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/shay/ - dolly mattel fan club

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File: 1683445903255.png (404.08 KB, 680x631, C480F0C6-020D-409B-8347-8FB521…)

No. 162131[Reply]

Thread for all of the side characters in the Shaynaverse.
474 posts and 194 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 168644

looked like she had a massive cheez it in her mouth at first glance

No. 168645

I thought it was a small wedge of cheese

No. 168652

reminds me of one of those brutish little cartoon girls with a man voice

No. 168654

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I see it

No. 168678

What the fuck? I thought that was a skinny Trisha Paytas shoop.

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No. 161616[Reply]

Are you rereading old threads? Discuss landmark vintage milk in this thread.
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No. 168623

I gotta assume it's because of her condition, maybe she never had any sensation, or had very little, in that nipple? I did some googling and it said that Poland syndrome leaves the nipple underdeveloped (some people with poland syndrome are missing a nipple) So I assume she was asking about sensitivity for when she wanted to get an implant for her real boob.

No. 168670

File: 1718023869922.jpg (Spoiler Image,317.5 KB, 1064x1600, just why .jpg)

Why did her pussy lips look like a deflated troon rot pocket? The bar is really in hell, so compared to back in the day, her bits have come so far. Throwback from thread #12 >>>/snow/645637

No. 168672

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No wonder she had assne. Imagine all the sweat and grime just pooling around near her ass and rarely getting washed off

No. 168674

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No. 168676

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The time she went to the hospital and it turned out she just needed a shower

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No. 163871[Reply]

Containment board for Shayna memes and Shatposting.

This is a thread for collecting and archiving all Shay related media, mostly farmer generated. Please curb your autism and save any discussion of milk for the threads on /snow/, and spoiler any NSFW images.

Infight all your autistic battles here.

First thread: >>>/shay/158765
Second thread: >>>/shay/159974
1183 posts and 358 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 168660

They also used sage correctly. Maybe Colleen is a farmer.

No. 168661

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I had the same feeling about those posts. I'm positive that Colleen has at least been made aware of the farms since Shayna's deleted first thread. At the time of its creation, shayna and all of her mutuals were being sent the link to it. Colleen also hasn't made mention of Shayna on her tumblr in about 5 years, whereas she previously would reblog ALL of Shaynas content, even after her switch from shay-gnar. Colleen has always came across as somewhat smarter than shat, so hopefully she became disgusted by the hard-core degradation and pedo shit that her former BFF was getting in to.

No. 168665

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my shaypothesis is that she’s made half hearted attempts at this that just don’t read baddie because she’s not pretty. she’s tried a bunch of different styles briefly because of her bpd, and she’s consistently late to trends. if she is going for baddie, her version was probably the draggy, matte lip, dipbrow insta baddie of 2016, which she gave us in 2020.

No. 168667

It’s so funny how she’s always done the soyjak face

No. 168668

Does anyone know if Colleen is a marxist?

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No. 168625[Reply]

Share photoshops, male lookalikes, shart, or anything else of what you think Shay would look like as a man.
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 168627

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Paul Dano

No. 168628

So accurate

No. 168649

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No. 168650

how dare you nona

No. 168666

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Ummm anon?

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No. 168109[Reply]

Just one, no matter how backhanded or oddly specific kek.
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No. 168400

She hates women why do you all make excuses or try to make what she does less offensive and disgusting.
>“She wants money”.
She can get a job. No one is stopping her from getting a job and going to college. She can be a hoe on a local level with normie college men. Still gross but it is far better than interacting with scrotes who are pedos. Mike Slack being example 1. I wouldn’t doubt she wouldn’t believe her child if they told her her boyfriend touched them. That’s the type of woman Shayna is. She only cares about moldy moid dick

No. 168403

>She only cares about moldy moid dick
I agree apart from this point. She doesn't care about getting dick, for most of her sex work career she avoided b/g content and only started doing it out of desperation. What she wants is male attention and validation.

No. 168420

She doesn’t have intercourse but she worships men and dick even if she isn’t sincere

No. 168621

she's actually learned to handle having a thread here pretty well. She doesn't overshare nearly as much as she did during fupa era, and she doesn't post about her haters often like she used to either

No. 168622

In the op picrel she seems to be having fun and enjoying herself. In live streams and stuff too, she seems to just be enjoying herself when she's not being an uwu Barbie slut

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No. 167447[Reply]

A thread for sharing Shay's biggest fashion disasters.
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No. 168361

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No. 168388

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No. 168465

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She has got to be brain damaged to dress like this.

