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File: 1657389205459.jpeg (3.65 MB, 4658x3100, 4A43C49C-79A5-459B-9058-BB0C1D…)

No. 1256189

Post people who you would like to punch because of their face.
Picrel is Jason Sudeikis

No. 1256201


No. 1256202

File: 1657389638185.jpeg (Spoiler Image,38.87 KB, 275x275, 4957E39B-7518-49F8-B48B-6AFBB3…)

No. 1256206

File: 1657389842679.jpeg (397.41 KB, 750x738, D870FF5C-A1AC-4C94-AE92-31EA1A…)

Nothing pisses me off moar than when people call this mf hot he’s so ugly I hate his voice too look at his roblox proportions, he legit has a woman body I hate his face on movie covers it’s always a smirk. I cannot stand him. I want to see him die in a movie.

No. 1256208

File: 1657389923219.jpeg (68.41 KB, 226x247, EA2E49A7-BDB0-40B5-97FA-03DF89…)


No. 1256210

File: 1657389979394.jpeg (1.4 MB, 2400x1200, AABA0751-64A7-4EFB-A7B4-DD4EA9…)

No. 1256212

File: 1657390136000.jpeg (361.93 KB, 608x862, 2F7C83A9-81EB-4E44-83F8-1004AA…)

No. 1256214

File: 1657390232017.jpg (117.48 KB, 1200x800, guilgui.jpg)

Addison Rae, something about her face makes me annoyed

No. 1256219

File: 1657390520811.jpg (132.25 KB, 1200x800, 106742083.0.jpg)

No. 1256221

File: 1657390684063.jpg (39.75 KB, 288x400, MV5BMjQyNzM2MjM1Ml5BMl5BanBnXk…)

Final boss

No. 1256224

File: 1657390881858.jpg (153.21 KB, 655x879, Emma_Robert_2016_Comic_Con.jpg)

No. 1256226

File: 1657391015273.jpeg (134.33 KB, 1200x1200, 8828BE2C-841E-4B50-B517-682D79…)

No. 1256227

File: 1657391066928.png (2.97 MB, 2160x1620, EFB3DAFC-CED6-4F9E-B957-B6E059…)

I’m sorry I’ve just always found her disgusting looking and punchable.

No. 1256228

She looks like a skinny beanie feldstein

No. 1256229

File: 1657391120080.jpeg (1.9 MB, 2160x1183, 517A98E3-3303-4DF9-B079-F49DD8…)

Her too.

No. 1256230

100% she deserves a good beating

No. 1256233

File: 1657391348673.jpg (2.23 MB, 3000x2000, sub-buzz-7818-1640707100-5.jpg)

No. 1256234

File: 1657391414751.jpeg (904.01 KB, 2000x1268, 261665B4-5C7B-443D-8C7C-6FFF84…)

Both of them

No. 1256236

Bonus points if JKR did it.

No. 1256240

Sounding like a moid there buddy

No. 1256247

Not everyone is a mood you fucking retard. Haven’t you ever wanted to beat another dumbass woman senseless? Stop denying these feelings, come on nonnie.. I know you want to punch them bloody.

No. 1256249

File: 1657392280714.jpeg (72.01 KB, 1200x675, 5A132D2B-EA50-48F7-B58B-68E630…)

It’s like this thread is tailor made for me, prepared to get spammed. I hate whenever she does that stare, close your snout bitch or I will do it for you

No. 1256250

File: 1657392410327.jpg (30.04 KB, 667x670, 6a27e504.jpg)

No. 1256252

File: 1657392451707.jpeg (99.03 KB, 976x549, 2DCF6E1F-783C-4B4A-B33E-731A8E…)

People have memed her beauty for far too long, it’s because people love big boobs/butt over face. Not ugly but the clown makeup and vacant “hot bitch” stare is dying for a fist to her face

No. 1256253

I would like to punch him too. I saw him on dr strange. Marvel movies are just predictable celebrity dress up in shitty cgi sequences

No. 1256255

definition of a shit personality

No. 1256256

File: 1657392526412.jpeg (72.22 KB, 640x960, 01B18A08-5B8E-4FEE-94DD-B8111D…)

No. 1256257

File: 1657392537834.jpeg (920.15 KB, 1665x2048, 2A83C355-D409-409B-840E-2E2FCA…)

Carreyfags disappoint me

No. 1256258

HOLY FUCK thank you for this kekkk

No. 1256259

There's… there's Carreyfags?? WHY

No. 1256260

So punchable, I will destroy his face

No. 1256262

File: 1657392780056.jpeg (212.41 KB, 510x401, 27FBF306-ECEA-4816-8744-32DF77…)

straight up golem, enough to sneak into your nightmares

No. 1256263

based this, based that, based everything, based women

No. 1256264

File: 1657392880655.jpeg (55.69 KB, 640x960, 463BF6FE-3083-4246-810D-B54C37…)


No. 1256266

No. 1256270

File: 1657393084148.jpeg (41.36 KB, 400x400, 4C91E0A6-CB67-41BB-A950-374F35…)

female gordon ramsey phenotype

No. 1256272

I think she looks great actually.

No. 1256275

File: 1657393180350.jpeg (87.66 KB, 900x900, 42D2E760-CF94-4855-800D-37FC09…)

about to beat this bitch up

No. 1256276

File: 1657393233236.jpeg (249.59 KB, 1200x1500, C0396E63-C120-4A94-9BE2-336313…)

punchable faces are those that exude dishonesty

No. 1256278

File: 1657393317338.jpeg (85.83 KB, 613x651, C73FAE76-05D3-4A40-BFDB-61D562…)

I’m laughing making it way too easy

No. 1256279

File: 1657393388767.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1760x2432, 13139845-BE6D-4113-BC5D-E9C50F…)


No. 1256281

Came here to post her kek

No. 1256283

I will kick this bitch in the jaw and pop those disgusting prolapse lips

No. 1256285

based nonnita

No. 1256286

File: 1657393540083.jpeg (90.93 KB, 1280x720, EDE46B6D-AEE6-4393-A2C0-FB9078…)

No. 1256287

File: 1657393550187.jpeg (87.98 KB, 585x411, 901F8044-674D-4B96-9C28-FE7773…)

No. 1256288

The contents of this thread make me feel like I've stepped into 4chan.

No. 1256289

Ugh this is a good one, I'd love to just BOP BOP

No. 1256291

Same, this turned into scrote central

No. 1256293

File: 1657393671124.jpeg (248.7 KB, 1400x1050, E62D549D-A2C8-4367-9904-AABAC9…)

every single one of these fuckers faces

No. 1256296

Is that lugnut? DEFINITELY AGREE FIRST TIME I SAW HIM I JUST WANTED TO GO DOOSH DOOSH DOOSH (sound of me punching him in the throat)

No. 1256300

No. 1256301

File: 1657393970966.png (715.61 KB, 800x600, Anitc1F.png)

picrel summarizes the entire thread so far lmao

No. 1256302

File: 1657394027937.jpeg (56.19 KB, 700x525, both.jpeg)

Was looking for a picture of Timothee and got a bonus

No. 1256305

I want to punch Harry Styles so badly, especially when he's wearing that disgusting pink overalls outfit or whatever, god who let him do that? Or the picture of him sitting in some muck.

No. 1256307

File: 1657394443337.jpeg (189.45 KB, 1200x675, E023EF03-B80B-4019-A31E-0A0F8F…)

Look at them and tell me you don’t feel angry

No. 1256309

File: 1657394525750.png (34.67 KB, 126x183, 1574831758394.png)

>wanting to punch JKR

No. 1256311

Kek, exactly my reaction.

No. 1256313

Imagine not wanting to punch her for creating a book with the most annoying fandom ever. Get politics out of your worm brain and enjoy the fun

No. 1256314

KEK why are you so fucking autistic, ily

No. 1256317

No? Wtf is wrong with you.

No. 1256318

Queen made wizards shit on the floor.

No. 1256320

Yeah why the fuck did she do that??

No. 1256322

Idk how they managed to make the baby look just as insufferable as them. This thread is killing me lol

No. 1256323

This thread should be a honeypot.

No. 1256324

Because it's great.

No. 1256325

>n-n-no you can't have the desire to punch annoying people
You sound punchable, cmere

No. 1256326

I'm trying to find some patterns. Most examples show a long, disproportionate philtrum. Anything else?

No. 1256327

File: 1657395040321.jpeg (240.2 KB, 1080x1440, 9B32A037-3794-4441-A971-2AE798…)

her eyes are meant for hunting black boys in hoodies eating skittles and calling the cops on them because they thought it was a marijuana juul in their hands

No. 1256329

You’re a sped

No. 1256330

File: 1657395218602.jpeg (175.43 KB, 1200x1200, 38788EB9-B40D-4205-B2A9-1F46D3…)

Weasly looking smile, stretched nasolabial folds like pic

No. 1256333

These are the things you want to punch women for? Interesting.

No. 1256334

File: 1657395336675.jpeg (32.54 KB, 1005x754, 607de19544f454001920790a.jpeg)

Punchable face and just punchable in general

No. 1256335


No. 1256336

Except she is the definition of minding her business and you’re just retarded

No. 1256340

File: 1657395591933.gif (2.12 MB, 498x498, BE52176E-6D3F-4977-B0AF-BA9712…)

No. 1256343

File: 1657395678586.jpeg (220.6 KB, 1200x1260, 1B049E17-3D8E-4FEF-BAA1-4748CE…)

all my homies hate ryland

No. 1256347

Did you take your meds today anon

No. 1256350

Likely not

No. 1256352

I get punching moids for any reason, but random celebrity women like britney or JK Rowling? Nah, that's 4chancel shit.

No. 1256355

it’s really not, if you’re that offended and trying to get a thread closed then you can always close the tab and hide the thread, that simple.

No. 1256357

I don’t think anyone is clutching for their pearls they just think you’re cringe

No. 1256359

Yer dumb

No. 1256361

I didn’t say anything about getting to thread closed? I said wanting to punch women is moid shit, use that energy to destroy moids.

No. 1256362

File: 1657396971148.jpeg (145.7 KB, 640x640, 002C6261-5BF9-4103-AE9A-DBC09A…)

if she’s so sleepy she should take a nap or something, damn

No. 1256363

then hide the thread lol

No. 1256364

File: 1657397147105.png (3.6 MB, 2446x1324, 5AEDB222-C8BC-47BE-BA5E-2B7658…)

cigarette smoking white trash that’s like lana del rey’s lost cousin or something

No. 1256366

80 year old white men have thicker lips

No. 1256367

File: 1657397283687.jpeg (73.89 KB, 500x500, 8C499342-60F4-4336-90C2-12D56F…)

No. 1256368

File: 1657397363555.jpg (43.12 KB, 1200x900, Stephen-King-AFP-1200x900-1.jp…)

No. 1256370

File: 1657397388447.jpeg (240.42 KB, 520x454, 31F65BB9-376E-4DF7-B1D7-D00E81…)

No. 1256372

File: 1657397468786.jpg (59.52 KB, 791x866, 1603394265486.jpg)

while looking for a pic to post found some without the mustache and yeah, it's the mustache. also what's with the nostrils? he looks like a caricature some 2d character artist whipped up for their first portfolio when trying to draw an ''interesting character''

No. 1256373

File: 1657397484199.jpeg (264.04 KB, 619x477, 02EF9676-AD53-45D7-9D22-EDA350…)

No. 1256375

Yeah. Actually I'd punch the entire cast.

No. 1256376

File: 1657397588202.jpeg (126.99 KB, 1200x1200, 866B81BD-47BC-43CE-9944-6B83E1…)

Mick Jagger and the way he sits

No. 1256377

File: 1657397622955.jpeg (651.98 KB, 750x963, 778D19F1-7476-42FA-BD95-E3B99E…)


No. 1256379

File: 1657397691162.jpeg (330.06 KB, 1080x1440, EEB46DBA-4EE2-4BF7-ADC7-93DC56…)

No. 1256380

File: 1657397724203.jpg (105.34 KB, 1000x695, gross.jpg)

both of them

No. 1256381

oh my god for some reason YouTube is obsessed with recommending me this ugly ass scrote's videos. I always put that I'm not interested but somehow his annoying face still keeps popping up and for that I would like to punch him.

No. 1256386

File: 1657397959605.jpeg (99.36 KB, 318x317, 72ADD9AC-01BA-42EF-9AD8-27396E…)


No. 1256388

i used to like watching his cooking videos but he looks like an unholy mishmash of the chad/soy meme

No. 1256389

File: 1657398053385.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1170x1874, F1670614-DC8E-406E-A95A-C4B679…)

I want to hit her with a cast iron

No. 1256391

File: 1657398152448.jpeg (423.78 KB, 750x731, 27A6BB03-D5A5-4129-A2FC-0AC67D…)

she looks like one of those IMVU dolls with the bloated boobs and ass I used to create because I thought it was a dress up game

No. 1256393

What's wrong with the way he sits?

No. 1256398

He looks like he’s got a stick up his ass to keep his corpse upright

No. 1256399

File: 1657398404693.jpeg (27.39 KB, 662x463, images (1) (9).jpeg)

No. 1256400

Good point, let's beat him up

No. 1256404

File: 1657398794371.jpg (109.49 KB, 683x1024, 177751-jack-harlow-goes-of.jpg)

No. 1256405

i thought this was charlie puth before i read filename

No. 1256409

this is the men they hype up in hollywood, god why??

No. 1256413

File: 1657399543433.jpeg (137.59 KB, 1920x1080, 17B2A548-35AB-4609-82A6-6922C3…)

Never has a thread been so true to my heart, which vicariously got its wish when the video game Death Stranding was released. In the game, you can punch Troy Baker's bare face to your heart's content.

No. 1256414

File: 1657399810830.jpg (23.61 KB, 640x360, 167658-1540995357.jpg)

Jade Thirlwall (Little Mix)
I don't hate her, I just hate the stupid faces she makes in their music videos.

No. 1256419

my stepdad, eat shit mark

No. 1256420

I agree. Get absolutely decked, mark.

No. 1256421

File: 1657400311841.jpg (27.08 KB, 400x400, i91jnVt0_400x400.jpg)

No. 1256423

File: 1657400438341.jpg (88.88 KB, 786x1000, ellen_page.jpg)

No. 1256424

mark’s dumb and ugly, i want to punch him so hard.

No. 1256448

Why’s she always look like she’s about to cry?

No. 1256453

I hope mark gets hit by a big ass garbage truck.

No. 1256454

Inshallah mark gets what he is deserved

No. 1256457

File: 1657403104980.jpeg (182.46 KB, 750x575, DFB403B1-FE71-4BCC-8732-3EF905…)

Couldn’t agree more he’s always reminded me of brother bird in surfs up

No. 1256458

She looks like an Instagram filter

No. 1256462

File: 1657403524659.jpg (77.7 KB, 500x548, fuckmark.jpg)

No. 1256464

I am sorry sweetie, please don't take your anger out on Mark. He'll be a good father for you.

No. 1256466

File: 1657403819506.jpeg (339.58 KB, 2048x1280, bigjoel.jpeg)

I mean.. she probably is

No. 1256468

fuck off, mark

No. 1256472

KEK i see it

No. 1256477

Omg fuuuuck rite off mark xDDD!!1(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1256478

He looks like a Victorian child

No. 1256479

not particularly relevant but I think she is straight up ugly. she's only considered hot because she wears a shit ton of drag queen makeup and shows off a lot of skin. I'm no classically abby prude or anything but the look just doesn't flatter her

No. 1256485

File: 1657405391108.jpeg (177.88 KB, 1000x1000, 14BE0288-AC3F-42D4-BF69-958477…)

She’s more of a natural beauty. But I would punch her for her dumb songs. Most rappers with their “HE LIKE THIS PUSSY IT GRIPPING THIS ASS SO BIG TINY WAIST”

No. 1256486

File: 1657405617169.jpg (34.93 KB, 474x712, pieres morgan.jpg)

I feel like the amount of women posted in this thread should be limited, though I wouldn't say it should be outright barred. Otherwise this thread's going to be exactly like the 'women shilled as attractive that you don't like' thread, where it devolves into nitpicking and female hatred (and a perfect way for moids to infiltrate this site)

No. 1256487

For sure that’s why I made the OP pic Jason Sudeikus

No. 1256489

Fucking bradley cooper.
When I see those infernal blue eyes in that disgusting face, that smug smile he always wear, I swear that fucker has only 2 expressions, and they all have that fucking smile.. and the way his mouth turns when he smiles, even the way his teeth is aligned.. I hate it so much, I just get so angry! And it's not one thing or the other, not just the eyes or the nose or the smile, it's everything together. How can someone be this punchable? I cannot forgive him for looking like that, it makes me wonder how the fuck he looks at himself in the mirror without throwing up or punching the mirror, I would cry everyday if I was that guy, I would get piss drunk everyday if I had to live like that.. I can't even watch anything he is in because it just makes me so irrationally angry and I keep finding more stuff to hate the more I look at him. I just wanna beat him senseless. I cannot express in words how much I hate everything about his face.. And people don't understand "did he do something wrong?" Yes! he looks like that, can you not see it? That is reason enough. This ugly motherfucker! How can you live your life without wanting to beat up bradley cooper? He fucking deserves it for showing his face in public and worldwide.

No. 1256490

File: 1657406142277.jpg (177.94 KB, 1600x900, Feature-Image-27.jpg)

I don't know anything about this incel nor do i want to know anything about him. How does he have a following is a question.

No. 1256494

God I remember the 'hangover' movies when I was a preteen. I remember they were the unfunniest, scrotiest movies I've ever seen. Surprised that the rotten tomatoes score was a 7.7 since it looks like one of those movies that 'performed financially well at the box-office but was generally accepted as bad and thought of as a bad memory'

No. 1256495

File: 1657406337240.jpg (319.93 KB, 2048x1536, FT7YT36WYAIe0oU.jpg)

This Overwatch League caster.

No. 1256497

He has the worst eyebrows I've ever seen and his eyes are creepy. He has a following because he's a ugly guy and they relate.

No. 1256498

File: 1657406577702.jpeg (230.87 KB, 346x594, DD61E268-D7E2-42F4-ACE9-B452FD…)

No. 1256499

Yucky, the tuft of hair coming out from the back of his head even though his sides are shaved. So what, does that make it a really pathetic mullet? He somehow also has three eyebrows- no I am not counting the obvious ~stylized~ cut he did in the middle; I mean on the left it looks like two eyebrows sewn together.
He is also soyfacing. Also holy shit that facial hair. This is truly a hideous creature.

No. 1256501

>You punch madame Buttface in her face
>She moans
>She slaps your ass with a ruler

No. 1256506

File: 1657407266868.jpeg (122.41 KB, 1125x637, 9DAE183C-684A-4CB1-9F94-455188…)

Hard boiled egg lookin headass

No. 1256511

File: 1657407407218.jpeg (53.8 KB, 720x720, 524846e03ece30994f98dec1bf35bb…)

presented withouth comment

No. 1256512

Jackie Kennedy is alive?

