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No. 1537202

Tom Kaulitz and Heidi Klum met in March 2018 through a blind date arranged by a mutual friend and in 2019 announced their engagement on Christmas Eve. It has been believed in the fandom that the reality that the two had "fallen in love" was purely for publicity for the band as they stopped talking about it which is pretty clear.

Tom kaulitz is a member of the German pop rock band Tokio hotel formed in 2001 who debuted for their single Durch den munsun in 2005 and became well known in 2007 when they had their heyday in 2010. Throughout the years 2017 the rock band was not mentioned as much as before and so much around the fans speculated that the relationship between Heidi and Tom was due to a record deal for the band's publicity. Heidi Klum tends to over-exploit her love for Tom through paparazzi and photos, leading fans to believe that they really love each other.

This thread is to discuss the types of messages Tom and Heidi tend to make to each other, theorize about Tom's behaviors towards his "beloved" wife.(Again, use the celebcow thread)

No. 1537219

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Don't care

No. 1537223

what a shit thread who tf cares about hiedi klum's dating life. it is not 2002.

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