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No. 1294155

board rules apply. no racebait. ignore & report bait
previous thread: >>>/ot/1268738

No. 1294173

Facebook would actually be a pretty good social media platform if:
>it didn't require you to use your real identity
>it didn't have a bunch of useless, unrelated features like the marketplace or the news or these godawful videos
>if the company wasn't collecting data in such aggressive ways for such fucked up purposes/clients
>if the interface didn't look so outdated and ugly
>if it were possible to make separate accounts for messenger and fb or to combine both services for the same account at will

No. 1294175

So it'd be a good social media platform if it….wasn't Facebook?

No. 1294181

Yeah, keep its main features like having your own profiles with various types of posts, being able to create pages and groups for anything you want, look for events in your area, etc. and it'd be good. I guess it's kind of similar to what livejournal was, when I put it that way. I wanted to use it to keep my close friends updated when I was living abroad but it was a pain in the ass because of the whole "irl identity attached to your account" and people using it just to follow each other for the sake of it without interacting yet getting pissed off when you unfriend them. I was forced to make an account in university because of this, teachers wouldn't send us emails in the uni's intranet to tell us they'd be absent on a given day, they'd tell you extremely important shit on fb groups.

Oh and I forgot, but that applies to all social media: remove the option to create and post stories, stop copying each other's worse features already goddamn. I deleted instagram because they tried to hard to copy tiktok even though if I wanted to look at cringeworthy videos of teenagers "pranking" each other on camera or wearing very revealing bikinis I would have made a tiktok account already.

No. 1294202

wait since when does facebook require you to use your real identity ? i dont think ive ever used it ever since i made my first profile in 2010, never had any issues. i just pick a random name everytime and ive never post any pictures of myself either

No. 1294205

I sincerely hope the anons in the genshin thread all kill themselves, they’re worse than the twitter users or scrotes or they complain about

No. 1294208

I enjoy the genshin thread even if I don't know shit about it, I just don't like the scrote that constantly whines about fujos. He ruins the threads vibe and is an annoyance, if he wants to talk about lore he can fuck off somewhere else and stop insulting nonnies.

No. 1294209

It’s not even a scrote ffs some anons just don’t plain like the same things that you do how hard is that to comprehend?

No. 1294214

Even if it wasn't a "moid", why come into a thread and get mad that it's being used for it's intended purpose. They are picking fights for no reason and just being rude when nonnies were having a good time before they showed up.

No. 1294216

Anyone who consumes genshin as much as them (or as much as your typical twitterfags) are bad. It's a soulless game made by CCP, they want nothing but your money.

No. 1294217

It’s a video game thread and discussion manages to be way less about the important part of the video game kek

No. 1294220

There isn't a rule that any videogame threads must be about the "lore" of a game though. It's basically /ot/ but for that particular game which is cool because I like to see anons talk about their favorite characters. The thread isn't just supposed to be a videogame essay about the most important parts of a piece of media, it's just for anything relating to it.

No. 1294222

I love thread pic thank u anon

No. 1294224

If it was like /ot/ it would be /ot/, but it’s /m/ board for a reason, you actually want to talk about video games there. You are the cancer slightly ruining the board, but again no one cares because everyone here is used to annoying people who are passive aggressive and use their words as weapons. It screams newfag even if you aren’t new

No. 1294226

So you're calling me cancer because anons want to use the /m/ board like they've done before you came along? You literally called me cancer and used your words as a weapon to me, why do you think being rude doesn't make you stick out?

No. 1294231

samefag but you people play straight into the stereotypes men have about us. you can’t even properly manage or run a website, you can’t have discussions without manipulating strangers and the mods (to ban people when you accuse them of being a scrote/tranny) to win one, you divide against yourselves when it comes to other men and shallow things you want and never need, any difference of opinion is chalked up to criticizing women because ‘women can’t have anything!’ when no one ever said that, you even parrot the same retarded political views that men post on 4chan and kiwifarms

No. 1294236

Why would I care about what scrote thinks of me, men hate/abuse women for no reason so there is no reason to gain male approval. The anons were having a good discussion, you just came in and got triggered when they wanted to talk about things they liked. I rather be here than be on a male image board/

No. 1294251

I never got the hype over bubble tea, when I tried it with a friend it was like drinking a sugar bomb. I don't know why people are marketing it as being a healthy alternative compared to soda because they are both horrible. I don't know if it's because kpop is mainstream now but so many people tell me that it's so good and that I need to give another flavor a try.

No. 1294256

You have to ask for quarter sweetness at most places but yes bubble tea is the new Starbucks for weebs and yellow feverfags

No. 1294257

Strange, I've never heard of it being described as a healthy alternative, at least over here. I think it really depends what flavor you get, there are some that are just tea with little balls in them and others that are more sugary. I'm not sure if it's with all bubbe tea shops or just the one I go to but there's also an option to increase or decrease the amount of sugar you want along with ice.

No. 1294258

I know some friends who had their accounts deleted or suspended long ago because they used fake names. I've read articles long ago about accounts being suspended because some people used their real names but fb's algorithm thought they were fake names because they were ver long indian names or something like hat, but the people who created these accounts were in the west, so fb thought they were bots with keyboard smash names (kind of like how bots and new users who randomly pick a default user name on twitter will have usernames made of one word and height numbers). That was long ago, I'm not sure I'll be able to find that article easily. On top of that if you get your account hacked and stolen and you want it back you'll need to show something to fb to prove it's really your account, so a passport, ID card, etc. with your real name. And that one is less blatant I guess but let's be real, people use fb to stay in touch with people they know irl, not with their exclusively online friends.

Anyway, basically, if someone has a vendetta against you and you have an obvious fake name on fb they can report you and potentially lock you out of your account, unless it has changed recently.

No. 1294259

So don't get sugar in it. I never do and I also rarely get boba. I just love tea and those places have unique offerings.

No. 1294262

>I don't know why people are marketing it as being a healthy alternative compared to soda
Whoever told you that lied to you kek, the whole appeal for me is that it's full of sugar and it's filling so it feels more like a snack than a drink. I was starving for months two year ago because of covid giving me near constant diarrhea and the only things I could digest for some reason were bubble tea and soda, that shit saved my life.

No. 1294263

Just a couple of years ago I tried to make an account using a common Mexican name and within an hour I was logged out and asked for a photo of my ID to get back in

No. 1294269

I'm not even surprised. You're far from the only one in that situation. It never happened to me on fb, but twitter did that to me when I remade an account last year, they forced me to give them my phone number. Once I gave it and deleted it from my settings right after, they asked for it again and I only could remove it months later. Fucked up shit.

No. 1294276

When I had to create a second Facebook account, they asked me to take a picture of myself to verify…???

No. 1294420

Thanks for the tips, next time I go I won't let the waitstaff bully me into getting more sugar. The bubble tea shop near me keeps advertising it's healthy because it's made with tea, but with the shit load of sugar they dump in there I seriously doubted it. If I go back there i'll just ask for 1/4 sugar and not a regular.

No. 1294439

It's too expensive

No. 1294441

The Lana Del Rey song "Norman Fucking Rockwell" would be better sung by Mitski

No. 1294456

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I think eyebags like picrel are very cute, they give more structure to the face and I hate that some women feel insecure about it and want to cover them up. Same with discolored eyelids, it looks so cute.

No. 1294468


No. 1294471

Takes a few days, but you can message support and say you don't have a phone number. Had to do this on like two different accounts, but I got unbanned no questions asked.

No. 1294479

thanks nonnies! I have eyebags like that and i used to be really insecure about it. im glad to see that some people find it cute

No. 1294480

You can absolutely get too bulky from lifting weights, not in the sense of looking like a man necessarily, but most of the "LIFT HEAVY!!" girls I know look straight up fat and thick waisted. The body proportions lose gracefulness and become too broad, which also makes the woman look shorter. Like yeah, you have a massive horse ass, but also giant legs and a lot of arm fat unless you're in the cutting phase.
I am not an anachan, before anyone accuses me of rattling, I'm just more into yoga and bicycling and think that gymfags are delusional.

No. 1294490

? I’m sure buff girls aren’t unaware about how thick their thighs are. Clearly there’s a certain look they’re going for. Not everyone value dainty shoulders and snatched waists.

No. 1294494

As a butch that's the look I'm going for, kek, but I get what you mean.

No. 1294495

Your opinion is worthless.

No. 1294499

But anon buff women are hot

No. 1294502

You say that like its a bad thing.

No. 1294503

The opinion literally says gracefulness catch that too? Out here claiming muscular women are masculine underhanded.

No. 1294507

Thank god nobody in actual life will ever give a fuck about your measly opinion though

No. 1294515

Even as someone who isn't a fitnessfag, this just seems stupid. Some people don't care about having a tiny waist or small legs or having "grace" (as if that's determined by how your body looks and not by how you are as a person). Thinking that women look fat just because they get wider from gaining muscle is ridiculous. Thinking that women look bad if they're not skinny and tall with no muscle is ridiculous.

No. 1294518

Please don't be insecure about it nonna! People who don't have it often have moonfaces, I even give all my drawings slight eyebags because it looks more realistic kek. It's natural and I think it's very cute anyway, makes your eyes look bigger too.

No. 1294519

>tfw have a moonface and eyebags

No. 1294526

Thanks for saying exactly what I think anon. It's the subtle sexism of the post that rubbed me the wrong way.

No. 1294531

oh no, an actually unpopular opinion in the unpopular opinions thread kek

No. 1294542

Someone always feels a need to say this, but do you realize posting in the Unpopular Opinions thread doesn't give anyone immunity to people calling you an idiot and disagreeing?

No. 1294562

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Mitski's music sucks ass

She was getting noticed when I was about 15, and back then I really enjoyed the angry messiness of many of her songs. Actually, some of them, occasionally are good. However, most of them are DULL, and her fans are so annoying

>most songs are

>this guy doesn't like me back how will i live
>im objectifying myself for men IN AN EXISTENTIALLY AWARE WAY
>im a ~woc~ which means i'm a victim of society and my life i s hard (had a privileged upbringing due to rich dad(white))
>omg im struggling for money definitely near homeless i hate capitalism rr (refer back to rich family)
>omg white people stop fetishizing me by watching me(refer back to white dad and white boyfriends)

Furthermore, Laurel Hell sucks ass it's not even lyrically clever, the instrumentals try too hard, it just sounds like a dry sandwich.
MIGHT I ADD that her fans, especially the r*ddit fans, are all so whingy, like 'how DARE people have their own interpretation of a song', or just whinging about being gay, poc, depressed, it's so obnoxious. this is coming from a lesbian and a second gen immigrant.
♥ sorry for my unhinged rant desu ♥

No. 1294566

Disagree, her diddies are fun.

No. 1294579

Love me a sexy butch with thick thighs and arms

No. 1294581

I agree, but are these eyebags? They’re more like sunken under eyes (there’s nothing wrong with that and I prefer it over filler face tbh)
I love colored eyelids too! It’s like natural makeup on the eyes

No. 1294592

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bring back skeuomorphic web design immediately. cut it out with the ugly lazy minimalist crap that looks like it barely took any effort. i hate seamless. i hate it. i want all the seems and also one more thing is i want the chunkiest of electronics thats right i love crt displays, i love to be able to plug in one hundred wires into my electronics. i hate sleakness with my entire being. so ugly and boring and soulless.
>its easier to understand and easier on the eyes and akshually it takes more effort because lalalalalalalala
i dont give damn. it looks absolutely unpalatable to me and its made it even harder for older folks or the illiterate to use their own electronics because everything is so goddamn small or overlookable one way or another. stop this madness. you are not impressing me whatsoever with your garbage mathematical predictions or whatever the truth of the matter is that everything is so ugly plain boring etc. i could go on for sunsets.
its like everything has to require minimal everything ever. it seriously pisses me off.
>omg it costs too much
GOOD. not everybody has to have everything. did you ever think about that, no because you just want to keep consooming. plus there will always be somebody that makes a cheaper less good version like they literally did in the past. also prices didnt even get cheaper from my observation if anything they got even more expensive with just as many features but ugly and flat. infuriating.

No. 1294619

Isn't Mirski's most popular song just whining that a white guy doesn't like her

No. 1294627

classic rock (motley crue, aerosmith, ACDC, kiss etc etc) sucks ass. it all sounds terrible, like some shitty screeching guitar with with a moid screaming over it. all the songs are about drugs and/or girls. the men in those bands are all ugly as fuck manwhores who only got into them so they could get pussy. the fact that groupies exist and that so many women idolize those men is kind of embarrassing.

No. 1294628

Non-asians look goofy when they try to be kpop idols

No. 1294632

Yup. And many of her other songs.

No. 1294648

Just say Oli London, it's ok anon kek

No. 1294661

Ariana grande

No. 1294663

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it used to bother me alot as a teen but then i started noticing how common it is and that most of my family members has it too. also i also like to add it into my drawings because of realism lol

No. 1294665

Kind of agree, but also disagree. "My Body's Made of Crushed Little Stars" fucks, so do her jazzier songs, etc etc. I used to dislike her because of the sad/boring songs but now IDGAF. Half of people who even know who she is are also privileged, so that's not a problem to me either. We complain about authenticity, but no one really wants to hear songs about being a rich girl or boy, and people who actually struggle don't really get famous because they don't have $$$/connections and most people don't dig for truly outsider or indie music these days.
Also, ignore all fandoms and you will always win. Simple as

No. 1294681


No. 1294688

The sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for women. How low does a straight woman has to fall to cry over none of the guys she regularly blows wanting to date him? As much as I would love to cynically laugh at them, I just can’t because we really failed them. Everything works in the favour of males, even things that were ‘meant’ to help us like birth control. Men will whore around until they hit the wall and are ready to “settle down” at 30 and leave a trail of women behind who don’t know why he left even if she let him degrade her in any way he saw fit and had no standards.

No. 1294694

Agreed. I hate the normalization of porn, sex work, and hookup culture. Men are retarded and think that a woman's ability to choose means having sex with any guys she sees or something. Handmaidens eat up this rhetoric because they're handmaidens. Scrotes encourage this because it obviously benefits them.

No. 1294695

>How low does a straight woman has to fall to cry over none of the guys she regularly blows wanting to date him?
is this really as common as people on the interent make it seem? I don't know any straight women my age (early 20s) who live like this

No. 1294700

I wouldn’t know, this is a personal anecdote.

No. 1294701

It isn't ime. The opposite maybe, I've only seen moids complaining about women not wanting to settle down. Well, unless you are hc FDS maybe and the moid doesn't propose on the first date lol.

No. 1294703

I NEED there to be F-Pop in this world. Just like kpop, more innocent, upbeat, themed, that sort of stuff. F-Pop will mean either French Pop or Finnish Pop, as French and Finnish are the two best languages on earth. So yeah, there should be pop in those languages - kpop/2000s pop style. Just to make the laulu more interesting

No. 1294705

Retards be like
>mm u know what this tea needs? Balls.

No. 1294717

Seriously, fuck those tapioca balls. The texture is gross like do I chew it? Do I just slurp down the balls? If I chew it I'm kind of swishing the tea between my teeth and that makes me uncomfortable. I might be kind of autist about this but what are the fucking point of the balls! God damn!!

No. 1294733

I like milk tea (boba without the boba) but don't pretend it's healthy. I tolerate boba but would rather have it without. That said I don't buy it out because it's like $8 for a beverage I could get from a $0.40 packet.

People have weird conceptions of what "healthy" constitutes. They'll be like, "yeah fruit juice is soooo healthy i'm on a juice cleanse lol!" and then you find out they're chugging gallons of fruit-flavored drink that's half corn syrup on top of eating 3 pizzas a day. Same with people who "don't like the taste of water." You just know they'll be 400 lbs by 40.

No. 1294746

Yo EXACTLY my brain gets so confused like ‘is it food or is it drink?!?’ Or do you just suck all the balls at the end, and slurp the drink part first?

No. 1294753

>French and Finnish are the two best languages on earth

this just seems like such a random choice of languages

No. 1294765

The joy of the balls is just letting them surprise you. You just drink your drink and if you get some tapioca you chew it and continue drinking, you don't consume in any particular order.

No. 1294767

Jelly + pudding + red beans > boba
Seriously boba is white people shit

No. 1294768

Ntayrt. Hmmm I don't like the spontaneity. I prefer my drinks with no surprises, personally.

No. 1294770

Is that like a thai dessert, I never had that how does it taste?

No. 1294787

I hate chiptune.

No. 1294793

I don’t want the balls to surprise me, I want to drink without getting them in my mouth. I guess for people who like surprises, this might be nice, but it’s not for me.

No. 1294794

it legit sounds awful. i like playing retro games but i always end up turning the sound off because chiptune gets so annoying in the long wrong. i will never understand people who claims a chiptune soundtrack is the greatest soundtrack of all time. same with people who remix non chiptune songs into chiptune. why ruin a perfectly good song?

No. 1294802

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The Gumi version of Candy Candy is better than Kyary's original. Also, Ninjari Ban Ban is the best Kyary song.

No. 1294805

You sound very hateful towards other women honestly, you should probably look into why it bothers you so much that other women have "giant legs" and "a lot of arm fat".
Plus having a built ass with twig legs looks stupid, of course you'd want/need built legs to support your built ass.

No. 1294808

All modern YouTubers suck, they are all too scared of being authentic because that's ''cringe'', are constantly walking on eggshells not to be canceled, are overly political for no reason, and have the same ''ironic'' humor, also all of them are pedos and/or scammers and only doing it for the money/fame.

No. 1294854

They don't settle down even at 30, unless they're fucking bald. MAYBE by 45 if they want a baby.
Lysistrata when????

No. 1294856

"built asses" are disgusting like bolt on tits though, its over sexualized in media

No. 1294860

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I really like Rin's version of Tsukema Tsukeru, it's really cute. For me, Kyary absolutely peaked at Moshi Moshi Harajuku and Pamyu Pamyu Revolution (even though it might be the nostalgia talking), and here's my Kyary songs ranking:
1. Cherry Bon Bon
2. Giri giri safe
3. Choudo ii no/Pinpon ga nai
4. Drinker/jelly
Have you ever watched the Chan Chaka Chan Chan presentation where she cries? With the big bears and anything, the part where she cries also makes me cry too for some reason lol
Also I will never forget kyarychan's mod for deleting the blog, that whole "Kyary's a pedo!!1" thing was ridiculous

No. 1294871

But you are aware that unlike bolt-on tits, this is natural for plenty of women, right? Like it’s normal for women especially fit women to have mew two legs and deciding that every woman like this has a “disgusting bbl” is very moid-like and retarded.

No. 1294879

>I don’t hate women and I don’t have body image issues
>waaaah her shoulders are too broad, her arms are too fat, why does she do this to herself, she’s lost her dainty feminine shape, she should be doing yoga like me and only then will her body be acceptable to meeeeee!!
Go face the corner and think about what you’ve just done.

No. 1294887

I'm naturally broad. If anything lifting heavy filled in my huge, tending towards spoopiness, skeleton. I never had any grace, not every woman was made for that or has to be that way. I always did better with the more physical sports rather than graceful ones.

No. 1294900

Nah, they look strong, cool, and feminine. Women don't always have to be dainty.

No. 1294968

You are probably thinking off "Your Best American Girl" its literally venting about a white guy preferring a white girl and the comments section is also just woc venting about the same thing

No. 1294984

Strawberry blonde is about the same thing isn’t it. Kind of sad, really.

No. 1294988

tbf its about the "All American Boy" i.e hot white guys not liking them, and its true to a minor extent, most hot white guys who want long term relationships usually don't consider dating WOC, I don't think its out of active bigotry rather they just don't want the baggage, I look at my own relationship as an example, we started out as friends before we started dating but If he never knew me, he'd never consider ever asking me out casually

No. 1294989

where did it say anything about BBLs?
it just says, that lifting CAN make women too bulky, that's it. the prevailing idea of "go on, become a powerlifter, you won't get too bulky we promise" is bullshit.
if you want to look bulky? that's awesome. rock on. but if you don't want to look bulky, you shouldn't be out there doing heavy weightlifting.
god you guys seem so pressed. I'm sorry you can't wear normal jeans anymore

No. 1294990

The only one that's pressed is you, about other women's bodies.

No. 1294993

Awww bro I love marketplace, there’s so much great furniture and shit from there. I’ve been lucky and have gotten really nice items for on the way cheap.

No. 1294997

This is pathetic

No. 1294999

This contradicts every stupid whinge you’ve posted already. Women aren’t retarded, they know they’re bulking and they clearly want to bulk. Also assuming all of us are this type of woman because we defend women’s bodily autonomy is a pathetic cope on your end. Nobody is using your stupid English rose Audrey Hepburn uptight beauty ideals as a blueprint anyways.

No. 1295003

I’m not gc in the way a lot of anons here are and never will be (no I’m not a newfag, yes I’ve always been here, no I don’t sit around and argue with anons about it literally ever, yes I read gc threads) but I swear to god I hate agps with a seething passion and they’re ruining any chance of people just being gnc. Also I think anyone who is a sex criminal should be entirely stripped of their transgender identity because no, old Chester the molester is not a woman named Christine, he is an agp predator and should not be in a facility with women. I feel like this is a natural and reasonable opinion and I don’t know why people are too scared to be critical of actual sexual predators—men who have raped and or murdered!—just because of kneejerk defensive sensitivity. It drives me crazy because people will be like “oh that’s not really a thing that happens” when it is, in droves, and it’s mostly nasty weird Caucasian males that want all accountability erased and to feel safe while incarcerated. That’s about it for me tbh otherwise idc and also don’t care if someone wants to identify as a zir named Spoon.

No. 1295018

I agree, I can't do anything fitness adjacent without having to listen to someone sperg about weight training. Nothing elicits more rage than stating that you actually like the thin waif look and want to keep it.

No. 1295019

No one was upset at OP for saying she wants to be thin. That's literally that last thing that would get you judged on lolcow.

No. 1295020

Samefag but also,

No. 1295028

Anon didn’t say that. Nobody gives a fuck if you want to be thin anon, I promise.

No. 1295035

>glances at treadmill
"cArDiO dOeS LiTeRaLlY nOtHiNg, yOu NeEd tO LiFt hEaVyYyYy"

No. 1295037

Drinker and Jelly are my personal favorite songs from her. But I like Jelly by Capsule a little bit more than the Kyary version.

No. 1295058

Milk is good and tasty. Shorties will disagree

No. 1295061

human milk yeah, I liked that
cow milk, just no

No. 1295088

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Agree, her music isn't my taste and every single Midski fan I've met is annoying as hell.

No. 1295122

listened to a three minute mitski song fell asleep 46 times

No. 1295181

Parent shaming is not wrong, in fact it should be widely accepted and encouraged. It’s about the only thing that makes them get their kids to behave in public and not ruin things for everyone else by screaming and tantruming and getting in everyone’s way. If your kid behaves badly, it is YOUR fault and I will give you dirty looks.

No. 1295244

I don't think it's fair that there are no websites where women can truly say whatever they want like 4chan. On women dominated sites everyone is expected to be nice or we get banned or are mini modded by other users. Meanwhile over on 4chan men can say the most insane shit and they aren't banned usually .

No. 1295247

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No. 1295248

What kind of shit are you looking to say? No one gets banned on LC for not being nice kek.

No. 1295249

KEK you are killing me nona

No. 1295250

I know I'm dying too. I hope she's awake for a bit.

No. 1295251

Anyone who spams cp deserves to be treated like dogshit I’m so tired of it

No. 1295252

A lot of anons have an issue with infighting but the infighting on here seems pretty tame compared to male dominate sites. The mods have pretty much given up but I remember a time when debating usually ended in red text and one of the people getting banned.

No. 1295254

We had a post from admin a few days ago, she said we're currently understaffed and are about to have a website update so moderation has been slack. Idk when the update is happening, I know it's soon and the site will be offline for at least a day. After the site has been updated she is going to open mod applications again and hopefully we get some new and capable mods. I know some anons from the cytube were considering applying.

No. 1295258

You should apply to be a mod. Then you'll actually know who the scrote is instead of spending your whole day starting shit with anons who you think are them.

No. 1295265

I appreciate her work regardless

No. 1295268

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No. 1295273

Talking to your friends about your problems is horrible advice and youre better off suffering in silence. If you're ever going through something mentally(for example a bad break up, depression) don't go to your friends about it. 99% of the time you're going to feel worse afterward.It sucks to not only feel like shit because your life is shit but to also add feeling ashamed, embarrassed and goofy because you told all your business to a friend is even worse. I have never had any situation in life where talking to a friend helped kek

No. 1295287

Then those aren't your friends.

No. 1295292

It's very rare to meet friends who will be helpful in times of distress.

No. 1295293

definitely true. unfortunately most friendships all have their certain specific purpose. at least that's how i see it. i have friends for specific reasons/uses. most people are rarely wholly helpful or well rounded as people or friends.

No. 1295328

I don't mind troons if they pass and aren't sexually attracted to women. I don't mind the ones who want men, they are usually not creepy for some reason.

No. 1295368

All troons are cancerous.

No. 1295386

I wouldn't mind them if they were nice, but they're all woman haters in the end kek. If a crush of theirs is into women, he'll sperg out on his SM and call vaginas ugly or fishy, or both.

No. 1295698

But gay troons are horribly misogynistic to women tho, look at blaire white.

No. 1295715

You can say pretty much anything unless it’s gratuitous racism. Like “I think black people should be shot” for example (that’s just an example blease no ban) We are superior to moids so yes we do put our foot down for a bit more. On 4chan you can be a proud paedophile or talk about wanting to rape women, etc. It’s not something we should strive for.

No. 1295733

I don’t care about infighting because it’s “not nice,” I care because it’s dull and clogs the threads with what usually amounts to running in circles.

No. 1295745

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This. I’m tired of keeping my mouth shut because I don’t know how hard it is to have kids. YOU choose to have children after all. Also I’m sorry but if you have children I can choose to not hang up with you so often because your children annoy me and I want to have adult conversations and not play with toys.

No. 1295761

this. i hate when parents act like the world revolves around them and their kids. they act entitled as if raising children is some huge burden. yes, but you chose ton take on the burden, deal with it. we're not related, i have no responsibility for your choices.

No. 1295865

Kek what, you’ll be called a whore, a retard, a moid, a scrote after a minor disagreement anon
On the contrary I wish it was more peaceful and we could talk about topics related to women without deranged schizo anons infighting. Mods stopped banning people for infighting and now it’s happening in almost every thread

No. 1295882

BPD is the new female hysteria. It's over-diagnosed in women (in men the same traits are typically diagnosed as C-PTSD) & it's often diagnosed as a way to signal on paperwork that a patient is non-compliant. I don't trust any medical professional who isn't critical of it as a diagnosis. inb4 i am accused of having it

No. 1295888

I can't wait for the gen z vs gen alpha Era in the next 10 years. Gen alpha has so much embarrassing content to tease gen z with because they put everything online.

No. 1295890

no tru scotswoman

No. 1295893

A few days ago I overheard my neighbors relative reassuring her that she's a fantastic mother! I can confidently say just from living next to them that they are not. Couple of drugges, neglecting her. A different neighbor stopped me that same day to discuss the possibility of getting child sevices involved. How to do that without backlash. You're a fab mommy!

No. 1295898

I wonder what gen alpha will become and how annoying they'll be. They will probably be more annoying than the gen z's considering every generation is shaped by the previous generation before it, and we all know gen z is annoying as fuck as a whole (inb4 any zoomers come at me, I am a zoomer myself). I wonder if their attention spans will be absolute dogshit (and what will result from it) since they're the ones growing up on elsagate randomly generated mickey impregnates minnie youtubekids shit. Zoomers grew up with cheap shit but gen alpha is growing up with even cheaper looking shit, and it's only gonna get cheaper. I can't wait to be old and shaking my fists at the kids.

No. 1295909

Alphas are going to be absolutely fucked in the head.

No. 1295916

I was inpatient a few years ago after having something like a nervous breakdown. While I was there other patients asked me which psych had been appointed to oversee me during my stay, I told them. The reaction was laughter and then concern. She had a reputation for handing out a BPD diagnosis to everyone she sees. I wasn't worried. I'm so many years into getting help already and I know I don't show those traits… I'm familiar with it and don't believe I have it myself. I'm good. Til one day she starts listing off the traits to me during a meeting and my jaw nearly drops. She's trying to get me to say I have traits that I just don't. My file is in front of her and she can't claim I have any recorder history of this. I also felt like she was leading my asnwers where she wanted them to go. I don't want to tell her about her reputation or what others had warned me because in a way I felt like that could be used to further pin bpd on me? I was suddenly scared to speak up at all. She had a weirdly stern manner about her compared to any other psych I've seen so I asked to be switched over to someone else. I felt backed into a bad situation and wanted nothing to do with her. She seemed annoyed, she made the switch over difficult and it delayed my discharge by a while but I was just floored that other patients had called it. It opened my eyes.

The power these people have is scary once you're inpatient. I've never had a negative view or interaction with a professional outside of her but she wasn't all right in herself imo. Even her manner was hostile. I've never been diagnosed with anything related to it since but damn she met me and within a week wanted me to take this label on, for what? To this day I don't know what the pay off is for her.

No. 1295961

Yeah those are not really eyebags but tear troughs. There are different reasons why they occur. Some people just have hollow undereyes, but it can be caused by excess fat right below the eye, undereye fat pad drooping with age, volume loss, facial muscles and bone collapse.

No. 1296044

People being diagnosed with things inpatient that they just straight up do not have is such a weird phenomenon, it seems to be everywhere. My friend went inpatient at a place where literally everyone would get diagnosed with autism by one psych in order to explain self harm behaviour. Idk how they can call themselves professionals when they just stamp one diagnosis on anyone who crosses their path, it's insane.

No. 1296051

I'm not too knowledgable on the subject so my opionion is irrelevant, but I do find it weird that I have never seen a man with a BPD diagnosis but I have seen plenty of women with it. Also all of those women have experience something traumatic. Devil advocate: maybe men just aren't as open about their diagnosis, but it still doesn't change the fact that BPD has a stigma as a "woman disorder".

No. 1296053

It's genetic for many, for me it is. I had them as a little kid and see other kids have them, too.

No. 1296097

I think parents are to blame for the majority of the time for their kids shitty eating habits. Why is it that kids are being pushed into eating shitty fast food and candy, I feel as though I'm being gaslit because I don't want my niece to eat that crap. Now there are people saying that it's abusive to not let your child eat only candy and that it blocks out intuitive eating, I don't mind her having a piece of candy once a week.

No. 1296110

I empathise with a lot of the commenters tbh, most of them seem to have issues that extend beyond white boys not wanting them and genuine have self hate issues tied to their race.

No. 1296122

Hardcore shippers are always weird as fuck and come across as low functioning autists, especially if the ship hasn't even kissed.
I don't get it.

No. 1296123

Sugar filled diets are the reason why kids go through puberty so early now. And especially parents of boys think it’s a good thing and boast about how big their child is. They’re all going to grow up to be obese, diseased, manlets.

No. 1296133

I used to find this video pathetic, but the song itself is good and has a message of self-acceptance and love.
Anyway, it's a fact that white scrotes pump and dump women of other races to fulfill their fetishes. They know they can get away with it, so they do. I think this compassionate/sad approach is actually the best way of calling out this uncomfortable thing without triggering moid rage or validation-hungry pickmes.

