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No. 13310

/b/, how I take my life back?
I'm a teenager and all of my friends are starting to hate me. I've even been called an lolcow. My ex keeps on harassing me because he let his friend go through his Facebook. I no longer live near him but my parents are protective and since I did something retarded won't let me out of the house.
All of my friends badmouth me constantly and I'm almost suicidal.
How do I get back my life without turning into an lolcow?
I don't want to be another one of those tragedies who fucked up a few times and is going to kill herself before she hits legal drinking age.

No. 13319

leave the internet.

No. 13325

Find new hobbies
Meet new people
Leave friends, they are not your friends anyway.
Work towards a goal
Think of moving maybe
and this >>13319

No. 13332

I like how /b/ is now all of a sudden an advice column for problem teenage girls.
>happy summer

No. 13340

Alright, I think it's time for an official big red "No ppl under 18" rule. This is getting ridiculous.

Here's some advice
>ex harassing you
How? I thought you were stuck safe indoors? You mean online? Delete facebook

>did something retarded, now grounded

That's what happens when you do something retarded. Own up to the consequences of your actions. You live in their house, it's their rules. Deal with it until you grow up and get a job

>Friends badmouth me I'm suicidal

So you're nowhere near grown up. It's good that your parents realize you need to be kept indoors since you're a danger to yourself.
They aren't your friends anymore so ignore them as you do billions of other people in the world

>becoming another tragedy and killing yourself

…Because friends are gossiping? Jesus fcking christ. Here's the best advice you can get: you're acting like a child, stop. Forget friends, get skills you can turn into a job. Live to be a contributing member of society not a social dependent living for approval of friends. At the very least you'll have cash to move far away.

I'm not trying to be an asshole, this is genuine advice. Become the Garak. Even as a traitor to an entire planet, friendless and in pain, he survived. Become the best outcast tailor you can be.

No. 13341

I know how you feel OP. I suffered like that for years.
Ny advice is: be healthy and look beautiful. Exercise. Then right after your teenage years you can find an amazing guy (because you will look amazing and healthy), and then your life can start.
Early 20s are million times better than teenage years!! Listen to me, do it

No. 13358

>Alright, I think it's time for an official big red "No ppl under 18" rule. This is getting ridiculous.

This, holy fucking shit.

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