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No. 879593

Share goals, tips and resources. Not everyone can have their own land, but incorporating some homesteading ways saves $ and increases independence. Please no just recommending products, the more diy the better. For example, using Soapwort to make your own liquid soap. It's easily passed over as a weed and can be stealthily sown along public trails and fields.

No. 879749

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Foraging for ingredients is fun and feels so rewarding when you incorporate even one ingredient into your food. Picrel, chickweed is a common plant that you can use for pesto, hummus, even just salads, and you can combine it with other wild greens or ingredients of course. Dandelions in particular have a huge range of uses and are just a common weed, so finding some is pretty easy and you can use it for all kinds of things.

I wonder how foraging and other homestead activities will hold up as climate change continues, though, and what other precautions people are taking? I know many people just take extra storage like hay for animals, since grass is more sensitive to extreme weather, and invest in things that you can make in advance by preserving or fermenting, but it's daunting.

No. 879825

>I wonder how foraging and other homestead activities will hold up as climate change continues, though, and what other precautions people are taking?
Yes this summer has been brutal, and the last few summers too but it's got way worse this year. Everything is taking forever to grow in my garden and my zuchinni plants shat out 2 zuchinnis before dying. I've been thinking for next year just growing root veg and only very easy plants like green beans, and sowing some edible weeds in the forest nearby. There's always hardier vegetables available that you can grow anywhere, the question is whether you're actually going to want to eat them. I think ppl are going to have to get creative to deal with the extreme heat and cold. Like this kind of AC https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2017/09/terra-cotta-air-conditioner/ and use cold resistant seeds.

No. 879848

It's probably squash borers killing your zucchini. They fucked mine this year too. I fucking hate them.

It's my dream to form an intentional isolationist TEFF community.

No. 879867

Fuck. As soon as I managed to stop them from molding, they're getting attacked? I think the "muh zuchinnis are so eazy to grow so many production" is a meme.
Don't care enough about trannies to label myself a terf, but as long as no males are allowed (that includes male kids and animals) then I'm in. I'm ok with no AC or processed food or running water or electricity. Just want to be left the fuck alone.

No. 879883

I’ve been thinking of going to a woman’s land in the US to see how if it works, it’s a shame there’s not so many now but the ones that are still around must be doing something right.

No. 879886

>that includes male kids and animals
Why animals?

No. 879897

>no male animals
You're so mean nonny wtf, this why your zuchinnis are rotting. What's the lore though, did you got raped by a dog or smth

No. 879922

>woman's land
Holy shit they exist

No. 879929

nvm now it's just 2 places with 80 year old lesbians and a wiccan reteat

No. 879940

go back

No. 879943

There's way more irl, they just don't talk about it online because trannies, scrotes, and 95% of women would try to destroy their community

No. 879945

Nta, but where do you learn about these communities then? Do you just have to ask the women who are in the more known ones?

No. 879960

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Literally just said they don't talk about it online. If you're smart you'll figure out how to get in contact. It's mostly older ladies who own these communities, start with that hint.

No. 879964

>Literally just said they don't talk about it online
I know, which is why I asked if you would just have to ask the women who are in the ones that are known online, I just assume that the communities would know each other. Sorry for asking though.

No. 879966

Try whatever you think of, there's no advice given bc you have to show you're serious enough to put in the work to figure it out.

No. 880002

>no male animals
How are you supposed to have a flock of animals you can live off of if you don't have male animals to help the flock procreate? Serious question.

No. 880007

Nta, but it's actually common on smaller farms to keep only female animals for their produce and pay to rent a breeding male when the need arises. It's far more economic that way.

No. 880016

I had no idea, thanks.

No. 880022

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>container garden in the limited balcony or backyard space you have
>buy seasonal vegetables and fruits and learn how to can, freeze, dry, cure & smoke, pickle, and properly store them in a safe way, nchfp.uga.edu has good resources on this
>dried herbs, homemade jams and relishes make good gifts
>grow or find the flowers you like and press them, then make your own home decor or resin crafts
>keep basic sewing supplies to mend and do small things (for example I bulk bought squeakers and use scrap fabric for diy dog toys that cost less than 8c a toy)
>save vegetable scraps in the freezer for future soups
>save bread ties to tether tomato plants to stakes
>make your own oatmeal layer bars and put jam in the middle of them quaker oats can't beat how good they are plus they freeze decently
>also if you live alone and make cookie dough just make a few and freeze the rest for portion control and so you don't have to adjust the recipe
>when you go in Taco Bell just take 50-60 packets they do not care
>often times the Dollar Tree has better deals on some items (the condensed soups like tomato and chicken are larger and cheaper) but other items are overpriced with smaller portions, be wary of this

No. 880034

50 packets of what

No. 880044

Are you an alien sent to gather information on our planet

No. 880048

Pretty sure anon means hot sauce, but why would someone hoard Taco Bell sauces

No. 880049

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They mean packets of hot sauce and/or other condiments. I dont know why ypu would do this as taco bell hot sauce is not like amazing, and a good sized bottle of aldibrand franks red hot is literally $0.98. My greatgrandfather was banned from every mcdonalds in his local area for constantly walking out with pockets stuffed full of salt pepper and ketchup packets. So i guess some people have a compulsion to take anything that's free.

No. 880055

It's disingenuous to compare franks red hot (vinegar crap sauce) to hot sauce packets with actual flavor.
Taco bell sauce retails for 67c and ounce so taking packets makes sense if you like the taste. It's smart

No. 880070

kek ntayrt but thank you for the grandpa anecdote, what a bamf

No. 880085

I lost a lot of my summer crop this year. Some of it was due to blight because every thing is so wet due to the daily rain and a lot of plants have died because it gets so cold at night.

