to get to the point of no return. with all my friends, i'll try to help and talk to them, i'm always able to put things aside to talk if it means they'll feel better, that's how i am with everyone i care about. but K's ungratefulness and carelessness of not only mine but everyone else's offers and attempts to help him have made me realise just how much of an inconsiderate asshole he is. he loves the attention and he loves the pity but he hates that he can't keep this going forever, the old people stop trying or leave altogether and then it's up to him to find new people to fill the void. it just repeats and it amazes me that he's actually okay with this. he's actually okay with making his friends watch him threaten suicide and show ingratitude for their friendship by constantly saying no one cares about him and no one loves/likes him, he's okay with manipulating everyone around him because he believes he's in the right. you can't call him out because he's mentally ill, you're being an asshole! you'll never understand how hard it is to have mental issues that are easily curable and not permanent but he just doesn't want to fix!
i don't have any worries for him anymore and i'm basically just letting him continue his bullshit and not letting it bother me anymore. he would never actually try to kill himself and he's not suicidal. those things don't exist to him outside of situations he can fake to get attention. i'm just done with it all.
deleted and posted again, fixing typos

No. 1560971

Smoking is easy to curb because you don’t need to smoke to stay alive. Smokers can just quit. You have to eat to stay alive so it’s literally one of the hardest addictions to curb in the world, cause you can’t simply avoid your trigger substance cause you need food to live. Food addicts can binge even on healthy foods. Put your critical thinking cap on. You can’t just stop eating like you can just stop any other addictive behavior/substance.

No. 1560976

You’ve never worked a job in Burgerland if you think this. Corporate fuckers are always either cokeheads or deathfats no in between

No. 1560982

Imagine worrying about obese people when the oceans are warming and acidifying so fast that it’s traumatizing climate scientists and they don’t even wanna talk about it cause it’s too late to stop it? You’ll be lucky if you still have access to electricity in 20 years and you’ll die faster than the fats because you won’t have any energy stored. You will literally die mad about fatties kek.

No. 1560984

SIREN BLARING obese cope detected

No. 1560985

>am I destined to repeat my mother and grandmother’s mistakes?
No nonnie, don’t procreate and you’ll have already won. That’s all you gotta do.

No. 1560986

Ayrt I am underweight and my highest BMI ever in my life was 20.8 but at least I’ll die not seething about fat people

No. 1560989

i was talking with this moid from tumblr that i thought was decent and interesting until this morning i saw him flirting with an anorexic 17 year old girl on her body check pictures. i feel like a huge fucking naïve idiot for thinking he wouldn't be a pedo weirdo. i shouldve known

No. 1560993

Either bait or brain dead

No. 1560995

That’s how you end the cycle.

No. 1561002

I feel so useless. Why do I get so stressed over nothing? My neck is literally hurting because I thought I lost my keys, they’re fine, my aunt has them. But I still feel unable to move from my bed, I hate this. I really hate when something messes up with my idea of what I wanted to do in the day and then It’s like my body locks itself and won’t let me move.
And I want to do things but I can’t move, I can check my phone but I can’t get out of the bed, I’m literally just sitting here, staring at the phone or staring at the wall thinking about what I could be doing right now or how I could’ve made things better and planning what I’m going to do next and nothing at the same time.
Why is my day ruined like this over a minor inconvenience? Why does this happen? How do I make it stop?

No. 1561008

I mean, I'm no psychologist, but it sounds like you have pretty bad anxiety. I have bad anxiety too, and it can be paralyzing sometimes. I can definitely relate when you say a small inconvenience will ruin your day. As for how to fix it, I honestly have less advice. I just try to remind myself that I'm taking things a day at a time, and even if something set me back now, it doesn't have to keep setting me back. Sometimes I take a minute for myself (no internet or anything, just sitting) and 'let my brain cool off', if that makes sense? It can help ground you, and help you start to be able to do things again. Maybe you could look into some other grounding techniques. They might help you.

No. 1561035

File: 1682611922068.jpg (511.47 KB, 1200x1871, Hypatia_by_Julius_Kronberg,_18…)

Joan of Arc
I want to avenge them and kill scrotes

No. 1561039

Sanest male “friend” haver

No. 1561059

Well, anxiety is eating me alive, again. I gotta get medicated for this. I'm miserable constantly. What the hell is wrong with me?

No. 1561087

How do you date knowing all men are pedos? How do you date, knowing that the most normal dude can be memed into raping a toddler if powerful men/men he looks up to told him it was a good thing to do? I've never been in a relationship, but I recently started seeing someone. While he loves our deep conversations (aka free therapy for him), being seen for who he is, and truly loved, he'd drop all of that for the chance of having a 14 year old asian girl in his arms.

I try to ignore it and enjoy myself, but it's a struggle. I find myself wanting to lash out at him for things he hasn't even done, because I know he's thought about it. He's probably watched porn with it, you know? But I stuff it all down and contain myself, smiling. Knowing the truth about men while being hetero drives you insane, just like how conspiracy theorists who figure out the truth end up blowing their brains out.

No. 1561089

but if you have visceral fat ahoy, you are fucked, simple as.

No. 1561092

Being overweight is inherently unhealthy because excess fat is unhealthy and leaves you at higher risk for major health problems. Doesn't matter if all that extra storaged fat was made by eating veggies and nuts.

No. 1561094

there is a difference between overweight, and being fat or obese. most obese people call themselves "overweight" and, while true in a sense, is not an accurate description for their body condition. obese is never healthy. being overweight and not obese can be still be healthy.

No. 1561095


No. 1561101

Being five pounds overweight won't kill you kek. Being 200 pounds overweight (i.e. obese) will definitely give you health problems though.

No. 1561103

I ate fish yesterday and now my conch smells like fish. Why do I have to be so unlucky that my diet affects my smell? Often I wish I had no pussy.

No. 1561105

>tfw the actually entertaining cows have slow-ass milk and the thread will dry up for days before it's bumped but Shayna is doing e-whore shit AGAIN for the BILLIONTH time and her thread is constantly bumped with inconsequential and mundane as fuck tweets

No. 1561112

>How do you date
You don't. I just like to torment men in conversations, I openly say what I think about the male species and they can't truly counter my arguments, some of them instead try to "compliment" me by putting other women down, like saying they never met a woman who thinks like me and that I'm a "free thinker" and it's amazing etc., and they probably think it will make me more open to the idea of letting them in my pants but then they receive even more cold treatment and they get scared off, seeing they can't make me change my mind about them and that I don't buy the "not like other guys facade". Any guy who hears your opinion on men and wants to fuck you will either try to push you to change your mind or pretend to be an unicorn just to get in your pants. I know that so I never even dated or fucked men, I just like having conversations with them sometimes and exposing them. I don't even see men as the same species. They're just alien cratures to be studied in order to expose them and find better ways to avoid them and warn more women about them.

No. 1561120

I have family visiting and they brought a toddler and everything is so fucking unorganized and messy I’m going nuts. It’s loud and hectic and I’m exausted and my social battery is empty but the stupid child tries to talk to me

No. 1561133

My partner has been unemployed since he lost his job a few months ago. He's been applying to new positions to no avail. He finally got a response from a company yesterday and was supposed to have a scheduled online interview today, and the interviewer straight up did not show up. My partner got stood up. He waited for half an hour and no one showed up. The irony of it being that this is supposed to be a communications company?? I think I got more upset than he did. It's one thing to get rejected from a job application, it's a whole other thing to be no show for a fucking interview that you fucking scheduled. We both got our hopes up for nothing.

No. 1561138

According to my google timeline, I was driving for almost 5 hours yesterday beginning with trips at 11am before finally coming home around midnight.
All of those trips are a mix between my job, and doing shit for my boyfriend, with at least two of those driving hours dedicated to shit for the boyfriend.
He was really mean to me in the car yesterday and it's clear he doesn't appreciate me. He doesn't even understand that the reason I brought him along to go to my work trips is so I wouldn't have to keep doubling back to the house just to pick him up costing me more time & effort. He is just plain ungrateful and shitty. One example: During the morning drive to visit a worksite I had the opportunity to play my own music, which is rare because he always plays his music every damn time and will even open my phone to disconnect bluetooth so he can connect his. Except yesterday I needed my bluetooth to answer work calls so he could not get his way. He called my songs annoying saying shit to me like "You must enjoy these annoying songs because you like to be annoying too," and acted salty because he couldn't blast his rap music instead (and god forbid I can't relate to black moids like 50 or find a lot of rap music very annoying myself). Then after putting up with his sour puss and comments, when I finally cop an attitude because he's hurting my feelings cause I can't even enjoy music in my own damn car for once, he reverses victim and tries to crazymake by exaggerating that I react irrationally when #1 that isn't the case and #2 I would have a right to be that angry should that so be the case. He tried to gaslight from having called me annoying until I quoted his exact words. He made me cry, and it's like he isn't satisfied until he's pushed my buttons for daring to tell him no. He apologizes but it's just a matter of time before it's same shit/different day again. He makes me cry on a weekly if not daily basis. He ruins every trip I go on all because the attention isn't centered on himself. He acts like a 3 year old who sees other people as extensions of himself to satsify his needs and bidding.
I don't care anymore about his emotional manipulations, I fully intend to keep telling him no many times more.

He can't drive his plateless car right now so I am the default driver for anything and everything. He's also a mentally ill trust fund baby who doesn't work so his mentality is always me, me, me because he cannot understand the sacrifices people take and the priorities they juggle in order to perform for him. Because he himself faces no challenges or adversity on the day to day. If I try to explain what I do for him, he accuses me of being mean and holding things over his head before he turns right around and acts like some money he gives me from his trust fund to live here is a favor enough for me to forgive everything else he leaves up to me to do. He doesn't give me that much money and if I really sat down and broke down the living expenses I'm sure it's all a grift. He refuses therapy and cites medical problems which he has blown off seeing a doctor for. He sleeps in, smokes weed, plays video games, drinks beer at night, stays up until the early am, and then might do a few scant things around the house–the rest of his time is spent obsessing over me and all the attention I am not giving him. He searches for perceived slights so he can feel victimized and make controlling demands of me. This has been his life since December.
Enough is never enough! This morning he bitched cause I wanted to chill and be on my phone for a bit instead of laying silently and bored in bed for an additional hour to cuddle-not that I didn't give him any cuddles or attention-because me doing that for 20 minutes when I first woke up wasn't enough. I can never do what I want to do if it's not also what he wants for me to do. He's isolating and pouting in the computer room because I didn't bend to do what he wanted me to do. It's ironic because his anger and little bitch attitude works against his own interests because it disgusts me and makes me want to spend even less time with him. Could he easily be beside me and hanging out with me if the matter was being in each other's company? Yes, but what he seems to want is for me to chase, pursue, and apologize then give up what I want to do always which I will NOT always cave to.

At the end of the day however, he realizes just how good he has it here so no matter how he tries to retcon matters or insinuate I am some heartless bitch who never does shit for him, he will not leave.
That's all you need to realize that he is 100% full of shit.
Oh, and the reason why I was driving at midnight yesterday? Not work related, he wanted me to take him to the barcade 30 minutes away at 9pm for discounted games day. I was kinda tired after driving all day, the weather was shitty/I don't see well for driving at night, and I'm not a huge arcade fan. I went anyway. We actually managed to have fun because I won an assload of tickets off a skills game.
But remember, I never think about him nor do shit for us. I'm a mean, bad girlfriend who spends time on anything else except the scrote.

I wish I had a support system so I wouldn't have to be tolerant of moid bullshit just to survive.
Even late posting this because he argued with me more this morning making me feel bad over another non-issue.

No. 1561155

My sister said her wedding would be something small, she said we didn't have to be in it and rushed me to order a dress that she suggested that was already out of my price range; my other sister sees it says it's sooo nice and she wants to buy it too then she calls my sister and says it's cheap and ugly, the whole small wedding turns into a bigger wedding and she wants me to buy another dress that's $100, she complains that no one is paying for her wedding and calls everyday to annoy us about it when she's been with the same person for years and already has like a dozen kids with him. She planned this wedding last month and the wedding is in a couple of weeks.

No. 1561163

I am so frustrated with my friends it is unbelievable. I'm very close to sending a petty ass message but I have to remind myself I don't have anyone else. Why are you acting geriatric at 22? Being friends with neets is so exhausting I just want a friend group THAT ACTUALLY DOES STUFF

No. 1561164

Wow lmao that sucks

No. 1561167

I can't keep working I will fucking kill myself
I can't keep working I will fucking kill myself
I can't keep working I will fucking kill myself

No. 1561181

I've been feeling somewhat miserable lately for no reason and I thought I was doing an okay job at acting normal, but in the past few days multiple people have said I'm acting weird or asked if I'm sick or depressed. Probably because when I'm in a low mood I tend to be much lazier about following basic social cues like smiling and eye contact, but this time I was actually trying to keep doing all that and it was still obvious. It's embarrassing kek, especially when people are now assuming that I'm really troubled over something serious when literally nothing has happened, I'm just moody and will feel better in a few weeks anyway.

No. 1561182

To be honest even if you weren't exaggerating and would be completely alone, it's better than an outside force attacking your self esteem and character daily.

Why are you still with him? I know this question is asked a lot on here but I would just like to understand. Is it impossible to go?

No. 1561184

Girl same.

No. 1561194

>I eat normally and exercise normally
Sorry nona, I understand that you have some conditions and so I'm not personally trying to attack you, it's just that this is a very common thing that overweight people say and I wanted to comment on it in general. I've been normal weight my entire life, with the exception of several months during covid where I gained weight into almost the overweight category and then lost it. People frequently overestimate how much they move, and are uninformed about the nutrition of what they eat and portion size. I used to think that I had a lot of movement because I'm a student walking around campus, when in reality I was getting ~2.5k steps a day. I also thought that a 20 minute walk was good for the day when, again, that was only an 2k steps. Either of those, even combined, is sedentary. Obviously any movement is good but when I gained weight, it was from eating extra because in my mind, I had exercised via a 20-40 minute walk (followed by sitting at home for the other 23 hours). In reality I was still sedentary. Same with food, I had absolutely no idea how many calories were in butter. I don't think people need to count calories in general, especially those with disordered eating, but tons of people don't realize how much "little things" like condiments or snacks add, even though they are eating normally. Portion sizes are also huge by default at restaurants in the USA, which is terrible because our stomachs stretch, so it's possible to eat quite a bit more than we ought, while also feeling genuine hunger if we eat a normal portion. If I lose my appetite, eating a normal portion size can physically make my stomach hurt until I adjust over a couple days, and if I eat slightly larger portions than usual for a bit, going back to my usual amount can make me feel as though I'm ravenously hungry and literally starving until my body can adjust.

Weight loss is treated so much as a temporary intensive regimen and it's terrible, there are nutritionally beneficial choices that naturally result in weight loss (obviously to varying degrees if someone has an actual condition or something). Diets like keto are dumb because they introduce dumb food rules and the people who follow it will always subconsciously think of it as a "diet" so there'll always be a chance of relapsing and weight gain. But, as much as I think it's retarded, I'll admit it works for a lot of people because it gets people used to eating fewer carbs which are very present in the american "empty calories" lifestyle. People just don't even realize how much they're actually eating and moving. On top of this over 90% of people have a vitamin deficiency and roughly 10%ish have a nutritional deficiency, which both stems from nutritionally devoid food and contributes to poor eating habits due to cravings. Obviously there's no reason to be nasty to people who are losing weight, but I seriously cannot stand this idea that the only two options are to eat how they usually eat or literally starve themselves. 99% of time, there's small adjustments that can be made, like just increasing the amount of veggies or stopping drinking calories constantly.

No. 1561198

Multiple things can be bad at once? Surely addressing overconsumption would help with pollution.

No. 1561206

i've blown some things out of proportion about my ex-moid during the height of my episodes… who is still undeniably fucked in the head. but the friend he got this info from was also a fucking schizo and he lied about a bunch of shit. and this moid wont stop pursuing me, its deserved because i did dox him when he shared a lewd img of me, and some fucking shit from my past in his own words to several close friends. i care too much for internet crap but im paranoid… im taking a walk.

No. 1561208

I infodumped my trauma and femcel mindset on the guy who I like but who doesn't like me back please kill me

No. 1561213

Nonnie I didn't even trauma dump, just vented a bit about how society is kind of shit and that I believe most people are depressed. And that was after he had been BEGGING me to open up more. I knew his childhood trauma, his anxieties, fears, all his issues. Yet the second I expose myself as not constantly being a happy go lucky puppy, he was visibly turned off.

Yeah you might've traumadumped too much, but "too much" to these men is being anything less than a naive 15 year old Disney princess.

No. 1561217

Nonnie, I confessed that I am old kissless virgin who never got not even a compliment, but a kind word from a man, that I have had not a single friend after school, that I was mercilessely bullied and excluded from all activities. I am fucking pathetic, disgusted by myself, I am a worm, a trash. Why why why why whyyyyyyy am I so dumb

No. 1561220

All the fat people I know who told me they were eating normally and exercising normally were lying so hard to my face I was impressed that they didn't even look ashamed of themselves. Whenever I spent more than 24h with one of them I saw them overeating and not even noticing. If you were always fat even as a kid it could be that you were used since you were a child to fucked up portions and/or to eating snacks between meals fairly often and its such an old habit you probably don't even notice.

No. 1561221

I have a nostalgia for the 'ol "shmegeh" days. Not only for the drama with her and her friend group, but those were simpler times in general.
I know it's cringe, but I still find myself wishing there are more milk on her or whatever.

No. 1561224

Fuck me man I hate e-drama fags. Rather than private message me, they just out my wrongdoings to the groupchat on a new account and number that I don't have BLOCKED. I've never known a MALE

No. 1561225

to be such an attention whore. To finish myself off… oops. lol

No. 1561226

My shoulder joints hurt whenever I drink juice

No. 1561229

uugh I have to interact with this anachan in the family who dramatically refuses to eat at dinner and brags about weighing as much as a 12 year old and stares me down/makes comments when i eat, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I'm recovering from an ED myself right now and all the judgy competitiveness and guilt is making me go back to bad habits. Hate these social contagion brainworms

No. 1561231

Do you have a martyr complex? You sound like you enjoy being a miserable martyr. Leave him since he clearly has no redeeming qualities aside from validating your willingness to martyrdom.

No. 1561233

It’s literally too late to do anything to solve environmental/societal collapse, might as well let people enjoy their bread and circuses while they last. Most people will be either dead or living like a Syrian during the war with rolling blackouts being common (that’s if anyone besides the super upper class has access to electricity at all) in 30 years or less. The fact that people are just having kids that will be lucky to reach the age I am currently is mindblowingly sad.

No. 1561243

I feel like I live in a completely different world compared to others of similar age and it makes me severely depressed at times.

No. 1561244

NTA but I've always been curious about this kind of mindset. Let me be clear I'm not saying you're wrong or things aren't bad, but like do you just avoid anything long term? Do you just give up?

No. 1561245

I lived in Syria 1 year ago. Its terrible. 1 hour of electricity a day if you're lucky. Your freezer is actually your fridge. Everyone's a crook. Water comes on once every 4-5 days.

No. 1561246

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My "BDD" turned out to be completely accurate and the only real issue is the dysfunction. It wasn't random that my therapist let slip that I look ugly or that 100s of strangers have insulted my looks over the years…that people recount events make sure to note how fucked up I looked as if this detail corrupted the entire experience for them. I.e., everyone wearing pajamas with 0 make-up and having fun and playing games together only for them to talk about the experience and note how horrible you looked months later–and ONLY that as if literally none of the other hijinks that occurred were as distracting as how ugly I looked. Wow. What the fuck. I remember just sitting there awkwardly as they went on and on about it, confused. College was a trip, alright. I used to have fun, live in the moment, and not really…think about the way I looked beyond basic grooming, smelling good, and styling. Didn't notice other peoples' looks much, either.
Oh well, time to embrace life as a molerat who solely exists to make money. For some reason the most painful part isn't looking in the mirror but that every single time I've ever experienced joy in my life that all involved other people…was just me being delusional. I grew up being locked up in a room for months and months and developed so many social issues as a result of learning how to speak years later than other kids so I was already worthless trash. I just didn't understand that things could get worse and that the ability to experience joy or a sense of belonging could stolen from me forever. Anyway, I'll just try not to think about any of it and press on.

No. 1561248

Jesus is real. I suggest you the 45 minutes out of your life and listen to the gospel of Thomas, available on youtube.

No. 1561251

Have you considered getting really good at make up? Normally I would tell a woman that this is society induced dysphoria, because it normally is, but some people are actually ugly. Plastic surgery is expensive and dangerous, but make up has the same effect with less up front cost.

No. 1561259

Nayrt but jfc that sounds terrible. How did you escape nonna?

No. 1561267

Moids only want manipulate you when they say "aw open up to me" and tell you their "traumas" and vents to you. Always remember this!

No. 1561271

I wish I saw this earlier before I got in a fight with my boyfriend. This is exactly true.
>but "too much" to these men is being anything less than a naive 15 year old Disney princess.
Absolutely 100%. This is the best description possible of this.

No. 1561280

When he wants you to open up more, he really just wants you to tell him about the time you were molested when you were a kid so he can use it to manipulate you later. He dgaf if you think society is corrupt, he wants to know who groped you on the train when you were 17.

No. 1561287

Anon it affects absolutely everyone

No. 1561299

But anon, there are places where people regularly eat seafood as a part of their daily diet. You're telling me all the women there are just walking around with fish markets? I don't buy it.

No. 1561303

It's my house and he won't leave.

Every time he has emotionally ransomed me during fights, like he'll yell Well should I leave then? or Guess I'll cancel my part of the trip you planned? I tell him to go and not come back. It hurts so much, like it's rejection but not technically because he's sneaky enough to frame it like a question. I never ask or beg for him back, it's sick cause he's done it during almost every argument we ever had. It's like, oh, you think you have it bad here enough to threaten to leave? Well there's the door dude! Sometimes he will even fake pack and mess up a bunch of his clothes that are hung and folded.
He brings those manipulations yet every time I call him on them he doesn't fucking leave and tries to verbally exhaust me until I have a kumbaya with him just to stop the multi-hour arguing. He flips and acts like I am the one been hateful and mean for agreeing that he should leave when he's the fucking jerk who said it in the first place!
He reads from the same playbook as my narcissist mother and he is EXACTLY like her down to demanding emotional labor like hugs and ilys towards the end of fights to reassure him that I still love him because he's a validation vampire. He can never just leave me alone or give me space to process or be upset because all he thinks about is himself.
Also he hasn't done it for more recent fights, but he self-harms and/or destructs his belongings in front of me while he loses his shit in the past. He suicidebaits all the time.
He once told me during a different argument that I would have to call police in order to get him out. Do I want to fuck with the police? No, I'm currently having legal battles with my last shitbag ex. And also I don't have the physical and mental spoons to involve the law to deal with yet another asshole moid. He knows this so he just gets away with whatever. Any time I set boundaries or tell him no, or be anything less than sweet it's a guaranteed fucking fight and I'm tired.
If a grey rock him, he escalates until he gets my response by any means.
I'm tired because I am depressed. I have a professional job, animals, and a house to take care of and I don't have the capacity to deal with this shitty moid. All I wanted was to feel loved, appreciated, and supported.
Now I just wish I had a cousin I could call to come beat his ass and throw him out, I wish anybody would care. But nobody does, and if word got out about how abusive and toxic it is society would say I deserved it for not having predicted it and not stopping it immediately despite the circumstances.

The only solution I see happening to end this will be when I am forced to sell the house this summer and then all I have to do is disappear and not let him come with me. He's proven to cause even bigger grief and problems for me any other way.

No. 1561310

Yes It affects everyone. Well every woman I should say (men's semen get affected.)
If you eat strawberries, your vagina will smell like strawberries. If you eat fish. It will smell like fish.
Hell, I eat Ramen and I SMELL like Ramen down there. It's normal.

No. 1561311

Tell all the jealous camwhores who post in her thread to seek real employment. Shayposters are the real cows.

No. 1561314

Not normal for me. I've been struggling with my vagina smell for a while. It's really just an offhand comment that shouldn't be focused on so much.

No. 1561320

Anon the stronger smell might also be a result of consuming too much sugar and dairy, also alcohol. Not only that though, look up products that cause fermentation and try to eat less of them or cut off completely if possible and see if the odour situation improves

No. 1561321

fermented prpducts are good for vaginal health tho

No. 1561342

I'm autistic and too socially stunted to get friends or relationships. I've been watching some Elliot Rodgers videos commentary for laughs and the guy mentioned how autistic he sounded and his autistic way of describing things and now I'm scared this is how I sound to normal people kek. Even when I actually enjoy something or just think something, I may sound very monotone and I think that's why people either don't believe me or don't pay attention to me as much as they do to other people. Because who would want to listen to that shit? Idk if I should pay some voice emission teacher or what?

No. 1561354

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HOLY SHIT I think my parents are getting divorced
My mom is gonna leave for a week and leave us and our dad alone (my dad is probably going to be away for work too so it'll just be me and my sister most of the time)
When they gave us the talk I was pretty calm and normal but now it's starting to hit me and my blood pressure is dropping and I'm shaking a bit hahaha fuck I don't want to feel like crying
Like I saaw this coming and have thought many times before "you guys should just divorce already" because my mom has cheated on my dad and who knows what he has done as well, and they clash a lot over how to treat me and my sister and ughhh I don't know what the hell is going on but I think they're getting divorced even though my mom and dad acted like they're still gonna be here with us after mom comes back
Now I gotta take an anxiety shit, I feel constipated all of a sudden

No. 1561363

No worries, you live and you learn!
We've all been there…

No. 1561368

I'm sorry nonna. I am in the same situation and slowly losing my sanity over it. I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that I'll never date again after this (first and last experience). But it's hard because, well, most people want to experience romantic/sexual intimacy and relationships. Depressing.

No. 1561369

Find a new man.
Start going out more.
Find a new man.

No. 1561370

You should just start asking men for money, helping you do things, etc. And unless a man signs the marriage papers AND has made your life easier by paying your debts and buying you valuable useful things, you should never start investing feelings.
Go on and date, just be strategic- that's how most moids think when approaching women.

No. 1561378

i've listened to elliot rodgers' videos and he doesn't just have a monotone voice, something feels so forced and fake about his laugh and the shit he says. he was prescribed an anti-psychotic that he refused to take, i doubt he was just the average autist but idk tho

No. 1561384

holy shit i am so sick of this, the neighborhood skateboarder kids have glommed on to me because i have yelled at one of their parents being abusive as shit while i was rollerblading. now they just circle around where i am and i can't smoke on my balcony anymore because i will be called in as a 'bad influence' and fined. i get it kids i will stand up for you when you are being actively abused but fucking hell. the moms blame me for them smoking, vaping, being alive, i don't fucking know i hate these karen moms so much. now i just leave my door open and i can hear their moms saying shit god damnit i hate this place.

i should be able to smoke on my own fucking balcony

while i was typing this one of the mormon guys saw my cat 'harassing birds'????? he was sitting next to me, i guess i am a bird. there are no birds for this cat to eat, he is on the 2nd floor with no way to jump down. mormons are fucking insane

MEANWHILE I SPEND MOST OF MY WALKS PICKING UP DOG SHIT. but no it's the infidel non-mormons and cats. he just drove back and forth three times while i wrote this.

don't fucking read this shit i just need a history of this shit.
drove past again.
these people are making me think i'm going insane and documenting it makes me know i'm not.

No. 1561389

i REALLY don't want to be the mean girl or the type of person to put other women down but. holy shit. this girl in my class is getting on my nerves. we started uni not too long ago so everyone is still getting to know eachother, and this girl just clings to me. normally that doesn't bother me but oh gods she's dumb as a rock. tried helping her with chemistry and maths and that shit but everytime i try to explain something to her she just stares at me expecting me to hold her hand at all times and tell her how to solve everything. when she "tries" solving them by herself she just, doesn't get it?? even the prof had to explain it to her several times. it wouldn't be so bad if during class she didn't play on her phone with her shitty bts rhythm game instead of actually paying attention so she could at least improve her shitty marks that she constantly complains about. if that wasn't enough the sound of her breathing is so loud it gets distracting. also her clothes stink like a dirty bellybutton for some reason and her hair is always greasy. barf.

No. 1561391

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Overall I’m okay with how my body stores fat, I’d say Im an hourglass that leans pear. But I have one problem spot where a lot of my fat is stored right on my obliques. It looks like I have muffin top even when I’m naked. I’ve been working on my gluteus minimus and it’s been helping some but it’s so noticeable. The only time I haven’t had this is when I’ve been underweight. It’s like 5 lbs of fat stored there so even building muscle doesn’t reduce their appearance enough. I hate it.

No. 1561393

Correct! This strategy is perfect. That's how ALL women should see dating as. Moids don't deserve the time of day unless there is something in it for us. And even that "something" is something we can provide for ourselves and consists of a multitude of things/qualities. They're up against our peace, and if they can't add onto it then they should be excluded, cut out of our lives. Block, and delete.

No. 1561394

And then het women get offended when certain feminists call het relationships prostitution kek

No. 1561397

I don't understand this comment lol. It's perfectly okay to want things from men in relationships. I'm not too sure about money but I'm sure women want their meals to be paid for in full without paying or them expecting sex.

No. 1561398

Don't even bother responding. That's a terminally online retard who lives on this site 24/7. Some anons have zero self awareness.

No. 1561400

nta but this was an advice for women who want sexual intimacy, it was not encouraging women who don't want sex to do it anyway for perks. bp anons whine about "libfems" supposedly invading their thread but they so obviously prefer fighting about the "ree prostitutes" argument everywhere than actually discussing with each other lmao

No. 1561401

ILU nony but touch grass.

No. 1561408

All the side effects I experience from anorexia? Seizures, muscle loss, inability to retain memories longterm; every single part of it is worth it because I do it for love and I will for the rest of my life. Just needed a place to say this.

No. 1561412

literally “I can’t feel my face when I’m with you, but I love it”

No. 1561414

the rest of your life won't be more than 5 years anon..

No. 1561418

It’s better that way

No. 1561422

That's not love that's probably trauma bonding or something similar, and you probably fetishize how shallow it is for some reason.

No. 1561424

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sadly i relapsed nonnies

No. 1561428

>Find a new man.
>Start going out more.
I would if my abuser wasn't accounting for my every waking second I'm not with him and retaliating when he doesn't get his way.
>Find a new man.
Ok, thanks, will do.
Are you the same dildo who called me a martyr upthread?

No. 1561431

Admittingly I skimmed your post, though.
Can't get a restraining order and get help from your male family members?

No. 1561432

The cost of eating nothing but junk food today is really fatal for me and I am anticipating the imminent diarrhea/vomitting I will have later tonight.
A slice of pizza, a pack of instant noodles, a few chicken nuggets, two hotdogs and now I feel sick.
How can some people eat like this everyday.

No. 1561434

Sigh. Idk why I bother to post deets that go completely unread. Haha, I'd rather be ignored.

No. 1561436

The difference between my shit job working nightshifts, and the sickness benefit + the legal 8 hours you can earn on top of it, is quite literally $120 per week. $40 of which is wasted on petrol.

I'm just gonna quit, I feel like society is just mocking me. I'm only working with Cambodian immigrants and Samoans, which showcases that this country as a whole has given up on doing that sort of work.

No. 1561437

oh i wanna kill myself so bad. im so alone. not to sound pathetic but its hard living when youre completely and utterly alone. i dont even mean with moids i couldnt care less about that but with people in general. no friends, no family, just alone

No. 1561442

You can have moids pay you WITHOUT having sex :) You equating talking to and dating men as "must have sex" really says a lot about you :) but your post was illogical and in bad faith to begin with(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1561444

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>be me, this morning
>wake up way too early and go back to sleep
>have vivid dream of walking through an art gallery/museum
>all the art is surreal but beautiful
>see two handsome men and think "wow, I have to move to (city), then I can meet someone who's my type"
>walk away because even in my dreams I'm too scared to talk to men
>stumble and fall down
>one of the men catches me and helps me up
>smiles at me sweetly, is so kind, and we start talking
>spend the rest of the dream walking around the gallery holding hands
>wake up abruptly

That was the nicest dream I've had in a while, but I loathed waking up to get ready for a 10 hour shift right after with a passion. That sadness hit hard. I want what was in that dream so badly, I wish I could have dreamt it forever.

No. 1561445

Nta and I read your post but he is abusive so there is not a lot of possibilities here. Even if it's not the police, you could seek help with a social worker or even in a shelter. I mean even if you already have legal battles it doesn't mean the police won't do something. At the very least, disappear on him the day you can sell your house, like you said. But you probably need help because he is obviously manipulative, emotionally abusive and violent.

No. 1561451

I feel so hopeless, I’ve been putting so much effort into trying to move past the abuse but I spent the day unable to do anything but cry and sleep like it happened months ago. It’s been over 5 years. I feel reminded of it constantly, there’s so many disgusting moids in my town that brag about doing the things I went through. My fucking neighbor is always smoking on our shared balcony and I have to hear him shit talk/degrade women, the last straw was last night when I heard him berating a woman he brought over for not sleeping with him. And all I could do is just fucking sit there and listen, I didn’t know what to do. and I keep reminding myself that once I can harness the pain I’ll be able to use it to maybe help someone but for now I feel so useless. I’m just a tiny speck out of all the women that have been abused in that kind of way, that makes you feel literally stripped of your personhood. I hate living in a world where every woman I know has been victimized at some point. I need to resume my life but HOW

No. 1561462

It's a dark, dark day for me. Neopets removed the Fan Club board from the neoboards. That board was where I lived for many years in the early 2000s, so much so one could say I was a staple, a local celebrity, my threads were always busy.
Sad times. Truly the end of an era now.