No. 1256514

guy got me so angry I made a very dumb typo

No. 1256521

He hides in the trash can at a junior high…

No. 1256522

File: 1657407982874.jpg (61.8 KB, 540x363, tumblr_af3ab27a026adde1e12b1f9…)

No. 1256536

>I think women should always have happy unicorn sugar gumdrop opinions on other women and never hate them!

You should go tell the entirety of /snow/ that them. At least they have the motherfucking balls to openly hate and nitpick female lolcows instead of trying to play pretend nice with them. There’s always this hidden rule that women are supposed to uplift and support each other but that’s a total crock of shit, female relationships are alienating and hurtful and that’s how the game will always be played unless you bitches actually hop off the dick and start DOING SOMETHING about the male problem, otherwise you are no different from the women who bed with them and have their kids? You have no value unless you are associated with a man or performing within male standards.

No. 1256537

File: 1657408642304.png (324 KB, 640x436, ve82j1n9jct71.png)

No. 1256541


No. 1256547

I hate him more than I hate bradley cooper, he deserves double beating for that face alone and a little extra for being a troon.

No. 1256557

Any chance you might post a picture of yourself in this thread?

No. 1256563

But she's right. There's a huge disconnect between the cow boards and the rest of the site.

No. 1256569

Kek I see what you did there

No. 1256573

File: 1657409965884.png (777.85 KB, 750x1334, 9C8B4EE5-AC1B-4483-8070-16E245…)


No. 1256652

>stretched nasolabial folds like pic
? That's how everyone looks when smiling anon.

No. 1256669

File: 1657414811812.jpeg (537.2 KB, 1170x644, 568C6434-6F85-4B64-BE73-F07D47…)

No. 1256673

Please I want to just go with like 4 other nonners and have a fun time punching the shit out of this disgusting fucking creature.

No. 1256676

File: 1657415194135.jpg (23.66 KB, 600x399, 508360902_5fe0985a5b162.jpg)

No. 1256679

File: 1657415286389.jpeg (67.31 KB, 398x594, 16FCD2B8-8B79-4236-A4DC-2F9B63…)

No. 1256682

>I'm trying to find some patterns. Most examples show a long, disproportionate philtrum.
I can't see any long disproportionate philtrum on any photo posted before this comment
>stretched nasolabial folds like pic
What overdose of /pt/ /snow/ and /w/ mixed with never seeing real human beings does to a person lmao

No. 1256684

is that jazz jennings

No. 1256688

his annoying brother

No. 1256690

File: 1657415814581.jpg (637.16 KB, 2000x3000, joey-king-attends-the-2019-van…)

No. 1256693

File: 1657415856310.jpg (57.24 KB, 1000x1244, 40ffc25ee9d63c05.jpg)

No. 1256696

File: 1657415920616.jpg (28.18 KB, 480x481, steve-harvey-net-worth-1557432…)

No. 1256700

these two remind me of the spy penguins from madagascar movies

No. 1256702

File: 1657416137375.jpg (8.33 KB, 261x193, download.jpg)

All of Khloe's faces are punchable

No. 1256706

Whats the name of that white haired anime guy that some nonnies are obessed with? Him

No. 1256707

File: 1657416291791.jpg (87.66 KB, 1024x1011, 2f94b7b73ea0287c757d2be64796f7…)

No. 1256708

File: 1657416407622.png (286.53 KB, 1000x737, 3456E6777M788.png)

No. 1256709

File: 1657416421876.jpg (6.54 KB, 300x168, download (1).jpg)

Both their faces. I never got what was so "attractive" about Anisa, I mean she has a nice body but I always thought her face wasn't very nice looking. She looks better now though. They both do. I remember she met Jose's actually pretty sister and she was like, "She's beautiful" and i'm like, "are we looking at the same face?" Anisa looks like that brown disgusted puppy. And Jose looks like a Josh Peck when he was chubbier but ugly. (Josh peck isn't ugly)

No. 1256711

File: 1657416471711.jpg (54.44 KB, 780x438, intro-1586294632.jpg)

Shit my bad, them too but I was talking about Anfisa and Jose, not KIm and Kylie. They were my next post.

No. 1256712

Yes that fucker.

No. 1256713

lmao nonny, I was so confused.

No. 1256716

But he's cute

No. 1256717

File: 1657416706064.jpeg (22.61 KB, 225x224, AA28837F-F8B7-471E-A5C0-BA53C8…)

No. 1256724

File: 1657417173267.jpg (107.68 KB, 720x738, hpsz5igok7011.jpg)

I want to punch everyone who pretends her face looks good and it's normal to literally give yourself a dorito chin and then people say she looked "Better" now. When she looked perfectly normal and cute before.

No. 1256728

Dafuq even is

No. 1256730

Her nose was perfect wtf

No. 1256732

It's Jaquan Jonaset I think he's a youtuber, I saw him in ad for washing powder once.

No. 1256735

File: 1657417896289.gif (Spoiler Image,1.6 MB, 320x180, EPW2jA.gif)

This Mukbanger who does "Challenges" despite being 500+ pounds and claims she's healthy.

No. 1256740

File: 1657418504809.jpeg (558.58 KB, 1242x2200, 1656233101231.jpeg)

>8 hours in
>and nobody posted pic rel yet

No. 1256742

That's julien solomita. He's a youtuber/twitch streamer engaged to jenna marbles

No. 1256743

File: 1657418627181.jpg (117.61 KB, 441x491, 1647029483996.jpg)

No. 1256747

File: 1657419144727.jpeg (183.9 KB, 853x362, rapist.jpeg)

No. 1256748

ayrt and wow I genuinely would not think this is the same woman. it's so upsetting that she looks this pretty naturally but insists on dragging herself up like a dollar store queen

No. 1256777

He looks like he smells bad

No. 1256778

Wish i could post the face of every single male in existence itt.

No. 1256787

File: 1657422367147.jpg (50.56 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

He needs to be hit by a car

No. 1256828

Anfisa is based though, she used that scrote to get into the US then dumped him while he was in prison and got an education (and a bunch of other surgeries lol). She's a super fake influencer now but I can't help but respect her game

No. 1256832

Is that Jenna Marbles' fiance???

No. 1256844

Omg I didn’t even recognize him yuck

No. 1256981

>Anfisa is based
No she wasn't. Being verbally and physically abusive to your spouse and purposefully manipulative is not okay. I fucking hated her ugly yelling throughout 90day and hate how the fanbase memed her as a ~girlboss~ just because she called out Jorge for only liking her for her looks and things worked out for her in the end.

No. 1256992

The only truly punchable face ITT

No. 1257029

I would love to bash his head open with a heavy blunt object, preferably a baseball bat.

No. 1257036

File: 1657439591175.gif (1.3 MB, 250x310, 9AF2D893-8FAF-4183-8A07-15EB78…)

POV: you’re Mark and I’m beating the living daylights out of you.

No. 1257110

>stretched nasolabial folds

No. 1257146

this dude looks like shayna wtf

No. 1257217

File: 1657456569760.jpg (74.4 KB, 900x900, keffals.jpg)

She's cute and I don't understand her thread at all

No. 1257226

inb4 these are screenshotted to tranny twitter saying LOOK HOW TERFS ARE VIOLENT, SHUT DOWN LC

No. 1257314

File: 1657463251802.jpeg (116.46 KB, 840x1198, 8CA97CD2-E0B1-43EE-974F-4C9FBC…)

fuck this moid who was responsible for a whole generation of bros quoting “dick in a box” and thinking it was the funniest shit ever

No. 1257317

Veganism not even once

No. 1257319

for some reason i thought this was simply kenna at first glance

No. 1257324

File: 1657463670991.jpeg (65.24 KB, 780x438, E9335F49-9F60-4F84-90F2-57A102…)

No. 1257325

you're not wrong but I still like him

No. 1257338

File: 1657464241329.jpg (56.99 KB, 630x1200, MV5BNTgyNDgxMjUyOV5BMl5BanBnXk…)

No. 1257357

File: 1657465060734.jpeg (384.46 KB, 1125x1665, 12F72DF1-B97D-40F7-B915-5D503B…)

is it her face or the pick me ass personality that I want to punch

No. 1257363

What did she do?

No. 1257381

On this planet we call it a joke

No. 1257408

I don't get it.

No. 1257500

Why is she a pick me?

No. 1257511

I'm not mad about my own neck/chin area but I still vividly remember the moment it hit me that taking pics from the same ole high angle all the time is a worse look than just showing a bit o double chin every now and then. Whatever you're hiding, jaw, neck, adams apple.. own it.

No. 1257526


Maybe that's why I have a hatred of him–he looks like Shayna's britbong cousin.

No. 1257529

File: 1657472955559.jpeg (86.43 KB, 736x687, 8081E0F0-F8F4-4554-A088-E51247…)

this thread is funny
i immediately thought of this girl who's kinda tiktok famous

No. 1257532

File: 1657473158502.jpeg (39.06 KB, 512x512, F9A35FF1-3803-4F49-87AF-EA4B90…)

sometimes jerma
something about his face is off putting to me

No. 1257534

Good choice, Keffals deserves a thorough bashing

No. 1257538

File: 1657473345586.jpeg (337.72 KB, 1017x580, 4D6EE8B3-AC2D-4561-AEFF-4B3CC5…)

No. 1257546

File: 1657473815658.jpg (47.2 KB, 458x339, egeze.jpg)

Sydney Sweeney. She always looks so smug to me.

No. 1257549

File: 1657473919669.jpg (668.28 KB, 1200x800, q53252.jpg)

Samefag and this troon.

No. 1257558

File: 1657474074423.jpg (666.89 KB, 1080x1242, Screenshot_2022-07-10-18-12-41…)

>>1257529 agree, the mom from atypical always makes me so angry

No. 1257562

Nonnies you should have fact-checked more from their side, this retard lied to her about everything when she was upfront about the money and in the end got to jail for selling drugs, but they both said they were forced to make up dramas on camera. idk who even believes anything on 90df past season 3.

No. 1257568

is this a tranny?

No. 1257571

File: 1657474419765.jpg (61.18 KB, 540x960, jimcarrey.jpg)

what the fuck is that outfit? why can none of these tiktok girls dress themselves, also agree with you on that I keep seeing her make those annoying facial expressions everywhere online she looks like someone tried to "kawaify" Jim Carrey

No. 1257572

No. 1257577

kek you can really pick them out

No. 1257579

what did she do

No. 1257590

>implying i wkd her
i dont give enough shits for both of them but I think he is the one who fucked himself over in the end. play stupid games, win stupid prizes. this is what he gets for being a fetishy tourist.

No. 1257594

god she's hot

No. 1257613

nah girl just got that much needed chin filler kek

No. 1257619

It actually looks like she got more done, she looks great though.

No. 1257627

He is an annoying troon who spends 24/7 on twitter, has a shitty twitch channel, and did brap porn. He also did typical tranny porn where he shoved things up his amhole.

No. 1257634

He did fart porn?? AHAHAH

No. 1257664

File: 1657478604245.gif (2.05 MB, 400x225, wMVUftW.gif)

I can't stand her face and the way she always keeps the fork/chopsticks or whatever utrnsils it is at the edge of her mouth while she's munching. Also I have this stupid thought that she and her girlfriend are subtly pandering towards the fat fetish community lol

No. 1257666

File: 1657478658727.gif (2.94 MB, 400x225, lkwFBvC.gif)

I mean, come on…

No. 1257671

100% fetish pandering

No. 1257672

File: 1657479162584.gif (748.56 KB, 280x158, stopleaningstupid.gif)

No idea who this is, but reminds me of another food blogger on youtube named Mike Wiens who does this exact smile and lean in every fucking video with every fucking first bite he takes. It's pretty punchable.

No. 1257673

his face is so annoying to me and I can't explain why

No. 1257676

File: 1657479289731.jpg (37.5 KB, 700x500, Won-Jeong.jpg)

she always looks like she is FORCING her eyes to be uwu big and cute. like it doesnt look natural.
also the korean guy she hands out with hasan annoying voice.

No. 1257683

Her face is so bad and punchable I had to hide these images, thanks

No. 1257685

AGREED. Want to punch this fat chaser coomer scrote so bad.

No. 1257691

File: 1657479779319.jpg (182.65 KB, 1082x1672, FQfsM27WQAgTa_n.jpg)

No. 1257693

File: 1657479812324.png (869.07 KB, 946x2048, asan.png)

No. 1257696

No. 1257699

She’s based and your mad

No. 1257711

You'd get like 12 different STDs from that manwhore, including some he picked up from shady brothels in Europe. Unless you meant 'would' to the epic beatdown we're about to give him.

No. 1257713

No. 1257715

She looks very punchable still. Shitty soul always shows on the person's face no matter what they get done. She might seem like bossass golddigger to people who don't know russian girls…but she is the carbon copy of every spoled russian girl and my god they are a nightmare.

No. 1257739

>>1257672 Her channel is dancingbacons. I've seen this guy, god I hate when people act like this when they're eating. bacon does that stupid nod and showing front teeth everytime after she takes a bite too.
>>1257683 Anon I'm glad you feel the same way kek, people on her comment section always say how cute she is and I think they're just saying that out of pity cause even if she's not obese she's still ugly as fuck.

No. 1257753

Yesss I wanna sock him every time I see him

No. 1257759

File: 1657482449480.jpeg (36.42 KB, 569x398, 69AED9D7-666F-4E75-AA7C-2301E3…)

No he doesn’t have Down’s syndrome

No. 1257760

Does anybody know why asian people have eating fetishes?

No. 1257761

That dude looks exactly like this mf who would wax floors at night at Safeway and he would talk everyone’s heads off and sing loudly and say whenever we had to let him out “omg yay I’m finally getting the fuck out of here!!” I also eavesdropped on him once and he was like “first I’m not allowed to punch my kids now I can’t cuss at them” he was 100% a weirdo and looked exactly like that

No. 1257771

They used to call her a whore here but because she supports AH (who even are JD and AH) they love her. Mass media will probably cancel her I have a feel. She’s bizarre just like that dominican faux-pedo with the buck teeth.

No. 1257773

Kek my life as a child was so depressing and I was bullied every day his music actually cheered me up and prevented me from commiting suicide. I don’t live in the usa and I was too young to know how often “bros” would quote his songs so idc.

No. 1257774

No. 1257777

She didn’t actually do anything with Kanye’s gay ass it was payola. If you weren’t a Scrooge Mcduck you’d possibly remove that stick shoved so far up your ass and realize she’s just getting a check and is profiting off of making pedestrians mad.

No. 1257778

Girl this is the punchable faces thread

No. 1257780

It was hasan

No. 1257787

File: 1657483395692.jpeg (48.52 KB, 551x612, 948496D6-34A8-4B79-BFB7-5C9770…)

Sorry hope this fixes everything

No. 1257791

this is the thread where we post images of punchable people's faces. By posting her face here, she'd be admitting that she has a 'punchable face'

No. 1257800

Anyone who says they don't want to punch Will Smith fish is fuckin lying.

No. 1257805

File: 1657484326492.jpeg (215.29 KB, 800x1162, Ron_DeSantis_2020_(cropped).jp…)

No. 1257806

I was waiting for this

No. 1257811

I watched her disney food vlog with my mom and we both remarked we wanted to punch her face whenever she did that stupid nodding shit.

No. 1257836

File: 1657485583187.png (574.97 KB, 650x586, 243CDCA6-946D-4136-A01E-646235…)

pov: you as a woman is going to be condescendingly spoken over at all times

No. 1257837

File: 1657485594296.jpeg (112.63 KB, 720x720, 870A7201-841F-4DF3-97CF-363671…)

No. 1257841

YES i hate his face and his smug schtick so goddamn much thank you nonna

No. 1257842

Ugh I hate his annoying ass music

No. 1257849


No. 1257852

File: 1657486429321.jpeg (878.98 KB, 1242x1497, 1657203089420.jpeg)

Same phenotype as this retard, makes me autistically rage, I want to bash his face in with a hammer

No. 1257857

The second he called himself papa I wanted to sock him into the fuckin floor

No. 1257861

eww gross which video was this?

No. 1257864

Almost all of them

No. 1257865

File: 1657487166945.jpeg (155.65 KB, 720x720, 101f2bd32cb11214b9b54a4645ce32…)

she annoys the fuck out of me too

No. 1257867

damn it's been years since i watched his vids i must have blocked that shit out of my memory

No. 1257879

i think his face is cute

No. 1257904

Came here to post her too! She bothers me so much and I have no idea why. Like she reminds me of the kind of girl who would tattle on everyone in elementary school

No. 1257910

ugly asian girls are always punchable.

No. 1257913

go away scrote

No. 1257920

File: 1657491980403.jpg (364.91 KB, 1333x2000, felicia-day-2000 (1).jpg)

Both face and personality

No. 1257922

File: 1657492233478.jpg (81.24 KB, 1199x636, FJRYBzWX0AAvnJ4.jpg)

zendaya especially when she plays rue

No. 1257927

File: 1657492642474.jpeg (461.21 KB, 914x994, 7282B096-3F77-4B54-97CB-C0FA75…)

No. 1257928

File: 1657492683154.jpeg (158.12 KB, 648x322, 029DB3E5-02DC-4FB1-9C8D-F4C298…)

No. 1257931

Its old Jason Retard Wocrack

No. 1257933

I could not stand watching Brooklyn 99 because of this dude
His face just screams "DOUCHEBAG"

No. 1257935

He looks like a middle school bully.

No. 1257938

File: 1657493650548.jpeg (270.73 KB, 560x488, BB2E72F1-8379-44CA-8191-E1FA4E…)

No. 1257953

Would unironically leave in the middle of a busy Chinese street.

No. 1257955

File: 1657495286747.jpg (366.34 KB, 1000x1500, tom-brady.jpg)

No. 1257965

It was hasan

No. 1257973

File: 1657497088894.jpeg (50.21 KB, 332x500, D4D4B853-E048-47CC-A1EC-03FA90…)

No. 1257978

Wow, been a while since I've seen him.

No. 1257979

File: 1657497650567.png (1.32 MB, 1694x1800, proxy-image.png)

No. 1257980

File: 1657497762826.jpeg (5.79 KB, 290x174, 511.jpeg)

No. 1257983

doesn't he also take pics with his step daughter and pretend she has huge hair as well?

No. 1257987

Wtf men

No. 1257988

File: 1657498836100.png (111.37 KB, 334x250, 1649117746510.png)

No. 1257989

I want to kiss Jersh and then punch him in the face

No. 1257997

File: 1657499768759.png (293.14 KB, 358x372, Capture.PNG)

Yes and he Kisses her on the mouth yuck I think they've disappeared now. He goes from a long high top fade to fucking a head full of flowing hair every picture. Yet theres some people who believe it's his real hair and want to buy hair products from him. At one point he even claimed to went to africa to go hand pick the "Ingredients" for his hair products and he got bit by a viper. I hate that he involved someone else's child in his weird scam. Even looks like he edits the child's body sometimes.
Me too, I think he has a cute face, but he's an disgusting racist retard scrote, but I still think he's attractive in a fat boy way. I'd punch and kiss him too

No. 1258002

File: 1657500128649.jpeg (83.06 KB, 736x920, 589A00743E33.jpeg)

No. 1258008

You want to kiss a rapist and pedophile?