No. 880098

people like these are the reason we don't get free ketchup and sweeteners in McDonald's in my country

No. 880288

Damn I'm sorry anon, were you making your livelihood with them? I read that foods going to get way more expensive soon because of this crazy weather.

No. 880294

I'm attempting growing vegetables for the first time. I've had a (very lazily kept) herbal garden for years now but I want to get more serious about gardening and maybe become less reliant on store-bought food in the future. For now I'm only planning on sewing 2 things though, just as a trial run with autumn/winter crops. I've already prepared the garden and I'm getting the seeds later tonight. If it works out I'll try more next spring.

No. 880316

>taco bell sauce packets have flavor
sir, ive tasted rhem, they are literally just franks red hot type sauce plus sugar, red pepper flakes and thickener. To make something yourself, mix franks red hot with a little honey, sugar, bbq sauce or ketchup (or anything sweet, try apricot or pear puree to be special, thats the secret ingredient in mcdonalds sweet & sour sauce. but almost anything sweet will do, grape jelly works fine, even hershey syrup will make an ok if sweet mole).

Mince a couple cloves or more garlic if you like, sautee in a pan with 1 tbsp olive oil, until garlic turns golden brown. If you cant get fresh garlic, use garlic powder, add it to hot cooking-temp oil in a pan and proceed to next step immediately as the powder will brown very fast. Then add red pepper flakes, stir, let cook in the oil 30 sec. Be cautious frying dry seasonings as they burn quickly if not watched. To the pil, carefully add your franks red hot type basic hot sauce (they sell it in big jugs at walmart whoch pour easy vs normal hot sauce bottles as pictured above which you will have to get the dripper off of to pour). You're adding watery liquid to hot oil so you have to pour it in fast with confidence or take the pan off the burner and let cool a little if you dont want to risk getting spattered with hot spicy oils (valid concern). Then add your sweetener, stir it in, and let the sauce simmer until it thickens a bit and gets tasty. You can add a tbsp of potato/corn starch to thicken it to a fast-food-sauce-like consistency (dissolve the starch first in a couple tbsp of water in a separate bowl, then add to the sauce). Salt to taste. Ta-da, you've made a tasty delicipus sauce. And this is sticking to ingredients you can get at a gas station with the exception of garlic, but garlic powder will do fine. And if you do have any fresh ingrediwnts you can add them, minced herbs, pureed peppers or pepper paste, etc. to make your own special secret tasty sauce.

The consistency/viscosity of fast food sauces is the most unique thing abput them; it's very highly engineered. At mcdonalds, take a nugget, dip it in sweet & sour sauce and hold it upright. The sauce will always run in droplets down the nugget, to about 1/2 to 3/4 of the way down the nugget, bit it will almost never drip off the nugget. Taco bell hot sauce is like this as well, its much thicker than normal hot sauce. Franks red hot has basically the viscosity 9f water, while taco bell sauce is almost like pepper jam really. Viscosity affects flavor a lot, and also contributes to the look of the sauce, which is why fastfood sauces and eg general tsos chicken have such a glossy luster. so be sure to simmer ypur sauce down for a while. It will also thicken more as it cools.

No. 880325

Every green thing I touch dies. I wanted to start an indoor herb garden but everything died on me.

Please help.

No. 880326

I am glad you still enjoy cooking despite not being able to perceive such stark flavor variations but I don't spend my time making something I get for free.

No. 880349

check out mich fest and womyn's land events. you can find some information on radfem tumblr.

No. 880351

I grow fruit and vegetables for my family to eat and I sell what I don't need. It's not my main source of income so it isn't a big deal I guess. It's more that it's frustrating because I've been working on my vegetable garden for years and this is the first time that I've failed.

If you want something that's easy to grow try planting things like blackberry and raspberries. They come back every year and don't need at lot of attention. You can freeze what you can't eat and then use frozen berries in cooking over the winter.

Have you tried growing fresh mint?

No. 880352

Excuse me? You think taco bell hot sauce is some kond of godly inimitable substance and I'm the one who can't taste? Yeah all of the variations in making your own sauce that i described will turn out tasting pretty different from each other. They will all be hot sauce, and they will all be different from each other, and they will all be tastier than taco bell hot sauce. Yeah you can get it for "free", for the low low price of having to go to taco bell every time you want hot sauce? Wtf? I was explaining how to make ypur own tasty hot sauce at home for very cheap and how to imitate taco bell hot sauce if you should so desire. Are ypu saying you couldnt make a hot sauce from scratch thats way tastier than taco bell packets? I can, so if you cant cook or you're scared of cooking, that one's on you. Are you really arguing with me that you cant make a better hot sauce than taco bell? Thats so deep in peopleofwalmart brain rot i cant even fathom. Or ur just british and your taste cant be helped. This is probably why they started selling bottled taco bell sauce at walmart, so people like ypu would stop stealing it from the restaurants. But evidently it hasnt worked. I suspect tbh that you just like doing it because you like the little bit of shoplifters thrill, but because thats very sad, you justify it by saying its the best sauce. It aint.

The point pf this thread is self sufficiency and making ypur own things, not literal hobo tactics like stealing sauce packets. My greatgrandfather stole sauce packets because he grew up in the depression and was compelled to hoard stuff like that due to trauma.

No. 880357

What's the temperature like where you live? In a lot of flats the air is more dry because of heating systems so it's not the correct humidity for such plants. You can use a humidifier or keep them on top of a tray with gravel and some water so that when it evaporates it'll balance out the humidity levels. Experiment with where they are in terms of sunlight, soil, and what kinds of pots you use since it can affect drainage. It can be a learning curve but once you figure it out it's great to be able to use your own herbs, plus they look nice around your living area.