No. 1561467

I'm tired of being the way that I became, I want to denounce everything I've ever said and done up to this point and start anew

No. 1561501

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I used to be so sweet, so well meaning, so kind and so aspirational and every single passing day just takes the godforsaken life out of me

everything I've experienced in my life isn't worth the suffering and I'm really hoping I drop from exhaustion soon so I can just come clean and reveal to my family, as abusive as they are, the truth

they won't believe me
nobody really does, but I just keep pretending it's going to better and I'll be okay and it's not, it's not. nobody is going to help or save or rescue me from a mistake this monumental

it's my fault I guess, I guess it's my fault
I tried my best and I failed. maybe death or having a serious physical health issue is better than living my life continually with my heart throbbing every single day like I'm constantly on the verge of a panic attack and don't want to touch my technology with a ten foot pole but the world is fucking boring and impossible to navigate without it

the culture of fucking pathetic surveillance this world has created is a dystopian stain, and mine was paid in blood and tears

No. 1561508

I have a sticker of this character, it caught my attention on the front page

No. 1561512

I'm so fucking tired of it all, just let me drop dead in peace and let nature consume me, anyway I'm going to blast some europop

No. 1561535

My hogwarts legacy save file is glitched with multiple bugs that require a save editor to fix but I'm stupid and am having a hard time understanding how to do it. I'm sad I just wanted to 100% it. I can already feel myself rapidly losing interest. I never finish anything

No. 1561536

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>tfw woken up by earthquake
I fucking hate California

No. 1561572

I am so tired of feeling this extreme sadness every single time I get back from my boyfriend’s I’m doing what my therapist tells me to I’m arranging plans with friends for when I get home and know I’ll be sad but this shit is a joke now. Can’t even hold my tears back in public like jesus christ stand the fuck up girl! Makes me feel like I’m a fucking abandoned child, and probably has something to do with my childhood experiences, and my attachment style that my therapist mentioned looking into, but just what the fuck. I’ve talked about it all too much with any friends I have I know they’re getting annoyed every time I bring it up like clockwork. Feel so annoying even venting about this corny shit here but whatever I guess. What can I even do anymore guess I’m just defective at this point.

No. 1561622

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I went trough a major depressive state right before the lockdown and I didnt do anything productive I just spend two years sleeping. I didn't do anything to get medication for my issue which is really affecting me now. I didn't read any books or do any of my hobbies. I'm into stage plays and I found out that a bunch of plays had live streaming events during lockdown and even some actors I really like did some small streams too which I will forever seethe about. I will never forgive myself for missing that.
It just pisses me off. Thinking back the lockdown was the perfect opportunity to focus on self improvement or on being creative. But I wasted that opportunity

No. 1561623

It's Friday and I just want to get off the computer and take a long walk in the sun. My colleague set up a zoom call to go through some new features she's working on for our project. It was supposed to be 30 minutes. It's now been over an hour. She's extremely smart and effective, but she just keeps talking in such mundane detail about stuff I even watched my boss close his eyes and almost fall asleep. He woke up just in time to catch his laptop before it fell off his lap, kek.

I hate every meetings set up on Fridays. I just want to get my work done so I can start my weekend early, but everyone apparently thinks Friday is the best time for lengthy meetings. At least I get to work from home.

No. 1561636

let yourself cry it out then move on. crying in public is fine. i used to avoid it and now i might feel a little embarrassed afterwards but that's still much better than having all that bottled emotion.

No. 1561644

My mental strenght has gone to shit so much that at this point in my life I will have a crying fit over anything. I have periods of time where I cry every night. It's probably depression or anxiety but it's so much. It could be my job kek

No. 1561645

relapsed on what?

No. 1561652

>Thinking back the lockdown was the perfect opportunity to focus on self improvement or on being creative. But I wasted that opportunity
It really wasn't anon, that whole pandemic situation stress, being unable to do things normally, a lot of people have gotten worse mentally over that time even when they walked into it being fine and motivated to do things. Don't beat yourself up about the past, the time now is much better and healthier to spend on self improvement

No. 1561658

Realizing this now. I embarrassingly thought that because he's got so many mental hangups and trauma that he might prefer someone who's a tiny bit broken (revealing like 5% of my issues). I thought it'd make us form a stronger bond. I waited TWO years to reveal that no, I'm actually not happy all the time. That's it, nothing worse. Meanwhile, he's told me all about how he was literally raped and forced to suck dick as a kid.

No. 1561664

Thank you Nonita, I did cry it out and do feel better for it now. You’re right, and it seems whenever I’m trying to explicitly avoid crying/trying to hold it all in it just makes it harder and causes me to be more likely to cry. I’m thankfully back in the comfort of my own home where I can cry in peace kek. I appreciate your reply ♥

No. 1561665

Nona where's your family?

No. 1561683

this is kind of a weird vent, as it's a mixture of gratefulness and also a bit of sadness. i've been thinking a lot about my life over these past few years. my life really did not turn out the way i imagined or the way people told me that it would, and in a weird way i am thankful for that. i am bit sad that my life really didn't start to get better until i was in my mid to late 20's. i am sad that a big fucking chunk of my life, from childhood through to about the age of 26, was wrapped up in dysfunction and abuse. i feel a bit of sadness at times that i was not happy growing up, that my father and i hated each other, that my mother was physically present but not there mentally. i feel sad that i lost so many people i loved, that my life was not stable, that i watched my family fall apart and people die and all of us scattered across the world. but at the same time, there's a part of me that realizes i would never be the person i am today if i hadn't been through all those things. i wouldn't have had the drive to change my life if i had been coddled or if my family had been more supportive of me or if i had been treated the same way as some other family members of mine who did not succeed like they were told they would. no one really believed in me because i was quiet and introverted as a child, and i guess in most people's head only extroverts are built for success. i suffered through bullying and being overlooked by my family in favor of the more "outgoing" people, and the irony of it all is that it was me, not them, who were stronger. maybe it's kind of egotistical to say this but i think i can become even more successful than one family member in particular who is constantly lording their wealth over everyone and who used to bully me for being quiet as a child. i just wish i had had faith in myself before and hadn't let people make me think there was something wrong with me because i wasn't a big mouthed idiot. i am powerful in my own way.

No. 1561686

honestly, I would feel like absolute dogshit if I was open about being CSAed and then this chick just said she's not happy all of the time.

broken males hate women whose loves aren't as bad and trauma bonding is a red flag anyhow

No. 1561702

Change the locks when he's gone, leave his shit outside. Lock the windows. Set up an alarm that directly contact the police so that when he tries to break in you won't have to worry about calling them. And I know your last ex was a shitbag but seriously, you need to call the police on this fucker. And get a restraining order too while you're at it.

No. 1561706

Oh it wasn't like that. Trust me CSA victims have all my sympathy and my heart literally hurts when I hear about it. There's nothing worse on this fucking earth. He opened up about it a year ago and I've literally comforted him for hours while he cried. He and his male cousin were CSAd "together", and I literally helped them reconnect after decades and actually talk about what happened. It helped both of them so much, they were insanely grateful and shocked that talking it out actually worked. After building up his non-existent confidence, encouraging him to get a job, lifting him up in every way possible, he's just not there for me in return.

It wasn't until a year after that I confessed to being a bit depressed. Truth is I'm a ball of trauma and issues, but he'll never know. I was just testing the waters by telling him a tiny bit of it. And as I suspected, it turns him off. He kept saying that I was too good for him, too pretty, had too much potential, compared to him. I was trying to make him feel better/closer to me by telling him some negative stuff. He literally said "haha don't ruin my fantasy".

No. 1561711

Ah. Another build-a-man barb. I can't wait when you come back here, crying your ass off bc he left you for another woman that you were building him up for.

No. 1561712

It's not gonna last long if you truly know what's good for yourself.

No. 1561714

I hate my mom and her stupid ass gardening classes, you are absolutely FUCKING up my sleep schedule with this dumb bullshit you idiotic tard whore I fucking hate her ass in general. I can't wait to move out. Sincerely.

No. 1561715

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I've learned from my mistakes. I knew fixing a man gives you nothing in return, yet I did so, because I'm a retard with empathy. I've literally cried myself to sleep thinking about his CSA trauma and how scared and in pain he must've been. I guess I saw that hurt little boy in him and thought I could heal him, but nope that little boy is gone. 100% scrote brain with selfish grown scrote instincts.

No. 1561717

Now that you've realized this. It's time to move on.

No. 1561718

Holy shit that’s so disappointing. Fuck. If I were you and I loved this guy I would be doing mental gymnastics like wellll he’s traumatized no one ever taught him how to be empathetic uhhh he probably cares deep down but I’d know deep down he actually truly wasn’t good enough for me (you)

No. 1561753

My bf being annoying af lately. It's been over 6 months and I thought by now we'd be more comfortable and in sync. The past month and a bit we've drifted. I blew up on him back in March and mentioned breaking up if it's not working and he was mad I brought that up, but I don't want to waste time? We haven't talked about our exes but I know he was with someone for 6 years then single for longer and they never lived together. He's never lived with anyone early into our relationship he kept expressing interest in us living together but haven't heard mention of it in a long time. He told me he feels uncomfortable in relationships cause he's use to being alone which is fine He's being honest, but sometimes I'll go visit him and he'll fuck off and busy himself with something he could do when I'm not there. Also our sex drives are not similar. I'm definitely frustrated and abusing my vibrator when I'm home. We made plans to hang out tonight but he's doing his new thing of ignoring me all day and saying he was busy when I know him well enough now to know he got home an hour ago and he isn't in the mood to see me. Is this what he did to his last gf just kept her on a hook until she pulled the plug and it's took him years to find another fool. I cba. I'm sick of scheduling for days off with him and he cancels or is lame company. I vented in work for the first time about him today and idk, feels like I'm preparing to soft break up with him. Be cool if he could explain why he's been acting so cold cause I was really happy a few weeks ago

No. 1561770

I'm so tired of the overuse of the word "pick-me" on social media with people trying to be more and more meta with it to show how witty they are. Initially it was just cringe teenage girls who think they're not like other girls, girls who want to show they are "wife material" and girls who stupidly appeal to male talking points and reject feminism when no no one asked.

Now I see it used as a synonym of "quirky" or even for gnc women or girls who enjoy traditionally male things or have a more assertive personality or aren't into feminine things. It's gotten to the point where even 30 y.o shmoids will say it on young girls' insta posts while being completely out of touch to its use just so they get to feel hip and cool and ''gotcha''

Hope this isn't pickmeism but I fucking hate normies so much. Idk if i'm supposed to sage here so i did

No. 1561771

I'm so tired of the overuse of the word "pick-me" on social media with people trying to be more and more meta with it to show how witty they are. Initially it was just cringe teenage girls who think they're not like other girls, girls who want to show they are "wife material" and girls who stupidly appeal to male talking points and reject feminism when no no one asked.

Now I see it used as a synonym of "quirky" or even for gnc women or girls who enjoy traditionally male things or have a more assertive personality or aren't into feminine things. It's gotten to the point where even 30 y.o shmoids will say it on young girls' insta posts while being completely out of touch to its use just so they get to feel hip and cool and ''gotcha''

Hope this isn't pickmeism but I fucking hate normies so much. Idk if i'm supposed to sage here so i did

No. 1561772

I'm so tired of the overuse of the word "pick-me" on social media with people trying to be more and more meta with it to show how witty they are. Initially it was just cringe teenage girls who think they're not like other girls, girls who want to show they are "wife material" and girls who stupidly appeal to male talking points and reject feminism when no no one asked.

Now I see it used as a synonym of "quirky" or even for gnc women or girls who enjoy traditionally male things or have a more assertive personality. It's gotten to the point where even 30 y.o shmoids will say it on young girls' insta posts while being completely out of touch to its use just so they get to feel hip and cool and ''gotcha''

Hope this isn't pickmeism but I fucking hate normies so much. Idk if i'm supposed to sage here so i did

No. 1561773

I'm so tired of the overuse of the word "pick-me" on social media with people trying to be more and more meta with it to show how witty they are. Initially it was just cringe teenage girls who think they're not like other girls, girls who want to show they are "wife material" and girls who stupidly appeal to male talking points and reject feminism when no no one asked.

Now I see it used as a synonym of "quirky" or even for gnc women or girls who enjoy traditionally male things or have a more assertive personality or aren't into feminine things. It's gotten to the point where even 30 y.o shmoids will say it on young girls' insta posts while being completely out of touch to its use just so they get to feel hip and cool and ''gotcha''

Hope this isn't pickmeism but I fucking hate normies so much. Idk if i'm supposed to sage here so i did

No. 1561774

kill him

No. 1561775

why does mcdonalds make me shit so bad? wtf. i just ate some for the first time in years and had such bad shits this morning

in n out never makes me shit like that. my stomach fucking hURT!!!!

No. 1561790

Please ditch, he just wants you as a convenience he's not actually interested that much.

No. 1561797

Bade gateway made me post it 4 times sorry, at least it was saged lol

No. 1561827

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I only took 4 months out of work because I had a mental breakdown I still paid my bills and everything and everyone is yelling at me to get a job! why!? I know people who have taken 6 months to a year off work just because! Why is it an issue when I do it? Is it because no one else has the balls/stupidity to just say fuck it!? Honestly I’m more so depressed that I lack the drive everyone else around me seems to have. All I do is work until I burn out and then have a mental breakdown and quit i know it’s not sustainable but nothing brings me happiness except this one dream that I fear I’m getting further and further from. I just wish i had confidence drive and motivation like most of my peers seem to. I feel like such a shell of a human. I hate that to be human means to work.

No. 1561830

I just fucking hate children. I have no nerve for their shit. They’re dumb and inconsiderate and dont understand shit. I get there not developed but i dont care.

No. 1561841

Autism vibes

No. 1561842

What even is the point of living as we have to? Working until 70? Spending so much time doing what you don't want to do. Just so you'll have a few moments for yourself. And then we die. Alone. Our parents die and we will have to be alive and mourn them. With them I'll lose the only people I can actually trust. Even if I get a partner I am absolutely sure he'll betray me, I don't believe in long-lasting love from moids. I'd build a life with someone just to see him lose interest and cheat or start hating me for my changing body.
We watch years go by and see ourselves changing, we won't even recognise ourselves one day and it's absolutely inevitable. Life is so depressing.
Seriously considering being a NEET just playing vidya, high education only brought me depression and self-hate and I'm sure working in my field will make me even more miserable. Wish I could live in a van or some shit.

No. 1561849

I'm reaching that point where I'm considering settling to be a housewife
Too retarded for college, too retarded for job interviews, too retarded to handle customer service jobs, don't want to be stuck in retail for the rest of my life. All I can do is hope I find a decent husband who will at least help me find meaning in life and give me something to do

No. 1561854

Lol i might

No. 1561856

I kind of hate adults more tbh. Children redeem themselves when they are funny and polite.

No. 1561857

Finding a man that will be your husband is different battle. You’ll likely need to have kids with him, have a low body count, be submissive, and be loyal. And what if you aren’t even attractive enough to find one with money?

No. 1561859

if you can afford it. I think most people would stay unemployed if they had that privilege.

No. 1561863

I was in the position to have a year off for my mental health and it didn't cost anyone a fucking thing but the abuse I got from family and some friends whos aren't friends anymore was crazy. Everyone was jealous and saying I was penalising myself. Well guess what it did not hinder me in work I just made up and got cover for the year for my cv and now I already earn more than some of those cunts giving me shit and in their heads they had a head start. You only get one life anon do whats right for you and fuck other people (although at times it was isolating and lonely)

No. 1561869

People are fucking fragile. My entire life I have had to play into the egos of other people and made them feel valid and justified. Their issues feel valid but my entire life I have had been ignored for my problems or have been given very detached responses or have even had my issues turned against me or used to discredit me or attack me. I have realized that my entire life I have never recieved an ounce of empathy.
Since I was a kid I have never had any living conditions. I grew up in extreme poverty with no parents and saw atrocities happen all around me. Now I am 24 I have had 9 suicide attempts, I have no money, no resources, no friends, no support system I am being harassed by hundreds of individuals and having my truth twisted, my reality twisted being told that I am not valid, that my problems are not valid that they somehow make me dirty or a lost cause. All of these people have things in their lifes actual friends, lovers, support, careers and when they complain they expect to be heard and given empathy and care and that happens even when they complain of mudane issues. Soon, I will kill myself and none of these people have ever cared. They have never cared about how horrible my life is but my entire life I have had to walk on egg shells with all these mother fuckers because if I slightly offend them or make them feel like their issues are unjustified they use anything that they have in their power to harass me.

No. 1561873

sorry for the broken English. Have been spent the past 3 months in my bedroom alone and my train of thought is derailing due to complete isolation and it has become increasingly harder for me to focus on anything at all even writing a sentence

No. 1561882

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IS THERE A FUCKING ESCAPE FROM TRANNIES?! I opened a fucking video essay about an anime, voice of the ssayist clearly female, and I was having a decent time listening to her analysis of the theme until suddenly, an hour in, her voice changed pitch and was suspiciously froggy. I'm desisted, so I know what tranny voice sounds like, and I could smell the testosterone right away. I hoped I was wrong, cause trannyshit has wrecked my mentals so much I'd have to close the video if this was a troon. Indeed, while analyzing the themes of motherhood in the show, she did the obligatory troon song and dance about how so much tWanSpHobIa for transmen is about not being mothers. I closed the video then. does it ever fucking end?! is there any place where there's respite? Do I just have to watch a greasy male called Lily Simpson with a video from PhilosophyTube just below every fucking time I engage with the internet? Is the only troon-safe place fucking lolcow or kiwifarms?! Where the fuck do you go when troonism has actually broken your brain and you struggle to keep your own delusions that you're a man because of sexism and autism away???? sometimes I just want to give in and fucking troon out because there is no escape. It has infected every corner of the internet, and even in my third world shitole I saw the most fucking feminine woman you've ever seen wearing a crop top and cat ears and makeup at a convention and her instagram had fucking she/he/they in bio. DOES IT EVER FUCKING END?! I WANT TO FUCKING DIE

No. 1561887

Fuck my grandma passed recently and I had to go clean out her house, my childhood home, that had sat abandoned for years. There's no power, the carpet's rotting, and it's absolutely infested with fleas and bedbugs and roaches. I could feel the bugs crawling all over me as soon as I walked in. My childhood toys and clothes and her handmade quilts were infested and unsalvageable. I flea bombed my car, washed all my clothes twice, and used flea shampoo but I still have nightmares about being in that dark eerie house and feel "phantom" bites. Anyways if any of you nonas had to deal with bedbugs or fleas in the past my heart goes out to you because that shit is truly traumatizing. idk what I'll do if I accidentally brought some to my house

No. 1561890

my bf came over to my place for the first time in two and a half months. we had fun for approx. 2 hours and then he gets absolutely negative and frustrated because the movie he wants to watch won't play in full quality. he didn't want to find literally anything else to do, we could have gone out to eat or walk or get drinks, anything. but he just wants to sit in my dark room mad and he doesn't give a fuck that i'm crying because of how negative he's acting and i just wanted to have a good time with him. i go see him every weekend, it would be nice if the one time he comes over could be pleasant. but this isn't the first time he's been so overly negative when he's come over to my place, i just don't fucking understand. i can't take this shit anymore i can't take the negativity and no explanations from him for why it's happening. he tells me i didn't do anything wrong like what the fuck, how am i supposed to believe that when you act that way and don't explain anything. it really seems like he resents having to come over to my place and that i won't always be coming over to see him. can't take this shit anymore this is not good for my health

No. 1561896

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update: he didn't even acknowledge what i said to him about DBT. he completely ignored it while still being active. i don't know why i even tried because the joke's on me in the end, but i'm still disappointed.

No. 1561916

I am so tired of it too, nonna. They infect EVERY corner of the internet, inject their dumb bullshit into all conversation, make everything about them and their trannyness and how transphobic even farting in their direction is. I fucking hate it. Everything is a dog whistle, female is a bad word, you can't even say you like certain fictional tropes without them reeeeing into your ear about your uwu biases against transfemmes and girldick. I really wish the trans genocide was real because I'm sick of it all.

No. 1561918

I know people usually hate the younger generation but I kind of low key wish I were a zoomer. People are less racist now so I would actually have a chance with the lpretty white boys l(Leonardo DiCaprio types)because back when I was a teenager I had no chance with them because they were all extremely anti black and now I’m too old for them. Also it would be great to be young in the technology age.

No. 1561923

I can't afford it lol I'm dirt poor
I like to dream tho

No. 1561932

I'm proud of you for making it. No matter what you do in life you'll be better than the people who belittled you for being quiet.
Damn nona, why die? Go tell them to backflip off a skyscraper for the good of humanity and scream abuse at them until they cry, might as well give as good as you got.

No. 1561940

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I can't believe those idiots banned me for simply expressing my dissatisfaction with the Lion King Remake and New Winnie the Pooh film. This is ridiculous!

No. 1561942

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For the past 4 or so years, I started to feel like life is a race and this FOMO feeling is getting the best out of me.

As much as my therapist tried to tell me back when I started to feel that way that "hey, everyone has their own pace", I still feel like I pretty much failed at life and my god, I'm only 24. I feel like right now I'm doing what I was supposed to do at 18 - 20 and I dread the fact that years pass quite fast, not to mention that 2.5 years of my life were uneventful because of the pandemic.

The fact that I was (and still am) a retard to essentially have the amount of experiences only a 16 year old would have makes me hate myself even more. Instead of enjoying life as I should and maybe get a decent job in a big city, I moved back to my quiet hometown after I dropped out of college during the pandemic and drowned myself in a job that offers some sort of stability, altough it's a minuscule bit above minimum wage and I wageslave almost all days of the week and it worries me to apply anywhere else with the economical situation as of late. Also, I'm ashamed to graduate college at 26, I should've done that at 22, goddamnit. The only things I had acomplished in the past 5 years was not attempting suicide anymore, get better blood tests and have a better relationship with my parents.

I want to have some of those experiences everyone talks about, but I want them to happen ASAP, otherwise I can consider myself a failure and someone pathetic who tries to catch on lost years.

No. 1561944

out of curiosity are you talking about the tranny anime youtuber hazel? Because I've fallen for that one too kek. Honestly I've had the same frustrations as you and used it as an opportunity to go outside and find some other interests. Anything online or anime-related is infested with genderspecials but my irl hiking friends don't know what a tranny is. I suffer from gender dysphoria too and I find as I spend less time rotting in my room navel-gazing and more time working up a sweat, making stuff with my hands, and talking with "normies" the more I appreciate my body for what it can do and just how large the spectrum of "normal woman" really is. Sorry for basically telling you to touch grass but I truly think most online spaces are too far gone and will only worsen your mental state

No. 1561947

Ayrt and I don’t just give up or necessarily avoid anything longterm, besides having children. I don’t believe in saving money for retirement or prepping, because both are pointless. I believe in spending my money and living my life in a way that is fun without cursing new souls to exist. My partner shares my beliefs, we have a firearm and when things get unbelievably bad the plan is for him to shoot me in my sleep and then euthanize our (rescue) pets before he takes himself out.

I hope I’m wrong. I hope things get better. But that’s like hoping for time travel, it’s just not gonna happen, it’s a fantasy. The idea that everything will be okay and human beings will have better lives in the future is a fantasy. It’s sad but true. Most people aren’t willing to look into collapse related stuff because it terrifies them and if they want to have children it basically confirms that that is a cruel and heartless decision, so they decide to ignore the facts. Don’t Look Up but with a less imminent and blatant threat to humanity basically.

No. 1561950

When I do. It gets worse. Like they turn it against me even more and act like I am insane for standing up for myself. Endless guilt tripping.

No. 1561952

Thank you so much for this nonnie I’m Op this made me tear up and gave me the motivation I needed. Have a great weekend!!

No. 1561956

I am so sorry for your loss with both your grandmother and your belongings. Just know you can always cherish your current belongings and never part with them. This is a TW for how I felt after having bed bugs
A disgusting moid gave them to me.
Bed bugs are literally the worst yoi will be in psychological warfare with yourself for months every itch will make you think there is a bug on you and nothing is more disturbing than finding out there was one feasting on your blood for god knows how long without your knowledge. I found them everywhere for months I ended up sleeping on the floor and they followed me to my floor. They were all in my grandmas wheelchair. It was traumatizing. We had to throw her bed out the side of the window it was that bad. I remember my brother said “whoever thought of sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite is evil. I would never say that to my children. He is right I would never wish bed bugs on my worst enemy. Not that I have one but still. I feel you Op I pray you ain’t bring them home with you. Wash everything in scalding hot water as soon as you get home. Like 2x. 3 to be sure lol

No. 1561959

>The only things I had acomplished in the past 5 years was not attempting suicide anymore, get better blood tests and have a better relationship with my parents.
All of those are good things. Don't be ashamed to graduate at 26, don't regret anything that you've done. If you're alive and willing to change, then you're successful.

No. 1561961

I love my parents so fucking much I wanna cry & I know I will never love them as much as they love me. I'm not ready to lose them, I wanna give back to them as much as they gave to me.

My mom thinks I don't love her as much as I do and everytime she feels not good enough I wanna cry because I love her the most and I wish I could tell her but I just can't because I'd cry and she'd cry and I don't wanna make her cry.

I wish I weren't such an autist when it came to these things, I want my parents to feel loved

I try to visit them often but we live pretty far away to each other so I can only come a couple times a year and life flies by so fast. I don't want them to be lonely, I wish I could visit every month

They love me so much

No. 1561962

instead of throwing it in the washer and grabbing a new one, someone left nasty shit stains on the towel hanging in the bathroom. first it's constant shit stains on the toilet seat that i swear i clean every goddamn day every time i use the bathroom and now the towels. i dont use that towel but it's fucken disgusting to see.

No. 1561976

I'm really starting to hate people who make running/hiking their whole personality, and I love running myself.

No. 1561980

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It’s another episode of “Legitimate Suicidal Ideation, or Just Hungry?”!!!

No. 1561989

I think I fucked up an art show at my school when I didn’t show up for my shift to watch it, but nobody was going to show up

No. 1561992

I hate men, all men. They're disgusting, angry, porn brained. The ones that are nice to you are only so because they want to have sex with you. Even the seemingly nicest one will abuse you, take advantage of you, scream at you. The ones that 'love' you will be the worst perpetrators of this, and will belittle and abuse your kindness and love all while gaslighting you to try and keep you around. I fucking hate them all.

No. 1561997

Sigh. I miss the days of Shmegeh at her "peak tumblr" days, and I want to be a bmi of 15.

No. 1562000

Ayrt, no, it was someone with violet in the username, though im not surprised there’s more than one kek. I know grass touching is the safest bet, but I’m visibly retarded-tier autistic, and it makes socializing with normies difficult. I love skating, so maybe I should find friends to sperg about it? Life isn’t easy as a retard Nona, I am so tired. However I’m glad you found a shared interest group to help you get away!!!! I’m hoping when I get a job and am forced to small talk coworkers that will ground me away from this bullshit. If I have a troon coworker maybe I’ll just kill myself

No. 1562004

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My female coworker basically mocking me for not wanting to have sex with random dudes and telling me sex is fun and I should have fun too. We had a male coworker who had a crush on me and I ignored him most of the time and then he left and now he wrote me a message and I ignored him again. My female coworker keeps telling me he's such a great guy, he studied engineering, he's so smart, he's one of a kind blah blah blah. Yeah, he was such a great guy, he also talked about going to a prostitute, and he gossiped about people and liked dick jokes, he showed us some leaked video of a local male rapper jerking of his dick, and he thought it was oh so funny. I told her he was immature in my eyes, but most importantly, paying for sex is a complete deal breaker for me, especially that he talked about it at work like it was nothing, so even if it was in his past, he was clearly still not ashamed of it. She told me I'm the one who's immature, and that my reasons are not "enough" to devalue him, and that going to a prostitute isn't a big deal and I'm overreacting. I'm still a virgin and I was never interested in men enough to pursue them, although men tried to pursue me, and she behaved like I should already settle down because my clock is ticking or something lol. She asked me if I would have sex with a guy on our first date. I said of course not. She asked how long I would wait then. I said at least a couple of months, to which she looked at me with pity and said
>I don't want to hurt you but… Um… at your age no one will wait months to have sex with you. You're not 15 anymore
I'm 27 btw. Oh yeah, I'm so old. That means I should give my virginity to a random scrote because he's good with maths and earns good money. Jesus every time I try to connect with normie women I have to endure the most pro-scrote bullshit, or mockery. She was telling me my perspective on men is soooo narrow and bad even though I'm the one who actually studies data on relationships and reads books on male and female sexual conflict and shit like that, and she doesn't read any books, she only has her own experience, she thinks literally everything people post on the internet is fake, I actually regret bringing up internet as one of the sources of knowledge because she was not even trying to engage anymore, just mocking anything I said, even the fact that more and more women decide to go single because so many men are porn addicted etc. and all she had to say was
>And you read that on THE internet?
I can't talk to normies, I just can't. Nothing I say matters, they know better, I'm the bad one for not wanting to give a chance to a scrote who literally had sex with prostitutes and joked about it at work. Because it's so normalized. You're a freak for not engaging and not accepting this. This is so vile to me. It makes me less and less interested in being with anyone, be it romantic or platonic. My interest in having a relationship with a male is at like 5%, but he would have to be a virgin too. Not because I attribute some sacred value to virgintiy but at least that would mean he's totally STD free and he didn't treat sex like it was just fun and didn't succumbed to the hook up culture. But even that desire is totally mocked and no one would take me seriously for wanting to wait with sex or be with someone who's a virgin like me. So yeah. I'm the bad and immature one for thinking a scrote who goes to prostitutes is no good even if he's well educated.

No. 1562008

Tell her to go fuck him herself. Or tell him she's into him and let him bother her instead.

No. 1562012

If she likes him so much why doesn’t she ACTUALLY suck his dick for real instead of hyping up his ass

No. 1562013

I didn't know there were farmers this based

No. 1562015

She already has a boyfriend and she can't imagine how can I exist without a boyfriend for so long

No. 1562018

i can't read a uni text because im so angry at life and full of heavy thoughts that won't leave.

No. 1562019

Tell her to stop being such an old fashioned prude and something something polyamory open relationships and go fuck engineer guy if he's that great.

No. 1562023

nonna, write them a letter and tell them how you feel. I'm telling you this as a person who doesn't love their parents and my parents don't love me, so these feelings you have are very special and I'm a little bit jealous as I will never experience something like that. So, if I were your parents, I would love to know this and if you can't tell them in person, a letter is always a good, old fashioned way to say something. And for the time you can't visit, you can keep the letter thing up, write them, they will answer and you will have an amazing memory of them forever.

No. 1562024

How old are you both? This sounds like a manchild i once dated

No. 1562026

same, and I miss the whole drama around Felice Fawn and peak tumblr in general and I want to be a bmi of 15 with a small body frame (without photoshop, kek)

No. 1562027

She’s jealous because you have standards and aren’t rand through like her

No. 1562028

absolutely based virgin nonna, I lost my V card at 28 , never let yourself pressured

No. 1562030

2 days ago I got a B on a pre-exam and the two others on my group got an A. Getting a B is good but kind of sucks when you did the worst so the perfectionist part of me kicks in. A new friend of mine also cancelled our plans because something showed up apparently (which I can believe actually because this person has a dramatic life). I reached out to one of my others friends asking how she's doing and she's opened my snap but hasn't answered.
All of this shit has just made me more and more emotional and I just so badly want to do something dumb to cope. I've tried all good and less good but not terrible coping mechanisms. I hate my brain.

No. 1562034

i wish i was a virgin and a based one like you anon

No. 1562035

BRO just belittle people who belittle you instead of actually answering their points!! Be as condescending as she was and don't give her a free kill girl wtf

No. 1562036

tired of how incompetent people are about understanding media and believing it's the opposite of what is being spelled out.

literally cannot openly like stuff like Attack on Titan or else some hyper woke people I know will go absolutely fucking insane and cancel me because they've never actually watched/read the whole thing that's literally about "war bad racism bad genocide bad" and interpret it to be the exact opposite because of what twitter parrots. exhausting.

No. 1562037

give her my number and I tell her how I survived over 10 years without sex and I'm in my 30s. Screw this people, honestly, a relationship is more than just sex and if people don't see that, it's their problem. You have the right to wait as long as you want and even if nonnas here won't believe it, there are some guys out there without a history of porn addiction or going to prostitutes. You might not find a virgin for the first time, but you will find someone that thinks that intimacy is important and someone who isn't a complete moron. You are on the right track, just tell her she should fuck that guy herself if she finds him so nice and interesting.

No. 1562039

starting a new job in a couple days as a former shut-in neet woman and i'm scared that people won't like me because i'm socially awkward and not a normie in the absolute slightest.
i just want to make friends.

No. 1562040

What world do you live in where AOT doesn't have a huge, active fandom? It's one of the most popular anime series ever. Please just log off discord or twitter, nobody cares about you enjoying a harmless tv show unless you're somehow surrounding yourself with the most militant, psychotic sjws ever.