No. 1258009

>but I still think he's attractive in a fat boy way.
>fat boy
fucking how. and his eyes are in two different continents.

No. 1258010

File: 1657500663558.jpeg (92.47 KB, 1520x868, 66FC3B61-A46B-444E-A47C-FEF523…)

No. 1258011

File: 1657500723121.jpeg (Spoiler Image,449.81 KB, 750x533, 1419DD8F-E02A-4987-B4CA-53EF93…)

No. 1258020

They all look like someone was messing around in character creator and maxxed out a couple sliders

No. 1258025

File: 1657501723977.jpeg (482.71 KB, 1980x777, 0.jpeg)

No. 1258028

File: 1657502042086.jpg (45.63 KB, 750x400, boosie_getty_images.0-750x400-…)

This was a blast from the past.
I think she is cute without makeup, but i low key think she would look better is she lost 15lb.
He looks like the coomer wojack

Anyways, I had a tough time deciding which rap scrote i wanted to post. This guy is the worst to me. Still can't even name a single song he wrote, just that he ordered prostitutes for his underage sons. His fans who defend him can catch these hands too.

No. 1258034

File: 1657502519244.jpeg (167.86 KB, 1000x563, 0766h412.jpeg)

No. 1258035

File: 1657502562263.jpeg (42.36 KB, 1200x675, download.jpeg)

No. 1258038

File: 1657502858200.jpg (178.27 KB, 1109x1600, American-actor-John-Krasinski-…)

No. 1258054

File: 1657504425866.jpeg (613.64 KB, 828x1028, AE65C5FE-F137-4BE1-BCE0-4AF3D6…)

can’t forget themi

No. 1258070

Kek this is so based I hate watching the office and seeing his smug dumb face looking at the camera

No. 1258072

File: 1657505719490.png (452.14 KB, 700x525, 5b9235bb5c5e5254548b59f5-27313…)

Surprised no one's posted him yet

No. 1258140

I can't believe Niko Avocado isn't here, I'd look for an image to post him but I don't want to get nauseous

No. 1258152

He looks like a Zika baby

No. 1258158

File: 1657513953139.jpeg (217.05 KB, 463x589, B4948953-025C-4EBB-ABA4-181EB5…)

Ugly fucker with corny jokes

No. 1258185

is this a child

No. 1258187

This thread is getting weird

No. 1258189

As if the posts about beating women earlier weren't weird enough. Half the thread reeks of glowies tbh.

No. 1258190

File: 1657516731480.jpg (172.46 KB, 900x1200, cafebeef.jpg)

No. 1258195

Dude… is this that little sister from bridge to terabithia?

No. 1258199

File: 1657517415832.jpeg (28.66 KB, 240x240, 748CFDC4-C278-4280-BD41-DB35CD…)

No. 1258211

you evil bitch her big brother moid raged at her kys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. 1258223

He’s totally bald now. Love that for him.

No. 1258225

I might be an awful person but I actually snorted when I read this you low key sound like you have misophonia though

No. 1258276

File: 1657525660779.jpeg (27.03 KB, 735x724, m.jpeg)

No. 1258480

File: 1657547637643.jpeg (1.46 MB, 2000x2245, FEF6B17B-5A4C-4C21-9937-1506F1…)

No. 1258509

Every time I see this thread bumped and the new pictures it makes me chuckle because some people look like anyone else, and some people I agree on. Interesting to see Nonna's choices

No. 1258516

File: 1657549683241.jpg (5.17 KB, 176x286, images.jpeg.jpg)

I can't think of any punchable faces, but oh boy there are some punchable voices. Like Corpse Husband. Stop fucking forcing the grovel damn I want to shut him up with a fist.

No. 1258519

Give him a slap instead

No. 1258585

ew men should never be naked

No. 1258592

File: 1657554969354.jpg (219.54 KB, 291x358, XVBmPFi.jpg)

No. 1258595

IS THAT HIM holy shit lmaooo

No. 1258609

David Dobrik would fit in this thread. His smile makes me angry

No. 1258633

Yup, funny to think so many egirls were lusting after dude like that based only on that voice lmao

No. 1258643

Fucking love him!

No. 1258646

Her crying face would make me wanna rage at her too, Josh Hutcherson was right
Isn’t that the fear of chewing noises? You might be right

No. 1258661

how do i post a pic of every kardashian ever

No. 1258672

File: 1657559710319.jpeg (183.41 KB, 573x403, CB69E29B-102C-46D3-B31D-05BABE…)

Our scrote interior minister. rapist and creep with the most punchable smug grin

No. 1258715

File: 1657561926809.jpeg (342.63 KB, 1221x1333, FD10AB11-1C4A-4B9B-A77B-8AE1D6…)

overhyped mediocre fiona apples-esque music because everyone goes gaga over white girls who spill their feelings in music~ but tell black women to stfu if they shed a tear like meghan da stallion crying because a moid nearly killed her and wait for them to shake their ass on stage and rap about being used as a sex doll like a stereotype(race sperging)

No. 1258718

This feels like reverse crapper chan tier bait, but I agree, her music is overrated.

No. 1258721

fiona was much better than kate bush

No. 1258741

This sounds like a weird word salad bot. Actually there seems to be a weird uptick in racebait all over the site in general lately. But surely you know there's people who enjoy artists of all races and not one over the other?

No. 1258745

I wanna a log so fucking bad do not bad mouth Kate fucking Bush on the farm

No. 1258788

Between Kate Bush, Fiona Apple and Bjork I like Kate the most. Interested to know how other anons feel though.

No. 1258817

I like Fiona Apple the most, but I like Kate Bush too. I like some of Bjork's songs, but I read that she was kind of an asshole (to her daughter and people in general), so I can't really see her the same way

No. 1258819

It’s not really a fear per say, it’s more that certain noises can send you into a full blown rage. Chewing is a big one for many people who have it, but kids crying/making noises is also one I’ve heard mentioned. Some people have it so bad that a visual stimuli associated with a noise triggers their rage, which is what nona’s kinda unhinged kek post made me think of.

No. 1258846

>I know black women I dehumanized but I’m just going to pretend I didn’t read it and call it world salad

How convenient

No. 1258847


You desperately want to say the n-word but you can’t. Seethe harder, anon

No. 1258872

I want to see her and crapchan fight to the death

No. 1258927

Nta but you need to calm down, yoi want to be mad so badly

No. 1258980

what are you talking about

No. 1259256

File: 1657599673870.jpg (310.48 KB, 1200x900, barry-keoghan-.jpg)

I can't believe they picked him to play the Joker, he's shit

No. 1259282

I find them all cute
doja and meg would be prettier without the heavy drag makeup

I'm a carreyfag but I'd slap him

I also like willem dafoe

looks like a skinny, less greasy ted cruz

it's how pinched her features are. her face shape relative to the spacing of her features is so… unflattering

her fillers are so disgusting, she looked so much cuter before

Ezra Millers downy cousin

at least half of the nullfags are kiwi plants and you can't convince me otherwise

No. 1259293

Anon was explaining that black women are not allowed to make music outside shaking their ass whilst white women can do it and not very well but get praised like goddesses. It's true imo, you listen to nicki minaj's music for example, her ass shaking songs are actually a minority of her catalog but it's the most popular songs she releases despite her more emotional songs actually being very good. Even with Chloe Bailey it has to be the case to some extent beyond her being high on scrote validation. Her songs with her shaking her ass put her on the map more than any of the classy and tasteful songs she did with her sister ever did. Btw, i do not feel like Kate Bush is awful, I am more of a Bjork fan.

>at least half of the nullfags are kiwi plants and you can't convince me otherwise
They have a thread about us and documented their awful trolling attempts that even the most spergy anons don't fall for. Null also thinks we are all obsessed with our periods. You know they can't just watch the circus clowns perform, they always want to storm the ring and grab a red nose and white paint for themselves and often end up making better clowns.

No. 1259300

I was gonna post someone from TikTok here but then I google imaged her and she looks so.. nice and obviously pretty but in her TikToks she’s alwYs making weird faces and movements

No. 1259307

File: 1657608019538.jpg (74.48 KB, 1000x800, 105009100_110785910681465_1170…)

This. I hate how fake and disgustingly slutty she is making those cringey retarded ahegao faces. Deserves multiple bloody punches in the face.(a-log)

No. 1259311

looks like a retard. >>1258190

No. 1259315

I am genuinely wholly tired of people calling Meg the stallion ugly/ gross/ smelly etc. and sometimes it seems like she’s just sick and tired of the whole thing honestly like she’s expected to do it 24/7

No. 1259316

Kate Bush is not comparable to Fiona Apple and Bjork in any way to me.

No. 1259610

in that their music is drastically different? or because fiona apple is far better (which she is)?

No. 1259650

File: 1657637477402.jpg (117.11 KB, 900x900, barf.jpg)

legitimately the ugliest scrote I've ever seen

No. 1259666

File: 1657638439846.jpg (29.36 KB, 640x360, 32570_1.11.jpg)

I know nothing about him but I want to hit him in the face every time I see him on the screen.

No. 1259679

File: 1657639397487.jpg (36.95 KB, 1000x1000, 51NL3p70s8L._SL1000_.jpg)

No. 1259690

File: 1657640198577.gif (899.08 KB, 220x273, my life is over.gif)

No. 1260343

OK I HATE THE ART STYLE OF THIS SHOW SO MUCH, I hate the way this character's mouth is shaped

No. 1260376

Looking like a freshly thawed Neanderthal

No. 1260843

File: 1657686847854.png (2.65 MB, 750x1334, 094A53A5-97D9-452E-9878-919C2D…)

I blocked him he’s fat

No. 1260938


No. 1260949

File: 1657694114590.png (104.56 KB, 350x287, C3333F8E-4137-4091-BE7C-348247…)

Here’s a chill pill just for you sis

No. 1260959

File: 1657695064031.jpeg (274.73 KB, 900x1200, 2106AC30-FEBE-471B-AA90-D8BA15…)

Literally every single troon on the face of the planet but especially this ugly ass moid and his garbage misogynistic music frankly they all deserve worse than a punch in the face

No. 1260966

I tend not to like ragging on people's looks, but holy shit is this cunt hideous.

No. 1260969

File: 1657695689388.png (190.6 KB, 450x360, ashley-graham.png)

No. 1260972

i hate him with a passion. generic tiktok moid who slaps either a milf joke, a misogynistic take or a gayass video purely made for male validation.

No. 1260973

Nor do I, unless they’re scrotes, troons, sex workers and handmaidens. They’re all actively harming women so it’s open season on their appearance as far as I’m concerned. The packaging is invariably befitting of the contents.

No. 1260975

File: 1657696241841.jpeg (110.99 KB, 2000x1000, E7B4100A-C9ED-4F72-AB0F-0B4918…)

This hideous piece of shit

No. 1260978

File: 1657696737598.jpeg (3.13 MB, 4000x6000, E7602BB2-E295-4CBB-A23E-D72743…)

No. 1260985

File: 1657697537211.jpg (55.55 KB, 800x800, 2dffce3b-0b4d-4e24-bafe-680a99…)

No. 1260989

File: 1657697965723.png (153.91 KB, 480x351, 1502199821-screen-shot-2017-08…)

He has the same froggy mouth area as Tom Holland. That said I don't find him punchable, he's too scary.

No. 1260991

File: 1657698110374.jpeg (24.87 KB, 300x300, E6783992-1AAC-48A6-9219-046E0E…)

i posted how punchable I found her awhile back but once again this random russian model with the botched nosejob and lip fillers

No. 1260994

File: 1657698339575.jpg (143.51 KB, 2500x1667, shutterstock_643625881.jpg)

No. 1260996

why does he look like that one tripfag from cgl circa 15ish years ago

No. 1261002

She looks like an off-brand Angelina Jolie but you're still weird for wanting to punch a random woman without any context.

No. 1261028

Could be said about at least a quarter of the entries itt

No. 1261042

I thought this was Angie faceapp'd with someone lol

No. 1261048

File: 1657703221170.png (720.36 KB, 1200x675, download.png)

Why has no one posted them yet

No. 1261050

Because you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you?

No. 1261052

File: 1657703682207.jpeg (Spoiler Image,154.14 KB, 900x1200, download.jpeg)

And this freak

No. 1261068

File: 1657704680523.jpg (34.23 KB, 640x360, _108920735_donald_joe_hunter.j…)

All three.

No. 1261070

Hunter's eyes tell he's into some fucked up torture porn on some shit

No. 1261071

Because nobody cares about them

No. 1261076

Well he's into cp so it wouldn't even surprise me.

No. 1261086

literally who?

No. 1261088

Anon is signaling that she was alive when the Declaration of Independence was written

No. 1261116

she's fucking rich men and I'm not

No. 1261129

And whose fault is that? >>1259679

No. 1261137

pay for botched lip fillers for me then kekkkkk

No. 1261154

Girl you better get on your knees like them Russian girls if you wanna start fighting with them

No. 1261190

File: 1657711567554.jpg (113.14 KB, 307x426, RuPaul.jpg)

Punchable for being at least partially responsible for making drag mainstream and "family friendly" so now women are making their children perform in front of pervy adults because it's just innocent self expression. Also all the lingo and one liners from that show everyone uses now. "Yasss queen slay" fuck off, just wish me luck and not treat me like I'm a scrote in a breastplate about to make jokes about deepthroating 10 cocks.
Rant over lol

No. 1261258

YES thank you nona! This busted old sodomite has almost single handedly normalised womanface to the point where its biggest supporters/consumers are (mostly white) women themselves. Profiting off flagrant misogyny. He deserves more than a punch. I hate all moids but I have special reserves of vitriol put aside for faggots and trannies.

No. 1261264

I'd fuck them tbh

No. 1261281

noni NO

No. 1261296

Same, and them bootlickers, they make me angrier. Jannies ain't your friends and if you feel like you need to come in their defense, you deserve a good punch yourself.

No. 1261298

i don't think farmhands have any capability to fix the site. first of all, i think most of them are probably pretty technologically limited (very limited in their knowledge of coding, if any at all), and their powers are also limited by the role. not caping, just explaining my understanding

No. 1261347

It still kills me that this creep is a known rapist and still has a career with a large following and several famous friends

No. 1261366

oh my god yes

No. 1261369

File: 1657723102966.jpg (223.88 KB, 900x506, ocasiocortezalexandria_111318s…)

Surprised no one has posted her yet

No. 1261371

i don't think she's punchable. she's really cute. i love her voice and i think she's very strong. i wouldn't be able to do even a quarter of what she does

No. 1261398

Why are you simping for this commie bitch? Her smile is ugly as sin

No. 1261400

gummy smiles are the worst. sorry to nice anons with gummy smiles but just as you can't help how you look I cannot help how I feel about it

No. 1261412

you write like a malding man. she's not even close to a commie. it's also my personal opinion that she's cute.

No. 1261427

AOC does make moid specifically mald so bad, that anon does sound affected by the y chromosome

No. 1261433

she really does. the phrasing is definitely indicative of Y poisoning.

No. 1261443

Omg yess fuck him

No. 1261449

definitely has a punchable face. he reminds me of a better looking onision. ot but i'm PISSED at the season finale. this fucker should've gotten his comeuppance or at least lost his powers but butcher is a full on retard and none of the characters acted like themselves in the last ep. like at all

No. 1261452

I don’t agree with her politics or even know them tbh but she is cute

No. 1261455

based commie bitch

No. 1261464

I don’t like the farmhands because they’re way too smug even though it takes them hours to take down moid bait and spam kek. They also don’t allow kpop here but are quick to allow the escaping yumejos/fujoshis from /g/ to spam wherever they please. Rules are applied inconsistently and you’re only allowed to shitpost in one designated thread despite the rest of the board being OFFTOPIC. Watch me get banned for this because I’m “derailing” or get slapped with “/meta/ is for complaints” the complaints that are always ignored. I hate jannies on any site srsly

No. 1261465

File: 1657727391587.jpg (45.36 KB, 1392x783, 018-Jessica-primary.jpg)

No. 1261469

File: 1657727520966.jpeg (40.59 KB, 300x300, 09AFB42F-DA40-48B6-BDB1-55C6C3…)

Tell me you wouldn’t smack this insufferable borderline sociopathic bitch from that unfunny corny ass show. Pickme hanging out with three loser men..

No. 1261471

yeah i really dislike her. all of them on that show, actually. seinfeld is the most overrated show ever. extremely corny and unfunny.

No. 1261489

i feel this way about Friends tbh

No. 1261494


See Friends is corny as shit, but somehow it bothers me less because it really never tries to be anything but a corny goofy milquetoast sitcom, so I find it comfy at least. Seinfeld is up it’s own ass and Jerry Seinfeld is a pedo fuck.

No. 1261510

File: 1657730051958.jpeg (430.39 KB, 601x891, FB384C69-2DE3-4754-A46F-35298C…)

No. 1261515

I like his face.

No. 1261516

He is virgin face lmfao

No. 1261521

What's a virgin face? idk he just looks normal to me

No. 1261524

I would punch George Costanza

No. 1261542

Really nona? He looks like he could be a 40 year old virgin to me too kek

No. 1261561

>still saying in 2k22 pickme
Of course, only pickmes would. She’s legit so cute.

No. 1261571

Did you have a stroke?

No. 1261572

File: 1657733092727.jpeg (27.37 KB, 500x375, 696g4b4.jpeg)

i haven't watched that many episodes but she seemed alright, what did she do

No. 1261669

File: 1657737701847.jpg (51.81 KB, 1024x682, 1576032005919.jpg)

She is NOT a pickme you stupid bitch nonnie LOG OFF

No. 1261672

Even if she was a pickme, who cares. The word pickme has gotten just as based as thots since both women and men use it to seriously demean women ew. She cute af though.

No. 1261720

It's John and Hank Green. They were OG YouTubers and John Green still has shitty books coming out every year.

No. 1261735

Nta but he always seemed like a cow to me, but back then I was never curious enough to look at his social media much. I remember he had a Tumblr blog or something where he seemed to act cringe, and generally Tumblr was obsessed with him. I read only two books from him, they were aight. Didn't know he was a YouTuber.

No. 1261750

Yeah their channel vlogbrothers is really old and still a thing, I find them unwatchable lol. Also in one of John Green's YA books there's a sex scene between two teenagers that stirred up some controversy and got banned at some schools I think.

No. 1261762

File: 1657742936398.jpg (69.61 KB, 976x549, _124717698_gettyimages-1395200…)

Worlds biggest twat

No. 1261765

File: 1657742981722.jpeg (271.61 KB, 828x1099, C4E24FE9-E0FA-4535-B084-25A221…)

im surprised no one posted him yet

No. 1261766

Tumblr bullying john green off the site is one of tumblrs redeeming moments

No. 1261775

spoiler this

No. 1261781

What the FUCK is this boiled lobster looking mf

No. 1261782

Has nobody posted chris rock yet

No. 1261792

Lol how did I never hear about that? Spill

No. 1261802

This is the punchable thread this creature is not punchable it’s KILL IT WITH FIRE ABLE

No. 1261809

iirc it was something to do with users editing his text posts or something? and because of this whole drama tumblr actually changed the rules so you can no longer edit other users posts.