No. 880370

take a xanax please

No. 880676

Okay so figure out where you went wrong. Did you plant herbs that don't grow well indoors? Do they not thrive in your climate? Wrong conditions (water, light, humidity, soil)? Something else? We can't help you if you don't post specifics.

No. 881269

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It's my dream to build or purchase my own tiny house, put it on a plot of land and have a large garden to live as self sustaining as possible. I'm not anywhere near achieving that dream of course, not sure if it's even possible but I'm learning how to grow vegetables right now. This autumn I want to attempt foraging and preserving foods.

No. 881285

Same here. I used to plan out my tiny house farm dreams in Minecraft. I can picture it in my head. Tiny house, vegetable garden, and some chickens, a big dog, and we all live together in my little gay farm

No. 882024

Have any of you tried to grow ginger? I wanna try growing some at home for a steady supply for tea.

No. 882175

I just bought some ginger to try and grow! Apparently you can grow them in pots too and it's easy. Vidrel my favorite gardener.

No. 882182

You described my dream too nonnie. Though everyone irl I tell about this just laugh and call me dumb for living in a cottagecore fantasy, and not being ambitious. I don't want to be ambitious I just want to be left tf alone.

No. 882487

nta but I live with a north facing window across from another multi floor apartment building, I get maybe 10 minutes of direct sun max. the only thing that seems to be enjoying itself is the zz plant, I need to repot my ferns but I'm scared. any species recs?

No. 882493

Ugh, I lived in an apartment like that for a year but there was also a tree right between the two buildings. I got no direct sun. I was coming from a dry climate with south-facing windows so I had to retool a lot of my plant collection over time. If you can manage hydration pretty well there’s lots of listicles online going over good shade houseplants. If you need something that can dry out because you forgot about it and then bounce back, your list gets significantly smaller. Zz, snake, pothos are the big three I can think of.

No. 886107

I think you may appreceite this lady's channel. It's about modern homesteading and she's knowledgeable and sweet. Not everything is equally usefull if you don't have a homestead already going but there's interesting videos and topics especially if you have a garden.

No. 886151

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I bought a mint plant from the market, help..! Nonnies help a sister out. Do I buy a pot and get the plant out of its display plastic pot? Do I mist or spray it every other day, instead of dumping water into the pot. I want success..it smells so good and I don't want to kill it!

No. 886160

Mint is a really hardy plant that grows like crazy. I think the plant will be ok if it's in a plastic container as long as you water it regularly! I'm a plant novice though. Perhaps a more experienced anon can give more helpful advice.

No. 886185

My mom brought home a mint plant that she got from a friend. I opted to take it out of its nursery pot and put it into a self watering pot (I got mine from Target). The nursery pot we had didn't have drainage holes and it made me worry about potential rotting since mint likes to be kept damp. I just refill its little water reservoir from the bottom every morning (it's a thirsty bitch) and it's been doing okay since being transplanted into a new pot a few weeks ago! I'm also a novice planter so I'm sort of winging it and I'll take it not dying as a good sign.

Also, I'm propagating sweet basil cuttings that I got from my friend's mom and saw that some of them are sprouting roots today! I'm so excited to plant them! I love sweet basil but the markets around me only sell thai basil. I can't wait to make lots of pesto and eat basil with cheese and pasta…!!

No. 886194

Mint is really easy to grow. The thing I would recommend doing is putting it in a bigger pot as it grows and spreads out quickly. If you have success growing mint then there are lots of herbs that are all from the same plant family. If you have cats, catnip is just a different type of mint.

No. 886330

Mint is an easy and hardy plant, you won't easily kill it even if you don't take optimal care of it. Just make sure that the pot you out it in or is in has drainage holes. Allow it to adjust to it's new surroundings for a day or so before repotting it, you can do that if you want and you should probably repot it into a bigger pot as it grows. If you want to put it into a decorative pot without drainage holes, you can put the pot with drainage holes into the decorative pot. You can water it by putting the pot in a bowl or tray with water so it'll soak up the water from below. Although you won't kill mint by dumping in water from above, watering from below is technically best. You don't have to mist mint afaik. It's also easy to propogate, so if you want you can take some cuttings, put it in water and grew some new plants you can share with friends or family.

No. 886399

I feel like some mint plants are hardier than others. My spearmint came back this year but the chocolate mint I bought at the store died after I forgot to water it for one day

No. 886798

I assumed we were talking about regular spear or peppermint since anon didn't name a specific type which are definitely hardy. Idk about other types..

No. 887557

Normally I don't have any trouble with mint, but I got some lemonbalm recently which is closely related and it died out of nowhere. It was thriving and then over the course of about two days it turned completely black. I'm devastated.

I follow a couple of serious separatists on tumblr. Apparently, there's a physical magazine/newsletter you can buy with information. I don't recall the name or where to find it, but tumblr is definitely a good place to look.

No. 887890

Samefag, I sowed my first vegetable the day I posted this and it already sprouted!!

No. 888678

Any good self sufficient advice/ideas for apartment dwellers? I just recently started growing lettuce from the cut off ends of store bought but I don't have a yard or space for a lot of plants.

No. 888680

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No. 888684

Ah yes, the 4chan cumrag that sprout mushrooms. I love that one screencap, if someone has it please post it

No. 889081

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Anons, I have killed the spearmint plant.

No. 889089

You could get a garden plot/community garden. Just an idea, don't know if that's a thing where you are or if you can financially afford it if it even interests you of course.

