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No. 12890

Who /samefag/ here?
>tfw you can type 300 WPM and abuse this skill to make hundreds of posts
>tfw you carefully time your responses to posts so you know the perfect time to reply to yourself (or others) without anyone figuring out you're the same person
>tfw you get in arguments with yourself over your own selfposts (some fake and not even really my photos)
>tfw you literally mention yourself in threads trying to start drama over all the things you've done
>tfw you impersonate other lolcows in their own thread, then call yourself out as that lolcow trying to whiteknight themselves on anon
>tfw you create different shitposter personas that you use and then call out in threads (Racist-chan is my latest)
>tfw you call "samefag" on yourself and pretend you can tell others' IP, then reply to yourself "Yeah? Then what's my IP then, retard?", reply to that post with some random numbers, then delete the post challenging you, then call yourself out on getting BTFO and deleting your post like a coward
>tfw you fill in the e-mail field with a fake e-mail address, put actual nicknames/names in the name field, etc so you can make the fictional "other person" seem more real and newfaggy
>tfw you make several Skype accounts and use them all at the same time via different phones and chat with yourself (literally only one other person in the Skype group, sorry) and have pre-recorded videos of random, unknown vloggers off YouTube to use in video calls and voice changers handy for group calls
>tfw you make threads, then delete them, then ask who deleted them and why
>tfw you filled both Confession threads with false accounts, replied with compassion to your own made-up stories, and to spice things up pretended to be an autist who terrorized his sister and threatened suicide to get her piano at some point
>tfw you singlehandedly tricked PULL and Dumblr into thinking there are more than a handful of posters on this site, and in turn tricked the posters themselves into thinking there were several people here
>tfw you are the master of deception

No. 12895

Are people still talking about me?
Deleted last post because I realized I didn't type concurrently.
There's literally nothing on me besides a few bullshitting racist comments.
Go imitate some other no-life troll.
I made some bad comments while I was having a shitty day that I felt bad about afterwards. I'm sorry if I actually offended anyone.
Oh fucking well.

No. 12896

Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata, ain't no passing craze
It means no worries for the rest of your days
It's our problem free philosophy, Hakuna Matata

No. 12897

I feel like I should adopt a trip just because I'm being impersonated.
Any more shitty comments from me will be accounted for.
Now OP has to stop copying me.

No. 12898

Stop copying me.
Will the real racist-chan please stand up?
But no joke, I am her. I am also someone else. But I'm not everyone.

No. 12903

Seriously? I fucking give.
You can copy me as long as you like.
It's not like I had an actual "identity" here or whatever.
Have fun talking to yourself all thread.
-"Racist Chan", for the last time (fucking triple post)

No. 12904

You see, you've made yourself seem even more of a dumb obsessive autist than you probably originally was.

Feeling clever buddy?
Felling good about yourself over there pal?

No. 12908

cringing intensifies

No. 12954

Lol kek
This is actually pretty funny

No. 12997

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>an actual pic of op

No. 13030

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No. 13033

This thread is amazing i love america

No. 13117

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