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File: 1434714040916.jpg (Spoiler Image,106.69 KB, 533x800, 1374266578_golishom_na_prirode…)

No. 10840

No. 10841


No. 10842

Do any of you guys look like this naked? Just curious, I don't. I have every mark on me known to man.. and would of any of you guys want to look like this? Just curious

No. 10843

Yup, I look like this if I want to

No. 10844

I can also photoshop my boobs larger, nipples smaller, and waist smaller.

No. 10846

Nah she had surgery to make her waist that small, had some ribs removed

Also she hardly eats

No. 10848

her body is totaly normal. I also have a very small waist and that's just genetic not starvation.

No. 10852

Um, no. I thought everyone got over that after 2012. Valeria never got any ribs removed, that was a fake rumor. it's all 10000% photoshop.

and I can't see the picture, even when I click on spoiler? someone just post it.

No. 10854

File: 1434729878711.jpg (100.87 KB, 695x925, image.jpg)

She had her nipples and boobs done, that's about it. Oh, and a nosejob. She always had a nice nose, but it was a tad wider.

No. 10855

It's freaky.
She looks like she's severely anorexic. http://www.voguealternative.com/valeria-lukyanova-making-barbie-girl-pictures/

No. 10857

why would she get her nipples done?

No. 10860

Maybe she had dinner plate nips or something.

No. 10861

she might as well get them removed since barbie has no nipples lmao

No. 10863

I believe she had nipples on the larger side

No. 11001

I always lol at fatty who think visible ribs is a sign of anorexia

No. 11004

File: 1434778642041.jpg (533.32 KB, 1024x768, sexy-valeria-lukyanova-on-beac…)

LMAO, I KNEW IT. YOU IDIOTS that picture is fake. And it's obviously fake. I looked everywhere on Baginya and Russian forums for the supposed new "nude picture" and didn't find it, I figured OP must have posted one of the badly shooped pictures that trolls made.

And btw, that picture is shooped to high heaven, and again it's horribly obvious. Her face, her body, she even extended her legs longer …jfc I can't even deal with this level of gullible lol

No. 11220

thats hot as fuck

No. 11221

>"she looks anorexic"

No. 11222

It means anorexic, bruh.
I'm saying that as someone who's chubby but you can still see one of my ribs

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