No. 1296159

I thought it was the hormones in meat that caused that

No. 1296166

Nta. Reaching a certain weight is the main trigger for puberty in girls. So in a way sugar is a large part of it but just overeating in general is the main cause.

No. 1296176

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I ship characters I like and think are made for each other very often but one of my friends takes it way too fucking far so now I kind of agree. Next time I hear about Cloud/Tifa I'm killing myself. I like Final Fantasy as a whole despite not having played all the mainline games and she almost ruined the whole series for me just because of how often she talks about her "OTP" and how much she cries about her money and budget while spending hundreds and hundreds of euros on doujinshi and overpriced official merchandises. "Ooh next time I'll buy a NSFW cloti dounjinshi uwu, don't judge me XD" please don't ban me, she really types XD all the fucking time no bitch I don't judge you because you just bought a doujinshi with a fade to black vaguely implied straight sex scene in it, I judge you because you won't shut the fuck up about it. Thank god she talks about her Ladybug ship way less often because how obsessed she is over that shitty, ugly cartoon at her big age to the point she'll go to McDonalds just for the toys is baffling. Anyway, rant over.

No. 1296179

Don't get me started . I got into an argument with my sister when my niece was barely 3 years old because she was letting her drink coke and eating huge bags of cheetos. Sugar ruins your child's brain development and causes early addiction to it.

No. 1296188

Me neither.

No. 1296204

sperg but i think i qualify as a hardcore shipper. In my defense my approach to shipping is very tounge-in-cheek. Sometimes i see two characters who i think has a great dynamic together but im also aware that they are never going to be canon and the author never intended for them to have romantic feelings towards eachother. I will make jokes like "they are so in love its canon" but as i said, its meant to be tounge-in-cheek and i only make jokes like that in front of my friends who i know ship the same thing. I think people who genuinely think a parring is going to become canon because two characters are standing next to eachother are delulu. fandom and shipping is only fun when you dont take it too seriously.
honestly i dont get adults who gets obsessive over childrens media like if you are casual about it im not going to judge but I sideeye people who buys toys made for toddlers and go to McDonalds to get toys. Why is that so common among cartoon fans?. Also shipping from Japan to Europe is expensive I dont know why your friend even bothers

No. 1296214

>I will make jokes like "they are so in love its canon" but as i said, its meant to be tounge-in-cheek and i only make jokes like that in front of my friends who i know ship the same thing.
Me too, but my friend who ships cloti doesn't seem to understand that my other friends and I are just making hyperboles as jokes just like you do, because she'll say this and mean it and be obnoxious about it non-stop and bring it up in contexts where it makes no sense to bring it up.

>Also shipping from Japan to Europe is expensive I dont know why your friend even bothers

It is, but I think she somehow managed to befriend Japanese people so they try to send her some things too as presents from time to time, like when they planned events online and not irl because of covid. The issue is that even like this it gets expensive. And as I said, she buys official stuff from physical stores in out city, with means that eve without shipping fees it gets crazy expensive. If money weren't an issue for her, good for her but that's clearly not the case. You know how some anons will post pictures of husbando/waifu shrines and itabags in the consoomer thread? That's almost how her room looks.

No. 1296314

Most people join the entertainment industry just so they can abuse kids and weaker people. Especially in kpop. Most of these companies don't even plan on making any money with their idols so what's the point.

No. 1296481

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>the future we chose

No. 1296585

The 1990s seemed like a terrible decade

No. 1296587

That's a very popular opinion here in the Balkans

No. 1296603

fujoshi’s are embarrassing and straight femdom pegging leads men into homosexuality

No. 1296605

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for most of the world it was horrible, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the communist order caused missive chaos around the world, my nation was plagued by ethnic paramilitary squads and Islamists killing each other(my father almost get shot during this time by muhajirs cause he was tall and people assumed he was a pashtun), it was also the decade where Islamism came to the mainstream in almost every Muslim country

No. 1296608

>straight femdom pegging leads men into homosexuality
good, more yaoi

No. 1296612

What are they watching?

No. 1296616

The virgin anon

The based chad anon

No. 1296764

I posted that unpopular opinion exactly because of Cloud and Tifa shippers. I don't even think it's a bad ship they're just all insane and fucking weird. 40 year old women sending death threats on twitter because some 18 year old prefers Cloud with Aerith.

No. 1297036

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Bread is disgusting

No. 1297574

am former fatty and i fucking hate fat people. my fat friend took me to panera bread today because it was a ‘healthy’ option which just means it’s more expensive than fast food but with the same shitty quality and gross ingredients, I saw a couple there who looked like twins because they were the exact same size and shape, probably around 350-400lbs and looked like bouncy balls. at that point just go to McDonald’s or KFC you’re not fooling anyone

No. 1297908

Taxes are a scam to enslave the underclass. Rich people should have to pay them only

No. 1297910


No. 1297920

This seems to happen with just about every former fatty I know, kek. They go through this phase where they just viciously start hating fat people and binge on videos made by angry fitness youtubers to shame themselves like the good reformed fatty they are. You'll feel better once the phase is over.

No. 1297923

I don't like scrotes but I don't like other women either. I went into real life with that "other women are my allies" mentality and ended up being humiliated lol
When I finally went outside and went to normie places like clubs etc I realized I can't stand women equally but for different reasons.

No. 1297924

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Not this again

No. 1297925

Nonnies, not to be rude, but why do some of the fat people who lost or are losing weight become extremely rude and passive-agressive towards people around them? They also feel all smug and excuse their rude behavior. I seen that happening both in men and women. I don't get it. They always act like they are about to snap.

No. 1297929

Female solidarity does not exist in real life.

No. 1297932

My mom used to be fat all her life and she is so annoying to be around most of the time. All she does is talk about fat people. LIKE OK I GET IT.

No. 1297937

pretty sure it's the same retard too

No. 1297938

They probably finally feel like they have the right to say the things they assumed everyone else was saying about them. Nothing wrong with feeling accomplished and a bit smug when you've managed to work hard and change your lifestyle, but why the assholery?

Probably. Best to ignore them, I bet.

No. 1297969

NTA but I am so waiting for this in my own life. >>1297908
Dangerously based

No. 1297983

I'm more annoyed at women bc I'm sperg and they're more social and "emotional" (it's not a bad thing actually) meanwhile talking with 99% of men is like basically talking with souless AI chatbot

No. 1297988

First mistake is going to normie places and expecting the normie women there to accomodate and like your sperg ass. Go places where you know the people will be like you. Go to locoal library functions or w/e. Why would you, as an imageboard dwelling dork, try to make friends with a normie club-going woman? Obviously there will be disconnect.

No. 1297991

The problem is they are super jealous and competitive and I didn't even think I was the type of person people could be jealous of lol a few weeks ago some girl I met tried to fight me over a bag of chips

No. 1297993

Who are you referring to?

No. 1297996

sage for late but I agree. Her music is shit and she seems melodramatic & pretentious. No wonder twitter loves her so much

No. 1298043

Women who are regular club goers tend to have a certain lifestyle (not all of them, but most, and many need to be with you alone for you to get to actually know them anyway). No duh. This reeks of you being a sheltered person who hasn't made any effort to understand the outside world. Check out libraries or comic book shop events to see if other women go there. You can also volunteer at animal shelters or any cause you care about and I guarantee you will find more women that match you better. If you view women as a pure monolith, it seems like you just belie everything you see irl based off of your online beliefs.

No. 1298140

Oh God it's you again.

No. 1298159

maybe it’s because im autistic and don’t understand when people are being subtle/catty but I’ve never had this problem with women. Even when I have those in close to complain about a woman who is mean/catty I get confused because they’re usually always really nice to me/I didn’t notice those vibes. They’re usually all so nice to your face and easy to get along with and have conversations with, men are just disgusting and so dumb they’re difficult to have conversations with.

No. 1298213

>you veiw women as a monolith

No, I view humans as a monolith. I've tried hanging out with the bookish types too but they are actually too boring for me. I went on bumble bff a few months ago and came to the conclusion that I only enjoy being around myself.

No. 1298234

Finn wolfhard is going to grow up to be like ezra miller

No. 1298242

I wish I had a fitting meme to respond to this entire post. I'm praying you're just underage.

No. 1298246

but you are somehow excluded from the monolith or are you just as boring as everyone else?

No. 1298249

Nope, I'm not excluded from the monolith. If I wasn't me I probably wouldn't hangout with me either lol

No. 1298253

I hope not for the sake of the international community.

No. 1298282

Getting no romantic attention from your peers in your formative years(age 12-19)will fuck up your ability to have normal relationships as an adult

No. 1298298

Put them in a ring.

No. 1298302

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Plot twist anon is actually a giant isopod

No. 1298421

they lost all the weight and people started treating them better, and realized just how much people's behavior change based on weight. So they get a lil bitter, and a lil smug from the new attention

No. 1298464

i love those. it makes me mad when people eat them

No. 1298492

I know what you mean. Normies, normie-lites, and aspiring normies abound. Nobody wants to get too weird because there's too many normies around.

I stay at home, and I'm positive the women I could hang with are also at home, but since we're all at home we'll never meet and actually hang out.

No. 1298642

If everyone knew their color season then there would be way less waste from clothing companies, I'm not defending those companies but if a majority of people know what made them look washed out then we would either buy less or at least look more stylin.

No. 1298647

I mean I like seafood but I would never put my teeth in that, there's a limit to how alien something can look until I no longer want to eat it.

No. 1299004

I love dry rotisserie chicken. Like, not exclusively, but I always look forward to getting the last ones that are crunchy on the outside and a little dry on the inside.

No. 1299038

This goes for color season as well as kibbe types or something of that nature. If people knew how to style the body they have and not the body they wish they had they’d wind up hanging on to a lot more clothes.

No. 1299706

Its not really that complicated, most people who are "good" at sports usually start out as children, with either varying degrees of encouragement/pressure from their parents, and well most liberal and feminist parents are just not willing to raise their children like that and so that's why there are so few feminist women in sports, one thing I noticed when I did MMA was that almost all of them had close relationships with their fathers and were dating other athletes or regular fit dudes
I remember there was a paper on women who did MMA and powerlifting in Sweden and according to the paper 80% of them had center right to far right wing views, this dichotomy is being shown right now, with troons invading women sports, vast majority of women who support this are women who have never done professional, amateur level level sports or any type of physical activity in their lives, but if you were to ask 99% of women who have done real sports, they'll tell you that trannies do not belong in women's sports

case in point, AnnMaria De Mars(Ronda Rousey's mom) a Judo champion and Olympian and trail blanzer for American women entering Judo and she's an arch-conservative who has contributed to Fox News and shit talks her own daughter for not being enough of a fighter

No. 1299973

Rachel Dolezal is actually less offensive to black people than the average tranny is to women. Dolezal seems to have had a rather traumatic family history from what I have read and the only people that showed her kindness growing up were her black adopted siblings and other black people in her life, which made her identify more with black people to the point of… all this tomfoolery. She also actually tried to advocate for black people without reducing us to stereotypes, but we all know and agree that her upbringing and intentions do not excuse her actions. Meanwhile trannies are allowed to define womanhood by pornographic tropes and openly talk about how porn made them troon out and how they hate "cis women" or "AFABs" and somehow that's perfectly fine. One time I even managed to find double whammy trannies, white men pretending to be "black women" but more like "bbc ghetto whores" of course. The average trans activist would chastise these men for cultural appropriation while also blaming this on "white women" and also chastising anyone who "misgendered" those men. Hmmm…

No. 1300003

> She also actually tried to advocate for black people without reducing us to stereotypes,
she faked several hate crimes. she's a joke

No. 1300014

And trannies are even more of a joke than her. If she acted like a MTF tranny she would not only have faked hate crimes but also openly stated that racism is not that bad since it validates her identity as a black person.

No. 1300065

Do I have a stick up my ass if I have never found Mike Myers funny at all whatsoever and Austin Powers strikes me as immature moid humor, and the girls who like it are either pickme or the type who think farts are funny

No. 1300075

nah those movies were trash

No. 1300156

Nonna you can dislike films without calling other women pickmes. Those movies are shit but now you're just acting like a 5 year old.

No. 1300172

Literally no fat person should pay attention to people who claim "90% of people who lose weight just gain it all back within 5 years, weight loss doesn't work!". It's unironically a "crabs in the bucket" mentality. If you actually do the work to change your lifestyle and don't do anything as a "fad diet", you'll never be fat again. Simple as

No. 1300177

exactly. i don't think anon knows what a pickme is

No. 1300419

Anon thank you for saying this, I hate this misuse of pickme to shit on women who aren't pickme lately

No. 1300484

i hate Dolezal for faking the hate crimes, but I don't understand why she was the only one who got so much shit when Shaun King can still do whatever and he is basically the same and still has an army of actual idiot fangirls. Its like activism blackfishing is ok as long as you have a penis and look slightly ~ethnically ambiguous enough~

No. 1300584

>shit talks her own daughter for not being enough of a fighter
to be fair to Ronda's mom, everyone shit talks Ronda for being a shitty fighter after the way she lost to Holm. And Ronda's mom was absolutely right about everything she said about Ronda's coach.

No. 1300587

In many cases I do think you can apply "modern morality" standards to the past. People too often act like everyone was a monolith back in the day and will excuse iffy opinions with the idea that just everyone back then believed that. You know how often when you look into it, you can actually find that there were people back then, usually women, who called that person out for their iffy opinions? I feel like it almost does a disservice to those people to just act like everyone had the same morality back then, when there were actually women who were centuries ahead with their ideas. However, those women are never focused on. People always focus on someone with one or two progressive ideas, but generally adheres to the "past morality" standards. It's almost like people enjoy justifying iffy shit.

No. 1300629

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I don't know. I got into MMA partially because of the story of Marloes Coenen and her recommending women to get into martial arts for self defense and gaining confidence. She goes to women's union conferences and a women's health conference, about how sex differences affect health, reaction to medication, how bad misogynistic plastic surgery is and that gaining muscle is more important for women healthwise than losing fat. There are also a disproportionate amount of lesbian MMA athletes who tend to be progressive. Progressive doesn't automatically have to include supporting TiMs in women's sports.
Austin Powers is a satirization of (English) masculinity (both modern and 60's) and how random masculinity standards actually are. It's definitely low culture, but it's Mike Myers being a camp bio drag king. He's a man without a functioning dick, yet women still want him (and men are obsessed with dick, just look at incels). He is prosthetic masculinity, the fembots are prosthetic femininity. Vanessa is the character who voices the audience's opinion of Powers. The female gaze.

No. 1300683

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There is actually nothing wrong with the Mike Pence rule (not being alone with the opposite gender) and if I had a partner I'd expect we both followed it.

But that said, I feel in the workplace or school I can quickly work out who I can be alone with. For all the men talking about "false sex accusations", how can you not perceive the type of women to leverage those accusations? When I'm in a new class or workplace I keep to myself until I work out who is who, it doesn't take long to work out who are the hysterical gossipers and who are the good people. After those three weeks you're all good, and you just hang out with the good people.

How do retards even stumble into false sexual accusations? How can you just not perceive it?

No. 1300712

false accusations for men occur on a near microscopic level and you have to understand A LOT of men enjoy attention from any kind of woman, no matter how batshit crazy, and actively fuck with their heads. so yeah they don't really care, besides, it's hardly even a thing. and mike pence is full of shit, he's probably trawling bars at night for dick.

No. 1300721

I just see it as shitty people colliding into shitty people. I follow the Mike Pence rule, although not stringently, it's sort of a "until I trust you" thing I guess. Although I don't have a boyfriend.

No. 1300742

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note I said people who are "good" in professional MMA and other sports usually have a conservative upbringing, there are progressive people who get in later and are driven by their own passions but they have a handicap, even the example of the fighter you mentioned Marloes Coenen, she had a family that had a history of participating in Martial Arts and actively encouraged her to train, can you imagine someone from a libfem family signing up their daughter in Martial Arts to learn self-defense to protect themselves from men

No. 1300743

does anyone know what christy martin's political leanings are? she's an actual inspiration and is tough as nails, it's insane.

No. 1300832

>can you imagine someone from a libfem family signing up their daughter in Martial Arts to learn self-defense to protect themselves from men
Is it thag strange? My parents forced my sisters and I to practice karate in middle school, my father because he wanted sons but didn't have any supposedly so he made us do a bunch of manly shit just to cope, and while my mother isn't a libfem she wanted us to learn how to defend ourselves against anyone, but especially against guys. I thought that was why there were so many girls in my club. Too bad out the karate club was fucking shit.

No. 1300839

most karate is bullshit. i've seen a lot of girls from all sorts of families in karate but it's crap, doesn't teach women or girls much for actual self defense, they're just daycare centers masking as "hobbies"

No. 1300851

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>Is it that strange?
it kinda is, a libfem would rather say "we should be teaching men not rape instead of having girls learn to defend themselves"
they think that teaching women and girls self defense is akin to victim blaming
true asf, only the full contact karate dojo's are semi decent for fighting and fitness, and for self defense Judo is way better

No. 1300855

I think most people accept the need to practice caution, self-defense and the like, but they are kinda right, it should come down to more men being able to accept a “no” rather than all women becoming karate experts. Imo they have a point.

No. 1300857

I see, my mother comes from a third world country so she's pretty aware of how degenerate and dangerous men can be, I guess that's why. As for karate, I confirm it. It was disappointing.

No. 1300859

Now if only men weren't so degenerate we could apply that logic in reality

No. 1300866

It should come down to that but no one leaves their doors unlocked because theft shouldn't be a thing, right? Teach boys not to rape and teach girls self defense, both can happen at the same time.

No. 1300875

Americans are really fucking annoying. They’re the most high maintenance people ever and their accents are fucking annoying. They sound like they’re enhancing it on purpose to show off that they’re American.

No. 1300877

Nta but I agree. Also, I think learning how to deal with that sort of "body contact" (like when someone stronger tries to tackle you) is important for girls and would probably give them more confidence to defend themselves physically. I know that women are different when it comes to that, but many just freeze when something like this happens because it's foreign to them and feels like a shock to the system.

No. 1300879

I don't see how you got "conservative" from that. The fact that her parents allowed her to do martial arts training means her family isn't all that conservative. If they were conservative, she wouldn't have been allowed to do such a "masculine" and "unladylike" sport. Her parents would at most whine about demographics and say that everyone would be safe if they weren't here, because Dutch dirty men in the forest don't exist. American conservatives maybe teach their daughters how to shoot and defend themselves, but in the Netherlands conservatism is usually linked to reformed orthodox Calvinism. They wouldn't send their daughters to martial arts training. Conservatives would rather put their daughters on hockey, gymnastics, tennis, stuff like that. They have the idea that women are already protected by the "ingroup", whether that group be based on nationality, race or religion. Girls being too enthusiastic about anything martial art related is heavily looked down upon in Dutch conservative circles, even if they literally give the opportunity to try it out a little. "Pretty choreography is fine, but the sparring was actually just meant for the boys." Even Muslim parents have to be a bit progressive in order to allow their daughters to do martial arts without a headcovering and in fairly tight and/or revealing clothes.

No. 1300888

It should be noted that Karate in its original form, involved mostly lifting heavy rock weights, conditioning exercise and lots of sparring, it was more closer to early Muay Thai then what we think of as Karate, it was just one sub-style(shotokan) which was created to more palatable to Japanese mainlanders that contributed to why modern Karate is useless as it is now, cause it was created not to teach people how to fight but to teach them discipline
honestly thinking of making a martial arts thread(if there isn't one already)
maybe conservative was the wrong term, but I think teaching children(not just girls) actual contact fighting definitely more correlates to right wing people then left

No. 1300914

Martial arts in general do have a right wing lean nowadays, but teaching girls fighting goes against traditional gender roles. Traditional gender roles are still upheld by both religious conservatives and more neutral right wingers. The latter either come at it from a fascist angle and/or are from a wealthy background. The only exception I've seen are Americans and Eastern Europeans. The former because of the right wing being linked to guns and self defense. The latter as a general reaction towards the Soviet Union and generational PTSD, so a lot of people are anti-communist.
I think that martial arts could potentially be popular with the left wing too. However the radical left has been gutted, leaving only center-left liberals. They bought into the pacifism and nonviolence meme, because of propaganda pretending that the vote and civil rights were gained through peaceful protests. Leftist militancy isn't unheard of, but nowadays you only see it in Rojava, South America, etc. Leftists in the west are too afraid that embracing martial arts would lead to strength worship, which could then lead to putting men over women and disadvantaging disabled people. Also yes the idea that it puts the responsibility on women, instead of teaching men to not rape. I've seen radfems balk just as hard as libfems and tradfems at the idea of teaching women self defense. Only anarchist radfems and some Marxist feminists are okay with it. Oh and punk and SHARP types.
The right does have a strong consistent link with martial arts, but that's because it's about overpowering those who are weaker. Teaching martial arts to groups they want to have power over, like women, will always require some mental gymnastics. So no I don't think the connection between the right wing and teaching women martial arts is that natural or common sense.

No. 1300930

Ironically I feel like a lot of people who complain about Karens in service work or think that workers shouldn't have to put any effort at menial jobs are the actual ones who haven't worked a day of service in their lives. I worked fast food for awhile and I had so many dipshit coworkers who came in high on weed or heroin who did the bare minimum, fucked up constantly, but still kept a job, somehow. The good ones absolutely hate these dumb fucks because they throw production off and get the brunt of our complaints, and rightfully so. We then have to put forth more effort to make up for their mistakes.
So-called "Karens" and bitchy customers have every right to be upset at a fucked up order or someone not making an effort to fix things. Though impatience and entitlement is another story. I don't understand this new age view that service workers have the right to slack off or fuck up because the job is soo hard and unfair. I chalk it up to anti-capitalist larping zoomers.

No. 1301027

File: 1660387176315.jpg (42.32 KB, 720x379, EhGamqmXgAE4V3q.jpg)

I think you have a very flawed idea of what feminists are supposed to act like, for most women feminism means being free to do what they want without judgement, most feminists don't want to embrace masculine practices, even the most extreme radfem's just wear comfortable clothing and that's at it, there's nothing about radical feminism that inherently encourages exercise and fitness
while most normie religious conservatives don't want women women leaving their homes some radical sects do support superior white women learning how to fight and be masculine, from my own history even the "violent and active" left wing in the west is laughable, most have a disdain for physical fitness and refuse to let any former military members, I used to be a part of a Marxist group that rejected 2 fit guys just cause they were ex-military(this was during the early 2010's in germany)

No. 1301232

File: 1660399697088.png (3.59 KB, 363x106, kinda milky.png)

I think the celebricows thread is great, where you can't tell apart bait from genuine stupidity, so it's in an enternal state of infighting, at the moment, the're are anons arguing that Salman Rushdie is super obscure and, of course, other anons are having little patience to explain that's retarded. At the same time, there're anons weithsperging and I don't even know about who anymore, I don't even understand what they are saying cause I don't know imperial, I just enjoy the violence. Plus, it validates my choice of disregarding american cinema at large.

No. 1301257

i think you're confusing martial arts with practical self defense. martial arts have always been like an art form and more so used for show.

No. 1301261

I agree. A customer being upset because you repeatedly fucked up their order and don't offer as much as an apology is not a Karen. I don't mind people having fun, talking with their coworkers or being on their phones during downtime at work, but I've had zoomers typing on the phone in the middle of taking my order (and of course get it wrong). Another time they didn't even look up or greet me when I approached, so I decided to wait until they were done typing assuming it was probably important to them. They proceed to look up and go "well? You gonna order anything?" when they hadn't even acknowledged me. I worked in retail and service industry for years and it sucks, but you can at least save your shitty attitude for those who are actually giving you a genuinely hard time.

No. 1301283

Yeah the worst part of retail for me was management, and the retarded store policies that corporate makes.
> I had so many dipshit coworkers who came in high on weed or heroin who did the bare minimum, fucked up constantly, but still kept a job, somehow.
And they never get disciplined because they're the manager's cousin/friend/fuckbuddy. I once had a coworker who chimped out and tried to physically attack another coworker and nobody cared because he was buddies with the store manager. Had countless experiences of managers being shady about labor laws and safety laws. Some old lady getting cranky because the coupon is expired was the least of my concerns compared to the clusterfuck that was management.

No. 1301453

Traps/femboys should not count as "gnc male representation" or anything other than coombait because no actual biological male human actually looks like that.

No. 1301458

No they do not. What intersex people are you even talking about?

No. 1301467


No. 1301478

I was not talking about any kind of make-up but male characters who "naturally" look just like flat chested girls. Real life men can never naturally look like that.

No. 1301527

I'll agree to disagree nonna, sorry for calling your opinion bait, it was wrong of me to assume that.

No. 1301539

ok, show me all those real life men who naturally look just like flat chested women without any make-up or hormones or plastic surgery

No. 1301543

why are you still avatarfagging

No. 1301550

>i can't do that here
because they do not exist lol. if you want to post some porn example those are definitely on hormones and/or plastic surgeries

No. 1301559

You kinda sound like you're retarded most or all of the time ngl.

No. 1301565

yeah that's what i mean lol. animu traps are supposed to naturally look like that while no real life post-puberty male naturally does. even the klinefelter (xxy) syndrome males who tend to have gynecomastia, wider hips and less body hair than xy still do not naturally look anything like actual women, just slightly effeminate men. and cais (xy but does not respond to androgens at all) definitely do not count since even in utero the fetuses do not respond to androgens so they're born with vulvas, while the appeal of the animu trap is that despite passing for a female it still has a penis.

No. 1301570

>for most women feminism means being free to do what they want without judgement, most feminists don't want to embrace masculine practices
I'm aware of cultural feminism's influence on post 70's feminism.
>there's nothing about radical feminism that inherently encourages exercise and fitness
Yeah I literally said that radfems, tradfems and libfems equally balk at the idea of self defense and martial arts. Except for anarchist radfems and Marxist feminists.
>some radical sects do support superior white women learning how to fight and be masculine
Just like there are some radical left sects supporting women learning how to fight. It doesn't give the right a monopoly. If anything the right and left are equally retarded at promoting self defense for women.
>I used to be a part of a Marxist group that rejected 2 fit guys just cause they were ex-military(this was during the early 2010's in germany)
Marxists in post 80's Europe have the stereotype of living in their parent's attic. However back in the day, that wasn't the case. RAF women still support women learning self defense and how to fight, among other things. They do hang around radfem conventions and meet ups, but aren't exactly popular due to supporting direct action etc. Outside of Europe you still have Zapatistas and Rojava, in South America you have feminists fighting with the police and military etc. Then you also have the SHARP crowd and maybe some militant punks still out there. Just because you didn't encounter it in Germany in the 2010's, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Also just because there's nothing inherently in feminism or leftism which encourages exercise and self defense, doesn't mean it's inherently incompatible. While the right is linked to fighting, there is an inherent contradiction and incompatibility in them teaching women self defense.

No. 1301571

That's not how you greentext kek you are retarded.

No. 1301574

Kleinfelters look like men,there was another newfag farmer with it and he looked like a man. The person claiming to be intersex looks like an effeminate man so that's the only thing I'll disagree with you on now that you elaborated your point. Thank you nonna for explaining your view to me instead of just slapping me more.

No. 1301576

I was mocking you

No. 1301577

>Kleinfelters look like men,there was another newfag farmer with it and he looked like a man.
that's literally what I said, that they look like men, not women.

No. 1301583

On me for not being clear, I think there are multiple intersex categories because I'm too adjacent to leftists and my own personal experiences so I consider kleinfelters men, full stop.

No. 1301587

they are, they're men with a chromosomal condition, i never argued otherwise. your reading comprehension really is in the toilet and i say this as an esl-chan.

No. 1301592

shit I never meant to imply that working out and taking up marital arts is inherently right wing, its just more common for these interest to be done by rightwingers and it fucking sucks to witness, but I hope to see change happen at some point

No. 1301597

Never said you did, you used intersex and kleinfelters interchangeably esl-chan. Again, sorry for not being more clear but I am currently on my mobile cellular device.

No. 1301600

i did not lmao, i gave klinefelter as an example of an intersex condition that people often mistakenly assume it makes post-puberty men look naturally just like women which is completely false.

No. 1301603

How hard is it to think you phrased something in English poorly when the other person is constantly apologizing? Honestly how hard?

No. 1301607

"constantly apologizing" does not mean shit lol, sounds more like that anon was just playing dumb

No. 1301612

stop using esl as an insult

No. 1301614

It's an explanation for miscommunication not picking a fight with an insult.

No. 1301622

Anyway yeah my gripe with the trap shit is not even that much that grown men never naturally look like that, but that these characters are often considered prettier than most if not all of the actual female characters which makes those women either fawn over his beauty or seethe with jealousy. Full on "men are better than women even at the things women are supposed to be" misogynistic bullshit.

No. 1301623

I legit blame cultural feminism for that. Somehow feminism in the west went from focusing on improving the material circumstances of women to "women are being discriminated against because of our femininity, so we have to fight to protect femininity tooth and nail, anything deemed masculine is icky and to be avoided!". Okay that was already a problem with suffragettes, but it didn't dominate the concept of feminism until after the 70's. The feminists in revolutionary Catalonia literally gave women guns to free themselves, it's well known that there were quite a lot of women in the Red Army etc. Europe still had RAF, militant anarchists and feminists in the 70's and 80's, but when they grew out of it for whatever reason, it just stopped and we were left with cultural (liberal) feminism infecting everything. Besides people buying neolib state propaganda about how all our rights were totally gained through non violent and pacifist protest, not even needing to annoy anyone. I don't see this changing until people realize that you cannot kumbaya fascists away and that femininity (the concept and signifiers literally were determined by scrotes) worship isn't inherently feminist and is backfiring. I think it's literally going to take something like Euromaidan or a fascist takeover for leftists to be personally shocked awake to the fact that they don't have enough experience actually doing shit and that fash have a way bigger presence and are better prepared to thrive in the chaos. There's also the issue of breadtube&co putting out thinkpieces on "hero culture". Like they legit think the only reason to learn self defense and how to fight is because you think you can save the world on your own and they ARE saying that it's inherently right wing.

No. 1301636

eh my other unpopular opinion is that masculine men are not objectified anywhere near enough. way too often when a male character is supposed to be sexually objectified he is feminized in some way.

No. 1301663

My unpopular opinion is that in general, masculine men aren't really attractive. Effeminate/androgynous men are the most attractive men, but they still pale in comparison to actual women (which is why MtFs are an eyesore). The rarity of good-looking ones is what gets them extra attention, further cementing the point that men aren't as good-looking.
Don't really care about the whole bara mantiddy himbo whatever trend or the dd/lg uwu girls who want a big strong super-manly older man to be their daddy. I know women have different tastes, but for me personally, trying to support/embrace it just feels like a cope for the fact that we have to live among ogres. Hell, women even do masculinity better. Masc-leaning/GNC women are typically better looking and more clean-cut than the average man

No. 1301953

I think beauty filters make people look uglier, like the snapchat ones that change your face to make you "pretty". I just think it looks uncanny and gross, ruins poeples natural beauty. Just blurring skin and changing colours is fine, but the ones that pinch your nose and infates your lips and eyes and shaves your jaw, they're just ugly.