No. 1261814

File: 1657745004841.jpeg (118.48 KB, 773x1000, 5B5B76D6-3CA6-43B4-B01E-4A9419…)

No. 1261816

File: 1657745035595.jpeg (57.7 KB, 765x1134, 3579F39F-F2CB-4411-8B6C-1D0C6F…)

No. 1261830

File: 1657745424832.png (21.85 KB, 600x500, gDLk19kCBA.png)

No. 1261839

File: 1657745685782.jpg (106.97 KB, 1181x1470, nintchdbpict000003441959.jpg)

No. 1261846

File: 1657745854396.png (1.15 MB, 1104x796, tucker.png)

No. 1261863

I wish he had stood his ground against the trannies its obvious he doesn't take them seriosly, views them as women or wanted them on his show.

No. 1261864

File: 1657746356875.jpg (82.44 KB, 640x963, syz263fvgcq51.jpg)

Well first it was this

No. 1261870

File: 1657746479227.jpg (37.33 KB, 360x303, tumblr_5606ba87fa99a646b4955dc…)

Then when tumblr alllowed users to change others posts someone changed his into this and he ragequit

No. 1261872

No. 1261962

Fucking why, I don’t go on the board where his thread is and STILL I am assaulted by his unspeakably hideous mug. Fuckin dano fags all need a lobotomy.

No. 1261978

I hate his ugly voice too

No. 1262000

god he's so ugly. literally looks like he's on prednisolone on top of having a hideous face. i can't wait for the day when i never see his face on this site again

No. 1262002

Despite spending all day on here, I rarely see him posted tho maybe because I have his thread hidden kek

No. 1262003

His face is so fucking asymmetrical and weird. I've never seen a moid so ugly before

No. 1262050

File: 1657754638770.jpg (669.56 KB, 2000x2400, david rose.jpg)

everyone else on schitt's creek can hang but when i see this mf it's ON SIGHT

No. 1262150

File: 1657758492377.jpg (142.19 KB, 800x1066, 800px-Ajit_Pai_portrait_2018.j…)

This joke of a scammer

No. 1262153

Perpetually looking like he smelled a fart

No. 1262155

File: 1657758688676.jpeg (375.46 KB, 2034x1080, 475D595A-F6F8-4B12-A0CC-6A74EF…)

Every fucking scene

No. 1262174

File: 1657759965054.jpg (33.52 KB, 400x400, bYtsoGdE_400x400.jpg)

Although I will admit its mostly his bad condescending singing tik toks that make him punchable.

No. 1262182

File: 1657761149040.jpeg (217.84 KB, 851x1280, 4D3A8238-58A9-4261-A5CC-A81136…)

Ansel and Miles Teller are the same person diff font

No. 1262190

File: 1657762702105.png (721.86 KB, 480x672, (@brianjordanalvarez).png)

This actor reminds me of Nikocado but somehow more annoying

No. 1262204

you guys are going to hate me but i kind of like that low budget gay romance/skankfest film he did

No. 1262230

Ok ok he’s ugly but anon that dick probably thanging frfr

No. 1262244

Is this the tranny that looks like the merchant meme come to life when the lighting isn’t helping obscure the size of his honker and likes posting pics of his comically small penis at every opportunity?

No. 1262254

Based. Hank especially is so fucking smarmy and soy and obnoxious. John is a horrible writer who fancies himself a luminary. Both cape for troons non-stop

No. 1262258

File: 1657770964925.jpg (632.2 KB, 1600x1067, pennandteller-web-1600x1067.jp…)

samefag but these soyboys

No. 1262263

File: 1657771357363.jpeg (Spoiler Image,598.2 KB, 999x999, 4B811377-EA44-493A-878E-61CF4A…)

This literal retard (spoilered for extreme fug). He is not funny and he is a misogynistic piece of shit

No. 1262298

File: 1657779599510.gif (1001.6 KB, 350x250, war.jpg.gif)

Is that Natasha from ANTM?

No. 1262300

NTA but I knew I recognised her! That season was such a train wreck (I say that like every season wasn’t a train wreck)

No. 1262303

I hate seeing that ugly thing
I want to know what his parents were thinking letting that thing come out half baked

No. 1262309

This is what happens when abortion is outlawed

No. 1262331

File: 1657786297376.jpg (38.44 KB, 405x612, gettyimages-523669508-612x612.…)

she looks so hostile here, she bares her teeth like an agressive monkey. i'd punch her but i'm afraid she'd bite me
yes, thank you

No. 1262352

K pop isn’t allowed because we would be getting raids from stan twitter tards regularly spamming their bias all across the board, those two things are not even remotely comparable.

No. 1262371

Clean up your glasses

No. 1262475

I have a fiery hate for this scrote's shitty overwritten cooking videos.

No. 1262587

File: 1657817600651.jpeg (44.63 KB, 660x657, 12FD98BA-4A3D-4C76-9F50-D542FF…)

No. 1262593

no that's not Natasha that's some model named Natalie Gal, but they have a similar prefix and equally annoying looking lips

No. 1262615

File: 1657820275481.png (752.17 KB, 695x391, i-want-to-punch-that-beak off-…)

I hate his face so much

>>1261814 also this guy
and Ben Stiller. But him I despise so much I can't even google his image without getting extremely annoyed.

No. 1262806

I always got pedophile vibes from John Green

No. 1262813

No. 1262833

I've always wanted to punch him, especially after making that disgusting ahistorical and slanderous musical. Ugly fucker, ugly ugly guly ugly!

No. 1262841

Why did you have to post a nude. You shayna tards are so weird.

No. 1262859

You are gigaretarded
Put one of those fucking earwax sucker things in your head you idiot
Eat my ass I bet you didn't even know who she was before Stranger Things you zoomer
Suffer in Hell
Heh, based

No. 1262867

I’m 100% here for the rabid protection of Kate

No. 1263131

File: 1657860902224.jpeg (41.46 KB, 420x550, 129B4F55-8D96-4A02-AF38-E4EC0D…)

This hideous white supremacist garbage fire of a human

No. 1263159

File: 1657865724606.jpg (58.4 KB, 900x900, 5ba01bbc0e3d9.image.jpg)

No. 1263162


No. 1263175

File: 1657867573011.jpeg (71.68 KB, 1280x720, 98943443-F98F-44D8-B008-F8BC38…)

No. 1263181

This is so funny to me because it’s 2022 and Kate Bush was at her height in the 80s. Comparing her to musicians who came after her because you actually know nothing about her (shocker) and are likely just angry she’s getting attention after Stranger Things. It’s been 40 years.

No. 1263190

I’m not defending her cause she’s white im doing it cause I like her music. It’s weird and tiring that you immediately jump to racism. Would it blow your mind to know that I also listen too and like music by black artists?

No. 1263194

File: 1657868705406.png (331.98 KB, 400x400, pos.png)

No. 1263212

Ok so we should all start listening to this instead
>Gobble me, swallow me, drip down the side of me (yeah)
Quick, jump out 'fore you let it get inside of me (yeah)
I tell him where to put it, never tell him where I'm 'bout to be
I run down on him 'fore I have a nigga running me
Instead? Because white women bad!!!!

No. 1263217

File: 1657870279852.gif (9.53 MB, 498x498, AE43BBD9-B5E7-415B-9D7B-06D0FE…)

Whoever wrote this >>1258715
Most punchable post I’ve ever seen.

No. 1263243

I don’t know what this is but it sounds like “music” made by and for intellectually handicapped fat degenerate whores. Kate is a living legend, even if you don’t like her music that’s an indisputable fact

No. 1263248

Yeah the comparison of Kate and Meg doesn’t really make sense to me because their music isn’t similar at all. If you’re mad that black women have a harder time being successful without being hypersexualized I don’t know how shitting on white women will fix that. Maybe promote and support more independent black artists who don’t have males pulling the strings in the background.

No. 1263263

People like Megan Thee Stallion are degens who hypersexualize themselves, they’re as bad as the subhuman moids who make low IQ music that objectifies women

No. 1263264

> black women have a harder time being successful without being hypersexualized
but these black female rappers don’t really help themselves, do they?
Based and true nona

No. 1264534

File: 1657974828446.jpeg (308.22 KB, 1952x1098, B0CB8C44-C771-4A04-A852-15CD4F…)

She looks like evil Lindsay Lohan

No. 1264538

I know this was meant to be an insult but you made her sound cool nonny kek. She's pretty imo.

No. 1264545

Anon-chan, she is in fact Ukrainian who lied about it on TV show. She is an ukrainian who lived in Moscow for a while, but I guess that makes her russian.

No. 1264574

File: 1657977046259.jpeg (206.1 KB, 461x417, F26C55E8-ECF8-427F-AF20-C0636D…)

No. 1264582

File: 1657977768204.jpg (385.52 KB, 1247x1871, gbRgcFBUJ3e3CxubAv3Y5EVVare.jp…)

This thread is just turning into a celebs you hate thread. Barely any of these faces are punchable
Anyway, nothing against Will Poulter but his face is very punchable. They cast him perfectly for Midsommar kek

No. 1264589

NTA, but what's really the big deal with that? Ukraine and Russia are very close

No. 1264595

he looks like an ape

No. 1264597

File: 1657978819404.jpeg (69.14 KB, 566x800, 96B554H-4378N89-9008.jpeg)

This beady-eyed simian looking fucker that everyone and their dog keeps trying to shill as attractive.

No. 1264598

File: 1657979222974.jpg (74.45 KB, 1015x571, 5cf6fdb6-ef85-40a3-8550-523dd8…)

He looks so much like a catfish it's unreal

No. 1264604

File: 1657980723327.jpg (82.36 KB, 980x979, why.jpg)

admittedly I'm just tired of seeing her face.

No. 1264606

File: 1657980861373.jpg (220.57 KB, 1200x800, 2021-toronto-international-fil…)

she always looks like she's either plotting someone's death or bored beyond belief

No. 1264607

She’s pretty but that’s it. Just comes across as bland and boring

No. 1264609


No. 1264618

No. 1264626

Her character in victorious was unbearably annoying and I was happy every time I saw strife and pain come her way. If it was IRL I would fuck Beck and make him break up with her.

No. 1264641

why is she posted here, the only thing we know about her is that she has a baby with elon, why do i fell like some anons here get jealous of elons partners and want to fuck him.

No. 1264656

meh she was funny sometimes, but i'm biased since i like angry goth characters. tori and the talking puppet were the most annoying to me

No. 1264676

I can't explain it but he looks so much like a sims 2 character. The facial proportions and everything

No. 1265255

File: 1658012293826.jpg (45.7 KB, 568x567, urgh.jpg)

No. 1265284

File: 1658014421198.jpeg (262.69 KB, 750x922, 50DB6671-8DD9-4CFE-A6AD-362E4B…)

No. 1265325

File: 1658018176383.jpg (11 KB, 228x365, lokibeaker.jpg)

Nta and wouldn't punch, but she's also a cringy simp for him on twitter

No. 1265475

File: 1658037092079.jpeg (34.56 KB, 300x300, AEA07D83-5918-48E8-9DAC-740116…)

No. 1265500

absolutely. you can tell he’s an obnoxious faggot just by looking at him

No. 1265511

Could never stand his shit and had pedo energy written all over him even in his ""prime"". Idk how anyone ever found him attractive

No. 1265512

>but tell black women to stfu if they shed a tear like meghan da stallion crying because a moid nearly killed her and wait for them to shake their ass on stage and rap about being used as a sex doll like a stereotype
This is black men doing this. Unless you can post a single white girl who's ever said this

No. 1265520

Black women do it to themselves as well

No. 1265522

Who da fuck is this

No. 1265532

She’s beautiful. Her eyes are kinda scary but I like it.

No. 1265728

holy kek anon you're right

No. 1265859

ian miles cheong

No. 1266740

File: 1658147120181.jpeg (85.3 KB, 890x501, BB22E824-60D0-40A6-B66B-F943C1…)

This fucking ugly walleyed bootlicking piece of shit

No. 1266752

I hated him since I heard he gave up his cat for getting too old. Also that faux humble "I lived in a van la de da" shit. Glad he's looking busted with a fivehead lately

No. 1266761

She just was such a fucking bitch on Victorious. And her face just reminds me of a dove somehow

No. 1266765

File: 1658149497201.png (4.68 MB, 1125x2436, 6A589140-2EA1-4B57-9F10-5DF3ED…)

>inb5 “you foids would only punch me because I’m brown”

You can see the victim complex and entitlement in his ugly face

No. 1266787

I can even feel the incelness emanating from him. These dudes are all the same and all deserving of a good punch.

No. 1266788

File: 1658152368515.jpeg (531.09 KB, 828x1148, 5DE3244C-F546-44F0-9556-10AF8E…)

this MUA who comes up on my Facebook feed. she looks like she’s inflated in all the worst areas and her lips are atrocious.

No. 1266898

Well that's the writers fault.

No. 1267027

Kill all Pajeets and Ahmeds

No. 1267131

Ew she's got major old people teeth-mouth because of her lip filler and looks like she has no top teeth, kek

No. 1267149

Let me get a punch in too, I hate these fags.

No. 1267441

File: 1658177431528.jpg (181.01 KB, 794x1080, fag.jpg)

No. 1267444

kek who the fuck is that

No. 1267450

is this the one who looks extremely british with the whole face and extreme essex type makeup but is american

No. 1267466

looks like my ex when he was 18. I spit and hit. pituu!!! PUNCH!!!

No. 1267467

this is a wax figure anon

No. 1267476

Her face doesn't bother me as much as her lack of ability to move her lips and her nasaly voice. That's concerning. Is she ill or smth??

No. 1269000

File: 1658281544354.jpg (42.19 KB, 527x527, Screenshot_20220720-094355_You…)

This little faggot is super punchable

No. 1269001

Always found him punchable and ugly. I think little girls saw the swoopy hair back then and ignored the red flags

No. 1269005

Agreed so hard. She's obnoxious and her head reminds me of that one influencer on tiktok who got fox eye threads that got infected and her head started swelling at the temples.

No. 1269184

File: 1658298686066.jpg (69.59 KB, 480x640, 2aoizn.jpg)

I fucking hate sweetiesnacker and her stupid ugly face and how she calls herself pretty in her videos. She knows shes ugly as fuck. I found old pics of her and she looked just as shitty back in the early 2010s as she does now.

No. 1269189

File: 1658298830243.jpg (60.82 KB, 480x640, 256v7n6.jpg)

No shes not. She just tans to look like she is.

No. 1269194

File: 1658299016268.jpg (16.54 KB, 320x188, vn1r8w.jpg)

She uses a lighter foundation now but she still has the same ugly makeup style and the same inability to blend her 5 times too dark for her actual skin color shit.

No. 1269196

HI MUCKERS!!!!!!!!!
kek i feel the same way

No. 1269199

File: 1658299860144.png (236.63 KB, 360x360, 6F4150B5-2F18-4B0E-A24E-96C8D1…)

Oh shit i finally figured it out, she looks like a genderbent Rami Malek, she looked really familiar and i didn’t know why.

No. 1269207

File: 1658301124055.jpeg (32.26 KB, 230x345, A9565BFB-DBC8-4A1A-ACEC-9FFC60…)

I want to slap him but I wanna stick my finger down his throat

No. 1269208

Having babies with Elon is enough to punch anyone

No. 1269210

The female domination thread is in /g/

No. 1269260

File: 1658304511676.jpeg (122.93 KB, 800x627, 6789-213340.jpeg)

I'm blocking this punch you'll have to get through me nonnie.

No. 1269295

My god I hate this fish looking bitch I want to dislocate his jaw

No. 1269343

File: 1658310716252.jpeg (71.75 KB, 900x750, 4D523669-E1C0-433C-89A9-E6C185…)

Brad Mondo. I’m a hair nerd so I stumbled upon his videos when he first started YT and I’ve found him completely insufferable from the jump. Aside from looking like an extra from Zoolander I recall seeing some of his hair transformation videos and being rather underwhelmed by his technical skill given how he comes off as thinking he’s the end all be all of how hair should be done.

No. 1269346

He has fine opinions, if that makes sense, but he can’t execute. Or the hair on his mannequins is plastic and shitty. Either way he looks like a Ken doll lol

No. 1269349

No. 1269358

lol i don’t want to punch him, he just reminded me of her

No. 1269555

File: 1658324853835.jpeg (36.43 KB, 600x600, 12F84FE3-F04C-4677-85BE-D5434E…)

No. 1269672

the girl reading this <3

No. 1269705

Be gentle plz

No. 1269732

Damn I haven't seen Woll Smoth in forever

No. 1270932

umm what the fuck? calling the police on you

No. 1271746

File: 1658444550398.jpg (59.05 KB, 1198x1200, martin-freeman.jpg)

Made the hobbit trilogy unbearable

No. 1271751

the tranny reading this

No. 1271754

Everybody except me.

No. 1271769

this anon is especially punchable

No. 1271808

File: 1658449623763.png (416.23 KB, 482x670, mjunhy.png)

Every single animal abuser has a punchable face.

No. 1271812

File: 1658449909156.jpeg (333.24 KB, 750x496, 2F9E6A4E-00A3-4B4A-B248-59849D…)

So does every mass shooter. They’re always the ugliest subhumans

No. 1271816

literal pinhead.

No. 1271817

Looks like somebody already beat you to it

No. 1271829

I wish for all moids to be slowly and painfully killed by the animals they abused like the horse raping guys.

No. 1271852

Oblivion wood elf built head ass

No. 1275425

File: 1658675144414.jpeg (56.35 KB, 401x394, 59BFF7D5-83A8-4E4F-897A-1D63F3…)

No. 1275473

he gets on my nerves. isn't he a themlet?

No. 1275536

>According to her memoir Believe Me, she first cross-dressed in public at the age of 23 with the help of a lesbian friend, an experience which ended in a verbal confrontation with three 13-year-old girls who had followed Izzard home from a public toilet.

He's so scummy

No. 1275542

I thought this nasty faggot died already

No. 1275883

File: 1658700449690.jpg (307.14 KB, 1000x1353, coverimages51780964-1.jpg)

No. 1275916

Damn zoom in on that bottom lip. May the memory of Diana haunt her and her crusty scrote forever.

No. 1276056

File: 1658709745563.jpeg (240.49 KB, 878x1152, 4844792A-CD63-4D31-B7B4-F84B6F…)

Kek I’m so shit at recognising faces I thought this was Mary Berry and I was about to mount my white horse. The thought of someone posting this sweetheart ITT makes me seethe.

No. 1276115

File: 1658713125362.jpg (50.31 KB, 604x665, 80dd43553bf902a83464b45de50fc1…)

>verbal confrontation with three 13-year-old girls who had followed Izzard home from a public toilet
That's some atypical behavior for 13 yo girls

No. 1276118

Someone's never met 13 yr olds from England. They're unironically feral

No. 1276142

Well, in that case, good for them, tell them to keep it up

No. 1287371

File: 1659491323649.jpeg (903.25 KB, 1546x2048, 2F1017CE-18D1-4BE9-87F4-6937BE…)

Joss Whedon, ugh.

