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No. 120476

Any farmers here who like Cow Chop? Discuss here!

No. 120487

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Oh my god ive been following James and Aleks since pre TCH and im so happy they started CC. The stream where he talked about having achieved his goals so now he just wants to make sure his friends are ok etc was super touching.
That aside I do wanna touch on Trevors big pussi, Joe is legit an adorbs goof, Arin is the yellow highlighter in everyones life, Brett is forever the daddy who broke down a door and the newer additions of Anna and Asher seem sweet too (and i heard Dex possibly strolling in?? Didnt fact check the tweet etc)
Shit tho during their 20% off sale for the first time in millenias i bought merch and it was a fucking Nova pattented Squiggly cup and a new tee;; Ah sorry I just love these two and the friends they tagged along cause in the sea of drama and scandals that has appeared over the years in the comm they just always seemed chill as hell. (Also ot but James COD: Infite Warfare lets play with Sp00n brought back such nostalgia fuck)

No. 120544

Always feels a bit forced or something. I do enjoy Nova's solo stuff though

No. 120603

Honestly splitting up from the creatures was single handedly thr best thing they could have done for their YouTube careers. Must be nice to not be afraid to have their vids age gated and have full creative control.

No. 120616

Its great that they are taking full creative control for themselves and you see theyre clearly working hard even if their content can come across as lax.
Creators not being scared of censorship and them age gating stuff and even puttint vids on pornhub is a real statement that they just wanna make fun content.
(Also for somebody who boasts about professionalism…dating your employee isnt a star move re: Kootra and Stefani)

No. 121337

I really like Wrong Side of Youtube and Amazon Prime Time especially. I actually never watched The Creatures (I was aware of them but never actually watched them) so I'm basically experiencing all the members of CC for the first time via CC (save for James, I used to watch him like 4 years ago but stopped for a few years). Also James has been looking damn good lately.

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