No. 1302154

File: 1660454178816.jpg (103.45 KB, 580x799, L R.jpg)

I think its perfectly ok to reject someone based on a "shallow" preference or two. The issue only comes when you actively try to be hurtful towards people that don't meet your preference, cause I have been both positions and I think human beings will always be judgy but we don't have to be assholes about it

No. 1302160

totally agree. a lot of noses don't match the faces when pinched and made tiny, jaws made smaller, etc

No. 1302190

does this translate to "take up sports" at the bottom?

No. 1302253

No. 1302328

I agree as well, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve compared a filtered to a non-filtered photo of myself and found the non-filtered one better looking

No. 1302349

File: 1660475233024.jpeg (51.51 KB, 766x400, images.jpeg)

This ad wasn't really that bad, and I never understood what people found so "cringe" about it. Am I the only one who feels this way?

No. 1302351


Sage. What does the text say?

No. 1302354

I guess it's a little uncanny looking, but I didn't hate it either.

No. 1302421

nta but why sage ? its relevant to the thread, nothing off topic. sorry if im misunderstanding

No. 1302436

Graduation ceremonies are cucked. So I have to PAY money, after I already paid for my tuition and textbooks, for robes and a retarded hat to walk on stage and sit in a chair because uhhh? Because? It's pointless. I didn't go to either of my college ceremonies and my parents got so mad at me but I didn't care. My highschool one was hell and I resent them for forcing me to attend. It's just sitting and waiting around for other people for no fucking reason. What a waste of fucking time

No. 1302438

Lol nonnie you don’t have to Sage on OT unles you really want to. Only in cow boards

No. 1302439

Samefag but if Sage is in the email field you don’t have to type it in your post

No. 1302441

Typing it in your post doesn't do anything anymore I thought.
Let's try.

No. 1302442

Used to be a word filter that autosage, oh well.

No. 1302474


My bad nonnies. I'm quite new here so I'm still getting the ins and outs here.

No. 1302478

Anon you described exactly how I feel. It's always so fucking crowded, so loud, and there's too many people taking cameras. I'm graduating next year and I really don't want to go to convocation. I just feel like I'm pressured to because I want to make my parents happy for going and letting them watch me on stage. They think it's such a "milestone" that I finished my bachelors but all university was to me was a constant source of anxiety, stress, and sucking the soul and money out of me. Plus, I'm not even done with my schooling as I plan to go to graduate school so finishing my bachelors is not even that much of an accomplishment.

No. 1302479

You should announce your Sage as it's passive aggressive and pretty funny.

No. 1302483

Kek I know I’m spoonfeeding but you can read rules or info or scroll down a bit on meta to see how you can format your post. We were all newfags at a point.

No. 1302506

You're not doing a good job at integrating.

No. 1302511

I still believe it was manufactured rage marketing. Some of the people memeing on it were paid.

No. 1302547


Tf? Paid how like with money? Any source on this?

No. 1302860

File: 1660509666715.jpg (63.63 KB, 700x1050, Broccoli-with-Cheese-SpendWith…)

Broccoli is better without cheese

No. 1302866

I live somewhere where putting cheese on veg just isn't a thing. Only heard of this lately.. wild.

No. 1302868

Samefag, who would eat broccoli with that kind of spoon

No. 1302869

People put cheese on broccoli? On vegetables? That seems like a waste of what could be a healthy meal.

No. 1302871

Well, putting cheese on something doesn't automatically make it unhealthy or cancel out the nutrients. I just think it's better without cheese in terms of taste.

No. 1302876

I like broccoli with cheese sometimes. What I really cannot stand is steamed broccoli or any steamed vegetables at all. I need the crunch and the flavor.

No. 1302898

cauliflower n cheese is pretty good.

No. 1302909

I've grown up eating broccoli with soy sauce that Power Puff Girls episode was the first time I heard of cheese on broccoli

No. 1302932

Who the fuck puts cheese on broccoli

No. 1302993

Yeah cauliflower au gratin is a delicious side dish

No. 1303143

No. 1303299

File: 1660547809644.jpg (423.87 KB, 1080x1297, IMG_20220815_091219.jpg)

I unironically love these tattoos (google Sicanje)
Tl;dr croatian and bosnian women tattooed themselves with pagan and christian symbols to be off-putting to osman invaders/to prove their roots
I am from lika but I'd still feel like a cringey hipster if I got a few of these

No. 1303309

Target is a crappy store, just a bunch of overpriced consumerist trash like decor and seasonal pointless items. Don’t know why people talk about how fun it is to go there and how much better it is than Walmart or somewhere. At least I can get cheaper groceries at Walmart, the way people simp for this corporation makes me feel weird like it’s some brainwashing tactic via a drip feed of memes about ~oops spent so much money at the store because I’m so impulsive isn’t that relatable that means it’s fine for you to do it because we all agree it’s normal and fun wink wink~ It’s exhausting being in there, I hate stores in general let alone the praise of one as if it’s not just making money off cheap labor plastic gadgets like everyone else.

No. 1303311

That's really pretty, although the story behind it is kind of sad.

No. 1303341

I wholeheartedly agree

No. 1303487

70s bushes were way better than whatever the hell women are forced to have today. They were nice to look at and healthy, for me bushes had kind of a "romantic" aesthetic…maybe cause they were pretty common in old paintings. I genuinely don't understand why everyone wants to shave so much nowadays, it looks uncanny to me

No. 1303492

No. 1303493

You really don’t understand why? It’s because men want pubescent girls. A woman shaved 30 years ago was shocking and not the norm because porn hadn’t wrecked the general world yet. Now it has.

No. 1303508

They also help protect the vaginal opening and serve a purpose. Just like eyelashes and your eyes. You wouldn’t rip out your eyelashes yeah?

No. 1303510

File: 1660569822222.jpg (119.04 KB, 610x914, Split5.jpg)

Big agree. I was kinda shocked when I found this photo in a fashion review

No. 1303527

Agree. But if you’re coming up to me with an incel jaw and pork belly, expect a slur or two on your way.

No. 1303537

thank fuck i don't have to shave. i even have a boyfriend, and he doesn't have a weird fetish for it, he's just respectful about what i do with my own body. i feel bad for women who get pressured or memed into it.

No. 1303540

It is impossible to falsely accuse a man of something he’s genetically incentivised to do. Maybe the cat didn’t eat the bird this one time, but it sure as hell would if it could. There is no super secret group of men that would never ever lay a finger on a woman without consent who are also being hunted down by crazy bitches terrorising them.

No. 1303541

Same, I only shave the sides when I go to the beach and I wish I wouldn't have to, but bikinis reveal the hair, ugh.

No. 1303542

No one has to shave unless they’re getting a hysterectomy or something lol

No. 1303547

You don’t need to shave the sides either. They reveal the hair, so what? This is a rule you made for yourself, it’s entirely inside your head. I never shave and if someone dared to comment on it they would get mauled by the random stray dog that follows me everywhere I go. (which I don’t own and am not legally liable of)

No. 1303554

I know I don't have to, but it's the same reason why women shave their legs. It's easier than dealing with annoying comments and stares. Of course we can decide to march out unshaven, but I'd rather do that in a group than alone, and when I'm on vacation in a different city I want to relax and not get into petty arguments with strangers hollering things at me.

No. 1303561

Everyone is shitting on this anon but I kind of get what they mean.
Like I dont care if people wanna look butch or bulky, go for it but the amount of times close friends and family have told me that lifting is better for my physique ect annoys me so much.
I am tall and broad and prefer the aesthetic of a lanky slim frame so I enjoy my cardio and stretching. My gym friends are the opposite and hate cardio with a passion and always try to lecture me that lifting doesn't make you bulky but it DOES. Like if you want that aesthetic go for it. But don't be giving people stupid information if they don't have the same goals.

No. 1303564

No one is commenting on that

No. 1303565

>looking nice is more important than being healthy and strong
What a stupid shallow outlook on life.

No. 1303566

Literally. People think too much of themselves. They make up boogeymen in their head that comment on body hair when in reality no one is even looking at them like that.

No. 1303567

That was fitting for your preaching though
>This is a rule you made for yourself, it’s entirely inside your head.
Like all women don't know that

No. 1303570

Of course I understand, I guess I just enjoy punishing retards who bother me just as much as chilling on a beach. Btw, I live in a shithole Muslim country and no one dared to comment on my hairy legs so far. I would recommend taking the chance this one time, it’s much easier than we initially think.

No. 1303571

Cardio can still make you healthy and strong fool.

No. 1303574

… I didn’t “preach” that retard. You are aware there’s more than two people on this site, right?

No. 1303584

They’re not aware. They always think they’re talking to one person for some odd reason.

No. 1303857

File: 1660584603791.jpeg (Spoiler Image,41.67 KB, 474x605, D34830E2-A9AE-4667-92AC-7B4233…)

I feel like people often overstate how ‘’’ugly’’’ Kim K is. She is objectively very attractive even in candids. She’s 40 years old with 3 kids and it feels extremely nitpicky when people ridicule her

No. 1303890

Genitals can be fetishized, but it's trannies and coomers and tranny coomers who do that, not regular people who just don't want to fuck trannies.

No. 1303891

Yeah, I honestly think she's the best looking KarJenner next to Kendall. She's definitely not ugly.

No. 1303894

File: 1660586633916.jpeg (28.88 KB, 300x450, E3E81B10-FEC8-4290-B94D-638302…)

I’ve never liked the KarJenners but calling her ugly is a cope. I prefer her more natural looks but she’s still very attractive.

No. 1303895

i thought most people agreed that Khloe was the ugly one

No. 1303901

I don’t like any of those family members but I agree, they looked way better when they were natural and did not have any of those intensive, straining surgeries and diets. I’m not even trying to racebait but I also don’t understand why people call her white, she’s white-passing but I could have sworn armenians are not completely white or have relations with the Middle East, they look so ethnic to me kek

No. 1303902

I think she looks too uncanny valley to look good now because of plastic surgery and unflattering fashion choices and hair, but she looked really pretty when she was younger and looked like an actual human being. At the very least she should just let her hair be a bit wavy or curly, whatever it is like when it's natural, straight hair that's slicked with gel or tied into very tight buns or ponytails don't suit her imo, sometimes I see pics where I seriously wonder if her hair is greasy instead.

No. 1303908

She’s not ugly she’s just… average. She’s really not my type. She’s got horse face. I think people want to voice the opinion that she’s not pretty because everyone shills her as the sexiest woman ever but there’s literally so many normal women I know irl that I think are waaaaay more beautiful. It makes me feel insane the way people worship random average looking celebs kek

No. 1303909

File: 1660587376506.jpeg (319.91 KB, 510x527, 72D724CC-6339-40C6-A538-F16FBF…)

I feel like Beyonce fits that average as well. The most average looking woman in existence hyped as one of the sexiest (even though that isn’t bad at all it’s just very strange and suspicious), only in America of course kek.

No. 1303930

What's disturbing me the most with Beyonce is that now that she's a bit older and starting to get small wrinkles, whenever I see unedited pictures of her with minimal makeup and where you can see her skin's texture she looks a lot like half of my family members. We're not Black or American btw.

No. 1303959

there are plenty of things kim can be criticized for but her looks are not one of them. she looked better before all the surgery but she's still pretty

No. 1303974

Muscular men just straight up look bad in most clothing. I hate when they wear turtlenecks and you can see the bulging distorting the fabric. Disgusting.

No. 1304001

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The thing of it was supposed to be that she was attractive for an american black woman back then. Her, Rihanna, and Jennifer Lopez were the apex of their women because whatever arbitrary features we held so dear back then. Hers was always the tiny face and tiny waist. Kelly is way beautiful but people only think so now.

No. 1304002

>tiny face and tiny waist
and more importantly lighter skin

No. 1304024

File: 1660594486118.jpeg (724.63 KB, 750x1035, AA5BC734-3918-4BF4-814C-B31F8E…)

>she looks like my family members and we aren’t even black

In america we categorize race in a weird way, Beyoncé technically doesn’t even have to be biologically black, just presently showing it through phenotype, anything that move here with a slight tan will be placed in a category that is not white or European. She could be racially ambiguous/mixed, she looks exactly like her mother and her dad would be considered fully black. She was a lot of darker back in the day, not sure if that’s because of cosmetics or she barely goes outside that often (I think it’s both) but there’s some speculation about her heritage because honestly, to me she never looked “black” to me. Sorry for the tangent nonna, just wanted to show her mom as an example they’re like twins.
There are plenty of black women that look 10x better than Beyonce and I agree, Kelis is very beautiful. It’s just a lot of media attention and hyping up her “ethereal beauty” that has convinced so many of her fans and casual listeners that she’s the most beautiful when really, her dad has been in the music business and very well-connected and so was her mother. Other girls like Kelly and Michelle had no chance when they constantly placed her in the spotlight because her dad only focused on her/had a bias only for her as family members would, so sad. Shouldn’t have to compete like that

No. 1304049

Isn't Beyonce from Louisiana or something like that? Maybe she has some French grandparents or grand grandparents or whatever.

>or she barely goes outside that often

I thought she was working out on a daily basis to stay in shape for her choreographies and concerts. So I guess she works out indoor then? I'm sure she has her own room and equipment just for for that, she can afford it, but still.

No. 1304057

It’s honestly so weird to me. Like the one-drop rule is considered this backwards archaic relic of the past yet simultaneously people will get up in arms if you ever dare suggest Kamala Harris isn’t black.

No. 1304059

it's archaic when it's applied to people you don't like but also inclusive when applied to people you do like.

No. 1304096

I LOVE dogs, cats, and cute puppy/kitten videos, but I absolutely hate the dumb music or baby voice audio people always put over them. Like there's one I keep seeing everywhere that's all "Doo, ba doo ba doo ba doo, ba doo ba doo ba doo doo doo doo" in a little chipmunk voice and it drives me absolutely nuts and I irrationally hate it so much. Or the one with the baby voice singing "You're my honeybunch, sugarpwum pumpy-umpy-umpkin, you're my sweetie pie" over a video of a puppy sleeping or something

No. 1304106

>You're my honey bunch song
Dammit anon I had repressed that song for years and you brought it back kek

No. 1304168

Nta but this is what that song reminds me of KEK

No. 1304172

oh my fucking god

No. 1304173

lmao anon I know what you mean! It looks awkward and comical, like a gorilla wearing a suit.

No. 1304197

File: 1660602951563.jpg (55.22 KB, 800x500, azui0od7wgj51.jpg)

No. 1304204

Yes! I miss AMV Hell

No. 1304267

File: 1660605483495.jpg (134.21 KB, 1000x1000, 71kNmYGttjL._SL1000_.jpg)

Box macaroni with shells is better than the ones with macaroni noodles.

No. 1304274

I like to sensually tongue the shells while they're in my mouth.

No. 1304318

I was going to tell you to not say this, but honestly sometimes I do too.

No. 1304321

I swear to god I saw this exact same post months ago

No. 1304348

All mac and cheese is better with shells whether it is boxed or homemade, it is the best pasta shape and it's cute. Shells are also the best for mushroom alfredo.

No. 1304355

File: 1660608195780.jpg (1.84 MB, 2848x4272, look at the crispy edge. you w…)

Ok anon slow down. A good homemade mac and cheese needs the macaroni. It just always sucks in the box ones for some reason.

No. 1304359

I don’t know why people think a good mac and cheese is that baked casserole shlop that europeans think is Mac and cheese. A good mac and cheese is boiled taking notes lazy eurofags? You don’t dump milk and butter in a pan and call it a day (take notes, excluding italians) you actually get up, boil the pasta, make a roux, put your fats and cheese and SEASONING any vegetables whatever put the pasta in, and let it cool down for a bit on the stove and serve. That’s basically just a bougie version of those boxed mac and cheeses, I dislke these casserole sludges with the tastebuds of a britfag

No. 1304373

Anon, are you ok? I'm American and baked mac and cheese is literally the way we do it in the south (at least, where I'm from it is) and it's literally the same process as what you described except you bake it with extra cheese on top. I'm pretty sure Europeans and non-southerners are actually the ones that make their mac and cheese without baking it. Idk what your on but you got your mac and cheese knowledge all wrong. In fact, if you google "baked macaroni and cheese" you'll probably see at least one first page result with "Southern" on it.

No. 1304386

damn it nonnie kek… I was trying to bait the food anons sorry

No. 1304389

This has the energy of one of those tumblr posts from 2012 that starts 'listen up cumsluts I'm going to learn you a thing'

No. 1304390

Oh sorry kek. I'm a little slow sometimes, did not realize it was bait

No. 1304397

I hate how the term “brown people” is becoming more popular. It’s condescending and it seems like something out of the 50s. Not to mention that “brown people” can literally refer to a good number of ethnicities across the world (it usually refers to Hispanc/Latino people where I’m from but I digress). What’s next? Referring to Asians as “yellow people” but now it’s considered “woke?” Give me a fucking break.

No. 1304400

The term “brown bodies” that they kept using on twitter absolutely floored me. So weird and dehumanizing.

No. 1304405

Now they use "brown culture" too, as if we are all the same, so fucking racist

No. 1304412

A Mexican guy I went on a date on kept calling himself brown constantly and kept bringing it up even though he was barely a couple shades darker than me. He was really insecure and kept insisting his mom is white because she's a pale Mexican and told me that his cousin has blue eyes.

No. 1304417

I don’t understand why that would need to be a topic of interest on a first date…

No. 1304425

As a latina, I don't think most Latinos realize how fucking obsessed they are with race and colorism, they assume their relationship with race is healthy because most are mixed anyway but oh boy that's not true at all

No. 1304436

I pray that there is a backlash to this stuff in america one day but it seems like it will never happen. At least when they tried this shit in the UK there was huge backlash towards this kind of thing because you are throwing so many people into one box when they all need their own boxes. I don't like the way it has trickled down into other countries. I find it to be very ignorant.

Not even latino but i have noticed this a lot.

No. 1304437

Both my parents are Mexican, and one time my father told me one of the reasons he married my mother was to have 'lighter babies'.

No. 1304443

I never realised it was that bad with mexicans. I'm black but i have noticed that black men are super obsessed with having light children meanwhile black women are obsessed with having the blackest children possible or black women are seen as starter wives when they can't find anybody light to breed with. I remember one instance where my cousin with doing a tiktok with his light and bright nephew and showing him off while ignoring his niece who was equally as cute but he completely ignored her. It was really gross.

No. 1304454

That poor niece is gonna notice this treatment very early and it'll impact her psyche forever.

In relation to this topic there was this documentary of twins who appeared to be different races. It was interesting how much less close they seemed than typical twins.

No. 1304479

Untraceable money (crypto) isn’t a good thing. It should be, it would be cool if we could live in a world where the government shouldn’t trace our every transaction. But I have had my innocence or rather naïvety ruined too far by pedo scrotes to be anything but afraid of crypto. Moids ruin everything.

No. 1304495

Stop lying and doing racebait, pakianon(hi cow)

No. 1304531

File: 1660619169424.jpg (44.63 KB, 500x571, ezgif-5-dee1d3389f.jpg)

It's like how all the anonymous encrypted chat services are all infested by pedophiles. Strangely the more you care about privacy and try to get away from big tech, the more you're being pushed towards pedophiles, /pol/ types and drug dealers online.

No. 1304537

was he a toktoker nonnie I think we had the same scrote

No. 1304565

If this world had no males, then the goverment would not even need to trace everything we do. Males are the ultimate cancer of the world.

No. 1304567

I like using the Celebricows thread to see what celebs are up to and talk shit about people I don't like with others who usually agree but the sperging gets so unhinged and annoying to sift through that I'm not surprised it gets a bad rap among other nonnies.

I agree. I like some of the filters that make subtle changes but I'm so tired of seeing face filters I could have liked with fake freckles or pinched noses or inflated looking lips or changing the eye shape to look more fox-like. It's so uncanny when they basically change your entire face.

No. 1304582

Same but I actually don't mind the honey bunch song, I remember hearing it in my childhood so it reminds me of that, BUT I really dislike hearing it and the other "cutesy" voiceovers and audio edited into those videos. I remember when animal videos didn't need shit like that and cringey stuff wasn't popularized by TikTok or IG reels. Just animals being cute.

No. 1304584

ALL beauty products need to revert back to being "baby or eczema safe" no one needs all those excessive ingredients that cause black heads, white heads, huge deep acne that's itchy or painful. There is no point in added oils and fragrance.

No. 1304594

the point is to make you buy their skincare products

No. 1304595

I’m so sick of fragrance in everything. Almost every skin or hair treatment has some kind of fragrance, it’s annoying when you’re using multiple products and wind up smelling like a smorgasbord of scents.

No. 1304599

Over-consumerism has gotten so disgusting and skincare has become the new makeup, it was trendy in 2016-2018 to have hoards of makeup and now 2019 onward it’s skincare. They’re not going to stop. The easiest thing you can do is just buy a couple simple stuff and that’s all. Do some fun face masks if you want, don’t deprive yourself of enjoyment or whatever, but a cleanser, sunscreen, aha or retinoid or whatever is all you actually need. Dr bronners baby soap and sunscreen even is better than piling all this shit on your face.

No. 1304601

I have sensitive skin so my skin gets MAD from fragrance. It burns so bad. Here in support of no fragrance in skincare 2022

No. 1304630

Oh yeah I'm aware I'm down to the bare bones of shampoo, conditioner, face wash, spf that gives me moisture too. I just hate that I have to run any product I'm considering through 3 different ingredient checks to figure out what my skin will accept because companies have bloated their products with awful shit to keep women buying new stuff.

No. 1304631

I use dandruff shampoo (don’t have dandruff it just works and is cheap idc anymore), dr bronners, moisturizer. I don’t give a fuck and they can’t make me.

No. 1304778

Seriously caring about music taste in adulthood is very cringe and is a sign of attested development.

No. 1304809


No. 1304822

I haven't seen this redtext in so long, this actually feels nostalgic

No. 1304909

I really like those AI text software like DALL-E/Craiyon, they seem like a useful tool for brainstorming ideas. Some of the stuff people have made with them are funny as hell, too. So far the only people I’ve seen get upset about them are moids who are obsessed with making money from art.

No. 1304918

I agree, i have greatly slashed my skincare haul now that i have access to prescriptions, but unfortunately i am stuck using more skincare products than the average person because of my acne and hyperpigmentation. It sucks but so does having never had clear skin since i was 12.

No. 1304921

Same fag, but my comment high key disagrees with you because baby safe sensitive skin products are literally useless on my skin.

No. 1304934

Ugh I love dr bronners. It’s the only soap that makes me really feel clean.

No. 1304956

My skin is like that too. It’s almost impossible to find a lotion/hand cream that doesn’t make my skin burn with fragrance and actually WORKS. Of course me being a difficult lil bitch doesn’t help. I’m a bit obsessive about washing my hands and have been this way ever since I was a child. It’s lead to some occasional sandpaper dry hands that desperately need lotion, but the lotion just sits there on top after trying to rub it in. Or burns with fragrance. Even times like now, when my hands aren’t too dry, and I hate the texture so much.

No. 1304959

I have sensitive skin as well and I found cocoa butter lotion (although fragranced) works well for me and doesn’t burn. You could even try pure cocoa or shea butter.

No. 1304965

Thanks nona, I might look for some. I seem to remember a brand that was scented but not really “perfume-y” you might say, and it was fine. Pure cocoa butter is great to have around (I think I’ve made some lip scrubs with it) but it leaves the greasy feeling in top of my skin.

No. 1306348

If you're over the age of 18 and care about trends, you need to grow up and get a personality

No. 1306363

It's easier for men to form close bonds with their male friends for some reason. Ive never seen the amount of dedication and love that goes into hetro male friendships in female friendships. It's almost homosexual without them ass fucking.

No. 1306378

if they've been friends since kids/teens, there's a heavy change they have done gay shit. I posted about this earlier somewhere here, but even the most normal or even macho dudes will get drunk near me and suddenly open up about how they did gay shit in the locker rooms or some shit, like sir, I am just trying to drink my goddamn drink here.

No. 1306396

Most men are gay, I would even dare to say that being gay is almost as a big social contagion as being a tranny since men can be meme'd into literally anything.
Just create a discord server named something like "hot sexy pics" and post a rock, then a doodle of a boob, a censored rock, a doodle of a boob, another rock, and voilà, you got a group of around 600 moids with a fetish for fucking rocks.
Their sexuality is a meme.

No. 1306526

keep in mind men will almost always overlook any actual wrongdoing from their male friends, especially if that friend is any sort of sexual offender towards women or children (or even animals). They view it as "separate" from the friendship or just pretend its not a big deal lmao.
In my experience men are actually catty as fuck, they're more likely to break up a friendship over social slapfights or gossip than if their male friend is an actual pedophile.
Women generally are on much higher alert and don't turn a blind eye

No. 1306537

True but most women would ghost their friends they've known for years for a scrote they've known for a month. Men rarely do this.

No. 1306546

Yeah, men befriend women in order to get sex, if that doesn't work then they ghost her instead of forming any sort of bond with her.
Males also befriend other males as long as they have pretty friends that happen to be women, if that doesn't work then they find another male friend with pretty friends in the hopes to hook up with them at some point.

No. 1306607

Amish shouldn't be allowed to adopt it's screwed up. I'd rather be in a foster home if I had no parents

No. 1306608

Do you only have contact with sub 25 yo moids who get in a out of relationships constantly? Men absolutely do the disappearing act from their bachelor friends after they get in a somewhat real relationship.

No. 1307081

Free speech is a good thing.

No. 1307253

File: 1660828769987.jpg (81.41 KB, 870x580, Table-with-a-variety-of-nuts-i…)

FUCK nuts on food. Nuts of all kinds are fine on their own and I like to snack on them, but they ruin the food they're added to. When I go for thai food I always tell them to not put that shit on there. The flavor of nuts takes over and ruins the flavor of the rest of the food!! Nuts aren't even really that crunchy, they're 30% crunch 70% creamy so it fucking sucks from a texture perspective too. Peanuts are the worst offenders because their flavor is so overwhelming that I can't taste anything else. I don't like nuts in my brownies or cookies either, even when it's a more mild nut like walnuts. The shit texture of them don't add to the cookie/brownie. Nuts are meant to be eaten on their own or as nut butters for bread/crackers.

No. 1307276

Bump cause cp

No. 1307310

Not unpopular lmao

No. 1307453

It's actually good for straight women who date or fuck men to shit on them. Every woman should. Respect and trust for men as a group should be non-existent, even among women who cohabit with them.
All Nigels should be hung on a thread.

No. 1307524

Not speaking legally as I think there is reasonable doubt, I wouldn’t find him guilty if I was on a jury but in reality I think Steven Avery is significantly more likely to be guilty of murder than not

No. 1307692

You can unlearn preferences and links if you try

No. 1307887

The thrifted pajama cami top, 90’s boxy mom jeans, and pointed toe kitten heel combo is not giving what people think it’s giving. It was ugly 20 years ago, it’s still ugly now.

No. 1307908

THANK you, I fucking hate that look. The only thing worse is when the shoes are those godawful heeled, square-toed sandals.

No. 1307944

i absolutely hate those pointed kitten heel shoes and they're clogging up every store here. they look unflattering and matronly on every woman that wears them regardless of her outfit. also i'm reminded of the bratz movie villain who'd wear them all the time

No. 1307949

File: 1660862930653.png (1.66 MB, 1080x1080, soap brows.png)

"Soap brows" look ugly and I hate that they became somewhat of a trend. Making your eyebrow hairs stick straight up does not look nice.

No. 1307953

File: 1660863041540.jpg (16.65 KB, 327x564, download.jpg)

Samefag, some people may hate on it but even these Anastasia Dip Brow eyebrows from a few years back were better than that. I think most of the makeup trends I've seen recently have been people trying to be more minimalist, but it just ends up being as dramatic and obvious as past trends.

No. 1307958

Nah this is way worse

No. 1307968

The existence of “child custody.” I would fr become the worlds’ first female family annihilator if you told me you’re taking my child, and giving it to some random man because on paper he’s the ‘father.’ That’s literally the patriarchy written in law. A good reason to never make babies from the guy you’re officially in a relationship with. Make him raise another man’s child in case he tries to pull some shit like this on you. Get bamboozled faggots KEK

No. 1307978

Uh no. Custody is definitely needed for situations where the other parent is no longer fit to take care of the child, or if the parents are separated and they decide to work out a custody arrangement. If a child is ever in a bad situation then custody should be given to the other parent or a relative, even if only temporary. That and child support are necessary. Also, why would the father be "some random man"?

No. 1307980

Are you insane? I know it sounds far-fetched but there are cases where the mother deserts or abuses the child, believe it or not.

No. 1307982

If a child is in full custody of her father.. you can usually assume the mom is a strung out addict tbh.

No. 1307990

File: 1660864518014.jpeg (536.1 KB, 1998x999, EFDA3FF0-5D41-4421-8E70-2B12DD…)

Oh my god I hate those too. Add the dino stompers and you have the unholy trinity of ugly footwear.
They think they’re Carrie Bradshaw but look like an outdated soccer mom kek

No. 1307999

That shit on the right looks like lingerie from family dollar

No. 1308001

Nta but incorrect, the state usually favours fathers in court + gain custody for earning more even while being a less competent parent. It’s why addict and even abusive moids can still get custody of their kids.

No. 1308012

Then other women should take the child, not a man who doesn’t even have breasts to feed it.

No. 1308013

There’s a very high chance it is but someone on Depop sold it as “vintage”

No. 1308017

Unless both parents are abusive, most children don’t want to live with some random woman over the dad and breastfeeding is not relevant for the majority of a kids childhood

No. 1308023

Kek what. Kids don't even breastfeed for that long, but also it's not like all women are just producing milk. Also formula exists.

No. 1308047

If men were meant to be raising kids they would’ve had breasts. A real mother would blow the CPS agent’s brains out and grind him into minced meat then feed him to her chihuahua, teacup. Bucktooth Becky’s stay seething.

No. 1308200

I've never canceled any male artist/actor/something i liked. I live on the 3rd world, i don't give a fuck about "not giving them money" most of the shit i consume is pirated anyways. Also the only difference between canceled and uncancelled males is that the second group isn't exposed yet. I undestrand being uncomfortable thought, that is why i don't talk about them in women-oriented spaces. Also i don't care either about other girls having "pRoBleMaTic faves", like, a few erzafags or deepfags aren't really doing a difference on their crimes. Isn't like they really care about the opinions of women anyways so the "you're enabling them!" argument is a little weak. My only problem is that they don't know how to shut up when another anons are dragging them but that is more about fandom spaces and how they move and another talk overall.

No. 1308224

I think defending such men is a sign of pick-meism and as repeated here numerous times, that's straight up mental illness. It has nothing to do with the moid in question, but going out of you way to excuse evil moids should always be met with scrutiny.

No. 1308230

i can't wait for everyone to realize how ugly and stupid they look wearing biker shorts and blazers and slicked back buns. every tik tok trend right now is the worst thing I've seen in years

No. 1308265

I don't care about celebrity age gap couples like with Leonardo DiCaprio or Dane Cook (provided the younger person is over 18 of course). Random people complaining aren't gonna stop them.

No. 1308312

>Also the only difference between canceled and uncancelled males is that the second group isn't exposed yet.
This is true and it makes me SEETHE that innocent female fans get punished for their favs actions. Stanning a male celeb is something they do for themselves, it sucks that they have to give up something they enjoy just because they were unlucky enough to pick a scumbag moid who got caught.