No. 1287379

He used to look so hot with the long natural hair what a shame

No. 1287447

File: 1659497162980.png (298.17 KB, 430x543, 6m7n8.png)

No. 1287625

File: 1659517117704.jpg (34.23 KB, 450x675, Rebecca_Sugar.jpg)

No. 1287627

File: 1659517225884.jpg (16.01 KB, 310x420, 068414.jpg-c_310_420_x-f_jpg-q…)

No. 1294260

File: 1659969130579.jpeg (105.68 KB, 1080x1079, 55127384-43C0-4357-9F21-8CCB29…)

Dylan is in trouble has a really punchable face imho. He admitted in one video that he’s ’kinky’ (aka degen) so this feeling might be substantiated

No. 1299983

File: 1660338734323.jpeg (38.6 KB, 480x481, D31A6DE0-7FDE-41A9-A939-F69F23…)

~Hey Steve

No. 1300034

Idk him but he looks like a closeted bisexual who spreads monkey pox to women

No. 1300060

I’m like 99% sure he’s a sub tho anon

No. 1301430

File: 1660410354161.jpeg (246.63 KB, 1080x1440, 9B696045-5D7D-42BF-B938-BD84D9…)

Literally looks like cattle

No. 1301436

His teeth scare me

No. 1301788

File: 1660426886005.png (698.04 KB, 684x630, kurt.png)


No. 1301849

File: 1660430232591.jpeg (269.47 KB, 745x1639, 1841816E-F7A6-4664-B1C6-1A1B8A…)

This fucking toad ugh

No. 1301853

She’s giving birth to our savior watch yourself

No. 1301859

No. 1301867

I will give you a colombian necktie personally.

No. 1301910

That's an odd gift.

No. 1301923

Pete Davidson eyebags she needs purifying

No. 1302232

File: 1660460672345.jpeg (938.84 KB, 1101x1527, 103752CD-834B-4FD5-B5CF-FCFFDB…)

You’re right. What the hell is this supposed to be?

No. 1302240

File: 1660461026490.jpg (6.93 KB, 259x194, index.jpg)

No idea who she is but I feel like she'd be an unconventional beauty if her eyes were just a smidge further apart. I really feel for women with close set eyes because it's a glaringly obvious facial flaw you can never fix.
t. unfortunate eye genes

No. 1302303

Close-set eyes are really one of the worst first-world things god can ever give you that seems benign on paper. Nash Grier, Slayter, Ryan Gosling etc.

No. 1302320

It fucking sucks. People with extreme ayy lmao eye spacing have it rough but they can pass off for the weird ethereal runway model look at least. One goggle abominations like myself will always look freaky in the worst way possible

No. 1302821

File: 1660507305314.jpeg (272.11 KB, 1170x623, CD412251-0CEC-46E1-91D6-2F1D71…)

They’re all retarded jews like actually yes I gladly call men ugly the same way I’m gonna call you ugly for trying to be sexy while making retarded faces(racebait)

No. 1302854

Dylan Mulvaney

if i saw him irl it would just be a reflex

No. 1302855

the fact that you called it "one goggle abominations" makes me like you now though

No. 1302857

i wouldn't say it to a dude because i've literally never seen a dude playing the bass while making that face. or a lady. she's the only person i've seen freaking that hard while not-playing her non-songs

No. 1302861

i thought this chick was 14 for the longest time

No. 1303326

File: 1660550452244.jpeg (294.95 KB, 828x1456, 1653091815039.jpeg)

No need to explain

No. 1303342

File: 1660551732538.jpg (10.03 KB, 200x251, work for scissors.jpg)

No. 1303351

File: 1660552650734.png (669.36 KB, 697x1024, tom.png)

The most British man

No. 1303353

His little mouth is so narrow.

No. 1303354

His anus is at the wrong end of the tube

No. 1303366

I hate this ugly cheek-biting son of a bitch so bad.

No. 1303368

woll smoth

No. 1303377

It’s weird because in the Netflix series there will be scenes where his mouth looks perfectly proportional and it’ll have these weird little slip ups where it looks half the size in the same position and matches all the photos I see of him, makes me think they’re trying to vfx his face to look less shrunken

No. 1304677

File: 1660630500622.jpeg (112.76 KB, 640x885, 6B4CDBF3-6AB0-4CD2-85B2-A00FE0…)

When Googling him it just comes up with even more unflattering photos as the top results

Yeah there are angles where he just looks average but only sometimes. His jaw? Or
whatever is too large, if he had regular sized lips and jaw he would just look okay, nothing superior or significant

No. 1304678

I forgot Fahrlight existed for years. Damn this is what she did to herself?

No. 1304689

Nonnies I am so sorry but I must confess I shopped this pic of him. I just used the pinch liquify once or twice to make him look smaller. But it's hilarious that it's barely a difference from his usual look

No. 1304697

Oh no that was obvious. I’m >>1303377 and I knew you did but I didn’t think it was worth mentioning because you clearly shrunk his face kek

No. 1304699

Honestly I thought it looked a bit shopped but it really doesn't look too far off from how he actually looks kek

No. 1304706

File: 1660632927914.png (651.49 KB, 697x1024, smol.png)

Kek ah well, should have known than try to trick anons. Take this in return

No. 1304780

LMAO no way, I didn't realize. Con of the day

No. 1304802

File: 1660641755243.jpeg (30.84 KB, 734x418, 870FF0B4-5FB6-4653-87CA-39B399…)

Has someone posted Armie Hammer yet, because I think he belongs here

No. 1304804

Weird way of saying your dad left you when you were born

No. 1304808

MOst people here complain how an ugly woman can't make it big and how sexist hollywood is, yet when someone like her does get famous, everyone forgets about their complains and shits on her looks.

No. 1305059

I thought he was cute when he played Ilya from a Man from Uncle, and dassit. His dark thoughts show across is face in everyday life. What a trash human being.

No. 1305063

He just always looks like a strange caveman in a suit.

No. 1306892

File: 1660795323902.png (582 KB, 716x866, Buster Moon.png)

No. 1306896

File: 1660795627504.png (525.12 KB, 663x545, Katie.png)

No. 1306898

Are you 10 years old

No. 1306903

Is everybody itt 10 years old?

No. 1306905

Grateful you took a break from your cocomelon to ask me this

No. 1306907

I've seen hatred on here for this creature before and I went and watched clips and I understand now

No. 1306917

Metalocalypse actually

No. 1306951

Cocomelon for wayward retards, got it

No. 1306952

File: 1660800986412.jpeg (188.06 KB, 1125x1600, E556B48E-850C-40D1-8181-F79065…)

Don’t know if this should go in the characters you hate thread, but ever since I first saw her on True Blood it solidified it for me

No. 1308455

Oh my god who is this? This reminds me of someone I used to know, looks very similar kek

No. 1308484

I think her face is punchable in like a chaming way

No. 1308486

Her face doesn’t bother me but her character is so annoying and pointless in comparison to other much stronger supporting characters in the show lol

No. 1308666

File: 1660921379186.jpg (292.38 KB, 1200x800, attachment-oli_sykes_bmth_2022…)

No. 1308670


No. 1308683

I can't believe women use to fawn over this ugly moid. Isn't he a creep too?

No. 1310090

Would you rather punch a gorilla or a baby shark KILLING YOURSELF ISNT AN OPTION(lol wut)

No. 1310095

File: 1661035300499.jpg (66.72 KB, 630x1200, ifuckinghatehim.jpg)

I hate his face so fucking much I wanna beat him with a baseball bat

No. 1310241

its so hard to punch underwater though. and is the gorilla baby too? In the end, I'd punch whatever the fuck that is >>1308666

No. 1312366

File: 1661191991374.jpeg (208.5 KB, 750x942, 1661186691205.jpeg)

Look it's a three for one

No. 1312888

Is this a polycule

No. 1316287

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No. 1316315

I think he even used to look normal, then he started to take steroids and somehow his face bloated into this ugly mess. Or it's fillers by the cheapest doc he could find

No. 1316334

File: 1661451317166.jpeg (220.25 KB, 594x456, 202846B9-6561-4029-A71A-F2C703…)

god so annoying(namefagging)

No. 1316379

I love her eye shape, I think she has very pretty eyes

No. 1316384

File: 1661454157915.png (191.76 KB, 527x296, ew gross.png)

No. 1316396

File: 1661454608041.png (166.42 KB, 421x750, tumblr_ojl5apapAN1uiakt9o1_500…)

and an annoying npdfag

No. 1316771

File: 1661475101901.png (1.1 KB, 195x21, again.png)

Where are you people coming from

No. 1316782

why banned

No. 1316990

That one chick from 90 day fiance, Memphis I think her name is, I can't stand her more than anybody else on the show. It's not even really her face it's the way she talks, it's so whiny sounding, annoys me so much. She's not the milkiest person on there but everytime I watch compilations of the show I have to skip her parts because it's not even fun to watch for me.

No. 1317006

File: 1661490320194.jpeg (991.89 KB, 1125x1404, 1661248675004.jpeg)

Idk who this is but I can't stand the expression he's making and the lower half of his face in general. Like close your mouth bitch.

No. 1317008

File: 1661490378196.png (139.8 KB, 276x300, face.PNG)

I really need to hide this threadpic because I cannot stand this girl's face or any of these Bella whats her name look alikes. The uwu anime Pixar trying to hard to be cute character facial expressions while also looking uncanny and stiff as fuck really grinds me

No. 1317034

I agree, he looks like a Discord groomer with a SoundCloud account on this pic kek. What was he thinking?

No. 1318362

File: 1661612088008.jpeg (741.77 KB, 1242x1181, 6CAABB39-A659-4932-97A8-0E46A4…)

This TikTok duet reaction guy. His stupid smug face is so punchable and not funny at all.

No. 1324549

File: 1662149858270.jpeg (69.48 KB, 600x600, bambith.jpeg)

cannot stand this geriatric baby pirate and his farting-into-a-bin voice

No. 1324557

File: 1662150327440.jpg (44.51 KB, 535x449, IMG_3962.jpg)

Pedro from 90 day fiance

No. 1324565

File: 1662150635911.png (475.46 KB, 1044x292, ed jorge.png)

one upping you here

No. 1324580

Thats cheating

No. 1324583

No. 1324592

Can you believe they discarded a beautiful radiohead song for one of this creature's boring cliche shit for the James bond Spectre movie?

No. 1324598

File: 1662151400877.jpeg (304 KB, 750x997, 3CF359F0-1F85-45DB-8FEF-B65DE1…)


No. 1324601

Ugh sorry forgot to sage

No. 1324603

New-anon this is ot you dont have to sage here, you only have to sage in the gossip boards (pt,snow,w)

No. 1324610

yes and I'm still mad about it

No. 1324675

aaahhhhhhh, Apartheid Clyde

No. 1325331

File: 1662201011261.png (519.18 KB, 680x1090, kek.png)


No. 1325343

File: 1662201839913.jpeg (688.74 KB, 1242x932, 2573FBC1-5413-4B1E-A7F7-86C9D1…)

No. 1325373

File: 1662207149819.png (107.31 KB, 460x460, Lacey.png)

After watching her documentary I hate her even more now. Whiney, ungrateful brat who cries at instagram comments because she refuses to accept that she's female. Pathetic.

No. 1325426

Just admit you cape for troons instead of trying to act like you know me.

No. 1325433

Can you tards go a single day without making other threads about Shayna and her life

No. 1325436

Getting a tattoo that says fag is so weird to me like you’ve been a homosexual for two years tops you need to go buy a crumpled flag to hang in your bedroom like everyone else and relax

No. 1325739

I think he’s fit

No. 1325846

Why so angy? This is the perfect thread for either and anon made no comment. Chill tf out

No. 1325861

File: 1662232738442.png (2.91 MB, 1440x3120, re.tard.png)

No. 1325873

sorry I wanna punch the heckin pedorino

No. 1325882

I actually think she's so pretty but she looks incredibly stupid here, who the fuck thought she'd make a good Marilyn

No. 1325959

Haha I agree so much, nona. I actually like her but she's doing this dumb face in so many pictures from the new monroe film

No. 1337027

File: 1663002047033.jpg (46.49 KB, 600x460, 1-OT-1-scaled-1-600x460.jpg)

mikhaila peterson is so fucking ugly she looks like if a russian hooker mated with a troon she'd be their offspring

No. 1337033

kek nona you have finally put my feelings about her into words. I always found looking at her to be very uncanny, I think part of it for me is the lip filler abuse

No. 1337082

this is a flattering picture of her too her bangs are usually styled to look like burnt straw

No. 1349150

File: 1663956366244.jpeg (142.47 KB, 1080x1196, 823D63EB-6740-4874-9E4C-596198…)

No. 1349158

ummm who is this?

No. 1349160

Her sister with bpd

No. 1349189

lilsimsie, a handmaiden sims youtuber

No. 1349217

lol i know her because she collabed with plumbella once, she wishes she could be as funny as her

No. 1349251

File: 1663958334054.png (103.99 KB, 302x298, muh moid feelings are being ab…)


No. 1349266

>pay 18 year old girls money to make porn
>more 18 year old girls degrade themselves on camera for you
>somehow you’re the victim

Men have dog brains for real. Do they ever get sick of lying?

No. 1349280

but nonna remember that it's women fault that men go on shooting sprees, it's our fault they turned into incels for rejecting them and hurting their feefees

No. 1349305

Are we really still pretending that OF spenders are exclusively single males.. how many women have come out lately with stories of their bfs who racked up debt paying for OF when they have a whole gf at home.

Plenty of attached men watch free porn, and now we're learning that plenty even pay for it too while they have a gf

No. 1349310

not to beat a dead horse but this just reminds me again, that men are not worth it

No. 1349321

File: 1663960135109.jpg (16.48 KB, 264x264, morgenshtern.jpg)

The name alone makes me want to punch both her and her dad, at least pick a normal slav name that people actually use

No. 1349362

YES I've always found him so punchable

No. 1349368

File: 1663961653758.jpg (8.24 KB, 246x205, download.jpg)

she's not ugly but her face is punchable.
She gets on my nerves. Picrel is another Sims youtuber (or ex sim youtuber, not sure), who got a nose job and wears the ugliest wigs. She and her voice gets on my nerves.

No. 1351416

Her name is Russian?
Boy, the Petersons sure do like Russia a lot, huh? What's that about?

No. 1352329

It's a female form of Mikhail, which is basically Russian/slav variant of Michael (which is of Hebrew origin). Wouldn't be surprised if he named her after Dostoevsky lol.

No. 1354500

File: 1664299257760.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1170x1552, D7C1A967-2A41-466A-BDC8-213E8B…)

No. 1354503

I agree your picrel is insufferable. She has such a coomer mind she makes every woman character look like a pornstar, whether she plays the Sims, GTA or on IMVU, her characters always look like coomer shit. She's the epitome of the terminally online libfem, she has the worse traits of the instagram/tumblr obsessed girl and the worse traits of the video game coomer male, all in one. And her voice and act are awful.

No. 1354505

someone at forbes really hates these two kek. i've never seen them both look so odd

No. 1354540

The giant ganguro streak of highlighter oh they hate her

No. 1358154

File: 1664521795644.jpg (68.59 KB, 600x450, list-of-bill-murray-movies-in-…)

Ugly ass moid

No. 1358157

File: 1664521854810.jpg (101.19 KB, 330x440, larry-david-2018-nom-450x600.j…)

The voice too makes me wanna kick him in the jaw

No. 1358160

File: 1664521918797.jpg (6.95 KB, 178x264, MV5BMzY4MDE4OTk2MF5BMl5BanBnXk…)

No. 1358161

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No. 1358165

No. 1358166

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No. 1358169

Still would

No. 1358173

I would too. Body built like an Amazon, face on the other hand looks like a smooshed neaderthal

No. 1358191

I don't find his face punchable but I dislike him as an actor and person. And his uhuhuhuh laugh

No. 1358232

He's insufferable.

No. 1358309

He looks photoshopped. His lips piss me off

No. 1358963

File: 1664578082535.jpg (12.78 KB, 420x480, Putin 1_4.jpg)

No. 1358964

Built for Well Developed Men

No. 1359090

You can punch him all you want, not like he'll feel anything with all that botox.

No. 1361067

File: 1664720633262.jpeg (37.1 KB, 330x454, 0238A704-0A33-4B5B-86A6-05DA9F…)

No. 1361069

ewww he looks like he has fetal alcohol syndrome

No. 1361070

File: 1664720927665.gif (1.61 MB, 258x194, C8B8CBA1-9D9F-424A-836B-E48365…)

No. 1361680

Looks like she got a bunch of work done, i couldn't even tell it was the same woman. I'm guessing that's why she changed her stage name?

Is that the real putin? or one of his body doubles

No. 1376605

File: 1665942381700.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1170x1617, 84C116AE-1099-4B69-A750-58AA3F…)

I really can’t believe this Frankencreature has lived as long as it has

No. 1376607

lanza obviously was not bullied enough

No. 1376612

i actually don't think jazz is punchable or has a punchable face. i think he's basically trapped by his situation and his family and i feel bad for him. i think he's a nice enough kid that really can't get out of the nightmare that was forced on him. you can tell by the show he always feels pressured to do what his family or other people want and they basically all bully him into submission. he can't even choose not to organize wholeass events for other people that he isn't related to, without feeling extreme self hatred for not doing what they want. he would've just been a nice enough boy if he wasn't shoehorned into this humiliating and life ruining path

No. 1376616

i agree with this. as if pageant moms weren't already unhinged enough, now they can ruin their children's lives with irreversible procedures. agp moids and confused children aren't the same.

No. 1376617

I refuse to believe that he takes any pleasure in being alive at this point, this poor fucker is only surrounded by people who stand to make money off of him irreparably mangling his own body. his face is more uncanny than punchable imo

No. 1376637

It is the munchie-by-proxy mom that should be punched.

No. 1376638

File: 1665944326312.jpeg (342.58 KB, 1024x1455, 8ED0FB08-DEBD-4DA1-A26D-C27351…)

Fr I’m not even trying to be mean when I say this but I literally thought she was the troon when they posted the video of her talking about dilating

No. 1376653

I agree with the munchie mom part but I still think he’s ugly as shit, even if he’s not “punchable” per se

No. 1389373

File: 1666964004747.jpg (163.73 KB, 872x872, ugh.jpg)

This fucking guy. Surprised he hasn't roided himself into a heart attack already with his bald guy anger issues.

No. 1389421

Poor kid looks so uncomfortable in his body. I wish his mom would have just let him be an effeminate gay man/metro sexual or whatever. What's so bad about a GNC child if you're okay with a tranny child? Idgi.