No. 1562043

Completely relate to you here Nona, you are not alone, but I’m sure you’ll be able to make friends at your new workplace, try not to put too much pressure on yourself!

No. 1562045

we're both 21. i get that it's young and we both have our issues but we've been together 5 years and he's acting like this to me. i keep coping telling myself he needs more time to mature because i want us to work so bad, i know i am so pathetic lol

No. 1562048

Not just with media, I hate when people dogmatically shit on "thing bad" because the internet has decided it was bad, especially when they have no idea what they're talking about

No. 1562050

Nona, run away fast! He isn't going to change, I'm telling you this from experience and with love

No. 1562051

If he's not treating you like a queen treat yourself to a break. 21 is too young to be putting up with issues and living with a moid who is annoyed about doing something convenient for you.

No. 1562052

Don't beat yourself up nonnie but fax are fax and feelings are feelings

He sounds selfish and immature and like he resents his mom

No. 1562053

That's a really good idea so I'll try to muster up the courage to do that nonna, I think I'm too shy when it comes to these things. I know how special my relationship is and that's why I feel even guiltier that I'm not telling them. Saying I love you is hard when you never have.

And love come in many forms and from many different people, I hope you'll be overwhelmed with love too

>>1562039 nonnita I'm sure you'll do great, congrats on the new job! that's so cool!

No. 1562057

i'm so incredibly bitter. a streamer i've watched for years just revealed that she's been a millionaire for almost a year now. i wish i could make money doing something i love. instead i'm in school for some shit career that will keep me in a cubicle. i honestly have no right to even be bitter as there isn't anything stopping me from streaming like she does. instead i've just been watching her create the life of her dreams while i've wasted mine. i wish i could make my family proud. i wish i was dead.

No. 1562060

thank you for words of support anons
damn that's admirable anon. I totally understand you. I know it's possible to meet such person, but I don't want to fixate on the thought of finding an unicorn, simply because of how rare it is. I also think that generally speaking people are too fixated on romantic relationships, like it's the ultimate human relationship. I wish friendships were more cherished and it was normalized for people to live in small communes, friends growing old together and shit. meanwhile you have people in their 20s and 30s slowly growing apart because they have no time for friends because now it's serious straight relationship time. I met so many women with literally no friends. maybe my libido is too low and I just 'don't get it'. Idk
this girl is kinda narcissistic and I don't want to ruin the atmosphere at work. I need to learn to stop engaging with her. also, unfortunately I can't force myself to be actually mean until I feel actually threatened, that's just how my autistic brain works. I only have like two or three modes, the calm ones where I'm either totally detached or present but meek, and the third one when I go totally bersek and throw people at walls in psychotic rage, the latter happened only two times in my life when I was actually physically threatened by another person and I threw them like ragdolls. The good thing about being meek is that when you finally snap and show your retard strenght, people are actually surprised and scared.
tho when I decide to change jobs I plan to openly shit on my current shitty coworkers, especially this woman, as in goodbye words

No. 1562063

these people are not happy either…some of them kill themselves. It can also become tiring to be famous and have so many people know you and you still have to keep up a routine and facade

No. 1562064

thank you both for the kind words nonnas, this really helped me feel more confident and there's solace in knowing that i'm not alone with this feeling

No. 1562066

What would you love doing?

No. 1562067

>I don't want to fixate on the thought of finding an unicorn, simply because of how rare it is
Always remember that you deserve that unicorn.

No. 1562069

my ex best friend was a male with BPD and a lot of these behaviors you've listed are incredibly similar to what my ex best friend has done, almost to a perfect T.
i think you and your friend group could do well to cut him off entirely or have a group talk with him. he seems incredibly damaging to your own health and it's no one's responsibility to coddle him and to help him with his issues. maybe once everyone leaves or is finally, brutally harsh with him and sparing no niceties, will he understand.
scarily enough my ex best friend's name also started with K and was around the same age. if you feel comfortable sharing, what does his name end with?

No. 1562073

thank you nonnas so much seriously, i just need a little courage to at least take a break from seeing him. i'm still having a really rough time because i feel like if i was a better woman this would work but i know i shouldn't think that way. i just hate that i'm back in such a dark place mentally all because of a guy this is so stupid

No. 1562074

True. Plus you gotta make sure your address or your family's info hasn't been leaked by some autist obssessed with you. I think I would kms from constantly stressing over this.

No. 1562111

That’s just a scare tactic cause they know it upsets folks. Best thing to do is just tell them go ahead. Not giving a shit and realizing they don’t mean anything is the best defense

No. 1562115

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>away for a few days during my chores week
>"you should have done them before you left, pull your weight nonny"
>cleans kitchen
>"you didn't clean the kitchen properly, pull your weight nonny"
>deep cleans kitchen
>"you need to mop the floors too, pull your weight nonny"
>cleans kitchen, vacuums and mops kitchen floor the evening before I leave for the rest of the week
>"you were vacuuming for five minutes at 9pm on a Friday, obviously I was asleep and you woke me up, be more considerate nonny"
There's no winning with this bitch. My main motivation to get my money up right now is so I can get my own one-bedroom place and keep it as clean or dirty as I want to.
And maybe if you spent as much time and energy working on your masters project as you do micromanaging a chores roster you wouldn't be complaining every day about how stressed and far behind you are.

No. 1562126

Heh, do we ALL know a guy like that? A BPD loser whose name starts with K? He's never going to change. In fact, he's being enabled by being surrounded by people who play his little games.
Also, the amount of moids who just sleep all day and play video games and rage at social media is concerning. Seriously. What the hell?

No. 1562129

got toenails removed earlier today and the numbing anesthesia stuff is finally wearing off, holy fuck this sucks. I've been downing gin and tonics thinking the pain will be more tolerable when I'm drunk but that was very dumb of me (note to self it does not help)

No. 1562130

It was Kyle wasn't it?

No. 1562136

No, I know a guy like that whose name starts with M.
Every time he tries his suicide baiting act on me, I say "I support people's right to live as they want and die as they want". That immediately shuts him up, he never had anything to say to that, and we'll hang out normally. He'll continue to suicide bait others around him for days (mostly his mentally ill gf).

No. 1562139

I get that anon I really do, I have autism as well and I hate to have to be someone I'm not just to get respected, but it's possible to learn to give people the same energy. Autistic people tend to argue in good faith and be genuine which can make it easier for others to act superior once they have their argumentary pegged. You gotta roll your eyes at people like that sometimes and stop engaging or briefly give them the same energy.

No. 1562140

Once you start to really love yourself you never look back. You remind me of myself when I was younger. Now I couldn't physically imagine dealing with a guy like that without barfing, and i guarantee you will find someone who makes you feel so valued and who never acts like a spoiled kid, you just gotta believe it and stop wasting your time

No. 1562141

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why is taking pebble sized shits so hard jesus fucking christ i thought i was gonna pass out. it felt like squeezing rocks out my ass. and now my insides and back hurt a little. (before someone mentions, i already drink tons of water to the point of almost wetting myself so it's not from lack of water)

No. 1562143

There is nothing more annoying than struggling on the toilet like fighting for your life and when you're done it's the size of quarter

No. 1562155

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Nonnas, tell me why I'm 25 and still have never had a bf…… i have a moid friend who is not attractive and he has never had an issue finding attractive partners his entire life… does it ever get less lonely girls?

No. 1562157

I have congenital hand deformities yadda yadda I'm a good painter though, went to go put the finishing glaze on my painting and dropped the whole thing face down onto the floor. Entire surface of it picked up cat fur and debris. I'm just letting myself cry and fixing it tomorrow. Feel like shit I JUST WANT FUCKING WORKING HANDS I cannot describe how frsutrating it is to slowly lose functionality. Surgery can't promise anything but runs the risk of worsening it. I'm going to fucking lose it. I'm so upset at this moment

No. 1562165

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i hate the weekends so much. i have no friends irl or online so i'm just sitting/laying around scrolling and swapping between lc and twitter. occasionally i'll have a cry and then back to staring at the ceiling. i haven't been able to enjoy anything anymore. i know i'm depressed but i can't afford to see anyone.

No. 1562175

I hate how my ex-friend is coddled and infantilized by our friend group because he has an "uwu baby sunshine rainbows unicorn" personality so he could obviously never do anything wrong. He's been a shit friend to multiple people and an actual child and no one wants to call him out on his shit.
Funny how the only one that would call him out on his bullshit (me) would get cut off.

No. 1562179

I started dating once I got jobs that put me out into the world to meet people. Ask your moid buddy if he has any good friends you can date. If he gets mad, he just wanted you for himself anyway. Cringe.

No. 1562194

I am the same nona. I can't blame anyone but myself

No. 1562195

One of my coworkers coughs about once a minute EVERY DAY. I get that she’s probably not doing it to piss everyone off and it must be frustrating to have to cough that often but my god. It drives me insane. I basically can’t work without noise cancelling headphones because of it.

She also doesn’t cover her mouth when she coughs. Gross.

No. 1562211

i mean if the girl acts like she's unique and special for having "male" interests or being gnc, it's kinda warranted, but coming from men it's most likely a misuse of the word anyway. i noticed the same thing with "not like other girls" a long time ago, people would purposefully misunderstand memes about girls struggling with femininity, hygiene or even random stuff like sleep schedule. "you think you're better than other girls because you sleep 4 hours a night??" ugh no it's just a random meme supposed to be relatable to people with fucked up sleep schedules

No. 1562224

I kinda relate but also disagree at the same time. Graduating at 24~26 is not uncommon at all ime, there are even people in their 30s or 40s at uni these days. Plus there was the pandemic so you're far from being the only one whose plans were changed. If you get stuck on that, you'll probably take even more time to decide on your next move. But also… What's so appealing about graduating at 22 and starting to work super early? My internships have taught me that I really like the student life and learning new things. I know I'm going to have to work for decades so I'm not in a rush to graduate (well it's happening soon but I didn't rush anything). Also, stop thinking that life ends at 25. I know it's hard, I struggle with it too, but like I said, overthinking about this makes us lose even more time. After you've graduated and got work experience, you'll have more money to do stuff. Honestly, what are all the great experiences everyone around you is having that are impossible to have in your 20s? Improving your mental health and your relationship with your parents is priceless and it's pretty important for what's coming next. You still have so much time to get a job in the city, etc.

No. 1562225

I hate finding a cute bra but then discovering it has gold hardware. It ruins it for me. I hate wearing gold and mostly wear silver. There's something about mixing metals that irks me. Even if the bra won't be visible to others, I'll know it's a different color metal. I guess gold is popular because it's what I mostly see being used for clasps and such. I just don't think it suits me.

No. 1562227

I hate finding a cute bra but then discovering it has gold hardware. It ruins it for me. I hate wearing gold and mostly wear silver. There's something about mixing metals that irks me. Even if the bra won't be visible to others, I'll know it's a different color metal. I guess gold is popular because it's what I mostly see being used for clasps and such. I just don't think it suits me.

No. 1562229

I hate finding a cute bra but then discovering it has gold hardware. It ruins it for me. I hate wearing gold and mostly wear silver. There's something about mixing metals that irks me. Even if the bra won't be visible to others, I'll know it's a different color metal. I guess gold is popular because it's what I mostly see being used for clasps and such. I just don't think it suits me.

No. 1562242

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I'm mad that it's raining all day today, Saturday and Sunday.

No. 1562247

I'm eternally grateful I never got my mom's temperament. She gets extremely shitty super fast. She thinks her temper isn't a problem and that people shouldn't ask her to control it. She has to interrupt me while I'm talking and insert her opinion instead of listening to what I'm saying fully. She hates when people cut her off when talking yet always does it to everyone but particularly me. I'm losing my patience more with her and mirroring her bullshit because I'm done trying to play nice with her. I have to laugh a bit because the other day I heard three days grace's song "just like you" play off a playlist I was listening to and it made me smile.

No. 1562248

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im crying so hard. i got back together with my ex-bf whos "greek" orthodox and ive been struggling to deal with the seperation with reality he has in relation to it. i called a couple christian hotlines (i've never been religious) and asked them about what they believe & why and they prayed for me and im fucking going thru what feels like a mental breakdown now anons wtf is happening im so fucking sad and torn idk what to think or do and i think im going actually insane

No. 1562254

We're long distance friends so it wouldn't work. I do work in an office and I'm the only unpartnered person in my department. I have been considering getting a public-facing weekend/5-9 job which may make it easier to meet people. Thanks nonna

No. 1562256

I recently saw it on a barbie video where she was like "I'm so tired of being perfect all the time! I just want to be goofy sometimes" and she makes a silly face.

Someone commented "barbie is in her pick me era" which could've been just a lighthearted joke but instead the girl went on several tirades to convince people why "goofy" girls have internalized misogyny, sidenote but I also hate people who'll pull any argument out of their ass just to die on a dumbass hill.

I also had a relatively mean ex-friend (nothing against my biatches but some girls are truly fucking vile) tell me something like "I hate pick me girls who are always like ooh i'm so nice and sweet" which as someone with a nice and sweet personality I took kind of personally. Women are better because we are capable of a modicum of kindness in the first place so implying choosing it is just a way to get male attention offends me as someone who will always tell shitty moids what's up -moreso than mean girls who allow men to be shitty to women and laugh along, fucking evil-

Sometimes i have murder urges but thankfully for yall i am a sweet princess (◠‿◠✿)(learn2integrate)

No. 1562258

genuinely asking, as an "orthodox-born" person(not religious tho), is he a convert? because that would be a red flag imo

No. 1562274

Why are so many people saying pickme now and why do they use it wrong as of it meant NLOG? If Barbie wants to be her true self instead of wearing a mask of hyperfemininity all the time isn't that the opposite of pick-me? People are so fucking dumb

No. 1562275

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Take that faggot-ass emoji back to whatever uwu sweet princess commune you escaped from, we’re bitches here.

No. 1562276

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Do any other nonas struggle with keeping a clean space when they're really, really depressed? I was on BC for PMDD and it helped a lot, but it made me gain weight, and when I went off of it it made my hair fall out, so I feel like shit right now. I'm on antidepressants again but they haven't started working again, I had stopped taking them for some reason months ago. I'm not on an SSRI so my brain isn't complete mush yet, but if any anons have similar issues, how do you manage? I have a lot of important shit happening in my life right now and I'm just hopelessly depressed, and it is only making matters worse that I live in fucking squalor because I have no motivation to do anything, let alone clean my apartment, besides be on the internet all day. I know I sound really pathetic but I'm struggling hardcore, if anyone has any inspirational self-help talks or advice it'd be really appreciated. I desperately want to operate in a way that normal people do, I just feel too autistic to go out into the world and make friends, so I isolate myself and I inevitably end up like this in the end. I acknowledge that I'm in a horrible place and really badly want to do something about it and fix myself and my life, but maybe I just don't have the willpower. It makes me feel even more horrible about myself than I do normally. It doesn't help that I'm PMSing and I really would have wanted to die anyways even I didn't come to the realization that I'm a giant baby at 22 years old KEK

No. 1562277

>calling yourself a bitch
this always makes me cringe. Call yourself a jerk or asshole but bitch is a sexist slur and it's like putting yourself down

No. 1562278

I slipped up and told a Hiring Manager I am waiting on an update (ie offer) with a different company before deciding on their offer and now I'm anxious that they might rescind the job offer. They initially gave me a week to decide when they sent out the offer so I thought to let them know of my current situation, which was probably a mistake. I'm probably just worrying too much but I still can't help but expect the worst in everything.

No. 1562303

did a man post this??? I'm not even trying to be snarky I have never heard a woman seriously say that eating strawberries makes you smell like strawberries. The only thing that has ever changed the way my vagina smells is fenugreek (made me smell yummy. I can attest to the "maple syrup" effect) and birth control (made me smell nasty, like sweat and pennies). Alcohol, sugar, meat, veg, etc., I've done all kinds of diets and vices.

No. 1562308

i've definitely tried to not so subtly bring up his shitty behaviour and they all (except for one other girl in the group) just kinda shrug it off, one of my friends said he thinks its ungrateful of him to say the things he says but i think they mostly try to ignore it because it's a type of situation where they've known him for too long to cut him off for something they've gotten used to. i fucking hate it because all it does is fuel the power trip he gets of people being too scared to leave him in fear of him hurting himself or something else happening. there's like 11 other people in the group and if i were to bring up "hey can we maybe cut off (BPDfriend)? his behaviour is making us all uncomfortable right?" i feel like it'd be a one against everyone situation when some of them have known him for longer than the rest. the group has had no issue cutting off one person entirely over much smaller shit and maybe it's just the attachment to each other but it's like they choose to not acknowledge the things he does just to make themselves more comfortable. it's gross. they're all in their 20's and should know better.
holy shit. how you knew his name stars with a K is beyond me. he doesn't seem like the kind of guy to even give a shit about SM, he's not a hypebeast or typical male, he's kind of like a reddit autistic kinda guy into game reviewers and old game consoles along with fighting games, like the person you'd expect to not even use their phone aside from calling their parents. he only started acting like this a couple months after i met him and i think it was because he had a crush on a girl (or girls) with BPD and picked up their behaviours because he'll mostly act like this over minuscule shit (not being included in group outings, someone not including him in general, being ignored for a bit) and women. he does this whole "i'll never get over her abloobloo" thing with every girl he dates / crushes on but then in like a month or two he's with another girl and the previous girl never existed. god damn i hate moids.

No. 1562311

samefag, I want to amend this by saying alcohol definitely makes the smell worse.

No. 1562314

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I have this terrible feeling that my bf might like my sister. I’m praying I’m just paranoid.
I’m working so hard on myself and my self esteem would not be able to take a blow like that.

No. 1562321

Steam is not going to work on Win7 after January 1st, 2024, so I guess that means no more games for me. Never trusted that bastard even 10 years ago when I got bamboozled with a game code inside a case instead of a disc, and I see I was right all along. I still have $20 left on my account, I want that back.

No. 1562324

It’s a lovely day the weather is beautiful and it’s making me even more depressed because I wish I had more friends to go out and enjoy it with. I am so alone and I don’t know where to begin anymore, all my friends seem to be busy pretty frequently and I just cannot seem to enjoy my own company. I’m thinking about trying to go on a walk alone at some point today, or perhaps go into town, I do want to enjoy this weather but god I want to have people to enjoy it with. Or perhaps I want to just be okay with being alone.

No. 1562325

Nona, go on a walk alone, I'm sure that it will help you to feel at least a little bit better! Somewhere in a park if you can, or something similar, i always go to the river near me alone, moving water, nature and being outside always helps me feel a little bit better

No. 1562327

Thank you Anon I will try and get out soon, the rational part of my brain knows it will help me feel even somewhat better. I just don’t understand why I’m feeling this way so much lately, but I think perhaps I should get outside more generally, nature does help.

No. 1562342

For the past week and a half I’ve been having nightmares about my ex and I always wake up so sad and drained. I wish there was some otc way to not dream. Idk if it’s stress or not bc it’s been like 9 months since the breakup and I haven’t had this happen until now. It sucks.

No. 1562345

nice weather is better enjoyed alone most of the time imo, you can go wherever you want, do whatever you want, yeah that's pretty good. Take a walk or take a blanket and a book and go chill at a nearby park lr something

No. 1562356

I feel so bad for actual lesbians cause now that I’m sorta more in the community I realise how it’s filled with fake lesbians. Almost every “lesbian” account I come across on insta has a ton of videos about how they used date and fuck men until they had their magical ~epiphany~. And then you have the bihets who are just there to sexualise themselves further for attention or those who don’t take grown women relationships seriously or use butch lesbians as a temporary replacement for men. I struggle so much because of this because I don’t wanna be placed in the same category as them so idk what to call myself even at this point. I fucking hate it here. I feel so lost.

No. 1562357

if a girl likes you but she'd rather stay without sex than have sex with you, it says a lot about the guy
but ofc, the girl is always to blame
liking someone isn't enough

No. 1562363

The head teacher talked to the old guy's boss about my complaints. Apparently the employees are supposed to check in on the classes a few times a day just to make sure the rooms are indeed being used when they're rented and stuff, but it's supposed to be a quick glance in and leave. She said that his boss was going to talk to him about physically going into the rooms during classes because that is not supposed to happen. I think the rec boss already talked to the old guy because he did not physically come into my room during my classes. He did still open the door (I had it closed), stand there, say "I'm just saying hi!" while we all stared at him (my class then was mainly high schoolers who don't like him). I responded to be polite and then said we needed to continue so if there's nothing else he needed to move on. At first I thought he couldn't hear me and then he finally shifted back and messed with the door stopper thing that holds doors open. I initially thought he was trying to keep the door open so he could look in after he left, only to realize that no, when he had opened the door to peep in he full on put down the stopper so he could fucking stand in the door frame more comfortably. That's how unnaturally long he lingers there.
>Good news: Didn't come in to my earlier classes when I had younger girls for technique classes
>Terrible news: He conveniently chose to drop by during my new class that I was just hired for earlier this week: stretching and flexibility.

Anyway the studio head said that old guy would be leaving in August. I don't know if that means retiring for good or swapping to main actual offices in a different building. Either way good riddance. He can fuck off and die already, and I'm not saying that lightly. From the time when I posted the vent last week and now, I've just gotten angrier. The girls don't deserve this, I wish there was something I could do but because he's not committing any literal crimes beyond being a creep (thank god), there's nothing. Maybe he'll forget and wander into the room in a week or two and then I might be able complain again with some of the older girls so that the offices get pressured into changing the closing employee. My dance teacher said we can put up signs that say "class in session do not disturb" so I'm hoping that'll also deter him. It still grosses me out so much to think that he's basically getting off scot free for "window shopping" as another nona described it. It's so wrong and I feel useless that the most I can do is shut the door, hang up a sign, and complain on the off chance he comes in again.

No. 1562369

i feel for you nonna, i've been through this many times. i was deeply ashamed of the state of my living space but unable to do anything about it. the main motivator for me was the knowledge that a family member or my landlord or whoever was gonna come in so of course i had to clean everything up. if you don't have any visit planned maybe you can make it happen? otherwise i also try focusing on how much better i'm going to feel when things are clean. also, sounds silly but sometimes watching videos of people organizing their space or cleaning helps me to start cleaning too. avoid the unrealistic videos where the "dirty" room is already clean, there are videos where the "before" is properly messy. even if it's very hard to start, taking care of yourself and your space is the first step to feel better and in the mood to do more things, go outside, meet people etc (ime). i hope another anon has better advice. ♥

No. 1562383

I have done the most depressing thing ever. I recorded a video of myself naked from all angles. I'm so disgusted.

No. 1562391

the dress i got for a wedding does not fit.
You wanna know why? Because, I can fit a size 10/12 dress every area except my chest. I have worked so damn hard to lose this weight so i can wear "NORMAL" sizes. Tall anon that is 65+ pounds down and you are telling me I haven't lost a damn size there?!
I hear women complain all the damn time "ooooh its so terrible ive lost weight and my boobs shrank" ohhhh its so FUCKING TERRIBLE THEN DAMNIT WHY HASN'T IT HAPPENED TO ME


No. 1562397

don't blame yourself nonnie, sometimes the fits/sizing is fucked up
you should be proud of your weight loss
>"ooooh its so terrible ive lost weight and my boobs shrank" ohhhh its so FUCKING TERRIBLE THEN DAMNIT WHY HASN'T IT HAPPENED TO ME
because your boobs are actually boobs and not fat, that's why

No. 1562401

Speak for yourself nonnie, there's nothing wrong with being a sweet girl but if you laugh along at men's sexist jokes I spit on your face

No. 1562409

Ugh that means Im stuck with big titties?! Noooooooo! (I mean, I know surgical options are out there, but I wont unless necessary for health reasons)
I just wanted to wear this gorgeous dress to celebrate a wonderful day and now I have to go back to the internet and look for a better option. I wish i could go shopping with nonnas

No. 1562413

I lost weight recently(went from healthy to a little underweight) and although I have a thinner waist now, my tits are literally GONE! I should've thought of this before, I'm literally sad over this.

No. 1562414

why do you think so

No. 1562415

well,if your boobs get big / shrink if you gain/lose weight it means that fatty tissue gets stored there as well, so yeah by default you might have big boobs. A lot of fat girls brag about their big tits when it's mostly fat there, many such cases.

No. 1562416

You’re so right Nona, I ended up walking up to the woods, my friends were still here for a while but I stayed on my own for a couple of hours and it was very peaceful. Definitely helped me feel better, for now at least.

No. 1562417

No because people store and lose fat first in different places.

No. 1562429

Any fellow autist here looking younger than her age, but I don't mean in an uwu-way, I mean in a retarded-effeminate-boy-suffering from-FAS way, and not looking serious and respectable no matter what I wear? Also i'm too autistic to wear fitting clothes and make up, the mere fact I need to put fabric on my body makes me insane. I only feel kinda ok in loose clothes. So I guess I'm doomed to look like this forever. Now that I still look young peoplw treat me somewhat nice, but when I will be 40 or 50 and still this unfeminine, people will treat me like trash and I'm scared of it

No. 1562435

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tomatoes are a goddamn plague t. developed a mild allergy to tomates as an adult and goddamn they are surprisingly difficult to avoid. My college cafeterias idea of a vegetarian option always seems to be "tomato sauce with beans and/or vegetables" no matter what the meat-option is.

No. 1562449

i was one of the nonnas who read your first op and i think you've done a really great job honestly. it seems like if you hadn't spoken up he'd be allowed to just do whatever he wants until he has to leave. like i can't imagine how infuriating it must be to see the studio let down the girls like that seriously, your posts have already made me so angry about it lol… but i am so proud of you nonna!! you have a good heart and mind, i just know that your students love you. and i hope that soon that disgusting man will rest in piss!

No. 1562453

Oh thank fuck he's leaving soon
I'm with you, OP you're doing a great job sticking up for your students. It's frustrating for me to read, I can't imagine how frustrating it is for you. But you're handling it impressively well

No. 1562460

Anyone know the subreddit /r/ifuckinghatecats ? I suggest you don't go there if you don't want to see a bunch of moids using redpill rhetoric and shitting on women under the guise of disliking cat owners. In 5 minutes of scrolling I have discovered the term "cathag", saw someone make the theory that girls who own cats do so because they're reminded of boyfriends who used them for sex, several discussions on birthrates and one post celebrating "cathags" being blinded by stray cats.

Why can't moids hate anything without bringing in their ancestral, irrational hatred of women, I swear most of the people on there are just complaining about a gf who loved their cat more than them

No. 1562476

Did any other nonna use to be a nice girl in younger years but became a bit cynical and not trusting of people after going through shit with people? I always wanted and helped everyone, but nobody was really there for me when I needed it. It made me feel used in so many ways that I became even more of a shut in and have just 2-3 really close friends. And men see not being part of a big social circle as a red flag.

No. 1562487

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I haven't really engaged fully into a fandom in years and I've forgotten how hugboxy it is, basically having to walk on eggshells when speaking to anybody, jesus christ.

No. 1562493

That is pretty much my life story to a T, I wasn't aware of the redflag thing, seemed more to me like a general redflag but then I'm not interested in anyone who doesn't try to get to know me for me.

blogpost incoming I really relate to this but I honestly don't even want to be social anymore and can't imagine having fun at a social gathering, I just became a shut in and started focusing more on personal/professional projects, studies and hobbies and I don't feel the need to really go out or socialize much. I have fun on my own. I also value being able to choose only kind and genuine people to be close to. I joined this clay sculpting club last year and have met this really sweet girl and I'm so glad our friendship is so respectful and supportive, my circle is limited but it is healthy and we go out sometimes when we aren't all busy.
Honestly the only thing that has affected me is the knowledge that most people esp in this generation are openly assholes and rude for no reason, esp in my country where people have nothing to do but be bitter (i'm sure the heat gets to people's heads somehow), it has put me off interacting with new people and I have a pit in my chest sometimes with the frustration it brings, I'm hoping I can work on that and be at peace but the goal is not to become social, although maybe someday I will be able to laugh it off and go out and have fun that way

No. 1562501

I'm really glad someone else resonates to my post and has similar feelings.
I grew really tired of socializing myself and only search for quality people. People tried to pull me in groups with really low quality people and I was fussy and didn't enjoy it,it felt like the time I could dedicate to my hobbies I lost there. I see this wanting to be part of a group happen a lot around me with both men and women, with the women it particularly boggles me because they gossip about eachother behind their backs but they still HAVE TO BE in the group.
Sometimes I wish I was part of a group and I wouldn't get hurt so much by what other people choose, but I just can't settle for people who aren't ok in my book. I've had friendships end because they chose the group, despite me being (or thinking i was) good friends with those people.

No. 1562507

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maybe my fate in this life is loneliness

No. 1562516

I relate to you Nonita, I feel destined for my loneliness no matter what I do, maybe it helps to know despite how lonely you feel there are other Nonnies out there that relate and feel the same.

No. 1562521

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Same nonas, my mom was always like "be good to people, and they're going to be good to you" - this isn't true, most people are going to use you if you are good.. I have learned that the hard way and I am sorry you have had experienced that, Nonas

No. 1562533

I regret ever having feelings for men who I didn't know that well, putting them on a pedestal, and for not asking men to buy me things. Pay off my loans. Gas money. Lie about needing money and having them send me some. You know, that kind of stuff. (All without ever having sex. Sex does nothing for women and you are likelier to have a man love you and invest in you before you give up the goods.)

How embarassing!

No. 1562539

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>Sex does nothing for women

No. 1562541

I learned this the hard way, too! I was told "treat others how you'd want to be treated" hahhaha it's no wonder men walk all over women, we're out here thinking that being rhe cool sweet girl to everyone will land us love and friendship!!! :)))))))))))(:))))))))))))

No. 1562549

Around 80% of women don't orgasm from intercourse alone. Het sex is a scam. You can fondle your clit on your own.

No. 1562553

Yup. The irony being that I've tried it plenty and… everytime I thought my finger could do a better job. Not to mention all the side effects and bad things that potentially happen to a woman, versus moids who have so much to gain and very little consequence.

No. 1562554


No. 1562555

I guess I’m just one of the lucky 20% because I’ve never understood when people say that. If you have a good connection with the person (not just some random hookup) and you know what gets you off, sex can be amazing. Fondling your clit on your own time just really isn’t the same.

No. 1562556

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This post could have been written by me as well. I really feel this, nona. You are not alone in this.

No. 1562558

No. 1562563

Don’t think of it as loneliness then. Think of it as like being a priestess or a witch living in self-imposed isolation bc it’s your sacred duty.

No. 1562567

>if there's all of these prerequisites
See that's the thing. Meanwhile moids couldn't care less if it's a random woman, or if you get hit by a truck after they get the deed one.
But even so, it does nothing for women as a whole, I mean. Not just cOOming.

No. 1562568

That thing some anons do here where instead of encouraging people to improve and seek positive real life relationships they give them advice on how to be maladaptive and push them farther into coping with loneliness rather than seeking companionship with real people is… pathetic.

No. 1562577

>everytime I thought my finger could do a better job.
Kek they literally don't know how to touch the clit, even when they had a couple of relationships with women before you. They rub it with such force like they actually try to scratch it off of your body instead of stimulating it. I also had a guy literally rubbing the spot BETWEEN the entrance to my vagina and my asshole and he was sure it would make me feel good. He also did that with such force it was painful. I had guys telling me their previous partners like that kind of touch to which I responded that they probably lied to them KEK. I never get close to a guy again after he touches me like a piece of dough with literally zero knowledge on anatomy. How many times do I have to give a chance to a scrote in order find at least one that is good at sex? Are women just lying about men being good at sex like they lied to those guys when they said they liked the way they touched them and pushed their clits like you would angrily push a broken vending machine button???
>side effects
That too. Literally none of the women I know, except me, asked the guys to get tested for STDs. Those scrotes literally carry HPV strands that can give you cervical cancer. A condom won't protect you from catching it. I won't even mention other things.

No. 1562579

I see a tip on how to change your perception of your own problems which can be empowering and take a load off your mind when you're drowning. But you're welcome to tell her how to become a social butterfly stacy.

Also you sound a bit moidish with this reasoning..

No. 1562580

Trust your gut and talk to your sister. My ex brother-in-law was sending love letters to my sister when she was 18 (like he waited until she was “legal”) and she was so young and inexperienced she hid it and sent him letters back until someone found out and it was all exposed and she feels terrible about it now but it wasn’t her fault considering the massive age gap and he was a chronic cheater (hence the “ex”) who knew she was completely inexperienced and it was a whole fucking thing that was a shock to everyone. Don’t underestimate the degeneracy of men thinking with their dicks.

No. 1562591

>Are women just lying about men being good at sex
Me personally, I can cum almost every time with any guy as long as I’m on top. So good sex is less about a guy being “good” at it and more about the chemistry and connection we have. Plus cuddling afterwards. Masturbation doesn’t give you that same oxytocin rush.
But I realize I’m in the minority.

No. 1562592

It isnt moidish just because im not enthusiastically agreeing with you. If you want to give a helpful tip, stop trying to get other women to commiserate with you and care about their best interest instead. It's not moidish just because im telling anons to seek out other people, and not once did I mention men.

No. 1562597

They don’t test for HPV in routine STD tests because 99% of people have it already

No. 1562601

99% of people carry oncogenic strands? Any source for that? Anyway, I don't have it and I don't want to have it.