That said sometimes they just do something that grosses you out you simply don't want to be a fan anymore. My favourite kpop moid got caught seeing prostitutes and I loathe johns with a passion, I immediately lost all feelings and interest in him. Immediately dropped him and never gave it a second thought.

No. 1308330

same, as gross as it is there are a lot of celebrities who do a lot worse in private. I wish as a culture people could just accept that celebrities are dysfunctional degenerates and such behavior is to be expected.

No. 1308332

Then that just means it would become more accepted amongst regular people too.

No. 1308358

Even in 2022 Most female characters in mainstream media are badly written, based on sexualized trope and deserve the hate. The people who whiteknight for them and accuse others of misogyny for disliking them are projecting their own needs and wishes into that character and fixing the lack of good writing with their own headcanons, blinded by the fact that others don't see their interpretation as fact because it isn't. I wish people stopped settling for garbage instead of demanding better and above all asked for more variety.

No. 1308362

I know a gay guy who argues that if you hate his favorite female characters you're sexist, yet his arguments for liking them are that they're "cunty" and they "slay", aka they're one dimensional fanservice characters with big swords and cool fighting scenes. If any man like a femald character a lot I expect to dislike them.

No. 1308381

It's fucked up that you can just buy alcohol at a store.

No. 1308385

people who use normie unironically pretentious and insufferable. You're on twitter/tiktok but you want to use the word normie like you're some niche hacker in the dark web? get a grip.

No. 1308424

Wait isn't the problem with Dane Cook that he and his current partner is speculated to have gotten together when she was still 18 or so? Even if they're of age now tbh any fully grown guy who goes for someone that much younger is questionable at best

No. 1308426

Same with calling other people npcs unironically.

No. 1308427

Dane Cook is an ugly bloated lump and he started dating that girl when she was like 16 ew

No. 1308440

Nayrt but Jesus Christ that's fucking disgusting. Real telling of his character that he can't find a woman closer to his own age

No. 1308463

Same, with normal people I think it’s creepy and weird on a personal level but that any attempt to legally regulate it would be worse, but with celebrities I really don’t care about it. I think the main issue with those relationships is the idea of an excessive power imbalance, bc things that would give you more power (finances, connections, status etc) are often correlated with age, but I think this is significantly lessened with young celebrities who will already have these things, so the power imbalance is less extreme and not as concerning to me.

No. 1308595

The Honest Vocal Coach is a creepy sperg and a psychopath. Her daughter died a month ago and she's still shitting out soyface thumbnail videos on the daily. Her attitude seems to be that of "well I'm sad but I'm moving on and recovering", bro she died A MONTH AGO. I don't care that people grieve in different ways. She was her damn mother and her behavior is creepy. Not staying in bed bawling your eyes out and being broken for at the very least a couple of months is psycho, autistic and weird.

No. 1308626

As someone who complains online about this shit a lot, my purpose isn’t that I think I’ll succeed in breaking any of these couples up or stop celebrities from being degenerates, it’s my attempt of pushback from this being socially acceptable. I hope random non-celebrity zoomer teens see my and others complaints online about these couples and get it in their heads they shouldn’t start dating creepy 30 y/o men. Also while these celebs may not stop, I remember some article about Florence Pugh and the crusty old man she was dating breaking up and how they supposedly did it quietly because they knew they’d see people celebrating and didn’t want to see it, which is hilarious and a clear sign they see the complaints

No. 1308629

Hard agree, large age gaps are iffy at best, unacceptable especially when one is still a minor. Yes there's not much we can do about other people's relationships and in normal circumstances I wouldn't interfere or comment, but the best we can hope for is for it not to be normalized by people with high influence on impressionable teens. Would hate if I had a younger sister/niece/daughter that was groomed by a scrote who can't get with someone his own age.

No. 1308639

the things that make age gaps even more fucked up in my opinion is that alot of the time the older one knows the other when they are still underage and only become open when they reached the age 18.
Like Dane cook for example knew that girl since she was 15 and would invite her to their parties
and yet im somehow supposed to believe that he didn't eye her or groom her before she turned 18????????

I really wonder what goes on peoples heads when they defend creepy older men who are not supposed to be having children at their old age (studies showing that old man sperm increases the chance of schizophrenia, autism, premature birth and other health complications etc)

No. 1308640

Agreed, except for the particularly egregious walking stereotypes. Someone come up with new terminology to describe people who legit regurgitate scripts they've heard on tv/social media instead of being spontaneous because I've got nothing.

No. 1308655

Ayrt, pretty much. It's sad how common it actually seems to be. Like most people know it's fucked. The scrotes know it's a fucked up thing to do. Yet they still do it because they want what they see as an innocent pretty thing that's easier to manipulate than those in their own age range. Virginity seems to be a big thing for many of them as well.

No. 1308661

the most fucked up part is he could have dated a 25 year old (and that 25yo would have still been way younger than him) but instead he chose to date the most youngest possible legally, like a girl he met when she was 15 and he was 42 and started publicly dating her when she 18 and he was 45 and yet some anons want to defend this smh.

No. 1308822

File: 1660934114246.jpg (83.87 KB, 736x736, a6300350de6a1484b5677385d1edc5…)

Might be an unpopular opinion to some, but I don't think you should be allowed to criticize men online if you have a kpop pfp of a male idol(even a female idol is pushing it)

No. 1308831

is that yeonjun?

No. 1308832

>covertly using this as a excuse to posy kpop and get away with it

i see what you are doing anon, and ill be saving that yeonjun image.

No. 1308834

seconded, let's start a petition

No. 1308835

I don't know or care who that is, I just googled kpop pfp's and this was one of the first results

No. 1308845

File: 1660934818416.jpg (27.65 KB, 450x800, soobin-txt-.jpg)

Might be an unpopular opinion to some, but I don't think you should be allowed to criticise men online if you have a kpop pfp of a male idol(even a female idol is pushing it.)

No. 1308849

is that soobin?

No. 1308853

File: 1660935232283.gif (13.64 MB, 640x638, odokeod.gif)

I don't know or care who that is, I just googled kpop pfp's and this was one of the first results

No. 1308854

is that karina from aespa?

No. 1308857

who cares

No. 1308858

File: 1660935378522.jpg (275.61 KB, 825x1100, karina.jpg)

I dont know or care who that is, i have never heard of her.

No. 1308859

stop spamming anon, not funny

No. 1308860


No. 1308862

Its funny to me, party popper.

No. 1308869

Anon's not being a party pooper, people trying to force the kpop stuff here are just annoying.

No. 1308870

stop spamming these ugly human plastic dolls

No. 1308872

youre like 300 pounds.

No. 1308873

File: 1660935970697.gif (1.99 MB, 268x270, 88kpop.com_baekhyun-luhan-chan…)

I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHO THIS PERSON IS but he is kpopie and if you like him you bad and stuff.

No. 1308874

is that b@3khyun?

No. 1308877

File: 1660936168430.jpg (100.14 KB, 500x750, tumblr_o40c6ksJRs1riav2to1_500…)

i have absolutely, zero no idea

No. 1308879

it was not even funny the first time anon, go and do this kinda shit and spam your fancams on twitter instead loser

No. 1308880

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No. 1308886

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Since we are on the topic of kpop whats your opinion on pink venom (blackpinks comeback after 2 years) personally i found it disappointing, i guess its not that much of a unpopular opinion since there are others who also find it disappointing, but id say atleast 60% people like the song it which i dont understand.(kpop faggotry)

No. 1308896

sounds terrible, one of their worst songs, but their delusional fans will eat it up like always.

No. 1308902

it sounded and looked like shit, that first red outfit, Jennie was swimming in it ffs

No. 1308904

Haven't listened yet but
> id say atleast 60% people like the song
Their stans gotta make do with what they get.

No. 1308905

People blame Tumblr for weird social trends too much. Like yeah it had an influence a few years ago but a lot of these behaviours were already present or evolved from somewhere else.

No. 1308912

the only second the song sounded good was when near the end rose and jisoo sang, but everything else sounded weird.
I didnt expect this to be so bad, typically the only good thing about their songs is the chorus but even the chorus in this song was bad.

And of course all the comments are their fans praising them or commenting about streaming so they can give them fake higher views.

No. 1308923

twitterfags want kpop to be discussed on this site so badly its embarrassing.

No. 1308924

my dear retarded newfag, kpop users were here since 5 years ago. And the anon who created the first twitter hate thread and popularised ''twitterfag'' was literally a kpop fan so keep on eating shit i guess.

No. 1308925

No. 1308928

stop posting these ugly ass monkeys, take your cringe back to stan twitter

No. 1308933

ok…? your threads got banned & kpop hasnt been discussed since, fuck off to twitter or choachan

No. 1308935

Calling someone else a newfag when those threads got banned for bringing in so many
newfags/twitterfags is funny lmao. Anyway most of the anons that keep spamming kpop and trying to make it a thing probably are new. All the anons who were around for the Kpop critical threads moved on to the offshoot site.

No. 1308936

chill with the seething and take your xanax

No. 1308937

im pretty calm? anyways, here you go: https://choachan.cafe

No. 1308941

Watching a quality recording of a live performed song/concert is a better experience than attending it live.

No. 1308945

Its pretty weird how kpop generates so much vitriol in some here, dont get me wrong it is annoying but i see more general anger at kpop-anons compared to other spergs,baiters and spammers. Like that weird anon/possible moid who looked like they were going to have a heart attack through his replies who was giving whole unhinged paragraphs with the capslock on and was calling everyone chinks and gooks whenever kpop was posted. Again that moid was extreme case but there some who do behave slightly like him in overreactions.
The racebaiter tbp too also got triggered a couple of days ago because anons responded to him with kpop so he literally made a south korea hate thread which latter got deleted by the mods.

Again before some retard replies, im not defending it but some of the angry reactions do give me scrote vibes, its just too retarded to be that mad.

No. 1308958

It depends on whether you like to party or not. Being excited with hundreds of others as your favorite band plays for you all, singing along at the top of your lungs and dancing to the beat, is a kind of atmosphere that cannot be topped by just watching a recording alone at home. Unless you really hate being around people and deafeningly loud music.

No. 1309053

Anons who make a big deal out of it pollute and derail the threads much more than the ones who post some kpop idol, like posts that would probably get only a couple of replies if left alone.

No. 1309151

Nta but concerts are the worst. Since this is the unpopular opinion thread I might as well add that paying money to stand like fish in a barrel and cheer at a bunch of people like they're living gods is overrated. Most musicians are terrible people, especially if they play music live, and to wait for hours in line just to get close to the stage and worship some idiots is moronic. Any band is best enjoyed at your own peace or with friends who like to hang out. Concerts are just a way for musicians to fill their egos and make you look like a fool for having paid money to be treated like shit by the venue staff and your fellow fans for a few hours.

No. 1309169

File: 1660954025097.jpg (268.71 KB, 800x1229, 800px-Nuclear-Fuel.jpg)

Nuclear and GMOs are unironically based.

No. 1309422


No. 1309479

I really liked the Lightyear movie and appreciated the moral. I don’t understand the hate. I even read spoilers before about Zerg being buzz, I thought it was going to ruin the whole movie that I was so far enjoying when it got to that part, but it honestly wasn’t that bad. the animation was of course beautiful as well. I liked it way more than most Pixar movies. It didn’t feel too zoomery either. Maybe I can appreciate it as a stand alone movie because I never really have a fuck about toy story

No. 1309482

Marinas body is fake/unrealistic, her singing is okay at best but it's so cringey how she romanticizes hoeing, especially in homewrecker. I know it's a "character" she plays but it's still glamorizing it just like any show or movie would. I also blame the song homewrecker for her young fans bragging about fooling around with married men

No. 1309495

I thought Electra Heart sang homewrecker, or maybe you're thinking about Marina AND the diamonds?
(Celebsperg but she changed her name and got the heart tattoo removed from her cheek when she realized her fanbase was 14y.o girls and Electra Heart Persona was not livable)

No. 1309513

Im rewatching ouran host club and im realising its not really good, atleast not compared to how i viewed it years ago.

No. 1309518

You grew up.

No. 1309522

well that and im just realising how shitty other anime that i watched 10+ was.
Like that one romance anime (idk how it was called) where the male lead was horrible,hated the mc and was verbally abusive towards her yet i watched all the episodes but if i watched it now i would stop after 3 episodes.

No. 1309524

Way to miss the entire point of Electra Heart lol

No. 1309566

It’s interesting seeing anyone have opinions about her in the year 2022 when this heyday was a decade ago

No. 1309604

That album's heyday was ten years ago but she's still in hers

No. 1309815

Fuck gift giving and fuck surprises. I hate the normalization of surprising someone with something you aren't sure they'll even like. "It's the thought that counts" yeah you can't say that in a world where consoom is rampant and more people live in hoarder holes. Not to mention it's a waste of money for the other person if the recipient doesn't like it. Just ask me if I want something, I'll say yes or no. And I'll do the same for you.

No. 1310112

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I get why people make fun of these, but there is like a specific genre of child who just loves running off in public and think it’s the most fun thing ever, and no matter how much you tell them it’s dangerous they like just can’t resist the urge or fully comprehend it. I think sometimes it actually is better to have kids on these as it can only take a few minutes for something bad to happen.

No. 1310116

Tbh I agree if you have a kid who likes to run off and do their own thing. It's not like it hurts them anyway.

No. 1310246

File: 1661041507389.jpeg (6.32 KB, 267x189, images (4).jpeg)

I prefer when instead of just the leash there is also a backpack, or something like picrel

No. 1310264

I used to wear one and I was 100% that kid who would wander off or walk in front of moving traffic if it wasn’t attached

No. 1310447

Cosplay is stupid. Why are you as an adult wearing a poor rendition of a fictional character made for children.

No. 1310448

I agree cosplay sucks but why are you implying all anime is for children? It genuinely isn't

No. 1310449

What is wrong with her body? She doesn’t even wear makeup, she isn’t ghastly thin, and she doesn’t have super exaggerated cosmetic procedures. You sound a bit ridiculous. Also adore her but she’s a flop.

No. 1310451

Most anime is for children and teens. Maybe not all but most is.

No. 1310474

Gotcha, adults shouldn't have fun or have hobbies

No. 1310487

Expect exactly this sort of autism from someone who sees cosplay as a worthwhile hobby. Yes, I’m absolutely condemning any and all forms of fun as an adult because I’m saying cosplay is retarded.

No. 1310492

I never said I thought cosplay wasn't dumb. Especially as an adult, you have better things to spend your money on than wigs and commissions. Thinking adults can't enjoy things like anime, just because some may be for kids or teens, is exactly what I'm talking about

No. 1310496

Lmao anon, I used to silently judge this until I started babysitting. Now I know that even otherwise “well-behaved” little kids will run off and get into trouble if they think they can get away with it. Especially if you’re in a place with a lot of people where the kid can easily wander off, the child leash makes perfect sense.

No. 1310505

I literally never said you can’t enjoy anime, retard. I like anime. I also accept that in its country of origin is it mostly targeted towards kids and losers. I’m okay with that.

No. 1310509

It's people like this that are the reason why young people flip out about turning 30 and say "bro go start a family"

No. 1310517

No it isn’t, there’s no correlation at all. Cosplay is just fucking stupid. It looks fucking stupid. Even when there are girls that look good in cosplay they just get sexually harassed and have to spend the day in a box with a bunch of men that smell like BO. It’s just stupid. Even literal larpers look less retarded than most cosplayers.

No. 1310557

9 out of 10 scrotes are ugly af and the tiny fraction that’s actually good looking happens to be gay or in a relationship with an unattractive woman. Istg I think this is the one of the reasons straight women gets so mad and passive aggressive towards unattractive women who have a hot man cause that shit is such a rarity so it’s expected that he’s at least with an equally good looking woman and when he’s not it feels like such a waste. Meanwhile we’re used to seeing and accepting 10/10 women with an ugly scrote so it’s no big deal for anyone really.

No. 1310564

>straight women gets so mad and passive aggressive towards unattractive women who have a hot man
No we don't.
>so it’s expected that he’s
I don't expect shit from strangers
Shut up incel

No. 1310567

Saw this because anons talked about this youtuber. And my hot take is that these people aren't interested in helping the child because that would require overthowing an entire system and changing a country, so it's easier to trashtalk and say in the name of "justice" how this is child slavery and has to be stopped.

For context: the tumblr user in the video has family in bangladesh who have an 8 year old child laborer cleaning their house
Is that a shit situation ripe with possibilities for abuse and molestation? Yes.
But in my countries poor kids spend the whole day on the street begging for food or getting in trouble while stealing or working as strawberry pickers/on tobacco farms for tiny amounts of change which I find awful and worse than that.

tl;dr Maybe child labour isn't bad when your alternative is starving while working in the sun at 42 degrees celsius

No. 1310587

Nona, where I'm from scrotes use the same excuse for their shitty sex tourism. "If she wasn't selling her body she'd be out on a farm toiling 16 hour days with a tiny salary so this is justified!!!"

No. 1310607

It's literally not an excuse though because no one is defending the shitty rich people in this situation.

No. 1310621

File: 1661083233160.jpeg (77.25 KB, 639x791, D15B4758-544F-449A-AD1A-5AD6C2…)

I’m kind of tired of all the OP images being cats even though I contribute to this and probably will still contribute to this

No. 1310635

I’ve never seen a chubby Dalmatian before

No. 1310637

File: 1661086550853.jpg (Spoiler Image,34.16 KB, 320x391, tumblr_m3s7gjdGvh1rvh7eeo1_400…)

it's not a dalmatian its a white mutt with spots. fat dalmatians actually look terrible when fat, horror tier

No. 1310647

I feel like people don’t talk enough about how horrible being sleepy is. It gives me so much anxiety and is the worst feeling humans can experience in my opinion. When I’m struggling to stay awake and have to go to work and try and do things I honestly feel suicidal

No. 1310650

i feel you nona. my new meds are making me "sleepy" (not just fatigued) yet inhibiting me from actually sleeping.

No. 1310652

if they actually cared about another person's wellbeing they would give up the money for 0 services.

No. 1310683

"Women in STEM" affirmative action programs are cringe. Most women really are not interested in tech, math or hard sciences and there is nothing wrong with that or even with acknowledging it. If anything, society overvaluing the fields men are more likely to be interested in and excel at is the actual sexism.

No. 1310693

>Most women really are not interested in tech, math or hard sciences

I’d have to disagree but I will say society definitely overvalues men in general kek

No. 1310706

>Most women really are not interested in tech, math or hard sciences
Isn't it because a lot of women are taught that this is a boy thing and even if they show interest it wouldnt be encouraged, therefore a lot of women never really get a chance to explore it? Of course it depends on the environment they grow up in, but outside socialization and upbringing I don't see why one gender would be less interested in something than the other.

No. 1310713

>Most women really are not interested in tech, math or hard sciences
And why do you think that is?

No. 1310720

Far fewer female autists than male autists is a big part of it.

No. 1310733

They look the same.

No. 1310736

I didn't became interested in the tech side of my field as a student until I got a female professor who taught a mandatory tech course. Suddenly it clicked that it didn't have to be just the guys who could like tech. That's how I ended up in tech. I think there's lots of girls and women who subconciously are closeminded to those fields because they don't see women in it. I wasn't even raised to think of jobs in a gendered way but just the circumstances of only ever meeting men in those fields subconciously made me closeminded to it.

No. 1310740

>child laborer
How the fuck are you here stanning for child slavery? Like goddamn.

No. 1310742

Autistic girls are experiencing more pressure to mask since girls are expected to behave in a certain way and boys are allowed to run free especially as children because "boys will be boys"

No. 1310744

Neurotypical people can be in STEM fields. It has nothing to do with autism.

No. 1310762

Before tech became more profitable and everyone realized computers were the direction the future was going in, things like coding were viewed like secretarial work and thus the field was full of women. Certainly the fact there are far more male autists would lead to there likely still being a male lean in these fields even with all other differences accounted for, but the majority of men in these fields are not on the spectrum themselves. Plenty of men in things like tech and engineering don't have any kind of special interest towards it, they were just good at the necessary subjects and went along with teachers and mentors who pushed them in that direction because they're usually good paying jobs. A lot of girls never consider these jobs because they don't see adult women in them and never have any adults in their lives encouraging them in these directions. It's not encouraging to see big industry boys' clubs, especially considering things like statistics on how many men are completely unwilling to mentor women under them. Also ime, there will be so many male students in these subjects that are god awful at them but persist anyway because they feel like they ought to be able to, whereas a lot of women seem to have the mindset they had ought to have some kind of exceptional talent in one of these subjects in order to be worthy of pursuing it

No. 1310768

What's interesting is that in many societies the number of women in STEM falls off a cliff when those societies get wealthier and women gain more freedoms.

No. 1310773

>That’s literally the patriarchy written in law.
I think murdering your kids to keep them for their father is a bit of an overreaction (just kill him) but you are absolutely right about child custody laws being set by male supremacy.

Very brief overview history of child custody in America
Middle Ages to the middle 1800s - (In UK and Colonies/America) Divorce was very rare, but when it happened father got custody and mother got nothing (and would be lucky to ever see her kids again) as father was considered to be the owner of the kids cause male supremacy.

1850s to 1960s - divorce laws loosen up a bit. Angel of the Home thing happens, males start to think that women are just naturally more nurturing and caring than men (and so should just stay in the house and not worry their pretty little heads about anything outside of it) so Tender Home Doctrine comes into place so mothers usually got custody of the children, unless they got a judge who still believed mothers had no right to their children or a judge who thought the mother was 'unfit': "The two transgressions that most frequently caused women to lose custody of their children were adultery and leaving their husbands without, in the opinion of the judge, just cause."

1960s to now - The divorce door is blown wide open. Anyone who wants one can get one. And second wave feminism results in a lot of legal and social rights for women. So men start to react to that, the loss of some their social power, and the fact that their wives can just up and leave and will get the kids by working to get rid of the Tender Hearts Doctrine (they succeeded), put in an initial presumption of 50/50 custody (succeeded), convince the court system that most accusation of physical or sexual abuse are lies (succeeded) and that even if the father is abusive that doesn't mean he's not a good dad so he should still get custody (succeeded).

Most child custody cases are decided out of court, with the vast majority of couples deciding that the mother will get primary custody. However, if a father, good or bad, goes to court for custody, he will get it. And if a woman is trying to keep an abusive dad from getting custody, its likely she will not succeed and could even end up with less custody. In order to keep an abusive dad from getting custody, the mother will need a lawyer who has experience in divorce cases involving abusive me, knows how to present them without triggering the "this woman is lieing" reflex in the court, and a judge who is not sexist trash.

No. 1310777

Anecdotally it's pretty common for abusive mothers to get custody by default over competent fathers too, though idk exact statistics.

No. 1310830

I’ve always found the idea that “autism in women is less noticeable” so funny, I feel like “it was difficult for people to tell” is the exact opposite sentiment than how literally everyone autistic woman I’ve ever met feels. Like psychiatrists will go back and forth for years about if a girl has autism but Jessica, Sarah and Amy from sixth grade would have a 30 second conversation with you one time and immediately know there was something off.

No. 1310843

Same exact experience. Normies can detect it immediately with me no matter how hard I mask. But psychiatrists didn't say a damn thing my whole life. They should just start bringing childhood bullies into the office to state your case for you

No. 1310847

File: 1661101905614.jpg (407.3 KB, 1080x1310, Screenshot_20220821-120352_Fir…)

Men kill themsleves more often because they have a lower threshold for life.

Pic related, killed himself because wife wanted him to check on the kids during a beach resort stay

No. 1310850

Yeah literally nobody has any problem noticing it apart from them somehow and every autistic woman I’ve ever met says the same thing, it’s just so odd to me!

No. 1310858

There is something wrong with it. Those are the most important fields in the world and it shouldn’t be only the majority of one sex who has knowledge about it.

No. 1310859

>Normies can detect it immediately
How do you know though, do they say it straight to your face?

No. 1310860

Honestly, good. What a fucking child.

No. 1310867

That's a great point. Thinking back on middle school I know exactly who would have been considered on the spectrum. It's easier to tell than boys, since males all still act like weird ass kids at that age. But the girls were pretty obvious.

No. 1310870

Probably because autism is just a default male trait

No. 1310874

I think it’s referring to the idea of autism specifically. Most autistic women will just be pegged as “she’s socially awkward,” not “she’s autistic.”

No. 1310877

I think that with young boys it would be the same though, their peers just think they’re weird/socially inept not specifically autistic

No. 1310892

people with eating disorders should just learn to bake - replace calories in your head with whole ass recipes in grams and ratios of ingredients to bake certain dishes
Seriously learning to bake helped me more than any therapy has in over 8 years. obviously eating what you bake is pretty essential to it not being disordered but baking is a great replacement of disordered behavioursand you get a sense of community back too by sharing what you bake

No. 1310919

Anything from treating me like I'm slow, avoiding me, bullying me, responding to my niceness in a creeped out or annoyed way, asking others who know me if I'm a retard behind my back etc. I do notice these things pretty much immediately, I do have a semblance of self awareness because of female socialization. Not the same can be said to the average autist moid

No. 1310920

This made me wanna bake biscuits, but then I remembered I don’t have any shortening at the house. Poop.

No. 1310925

Xqc is the most pro feminism man online. I’m defining most by their believes but also how much they have to gain/lose by expressing that sentiment and how sincere it seems

No. 1310926

File: 1661106366739.jpg (384.95 KB, 1179x1864, 1643408256214.jpg)

>psychiatrists will go back and forth for years about if a girl has autism but Jessica, Sarah and Amy from sixth grade would have a 30 second conversation with you one time and immediately know there was something off.
Fuarkkk this is so true

No. 1310928

Examples? I want to believe you

No. 1310937

Not as in there is no man who has expressed more refined “feminist” sentiments than him because obviously there is. More as in, I think he has nothing to gain from it unlike most of those men whose whole thing is being politically woke, and it’s only a net loss for him, but also seems significantly more sincere

No. 1310939

Obviously not what they mean

No. 1310941

This kind of thing comes to mind but more just statements made in passing throughout his streams(learn2embed)

No. 1310965

Ah yes he who treats his gf like a literal mommy bang maid

No. 1310973

You sound dumb as brick and easily manipulated ngl.
Watch him react to Heard court case, or playing any video games with slightly unlikable female characters, or reacting to cringe videos featuring women. Just enjoy your brainless entertainment without pushing scrote propaganda on here.

No. 1310987

I get what you’re saying but also I think you’re overestimating what I mean by ‘most feminist guy online’ like I don’t think that’s a high bar

No. 1310996

Not to mention that they usually sperg about the same boring bullshit over and over again. Like I really don’t give a shit how fat Lizzo and Lana Del Ray are and I don’t understand why we need to discuss it in every other thread.

They’re also Qanon retards in those threads too. One of the more amusing anecdotes was that Hunter Biden and Malia Obama were banging based on one photo, even though said girl looked nothing like her aside from being a light skinned black girl herself kek.

No. 1311006

OT but Twitch streams like this give me a headache. Too many streams and people talking going on at once.

No. 1311115

Idk how unpopular this is here but it sure as shit is on Reddit:
9 times out of 10, men can't be abused. I'm sorry. Your gf/wife might be mean, manipulative, toxic, whatever. But a woman in an abusive relationship is in constant fear of a man injuring or killing her. I hate all the cooing on Reddit et al. about how ~men can be abused too~ and ~nobody talks about female-on-male violence~ (notice how they never talk about male-on-male abuse).

No. 1311222

bumping for gore

No. 1311328

At risk of sounding like a handmaiden, emotional and verbal abuse DO exist. But yeah. I agree that it’s definitely not as life threatening as physical male on female violence.

No. 1311499

Yeah, nayrt but I frequent that thread for celebrity gossip and it's as if many anons don't know how to stop weightsperging and nitpicking instead of talking about milk and remaining somewhat civilized. It's even as if some want to just stir up shit because they know what will happen.

No. 1311509

I do not give a shit about cultural appropriation. I’ve come to realise that it’s such a waste of energy and like I look back sometimes and think, I can’t believe I got pissed off over shit like this.

No. 1311519

>cultural appropriation
Burgerfag bullshit. They keep inventing weird shit to seethe about.

No. 1311645

I read about what a "reply guy" was in the stupid questions thread, apparently a guy who always replies to someone's posts and compliment or lovebomb even if the person is just an acquaintance, and I've come to realize I find the phenomenon weird. I can kind of see why girls do this on each other's posts, women solidarity is a great thing but in many cases this particular thing just comes across as fake to me. Like the online version of complimenting a girl to her face but will still talk shit about her behind her back.

No. 1311689

You have a point and I agree with that, but I'm not just meaning on the boards, I mean on social media in general which is where I most often see it.

No. 1311711

Then don't interact with those posts? Easy.

No. 1311784

what is wrong with you, the anon you were replying to was only talking about how the lovebombing is weird and how it happens not just on lc but on social media.


right? wtf. can we get a farmhand in here jfc.

No. 1311834

some of you really need to actually look up what "lovebombing" is, jfc.

No. 1311847

take it up with the original post on >>1311645 and the anon who posted >>1311716 then. i was just referring to what they said.

No. 1311850

This post is truly queen shit. I'm glad you made it out of the echo chamber unscathed anon.

No. 1311879

And why are they the most important fields? Because men are more likely to be interested in and excel at them? I don't get why all of you are so much in denial. Are you a tranny in programmer socks who wants validation?

No. 1311884

Nta, but what the fuck are you even talking about. There's nothing wrong with encouraging women who want to go into STEM and if anything you sound more like a male by trying to act like it's wrong. If you can't see how STEM fields are important you're just not very bright.

No. 1311887

If I say most popular sports (in patriarchal societies so literally all of them) are designed to emphasize the strenghts and advantages of the male physique therefore women have no chance competing against men you'd all agree. But when I say that the most valuable (according to patriarchy) career fields are also the ones designed to emphasize the strengths and advantages of the male mind you all call me sexist. Those fields and sports are only important because society has always been designed with men in mind first. I don't understand why so many of you are in denial that men and women are different even in mental attributes. Next you're going to say that all "female" speedrunners are trannies because actual women and girls are "socialized out of it", not because speedrunning is the most autistic male hobby out there.

No. 1311890

Yes anon we get it, you think men are smarter than women. Also, speedrunning video games is not comparable to STEM or any field.

No. 1311892

I don't think men are "smarter" but I do think these things are considered "smart" because men are better at them than women.

No. 1311902

File: 1661161385659.png (30.13 KB, 706x202, femalebrain.PNG)

Ah but science says that if we consider brain difference between women and men, women are actually more suited to do work that requires analytical skills and men are more suited to do physical work, so what's up with that?

No. 1311911

One paragraph obviously taken out of context from one online article doesn't mean much really.

No. 1311914

yeah yeah yeah that's why all the "logical" coding jobs were considered menial pink collar jobs 45 years ago? because they're just so logical and men are more adept at it? nah. it was said that women were better at programming bc it's similar to secretarial work specifically suited to women. now suddenly it's better suited to men. stop buying the BS.

No. 1311918

It was considered menial pink collar work until people realized men were actually better at it, only then it skyrocketed in value.(bait)

No. 1311921

Because toiling behind a computer was seen as female and not masculine. Honestly I wish we would go back to that—so many men should be doing manual labor and not sitting behind their computer doing the pervert shit they’re doing all day and night.