Other than that, maybe try to learn how to sew your own clothes? Or learn to forage. Autumn is coming up (at least in this part of the world) so maybe you can forage things like chestnuts in a forest near you. Or like the OP mentions, there's a weed you can make soap from. It's just a little thing but if you can forage that

What did you do to it?

No. 889096

Coincidentally, I am growing both of these this year. They have not done spectacularly. I got 2 spearmint plants out of all the seeds I planted, and have them in 2" well drained containers. They sit on a northfacing porch. The lemon balm did better, also in 2" pots, but all of the plants are still very small.

However, I overplanted a bunch of lemongrass in a shallow deck box in the same place and it is thriving.

So my advice is: this shit is hard sometimes plants just don't give a fuck, move shit around, don't water until the top of the soil is dry then water til it drains out the bottom, and use good soil amen.

No. 889115

Peppermint and lemonbalm (not lemongrass) were among the first things I ever sowed years ago. Literally all I did was chuck the seeds in some universal pottingsoil and planted them in the garden after they sprouted. It still comes back every year (they're winterhardy in my climate) and I quite literally don't do anything for it. It's amazing. Probably among the most foolproof herbs you can try if you're a beginner. Be careful if you put them in the garden though, they can both overtake easily.

Are you anon who got it from the market? Maybe you just got a bad one that already wasn't in great health.

No. 889216

Yes, I’m the market nonny!
I naively sprayed a DIY vinegar mixture on the plant… because I saw little spiderwebs at the base of the stems and yellow spots on the leaves..the poor guy shriveled up around an hour later. I plan on buying another plant this week and leave it the fuck alone. This ordeal made me sad..but I was a dumbass Thank you for the feedback ladies!

No. 889454

Thank you for the helpful advice. I sew already and mend stuff. In my area, there's no community garden plots or things like that that I know of. We're working on buying a house right now so I don't want to set up that sort of thing only to bail in a few months. I'm thinking of trying to make beeswax food wraps out of scrap fabric and maybe try selling them online

No. 889460

Stuff I'm up to
>making my own relish, salsa, and syrups
>drying lavender, lemon balm, oregano, mint, and parsley
>easily grew broccoli very cheaply, just harvested 3 heads today, I recommend it IDK why it intimidated me, same with carrots and onions (the key is loose soil)
>going to try candied lemon balm some hippy blogger mommy compared them to lemonheads and I can't get it out of my head
>tear down some vines and make wreaths for fall, have scrap flowers and fabric already

No. 889472

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This thread is so awesome, you're all so cool. I wish I was friends with all of you.

No. 889474

Do you make pickles? I haven't tried making salsa but I make pickles all the time with leftover veggies

No. 889685

Oh I may try candied lemon balm. I have an excess of lemon balm anyway. Let me know how it goes?

No. 890430

I've pickled cucumbers, carrots, cherry tomatoes, onions, and eggs. I hated the tomatoes, I only tried it because I had such an excess. Also, my eggs turned out like crap maybe I just hate pickling spice. But yeah vinegar garlic dill never does me wrong.

No. 891043

I pickle daikon radishes all the time in rice vinegar and a little ginger. Never tried eggs or tomatoes. I know pickled eggs are a common food but something about the idea grosses me out on a visceral level

No. 891082

Months ago an anon posted about pickling (or sone other conserving method), I think it was, eggs?? May have been something else. But they turned red-ish. It was a huge post detailing exactly how to do it and she said how it's healthy. I've been curious to read that post again, anyone have a clue what I'm talking about and where I can find it? It was in /ot/ I'm fairly certain.

No. 891123

I'm currently growing a fuckton of ayurvedic/holistic herbs in my backyard in old plastic containers. I started growing fresh herbs in the beginning to flavor some homemade kombucha. Making tinctures or balms is something I think every cottagecore nonnie should do. There's something satisfying to the soul about having jars filled with herbs infusing slowly over time.

No. 891282

What exactly is a tincture? What are they used for? Sorry if that's a stupid question but I've only ever heard of weed tinctures, I wasn't aware there were other kinds. Are they like infused oils?

No. 891296

Made a big batch of chokeberry juice and it's not anywhere near as bitter as people online claim, basically a bitter currant taste! Will be great for christmas presents and for warm beverages. Next up is picking up the early apples I have and making jams because the juice I never drink and no one I know doesn't really like it enough.

No. 891307

Did you add sugar to it? I bought one that was no sugar and my mouth looked like a butthole. Chokeberry is great for the illness going around even better than elderberry.

No. 891309

Not op but an extract made with alcohol. They enter the bloodstream quickly so they're used for immediate effect. I like them because I don't really want to peserve stuff with sugar and drink my calories.

No. 891310

Which ones are you growing? I've been thinking about ordering some nogmo seeds for herbal plants but idk where to get good ones.

No. 891311

Not sure about which post you mean, but adding salt to eggs helps the nutrients in the yolk become more digestable.

No. 891314

Are you sure it wasn't just bits of beetroot?

No. 891324

The first plants I grew from seed were Ashwagandha, fenugreek, a curry tree, and ginger. They are all pretty potent and were fairly easy to grow from seeds. I have all of the common herbs like mint, basil, thyme, etc. I am growing a lot of flowers that have health benefits like coneflowers, zinnias, chamomile, and dandelions. I recently planted some Bergamot, St. Johns Wort, and Calendulas. There are so many plants to explore and many are very easy to grow at home in small pots! I bought a lot of my seeds from my local garden shop, but Etsy has proven to be very valuable to me in my quest to find rare heirloom seeds

No. 891356

Nah, I never add sugar to my juices, it's easier to just add a bit of honey if I wanna drink it sweeter and warm in the winter! It's such a vitamin righ berry but most people seem to see as a trash berry where I'm from, same with Rowanberry (spelling??)