No. 1562606

It just seemed like a classic "ddurrrr women encourage each other to not let me catcall them and it's making them lonely and depressed! crabs" rant to me but I just asked no need to get your panties up in a bunch. You're welcome to give someone tips and I'm curious what you'd say in this situation but you still sound tone deaf to me. No one is encouraging anyone to stay lonely but to find solace in circumstancial loneliness

No. 1562608

Samefagging but it also sounds loaded af with terms like "commiserate" and "pathetic"
You sound like you have this misconception that girls here are trying to hold each other down due to bitterness or not being as knowledgeable and healthy uwu as you and I just wonder where you got that from

No. 1562617

Disgusting and expected from a male. But your sister betrayed you. She was 18, not 9.

No. 1562618

more like 50-60% but it’s pretty high yeah

No. 1562621

I don’t want her to come across this and see me talking about her so I won’t reveal more but there were important extenuating circumstances that made it seem predatory. Anyway he wasn’t my ex husband so I just felt bad for both my sisters.

No. 1562623

99% don’t carry cancerous strains but it’s just not something that’s tested for. I’ve never been tested for HPV and I’ve asked multiple different clinics/gynos about it. It’s always the same answer, that basically if I’ve had sex I have HPV which is why they don’t test unless you’re a woman who gets an abnormal Pap smear result. Maybe my state is just so saturated with it that they don’t wanna worry people? Kek

No. 1562630

>on top
The thing about this is most guys start getting bored when you’re on top

No. 1562631

Well the good news is most of the time (90%) it goes away on its own in a couple years so if you’re monogamous for long periods you don’t have it. Unless you have the bad kind.

No. 1562636

Idgaf, he can wait his damn turn lol

No. 1562640

so what? his supposed boredom is more important than your pleasure?

No. 1562658

I got tested no problem in my country

No. 1562660

If you have such a connection with those guys, do you end up dating them? Doesn't oxytocin or whatever get you attached?
You basically admit it's the cuddling and feels and that you do need to be in a specific position to get the "good" out of it. It just sucks because most men feign a connection and intimacy, and unfortunately women are none-the-wiser.

No. 1562664

Yup. And yet I see women make excuses for moids everywhere. I see women who will get defensive when told they shouldn't send nudes to a moids, but he 99.9999% collects nudes like a pokemon card and shows them to his friends or online strangers and can use it against them later.
In fact, MANY men will take a photo of a woman who is sleeping, or stealth a photo somehow while she is nude or having sex, and send it to his friends.
Again, These women always make exceptions and just don't "get it".
I saw a woman get all happy because her moid FWB got her an energy drink before he came over. To her house. To have sex. I'm not even sure I want to laugh, it's so pathetic.

No. 1562672

As someone who has witnessed this happen and then those same women later were very bitter about something regarding her own life: She is 100% trying to get you to stoop down to her level because she is miserable.
Women like that will throw you under the bus.

I know men who wait for women they actually like. Recently my friend got married to a guy who at first wanted to hook up with her, but she put her foot down and said she waits until marriage and left him. Fast forward and he basically begged her to marry him lol. If they had sex early on, I don't think he would have proposed.

100000% she is trying to sabotage you. Trust me.

No. 1562675

so just to clarify again: She would love to see you sabotaged. Do not engage. She sounds annoying and damaged. It's okay to realize some people are truly not worth the time of your day. Distance yourself, or find better work where trashy bitter low iq nimrods don't exist.
In fact you can probably get them fired for sexual harassment, but if you're not ready for that yet, just look for something better.

No. 1562676

There are a LOOOOOT of pick-me women who want to "help a guy out" and get women to sleep with him, even if it means throwing the girl under-the-bus. Terrible people.

No. 1562682

There's 8 billion people on earth but I don't think we're all actual people. I believe in the whole NPC thing, ie, people existing as fillers for humanity. I want to take this conspiracy further and say that some of those people are on earth to destroy peoples lives, and ultimately unalive themselves. Hear me out. Tell me why I started encountering bullies and shitty people (or people being shitty to me) as soon as I started believing that I was worthless and ugly for xyz reasons? People have always been sweet to me, and sure, some have been rude, but not to this explicit extent. As soon as I delved into spirituality and manifestation theory, these people disappeared out of my life. When I was down I encountered them at work, on the train, on my walks etc. Constantly. And I felt like walking down a flight of steps, the more they showed up in my life, the further down I went. I'm not a narcissist or anything but this shit is so true to me. I think the objective is to make sure that person takes their own life. With how the universe is set up and how crazy it is, I'm not going to go the logical route, sometimes you have to trust your intuition and instincts. I've kept my vibration high and only good things has happened to me so far, no one's been rude or anything. I let my guard down and opened the door to literal demons and learned my lesson.

No. 1562689

Pap smear is recommended every 3 years, if you got the cancerous HPV it takes at least 5 years for it to show up as abnormal pap smear results. As long as you get checked at least every 3 yrs you're good, meaning you can catch the cancer in time. HPV self tests also exists if you're paranoid. Sometimes the HPV goes away on its own, if you got normal immune system. Drink loads of water, take your vitamin C and D and get checked every few years.

No. 1562702

Why is she caping so hard for him? Are they related or something?
Others already said this but she sounds very insecure to me. Like she's trying to convince both you and herself that she's not less valuable as a person for being promiscuous (like deep down she sees that as a bad thing and her "sex positive" attitude is just cope), and that men aren't treating her like crap, and is trying to make you make the same mistakes she did so she feels better about herself. I really doubt she truly cannot fathom an adult woman not rushing to fuck every male she sees or getting pregnant. Deep down all women know male nature, they're just taught to suppress their instincts and they choose to pretend not to know so they won't suffer from acknowledging the truth.
If she keeps harassing you just be direct in an "agree to disagree" way and tell her that you are not interested until she gives up.

No. 1562704

Nta but I had a pap smear and a test for cancerous HPV strains and it was negative, but it was only 4 months after I was intimate with a man who had cancerous hpv strain. I didn't have PIV with him but I had a suspicion he fingered me after touching his penis because I got terrible infection right afterwards and when he got tested and said he carried type 31 I freaked out he might somehow give it to me. Do you think that if my test for HPV was negative I can still have this shit on me? Or does the 5 year time period only applies to abnormal pap smears and not HPV tests themselves?

No. 1562705

The word for this is narcissism.

No. 1562706

Wasn't there a vaccine made for hpv tho? I don't understand how so many people can have it. yet another reason I'm staying a virgin

No. 1562709

It could also be schizoidal delusions or a lot of other mental issues. I hope op takes care of themselves and maybe even considers treatment? Pretty please anon I am genuinely worried for you

No. 1562711

I unironically agree with you but this is not the thread for it.

No. 1562714

I think the “people” who can’t conjure images in their minds or visualize things aren’t actually people

No. 1562717

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Your philosophy is very Lynchian and if you haven’t watched Twin Peaks (especially the 2017 return) you should do so.

No. 1562719

A lot of people were too old or already sexually active when the vaccine was released. My mom didn’t want me to get it cause she saw some viral hoax video about a paralyzed girl who got the HPV vaccine. I was 12 in 2007 when it was approved for routine use in 11-12 year olds. I’m sure some older nonnies never got it and some younger ones might not have cause anti vaxx parents. My mom wasn’t even anti vaxx which makes it even stupider.

No. 1562729

I wish we the stoicism to endure it anonnas, like
>>1562563 >>1562579 put it wisely.

idk anon, when i try harder is when i fall higher too

I believe this too.

No. 1562733

It's always best to sidestep people like that. It's one thing to be experiencing delusions, but it becomes a lot more socially dangerous to weaponize your negative delusions into affirmations under the guise of 'manifestation.' It truly is a whole other tier of narcissism but you aren't allowed to criticize them because that means you're just ~low vibratoional~ and not as spiritually complex as them. They will spend years peddling these delusions to others and never growing as people or actually changing positively because they are convinced these delusions are some sort of special gift they have. Like stfu Joan of Arc you haven't figured out anything the rest of us are too normie to have access to, you're just a narc borderlining on schizo.

No. 1562734

and what about these predator people who seek and exploit vulnerable persons? yeah it could be mental illness but there is an evilness on these people that really makes sense npc theory.

No. 1562735

Yeah im sure it's very convenient to decide that anyone you deem negative or 'evil' to be an npc sent as a chaos agent. Totally helpful in trying to improve the world. Also this excuses evil behavior as some sort of divine plot device. Think a little harder.

No. 1562739

Some people are just mean and rude and some people are just evil. You are assuming everyone who acts outside of social norms and decency is an npc? Which is a strange thought to have since their acting outside of your expectations should imply that they are free thinking people who deliberately choose to act rude and nasty and evil.

No. 1562740

What you said toward the 2nd half of your comment sounds like you may have saw what you "see/feel" aka if you think about negativity all the time, sulk, etc, you encounter negativity irl because you're almost seeking it in a way.
BUT I don't mean that to disregard your claim, because you could be VERY well correct. I actually wanted to ask you if you have any tips of getting into spirituality and manifesting and things of that sort, because I've been really down lately and I am starting to believe demons are making their waves toward me.

No. 1562745

People smell confidence or lack thereof and treat you differently according to how you act. It's not that deep

No. 1562746

well, if you two are not into spirituality is pointless to have this conversation, but im not talking about people who disagree with me or with some very restricted and personal point of view about what evil is, im talking about predators like psychopaths, there is a lack of humanity and evilness so strong in these people. And idk about improving the world, i think we are already doomed.

No. 1562751

>I think we already already doomed
Decided helplessness is the reason no one takes a stand.
>I'm talking about predators lime psychopaths
If you are genuinely too retarded to understand the concept of bad people not being NPCs then yeah, there is absolutely no point in trying to have a discussion with you when your skull is as thick as a wall and you can't see past your nose.
>hur hur serial killers are NPCs pedophiles are programmed they aren't real people hur hur

No. 1562752

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This teacher in personal development was talking about law of attraction and why it was a powerful thing (he even inserted some dumb shit about astrophysics to provide scientific basis), istg these are the real normies. Needing to believe in magic is sad when the bare reality is so interesting on its own. It would unironically bore me tf out if reality and events were actually limited or altered by my own perception of them. Takes the zest right out of learning the real mechanics of life not to mention the chilling mystery of the unfathomable

No. 1562754

Nta but if you believe in the law of attraction then it explains your situation without some weird NPC bullshit right, you attracted what aligned with your mental state at the time

No. 1562755

do you nonnies believe in the law of attraction?

No. 1562756

I think it's mainly the fact that the average IQ is really low, that people are depressed and that media in general promotes a very toxic culture

No. 1562761

I'm scared of manifesting because the first and only time I tried to do it, like I wanted my narcissistic coworker to leave/change job, just be fucking gone, she got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis kek. And I was like "This is not what I wanted…" Also, she still works with us and is still narcissistic, and has no symptoms whatsoever
Another thing, when I was younger I really wanted my abusive mother out of my life. It wasn't even a manifestation, just a very strong wish. And then she got diagnosed with cancer and died. I'm just scared to really wish things because usually I not only not get what I actually wanted but also too extreme.

No. 1562764

No, but I believe in dimensional jumping and the multiverse theory.

No. 1562765

The law of attraction isn't meant to be worshiped like a diety, and the problem is that people who take things too literally and cannot process emotions are empathy become obsessed with the idea that LOA is some kind of religion. You would never tell a rape victim, a CSA survivor, etc they manifested what happened to them, or that it was carried out on them by some inevitsble and unstoppable force, some of these heretics are flat out crazy. I agree that LOA can help people change their lives positively but people who revolve their lives around it generally cling to it as their centric personality trait much like a religion and it loses all meaning or positive value. You can introduce a concept to someone but thay doesn't mean they will utilize it properly or use it as anything other than a vague descriptor because they are obsessed with labels and othering themselves.

You did not give your coworker multiple sclerosis omfg you're mentally retarded

No. 1562766

im not that anon, i dont believe in the law of attraction, im mostly in esoteric and gnostic shit.

>too retarded
who loses the forms loses the debate.
anyways anona, call it the worst of human condition, call it whatever you like, there is no solution to evilness and im tired of chasing an utopia that will never be.

No. 1562767

I believe that you can poison yourself with negativity and limitations, and therefore transform your life when you immerse yourself in positive affirmations and stop limiting yourself. I also think people who think they are manifesting negativity on others are eventually going to experience it tenfold on themselves. And people who believe they manifested negative experiences on others have are narcissists. There are billions of people in the world and everyone goes through trials and tribulations of their own, thinking you are the God of other people makes you pathetic and delusional.

No. 1562769

I don't have a hard yes or no stance on it.

>dimensional jumping
KEK that reminds me years ago I came across a dimensional jumping sunreddit that had a number in the sidebar just and in case that number changed you'd know you had jumped dimensions. I always meant to go back and see if webarchive had previous versions of the page with the number manually changed throughout time or something, but never did so.

No. 1562778

got asked if i could cover a shift and said no because i have tickets to a game tonight but i feel really guilty. saying no is hard for me i dont like letting people down!!!

No. 1562781

That's a good thing anon, people will thing you're a doormat if you never say no and use you for it. That happened to me anyway. Enjoy your game!

No. 1562786

That sub got nuked unfortunately. The 2 cups method I first learned about there, I don’t utilize it often but whenever I do it’s happened. My partner is extremely skeptical and rational and not at all spiritual, but he now begs me to “do the cups” with him whenever he’s really concerned about something, simply because it’s never failed us. He thought it was absolutely silly the first couple times and was just humoring me.

Don’t do the mirror method.

No. 1562789

Exactly. It's just like pickpocketers know what people would be easier to steal from. "Predators" and various shitty people can see weakness and use it to their advantage even if it's just for petty vampiric reasons. And when you're down, even something more mundane can be perceived negatively. When you're confident and feel good, some jerks just go for those who won't defend themselves and some you do encounter but don't pay too much attention to them. I also had this shift and it had nothing to do with spirituality, I used to be way more spiritual as a child and bad things and people still happened to me.

No. 1562809

This faggot said, “fuck you bitch!”, to me Wow I don’t know you are but okay now I know you are just a typical angry moid who thinks he can insult people because he can’t control his own anger. Why? Because I moved away from you and that upset you so much. Man idk these kind of moids are so annoying hope he stays miserable till something kills him off. I missed the bus because of him sad he didn’t see the middle finger I gave him. Frustrating.

No. 1562810

You’re right to say No. even if it’s a job you really like there has to be some boundary. You literally have tickets it’s not like they’re gonna reimburse you and more importantly you can’t get those hours of your life back you would have been doing something you enjoy! And work will still be there. Personally I just grew more robust and toxic resentment for work every time I agreed to cover a shift when I had personal plans. You don’t have to cover.

No. 1562811

I might regret asking but what is the mirror method?

No. 1562814

Oh when an angry moid hurls insults just laugh, it's so fun. Some people are so uncivil (proceed with caution though, they are notoriously unstable)

No. 1562816

Unnecessarily risky and dangerous method of jumping.

No. 1562823

How can I detach myself asap emotionally from people?
Thinking of going to therapy again but it's really expensive. I'll be moving cities by end of year so I'll have to let go of a lot of people but it would be best for me to do it beforehand and not suffer and linger like an emotional wreck.

No. 1562824

I'm so tired. Breathing is a chore level tired.

No. 1562832

Sorry that these things happened to you, especially losing your mother to cancer, but you did not do that. Please seek help, this sounds a lot like OCD and it can become debilitating without the right treatment. Also, coincidences exist- you aren't personally responsible for every disaster and minor inconvenience in the lives of others.
Think about what you normally do when you're attached to someone and then think about why you decided you won't be able to do something similar when you move. You can call them, message them, talk through social media or whatever. It's best not to expect to visit them in person, or have them visit you- life is expensive as hell right now and not everyone can afford to travel. It doesn't mean you can't still have these people in your life. It's bizarre that you've seemingly decided to cut yourself off completely from people who are important to you.

No. 1562846

there are people with whom it would be best for me to let go completely for emotional reasons but I kept postponing this because i fear letting go
the ones closest to me i'll still maintain contact with and even visit

No. 1562852

now there's gauze embedded in the wound I want to kms

No. 1562856

I hate to be the only non-polish in our company. I am so tired when they meet their friends and talk with them in polish and I just stand there like a statue, excluded, not understanding what are they talking about and not participating in anything and no one gives a single fuck about me but when I get mad I am told to stop being upset because it is only one moment in a whole day and one moment can't ruin the great day. Fuck you. It can and it does ruin my day because you are unable to learn.

No. 1562865

Well what are they supposed to do then? Be uncomfortable speaking English the whole night just for 1 person?

No. 1562870

Stop inviting me if they plan to do the same shit again. We are not living in a fucking Poland.

No. 1562871

I thought i had a real friend moid but i guess i was wrong, in the end - it was sexual, why do i still fall for this shit, i swear, i must be really dumb argh I'm furious

No. 1562877

Nta but it's rude as fuck as a group to completely exclude one person from a conversation. Not everyone has to speak English for the whole night but the normal thing to do having basic manners is to make sure at least one or two people are speaking to her in English and she isn't just standing there unable to understand anything at all for extended periods of time.

No. 1562894

Not clear if it was the whole night. Were they speaking polish together the whole night? Was it a conversation that lasted like 20 minutes or less? Unclear.

No. 1562905

This was the same with me. They kept giving orders in polish and because I didn't understand the language I was stuck with a crappy cleaning job until I quit.

No. 1562910

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Blew up at my mom. Since she's decided to be a self proclaimed conspiracy theorist she's been more insufferable than ever. Every thing I say she has to pipe in saying we'll see about that or how do you know because she knows the truth because she listens to people on fucking rumble and telegram and they would never lie. It reached a boiling point when her friend talked about Henry the 8th to her. My mom got really snotty saying who knews if it is really true if he killed two of his wives. I blew up at her because wtf men have always been in power and had no problems killing women over the tinest reasons. I'm so angry right now.

No. 1562917

This time I lost my shit and left after 20-30 minutes. It is not the first time happening to me and I explained my feelings before so I was not really in the mood to stay there longer. Idk how to stop getting mad or upset, one day they forgot to invite me because they were discussing it in their language while I was sitting in front of them. I feel bad about it because my bad mood ruins others mood and we have a great time together (when they don't have a memory loss) but I still have a bad taste in my mouth.

No. 1562921

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how am I supposed to make friends when every time I send/receive a text I become a bundle of nervousness

No. 1562932

Thank you guys! It's sad of course because of how prominent this guy is in the community, I doubt he will ever face any consequences, regardless of whether he is just a creep or a an actual predator. It's just matter of time now, and I'll continue doing everything I can to prevent him from being around the students! The older ones know that I'm there for them and they can report anything to me.

No. 1562956

YES I'm retarded. So what?

No. 1562980

I feel pathetic now. I was just lying in my bed and watching a movie and chilling when suddenly I felt a terrible pain in my chest, I wanted to ignore it, because I'm so used to living with chronic pain, I have problems with spine and joints, and every time someone asks me about how I feel and I tell them about the pain they say stuff like 'you're always hurting lol' which makes me feel like the world thinks I'm faking it, so I started telling myself it's not that bad. And this time I also tried to tell myself it's not that bad, but the pain was so strong, it was like something literally pierced through my chest, my heart started beating so fast it felt like it was about to explode, I couldn't stabilize my breath and I started hyperventilating. This torture was going on for like 10 minutes and when I just wasn't able to take it anymore and I was basically sure I'm having a heart attack and I'm dying I went to my housemate's room, knocked on her door and sat on the floor, clutching my chest. She was really scared when she saw me, I was only able to say something like 'can't breathe' and 'heart' and she called an ambulance. Luckily they came to our house pretty quick, tested my heart, sugar levels and my blood pressure, which was only a little high, but my heart was ok. They gave me some painkillers but at this point the pain was a little less terrible anyway (overall the worst part lasted for like 30 minutes), they even took me to the hospital but the doctors there didn't perform any more tests on me, just sthethoscope examination. They told me it was probably intercostal neuralgia. It could happen on its own or it was because of my spine or something. I felt happy it's nothing serious but also so dumb, now I'm scared like I looked like some stereotypical hysterical woman or something. But I really thought I'm dying and I couldn't breathe or talk because of the pain. The doctor lady was very nice and when I said that I panicked and it wasn't even my idea to call an ambulance she told me that there's nothing to be ashamed about and that I had the right to panic if the pain was so severe and sudden. But I still feel like shit for scaring my housemates. Also the doctor told me that if that happens more often I should try to maybe look for some deeper diagnostic. I started reading about neuralgia and it may be caused by many things, not just stress and and muscle tension and spine problems. I hope I don't have any serious condition that caused this shit

No. 1562984

Louder spongebob

No. 1562985

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Damn this is me. Unironically happy I have the internet so that I can at least have some sense of connection with people and feel like I have a life.

No. 1563002

This is a retarded vent, but the second season of my comfort show is legit shit, it introduced an unnecessary extra protagonist, added stupid lore, literally scrappy doo type shit. I'm sad cause it was a pretty lighthearted series,Doraemon type of show pretty innocent stuff… Sad

No. 1563009

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Getting a man is not hard almost anyone can get a man. Getting a mutual relationship on balanced footing where the man isn't a monster in sheeps clothing the first few months that will psychologically ruin you? Well when the day comes I will never post here again that is for certain. Maybe.

No. 1563019

Is it an American cartoon?

No. 1563024

>friendless loser retard
>meet friendless loser retard guy on reddit
>we start talking a lot
>we both get clingy because we have no one else
>become super close "friends"
>start talking on the phone late at night
>realize i've fucking become IT
>a discord kitten
>cringe myself to death

What am I doing? We're in our late 20s, we're grown. God this is so pathetic and cringe. But I can't stop doing it.

No. 1563053

If you're happy and he isnt a creep why does it matter. Don't meme yourself out of being happy

No. 1563073

>last break scheduled 30 minutes before close
>take break
>team lead comes in break room
>"ummmmm you're not supposed to take your last break within an hour of close"
>"I'm talking to the manager about this"
>leave a note in office before I go home that says "anon's last break was scheduled at 9:30pm"
I didn't think to tell her my break was scheduled at that time because I was so fucking tired but if they bitch at me I'm going Ultra Cunt mode IDGAF like bitch my break was SCHEDULED at that time retard. Fucking yell at me for following my schedule you obnoxious retard I dare you.

No. 1563091

>not masculine enough to be super androgynous and hot to lesbian and bi women
>masculine enough to be they/them'ed by new people
SIGH. If I crop the hair I'll just be he/him'ed by normfag boomers again.
Maybe I'll go shoulder-length. If I'm going to seem gender-y I want to at least look appealing.

Do you flirt with each other or something?
You're allowed to have long-distance friends.

No. 1563092

you guys ever suddenly realize that a part of your childhood that you thought was normal was actually super fucked up? my boyfriend joked that i would make a good bartender and i all of a sudden remembered that i used to make my mom’s cocktails for her. i guess i repressed that but now i can’t stop thinking about how insane it was that i knew how to make a screwdriver at age 7. i hate damaging my childhood was. it feels like i’ll never stop discovering wounds.

No. 1563103

I'm so fucking sick of all the infights here and on /m/, every time I check for new posts half of them are bait or people taking the bait or really autistic retards make a big deal out of nothing, not actual contributions to the threads they're in. It's so exhausting. The now hidden board used to be interesting but the constant infighting just clogged the main page even more, I'm glad it's hidden again.

No. 1563104

I hardly come here anymore because of it. I miss the way lc used to make me feel.

No. 1563106

It reminds me of when I finally had some real friends in my teen years and got to spend time at their houses and I realized that yelling and violence wasn't the norm.

No. 1563107

I think my relationship has ran its course. There was so much potential plus he's hot but the lack of affection is taking its toll. I've tried to talk about this last month and I think it put the nail in the coffin for us. Think it's actually pointless now to communicate cause I already brought this up and got shut down. I'm not asking my bf why he won't fuck me, then I'll get a pity fuck. I don't deserve this.

No. 1563109

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kind of self-pitiful unhinged jealous rant incoming…

So me being an autistic, friendless, unpleasant to be around, unremarkable, unintelligent, useless, pathetic waste of time and oxygen is one thing. I could maybe find ways to cope with that on its own. But having a sister that is the complete antithesis to that on top of everything is what's really been making life so insanely unbearable. She has always been a top athlete setting literal records on the sports teams she's been in. She's been finding odd jobs and making her own money since middle school while I'm 19 and haven't done a single thing for myself except for one job I basically got fired from for being so shit with people. She seems to make friends with literally everyone she comes across, strangers legit stop her in public just to gush about her; When I came home for winter break I isolated myself in my room and spoke to no one while she left the house with friends or had people come over every single day- she's always been extremely popular with an extremely vibrant social life, a literal (i can't believe I'm going to say this) gigastacy. The only thing I could say I have going for myself is maybe artistic talent but I don't do jack shit with it and even then she's not a bad artist herself and would probably be leagues ahead of me in skill if she gave any fucks about it. I think things really finally snapped for me when she was accepted into an ivy league a few months ago. My mental health was already incredibly shit but since then I've been filled with little but deep seated anger, hatred, and envy. To top it all off, I can't help but think she knows how shitty I feel. Every single thing she says to me comes off as condescending and taunting. I'll glance at her for a second and if she catches it she'll just look at me and go "hi anon :)" I'll be minding my own business and she'll walk up and initiate a conversation about something she knows I'm insecure about all with a smug smile. She often tells people random completely out of left field stuff about me that aren't even usually true, just based on her own assumptions. And when I call her out on it she’ll just go “hmm I don’t know… :/” instead of dropping it. I don't even want to think about the stuff she says about me when I'm not around. I dread the days I have to come back home from my shitty college and have to be around her. I genuinely don't know what to do about this other than self improvement, but I'm pretty sure I'm at rock bottom right now and I can't stop telling myself that no matter what I do to improve my little sister will always be better than me in every aspect of life.

No. 1563110

You can't believe those without believing LoA

No. 1563115

Were the infights always this bad?

No. 1563118

Well, /m/ used to be called the best board for a reason.

No. 1563119

I came here back in early 2019, in ot, it was chill from what I remember. Very comfy, or maybe just comfy idk. I might be exaggerating it since it's nostalgic to me and I tend to make memories seem better in the present than they actually were. I miss the way it made me feel too even though I wasn't there/here.. ? much bc of my scrote online groomer bf. And also because my house got rekt w water. Also new toxic frined group that I got introduced to .

No. 1563125

i'm really bothered by my friend getting offended because i called a girl a real woman because it was excluding the troons. she then going on a long tangent about how privileged i am because i am born female and how troons are apparently the most oppressed group of people. i can not believe the amount of anger that ignited in me.

No. 1563130

I know what you mean, it was more comfy. I came around the same time as you and I'm jealous of the oldfags who got to hold on to when lc was more contained. It really felt old internet to me for a while, and that nostalgic feeling for an actual online community was really exciting. Not going to lie though, the anons I've met in the movie room have totally changed my life and I feel like I have that online friend group I used to have when I was 13, me and the girls.

No. 1563138

No, it was an Anime, it ended 9 years ago anyway :-:

No. 1563141

dated a moid who never wanted to leave my side for like the past 6 months… i enjoyed all the time because i loved him so much but now he wants nothing to do with me cus he says the time together was draining and that he sacrificed time with his bros to have time with me although i always told him he isn't stuck to me, (though on 1 occasion i was upset, but that was once..) and that he can do whatever he likes. he broke up, said he wanted to remain friends, still refuses to talk to me… 12-24 hour intervals between messages and he says it's because im always negative so im just gonna cut him off and vanish before my birthday… i just dont get it though.

No. 1563142

Yeah I'm jealous of them too. Must've been comfy back then. I miss the old internet aka 4 - 7 years ago.
>the anons I've met in the movie room have totally changed my life and I feel like I have that online friend group I used to have when I was 13, me and the girls.
That sounds adorable! I never really used to have a friend group consisting mainly of girls. I wish I had that, I might just stop being a lazy ass and go to one of the movie airings in the lolcow movie watchings. If I wake up in time.

No. 1563147

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My mom is the party pooper, rain on parade, helicopter parent type. I'm going on a trip in a few days and will be gone for a week, I've been super excited and not worried at all. She tells me today that she "has a bad feeling" about it. I had to fight with her to even be "allowed" to go on this trip, keep in mind it's my own money going towards this and I'm 22 years old. It makes me so mad because I feel like she's trying to get in my head and force me to cancel the trip by giving me anxiety since I didn't do what she wanted me to do (which is to not go). I'm determined to go but it really does fuck with my head and I feel like I need to keep her happy all the time, like it's my responsibility to make sure she's fine and not anxious as fuck. She hasn't wanted me to go at all, but it got a lot worse a few days ago when her dumbass realized that I'd be on the plane for 5 hours and not 1 like she thought (this woman is not very smart). My brother died a few years back and now she's a very unwell, anxious woman that hardly lets me leave the house without worrying her head off. But I can't refuse to live my life for her sake and sanity, cause if I do, I lose my own sanity. I wish I had a normal mother who dealt with things in a normal way, I wish she would go to therapy and realize her fears are irrational and only hurting me. I want to have fun and explore life but instead I'm held back by the control of my mother and her guilting me. She's pretty supportive in that she won't tell me no most of the time, but she will tell me a million times how it's a terrible idea and how it makes her upset etc etc, so I end up complying with her. Or she tries to tell me that I'm making bad decisions and that one day she'll tell me "I told you so" (I do nothing bad, at all, I just don't live the way she'd like me to). The one time I fought back and sternly made my own choice, she does this to me in an attempt to freak me out at the last minute. I'm so sick of this shit I just want to be away from her forever without hurting her feelings by fleeing the house. But really, she's never gonna let me go unless I put my foot down and leave. Fuck this, fuck having shitty helicopter parents.

No. 1563148

says a lot about western higher education that families spend tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in hopes their kids educations will grant them prosperity when actually all they achieve is a new gender identity and hardcore debt

No. 1563149

the alternative is hardcore terf beliefs and an eating disorder

No. 1563150

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the way tims get endlessly, endlessly coddled and pitied and "oh dear'd" but tifs are basically paid…complete dust, or otherwise treated as weird "women" always makes me kek so sadly. none of them will ever realize how fucked up it is

i mean i've never seen anyone hop on a tif with the brave and stunning script outside of a handful of celebs.

also trannies that make it their whole personality are so annoying. can you go ten seconds without mentioning your t/e shot

No. 1563152

I have to get more toenails removed in a few weeks, this feels like torture. I'm like a cripple limping around everywhere because it's too painful to walk on my one foot. how exactly is removing them supposed to help me? I am suffering greatly

No. 1563154

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>Not going to lie though, the anons I've met in the movie room have totally changed my life and I feel like I have that online friend group I used to have when I was 13, me and the girls.
Same, movienonnies are so sweet, I wish I could visit more often. ily all

No. 1563160

I hate when I am on a roll talking to what I think are normal gendercrit people in a community than they come at me hard with some quiet racist shit, or some real tradthot shit about how abortion bans are actually good. Some former libs who got woke to the trans shit go full retard and start questioning everything, even shit that is true.

No. 1563161

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lolcow has become damn near unbearable recently and ive been finding myself reading less and less. i swear 90% of the demographic anymore is people under 21 who see other nonnas say like "18 year old kid" and will lose their minds because they're so close in age that since they feel mature and "18 is adult by da law", they lose their minds over it and then derail the thread to complain. and then beyond the age shit it's just the most boring, nitpicky, bullshit. and you can't even point that out without said 18 yr olds hounding you with "ok moid/troon/scrote" or being called a white knight. like believe it or not seeing a piece of hair in a nude isn't milk. being in my late 20s i understand i need to give these girls some patience but holy fucking shit. grow up lmao

No. 1563190

god i want to move out of this shitty apartment building and live in a house so bad. or at least for my aggressive and now potentially violent neighbours to redacted. i am going insane I JUST WANNA LIVE IN PEACE FUCK OFF CUNTS

No. 1563204

Scared to sleep w the lights off

No. 1563205

dad's a disgusting drunk but i still pity him so much. also the only thing keeping me from the claws of my narc mother. i hope he doesn't die before i can get a job kek

No. 1563207

No. 1563240

You don't sound unintelligent at all, anon. I get what you're experiencing, my older sister is the opposite of me in a lot of aspects and she tends to fall into the "acceptable" side of those opposites whereas I'm the antisocial, uglier and weird sister. Don't be that harsh on yourself. She's mean to you for no apparent reason, she's obviously not that great if she does that shit. You are self aware, you should be proud of that, that's a much higher achievement that all you've listed your sister has accomplished, it's so damn rare to find self aware people on this planet. Focus on your artistic gift. How many gigastacies became great artists? Emily Dickinson was quite the opposite of a gigastacy lol

No. 1563268

If only I could somehow do literally anything else but write a thesis, I could graduate. The thesis is the only thing holding me back. It's the only thing I need to finish and I just can't seem to write anything decent. I'm at the point where I start panicking the moment I as much as look at my work so far. I'm just so absolutely convinced my supervisors will always think it's shit. And I know it's not logical but I feel like I'm not getting a lot of good guidance either, and getting outside help is too expensive for me at the moment.