No. 1311928

also just making it clear that i don't think secretarial work is women's work, i'm just saying it was said we were better at coding because it was "similar" to secretarial work and women are pigeonholed/conditioned to take on secretarial positions, catering and assisting men instead of being the ones assisted

No. 1311940

File: 1661162986406.jpg (341.92 KB, 1560x2329, nm-battle-of-the-brains-INFOGR…)

I get it, you really believe men are smarter, but here's the whole article and you're welcome to point out how did I twist it out of context. Or provide a different source (not coming from MRA-leaning websites) that says otherwise

No. 1311946

To prove that I have the most superior brain of all, I will develop both Parkinson's and Alzheimer's

No. 1311953

Genderfluid people be like

No. 1311956

When people discovered that coding is completely different from secretarial work and actually more suited for men it was taken over by men and suddenly became important. If women actually were better at it it would have never reached that level of importance.

No. 1311959

Let's report the moid ladies, it's pretty obvious at this point.

No. 1311960

I'm not a moid or even a MRA, I just use critical thinking. I definitely do not think men are superior, I just think men and women are different with their own strengths and weaknesses and that the patriarchal world is designed to reward only the male strenghts and society as a whole should be rebuilt from the ground up to fix this.

No. 1311963

You’re not wrong. Anyone who says females and males are the same is brain dead.

No. 1311966

"i just use critical thinking" kill yourself moid or if you truly are a handmaiden the world has branded women dumb asses from the days of aristoteles you are not thinking critically you are gurgling the same exact misogynist shit moids did thousands of years ago you are not clever, you are not smart, you are not critical.

No. 1311973

"You can't love anyone until you love yourself" A stable romantic relationship toned down a lot of my insecurities and made them easier to work on.

No. 1311996

We will never be "equal" to men in a society that was built from the start to prioritize men in every aspect. We need an actual feminist revolution, not wishy-washy condescending liberal affirmative action.

No. 1312022

Unpopular here I guess, but I love the feeling after shaving, like my legs on cold sheets and pjs and how soft and delicate my pubic area feels to touch and against my underwear!!

No. 1312321

The whole "autistic person" vs "person with autism" debate is absolutely idiotic and does nothing to actually help autistic people with autism.

No. 1312361

No one here has said that.

No. 1312363

(Within reason, assuming they’re not like completely clueless) passion/enthusiasm is as important as their actual skill in whether someone is good at sex or not

No. 1312440

Unpopular because anyone who says the truth will be crucified by the totalitarian social regime.
Men’s lips make them look like chimpanzees. More like multi purpose face-holes that also serve as heated toilets that flush themselves. The single worst lip look invented by the makeup industry, the dreaded “foundation-lip” is their permanent state of existence. Resembles the results of a “Doctor Frankenstein decides to sew a tranny’s rotpocket on a face” type scenario. Looks like god was having burn-out on her 7th day of creating earth so she just suctioned a piece of colourless flesh into the vague shape of “lips” with a vacuum cleaner and called it a day. I feel like morphing into a creature Jane Goodall would write academic essays on and ripping them off men’s faces with my bare hands and shoving them up their bungholes, but I would never do that in case their prostates get all tingly.

No. 1312463

There is nothing wrong with stealing from big corporations like amazon or paypal as long as it doesn't hurt workers directly.

No. 1312466

This reads like poetry.

No. 1312494

I swear to god I’ve had it with these minimodding summerfags. It’s always SAGE YOU FUCKING RETARDD MLEHHHH!!1! and never just clicking away from the thread with the unsaged post that for some reason makes your bed bug bites itch so much you need to respond to it because you don’t have the power to redtext anyone. Literally commit suicide. It’s lolcow.

No. 1312496

My husband is white but has monkey lips too(racebait)

No. 1312578

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Not sure if I've sperged about it in previous threads but the "5 Love Languages" is just drivel peddled by scrotes so they can get away with far less than the bare minimum and pickmes just gobble it up like candy.

All 5 of these things come naturally for both parties if they actually care about eachother. If you really like someone, you'll want to spend time with them, say nice things to them, do kind things for them, get them gifts occasionally even if they're small trinkets or a nice meal out, and want to touch them (sexual or not), and if they care about you they'll do all those things for you too on a regular basis.

Limiting yourself to one "love language" and only expecting one form of affection from a partner is a goldmine for scrotes who do not even want to attempt to try, and it's setting yourself up for failure. So sick of seeing pickmes go "it's not his fault! his love language is X!" Shut up and stop making excuses for subhuman men

No. 1312584

Totally agreed, I only ever see it brought up in the context of either encouraging scrotes to do more for their partner because it's her love language, or excusing scrotes for not doing enough because it's not his love language (funny how a moid's love language is always 'physical touch' and even then it's only sexual lmao)

No. 1312587

I peaked about this. I was in a relationship where I thought my boyfriends love language was just physical touch and acts of service, while I wanted/ did all the other things. New boyfriend does all of those now. I realized that it’s just bullshit.

No. 1312588

Every moids dating profile
>MY LoVe LanGuaGe is PhySical TouCh

And then with this popsci sociology bullshit they have another way to weaponize their incompetence when they forget your birthday or don't defrost the meat or wipe their ass

No. 1312590

Sikh and Muslim, Atheist and gay men are better than Hindu men, they worship cows. This is not racebait but objective reality. Every girl on here needs a Sikh guy(desperate scrote)

No. 1312592

This post is scrotesque, you are terrible at pretending to be a woman even on an image board. Fucking kek to think you can do it irl.

No. 1312596

Google, Sikh men. You’ll see how enlightened and good-looking they are. They aren’t Indian but Scythian tribal men, who were grouped into Indian. Remember who they are, and why do you assume everyone is a Moid? Stop blaineposting

No. 1312597

It’s the meta troon. He doesn’t like not have any attention on him for more than 2 seconds.

No. 1312599

He has a weird obsession with Indian and black men, hating the former and loving the latter. He makes it obvious it’s him every time

No. 1312600

@ me next time, NonBonita

No. 1312602

I think women who watch GOT are masochists

No. 1312603

I only hate Pajeets, North Indian men are pretty Caucasian, like Sikh Punjabi men

No. 1312608

Are you that indian man hate thread creator?

No. 1312612

No, that was Pakistan-Anon

No. 1312765

You're not the only woman with an ED that i've heard saying this. I think that it reconnect you with your food, and is a far more enriching experience than just buying.

No. 1312847

megan thee stallion dressing as sailor moon for a concert and shaking her ass is disgusting. it's still based on a schoolgirl uniform, the middle school one, for fuck's sake.

No. 1312848

I really like Meg but that outfit was terrible and such a braindead choice for Japan…

No. 1312864

>It gives me so much anxiety
that's surprising to me since being sleepy sedates down my crippling anxiety to manageable levels. i hate prolonged sleep deprivation though, i end up sounding like a drunk, having the memory of a goldfish and even hallucinating.

No. 1312883

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Same anon but you know what? I take it back. Who cares about japans rigidity. She had a whole happy looking stadium, whatever.

No. 1312884

File: 1661231837403.jpeg (819.42 KB, 1600x2047, 895C1110-F5A4-4419-9E11-9FCB3D…)

And she looks cute and happy

No. 1312899

I think Megan is so pretty. I honestly see why Cara Delevingne was being like that around her.

No. 1312912

She’s pretty, she’s positive, and she deals with a massive amount of hate. I don’t care if she just makes ass shaking music I really don’t, I like her and she doesn’t deserve the rancid misogyny constantly pelted at her. Her fans looked like they were enjoying themselves in Japan btw.

No. 1313339

i stay up late to limit anxiety too, also makes me unproductive and feel generally shit but it's what i got

No. 1313419

I always found it hilarious the hoops people jump through to seem apathetic when they're obviously not. Idk why it's just so childish and cartoonish to me. It's usually men doing it anyway, ignoring, saying "I don't care repeatedly", etc.

No. 1313437

People are going to act different about it because it'd MTS, but I've seen people call other women put for doing these things. I sat this as someone who likes MTS and think she's treated unfairly 90% of the time.
My unpopular opinion is, I think a fan base can 100% make you dislike someone and it's justified. Jermas fan base is truly starting to make me dislike him, even if close the chat, you can see the way they rub off on him. Then he did some kinda sponsorship with fansly, can't even watch a clip on YouTube or go into his discord without his weird genderspecials. So much has changed since he stopped getting 3k viewers

No. 1313440

A man will say “I don’t care lol you’re so pressed it’s so funny idgaf” and they’re busting three tendons and the capillaries in their face have burst and they’re imagining murdering a bus full of women one by one

No. 1313471

God, I love Jerma and I think he's funny but you're so right. His fanbase fucking sucks. Before the breakout dollhouse stream I always thought he had a good grasp on controlling them and sort of subtly steering their retarded chat-bot brains in the right direction but they became so fucking loud and annoying post dollhouse stream. I know they're mostly all retard children because it's twitch, Jerma plays vidya, he's funny and non-controversial, and he's good looking enough for the terminally online teenagers to latch onto and be retarded teenagers about it, but fuck they're so. Fucking. Annoying. I hope trannies burn. I also hope he retires soon, I know that old man has had to have planned it. Just retire after the next few big streams and take your fucking terminally retarded fanbase with you Jeremy PLEASE.

No. 1314437

The twitter hate thread reminded me, you're a fucking weirdo for posting drawn pedo rape even for "ewwww what the fuck the artist is disgusting!" Reasons. What the fuck. I don't care if that's the point of the thread. Still weird as fuck to post that shit in the first place. Then there's just drawn pedo rape on the front page of /ot/. Yes you can hide threads and image but god damn you really had to save that shit to your phone/computer and then upload it. Ew.

No. 1314457

His fan base has changed so much since the Sooners found him, he looks miserable, I feel sorry for him. So weird to be a grown man in your thirties walking on eggshells for a bunch of teens that call you a widdle soft boi.

No. 1314461

You’re too sensitive, plus it was spoilered. That is what this imageboard is for. If it bothers you, then you should be more mindful of spoilers. I understand that some people have severe trauma from that sort of thing but clutching your pearls about censorship is stupid.

No. 1314467

Literally. Dated a guy who would make it known "he doesn't care" anytime he suspected me of cheating (he was a major backfooter) or just did anything he didn't like in general, such as falling asleep after work instead of being with him (while he disappeared for days on end with now explanation), just working in general, having friends, etc. Meanwhile he would ghost me and write rants about how much he totally didn't care but he no longer trusts me and stuff…. Like… Kek if you don't care you would just move on and not even treat me differently. Idk why men think they're going to lose their manhood card if they communicate their thoughts like a healthy person instead of acting like a little girl and pretending not to care when they obviously do.

No. 1314468

Look at my post again and point out where I called for censorship you tard. Does calling drawn pedo rape gross equal calling for mass book burnings and mass censorship? Get offline.

No. 1314481

>Get offline
Nta but right back at you. Both images were spoilered and posted to show something specific, you saw the kind of replies it gets and you still clicked on it.

No. 1314482

Keep saving art depicting children being raped and posting it to online imageboards then, I'm sure no lurking scrotes will be jerking off to them. Keep fighting the good fight! Fucking freak.

No. 1314495

Please don't have kids.

No. 1314503

Unironically take your meds.

No. 1314508

>don't like the idea of fictional child rape on lolcow
>take your meds you schizo kek it's just art about children being raped
Someone needs to take their meds and something tells me it's not me.

No. 1314516

Keep clicking on spoilered things that explicitly tell you it's an awful topic and then getting mad that it's indeed the awful topic that was mentioned.

You can't keep people from discussing things that are triggering to you, this isn't twitter.

No. 1314523

Okay the thing is is that child rape and lolicon/shotacon shit gets posted like almost every fucking day in that thread. Always in a "LOOK HOW HORRIBLE THIS ARTIST IS!" and the funny thing is is that you don't seem very bothered or shocked by drawn child rape. Why post it in the first place? Don't you ever get bored of looking at shota/lolicon? Don't you ever get bored saving pictures of child rape and posting it so that you can get easy pointless replies like "ew". Seems a lot of you in that thread are already over the shock of looking at something that disgusting. I'm just saying that it makes you look retarded and weird is all. What's the point? This isn't twitter, so what's the real point of posting child rape porn in that thread then? Are you not expecting people to be shocked and repulsed? Lmao.

No. 1314526

nta but get a grip.

No. 1314527

Okay fujo/shotacon/whatever the fuck. You know what, maybe pakianon has a point. You're all embarrassing and degenerate.

No. 1314531

Are you that person who sent in an FBI report over it being mentioned that Brooke Shields was exploited by Playboy as a child?

No. 1314534

I'm sperging over an actual picture posted, not someone MENTIONING one of the most notorious pedophile playboy spreads of all time. Quite honestly the internet has eroded too many brains to count. Yeah anons are going to start dogpiling me because I'm writing paragraphs about not wanting to have a thread in which drawn child porn is posted regularly. Okay. Tell me objectively, from a normie point of view, which one is in the wrong here. Maybe I'm too grown for lolcow at this point.

No. 1314535

This reminds me of a video on Instagram where the woman had the caption, "When I asked him to throw out the trash and do dishes but he forgot and my love language is people pleasing so now I'm doing it."
Fucking pathetic shit.

No. 1314542

Every guy I knew who was really into GoT proved themselves to either be a rapist or at the very least a creep. I tried to watch a few episodes before but the sex and boobs for no reason was so fucking gross and annoying. Men shouldn’t be allowed to create media when all they care about is porn and rape to keep their attention.

No. 1314550

>Tell me objectively, from a normie point of view, which one is in the wrong here
People venting about some gross shit they saw doesn't mean they support it. Maybe they just want to say their thoughts without the risk of being harassed by Twitter people. I decided to take a look at the thread now, and it's definitely not loli/shota shit being posted daily or regularly. Maybe those are just the things that stick out to you and elicit the most negative reactions in you when you look (which is also understandable). I think you should just take a break, anon. I don't mean this in a negative or passive-aggressive way, it honestly sounds like all this shit is just ruining your day and I don't think it'll help lashing out on other anons will help either

No. 1314567

>posted like almost every fucking day in that thread
That's a ridiculous exaggeration. And obviously anons are repulsed by it, which the discussion is about. Literally just don't click on it and hide the thread you sperg.

No. 1314574

Enjoy seeing degen child rape then weirdo.
Kek actually I like arguing with online spergs. But you are right, I should take a break. There's only so much autism a non-autsitic person can take. Here's hoping the mod team delivers my ass swiftly

No. 1314637

All only children have the same personality (bad), and all children raised by their grandma have the same personality (good and/or sad)

No. 1314648

Where does this put only children raised by a grandmother?

No. 1314655

Generally the grandmother component is dominant so I would categorise them more with the latter group

No. 1314665

Why do you keep spamming this in every thread over anything? Are you just tagging random posts to bait people?

No. 1314666

What about a scrote who's an only child that was raised by an overbearing grandmother? Massive sociopathic redflag or is there some hope?

No. 1314674

Depends. I've known plenty of scrotes who have amazing female influences yet still end up misogynistic because of who they surround themselves with. I've also met men who have awful mothers but are still pretty feminist, at times I feel like scrotes with shitty families actually act half decent since it seems like even the slightest amount of coddling/spoiling can ruin moids and they don't have a true grasp on what abuse actually is

No. 1314678

Nonnie have you seen The Wall? That's bad news bears.

No. 1314681

Hmmm I need more info to categorise him. Which three traits do you most strongly associate with him: Neurotic, yearning, worldly, introspective, tortured, thoughtful, balanced, extremely self aware, open minded, secretive, tolerant, obtuse, hopeless

No. 1314686

those edgy wanna be kids from a few years ago that would always comment on old music videos “I was born in the wrong generation” were based asf and I feel bad for thinking otherwise.

No. 1314737

Are you the same person who always looses their shit in the dog hate and smoker hate thread and then complains in 10 different other threads about those? Damn you really need to learn to use the hide function and cope with topics you don't like.

No. 1314745



>Grandma that coddled his only child ass

Babe, he's great news if you're into giant emotionally immature man babies with mommy and daddy isues.

No. 1314749

If you're so much of a loser that you need the mods to ban you so you stop posting… You really can't call anyone else on here autistic. At least the autist nonnies can log off and touch grass on their own kek

No. 1314870

nonna you need to run. DO NOT get involved with him and i am telling you from experience. especially if the mother is dead or deadbeat you are in for a misogynistic sociopathic hellworld

No. 1315106

I think she’s stunning. She’s like a real life Jessica Rabbit (except black instead of white obviously)

No. 1315109

Sorry but bad news bears is one of the best phrases I have ever heard

No. 1315131

I think most of the time when fans of a band or artist say their music's quality is still good despite being nothing like what they used to be, said fans are just coping and trying to deny that it just doesn't sound good anymore. This applies to other things like visual artists and even videogames, really any form of media I guess, but when I first thought about it, it was in relation to music.

No. 1315166

Is this about Panic!?

No. 1315172

Nta but I was thinking Radiohead kek.

No. 1315175

i think hating patd is a lot more popular than liking it now…
I agree, especially videogames! That's why there are so many nostalgia-driven shitty remakes or continuation… probably the only long awaited sequel that i enjoyed was Psychonauts. The way moids aggressively whiteknight everything online is insane.
Sadly have to agree.

No. 1315322

It's a movie reference nonnie
Fuck I am old

No. 1315398

It’s horrible that this seems to be an unpopular opinion but could glorifying criminals be an international crime? It would stop from criminals getting an early release because of law loops by a whole lot, they’d no longer be able to revenue money etc…
If it’s not possible, every single Ted Bundy fag needs her vagina Bundy’d, because that’s what she deserves. I say she because it’s always women for some reason glorifying “handsome” literal pedo rapists. Incels seem to glorify elliot rodger but he has suicided and can’t do anyone no more harm. And even then incels seem to make fun of him more than glorifying him tbh. Like why do us women seem to glorify criminals wtf? I’ll use Ted Bundy as an example but he has fathered a child and his wife is a bigger liar than he is, she knew that he wasn’t innocent, Yet wanted to act out on her sick fetishes, and now she’s a free woman, who only is anonymous because she knows an angry mother will beat the shit out of her until she bleeds dead (inshallah). And the love letter writing to rapists? Can this fucking stop?

No. 1315593

Making movies about them and Netflix specials and bitches like bailey sarian trivializing murder is to blame

No. 1315686

The gay porn spam is really funny and I look forward to it when it happens, minus the troon inevitably going on a schizo fest after

No. 1315777

I don’t think Gerard is trooning out and I think it’s stupid to even speculate. He’s always been GNC, he’s mentioned being in drag in at least two songs back in the day, he’s referred to himself as “dressing like a cupcake.” He’s dressed like a literal clown on this tour, why is anyone even surprised he’s wearing a dress? Why do you care? Some of you have circled back around to just hating gender nonconformity. Guess you better go full tradwife lest anyone suspect you’re going full TIF tomorrow! Give me a break.

No. 1315920

Exactly what I was thinking, even in their peak MCR was never the pinnacle of gender conformity. I honestly really couldn’t care less and I think it makes sense in terms of the band and their audience kek.

No. 1315987

>Some of you have circled back around to just hating gender nonconformity.
They never stopped hating it, they just found better ways to hide it by re-packaging it as tranny panic concern trolling.

No. 1315998

I just think he looks like shit and deserves to get shat on for it. Wanna wear a dress? Cool, have something tailored to your male body instead of picking something from the women's section at the carnival costume store.

No. 1315999

This isn’t true. It isn’t about gnc, it’s about men getting rewarded and praised for throwing on random items of thrift store nana clothes that look like shit while women are still constantly shat on and thrown under the bus for far less.

No. 1316006

>muh trans panic
Not a real thing. Women have every right to be weary of men who see them as sex objects and fetishise them or expect to be seen as less of a predator for dressing a certain way. Predators and coomers say what they need to to achieve their goals.

No. 1316052

To be fair I should've worded that better, I get doubting men because… well, they're men. But I've seen a lot of radfem leaning women also justify hatred of GNC women with shit like they're AAP, they absolutely will troon out at some point, they have toxic masculinity, etc etc etc. Every now and then you see a few pop up in the FTM thread and spew out borderline tradthot talking points. I'm not saying all anons talking about Gerard Way in a dress are like that towards GNC women too, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of them just hate any signs of gender non-conformity given that I've seens anons like that pop up all over this site. Back to the topic at hand though, worrying about some fat fuck in an emo band is weird parasocial behaviour. 9/10 men in bands are depraved weirdos anyway, I don't see how Gerard Way putting on a dress suddenly makes things so much worse. Aside from the annoying asspats he's no doubt getting like >>1315999 said.

No. 1316116

Personally I have just given men the benefit of a doubt too many times in my life and been disappointed by how they are just relentless perverted sexpests every single time. If a man does something weird now I automatically assume it's a fetish and usually I am correct. Men's entire life revolves around pleasing their penis, the center of their life is their hard-on. If a man does anything I assume the goal is to get off.

No. 1316133

it's a vintage dress that was altered and tailored for him by a costume designer

No. 1316135

Wow that costume designer needs to get their ass kicked and fired. That dress looks like absolute dogshit. Men aren't exempt from dressing for their bodytype just because they're ~gender nonconforming~

No. 1316149

I like Ghibli movies but I dislike how some cool female characters were voiced by men (and drag queens, which is even worse). Like yeah, let's not call actual women to voice this strong iconic character, nope, gotta give the role to a man who can barely do the voice!

No. 1316151

Lmao, right? How was there a professional involved in that shit? I at first thought he had just stolen the first too short cocktail dress he could find.

No. 1316161

what where? english dub?

No. 1316170

Japanese. Both Moro (Princess Mononoke) and the Witch of the Waste are voiced by a drag queen.

No. 1316179

you are just talking shit because you were proven wrong kek

No. 1316182

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the wolf i could accept though like it is an animal so it having a low barky voice seems fit

No. 1316183

Proven wrong in regards to what? Gerard Way looking terrible?

No. 1316186

Having the car windows down is exclusively an unpleasant experience with no exceptions and I can’t comprehend why so many people do it

No. 1316192

>Japanese moids are pedophiles
>Japanese moids want women in fiction to sound like children
>Women VAs do the job because realistic voices aren't good enough
>It's too flirty, high pitched and unrealistic!! (no shit)
>How can we fix this?? Do we tell women to use their natural voice to act??
>No, we just take men! We know women are only able to do whiny voices and they want male attention!
Wow, they're retarded

No. 1316195

The only thing I was proven wrong about was that it's miraciously a tailored dress, which wasn't the point, nothing disproves my original opinion that it looks like shit kek

No. 1316196

>have something tailored to your male body instead of picking something from the women's section at the carnival costume store.
>the dress literally is tailored
>hur dur he looks terrible anyway

No. 1316202

Ok let me rephrase that for you nitpick: Have something tailor made to your body that fits your bodytype and also looks good, flattering and appealing instead of looking like an adult man in a little girl's costume. That's the point of getting something tailored to you and I didn't have to say that. Better for you?

No. 1316206

Because it's too garbage for anyone to think that was tailored at all.
Miyazaki is such an exhausting person for fucks sake, he comes of as a usaboo/westboo in this too.

No. 1316219

Why are you caping so hard for him it isn’t 2008 anymore and he looks like a sped. He looks like shit. He looks dumb. He looks retarded. He looks ugly. It was not a cute delivery. It was not serving. He looks like your average agp.

No. 1316223

A lot of people think Miyazaki is such a great man and he's some sort of savior to animated movies, but he's a horrendous father. And I know he's allegedly anti-lolicon, but something about him and the way he animates little girls and talks about them feels like this faggot is a secret pedophile. I don't trust him at all.

No. 1316237

He’s right. Japanese women put on such a ridiculous voice. You will see 45 year old women doing that shit too.

No. 1316244

Skirts are significantly more comfortable than jeans and it’s weird jeans are seen as casual and skirts as more formal/“dressed up”

No. 1316246

No, he's retarded and had a superiority complex over the rest of the anime industry. The female VAs do it because it is what expected them to, even then, it isn't like there aren't anime in which female VAs play "seriously" or voice male characters, so he was really misplacing the blame .

No. 1316266

I don't shave my legs so I feel like skirts are more effort. I either have to shave when I normally wouldn't or I need thick tights.

No. 1316268

Kinda misses the point to compare Japanese VAs to Lauren Bacall of all people, who was known for having a very husky voice and “stronger” features than other popular actresses of her time. Apples to oranges.

No. 1316271

No, weeb, Japanese women in even every day life put on that retarded childlike cadence and it’s uncomfortable to witness and listen to. Most of them do it. It’s ridiculous.

No. 1316278

I sit like a retarded child so I can't be comfortable in skirts, even if I wear bike shorts underneath I feel like it looks ridiculous have my skirt riding up so much. stretchy women jeans are pretty comfortable, it's the actual heavy denim that isn't

No. 1316283

You never went to Japan? In normal conversations they don't sound like that, but female cashiers or waitresses will put on that shrill, high pitched fake voice while speaking in keigo to you because that's their typical customer service voice. Only young women do it outside of these contextes though from what I've seen myself.

>late-night anime
Well yeah, no shit, you're watching fanservice crap for an adult audience. What was that guy expecting?

No. 1316284

midi & maxi skirts exist and are a godsend for work and summer

No. 1316288

NTA but what about long skirts? I have a long heavy cotton indian skirt that I find the most comfortable exactly because I sit so unladylike

No. 1316290

surprised to see so many react negatively to this. I thought youd agree the squeaky uguu voices arent how normal girls sound.

No. 1316306

Yes they do. They literally talk like that everywhere. Their need to act like children is so internalized that there were mass complaints about them becoming bow legged from trying to walk ~kawaii~. At least be realistic about your precious Nippon. I have never seen women act more helpless and retarded as a whole. You’re just desensitized apparently.

No. 1316307

They aren’t lolcow is just infested with weebs. I cannot believe anyone would try to pretend that shit is normal.

No. 1316312

don't underestimate lolcow weabs, most of those comments like the late-night one are obviously by japanese women who are disgusted at the incel and scrote direction anime has gone towards since lolicon metastasized in the early 1980s (largely in response to the presence of women who made anime something deeper than kimba the white lion nonsense). the near-extinction of shoujo and lady-comi stuff should make that obvious, as well as increasing disinterest regarding manga/anime/idol groups from the more normal elements of japanese society since the 2000s.

but the plague of xy zoomer scrotes and troomers wearing ahegao hoodies and jerking their worm to genshit capsules while expecting their 'girls' to speak in shrill babyvoice has definitely infected some farmers minds, as has aegyo bullshit from similar korean nonsense. our society is becoming more and more like east asia with all these incels

No. 1316325

It's one thing for a regular person to complain about it, it's another for one of the most high ranking professionals in the anime industry to complain about it and get to the conclusion that the solution is casting moids to play female characters.

No. 1316335

>there were mass complaints about them becoming bow legged from trying to walk ~kawaii~
I know, I noticed because platform shoes and high heels are way more trendy there than where I live now and they all have fucked up soles from not walking straight. No need to even look it up, my friend and I noticed right away when we arrived, we were shocked.

>I have never seen women act more helpless and retarded as a whole.

Me neither. But they do act a certain way because that's what expected of them though.

>You’re just desensitized apparently.

Not sure what you're talking about exactly. I stopped watching anime long ago because I found some of these tropes and cliches more and more annoying. I just know that if you watch a late-night anime it's going to be full of stereotypical kawaii uguu female love interests so I would avoid that shit if I ever decided to watch some new series.

No. 1316340

I have big hips and think I look like shit in long skirts, how do you style them?

No. 1316342

they think we're blaming the women but you dont have to play along with your countrys incel idea of what makes a woman feminine. stand up straight, walk properly, and speak up, fuck them moids, dont play along or defend this irl uguu shit.

No. 1316347

…you know this is genetic, right? My legs are a more tame version of this.

No. 1316358

But there are tons of male characters voiced by women and they don't have that annoying shrill voice…??

No. 1316372

Women can’t even have rickets without being called attention whores

No. 1316419

The alternative would be me puking in your backseat, anon.

No. 1316424

I disagree, those VAs did a good job drag queen or not, it fit the characters

No. 1316432

File: 1661456641513.gif (2.61 MB, 500x850, ED11CE05-6928-4033-B1C8-76FFDF…)

Christ. Does anon above also think wheel chair should walk so their not lazy too? What the hell?

No. 1316433

It doesn't matter. A fucking drag queen shouldn't take the place of actual women to voice women/female characters, especially if one of them is motherly and the other is an assertive scary woman. And it's not that a deep voice could only be done by a man, because in my country's dub those characters are voiced by women and sound the same.
The excuse they gave is laughable too. Everyone who's not a weeb knows that japanese women can have deep voices and act normal. "They do it for male attention" what a pornsick way of describing it. I wouldn't be surprised if years after Miyazaki's death someone finds some porn of the child characters a la Osamu Tezuka.

No. 1316437

>be me
>be hypermobile
>have fucked up foot arch
>have knock knees as consequence
>be clumsy as consequence
>trip and fall easily
>get called a retarded weaboo pickme by farmers
I can't be of much help because I'm an inverted triangle, but I guess something like midi skirts that are a little wide would be better than straight up long skirts? I like skirts that you "wrap" around yourself because they become kinda layered which makes them more comfortable and make me feel more covered even if I'm sitting like a monkey.

No. 1316449

Nonny he was talking about the uguu squee anime girl characters which do in fact speak that way for male validation. It's definitely a bullshit excuse, though, since there are regular talented female voice actors all around. Miyazaki is the type to loudly air his negative opinions when he has an opportunity. But I don't take issue with the drag queens in this case, agree to disagree I guess, women were still cast for the old ladies in Ponyo and plenty of other characters. If they do a good job on the voices I don't care who it is because it's about the end result for me, but your standpoint also makes sense

No. 1316459

Samefag, also I doubt he is pornsick since he actually depicts women and girls as complex humans, same as he depicts boy characters. But if what you said ever did come out, well, I'd believe it and drop my defense because yep that's artist moids for us

No. 1316562

The women in Japan who walked the way I described didn't have their legs like in the gif you posted at all though.

No. 1317196

File: 1661502051542.jpg (2.42 MB, 5885x2552, 1661458287379.jpg)

So I posted this another thread but it might fit better here, I think "cute" guys, especially Caucasians(white and brown men) should go for a more muscular look after their early 20's, asian and black males can a last longer but they too start looking weird looking when they reach their early 30's

No. 1317197

nta but being bowlegged is extremely common in japanese women.

No. 1317198

It’s Japan not America. Why are you so pressed about him giving the job of voicing an ugly hag to a man?

No. 1317200

File: 1661502528718.jpeg (257.91 KB, 647x1152, FE627E81-9795-4769-BE7B-9AAAC9…)

Insert ATJ fancam

No. 1317210

lolcor's google search function is actually very good. The people complaining about it are probably dyslexic or some shit

No. 1317215

I hate wearing jeans because until like 2 years ago the most popular type here was skinny jeans. I hate the way it wraps around my butt, I’m a way I feel like it’s exposing myself to scrotes in a way they aren’t because their trousers aren’t this butt-wrapping. Also it makes me feel self conscious about not idk being a bubble butt gym rabbit. Also they’re just so uncomfortable.
Looser jeans are good but I just can’t find any that would fit, they’re either too short or too long. Also I can hardly get them over my ass but when I do, they’re loose as hell around my waist. And it’s uncomfortable in the crotch area too when they’re tighter.
Most Skirts are so easy to wear and comfy and don’t cling to your butt, crotch and legs.