No. 891358

I canned pizza sauce this weekend. I feel empowered. Still have to learn pressure canning as this was just a water bath recipie I used but I don't feel fear from the tomatoes in my freezer anymore! It did take a few sweaty hours and I only got 4 pints plus extra in the fridge but, worth it. Excited for the rest of my tomatoes to get ripe, maybe I'll have enough for a spaghetti sauce.

No. 891427

>Etsy has proven to be very valuable to me in my quest to find rare heirloom seeds
Can you recommend any sellers? Hard to trust sellers these days since seeds have become more popular.
And won't your dandelions take over everything??

No. 891429

Oh wait so you don't preserve it?
>most people seem to see as a trash berry where I'm from
Same in my area, idk why they all want elderberry. More for us hehehe!

No. 891470

Do you know any good tincture recipes for headaches?

No. 891481

I've had great success with MySeedcellar on etsy. Everything I purchased grew nicely and her products seem genuine. Open Seed Vault was another good brand on Amazon I used when I started out but they recently increased their prices because of the pandemic.

I havent had any problems with my dandelions as I do not have an actual in ground garden, I use exclusively pots. (I live in a desert so it is too dry) I also harvest leaves and stems pretty often.

No. 891538

I looked into making tinctures and balms before but all the ingredients/materials needed added up quite quickly.. What's the average cost on materials for you?

No. 891540

I only recently heard about heirloom seeds for the first time and I'm not sure I get what they are. Are they just seeds that have been unaltered for decades? What's the benefit from that as opposed to "modern" seeds?

No. 891573

Heirloom varieties are just old varieties that aren't widely used/sold industrially.

No. 891614

Are they better or is it just about having something rare? Modern seeds are optimized to have the best quality/quantity right?

No. 891642

Not necessarily, they're optimised for profit first and everything else later. So you might get a bigger size vegetable that tastes like cardboard and is much lower in nutrients + the seeds might be coated with certain chemicals harmful for your health depending on how and where they were harvested. You could also get organic seeds (I live in the EU where that label is not just marketing fluff) from the same variety, so it's not really a guarantee of anything. Some varieties of a vegetable thrive in colder climates, some in warmer. Some are more disease-resistant, some less etc. The flavour, appearance and size will also be different.
Heirlooms are basically rare varieties not profitable enough for mass production for one reason or another (flavour, size, hardiness, suitability to climate in one country vs another, difficulty of procuring the seeds etc).

No. 891716

It does keep even without sugars!

No. 891809

Yo I love dandelions. I plan to plant them as convenient plant stepping stones throughout the garden because they don't care if you walk on them while you tend to other people. Fuck people who spray herbicides.

No. 891932

I see, thanks for the info! I'm gonna try tracking down some heirloom seeds for vegetables I already have in my garden and see how they compare, I'm quite curious now.

No. 891948

Heirloom tomatoes are wonderful,imo they taste so much better than anything else. They tend to be pretty ugly which is why I think you don't see them in stores often. At least not where I live, I see them at farmers markets and that's about it.

No. 908026

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Reviving this thread because I love it

No. 997622

Have any of you tried to make shampoo from soapwort? Is it worth sowing soapwort? I'm planning my garden for next spring and wonder if I should try to grow some

No. 997625

My mom has, she orders her soapwort online though. This is the website she uses for the recipe: https://www.natural-homeremedies-for-life.com/homemade-soapwort-shampoo.html

No. 997646

You can use eggs as shampoo. Just massage it into your roots and scalp, rinse with cold water (dont use warm because it will literally cook into your hair). It helps to dilute it with plenty of water to help make application easy

No. 997649

Does this mean that you can only regrow the green parts? How do you get more of the “root” part? I’m sheltered cityfag sorry but I want to a have a lil herb garden.

No. 997660

Nta but you can just eat the green part. It tastes the same, and the roots will grow in the water

No. 997664

Cool, I think I'm gonna give it a shot. I don't really wanna order stuff if it's not seeds.

I really don't want to wash my hair with egg but thanks for the suggestion

No. 997681

Some you can only multiply by sowing the seeds, others you can plant and the bulbs will divide and multiply that way. I believe growing onions from seed is pretty difficult though (if you're interested in sowing herbs from seed, there's plenty of beginner friendly easy growers that you'll also be able to use in the kitchen like mint or basil). Google propagating onions if you wanna learn more

No. 997686

I stand by my taco bell foraging
Another urban homesteading tip, save and plant everything, like for example I got a good deal on a living lettuce bundle and planted it a couple months ago and it gave me tons of lettuce over and over. I have a large pot-garden and I rotate things seasonally, it's funny how I still have stuff out there despite that it already snowed, I have some stuff covered. I also do carrots, potatoes, and radishes, and onions. Onions are great because you can use the tops too
I agree I just buy onion starts and they grow much better. I just started germinating my own plants instead of buying starts within the last couple years and that's one better to buy. I gotta say those seed greenhouse trays are such a scam, they just molded my seedlings, paper towel germinating then transferring into tiny pots is king
It works, but you only get like 4 inches of regrowth. Green onions are 50c a bundle so I don't do that crap. But I will save herb stems and bundle them in cheesecloth for bouqet garni soups so I can't talk

No. 998782

Nonnies I want to start gardening in my apartment, i have balcony space and plenty of natural light, please point me to some resources on getting started so I'm not completely overwhelmed in spring

No. 999204

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I don't have experience with this personally but there's loads of books about urban/appartment/balcony (vegetable/herb) gardening. I say do a bit of googling around on above keywords and just pick one that has good reviews. I think starting with a book is good because you'll have all the neccersary knowledge needed to start out in one place without overwhelming yourself (because it's easy to keep clicking when you try to get your knowledge from webpages and youtube videos) Sorry I couldn't be of more help!