No. 1492926

File: 1675766354524.jpeg (54.93 KB, 1280x720, A15BF1A5-BFC8-45CE-B658-6356A8…)

Mel from tlou
she looks like the most passive aggressive person you’d meet. something about her bulging eyes and the way she’s always fucking standing there with her dumbass eyes makes me insane

No. 1495321

I'm sorry nonas, I would
I'd just punch him in the face and ride him

No. 1548005

File: 1681358359950.jpg (104.91 KB, 1280x720, 011189_1280x720_606104_051.jpg)

I wouldn't punch her but I'd unfairly roll my eyes seeing her. She's probably really nice

No. 1548067

Oh my god agreed so hard, the anger he has for fat women is so bizarre and gives him very very small dick energy. He also looks about 5'1 in that photo so that could be it too.

No. 1548291

File: 1681398500093.jpg (108.17 KB, 1200x1200, 456841257-min.jpg)

his disgusting nose, that booger looking mole, and he somehow always looks oily… I fucking hate him. You can really spot nepo babies from their average/boring looks

No. 1548311

I came here to post this. Ugly ass mongoloid pick me bitch.

No. 1548312

I came here to post this. Ugly ass mongoloid pick me bitch.

No. 1548313

I came here to post this. Ugly ass mongoloid pick me bitch.

No. 1548314

I came here to post this. Ugly ass mongoloid pick me bitch.

No. 1548330

I cant watch anything with jesse plemons as a main character because I can't stand looking at that punchable faced ginger

like it's so bad I don't even want to look up a picture of him to post with my statement

No. 1548367

Idk, I dislike her, but her appearance just makes me sad because she actually looks like there's something wrong with her. She says it's because she's part black, but tons of black women don't look like that? I'm starting to wonder if she might be developmentally delayed in some way, and just not telling anyone. She reminds me of people with FAS.

No. 1548387

How do you feel about him crying like a baby in Hereditary

No. 1548389

Her makeup bugs me she should do something different

No. 1548497

He's cute

No. 1553090

it somehow made me feel even more disgusted, I think that visceral icky feeling I get when I see him on screen really added something to the horror effect. Didnt like the movie anyway

No. 1553148

kek your description makes me wanna puke
whenever I try to watch a bollywood movie with a beautiful actress, the male lead is a gross midget who looks exactly like this

No. 1557713

File: 1682277296704.jpeg (43.26 KB, 630x1200, 4A76518D-C7F9-407A-AFE7-646567…)

How the fuck has no one posted him yet, his voice only adds to how punchable he is.

No. 1557715

File: 1682277566894.jpeg (36.99 KB, 525x698, 494349A3-0917-4D1A-9E48-F314C4…)

Also Arin Hanson

Honestly hard for me to pick who’s more punchable between the two of them

No. 1557771

File: 1682283485692.jpg (668.69 KB, 2000x3000, MV5BMTQxMzYwYTctMGRlMC00MjRmLT…)

He makes me want to a log

No. 1566754

File: 1683111750929.jpg (63.3 KB, 1200x628, POW.jpg)

i fucking hate this bobble head pug face

No. 1566760

i love watching uss callister because he gets btfo'd at the end (also because its really good, ive seen it like 10 times)

No. 1566765

I hate his bottom lip

No. 1566766

One of my new managers looks a lot like him and he's annoying as fuck, he's very punchable as well.

No. 1566786

File: 1683117411467.jpeg (454.83 KB, 1707x2048, 364FB799-31AE-4B2E-8A3E-F77B22…)

i think it's the lack of chin

No. 1577282

File: 1684062079671.jpg (209.55 KB, 1001x1500, MV5BNWE4ZDBjYmEtZGRiYi00NmVhLT…)

She makes this face in every single scene she acts in it drives me nuts. Miley stare lookin punchable ass

No. 1608055

File: 1686854889187.jpeg (9.66 KB, 203x275, 7B24B117-9199-4ACF-98BE-95E39E…)

There. This mofo

No. 1608068

god i hate his fucking gace so much. once i got a book that hadbeen adapted into a series with him and he was on the cover and i had to put a sticker on his discusting ass face so it wouldn't pollute my mental image of the character.
it was so fuckinng annoying in the early 2010s when everyone slobbered over sherlock and fucking gifs with his ugly inbred mug were ALL over the internet and you couldn't say a word against hom
i have no idea what people see in him. he looks like a cross between a hammerhead shark and a realistic flesh-coloured dildo.

No. 1608468

File: 1686880087263.jpeg (90.6 KB, 960x640, IMG_6723.jpeg)

she is sooooo ugly to me i hate her hairline and her weird pudgy body with no neck…

No. 1608470

Thanks for sharing, very cool

No. 1608472

He was cute in War of the Worlds

No. 1608613

File: 1686890962107.jpeg (78.53 KB, 1600x900, IMG_1579.jpeg)

He’s soo disgusting to me and absolutely hideous.

No. 1608616

What the hell is even that

No. 1608694

Mummy don’t know daddy’s getting hot

No. 1608734

File: 1686899659571.jpg (47.46 KB, 500x500, DSC097711-500x500.jpg)

I can't watch their YouTube channel anymore because something about his face annoys me. His attitude is also annoying and he doesn't let his friend talk half the time or he's always finding something to bitch about.

No. 1608833

File: 1686912557628.jpeg (21.02 KB, 322x322, 1517063191391.jpeg)

>posting women
Cringe. Anyways, Dylan Klebold. I don't know if it's because he was one ugly mfer but he had a very punchable face

No. 1608834

And how is your relationship with your mother

No. 1608838

both him and eric had exceptionally punchable faces kek

No. 1608844

File: 1686914723991.jpg (90.7 KB, 1000x667, george-russell-mercedes-amg-1s…)

both of them but mostly russell

No. 1608848

No. 1613843

File: 1687370744565.png (692.41 KB, 1200x600, tt.png)

This tiktok scrote who became known for "angry retail worker" skits. Also got to be in the movie Cocaine Bear. His face always annoyed me.

No. 1613844

It was funny at first but playing the same music over and over ruined it

No. 1613869

Creepy eyes

No. 1680549

File: 1693245514345.jpg (158.53 KB, 1280x720, euhh.jpg)

I hate his mug and facial expressions so much, I absolutely cannot stand looking at him. He actually used to be my favourite between the two of them, but he's got such a shitty personality now, it makes my skin boil. I wanna break his chin so bad. God, I feel like retching every time I see him in thumbnails, I hope he gets hit by a car or something.(a-logging)

No. 1680804

Never liked him back when I used to watch this show and that was ages ago. Tbh the whole cast was pretty much People who Have Punchable Faces.
How's his personally change?

No. 1680826

File: 1693267917824.jpeg (49.62 KB, 787x407, FB115905-73E2-4AB8-A63E-320014…)

I feel this way but with Rhett kek

No. 1680856

>shitty personality now
I always thought he was just okay. What even happened? Also YouTubers always look insufferable in thumbnails

>the whole cast was pretty much People who Have Punchable Faces
Honestly… I liked this show, and still even watched it occasionally up until this year but I feel like this past year or so the quality has really dipped. The new ideas aren't interesting. The cast being involved used to be fun and now they feel shoehorned in, even Stevie. The prolonged Moochelle bit they had a while back for the frozen vs fancy food stuff was annoying. You say anything expressing dislike in a GMM fan space and they get angry because they think you're being negative instead of offering constructive criticism.

No. 1680912

File: 1693273185174.png (591.44 KB, 742x794, 09170DD8-E0AF-419B-AA78-79A76A…)

Nothing against the actress who plays her, but my favorite scene in Heathers is when Veronica slaps Heather Duke in the face for talking shit about Martha. It’s something I wanted to happen for the whole fucking movie. You can really feel the other characters’ annoyance when she’s onscreen. Definitely a punchable face, and the actress really nails the “high school bully” smirk more than the other Heathers, even Chandler.

Also a nitpick, but her eyes are really asymmetrical.

No. 1680919

Aubrey Plaza. I hate her quirky ~i'm sooo weird~ shtick. Her dead fish eyes and space jam smirk are gross.

No. 1680921

Sorry for samefag, but she always puts on that sad puppy dog face whenever she gets nervous/sad. It makes her even more irritating.

No. 1680955

File: 1693274884813.jpg (71.34 KB, 638x720, 987620689_collage-maker-30-jul…)

She behaves like an annoying brat and can't act or sing for shit.

No. 1680960

>Also a nitpick, but her eyes are really asymmetrical.
I don't see it.

No. 1680962

Kek I remember when the creator of Dolce & Gabbana called her ugly and I remember thinking he was insane. Since she's been in the news recently, I think she does look horrible.

No. 1680963

File: 1693275050498.png (999.28 KB, 1167x1156, FC44BFD8-CBE9-450E-964B-47E52E…)

Look at this photo, then look at the one I posted originally

No. 1680968

I’m neutral towards her, but holy shit are her lips dry in that picture. Fix that shit. You’re rich. Ew.

No. 1680975

It's the chrissy teigan cheek filler

No. 1680977

Kek who is this, I don't recognize her

No. 1680982

Selena Gomez

No. 1681005

I never liked her, that's funny I didn't recognize her at all kek

No. 1681211

I honestly don’t think it’s cheek filler I’m pretty sure she’s just bloated as fuck and unhealthy because she’s gonna be on dialysis and a slew of steroids to keep her legs from elephanting for the rest of her life

No. 1681212

I think the same, she's always been big in the face even in her early Disney years so I don't know if she would have even wanted cheek fillers. She's probably more likely to get buccal fat removal if anything

No. 1681245

I lowkey think he's kind of handsome but he has the most annoying piece of shit personality I've ever seen. What drives me crazy is that he is that annoying on purpose, he's self-aware and enjoys being terrible. I feel bad for his wife having to live with that.

No. 1681250

File: 1693291599600.jpg (364.3 KB, 1080x1440, playdoh.jpg)

I just want him to cease.

No. 1681251

File: 1693291606466.png (684.95 KB, 935x608, Screenshot 2023-08-29 014621.p…)

All 3 of them. I hate ghost-hunting shit, but their faces makes it even worse (My SO subjects me to this stuff)

No. 1681257

I have no idea who these people are but they look like they know way too many intimate details about Ed Gein and want to tell me about their podcast.
That said: Would punch.

No. 1681650

I don’t even know who he is or his name but that facial expression is enough for me. If I see him it’s on sight.

No. 1681676

File: 1693324026586.png (510.85 KB, 644x632, punch.png)

No. 1682580

File: 1693409268123.jpeg (81.59 KB, 694x820, IMG_3814.jpeg)


No. 1683365

YES I’m glad it’s not just me, I hate these ugly faggots so much, they’re so fucking punchable

No. 1683366

I hate all moids but the ones with facial hair, especially these pedo moustaches, are particularly punchable

No. 1683412

they look inbred

No. 1683483

KEK I was going to say the same thing

No. 1683855

File: 1693524052751.jpg (58.08 KB, 625x804, jake_gyllenhaal.jpg)

No. 1683919

File: 1693530516572.jpg (205.21 KB, 1000x1472, sethgiffin.jpg)

No. 1684251

He needs a chapstick.

No. 1685772

File: 1693697390399.jpg (110.51 KB, 1200x1200, 1877.jpg)

Hate her mouth

No. 1685794

Tom Holland Homelander frog in mouth type villain smirk

No. 1686079

File: 1693731800141.jpeg (100.64 KB, 1200x900, IMG_8789.jpeg)

No. 1686122

File: 1693734517375.jpeg (26 KB, 300x300, 44221070-459B-4F1B-8F05-D52230…)

She seems like a nice girl and all but I hate her eyes she reminds me of a bird.

No. 1686237

Awww that’s so mean she’s just a kid.

No. 1686527

>wanting to punch a random pretty teenage girl
You have problems that need to be addressed

No. 1687795

File: 1693865905612.jpeg (147.87 KB, 352x386, IMG_0199.jpeg)

Her face sends me into a fucking fit every time I have to see one of her thumbnails

No. 1687796

She’s my age
Yeah she’s pretty but I think it’s mostly cause she’s a tiktoker who does those weird exaggerated movements in her videos

No. 1687809

No I get you on this.

No. 1687817

No. 1687819

File: 1693868894514.jpg (15.07 KB, 480x288, tim-walker-wonderful-things-ex…)

Ugly talentless nepo baby

No. 1687826

Whenever I see her all I can think of is that "I'm scared of Nikocado" thumbnail where she's crying hysterically

No. 1687920

Idk who this is but she looks cute.

No. 1688811

File: 1693958526469.jpg (86.53 KB, 1200x712, 54332.jpg)

i actually think he's kinda cute, but i also feel like punching his face, because he looks like a retarded monkey

No. 1688988

>anon wants to punch a bird

No. 1691656

I would shatter his fucking nose what the fuck does he have to be so smug about stupid looking retard

No. 1691825

Monkey D Luffy

No. 1691826

Me too. I want to deck her so bad when she talks with her mouthful about someone getting murdered.

No. 1692114

I’m the one that said “aww that’s mean she’s a kid”, I see what you mean now. In a way most tiktokkers are punchable, including her boyfriend. It’s like they’re children’s tv presenters, everyone but children hates them and finds them annoying and patronising. I dunno why I assumed you were my age but I think I’d want to punch her too if I were 10 years younger, although it’s got nothing to do with her specifically.

No. 1692116

File: 1694252849589.jpeg (175.31 KB, 547x700, IMG_1757.jpeg)

The Da Vinci twins are weird to me. Their faces SHOULD be punchable and so should their annoying personalities, but for some reason they just aren’t. Do you ever see someone with all the traits of someone punchable but for some reason you just wanna spare them? Punchable but also likeable.

No. 1692132

>>1692116 If they were anyone else I'd fucking despise them but I can't help but love them kek

No. 1692154

Fuckable tbh
Slappable at worst

No. 1692155

File: 1694257814144.jpg (99.26 KB, 1486x991, paulmescal.jpg)

I don't get his phenomenon.

No. 1692500

He looks ftm

No. 1702779

File: 1695235482643.jpeg (338.35 KB, 1125x1422, IMG_8167.jpeg)

I’m sick of the hype and retarded zoomers praising her as “queen/mother” etc like she didn’t entirely go back to Shia after he physically and sexually abused twigs

No. 1702780

She did get her first role in nymphomaniac, I’m not shocked a young actress is complicit in male depravity. It’s very disappointing though, I did love her in Pearl.

No. 1702781

File: 1695235929354.png (2.43 MB, 640x1136, BF92711F-7EA8-456D-BBEE-C49773…)

I don’t like her but I don’t like Jenna Ortega even more

No. 1702790

You're supposed to Stan Pearl, not bella Goth. I been knew she was a weirdo handmaiden from her role in nymphomaniac. Even though she was young, only a certain type of person is going to want to act in a scrote fetish fest movie like that was.

No. 1702849

Chimney sweep lookin ass

No. 1702883

The fake childlike voice she uses irl is nauseating I won't lie. I get the blueberry pancakes soundbite stuck in my head sometimes but I can't find it on yt

No. 1702897

Are those the ones who fucked

No. 1703068

File: 1695258877530.jpg (57.49 KB, 500x500, artworks-Au57X0ilOLkNzzhx-HDHh…)

No that was these ones

No. 1703116

You're not wrong but looks wise I think she's cute.

No. 1703119

what phenomenon? fugliness?

No. 1703599

human troll dolls… funny creatures

No. 1704180

File: 1695361778038.jpeg (43.61 KB, 768x432, 6998DB0D-5225-406A-9159-9F9B2D…)

He looks like a chimp he is so goddamn ugly, disgusted that I even had to save this picture

No. 1704181

File: 1695361845481.jpeg (29.74 KB, 344x240, 7240938A-D1B0-440E-84B7-5E2429…)

And this guy. Literally a block head. Men with extremely square hairlines are my trigger apparently. God he’s so ugly

No. 1704211

File: 1695368632597.jpg (33.35 KB, 505x599, 4a745795912b342f285d251b2a068d…)

virtually anyone with this stupid fucking haircut

No. 1704215

File: 1695368769316.jpg (30.63 KB, 564x564, 1a5ef448beaab2ceea9b798832ed42…)

i pretty much lose my mind at how repulsive this look is

No. 1704224

He was so fucking adorable in the movie Spree I’m sorry.

No. 1704225

Middle class chav haircut.

No. 1704232

i know right anon i couldn't believe my eyes when anons were calling him hot like in what reality ? not our material one that's for sure. his forehead is huge and his dumb hair makes him even uglier i get angry just looking at him

No. 1704234

He can't act for shit either and is boring as hell in interviews.

No. 1704253

It’s funny we have this in the US too. It’s so fucking ugly. Only other men like it.

No. 1704257

I have to know; who memes males into liking and getting certain hairstyles? Why do they never get hair that appeals to women? Who is tricking all these males into looking like speds?

No. 1704270

Fucking finally I have never had an anon agree with me on this. He ugly ugly ugly

No. 1704308

NTA for real??? That man is a failed ogre

No. 1704422

These guys are literally getting perms in their hair to look this stupid. Fucking hilarious. I can't help but imagine 15 year old Jayden with little curlers all up in his hair sitting in a barber chair worrying about his friends seeing him kekkkkk

No. 1708314

People act so funny over him. He’s mid at best. The girlies are down so bad because there are no actually hot young-ish actors anymore and just coping to pretend average men are heartthrob material
Another example of this

No. 1708315

This is so funny to me.

No. 1723887

File: 1697100665247.jpg (41.6 KB, 360x360, Jacob-Geller.jpg)

idk just his face… and the beard, good god. sasquatch looking mf

No. 1723892

I just can't stand this guy's face. It's like if Quinton Reviews and Drake Bell were fused together.

No. 1723969

Nooo I love his videos!
But honestly he kinda does look like a sasquatch (and is pro tranny)

No. 1724030

His mouth area…

No. 1724357

File: 1697137063365.png (1.06 MB, 796x1007, Screenshot 2023-10-12 2.56.38 …)

nerdecrafter's face pisses me off

No. 1724362

kek, i am the one that posted the video but i get it, she's like female AVGN

No. 1726790

it wasn't your post, i've been irrationally angry about her stupid salt face for years.

No. 1728808

File: 1697483990144.gif (12.57 MB, 440x498, IMG_3555.gif)

No. 1728844

File: 1697486166702.gif (858.79 KB, 220x214, 1697422226739.gif)

No. 1728973

I hate seeing his crusty old man mug everywhere,he gives me the creeps especially his beady eyes.

No. 1728988

File: 1697496377228.jpg (156.55 KB, 1024x1024, 24bf5948af06cc70b4b72713faa153…)

He has always had a punchable face but that neck beard he has isn't doing him any favors (picrel he looks more punchable with a beard I know this is an old pic)

No. 1728989

File: 1697496474451.jpg (71.22 KB, 1024x682, rudy-giuliani-GettyImages-9637…)

Ugly ass child molester looking ass

No. 1728993

He looks like a redditor

No. 1728994

File: 1697496751150.jpg (12.61 KB, 250x236, BoogieTeeth.jpg)

Neckbeards will always have punchable faces, especially the fat ass ones.