No. 1317216

I find that it works well as long as you're not looking for a thread that has a trillion previous iterations.

No. 1317217

>their trousers aren’t this butt-wrapping
You say that as if it's a good thing. Hate to see them sadly hanging with back pockets almost at their knees. Also, show me that bulge

No. 1317224

Yeah, no, it's comfy until it's winter and too cold to wear skirts and dresses.

No. 1317246

Oh sorry, I forgot about the fact that misogyny is okay if it happens in the great land of Japan! Silly me. But also this is the unpopular opinions thread and I will dunk on these old japanese faggots all I want.

No. 1317247

It's perfectly possible to stay warm in dresses and skirts in the winter if you, preferably, wear the right isolating fabrics and layer well. Unless you live in an ultra ultra-cold places like Siberia I guess. nta.

No. 1317259

The SJW art thread on /snow/, and occasionally the other art threads, is an obvious front for nonnas with weird racial hang-ups to racebait discreetly.

It's only good for general stuff, but won't return results if you're looking for a very specific post.

No. 1317269

maybe I've just been on the internet too long but women can be just as coomerish as men. they're just not as common and less likely to tell you about it.

No. 1317273

not ever as coomerish as men, but they have equal potential to fuck up their brains due to over exposure of porn and resulting brain rot, its not rocked science, masturbating multiple times a day to ever increasing degenerate content with fuck you up in the long run

No. 1317276

Maybe for some lesser extents of being coomerish, but when you include the broad spectrum of how being a coomer manifests for men, women are so incredibly unlikely to ever get to the extremes so many men get to, nor would they ever act on it like men do. Women in general are not as likely to be sexually deviant or predatory.

No. 1317284

Some anons hate the fact that women are capable of having diverse personalities and moid-like tendencies and are not all kumbayah shit

No. 1317286

Samefag, inb4
>MuH piCKmE!!!1!!
No I just interact with people outside

No. 1317296

What are you even talking about

No. 1317298

shes saying some women like starbucks and pumpkin spice… other women like idk, shopping and having sex with strangers?

No. 1317316

>Some anons hate the fact women are capable of having diverse personalities and moid-like tendencies and are not all kumbayah shit
And there is nothing wrong with hating the few women who are just as depraved as men, like the female shotafags who show up here sometimes.

No. 1317328

We know. But it's crazy how many women would pretend to be that way for male attention.

No. 1317339

IDK if English is your second language but I don't see how else I could simplify further. "Kumbayah" is just a word that evokes the image of some hippie-like Rainbow Family gathering where everyone holds hands and sings songs about how much they love each other. Nonnies need to understand this is not how most of the world works unfortunately.
Agreed. I just hate seeing generalizations from anons like
>Women do THIS, men do THAT
Women are not and cannot be defined by anything (besides being less violent/criminal overall than moids). Women can still be hateful and abusive to other women, and we're not at the point where we can pretend everything is good and pure between members of the same sex.

No. 1317347

Shotafags make me want to alog

No. 1317355

i don't hate kids necessarily but i hate how so many things are done with kids in mind that end up being a detriment to everyone else. things like not allowing screens on apartment windows rather than putting bars infront of them, or child safety caps being standard on every medication(and fucking tide pods). parents should be responsible enough to not make their children everyone else's problem.

No. 1317358

"Kumbayah" translates to "come by here" iirc. as a wee little child this was a song sung at church gatherings. "Kumbayah my Lord, Kumbayah…" as it goes. Often a reference to Matthew 18:20.
You're right in that it's meant to evoke the mental image of hand holding singing hippies though.

No. 1317364

nta but i feel like so many anons think they have to defend women as a whole for some reason and end up being hypocritical because of it. and why aren't we allowed to acknowledge that some women do fucked up things without comparing them to what men do? it's like some anons are trying too hard to prove they hate men they need to bring it up when it's not related to the conversation.

No. 1317404

The type of clothes you're talking about look like absolute shit and are hard to find. I find thighs to be very uncomfortable too.

No. 1317466

Eating with chopsticks is superior. Eating with a fork is caveman mannerism.

No. 1317477

I read ‘eating chapstick’ and got very confused

No. 1317513


All you have to do to make dresses/skirts work in the winter is wear skincolour thermal tights layered underneath a regular pair of black tights. Spoken from the perspective of a mild climate anyway.

No. 1317586

More control and you don’t need to stab your food.

No. 1317587

That just depends on which one you have more experience with. I have a lot more control with a fork.

No. 1317591

>more control
I don't think I need more control with a fork than I already have
>no stabbing
What does that matter? You're going to chew on it seconds later

Not trying to start an infight over forks but I'm genuinely confused kek

No. 1317596

The things that will get you called a moid on the site are ridiculous so anons are basically backfooted into walking on eggshells to prove they're not a scrote. I once got called a moid for saying drugstore makeup is just as good as expensive ones kek but after a while I did definitely feel paranoid about "sounding like a scrote" since it seems being anything out of their own hivemind to these anons qualifies as being a scrote. It's ruining this place tbh and now it feels like we aren't able to relax and post anymore without having to watch every move so anons don't think you're a male

No. 1317598

File: 1661538191126.gif (1.36 MB, 500x278, 3F0A7AEF-D92A-460C-9DCA-288B2E…)

I have over twenty years of experience with fork versus one year experience with chopsticks. Maybe I’m just a sped though, I could never handle to eat well with a fork somehow.

No. 1317601

Kek this gif

No. 1317604

individual sustainability/recycling/minimalism has little to no impact. it's not entirely worthless and I'm not saying you should live as wastefully as you possibly can because "it doesn't matter anyways hurr hurr." a little bit of effort and regard is better than none at all, it just seems that primarily it's to make the individual feel better. same could be said about veganism. i was a vegetarian for ethical reasons I promise I'm not just being a dick

No. 1317618

this is entirely correct. also plastics aren't the worst thing ever and recycling as a concept was started by plastic companies to get free materials. the push for paper is being spearheaded by paper production companies, same with fake meat being pushed by industrial vegetable farms. not to mention climate change in general is being caused by actions from the late 1800s, not the 1940s like everyone thinks. it's all meant to make consumers feel good while the companies that are actually causing problems continue to have no accountability.

No. 1317626

I liked the game of thrones finale, I'm not that much into fantasy, i never saw LOTR nor the hobbit and i think Arya killing the Night King was a perfect way to conclude her character arc of getting stronger across the series.

No. 1317645


No. 1317647

70s music is extremely boring and uninspired.

No. 1317654

Your right. 99% of the fault rests on the companies constantly polluting the planet in the first place. Let's say everyone on this site alone stopped consooming, it really wouldn't do a single thing. They would continue to pump out shit useless products and some fool would buy them. I think minimalism is good, people should be approaching from the angle that it means that they waste less money on useless shit and have more respect for their belongings.

No. 1317655

I'm not really into sustainability so I don't know much, but I've seen this argument before and then also that it's big corps fault. But we as individual consumers are who fund the big corps by consuming, right? So ultimately we could make a difference by consuming significantly less, or am I getting something wrong?

No. 1317708

I like dry leftover chicken

No. 1317729

I don’t care when peoples designs are stolen by companies. If a machine and unskilled workers can perfectly replicate your product for way cheaper then it isn’t worth what you’re selling it for. Related is a video I saw of a woman complaining her sticker was stolen by shein and sold in a pack for $2 when she sells ONE for $3. The sticker isn’t even creative it’s just a copy of those ‘thank you’ smiley face plastic bags sold in the US but hers says ‘no thank you’ and is sad.

No. 1317734

Same, I really wish I could care. It sucks for the artist, but I promise you that Shein doesn't care that they stole your design and people aren't gonna quit shopping there

No. 1317743

>I promise you that Shein doesn't care that they stole your design and people aren't gonna quit shopping there
That doesn't make it any less wrong or a big deal for the artist. What kind of defense even is this.

No. 1317766

That's the realistic response. It's rude and hurtful but it's the truth. It's a fucking sticker, she didn't make Louboutin's.

No. 1317771

As the other anon said, it's realistic. I'm not defending it or saying it's wrong but people including Shein do not give a fuck. Consoomers aren't going to quit shopping their either.
I do disagree with previous anons statement about it just being a sticker though.

No. 1317774

That’s such a generic design.

No. 1317779

Regardless of what the product is or if the company stealing cares, there's nothing wrong with artists complaining when companies who steal their art. Of course the company doesn't care, they are the ones who stole, but that doesn't mean the artist shouldn't say anything.

No. 1317833

File: 1661555146091.jpg (26.92 KB, 500x375, tumblr_d415b8051971f004d99b292…)

people who don't have any hobbies or interests are so fucking boring it's insane they're like "I like watching Netflix and sleeping lol!" like holy fuuuck I don't care if it's finger painting or collecting rocks or some shit at least do something

No. 1317940

Shayna's nose looks fine.

No. 1317944

It’s been years. Anons who constantly talk about wanting to give her a makeover are creepy and should go buy a Barbie doll to play with.

No. 1317953

I think it’s bulby and cute. its her mouth that is ugly

No. 1317955

kek I took a Japanese class in college and imagine my surprise when I first met my professor (who I think was either in her 50s or maybe early 60s) and she had a super high pitched voice, it was so jarring. I mean I knew that a lot of Japanese women talk in a high pitched voice but I wasn't expecting it from an older woman. And I don't think it was naturally high, it sounded put on like most of those high pitched voices that Japanese women do.

No. 1317960

most of those people work, and they work jobs that take up all their physical or mental energy
>t. someone who used to have hobbies but now works ~50 hrs a week and would rather sleep

No. 1317969

Because most of them, the vast majority, put that on. It’s a country-wide epidemic, I hate seeing weebs deny that like it isn’t poked fun of by other Asian countries as well. It’s jarring. There is nothing “natural” about it and any anon who pretends it is probably talks like yukipon and pretends that’s just how they sound. It isn’t just in anime, it’s in every day life. Watching something as chill as Terrace House even can be nauseating because the two main female panelists do it to a nauseating degree, and they’re both 57 and 30. The 57 y.o has that shrill, fake helium voice that I have seen with countless middle-aged women in Japan that is obvious overcompensation to try to appear ‘cute’ and the 30 year old opens her eyes as wide as she can to the point it looks forced and tries very hard to make unnatural, cute, childish faces and puff out her cheeks. I don’t like watching women act like that because it’s obvious the youth obsession in Japan has a major hold on women. It’s just sad.

No. 1318126

Sorry you feel that way nonna, imo the affirmative action stuff is cringey and sometimes it 'stigmatises' more than it 'normalises'. Forget about the 'mythology' surrounding STEM degrees or Math. Getting the degree means showing up and taking the exams. The reality is that scrotes just show up and fumble their way through these degrees. The passion you display in your post regarding STEM is way more than you will see in the average engineering student, except you need to transmutate it into actual studying, instead of worrying about 'affirmative action'. I think you should try getting into Math, as a clear headed calm adult and realise it's not all it's made out to be. Engineers use basic calculus at most. Imo this goes beyond the scope of feminism. A lot of people are knocked down in terms of their confidence when it comes to math or science and feel like its unattainable to them or they don't belong. There's even generational trauma relating to these subjects getting passed down. Which is a shame because engineering degrees are some of the only REAL degrees that are WORTH getting, that give you REAL skill, and that gives you great personal power and confidence. Its not WOMANLY to get a FAKE degree that qualifies you to do NOTHING except play-pretend, lie and manipulate to get yourself through an interview, instead of having your work and knowledge speak for itself. Learn some algebra before you speak on STEM again, PLEASE. You clearly have a math trauma wound, heal it and stop bringing the nature of women into your own personal issues.

No. 1318129

ayart, I was about to ask if you were serious about the women trying hard to be cutesy (aside from voice) but then I remembered that the aforementioned professor was like that too lol, she definitely leaned into the whole kawaii thing with her mannerisms. I mean I actually liked her overall as a professor but it is sad. Ageism against women is bad enough in the west but it seems so much worse in Japan, like it seems like a straight up pedo culture.

No. 1318131

Autism is not what you think it is. Compatibility with STEM is not measured on a scale of autism. Autism is a disability, and most of the time involves LOW IQ, aspergers is the exception to this. What you take to mean as 'being autistic' is being what? Hard working and focused? Studying instead of partying?

You keep using these examples of autistic male behaviour like playing videogames or running fast IRL. I assure you that neither of these activities make you better at engineering! You think the male obsession with point and click videogames or speedrunning (playing the same level over and over) indicates critical thinking skills?! This is a major delusion that you and many male videogamers suffer from. They hope for their own sanity this activity translates to irl skills but it doesnt. They have shit attention spans and their micro twitch muscle spasms are good for nothing and above all THEY ARE ADDICTED TO WASTING TIME. You have to detach from all these LIES that are circulating and use your insofar untapped innate ability to critically think. Theres the image you have of STEM and there's real STEM (sitting at a desk and analysing problems).

No. 1318180

File: 1661597530203.jpg (811.98 KB, 1920x1080, DmC-Devil-May-Cry.jpg)

I liked DmC Devil May Cry (2013) reboot admittedly because of how pretty Dante and Vergil's character designs were, and generally, the game itself felt like a stylish slasher that you don't need to take as seriously. The concept and in-game art looked super cool too, wish the models were as good quality. I think it could have been good, but something went wrong and people hated it.

No. 1318198

>math trauma wound
Love the wording. It annoys me to no end I can't watch or read anything that has some math in it without the authors going "don't be afraid! Don't close the tab/book!". Bitch it's just numbers, they're not going to kill anyone. But the default everyone operates under is "people hate math". It's such a bad thing for such an essential science.

No. 1318199

God, I hate how attractive I find that version of Dante. The design is so annoyingly fuckboy in all aspects but I can't help but find it hot. Uggggggghhh.

No. 1318202

File: 1661599530936.jpg (55.03 KB, 1024x579, 8f6b7d1a9ec1985918632178b4febb…)

ikr nonny!! and vergil looked as stunning as ever. I just love the concept art of this game a lot.

No. 1318208

It's not encouraged at all, even if you do show interest most of your male classmates will assume you're there for attention/to get dicked down/affirmative action and will be mean to you and assume you're stupid. After a few months or years of getting shit on, it's natural that many women will get tired of it and pivot to another field just to get away from the rampant bullying.

Plus men get praised for anything they do more than women. My brother and I are both into photography and even when we're out taking photos together people will ask him to take pictures of them but never me. He was the official photographer for our student union, I wasn't even asked even though we're both in the same union. And so on. Men get coddled so much and women are constantly told anything they do is mediocre.

No. 1318213

I recently watched a tiktok about a woman in STEM who was bullied incessantly for being talented and was the team leader of a three person robotics team with two males. They did not believe she was the one who built it when they won, and was barred from going to finals where only her male teammates were allowed—where they lost, because she was the one who built it. She said a man had came up to her and poured water all over her robot in front of her face. The bullying was constant. Men treat women in tech like shit to a creepy degree. Don’t know if other anons can link it but it was upsetting.

No. 1318226

now i am worried about my pickme BPD friend-of-a-friend, her goal to get Computer Science is to be 'around more men and earn a lot of money while sitting at home'… can any nonna tell me the reality of having a CS as a woman?

No. 1318239

AYRT, I've seen the same Tiktok. Showed it to my bro and he said she 'must have been exaggerating'. I pointed out to him that I believe her, since people have been cunty to me as well in the past for being a woman in tech, he said he didn't notice anything when I've literally been told I'm only there to look for a rich husband.
Tech guys can be nasty as hell, just one look at my work Slack and all of them have nanny-wives who are nurses or childminders by profession and serve as live-in mommy cheerleaders whilst they do fuck all around the house. My boyfriend is a classical musician and I'm so happy I found him instead of putting up with a gross incelgineer. Studying STEM and working in tech has put me off techies for good.

No. 1318244

Best of luck to her lol. Men in STEM have massive egos and are used to having their asses kissed, and even if she doesn't get bullied it can get pretty lonely since men will only be friends with you to get laid. Most of my friends are female bio grads and pharmacists, I had to get away from the toxic cesspool because it was getting to be too much.

No. 1318267

I am even more worried because she didn't have any education before that, not counting her 2 (!) months of art uni. She hates other women and sees them as competition, so maybe she will get along with them, as she brags to be 'one of the boys'.

No. 1318287

Exactly, its so backwards. And in many cases it derails peoples entire lives. Limiting their options from highschool because they're terrified of Math, even basic algebra or statistics (which is all you need 90% of the time).

Those women including nonnas friend shes low-key hating on, not only have every right to be in STEM but they belong there. You go to college to study, these weird personality archetypes of each major are retarded and just hold people back. Ofcourse scrotes will always be scrotes but the fact that theyre gossiping and playing identity politics shows how THEYRE the losers who dont belong. Those retards dont 'own' certain areas of study. Its not their lane, if you wanna do STEM, it's your lane and you should stay in it. It's literally just homework, nothing gendered about it!

No. 1318298

I can tell you're really concerned for your friend, you definitely aren't trying to shit on her anonymously online.

Good for her that she quit art school and is going for something more useful! Why are you being like this?

No. 1318307

I am geniunely concerned because after knowing her since childhood I know that it's nothing but her doing anything just to not have a job. She is in her 30s and chooses to live with her mother that has to work multiple side-jobs because of her, using her mothers money to pretend to attend an uni because she refuses to find a job. All she always thinks about is getting attention from men and it makes me sad. I tried so hard to show her the values of friendships between women and that you don't have to make 'needing to date someone' your whole personality (she always finds a new person to e-date 2 months after each random breakup). It just hurts.

No. 1318308

samefag, i never said that women shouldn't study STEM and if they only do that only to impress men. I know wonderful women who chose STEM out of their passion for it.

No. 1318323

I never said it was gendered or that people shouldn't get into it. I literally have studied CS myself, I was just describing my experience and how unfair it was, and saying that I totally understand why someone wouldn't want to get into STEM. I even brought up two STEM majors that were female-dominated where most of my friends come from.

No. 1318346

savantism is included in the same "autism spectrum" for some reason, despite it being totally different. even high functioning autists are adult children most of the time. people have a skewed view of it.

No. 1318349

Blame the movies and people retarded enough to take everything they see on screen seriously

No. 1318353

yes definitely. i just hate the perception. i also hate the perception that autists are more logical when really it's that they can't discern the difference between logic and emotions. a high functioning autist relative lived with me for a few years and it was hell.

No. 1318354

No one is actually logically though. Everyone is biased and blinded by their own emotions, impacting their reality. Even in your own statement you’re using personal exp to color an entire group.

No. 1318356

t. autist

No. 1318360

No. 1318449

ayrt just wanted to reorient from the heavy blackpilling which imo isnt helpful. If the focus is learning and not 'having this amazing social life within your course' then there shouldnt be anything stopping women from taking the courses theyre interested in. Social life is secondary imo and theres always options, for example the good ones might shine like diamonds in shit, there will likely be a few other girls to bond with or maybe like you, they might make real friends elsewhere and keep a few acquaintances to do assignments with and talk about class. Nobody should feel like they need to pick a 'girlier STEM'. It is incredibly rare to find a course with absolutely no women anyway.

No. 1318458

Not blinded, but guided. Stop believing this scrote ideas that emotions are blinding and for weak people. Emotions allow us to navigate through the world and make the right decisions, the problem is when those emotions aren't controlled (like in males). I know this wasn't what we were talking about but I hate when people use emotional almost as an insult.

No. 1318803

I think wispy ends on long hair can be very pretty if the style of clothing matches it (lots of layers, flowy dresses). Looks so much more ethereal than blunt cuts.

No. 1319026

File: 1661670456287.jpg (3.05 MB, 3508x2480, 83371364_p0.jpg)

im tired of people pretending that you immediately cease all horniness towards your old fav (technically underage) characters as soon as you become an adult. Like, I got off to edward fucking elric like every night for years as a teenager but now I'm supposed to pretend I don't wanna fuck him anymore? I can't keep up this charade. i am 23 and I still want to fuck edward elric. this is my truth

No. 1319028

It is all of our truths anon. He is the cutest manlet there is.

No. 1319080

>child safety caps being standard on every medication
If you need help opening them nonnie, you can just ask. There’s no need to be embarrassed.

No. 1319215

Kf is fun to lurk and I miss it, it’s such good mindless reading, and before anyone spergs out at me I was here first and only discovered it because it was mentioned here.

No. 1319533

Ariana looked so much better with extreme fake tan/lip fillers, her current face is genuinely scary to me

No. 1319686

Faggots are not oppressed anywhere in the world, and never have been. Even in the most homophobic nations of the past arrangements and excuses were made for them because the world runs on the axis of dick, and boners are the most protected of all endangered species. The most beautiful boys would be accessible to them and only them, with heterosexual women having to make do with pig-faced failmales. We always got the leftovers; with the best of the produce being delivered to the doorsteps of rich fags, we were like homeless New Yorkers fighting off rats for a slice of moldy pizza. Life is too kind to the undeserving. The faggots have been feasting on all-you-can-fuck buffets consisting of any breed of male you can think of, whether it be the finest selection of faunlets stolen from their mothers or slaves imported from germania for at least 7500 years now. But it’s never enough for the faggot, he needs to catch ‘em all, he needs to taste the crusty shit covered holes of every single man until he perishes like a dog of gonorrhoea. He’s oppressed because he can’t act out his wildest fantasies of sodomite degeneracy, because he can’t be “out and open” whilst being a king of the fucking Pope, I wonder how they would survive being in the shoes of an average heterosexual womon for, say, twenty four hours? From being beaten like animals or outright killed for refusing to be a fourth wife for males 35 years our senior, to being promoted to a “free citizen” who isn’t even allowed to complain about anything because we have a couple extra rights compared to livestock now.
Now, I raise my final question: how can a group be oppressed and also rule the world? How can you be the head of the Catholic Church, and complain about christianity being anti-you? How could have the medieval world be ostracising against “your people” when you scrotes ruled the kingdoms that burned women alive? How can you be “sexually repressed” when you caused a pandemic because you can’t keep it in your pants? Oh, you can’t see yourself in the media? Popular culture has been absolutely wrecked by your retarded tv shows where you don’t do nothing but play with makeup like 5 year olds and talk about that one time you got diarrhoea on your mothers white velvet couch after a late night gas station sushi session. How can Hollywood have no place for you when all occurrences of attractive males are posed subtly in ways that will let the men in the audience know they’re there for him.
We never get to fuck the very things we create on our own terms. I can’t inject no testicles with juvaderm or get my boy ass implants because I have no fucking money. Do you think I would be here if I did?
It’s a brutal world for us. It’s just me and my sweet yogurt treats against the world but it’s alright because God is on my side and my suffering is holy.

No. 1319695

>The faggots have been feasting on all-you-can-fuck buffets consisting of any breed of male you can think of, whether it be the finest selection of faunlets stolen from their mothers or slaves imported from germania for at least 7500 years now. But it’s never enough for the faggot, he needs to catch ‘em all, he needs to taste the crusty shit covered holes of every single man until he perishes like a dog of gonorrhoea.

No. 1319696

damn queen

No. 1319698

>it’s just me and my sweet yogurt treats against the world
me and my b12 tincture against actual Sodom and Gomorrah

No. 1319722

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A+ rant nonny.

No. 1319734

>We never get to fuck the very things we create on our own terms. I can’t inject no testicles with juvaderm or get my boy ass implants because I have no fucking money
What does this even mean? Especially the first sentence

No. 1319808

They hated Jesus too

No. 1320087

>God is on my side and my suffering is holy.
Atomic finisher. Go off, queen

No. 1320103

Shitting is objectively disgusting but nearly every living organism does it. Bawl about it elsewhere you precious cunt.

No. 1320106

I'm definitely more disgusted by piss, shit and smegma. Period blood is as clean as normal blood and vaginas stay relatively clean by themselves.

No. 1320115

It isn’t the same though. And yeah it’s an inherent, obvious sign of hating women. If you don’t have a period there’s no point in sitting around thinking about them and if you do and you feel this way you’re very self-hating and should unpack that. This isn’t an unpopular opinion because the majority of men agree with you by default. Sissies.

No. 1320123

We don’t get put in huts for shitting or pissing.

No. 1320125

Oh you’re a man. Got it kiwifag.

No. 1320132

There are poop emojis, vomit emojis, people draw cocks cumming all over walls and dirty car windows, kids cartoons show characters popping their pimples or picking boogers… but period blood makes people lose their minds.

It’s the kind of blood that’s not caused by violence and it’s also the one that offends people the most. Fuck that. Female biological functions are fucking badass and for every ridiculous cumming cock graffiti there should be 10 vulvas menstruating.

No. 1320138

how is it disgusting?
>wahhh vagina
lol coward

No. 1320143

But I don't put drops of piss or shit in my Nigel's tea so clearly there's a difference.

No. 1320151

ugh, based. i love drawing vulvas as art on places. like they're beautiful, the portal between nothingness and life, and they're moving in a rhythm with the rotating earth and the tides, bringing life and love to the earth. viva la vulva

No. 1320192

>post deleted
Oh of course it was [Redacted]. This kind of hatred for women and their bodies is not healthy!

No. 1320214

Soft white underbelly is weird poverty porn and the intentions of the photographer are suspicious at best.

No. 1320227

An anon claims he’s one of the facial abuse guys but nothing ever came of that

No. 1320571

I’m not saying that Sam Taylor Johnson and Aaron Taylor Johnson are couple goals(their relationship is definitely creepy). However I do find it strange how universally hated she is while men who have been doing the same thing on much worse scales don’t even get a second glance. Its also odd to me that the main reason for womens hatred of her is how attractive Aaron is and how they cannot fathom why he would be with her. Of course I understand the gap is problematic and ew, the double standards just annoy me.

No. 1320665

Agreed. There's a really weird vibe to that channel.

No. 1320685

I think byuu did kill himself

No. 1320707

British food itself isn’t that bad imo. Good for when you want simple stuff. The way they run their restaurants, however, is atrocious.

No. 1320753

> How can you be “sexually repressed” when you caused a pandemic because you can’t keep it in your pants?
based. gay men are often the most powerful, they’re just mad because they can’t be openly degenerate all the time and have all of the social power. Sorry that most people don’t want to think about you eating and fucking shitty holes every time they interact with a random moid. It’d be different if they actually just wanted to be in normal relationships but so many of them want to fuck everything that moves and it’s disgusting.

No. 1320759

pizza is best when it’s delivery pizza with no cheese and put in the fridge overnight

No. 1320774

a cheeseless pizza is an oxymoron, anon

No. 1320777

A cheese cheeseless pizza is a shitty bruschetta

No. 1320808

someone 5150 this bitch right now, i can't take it anymore. cheeseless pizza praisers on MY lolcow???

No. 1320810

Free the nipple is an awful movement that only seeks to normalize deformed breast.

No. 1320817

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Fucking madwoman

No. 1320846

Go away Redacted

No. 1320849

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If men want baldness to be cured they should accept that women must stop breeding with men who bald, since it's genetic. I see a net benefit for both sexes because no one wants a balding scrote, even they know this and suffer because of it. Their expiring system of forcing women into marriage is to blame for many of their own problems as it weakened their genetics over time. I'm only half joking here

No. 1320861

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i literally do think physical abuse is worse than mental/emotional abuse and i'm tired of having someone tell me they know what i went through bc they're also an 'abuse survivor' only to learn that the abuse was their ex calling them stupid during a fight. i would never say this to someone irl because i recognize that i can never know what someone else went through and people process things differently, but yes it is more serious to have your life and health threatened vs just your mental wellbeing. also physical abuse always includes mental abuse as well. so.

No. 1320862

Agree, should be common sense

No. 1320864

Nah that’s dumb, they’re both equally important. Physical safety is important but people also use their brains and are susceptible to outside influence unless you’re a genius which I know you aren’t anon.

No. 1320866

i don't know how to respond because i honestly can't understand what you're trying to say. nona, were you, by any chance, ever dropped as an infant?

No. 1320874

Nta but this reply makes no sense. Even going by what you said, this part of her post makes a difference:
>also physical abuse always includes mental abuse as well
Anyway it's not like she meant that mental/emotional abuse is meaningless or not bad, just that at the very least it's dishonest to conflate the two, and highly insensitive to act like a non-physically abused person can fully, equally relate to someone who was physically abused

No. 1320880

I’ve learned to just not say anything, years ago. There isn’t any point in trying to relate to people or have them relate to me and talking about it never makes me feel any better so I just pretend that shit is below me. It obviously isn’t and that isn’t a very healthy coping strategy but describing physical abuse to someone who has no actual real life comprehension of what it feels like to be physically abused and broke down like that isn’t going to do anything. You can’t make someone understand something they’ve never actually endured like that.

No. 1320885

As someone who has experienced both, I honestly do not understand why people try to compare them or say "well x is worse than y". Abuse is abuse, it really doesn't matter which you think is worse. No point in playing victim olympics.

No. 1320889

To me it’s just astounding to see people compare emotionally abusive family dynamics where their parents were hard on them and just (non-abusively) strict to actual physically abusive situations that included violence, torment, etc. I’ve never seen the inverse. Someone’s mom calling them fat growing up doesn’t compare to someone’s mom beating the shit out of them as a kid, so I don’t know why they try to feign some sort of camaraderie off of childhood trauma when they could just… not.

No. 1320903

>try to feign some sort of camaraderie off of childhood trauma
Emotional abuse can cause childhood trauma. Like I said I went through both as a child, and I can say that the stuff that affected me the most was the non-physical. And yes, insulting your child's appearance can be traumatic depending on things like the severity of the insults and how often it happens.
Emotional/mental abuse includes torment.
You can believe what you want, but this does kind of seem like trying to diminish emotional abuse.

No. 1320906

i don't know what this alternate reality is where people are assuming most physically abusive parents aren't also verbally and psychologically abusive. they are both TREMENDOUSLY harmful. for me personally i dealt better with physical abuse as i got older and stronger but the abandonment and psychological abuse stuck with me. my physical wounds healed, but everything else stuck with me. it really isn't worth comparing because the trauma associated with the fact that your parents - your protectors - are your perpetrators causes lifelong damage, no matter the way in which they specifically seek to damage and harm you. both are horrific. i personally would've put up with the physical abuse (i fought back, always) over the psychological trauma and abuse, but both were hands down horrific.

No. 1320911

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this. and tbf it's not like i'm saying that being called fat or being verbally abused isn't bad or can't be traumatic. just that being physically hurt, repeatedly, by someone who is supposed to love you is on a whole different level. especially if this escalates to the point where you are in danger of dying or serious injury. also like >>1320880 said, it's hard to relate to people who have suffered 'just' emotional abuse. rather than the physical abuse victims being the ones who bring up the differences all the time, i find it's people who were solely emotionally/verbally abused who want to talk about how SEVERE and JUST AS BAD AS BEING BEATEN their abuse was. how do i even begin to talk to someone who assumes me saying i was physically abused is some sort of ploy to be the biggest victim and then tries to compete with me. i do not talk to people about my abuse, ever, and this is a large park of the reason why.

>i don't know what this alternate reality is where people are assuming most physically abusive parents aren't also verbally and psychologically abusive

presumably whichever alternate reality you're from since no one said that retard.