No. 1000128

Does anyone here have dreams of living off-grid and self-sustaining? Or maybe all ready does? I wanna know about people who're working towards this and how.

No. 1001801

>>1000128 i do, i just moved to a house with a big piece of land but it's going to be decades probably to achieve it. There is so much money that goes into fencing the land against the wildlife, getting rid of plants that are not supposed to be there, equipment and stuff like that and i cant understand how people make it seem so easy. I think all these people are really really rich so they can buy a house and do all the repairs AND landwork. All my money went into the house and it still needs more and more repairs every week something new breaks. It's sad that 10 years ago everything was half the price so i would have everything ready already only if i was born earlier.
Anyway i'm planning to grow some type of asian rose that has big fruits as fencing, since it's thorny animals won't go through hopefully (+ wire fencing around important plants). Then bamboo as a little forest for fun and sprouts for food, chickens, some fruit trees and bushes, beans and one day when i'll have a cellar, because this bloody house is the only one that doesn't have it, i'll grow potatoes and store them there.
For house i wanted a solar panel, but that's coming in decades also.

No. 1015211

That's so cool! Are you still working full/parttime? Did you have a lot of experiencing gardening or raising animals before you bought your house?

I want to live off-grid and at least partially self-sustaining in the future as well but I'm thinking about going with a tiny-house instead. The housing prices have literally doubled the last 3-5 years, I refuse to go into triple lifelong debt by time I'm out of education just to have a damn roof above my head.

No. 1015310

I do, I want my dream life to look like

>norf england, rural yorkshire, waterfalls and hills or near the coast

>living in a big woman only house where everyone has a job
>keeping chickens, growing potatoes, leeks raspberries, mushrooms, herbs etc
>someone makes pasties and sells them by bicycle or van at nearby events
>someone else works at home with computer stuff
>some have practical plumbing/carpentry skills
>we have a shotgun license as farmers so we can defend ourselves
>and there’s a big piano to fill the house with music, and a fireplace to warm up the colder rooms
>going for walks/camping or taking trips on a boat

Yeah I know it’s kind of gay and cringe but I want a life surrounded by women and in nature, I’ve always been happiest in these places. I already helped out on farms growing up and like to grow stuff, and I can ask my uncle to teach me practical stuff on the condition I bring him homemade curry chips lol

I hope if there are other women who feel the same way, we can find each other one day.

No. 1016574

This sounds like it would be in Hebden Bridge

No. 1017058

Thanks for pointing that out! The waterfalls looked beautiful, it could be a great place to live. People around that part are often quite warm too

No. 1017265

Who wanna go fungi and plant foraging with me? Then we can make tasty dishes with fresh mushrooms, plants, and have herbal tea.

No. 1103040

idk about the logistics but ive heard small wind turbines can be a lot cheaper than panels

also nonnies i need help my lime tree is looking so so sad, ive fertilized it but havent been watering it much as its been indoors for the winter, it bloomed in december after i cut off a rootstock sucker from being brought inside (it had been in the garage) but it started wilting and dropped all the fruits and some leaves recently. im afraid it might die.. i love my lime tree dearly.

No. 1103061

I honestly just want to live in isolation in the mountains in a small house with 2 cats. Maybe have a nice coffee shot not to far away. Realistically I will probably just settle for a shitty townhouse or an apartment and avoid eye contact with my neighbours.

No. 1114830

How's Pennsylvania? I was speaking to my mother about my dreams to own a farm and she said Pennsylvania would be the best because it's cheap but whenever I try to look it up I get some very high prices. Are there any good farms in New York? I'm not sure where to start looking?

No. 1153718

You wanna move to the dales anon, it's pretty up there, maybe near Malham Cove? Am from the good ol' norf and personally I prefer the highlands, but i'm in if I get to do the carpentry kek

No. 1154387

Is it possible to grow an apple tree in a container (and for it to actually thrive)?

No. 1159964

Sure, that's called a bonsai. It can even produce fruit if you care for it really well, but I think apple trees take around 10 years to start producing.

No. 1163332

I've been sort of casually growing vegetables since last year and honestly a garden bed doesn't produce that much food. Like my spinach bed is getting ready for a first harvest and I expect I can eat about 3 times from the first harvest. I'm not the best gardener though, a more experienced gardener could probably produce more.

Idk where I'm going with this post. I guess I'm going to do some research on how to maximize production.

No. 1205473

So they're predicting that this year nearly half of the fruit and vegetable growers in my country will go bankrupt because of energy crisis. So I've been looking into preserving more food and shit to prepare for fall because food prices will probably going to skyrocket even further when that happens. I've been harvesting edible "weeds" (like cleavers and fat hen) and I've been eating them but I would also like to preserve a bunch but I can't quite figure out how to do this. Or is it not possible for a lot of edible weeds to like freeze them? Also I'd rather not can because of gas prices. Does anyone have good resources for me?

No. 1205483

sorry for not giving advice, but I am just curious where are you from anon?

No. 1205486

i hate to be one to reply to months old posts, but hebden bridge is so pretty. it reminds me of things like beatrix potter/peter rabbit. there are such cute places in england. the people that live in those villagers are always so friendly and warm too.

No. 1205491

samefag, but https://theculturetrip.com/europe/united-kingdom/england/articles/12-reasons-hebden-bridge-is-known-as-the-greatest-town-in-europe
kek at this cute part of the article
> Known as the lesbian capital of the UK, Hebden Bridge is said to have more lesbians per square foot than anywhere else in the country. One of the most inclusive towns in the whole country, this is a welcoming place where people are encouraged to be themselves.