No. 168592

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She has the absolute worst taste in clothes

No. 168593

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Not a shayfit, but this paragraph from David Zyla's book just reinforces my belief that she's a winter in seasonal colour theory

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No. 158286[Reply]

Post your shaydits, photoshops, face apps and possible thread pics here!
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No. 168552

You made her look worse kek

No. 168553

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No. 168578

Kek I love this nonnie. Good explanations, fingers crossed she reads this and actually tries for once in her life to look good. Her job literally depends on it yet she can't be assed, it confounds me.

No. 168583

God this actually is one of the best spergs about how she should style herself, thank you nonna kek. I think if she leaned into looking very Mediterranean (Greek/italian American) she could pull it off WAY better than the blonde pink crap. Your after pic is downright attractive dare I say, and it’s not SO outside the realm of possibility

No. 168608

File: 1717310739890.jpg (273.59 KB, 1080x1250, IMG_20240602_013847_edit_12486…)

Was bored and did her makeup and this monstrosity was the result:
Shaynarr tutorials :DD

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No. 162962[Reply]

Post before & afters, or just pictures of Shaymu looking particularly portly.
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No. 168584

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No. 168586

I’ve never seen this she looks like a sausage kek

No. 168587

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This looks like Shayna

No. 168602

File: 1717190211386.mp4 (1.73 MB, 846x476, Fat.mp4)

Ayrt, it's from her attempt at a personal trainer porn despite needing one herself.

No. 168604

Maybe Shayna really is into humiliation because there's no reason for an almost obese person to make porn pretending to be the trainer she's desperately in need of other than embarrassing herself

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No. 157750[Reply]

Nona, Nonnie and Nonita get in here and let's tall about your favorite totally more then like true Shayfoil (tinfoil aka Titfoil). They try to silence the truth but they don't know the truth!
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No. 168390

It's not that she doesn't care it's people who she doesn't want to care don't care. We see how she instantly suicide baits whenever anything happens that doesn't go her way.
How she jumped out the car on her mom. How the many times she'd fake quit, or want to die over minor bullshit on Twitter.
How she'd suicide/I won't take my pills bait fupaul.
I remember she was like, "why can't he be nice when I'm being mean".
Shayna doesn't have consequences to her actions that she can't just ignore or try to hide.
Even with her boobjob. She is clearly making it "work" when we can tell she hates them. I feel that's why she's so heavy into prostitution now.
Her worse fear is doing something and some retard with a high following cancels her for it and it works. So far she's only fucked over idiots and people that don't matter to her.
Whenever shayna has consequences we all see how she acts. She only cares if it gets her in major drama and even then, if it blows over she's fine with it.
So she knows she does retarded shit, but she has no mirror to hold up to herself. If nobody tells twitter she's wrong and it doesn't blow up,to her she's simply a victim a cancel culture and hate.

No. 168397

i really do think she has autism they love making shit up thinking other people will believe it, like those stories she NEVER stops posting

No. 168398

Yeah and there’s also things like her SpongeBob obsession and her admitting to rarely bathing (could have sensory issues with water)

No. 168427

my shayfoil is that she's been posting lowkey feeder-bait stuff for a long time since she first started to gain weight. I think shayna is too uncomfortable with her weight to make blatant feedee/bbw porn, but she probably realizes that some of her coomers are into that and she's willing to tease at it to try and get them to send her doordash gift cards

No. 168445

Checking in to say I definitely think she’s made some new friends in Vegas that are helping her access stimulants or other drugs that are making weight loss easier. She’s shifted a few pounds and seems obsessed with Vegas, I think one of the porno dudes (or - potentially a sugar daddy who splits his time between Seattle and Vegas too?) is getting drugs for her. I feel like she hasn’t been doing her usual “daddy took me to the mall and bought me a Hello Kitty hand mirror” shit because it isn’t the case anymore - instead its “daddy took me on his boat and gave me lots of adderal” or whatever shit she is getting. She shows off all the ugly shit her daddies get her except the ‘boat dad’ who also seems to like old guy rock.

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No. 168177[Reply]

A thread to celebrate the first year since the inception of /shay/. Post your best /shay/ momentos and shaynacore things.
45 posts and 45 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 168391

She wishes

No. 168393

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No. 168394

This is not shaysthethic, she would never put lip balm on her dry chapped lips ranch flavoured or not. She loves having crusty lips for some reason.

No. 168422

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No. 168520

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