No. 1320916

Ayrt I agree, there can't be any "worse" abuse because everyone processes it different. There truthfully is nothing to gain by comparing it.

No. 1320917

You're unnecessarily rude

No. 1320919

get thee behind me twitterfag

No. 1320920

I've likely been here longer than you have. In a conversation where people are bearing vulnerabilities and abuse, you're unnecessarily rude. Maybe that's why you have trouble discussing abuse with others.

No. 1320922

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if you can't handle me saying the word retard once i think you might just be sensitive. if you really feel hurt by this conversation please close your computer for a while, but you can't dictate how other people speak. also lol by being mean to me in that last part aren't you ruining your own point? i'm done discussing this now so i won't be replying to you anymore. retard.

No. 1320923

It's not that you say "retard", retard, it's that you respond in a rude way, totally unwarranted, to a normal, civil discussion with child abuse victims talking about their experiences.

No. 1320925

When did this become about child abuse exclusively??

No. 1320928

it didn't begin necessarily and the conversation can be about any abuse, but anons started talking about their experiences with abuse which started in childhood, which is common and is usually how and why people end up in abusive dynamics later on in life, too.

No. 1320933

You're ultra retarded if you think the only way parents truly torture and terrorize their children is by physical assault or else its just "parents being strict".

No. 1320934

Nta but you’re clearly projecting. Anon explicitly said she doesn’t talk to people about abuse. Given how crazily open people are online and feel the need to drauma tump on everyone and their mother, it’s also leaked into irl interactions, and you don’t have to be some bitter ill-mannered asshole to be tired of this revolving door of hollow interaction. Personally, I do not and will never compare my intimate experiences with other peoples because it isn’t necessary—but as someone who did go through severe negligence, abuse, and genuine physical torture as a kid I just don’t want to talk about any of those things ever at all. While I can vaguely sympathize with someone venting about wanting to escape their parents, I don’t actually want to hear about it or anything of the sort, and I don’t care that someone’s mom called them fat or didn’t let them hang out with friends. It doesn’t make me heartless, most people don’t actually care about those things they’re just putting on theater online and pretending it makes them virtuous. We are not eachothers or anyone else’s online therapist or mother figure quite frankly. Expressing this sentiment doesn’t mean we treat people poorly, it’s internal.

No. 1320935

You’re ultra retarded if you think I’m referring to genuine emotional abuse. I’m talking about the phenomena right now of scores of young people referring to trivial things such as getting their phone taken away or their parents not wanting to refer to them as neopronouns as actual, terrifying abuse that they fear for their life for kek. You’re just doing mental gymnastics.

No. 1320936

Jesus Christ please see >>1320935 I’m not here to split hairs with your autism I’m just referring to this.

No. 1320940

Oh then I agree with you. (Not sure what's supposed to be mental gymnastics, I'm not any of the previous anons.)

No. 1320943

It’s mental gymnastics to kneejerk assume that anons who hav experience with abuse need to be autsplained about how damaging emotional abuse is. I went under complete context clue assumption that the original anon meant shallow interactions with people trying to relate to her through familial dysfunction such as the examples I stated. I highly doubt that there are anons who genuinely think they’re somehow above other anons based upon who has more childhood twauma or whatever. No one is dismissing the complexity of abuse in any way, they’re expressing how they’re tired of everything being referred to as abuse imo.

No. 1320944

It's not splitting hairs, the conversation and OP was about emotional abuse victims. If you're just going to call explaining an opinion or disagreeing with someone autistic then whatever.

No. 1320947

I've been beaten and strangled before and I can honestly say that trauma makes no sense. If anything, the worst thing for me is when people don't care to protect you. I'm more traumatized by CPS doing jackshit or people telling me I must've wanted it when a pedo tried to diddle me, rather than the actual obviously traumatic shit that happened. Everyone processes things differently and emotional abuse gives a pain response which can be measured in the brain, so it can be traumatic and since it's subjective, it can be worse. The gaslighting and being told that being beaten is a sign of love and that I must've deserved it, was worse than the beating itself. People falling over themselves to protect scrotes, was worse than the shit that actually happened.

No. 1320949

One of the hardest things to carry isn’t the memory of physical pain, that can be forgotten with time, but as an adult being able to process memories and feelings you couldn’t express as a child and the anger and hurt of seeing just how many adults would eagerly ignore or harm a kid if they did not fear the consequences.

No. 1320951

think about what you just said. all that specific emotional abuse you mentioned happened because you were physically abused. this is what i mean when i say physical abuse always includes emotional abuse, but not vice versa. that's one of the reasons i believe it is worse. like when i was physically abused, yes of course the emotional pain was worse than the physical, but that specific horrible emotional pain comes about because of the physical abuse, the loss of hope and betrayal that it causes. plus in my case there were times when i thought i would die and i can honestly say i would take any emotional pain over the terror and pain in those moments. i can't separate the feelings and the actions, but the actions do in fact make it worse. i hope this makes sense.

No. 1320995

>plus in my case there were times when i thought i would die and i can honestly say i would take any emotional pain over the terror and pain in those moments.
Well I completely believe that is the worst bit for you, I feel like I almost adapted to it in my case. At this point I'm more afraid of mentally breaking. The physical abuse wouldn't nearly have the impact it had for me, weren't it for the room 101 shenanigans around it. Eventually when it came to the physical violence, I could fight back, which made me feel less hopeless and afraid, but being soft powered into compliance by everyone around me, felt like a more difficult assault. Every time I'm not believed or people try to make me comply "for my own good", I get "triggered" more kek, than when someone tries to physically assault me now. I can effortlessly evade large heavy objects being thrown at my head or the like and will fight like crazy. But someone telling me I should accept a bad situation? Having freedoms taken away to get compliance? The villain becomes muddled and I fear that one day, I will think I'm harming myself by not just complying and I'll just obey. That I'll allow myself to become someone I'm not and end up not really living, but just become a husk of my former self. Like my father killed pets to try to break me, because the physical didn't have as much effect. Or the whole being locked in a small room with jackshit and not knowing what day it is. It's become a sensitive wound, which is disturbed a lot faster for me than being threatened with physical harm directly, because personally I didn't feel as hopeless when physically harmed than with the other stuff. Not saying you're doing it, but that is why it is kinda a pet peeve for me when (I perceive that) emotional shit is downplayed.

No. 1321017

It's actually a good game if you take it as a standalone, but pales specifically as a Devil May Cry game.

No. 1321022

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I find Doja Cat very talented, funny and cute. She does not take herself too seriously even if she has to deal with an insane amount of pressure. I wish her the best.

No. 1321026

Young Weird Al was cuter than manlet Radcliffe

No. 1321037

This is such a random comparison kek

No. 1321038

isn't Radcliffe playing Weird Al in an upcoming biopic?

No. 1321040

same. i simply don't think she's a cow, and i'm surprised she triggers so many nonas here given she's a weird spawn of 4chan-esque spaces just like us

No. 1321044

We actually had a lot of discussions about that before, with anons saying she acts and talks like she's a farmee just like with Azealia Banks.

No. 1321061

ha ha anons a retard!

No. 1321064

Probably hits too close to home kek
I think she's a bit cringe but honestly I'm not that invested in her antics either.

No. 1321383

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I feel like people glamorize being single and devalue intimacy, like I get that there needs to be pushback against the belief that being single is terrible and a fate worse then death, but sometimes people take it way too far. I recently had my sexual experience after 3 years, and the physical intimacy of it was just… so much better than being alone. It fulfilled a need I had that couldn't be fulfilled alone or with friends. I wish we didn't pretend that physical intimacy isn't something you can feel deprived of. It frustrates me to hear people pretend that being single forever couldn't possibly mean missing out on something.

No. 1321387

For some people they genuinely don't get anything out of physical intimacy. I'm bored by it and don't really like being near people, I find it uncomfortable and I don't enjoy sex or sexual activities much. I really dislike kissing, cuddling and all that.

No. 1321396

I'm single for going on 4 years now and ngl I'd love it if I could hook up with this guy that I like atm, get all those fuzzy warm chemicals that I've been missing.. and then just dip.

I'm not under the illusion that relationships are automatically better than single life but those early days happy lovey dovey chemicals are the shit and I'd like a big dose of those if I had the willpower to then walk away from it before the 'less fuzzy' reality kicks in.

No. 1321402

this is an unpopular opinion absolutely nowhere outside of LC and it's not even an unpopular opinion here either if it's about being single vs a HEALTHY relationship with a GOOD partner

No. 1321405

The image attached makes me want to be in a rs just for lovely moments like that, but it's currently unrealistic for me. The thought of being in a relationship makes me uncomfortable, but I'd like to try some day and maybe it'll happen at the right time.

No. 1321453

Nta but I think for some the thought of dating gets tedious because even a once-great relationship can just naturally fade out and have an expiry date without it being toxic or anything dramatic. In a way those beartbreaks linger more. After a few rounds of healthy relationships that still just meet their end.. that almost can suck worse than dating shitheads and losing them. You get worn down by loving and losing and start to feel afraid of starting over again.

That famous saying
>better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all
The older I get the less I agree with that saying lol. Maybe I'm real sensitive tho.

No. 1321571

think I summoned that bald men thread with this post
pic saved so hard, cute jiggly-kun
I don't know much about her but this is my impression of her too. even if it's not true about her specifically, I like this type of person the most, especially if they're famous but that's rare to find. also agreed she is super cute and anons nitpick too much

No. 1321645

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Boulder and indoor rock climbing has become the most NPC normie sport in my country lately. It's like the new gym but for men who look slightly more unwashed and probably smoke weed. I went a few times and it's just shirtless sweaty men trying to pick up women, women trying to flirt with the instructors and bros loudly showing off to their bros and of course, women. It's like tinder but in a room. I just wanna do the fucking sport not talk to you, Mr. Necktattoos Manbun.
Every climber I know think they're really original and alternative but it's already so mundane it's laughable, speaking of tinder I think there's more man that do boulder climbing than who don't. They always take hundred photos to show off or videos and upload it to every single social media and dating app they have. It also looks pretty lame on video, irl it's maybe impressive but on video it's just kinda slow and lame. Thanks for showing me your whole sweaty back, really needed to see that. Oh so muscled and stronk, yeah. Climbros are almost as annoying as gymbro.

No. 1321646

Basic but did you consider buying and wearing a cheap ring that resembles an engagement ring?

No. 1321648

I just know you have cockbreath.

No. 1321649

I'd be afraid I'd peel my whole finger off if I climbed with that

No. 1321650

You never know your “mental abuser” will turn violent. I understand your rage but this isn’t a competition.

No. 1321652

There's no need to say that to a post like that.

No. 1321655

Unrelated but I've been wanting to try this sport for a while now. There's even a climbing wall in my university's gym

No. 1321657

Try it out, it seems fun

No. 1321659

I mean, that's how hormones work. The high doesn't persist repeatedly–you were a virgin or at least chaste, and the relationship or whatever that was probably fresh.

Straight women are infamously unsatisfied in bed for a reason, especially those that partake in casual sex–it's because there's a lot that basically are desperate for crumbs of touch and affection from a man that won't really give much to her otherwise, but will, given he can penetrate her and use her body. So, this creates a system where a lot of women wrap up all sorts of values and meanings into sex when in reality they're actually with someone that is profiting off of her desperation for that "something more."

I am actually sure you aren't used to loving touch and affection in situations other than sex, so you say it's "better than being alone" when in reality your entire worldview is based off depravity and relief from depravity. A twisted horseshoe.

People know that there are some giving up things in being single usually, but also it's because sex has become more and more about greed and being pornographic ideas of it than actually being vulnerable with someone that you can actually completely trust and feel certain in without there needing to be many excuses to justify it.

For example, refer to your picrel. It's a very romanticized idea of real life. Most middle aged couples don't have something like that, but you probably heavily identify with it regardless of almost all couples having it.

It goes both ways. People glam up both being single, and being in a relationship, for different reasons.
Note how there was some research on women v. men in relationships with completely distant/unsupportive partners. Women were substantially more likely to have much poorer mental health than single women while the same trend wasn't noted in the men.

No. 1321665

>you never know when your mental abuser could become violent
so you admit that being violent is worse?

No. 1321667

sad kek at picrel

No. 1321672

Oh, there was a viral post of a guy going "sweet! A new hole!" v. a 2000 word essay from a woman talking about the same event and how special and amazing it was which is pretty much the expected dynamic involved.

I am not demonizing ideal intimate situations at all, no. I just find it odd the things I see girls and women say in contrast to men that actually aren't at all anywhere near the same page as them.

No. 1321682

I don’t like drive thrus, the whole experience is awkward and uncomfortable for me

No. 1321697

Not that anon but this reminds me of this one shitty indie song where there's a man and woman singing different lines
>i liked my american fuck
>i loved my english romance
and it's all about the same encounter

No. 1321768

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Saw this campaign that’s “supposed to make you think”, but this is retarded. I get what they’re going for, but come on. After having lived in a big city it’s a sad fact that I don’t make eye contact with homeless people (specifically men) anymore, because literally nothing good has come from it. At least I know the damn poster won’t charge at me with a knife or scream gross obscenities at me if I look at it.

No. 1321791

I'm partial to helping homeless women but even then most homeless in my area are drug abusers so I refrain quite a bit

No. 1321795

that song sounds like a poor, improvised man's version of summer nights from Grease.

No. 1321861

Oh my god The Teenagers! I forgot about that band

No. 1321968

Not all lawyers are pariahs. It's kinda disturbing how it's socially acceptable to wish death on lawyers. People think that you automatically get a million dollars when you get a law degree or something, when if you try to actually do good, you're definitely not making bank constantly. Yeah corporate attorneys and all that suck, lawyers who too eagerly defend pedos, rapists and abusers, suck. However the person helping a woman leave her abusive relationship and file a restraining order, is also a lawyer. Some dedicate their entire life to bringing companies like DuPont down. People also somehow blame lawyers for law existing or think if lawyers didn't exist everything would be solved, nobody would fight anymore. The government makes the laws, people don't become a lawyer because they just love the law so much and most never become anything close to rich. You think other lawyers don't hate the slick back arrogant corporate attorney scrotes? I don't think lawyers should receive praise or need special treatment, but the joyful wishing death thing is disturbing.

No. 1322108

women need to accept drag kings will never become popular because masculinity is boring, straight men and women hate lesbians, and woman are so cucked they will watch gay men perform caricatures of women and find it funny.

No. 1322109

the city instead of paying for this trash campaign could have helped a homeless person get off the street. useless.

No. 1322129

I don't mind it honestly, I prefer when things remain underground with a small circle of connoisseurs.

No. 1322234

That’s better. Gateekeeping is necessary for keeping communities worth being in.

No. 1322257

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Astrology ‘experts’ are just as manipulative and as full of shit as mediums to me. It’s cool to know about planets and stars or whatever but the majority of it is social engineering to cater to what you think a person wants to hear. Huge crock of shit good for people who manage to profit off of the yarn they spin.

No. 1322382

I knew someone who could feel people's 'auras' and described them with colors, she was a huge catty bitch and would make up shit behind other people's backs to start fights, bet her aura was baby shit green

No. 1322383

People that get depressed about not having sex are retarded. It might be a human need but not getting laid it's not going to kill you. If you want quality sex but don't have a partner, you'll have to make peace with the fact you're not gonna get sex. There's so many other things in life you can enjoy.
This is specially about moids tho, they're crybabies and will kill themselves over such a retarded thing

No. 1322395

it's not even a human need. people are just fucking retarded and are obsessed with the idea that they need it plus it's blasted everywhere for $$$$ so they feed into it. it's in no way a human need.

No. 1322417

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People are gravely wrong about male hobos. Men don’t have a moral compass of their own, the only reason they don’t commit heinous crimes is because there’s something else at stake. A wet hole to stick their dicks in, the property they own, their cushy warm beds. Male hobos have nothing, absolutely no reason to have a sense of humanity. They are the biggest threats to homeless women and THE reason for their unimaginable suffering. The rapes, the beatings, the torture. They will fucking kill their dogs. The single most evil, dangerous “people” on the streets are male hobos. You can give them money and they will throw handfuls of shit at you for not giving them enough. You can give them shelter and they will follow you home. Men regress to wild animals when they don’t have anyone “beneath” them to abuse, when they don’t have anything to lose. They will push you onto the train tracks and feel no remorse about it because you’re a woman with supposedly a couple hundred dollars to your name and he doesn’t despite being a man, so you deserved it anyway. This is also true of men who don’t have much power over other males. Whenever they feel oppressed in some way they will take it out on women. When they develop grudges against a certain group they will take it out on “their” women. Never, ever think about lending them a helping hand. They absolutely fucking despise you and will let you know. This is also why I don’t give a single fuck about rehabilitating them back into society, by the time they’re on the streets they’re already gone. They will forever be threats to women and their children.
This image is a collage of different women’s experiences with male hobos. (1/2)

No. 1322423

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No. 1322439

I told an ex years ago (while still with him obviously) that I could live without sex and not lose any sleep over it. He scoffed at me and got all condescending. It hit a real nerve with him. But its true. If theres a source of sex already there on tap I will hit up the source daily… but if I'm single or options aren't great then I'll just skip sex for years and thats fine too. That's been my proven pattern. Years of daily sex while dating someone and years of no sex while single. Its nice if its right there but its not worth too much hassle.

No. 1322447

The only homeless man I found ok was living in my neighborhood and very well known there, he was basically everyone's friends. We even made small talk often because I'd cross his path on my way home after work. Then a few years ago he got murdered and dumped in the river and nobody knows who did this, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were other homeless guys. I ignore all of them now, and don't give money to anyone so they can't get any expectations from me and harass me if I don't give enough. I just mind my own business and walk quickly when I see one.

No. 1322452

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the kpop thread was so best to ever exist on lc, it's been years and it deserves to be backs

No. 1322454

I don't even like kpop and i believe the kpoppies deserve their thread back for their service for spamming their idols to protect us from gore and porn.

No. 1322458

A man with nothing to lose is dangerous. A man who would rather be sleeping on a psych ward or in a prison than be in his current situation.. is a dangerous man who might sacrifice you in order to get there.

There's been alot of cases in my country the last few years where prisoners are released and they abandon their halfway house and go sleep rough, then commit another horrific act within days because they want to get back into their prison life. They've no desire to live a normal life and no respect for anyone else trying to live a normal life.

No. 1322517

Tap water is the best.

No. 1322547

No, it was PULL-tier garbage. Look at the state of some of the /w/ threads, it will be the same, people waking and blog posting all over the place instead of talking about dramas.

No. 1322550

I third this. At least we can combat the gore with kpop. let us talk about stupid plastic men in our own containment thread

No. 1322552

Agree with you. People who have no signs of being rehabilitated should be executed to save the hurt of any future victims.

No. 1322556

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Same! I'm also forever thankful for the fujo and astrology thread because I believe that moids hate it so much that that it deters them from staying here for too long, a kpop thread with a lot of male idol discussion could be used in the same way, it would be a service to society kek

No. 1322563

moids hate astrology because it helps women know which man to stay away from

No. 1322605

most oldnonnies hated kpop threads because kpoopies would try to make a thread every morning for like 2 years making the farmhand cleaning up after their obsession every day. when they were allowed they lasted a faction of the time compared to the time anons spent trying to make the thread for years kek

No. 1322637

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Yeah this. Plus it made a lot of twitterfags overstay their welcome.

I honestly would not mind if kpop was allowed again but only after we get more mods. I know there's smart kpoopers between us, I can sense it. It's just the newfags that are the problem, if farmhands allow kpop discussion again you must PROMISE to bully the twitterfags so they either integrate or fuck off

No. 1322638

>spamming their idols to protect us from gore and porn.
I don't get why anons keep saying this .

No. 1322643

astrology is fucking stupid though.

No. 1322645

I was so happy the day I found out a particularly nasty obese hobo in town died. He used to yell at women who walked by and call them whores for not giving him money. Another homeless guy shot him because he wouldn't shut up. It's so nice to walk past his spot now. There are parts of my downtown I can't walk through anymore because of mentally ill moids wandering around. A lot of people feel bad for them but I don't. The ones that are stuck on the streets around here have been kicked out of the programs we have, usually for sexual assault so they should die in the gutter before they harm anyone else.
I feel similarly about old people who are left alone in nursing homes while they have family. A lot of people pity them but I wonder what fucked up shit they did to their children to make them abandon them.

No. 1322647

Because it's true, thanks to them threads get deleted in minutes as opposed to hours

No. 1322649

Yeah and? so are most dumb hobbies. It's just fun shit, and I'm not into astrology myself

No. 1322650

it is and it's based on bullshit but it's fun and gives some people hope when they're feeling down and out

No. 1322661

i agree with people into it casually but the people into it seriously are absolutely insane. they think that star energy enters your immune system during birth and make up a bunch of extra bs for people who's personality doesn't fit the box correctly.

No. 1322664

No, not really.

No. 1322671

I think most homeless people in first world countries are simply very mentally ill.
I live in Germany and there are so many welfare programs, really nobody would need to sleep on the streets here and yet they exist.
One of the Adidas heirs is a hobo in a town near me. He has all the education and money one can imagine but he's simply too craycray to stay inside a house.

No. 1322680

In burgerland I’ve noticed almost all the visibly (as in camping out on sidewalks/parks) homeless men are obviously methed out. I’ve seen it mentioned a lot that the meth manufactured now a days is MUCH more damaging to peoples brains than it ever has been. The modern meth seen all over in the US can completely destroy a person’s brain in a short amount of time making them also present much like an unmedicated schizo would. I think the meth can make it hard to decipher a homeless person that is genuinely mentally ill and someone who is being erratic because of meth use. But I guess the meth is destroying people’s psychs that it does functionally make them mentally ill. Eurofags, is meth even a popular choice of drug over there? I know Canada is having the same problem with meth that we are having.

No. 1322717

I can only talk about Germany but there's this show about drug addicts that I sometimes watch and for the vast majority heroin seems to be the most popular choice. A few take cocaine, pills or meth and the ones who take the latter always look the most horrible.

No. 1322741

Ben and Jerry's ice cream isn't that good and has a weird aftertaste. I don't know why people go nuts for it, it's expensive too.

No. 1322742

What's your favorite icecream brand?

No. 1322745

It's not that expensive.

No. 1322752

Talenti isn't technically ice cream but I love it too

No. 1322759

Making your own ice cream is definitely worth the time and you don’t even need a churner. Just stir periodically until it gets creamier as it sits in the freezer. I prefer using raw cream from a farmer I know because it tastes lighter!

No. 1322761

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Fuck climate activists
Gonna sound like a boomer (despite likely being younger than these wastes of air) but they really need to be forced to work. Only that would open their eyes to how detached from any reality their thoughts and goals are.

No. 1322768

So many of these “activists” just use their opinions as an excuse to be the attention seeking kid in class. I have really mixed feelings about that little autistic girl with the stage mom though. That’s slimey to me

No. 1322771

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Great Value makes really good ice cream actually. The ingredients are (mostly) whole too, not too many bizarre additives. My favorite was the coffee one

What are these assholes accomplishing by standing in front of a painting?

No. 1322773

they glued themselves to it, anon

No. 1322779

she doesn't even know what she's talking about, especially in europe a lot of things causing climate change happened in the 1700-1800s from paper factories, yet she was yelling about stuff from the mid 1900s that has much less to do with climate change, mostly occurred in the US and was more related to environmental contamination. it's just sad to see her get used and sound so ignorant because the people directing her are stupid.

No. 1322787

of all the things to be annoyed with on a dying planet with multiple groups losing their rights in developed countries, it's the climate activists that get you annoyed, kek. talk about having poor priorities.

No. 1322788

Always thought the gorillaz art style was ugly and never cared for their music.

No. 1322789

Climate change agenda is a way to rally attention and money without doing anything. Now, if they were Anti Pollution Activists, they'd actually accomplish something and people would respect it.

No. 1322791

Starving children in africa

No. 1322795

>people can only care about 1 thing
that struck a nerve huh?

No. 1322796

you're correct. the music really sucks and the art is really ugly. makes my skin crawl

No. 1322798

i literally said there are multiple important things to care about that anon should care about instead, that are far more angering. taking issue with people with comparatively no power trying to do something is punching down supremely and is stupid as fuck.

No. 1322800

No. 1322804

that's exactly how those activists reacted to criticism too
>how dare you care about us damaging one of the most famous paintings on earth when our planet is literally dying!!!
normal people living normal lifes can't afford to solely care about things that they have no control over anyway

No. 1322985

It’s obviously extremely fake but I’m not actually against women who are interested in it or anything and think it’s cool when they can con people with it, I just find it fascinating that they tether so much of their beliefs around it and genuinely think it governs everything. It’s become a new sort of spirituality to fill a void; and they’re just making things up as they go along. They base it entirely around their own narrative. Cool in theory just odd in practice. I also think it’s extremely rare to see someone base their astrological views on anything but biases built and created off of their own agenda and personal opinion. Very fun fiction though.

No. 1323190

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Plain and thick oatmeal without any random toppings, just a pinch of sugar and a tinier pinch of salt > Random ass flavored oatmeals with random ass toppings and 2 cups of sugar per 1/2 a cup of oatmeal and milk

No. 1323193

Based and delicious. Influencers ruined oatmeal with their disgusting toppings, idc if it's sugary crap or "superfood". Oatmeal topped with this, oatmeal topped with that, how about oatmeal topped with NOTHING because you deserve nothing FUCK YOU.

No. 1323194

If they get their containment thread back but continue their good work, why do you care about blogposts and whatnot?

No. 1323199

Exactly. When you look at the start of the environmental movement it was about contamination. The dumping of radioactive waste into the worlds oceans, chemical sludge being dumped in rivers and excessive use of pesticides wrecking the ecosystem. These are very real issues that are still occurring, yet there's hardly any information about it and the general public is totally ignorant. Instead nearly all environmental issues focus on climate change which isn't caused by human activity (google solar cycles) while huge damage is still being done by the chemical and nuclear industry. Man made climate change is a hoax that is used for profit and to hide the real issue.

No. 1323205

Chaochan exists, nonny

No. 1323216

theyre slow and not funny like it was here. its not even close

No. 1323245

Blogposts are cringe, k pop containment threads attract spam and that special hybrid stan twitter autism that they then trickle into other threads and make this place more miserable than it already is

No. 1323350

Tbh, that's all already happening without those threads. I'm sure it would be worse if we brought the K-Pop threads back though. I am a fan of K-Pop but I still never wish for those threads to be back.

No. 1323389

Jannies can barely deal with gore/cp/moids posts and you want to add a constant traffic of obnoxious newfags from twitter in the mix.
They didn't even bother to know how to use the site, and didn't have the fucking shame to lurk and learn a bit, instead they flooded /ot/ with new kpop threads that were also made too early.
I don't think the content of these threads justify the amount of newfags and disorganization they bring with them.

Plus, you have to deal with the new generation of underage xe/xyrs crying transphobia or whatever.

No. 1323517

People that sell their bodies just because they want to aren't real people, if they want to get money from that, they don't deserve rights.

No. 1323518

say what u want i make more off onlyfans than any """"real"""" job i've ever had have fin w/ ur 9-5 though sucka xxxDDDDD(turbo autism)

No. 1323555

Male hobos are terrible but from my experience working as a medic for homeless people, female hobos are dangerous too. They tend to be druggies, schizos and will stab you for money. But yeah still much less aggressive than males and they won’t sexually harm you. Thankfully no hobos have guns here. Don’t trust any homeless people tbh, you should always be vary of them. I only ever give homeless buskers money and they are always polite, otherwise don’t really go close to them unless to like call an ambulance if they look like they’re very dying or something.

No. 1323596

Big agree. I think that lolcow is a good balance.

I agree, but they also need to have jobs and be contributing members of society. Granted, if they have the money + effort to pass, they probably are, but you'd be surprised how many of the androphilic ones are NEETs and gamers and still read as whiney moids.

I'm not too familiar with how it's used medically (though >>1295916 's story sounds horrible), but I will say anecdotally that people I know who say they have the disorder are really not suitable to be friends with in my experience. Are a lot of the people shouting that they have it self-IDers? How do you account for them being largely disagreeable and unable to maintain relationships? Am I asking the wrong questions here? Thanks!

It's just a way to shit on women you disagree with now.

Ew! I've literally never seen this in real life though, is it something people actually do?

Being a normie is unironically better than being some schizo dark web user or terminally online autist anyway.

All their songs except "Lovesick Girls" are bad.

No. 1323627

i dont think sexwork is alright but wtf is this take

No. 1323958

Licorice is the best candy

No. 1323972

finally, a good opinion.

No. 1323987

it is a very good candy (black licorice mostly), but the best? i'm not so sure

No. 1323992

I like the salted ones. Sour candy is superior though.

No. 1324002

I can't remember which country is big into licorice but y'know those snack boxes that concentrate on one country each month.. its funny watching youtubers struggle any time they get the box that's just 10 different types of licorice.

No. 1324162

Netherlands and Scandinavia. It's popularity is exaggerated though.

No. 1324168

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Do you also like these? I like regular liquorice but liquorice allsorts is really gross imo

No. 1324175

havent had good black licorice in years cause they were always old and hard since im a burger where apparently liking it makes you weird. we had a licorice trial day once in school with a tally board of different kinds and there wasnt many for black. also, i fucking hate those red thick rope ones that come in a giant tube, disgusting.

No. 1324207

FUCK this shit. this is not licorice, this is a bag of "pretty" lies. tired of britfags imposing this deceitful shit on the rest of the world.

No. 1324233

I like it, not my favorite candy but it's fine. I remember when I was working in a pastry shop and people always made so many exaggerated faces of disgust when I suggested the licorice macarons, what a bunch of babies.

No. 1324249

There's nothing wrong with leaving 0 tip for a bad waiter or waitress in the USA. Don't like the job don't work at it, go work at a gas station or stock shelves at walmart. If you aren't personable and have a bad attitude you shouldn't work that job while expecting a tip. They are the most entitled workers out there. I was at olive garden and the scrote waiter was slow and short with us I was actually insulted

No. 1324264

i disagree with this. the real thing that needs to happen is restaurants need to pay their workers real minimum wage. they have to take care of the restaurant whether people eat there or not. and in any other profession shit customer service would force your manager to discipline/fire you. it shouldn't be the responsibility of the customer to tip since many people are often guilted into leaving a better tip
>inb4 waitstaff anons come and defend tips because they sometimes make more than min wage during peak season

No. 1324270

I like the actual licorice parts, but the rest of it is just gross and barely even counts as food imo. Best sorts of licorice is just plain licorice, hard or soft. I also like the licorice wands with sherbet in the middle tho

No. 1324280

i would give 10% or lower and have worked it before. there were times i shouldve left low tips but i didnt because theres only so many places i can eat at from retarded food allergies. that said i think theres also a huge difference between a waiter trying their best but its fucking busy or one table is a problem versus a lazy waiter whos sitting in the back smoking and acts like all their tables are a drag. also at this point i dont even think posting this on lc is unpopular since it feels like this one comes up every other week.

No. 1324295

They’d rather keep their tipping system as they end up getting more money and many don’t report their cash tips on taxes. Where I live the law was changed to give them minimum wage and they still expect tips.