No. 1563270

Have you tried using Chat GPT for help? Or finding someone who can write it for you. If I only had that from stopping me from graduating, I'd just cheat

No. 1563279

You can get kicked out and academically blacklisted for cheating are you crazy

No. 1563280

what >>1563279 said, my college can and will absolutely kick me out if I did that and were to get found out. Just not worth the risk at all.

No. 1563286

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Wanted to make banana bread. Fiancé went to eat one of my four ripe bananas and I said “no, no I need those for banana bread! Eat one of the other ones.” “I’m hungry and don’t want an underripe one.”

Now I’m torn if I should find a new recipe or just say fuck it cause he doesn’t deserve any banana bread now.

No. 1563289

I know I am going to "ruin" my life in the very near future. I should care more but sometimes I wonder if it is simply inevitable anyway, and maybe even positive.
I don't think the person is positive but god am I going to give him the benefit of the doubt for 2.5 seconds.

No. 1563290

I'd say "here, you can have the peels"

No. 1563293

couldn't he just have eaten something else if he was hungry? Seems inconsiderate on his part. That said I have made banana bread with just 3 overripe bananas before and it works just fine. Or freeze the remaining ones until you have more unripe bananas.

No. 1563302

Banana bread is better with unripe bananas because they have more flavor and a better profile and I will fight everyone on this.

No. 1563310

I got called an autist on lolcow dot farm

No. 1563323

Week 3 of my bloody neighbours hiding from me as the leak from their apartment makes an ever bigger stain on my ceiling

No. 1563328

I will never not laugh at guys who think a virgin girl will get super emotionally attached to them if they have sex with her. Just stop already. A virgin also can tell if the sex is bad.

No. 1563329

I'm trying to find more local friends using bumble and it's going nowhere. I think I'm too picky, but i want to be picky. I want a definitely secure friendship and not land a "friendship" out of pity. Everyone around here is either too online or too much of a normie. The more decent ones are obsessed with smoking weed / drinking or TRAs or HAVE to point out they're boosted or some other cringe shit.
Thankfully, I have actually found one amazing friend from bumble, but our work schedules are making it difficult to hang out as often as we'd like, I'd like have another amazing friend because it does get lonely sometimes when she's not available.

No. 1563345

are they dead?

No. 1563358

No, they were drunk (high?) yelling last night at 2am, and I saw the peephole get dark then light again when I rang their door just before I posted my vent. They've promised to fix the leak twice already, but then started hiding.
There is something wrong with them, this is not nearly the first issue I'm having with them. They may be junkies. Or just brain damaged.

No. 1563361

Contact the building owners about the leak?

No. 1563362

There's no building owner, everyone owns their own apartment.

No. 1563364

Ever since I found out my uni crush like super feminine girls I’ve become so insecure and jealous. I keep seeing these gorgeous hyper feminine girls in uni and think about how she’s gonna be into them and pursue them. It’s so stupid but I can’t help it. I’m very feminine myself most of the time but other times I dress completely masculine and I’m also not the stereotypical popular (straight) girl she’s into. I was never the type to ever get obsessed over other girls’ looks and compare myself to them but since I want her so much it’s all different now. I wish I could get out of this mindset cause it’s really messing with me mentally.

No. 1563370

My retarded zoomer coworkers wont stop making fun the music I play at work and I don't even play weird stuff at all. I usually play normal and well-known rock along the lines of Joy Division or Talking Heads but apparently they've never heard of anything I play and think it's weird and bad. When its supposed to be my aux day they keep changing the music and they're obsessed with that stupid ass Ice Spice song that sounds like a ringtone. If I played actual weird music I'm pretty sure they'd keel over.

No. 1563373

How to explain to my brain that our personalities are too different, we can't be together and it should stop creating sweet fantasies?

No. 1563375

Literally how men fall in love
>find woman attractive
>find out 2 things about her
>"fall in love"
>fall out of love as soon as she reveals herself to not be the fantasy person he had built in his head because he couldn't be bothered to actually get to know her

No. 1563379

KEK, I'd be so mad if a zoomed changed my music. I surprised they don't even know the bands you mentioned. Even a lot of zoomers like older music, they just don't know was much about it. The person you work with sounds like a weirdo.

No. 1563388

Its not just one person, it's all of them. I cant even get mad at them either because like 4-5 people all agree that somehow listening to my music is unbearable and they like gang up kek

No. 1563393

Don’t let your dreams be dreams nona

No. 1563410

I wish my dreams were not dreams but I am not his type and I'm always mad at him.

No. 1563418

I think that I will die.I have no support system nobody to reach out to no quality of life. I cannot work. Im rejected everywhere. Im unwell.

No. 1563422

They take your phone off the aux on your day? Do it back on theirs. It's not about your music, they just think they can bully you and get what they want. Start making fun of them for being ugly or ignorant. Bully back.

No. 1563423

They take your phone off the aux on your day? Do it back on theirs. It's not about your music, they just think they can bully you and get what they want. Start making fun of them for being ugly or ignorant. Bully back.

No. 1563428

This is why at jobs that allow music, I would just opt for headphones; otherwise, tell them to shut up and learn something. Especially if you have to listen to Ice Spice that frequently? Sheesh. Put your foot down because if it's your day to share music, since everyone is sharing the work, they can cooperate. You do at least to appease but that gets frustrating over time

No. 1563431

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I'm sick of anxiety and sick of my brain twisting every single situation into the worst outcome possible. I want to ask him a couple of things to clarify our relationship and know where things stand, but the minimal chance that he might tell me that he has been using me for sex, cheating on me and that he wouldn't care if i dropped dead in front of him stops me from doing it. Does any of that makes sense? absolutely not, but WHAT IF.

No. 1563432

The best thing to learn early on is if they don't like you, that's it. And even though they could like "super feminine" people, that also doesn't mean 100% of the time. Until you know them well enough, and vice versa, you won't know for sure. Don't give up to the constructs in your head by overthinking and projecting something you heard from them onto yourself. Depends how close you are in the first place, etc and even then, don't take it so hard. I sometimes hate the "just b urself!" diatribe but honestly, if that person doesn't like you back naturally, it wouldn't work anyway so don't hate yourself for it. Find ways to forget about this crush if that's the case and move on. And love yourself!

No. 1563438

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>mfw family drama that is going just as I predicted it would go because everybody is a fucking lemming
I'm in spectator mode I officially dropped the rope it's a looot more fun now. Enjoy the bed you made for yourselves fucking idiots. Nobody gives a shit what I think so I just won't give my advice or input anymore I'm just laughing. Oh my god the felon child abusing druggie wife beater is doing what he's done 1000x before color me shocked what copes will you guys concoct to cover his ass this time lmfao then they whine to me and I have to stifle my laughter they are just his puppets

No. 1563445

I wish I could stop feeling so bad or guilty about ignoring men who are disrespectful to me or my boundaries. These guys probably don’t even see me as a human being so why do I feel sick to my stomach whenever I leave them on read or whatever. I hate how concerned I am about their feelings and idk how to just… not care.

No. 1563447

I think that virgins in general, both women and men, will start to think about having sex with someone else, like a natural curiosity? also I don't think that firsts relationships are made to last in general (obvious there is exceptions)

No. 1563456

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I hate myself

I have a good career job, a house, a good husband but I'm such a mess of a person. I want to just end it.i wish I was better.

No. 1563463

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I am in the same boat nonnie.

I believe in us, I wanted to finish my thesis by may but it's looking like I have to extend another semester. Putting time on my calendar to work on it has really helped me. we can do this together

No. 1563465

i went to swim at my friend's cousin's apartment. the cousin was so rude, didn't even come swimming with us, and after i left my friend told me that she said she doesn't want me to come back because of the completely old and healed self harm scars on my thighs. she said she "doesn't want to be responsible for me and my problems." bitch fuck you and all of the people who think like you, you think i'm gonna kill myself in your apartment or something? i was perfectly kind and did fucking nothing to make her think that, i'm just shy. like she is the one who invited me in the first place and that's how she treats me the first time we meet. my scars are seriously hardly even noticeable, they were tiny cat scratches i did years ago. and of course my friend doesn't see an issue with her treating me like that lmfao god i'm so tired of getting shit on when im just trying to live

No. 1563473

Im so tired of my stupid ass not managing well the time and having a chaos regarding uni. Yesterday I couldnt finish a summary for functional grammar and today i have to finish it taking away time for pedagogy and children's literature and I have to work out my inferior train too and Im going to fucking bash my head against the wall where I put my stupid ass to-do lists that I never accomplish completely

No. 1563552

Yup. All of my friends hated coming to my house and would tell me "dude your mom is crazy" and would have these elaborate stories that were hilarious to tell for years because I was so casual about it and thought all of it was normal because it was all I knew.

Not erasing your feelings or experiences but it might help just a little bit knowing her terror comes from the fear that she will lose another child. Traumatic thinking like that takes a long time to iron out.

No. 1563592

we can be alone together nonna

No. 1563602

Yeah. Once when I slept over a friend's house they had an earring get caught on a pillow and I was terrified of going to her parents room to wake them up. I was used to my Dad screaming and threatening to beat me whenever I went to my parent's bedroom door at night. I also stopped having birthday parties by the time I was 12, while my cousins are in their 30s now, still renting out places or having get togethers for theirs.

As an adult I'm still avoidant of holidays and milestone events and I 100% blame it on the way I was raised. I feel like I'm incapable of celebrating anything.

No. 1563644

It’s condescending to think any anon who is disagrees is a boring normie. I’m a woman, gender nonconforming, grew up playing video-games, watching animu and obscure foreign movies in the early 2000s, my friends were oddballs too and we lurked the weird side of the internet. I’ve been subjected to my share of creepy moids and degeneracy and share some radfem views, yet I sometimes disagree with anons on all men being 100% purebred evil so I must be a scrote or a twitterfag, can’t be another weirdo misfit woman just like you. I get that some of you are a paranoid, but it feels like farmers just want lolcow to be their cushy little echo chamber of negativity where no one’s allowed to disagree or challenge them.

No. 1563646

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Another fucking wedding invite. All my family members my age (20s-30s) are marrying off at lightning speed. It all comes so naturally to them. They're all attractive. Yet another wedding where my ugly-ass, awkward-ass self sit cringily alone at the tables sipping a glass of wine while everyone else parties because they aren't self conscious about being ugly as shit. At the last wedding I attended they even closed off the dining hall after eating, and only the dancefloor was open. No seating. I don't know how to dance, so I exited the building and awkwardly walked around in the cold for hours.

No. 1563663

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Fucking bitch really spent nearly a year undercover in a discord server where she fooled around with all the dudes

No. 1563678

tbh i think the unmitigated misandry on this site is the only thing that keeps it from being hijacked. moids can't stand being ignored or dismissed so they always end up exposing themselves when they try to "infiltrate." every shred of negativity towards men on this site was provoked by a man anyway so it's fair.

No. 1563712

Ayrt. Can't argue with that. Ironically it leads to a negative spiral of certain anons constantly obsessing over scrotes are all day though. I know it's been said before and I guess it just be like that.

No. 1563715

Oh god. She really takes every opportunity to pick a fight and some poor schmuck who doesn't know how to defuse her by backtracking immediately has just walked into one.
I'm not looking forward to this.

No. 1563720

i'm so upset and embarrassed. i'm in college and i have so much trouble relating to my peers and it makes me feel so ostracized.
but i met a guy last week and hung out with him a few times and felt SEEN on a human level but found out he was 8 years older than me and he doesn't want to hang out again because of it (objectively good decision and i'm glad he's not a creep)
but i feel so dejected. i'm just tired of feeling so different from everyone my age :(

No. 1563721

that's true, i do feel sorry for those anons

No. 1563813

I told my close friend that I miss having dyed hair, and that I will get around to it once I get more time on my hands. When my friend asked me why I simply explained that, other than that it mainly makes me happy, it's also a way for me to to be "seen". I am very plain, not all that outspoken (it's easy for people to talk over me even when I try to take up space), and I have no skills. If I don't have dyed hair I will truly become an invisible wall flower that will be forgotten, outshined by everyone around me.
My friend laughed at first, but the moment she realized I was serious she seemed distraught with a "wait…you really feel this way? I'm…I'm so sorry, I never noticed". We didn't touch more upon it because her reaction confused me. She's always been aware of how much of a low opinion on myself I have, did it not truly realize how serious it is until now?

No. 1563816

Want to explain what I mean by "seen" is not that I want to be in center of attention, or for someone to pay that much attention to me in general. It's more that it helps me feel acknowledged that I exist, if that makes any sense?

No. 1563883

I binged so much sweets during the weekend my blood pressure is through the roof and I feel like shit now. Why am I doing this to myself when I know I'm gonna feel so bad every time. Sugar is just the only thing that gives me any pleasure or comfort, I can't cope at work anymore, I'm so tired of masking and pretending to be somewhat normal, I don't want to be around people, I don't want to talk to anyone, I don't want to go outside, I'm not answering any phonecalls and then people tell me I'm so rude for doing this and I want to scream at them because they have no idea how much I'm collapsing inside, I lost interest in my all of my hobbies, I don't want to watch or read anything, I just want to lie in my bed and sleep and eat sugar and nothing else

No. 1564032

Washing machines get me so anxious….. I hate them.

No. 1564040

All my friends are dead (to me).

No. 1564043

My boyfriend acts rude to me because I haven’t found a job yet and it makes me feel like total shit because I know I’m a failure and I know he’s mad at me for not paying half the expenses but he also told me he could provide for me and it’s my choice to work or not. Obviously I want my own income too but the job market is fucked and I feel like he’s resentful/disappointed and might break up with me just because of some money issue when I’d never make him feel so bad or bring it up constantly that he’s not employed. Btw he’s financially secure at the moment and has plenty saved with a cushy job so its not a serious situation except he wants to simply save more which I understand. I just want a break from feeling like a piece of shit failure who graduated in a pandemic and has no experience and barely gets responses when I already beat myself up about it I don’t need my fucking partner holding it over my head like I’m some lazy worthless mooching off him, I’ve been frugal as I can be this whole time and I’ll make up for expenses in this timeframe once I have income. I don’t know what else to do honestly except get some shit job at the grocery store when I have a college degree that’s given me nothing and I know salaries haven’t risen in about a decade so why did I go into debt for this HAHA it’s so funny thinking about how retarded that is

No. 1564045

I'm so sorry, did they do something to hurt you?

No. 1564047

my favorite and most cherished obscure celebrity recently got something done to her face. She had an unusual feature that most people consider unattractive but I thought it made her uniquely cute, I loved it so much. It’s gone now. I was hoping i was seeing wrong, but no, it’s really gone, after living almost 20 years in the spotlight with it. It’s not that she looks bad now, she’s not botched or anything, and I guess it makes her more “conventional,” but that feature was so special and cute (to me)… I wanna throttle the plastic surgeon who put his hands on her adorable face. It makes me so sad to think that she was self conscious about that part of her face so much.

No. 1564048

Fuck him. Find a man who will happily let you be NEET if you want

No. 1564070

>except get some shit job at the grocery store
Um yeah that's exactly what you should do? Obviously it would be temporary while you find something that uses your degree. I would be pissed too if my partner wasn't contributing just because they think they're too good to work at a grocery store.

No. 1564079

Nah, just the realization they weren’t gonna always be there in the long run. If they really cared about me, they would’ve contacted me or asked me to hang with them. Never once in the last 8 years was I invited out or asked if I was doing okay, it was always me suggesting things and left it at that. If that’s the way they want to be, then so be it.

No. 1564094

So maybe it's just me, but I feel like websites are becoming less and less functional, especially in this past month. Now, I mainly use my desktop computer and phone to browse websites, and I've browsed across many different sites over the past month or so, but it seems like they've all gone to shit. I'm talking like youtube not showing me my playlists even while I'm logged in, I can't even click on search bars or buttons on other websites, random image websites making it so you can't even see or click on the image… I know like I'm gonna sound like a boomer but do these web developers break shit on purpose? What the hell are even some of these new layouts? They're all shit…

No. 1564106

Could you share the celeb, nonnie? I'm curious.

No. 1564175

I'm about to shave my head again, it's like my hair comes out my head split. I shaved it and not even 1 month later it's split. How? I shaved it off for a clean refreshing start and I still cannot win.

No. 1564183

Nonnas I'm so tired of being alive. I used witch hazel for a year on my chin and it aged my skin there. I feel so hideous you can see the wrinkles every time I talk and smile. I was just trying to be pretty. Just like when I developed anorexia just so I can be pretty.

All my life I've felt like the ugly outsider and I feel like my life means nothing because I'm unattractive. I wish I was pretty like my sister. I wish I could be loved. The only sexual experience I had was when I was sexually assaulted. I wish I were dead everyday. I hate my dead end job, I hate my appearance, I hate myself.

No. 1564184

Girl we have a boyfriend thread what are you on about

No. 1564193

Ayrt and I really relate to that anon. I did the same thing and just kind of let them slip away and I don't really regret it. I have other women I talk to now who actively seek my company and I seek theirs and it feels good to have an actually reciprocal relationship. I will say though, to be fair because I've been in this position myself (though you would have a better sense of it actually knowing these people) it may be that the two years of covid have totally fucked their ability to socialize like they have in the past because of the isolation and increase in internet use.

No. 1564203

i’m too lazy to find the advice thread if there’s an active one so sorry if this doesn’t totally fit, but this is both “venting” and advice seeking so i guess it does. i know i’m not particularly gonna get the most sound advice on here due to the topic but i genuinely don’t know who else i’d even be able to talk to ab this, but i really need an outside opinion to know if i’m just blowing this out of proportion or if i’m reasonably upset, and how to handle it. i’ve been with my current bf for 5 months but we’ve been great friends for nearly 7 years. he loves me to death, he’s not a slob or a porn addict or most of the other weird shit you have to put up with dating 99% of young men. i say this because idk if i’m just paranoid by spending too much time on reddit and facing the “automatically break up/divorce over any single flaw your partner has” hive mind mentality, using this one negative im venting about define his entire character. people don’t “just break up” with partners that say/do shitty things here and there for a reason. everyone is flawed and all men are socially conditioned from birth to hate women in some way. moving on. my boyfriend pretty much told me he finds vaginas gross. we are both each others first ever relationship. yesterday he was telling me he feels bad bc he never does anything for me during sex, he’s offered to do things before but i’ve declined (not bc i have a problem with the way i look/smell down there or anything, im just a very private person overall and take awhile to get fully comfortable like that). he was telling me he’d do anything besides eat me out. it was totally ok with me, i understood not really wanting someone genitals on/in your mouth lol. however, i don’t really remember how it all went down exactly but he proceeded to ramble about how “disgusted” he would be or whatever, like disproportionate levels of disgust, and it kinda concerned me. not gonna list exactly how the conversation went sentence by sentence cuz this is already kinda too long but he essentially said vaginas look “alien-like” to him, he said he was talking about it with his [male] friend group, i asked him if he thought they were all gross, he hesitated for a long time and kept saying “idk, idk” and then his final answer ended up being “no, but i don’t think i could look at it in direct light” (?). you don’t think they’re all gross but you can’t even look at one? this is what really hurt me. he’s made multiple “fish” jokes in the past. i can tell his entire view of vaginas comes from what other men have told him (who have likely never even had sex and know little to nothing about how vaginas work), because i know for a fact he did not conceive this thought process from me, i’m very confident i do not smell down there lol, and as shitty as this sounds it’s not even really “ugly”, even compared to porn induced standards.i feel like shit. i feel humiliated and embarrassed. i feel grossed out by my own body. i’ve heard thousands of men display their disgust towards vaginas before and idc but something about it being said to me in real life from someone i’ve had sex with hurts me so bad and makes me wonder if that’s what he was thinking every time we’ve been intimate, and knowing there’s nothing i can do to change his mind. and thinking about him gawking about it with his fugly moid friends just makes me so…i don’t even know. i didn’t talk to him much today, but i can tell he didn’t really see any error in what he said to me and i don’t think he feels bad. i don’t know why i’m expecting him to. is this normal? do all men think this way and just put up with it because they want sex?

No. 1564213

My scrote friend of almost 6 years is trooning out and i feel like im going to throw up

No. 1564221

I would lose all attraction to a man who said something like that. Even leaving aside how offensive and mean it is, it's just immensely unsexy for a straight man to not be enthusiastically attracted to, and into eating, pussy.

Honestly, you've only been together 5 months. Cut your losses and go back to being friends, he's entitled to his boundaries but you aren't obligated to put up with it. Nobody could blame you for being hurt, and who could expect you to continue enjoying sex after that? But don't lose confidence in yourself, normal healthy guys do like vagina and will no doubt like yours.

No. 1564238

Gay women love pussy. Gay men love cock. Someone explain to me why so many straight men hate women's bodies omg I don't understand.

No. 1564239

Like that man is fighting some gay ass demons

No. 1564240

>Gay women love pussy. Gay men love cock
For real?

No. 1564242

I'm just processing to myself and wondering why so many "straight" men hate women's bodies. Is it porn addiction? Like when you compare other sexualities the math just isn't mathing

No. 1564243

I'm just processing to myself and wondering why so many "straight" men hate women's bodies. Is it porn addiction? Like when you compare other sexualities the math just isn't mathing

No. 1564244

I'm just processing to myself and wondering why so many "straight" men hate women's bodies. Is it porn addiction? Like when you compare other sexualities the math just isn't mathing

No. 1564254

I am so fucking tired of how endlessly disturbing scrotes are. I had to download an image blurring software because bitter retard trannies and scrotes keep cp spamming when I come here to gossip. i HATE scrotes and really wish nature would eradicate them somehow

No. 1564257

If he loved you, found you sexy, and wanted deeper chemistry with you, then he’d be lapping it up.

No. 1564260

I want my revenge and it's driving me fucking crazy. I want this moid to suffer.

No. 1564261

Inshallah in due time my sister

No. 1564262

You need a man who worships you anon, never settle for less. Your man should think of you like a goddess, you body is the temple he worships at, a work of art. I don't understand how he can really say he loves you if he doesn't see you that way. My husband says my vagina is beautiful every time he sees it. He gets excited at just the thought of going down on me.

No. 1564276

I am so grateful that I never see the cp

No. 1564296

Boss take. I was just thinking this myself in recent years and I don't visit often due to the noticeable difference in the quality of posters. Sometimes I wish lc was at least 21+. The disparity between an 18 year old and 21 is big enough alone. There's also a huge number of cunts seeking attention on here now with avatarfagging or weird specific sperging. This behavior got you roasted back around 2015 ie that Spoony bitch from England. I believe a lot of underage posters come from twitter, pinterest, and tiktok. Plus I think millenial teenagers were more witty than your average zoomer so it made for funnier posters even if they were fresh out of high school.

No. 1564306

There's nowhere for those of us in the 28+ range to hang out and it's frustrating. I don't want to see the opinions of people 21 and under in online spaces anymore.

No. 1564311

Nta but even though I agree with this post, I kind of like some of the avatarfags here weirdly enough. or at least the less hostile ones kek.

No. 1564314

Same. I wish there was a site more suited for us older spergs.

No. 1564315

I, just like anyone else, have felt "depressed" but it wasn't actual depression, just temporary sadness. Last year was the first time I felt actual depression, meaning i struggled to get out of bed, do hygiene, cook food, and get out of my apartment. For the frist time i had thoughts of actually unaliving myself. Again this was very different to emo depression/temporary melancholy. I'm not being dramatic, literally as soon as I attempted to do things and get back into the normal world like work (i worked part-time), go out for a walk, or buy food, literally anything, these shitty people just started coming out the woodwork. The shit I experienced was actually so bad i thought it was a comedy skit. Like wow I'm down this bad and this is happening to me?? It kept happening, at work a guy I had never seen before said my hair looks disgusting, on a walk an guy in a car honked at me crossing the street, drove around 3 times and this the exact same thing. No one was around as this was in like a secluded area. Then i had endless karens be rude to me. Like i said these weren't things not easily picked up on, they were explicit encounters. I have so many more stories.

No. 1564318

Manifesting tips that helped me were putting yourself first. If you're in a situation where you're helping or giving your time to unworthy people (shitty bf, stuck in a toxic job, dealing with toxic family) cut them off. Any goals you have, short or long term, are achievable if you believe they are. That's the most important part, it's your mind. You tell yourself something is xyz and they will happen. I use manifesting to achieve my goals, but to also identify people or situations that are shitty. For instance, I had this professor who failed me multiple times, and this year I passed when we changed professors and he is now literally dying from cancer. Moral of the story here is that you never give up your dreams, if you do, bad things continue to happen to you while good things happen to bad people. It's all about balance. Crazy take but i wholeheartedly believe bad people feed off the energy of good people quitting and giving up, look at the homeless statistic and their death rate. And the demons that show up in our lives when we are down are working for them. Keep your vibration high, if you want to do xyz things today when you wake up, DO THEM. The doubt you have is coming from the people who profit from you giving up.

No. 1564333

get your frigging tic tacs off my pin board site! i don't wanna see 'em! they're like a plague for real, first the reels, then the shorts, pinterest don't you do it, git, git!

No. 1564334

I'm happy I got a very good job offer but now I'm stressing out about the commute. Hopefully I can move out and find a place to rent somewhere closer soon because if I have to wake up at 5am in the morning for a 2.5 hour commute then I'm gonna fucking kms. 2 weeks I can put up with it AT MOST but I can't do this shit for MONTHS.

No. 1564371

File: 1682930686139.jpeg (752.18 KB, 1539x2047, FuA2HGqXwAgHjg1.jpeg)

I had a lot of intense suicidal thoughts recently. I dread going to bed or doing something that leaves me alone with my thoughts because I immediately think of killing myself. My only friend lives like 3 hours away and besides her I'm completely alone. I don't wanna kill myself obviously but idk it's like my brain produces these fantasies against my will.

No. 1564376

I protected my peace so hard I ended up alone and isolated

No. 1564378

Wow I loved this lol

No. 1564418

>find girls love manga
>its only two volumes
>plot sounds innocuous enough too
>chapter 1
>we see love interest-chan take a piss
>protagonist-chan licks the sweat of her face
le sigh. I already was suspicious of it being written by a male, I should've listened to my gut feeling instead of falling for the shortness of the series.

No. 1564436

I drank too much last night and now I’m so anxious I’m physically hurting, I want to kms

No. 1564445

so I'm supposed not to worry about the girl who literally jumped and had sex with the guy (her ex, before they were a couple) who wanted to get to know her, the girl you're sleeping in the same room with
i knew she was a sleaze, aside from being ugly, but my friend just confirmed this and that she's a hypocrite and ghosts her friends, at least the ones that don't serve her interest
god, moids are so fucking stupid why must i be so kind and endearing

No. 1564465

I understand what you're saying in the beginning anon, I really do. But don't let the internet fool you, there are a lot of men who are hard working, not porn addicted and nice and admirable people, you just gotta avoid the obvious bottom of the barrel.

As to your bf I honestly would break up with someone who said something like that, I wouldn't even try to discuss it honestly because no way I'm lowering myself to trying to convince someone to not find my pussy gross.
I know you might not want to break up over something like this, but it will become a problem and it's such a glary display of cluelessness and "privilege". Why does a man think he can tell his girlfriend that he finds one of her sexual organs gross in such detail and with such disregard to her feelings? He's either emotionally stunted or completely indifferent and slightly misogynistic (at best). I've dated all kinds of men and a smart and thoughtful person would keep that shit to themselves or discuss it with more tact. Your boyfriend shouldn't feel that confident talking to you like that, it shows clear indifference to how you feel. I mean he expects you to listen to him ramble about how gross vaginas are? Not to mention the fish jokes.
I would say break up because he doesn't seem that nice even by male standards, and also i'm not bullshitting you anon there's a man out there who is perfect for you and will have the basic intelligence and emotional maturity never to make you upset for stupid useless rants like this, I mean what the fuck did he want? For you to laugh along? For you to validate him and tell him it's okay? My theory is that he only wanted to subject you to it to hurt you and let you know how he feels (which might seem far fetched but it's not necessarily conscious on his end, just a dick move). I say this with absolutely no condescension but you sound young and I hope you learn to value yourself and never turn back.

No. 1564466

Denial is a a river in Egypt your bf is gay

No. 1564467

If your bf has good money and wants you to pay half he doesn’t like you but you should still stop being lazy and get a job and support yourself

No. 1564470

I mean if a man told me that my first thought would be he's either pornsick and conditioned to only like plastic vaginas, but you said that isn't the case, or gay in denial. As a straight woman I don't think penises are pearls of beauty but I'm not repulsed by them either.

No. 1564472

My batshit crazy ex I briefly dated before I realised he’s insane got really fat and ugly as he hit 30 kek
He used to say sexist shit about women’s looks all the time so it’s karma. He used to shit on women for being too ugly, old, too fat, looking like “dykes” and so on. When we split up he sent me edited pictures of his female friend claiming it’s his new gf. He edited her boobs and waist but being a dumbfuck he is, he left in so many squiggly lines behind her it was obvious and pretty comical. And the friend didn’t even know he was using her in such a creepy way like this. He later said he had cancer and his mom also got cancer so he was stressed and that’s why he did it (both were a lie).
He used to be a ripped not bad looking manlet, now he’s a round tiny fatty with bow legs, and his face really bloated up. I guess that’s what a life time of smoking, eating junk and drinking so much gets you. He got a long distance gf and I honestly feel bad for her because they recently moved in and I know he’s abusive as shit, even physically, but from what I’ve seen she seems as a bit of an entertaining lolcow too, I’m waiting for the dramatic shit slinging breakup. I don’t understand how anyone can stand him for more than a few months, but I guess she has no choice when she moved in from another country with no job other than tracing art and trying to sell it to her 500 followers.
I do really have fun stalking his socials from time to time because every time I check there’s some new drama or some dumb idiotic shit he’s doing, like trying to become an Asian Rap Idol but being booed off the underground stage for getting blackout drunk and repeatedly telling every other rapper he wants to kill them (because he didn’t understand what rap battle means), trying to be a freelance comedian but getting only comments about how cringe he is because he doesn’t have enough brain cells to tell a joke and so on kekk, I can’t wait to see how he’ll end up. He’s such a cow.

No. 1564473

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Woke up from a dream about my sexual abuser, I can't fucking escape him, leave me alone please go away please PLEASE

No. 1564474

>Besides eat me out
Feed him your diarrhea turds then. You're a femcuck if you dont

No. 1564476

That's a long way of saying your bf is gay. He's deeply into men anon

No. 1564477

He's lying about not being a porn addict.

No. 1564478

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I was gonna start working out this week, tryna bulk, but I got my period and it's so heavy so now I'm not gonna want to even touch the gym till it's over. How do you nonnas exercise and bleed idgi

No. 1564481

I hate how tied to the weather my moods are. I’ll be suicidally depressed if it’s cold and rainy for too many days in a row, but as soon as the sun comes out suddenly life is great again and no problem seems like that big a deal.

I’m basically a houseplant.

No. 1564482

Honestly, tell him to kill himself and break up with him.

No. 1564483

I feel you nonnie, I bloat and feel like a pig during my period, then I sweat like a waterfall and drop the 8-9 lbs of water I retain
I still train on my period but I usually reduce the volume if I feel weak. Even a half ass workout is better than no workout when I'm bleeding

No. 1564484

I usually skip the first day of my period. Rest and recover, then hit it hard once the worst part is over. GL nonnie!

No. 1564486

I had a 156 day streak going with Duolingo. Normally if I miss one day it will "heal" my streak if I do a lesson the next day. I've had some stressful days recently and forgot how long I hadn't been on. I logged on today and my streak was at 0.

It's not a big thing, but it made my heart skip to see almost half a year put into the app meant nothing. Guess I'll start again.

No. 1564490

Recently met a guy, an international student, who had a 500 or 600 streak (he was really proud) but had failed the A1 state exam, couldn't even ask for directions lmao. Duolingo is truly a trash app if you want to learn a language.

No. 1564491

I use it a supplement to flashcards, books and other stuff. I've kind of slowed down using it recently anyway. Maybe it's a sign?

No. 1564494

I have 0 life quality. I cannot work and live in a third world country where wages are bad either way. I do not have a family. People that have a similar level of intelligence as mine reject me, so I cannot form bonds with people that are like me and get others to help me or get a moid. Men literally reject me even on the internet, generally it is very easy for women to get men to give them hundreds of dollars but even then I am treated like shit. I live in a place that I hate, it is a small town that I have been trying to escape for 13 years and I cannot. I have no people IRL or friends. Literally 0 life quality. Also, I recieve endless harassment everywhere that I go.

I have had 10 suicide attempts since I was 8 years old because my parents and my environment was shit and after 13 years I am in the same fucking place. On the internet people have no consideration towards me. My entire life I have been made to listen to the issues of others and enable them or make them feel valid buy my life is from hell and nobody cares. I will literally be forced to kill myself out of lack of options soon. I have no friends, no family, no support system and am suicidal.

No. 1564495

Since everyone else is saying to dump his ass (and personally I agree), I suppose if you think that he's actually half decent you should just have an open conversation about it.
Talk to him and ask him how he would feel if you said his dick smelt and you could never look at it in direct light, and the effect that would have on his self esteem. He might realise what he said was hurtful and hopefully learn for the future, if he doubles down then he sounds like a real piece of shit.

No. 1564498

shit nonnie, where do you live? aren't there any university or school programs you can join to escape to a city?

No. 1564500

Don't let it get to you nonnie, the only reason those streaks exist are to get you hooked and feel like you have to spend time (and more importantly, money). It's cool you can keep it up for so long, but don't let their psychological manipulation get you down.