No. 1205499

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Rotate and fertilize. If you're not getting enough crop for what you're planting it's probably because the soil is lacking. Before you plant anything, dig in manure, bone meal or other fertilizer and it should improve yields.

There are some really beautiful places still left in England. I live in the south west of the country and there are so many pristine villages full of old cottages.

No. 1261178

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I read in a book about bushcraft with a section about edible wild plants that the root of Solomon's seal (Polygonatum multiflorum) is edible but I can't seem to find this confirmation anyone else on the internet nor does it have an entry in my reliable foraging book. I know everything above ground is toxic fur sure, but does anyone here happen to know about the root? (I'm not gonna risk it at this point but I'm just terrible curious)

No. 1261182

Cottagecore looks smelly. I don’t trust the people who like it.

No. 1261352

Are you German-speaking?
It says every part of the plant is toxic. When you go to the source for this, http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=5&taxon_id=250090370
it says it was used for wound healing and to provoke coughing. But doesn't specify which part.
The similar species: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echtes_Salomonssiegel
Share the same attributes, in Russia the rhizome was used to provoke puking.

They belong to the Asparagaceae (family level).

You also should know, depending on where the plant is distributed it may be more or less toxic, for example a fern (I think it was Wurmfarn or Adlerfarn) that is distributed Northern hemispheric, is edible in Japan but toxic in Germany. Local varieties can always differ in certain aspects.

No. 1272568

My German isn't good enough to read that page in detail unfortunately.
>it says it was used for wound healing and to provoke coughing. But doesn't specify which part.
yeah I found these vague unspecified statements about it's healing properties/medicinal use as well.
>You also should know, depending on where the plant is distributed it may be more or less toxic, for example a fern (I think it was Wurmfarn or Adlerfarn) that is distributed Northern hemispheric, is edible in Japan but toxic in Germany. Local varieties can always differ in certain aspects.
That's a rrrrreally good point, I hadn't known about that before.

Thanks for your thoughtful input anon!

No. 1293153

From a homesteading perspective, what's the benefit of making your own soap from lye? I read about it on some homesteading blog but I don't see the point, you'd still be purchasing tools and raw ingredients so you're still dependent on a outside supplier. Store bought soap is cheap. Is the difference in money big enough to make the time investment worthwhile or is there something else I'm not seeing?

No. 1293165

If you're purchasing all the ingredients it only makes sense as a fun hobby (i mean, if you find it fun). If you can get some of the ingredients for free, it's ofc a different game. I knew people who obtained used frying grease from a local grill and then used ashes from their own oven to make lye. I tried their soap and it was good for basically clothes, dishes, and washing yourself.

No. 1293169

i think those people just want less harsh, artisanal soaps with more natural ingredients, which are more expensive than your average soap. so yeah if you want artisanal soap it makes sense to make your own after the initial investments because they can be like $6-20 a slice

No. 1295022

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Any chicken people here? I want chickens really badly but i have to build an enclosure and a house for them. I already heard the chicken coops they sell online (in europe) are really badly made. I need something that lasts 20 years. If you have coops, how do they look like, do you have ani tips about it? and do you have the roof of the run also closed? I'm worried about bird flu and for that i heard is better to have a fenced roof of the whole run. That would be very hard to do here though.
picrel is an gallus varius, exotic chicken that i'll never have but it's beautiful just look

No. 1295030

I think a lot of it is just the hobbiest aspect and the personal satisfaction of doing something yourself.

No. 1295064

That is a 10/10 chicken, iconic and beautiful. Unfortunately I don't have any chicken information but I hope someone else does, I'd love to have my own someday too

No. 1295066

I don't personally have chickens but my father does. He has his chicken coop built by a woodworker. Expensive as fuck of course, iirc he paid like 3000 euro for a custom built but that thing is going to last him the rest of his life. It's an option to consider.

No. 1295301

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I keep chickens, bantams, ducks, turkeys and geese. I started out with a few chickens and a basic coop that I bought from a farm supplier. I still use the original coop for the bantams and the other poultry now have coops that I've designed and were then made by my husband. He's an engineer so if provide him with a schematic diagram of what I want, he buys the materials and puts it together. When I need to keep the poultry under cover I move their coops into the barn and make sure that they have enough enrichment in their environment to keep them happy.

If you're starting out, have limited space and aren't sure about what you want, I'd recommend getting a few bantams before moving on to bigger poultry.

No. 1295913

thinking of buying a tiny bit of land and then living full time in a very cheap retro trailer

No. 1307699

I wanna buy a farm and live out my days there, maybe with some friends.

No. 1309918

A woman I lodged with used eglus and they strike me as something that will last as they are plastic

No. 1309994

nonnita, i am so jealous. please actively and purposely enjoy every second outside with your birds and maybe blow them a kiss from me. i wanted a yard and chickens and geese before, now i do even harder and i have some inspiration.

No. 1310337

My husband and I make our own soap, and once you have the supplies, you can make a year's worth of soap pretty easily/cheaply.

No. 1322157

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I stumbled upon a crapload of flowering hop, are they worth foraging? The flowers/bells I mean. I know they're edible but I can't find much about what to do with them other than making diy beer.

No. 1322483

hi anon, dont bother eating them they dont taste good or process well into food.