No. 1728995

He looks like he smells like feet

No. 1729003

File: 1697497127425.jpg (53.34 KB, 625x396, z4t3tfjqm3t81.jpg)

Basically Human Shrek but ugly

No. 1729008

File: 1697497532501.jpg (Spoiler Image,39.51 KB, 775x916, kz2oy9vzh4pa1.jpg)

He got married kek
Why does he even have subscribers in the first place?other than acting like a dying turbo autist all the time
Spoilered because jumpscare

No. 1729025

Money nonnie. I also have spoken with him through a friend who had a partnership with him and he isn't as autistic as you'd think. It's an act. I still see your point though.

No. 1729052

File: 1697500162869.jpg (102 KB, 700x960, sub-buzz-581-1689600546-3.jpg)

Super obligatory

No. 1729060

File: 1697500381794.jpeg (52.04 KB, 700x535, 60789a824206150018175c19.jpeg)

I never thought a woman could ever have a punchable face ,I thought I only wanted to punch men exclusively but seeing her face again is definitely something else

No. 1729074

File: 1697501160693.jpg (114.66 KB, 1000x1500, MV5BMjExODUzMDQyM15BMl5BanBnXk…)

Disappointed no one posted this bald fuck looking like a Simpsons character

No. 1729196

File: 1697513935563.jpg (94.32 KB, 600x400, espndallas_u_dirk-tongue_mb_60…)

I fucking hate Dirk Nowitzki with a blinding, furious passion. Keep your nasty tongue in your head you disgusting cromagnon fuck. I want to punch his face in with a shovel.

No. 1729249

File: 1697520085870.jpg (66.22 KB, 800x534, horse-showing-teeth-1463165.jp…)

He looks like a horse

No. 1729765

She always looks like she shit her pants

No. 1729775

File: 1697576743012.jpg (38.35 KB, 435x548, UgD8pKdNbiwi8GQQZxl49hBZxQs1xp…)

So punchable

No. 1729778

File: 1697576966556.jpg (184.41 KB, 1000x1249, C6VfnefU4AAffYQ.jpg_large.jpg)

No. 1729788

ayrt holy shit you're right

No. 1729813

she has a kissable face sorry she just plays a bitch on tv

No. 1729829

her eyes have always creeped me out. it's not obvious here but in other pics she has that dead shark look
nah she's known for being a huge asshole irl too

No. 1734329

File: 1697986574046.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1170x1822, IMG_0123.jpeg)

Killian Murphy

No. 1734406

File: 1697991403798.jpeg (274.53 KB, 1170x1487, IMG_0130.jpeg)

This idiot, why is his hair styled like that

No. 1734410

File: 1697991474979.jpeg (249.41 KB, 1169x1416, IMG_0136.jpeg)

From another angle. He really walks around like that.

No. 1734531

this gif makes me feel irritated

No. 1735925

File: 1698079637779.jpg (54.94 KB, 540x960, HitorMiss_000004.jpg)

Very annoying

No. 1735967

I found her mesmerising

No. 1736043

Honestly same, she was really cute

No. 1736455

no way anons, she looks like a retarded baby

No. 1736751

Ew I hate his face in the ot catalog disgusting bogdanoff lookin ahh

No. 1736791

no it was refreshing to see a woman get popular with features women get slammed for (thin lips, big nose, round face, etc)

No. 1736822

That’s a big nose?

No. 1736829

the girl reading this

No. 1736830

File: 1698121329745.jpg (72.78 KB, 685x1000, 71CWsDOCBaL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

No. 1739037

File: 1698268054011.png (138.13 KB, 360x342, Gooseworx_eating_In-N-Out_frie…)

Foot faced creep

No. 1739049

File: 1698268871216.jpg (12.43 KB, 270x480, frame0.jpg)

Probably won't feel anything with all that blubber on her face

No. 1739052

File: 1698268916068.png (1.1 MB, 900x1200, 9676674.png)

This fucking weirdo, when i tell you i literally screamed the moment i discovered this was the person behind Gooseworx, what in the actual FUCK

No. 1739053

I don't hate her, it's nice she's taking weight loss seriously now unlike the rest of gorlworld.

No. 1739059

File: 1698269227225.jpeg (182.36 KB, 1732x2048, a33.jpeg)

Should have continued wearing the mask tbh not only very ugly but very punchable

No. 1739060

File: 1698269298307.jpg (30.14 KB, 360x360, 8uni8.jpg)

No. 1739326

File: 1698296960387.png (696.45 KB, 1156x764, Screen Shot 2023-10-26 at 1.02…)

The scrote that runs the "this is Monsters" podcast / yt channel. I used to have his vids in the bg while doing homework / drawing because they were respectful enough and brought up cases not beaten to death by other tcfags. When he started posting videos with his face in it I had to completely stop, he is the most disgusting scrote I have ever seen in my entire life. He looks like a cross between a thumb and orangutan.

No. 1739332

File: 1698298153943.jpg (39.52 KB, 700x372, jaw-of-charles-v.jpg)

His chin is so big, it doesn't look normal. His chin makes him look like something is developmentally wrong with him. Inbred shovel chin head ass.

No. 1739333

It’s hard not to hate ugly scrotes since they do the same to us. Plus there’s something inherently repulsive about them I think it’s a very primitive instinct that says “roll this boulder off a cliff”

No. 1744868

File: 1698691385078.jpeg (42.34 KB, 1279x719, tarantino-efe.jpeg)

He's always had such an extremely punchable face.such a hideous,smug bastard.

No. 1744885

File: 1698691983945.jpg (18.95 KB, 480x504, 33-480x504.jpg)

No. 1749297

File: 1698960808788.jpg (65.16 KB, 330x550, james-cameron-bio-photo.jpg)

The fact that he doesn't like any type of criticism makes his face even more punchable.

No. 1749651

File: 1698995516748.jpeg (217.19 KB, 582x600, IMG_0555.jpeg)


No. 1754538

File: 1699221367880.png (885.27 KB, 1065x805, Screenshot_20231104-181154~2.p…)

No. 1754553

File: 1699221808776.jpg (15.92 KB, 280x262, totvfj2llbq21.jpg)

No. 1754563

File: 1699221989935.jpeg (57.23 KB, 483x549, IMG_0609.jpeg)

No. 1754579

File: 1699222530455.gif (119.04 KB, 220x220, booze-man.gif)

No. 1754661

Ugly ass mf, I cannot elaborate on the things I would do to him because it’s considered a logging. But let’s just say I’d do more than punch him, I’d knock his fillers and veneers out.

No. 1754708

File: 1699225408008.jpeg (583.54 KB, 2392x2391, F014F96C-02CE-456A-8393-062414…)

thank you for this thread nonna i am a hater without cause. the mulaney shit p-o’d me a little cuz why are you impregnating yourself with retard addict genes? fairly punchable

No. 1754716

the half-ass attempt at makeup is killing me kek knuckle sandwhich material fosho

No. 1755019

not gonna watch this movie, just because i can't stand this woman

No. 1756040

File: 1699306022496.gif (2.12 MB, 480x760, IMG_0642.gif)

I hate this dancing prancing little fag

No. 1756053

Her facial features are so randomized. The large head with the beedy eyes and big bold brows paired with the tubular lips and solid square symmetrical teeth. Nothing matches

No. 1756077

What are you even talking about

No. 1759908

You need to get offline

No. 1759909

File: 1699485450878.png (719.9 KB, 701x1131, Screenshot_20231108-171754~2.p…)

This hideous,disgusting,obese subhuman from TikTok

No. 1759913

File: 1699485533866.jpg (37.78 KB, 500x748, tHyyS6RjTnmAOJkeq8uD_ed-sheera…)

His music and his fans suck ass

No. 1759919

I think if you punched his face it would sound like jello shaking really close to your ear… and fine dust would come off him like spores off a fungi

No. 1759932

No. 1759983

This activated my flight-or-fight response. Abhorrent and vile creature.

No. 1760281

like a face photoshopped onto a hairy ballsack

No. 1762497


No. 1762563

No. 1762681

File: 1699560781745.jpg (129.29 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg)

Why can't he make a normal face like an actual human being?

No. 1762728

he said that every time he puts that face on a thumbnail his views go up

No. 1762737

children love soyface

No. 1764780

File: 1699646986409.jpg (128.26 KB, 1400x1400, pope-francis.0.jpg)

Disgusting pedo apologist

No. 1764890

Open borders and lgbt+ supporter, zionist puppet, footfag, marxist.

No. 1765958


Lol since when.

No. 1766048

File: 1699717525032.jpg (176.59 KB, 883x1040, 3837.jpg)

This ugly little moid pops up on my YouTube recommendations every so often. You just fucking know he's THAT nurse that doesn't give a fuck about actually listening to your concerns because he thinks he's smarter than you. Sociopath eyes

No. 1766056

i hate him just as much as that other asian moid who's a plastic surgeon. medical professionals should not use their jobs for socmed content. they're just as vile as those top surgery surgeons who prey on autistic teen girls.

No. 1766122

>literal fucking pope
t. poltard who has 0 idea what marxism actually entails

No. 1766134

File: 1699721382220.jpeg (151.86 KB, 700x697, IMG_1504.jpeg)

complete booktok trash

No. 1766166

Who knows, but he keeps kissing feet of whoever even though Jesus only washed them.
Yup, pope is a marxist, wake up and smell the coffee. There are plenty of hints in his Apostolic exhortation.

No. 1767053

File: 1699759416975.jpg (15.54 KB, 240x300, Peet-Montzingo-information-you…)


No. 1770322

File: 1699919352493.jpg (37.91 KB, 440x660, Luca-Marchesi-1.jpg)

Jawline shaped like an acute angle ass,there is absolutely no soul behind those eyes.

No. 1770328

Not true. Her books were popular many years ago with people who love to read, specifically on Goodreads. Only the last year and a half did the normies get ahold of It Ends With Us. Which the book was good if you like cheesy stories with happy endings.

No. 1770330

She looks like my ex-roommate.

No. 1770335

his whole personalityis being tall i hope his head gets smashed by a door frame

No. 1770351

Soulless eyes…he looks like my rapist

No. 1770487

goodreads is full if retards with ni taste and the media literacy of 12 yo. the goodreads reviewers who made a job out of it were the forerunners for booktok

No. 1770733

Samefag but I'll say this too:
Generated in ai ass

No. 1771548

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No. 1774862

File: 1700174331278.jpg (856.3 KB, 1800x2699, 18unbuttoned-johnny4-mobileMas…)


No. 1774872

File: 1700174937859.jpg (67 KB, 750x747, tumblr_ed7af905a7cfb17fcbefad5…)

just me?

No. 1774873

yeah just you

No. 1774875

I refuse to believe this

No. 1774878

>when you're pathetic enough to fake your accent

No. 1777321

File: 1700351727131.jpeg (73.56 KB, 550x733, 16395696-278D-4262-BA66-6176F2…)

I have no idea who mars argo is but her face makes me angry for some reason

No. 1777367

File: 1700353909493.jpeg (10.91 KB, 300x168, 6CC06834-D7A3-43D2-A7EE-BC9B5C…)

He’s so ugly

No. 1777375

Remember he said amber heard was gonna hit the wall and she’s a floppy fish.

No. 1777376

who is that? looks like someone punched him in the face until every feature flattened out and became 2d

No. 1777379

File: 1700354625557.jpg (Spoiler Image,164.58 KB, 1200x1200, Johnny-Depps-horrible-teeth-at…)

Every insult out of a man's mouth is just projection.

No. 1777403

The only decent male characters in PLL were Emily's dad (which they killed off, mind you) and that "creepy" detective who did nothing but his job and even let Hannah get away with shoplifting while buying the family food and such

No. 1777467

Randomly remembered that scene and her mom's glasgow smile because of this post. I was in my early teens and I remember thinking it was so weird he bought them food

No. 1778537

File: 1700416068631.jpeg (149.83 KB, 1440x960, IMG_1262.jpeg)

His hairstyle isn’t helping. This is a grown ass man

No. 1779217

File: 1700442485432.jpg (49.7 KB, 571x719, Spazkid.jpg)

Why do all of these crusty smelly Newgrounds man children look the same?

No. 1779239

Alcoholism, fast food diet, and sitting on your ass all day to jerk off and draw

No. 1779260

File: 1700444079973.png (265.08 KB, 505x472, spaxzzzz.png)

He use to be better looking but it's no wonder he sticks to trannies looking like that now kek

No. 1779307

Every man over 25 who still has hair always tries to hold on like this

No. 1779310

You're not implying this is the same person are you

No. 1779333

Do you not see it says spazkid? They’re both Cory lol

No. 1779335

Oh I don't know who this man is I'm just shocked

No. 1779346

My bad anon. I forget these types aren’t well known outside of their NG/yt fame

No. 1779455

File: 1700453476711.jpeg (738.72 KB, 1029x1051, IMG_1564.jpeg)

Anya Taylor Joy(tranny)

No. 1779458

Oh we're still on this?

No. 1779462

You deserved to be bullied.

No. 1779499

No. 1782249

File: 1700610364246.jpg (272.44 KB, 2100x1325, zumaamericastwentyeight259565.…)

Her face has always creeped me out as well

No. 1782392

File: 1700616176507.jpg (532.04 KB, 2560x1440, paris hilton black hair.jpg)

Droopy nosed bimbo

No. 1782396

File: 1700616361766.jpg (634.63 KB, 2560x1707, FordKavHearings-8.jpg)

Swine looking bastard

No. 1782420

Ok moid.

No. 1782426

paris defenders always forget that she said worse things about other women and races

No. 1783298

Paris is not going to fuck you,retard.

No. 1783338

File: 1700683472813.jpg (36.16 KB, 300x300, 760577.jpg)

Absolutely disgusting

No. 1783343

>uniroincally calling women bimbos
>calling a businesswoman a bimbo
Ok moid.

No. 1783349

Racist Rothschild

No. 1783397

File: 1700687100256.jpeg (93.52 KB, 1280x720, 58C9FB7E-592E-4A80-9BFE-61FAB4…)

No. 1783409


No. 1783540

File: 1700691837340.jpg (532.13 KB, 1539x2048, Ewaahb6WEAItMeY.jpg_large.jpg)

This smug manchild and his awful art skills
His art is pure garbage

No. 1783542

No. 1783549

Nta but I think that's that art youtuber who draws a bunch of art of concerningly thick (like, lipedema) black and latina women

No. 1783550

It's Deputy Rust art,he also has Yt where he spergs a lot and also he's jobless lol
More like Deputy Crust

No. 1783563

kek i also though he was ethan becker. all men with beards are insecure

No. 1785395

File: 1700761714697.jpg (95.37 KB, 783x749, рщгрзжшщ.jpg)

No. 1785400


No. 1785410

Headbuttable even

No. 1785414

I have to disagree but I can see why one would consider punching him

No. 1785731

File: 1700772093083.jpg (126.43 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg)

Unfunny and untalented

No. 1785737

He looks creepy, annoying and deranged

No. 1786064

File: 1700784473182.gif (236.73 KB, 220x124, sorprendido-boquiabierta.gif)

No. 1786272

File: 1700798865843.jpg (44.16 KB, 474x588, julianne moore.jpg)

sorry but I get disappointed if I'm watching a movie and she shows up in it

No. 1786721

You're crazy

No. 1792020

File: 1701182318625.jpg (330.25 KB, 2048x2048, DWrFadfWAAETtde.jpg_large.jpg)

Simplynailogicals's boyfriend Ben looks like reddit incarnate.

No. 1792041

They’re not married yet? Geez

No. 1792058

No, and they likely won't ever marry. Christine gives me nlog vibes tbh (but for reasons).

No. 1792179

I mean if she’s doing it to protect the assets from her businesses then based but other than that.

No. 1792976

File: 1701223789689.jpg (41.33 KB, 450x600, matt-smith-2023-450x600.jpg)

An abomination

No. 1792990

File: 1701224855347.jpeg (305.77 KB, 1080x1440, IMG_3927.jpeg)

this guy is such a jump scare and doctor who fans are always insufferable

this one scares me too

No. 1793000

Somehow not as bad as Matt Smith who has built in sun shields

No. 1793019

File: 1701226636711.jpeg (26.69 KB, 209x241, 85493C9D-1427-41F5-8C2F-87CFEC…)

Mozgus lookin ahh

No. 1793020

I don’t wanna punch I want to kick down a well to perish

No. 1796930

She’s so fucking ugly, inside and out. She looks like a caricature

No. 1796935

File: 1701496572522.jpeg (209.84 KB, 1200x1198, IMG_0488.jpeg)

This hideous, lipless, racist, subhuman piece of shit

No. 1799066

File: 1701696707771.jpg (396.44 KB, 2560x1721, 1458401111-scaled-1.jpg)

Infinity Pool was a horrible movie and it kept showing stupid shots of his weird aging recessed chin length that looks like it has the texture of mashed potatoes and now I hate him. I also hate Mia Goth now and her voice with that awful childish affectation. Literally a movie so stupid it will make you hate them

No. 1799088

Male detected. No woman actually thinks or cares about Amy.("hi moid")

No. 1799123

Lol I’m not even the anon who posted her, but you’re so wrong. There are few celebrities I really can’t stand, and she’s one of them. And she calls herself a comedian? She’s not funny. And I want her face out of the fucking tampon commercials. I’m glad Tampex was never my favorite brand because I would have had to switch.

No. 1799130

i'm even another anon, i'm not american and i don't care about celebrities so all i know about her is from watching her awful comedy sketches and i agree, she looks like she's constantly on the edge of saying something stupid and i can't stand her face

No. 1799131

That anon is right. Amy looks like porky pig.

No. 1799334

this and she became a billion times more annoying during the israel/palestine conflict

No. 1799604

File: 1701738763418.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.86 KB, 404x600, jeeniekim-grid.jpg_691115875.j…)

She always looks like she inhaled the fattest fart, I'm sick of seeing her face everywhere

No. 1799630

I too hate Mia

No. 1799876

File: 1701765473075.jpg (1.68 MB, 2331x3483, 09543345-7631q.jpg)

massively overrated, unfunny colorist and closet trannyfucker

No. 1800738

She doesn't look like that at all, seethe

No. 1800741

She tries to talk like a child on purpose and its weird as fuck, she's annoying.

No. 1803156

File: 1701992884991.png (401.26 KB, 388x740, fugly huffman.png)

felicity huffman needs to be steamrolled

No. 1803187

File: 1701994164026.jpg (1.65 MB, 5481x3654, 1415050183.jpg)

No. 1803217

Honestly looks better covered up in any prosthetics. He’s hideous

No. 1803881

File: 1702040573358.jpg (20.47 KB, 310x420, 4643385.jpg-c_310_420_x-f_jpg-…)

No. 1804026

He deserves a curbstomp just for Big Mouth. Pedophile.

No. 1804939

File: 1702123324968.jpg (185.97 KB, 1080x1079, Screenshot_20231209-130112_Ins…)

that influencer who got attacked by a dog

No. 1807156

File: 1702266163879.jpg (92.37 KB, 634x747, 68195615-0-image-a-15_16776413…)

Addicted to all kinds of plastic surgeries, destroying your face and body for vanity and attention makes her really punchable.she doesn't even resemble a human no more

No. 1807161

File: 1702266342632.jpg (Spoiler Image,394.55 KB, 1440x1711, NINTCHDBPICT000715620976.jpg)


No. 1811021

File: 1702494894941.jpg (87.17 KB, 577x960, tumblr_181088c1a32eb9685db9cd7…)

i keep seeing this screenshot on radblr and i hate it so much.