No. 1564501

Your boyfriend is a dick but he only has this power over you because you let him. Getting a crappy job might feel like you're a failure in the short-term but the financial independence from your boyfriend is way more powerful.

No. 1564502

I am pathetic.

No. 1564508

No. 1564514

I wish my mom was happy. My dad is quick to anger, and I wonder what his mental illness is at this point aside from saying he has anger issues. My mom told me she gave back his $40 to him, and he later ended up ripping the money up and getting into an argument with her. It was her fault, according to him. What the fuck?

No. 1564515

I cannot keep up with school because of illness.

No. 1564534

sounds like a faggot to me

No. 1564537

Do they perhaps have any kind of support for sick students? Like allowing some time off for treatment or negotiating deadlines?

No. 1564556

Why is learning how to make a game impossibly hard?
Why is youtube filled with junk tutorials and guides
I don't feel like i'm learning this is so annoying.

No. 1564557

Why is learning how to make a game impossibly hard?
Why is youtube filled with junk tutorials and guides
I don't feel like i'm learning this is so annoying.

No. 1564563

No. I live in the third world.

No. 1564572

Lmao, ayrt, something similar happened to me and I'm a third worlder too, anyway, hope things work out one way or another for you.

No. 1564574

What are you trying to use? I'm still a beginner but I've found a lot of Godot tutorials to be high quality, maybe because there's less of them.
This one really got me into Godot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAbG8Oi-SvQ&list=PL9FzW-m48fn2SlrW0KoLT4n5egNdX-W9a you kind of need to know some programming basics but it's relatively beginner friendly.

No. 1564581

I'm trying to learn unity and c#
I picked unity because it's the most popular so I assumed there would be a tone of good tutorials for a complete beginner like myself but I'm now too paranoid about being stuck in "tutorial hell"

I started watching a bunch of videos shitting on the guides people make on youtube that are obvious attempts to get views from beginners (like myself) without actually teaching them anything.

No. 1564595

I know what you mean, I tried the same thing with Unity a few years ago, it's so popular you think there would be lots of good content, and I'm sure there is, but it's also really hard to separate people just cashing in on it vs actually good tutorials, which is why I originally gave up on it as well. Sorry I can't help you more with Unity.

No. 1564597

File: 1682959332639.jpg (23.51 KB, 639x360, s71K0PEVHoaPRDiNZPb2YroiDjC46s…)

I have been wanting to kill myself for 6 years now and have failed 10 attempts in all that time. I feel like a retard for failing so many times and it makes me feel "not serious enough" about my own pain. I don't want to worry loved ones so I don't tell anyone. Pills don't help. Psychiatric hospitals don't help. I just wanna succeed at suicide but I live with people in a fully suicide-proof house. Every day feels the same and the nightmare never ends. I'm 20 and studying from home (HIGH SCHOOL still) and i feel like a deadbeat loser. I have dreams but I consider them unattainable. Depression won

No. 1564602

I find it better to follow devlogs. There's this guy making a game called Patch Quest that taught me everything I know in Unity. He starts off as a beginner I think and actually shows you the entire process of making his game so it's worth checking out.

No. 1564606

You're like, what, 2 years behind? 4? 5 max? Where I am there's high school education exclusively for adults because you know what, sometimes people fuck things up or life fucks people over. I know these words aren't gonna magically make your depression and suicidal thoughts go away but you really got to be a little kinder on yourself.

No. 1564608

Then I should’ve killed myself when I repeated a whole ass year in uni with two classes, I graduated just a while ago and I’m 27, so “old”.
Like the other anon, I know this isn’t going to magically cure you, but think about it. Wouldn’t it be worse if you weren’t even trying to study regardless of your depression and suicidal thoughts?
Your pain is real, and the fact that you’ve tried to kill yourself so many times is proof that you need sincere help, succeeding in killing yourself will hurt your loved ones more than you telling them that you’re depressed and that you need help.

No. 1564611

Unity has its own learning hub at learn.unity.com, I assume more of those tutorials are approved and of higher quality. I havent used them yet myself but a friend said some of the paths are nice to go through.

No. 1564624

I was bored so I looked up pictures of my highschool crush and other boys that were really cute back when I graduated and I'm depressed now when I see how most of them look.
"men age like wine" is a meme that is not applicable to the majority. Some of these men really let themselves go. The irony is that their wives are mostly thin.

No. 1564631

I can't fucking stand the way some men talk. I'm watching the sam hyde fishtank thing (judge me as you will) and the one person Damiel talks like "bruh, it's like, bruh that shit is… it's like" When I hear people talking like that it makes me want to fucking SNAP

No. 1564659

God, can Stephanie Harlowe please just have some self control for one goddamn video? I'm not entirely sure why I keep watching these videos, nonnies. I guess because they're very long, which I like, and because she does often give a lot more information about things that other channels would not, but my fucking god is she annoying. I don't need to hear about how funny you think Zoolander is while you're telling me a tragic story of an entire town being destroyed for fucks sake lady. Also I went into the comments of this particular video, her most recent, and someone corrected her pronunciation of a location and she actually got snarky in the comments with this lady. She is such an embarrassment but she genuinely believes she is a professional. She was also recently in a short horror film by some very, very mediocre director moids and she was just awful it nonnies. Her acting was so stilted, it reminded me of job training videos. But her little Harlowequins (kek) were in the comments suckin' her ass. This lady has such a big ego it's sometimes hilarious.

No. 1564668

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i hate that i was such a pickme and gave up my virginity to a 28 year old moidaloid when i was 14. i met him from 4chan and i let him sell me the lie of being a ~tradwife~ and in return he would get me away from my alcoholic wifebeater LITERAL cuckold father and my handmaiden stepmom and take care of me. we met up and he took me away to his house and then his apartment and i met his mother. she was fine with it because she was an eastern european immigrant just like my parents and the culture is different there. it was okay but he was really mean and retarded. he’d get mad at me for my voice being too high pitched when i spoke to waiters and being too short because “nooo people will think that you’re a child and that i’m a creep.” YEAH BECAUSE YOU ARE. he crashed his car and blamed me because if i had gotten up earlier he wouldn’t have been driving in the dark and if he hadn’t been driving in the dark he would have seen where he was going. he got mad at me because i cooked him a meal at his request but then didn’t want to eat any of it myself because i don’t like cheese and it upsets my stomach. he didn’t want me to eat fattening foods anyways (even though i was 80 lbs at the time.) maybe that part was my fault… but i feel like it shouldn’t have been such a big deal. he said i look like a hooker for wearing the exact sundress in picrel (with white tights underneath) and made me wear a huge sweater in 90 degree weather while walking along the beach where every other girl my age was wearing a swimsuit to “protect me from black men.” then on the beach walk we saw a girl toddler who was maybe 3 years old tops. and he started giggling and saying to me that he thought she was looking at him and desiring him sexually. he called me a “cunny” every time during sex and basically found me attractive because i looked like a little girl. that’s when i knew i had made a mistake going to LA with him but i stayed until the cops found out because i felt like i had invested too much to leave (my virginity). the whole reason i went with him in the first place is because i figured since i was so conventionally pretty and he was considered ugly by everyone, even other 4chan moids, he would be grateful and not treat me badly as long as i did what he asked. now i don’t really know what to do, i had dropped out of school and shut myself into my house for a few years and now i’m trying to be more normal again, hanging out with my female irl friend, going on normal outings, but i feel like i will never really get over this. i can just imagine him laughing being so smug that he finally got to take a 14 year old’s virginity and ruin her for future partners. although i don’t know if he’s that smug considering he got in trouble with his coworkers and lost his friends. it just bothers me even though i know i should stop worrying about it.

No. 1564669

God it's so hard to have a backbone! I will stand up for myself and set a boundary then my backbone falls out of my ass as soon as it gets hard. I just sent a hard text about wanting to stay friends despite being INTENSELY sexually attracted and letting things go too far. Soon as I do I want to take it back. I know it's the right thing to do but yeah, it's not easy.

No. 1564671

Watch the documentary "How To Change Your Mind" on Netflix. If you don't have Netflix, i've got the free streaming site hookup. Consider microdosing shrooms, and/or working up to slightly bigger doses, as there's been some great breakthrough studies where psychedelics, in controlled doses and settings, have helped people overcome their traumas, major depression, anxiety, substance abuse, PTSD, etc. I'm one of them. Psychedelic therapy is still in the beginning stages and not widely utilized yet, and when they do start making it more of a thing (like they're beginning to in Australia and Canada, I think?), it's likely going to cost a ridiculous amount even though mushrooms are cheap and relatively easy to grow discreetly in a plastic bin in your closet. I've got the hookup for resources (supplies/info for growing your own, and buying in the form of capsules or chocolate from Canada/California shipped discreetly via a legal loophole, assuming you're a burgerfag) so you'd never have to contact shady people on the streets to get them. There's nothing to be afraid of as long as you're well informed and take things slowly. Although I can't recommend it for those with Bipolar 2 or Schizophrenia, since it can trigger or worsen hallucinations and delusions of grandeur in individuals suffering from those. And while it's not a cure-all, it sure does help not to be bogged down by anxiety and depression anymore. My last dose was 1g 3 weeks ago, and it was more of an emotional trip with light visuals (brighter lights, colors and patterns popping on my wallpaper). I feel normal for the first time in ages and the positive effects have since stayed with me.

No. 1564687

File: 1682966109986.jpg (43.59 KB, 960x958, 1504992925456.jpg)

>gave up my virginity to a 28 year old moidaloid when i was 14 i met him from 4chan

No. 1564696

You should have wrote this in a diary, to be frank

No. 1564698

kys tranime xy defect

No. 1564702

Nonna you need therapy. You aren't "ruined" you've been exploited by a disgusting excuse of a """"human"""".

No. 1564706

Hopefully you learned the life lesson that men being ugly does not mean he will treat you well

No. 1564725

No. 1564726

I can’t deal with my mother’s micromanaging; we’re from a culture where people have kids as life insurance and she poured her whole life into her kids when she was younger and now she expects us (me especially because i’m the only daughter) to be her combination best friends/maid/caretaker

She was physically and emotionally abusive when i was a child so i find her attempts to be buddy buddy with me extremely uncomfortable, I’m applying for jobs in another country and i want to move away but i feel guilty because she’s so ill. When i try to vent to my cousins and siblings they try and downplay what she did, i think because she’s outwardly a very sweet and kind lady and never disciplined them the same way. My cousins from our home country just laugh at me because “at least you don’t have scars” (tf)

I feel like the longer i stay here and the more i try to bury things the more it just festers; but sometimes i also feel so guilty and silly for being caught up on stuff that happened 10 years ago when she’s sick :/ it doesn’t help that on top of everything she still tries to control what i do, who i talk to, where i go even what i eat (this was the last straw for me because of her micromanaging i lost the energy to try and argue about food and just gave up and stopped eating, i realised how bad it was when i got to a scary weight and started trying to eat again recently)

The worst part of parental abuse is the guilt you feel for being angry or trying to set up normal boundaries; i feel so gaslighted i KNOW this is bs but a part of me still really struggles with it

No. 1564728

You need to get help. Plus virginity is a scam made to scare women by making them think that their value depends on remaining pure, when in reality you will always be more valuable than any moid just because you’re a woman.
I hope that moid gets raped and stabbed in his ass repeatedly.

No. 1564732

I'm so sorry, anon. Never fall for the trad retard coquette bullshit again. You are not "ruined", you just got exploited by some ugly piece of shit and he's probably malding that people in his life permanently know he is an abuser.

No. 1564744

Anon, you were literally a child and in a vulnerable position that he used to his advantage. You're not responsible for what happened. Also just like another anon said, virginity doesn't matter. Many people's first times aren't special and sometimes, sadly, they're traumatizing. It's just an experience but it's not something that defines you. You're not ruined. He, on the other hand, must be miserable now, and he deserved it. I hope he'll kill himself.

No. 1564747

Pedophilic piece of shit, kys

No. 1564748

Found the channer moid

No. 1564756

I'm feeling really distant from my boyfriend lately. Any and all attempts to talk to him and bond just isn't reciprocated on his side. He barely texts me, barely responds over the phone…I mean what the fuck? He's so boring. He can't even say nice things like he used to and when I confront him about his lack of being in my life lately and my concerns, it's pretty much ignored.

No. 1564757

NTA but Im definitely curious about the resources for growing them, I am a burger btw

No. 1564761

I truly hate the current zoomer obsession with breeding
Yes yes I know creampie/breeding was always a porn fetish but it feels like that shit is fucking everywhere now. Can't go into a single fandom space with moids that doesnt have spam about "continuing a bloodline" or breeding. 4chan leaking over onto reddit was a fucking mistake

No. 1564765

Chiming in to say you're not at fault in that situation whatsoever. Damn you've probably got a lot of shit to untangle because he predated on you at such an impressionable age. Wish you all the best in growing despite that being thrown at you.

No. 1564766

wtf is wrong with you people, i was simply shocked and scared of what happened to her, why does a reaction image trigger you so much

No. 1564768

Maybe instead of asking what is wrong with them you could consider the reaction image you posted and what it conveys?

No. 1564769

not those anons but it looked like the girl in the pic was laughing so i think they thought you were laughing at her

No. 1564771

I think being told "you're a grown woman","you're basically a grown woman" constantly by my mother from the ages of like 13/14 kind of messed me up a little.

No. 1564775

I think one of the things that saved me from being groomed when I was young is because I repulsed by ugly men and had really high standards to the point of delusion (but what saved me from being groomed is now the reason I’m forever alone as an adult but whatever).I have a coworker who is around 19 and started dating her 40 year old bf when she was like 17 and it makes sense why he wanted her but I’m always confused why younger women want these ugly old men.

No. 1564778

Usually attention they can't get from younger males, younger males are trash but they are a little less likely to manipulate someone into feeling special and staying with them when it's old dudes' most common technique. So girls with low self esteem or a reduced support network end up thinking they can rely on the ugly oild moid to have their back, support them or love them

No. 1564783

when I was young the boys definitely didn’t want me at all but I still never fell for being groomed because I was extremely shallow despite not being attractive myself. I think if a hot 21-24 year old hit on me when I was 13-15 I would’ve fell for it but those guys didn’t want me either. Not to victim blame but I really wonder what mental illnesses these young women and girls have going on to consent to sex with someone hideous, old and fat and not want to throw up everytime.

No. 1564786

and typically (but not always) the ancient scrotes have more money, so they buy them dinner and a necklace or some shit and they would feel bad for not being with them because they "buy me things"

No. 1564787

Not to retard shame but it is both well-known and obvious what the risk factors are for young girls being sexually abused by pedophiles.

No. 1564791

Yeah true but boys get groomed to but at least when it happens the older woman is always at least attractive. You never see young scrotes getting groomed by fat ugly old women.

No. 1564793

I'm sorry, but you are a retarded person.

No. 1564796

Bitch, does it matter? (The answer is no).

No. 1564798

It doesn’t matter but I wanted to make the observation because I can.

No. 1564804

The anime girl in your post is laughing. Maybe learn how to identify emotions first before posting pictures reacting to a woman that got abused as a child.

No. 1564806

File: 1682973888959.png (130.68 KB, 938x791, groomer.png)

that shit literally doesn't matter at all what an appallingly scrotebrained thing to say, and also you're wrong

No. 1564807

>what an appalling thing to say

Boo woo

No. 1564808

most of the time when it gets discovered is when it's not an ugly woman, you mean.
when it is an attractive women, the boys either share the information with their friends and word gets out, or the parents find out and report it.
it is socially acceptable and encouraged for females to groom and/or rape boys because adult males wish it happened to them as a child. and, if it does happen and the boy is upset about it and tries to speak of it, they get told how lucky they are and how they need to be proud and happy about it. leading to boys who are groomed or raped to not speak out about it because they'll be dismissed by the males around them.
the percentages, of course, are far lower than adult males doing the same, either to girls or boys. it is so uncommon which is why it is fetishized so much by males.

No. 1564810

nice backpedaling, kys

No. 1564819

??? uh well sorry you weren't attractive enough to get groomed ig(?) but it's not a competition. you don't have to be an nlog about it

No. 1564822

moids are always the ones going ''nice'' like the south park episode whenver it happens, its their fantasy to be abused by women. They are 'allowed' to have that as a fetish because it almost never happens to them and when it does very few regret it.

No. 1564823

men did try to groom me when I was younger but they were ugly and old so obviously I said no. If a guy in his early 20s who is good looking tried to groom me I know I would have fell for it and I’m glad my pickiness and being undesirable to good looking men kept me safe.

No. 1564825

sounds like an ugly cope. are you sure they weren't just being nice to you? personally i got groomed by a really hot guy, and it fucked me up, but at least he was hot

No. 1564827

My remote job insisted that I come visit the office for the week, so I’m riding on the shittiest Amtrak I’ve ever been on. I’ve had good experiences commuting by train before but this one is the worst. the wifi doesn’t work, the seats are uncomfortable, the whole train stinks and there’s no fucking cafe car. Meanwhile my bosses are currently up my ass messaging me asking why I did/didn’t email certain customers, and asking specific questions that I can’t find the answer to (because again, no wi-fi) and they’re annoyed that I’ve been unable to work from the train today. I’m going to be here til Friday working alongside my neurotic bosses (WHO ARE ALSO MARRIED and I didn’t find this out until I got the job). It’s going to be a rough fucking week. Wish me luck, nonas

No. 1564828

That fucking sucks. I think you’re incredible and you can have a great life ahead of you. Don’t listen to anyone who says you’re dirty or anything else belittling just because some shit happened to you . Can’t express myself well here but you have done nothing wrong and you should keep your own happiness first and foremost moving forward, you don’t owe any men or anyone else in the world anything that would take away from your own happiness. You seem kind, hope you all the best.

No. 1564829

>sounds like an ugly cope

You better watch out. The moral police might get you for implying that women being sexually abused correlates with their level of attractiveness. Don’t be a hypocrite lol

No. 1564833

wtf, you are so angry? i'm just being honest that you might be coping abt not getting male attention and that's why you're being weird and mean?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1564835

not this fucking discussion again

No. 1564836

people who look traditionally attractive or even plain enough to fly under the radar will never understand how bad people treat when you're ugly

No. 1564837

Well, if you think being raped or molested happens because the child is sexy then that’s your opinion and who am I to tell you not to have an opinion?

No. 1564839

you sound underage but once you age enough you'll understand how a person looks has nothing to do with how much of a target they are to a predator.

No. 1564841

I have a nice body, my face is plain, not pretty but not down right ugly and I've been treated badly a lot of times, both from women and men

No. 1564843

Most of the people I’ve seen who say that shit are troons

No. 1564845

You posted this exact same vent last week.

No. 1564846

File: 1682975916533.jpg (47.5 KB, 690x400, bitchwhat.jpg)

Wtf how did OP's vent turn into a discussion over who has the most attractive groomers or victims. lc is so wild sometimes, but not in the fun way.

No. 1564847

pretty sure you weren't treated badly because of your looks

No. 1564850

i didn't say that? you're being nasty for no reason now, you boasted about not getting groomed bc of your standards and that men didn't like you anyway because of the same looks you're saying don't matter, but also claim they tried. choose one. sounds like you're trying to denigrate other women for their standards and preserve your ego, which is sad. hope you get help

No. 1564851

come back when you're at least 25.

No. 1564853

I’d love it if one day people just started ignoring celebrities, paying to go to the concerts and caring about their social media posts. I bet even the celebrities who hate all the paparazzi and attention would go insane in a week from the lack of attention.

No. 1564854

Nah it’s just funny how you tried to lecture me for being a bad person and then you said something that is even worse than what I said kek

No. 1564855

File: 1682976208794.jpeg (29.17 KB, 474x479, IMG_0122.jpeg)

i made the original grooming post that attracted these replies and its so DUMB. old moids that like kids often do not discriminate on the attractiveness of the kid. whoever is saying that only “attractive” children get molested must be an actual scrote. in fact ive known some pedophiles that intentionally target fat kids, kids from low income families, kids with insecurities or bad relationship with their parents (that’s what i was like) because they see them as easier prey.

No. 1564858

blog but i'm 100% positive what saved me from being groomed was already being averse to a phobic level of men and boys ( only boys disgusted me more than they scared me ) to the point of tears, and i was so extremely insecure i have maybe 20 pictures total of my childhood because i hated having them taken let alone take one myself, and i was also deeply antisocial because autism. the closest i've ever gotten was after getting quasi-doxxed on instagram when i was like 10 in the early days of it and exchanging kiks with a guy who sketchy-ly "felt bad for me" then having him beg me for pictures of myself ( he just said pictures ) which made me feel so sick i deleted the app after like 5 days max. kik guy in question pretended to be "13" and sent me a video of him to "make it fair" and he literally looked like 27 kek in my head i was like do you think i'm blind and retard? and then i deleted the app from fear of being further doxxed for not complying i hated talking to everyone and anyone even more being seen, the last thing i could have ever wanted was any kind of attention from anyone so i was basically ungroomable. also i was already porn addicted by that time and jaded by the moidery of the internet so i knew about pedophiles which i violently hated on top of them being males so i think it's most important to have conversations with your kids about this.

No. 1564861

when did i try to lecture you? i just said don't be a hypocrite lol

No. 1564863

File: 1682976370760.jpg (71.66 KB, 500x500, e792ee5399ce77512256d5f71f7fd3…)

i feel so alone, i have trouble making friends i only have my 2 best friends and ive been seeing a guy but i just dont think its working because he is a "private" guy who will never post me but it was fine to flirt with another girl publicly before we were together
i was thinking about making him cookies when i saw him again as hes about to leave for a week vacation but knowing hes embarrassed of me hurts me to my core so deeply i just never want to deal with the shame of facing him ever again
no man is capable of love in todays world

No. 1564866

blind and retardED*. my god the amount of typos in this jeez looks like i am both of those things after all. also i keep cutting text and pasting it elsewhere and i always forget to double check for cohesion kek

No. 1564867

Don’t use words if you don’t know the definitions for them

No. 1564868

i do know the definition, it's you ♥

No. 1564872

What did I say that was hypocritical then?

No. 1564878

>i was too ugly to be groomed
>men did try to groom me but my standards were simply too high
>boys who get groomed only get groomed by hot women btw
stop acting like you pick your groomers and then getting twiggered retard lol

No. 1564879

File: 1682976810891.jpg (31.61 KB, 400x300, 1678282486339.jpg)

We should do a bingo for vent thread topics that get started by or attract moids/trannies like shit attracts flies. The new board software can't come soon enough.

No. 1564881

Oh so you aren’t hypocritical. You just can’t read and comprehend sentences well because I didn’t say any of that kek

No. 1564883

weren't you? stop trying to gaslight, you sound like a groomer

No. 1564884

I'll go through them
I hope it at least removes the confusion

No. 1564889

I said young and attractive scrotes never tried to groom me and that I’ve never fell for grooming because I had delusional standards at that age and would never fuck someone old/ugly, and then it was you who said that the ugly and old scrotes who tried to groom me were probably just being nice and not really interested because I’m “ugly coping”. It’s fine if that’s how you feel but don’t sit here and try to moral fag and lecture me when you’re just as bad kek

No. 1564893

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and what is your excuse for >>1564791? lol hope you get picked "sis"

No. 1564895

I don’t need an excuse for what I said. Why do I need to excuse anything to you? I just decided to clarify what I said because you have hard time with comprehension I guess.

No. 1564898

Young and attractive scrotes are a small minority of groomers, not because they are morally superior, but because they are a small minority of scrotes. I think you might be focusing on the wrong thing.

No. 1564899

Useless information. Who cares if minimoids get groomed? They always end up getting more help and compassion than girls that get literally sex trafficked. Stop bringing up moids when women’s issues are being discussed.

No. 1564901

And your response has nothing to do with what I said because nothing in my post implied that

No. 1564902

>Has 2 best friends and sees a guy
gtfo stacy

No. 1564904

You sound like a child rapist

No. 1564907

Yes, it does, grooming and being groomed has nothing to do with attractiveness.

No. 1564916

>Who cares if children get groomed
Pretty much every single mentally-sane, non-pedophile adult

No. 1564929

retarded moid or giga pick-me.

stop right there. this thread's only big enough for one bait.

No. 1564935

New board software?

No. 1564936

Me saying I was saved from grooming because of my pickiness for looks would be the opposite of being a pick me

No. 1564938

it was bait, dumbass

No. 1564939

I think the main thing it isn't really traumatizing if a boy or girl gets into a relationship with an older woman, compared to an older woman.

No. 1564940

Yes, admins plan to migrate lolcow to a never board software that might come with more and better features?

No. 1564941

I'm so sorry.

No. 1564942

I want to be sympathetic to my best friend because I know she is struggling right now but passive aggressively tweeting things like “I’m reaching out to people but it’s SO hard, it’s like being on a surgery waitlist” does not make me want to reach back out.

No. 1564943

Nta but it can be traumatic if the woman has sociopathic and narcissistic tendencies and it’s trying to abuse the younger man on purpose. I think relationships with older men are so much more damaging because most men are narcissists and want to get with younger women to fuck them up on purpose.

No. 1564952

I don't know why you absolutely have to shit up lolcow instead of staying in your 4chan shitholes where you can circle jerk with your fellow pedophile - sorry "hebephile" moids all day.

No. 1564956

Once I get famous I'm gonna shit on all my shitty coworkers and my shitty narcissistic manager, just fucking watch me

No. 1564971

File: 1682980783175.jpg (121.81 KB, 1440x1397, 1648335427944.jpg)

Exposure therapy is fake and gay. I can go on a week long vacation by myself but still cannot go for a walk down the block without my heart going 1000mph and hyperventilating at the thought of passing a stranger.

No. 1564973

I hope he chokes on glass

No. 1564998

source: your asshole. inb4 anecdotal evidence i can personally do that too to refute it. obviously women are worse than men by large but pedophiles hurt kids no matter what. i feel like i can never talk about it because it'll just be taken the same way you are. it matters very little if at all when it's personally happening to you whether or not it's comparatively worse than another situation because it still affects you deeply regardless. it absolutely is traumatizing

No. 1565004

i believe in you nona

No. 1565024

I kind of wish I was a pretty boy cute scrote so I can be in a relationship with another cute scrote and do cute things together

No. 1565045

mom drank my alcohol while i was at work then i came back with $50 of sandwich dinner stuff from the ritzy supermarket and she just went “did you get anything else” and fell asleep. girl fuck you

No. 1565047

kek don't let pakichan read this

No. 1565066

You’re actually right. There have been studies. Exposure therapy by itself has a very low success rate, it’s not proven effective at all

No. 1565080

go read /meta/

No. 1565081

hungry hurngtgty hunrgry i want a fucking burger

No. 1565099

File: 1682984332669.jpg (23.55 KB, 524x532, FlcjZFPacAMlSrx.jpg)

Hahaha that's actually depressingly reassuring, some people (me) turn out stunted regardless it seems. Meds made it bearable but functionally worse. Thanks for replying to a lil old retard.

No. 1565116

Wait, what? Doesn't that depend completely on what you are trying to treat? For OCD, exposure therapy is the best treatment there is.

No. 1565123

I feel the same nonnie. Exposure therapy made me way better at things which I didn't have much practice at I guess, but the core things I would avoid I have the exact same response to. I feel like I will never improve in those areas.

No. 1565216

Fucked up with this girl because she kept reminding me of my ex in small, slight ways. Now she’s the only thing on my mind, couldn’t give a fuck about my ex all I want is this girl.

No. 1565246


No. 1565254

I’m not a therapist and it’s not my area of expertise I just have read exposure therapy has limited rates of success in limited circumstances and that has held true for me personally as well. Seems like something that has its place and could work, but depends on a lot of variables. In a common-sense sort of logical way it seems obvious exposing someone to their main stressors with no other guidance or coping mechanism would be a disaster unless you’re trying to make them catatonic.

No. 1565269

This deffo a scrote

No. 1565274

Bro fuck off

No. 1565292

Thanks anon(s). It sucks so hard that drs take your money and you go to every appointment, take your meds, yet somehow this inability to be normal still persists. Oh well, we keep fumblefucking through life in our own way, at least we are still alive and kicking.

No. 1565295

i have been in the worst and longest dissociative episode of my life for the past week because my bf pushed me past my breaking point the last time we saw each other. and now i can't even bring my thoughts and feelings together enough to exert the effort of communicating with him because it's so difficult, but it's been a long time coming to this. and now i'm too fucking fucked to even deal with it but i didn't even do anything wrong. i am feeling so confused right now honestly it is kind of scary

No. 1565297

im a fat autistic 3/10 i promise you there is nothing stacy about me

No. 1565305

Cheers to that

No. 1565307

wow nonna i wish we could be friends, this is literally my life right now. i only have my 2 best girl friends and bf who makes me feel like shit lol. i wish you all of my love, you have my solidarity… and i know it's hypocritical of me to say cause i'm the same way, but fuck that guy he doesn't deserve you or your cookies get out while you can!!!

No. 1565310

File: 1682991694529.jpg (30.2 KB, 634x637, 86494605eee8b11f9cb3d4f21474e4…)

why does every single fucking show in recent years has nudity in them it serves no purpose i fucking hate i just wanna wtch an interesting spooky plot without some random unneccesary sex scene in it my rage is endless

No. 1565317

My fucking husband doesn't ever change his behavior when I get upset and he always makes promises then says he doesn't feel like it

No. 1565320

This is cute, who is the artist?

No. 1565322

I swear to God some of you have no idea what the implications of grooming actually are

No. 1565323

You're a victim

No. 1565332

nta but teen men arent the same as teen girls. A teen boy can absolutely beat the shit out of you if they want to defend themselves, so i dont feel sorry if they get ''groomed'' by an older woman. It's not and will never be the same as a girl getting groomed by an older man. Also most of them get ''caught'' because they brag about it like retards. Dont feel sorry for moids.

No. 1565335

It was long since admitted to be bait, stop replying as if it's real you mongoloid.

No. 1565342

Why does this topic about whether or not it's ok for women to like little boys keep coming up on this site. I've been here for years, and I swear if I can count on anything it's anons arguing about female predators, bodies (height, weight, boobs, shape, etc..), and attractiveness.

No. 1565344

I have to shit so fucking bad but I don't want to and my phone is low on battery

No. 1565362

I've been trying to poop all day for the past few days and it just isn't happening. Never experienced this before, I always would go to the bathroom when I felt the urge to shit, sit down, shit instantly and healthily. Now I understand why people talk about phones in the bathroom. Before I thought, where is the time to do that? I thought people were deranged for going on their phone in the bathroom. Now I've been in there 4 times today for 30 minutes each and didn't shit. I might as well set up a home movie theater in there.

No. 1565387

Yeah I wholeheartedly agree, most of them actively feel proud of having banged a older woman.

No. 1565403

Teen girls who get groomed don't want to "beat the shit out of" their abuser (at the time). Usually they are in a "consensual" relationship with the abuser. That's how grooming works.

No. 1565411

Go get some traditional medicinals “smooth move” tea, it has just enough senna to make you shit. Just don’t use it frequently. Start eating more fiber and psyllium husk and drink a lot of water

No. 1565412

Also don’t be straining your BUTT-hole! and get a squatty potty. Happy poops nonny

No. 1565414

duh, a man is more imposing than a woman, let alone a little girl. Teen boys rape and kill grown women all the time.

No. 1565420

Ok, I was talking about children who get groomed. When male children get groomed they don't want to beat up their abuser either. Grooming doesn't involve physically threatening the victim.

No. 1565422

NTA but the post they replied to said
>boy or girl
and the second anon, who is a woman, is saying that it was traumatizing for her when she was a girl despite the groomer being a woman. Like I could see how it's different with teen boys but a teen girl would most likely still be traumatized even if the predator was also the same sex.

No. 1565430

a 14yo scrote isnt a children. I am sorry but i just cannot see them as victims on the same level as a girl, unless they get groome by another men.

No. 1565437

That's idiotic. A woman can stab her groomer/abuser in their sleep, so I guess we don't need to feel sorry for anyone ever.

No. 1565441

A 14 year old is a child. And majority male CSA victims are abused by men. If you don't think 14 year olds are children or that a 14 isn't victimized by an adult raping them, you have a lot in common with scrote pedophiles.

No. 1565443

Nta but women can’t rape men

No. 1565444

yeah because so many women stab men in their sleep, unlike men who never ever stab women. The physical difference is obvious between a man and a girl, again, 14yo scrotes ande even younger have stabbed older women to death. Why do you think male victims and female attackers are so rare? thats why no female serial rapist exists.

No. 1565445

How did an anon posting about being groomed even turn into anons talking about how they couldn't get groomed because of their standards? Do you want a cookie or something?
Idk how anons can seriously get on here and say that a girl getting into a relationship with a older woman wouldn't be traumatizing. How much has to go wrong in your life for you to seriously be in defense of predators just because they're a woman? Being groomed and children/teenagers getting into relationships with older people is traumatizing regardless of gender. You're all so fucking mentally stunted, I hate this site.

No. 1565448

i said unless they get groomed by a man. A woman cannot rape a man, and again, when a man gets groomed most of the time they legit want it and get caught for bragging about it, there is barely any physicological damage. I still think the predator women should get the same jail time as men though. I am just saying that teen girls and boys arent equal and never will. I am tired of moids and their ''men get raped too!!!111!'' bullshit.