No. 1322490

yes it the root is "edible" but it doesn't provide much value as food and isnt eaten very frequently anywhere. The root will not poison you, it is non-toxic. The berries are the part to avoid. The young furled shoots are also edible, once they mature they become unpleasant in a way that would make you not want to eat them, indicating their newly developed toxicity to even the least-confident beginner.
Both root and shoot are consumed in my country on occasion. I wouldnt suggest eating it, but you wouldnt need to be worried if you are experienced. There does not appear to be much difference in location-based toxicity either, but other anon was right to suggest this just in case.

t. long-term foraging lady

No. 1322498

late reply but what preservation methods are available to you? Everything will "freeze" or nearly freeze, if it has some water content. FREEZE EVERYTHING ANON

I have made home-made freezers of all kinds, but you just can't beat a good old industrially-made fridgefreezer.

Things to freeze: highly perishable foods, such as "pheasant berries" or other very soft fruits. Herbs, spices, like pepper seeds for "wild spices", prepare whole meals of wild greens and freeze them, meats, nuts and fats, you can stick most anything in a freezer. Some thing might not work for you but you'll find over time waht does or doesnt.

Alternative method that I use a lot: dig a deep hole, insert well-wrapped food (i put it in a wooden box so that foxes and rabbits wont borrow into it for tasty treats) - you can add ice or snow to this and it will stay frozen into the next season if deep/cold enough

No. 1624378

I asked in the /g/ thread but does anyone have tips for an apartment "garden", or hydro-gardening? It'd be nice to be able to eat fresh fruit that's actually fresh again.

No. 1624380

Your circumstances really determine what you'll need and can grow. If you have a balcony and/or window that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight then you can do container gardening with virtually anything. If not then you'll either have to invest in a grow tent or are limited to shade-tolerant crops.

No. 1677800

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I know the chance is slim but has anyone succesfully made fermented blackberry leaf tea? From what I understand from reading a bunch of tutorials you pick young blackberry leaves, wash them, bruise them, pack them in a jar and let them sit for 2+ weeks to ferment, dry them out and that's your tea. But I've tried two times now and the contents went bad, it smelled bad and a weird yellow/blackish substance gathered at the bottom of the jar. Any ideas what I could've done wrong?

No. 1677927

maybe one of the upside-down strawberry planters that you can hang would work out well? do you have a small balcony?

No. 1677941

Soery for even replying cause I have no idea, but maybe the leafs were too wet going in the jar?

No. 1682767

if you're fermenting at home, 2 weeks will usually net you some mold growing at least. 24-48 hours out of direct sunlight is probably best. the conditions in your home will usually affect how long you're able to ferment things like this safely; if you live in a very warm/humid climate then you're liable to get quick growth. it may not be that you did anything wrong; other people may be fermenting in drier/colder environments, and many people are fine with mold growth in their tea leaves but don't disclose that when sharing their methods online. fermenting for a short period or making fresh tea should be just fine.

No. 1682823

Thanks for the input, I'm gonna try again and do both of your suggested things!

No. 1719502

So I made "shampoo" from horse chestnuts/conkers after seeing some blog posts and videos about it here and there, and surprisingly it actually worked! I didn't think it would to be honest but my greasy hair was perfectly clean after washing it. But then I was thinking about how I don't actually know for sure if horse chestnuts are topically toxic too (as they're highly toxic internally) and I can't find anything about it in the few books I have. Obviously I'm not dead after 1 use kek but I'd like to know for sure they're not topically toxic before continueing to use them. Does anyone know where to find reliable info about that?

No. 1719890

What is the actual toxin in conkers? Instead of looking up the toxicity of conkers, look up whether the toxin is absorbed through the skin.

No. 1719981

Shouldn't this thread be moved to /g/?

No. 1720036

I don't understand why /ot/ even exists. We're all women, everything we talk about is girl talk.

No. 1720061

>/g/ is for all things girly, bathroom talk for advice, lifestyle, fashion, cosmetics, makeup, periodtalk. Anything you would ask and talk about with your female friends.
>/ot/ is for offtopic, discussions, debates and sperging

No. 1720469

/g/ accounts for female social conditioning topics, primarily.

/ot/ is just any topic since women are also people with hobbies and interests when they finish putting on their makeup and fashionable clothes.

It's a bit bleak and semantically meaningless that they are divided based on this, but yes it reflects reality.

No. 1720995

>Anything you would ask and talk about with your female friends.
So all discussion, especially hobby discussion, belongs on /g/.

No. 1728467

Smart! Thanks, I'm going to look that up!

>This board is for feminine health, advice, and beauty oriented topics. Direct everything else to /ot/ or /m/
As per the rules page. This thread isn't about any those topics so it should be here in /ot/ indeed.

No. 1937390

Samefag. I just picked and processed a fresh batch of young blackberry leaves soooo wish me luck. I hope this one works out.

No. 1937467

Tell us how it goes! I know very little about fermented blackberry leaf tea, so is the result similar to a kombucha taste/fizziness?

No. 1937508

I've never tried kombucha, so I don't know what it tastes likes, it's been on my list to try at some point. Fermented blackberry leaf tea isn't supposed to fizz though. You ferment the leaves, dry them and make tea from the dried leaves like regular loose leaf tea so it's not that the drink itself is fermented like kombucha.

No. 1937523

this is literally my life rn. I wanna get started on some trees before I officially move in

No. 2010605

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I realize this is an extremely niche topic and probably no one here has experience with it- but has anyone tried making fiber from plant material? I kind of want to try turning nettle into yarn.

No. 2014126

you should watch this https://www.nettledress.org/ and look at his process, it's a good documentary film

No. 2131176

I'm growing oyster mushrooms for the first time, I'm quite excited about it. Has anyone else here tried it before?

No. 2132237

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Nope but good luck with it.
I have a pet mushroom growing on my wall though because my house was badly built and they left wooden pannel on the walls so they get wet in wet seasons. It's a Volvariella and it's edible but my suspicion is the shower water runs under the house so i wont be eating them lol. The mushroom is very rare here.

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