No. 1324304

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I only like literal licorice. The difference between chewing on a licorice root and eating licorice candy is like the difference between floating in a pool of water and getting waterboarded.

No. 1324305

premature RIP for this anon who will die soon of high blood pressure and hypokalemia. these shits are dangerous to chew on routinely anon

No. 1324324

I can’t hear you over the sound of my gnawing

No. 1324356

Body hair on a well groomed man is attractive.

No. 1324366

like where is the body hair

No. 1324379

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i support women being slovenly and messy wrt appearance and their surroundings (obviously it's not healthy to be like very dirty, just not gaf and neglect household duties to a certain degree). it's a subversion of expectations and it should happen more. i also just think it's cute tbh

No. 1324457

This isn’t an unpopular opinion in reality, it’s just like this online with weebs and chronic soyboy-enjoyers

No. 1324616

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thanks nonnie, I'm posting from a messy room

No. 1324668

Bacchata is way too sexual and uncomfortable to look at. One of my uni classmates dances it a lot and often puts it on insta and it's always really cringy to watch, they are absolutely grinding crotches, both of them have faces like they are orgasming. She'd always put her crotch on them in like weird body waves, the guy would touch her body all over. It looks like something you'd see in a club and definitely something that should stay private. And she's pretty good at it, not some amateur. Well at least I know that I wouldn't let my potential bf dance it because it's definitely boner-inducing sexual shit for the men.

No. 1324679

just saw this for the first time, totally bizarre to do with someone you aren't interested in or unless you're like a professional performer/backup dancer getting paid or something. definitely not a style of dance i'd want to do for hobby's sake.

No. 1324696

As a 3rd worlder where Bachata and other type of similar dances are part of our culture, it is absolutely disgusting. All those body grinding monkey dances are disgusting and cringe, never let anybody tell you otherwise.

No. 1324698

Had to google it. Wow, I can see couples learning to dance to have fun with it together, but just doing it with randoms? Dumb af.

No. 1325107

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No. 1325248

I love the music (the lyrics not so much)
I had no idea "bachata" referred to a dance instead of just the music genre.

No. 1325425

Nta but someone explain this gif to me, I need to know whats going on

No. 1325499

Superbad nona, she used his leg as a tampon

No. 1326094

Video games are not fun.

No. 1326101

Me after playing Borderlands 3 for 5 minutes

No. 1326104

you know what, as someone that used to game a lot i agree with this. people game for escapism it’s not really fun lol

No. 1326116

Tell that to Sims 3 Supernatural

No. 1326198

libfems have become another scapegoat just like all the other feminist philosophies that came before them. and this is not to defend libfems, but if you think the blue haired girls on twitter are behind the rise of hypersexuality and not porn becoming more mainstream + dating apps making hook ups accessible. then we have a long way to go.
and some people might blame libfems for porn too but lets be real the biggest consumers of porn and sex work in general are men. and they are the ones making it rise, not the dumb libfems on tumblr or twitter.

No. 1326216

Without lib fems telling women that it's normal and empowering to do porn en masse, i think sex work would have remained taboo like it used to be. However, one of the biggest things i blame is all those articles where sex workers flex about how much money they made, i strongly believe those are funded by the porn industry.

No. 1326283

agree to an extent, especially in more left-wing communities, it's basically a license for dudebro socialists to shit on women but tack on "uhh i just mean those libfems, obviously" at the end.

No. 1326301

nah libfems are the people defending porn/negative effects of the sexual revolution and thinking it’s empowering for women. i think petty arguments like radfems attacking women for shaving and god forbid washing their faces and caring about their acne is really stupid, it’s usually the smelly freaky ones trying to rush in that era unhygienic shit

No. 1326371

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I’d be mad if I visited the White House and this happened to me. I’d want to experience the fancy food they have in there.

No. 1326374

All the other countries definitely ridiculed us for this

No. 1326377

Idc I love Mcdonalds

No. 1326379


No. 1326388

Tranny is such a cute name.

It sounds like Annie and Honey, and it just sounds informal. I could imagine it as a good name for a dog, because if sounds so playful. My cute tranny. Woof.

No. 1326400

Does anyone have the elder scrolls edit

No. 1326425

Big bait time

No. 1326506

I've always thought so too! It personally reminds me of "granny" and "nanny" both of which are words with strong positive associations
in my mind. It just never sounds like a slur to me, it sounds like cutesy talk. I'm ESL btw

No. 1326529

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good riddance

No. 1326532

The Sonic Totem predicted this

No. 1326536

How are they an emergency threat to human life though?

No. 1326541

Moar liek emergency threat to Cloudfare's bottom line

No. 1326544

someone fedposted about Keffals

No. 1326558

I know this is tinfoil but I’m pretty sure one of the “hacker” trannies got something very compromising on the cloudfare guy. I mean that’s the only thing that can explain the sudden 180 on his opinion

No. 1326571

Oh wow I just learned that he fled from fucking Canada to THE TERVE ISLANDS because of threats. The irony.

No. 1326595

i don't give a shit about kiwifarms itself but it's staggering how trannies get so much unconditional support as "oppressed minorities" without even having anywhere near the same historical context of oppression that actual minorities have had for hundreds if not thousands of years. very sussy indeed.

No. 1326600

The only people I see rallying for keffals are weirdo caucasian unhygienic nerds and for good reason

No. 1326614

but who gives them the platform to so that? who gives their words so much exposure and power? who gives them so much media space?

No. 1326615

new site is already up

No. 1326626

No. 1326627

No. 1326646

I don't like Null but I envy he's actually actively involved with the site and knows how to get shit done and communicates shit when necessary. Why can't we have that.

No. 1327067

masc4masc gays are right to hate the flamers.

No. 1327252

Soy milk is delicious and doesn't deserve the slander it gets on a daily basis.

No. 1327260

Let them do it then. I'm not afraid of anything.

No. 1327272

Getting called insults like "whore" or "slut" while fucking is the least sexy thing ever, i actually despise it and turns me off automatically, i don't understand why it is so prevalent in erotic media. I want the man to respect me and treat me kindly while performing such a intimate act, I would actually cry and hit him in his balls if he called me a "slut"

No. 1327285


No. 1327326

Based. It’s demeaning and only started happening because it happens in porn.

No. 1327589

not trying to racebait I swear the natural hair community is getting so fucking played by these companies with the amount of products they're expected to use/own. That is all.

No. 1327642

I don’t think it even looks like racebaiting. It truly isn’t fair to black women the way they’ve been commodified now. I couldn’t imagine being the blueprint for trends for years, all while being ignored, called ghetto, walked on, and stolen from like that only to then be seen as a cash grab and pandered to in some of the most sneaky ways. I’ve seen where they have white owned or white bought hair care lines trying to sell them garbage and claiming it’s a miracle cure all etc. I just cannot fathom how tiring it must be.

No. 1327738

It’s definitely a woman thing. Buy this cleanser- now you need the corresponding toner, and now this to replenish the moisture etc etc
I’m not an apologetic white, like #blm #imsosorry, i love my culture, but yeah it sucks to be copied and then disrespected

No. 1327756

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Doctor Mike isn't attractive

No. 1327855

He reminds me of one of those old max steel toys that some boys would play with (I would sometimes too, he was more handsome than ken and the new max steel looks pretty gay too)

No. 1327859

If you think we think he’s attractive because of his face you are mistaken.

No. 1327873

I agree tbh. I am so grateful it existed because products prior to natural hair community becoming popular were literally dog shit, but none of this could have happened if it wasn't for black women taking it into their own hands and making all these companies themselves. It sucks that so many of them have sold out now because now i feel like we are slowly making our way back to square one. White men in suits have not and will never give a shit about making hair products that black women use as good as possible. Instead they just milk the brand by making awful products that not even people with looser textures enjoy. I am referring to the garbage put out recently by shea moisture and carol's daughter that all seem to have low reviews.

No. 1327901

Is that guy even a real doctor?

No. 1327902

No, he calls himself a doctor for attention. Never trust attractive men, they're some of the biggest attention whores around.

No. 1327903

I think he’s not and hes undercover and he’s actually wearing a wire. I need him to lift his shirt to prove that he isn’t.

No. 1327910

I think that Arthur guy and going about "man tiddies" is some bara shit

No. 1327914

A "cute" man is not attractive. "Cute" men are typically fugly. I don't mean calling an attractive man cute as a way to describe his behavior, I'm talking calling a man cute as a way to describe his looks. He's not cute, you're being brainwashed.

No. 1327937

vaginas look better bare, there's no evil reasoning behind this being a standard, they just objectively look more appealing aesthetically completely shaved

No. 1327939

Oozing razor bumps and ingrown hairs are pretty sexy.

No. 1327943

her dad is so cute

No. 1327944

Is it a texture thing for you or to you enjoy biting down on an ingrown hair with your canines while going down on a woman and sucking out the puss?

No. 1327946

No. 1327947

I am so grateful to have grown the fuck up and not view completely natural body hair as some sort of defect or ugly thing that it isn’t, we are just taught it’s unhygienic because some people are too nasty to properly groom and hygiene

No. 1327951

Kek, as if someone ever sat on your face or ever will.

No. 1327952

Oh so the hair bothers you but not the wet sloppy pussy? If you're too autistic for a bit of pussy hair you're too autistic to eat pussy, end of.(stop responding to the tranny)

No. 1327963

>stop responding to the tranny
Hi janny, I know it might be hard to realize, but SOMETIMES it's hard to tell who's the schizo tranny and who's not. I know, I know, it's embarrassing and lame. Hahahaha. I know it's CRAZY but I can't see the IP address nor the browser of every lolcow user like you can. That is fucking mental, hahahaha. Hahahaha. Fuck off janny.

No. 1327985

can you retards elaborate

No. 1327988

anon he literally posted the same spam picture that he always posts before getting banned, this isnt about ip, the post in general was obvious it was him, retard.
Someone please post those screencaps again which that anon made about what type of posts the tranny makes so you can all ignore him.

No. 1327993

The post that I replied to did not have his usual name in the namefield, it did not have the fucking weird blacked fetish anime picture. It was literally some random ass post. Before you go calling anyone a retard maybe you should know what actually fucking happened. Jesus christ.

No. 1327995

>working under the sun is worse than abuse and literal child sexual exploitation
I hope you rot in hell for all of eternity

No. 1327997

ok lardass

No. 1327998

I have a sad feeling they’re going to allow male posters since KF is down on the clean web

No. 1327999

Male posters here? Why must we accommodate for moids? They can go somewhere else

No. 1328007

They’re already “allowed” to post in the KF thread.

No. 1328008

Yeah but that is not the same as giving them free rein across the boards

No. 1328032

Is the new URL down already? I don't remember what it was so can't check

No. 1328039

Hair on genitals IS ugly as far as I'm concerned but that shouldn't matter and I don t think we should convince everyone it's not ugly. People should let their genitals be and do what they're there for instead of concerning themselves with how it looks.

No. 1328048

It’s down, you can only access it via Brave/TOR

No. 1328051

nta I don't like hair on myself at all and am not particularly fond of seeing it on other women, but like you said nobody should give a fuck what others think kek

No. 1328056

If you've just been brainwashed to think hairy genitals are ugly?

No. 1328063

>markers of sexual maturity on genitals is ugly
tw you’ve been groomed by the pedo culture

No. 1328070

NYART, but everyone has a preference and that's okay.
Completely shaven penises are vile though.

No. 1328071

samefag but I'm also a texture person so feeling hair on myself is kinda gross so that's probably why I'm not crazy about seeing on myself either.

No. 1328072


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1328086

Male body hair is an abomination, unshaved dicks represent serpents in the human psyche and creates an inherent disgust response in everyone that some choose to suppress due to societal pressure. Shaven dolphinchad > hairy snake incel.

No. 1328098

A dick made to look prepubescent is vile, with vaginas it's just a matter of preference, of course lol.

No. 1328100

It has been pointed out before that that thread is full of obvious gay male posters but most just deny it and get overly defensive.

No. 1328114

it's an objective fact, smooth vaginas are pretty, shaved penises look weird. Nothing prepubescent about it.
I don't get ingrown hairs, sorry you're subhuman(attempt at bait)

No. 1328119

I get that some characters might not have "female gaze" art for them to post but some of the posts (not of Arthur specifically) are just so blatant gay bara shit and it's gross to look at.
Arthur is forcibly the "poster boy" for that thread (because they throw a fit otherwise) but I can't for the life of me actually figure out how many individual anons are even posting about him.

No. 1328129

Many of those characters themselves by design (including Arthur Morgan) look more like barabait than anything.

No. 1328446

How do you even know which posters are legitimately female based on the characters they thirst after? Or like what kind of language do you think gays use as opposed to women who are horny?

No. 1328490

You don’t have to argue with everyone that has a difference of opinion

No. 1328576

I'm not giving fags tips on how to improve their female impersonations.

No. 1328603

File: 1662452675565.png (5.64 KB, 1280x640, Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.svg.p…)

The world was so much more interesting with the Soviet Union around

It's like history got boring once she disappeared.

No. 1328627

File: 1662456044100.png (308.47 KB, 1200x1216, 1619_-_1621.png)

Bring back the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, it looked so good on a map

No. 1328632

File: 1662456912872.jpeg (Spoiler Image,358.25 KB, 1280x1060, 75AE756E-6EC7-4C34-88E9-860D54…)

If you like the plucked chicken look, sure.

Unfortunately, nature cursed me to be blonde with sparse pubes but my unpopular opinion is that I love the look of a thick, lush, dark bush like picrel (I’m aware it’s still very neat and groomed… also a treasure trail would make this absolute peak perfection imo). I’m also gutted that I can’t grow dense black armpit hair for the same reason, I think it’s really beautiful.

No. 1328634

Not denying there's moids here larping but paranoid anons are exhausting and made a lot of users feel like we have to walk on eggshells to prove we aren't scrotes. Responding to what you believe is moid bait is giving them what they want. Tearing apart innocent users is giving them what they want. Having a meltdown about moids is giving them what they want as well as baiting other users into meltdowns over moid accusations (see: lactating nude not-a-troon anon with the timestamp) is giving them what they want

I honestly missed when mods just banned people who responded to scrote bait

No. 1328637

Nta but a grown woman shaved vulva look nothing like that of a child, a lot of people, usually lesbians in my experience prefer shaved pubic areas since it makes oral a lot easier and you don't get pubes in your teeth. I also feel like certain amounts of public hair can be irritating to rub against the skin. Sometimes its just for utility and convenience and not "looking like a child"

No. 1328639

>objectively look more appealing aesthetically
there is nothing objective when it comes to taste in aesthetic retard

No. 1328641

I bet you make bad art and dress like a clown
(this comment has nothing to do with pubes)

No. 1328642

weird projection I'm just stating a fact, every culture and historical era have widly different taste when it comes to the female body

No. 1328645

Nta but this is weird. Plenty of people prefer bushes, even a lot of porn sick moids love bushes

No. 1328648

File: 1662458459008.jpg (132.83 KB, 342x454, ecce-homo-after-342x454.jpg)

>there is nothing objective when it comes to taste in aesthetic retard

No. 1328651

No. 1328689

why is "objectively pretty" on women but "objectively weird" on men dare i ask…?

No. 1328692

Because it's a man posting, or a sad pickme who fears looking like a woman lol

No. 1328694

Reminder that a mod told us to stop responding to the pube talk yesterday, they already outed that its tranny bait

No. 1328865

Muh post is not about pubes, you illiterates

No. 1329004

Yeah. I know there's at least one or two moids on the site who are husbandofags/pretend to be, based on some posts who mentioned them being outed by nonnies on Discord. But unless there's actual proof that every single anon that posts """bara bait""" or about liking muscular pecs is a gay male, I'll keep believing those are women and interacting with them. It's retarded to think women can only be attracted to skinny and hairless anime bishies

No. 1329037

so what did this (these?) moid(s?) even post

No. 1329045

ironically those moids didn't have bara taste at all

No. 1329047

Nta but I remember there was one scrote who would post about brutally raping his demon souls husbando (or some other fromsoftware game) in the fromsoftware thread (think it was on /m/). Anons would call him based. Another anon said that they recognized his writing style, fetish for rape, and his husbandos on some other imageboard.

No. 1329055

>Arthur is forcibly the "poster boy" for that thread (because they throw a fit otherwise) but I can't for the life of me actually figure out how many individual anons are even posting about him
This has never made any sense to me, I've barely seen any posting in those threads about him yet he's expected to be in the thread pic…tf?
Tbh sentiments like this are annoying. Of course there could be gay men larping as women, but I'm willing to bet that the majority are just horny women. I don't understand why some anons are so obsessed with the idea that talking about physical/sexual attraction to men must make you a moid, it's legitimately so delusional. The vast, vast majority of women are attracted to men and they outnumber faggots.

No. 1329072

It's only socially acceptable and expected for men to have/express sexual desires, that's why people think this way sadly

No. 1329094

>Arthur is forcibly the "poster boy" for that thread (because they throw a fit otherwise) but I can't for the life of me actually figure out how many individual anons are even posting about him.
I get the impression that there are like 1-2 fans of that character. And it's fucking annoying that they throw a fit whenever someone suggest another type of op pic. There are many characters who are way more popular.
I have a handsome muscular husbando with big tiddies and I hope no one thinks I'm a fucking scrote for liking him.

No. 1329104

Literally any golden kamuy character would make more sense

No. 1329107

It would be interesting to do a popularity poll off-site of the most posted characters and see how many different anons like them.

No. 1329108

Omfg I’d love this. A google poll

No. 1329122

not a multiple choice poll though because i want to see the whole autism spectrum

No. 1329148

so far this does seem to be the case

No. 1329151

Has the poll gotten a lot of replies already?

No. 1329152

not that many YET but Golden Kamuy characters were the ones that were by far mentioned the most often so far

No. 1329393

Golden Kamuy guys and Red Dead Redemption guys are on the same level of bara-ish, gay guys and straight women would both like them level. Both sorta violent series too.

No. 1329407

>gay guys and straight women would both like them level.
Exactly. Saying that women can't like those characters or those series is using the same logic that makes fakebois believe that they're actually men because women can't like "manly" media (even though there are tons of women who like it in addition to the males). It's the same as with MGS, Yakuza, etc. You can't expect straight women to not like series that are full of male characters designed to be appealing and you can't expect them to all have the same taste in males as you.

No. 1329437

I don't get what you mean, how are cute features ugly? I find masculine men unattractive so that's why I prefer cute ones. Do you mean soft/innocent features?

No. 1329463

I'm the anon who started this discussion, what I really meant was more that the artwork that gets posted looks like it's supposed to be bara/for male audiences, not so much that the posters themselves are male. Bara style just creeps me out. I don't think most of the Golden Kamuy stuff is that bad and tbh made me consider reading it.
Arthur Morgan is an ugly fucker tho

No. 1329545

NTA but soft featured men tend to only look good young but age the worst, at least IMO

No. 1329552

You are correct.

No. 1329588

well deserved grammy

No. 1329622

Unpopular opinion, I genuinely liked kiwifarms and am disappointed this happened. Especially since this will just make more trannies feel emboldened that they can just cry and yell to get their way

No. 1329690

Unpopular opinion but I fucking hate Ogata and I would be so annoyed if he became the posterboy based on sheer popularity alone.

No. 1329691

Go vote for your own husbandos then

No. 1329693

Ogata is ugly, I don't get what nonnies see in him. There are more handsome men in GK.
Can you point out an example? The only one i can think of is the fanart in the op.

No. 1329696

Not to husbandosperg here kek but I could see even Sugimoto since he is perfect yumejo material and isn’t overly masculine looking.

No. 1329700

And by masculine I mean barabait-y I guess

No. 1329724

File: 1662553100400.jpeg (52.26 KB, 540x513, 7F63B3EB-42EE-4C32-BF60-97CAF3…)

Ogata is cute in an ugly way.

No. 1329728

He's just a bunch of lines what's so ugly about him.

No. 1329730

File: 1662553744708.gif (2.16 MB, 640x360, you-wouldnt-get-it-joker.gif)

It's not just about looks although I do find him hot

No. 1329742

>t's not just about looks
I get that, but he doesn't seem to have a wonderful warm personality either. But whatever. I have some weird 2D crushes too.

No. 1329753

ambiguously autistic therefore relatable to a large chunk of the lolcow population

No. 1329770

Oh fuck someone started a thread with that ugly cowboy guy again, someone start one with an anime bishie next time for some variation.

No. 1329800

I think nonnas were too nervous to defy Arthurnonna.

No. 1329803

That's stupid, it's not like that anon is a mod AFAIK.

No. 1329804

nah she was just faster than youse lol

No. 1329812

Kek I’m just kidding. I don’t mind Arthur.

No. 1329813

>not sure if that’s because of cosmetics or she barely goes outside that often (I think it’s both)
It's from skin bleaching.

No. 1329958

I think Gerard Way looks fine. He's very active on stage and has better stamina than 10 years ago which is infinitely more important than what he wears. And I like his silly little costumes and shorts.

No. 1330024

Maybe some women don't want a warm personality in their husbandos? For me it's the smug, arrogant attitude that drew me in, then the sociopathic tendencies added with moe moments and awkward personality. Once the story explained his trauma narrative I was hooked. Add in his complete and total mental breakdowns??? I'll never get over him, he's perfect.

No. 1330546

File: 1662610063029.gif (167.15 KB, 200x150, 7FEF6753-71C8-410A-83B6-DCCBB6…)

Being drunk is just an excuse to do stupid shit or to harm people.
I seriously doubt the fact that alcohol supposedly makes people dance, buy shit, rape someone, hurt someone or even kill someone.
Being drunk only makes people wobble around like penguins on extra slippery ice and talk like retards because the brain isn't working properly since it just wants to get some sleep.

No. 1330563

alcohol affects people differently.

No. 1330578

>the artwork that gets posted looks like it's supposed to be bara/for male audiences
I think I know what you're talking about, but that doesn't really count as bara, imo. I don't recall any actual bara art (think art like mentaiko's) posted in those threads. Just realistic art of masculine men. Maybe some of the art of the more muscular characters is drawn by men but they manage to make them look cute enough to not pass as real bara style.
What you find ugly in him is probably the exact reason other people like him.

No. 1330755

I agree with you, but not because I hate him (am huge ogatafag) but because I hate the idea to choose a posterboy due to popularity. It should be chosen more randomly or based on whatever was the funniest shit in the last thread in my opinion. If Arthurnonna is the fastest and makes him the threadpic again I don’t mind that either, good for her

No. 1330773

>It should be chosen more randomly or based on whatever was the funniest shit in the last thread in my opinion
Yeah, this.

No. 1330800

File: 1662633318383.jpg (252.5 KB, 912x969, Screenshot_20220908_061533.jpg)

Sure, I shouldn't want others to be insecure but I love seeing male shapewear gaining popularity. Love that they're starting to feel the insecurities that women feel everyday. Plus the products always have comments/ reviews filled with angry betas complaining about "standards" and gymbros who need to scream about their workout plans. I love the discourse and infighting.

No. 1330810

I'm only in my early thirties but I grew up the the days where the 'correct answer' to
> Babe does my ass look big in this?
> Of course not!
I'm so sick of body trends. It's going to all collapse soon and we'll be back to the previous trend anyway. It flip flops back and forth in case anyone hadn't figured that out. Trends should be for clothing styles and make up and not for body parts.

Men have no clue what it's like to have your entire body be judged by some bullshit passing body trend that you happen to be born either matching or not matching up to. They get the smallest taste of it and freak the fuck out.

No. 1330937

it does make some people extremly sensitive and makes them not think things through. If they feel bad it can lead to violence. I got my nose broken fighting a bitch who ruined our show at a school party, i wouldn't fight her if i wasn't shitfaced, i wouldn't even have guts to talk to her. To me it's like your brain is in monke mode on alcohol.

Same, these trends are ridiculous.

No. 1330965

I can't drink and trust that I won't make a fool of myself. By that I just mean spilling my guts about things I've been bottling up my whole life. Crying and dramatically texting people basically. People who have have issues bubbling right under the surface should know not to drink. Save everyone the headache.

I've known men who get angry from drinking and there is no talking to them. My brother went through a phase of getting arrested while drunk and disorderly, a few times a year.. and yet he wouldn't stop drinking. My ex would turn into an aggressive asshole and wouldn't stop drinking. Neither were full on in the grips of alcoholism. They were functional and only weekend drinkers so I've no patience for people like that. If you know what it does to you.. its your job to stop

No. 1330973

jumping off your post, I hate this random obsession society has gotten with butts, I remember it was such a non-issue a decade ago but out of nowhere everyone is obesseded with the size of other people's butts

No. 1331008

He is a prime example of >>1329545

No. 1331069

nta but his face doesn't look that different from the past, he just needs to get in shape and wash his hair

No. 1331157

Exactly, he still has a baby face and pretty nice skin.

No. 1332893

I need to find this in a womens xs for when I pull my roller skates on again. Skating is fun but bruised tailbones are not. Need butt padding.

No. 1332905

It wasn't a non-issue, before the big butt trend women were getting shamed for having big asses.

No. 1332937

File: 1662730088756.jpg (88.02 KB, 736x723, 14aa19d114ad2aefca86f606ed5c9e…)

I love these stupid haircuts. They're so ugly and barely look good on the few who get them. I wish I were brave enough to try it for myself.

No. 1332942

Confession: I did "hair modelling" (like where trainees at salons ruin your hair for a mere twenty euro to take home) and they gave me one of these styles. I told everyone I hated it and used the circumstance as an excuse, but secretly loved it and enjoyed the goofyness of it. Go for it anon

No. 1333224

Damn you still had to pay for it? My mom always got it for free when she was the trainees guina pig.

No. 1333237

I follow her on ig and she's so cute with all her hairstyles!

No. 1333240

i don't think it's a goofy cut at all. i bet it looked good on you.
i don't think they're ugly, but they are sometimes hard to pull off. i definitely envy women who can do "edgy" cuts like this

No. 1333246

I thought this was PNP for a good second. She looks cool though.

No. 1333309

What’s the @

No. 1333321

They're really fun imo! I never got as many compliments as when I had this kind of hair. The upkeep and styling is minimal and they usually look nice when they grow out. Do it anon, bite the bullet. Life is too short not to have fun with your hair. If you're really scared you won't like it, maybe ease into it first with a longer, softer, less choppy shag or mullet?

No. 1333427

it's not the cut that's goofy it's the people who usually have them nowadays. it was a lot cooler back when every ~queer~ NLOG didn't have it.

No. 1333447

Greasy hair feels better than fresh fluffy blowdried hair. I concede clean hair looks better but it doesn't feel as good

No. 1335042

>I seriously doubt the fact that alcohol supposedly makes people dance, buy shit, rape someone, hurt someone or even kill someone.
Yep. The way people act when drunk depends on what their culture tells them about how people act when they are drunk. Sociologists and anthropologists have looked into how people behave when drunk across many cultures and there are enormous differences that can be observed as to how different ethnic and cultural groups handle alcohol.

Social and Cultural Aspects of Drinking

Alcohol and Society: How Culture Influences the Way People Drink

No. 1335772

Teens should be forced to have abortions tbh.

No. 1339987

File: 1663191819474.png (22.03 KB, 150x150, pascal.png)

>They always reboot movies, so why not food? And can I get a sequel to carbonara? Carbonara 2, maaan!

No. 1340050

Teens should be forced to suffer the consequences of their actions if they think they’re invincible enough to avoid what nature gives you in return when you decide to have sex

No. 1340067

nayrt but absolutely retarded opinion. sure let's just create more unprepared parents just because teens are too stupid to understand long term consequences.

No. 1340075

>You’re a retard because kids purposefully have sex while fully aware that the female will get pregnant
Go drink more bang

No. 1340076

Yeah let's have a bunch of people with barely developed brains just have a shit ton of kids, what's the worst that could happen!

No. 1340078

Someone doesn’t realize that a very heavy portion of your ancestors were more than likely teen parents. Same with the people around you…

No. 1340080

kek alright and whose gonna take care of the kids while their parents are in high school?

No. 1340081

Okay, what's that got to do with me? Are you the pedo tranny scrote?

No. 1340082


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1340103

They kissed the pleasures of high school goodbye when they started trying to conceive, obviously

>You think mothers and fathers should actually parent their children? HISSSS YOU MUST BE AN AGP A PEDO A SCROTE

Nope just a grown normal woman kek

No. 1340109

This is some weak bait.

No. 1340111

It's probably just blaine, it's best to just ignore him.

No. 1340113

My name is Indra I’m an actual woman who was conceived and born and has grown up as a woman kek. Please go dilate if you hate that a woman can feel like children don’t deserve to be murdered(tranny)

No. 1340114

>You think teenagers shouldn’t try to have a baby if they don’t want to spend their time parenting one? Pfft. BAIT. (tranny)

No. 1340115

Kys tradthot

No. 1340748

A races power comes from its women. This is why its good for the media to promote certain races of women as good/beautiful. This is why Asians and white people have so much power because they know they can gain good attention/popularity by shining their women in a good light even though they might not believe that. This is why black scrotes will never have any power no matter how hard they try, because they don't promote or support black women. Scrotes bring money etc into communities because they are chasing the women(for example men who really want to go to Japan for the girls). Promoting certain races of women as most desirable is a business tastic.

No. 1341685

I think vegans who go to non-vegan friendly countries and still eat 100% vegan are insane. Literal eating disorder tier behaviour. I can understand being vegan where possible, and was vegan myself for like 10 years. A personal cow of mine is vegan and went to Japan and has been complaining about only having 'a bag of nuts' for lunch like?? Just eat something else you freak? Get some veggie sushi? Veggie noodles?? I just can't understand the logic.

No. 1345167

The twitch community hypocritically pearl-clutches about "innocent 14 year old children witnessing gambling" while at the same time ridiculing mothers who worry about youth witnessing/enacting violence in shooter and robbery games (which is a reasonable concern).
Not that I'm on the "video game violence bad" side, but both sides are moralfags acting as if the modern teenager isn't constantly exposed to sex, drugs, gambling, and violence. Telling a 16 year old who probably drinks, smokes pot, watches media with mature content, and has sex to shield their virgin eyes from gambling of all things is just hilarious to me. And pretending that teenagers will NEVER be exposed to these things instead of being realistic and teaching them how to handle those situations is just…hyperconservative.
Didn't want to put this in the Twitch thread since it's just an opinion, not milk.
repost for grammar

No. 1348738

Yeah same here, I think it looks super cool but it's mostly women with bizarre views desperately trying to be victims so I've come to associate the two with each other

No. 1358276

I think parents are shit these days and lack so much nurturing, responsibility and selflessness. I think a lot of kids who are diagnosed as autistic just have shit parents and the parents would rather the child be labelled as difficult than them as a shit lazy parent that can't be fucked to set boundaries. My mum was a childminder in the 90s and literally an autistic child was rare to come across and it was be very severe cases. Literally about 1/3 kids I know has autism and every kid I know who has autism I know their parents are selfish losers that were on a cocktail of fucked up substances when they conceived. So many lazy parents.

No. 1358357

I know someone who has to skip out on milk, butter because of health reasons and she does not even like the taste anymore after not eating it for 3 years. Also, they won't die if they eat nuts instead of veggie noodles so who cares? Being vegan is for most about the animals

No. 1360632

My unpopular opinion is that Ai art is real art and it takes actual skill to get good art with it, it's nothing like NFTs and it's totally the future.

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