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No. 12987

Alice Infinity Cosplay
I'm new to FL and this is one of the "big names" on the scene here
What is the sauce on this girl?
She goes to a lot of cons around here and guests a lot.
She supposidly has the tism
Everyone seems to worship her in the FL comm.
Does a new cosplay every week it seems like
Is there any sauce?

No. 12988

She is autistic. People should really stop making that shit a joke.

No. 12989

No. Take it from someone who used to actually spend time with her face to face. Shes derptastic and sheltered, but autistic she is not.

No. 12990

Ain't nobody got time to look for your sauce.

No. 12991

Theres not a lot of it.

>makes shit tier cosplays

>goes to every con she can get to make her a guest
>takes badly posed photos to sell at said cons
>tries to make herself seem like an inspiration for having "aspergers"
>pisses of cons with her nagging to be a guest
>general nobody yaya/jnig wishshewas

No. 12992

She's a nobody, never even seen her "guest" at a FL con.

Kek that shitty wig.

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