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File: 1480299789751.jpg (13.14 KB, 236x420, 4634954d71829678f19dec3b809167…)

No. 119218

I couldn't find a thread for these kind of cosplayers. The ones who aren't really snowflakes but who produce crazy and sometimes creepy edits. Usually asian.

The girl in this photo is known as xiao rou seeu. Known for her amazing skills with make up and her editing style, and her already naturally small face she easily makes photos that look like the characters she tries to potray. A lot argue that the creepy likeness to anime characters is due to photo editing and after effects. Thoughts? Other "creepy cute" cosplayers you wanna post? Or perhaps hidden natural photos of what they look outside of cosplay?

No. 119230

File: 1480303314725.jpg (68.07 KB, 486x756, 1438239576579.jpg)

I'm always reminded of that incredibly ugly Kotori cosplayer that's constantly posted in bad cosplay threads on cgl.

No. 119231

File: 1480303343290.jpg (596.59 KB, 853x1280, 1438238323475.jpg)

No. 119364

Looks like Marfan syndrome mixed with an unfortunate face and an inability to edit or do make-up to flatter herself.

No. 119401

She's like the Asian version of Mira

No. 119415

The fuck is wrong with its fingers

No. 119544

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She actually looks pretty cute without shoop. Her shoop is just ridiculous.

No. 119551

I figured she must have fairly cute irl features to be able to easily and consistently achieve those shoops but yeah, I like the way she looks especially in the top right pic

No. 119568

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Holy shit anon I feel like this should be spoilered it's so fucking uncanny valley It gave me a spook.

No. 119570

File: 1480501831435.png (2.48 MB, 1428x1565, 2016-11-30-02-26-59.png)

Yeah she just shoops herself to have extremely youthful features but she's fairly normal in person

No. 120586

Wow, nice to see what she looks like without it. Makes her seem more human

No. 120589

Surprisingly she looks way older than I'd expect.

No. 120602

wtf is that real

No. 120606

Oh my god I want a spoiler on this holy shit

No. 120771

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No. 120793

Never thought I would see a pregnant demon baby but yet here I am

No. 120796

once you get pregnant/become a mom you should immediately drop the kawaii-uguu shit. this is a bit disturbing

No. 120842

more than a bit…

No. 120895

File: 1481550460911.png (590.96 KB, 908x727, 1435963364767.png)

Yikes, this looks like some sort of pregnant lolicon come to life.

No. 121008

And that's EXACTLY what she wants and is going for. Anyone who doesn't look at that gross pic and not see some kind of daddy impreg fetish is a dumb twat.

No. 121150


what baffles me is she looks like her age in normal pics, just a bit skinny. Maybe it's just an asian weeb thing to wanna look like your 10?

No. 121156

nailed it. sadly

No. 121157


just looked this up while high and my mind is exploding

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