No. 1811080

not even punchable…kickable face

No. 1812005

File: 1702571197490.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1170x1960, IMG_4933.jpeg)

I hate tiktokkers and their demonic facial expressions at the best of times, but this takes the piss…https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0KXXuPsTVp/?igshid=ODhhZWM5NmIwOQ==

No. 1812025

> this takes the piss
I don't think that means what you think it means lmao

No. 1812026

What do you think it means? Educate me.

No. 1812033

NAYRT but I think the phrase you're looking for is "takes the cake", taking the piss usually means making fun of something

No. 1812044

I’m British and we use “takes the piss” in the same way. It can mean both.

No. 1813431

Please socialize in reality more and stop relying on Google to navigate how you interact with others kek

No. 1814244

File: 1702691658671.jpg (116.97 KB, 1200x675, anthony-starr-marvel.jpg)

Hate his greasy,wrinkled,wax figure like face.doesnt help that he's a huge asshole in real life who can't control his ego or his violent behavior.kickable face even

No. 1814248

I found homelander terrifying but sort of attractive. How much therapy will fix me?

No. 1814249

File: 1702691912420.jpg (224.97 KB, 1000x562, jodie-whittaker-portrait.jpg)

Can't act for shit and has no personality, definitely the worst Doctor.

No. 1814258

I agree. He looks uncanny valley for sure. Definitely had something done and it made him look less human. 100% Punchable

No. 1814260

even if he wasn't an asshole his lack of lips bother me so much, it's fucking distracting

No. 1814261

Samefag,I forgot to mention Ai generated looking face ass

No. 1814291

no idea who this mf is but he looks so much like a wax figure it's creeping me out

No. 1816311

I’ve never seen whatever this programme is called again but He looks exactly like my driving instructor.

No. 1821040

File: 1703100929584.jpg (8.93 KB, 400x250, 202821.jpg)

Stupid ugly punchable face,he needs to wear a garbage bag over his head.he can't act for shit either.

No. 1821054

File: 1703101288164.jpg (60.43 KB, 600x600, image (1).jpg)

Her expressions always look fake and terrible,she can't make a normal face at all.very annoying face and personality as well.

No. 1821312

File: 1703110833028.jpeg (55.18 KB, 168x348, IMG_7907.jpeg)

This they/them woman

No. 1821415

The ugliest fucking chink I have ever seen…(racebaiting)

No. 1821950

I disagree,the opposite of a punchable face actually.I want to feel his face with my hands and smoke a pack of cigarettes with him.

No. 1822973

File: 1703175962463.jpg (8.8 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg)

Ugly and disgusting crusty old fuck

No. 1823066

paki chans ideal man

No. 1823730

The amount of young girls with no self respect that still interact with him because of some burzum gifs from Tumblr is craaazy

No. 1824999

File: 1703287008485.jpg (279.3 KB, 1200x1200, Zac-Efron-at-the-47th-annual-T…)

Roblox head but grotesque and fugly.hate seeing this lipless,oily blockhead everywhere,never found him attractive he's also really overrated.

No. 1825004

"Omg stop bullying him guys it was from an accident" and the accident is hgh, chin implant, and body dysmorphia

No. 1825309

File: 1703301192842.jpg (54.03 KB, 576x613, FNTHHGRXYMG3KJEPPOVYZAEJPE.jpg)

No. 1825311

I can't believe he got so fucking ugly. He had potential to age really well too. I will never forgive him.

No. 1825315

Punching his mouth with my taint

No. 1825455

why does he look like he's doing an impression of a mail slot with his mouth

No. 1826086

File: 1703354412888.jpg (94.76 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (10).jpg)

No. 1826312

File: 1703366073206.jpg (14.42 KB, 480x240, Star-Wars-Rise-Skywalker-Rey-S…)

Terrible actress too

No. 1826325

File: 1703367038478.jpeg (607.79 KB, 1170x1207, IMG_1448.jpeg)

a beta male specimen. i hope he stops streaming forever

No. 1826464

Holy shit those beady rat eyes tho

No. 1827414

File: 1703449302620.jpg (49.73 KB, 426x600, actor-abby-shapiro-480772_larg…)

No. 1827453

L.A. air

No. 1830477

All Tik-Tokers have punchable faces

No. 1830751

File: 1703715424758.jpeg (36.14 KB, 436x594, 45BEA305-13F0-4B79-905A-CEDA1B…)

I’ve never looked through this thread so I was so excited to see this and realize somebody had posted Armenian Cory. That pic is edited but he is still ugly and fat irl, just not as bad as the LA Cory pic. Love Zach’s sense of humor (for the most part) but he deserves to be in this thread as well, the fucking sideburns

No. 1830798

ew why does he look like that? his face looks like a smashed potato and those sideburns are horrendous

No. 1831024

He's funny but man is he ugly. It's wild that Chris is the only decent looking one kek

No. 1831984

File: 1703792285571.png (771.28 KB, 837x1283, Screenshot_20231228-203654.png)

I fucking hate his beady eyes and his red afro

No. 1832608

I thought that mf was balled

No. 1832613

File: 1703831594651.jpg (87.33 KB, 736x736, 1703769809544.jpg)

I can't stand buttchin faggots. Something about his entire lower face is punchable.

No. 1832630

He looks even scarier in motion

No. 1832663

Kek based

No. 1833653

File: 1703893734736.jpeg (27.59 KB, 320x320, EC1C7608-D711-452E-8B98-27381B…)

No. 1833718

It's still hard to believe that voice comes out of this person's mouth

No. 1833742

I hate this woman

No. 1835621

File: 1704067145368.jpg (145.86 KB, 1920x1080, nimona-blogroll-1686704624509.…)

I couldn't finish the movie because of the over exaggerated dumb faces they made, especially Nimona's

No. 1835628

kek this looks like a content-aware scale edit

No. 1836050

File: 1704123634353.jpeg (43.65 KB, 500x375, IMG_9080.jpeg)

Elisabeth Moss. Of course she’s a Scientologist: she couldn’t have got as far as she has in Hollywood with that face otherwise.

No. 1836127

File: 1704131102680.jpg (2.45 MB, 3022x4032, 20240101_194452.jpg)

This cosplayer

No. 1836618

She's an incredible actress though

No. 1837281

She looks inbred

No. 1838050

File: 1704321090534.jpeg (682.69 KB, 1125x1299, A4C43C0A-DCF6-4261-8D61-E38379…)

No. 1839571

File: 1704422270413.png (727.12 KB, 556x736, Screenshot 2024-01-04 at 9.37.…)

i remember finding him annoying as fuck even when he was on vine

No. 1839767

Punchable voice, also.

No. 1840628

File: 1704497216242.jpg (45.03 KB, 432x332, Boban-Simic-1.jpg)

This ugly retarded neanderthal who eats raw meat because he unironically wants to become alpha and aggressive.

No. 1840629


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1841515

File: 1704570056079.jpg (166.43 KB, 1169x1698, 1000027613.jpg)

Fucking uggos

No. 1841585

You have problems

No. 1841606

nuh uh

No. 1841639

I want to smash him in the face with a heavy metal pipe until his nasal bridge becomes a putty.

No. 1841655

File: 1704576661529.jpg (46.51 KB, 400x533, 1000014999.jpg)

if i saw thomas brodie sangster getting mugged on the streets i wouldn't say a word to nobody

No. 1841660

That's Harry styles

No. 1841683

this is just stuart little in human form and by god he may never get the cheese

No. 1841699

That’s Anya Taylor FaceApped as a man

No. 1841710

You're only half right

No. 1842713

File: 1704653371338.jpg (59.19 KB, 549x309, Jeffrey_1704427525070_17044275…)

No. 1842729

That thing is horrifying

No. 1844406

File: 1704756107118.jpg (81.44 KB, 579x800, Spider-Man_2099_(Across_the_Sp…)

He's not even attractive but overrated

No. 1844459

He’s a butterface. Nice chest and traps, unfortunate face. Would hit if he had a bag on his head, 6/10

No. 1844484

Him, not her.

No. 1844491

File: 1704760729698.jpeg (53.81 KB, 890x466, IMG_5442.jpeg)

basically if someone tried to draw Ezra Miller from memory and botched him

No. 1844721

I've decided I like her. Her personality is pretty normal in interviews.

No. 1844764

idg this aiden joke anons are trying to meme. he just looks like a regular ugly man.

No. 1845802

You've never seen a butch before? Wow

No. 1845878

File: 1704851328243.jpg (130.66 KB, 1024x1536, 1000002455.jpg)

No. 1846780

No that's the opposite of a punchable face, I want to befriend her and kiss her on the forehead, and hear her vent about stuff she hates

No. 1848272

File: 1704999744592.jpg (338.16 KB, 1080x1180, Screenshot_20240103_211725_Ins…)


No. 1848332

Is it a man

No. 1848924

are you the same anon who just claimed the weeknd is a tranny kek

No. 1848926

File: 1705022922671.jpeg (116.13 KB, 634x951, IMG_5929.jpeg)

the playboy model look did not age well on anyone except pam anderson

No. 1848942

I pity that woman you can tell she hates the very passage of time

No. 1848947

File: 1705025067355.jpeg (2.73 MB, 2308x3232, IMG_5961.jpeg)

Tara Reid is also scary looking nowadays
I wish these ladies would just stop while they're ahead, it's making them into wax statues of themselves

No. 1848978

I know she's probably wearing body makeup which is helping but her body looks amazing, like she's calculated the exact amount of fat she needs to gain every year to avoid body wrinkles.

No. 1849031

Why does her body look 60 years old? I haven't seen Tara Reid since sharknado

No. 1849032

This is some kpop forum levels of retardedness. Your zoomer humor isn't funny

No. 1850334

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No. 1850354

Wasn't it understood that she had an eating disorder for years? That's what it looks like.

She's been through the mental wringer with bad movies and busted plastic surgery, she tried to fix it for awhile and now she's back to looking bogged again. Tara seems nice enough, I root for her to get her shit together

No. 1850360

>moy marmeladny
Anyone who likes this annoying moldy shit is punchable, why did someone even had to dig it out of the past and make me remember

No. 1850376

cut this shit out already. you're not funny and you're not on twitter

No. 1850377

It is funny on the basis of the fact that it lives so rent-free in your head that it makes you genuinely angry because it's so benign

No. 1850384

you're ginna keep getting replies like this because people here don't like it when someone calls a whole-ass man a lesbian. read the room, retard

No. 1850410

Nta but I asked this in a different thread, what is the joke even supposed to be? Lesbians don't resemble him, not even the ugly ones. Is this like when fakebois call Tom Holland "transmac" or something?

No. 1850667

They call him that because he's small and has pretty eyes and is vaguely effeminate in nature. Its a joke. If you take genuine offense, go the fuck outside because you and your sense of self is extremely fragile and sensitive.

No. 1850682

File: 1705115205770.jpg (58.79 KB, 1024x576, IMG_4556.jpg)

>pretty eyes
Stop this shit immediately, his eyes are UGLY

No. 1850845

Oh my lord I hate this faggot, I’m so glad I’m not the only person who feels this way, his punchable face makes me irrationally angry every time I see it on that app
She’s so ugly, she looks inbred

No. 1851156

Haha forreal

No. 1851448

File: 1705151634839.jpg (47.02 KB, 630x630, christine-and-the-queens-annul…)

genderspecial, fag hag, shit musician

No. 1854731

me walking out of sephora with the latest huda beauty palette in my mouth

No. 1856860

File: 1705415971376.jpeg (83.88 KB, 615x700, IMG_5357.jpeg)

I used to be indifferent to her but ever since the “marital rape is made up by feminists” tweet, I want to smash all of her fucking teeth in.

No. 1857089

yep and her voice is even worse than her face

No. 1857414

File: 1705444419207.png (1.49 MB, 1020x1050, Screen Shot 2024-01-16 at 4.31…)

I cannot stand how Bella Ramsey is styled. I thought she was young but she actually has the Greta Thunberg syndrome where she looks 16 chronically. Beady eyes and that nonbinary stare

No. 1857415

File: 1705444487430.png (433.8 KB, 590x630, Screen Shot 2024-01-16 at 4.33…)

I feel like Frank Reynolds. "Its smug aura mocks me"

No. 1857948

This deathfat

No. 1857958

File: 1705466019465.jpg (85.22 KB, 900x900, photo-1038212223.jpg)

woll smoth lookin ass

No. 1857966

nony this is so funny I cackled

No. 1858328

The comments are saying she's only 16. How sad.

No. 1858611

God I hate her so much, she is so disgusting

No. 1861353

she looks inbred, someone check her family tree

No. 1866425

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No. 1866440

She can’t be the age she says she is

No. 1866470

Did someone shopped cillians face onto hers?

No. 1866771

File: 1706140631420.jpg (352.16 KB, 1217x1600, Jason-Momoa-2021.jpg)

I can't stand this cunt

No. 1866780

I can't either. He comes across as such an arrogant dolt. His alcohol bloat makes him even grosser.

No. 1866820

She is just white.

No. 1866822

You’re gonna get banned for racebaiting but truthfully it’s probably because she’s Irish ethnically, they have weak ass skin objectively. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was actually older than her age though either.

No. 1866981

It isnt racebait? The lack of melanocytes in white skin make it more prone to wrinkling and sun damage. She's literally just a white woman with Irish genetics, the conspiracy is ridiculous because she is obviously her age.

No. 1866991

I thought you could have been since the average 22-year-old white woman does not look that bad kek (though Irish specifically, perhaps). I appreciate the fact she’s confident in not wearing makeup though, celebrity women are always under pressure because of how heavily scrutinised their appearances always are.

No. 1867118

he also once said he wanted to rape all the female characters on GoT or something

No. 1878476

File: 1707164324582.jpg (201.67 KB, 1200x1196, robert-pattinson-attends-the-d…)

He's so fucking hideous and pasty,rat faced scrote.

No. 1878477

he looks more like a weasel imo

No. 1878480

still think he's hot, though

No. 1878705

Something about his head shape always bothers me. Plus he's yet another celebrity who smells bad and didn't stand up for FKA twigs when he dated her.

No. 1879774

File: 1707255729748.png (405.2 KB, 920x503, 1707204121241.png)

someone said she makes herself look more Asian on purpose with make up and traditional Asian clothing and now I can't unsee it.

No. 1879786

Why would she need to do it? Is she not fully Asian? I admit she looks a bit weird but I just assumed she was ugly.

No. 1879797

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Jack Quaid. I just found out he's only 31, he looks like he's 45.

No. 1879799

Is she a hapa? She looks not fully Asian to me

No. 1879807

She's Hui on her father's side. The Hui are Chinese Muslims who descended from regional local converts and Turkic, Persian, Arab, and Afghan Muslims who ended up in China for various reasons, she mentioned on a podcast her family had to basically give up Islam when her grandfather became a communist and it's mostly just an ethnic identity. It comes up in her Zachary Ying as well.

No. 1879829

File: 1707260252876.jpg (126.42 KB, 576x871, cant-stand-her.jpg)

I'm surprised no one mentioned this smug woman that memed everyone and their mother to not have any facial expressions

No. 1880245

File: 1707290723602.jpeg (75.49 KB, 450x600, IMG_5876.jpeg)

Punchable is a bit much but idk about her. As much as people do love her, she looks like the type to be a bitchy cunt irl.

No. 1880664

if i looked like that i'd dissociate from my face too

No. 1880688

Don’t know who this is but I’ve always thought the big front teeth with a little gap in women is super cute

No. 1880860

File: 1707334314138.jpg (340.2 KB, 2048x2307, Toddy-Smith.jpg)

This slack jawed cunt. He never seems fully in control of his entire jaw area must be all the coke

No. 1880876

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hack hack wheeze gag ew

No. 1881485

File: 1707395490593.jpg (9.5 KB, 300x169, suki-waterhouse-3.jpg)

her music sucks too

No. 1881516

File: 1707398461934.png (975.07 KB, 605x700, Leheckingwholesomekeanu.png)

Hate this cunt

No. 1883506

File: 1707549917281.jpeg (67.48 KB, 551x556, SPOILER_image0.jpeg)

Annoying yappy schizo

No. 1883655

Who even

No. 1883902

Isaac Kappy, former actor who went full alt right schizoid then killed himself because hanging out with degenerate hollywood men and discovering they abused women broke his brain so he defaulted into schizo mode and started saying his former colleagues devoured babies or some shit instead of the actual truth which was that men abused women and teen girls. He really deserved to rope though, he probably abused women himself and his guilt manifested in the form of his schizo ranting

No. 1884281

He's dead why are you still thinking about punching him tf

No. 1884303

she can punch him in the grave too nonna

No. 1884405

scrotes like him are damaging to the actual discourse of exposing abusive men in Hollywood by spreading and perpetuating their satanic panic baby eating shit and it does seem like he probably hated women too

I hope he's rotting in hell

No. 1888945

File: 1707979348936.png (203.76 KB, 500x508, ar.png)

Besides the terrible styling, her expression and head shape looks so annoying

No. 1888949

i wanna kick her head like a football of its little stand

No. 1888950

I too hate Anorexia Grande.

No. 1888951

So was his video of the little girls in the bathhouse real? If so he definitely partook in that

No. 1888979

I don't even think that was originally his video. I have no idea where it came from but it seems like something that was pulled off the recesses on the deep web and then hijacked and politicized to the point where it's hard to tell what the actual story is behind it.

But I think part of his schizo breakdown was derived from the fact that he partook in abusing women with the comics and actors he later demonized. there is photographic evidence he visited Dane Cook's "game nights" where Cook would solicit underage girls. And instead of actually going to a legitimate news source or anyone of value insofar as I was aware he went off his meds alt right schizo and on shit like Alex Jones. the foundation of men being abusive in hollywood is true but the baby eating schizobabble and media illiterate gen z normies on tiktok legitimizing him pisses me off. I hate Isaac Kappy and he was just another Hollywood scrote at the end of the day who probably deserved to die anyway

No. 1889025

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should've left her features alone in 2013 or 2014. girl looks alien now.

No. 1889831

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No. 1889882

File: 1708043867345.jpg (58.59 KB, 640x1027, shes-had-one-relationship-outs…)

she's so gross

No. 1889906

She looks like she's decomposing but tries to hide it

No. 1889918

She has the audacity to claim she’s a Miss Universe finalist when she's never come close to being a finalist, not even at a regional event. I wish there wad a thread on her antics because she's extremely milky.

No. 1889923

thought this was a picture of Ready To Glare

No. 1889935

Who the hell is even this

No. 1889937

Well, go on.

No. 1889939

The bathhouse video wasn't his. It was a random video shared among q anon conspiracists that he recirculated

No. 1889940


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No. 1890098

Ohhh, I thought it was real.
WTF, anon you want to punch a tiny deformed man? Are you Greek? You probably have the Spartan genes where they dumped weak looking babies.

No. 1890212

Most attractive French !

No. 1890596

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New thread >>>/ot/1890593

No. 1943950

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