No. 1565449

I think it's a combination of female socialisation and hormonal differences. If you read about TIFs you see a lot of them saying that test makes them far more aggressive and assertive, and some say it makes their sexual urges difficult to control.

None of that is terribly relevant to an abusive relationship because they only very rarely run on physical coercion, though physical abuse may be involved.

No. 1565450

Lol most baby scrotes go right to their friends to show pictures and screen caps and brag about how they fucked an older woman and grow up to brag about it some more. They only hate it when a baby comes from it and they get caught up on child support.

No. 1565451

Seriously get off this site dude

No. 1565452

The entire premise of the term being groomed comes from children being manipulated and coerced by adults. They are retarded.

No. 1565453

>I still think the predator women should get the same jail time as men though. I am just saying that teen girls and boys arent equal and never will. I am tired of moids and their ''men get raped too!!!111!'' bullshit.
NTA, I agree there is an obvious imbalance in who abuses who, but it annoys me when people can't see topics with nuance and it's "they were all asking for it" because they saw a news story where a guy in his late teens had sex with a teacher in her early twenties and bragged about it to his friends.

No. 1565457

How you gone get raped if your dick got hard? Make it make sense

No. 1565459

>How was it rape if she got wet/had an orgasm?
This site gets dumber every month.

No. 1565462

This. They only use it when they want to feel like victims. Literally the only time moids bring up women pedophiles is when they want to be seen as the victims and ''destroy feminists with facts and logic'' by citing like 2 rare cases from 10 years ago of a teacher sleeping with a student and using it to show how ''males are victim of gender violence too'' but they always forget to say how 99% of boys are raped by other moids, not women. Men arent afraid of women, there is no teen boy who lives scared of being groomed by the older teacher.
nah moids arent innocent or retarded, they already watch hardcore porn by 12yo.
The point is teen boys getting abused by women is extremely rare, and even then in most of the cases the female pedos were caught because the guys were bragging about it. They arent traumatized like female grooming victims. Thats why most of the abusers are hot women, those scrotes would have beat the shit of them if they were ugly old women.

No. 1565463

If the boy is 16-19 he could literally break his “rapists” neck. How is he getting raped when he decides to insert his dick in her?

No. 1565465

You're literally talking out of your ass and making up statistics in your head to support an opinion that isn't based on anything factual.

No. 1565466

Statutory rape exist, also intoxication, also grooming someone into a relationship.

No. 1565469

I don't what farmers try to convince me of, I will not ever like women who are attracted to children.

No. 1565470


No scrote is getting hard enough to fuck if he’s so high or drunk to fight back. Unless she’s forcing a dildo up his ass it’s not rape.

No. 1565471

>its not based on anything factual
how about you cite me one single serial female rapist that rapes men. Meanwhile there are pages long lists of men raping kidnapping and killing women. but huh, what a coincidence there isnt a single woman who is as vile.

No. 1565474

lol gotta love when the actual vents get swallowed up by retarded infighting and anons who keep taking the bait. omg nonnas please stop taking the fking bait

No. 1565475

No one does. I am just pointing out that teen boys and girls arent equal. Female pedos are still pedos, but they will never be as vile as male pedos. Never ever. I am just tired of men and people pretending men have it as hard as women, it will never be true.

No. 1565477

I. Don't. Care. Regardless of trauma, you still like children.

No. 1565478

Not all rape is necessarily violent. I agree that teenage boys are almost always going to be less negatively affected by a teacher raping them than a girl would be, but that doesn't make it not rape. Teens are retarded. If a 16 year old girl brags to her friends about how cool the 24 year old boyfriend who groomed her is, that doesn't mean she's not being harmed. Many teenagers who were involved with older predators like that don't even realize the extent of the trauma until they're adults and are able to reflect on the situation with a fully developed brain.

No. 1565480

Boys are also regularly raped by men as often as girls are. It's still rape. Going on tangents about how boys can't be raped by women is soooo creepy

No. 1565482

The fuck are you talking about, i dont like children, i dont even like men. I get you think you are being empathetic but the 14yo scrote wont think twice to rape and kill you lmao, stop treating them like babies when they are as vile as their adult counterpart. They will never be sweet girls who have to be told to be aware of pedophile scrotes since they are babies so they dont get kidnapped or groomed by them.

No. 1565483

It can be involuntary. Viagra. Repeated stimulation. There are women who sometimes orgasm during rape - would you say they were asking for it?

No. 1565484

>the 14 yo scrote won't think twice to rape and kill you
Bitch what kind of clockwork orange brain poisoning are you dealing with. Do you have no brothers? No younger brothers?

No. 1565485

Sadly there are actual pedophiles on lolcor who get pleasure from arguing about the minutiae of child rape and whether it is worse/better to rape one type of child than another, and whether or not that child actually enjoyed/invited being raped.

No. 1565488

The viagra pill is the only way it can be raped. You telling me a 17 year old having missionary sex with a woman is rape? Naw I don’t buy that lol

No. 1565489

The viagra pill is the only way it can be raped. You telling me a 17 year old having missionary sex with a woman is rape? Naw I don’t buy that lol(incessant baiting.)

No. 1565492

Nta but kek having no brothers is living the dream life.

No. 1565493

thank god i dont, i feel sorry for your circumstances. Feels good not having a biased opinion on men, i can actually see them as the vile monsters they are.

No. 1565499

The mere fact that you are compiling these sentences… you are one creepy bitch

No. 1565500

I didn't mean you as in you, tardo. I don't like people who like children regardless of what trauma the victim has. Idk why that's getting you upset.

No. 1565504

I have a hard time believing it isnt a male lapping because wtf

This is tragic and horrible and im aware it happened. That does not mean all 14 year old boys are thinking about rape and murder. They are thinking about fortnite and pizza day at school.

No. 1565507

The likelihood of you not having XY chromosomes and jacking off to his conversation right now is 0

No. 1565510

I dont know how you twist ''scrotes arent perpetual victims like girls'' to me being somehow in favour of pedos. It's factually true that female pedos are one in a million and that men arent scared of getting raped by women.
>This is tragic and horrible and im aware it happened. That does not mean all 14 year old boys are thinking about rape and murder. They are thinking about fortnite and pizza day at school.
very weird you forgot the part where they consume rape on video too, huh?. I am tired of people babying teen scrotes, they are disgusting. I am sorry you have a younger brother who you see as a baby, but i assure you if you check his browser history he probably has like 50 pages of porn. Young scrotes are beyond salvation.

No. 1565513

I'm not twisting shit kek. You replied to my post and made it about whatever your point is. But I can tell you're mentally deficient and can't comprehend much so I'll leave it alone.

No. 1565514

>hate men, point out they arent sweet babies but vile monsters
>''you must be a man jacking off right now!!11!''
lol, keep thinking men are all innocent. Meanwhile the lil 14yo scrote you baby is probably making deepfakes of all of the girls in his class and sharing it with friends.

No. 1565518

sureee,hope you dont have to defend your scrote brother because he hurt a woman someday and because you kept babying him

No. 1565520


No. 1565521

>haven't had sex in over 2 years due to completely losing sex drive alongside my period due to eating disorder, now even the smallest amount of penetration is painful and makes me bleed, no desire to even masturbate but really miss sex and human contact in general
>flip out and start restricting even more the second my bmi goes over 15

what do i do?

No. 1565522

This is insane. You are retarded.

No. 1565527

Go to fucking therapy.

No. 1565563

Well not that. probably try the opposite. but I'm not a scientist

No. 1565597

anons may boo you but just know that you are right. underage moids can be just as vile as grown ones and they get away with a lot of shit due to people letting them off for being "children"

No. 1565602

>actual pedophiles
read: trannys who don't get banned enough

No. 1565604

Literally nobody is disagreeing with this faggot. Just because they can be doesnt mean the majority are. Whats not clicking? Autism?

No. 1565605

>if you check his browser history he probably has like 50 pages of porn.
The sad thing about this is that it's probably true, especially if they have negligent parents.

No. 1565606

I have no brothers, weirdo.

No. 1565607

Nta but after having gone to public schools my whole life: most absolutely are juat as bad as grown men. Elementary boys would straight up molest and make sexually degrading comments to us girls. They absolutely are all vile fucking creatures.

No. 1565609

Yeah I don't doubt it either too. I don't get what's with the nonas getting on that one nona's ass when she's right. Must be internalized misogyny wanting to defend men, even young boys. who will prove to be dangerous when they grow up.

No. 1565630

No but it's unhinged to hate someone because of what they "can" be or do in the future and not what they are now. Right now they are children and you're not a clairvoyant.

No. 1565633

File: 1683007135105.jpg (6.25 KB, 190x281, jez.jpg)

my grandfather was 14 when he married my 21 year old grandmother and he was the strongest and best man I know, that's my evidince

No. 1565641

>Elementary boys would straight up molest and make sexually degrading comments to us girls
I went to an all girls high school and this still happened even though there was no boys around.

No. 1565642

Yesterday my boyfriend announced around midnight that he's going to assemble the bench press that he bought and my unassertive ass could not tell him to do it at a more human time. I'm starting a new position today and feeling unslept and exhausted. Later I confronted him about this and he told me that I'm the the one being irrational, he just completed a goal that he set for himself.
He also revealed to me that his psychiatrist suspects that he's bipolar and I didn't agree so far but I'm not sure. He does have phases where he gets this strong drive to do things that are irrational (shopping sprees for instance).

No. 1565650

File: 1683009046964.jpg (65.23 KB, 984x942, 1680106924589.jpg)

I finally got banned from the r/bisexual subreddit for "cissexism" for stating that I in fact am not attracted to TiMs/TiFs. That subreddit keeps trying to shove down your throat that if you're bi you HAVE to be attracted to trannies, no exceptions. This is all I said, good riddance to that shit hole.

>That's gonna be a no from me, sorry y'all. I know it's reddit's modus operandi to ban someone the second they express a different preference from everyone else but it really shouldn't be that controversial. I'm still bisexual even if I don't find imitation genitals to be attractive.

No. 1565658

nona, just stop for a moment and think if any moid would ever defend women and girls this hard. (Inb4 "yes they wouuuld" nonsense kek) One anon points out that boys do nasty shit like grown moids and a bunch of women scramble to unleash insults at her and defend the moidlets. Why do women do this for men, (who mostly never deserve to be defended), but moids will almost never do it for women (who mostly never deserve the hate)? Really makes you thonk!

No. 1565671

Anons, the truth, am I the one who's being irrational? Or he's the one who was inconsiderate?

No. 1565675

lol that's stupid even in their logic. isn't this why pansexual exist?

No. 1565769

He’s definitely odd for assembling that at midnight, especially when you had work. Look into a bipolar diagnosis if he does more impulsive shit like that

No. 1565813

ntayrt but see
How tf is this argument still going on when the original post being discussed mentioned female victims, not even males exclusively

No. 1565827

like i don't get how not one but two anons are telling a grooming victim that she, a girl couldn't be traumatized by an adult woman because of how boys act

No. 1565839

I went to kiwifarms because they apparently have a Sv3rige thread and my god who thought of that layout? It's unreadable and then the users, fucking psychoanalysis on every single page. Even as a former PULLfag, ugh.

No. 1565841

My gripe with that site is that so many times when I click a link on the news thread the thread is member-only. Is it because they larp being hitler youth there so much? I'm not making a fucking account

No. 1565866

Immigrant women from my country are so fucking miserable and they take it out on young second gen immigrant girls who just want to study and have careers. They're so bitter than they married their cousins, shat out 15 children, all of their male children are criminals, unemployed and school drop outs. they are literally hated by all of society and seethe at the sight of a well educated immigrant girl with a great education and job, and of course she's going to date white men. Do they really think I'd marry one of them? Honestly they just need get deported. I dont feel safe visiting my mom's house, all the Muslim moids are coping and seething. I'm moving to a white area I'd think i would feel safe with people who look like me but i honestly don't. Fuck these people.

No. 1565867

UK Muslim?

No. 1565868

I hate that I can relate to all of this. I'm glad I only have sisters, if I had a brother he'd be just like you said, a petty criminal who thinks fasting during ramadan absolves him of everything.

No. 1565891

i was supposed to move in just a few days and the company of my next unit told me they wont be done until next month I FEEL LIKE IM GONNA LOSE MY MIND I JUST WANT TO FUCKING LEAVE!! I cant stand my retarded neighbor who smokes everytime the rain finally comes, the fact these cunts gave me 2 different bugs in my place, that theres construction everyday from 5am-3pm, useless road work that makes it hard to leave on the main street, so so many people moved in with shitty kids. the fact this place's structure just sucks with lighting so it feels depressing. fuck this. all my life problems are always shit i cant control. im so damn sick of people talking or calling me only to vent about their most useless absolute brain dead issues they can easily fix themselves. no one is calling me until my own life is fixed.

No. 1565907

Relatable. You can cut contact when you're an adult. I had extended family visit for Eid and remembered why I avoid all of my aunts lol

No. 1565909

Sweden. It's the same situation here. I visited london in 05 and it looks like that now in major Swedish cities. The white flight is real. Midday you see all these immigrant men who literally have no jobs just maraude around the city. It's scary as fuck.
Yeah i have 3 brothers, all of them are loser criminals with nothing going for them, 2 of them live with my mom who still babies them although they're in their 20s and one in his mid 30's. It's fucking disgusting. My older sister went to college but succumed to the family pressure of marrying a low IQ moid so she dropped out of university. My little sister is doing well. Immigrant moids should be deported back to their countries. Imagine being a whole moid and you run like a bitch to "the enemys" Christian country and do nothing but commit crime, live off benefits because you made a poor woman pregnant 150 times. Fuck off. They are the weakest bitches on the planet and should be culled out of humanity. Useless ugly bitches.

No. 1565936

I live in a muslim country. If I had a penny for every time a weed addicted late 20's scrote who lives with his mom has tried to order me around and forbid me from stuff just because we're in the same building I'd have 2 pennies but it's pretty funny it has happened twice.

The first time the guy was always yelling about me going out at night (to go to the store or study with friends lol not that it even matters) and ended up yelling at this one male classmate I hate to bring over, I was inexperienced so I went the cordial way and talked it out with him and his mom. During the talk he said his friends would make fun of him if he let a girl bring boys over on his apartment complex…

The second one I have never spoken to but he recently tried to force an altercation with me by implying I was looking at him funny (I was actually browsing lolcow and didnt even look up lol) my theory is that he only did that so he could yell at me about what he imagines my lifestyle to be (in my country there's a misconception that female college students are automatically sluts because they live alone before marriage) I just ignored him this time and his mom ended up apologizing to me.

They are truly the worst breed of men

No. 1565952

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>mental health went to shitter 2 years ago and developed psychosis
>cut everyone off due to paranoia and didn't realize how bad it was until i was hallucinating
>husband's friend's gf and i were talking at this time
>she got mad at me when i didn't respond to her for a week
>didn't know how to tell her i was struggling and she was obviously annoyed and started being petty by ignoring me for weeks and going "haha sooorrry! just so busy!"
>don't care if i don't get a response back in 0.5 seconds the mocking was just weird
>eventually we stop talking entirely
>i get help and start to be stable again
>reach out to her since she's marrying my husbands friend and apologize and tell her i was embarrassed about my issues and i was going through a lot i didn't realize how bad it all was
>she's very kind and receptive and we talk a lot
>they're moving in 3 weeks
>try to organize just a coffee and talk at our place
>she blows me off 2 different times and the second she moves out of state she ghosts me
>her husband never follows me back either, she never likes any of my posts
>know she's active because she sees my stories
I don't even mind, if you don't want to talk or be friends just say that. I'm just glad i was the "bigger person" and atleast apologized and explained. that was the worst time of my life and i'm still dealing with hallucinations and paranoid thoughts but i'm self aware so i'm doing better. I just don't understand being so fake.

No. 1565957

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I failed my driver's license test, I feel like pure shit now lol

No. 1565976

My entire life I have been blamed for the abuse that has been inflicted on me at the hands of others. I have been blamed for the horrible abuse that I have gone through as a child. I have been blamed for the horrible abuse the mentally ill pedophiles and degenerates on the internet that groom me because I am isolated and in a bad social situation. I have been blamed because as a result of the huge amounts of abuse that has been inflicted on me I have turned mentally unhinged. I have no home, no family, no friends, no siblings, no boyfriend, no job. Of course I am fucking angry and I feel like shit. Like my entire life I have been harassed and not even offered an ounce of empathy by the people that expect their issues to be constantly validated. I have 0 life quality and I am supposed to make people that have things actual real things in their life make really good and have their mundane issues validated while my life is in ruin and nobody gives a shit.

It feels like all people turn sociopathic around me. Also, when you have empathy or basic human decency towards someone it does not mean that the person you empathize with should be stripped of having an opinion, if you empathize with someone for the purpose of having them perfectly alligned with your value system. In fact, you are objectifying that person because your empathy is conditioned by your own ego. Crazy how people can lose basic amount of decency towards you over a simple disagreeement.

No. 1565986

Not sure how to explain, but I am not real. I'm not a schizo or is this schizoposting, but I literally am not real. I absorb things like Kirby and I become them. I don't even know who I am anymore.
Please don't label me as schizo because I'm not. Doctors are wrong and dumb. I want to just know I'm not alone in these thoughts.

No. 1565987

Nona I think you’re discovering you’re an npc

No. 1565991

you sound BPD, they do not have a sense of self and mold themselves according to external things. They do not have an identity

No. 1565993

they are now saying that bisexual and pansexual are the same

No. 1566002

NTA but BPD is just a modern hysteria, I hate how fast people whip it out when a woman has any mental issues. I don’t event think BPD has biological basis like other mental illnesses, it’s a made up disorder for “females who act difficult “

No. 1566021

What is an identity? Is there even a way of having an "identity"? Don't people just get identities from other people? Wouldn't all -core zoomers have BPD?

No. 1566026

Not really, even if you are influenced from outside influences most people have their own inner sense of self. BPDs lack a sense of self so they use outside stuff to redifine themselves.Like they absorb the personalities of people or things around them

No. 1566040

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I've been feeling VERY anxious the whole day and I hate it so much. My stomach hurts and I'm feeling dizzy. I want this feeling to go away reeee. I've had more days like this than usual lately, but today is extremely bad.

No. 1566052

Get a bowl of cold water, close your eyes, hold your breath, and dip your face into it. Stay under for thirty seconds (or as long as you can hold your breath), surface, and breath through your nose. Repeat as needed. You'll trigger your mammalian diving reflex and it will calm your body down no matter how your brain tries to fight it. It works better if your body senses the cold water touching your nostrils, but if you're going to choke, it's better to plug your nose than choke, cause that will just stress you out more.

No. 1566066

>t. bpdfag

No. 1566068

'doctors are wrong' okay diagnosed schizo kek. take your meds, this isn't a circus and nobody is interested in babying an 'uwu im kiwby' insane person

No. 1566069

Holy shit nonna I think it worked, at least it took the edge off for a bit.

No. 1566080

Spent my early 20s trying to get help for my mental health and got dismissed and brushed off so many times that I stopped being able to recognize something was even wrong. Just spent a whole year in a major depressive episode and didn't even really notice because "well maybe I haven't showered in two weeks but technically I have no active plan to kms and I'm not hearing voices so it's not even really problem is it? this is just how normal people live".

I just hate it I feel like I would've been better off never interacting with the mental health system in the first place. Just a bunch of intake appointments where she does a suicide risk assessment, tags me as low risk, and tells me I seem okay. Because if you aren't literally committing suicide in the lobby you don't even have issues. It's like there's a therapist living in my brain now and whenever I think something is wrong she says "well unless you have 5 suicide attempts you're probably just malingering, go back to bed nothing is wrong with you.".

No. 1566090

It relies on involuntary reflexes controlled by the brainstem, so you can use it as often as you need and it will always work.

No. 1566102

As a child/teen did anyone ever experience adult women acting like you are their competition? I remember being 12 years old and someone I knew mom, was whispering how I had a nice body but I was ugly. Even then I was like,"why the fuck are you even looking at my body?". I see this all the time, like I saw a 35 year old woman going off about how teen girls at prom look older then her.
It's weird

No. 1566114

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Your mental illness is real and I am angry for how the “system” in place is handling it. If I may, please try to find local group meetings for anxiety /depression, and just know I, anon of the internet, am proud of you for trying to get help.
It will be ok sweet nonna, I promise you will feel better in enough time. Youre not an imposter. You are a survivor.
Keep coming back and posting. All us ladies are here for you

No. 1566115

Its that internalized competitive nature, just pity them

No. 1566123

My sister in law keeps skinwalking me and it makes me and everyone else so uncomfortable. You literally bully me and then copy my exact outfits? You literally changed your profile pic to look like mine, and you have asked my nigel what i am doing everyday. Like bitch check yourself, you will never be me. You will never ever be nothing but a psycho! I pity you, but more so, I pity your dumb sons who clearly dont get enough guidance. She is always driving by my house and making comments to my mutuals about me being home “too much”. Bitch i work at home and make 2x as much as you do, on top of working my own schedule.
Book yourself some fucking therapy before I cant help but call you out at the next family event.

No. 1566126

Obvious scrote is obvious(soyjack tranny baiting)

No. 1566127

I was not Ana by any means as a teen, but one guy was telling me he showed his mum my photos, don't know why, and she called me anorexic. Thats usually the go to insult from women that can't nitpick anything else.

No. 1566129

does anyone else have anxiety that causes intense dizziness? I had a ct scan of my brain and it was perfectly normal with no abnormalities, so I feel better that my dizziness isn't life threatening, but I feel so out of it, like I'm swaying from side to side. I am afraid to take anti-anxiety meds because I'm afraid they'll ruin my brain or my heart somehow. I had an herbal tea called valerian root, and it definitely slowed down my mental functions but it's something that feels too strong to consume daily. I was also thinking maybe I have beginning stage of schizophrenia (which first occurs in women of my age bracket), I feel like I am constantly dying, this sucks so much. I don't know what triggered it. My life has been normal and nothing major has happened.

No. 1566131

A man wrote this post(soyjack tranny baiting)

No. 1566133

No. 1566134

No. 1566139

Some women are really weird about children's/teens' looks. I noticed it with some teachers that would sexualize/shame some girls, for example, my middle school homeroom teacher told my classmate in the 6th grade that she should shave her legs, told my other classmate to "hide her boobs" with a smile when she was in a tight long sleeve shirt (and, I believe, a bra, so…). Some adult women would point out flaws in my looks and kind of mock me for them when I wasn't older than 10, not even flaws though but normal things as well, like my hairy pits that I just hadn't been shaving yet. The weirdest thing I experienced was my mom occasionally asking "why are your breasts so small?… well maybe it'll change when you get pregnant!" when I was a teen. Funny thing is even then, despite body dysmorphia and so on, I would just get confused because it seemed absolutely ridiculous and uncalled for: first of all, why would she even care, and second, they aren't even small, they're average and proportionate to the rest of my body.
Also one thing I find extremely annoying is when you're normal weight, not even close to underweight, and some women would react like you're almost a skeleton and you should eat a lot more. Just give a normal compliment if that's what you're implying or shut up.
I'm not sure about competition, in some cases probably yes, but it just seems like a projection of insecurities.

No. 1566145

i hate to think that no matter what my job is i will always have to deal with fucking dumb stupid braindead retarded lazy people. i‘m so done with it, i wish i could just tell them all to go fuck themselves if they don’t know how to read a simple e-mail or do their jobs. jesus christ.

and on top of that i also wish my ex would be killed or kidnapped or simply would go through something very traumatic that causes him a great amount of suffering. fucking useless piece of shit and egocentric loser, such a fucking whore with no self respect who has been ran through by this entire city’s female population. what a fucking disgusting slut.

No. 1566153

An aunt once told me "you really like wearing short clothes" when I was like 8 yo and it was summer in this cursed tropical country, not to mention she knew I wasn't the one who chose my own clothes. Of course the retard fancies herself an open minded leftist liberal etc etc. And I remember thinking even back then "why the fuck are you talking to me" but not answering her at all.

No. 1566158

i'm never doubting you again nonnas, scrotes will never appreciate a good woman
never fucking ever take pity on a scrote especially if you're more attractive than what they'd deserve , some of these men are legit retarded
i will never,ever ignore the tiniest of redflags ever again

No. 1566161

There are the same types of women who let their moids do fucked up shit and then victim blame or blatantly downplay it. I fucking resent this shit.

No. 1566162

you literally cannot ever afford to show men unconditional love, or they will take it and throw it right back in your face and strip everything of your soul if you don't get out soon enough. like i have seen this in every single man i've known for my entire life, except a few older generation men like my grandpa (85) who always took care of his wife and family but sadly died before i was old enough to know that he was the best man i've ever known. every single woman in my life including me, who has shown men unconditional love have been absolutely fucked, life wise and mentally afterwards. i am sickened.

No. 1566164

Someone has paranoid episode.

Jeez. Anon this made me think about swimwear tops for children, does anyone else find them weird? I wasn't wearing top piece when I was little because it seemed useless and also uncomfortable. I don't understand why it exists at all. I also remember reading somewhere (maybe even on lolcow) a post by a trans that was remembering how he felt "different" as a child and all that and one of the things that allegedly made him more of a "girl" is that he was uncomfortable in the public swimming pools because of uncovered nipples. Like it's something instinctual for women or whatever… I NEVER felt uncomfortable about that. It was news to me that it was apparently not ladylike to go around topless when I heard it from my cousiness for the first (and last) time.

No. 1566166

Hey nonny, I gotchu, hopefully this isn't against the rules… r/unclebenstek for an easy beginner method using uncle bens 90 second rice bags. There's a guide with links to where you can get growing supplies pinned at the top. You'll also want to look at r/shrooms, r/contamfam (for learning how to avoid and identify various types of contam that can happen), r/psilocybinmushrooms, and r/microdosing for more info here and there. 90secondmycology on youtube has handy video guides that break the uncle bens tek process down in an easy to understand format. For spores I recommend r/millywyco, it's the subreddit for the most kind, trustworthy, and reliable spore vendor i've used and they often post promo codes for their site and updates in the posts there. The deals are really good and affordable. They sell regular edible mushroom spores like oysters and chicken of the woods, too. They have a lot of good deals.

The only thing is if you're in CA, GA, or ID they don't ship active (cubensis variety) spores there. However, I have two legitimate online sources that discreetly ship chocolate, capsules, and teas to anywhere in the US that even people in red states haven't had issues with. I wouldn't trust most online vendors though especially with chocolate because they tend to use synthetic shroom compounds that most people tend to have a bad reaction to, understandably.

Things to note- look up 90secmycology's oven pasteurization technique for substrate. Buy Zoo Med Eco Earth brand loose coco coir on Amazon (or your local pet supply), it's the easiest to work with and the bricks version from the Coco Bliss brand seems to come with fungus gnat eggs that cause people issues when they hatch. And when you get to the fruiting stage of the mushrooms, keep a plastic spray bottle with a mixture of water and lavender essential oil to spray around your grow area to deter any gnats that might wander in looking to lay eggs. They hate the smell, and works for other pests too. These are some things I didn't see mentioned in the main guide but what are helpful tips i've picked up.

No. 1566173

Agreed nona. I hate it that it made me too guarded and cynical, so probably unable to genuinely love someone. Without that, I see no meaning in relationships. I don't even want that unhealthy kind when you "become one" with a partner or something, but I just want to be able to relax and trust him enough without worrying that he'll get too comfortable and everything'll turn to shit.

No. 1566174

NTA, I'm an eurofag but this is really interesting. I've actually been looking into starting growing myself, I have some lab experince I think could come in handy (I study a related field), but I have not taken the plunge yet. Ordering spores seems intimidating and I do want to get caught.

No. 1566186

I went to sleep at like 3am this morning. I wake up and check my history and there are 3 different instances from my states park website- one at 6:35am, another at 8, one from 10:37am, and when I click on the instances it brings me to a page where it says "thanks for your purchase would you like to buy another parks pass" and I never bought a parks pass. Earlier that day I was looking at a marathon event they have registration for but I didn't pay for it. I'm weirded out why is a state website glitching in my history like this it made me paranoid my account is compromised but when I looked google says I'm only signed in here. Oook guess chrome is just fucked and likes to make shit up

No. 1566188

yeahhh you get what i mean… it's like, why can't i love completely without it being taken advantage of every single time? i don't want to have to be sneaky and disingenuous in a relationship because every man seems incapable of actually being a life partner. i'm currently getting screwed now because of this and it just really fucking hurts. like seriously, all i did was love him with all my heart….

No. 1566197

>gets bullied by brother
>gets bullied in school because of acne and quiet personality
>no friends bc scared of getting bullied and betrayed
>boyfriend broke up after 7 years
>gets bullied at shitty workplace by supervisor
>parents gaslight me about bullying
>family member dies

The only solutions for me are either to move to a remote island without any other people or to kms eventually. I'm just so disappointed with how my life is going I wish I was a different person because I hate myself and how other people are treating me. I wish I could just not interact with people ever again

No. 1566199

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Thank you so much shroom anon

No. 1566200

Depending on your country, there are some European vendors you could look into. This site is also a good resource but less beginner friendly imo, yet since you already have experience in a similar field I think you'd likely do well with the more traditional methods that are challenging for newbies. If your country doesn't have a death penalty or something, you can check these forums or google what the experiences of other people located in your country have been when buying.


Also edited because my phrasing sounded weird lol but, mush love <3

No. 1566207

>period tracker app says my period should have began like four days ago
>swollen boobs
>uterus aches
>weird queefing that I only get when I am menstruating but no blood shows up

No. 1566214

Just got fired from my job. I’m really upset because it pays well and I enjoyed it. I reported one of my male coworkers for sexually harassing me. My manager did nothing about it and I was confused until one of my coworkers told me my manager and the male coworker are friends outside of work. Now that same manager has decided to fire me for no reason which is legal here. I feel so humiliated and wish I had reported to it a different manager instead. I got fired today whilst the male coworker who harassed me was there which made everything worse. I fucking hate men. I wish I had money so I could talk to a lawyer or something but I’m only in university.

No. 1566221

i hate it here

No. 1566224

I feel a tickle in my throat. I swear to god if I get sick right now I'm gonna

No. 1566227

Some lawyers give advice for free before you actually ask them to do more than that. Maybe you can contact one in your area. But this situation is really messed up, I'm glad I don't have male managers because I can't trust them.

No. 1566233

No, thank god, but my body looks underdeveloped because of health issues so maybe that's why. I had weird comments from socially retarded family members so while they were rude they didn't give me the same impression your describing. Shit like doctors and family members telling me to get a boob job asap because they're way too small even though they reached tanner 5 thanks to my medical treatment and I looked very skinny so it wasn't like I looked deformed. Or an aunt telling me I'm too skinny so I'll never get married when visiting her so she gave me crazy portions of food.

No. 1566245

>2 of them live with my mom who still babies them although they're in their 20s and one in his mid 30's.
A classic. I don't know your brothers but I already hate them, I can already picture them in my head. Not all the guys are like this in my country but the ones who aren't tend to also avoid being associated with this shit, they're almost invisible.

I'm not sure we can call them immigrants here though, most of us are second or third gen at this point, but I have noticed that many 1st or 2nd gens, the ones that are old or gen X at the youngest tend to be religious but more openminded than the zoomers and younger millenials. It's super weird, it's like the younger ones who are obsessed with Islam have a complex over not feeling like they're really maghrebi so they try to compensate by acting in ways their parents find backwards, my youngest sister is trying to preach to us bs about Islam but as soon as she mentioned the hijab our mother yelled at her that if she starts wearing one she'd disown her, despite my mother being religious herself. Is your community like that too? Here in France it's complicated because many Algerians moved to France when Algeria was still a colony long ago so it kind of depends on families too.

No. 1566246

I second trying to get some free legal advice so maybe you can get some kind of 'revenge' or compensation. Also, if the business or job is in Google, at the very least you could leave a review for the company warning others about your experiences. You can also write your experiences on glass door. You can expose them.

No. 1566250

I hate my mom. I fucking hate my mom. I FUCKING HATE MY CUNT OF A MOTHER. She is such a condescending bitch. Hates when other people treat her like shit but does the exact same thing to me. Fuck off and die. Why did I have to be this cunt's daughter? I feel like crying. I hate this so fucking much.

No. 1566274

Nonnas I need a hug. I fear things with my boyfriend are done, if not at least on their way out. It depends if he’s willing to make any changes whatsoever, but I doubt that. He can’t keep using his own insecurities to hurt me, and taking them out on me is taking its toll. I love him and can understand his insecurities to some extent at least, but not how he weaponises them towards me, and I don’t think things can continue like this. I don’t know, I just feel very sad right now.

No. 1566289

I agree 100%. A lot of posters offset the lack of milk by posting the edgiest incel shit. It's like some people use this site to air out what they're too pussy to say to their playground bully by honing in on non issues. Making fun of someone for scamming and lying about it is hilarious, making fun of a woman for not having perky DD boobs is low hanging. Wish us older posters had a place to laugh without underage posters shitting everything up

No. 1566293

My mom and dad are SUCH FUCKING IDIOTS. I fucking hate him and her, I was suppose to get a checking account today BUT these stupid motherfuckers decided to do whatever the fuck with their dumb ass car and apparently can't MOVE IT?? MY MOM DIDNG OBJECT TO IT TO HIM PUTTING IT THERE WHERE WE CANT DRIVE SO FUCK HER TOO. Dumb ass bitch. I'm not getting you anything for mother's day. Not now not ever. Happy mothwrs day you dumb bitch. I hate you and always have

No. 1566295

hugs nonna, i'm sorry you're going through this. i'm in the same boat right now too i came here to vent about the same thing lol… it sounds like you're at a breaking point and something really needs to change, it's not worth it to keep getting hurt by him even if you love him. but i know for me, i'd be better off without him and it's just so hard to let go, and being extremely sad about it doesn't help me think either… tis truly a messed up situation

No. 1566303

I want to have mind-reading skills so I could read in his head that he doesn't perceive me more than a friend, or not even as a friend, cry over it for a week, and then fuck off. I will die alone and I should just cope that people I like don't like me back, be it friendly or romantic attraction. I should just accept that I am annoying and talk too much, that I am boring and unfunny, that I have no life and image boards are my only true home. I have to stop reaching out to people who don't like me. Let them initiate.

No. 1566306

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Bless you nonita, hugs to you and I’m sorry you’re going through a similar situation! I’m sure we would (perhaps will) be better off on our own, but that doesn’t diminish the sadness over the matter, or the work it will take to get to that point of being better off. It’s okay to take time, think about things and definitely to discuss things as well, I may discuss things with my partner when I next see him in person. That’s the worst though, when we’re together and he lets his guard down things are wonderful and make me very happy, but the sly comments, or simply when I go home and he then appears cold and distant, it’s like I’m living in two worlds. It is all tough, but I am sure we deserve better! Big hugs and love to you nonna, I hope you get through your situation with strength however you can!

No. 1566307

If you don't live in a shithole country you should be able to seek counsel for retaliation. Many labor lawyers could work with you for no up front charge if they determine you have a winable case, and typically the first consultation is free. Definitely worth looking into.

No. 1566311

Are you underage?

No. 1566321

File: 1683056110245.png (303.25 KB, 1000x767, clown-meme-cursedimage-cursed-…)

Am I a psychopath for not throwing out or otherwise getting rid of gifts and possessions that were given to me by exes?
Apparently some people think it's very strange that I like to hold onto these things and that I don't have a dramatic selloff or burn of them.
Tbh I don't even want to give back the engagement ring from my ex, even though court is forcing me to, because I designed the ring and I think it's lovely-fucko just happened to have paid for it.

It's like I separate the object from the person so I can still see it for what it is and if it brings value to me. At worst I see it as a totem of happier times and a show about how someone cared about me at one point. But apparently, this makes me very, very weird that I'm not emotionally repulsed or devastated by these things.

No. 1566323

Where can I order shroom chocolate and tea from, nonny?? I don’t have a space for growing but I’d love to try some in the comfort of my home

No. 1566324

I’ve had people tell me I’m weird for not throwing stuff my exes gave me away /selling stuff. But I’m not gonna sell multiple Angelic Pretty dresses just because some asshole gave them to me. I deserve that shit for having to put up with an asshole.

No. 1566325

No, it's fine. People act weird as fuck when it comes to exes

No. 1566326


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No. 1566339

ahh thank you! i wish you luck if you decide to discuss things with your partner soon. honestly just being reassured and hearing from someone else going through the same thing is helpful, because it really feels lonely… i thought i was crazy for being upset that he's so cold to me when we're not together because he's so sweet when we are, i've felt that living in two worlds feeling for so long! i've tried to talk about it with him so many times, but tbh after 5 years nothing has changed and i just can't believe that it will. every time i tell him how and when he's hurt me and what he can do to fix it, he says he's sorry over and over and then nothing changes. i just can't believe i let it get this far, i really thought i'd be with this guy forever….my first real heartbreak and we're not even broken up yet

No. 1566354

Google S c h e d u l e 35, use code Trinity15 for 15% off (some random youtuber's code I found). There's a warning about individual state laws but seriously, unless you're screaming about it from the rooftops, no one's going to intercept it or know. The teas are quite expensive but I recommend the microdose starter kit if you're new to it because it's priced well, especially with the promo code. Start slow with a microdose to see how you feel for a week, and work your way up to maybe 1 gram with breaks in between to avoid building up too much of a tolerance. A popular microdosing schedule is 4 days on, 3 days off. Microdosing gives a subtle emotional effect, and is anything below 500mg, so you won't get visuals. 500-1g is a mini or light dose, and pretty safe for beginners. Colors are brighter, and you may see geometrical patterns. They use the Golden Teacher strain, which is safe for beginners generally as it doesn't have as high of a potency as something like APE (albino penis envy- doesn't mean it still can't kick your ass if you overdo it the first time). You can find more info on the subreddits I mentioned about dosing, just stay informed and safe. 1.5-2g is considered a moderate dose, and you will get visuals. Sometimes, the emotional trips will make you cry and reflect on yourself but afterwards, it's like a rainfall that clears away all the dirt and grime you can't normally reach from the nooks and crannies of your spirit. Anything after 2g is a heavy dose, which I don't recommend for beginners to partake in unsupervised.

Generally, you have nothing to be afraid of as long as you have the right setting and mindset and take it slow and responsibly. If you're taking certain medications like MAOis or SSRIs, the potency can be inhibited and some people need to take more (not recommended as it's somewhat of a gamble) or else end up not feeling much at all. Otherwise, just do some research. Some people feel nausea on the comeup because of something called chitin which is hard for us to break down on our own, just make sure you eat a banana or two before hand and sometime in between or perthaps a small meal 1-2 hours before.Some people take Dramamine? I haven't tried that yet.

The other site is h e r b a l - a l c h m e m y dot m y b i g c o m m e r c e dot c o m

Sorry for the retarded spacing but I don't want the google algorithm picking up on it so easily.

No. 1566360

should be a l c h e m y, sorry lol. I'm a bit tipsy at the moment. I hope this helps some of you out there. I want everyone who can benefit from this to be able to thrive in their lives and heal. Love you nonnies <3

No. 1566365

Any places that sell internationally nona? I want to try, but I'm not in the USA

No. 1566369

I don't know off the top of my head, but i'll have a look and see if I can find anything. Where are you located?

No. 1566370

I hate that I have to just leave the fucking internet if I want to avoid people leaking ANYTHING before it comes out and us peasants can enjoy it. No I don't want to know what happens before I get to experience it for my fucking self. People are so selfish.

No. 1566372

I move between South America (Brazil) and West Africa a lot, so either of those would work!

No. 1566381

I hate moids who make assumptions without understanding anything of the situation. I need to speak up for myself, my God.

No. 1566384

I joined a group for my class that I totally regret being in. They’re going way too over the top in brainstorming what they want to write about instead of actually rehearsing what we’ll be presenting. I told them we’re already over the page/word limit but they won’t stop changing things and adding new sections. It’s like the total opposite of having a group partner that doesn’t do anything except it’s just as bad?

No. 1566392

Holy shit I feel this. Or if you watch a youtube letsplay for the series (like a true poorfag like me), you had better stay out of the comments of that video because people will just spoil the entire game in the comments. On like, the first lestplay video. WTF. Why can't people just keep their mouths shut?

No. 1566396

>how dare people discuss a game in the comment section of a video about said game I voluntarily looked up

No. 1566402

Fuck, my only coworker who's also being laid off same time as me because our role is redundant has found a new job. So far every time it's brought up to someone in our department they then ask me if I've found anything yet then act surprised when I say no. No, dear coworker. I don't have a past department in this same company where I know half the people just there to pick me up like my coworker does. I'll have to actually apply and go through the standard process instead of being messaged by someone from the past and basically offered the job over a coffee. SORRY if I made it awkward by saying yup, still probably going to be unemployed soon! Still looking! Still being rejected!

What the fuck kind of situation is this that I should feel bad because THEY let ME go? One dipshit said "now would be a good time to start applying" oh REALLY? What other sage advice do you have, oh wise one? It's so fucked that it's being painted as my fault. Whatever makes them feel better about it I guess.

No. 1566404

You know that's like… normal, right?

No. 1566412

That is called bpd.

No. 1566417

It is the vent thread but yeah when I read shit like that im like do you want a cookie? All bitches go through trials and tribulations, drop the Life Is A Simulation thing and breathe.

Lots of moms are like that. It sounds impossible but it's possible to distance yourself and learn to accept it for what it is and that she is a mentally ill and flawed individual and leave it at that. Its hard and takes a lot of personal work but it's better than feeling like whatever tf this is.

No. 1566419

Oh this better be a joke. What the fuck is wrong with you

No. 1566421

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idk if its trauma or a personality disorder or mental disorder or just being fucked from from growing up terminally online and a NEET but there is something off with me. I can't sustain relationships. It's my biggest fear but deep down I know that its true because I can't keep friendships and I've never had a relationship. I'm going to be 30 soon, I used to think I was just "growing out" of being awkward but I'm at like half my life at this point. I've done loads of therapy and I'm objectively better than I was but I'm still behind. I'm still off, compared to my peers. I still can't maintain long term friendships. I've still never had a partner.

I can fake being normal really, really well at this point. I think everyone I know would be absolutely shocked at how I live my life privately lol. How its mostly empty and online because being around people is so complicated. It's pathetic but I was watching that Netflix documentary Love on the Spectrum (I would not recommend it, it's super corny and exploitative) but smthn one of the autistic women said really resonated with me like shook me to my core. The film crew asked her to describe what having autism and socializing felt like, and she said that it felt like being trapped inside of a bubble. And you can see everyone around you outside of your bubble, and you copy them and try to act like they do, but you're still just always aware that you're in the bubble. You're always on the inside looking out, and you want so badly to be out of it but you just aren't.

I don't know if that's an autistic thing or just a "human who doesn't fit in thing" but I tear up just thinking about it bc goddamn. Yeah. That's exactly what it feels like. I just want to be like everyone else but I know that I won't be. I work really hard to fake it and I'm proud of that in a way. But at the end of the day when I turn it all off and I come home alone to my apartment, just me and my cat, and I am myself, I'm different I can just feel it. My emotional and cognitive dysregulation is not something anyone has ever wanted to be around long term (I don't blame them) or was able to cope with. I know I can still enjoy life, for the most part I do my best to be happy, but yeah. I've never been able to let go of wanting to be "normal", and wanting companionship but not sure how to get out of this bubble of…whatever it is.

No. 1566433

I am losing capacity to talk orexpressmy thoughts.my thoughts are too abstract and i cannot put them in words and ithink it is aresult of depression or maybe i have a tumor on my brain but i cannot see a doc

No. 1566437

>Get job at meat processing plant
>Come off welfare
>Get Campylobacter on my second week, on the toilet 30 times+ a day
>By contract I'm not allowed to work until I test negative for it, which can take up to 2 weeks
>No sick leave, no annual leave, no welfare
>Nothing in my contract about compensation for time off work
>Sitting at home each day texting in "sorry I'm sick" vaguely, waiting until I'm half way better to get through work

I'm between a rock and a hard place here. If I tell the truth they might pay me for all the time off, but if they don't, then I'm left without money for two weeks.

No. 1566440

Am I reading this wrong or are your options basically saying nothing and definitely not getting paid or being truthful and maybe getting paid? Why wouldn't you just tell the truth because you seemingly have nothing to lose as far as I can tell?

No. 1566443

No, I'm planning on just going in when I'm half recovered (probably tonight) and working, and just keeping quiet about it.

I was lucky in that it hit over the weekend and it's been a few days already.

No. 1566444

Okay, so apparently, shrooms aren't illegal to cultivate in Brazil, but finding a site with ready made chocolates, teas, or capsules is another matter. I found one site selling dried mushrooms(jardimxamanico), but cannot vouch for it personally as I was hard pressed to find reviews vouching for its quality or authenticity outside of the few reviews available on the website itself. As for West Africa, i'm not certain, as it probably depends on the specific country's jurisdiction therein.

I would stay away from anyone advertising "polkadot chocolate bars", because those are just a mass produced wrapper that shady sellers can put on anything and you don't know what's actually in the chocolate itself (i've heard most cases involve synthetic mushroom compounds and some scumbags even lace their bars with fentanyl which makes absolutely NO sense, because you can't get repeat customers if you kill them kek). I'd also avoid amanita muscaria because it's not the same experience as a cubensis variety though it is a type of magic mushroom. It's more likely than not to be a bad time. Anyways, I can't read Portugese but via google translate, as far as I can tell it doesn't say the type of mushroom they're selling in the description, which is a very important thing to know as some have more potency than others.

Your best bet might be just cultivating some yourself; it's a little time consuming, but worth it. It's easier to find spore syringes/prints from sites that ship worldwide than a trustworthy site with ready made teas and the like, unfortunately.

No. 1566449

Thanks anon, this is good information. I've seen "polkadot chocolate bars" but felt iffy, the fentanyl shit is scary.
Maybe I will just get into growing plants if possible, ty ♥

No. 1566454

It's so funny to me that people who spend every single day of their life doing demented creepy shit online (men) always talk about how happy and busy they are when they're ever called out. Always overcompensating for their lil online cult of personality.

No. 1566463

exmoid in mutual disc server making remarks at my weight (ive accepted im fat an have been doing my best to lose it lately tho) despite being fat himself wwtttffff this moid wont leave me alone

No. 1566465

Fat shame him lol

No. 1566466

exmoid in mutual disc server making remarks at my weight (ive accepted im fat an have been doing my best to lose it lately tho) despite being fat himself wwtttffff this moid wont leave me alone

No. 1566467

"negging me about my weight while you're over there looking like jabba the hutt isn't going to make me want to fuck you."

No. 1566468

sorry didnt know why that double posted

No. 1566472

It's just a glitch, sometimes posts get posted several times in a row.

No. 1566486

wow i could have written this. hugs anon, i know how weird and isolating it is to just never feel like you can click with other people for whatever reason. i have no advice bc i'm in the same boat but i hope it gets better for you

No. 1566487

An unnatractive man, not dating on your level at least, is red flag number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 up to one hundred.

No. 1566492

I saw something on twittor that said if you use the word moid you are racist. Line up ladies you're going in the gulag.

No. 1566493

It's beyond ok, and so is Natureza Divina, and at least a couple of other vendors. Dried cubensis are a very banal item to acquire here, and have been for almost twenty years. You are absolutely overthinking this.

No. 1566494

Men of every creed and orientation loveeeee dehumanizing women for features they also have. Basic male retardation 101

No. 1566495

What was the logic behind that? Lol

No. 1566496

Ah, sorry, you're not Br. Anyway, you can just buy from these places.

No. 1566498

They said it comes from the word negroid and mongoloid. Mongoloid I get but where does the negroid come from.

No. 1566522

There actually is not enough time in a day. I hate all the discipline it takes to have a social life while remaining healthy. Sorry I don't want to scarf down dinner at 5:15 while finishing work before I go out to meet a friend. Now I'm eating dinner an hour before I go to bed because smoking weed and eating while stoned is so much better than sober binge eating while you're trying to end work and get ready to meet your friends for drinks. I'm definitely not getting 8 hours of sleep tonight because I need my unwinding time. These first world problems…

No. 1566531

Shut the fuck up bitch.

No. 1566566

I cant stand that brand of terminally online person that is so irony poisoned and self righteous that they express literally no actual enjoyment for anything or compliment anyone. You say you like someone or their x y or z and they're like well actually I heard they - stfu!! Idc!! Don't even compliment their friends. Only express enjoyment in things that would get them likes or push them toward a certain audience. They're never like oh I love [ ] it's always this slayed me boots queen yas mawma. Stupid reaction image. Misogynoir but rarely any complaints about men. Post after post meant only to make them look a certain way. Like damn bitch do you ever plan on living in sincerity ever in your life or are you going to be 35 still sending niche obscure reaction images in a group chat full of emotionally stunted faggots replying with "skowjenxnxksjhajskakk". Wtf

No. 1566568

You're the entitled crybaby idc

No. 1566584

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I've been "separated" from my GF(??) for about 4.5 months now, I've been in my hometown and she's in the city we were living in together about 7 hours away. She says as of February that she currently does not want to have a romantic relationship and she wants to work on her codependency. We are having virtual therapy together every 2-3 weeks, we text every day although less now because she says it feels healthier to not text back immediately and she also works 12 hours a day. I got a job (Huge for me. Have been on disability for 4 years). I'm working on my alcoholism and going to AA almost every day, which was a big problem for us when we were living together.
I don't mind us being separate right now. I really want things to work out, I want to gain the independence that I didn't have before and I want her to not feel like she has to take care of me. I feel like we are getting to good places. I don't care how long it takes, I just want us to be healthy and to take another stab at all this. I think she wants that too but I can't be sure and I'm scared to ask. I feel like I'm in Cope City sometimes, like "oh yeah we're totally getting back together" and I'm totally oblivious to the fact that we aren't. But all of my friends say that they think we're going to get back together so I have no fucking idea. When my therapist talked about whether or not she wanted things to be done she didn't really answer. She hasn't talked about sending all of my stuff back to me and I know if she wanted things 100% done with she would have, she's not the kind of person to just hold onto my stuff. I dunno. I just want everything to work out.

No. 1566592

My absolute cunt of an ex friend treated me like shit for ages and did so much petty underhanded crap to me and when I told her finally to cut the shit she posted like 20 things on social media about how “people just project their own insecurities and traumas onto you.” Bitch wtf just admit you were a bad friend. I wish she would get hit by a bus kek. What a two faced good for nothing egotist.

No. 1566597

God I knew a group of artists like this who were all self hating ftm that at most ass kissed each other but never a new user no matter how good they were. They were all late 20s-30s trying to act like teens with the sjdkfbsbsb HAHAHAHAH!!11 bullshit. Most of their art was ass ugly because they had no reason to grow when all their friends told them their stuff was amazing. Everyone became a she/he/they and drew cunt boys or hermaphrodite mix matched shit. You couldnt say you liked (thing or artist) without someone bringing up the dumbest reason they're a terrible person. Meanwhile they were indoctrinating younger artists to be self hating ftm like them and probably had a discord pedo boyfriend. Cause of course that made them "so gay". I'm so glad the same people I met through it left with me. Anons can say they're women children but that was on a whole other level of terminally online idiot.

No. 1566600

I miss the feeling of having a close friend. I miss having someone to talk about my day or anything happening in my life with, while listening to that person do the same in return. I miss sharing dumb, funny memes and texting them random stuff that pops up in my head. I miss having someone to vent about things that upset me. I miss feeling seen and heard in how we discuss and share our most important values. I miss having someone play video games, and watch movies and anime with. If they're an online friend, then I miss the feeling of having future plans and meeting up irl with them. I just miss the feeling of closeness so much. And most of all I miss the feeling of having something to look forward to everyday.

No. 1566601

I think it infests that age group specifically. Like genuinely unable to express any sort of sincerity whatsoever to the point that every single thing they say is wildly juvenile and you cannot see the difference between their interests and what they talk about from a 16 year old. It would be one thing if they weren't extremely arrogant and hateful to the point that it's obvious they've never interacted in the real world and live in the tumblr bubble they have immersed themselves in a decade ago.

No. 1566604

Good luck to you anon. Sometimes it's better for two people to grow on their own. I hope you two can work it out and resume your relationship after you've both worked on yourselves and become the best possible version of yourselves

No. 1566608

Damn…horny again. This shit don't quit

No. 1566613

Oh shit. Better ban gyroids in animal crossing..

No. 1566636

It comes from outdated racial classifications. There's negroid, mongoloid, caucasoid and australoid. It probably made it's way from /pol/ to /r9k/ and morphed into femoid, foid, moid, tranoid and troid because /r9k/ are incels obsessed with sex instead of race like /pol/.

No. 1566641

foid/femoid came from android, because female soulless robots

No. 1566643

Incels really are npcs. It's like they only exist to go outside and shoot up schools. Otherwise you never see them unless it's via shitty posts behind a screen. Literally zero contribution to the world.

No. 1566649

I always thought that the words "femoid/foid" as insults sounded lame, cringe and nonsensical, "moid/scrote" have more punch to them, hell, they even sounds more offensive

No. 1566650

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I am planning my daughter's first birthday party and I have divorced parents. They have been split for 1 year, and I want them both to come just to enjoy the celebration. They both refuse to go if the other attends and I don't really want to have to choose one over the other. It's frustrating because I just wish they could set their personal issues aside and just spend time with their grandchild on her birthday.

No. 1566661

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I cried so much over a moid yesterday so today my eyes are all swollen and I look like shit and I have to hold a presentation. Great.

No. 1566665

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gross and pathetic vent incoming…i was watching porn, trying to feel something, disgust or to make myself in the mood, whatever, but it made me remember how i felt when i was raped and how traumatic it really was. now i don't feel horny nor disgusted, and i'll probably have trouble sleeping tonight

No. 1566676

if they can't put aside their bullshit for one afternoon to celebrate your daughter, then they're shit grandparents and neither of them deserve to come. also happy early birthday to your daughter! I hope it's a lovely day for you both

No. 1566678

My mom just said "wow you really gained so much weight you look like youre about to burst!" all while laughing at me. Damn. Then she wonders why i never agree to spend time with her and look miserable whenever we do meet up

No. 1566682

tell them neither of them are invited unless they can figure out how to behave for their grandchild's birthday

No. 1566683

cold pack/icecubes (wrapped in thin cloth)/cold cucumber over the eyes for 10-15 minutes.

No. 1566688

Ahh I'm sorry you feel that way. I understand the pain you're going through. Don't let it terrorize you. I know it sucks and it's so hard to stop thinking of that stuff but you can do it. I hope you feel better soon

No. 1566689

I just moved to a country with hot weather/leftover TONS of sun from summer and i guess i just wasnt prepared for the intensity, but after allowing my dog in the backyard for two hours he's got cracked nose bridge skin with seeping liquid, sunburnt butthole and even a bald patch on his belly. I feel like utter shit. The worst part use that it didn't look so bad the first days (just very red & a bit of swollen around the eyes) so i feel guilty as shit. I'm taking him to the vet as soon as it's morning. I didn't realize it'd get like this over just hours outside? He's eating and happy but it looks so grotesque, I feel like the absolute fucking worst.

No. 1566692

At least you're not starving. Wish i had the privilege to stuff my face, but with this inflation it would bankrupt me.

No. 1566695

People like you are so annoying; make your own vent about being poor but don't downplay other anons issues by making it about how much worse it is for poor you.

No. 1566696

Do you feel better now that you have voiced your annoyance? I know i did.

No. 1566701

I feel you nonny. It's sad how expensive just buying groceries is nowadays.

No. 1566720

I miss the same things nonna. I'm sorry

No. 1566730

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scrote post bump

No. 1566733

Like dry heat or just no shade at all? I’ve lived in the tropics my whole life and have never heard of that happening to a pet outside, most I’ve heard of would be dogs burning their paws on hot asphalt. Sounds like some truly next level heat, make sure you provide shade for your dog when he’s outside and set time limits I suppose. He was just outside in the grass and not even on pavement?

No. 1566772

I hate working with people that stress about the title and logo of a project before starting any real work. All of that can be changed during the process, why is there a need to come up with something on the spot when there's no telling if it'll even be fitting this early? I understand that no one wants to do anything that is actually difficult, so they put all their time into small details that don't matter right now and call that enough for the next month. I don't even want to interfere or talk to anyone anymore, they can do it however they please. I'll finish my small part and leave them to it

No. 1566813

Male employees are useless.
We are on the last day of 5 at a site where we've had a major labor job to do. The male workers have done nothing but whine or shirk out of doing the work.
I am the manager so it all falls on me if we fail the client, so I've been picking up the slack and my body is tiiiiiired. I only have a couple employees who were troopers and stayed to do the work but that's cause they like me ofc. The silver lining is that it has been great exercise? I digress. I'm nervous that any work those guys are doing isn't up to par.
Between babysitting around the client's bullshit and the employee's bullshit, I want to check out.

So anyway, this is the last day and I expected them to really put in some effort as they hadn't been over the past few days. Nope.
The main guy has already given an excuse as to why he will be at the site late and will probably have another excuse as to why he needs to leave early. He's also taken an hour lunch every fucking day despite only spending an average total of 3 hours there and for comparison I've been spending between 9-12 hours not including what I do for other sites. I need to talk to the manager who has his payroll so I can adjust for what he really worked. His kids have been his excuse for the past three days (bus broke down, birthday, dinner) stuff their mother probably does but he claims to seem like he's got valid responsibilities for getting out of work. He is older and clearly has a chip on his shoulder that he isn't the boss and takes direction from me. He says some smart shit to me sometimes. I've caught him shirking at the site but it's like I can't enforce anything because this isn't technically their assigned site so it's all "volunteer" for extra hours. It's insubordination, but what am I gonna do? Write up and fire the only people working for us so then we have nobody cause my company likes to operate on thin margins and skeleton crews? Can't win, and these asshole employees know it so only the people who care like me get fucked in the end.

No. 1566835

I'm guessing it has something to do with his skin being very short and pink? There was shade, shelter, water, etc available but he was sun bathing like he'd always do on our home country, except back there it was more like just the sunshine without the extreme heat. I'm very surprised too but idk what else could it be from. Maybe he also had some other kind of sickness? Ugh. I don't know. I wish I had know. Also yes to grass and not just asphalt; I'm on my way to the vet now.

No. 1566862

friend of mine is bitching how she's so snubbed by her family because she's a lesbian except she's dating an ugly ass hulking troon tim. how there's nazis outside of her house and her family can't stop posting anti LGBTQ+ memes. how she doesn't want to be around hate except her tim is violent and aggressive lmao. I can't stand her ass now. She's a fucking traitor.

No. 1566865

Males who have the privilege to not have to work a hard manual labor job are so lazy and take this privilege for granted because they still think they deserve better. As if a few decades ago they wouldn't be expected to fucking deal with it and work 8+ hour back breaking days for 5+ days a week until they earned the right to work normal hours. I can't believe you can't just fire them and replace them with women, or more competent men who understand how lucky they are to have a job. Males are so lazy nowadays. They can't even man a cash register without crying about how hard it is.

No. 1566866

I live somewhere where the weather is similar. Dry heat can really mess up your skin. With my dogs, I use a dog friendly moisturizer for their paws / noses I try to only let them spend a lot of time outside in the morning and evening. I wonder if it's also because your dogs skin isn't used to the weather? Anyway I hope he gets better soon.

No. 1566888

I'm so sorry for the incoming wall of text.

Thank you for your kind words, I will try not feeling ashamed, but it's so hard.

Thank you for your kind words too, nonna.
Thing is I'm living in a place in which the "life is a checklist" culture is pretty prevalent, especially as a woman. I started working as soon as I told my parents that I'm dropping out of my 1st college.
>what are all the great experiences everyone around you is having that are impossible to have in your 20s?
Idk, having better jobs (that don't require many hours/6 days/week too), long term relationships, travelling (which is hard financially at the moment), going to all these nice events that are out of reach to me (i live pretty much in the middle of fuckwhere, nothing happens in this shit town. I do both uni and work). I also am fearful for the future with people losing jobs and inflation. All I do now is going to work and then home, rinse and repeat so that's why I think I'm wasting my youth here.

I took a bite of the "life's over at 25" meme and I can't seem to think normally again since then. People my age around me start announcing weddings or babies and I'm starting to think something is inherently wrong with me and I will never find a decent scrote after a certain age here. Even my mom told me "girl, relax, you're not that old, old is after pension age", but I can't help it to not cry…

No. 1566890

fuck the doctor who told me I needed to have my toenails removed. I didn't know about laser treatment and could've tried that first. it looked like they were growing in healthy anyways, there was no reason for them to torture me like this. I'm in so much pain every day I can't stand it. ever since they were removed I spend every day writhing around in agony

No. 1566891

Instagram glitched and TRIPLE-uploaded my video, then shadowbanned me for deleting the two copies. I fucking HATE this fucking app, but my art (usually) gets seen and bought on there. If I could kill the man in charge of instagram with my bare hands, I would livestream it.

No. 1566940

You're setting a checklist for yourself based on how you believe you should live your life according to others and then hating yourself for not meeting them. Idk anon the only things you have to do in life is to enjoy it and you don't need to meet your arbitrary checklist today to do so.

No. 1566944

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New day, but I called out of work today because I woke up and couldn't stop thinking about killing myself during the work commute. Hopefully staying home will help. I'm ahead on work but I still feel like shit for missing a day.

No. 1566973

I had to go to home 4 hours ealier because of terrible diarrhea, I've been shitting like every 10 or 20 minutes and my stomach hurt like crazy, I also think I saw some blood in my poop. like I can't work like this. I was so weak from dehydration and also too ashamed to tell my team coordinator what's going on so I told her some gibberish and I'm scared she didn't believe me and thought I made shit up, she let me go home but I feel so cringe jesus Christ, even now I'm sitting on the toilet kek

No. 1566977

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No. 1566983

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No. 1567027

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I’m telling you guys, the world would improve overnight if we just put the bottom 20% of men in camps.

No. 1567033

Sometimes I see farmers in the wild outside of lolcor and the tryhard edgy ones who talk like they're terminally on here 24/7 are painfully cringe and easy to spot. I complimented under a photographer's photo of simply a midwest middle class suburban/rural landscape at night (I'm a photographer and like to look at others' work) and I got some random vitriolic autistic ass reply ranting shit like "yesss poor people with trash everywhere hashtag cockqueef and lanadelfart". I'm like 99% sure it's some newfag who browses here religiously and now thinks they're super funny and edgy. Really embarrassing. It came out of nowhere and the rest of the comments under the post are just midwesterners complimenting it as well.

No. 1567036

she can sniff you out nonni

No. 1567037

The chill ones can sniff me but not that weird bitch.

No. 1567056

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After feeling like death my entire life - I can't even be out 30 minutes without feeling like hell - I was finally diagnosed with moderate-severe sleep apnea and I was prescribed a machine (also I am not fat and I'm in my late 20s). I kept on telling myself that nothing was wrong and that I'm just lazy. Over and over again. I had maybe…3 decent rests in my entire life? Those days were amazing. Just standing out in the sun felt like ecstasy.

I'm still in disbelief honestly and I'm resentful that it took too long. Already years ago I suspected something was off. But my doctor kept side-eying me implying I was just health paranoid and the blood tests showing nothing off, and I started feeling embarrassed because I started thinking it all was in my head. Then I tried sleep studies and I wasn't able to sleep at most of them besides the last attempt because of severe anxiety. Regardless I guess I should be happy that I can finally improve my condition and pick up the pieces.
RIP my youth. Wasted. I don't know why I was born into such a trash body.

No. 1567058

I thought you were saying you can spot them irl, not online on other website I was a bit worried for a second.

No. 1567061

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Ifeel like scrotes really are all disgusting pigs and I'm going to die alone

No. 1567064

You're close to getting it

No. 1567065

I'm temporarily vegetarian for a specific health issue and that issue aside, I don't feel magically better in terms of energy/mental clarity/mood etc. Healthy people who claim removing meat makes you feel sooo much better are full of shit and placebos.

No. 1567070

I think the reason a lot of those people feel better after switching to vegetarian is because they were eating way worse prior to their switch and barely ate any fresh vegetables. Same deal with vegans.

No. 1567073

I started birth control recently and I'm, suffering. It's making me ravenously hungry. I'll eat a big, filling meal and still feel hungry. I wake up with my stomach growling at 6am when usually I didn't feel hungry till 10-11. I haven't felt full in days. This is hell.

No. 1567074

Idk, I always felt sick after eating meat, I don't know if there's a condition behind it or not, I just felt sick after eating meat, fish included (I also felt bad after cow milk and bread), doesn't matter if it was cooked or roasted. So yeah in my case eliminating all animal products besides eggs and goat/sheep cheese really helped me and I do feel better now. But I also felt sick after any kind of bread so I probably had some fucked up food allergies

No. 1567075

Birth control sucks. Men should get neutered or something instead tee bee eych.

No. 1567076

I'm not on it for that reason, I'd never put myself through this hell for a man

No. 1567082


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No. 1567084

Idgi. that just sounds like a generic edgelord that's everywhere. I thought farmers in the wild would use "moid" or something

No. 1567088

Damn, I wish you all the best. Cursed medicine.

No. 1567270

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I wish life would stop throwing shit at me. This week's been hell so far and now I just got bad news even though I'm supposed to go to work in three hours and I've only slept one hour so far. FUCKING STOP IT I'M AT MY WITS' END!!

No. 1567396

Guy friend I have been talking online for couple of weeks starts whining how he's going to die alone, tells that spends most days indoors and doesn't like partying but "there's nothing he can do (about ending up alone)". Like have you just tried going outside? I have seen this shit before and I hate it, I want to be normal with normie friends. I wan't to have other women as friends so badly, don't want to keep up with the embarassing "cool girl" act but have no idea how to be myself. I hate being lonely hhhhhh

No. 1567397

Guy friend I have been talking online for couple of weeks starts whining how he's going to die alone, tells that spends most days indoors and doesn't like partying but "there's nothing he can do (about ending up alone)". Like have you just tried going outside? I have seen this shit before and I hate it, I want to be normal with normie friends. I wan't to have other women as friends so badly, don't want to keep up with the embarassing "cool girl" act but have no idea how to be myself. I hate being lonely hhhhhh

No. 1567420

Got broken up with, sexually assaulted, and in a 100 MPH car crash and stranded on the other side of the state for 8 hours. Life gave me a triple whammy.

No. 1567518

i'm so sorry all of that happened to you nonna, I hope better things come for you

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